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Pros and Cons of ​“The Prince” 

Are you ​FOR o ​ r ​AGAINST​ the teachings of Machiavelli? 
We have been looking at the works of ​Niccolo Machiavelli, a ​ nd his thoughts on 
leadership. Specifically, we’ve been understanding T ​ he Prince​. But, is what he had 
to say a positive or a negative? 
You have been assigned either the F ​ OR​ or the A ​ GAINST​ position on the T ​ he Prince, 
and you will argue the point in a 2 ​ Paragraph MINI Essay. 
Paragraph One ​-  
a) What was the purpose of ​Machiavelli’s​ T ​ he Prince? 
b) When was it written? 
c) Where was M ​ achiavelli​ living when he wrote the book? 
d) What is the content of the book, what is M ​ achiavelli​ trying to teach? 
Paragraph Two​-  
This Paragraph Changes purpose if you are ​FOR o ​ rA ​ GAINST  
a) FOR - T​ he teachings in ​The Prince​ a ​ re G
​ OOD r​ ules for a leader to follow 
b) A
​ GAINST - T ​ he teachings in ​The Prince​ a​ re B ​ AD r​ ules for a leader to follow 
Think about how the following of the T ​ HE PRINCE​ would impact both the lives of 
Rulers, and peasants in ​The Renaissance​. 
Timeline - Day by Day Instruction - Due Thursday, Beginning of Class 

Monday  Do research and write out your ​Rough Copy 

Tuesday  Have your partner ​Proofread y

​ our ​Rough Copy​, and provide suggestions 

Wednesday  Write out your G

​ ood Copy 

  Excellent (5)  Proficient (4)  Acceptable (3)  Poor (2) 

Paragraph 1  The Paragraph  The Paragraph  The Paragraph  The Paragraph 

How did the Renaissance  expertly outlines  clearly outlines how  approximately  doesn’t outline 
spark the growth 
and exchange of ideas  how Machiavelli  Machiavelli  outlines how  Machiavelli’s 
and knowledge across  intended to  intended to  Machiavelli  teachings, or has 
Europe  influence society,  influence society,  intended to  multiple errors in 
In what ways did thinkers  and impeccably  and clearly defines  influence society,  regards to the 
and philosophers  defines the  the context in  and the context is  context. 
influence society in the 
development of a 
context in which it  which it was  approached with a 
humanist worldview  was written.   written.   few errors 
during the Renaissance? 

Paragraph 2  The Paragraph  The Paragraph  The Paragraph  The Paragraph is 
Consider differing beliefs,  gives a strong  gives a quality  gives an  lacking in both 
values and worldviews 
defense to the  defense to the T ​ he  approachable  arguments, and 
teachings in T
​ he  Prince​, but a few  defense, but there  has multiple 
Prince  errors exist, or a  are multiple  unsupported 
  slight weakness in  errors, or  statements.  
  argument.  unsupported 

Proofreading  Student has both  Student has  Feedback given  Feedback is 
and Application  provided high  provided high  did not address  minimal, or 
listen to others to 
understand their points 
quality feedback  quality feedback,  multiple issues,  confusing, and 
of view  to their partner,  but misses a few  and there is a  there is no 
  and seamlessly  errors, or has not  lack of  implementation 
clarify and respond 
appropriately to  implemented  completed all  implementation  of the critique 
questions, ideas and  their own  their feedback  of the feedback  they were given. 
multiple points of view 
  feedback  completely  they were 
communicate in a  provided.  
persuasive and engaging 
manner through oral 


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