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4 Week Unit Plan - Antonelli

Unit Title: Finding your exercise Name: Kyle Allen

Content Area: Physical Education Grade Level: 8th
CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

. 3.1 Assess the components of health-related physical fitness (muscle strength, muscle endurance, aerobic capacity, flexibility, and body composition) by using a
scientifically based health-related physical fitness assessment.

. 3.2 Refine individual personal physical fitness goals for each of the five components of health- related physical fitness, using research-based criteria.

. 3.3 Plan and implement a two-week personal physical fitness plan in collaboration with the teacher.

. 4.4 Identify and apply basic principles in weight/resistance training and safety practices.

. 4.5 Explain the effects of nutrition and participation in physical activity on weight control, self-concept, and physical performance.

. 4.6 Explain the different types of conditioning for different physical activities.

Big Ideas:

Importance of finding a workout regimen that you can consistently implement: Students will learn a wide variety of different workouts. After learning different avenues
for exercise, students will create a 2 week workout program that fits their needs and is sustainable

Differentiating between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise: Understanding the difference between both Aerobic and Anaerobic exercise can help students/individuals
process the difference between strength and endurance and how both are important for an active lifestyle

Group Work: Being able to work productively in a group is not only important in matters of school but society as a whole. Once an individual can contribute successfully into
a group setting, they can properly function in society

Essential Questions:
 How does a person’s heart rate increase as physical activity increases?
 What’s the difference between Anaerobic and Aerobic Exercise?
 How can working in groups help solve problems?

Unit Goals and Objectives:

Each student will:
 Analyze the differences between Aerobic and Anaerobic physical activities

 Collaborate with others to research, analyze, and report on how different exercises can be beneficial for your health

 Analyze individual contributions throughout a group work setting

 Create a 2 week personal fitness plan that includes both yoga and weight resistance exercises

Unit Summary:
What are the benefit of an active lifestyle? As most people know, being consistently active can help contribute to a healthier lifestyle. Although most people understand that
being active is healthier, most don’t understand why or how they can properly reach that platform.

The end goal of this unit is to create a 4 week personal fitness plan that includes both Aerobic and Anaerobic exercises. The 4 week plan needs to include both weight
resistance & yoga & aerobic (running/hiking) exercises.

Students in this unit will learn the ability to track their physical movements while understanding that certain movements and sports have wide ranging effects on the body.
Students will also be developing the ability to work cooperatively with other students to develop a sense of community and cohesion.

Assessment Plan:
Entry Level Formative: Summative:

Guided Notes during a Prezi presentation on Complete Corresponding exercise worksheet while 2 week exercise plan that differentiates between
Aerobic and Anaerobic exercise students learn resistance exercise equipment in aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Students will
gym create a 4 week exercise plan that includes a variety
of yoga, resistance, and aerobic (running/hiking)
Complete yoga poses based off the cards provided. exercises that fits them. Allowing students to create
Students will be evaluated by partners to something that they can stick to.
correct/enhance ability to perform poses correctly.

Lesson 1
Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: Instructional Strategies: Lesson Activities:
Demonstrate an Students can identify what ☐ Communication This lesson will serve as an introduction to what the difference between
understanding between type of activities fall under ☒ Collection Aerobic and Anaerobic exercise is. Students will follow along a presentation
Aerobic and Anaerobic Aerobic exercise and what ☐ Collaboration that will be conducted in an outdoor classroom setting.
exercise activities fall under Anaerobic ☒ Presentation
exercise ☐ Organization Guided Notes (Formative):
☐ Interaction This part of the unit is a formative assessment for students understanding of
what Aerobic and Anaerobic exercise is. Students will log on to the teachers
website and follow along a Prezi presentation on Aerobic vs Anaerobic


Students will then start to analyze the difference between Aerobic and
Anaerobic exercise VIA the guided notes worksheet that will be attached
accompanied by the presentation.

Prepare for Summative Assessment:

Students will need to understand the difference between Aerobic and
Anaerobic exercise because for their summative assessment they will be
creating a heart rate roadmap of their Amazing Race activity. As they are
going through the Amazing Race – They will track their heart rate monitors.
When they create the roadmap of the activities, they will explain why their
heart rate was elevated and if it was an aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

Lesson 2 Weight Training

Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: Instructional Strategies: Lesson Activities:
This lesson plan will ☒ Communication
teach students about  Explain some of ☒ Collection  Inform your students they are going to be participating in
☒ Collaboration
weight training in the terms a competition to learn some of the muscles of the human
associated with ☐ Presentation body they will be training.
physical education ☐ Organization
classes. They will weight training
and safety ☐ Interaction
learn about the major  Divide your students into pairs.
muscle groups to
 Identify some of  Hand out two preprinted worksheets, one with the
train and related
the major following 12 muscles of the human body, and one with
safety, and even muscles of the the 12 matching body parts, but in mixed order.
participate in some human body
actual beneficial
1) Lattisimus dorsi (lats) - side of middle back
exercises.  Properly execute
several actual 2) Trapezius (traps) - upper back and neck
weight training
3) Deltoid (delts) - shoulders
exercises 4) Hamstrings (hams) - back of leg

5) Quadriceps (quads) - thighs

6) Gastrocnemius - calf top muscle

7) Soleus - calf bottom muscle

8) Biceps - front of upper arm

9) Triceps - back of upper arm

10) Sartorius – long, thin thigh muscle

11) Pectoralis (pecs) – Chest

12) Rhomboids – Upper back

 After students correctly identify that corresponding

machine with the muscle group that is being exercised.
They will learn how to correctly use the machine from the
instructions that are on all exercise machines.

 Once students begin to complete the required worksheet,

they can move on to other machines that are not listed
on the worksheet.

Lesson 3
Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence Instructional Strategies: Lesson Activities:
Students will be able to Students will be able to ☒ Communication
perform multiple yoga poses identify and perform a ☒ Collection Students will be completing a yoga lesson by reviewing yoga flash card poses
multitude of yoga poses ☒ Collaboration along with music. Students will be on a poly dot each listening to music and
☒ Presentation performing each exercise that is displayed on the cards.
☐ Organization
☐ Interaction Fun Salutation Yoga can increase both strength and flexibility. Today, we’ll do
that using a series of poses that flow from one to another called a salutation
or salute. Salutations are often repeated several times during a yoga routine.
The salutation we’ll use is called the Fun Salutation or a salute to fun. Fun
Salutation flow is located on Yoga Content Cards. Demonstrate and describe 1
pose at a time in the order they are listed. Then, put multiple moves together
in the sequence. Allow students time to practice and experiment with the
poses and flow Continue as time permits. Review and cover remaining
salutation poses each session.

Additional Poses • Practice poses in addition to those in the Fun Salutation.

Add new poses as students master the Fun Salutation.

Cues Breathe Deep – Long, deep breaths help you relax, reduce stress, and
focus. Stay Balanced – Keep the body and mind balanced during poses. Stretch
& Inhale– Inhale slowly through the nostrils as you stretch or extend. Fold &
Exhale” – Exhale slowly through the nostrils as you contract or fold.

Think About - Do you feel more relaxed after completing the Fun Salutation?
Why/why not?

Lesson 4

Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence Instructional Strategies: Lesson Activities:

Students will be creating a 2 Students will create a 2 week ☒ Communication
week exercise log that plan that includes yoga, ☒ Collection Students will be presented with a 4 week exercise log to fill out.
differentiates between resistance, and aerobic ☒ Collaboration
aerobic & anaerobic exercise exercises that allows students ☒ Presentation Students will need to fill out 2 weeks of the 4 week log. This log needs to
to create a routine that is ☐ Organization include exercises that were performed in the previous 3 lessons. Yoga,
possible for them to adhere to ☐ Interaction resistance exercise and aerobic (running/hiking) exercises must be present
on this log. These logs also need to be differentiated between aerobic and
anaerobic exercises.

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