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Oxford English Dictionary.

Yahoo n. Bestial person. [name of a race of brutes in gulliver's travels]
Yahweh n. (also yahveh) = *jehovah.
Yak n. Long-haired tibetan ox. [tibetan]
Yale lock n. Propr. Type of lock with a revolving barrel, used for doors etc.
[yale, name of its inventor]
Yam n. 1 a tropical or subtropical climbing plant. B edible starchy tuber of this.
2 us sweet potato. [portuguese or spanish]
Yammer colloq. Or dial. —n. 1 lament, wail, grumble. 2 voluble talk. —v. Utter a
yammer. [old english]
Yang n. (in chinese philosophy) the active male principle of the universe (cf.
Yank n. Colloq. Often derog. American. [abbreviation of *yankee]
Yank v. & n. Colloq. Pull with a jerk. [origin unknown]
Yankee n. Colloq. 1 often derog. = *yank. 2 us inhabitant of new england or of the
northern states. [origin uncertain: perhaps from dutch janke, diminutive of jan
john, as a nickname]
Yap —v. (-pp-) 1 bark shrilly or fussily. 2 colloq. Talk noisily, foolishly, or
complainingly. —n. Sound of yapping. yappy adj. (-ier, -iest) in sense 1 of v.

Yarborough n. Whist or bridge hand with no card above a 9. [earl of yarborough,

said to have betted against it]
Yard1 n. 1 unit of linear measure (3 ft., 0.9144 metre). 2 this length of material.
3 square or cubic yard. 4 spar slung across a mast for a sail to hang from. 5 (in
pl.; foll. By of) colloq. A great length. [old english, = stick]
Yard2 n. 1 piece of enclosed ground, esp. Attached to a building or used for a
particular purpose. 2 us & austral. Garden of a house. [old english, = enclosure]

Yardage n. Number of yards of material etc.

Yard-arm n. Either end of a ship's yard.

Yardie n. Slang member of a jamaican or w. Indian gang engaging in organized crime,

esp. Drug-trafficking. [jamaican english, = house, home]
Yardstick n. 1 standard of comparison. 2 measuring rod a yard long, usu. Divided
into inches etc.
Yarmulke n. (also yarmulka) skullcap worn by jewish men. [yiddish]
Yarn —n. 1 spun thread, esp. For knitting, weaving, etc. 2 colloq. Story,
traveller's tale, anecdote. —v. Colloq. Tell yarns. [old english]

Yarrow n. Perennial plant, esp. Milfoil. [old english]

Yashmak n. Veil concealing the face except the eyes, worn by some muslim women.
Yaw —v. (of a ship or aircraft etc.) Fail to hold a straight course; go unsteadily.
—n. Yawing of a ship etc. From its course. [origin unknown]
Yawl n. A kind of ship's boat or sailing- or fishing-boat. [low german jolle or
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dutch jol]
Yawn —v. 1 open the mouth wide and inhale, esp. When sleepy or bored. 2 gape, be
wide open. —n. 1 act of yawning. 2 colloq. Boring idea, activity, etc. [old english]
Yaws n.pl. (usu. Treated as sing.) Contagious tropical skin-disease with large red
swellings. [origin unknown]
Yb symb. Ytterbium.
Y chromosome n. (in humans and some other mammals) sex chromosome occurring only in
male cells. [y as an arbitrary label]

Yd abbr. (pl. Yds) yard (measure).

Ye1 pron. Archaic pl. Of *thou1 (ye gods!).
Ye2 adj. Pseudo-archaic = *the (ye olde tea-shoppe). [from the obsolete y-shaped
letter for th]
Yea archaic —adv. 1 yes. 2 indeed (ready, yea eager). —n. Utterance of ‘yea’; ‘yes’
vote. [old english]
Yeah adv. Colloq. Yes. [a casual pronunciation of *yes]
Year n. 1 time occupied by the earth in one revolution round the sun, approx.
3651/4 days. 2 = *calendar year. 3 period of twelve months, starting at any point
(four years ago; tax year). 4 (in pl.) Age, time of life (young for his years). 5
(usu. In pl.) Colloq. Very long time. 6 group of students entering college etc. In
the same academic year. [old english]
Yearbook n. Annual publication dealing with events or aspects of the (usu.
Preceding) year.

Yearling n. Animal between one and two years old.

Yearly —adj. 1 done, produced, or occurring once a year. 2 of or lasting a year.
—adv. Once a year.

Yearn v. Be filled with longing, compassion, or tenderness. yearning n. & adj.

[old english]
Yeast n. Greyish-yellow fungus obtained esp. From fermenting malt liquors and used
as a fermenting agent, to raise bread, etc. [old english]

Yeasty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of, like, or tasting of yeast; frothy. 2 in a ferment.
3 working like yeast. 4 (of talk etc.) Light and superficial.
Yell —n. Loud sharp cry; shout. —v. Cry, shout. [old english]
Yellow —adj. 1 of the colour of buttercups, lemons, egg-yolks, etc. 2 having a
yellow skin or complexion. 3 colloq. Cowardly. —n. 1 yellow colour or pigment. 2
yellow clothes or material. —v. Turn yellow. yellowish adj. Yellowness n. Yellowy
adj. [old english: related to *gold]
Yellow-belly n. Colloq. Coward.
Yellow card n. Card shown by the referee to a football-player being cautioned.
Yellow fever n. Tropical virus disease with fever and jaundice.
Yellow flag n. Flag displayed by a ship in quarantine.
Yellowhammer n. Bunting of which the male has a yellow head, neck, and breast.
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Yellow pages n.pl. Propr. Telephone directory on yellow paper, listing and
classifying business subscribers.
Yellow pepper n. Ripe yellow fruit of the capsicum plant.
Yellow spot n. Point of acutest vision in the retina.
Yellow streak n. Colloq. Trait of cowardice.
Yelp —n. Sharp shrill cry as of a dog in pain or excitement. —v. Utter a yelp. [old

Yen1 n. (pl. Same) chief monetary unit of japan. [japanese from chinese]
Yen2 colloq. —n. Longing or yearning. —v. (-nn-) feel a longing. [chinese]
Yeoman n. 1 esp. Hist. Man holding and cultivating a small landed estate. 2 member
of the yeomanry force. yeomanly adj. [from earlier yoman, yeman, etc., probably =
young man]
Yeoman of the guard n. Member of the sovereign's bodyguard.

Yeomanry n. (pl. -ies) 1 body or class of yeomen. 2 hist. Volunteer cavalry force
raised from the yeoman class.

Yeoman warder n. (correct term for) a “beefeater” at the tower of london.

Yep adv. & n. (also yup) us colloq. = *yes.

Yes —adv. 1 indicating that the answer to the question is affirmative, the
statement etc. Made is correct, the request or command will be complied with, or the
person summoned or addressed is present. 2 (yes?) A indeed? Is that so? B what do
you want? —n. 1 utterance of the word yes. 2 affirmation or assent. 3 ‘yes’ vote.
say yes grant a request, confirm a statement. [old english, = yea let it be]
Yes-man n. Colloq. Weakly acquiescent person.

Yesterday —adv. 1 on the day before today. 2 in the recent past. —n. 1 the day
before today. 2 the recent past. [old english]
Yesteryear n. Archaic or rhet. 1 last year. 2 the recent past. [old english yester-
that is last past, *year]

Yet —adv. 1 as late as, or until, now or then (there is yet time; your best work
yet). 2 (with neg. Or interrog.) So soon as, or by, now or then (it is not time yet;
have you finished yet?). 3 again; in addition (more and yet more). 4 in the
remaining time available (i will do it yet). 5 (foll. By compar.) Even (a yet more
difficult task). 6 nevertheless; and or but in spite of that. —conj. But at the same
time; but nevertheless. [old english]
Yeti n. = *abominable snowman. [tibetan]
Yew n. 1 dark-leaved evergreen tree bearing berry-like cones. 2 its wood. [old
Y-fronts n. Propr. Men's or boys' briefs with a y-shaped seam at the front.
Yha abbr. Youth hostels association.
Yid n. Slang offens. Jew. [back-formation from *yiddish]
Yiddish —n. Language used by jews in or from europe, orig. A german dialect with
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words from hebrew etc. —adj. Of this language. [german jüdisch jewish]
Yield —v. 1 produce or return as a fruit, profit, or result. 2 give up; surrender,
concede. 3 a (often foll. By to) surrender; submit; defer to. B (as yielding adj.)
Compliant; submissive; soft and pliable. 4 (foll. By to) give right of way to (other
traffic). 5 (foll.
Yin n. (in chinese philosophy) the passive female principle of the universe (cf.
Yippee int. Expressing delight or excitement. [natural exclamation]
Ymca abbr. Young men's christian association.

Yob n. Slang lout, hooligan. yobbish adj. [back slang for *boy]
Yobbo n. (pl. -s) slang = *yob.

Yodel —v. (-ll-; us -l-) sing with melodious inarticulate sounds and frequent
changes between falsetto and normal voice in the manner of swiss mountain-dwellers.
—n. Yodelling cry. yodeller n. [german]
Yoga n. 1 hindu system of meditation and asceticism designed to effect reunion with
the universal spirit. 2 system of physical exercises and breathing control used in
yoga. [sanskrit, = union]
Yoghurt n. (also yogurt) semi-solid sourish food made from milk fermented by added
bacteria. [turkish]
Yogi n. (pl. -s) devotee of yoga. [hindustani: related to *yoga]
Yoicks int. Cry used by fox-hunters to urge on the hounds. [origin unknown]

Yoke —n. 1 wooden crosspiece fastened over the necks of two oxen etc. And attached
to the plough or wagon to be pulled. 2 (pl. Same or -s) pair (of oxen etc.). 3
object like a yoke in form or function, e.g. A wooden shoulder-piece for carrying a
pair of pails, the top section of a garment from which the rest hangs. 4 sway,
dominion, or servitude. 5 bond of union, esp. Of marriage. —v. (-king) 1 put a yoke
on. 2 couple or unite (a pair). 3 (foll. By to) link (one thing) to (another). 4
match or work together. [old english]

Yokel n. Rustic; country bumpkin. [perhaps dial.]

Yolk n. Yellow inner part of an egg. [old english: related to *yellow]
Yom kippur n. Most solemn religious fast day of the jewish year, day of atonement.
Yon adj. & adv. Literary & dial. Yonder. [old english]
Yonder —adv. Over there; at some distance in that direction; in the place
indicated. —adj. Situated yonder.

Yonks n.pl. Slang a long time (yonks ago). [origin unknown]

Yoo-hoo int. Used to attract a person's attention. [natural exclamation]
Yore n. of yore a long time ago. [old english, = long ago]
York v. Cricket bowl out with a yorker. [back-formation from *yorker]
Yorker n. Cricket ball that pitches immediately under the bat. [probably with ref.
To the practice of yorkshire cricketers]

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Yorkist —n. Hist. Follower of the house of york, esp. In the wars of the roses.
—adj. Of the house of york.

Yorkshire pudding n. Baked batter eaten with roast beef.

Yorkshire terrier n. Small long-haired blue and tan kind of terrier.

You pron. (obj. You; poss. Your, yours) 1 the person or persons addressed. 2 (as
int. With a noun) in an exclamatory statement (you fools!). 3 (in general
statements) one, a person, people (you get used to it). you and yours you and your
family, property, etc. [old english, originally objective case of *ye1]
You'd contr. 1 you had. 2 you would.
You'll contr. You will; you shall.
Young —adj. (younger; youngest) 1 not far advanced in life, development, or
existence; not yet old. 2 a immature, inexperienced. B youthful. 3 of or
characteristic of youth (young love). 4 representing young people (young farmers). 5
a distinguishing a son from his father (young george). B as a familiar or
condescending form of address (listen, young lady). 6 (younger) distinguishing one
person from another of the same name (the younger pitt). —n. (collect.) Offspring,
esp. Of animals. youngish adj. [old english]
Young person n. Law person aged between 14 and 17 years.
Youngster n. Child, young person.
Your poss. Pron. 1 of or belonging to you. 2 colloq. Often derog. Much talked of;
well known (your typical professor). [old english]
You're contr. You are.

Yours poss. Pron. 1 the one or ones belonging to you (it is yours; yours are over
there). 2 your letter (yours of the 10th). 3 introducing a formula ending a letter
(yours ever; yours truly). of yours of or belonging to you (friend of yours).
Yourself pron. (pl. Yourselves) 1 a emphat. Form of *you. B refl. Form of *you. 2
in your normal state of body or mind (are quite yourself again). be yourself see

Youth n. (pl. -s) 1 being young; period between childhood and adult age. 2 vigour,
enthusiasm, inexperience, or other characteristic of this period. 3 young man. 4 (as
pl.) Young people collectively (the youth of the country). [old english: related to
Youth club n. Place for young people's leisure activities.
Youthful adj. Young or still having the characteristics of youth. youthfully adv.
Youthfulness n.
Youth hostel n. Any of a chain of cheap lodgings for holiday-makers, esp. Walkers
and cyclists.
You've contr. You have.

Yowl —n. Loud wailing cry of or as of a cat or dog in distress. —v. Utter a yowl.
Yo-yo n. (pl. Yo-yos) 1 toy consisting of a pair of discs with a deep groove
between them in which string is attached and wound, and which can be made to fall
and rise. 2 thing that repeatedly falls and rises. [origin unknown]
Yr. Abbr. 1 year(s). 2 younger. 3 your.
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Yrs. Abbr. 1 years. 2 yours.

Yts abbr. Youth training scheme.

Ytterbium n. Metallic element of the lanthanide series. [ytterby in sweden]
Yttrium n. Metallic element resembling the lanthanides. [related to *ytterbium]

Yuan n. (pl. Same) chief monetary unit of china. [chinese]

Yucca n. Subtropical white-flowered plant with swordlike leaves, often grown as a
house-plant. [carib]
Yuck int. (also yuk) slang expression of strong distaste. [imitative]
Yucky adj. (also yukky) (-ier, -iest) slang 1 messy, repellent. 2 sickly,
Yugoslav (also jugoslav) —n. 1 native or national of yugoslavia. 2 person of
yugoslav descent. —adj. Of yugoslavia. yugoslavian adj. & n. [serbo-croat jug
south: related to *slav]

Yuk var. Of *yuck.

Yukky var. Of *yucky.
Yule n. (in full yule-tide) archaic the christmas festival. [old english]

Yule-log n. 1 large log traditionally burnt on christmas eve. 2 log-shaped

chocolate cake eaten at christmas.

Yummy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. Tasty, delicious. [from *yum-yum]

Yum-yum int. Expressing pleasure from eating or the prospect of eating. [natural
Yup var. Of *yep.
Yuppie n. (also yuppy) (pl. -ies) (often attrib.) Colloq., usu. Derog. Young
ambitious professional person working in a city. [from young urban professional]
Ywca abbr. Young women's christian association.

Z n. (also z) (pl. Zs or z's) 1 twenty-sixth letter of the alphabet. 2 (usu. Z)

algebra third unknown quantity.
Zabaglione n. Italian dessert of whipped and heated egg-yolks, sugar, and wine.
Zany adj. (-ier, -iest) comically idiotic; crazily ridiculous. [french or italian]
Zap slang —v. (-pp-) 1 a kill or destroy; attack. B hit hard (zapped the ball over
the net). 2 move quickly. 3 overwhelm emotionally. —int. Expressing the sound or
impact of a bullet, ray gun, etc., or any sudden event. [imitative]
Zappy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. Lively, energetic.
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Zarathustrian var. Of *zoroastrian.

Zeal n. Earnestness or fervour; hearty persistent endeavour. [greek zelos]

Zealot n. Extreme partisan; fanatic. zealotry n.

Zealous adj. Full of zeal; enthusiastic. zealously adv.
Zebra n. (pl. Same or -s) black-and-white striped african animal of the family
including the ass and horse. [italian or portuguese from congolese]
Zebra crossing n. Striped street-crossing where pedestrians have precedence.
Zebu n. (pl. Same or -s) humped ox of asia and africa. [french]

Zed n. Letter z. [greek *zeta]

Zee n. Us letter z. [var. Of *zed]
Zeitgeist n. The spirit of the times. [german]
Zen n. Form of buddhism emphasizing meditation and intuition. [japanese, =
Zend n. An interpretation of the avesta. [persian]

Zend-avesta n. Zoroastrian sacred writings of the avesta (or text) and zend (or

Zenith n. 1 point of the heavens directly above an observer. 2 highest point (of
power or prosperity etc.). [latin from arabic]

Zephyr n. Literary mild gentle breeze. [greek, = west wind]

Zeppelin n. Large dirigible german airship of the early 20th c. [count f. Von
zeppelin, name of an airman]

Zero n. (pl. -s) 1 figure 0; nought; nil. 2 point on the scale of a thermometer
etc. From which a positive or negative quantity is reckoned. 3 (attrib.) No, not any
(zero growth). 4 (in full zero-hour) a hour at which a planned, esp. Military,
operation is timed to begin. B crucial moment. 5 lowest or earliest point (down to
zero; the year zero). zero in on (-oes, -oed) 1 take aim at. 2 focus one's
attention on. [arabic: related to *cipher]

Zero option n. Disarmament proposal for the total removal of certain types of
weapons on both sides.
Zero-rated adj. On which no vat is charged.
Zest n. 1 piquancy; stimulating flavour or quality. 2 a keen enjoyment or interest.
B (often foll. By for) relish. C gusto. 3 scraping of orange or lemon peel as
flavouring. zestful adj. Zestfully adv. [french]
Zeta n. Sixth letter of the greek alphabet (z, z). [greek]

Zeugma n. Figure of speech using a verb or adjective with two nouns, to one of
which it is strictly applicable while the word appropriate to the other is not used
(e.g. With weeping eyes and [sc. Grieving] hearts) (cf. *syllepsis). [greek, = a
yoking, from zugon yoke]
Ziggurat n. Rectangular stepped tower in ancient mesopotamia, surmounted by a
temple. [assyrian]

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Zigzag —adj. With abrupt alternate right and left turns (zigzag line). —n. Zigzag
line; thing having the form of a zigzag or having sharp turns. —adv. With a zigzag
course. —v. (-gg-) move in a zigzag course. [french from german]
Zilch n. Esp. Us slang nothing. [origin uncertain]
Zillion n. Colloq. Indefinite large number. [probably after million]
Zimmer frame n. Propr. A kind of walking-frame. [zimmer, name of the maker]
Zinc n. Greyish-white metallic element used as a component of brass and in
galvanizing sheet iron. [german zink]

Zing colloq. —n. Vigour, energy. —v. Move swiftly, esp. With a high-pitched ringing
sound. [imitative]
Zinnia n. Garden plant with showy flowers. [zinn, name of a physician and botanist]

Zion n. 1 ancient jerusalem; its holy hill. 2 a the jewish people or religion. B
the christian church. 3 the kingdom of heaven. [hebrew siyôn]
Zionism n. Movement for the re-establishment and development of a jewish nation in
what is now israel. zionist n. & adj.
Zip —n. 1 light fast sound. 2 energy, vigour. 3 a (in full zip-fastener) fastening
device of two flexible strips with interlocking projections, closed or opened by
sliding a clip along them. B (attrib.) Having a zip-fastener (zip bag). —v. (-pp-) 1
(often foll. By up) fasten with a zip-fastener. 2 move with zip or at high speed.
Zip code n. Us postcode. [zone improvement plan]

Zipper n. Esp. Us = *zip 3a.

Zippy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. Lively, speedy.
Zircon n. Zirconium silicate of which some translucent varieties are cut into gems.
[german zirkon]

Zirconium n. Grey metallic element.

Zit n. Esp. Us slang pimple. [origin unknown]
Zit n. Esp. Us slang pimple. [origin unknown]

Zither n. Stringed instrument with a flat soundbox, placed horizontally and played
with the fingers and a plectrum. [latin: related to *guitar]
Zloty n. (pl. Same or -s) chief monetary unit of poland. [polish]
Zn symb. Zinc.
Zodiac n. 1 belt of the heavens including all apparent positions of the sun, moon,
and planets as known to ancient astronomers, and divided into twelve equal parts
(signs of the zodiac). 2 diagram of these signs. zodiacal adj. [greek zoion
Zombie n. 1 colloq. Person who acts mechanically or lifelessly. 2 corpse said to
have been revived by witchcraft. [west african]
Zone —n. 1 area having particular features, properties, purpose, or use (danger
zone; smokeless zone). 2 well-defined region of more or less beltlike form. 3 area
between two concentric circles. 4 encircling band of colour etc. 5 archaic belt,
girdle. —v. (-ning) 1 encircle as or with a zone. 2 arrange or distribute by zones.
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