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Al Goins

Everything You Never Thought to Ask
What is sexual dimorphism? Both sexual dimorphism and dichromatism are evident in gorillas
What is sexual dichromatism?

Sexual dimorphism is the difference

of physical characteristics between
females and males of the same
species. It is often expressed in size
difference, among other things, in
primates, especially gorillas. Sexual
dichromatism is a form of sexual
dimorphism in which females and MALE
males of the same species differ in FEMALE
color. nnon-garnett/
Why do primates vocalize?

Vocalization, which tends to be species

specific, is the main mode of communication
for many primates. Different calls are used
to meet different biological and social needs:
One call can signal close proximity of
predators, another can inform others of
food sources, while yet another can indicate
readiness/willingness to groom/be groomed.
What’s up with social grooming?

Allogrooming in primates serves two primary

functions: social bonding and hygiene. While social
bonding between grooming individuals is the primary
function, allogrooming ensures dirt, insects, parasites,
dead skin, tangled fur, etc. are removed in harder to
reach places which results in better condition of
skin, hair, physical condition, and health: Well groomed
animals have a higher fitness. It is common for
grooming to be reciprocated immediately. Other
forms of direct reciprocation, and bonding, tend to
include a reduction in aggression, sharing, and
Allogrooming Monkeys (/www.phpsolvent.com)
assistance in tasks or conflicts.
What is a Rhinariaum? Which primates have them?

A rhinarium is the hairless/naked skin area that

surrounds the nostrils in many mammals. It is often
the moist tip of the nose and enhances an animal’s
ability to smell. The rhinarium is connected to the
reduction in length of the primate snout. Primates of
the suborder Strepsirrhini, such as lemurs and
lorises, exhibit a relatively long snout and a rhinarium.
Catarrhine v. Platyrrhine

Catarrhini translates to “downward nose” or Platyrrhini literally means “flat nose”. It is broad,
“hooked nose”. A catarrhine nose is identified by close with wide-set nostrils that are separated by a broad
set nostrils, separated by a very narrow septum, that septum and point sideways. Platyrrhine noses are found
point forward or downward. Old World monkeys exhibit on New World monkeys, who rely on olfactory signals
catarrhine noses, of which many do not heavily rely on for much of their social and reproductive behavior.
olfactory signals.

http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/group/mammals/monkey/ https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/types-of-new-world-monkeys.html
What is a prehensile tail? What can it do? Which
primates have them?

A prehensile tail is a long, flexible, and sturdy tail

found on some animals, most often in tree dwelling
mammals such as primates, leopards, kinkajous and
tamanduas. It can grasp, hold, and manipulate objects. It
is often used for support in trees and can often
support most or all of the animal’s body weight for a
short period. Several species of monkeys (both old and
new world) exhibit prehensile tails: They often have
smaller body masses and dwell primarily in trees.

What is an opposable hallux? Which primates have it?

A hallux is the big/first/inner digit found on primates. An opposable hallux is flexible and muscular, capable of
gripping and holding objects. All non-human primates exhibit opposable halluces, while human halluces are fully

What is Brachiation? What is Semi-brachiation?


Brachiation is a type of locomotion that involves swinging by the arms from one hold to another. True brachiation is
most common in lesser apes. Semi-brachiation is brachiation with the assistance of a prehensile tail, which would be
most common in Old and New World monkeys.
Knuckle Walking v. Quadrumanous Walking

Knuckle-walking is a type of quadrupedalism, most Quadrumanous walking is a type of four-handed,

common in primates that are primarily terrestrial, in arboreal, quadrupedalism in which all four limbs are
which they use the knuckles of their hands for used for grasp and support.
support as they walk.
Finally, the question nobody knew they
NEEDED answered...
What are ischial callosities? Which primates have it?

Ischial callosities, commonly called sitting pads, are calluses located

bilaterally below the anus, sharply circumscribed and firmly attached
to the underlying ischial tuberosities. Many Old World monkeys, gibbons,
and siamangs exhibit ischial callosities. They are not found in New World

Coding Primate
Only slightly less interesting than
baboon butts...
Animal Comparisons and Human Behaviors

San diego had two Orangutans on camera. In general, humans were more lively than any
One was smaller and stayed in fram the of the apes observed. They did exhibit
whole time I watched. The larger one left the behaviors, such as autogrooming/allogrooming
screen after a couple minutes and did not and aggression/dominance displays, that one
return. The one that stayed in frame would associate with “animals”. The closer one
covered itself with a blanket, and continued looks at human behavior, the easier it is to
to make slight adjustments the rest of the connect it with behaviors seen in other
time I observed. I would assume the lack of primates. The one recorded most was
activity was due to captivity and the limited allogrooming between adult peers.
amount of time I was able to study them.
I learned a lot about primate adaptations, and was most excited to learn what babboon butt’s technical name was. I
never thought of humans as more than animals/primates. Just because we’ve evolved in different ways does not
make us somehow better/superior. Looking at primates helps us understand our own adaptations and piece
together human lineage. If all people were forced to study primates as closely, it might cause some humility and
concern for the world outside of the “human experience”.
Describe the following primate behaviors/characteristics in detail using complete sentences
and full paragraphs (42 points):

What is a Rhinariaum? Which primates have them?

A rhinarium is the hairless/naked skin area that surrounds the nostrils in many mammals.
It is often the moist tip of the nose and enhances an animal’s ability to smell. The rhinarium is
connected to the reduction in length of the primate snout.1 ​Primates of the suborder Strepsirrhini,
such as lemurs and lorises, exhibit a relatively long snout and a rhinarium.2

Why do primates vocalize?

Vocalization, which tends to be species specific, is the main mode of communication for
many primates. Different calls are used to meet different biological and social needs: One call
can signal close proximity of predators, another can inform others of food sources, while yet
another can indicate readiness/willingness to groom/be groomed.3

Why do they groom each other?

Allogrooming in primates serves two primary functions: social bonding and hygiene.
While social bonding between grooming individuals is the primary function, allogrooming
ensures dirt, insects, parasites, dead skin, tangled fur, etc. are removed in harder to reach places
which results in better condition of skin, hair, physical condition, and health: Well groomed
animals have a higher fitness. It is common for grooming to be reciprocated immediately. Other
forms of direct reciprocation, and bonding, tend to include a reduction in aggression, sharing,
and assistance in tasks or conflicts.4

"Rhinarium - Biology-Online.org." 31 Dec. 2016, ​https://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/Rhinarium​.
Accessed 4 Dec. 2018.
"Primate - Snouts, muzzles, and noses | Britannica.com."
https://www.britannica.com/animal/primate-mammal/Snouts-muzzles-and-noses​. Accessed 4 Dec. 2018.
"Primate Communication | Learn Science at Scitable - Nature."
https://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/primate-communication-67560503​. Accessed 4 Dec.
"Social Grooming In Primates: Adaptive Value."
Accessed 6 Dec. 2018.
What is a catarrhine nose? Which primates have them?
Catarrhini translates to “downward nose” or “hooked nose”. A catarrhine nose is
identified by close set nostrils, separated by a very narrow septum, that point forward or
downward. Old World monkeys exhibit catarrhine noses, of which many do not heavily rely on
olfactory signals.​2

What is a platyrrhine nose? Which primates have them?

Platyrrhini literally means “flat nose”. It is broad, with wide-set nostrils that are separated
by a broad septum and point sideways.​ ​Platyrrhine noses are found on New World monkeys,
who rely on olfactory signals for much of their social and reproductive behavior.​2

What is a prehensile tail? What can it do? Which primates have them?
A prehensile tail is a long, flexible, and sturdy tail found on some animals, most often in
tree dwelling mammals such as primates, leopards, kinkajous and tamanduas. It can grasp, hold,
and manipulate objects. It is often used for support in trees and can often support most or all of
the animal’s body weight for a short period.​ ​Several species of monkeys (both old and new
world) exhibit prehensile tails: They often have smaller body masses and dwell primarily in

What are ischial callosities? Which primates have it?

Ischial callosities, commonly called sitting pads, are calluses located bilaterally below the
anus, sharply circumscribed and firmly attached to the underlying ischial tuberosities.5 ​Many Old
World monkeys, gibbons, and siamangs exhibit ischial callosities. They are not found in New
World monkeys.

What is an opposable hallux? Which primates have it?

"The function of ischial callosities | SpringerLink." ​https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02382804​.
Accessed 6 Dec. 2018.
A hallux is the big/first/inner digit found on primates. An opposable hallux is flexible and
muscular, capable of gripping and holding objects. All non-human primates exhibit opposable
halluces, while human halluces are fully adducted.
What is Brachiation? What is Semi-brachiation?
Brachiation is a type of locomotion that involves swinging by the arms from one hold to another.
True brachiation is most common in lesser apes. Semi-brachiation is brachiation with the
assistance of a prehensile tail, which would be most common in Old and New World monkeys.
What is knuckle-walking? What is quadrumanous walking?
Knuckle-walking is a type of quadrupedalism, most common in primates that are primarily
terrestrial, in which they use the knuckles of their hands for support as they walk. Quadrumanous
walking is a type of four-handed, arboreal, quadrupedalism in which all four limbs are used for
grasp and support.
What is sexual dimorphism? What is sexual dichromatism?
Sexual dimorphism is the difference of physical characteristics between females and males of the
same species. It is often expressed in size difference, among other things, in primates, especially
gorillas. Sexual dichromatism is a form of sexual dimorphism in which females and males of the
same species differ in color.

"Brachiation | Define Brachiation at Dictionary.com." ​https://www.dictionary.com/browse/brachiation​.
Accessed 6 Dec. 2018.
Observe primates on the zoo web cams, and code the behaviors, and then observe adult
humans and then human children and see if you can code the following behaviors in them
as well (24 points):

ANIMAL COMPARISONS ​This exercise requires that you compare two distinct
groups—non-human primates (on one of the site cams) and humans (adults and/or children) ​(14

Observe each animal's behavior for 10 minutes, noting with whom it interacts, etc. Note the
features you are using to recognize this animal (e.g. color, size, unique markings) After this
observe the second animal for 10 minutes. Finally compare the behaviors of these two
animals--how do their behaviors express their differences in regards to breed, sex, age, and
San diego had two Orangutans on camera. One was smaller and stayed in fram the whole time I
watched. The larger one left the screen after a couple minutes and did not return. The one that
stayed in frame covered itself with a blanket, and continued to make slight adjustments the rest
of the time I observed. I would assume the lack of activity was due to captivity and the limited
amount of time I was able to study them.

After you have finished your observations, spend 15 minutes watching people.

Do they mimic non-human primate behaviors? What are some of the most common, similar,
behaviors? What do you see as the main similarities between human and primate behaviors?
(15 points)
In general, humans were more lively than any of the apes observed. They did exhibit behaviors,
such as autogrooming/allogrooming and aggression/dominance displays, that one would
associate with “animals”. The closer one looks at human behavior, the easier it is to connect it
with behaviors seen in other primates. The one recorded most was allogrooming between adult

What did you learn from this assignment? In general, what ways are non-human primates and
human primates similar and in what ways are they different? How has this changed and/or
modified your ideas about human/primate relationships? What is the implication of this
information for animal/human relationships? What can non-human primates teach us with
regard to our own human experience? ​(15 points)
I learned a lot about primate adaptations, and was most excited to learn what babboon butt’s
technical name was. I never thought of humans as more than animals/primates. Just because
we’ve evolved in different ways does not make us somehow better/superior. Looking at
primates helps us understand our own adaptations and piece together human lineage. If all
people were forced to study primates as closely, it might cause some humility and concern for
the world outside of the “human experience”.

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