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20. Garden
1. Rider 21. Mountain
2. Clover 22. Crossroad
3. Ship 23. Mice
4. House 24. Heart
5. Tree 25. Ring
6. Clouds 26. Book
7. Snake 27. Letter
8. Coffin 28. Man
9. Bouquet 29. Woman
10. Scythe 30. Lily
11. Whip 31. Sun
12. Birds 32. Moon
13. Child 33. Key
14. Fox 34. Fish
15. Bear 35. Anchor
16. Stars 36. Cross
17. Stork
Rider + clover (2): good news, a lucky young man
Rider + ship (3): news about travel, a message from
far away
Rider + house (4): a visitor to the home, news about
a house
Rider + tree (5): health-related news
Rider + clouds (6): a confusing message
Rider + snake (7): news from a woman, difficult
Rider + coffin (8): negative news, news about an
ending, slow down
Rider + bouquet (9): an invitation is received, happy
Rider + scythe (10): sudden news, news of an
accident, news of a surgery
Rider + whip (11): mediation, news will bring
Rider + birds (12): gossip, news over the phone,
many messages
Rider + child (13): birth announcement, message
about a new start, a young boy
Rider + fox (14): false message, job news
Rider + bear (15): news from an official, financial
Rider + stars (16): hope, inspiring message, a
famous man
Rider + stork (17): news of change, news about
Rider + dog (18): news from a friend
Rider + tower (19): news from authorities, a lonely
young man
Rider + garden (20): news about an event, guests,
meeting new people
Rider + mountain (21): a delayed message, news
about obstacles
Rider + crossroad (22): news about a decision,
multiple offers
Rider + mice (23): a worrying message, a lost
Rider + heart (24): love message, flirtation, a new
Rider + ring (25): marriage proposal, new contract
Rider + book (26): secret news, news about studies,
Rider + letter (27): documents, mail, packages
Rider + man (28): a new man, news from a man, an
athletic man
Rider + woman (29): a new woman, news from a
woman, an active woman
Rider + lily (30): news of rest, news from an older
Rider + sun (31): news of success, news of
Rider + moon (32): news about creativity, emotional
news, a romantic young man
Rider + key (33): important news, news will surely
come, news of success
Rider + fish (34): financial news, business news, a
Rider + anchor (35): work-related news, reassuring
Rider + cross (36): fateful news, worrying news

Clover + rider (1): good news, lucky athlete

Clover + ship (3): lucky trip
Clover + house (4): lucky family, prosperous home
Clover + tree (5): recovering from illness
Clover + clouds (6): luck is uncertain,
procrastination, laziness
Clover + snake (7): opportunist, gambling woman,
lucky woman
Clover + coffin (8): luck ends, risky situation
Clover + bouquet (9): positive outcome, happiness
Clover + scythe (10): sudden luck, lucky decision,
taking a chance, calculated risk
Clover + whip (11): lucky action, athletic success,
Clover + birds (12): good discussions, happy phone
Clover + child (13): happy child, happy new start
Clover + fox (14): professional gambler, job
opportunity, luck is fleeting
Clover + bear (15): financial success, luck gambling
Clover + stars (16): good luck, positive synchronicity,
Clover + stork (17): positive change, improvements,
successful change
Clover + dog (18): positive friendship, help from a
Clover + tower (19): casino, luck with public
Clover + garden (20): games, winnings, having fun
at a social event
Clover + mountain (21): luck is blocked
Clover + crossroad (22): multiple offers,
breakthrough, lucky decision
Clover + mice (23): luck is lost, gambling loss
Clover + heart (24): luck in love
Clover + ring (25): lucky contract, lucky relationship
Clover + book (26): studies go well, discovery
Clover + letter (27): positive news, lottery ticket
Clover + man (28): lucky man, optimistic
Clover + woman (29): lucky woman, optimistic
Clover + lily (30): business success, lucky retirement
Clover + sun (31): overnight success, a lot of luck
Clover + moon (32): romance, appreciation
Clover + key (33): success, a lot of luck
Clover + fish (34): business growth, financial
increase, luck with money
Clover + anchor (35): luck at work, long-term
Clover + cross (36): positive ending, blessings.
3. SHIP:

Ship + rider (1): message from far away, news about

a trip
Ship + clover (2): lucky trip, gambling trip
Ship + house (4): trip back home, boat house,
Ship + tree (5): long journey, sea sickness
Ship + clouds (6): uncertain journey
Ship + snake (7): trip with a woman, problems with a
Ship + coffin (8): trip is canceled
Ship + bouquet (9): happy journey
Ship + scythe (10): sudden journey, accident
Ship + whip (11): troubled journey, a very active
journey (e.g., off-road biking)
Ship + birds (12): discussions about a journey
Ship + child (13): new start on a journey, new start in
business, foreign born child
Ship + fox (14): business trip, someone who works
in the travel industry, deceitfulness in a trip
Ship + bear (15): foreign investment, money
transfer, financial success in business
Ship + stars (16): dream vacation, promising journey
Ship + stork (17): change of residence, a trip brings
Ship + dog (18): traveling with a friend, friend from
another country
Ship + tower (19): traveling alone, government
related travel, foreign government
Ship + garden (20): traveling to an event, foreign
country, international trip
Ship + mountain (21): travel is delayed or
postponed, a trip to the mountains
Ship + crossroad (22): two journeys, decision about
a trip, changing planes/ships/trains
Ship + mice (23): stressful journey, mechanical
problems, trip is canceled
Ship + heart (24): honeymoon, traveling with a love,
romantic getaway
Ship + ring (25): honeymoon, overseas wedding,
foreign business contract
Ship + book (26): educational journey, secret trip,
Ship + letter (27): news from far away,
plane/train/ship ticket, information about a trip
Ship + man (28): foreigner, traveler, someone who
works on a boat or in the travel industry
Ship + woman (29): foreigner, traveler, someone
who works on a boat or in the travel industry
Ship + lily (30): older foreign man, senior cruise, a
relaxing vacation, winter journey, sexual adventure
Ship + sun (31): summer vacation, desert or tropical
location, successful trip, successful business deal
Ship + moon (32): travel at night, romantic trip
Ship + key (33): important trip, trip will definitely
happen, business success
Ship + fish (34): fishing trip, money arriving,
business partner
Ship + anchor (35): long travel, reaching your
destination, cruise, work that involves boats or travel
Ship + cross (36): destined trip, pilgrimage

House + rider (1): news about a house, a message

comes to the house, a visitor
House + clover (2): luck at home, positive house
House + ship (3): changing residence, a journey
House + tree (5): house near trees, a tree house,
house needs repairs
House + clouds (6): uncertainty about a house,
problems at home
House + snake (7): house needs repairs, getting a
house unconventionally, problems at home
House + coffin (8): an empty house, sale of a house,
moving, family death
House + bouquet (9): happy house, party at a house
House + scythe (10): sale of a house, separation,
house needs a lot of repair (“surgery”)
House + whip (11): domestic violence, arguments at
House + birds (12): problems at home, multiple
people in a house (roommates, 2 guests)
House + child (13): new house, family with children
House + fox (14): home robbery, domestic
employee, be careful buying a house
House + bear (15): real estate investment, buying a
house, expanding a house
House + stars (16): dream home, lucky house
House + stork (17): change of residence, remodeling
House + dog (18): roommate, pet, neighbors,
House + tower (19): apartment building, big house, a
large company
House + garden (20): house with a garden, large
family, hotel, public house
House + mountain (21): house in the mountains,
problems purchasing a house
House + crossroad (22): decision about a house,
two houses
House + mice (23): loss of a house, damages to a
house, stressful home life
House + heart (24): loving family, lovely house
House + ring (25): real estate contract, lease/sale of
a house
House + book (26): house you don’t know yet, secret
about a house or family, library
House + letter (27): property title, real estate
contract, documents to sign involve a house/real
estate, message received at/about a house
House + man (28): home owner, landlord, realtor,
homebody, stable man
House + woman (29): home owner, landlord, realtor,
homebody, housewife, stable woman
House + lily (30): old house
House + sun (31): success at home
House + moon (32): dream house, popular house
House + key (33): important house, new house,
success at home
House + fish (34): real estate agency, home based
business, financial success at home, house near the
House + anchor (35): long-term security,
commitment to family
House + cross (36): church, distressed property
5. TREE:

Tree + rider (1): health related news, an ill young

Tree + clover (2): recovery from illness
Tree + ship (3): car repair, ambulance, spiritual
Tree + house (4): tree house, house needing
repairs, stable health
Tree + clouds (6): uncertainty about an illness,
mental confusion
Tree + snake (7): female doctor, nurse, ill woman,
physical problems, yoga master
Tree + coffin (8): depression, major illness
Tree + bouquet (9): nature, good health
Tree + scythe (10): surgery
Tree + whip (11): pain, exercise, long-term illness
Tree + birds (12): forest, health or spiritual
Tree + child (13): ill child, new start in health, New
Year’s Resolutions
Tree + fox (14): health care worker, misdiagnosis
Tree + bear (15): diet, obesity, eating disorder,
expensive illness
Tree + stars (16): being in nature at night, medical
Tree + stork (17): recovery
Tree + dog (18): doctor, soul mate, sick dog
Tree + tower (19): hospital, doctor’s office
Tree + garden (20): garden, hospital, spa
Tree + mountain (21): fatigue, illness connected to
blockages, delays in recovery
Tree + crossroad (22): life changing decision
Tree + mice (23): stress, illness, health deterioration
Tree + heart (24): heart problems
Tree + ring (25): spiritual connection, life long
partnership, going around in circles about your
Tree + book (26): health exam, unknown health
Tree + letter (27): prescription, lab results
Tree + man (28): ill man, healer
Tree + woman (29): ill woman, healer
Tree + lily (30): sexual disease, age related health
Tree + sun (31): great health, energetic
Tree + moon (32): depression, mental/emotional
Tree + key (33): recovery, destiny
Tree + fish (34): an increase in money
Tree + anchor (35): stable health
Tree + cross (36): suffering, depression

Clouds + rider (1): confusing message, mischief

Clouds + clover (2): uncertain luck, disappointment
Clouds + ship (3): uncertain travels
Clouds + house (4): confusion about a house,
uncomfortable house
Clouds + tree (5): health problems are hard to
pinpoint, mental illness
Clouds + snake (7): serious problems, complications
for a woman
Clouds + coffin (8): clarity, something is up
Clouds + bouquet (9): uncertain happiness
Clouds + scythe (10): confusion, irrational decision,
problems with surgery
Clouds + whip (11): abuse, annoyance, arguments
Clouds + birds (12): annoying phone call, lies
Clouds + child (13): problems with a new start,
problems with a child
Clouds + fox (14): scheming, misrepresentation, lies,
Clouds + bear (15): problems with a boss, official, or
mother figure
Clouds + stars (16): procrastinating, drug/alcohol
Clouds + stork (17): risky move, a man is changing
Clouds + dog (18): uncertain friendship, clouded
Clouds + tower (19): problems with authorities,
confusion at a hospital
Clouds + garden (20): drunk, uncertain company,
uncomfortable in public
Clouds + mountain (21): obstacles, failure
Clouds + crossroad (22): indecision, tread carefully
Clouds + mice (23): doubts, things will improve soon
Clouds + heart (24): lovesick/pining over someone
Clouds + ring (25): problems with a contract or
Clouds + book (26): secrets, hiding
Clouds + letter (27): problems with a message,
confusing news, deception
Clouds + man (28): con man, unstable man, 2 men
Clouds + woman (29): deceptive woman, unstable
woman, woman with a headache
Clouds + lily (30): unsatisfactory sex life, an affair
Clouds + sun (31): things will improve
Clouds + moon (32): mood swings, depression
Clouds + key (33): delayed success
Clouds + fish (34): debt, uncertainty about finances
Clouds + anchor (35): uncertain goals
Clouds + cross (36): anxiety, despair, stress

Snake + rider (1): help, news from a woman

Snake + clover (2): lucky woman, repair, good
Snake + ship (3): problems with a trip, journey
by/with a woman,
Snake + house (4): problems at home, plumbing
Snake + tree (5): ill woman, female doctor
Snake + clouds (6): confusion, no solution
Snake + coffin (8): end of problems, ending for a
Snake + bouquet (9): two women, happy woman,
positive resolution
Snake + scythe (10): surgery, recovery, attack by a
Snake + whip (11): fights, abuse, injury, trouble for a
woman, promiscuity
Snake + birds (12): call from a woman, negotiations,
Snake + child (13): troublesome child, woman with a
child, new start for a woman
Snake + fox (14): lies, female rival, bad employee,
trouble at work
Snake + bear (15): business woman, a man and a
woman, a woman and her mother, financial
problems, mother-in-law
Snake + stars (16): psychic woman, challenging
Snake + stork (17): difficult change, change for a
woman, detour, changing skin
Snake + dog (18): friendly woman, woman with a
dog, help
Snake + tower (19): lawsuit, female executive,
independent woman
Snake + garden (20): woman in the public eye, bad
social connection, news anchor woman, woman in
Snake + mountain (21): problems will last for a
while, blocks
Snake + crossroad (22): uncertainty, running away,
Snake + mice (23): things get worse, woman loses
something, mental anxiety
Snake + heart (24): female rival, ex-girlfriend,
cheating, seduction
Snake + ring (25): committed woman, compromise
Snake + book (26): unpleasant secret, secret
mistress, woman hiding something
Snake + letter (27): message from a woman, bad
Snake + man (28): cheater, trouble maker, man with
a mistress
Snake + woman (29): woman with a girlfriend;
woman with short, dark hair; cheater, liar
Snake + lily (30): sexual relationship, affair
Snake + sun (31): successful woman, problems
resolve but may be costly
Snake + moon (32): illusion, deception, popular
Snake + key (33): luck, success for a woman,
Snake + fish (34): business or financial trouble,
woman receives money
Snake + anchor (35): insecurity, woman settles
Snake + cross (36): burdened woman, abuse

Coffin + rider (1): new beginnings, rebirth

Coffin + clover (2): something good comes out of an
ending, second chance
Coffin + ship (3): moving, emigration
Coffin + house (4): remodeling, change of residence
Coffin + tree (5): illness, frailty
Coffin + clouds (6): mental illness, depression
Coffin + snake (7): big problems, physician
Coffin + bouquet (9): recovery, funeral
Coffin + scythe (10): accident, sacrifice
Coffin + whip (11): violence, destruction, physical
Coffin + birds (12): sad conversation, moving
Coffin + child (13): destructive child, sick child
Coffin + fox (14): job loss, end of lies
Coffin + bear (15): inheritance, financial turnaround,
ill mother figure
Coffin + stars (16): positive transformation, reason to
Coffin + stork (17): letting go, change of residence,
negative change, no change
Coffin + dog (18): friendship evolves, friend needs
help, sick friend, unreliable friend
Coffin + tower (19): failure with authorities,
Coffin + garden (20): event is canceled, cemetery
Coffin + mountain (21): nothing’s happening,
isolation, stuck
Coffin + crossroad (22): going in a new direction
Coffin + mice (23): end of worry, depression
Coffin + heart (24): heartache, grief
Coffin + ring (25): end of a relationship/contract,
starting over, completion
Coffin + book (26): secret is revealed
Coffin + letter (27): negative message, cancellation
Coffin + man (28): ill man, depressed man
Coffin + woman (29): negative woman, ill woman
Coffin + lily (30): no sex life, old age
Coffin + sun (31): in the end, there will be success
Coffin + moon (32): negative emotions, grief
Coffin + key (33): things will improve, necessary
Coffin + fish (34): loss of money, funeral business
Coffin + anchor (35): end of security, longing
Coffin + cross (36): pain, sadness, grief

Bouquet + rider (1): happy news, new person

coming into your life
Bouquet + clover (2): joyful invitation, good luck
Bouquet + ship (3): lovely vacation, cruise
Bouquet + house (4): party, celebration, lovely
Bouquet + tree (5): good health, nature
Bouquet + clouds (6): unclear invitation,
daydreaming, laziness
Bouquet + snake (7): two women, jealousy
Bouquet + coffin (8): disappointment, unpleasant
Bouquet + scythe (10): good decision, positive
Bouquet + whip (11): fun night out, happy
Bouquet + birds (12): two invitations, fun
Bouquet + child (13): charming child, children’s
party, small party
Bouquet + fox (14): job related to fashion or beauty,
happiness at work
Bouquet + bear (15): positive finances
Bouquet + stars (16): achievements, hopes and
Bouquet + stork (17): positive change, redecorating
Bouquet + dog (18): good friend, nice company
Bouquet + tower (19): memorial, high society
Bouquet + garden (20): park, nature, flower show
Bouquet + mountain (21): outdoors, hiking,
happiness comes slowly
Bouquet + crossroad (22): walk in nature,
Bouquet + mice (23): happiness is short, anticipation
Bouquet + heart (24): love, engagement
Bouquet + ring (25): happy marriage, good contract,
Bouquet + book (26): good studies, learning
something pleasant, blind date
Bouquet + letter (27): invitation, happy news
Bouquet + man (28): charming man
Bouquet + woman (29): lovely lady
Bouquet + lily (30): peace, harmony, contentment
Bouquet + sun (31): great success, celebration
Bouquet + moon (32): art show, pleasant date,
Bouquet + key (33): great success, very attractive
Bouquet + fish (34): gift of money, expensive
invitation, beauty industry
Bouquet + anchor (35): long-term happiness,
achieving goals
Bouquet + cross (36): happiness is destined, charity,
happiness has a price

Scythe + rider (1): a cut to allow new things to come

in, sudden message
Scythe + clover (2): lucky decision, sudden luck
Scythe + ship (3): trip is cancelled, emigration
Scythe + house (4): sale of a house, difficulties with
the house or in the family
Scythe + tree (5): surgery, extraction
Scythe + clouds (6): uncertainty, indecision
Scythe + snake (7): attack, female surgeon
Scythe + coffin (8): termination, final ending
Scythe + bouquet (9): positive outcome
Scythe + whip (11): violence, attack, weapon, martial
Scythe + birds (12): argument, yelling
Scythe + child (13): abortion, C-section, child has a
Scythe + fox (14): job loss
Scythe + bear (15): financial decision, surgery for
weight loss
Scythe + stars (16): change of fate, taking action on
your dreams
Scythe + stork (17): initiating change, change of
residence, fast change
Scythe + dog (18): end of friendship, pet has surgery
Scythe + tower (19): trial, courtroom
Scythe + garden (20): gardening, bad company
Scythe + mountain (21): slow operation, blocks end
Scythe + crossroad (22): fast decision, separation
Scythe + mice (23): emotional/physical breakdown,
end of worry
Scythe + heart (24): heartbreak, heart surgery
Scythe + ring (25): contract ends, relationship break
Scythe + book (26): secret is revealed
Scythe + letter (27): cancellation, notice
Scythe + man (28): decisive man, leader
Scythe + woman (29): decisive woman, surgeon
Scythe + lily (30): sexual aggression, healing
Scythe + sun (31): success, electricity
Scythe + moon (32): emotional instability, release of
emotions, emotional decision
Scythe + key (33): important decision, necessary
decision, fate
Scythe + fish (34): business decision, decision
impacts finances
Scythe + anchor (35): permanent decision, decision
brings safety
Scythe + cross (36): injury, sacrifice, sudden pain
11. WHIP:

Whip + rider (1): troubling news, feedback

Whip + clover (2): gambling on a sporting event
Whip + ship (3): troubled journey, exploration
Whip + house (4): home gym, domestic abuse,
family arguments
Whip + tree (5): difficult health problems
Whip + clouds (6): not sure where to go, confusing
Whip + snake (7): troublemaker, break-up for a
woman, danger
Whip + coffin (8): destruction, fight leads to break-up
Whip + bouquet (9): enjoyable physical activity,
Whip + scythe (10): accident, troubles, cancellation
Whip + birds (12): arguments, debate, many
conversations, hectic
Whip + child (13): athletic child, troublesome new
Whip + fox (14): military, athlete, trouble on the job
Whip + bear (15): athlete, body builder, personal
Whip + stars (16): coaching, successful competition
Whip + stork (17): fast change, troublesome change
Whip + dog (18): personal trainer, coach, trouble
with a friend
Whip + tower (19): trouble with authorities, fortress,
military base
Whip + garden (20): public sporting event, stadium,
public debates
Whip + mountain (21): limitations, butting of
heads/wills, conversations that don’t lead anywhere
Whip + crossroad (22): not sure which way to go,
unsettled, multiple decisions
Whip + mice (23): stressful physical activity,
Whip + heart (24): passionate relationship, conflict in
Whip + ring (25): relationship trouble, abuse
Whip + book (26): academic competition
Whip + letter (27): threat, signed contract
Whip + man (28): physically fit man
Whip + woman (29): intense, sexy woman
Whip + lily (30): physical activity slows down,
arthritis, exhaustion
Whip + sun (31): charisma, winning
Whip + moon (32): obsession, sexual seduction
Whip + key (33): necessary action, important
Whip + fish (34): arguments about money
Whip + anchor (35): consistent, steady
Whip + cross (36): hard lessons, challenges
12: BIRDS:

Birds + rider (1): many messages, response,

discussions, 2 boys
Birds + clover (2): productive conversations, lucky
phone call
Birds + ship (3): two travelers, conversations/phone
call about a trip
Birds + house (4): conversations about a house,
roommates, real estate sales and marketing
Birds + tree (5): important conversations, nurses,
spiritual discussions, bird watching
Birds + clouds (6): misunderstanding, confusing
Birds + snake (7): gossip, difficult discussions,
phone call from a woman
Birds + coffin (8): silence, break up
Birds + bouquet (9): happy conversation, fun date
Birds + scythe (10): split, difficult negotiations
Birds + whip (11): arguments, disagreements
Birds + child (13): two children, twins, siblings
Birds + fox (14): dishonest message, job related
conversations/phone call
Birds + bear (15): conversations with a boss or
mother figure
Birds + stars (16): promising phone call
Birds + stork (17): conversations bring change
Birds + dog (18): talking with friends or relatives
Birds + tower (19): legal discussions
Birds + garden (20): conventions, seminars,
Birds + mountain (21): no response
Birds + crossroad (22): phone call about a decision,
Birds + mice (23): stress and anxiety, no discussions
Birds + heart (24): lovers, talks about love
Birds + ring (25): agreement, multiple contracts
Birds + book (26): students, teachers, secrets
Birds + letter (27): media, many messages
Birds + man (28): salesman, talkative man
Birds + woman (29): mediator, good speaker
Birds + lily (30): elderly couple, lengthy discussions
Birds + sun (31): successful interview, great phone
Birds + moon (32): creative speaker, performer
Birds + key (33): good communication, promising
Birds + fish (34): sales industry, fleeting money
Birds + anchor (35): stable relationship, meeting
Birds + cross (36): hard conversation
13: CHILD:

Child + rider (1): message about a child, a male

child, message about a new start
Child + clover (2): positive new start, lucky child
Child + ship (3): short trip, new trip, new business
Child + house (4): daycare, babysitting, new house,
small house
Child + tree (5): sick child, fertility
Child + clouds (6): confused child, problems with a
child, a new start is uncertain
Child + snake (7): child causes problems, woman
with a child, new start for a woman
Child + coffin (8): miscarriage, abortion, sick child
Child + bouquet (9): happy child, attractive child,
children’s party, gift for a child
Child + scythe (10): abortion, surgery, ill child
Child + whip (11): bully, troublesome new start
Child + birds (12): new talks, twins, siblings, a group
of young children
Child + fox (14): working with children, new job,
cunning child
Child + bear (15): overweight child, strong child
(physically), mother and child
Child + stars (16): talented child, child star, new start
goes well
Child + stork (17): pregnancy, new changes
Child + dog (18): young friend, friend from childhood,
child with a dog
Child + tower (19): school, child welfare, education
Child + garden (20): day care, playground, event for
Child + mountain (21): lonely child, new delays,
blocks for a child
Child + crossroad (22): twins, short trips, siblings,
new decision, new path
Child + mice (23): small losses, sick child
Child + heart (24): loving child, new love, new start
in love, a younger rival
Child + ring (25): new contract, adoption
Child + book (26): school, homework, a child has a
Child + letter (27): birth announcement, positive
message, minor news
Child + man (28): young man, immature man, new
start for a man
Child + woman (29): woman who looks younger than
she is, immature woman, petite woman
Child + lily (30): oldest child, older than one looks
Child + sun (31): successful child, happy child
Child + moon (32): creative child, new start is
emotional, New Moon
Child + key (33): important new start, successful
Child + fish (34): child-related business, new
business, small amount of money
Child + anchor (35): responsible child, work with
children, new start is certain
Child + cross (36): depressed child, difficult
14: FOX:

Fox + rider (1): message about a job, new employee

Fox + clover (2): luck at work, promotion
Fox + ship (3): job-related travel, problems with a trip
Fox + house (4): problems with a house, deceitful
family member, working from home
Fox + tree (5): healthcare worker, possible
Fox + clouds (6): dishonest employee, job
Fox + snake (7): liar, deception, danger
Fox + coffin (8): lay off, resignation, termination
Fox + bouquet (9): enjoyable job, work in the beauty
Fox + scythe (10): resignation, termination, work-
related accident
Fox + whip (11): problems caused by dishonesty,
personal trainer, violent employee
Fox + birds (12): dishonest conversation, work-
related meeting
Fox + child (13): new job, cunning child, working with
Fox + bear (15): financial industry employee, boss,
financial problems, shrewd with money
Fox + stars (16): promotion, job in aerospace
Fox + stork (17): job change, change due to intrigue
Fox + dog (18): dishonest friend
Fox + tower (19): government employee, old secrets
Fox + garden (20): working with the public, job
meeting, public fraud
Fox + mountain (21): unemployment, problems on
the job, lies cause problems
Fox + crossroad (22): smart decision, shrewd
decision, decision about a job
Fox + mice (23): job loss, job stress
Fox + heart (24): well-loved job, dishonesty in affairs
of the heart
Fox + ring (25): lies in business/relationship, job
Fox + book (26): librarian, accountant, conspiracy
Fox + letter (27): false message, job news
Fox + man (28): workaholic, red-haired man,
deceptive man
Fox + woman (29): smart woman, short woman,
Fox + lily (30): established career, older employee,
sexual problems
Fox + sun (31): job success, success isn’t everything
it appears to be
Fox + moon (32): psychic, emotional dishonesty
Fox + key (33): intrigue, important job, important
Fox + fish (34): working in fishing industry, financial
Fox + anchor (35): job security, long-term dishonesty
Fox + cross (36): lies are a burden, long-term lies,
work related to religion or charity
15: BEAR:

Bear + rider (1): message about money, money is

Bear + clover (2): prosperity, good luck gambling
Bear + ship (3): expensive trip, international
Bear + house (4): real estate agent, house
Bear + tree (5): healthy diet, nutrition
Bear + clouds (6): financial uncertainty
Bear + snake (7): financial problems, financial
deceit, boss and a woman, mother and a woman
Bear + coffin (8): ill mother/grandmother, financial
Bear + bouquet (9): prosperity, great boss
Bear + scythe (10): financial decision, money
coming to an end, closing an account
Bear + whip (11): financial problems, arguments
about money
Bear + birds (12): conversations about money,
conversations with a boss or mother, financial
Bear + child (13): overweight child, strong child,
grandmother and granddaughter, new start
Bear + fox (14): job in the finance or health industry,
financial lies, dishonest boss
Bear + stars (16): financial improvement
Bear + stork (17): change in finances, diet changes,
new boss
Bear + dog (18): friendly boss, personal trainer,
Bear + tower (19): courthouse, bank
Bear + garden (20): working out or dieting with a
group of people, CEO
Bear + mountain (21): financial blocks, income is
Bear + crossroad (22): financial decision, multiple
sources of income, boss/mother figure makes a
Bear + mice (23): financial loss, financial worry
Bear + heart (24): generous with money, love of
power, love of food, in love with one’s boss
Bear + ring (25): financial agreement, relationship
with a powerful person
Bear + book (26): financial secret, unknown man,
Bear + letter (27): invoice, financial news, check in
the mail
Bear + man (28): powerful man, overweight man,
Bear + woman (29): mother, woman and her boss,
overweight woman, powerful woman
Bear + lily (30): 2 men, older person with money,
business partner, financial advisor
Bear + sun (31): financial success, prosperity
Bear + moon (32): money from creative endeavors
Bear + key (33): financial success
Bear + fish (34): financial business, a lot of money,
diet industry
Bear + anchor (35): financial stability, long-term boss
Bear + cross (36): financial burden, donations
16. STARS:

Star + rider (1): great news, inspiration, dreams

come true
Star + clover (2): success, good luck, happiness
Star + ship (3): dream vacation, something
promising will happen during a trip, international
Star + house (4): dream house, famous house
Star + tree (5): spiritual healing, destiny
Star + clouds (6): uncertainty, confusion
Star + snake (7): famous woman, problems reaching
Star + coffin (8): giving up, coming to an end
Star + bouquet (9): celebrity, good reputation, great
Star + scythe (10): fast action, implementation
Star + whip (11): success, athlete
Star + birds (12): public speaker, conference,
networking, famous couple
Star + child (13): famous child, successful new start
Star + fox (14): cunning idea, promotion
Star + bear (15): financial goals, investment ideas
Star + stork (17): positive change, change of mind
Star + dog (18): famous friend, lucky friend
Star + tower (19): success with officials, lofty goals
Star + garden (20): public event, party, well-received
by the public
Star + mountain (21): slow progress, dreams are
Star + crossroad (22): important decision, successful
Star + mice (23): fear of fame, loss of respect
Star + heart (24): crush, lucky love
Star + ring (25): contract is signed, good relationship
Star + book (26): bestseller, fortune teller, secret
Star + letter (27): recommendation, great news
Star + man (28): successful man, famous man
Star + woman (29): popular woman, psychic woman
Star + lily (30): older celebrity, success with/for an
older man
Star + sun (31): big win, honor
Star + moon (32): honor, success, fame, creative
Star + key (33): winner, awards, success
Star + fish (34): financial success, new ideas are
financially rewarding
Star + anchor (35): long-term fame, hall of fame,
Star + cross (36): spiritual ideas, fate
17: STORK:
Stork + rider (1): Change brings a new person into
your life, news of change
Stork + clover (2): lucky changes, good move
Stork + ship (3): change of residence, travel plans
Stork + house (4): moving, renovation
Stork + tree (5): health improvements, long lasting
Stork + clouds (6): uncertain change, lack of focus
Stork + snake (7): changes for a woman, change
brings trouble
Stork + coffin (8): cancelled, no change
Stork + bouquet (9): redecorating, positive change,
Stork + scythe (10): sudden change, permanent
Stork + whip (11): uneasy change, conversations
bring transformation
Stork + birds (12): relationship evolves, uneasy
Stork + child (13): pregnancy, birth, changes for a
Stork + fox (14): job change, promotion, positive
change (related to cunning/intrigue)
Stork + bear (15): financial increase, new boss
Stork + star (16): making progress, positive change
Stork + dog (18): new friend(s)
Stork + tower (19): end of loneliness, government
Stork + garden (20): positive change, change
becomes public
Stork + mountain (21): slow progress, changes are
Stork + crossroad (22): change brings a decision,
going separate paths
Stork + mice (23): stressful change,
discouragement, negative change
Stork + heart (24): positive relationship changes,
changes you’ve hoped for
Stork + ring (25): engagement, promise, contract
Stork + book (26): secret is revealed, research
Stork + letter (27): news of change
Stork + man (28): flexible man, man who wants
Stork + woman (29): change for a woman,
independent woman
Stork + lily (30): older man causes change, personal
growth, maturity
Stork + sun (31): positive change, success, high
Stork + moon (32): successful change, emotional
Stork + key (33): significant change, change will
definitely happen, life-changing event
Stork + fish (34): financial change, profitable change
Stork + anchor (35): long-term results, good
Stork + cross (36): difficult changes, unwanted
18: DOG:
Dog + rider (1): new friendship, someone you know
is coming to see you
Dog + clover (2): lucky friend, helpful friend
Dog + ship (3): travel companion, friend visits
Dog + house (4): pet, doghouse, family friend,
Dog + tree (5): doctor, nurse, ill friend
Dog + clouds (6): uncertain friendship, indecisive
Dog + snake (7): dishonest friend, friendly woman,
woman and a dog, dog caught a snake
Dog + coffin (8): end of friendship
Dog + bouquet (9): good friendship, friendly people
Dog + scythe (10): someone you know has an
accident, friendship ends, friend makes a fast
Dog + whip (11): dog trainer, arguments with a friend
Dog + birds (12): conversations, meetings,
socializing, talkative friend
Dog + child (13): child with a dog, new dog, young
dog, small dog, school friends
Dog + fox (14): false friend, hunter
Dog + bear (15): financial advisor, powerful friend
Dog + star (16): famous friend, lucky friend
Dog + stork (17): friendship changes
Dog + tower (19): friend in the government, private
friend, lonely friend
Dog + garden (20): social acquaintance, networking,
popular friend, meeting a friend at an event
Dog + mountain (21): problems in a friendship,
distance between friends
Dog + crossroad (22): someone you know faces a
Dog + mice (23): stressful friendship, loss of a friend
Dog + heart (24): friendship becomes love, loving
Dog + ring (25): devotion, commitment, loyalty
Dog + book (26): friend with a secret, someone you
know is studying, introvert
Dog + letter (27): message from a friend
Dog + man (28): friendly man, companion
Dog + woman (29): loyal woman, trustworthy woman
Dog + lily (30): old friends, friends with benefits
Dog + sun (31): good friendship, strong friends
Dog + moon (32): creative friend
Dog + key (33): important friend, good friend
Dog + fish (34): business partner, financially
sucessful friend
Dog + anchor (35): stable friendship, long-term
Dog + cross (36): difficult friendship, friend provides
support in tough times
19: TOWER:
Tower + rider (1): government messages, post office
Tower + clover (2): opportunity with authorities, lucky
Tower + ship (3): airport, business trip
Tower + house (4): big house, apartment building
Tower + tree (5): hospital, meditation center
Tower + clouds (6): troubled government,
uncertainty with authorities
Tower + snake (7): independent woman, problems
with government, legal problems
Tower + coffin (8): cemetary, loneliness ends
Tower + bouquet (9): university party, positive legal
Tower + scythe (10): legal decision, destruction
Tower + whip (11): gym, fitness center
Tower + birds (12): Congress, Parliament, legal
Tower + child (13): college, university, adoption
Tower + fox (14): civil service employee, corporate
employee, government deception
Tower + bear (15): financial company, bank,
protecting finances
Tower + star (16): loneliness while pursuing dreams,
guarded dreams
Tower + stork (17): government change, safe
Tower + dog (18): protecting a friend
Tower + garden (20): hospital, public building
Tower + mountain (21): government roadblocks,
Tower + crossroad (22): lonely decision, lonely path,
government options
Tower + mice (23): corporate loss, university loss
Tower + heart (24): lonely relationship, separation
Tower + ring (25): government contract
Tower + book (26): teacher, professor
Tower + letter (27): notice from authorities
Tower + man (28): tall man, government employee,
Tower + woman (29): arrogant woman, lonely
woman, corporate executive
Tower + lily (30): senior’s center, senator
Tower + sun (31): government leader, success with
public authorities
Tower + moon (32): creative enterprise, emotional
Tower + key (33): success with legal authorities,
independence, strong protection
Tower + fish (34): bank, trade center
Tower + anchor (35): port, long-term protection
Tower + cross (36): problems with authorities,
church, temple
Garden + rider (1): meeting someone new
Garden + clover (2): fun party, successful
Garden + ship (3): cruise ship, party on a ship, tour
Garden + house (4): party at home, house with a
garden, visitors to a house
Garden + tree (5): health-focused activities, hospital,
Garden + clouds (6): public disruption, problems with
an event, troubles with guests
Garden + snake (7): meeting a woman, disturbance
Garden + coffin (8): public ending, destruction,
canceled event
Garden + bouquet (9): happy event, good meeting,
Garden + scythe (10): group decision
Garden + whip (11): public argument, debate
Garden + birds (12): speech, concert, public
Garden + child (13): event with children, playground
Garden + fox (14): co-workers, problems with a
Garden + bear (15): caterer, lottery
Garden + star (16): support group, motivational
seminar, public success
Garden + stork (17): public changes, growth
Garden + dog (18): popular friend, meeting a friend,
Garden + tower (19): society, public building
Garden + mountain (21): boring event, canceled
meeting, problems with the public
Garden + crossroad (22): public decision, hiking,
walking though a garden
Garden + mice (23): worrisome event, event is
canceled, public stress
Garden + heart (24): meeting a lover, engagement
Garden + ring (25): engagement, public agreement,
Garden + book (26): school, library, students
Garden + letter (27): invitation to an event
Garden + man (28): popular man, man in the public
eye, player
Garden + woman (29): woman in public, sociable
woman, philanthropist
Garden + lily (30): strip bar, meditation center,
meeting an older man
Garden + sun (31): success, fame
Garden + moon (32): art show, celebrity
Garden + key (33): success with the public,
important meeting
Garden + fish (34): bank, union
Garden + anchor (35): stability
Garden + cross (36): prayer, burial, therapy
Mountain + rider (1): news arriving after delays,
someone finally arrives
Mountain + clover (2): things are looking up,
problems end well
Mountain + ship (3): travel occurs after delays, plane
is late
Mountain + house (4): loneliness, cabin
Mountain + tree (5): health problems, lingering
Mountain + clouds (6): lost, procrastination,
Mountain + snake (7): major problems, woman is
Mountain + coffin (8): obstacles end
Mountain + bouquet (9): mountains, relief
Mountain + scythe (10): delayed action
Mountain + whip (11): impatience, long-term
Mountain + birds (12): reconnecting, long-awaited
phone call
Mountain + child (13): lonely child, problems with a
new start
Mountain + fox (14): lack of career growth, leave of
absence, unemployment
Mountain + bear (15): literally a bear in the
mountains, financial restrictions, diet
Mountain + star (16): lack of motivation, dreams are
Mountain + stork (17): things are moving forward
again, restarting
Mountain + dog (18): single friend, loneliness,
abandoned dog
Mountain + tower (19): imprisonment,
government/legal restrictions, isolation
Mountain + garden (20): vacation, delayed meeting
Mountain + crossroad (22): delayed decision, hiking,
Mountain + mice (23): problems end
Mountain + heart (24): lonely, cold heart
Mountain + ring (25): lonely relationship, duty
Mountain + book (26): slow studies
Mountain + letter (27): delayed news, no response
Mountain + man (28): indifferent man, man has
Mountain + woman (29): cold woman, stressed
Mountain + lily (30): no sex life, isolation, winter
Mountain + sun (31): success finally occurs
Mountain + moon (32): depression, insensitive
Mountain + key (33): obstacles are overcome
Mountain + fish (34): financial problems, money is
late, fishing
Mountain + anchor (35): long-term blocks
Mountain + cross (36): burdens, at the end of your
rope, depression
Crossroad + rider (1): a message that affects a
decision, multiple messages
Crossroad + clover (2): lucky decision, fortunate
Crossroad + ship (3): multiple travel options, car trip
Crossroad + house (4): two houses, decision affects
a family
Crossroad + tree (5): decision about one’s health,
karmic journey
Crossroad + clouds (6): uncertain decision, no clear
Crossroad + snake (7): difficult choices, problems
with a decision
Crossroad + coffin (8): no options, negative
outcome, end of the road
Crossroad + bouquet (9): walk in nature, positive
Crossroad + scythe (10): final decision, problematic
decision, accident
Crossroad + whip (11): difficult decision, decision
wrought with arguments
Crossroad + birds (12): multiple decisions, a lot of
Crossroad + child (13): twins, siblings, decision
brings a new beginning
Crossroad + fox (14): job-related decision, 2 jobs,
part-time work
Crossroad + bear (15): multiple sources of income,
decision affects finances
Crossroad + star (16): positive outcome, leader
Crossroad + stork (17): decision brings change,
progress, movement
Crossroad + dog (18): two friends, decision about a
Crossroad + tower (19): legal decision, decision to
go alone
Crossroad + garden (20): walk in a garden, multiple
Crossroad + mountain (21): delayed decision, no
Crossroad + mice (23): stressful choices,
exhaustion, strain
Crossroad + heart (24): not committed, two partners
Crossroad + ring (25): multiple offers, agreement
Crossroad + book (26): discovery, two books
Crossroad + letter (27): multiple letters, news is on
its way, decision brings awaited news
Crossroad + man (28): hesitant man, uncommitted
Crossroad + woman (29): uncertain woman,
unsettled woman
Crossroad + lily (30): decision brings peace
Crossroad + sun (31): successful outcome, making
the right choice
Crossroad + moon (32): emotional decision,
successful decision
Crossroad + key (33): important decision, destiny
Crossroad + fish (34): multiple businesses, multiple
incomes, trade
Crossroad + anchor (35): decision brings stability,
work-related decision, confidence
Crossroad + cross (36): difficult choice, destiny
23: MICE:
Mice + rider (1): apprehensive about someone
coming, troubling news
Mice + clover (2): nervous excitement, butterflies in
the stomach
Mice + ship (3): transportation problems, car theft,
mechanical issues
Mice + house (4): repairs needed at home (e.g.,
plumbing, roof), pest problem
Mice + tree (5): depression, stressful illness
Mice + clouds (6): suicidal, depression, lost
Mice + snake (7): theft involving a woman, major
problems, difficulty coping
Mice + coffin (8): worries end, relief, exhaustion
Mice + bouquet (9): anticipation, excitement
Mice + scythe (10): separation, stressful decision
Mice + whip (11): stressful arguments, challenging
loss, stress has physical side effects
Mice + birds (12): stressful conversations, nervous
energy, difficulty staying in one place, fright
Mice + child (13): hyper child, improvements
Mice + fox (14): stressful job, job loss
Mice + bear (15): financial loss, dieting
Mice + star (16): pressure to achieve goals
Mice + stork (17): difficult changes, unwanted
Mice + dog (18): exhausting friendship, worried
friend, sick dog
Mice + tower (19): problems with the government or
Mice + garden (20): stressful event, beware of pick
Mice + mountain (21): giving up, long-term worry,
stressful obstacles, frustration
Mice + crossroad (22): uncertain choices, worrisome
Mice + heart (24): heartache, emotional stress
Mice + ring (25): break-up of a relationship, stressful
relationship, undependable agreement
Mice + book (26): secret is revealed, stressful
studies, final exams, worried about the unknown
Mice + letter (27): stressful news, lost message
Mice + man (28): ill man, worried man, depressed
Mice + woman (29): exhausted woman, overworked
Mice + lily (30): end of an affair, sexual dysfunction,
age-related health problems
Mice + sun (31): victory comes after hard work, lack
of energy
Mice + moon (32): emotional stress, moody,
Mice + key (33): improvements, things aren’t as
good as they appear
Mice + fish (34): financial loss, business problems
Mice + anchor (35): unemployment, difficult
situation, long-term stress
Mice + cross (36): grief, loss, anxiety
24: HEART:
Heart + rider (1): new love, passionate message
Heart + clover (2): lucky in love
Heart + ship (3): long-distance relationship, romantic
trip, honeymoon
Heart + house (4): loving family
Heart + tree (5): karmic connection, heart problems
Heart + clouds (6): uncertain love, dishonest
Heart + snake (7): affair, cheating, lies, jealousy
Heart + coffin (8): heartache, end of a relationship
Heart + bouquet (9): happy relationship, great love
Heart + scythe (10): heartache, break-up, decision
about love life
Heart + whip (11): passion, sex
Heart + birds (12): couple, romantic conversations
Heart + child (13): young love, high school
Heart + fox (14): passionate job, dishonest
relationship, emotional dishonesty
Heart + bear (15): protective lover, wealthy partner,
jealousy, overbearing partner
Heart + star (16): positive love, man/woman of your
Heart + stork (17): change of heart, evolving
Heart + dog (18): best friend, soulmate, friends and
Heart + tower (19): big love, loneliness in love life
Heart + garden (20): uncommitted, player, multiple
partners, public displays of affection
Heart + mountain (21): cold heart, lack of effort in
Heart + crossroad (22): multiple partners,
separation, passionate decision
Heart + mice (23): heartache, worrisome love, loss
of love
Heart + ring (25): marriage, partnership
Heart + book (26): secret love, hidden affair, crush
Heart + letter (27): love letter, message connected to
Heart + man (28): loving man, generous, passionate
Heart + woman (29): loving woman, kind, gentle
Heart + lily (30): older love, passionate sex life
Heart + sun (31): successful relationship, passionate
Heart + moon (32): romance, deep love
Heart + key (33): significant love, certain love
Heart + fish (34): love of money, matchmaker, deep
love, spiritual love
Heart + anchor (35): commitment, long-term
Heart + cross (36): fated love, painful love,
heartache, insecurity
25: RING:
Ring + rider (1): new partner (business or romantic)
Ring + clover (2): beneficial agreement, lucky cycle
Ring + ship (3): international business agreement,
contract to buy a ship
Ring + house (4): house purchase/sale/rental
Ring + tree (5): relationship improves, long-term
Ring + clouds (6): uncertain arrangement, suspicious
Ring + snake (7): agreement with a woman, relationship
with “another” woman, difficult contract
Ring + coffin (8): end of a relationship, contract is
Ring + bouquet (9): engagement, proposal, happy
Ring + scythe (10): divorce, contract ends abruptly
Ring + whip (11): troubled relationship, difficult contract
Ring + birds (12): multiple partners, negotiations
Ring + child (13): adoption agreement, agreement with a
child, custody agreement
Ring + fox (14): job offer, employment contract,
dishonest agreement
Ring + bear (15): financial agreement, business partner
Ring + star (16): positive contract, relationship goals,
famous connection
Ring + stork (17): contract changes/renegotiation,
changes in a relationship
Ring + dog (18): partner, business associate
Ring + tower (19): lonely relationship, legal agreement
Ring + garden (20): public agreement, marriage, public
couple (e.g., high society, famous)
Ring + mountain (21): problems with a contract, distance
in a relationship
Ring + crossroad (22): multiple partners, multiple
contracts, separation
Ring + mice (23): contract falling apart, end of a
Ring + heart (24): marriage, partnership, civil union
Ring + book (26): due diligence investigation, contracts,
secret relationship
Ring + letter (27): news about a contract, written
Ring + man (28): married man, husband, fiance, partner
Ring + woman (29): married woman, wife, fiancee,
Ring + lily (30): affair with another man, old relationship
Ring + sun (31): successful agreement, good partnership
Ring + moon (32): emotional connection, strong
attraction, successful agreement
Ring + key (33): successful relationship, contract will be
Ring + fish (34): business agreement, solid relationship
Ring + anchor (35): long-term arrangement, stable
Ring + cross (36): difficult relationship, painful
26: BOOK:
Book + rider (1): message reveals a secret, unexpected
Book + clover (2): lucky discovery, unexpected
Book + ship (3): international studies, secret trip
Book + house (4): home inspection, unknown house,
documents for a house
Book + tree (5): medical studies, arborist
Book + clouds (6): confusing information, unhelpful
Book + snake (7): wisdom, lies, misinformed
Book + coffin (8): end of studies, secret is revealed
Book + bouquet (9): happy discovery, successful studies
Book + scythe (10): studying to be a surgeon, secret is
revealed, unexpected ending or decision
Book + whip (11): secret is hard to keep, exams,
challenging studies
Book + birds (12): public speaking classes, PR expert,
discussions about something learned
Book + child (13): student, secret child
Book + fox (14): teacher, useful information
Book + bear (15): accounting books, financial studies
Book + star (16): esoteric studies, good information
Book + stork (17): changes happen in secret, studies
Book + dog (18): intelligent friend, friend with a secret,
shy friend, dog training
Book + tower (19): college/university, legal studies,
political science major, professor
Book + garden (20): published book, workshop, “meet the
author” events, seminar
Book + mountain (21): geological studies, information is
hard to gather, studies are delayed
Book + crossroad (22): two books, decision about one’s
studies, dual major
Book + mice (23): stressful studies, final exams, failed
exams, expensive education
Book + heart (24): secret admirer, secret crush,
Book + ring (25): diploma, secret relationship
Book + letter (27): secret message, documents
Book + man (28): shy man, intelligent man
Book + woman (29): woman with a secret, educated
Book + lily (30): affair, unknown man, expert
Book + sun (31): successful studies, successful exams,
highly intelligent, positive discovery
Book + moon (32): psychologist, psychiatrist, creative
writer, successful book
Book + key (33): important discovery, secret is revealed,
very successful book
Book + fish (34): business major, MBA, marine biologist,
unexpected money
Book + anchor (35): long-term studies
Book + cross (36): secret is a burden, religious studies,
fated knowledge
Letter + rider (1): messages, information
Letter + clover (2): good news, lotto ticket, raffle ticket
Letter + ship (3): information from abroad, international
documents, business communication
Letter + house (4): news about a house, documents related
to a property sale (e.g., title, contracts)
Letter + tree (5): prescription, health insurance, medical
Letter + clouds (6): confusing information, uncertain
outcome, cancellation
Letter + snake (7): bad news, message about a woman,
false message
Letter + coffin (8): getting rid of documents (e.g.,
shredding, throwing away), bad news
Letter + bouquet (9): invitation, good news, helpful
Letter + scythe (10): no message, message brings a fast
Letter + whip (11): angry letter, sexual message, signature
Letter + birds (12): group of writers, multiple messages,
much talked about information
Letter + child (13): message about a child, birth
announcement, short letter
Letter + fox (14): job offer, letter at work, untrustworthy
Letter + bear (15): financial news, invoice, check,
message about a mother or grandmother
Letter + star (16): email, positive message
Letter + stork (17): message brings change, update
Letter + dog (18): pen pal, news about a friend
Letter + tower (19): legal document, letter from the
Letter + garden (20): invitation, direct mail marketing,
email marketing, newsletter
Letter + mountain (21): delayed information, no message
Letter + crossroad (22): multiple messages, message
about a decision
Letter + mice (23): lost message, stressful information
Letter + heart (24): love letter, internet dating
Letter + ring (25): contract, written agreement, prenuptial
Letter + book (26): documents, contracts, binders, folders,
Letter + man (28): writer, communicative man, message
about a man
Letter + woman (29): message about a woman, graduate
Letter + lily (30): old news, message from an older man
Letter + sun (31): great news
Letter + moon (32): creative writing, positive news, love
Letter + key (33): important message, letter arrives
Letter + fish (34): business documents, financial
documents, fish wrapped in newspaper
Letter + anchor (35): letter takes a while to arrive,
positive news, work-related message
Letter + cross (36): painful information, fated message
28: MAN:
Man + rider (1): active man, man coming into your
life, man bringing you a message
Man + clover (2): man taking advantage of an
opportunity, gambler, lucky man
Man + ship (3): foreigner, man going on a trip
Man + house (4): family man, realtor, landlord
Man + tree (5): ill man, religious man, man who
works in medicine
Man + clouds (6): confused, unstable, troubled
Man + snake (7): man and a woman, dishonest man,
man will cause problems, seductive man
Man + coffin (8): ill man, depressed man
Man + bouquet (9): happy, charming, attractive
Man + scythe (10): surgeon, aggressive man, fast
acting man, decisive
Man + whip (11): physically abusive, sexual,
Man + birds (12): two men, communicative man,
Man + child (13): man with a child, young-looking,
Man + fox (14): workaholic, dishonest, crafty,
Man + bear (15): two men, man and his
mother/grandmother, man with a temper, protective,
controlling, strong
Man + star (16): successful man, psychic, dreamer
Man + stork (17): flexible man, man brings change
Man + dog (18): two men, a man you know, loyal
Man + tower (19): private man, lonely man, public
official, tall, proud
Man + garden (20): player, man in the public eye,
Man + mountain (21): loner, man has blocks, single
Man + crossroad (22): man facing a decision,
Man + mice (23): stressed man, nervous, broke
Man + heart (24): man in love, affectionate, romantic
Man + ring (25): married, engaged, committed
Man + book (26): educated, secretive, intelligent,
man whom the querent doesn’t know, introverted
Man + letter (27): message from a man, postal
worker, journalist
Man + woman (29): a couple, connection
Man + lily (30): older man, patient, established,
Man + sun (31): successful, optimistic
Man + moon (32): creative, artistic, emotional
Man + key (33): successful, dependable, important
Man + fish (34): businessman, wealthy
Man + anchor (35): stable, dependable, slow to act
Man + cross (36): religious, burdened
29: WOMAN:
Woman + rider (1): woman in a new relationship,
woman and a young man, woman receives a
Woman + clover (2): woman taking advantage of an
opportunity, gambler, lucky woman
Woman + ship (3): foreigner, woman on a cruise,
woman taking a trip
Woman + house (4): housewife, realtor, stable
Woman + tree (5): ill woman, spiritual man, woman
works in the medical field
Woman + clouds (6): confused, unstable, troubled
Woman + snake (7): two women, dishonest woman,
troublesome woman, seductive woman
Woman + coffin (8): ill woman, depressed woman
Woman + bouquet (9): happy, charismatic, attractive
Woman + scythe (10): decisive woman, critical, fast
Woman + whip (11): physically abusive, sexual,
Woman + birds (12): two women, communicative,
outgoing, woman with two children
Woman + child (13): woman and child, young-
looking, immature
Woman + fox (14): workaholic, dishonest, crafty,
Woman + bear (15): a mother, woman and her boss,
woman and her mother/grandmother, protective,
controlling, strong
Woman + star (16): successful, famous, psychic,
Woman + stork (17): flexible, open-minded, woman
brings change
Woman + dog (18): woman and a friend, a woman
you know, friendly woman
Woman + tower (19): private woman, lonely woman,
tall, proud
Woman + garden (20): single woman, woman in the
public eye, sociable
Woman + mountain (21): loner, woman experiences
delays, single woman
Woman + crossroad (22): woman makes a decision,
Woman + mice (23): stressed, nervous, broke
Woman + heart (24): woman in love, affectionate,
Woman + ring (25): married, engaged, committed
Woman + book (26): educated, secretive, intelligent,
woman the querent doesn’t know, introverted
Woman + letter (27): message from a woman, postal
worker, journalist
Woman + man (28): a couple, connection
Woman + lily (30): older woman, patient,
established, retired
Woman + sun (31): successful, optimistic
Woman + moon (32): creative, artistic, emotional
Woman + key (33): successful, dependable,
important woman
Woman + fish (34): businesswoman, wealthy
Woman + anchor (35): stable, dependable, slow to
Woman + cross (36): religious, burdened, hurt
Lily + rider (1): old news, message from a lover,
peace comes from some news
Lily + clover (2): good times, good sex, an older man
is lucky
Lily + ship (3): restful trip, winter trip
Lily + house (4): old house, man’s family
Lily + tree (5): age-related health issues, sexual
health problems
Lily + clouds (6): discontent, uncertainty, sexual
problems, problems with family, senile
Lily + snake (7): man and a woman, sexual partners,
troublesome older man, meanness
Lily + coffin (8): no sex life, forgetful, peace ends,
divorced man
Lily + bouquet (9): joyful retirement, happy man,
bouquet of lilies
Lily + scythe (10): accident, older surgeon, harmony
ends, lack of passion
Lily + whip (11): stubborn arguments, old conflicts,
slow to act
Lily + birds (12): older couple, counseling, long
Lily + child (13): oldest child, grandfather and
Lily + fox (14): long-term job, affair, sneaking
around, sexual problems
Lily + bear (15): pension, money for retirement,
401(k), aggressive businessman
Lily + star (16): lifetime achievement reward, famous
man, good sex
Lily + stork (17): changes finally happen, man makes
change, pregnancy
Lily + dog (18): old dog, lifelong friend
Lily + tower (19): assisted living center, government
official, CEO
Lily + garden (20): senior center, sex in public
Lily + mountain (21): no movement, progress is
blocked, no sex life
Lily + crossroad (22): man makes a decision, man
has choices
Lily + mice (23): Alzheimer’s, sexually transmitted
Lily + heart (24): older love, passionate love
Lily + ring (25): married later in life, man makes an
Lily + book (26): old books, expertise, secret affair,
unknown man
Lily + letter (27): old letters, man receives a
message, provocative letter
Lily + man (28): older man, mentor, grandfather, two
Lily + woman (29): older woman, man and a woman,
grandmother, mother
Lily + sun (31): successful man, success comes late
in life, positive sexual experience
Lily + moon (32): sexual encounter, creative man
Lily + key (33): important man, mentor, certainty
Lily + fish (34): family business, old money
Lily + anchor (35): things won’t change for a while,
inheritance, long-term peace and calm
Lily + cross (36): depression, bad sex
31: SUN:
Sun + rider (1): great visit is about to happen, good news,
successful encounter
Sun + clover (2): great luck, gambling success, good
Sun + ship (3): summer trip, success overseas
Sun + house (4): success at home, perfect house, hot
house (e.g., air conditioning not working)
Sun + tree (5): good health, full of energy
Sun + clouds (6): success is fleeting, things aren’t what
they appear
Sun + snake (7): successful women, success brings
Sun + coffin (8): successful ending, troubles could occur
Sun + bouquet (9): success and happiness
Sun + scythe (10): positive decision, fast ending, good
Sun + whip (11): competition, sex, debate
Sun + birds (12): good conversations, great speech
Sun + child (13): promising start, energetic child
Sun + fox (14): success based on something
unconventional, success based on deception, job success
Sun + bear (15): money is on its way, fortunate man
Sun + star (16): someone famous, honor, achievement,
Sun + stork (17): positive change, desired outcome
Sun + dog (18): successful friend, good friend
Sun + tower (19): electric company, increased power,
increased protection
Sun + garden (20): successful event, good party
Sun + mountain (21): delayed success, volcano
Sun + crossroad (22): branching out, expanding, pleasant
Sun + mice (23): loss of energy, fatigue, power outage
Sun + heart (24): passion, significant love
Sun + ring (25): great relationship, signed contract is
Sun + book (26): success at school, important information
Sun + letter (27): good news, award
Sun + man (28): charismatic, successful
Sun + woman (29): high energy, outgoing, optimistic
Sun + lily (30): success comes slowly, success later in life
Sun + moon (32): creative success, great romance
Sun + key (33): certain success, yes
Sun + fish (34): successful business, financial increase
Sun + anchor (35): goal is reached, success leads to
staying put
Sun + cross (36): success is a burden, success is destined
32: MOON:
Moon + rider (1): romance with a new love interest,
emotional visitor
Moon + clover (2): unexpected fame, good fortune
Moon + ship (3): honeymoon, night cruise
Moon + house (4): successful family, custom-built
Moon + tree (5): emotional health, depression
Moon + clouds (6): depression, romantic uncertainty,
uncertain fame
Moon + snake (7): emotional woman, emotional
dishonesty, creative woman, disappointment
Moon + coffin (8): sadness, mental health, lack of
Moon + bouquet (9): happiness, art work
Moon + scythe (10): emotional decision, separation,
Moon + whip (11): touchy subject, arguments related
to creativity (ex: temperamental artist), conflicted
about success, foreplay
Moon + birds (12): lovers, promising discussion
Moon + child (13): fertility, creative child
Moon + fox (14): creative job, successful job
Moon + bear (15): famous boss, financially
rewarding project, recognition by management
Moon + star (16): psychic, honor, the night sky
Moon + stork (17): success brings change, creativity
Moon + dog (18): emotional support, affections for a
friend, successful friend
Moon + tower (19): emotional protection, big fame,
honored by the government
Moon + garden (20): meeting at night, night life,
Moon + mountain (21): lack of creativity, loneliness,
no romance
Moon + crossroad (22): emotional decision, lack of
commitment, 2 paths of success
Moon + mice (23): insecure, depression, insomnia
Moon + heart (24): romance, deep love/passion
Moon + ring (25): marriage, creative contract
Moon + book (26): successful book, night class,
fiction book
Moon + letter (27): love letter, award, acceptance
Moon + man (28): charming man, emotional man
Moon + woman (29): sensitive woman, intuitive
Moon + lily (30): romance with a mature man,
emotional security
Moon + sun (31): chemistry, big success
Moon + key (33): success is certain, important
Moon + fish (34): successful business, creative
business, deep emotional connection
Moon + anchor (35): long-term success, emotional
Moon + cross (36): emotional burden, challenging
creative project
33: KEY:
Key + rider (1): important message, significant
information, important visitor
Key + clover (2): luck, positive times, synchronicity
Key + ship (3): successful travels, important business
Key + house (4): important family, literally key to a house
Key + tree (5): needed health improvements, spiritual
Key + clouds (6): needed clarity, interference
Key + snake (7): important woman, danger, act wisely
Key + coffin (8): illness, important transformation
Key + bouquet (9): be happy, good times
Key + scythe (10): important decision, be careful
Key + whip (11): significant conversations, important
actions, important competition
Key + birds (12): power couple, important phone call
Key + child (13): spiritual child, necessary new beginning
Key + fox (14): important job, need to be crafty
Key + bear (15): financial gain, take charge
Key + star (16): success and respect, important
Key + stork (17): necessary change, significant change
Key + dog (18): necessary assistance, important friend
Key + tower (19): success with authorities, important
Key + garden (20): significant network, something
becomes public
Key + mountain (21): necessary delays, spiritual retreat
Key + crossroad (22): decision needs to be made
Key + mice (23): beware of loss or damage, be vigilant
Key + heart (24): significant love interest, express your
Key + ring (25): necessary commitment, stay on your
path, keep your word
Key + book (26): secret is revealed, spiritual studies
Key + letter (27): required news, important message
Key + man (28): significant man, dependable man
Key + woman (29): safe woman, important woman
Key + lily (30): remain calm, significant older man
Key + sun (31): success, you have what it takes to reach
your goals
Key + moon (32): psychic dreams, success
Key + fish (34): needed money, be alert
Key + anchor (35): important haven, reaching goals
Key + cross (36): destiny, sacrifice
34: FISH:

Fish + rider (1): financial opportunity, business news,

new employee
Fish + clover (2): financial luck, good business
Fish + ship (3): international business, money from
afar, fishing trip
Fish + house (4): home business, wealthy family
Fish + tree (5): strong business, old money,
Fish + clouds (6): financial uncertainty
Fish + snake (7): wealthy woman, business
problems, financial concerns
Fish + coffin (8): hangover, financial loss, bankruptcy
Fish + bouquet (9): inheritance, gift of money
Fish + scythe (10): business decision, layoff
Fish + whip (11): financial arguments, business
Fish + birds (12): business partners, financial
discussions, two sources of income
Fish + child (13): new employee, subsidiary
Fish + fox (14): “cooking the books”, business fraud,
Fish + bear (15): seafood restaurant, stable
finances, a lot of money
Fish + star (16): well-known business, innovative
business, financial success
Fish + stork (17): business growth, business
expansion, acquisition
Fish + dog (18): business partner, wealthy friend
Fish + tower (19): bank, a safe, financial reserves,
Fish + garden (20): customers, fundraising
Fish + mountain (21): delayed money, stagnant
Fish + crossroad (22): financial decision, business
Fish + mice (23): business loss, financial problems,
Fish + heart (24): love of money/work, soulmate
connection, great love
Fish + ring (25): marriage of convenience, business
contract, spiritual connection
Fish + book (26): accounting books, unknown
source of income, unknown business
Fish + letter (27): fishing permit, financial news,
business license
Fish + man (28): Wealthy, businessman,
Fish + woman (29): Materialistic, business woman,
wealthy woman
Fish + lily (30): established business
Fish + sun (31): financial success, business success
Fish + moon (32): financial creativity, business
dream comes true
Fish + key (33): financial success, important
Fish + anchor (35): established business, long-term
Fish + cross (36): financial burden, difficult business,
religious organization
Anchor + rider (1): someone new is coming, work-related
Anchor + clover (2): good luck, enjoyable destination
Anchor + ship (3): movement, long voyage
Anchor + house (4): place you’ll be living for a while,
renovations are completed
Anchor + tree (5): long and healthy life, health-related
Anchor + clouds (6): uncertainty, instability
Anchor + snake (7): beware, problems, female co-worker
Anchor + coffin (8): things are going to change,
Anchor + bouquet (9): celebration, job well done
Anchor + scythe (10): sudden change, discontent
Anchor + whip (11): long-term conflict, physical abuse
Anchor + birds (12): life-long partners, laborious
Anchor + child (13): new start in life, childhood
Anchor + fox (14): problems at work, long-term job,
achieving goals through cunning methods
Anchor + bear (15): long-term income, trust fund, living
Anchor + star (16): success in reaching goals, great
Anchor + stork (17): career change, life changes
Anchor + dog (18): long-term friend, stable friendship,
common goals
Anchor + tower (19): old company, federal government
Anchor + garden (20): enjoying life, rest and relaxation,
retirement, working with public
Anchor + mountain (21): no movement, big obstacles
Anchor + crossroad (22): work-related decision, deciding
what to do after reaching one’s goals
Anchor + mice (23): stuck, stressful life, lack of work,
reducing excesses (ex: overspending, drinking too much,
Anchor + heart (24): long-term love, faithful, loyal,
certain love
Anchor + ring (25): commitment, long-term relationship
Anchor + book (26): work-related studies, research
Anchor + letter (27): work-related documents, will
Anchor + man (28): faithful, stable, hard-working
Anchor + woman (29): determined, reliable, mentor
Anchor + lily (30): boss, contentment
Anchor + sun (31): success at work, reaching one’s goals,
island vacation
Anchor + moon (32): popular work, staying put for a
month, working at night
Anchor + key (33): success at work, certainly reach one’s
Anchor + fish (34): wealthy, fishing business, stable
Anchor + cross (36): destined, long-term burden
36: CROSS:
Cross + rider (1): help is on its way, destined visitor
Cross + clover (2): improvements, hope
Cross + ship (3): difficult journey, fated trip
Cross + house (4): church, mosque, temple,
synagogue, destined house
Cross + tree (5): backache, health concerns
Cross + clouds (6): guilt, depression
Cross + snake (7): lack of control, burdened woman
Cross + coffin (8): grief, depression, spiritual
Cross + bouquet (9): improvement, relief,
desired/happy destiny
Cross + scythe (10): accident, sudden pain
Cross + whip (11): physical abuse, unavoidable
Cross + birds (12): hard conversations, counseling
Cross + child (13): spiritual child, painful child birth,
Cross + fox (14): difficult job, addiction
Cross + bear (15): powerful ally, financial burden,
financial donation
Cross + star (16): prayer, fate
Cross + stork (17): improvement, destined change
Cross + dog (18): counselor, help from a friend
Cross + tower (19): religious/spiritual center, legal
burdens, problems with the government
Cross + garden (20): support network, cemetery,
fated meeting
Cross + mountain (21): loneliness, suicidal thoughts
Cross + crossroad (22): difficult decision, painful
Cross + mice (23): depression, emotional
breakdown, suicidal thoughts
Cross + heart (24): heartache, destined love
Cross + ring (25): difficult commitment, painful
relationship, remorse
Cross + book (26): religious documents, Bible,
Koran, trouble keeping a secret
Cross + letter (27): difficult news, bad news,
destined message
Cross + man (28): religious man, guilty, depressed
Cross + woman (29): spiritual woman, in pain, tired
Cross + lily (30): sexual dysfunction, pains
associated with old age
Cross + sun (31): destined success, relief
Cross + moon (32): self-sacrifice, fated recognition
Cross + key (33): destiny
Cross + fish (34): charity, non-profit organization,
spiritual/religious business, financial burdens
Cross + anchor (35): challenging work, regret,
destined work

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