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FRIDAY 86/68
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Volume 175 Number 1 The Voice of Los Angeles City College Since 1929


‘#Blacklivesmatter’ Exhibit BY AMBAR QUINTILLA
Comes to Campus A review set for March 2016 has
Artist Isabelle Lutterodt’s the staff, faculty and administra-
Erasure/Agitation #Blacklives- tion inundated with processes and
matter art exhibition will be on paperwork to ensure the campus
display inside the Da Vinci Gal- clears the accreditation hurdle.
lery at Da Vinci Hall until Sept. Accredited institutions of high-
30. Anyone interested in signed er education guarantee graduates
art pieces and interacting with certified degrees. The Western As-
the artist can attend a discus- sociation of Schools and Colleges
sion Tuesday, Sept. 22 at 5:30 (WASC) certify all California edu-
p.m. in the Da Vinci Gallery. cational institutions that offer stu-
dents an accredited degree.
Elephant’s Graveyard to A WASC accreditation legitimiz-
es the credits a student obtains upon
Kickstart Theatre Academy the completion of an appropriate
Fall Opening course. In order to offer students a
WASC accredited degree, an institu-
Elephant’s Graveyard, by
tion must uphold the principles in
George Brant, will launch the
the associations mission statement–
fall season for LACC’s Theatre
thus, being re-accredited as an ac-
Academy. The play highlights
ceptable institution at least every 10
revenge, spectacle, lynching and
years. LACC must be re-accredited.
legends, when a circus enters
Dr. Dan Walden, vice president of
a small struggling Midwest
Academic Affairs says students will
town. Show dates are Oct. 2, 3,
suffer tremendously if the accred-
8, 9 and Oct. 10 at the Camino
ited stamp of approval is removed.
Theatre. Check the Theatre
Walden is also the accreditation liai-
Academy Box Office for show
LACC should not fear the loss of ac-
Deadlines Arrive Soon for “To lose accreditation would
Class, Schedule Changes mean that you were ignoring the
commission and were not following

Multimillion Dollar Grant Promises

Students who want to take through to fix what needs to be fixed
a class on a Pass/No Pass basis … that you have substantially devi-
must file by Friday, Oct. 2. The ated from the standards,” Walden
last day to drop a class with a said.
“W,” which means you with- Accreditation also plays an im-

Internships for District Students

drew from the class and are portant role in determining whether
ineligible for a letter grade is a school gets any federal assistance.
Sunday, Nov. 22. In California, if an institution is not
WASC accredited it will not receive,
UC Representatives Visit nor be able to offer federal financial

BY SORINA SZAKACS merging traditional academics and of BizFed. fits,” said LACCD Trustee Mike Eng aid to qualified students.
Campus to Assist Students technical training. The program will The program will help over 6,000 who chaired the Board committees Although the seal of accreditation
Students who apply for UC ore than 6,000 connect employers with schools and students by offering 4,000 intern- overseeing the District’s application is from WASC, the agency respon-
Transfer Admission Guaran- students have train students for jobs in high-de- ships, which will be available over process. “This is just the beginning sible for reaffirming LACC’s accred-
tee can attend the UC TAG 15 million rea- mand fields such as advanced man- the next four years. With more than of a real ride for the students.” itation is the Accrediting Commis-
Workshop today from 4-5 p.m. sons to be hap- ufacturing, information technology 100 partners, this program is one of The California Career Path- sion for Community and Junior
Students will learn the require- py, thanks to and healthcare. the largest collaborative models in way Trust Grant will be available Colleges.
ments and application process. funds available from the California District officials and business the history of California, and focus- to 6,298 applicants. Seventy-two “Many dedicated faculty, staff
The TAG deadline is Sept. 30. Career Pathway Trust Grant. The partners gathered for the grant es on high-demand industry sectors percent of the applications will be and administrators are working
Students may also attend work- California Department of Educa- award ceremony on Thursday, June that are projected to grow and offer designated for students who face on [LACC’s] formal report to the
shops on Sept. 24 from noon to tion awarded a $15 million grant 4, in front of the Metro Headquar- job opportunities into the future. economic academic challenges. The ACCJC,” said to Dr. Dan Wanner,
1 p.m., and Sept. 30 from 1-2 to the Los Angeles Community ters Building at L.A.’s Union Station. “This grant is a win-win-win for remaining 28 percent are reserved the LACC Accreditation Co-Chair.
p.m. Workshops are in Room College District that offers 4,000 in- Among the 115 people there were the students, the employers and for students who major in one of “[Faculty, staff and administrators]
203 of the Administration ternships in five career areas. Phil Washington, CEO of Metro- our colleges because we know that the five fields. are reviewing how well [LACC’s]
Building. The LACCD received $15 million politan Transportation Authority, when we work together to create ca-
in the form of a one-time compet- Frank Spaeth, CEO of NIC Technol- reer pathways, the economy grows,
itive grant for a program aimed at ogy Partners and Tracy Rafter, CEO and the whole community bene- SEE ENROLLMENT GRANT PAGE 5 SEE WASC PAGE 5
CSUN Welcomes Future
Transfer Students
CSUN admissions repre-
sentatives will be at L.A. City Shirley without Laverne Shares Memoirs STUDY ABROAD CAPTIVATES STUDENT,
College on Wednesday Sept. 22,
ule an appointment, visit the
Transfer Center in the Admin- Actress Cindy Williams spoke BY TOMAS RODRIGUEZ She says in the mornings when
istration Building, Room 109. about her struggle and zeal while she woke up and looked out her win-
presenting her first memoir, “Shir- Brenda Guzman sat and ate crepes dow from the fourth floor, she saw
ley, I Jest: A Storied Life,” at the with her classmates while enjoying many students just like herself. They
40 Universities Coming to Camino Theatre on Sept. 12. the scene. In Paris, at that moment, were from all over the nation and
Transfer Fair Williams told the crowd of her she realized her potential as a His- possessed the desire to travel.
LACC’s Transfer Day is life’s journey finding solace through panic woman, a single mother and a While abroad, Brenda had class
Tuesday Sept. 22, from 10 the arts. After 45 years of hard community college student. for three hours most days. In her
a.m.-1 p.m. in the Quad. Forty work, her career in Hollywood still Study abroad programs allow free time she would take public
universities from across the na- continues. She says she lived a life students to travel overseas. They transportation to the Plaza De Sol,
tion will attend the first transfer focused on making people laugh, spend one month in Spain and have a tourist attraction in the center of
fair of the semester. Students having fun and staying positive. a three-day conclusion in France. In Madrid.
can contact the Transfer Center Although famous for her role as Spain, the students stay in the dorms During her trip, historic archi-
for more information on the Shirley in the sitcom “Laverne & at Colegio Mayor Mara, the local tecture surrounded her. She says
participating universities. Shirley” and the film “American university that is minutes away from it reminds her of Hollywood but
Graffiti,” Williams says she strug- the city center. Attendees also have without the calamity celebrities and
gled with academics due to dyslex- PHOTO BY TOMAS RODRIGUEZ/COLLEGIAN the opportunity to tour many histor- noise. She took the opportunity to
Astronomy Club Invites ia. She says her ability to read, write, ic landmarks and museums. see the Palacio Real de Madrid – the
Students to Lunar Eclipse spell and speak properly was often Guzman made it out of Los Ange- Royal Palace of Madrid.
misunderstood during her era. les. She traveled across the Atlantic “I entered the place in awe,” Guz-
The LACC Astronomy Club “You had to be enthusiastic,” “The way she looks at life is in- ment and book signing. Although Ocean to Madrid and Barcelona, man said. “First, I noticed the enor-
welcomes students to observe Williams said. “Have a lot of hope, spiring, day to day as something admission was free for students, the Spain. Then she spent three-days in mous paintings high above, [on the
a total lunar eclipse on Sunday, and be like Pollyanna every day of new,” Elias said. general public paid $15. All ticket France. She started to envision trav- ceiling] of the palace. I felt like I
Sept. 27. Viewing will be on the your life to say, ‘maybe tomorrow First semester LACC student, and book sale proceeds will help eling with her daughter. Together, was in a fairy tale.”
third floor observation deck of something wonderful will happen.’ James Datu says Williams inspired send LACC theatre academy stu- they could sit under the stars of the Brenda went to Paris for the last
the Sci-tech Building from 6:30 I found a great beauty in that.” him. He believes the Theater De- dents to the 2016 Kennedy Center Eiffel Tower. few days of her trip. She arrived in
p.m. until 9:30 p.m. Many of the audience members partment lead to some of her suc- Honors for Performing Arts Awards “My dorm was comfortable,” Guz- her hotel, unloaded her stuff in a
had comments about the event, cess. in Hawaii. man said. “I posted pictures of my hurry and went straight to the Eiffel
including Jonathan Elias, the head “Seeing alumni that are success- “I love when alumni come back… daughter so it would remind me of Tower.
ful … fills me with pride for being and want to give to their alma ma-
INDEX of Los Angeles City College’s pro-
gramming board, and Leslie Ferrei- in this program,” Datu said. ter,” Stenberg said.
Guzman says she thanks the For-
During the day, the tower capti-
vated her, but at night it sparkled
Opinion 2 ra, the Theater Department chair. Al Rossi, a retired theatre faculty Williams revealed that there is eign Language and Humanities De- and created the illusion of a million
Features 3,4 Ferreira says that Williams’ visit to member, and Alumni Director for another book in the works titled, partment at Los Angeles City Col- stars in the dark starless sky.
News 5 LACC strengthens the legacy and the LACC Foundation, Leigh Sten- “The Rest of the Jest.” In this book, lege for being able to see Spain, and
Scholarships 6 tradition that has been established berg coordinated with Williams’ she says she continues her life story take a course in Spanish while expe-
in the program since 1929. publisher for the speaking engage- where “Shirley, I Jest” leaves off. riencing the culture in Spain. SEE FOREIGN LANGUAGE PAGE 5

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