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Teacher Name: _____Samantha Yazzie_____________ School Name:___Ruby Thomas Elementary_____
Evaluator:_________ Suzanne Peyton_____________ Date: _____________09/16/2018______________
The purpose of this tool is to assist the educator in identifying areas of strength and growth/improvement based on supporting evidence. The
educator uses the attached Standards and Indicators rubric and levels of performance to reflect on practice and identify strengths and areas for
growth/improvement. Scores for each Standard are then calculated by averaging the Indicator levels for each Standard. Information from this tool
is transferred to the Goal Setting and Planning tool, where it is used to develop at least one student learning and one professional practice goal.
Instructional Practice Standards
Standard 1 Score Standard 2 Score Standard 3 Score Standard 4 Score Standard 5 Score
3.25 3.25 2.67 3

Summary Statement of strengths and areas for growth and improvement.

My areas of strength are standard 2 & 3, learning tasks have high cognitive demands for diverse learners and students engage in
meaning making discourse and other strategies. I believe that I am able to treat each student as an individual and differentiate the
lessons based on their needs. I work to build on the strengths of all my students, no matter what level they are. I provide ample
opportunities for discourse throughout all my lessons. I work to have a collaborative and welcoming environment for all my

The area I need to work on is standard 4, metacognition. I feel this standard is always a place for me to improve but I also feel that I
have grown over the years. I struggle with having the students take actions to improve their learning based off their self-monitoring.
I am working on becoming better with having students track their data and growth and make goals.

Professional Responsibilities Standards

Standard 1 Score Standard 2 Score Standard 3 Score Standard 4 Score Standard 5 Score

3 3 3 2.33 3

Summary Statement of strengths and areas for growth and improvement.

I feel that I am pretty strong in most areas as I am working to improve my skills by participating in PLC, Student Learning committee,
utilizing peers to help when I need it, and taking graduate level college courses.

My biggest weakness has always been working with and keeping an open line of communication with families, standard 4. Some
parents are not easy to get a hold of and some parents are not willing to help. I struggle with this, but will continue to try and show
my attentiveness and offers to help.

Nevada Department of Education - NEPF 9/19/2014

Teacher Self-Assessment - for purposes of training and validation Page 1 of 8

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