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12:30: Masquerade (n)-False show/pretence It's just a masquerade of honesty.

12:30: Commoner (n): A common person That's too high a price for a commoner.

12:30: Gritty (adj)-Courageous, Resolute A gritty heart triumphs over pain.

12:30: Plausible (adj)-Seemingly valid, reasonable It's a plausible excuse.

12:30: Svelte (svelt) (adj): Slender & elegant I love this svelte actress.

12:30: Omen (n)-A sign of something about to happen May the gods avert this omen!

12:30: Fungible (adj)-Interchangeable Crude oil, wheat, etc. are fungible

12:30: Exegesis (n)-Critical analysis, esp. of a text It's an argued exegesis.

12:30: Ode (n)-A lyric poem devoted to a person, event, etc. I've composed an ode
for ur anniversary.

12:30: Gruff (adj)-Blunt, Abrupt, Curt Ant-Courteous It was a gruff reply.

12:30: Sleazy (adj)-Sordid, corrupt, or immoral This area is rather sleazy.
12:30: Slovenly (adj)-Untidy, Messy He had to appear slovenly in the play.

12:30: Saunter (v): Stroll, Wander I saw him saunter through the woods.

12:30: Agog(adj)-Eager Rahul was agog to hear about the wedding.

12:30: Irenic(adj): Tending to promote peace In an irenic gesture the country
withdraws its troops from LOC

12:30: Yank (v): Pull with a jerk She yanked the kid back into the house.

12:30: Eclectic (adj): Diverse I've an eclectic taste in music.

12:30: Dodge (v): Avoid, Evade The minister dodged the reporter's questions.

12:30: Dilly-dally (v): Waste time I dilly-dallied on the way to work.

12:30: Sordid (adj)-Morally degraded I can't forgive his sordid actions.

12:30: Dud (n): Failure, Fiasco The big-banner film came out to be a dud.

12:30: Bait (v): Enticement, Lure It's just a bait for employee retention.
12:30: Scapegoat (n): One who's blamed for the errors of others Don't make me a
scapegoat for the failure.

12:30: Debilitate (v): Severely weaken The fever debilitated his body.

12:30: Ruminate (v)-Ponder, Reflect I had time to ruminate as I drove along.

12:30: Cusp(n)-A point,Peak Indian education is on the cusp of a revolution.

12:35: Spew: Release The paper spewed out hostile article about him.
12:30: Spew: Release The paper spewed out hostile article about him.

12:30: Incubate (v): Develop /produce as if by hatching Incubate plans to raise

12:30: Abjure (v): Forswear, Abstain from The officials here abjure bribery!

12:30: Rebuff (v)-Reject in a blunt manner Sam rebuffs her repeated warnings.

12:30: Accentuate(v)-Emphasize Dr Sam accentuates exercise in the diet plan.

12:30: Renunciation (n)-Abandonment, Denial The king announced renunciation of
his throne.
12:30: Browbeat (v): Bully, Threaten, Cow They browbeat him into agreeing.

12:30: Cushy (adj): Easygoing, Soft What a cushy job is this!

12:30: Grouse (v): Complain, Grumble What are you grousing about?

12:30: Mirage (n): Illusion, Fantasy, Vision Price fall looks like a mirage.

12:30: Abjure (v): Withdraw, Retract The protectors abjured violence.

12:30: Accrue (v): Amass, Collect Enough leave has accrued for my vacation.

12:30: Contrite (adj): Regretful, Sorry Her contrite words melted his heart.

12:30: Gaffe (n): Social Blunder Your gaffe caused us great embarrassment.

12:30: Leapfrog (v)-Advance without going through stages in between Prices
leapfrogged suddenly.

12:30: Bravura(n)-Brilliance; Verve The music ends with a display of bravura

12:30: Tenet (n): Dogma, Belief It's one of the tenets of the society.
12:30: Evince (v): Show clearly Ant: Hide I evinced my disappointment.

12:30: Cynosure(n)-Centre of attraction He became the cynosure in the crowd.

12:30: Abate (v)-Decrease, Lessen Ant-Increase The company abated its staff.

12:30: Leeway (n): Scope, Space My boss gave me enough leeway to experiment.

12:30: Rehash (v): Rework, Alter Let's rehash the old ideas.

12:30: Edifice (n): Large size Construction/ Building It was an imposing edifice.

12:30: Menace (n): Threat; Nuisance Dennis, you are a real menace!

12:30: Tog (n): Apparel, Clothes Such a huge heap of togs is this!

12:30: Jab (v)-Poke, Thrust, Nudge The boxer jabbed sharply into the ribs.

12:30: Hackneyed(adj)-Overused, Stale Avoid hackneyed expressions in ur speech.

12:30: Lass (n): A girl, young woman She's a pretty lass, isn't she?

12:30: Sprint (v)-Run, Race Don't sprint, you'll be out of breath.

12:30: Stealth (n): Secret way I'll get it done- be it openly or by stealth.

12:30: Quaint (adj): Strange in a pleasing way We like his quaint methods.

12:30: Sobriquet (n): Nickname His company bestowed him with a sobriquet.

12:30: Scrimp (v)-To be sparing She scrimps to save for her son's education.

12:30: Squib(n)-Short, witty or sarcastic writing The squib upset the celeb.

12:30: Dainty (adj): Of delicate beauty, Exquisite Its a dainty showpiece.

12:30: Spurn (v): Reject, Dismiss Ant-Accept My boss spurned the proposal.

12:30: Austere (adj)-Strict, Stern Ant-Kind My austere teacher punished me.

12:30: Inkling (n): Suspicion, Hint I had an inkling that this would happen.

12:30: Cuss (v)-Curse, Swear at He cussed him for losing this project.

12:30: Bereave (v)-To deprive, esp. by death Cancer bereaved him of his dad.

12:30: Gyrate (v)-Spin, Twirl, Rotate He gyrates nicely to a throbbing beat.

12:30: Bling (n) (slang): Flashy jewelery She was loaded with bling.

12:30: Finesse (n)-Tact, Diplomacy He completed it with exceptional finesse!

12:30: Repatriate (v): Return to one's own country He repatriated after 30 yrs.

12:30: Drub (v): Thrash, Beat, Assail We drubbed the other team on Sunday!

12:30: Erstwhile (adj)-Former; Of times past They were my erstwhile friends.

12:30: Rue (v): Repent, Regret I rue the day he was born.

12:30: Beleaguered (adj)-Troubled It's a beleaguered city.

12:30: Demure (adj) Syn-Shy, Sober People like his demure character.

12:30: Nix (v) Syn-To refuse, Dismiss Ant-Accept Govt nixed the tax hike.

12:30: Verdant (adj)-Green, Blooming Ant-Dying I love this verdant lushness!
12:30: Gawky (adj): Clumsy, Awkward Ant-Graceful She is tall and gawky.

12:30: Elan (n): Zeal, Liveliness Ant-Dullness She dances with great elan.

12:30: Stellar (adj)-Relating to the stars; Outstanding He gave a stellar performance.

12:30: Rout (n)-Overwhelming defeat Chinese put the Indian Army to rout.

12:30: Archaic (adj): Ancient, Antique The archaic statue stole the show.

12:30: Languish (v)-Lose vigour, Wane Ant-Flourish His charm languished in prison.

12:30: Dapper(adj): Well-groomed, Neat, Trim There comes a dapper young man!

12:30: Vagary (n): An unpredictable /erratic action Such is the vagary of nature!

12:30: Wobble (v): Sway, Waver, Shake His voice wobbled out of fear.

12:30: Spurn (v): Dismiss, Refuse, Slight Don't spurn the proposal, re-think.

12:30: Foolhardy (adj)-Rash, Reckless Ant-Cautious Ram's a foolhardy driver.

12:30: Sag (v)-Sink, Droop Ant-Rise, Tighten Stocks sag after a huge rally.

12:30: Sultry (adj): Sweltering The weather is too sultry today.

12:30: Belligerent(adj)-Inclined/eager to fight He's belligerent when drunk.

12:30: Despicable (adj): Mean, Unworthy This is a despicable act.

12:30: Devour (v)-Gulp hungrily He'd devour a huge dinner after a long day.

12:30: Defile (v)-Taint, Pollute Ant-Purify Sewage has defiled the river.

12:30: Dauntless (adj)-Bold Ant-Cowardly Our dauntless navy won the battle.

12:30: Counterfeit(adj) Ayn-Fake Ant-Genuine These are counterfeit artworks.

12:30: Brood (v): Ponder, Reflect Don't brood over ur ill-fortune, but act.

12:30: Sylphlike(adj): Slender, Lissome Her dance displayed sylphlike moves.

12:30: Stutter (v): Stammer He stutters at times when he's excited.

12:30: Badger (v): Harass, Nag The children badgered the new teacher.
12:30: Bequeath(v)-Hand on, Bestow, Pass He bequeathed the co. to his niece.

12:30: Beseech (v) Syn-Plead, Beg Don't kill him - I beseech you!

12:30: Implore (v) Syn-Beseech, Plead He implored the judge to have mercy.

12:30: Bout (n) Syn-Session, Spell, Contest Ram won the first bout.

12:30: Bounty (n) Syn-Gift, Generosity Be grateful for nature's bounty.

12:30: Bough (n) Syn-Large branch The boughs of the tree are fruit-laden.

12:30: Bashful (adj) Syn-Timid Ant-Arrogant He played the bashful character.

12:30: Vande Mataram: -Bow to you, Mother -India's national song written in 1876.

12:30: Amiss (adv) Syn-Wrongly, Astray Oh! he said it amiss.

12:30: Banish (v) Syn-Exile, Deport Ant-Embrace The court should banish him.

12:30: Balk (v) Syn-Refuse to go on The horse balked at making the jump.

12:30: Accord(n) Syn-Agreement Ant-Conflict Both the parties were in accord.

12:30: Absolve (v) Syn-Acquit Ant-Charge Court absolved him of his crime.

12:30: Abominable (adj) Syn-Hateful Ant-Noble His abominable actions are obvious.

12:30: Raucous(adj) Syn-Harsh, Rowdy Ant-Soft A raucous crowd protested there.

12:30: Vendetta(n) Syn-Bitter feud Ant-Harmony He did this due to vendetta.

12:30: Abhor (v) Syn-Loathe, Hate Ant-Love I abhor Mexican food.

12:30: Barf (v) Syn-Puke, Vomit He barfed all day.

12:30: Hitchhike(v)-Travel by getting free lift I had to hitchhike last night.

12:30: Cheesy (adj) (informal)-Cheap, Poor The book is full of cheesy jokes.

12:30: Exigent (adj) Syn-Urgent, Dire Ant-Usual It's an exigent need.

12:30: Dumbfound(v) Syn-Boggle, Astound This question really dumbfounded me.

12:30: Trite (adj) Syn-Unoriginal, Common Stop repeating these trite jokes.
12:30: Frisk(v)(informal):Inspect, Search The PM was frisked at the airport.

12:30: Heist (n) Syn-Robbery, Rip-off I am a witness to the heist.

12:30: Decamp (v) Syn-Depart from a camp Let's decamp before it rains.

12:30: Maul (v) Syn-Handle roughly, Thrash He was badly mauled by an angry crowd.

12:30: Abut (v): Lie adjacent to, Border on Pakistan abuts India.

12:30: Zilch (n) (slang) Syn-Nothing, Zero The search came up with zilch.

12:30: Threadbare (adj) Syn-Scanty, poor Look at her threadbare outfit!

12:30: Onerous (adj) (own-er-us) Syn-Burdensome My duties were onerous.

12:30: Prod(v) Syn-Incite, Prompt Don't prod her into doing something wrong.

12:30: Squall (n): A violent storm The squall spoiled the fun at our outing.

12:30: Transcend (v) Syn-Surpass, Excel Humanity transcends ethnic goals.
12:30: Scoff (v) Syn-Mock Ant-Praise If u can't do any better, don't scoff.

12:30: Shrill (n) Syn: Loud cry Did u hear her shrill?

12:30: Intrepid (adj) Syn-Brave Ant-Fearful He gave an intrepid speech.

12:30: Listless (adj) Syn-Lethargic Ant-Energetic I'm in a listless mood.

12:30: Guile(n) Syn-Deceit, Craft Ant-Honesty The speaker was full of guile.

12:30: Sedate (adj) Syn-Calm, Serene Ant-Wild I loved this sedate ambience.

12:30: Ado (n) Syn-Fuss, Trouble, Delay With much ado, he agreed to it.

12:30: Grimace (n) Syn-Frown Ant-Grin I could clearly see the grimace.

12:30: Bungle (v) Syn-Spoil, Mismanage Please don't bungle the dinner.

12:30: Connive (v) Syn-Conspire, Plot He connived to take over the business.

12:30: Elephantine(adj) Syn-Huge, Gigantic Get rid of your elephantine ego.

12:30: Opulence (n) Syn- Lavishness, Luxury He's proud of his opulence.

12:30: Wry (adj) Syn- Sarcastic, Sardonic, Scornful It was a wry remark.

12:30: Sly (adj) Syn- Cunning, Clever Ant- Honest He is sly as a fox.

12:30: Slothfulness (n) Syn- Laziness, Idleness Dad hates his slothfulness.

12:30: Supple (adj) Syn- Flexible Ant- Rigid His body is very supple.

12:30: Lethargic (adj) Syn- Sluggish, Lazy Ant- Active It's a lethargic day.

12:30: Brisk (adj) Syn- Fast, Quick Ant- Slow Let's take a brisk walk.

12:30: Timorously (adv) Syn- Fearfully, Timidly He is living timorously.

12:30: Emanate (v) Syn-Emit Ant-Withdraw The candle emanates a lovely smell.

12:30: Camaraderie(n) Syn-Companionship, Comradeship I love his camaraderie.

12:30: Realm (n) Syn-Arena, Domain My interest is in the realm of science.

12:30: Ethereal (eth-er-e-al) (adj) Syn-Heavenly The clouds look ethereal.
12:30: Cohort (n) Syn-Affiliate Ant-Enemy He was my cohort for the project.

12:30: Morose(adj) Syn-Moody, Glum Ant-Cheerful He has a morose disposition.

12:30: Comatose (adj) Syn-Unconscious He's in a comatose condition.

12:30: Slothful (adj) Syn-Lazy She's too slothful to do this tedious job.

12:30: Sever(v) Syn-Disassociate Ant-Unite Don't sever them from their land.

12:30: Exuberance (n) Syn-Energy, Zeal Ram's speech was full of exuberance.

12:30: Naivety (adj) Syn-Gullibility Ant-Experience He lied with naivety.

12:30: Effervescent (adj) Syn-Enthusiastic He's as effervescent as ever.

12:30: Demeanor (n) Syn-Conduct, Manner His demeanor was really pleasing.

12:30: Despotic(adj) Syn-Autocratic Ant-Accountable We have a despotic govt.

12:30: Burnish (v) Syn-Polish, Buff Burnish the wooden floors.

12:30: Brazen(adj) Syn-Unashamed Ant-Humble Brazen Joe laughed at the proof.

12:30: Torpedo (v) Syn-Undermine, Wreck He torpedoed our plans.

12:30: Apiece (adv) Syn-Each, Individually The cakes cost Rs 20 apiece.

12:30: Condone (v) Syn-Pardon Ant-Condemn I couldn't condone her behaviour.

12:30: Catalyst (n) Syn-Accelerator, Stimulant He served as a catalyst for peace.

12:30: Candour (n) Syn-Honesty Ant-Artifice The PM spoke with candour.

12:30: Altruism (n) Syn-Selflessness Ant-Egocentrism I can see her altruism.

12:30: Austere(aw-steer)(adj) Syn-Stern Ant-Kindly She's an austere teacher.

12:30: Nemesis (nem-e-sis)(n) Syn-Fate, Bane The test proved to be my nemesis.

12:30: Sacrosanct (adj) Syn-Inviolable Preserve this text, it's sacrosanct.

12:30: Blasphemy (n) Syn-Discourtesy He uttered blasphemy against life itself.
12:30: Adage (ad-ij) (n) Syn-Saying, Proverb U can take this as an adage.

12:30: Distrait (adj) Syn-Inattentive The noise made me feel distrait.

12:30: Bemoan (v) Syn-Regret Ant-Applaud Don't bemoan ur fate so much.

12:30: Bemused (adj) Syn-Confused, Lost Ant-Clear-headed He's a bemused kid.

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