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The Evaluate Approaches To Self Managed

Learning Education Essay

Table of Contents

1. Understand how self-managed learning.....................4

1.1 Introduction..............................................................4

1.2 Evaluate approaches to self-managed learning..............4

1.2.1 Seminars and Conferences......................................4

1.2.2 Social Networks.....................................................4

1.2.3 Internet................................................................5

1.3 Conclusion................................................................5

2. Propose ways in which lifelong learning in personal and....5

2.1 Self Evaluation..........................................................5

2.2 Strengths.................................................................5

2.3 Weaknesses..............................................................5

2.4 Opportunities............................................................5

2.5 Threats.....................................................................5

2.6 Continuous Learning..................................................6

2.7 Effective Leadership..................................................6

2.8 Good Communication and Relationship........................7

2.9 Achievement and Motivation.......................................7

2.9.1 Motivation............................................................7

2.9.2 Achievement........................................................7

3. Evaluate the benefits of self-managed learning................8

3.1 Team, work skills.......................................................8

3.2 Presentation skills......................................................8

3.3 Communication Skills.................................................8

1. Be able to take responsibility for own personal and...9

1.1 Introduction..............................................................9

1.2 Evaluate own current skills and competencies..............9

1.2.1 Personal skills.......................................................9

1.3 Identify own development needs and activities............10

1.3.1 Personal strategy................................................10

1.4 Identify development opportunities to meet................10

1.4.1 Current needs.....................................................10

1.4.2 Future needs......................................................10

1.5 Devise a personal and professional development.........11

1.5.1 SWOT Analysis.....................................................11

1. Be able to implement and continually review...........12

1.1 Introduction............................................................12

1.2 Discuss the processes and activities required.............12

1.2.1 Scope and content of personal/professional...........12

1.2.2 Relationship between the focus of PDPs.................12

1.2.3 Implementation and Support................................13

1.2.4 Impact................................................................13

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1.3 Undertake and document development.......................13

1.4 Reflect critically on own learning against.....................13

1.4.1 Initial meeting preparation....................................14

1.4.2 Previous knowledge and experiences......................14

1.4.3 Motivation and Expectations...................................14

1.5 Update the development plan based on feedback.........15

1.5.1 Planning..............................................................15

1.5.2 Reviewing...........................................................15

4. Recommendation......................................................15
5. References................................................................16
1. Understand how self-managed learning can enhance
lifelong development
1.1 Introduction:
To find the different way of learning things nothing is better than the self-managed learning, that
could be the society which people are living or at their work places which is also has diversified
working environment. For any company who want to setting up the goals for the learning, first
they need to evaluating the purpose for learning to achieve the desired goals. Due to advance
stage in technology people may faces new challenges here self-managed learning gives a chance
to people to comes up with new and own ideas and way of learning strategy. those who adopt
short measures can not face the present situation and proved failure, it is important for people to
improved their knowledge for a long terms with the effective way of learning techniques which
they could use these knowledge in their personal and professional life.

1.2 Evaluate approaches to self-managed learning

The best way to self-managed learning to observe the present business, analysis the problems
and try to research what going on in business environment that is the only way to learn

1.2.1 Seminars and Conferences

Seminars and conferences are the best way to self-managed learning, because attending the
seminars and conferences people share their ideas and their experiences, which help them to
improve their personal skills and personality development, by sharing their personal ideas may
comes up with new things. This also help to improve their confident in speaking in the public
and that is very important for the organisation.

1.2.2 Social Networks

This is another way to self-learning is to get socialize, it may be the local community or virtual
community like "Facebook, Twitter, My year book" and many more internet based community.
Research shows that people spend more than two hours a day to share their ideas and chat with
other people and learning new skills, personality and way of communication.

1.2.3 Internet
People could gain knowledge by surfing the different website for an articles which is related to
management studies, risk management, and many other theories written by different authors. all
these knowledge people can share with co-workers at their work place.

1.3 Conclusion
By doing self-managed learning, people may have experienced personal things which are ways
in lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could be encouraged.

2. Propose ways in which lifelong learning in personal and

professional contexts could be encouraged.
The exact mean of lifelong learning is about learning personally continuous that could be the
personal analysis such as what their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats "SWOT
Analysis" or could be to contribute to the professional perspectives. By doing these type of self
analysis will help to improve to build good confidence and enhance their communication and
relationship with people.

2.1 Self Evaluation

By doing the SWOT analysis personally this will help your professional learning, doing this you
may came to know about what is your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. e.g.
2.2 Strengths are "Good learning new skills, ambitious, friendly behaviours etc."

2.3 Weaknesses are "short tempered, get stressed etc."

2.4 Opportunities are "Better Environment, Better Job, Learn new skills, Enhance their talent,
continuing with further studies etc."

2.5 Threat may the recession of money, health etc..

2.6 Continuous Learning

Continuous learning means personal and professional growth by learning from their experiences
and events. It can be applied to individuals, team and organisation bases. This is key point for
any organisation or individual to be successful and to achieve their goals.


On the other hand we can define continuous learning is changes, once learn that couldn't be the
same for long terms. There is a constant evolution which brought the new skills, new
understanding and new knowledge.

At the Individual level it would be a behaviour and developed own thinking, skills, talents and
knowledge. e.g. measure how to handle a new situation, expanding and learning knowledge and
skills of particular area with their exiting knowledge. This way learning requires time and effort
and individual interests to want to learn. For an individual level this type of learning could be
done by the seminars and workshops, trainings, coaching and mentoring. This is not enough at
the individual level this should at team level and organisation also need continuous learning,
because this comprises change of interaction patterns, changes in policies and business
procedures, adopt new culture, and new innovations and systems. This will not only help the
entire organisation this will help and gives the great benefit to the learner as well.

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2.7 Effective Leadership

As an Effective Leadership is an interpersonal dynamics, is about to learn the process of
influence. This is also comes part of lifelong learning
in which we learn how leadership influences others bring diverse culture people together to do
focused things. by doing this self lifelong learning process people may learn about to tackle with
the situation, why this influence happen, and what is the experience got while be part of it. As a
result of an effective leadership we can able to empowering the team of people to do what they
want to achieve their goals.

2.8 Good Communication and Relationships

In the modern world most of the international companies are multi cultured, so it is very difficult
task to deal different type of peoples within the same organisation. This is also comes part of self
lifelong learning to observe different people and communicate with them. Effective
communication is play vital role for managers in the organisation to perform the particular task.
such as "Planning, Organizing, leading and controlling people. Communication help them to
manage all the things to complete their task and to achieve their goals. To learn this
communication skills and make it to lifelong learning in their life, to do that they need to devote
a good time in communication. They need to spend great time to communicate with people by
face to face or telephonic and over the internet medium. To communicate with the senior staff,
colleague, customers and suppliers this will help to build their confidence and may help to learn
new skills and talents.

2.9 Achievement and Motivation

2.9.1 Motivation: This is another way of lifelong learning in which an individual should be self
motivated to do the things and more importantly this will keep satisfaction for an employees. To
get self motivated it should keep in their mind to get something from the organisation or from
themselves e.g. Get the good incentives or get the good benefits. So we should keep learning
from our colleagues by take the inspiration from them and get motivated to the do the same or
something better or do some new things. This will also help to increase the efficiency, more
productive. This will also help to build friendly relationship.

2.9.2 Achievement: To achieve something it is necessary to have some objectives, so when

reached up there then can say we have some achievements. It could be personal achievements
and they may give you feel better and keep you self satisfied, confidence and happiness. once
goals are defined then after need to learn and observe that how to achieve them, this lifelong
learning make you more efficient among others.

3. Evaluate the benefits of self-managed learning to the

individual and organisation
There are so many benefits and positive impact of self-managed learning to the individual learner
and organisation as well. It also help individual to acquiring decisional making skills through
their past personal and professional experiences. In general individual learner can learn from
their personal experience that could be an advantage for organisation in a professional manner.
While sharing with others within the organisation some of the things like problem solving, these
type of skills an individual can learn through self-managed learning which are transferable skills
and can be learn from their co-workers at work place. Most of the organisations today prefer
flexibility to their workers like assigned to different tasks without any personal commitments.
With this self-managed learning individual may be able to learn and build skills and talent as

3.1 Team Work Skills

As we already discussed above self-managed learning by attending the seminars and group
discussion this will help an individual to working in teams. Researches shows that every
successful company have reason behind their success is good team work. So this not only help to
gain growth to an individual this will help an organisation to be successful.

3.2 Presentation Skills

Doing their self-managed learning by attending the seminars and group discussions with others,
that will enhance their individual communication and build good confidence as result learner
learn how to make and present the presentations which gives the chance to express the
knowledge and talk in front of others and which is an advantage for an organisation.

3.3 Communication Skills

Self-managed learning helps to develop communication and writing skills which is very useful
for an individual as well as for organisation objectives. It also help to work independent as result
it comes up with their own and new concept and that will be share with others to learn new
things which they don't know about it all. That will create a good working environment which
gives good impact on organisational development.

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1. Be able to take responsibility for own personal and

professional development
1.1 Introduction
First thing is need to be accept that every individual is responsible for their personal and
professional development nobody else is responsible for that. your personal development is your
own personal responsibility. how many of us ever talked to a new employer about our skills, or
lack of skills? so many of us doesn't have an attractive set of skills, so how we can blame to
others as we are know very much we are self responsible to the same. In general every individual
is charge for his/her personal and professional development, and they should learn from their
experience by doing self-managed learning. Once you realize that your development is your
responsibility you need to start work on it to make proactive decisions which will give a positive
impact on your personal as well as professional development.

1.2 Evaluate own current skills and competencies against

professional standards and organisational objectives
As an organisational objectives they try to recruit the good staff or may provide their existing
staff a good training to them to make sure their objectives are met. To achieve their objectives
organisation will prefer a theory SMART (Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time
bound) some of the qualities are required as an employee it should have leadership skills, time
management, team player. he/she should have good writing and communication skills. All these
skills could be relate to objectives of the organisation.

1.2.1 Personal Skills

If I try to find out what is the best quality in me, then I would like to say, I have good writing,
listening, friendly, researching skills all these mentioned skilled will useful for meeting
organisations expectations. I also love to share all my these skills to others so we can work
together this will help to invent new things and brings new ideas to the organisation.

1.3 Identify own development needs and activities required

to meet them
As an organisation requires an employee who have the time management skills, leadership skills
and IT skills, all the mentioned skills I feel uncomfortable and it seems that these are my
weaknesses. To cover up these lack of skill I engaging myself in the training at my work place
and do some practising self study and attend some personality development sessions. Sometimes
I face communication problem, and I try to solve all my weaknesses by have class presentations
in this regards.

1.3.1 Personal Strategy

To improve my performance I have to adopt some personal strategies in my personal and
professional life, to do so I read more books, news paper such as Times of India, Financial times,
Telegraph etc. to expand my knowledge which is also help to develop my way to communication
skills which is also important for an organisation. Personal development by doing the analysis of
external environment (PEST) like Politically, economically, socially, and technological analysis.

1.4 Identify development opportunities to meet current and

future defined needs
1.4.1 Current Needs
I observe that my current level is I can do whatever it takes, I respecting individual differences,
already adopted multi cultured environment, I am quick learner other than current need I
observed still I need some current skill needed such as "Inspiring commitment, Strategic
planning, leading people, personal development, participative management, building and
mending relationships".

1.4.2 Future Needs

I need to take my personal development to the another level of understanding. In general we
know that every skill is important to become for success over the next few years. This include
leading people, strategic planning, inspiring commitment, managing change, employee
development, balancing personal life and professionally, decisiveness.

1.5 Devise a personal and professional development plan

based on identified needs
Planning is very important in every aspect in personal as well as professional life. Me and
anyone can draw a plan that will help to know where they are and where they want to go in
future prospective personally and professionally. I need to have to do proper planning put in
place for the future development due to requirements of the organisation. Changes are essentials
in every aspect of life so new knowledge will be require to expand their abilities. Below are the
stages for the professional development plan.

1.5.1 SWOT Analysis

Monitoring repeatedly personal analysis by using the SWOT analysis by doing this analysis I am
able to find my strengths, my weaknesses, my opportunities and my threat and further I will
doing self learning process to solve and avoid my weaknesses and threats. This is give me a
chance to get more opportunities in my profession.

Time frame analysis is also help my professional development from the beginning time when I
get started my professional career to till the time and still I am planning to reach. apart from the
self learning I need to learn effectively by attending the various seminars and learning programs
which will help me to develop my personality and my professional life.
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1. Be able to implement and continually review own personal

and professional development plan
1.1 Introduction
Any successful organisation is always depends on continually observed their development and
improving skills and new talents, and knowledge is essentials for an individuals and organisation
as well. In general A personal and professional development plan is a plan of action where every
individual is responsible to achieve their goals and to achieve the goals they need to set it up. At
the organisational point of view the organisation should take the aspirations and the skills to
achieve them.

1.2 Discuss the processes and activities required to

implement the development plan
The idea of personal and professional development planning is not new, changes are continually
in the existing industries, to implement these development in the action most organisation
looking to introduce some sort of personal/professional development scheme. Below are the key
point which will be required

Scope and content of personal/professional development plans

The relationship between the focus of PDPs and their links with other processes

Implementation and support


1.2.1 Scope and content of personal/professional

development plans
The main focused to personal development plans is to be used by the staff. In the PDP forms will
be used by the case study and the guidance gave to users in terms of specific areas for
development. although all the case study were using competences as to take a motive to help
individuals according their development needs.

1.2.2 Relationship between the focus of PDPs and their links

To perform better in the existing job a personal development plan is need to be focused and
purely concentrated to the specific purpose. This may take the development to the next career
step. This approach will encourage the individual to consider their personal and profession
effectiveness and related to their development needs. This is very important to consider how
individual employee take the opportunity and feel more satisfied by the development planning

The process which we used into personal/profession development plan to have closely focused.
Case studies are linked personal development plan with successful planning.

1.2.3 Implementation and Support

To implement these personal/professional development plans may faces two major issues in
terms of implementation and support. First a plan which is considered to apply to all individuals
needs a lot of efforts of communication and training support to reach its objectives. Second big
challenge is self-managed learning, sometime and most of employees need help in thinking
throughout their own judgements for development. In both cases the considerable amount of
support is required. In generally to support implementation, support will be required to keep
maintain interest and encouragement in the development planning.

1.2.4 Impact
The impact of case study of personal/professional development planning was mostly a culture
change, what their employee feeling they are responsible for their own development. The
employees and managers contribute in the research were mainly keen about the personal
development plan approach and its link with business development.

1.3 Undertake and document development activities as

Through all the possible activities which is requirement for personal and professionally business
analysis take in action. To the specific requirement all the activities would be performed. below
are the some key points which are required when want to prepare document for development.

Create document gather initial thoughts, capture all the information and all requirements, this
document is also contain meeting notes and decisions. Document the results of all the meetings,
sometimes need to document all the coming thoughts, notes and concepts etc. Need to review the
drafted document with the other team members, try to find the loop holes, by doing this it's help
to improve the existing process. So this is very important to present this document among all
other members. This also help to introduce some new ideas which give the good impact on your
personal and professional development plan.

1.4 Reflect critically on own learning against original aims

and objectives set in the development plan
It is very important to reflect and give time to your personal and professional development and
evaluate your working and progress in the direction of your ambitions, aspirations or goals. By
give reflecting towards your personal/professional development plan will give you the logic from
your experiences, thoughts, knowledge and ideas, this will help to you think how you can get
more improved, and to identify to do in the near future. While giving reflect on personal
development plan few things comes in their mind is what work has been done? what training has
been completed?, when?, what did we achieve? and do we need any further training?. These kind
of prompts for reflection of your research.

Once you achieve your objective or goals, there is no stop, you need to keep in mind what you
achieved and need to setup or update your goals again and try to achieve them by expanding
your thoughts, knowledge and with new ideas. In general this is Personal/professional
development plan cycle, you need to review the existing things and need to change the objective
and try to achieve than and again repeat the same process. It should be share with the others or
senior members and make a plan to achieve these goals. While reviewing the research
development plan some are the key points arise as below

1.4.1 Initial meeting preparation

What we achieved till date? as academic, personal and professional levels. The reason behind
this to make sure that you and your team members have the same expectations of what you

1.4.2 Previous Knowledge and experiences

You may need to think about what skills and talent you developed through your previous
experiences. What you done and get good rewarded

1.4.3 Motivation and Expectations

It is important to know what is the expectations to achieve from undertake a personal and
professional development plan. What type of skills you required to develop in your research and
planning. You also need to know what other personal and professional type of aims and
objectives you expected in your coming years. you need to define what is long terms and what is
short term goals for personal and professionally. To do that development planning it should be
outlined of work, keep review the plan, what kind of training and research methods are required.
What are the strengths and skills we have and also need to know where improvement is
necessary in form of skills, talents and knowledge. More importantly need to know what is exact
need to work on.

1.5 Update the development plan based on feedback and

Take continuous review from personal point of view and reflections some point should be
considered such as "how do you feel that research is going?, is existing methodology is perfect
for the research, or need to be change?, is the aims and objectives need to be change in the
coming time". We also need to measure what is most satisfactory level with the research and
what was the most significant achievement and why.

What you improved and what you need to improve, and how is the relationship with others team
members. after reviewing and analysis, further we need to make some plan to do the things right
way. we need to do the Planning.

1.5.1 Planning: We need to think about and make a plan action to achieve the goals and research
development plan. A clean and good beginning is to define the goals and objectives, and make
sure you have the resources and time to complete them. Defining the goals which help you to
know what is going to do and what are the expected results. While work with your research and
goals gather all the information and knowledge and new skills and make a review document. It is
very important to review such goals which we already achieved by doing this we may research
further what still we need to improve or get the better results.

1.5.2 Reviewing: If we spend some time to reviewing the achieved goals, it will help to
understand more about ourselves and be in position to enhance your personal and professional
development. This will also help us to give a clear picture of what we want to achieve? and what
did we achieved. what we build on strengths and what we improved our weaknesses.

4. Recommendation
My recommendations is to developing their learning skills it is better to join some self-managing
learning programmes into the groups, where they can share their knowledge and put in place in
proper strategic learning and progress of it. It should be reviewed time to time by doing this
some new challenges might be facing through their learning. I believe that learning into the
groups way better than the learning individual, and it also very cost effective and within groups
new ideas and knowledge will share and give clear sense which help to solve the business

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pproaches to self-managed learning

This report first notes how self-managed learning can enhance lifelong development by
evaluating approaches to self-managed learning, ways in which lifelong learning in personal and
professional contexts can be encouraged, and the benefits of self-managed learning to the
individual and organisation. Thereafter, the report comments upon my own current skills and
competencies. These are evaluated against professional standards and those of organisation
objectives. In the third part of the report, I identify my own development needs and what
additional activities need to be undertaken for me to meet them. Finally, a personal development
plan outlining current and future needs is given.

Self-managed learning is, as Graves (2012) notes, a process by which individual people find
different ways of learning things, whether it be within the organisation they are working for, or
with reference to longer-term individual career developments goals. Thus, as Pedlar, Burgoyne
and Boydell (2013) suggest, self-managed learning is also about the setting of goals through
evaluating the purpose for learning and planning ways by which to achieve such goals. People
learn new things using a plethora of different techniques which can be shaped, for example, by
culture, behaviour, personality, and perceptions. Indeed, commenting further, Bjork, Dunlosky
and Kornell (2013) assert that individuals can learn things not only in a formal educational class
but also through friends, and newspapers. Thus, as Ho (2011) posits, self-managed learning gives
people a chance to come up with their own strategy in learning. The following section outlines a
series of different approaches to self-managed learning.

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Approaches to self-managed learning

Individuals can learn through the research they are undertaking as part of their work or as part of
an assignment that they have been issued by either the university or college they are studying at.
In addition, people can learn different techniques for doing the research.

Seminars and conferences

People can learn through seminars and conferences, as noted by Collin and Hammond (2013).
Seminars and conferences are an effective tool as they give people the opportunity to present
their knowledge about something to other people who end up learning new things; thus, seminars
and conferences, for example such as that held by the University of Odense in 2013 on the role
of Gender in Mediaeval European Cities, are a dynamic learning environment. Further, seminars
and conferences help people to become more confident in speaking in public and may also
develop their presentation skills: transferrable skills that can be useful in a range of
organisational settings – thereby empowering both the organisational and the individual.

Social networks
There are, as Bourner (2011) notes, a range of different social networks including Facebook,
Twitter, My Space, and so on, where people spend an increasing proportion of their time. Whilst
logged onto such sites, people can be chatting with friends or learning new things. This is
particularly the case if people share information and knowledge through bulletin boards and
forums. People can also learn how social network owners such as Mark Zuckerberg he became
successful; and using the information that they obtain, people can apply this knowledge to their
own lives thereby find the means of succeeding in their own careers.


The internet is home to a vast amount of data. Specialist search sites such as Google Scholar are
particularly useful for accessing academic journals and articles which are written by experts on a
diverse range of subjects (Saba, 2012). At a more basic level, a general search of the internet
allows people to access information written by different authors concerning subjects such as
management studies, business, and risk management. Through accessing such data people can
acquire the knowledge they need to be successful in the work place. Through self-managed
learning, an individual such as myself can obtain experience on a range of divergent topics that
can inform the way we think about the world – and, as future sections note, this has enabled
personal development to occur in both private and professional contexts (de Bruijn and Leeman,

Ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could be


Lifelong learning is, as Hermans, Kalz and Koper (2011) contend, all about continuous learning
in a personal capacity and how this contributes to one’s professional context. Individuals may
also undertake personal assessments as a means of lifelong learning, and a common way to
evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats in business is through the undertaking of
a SWOT analysis (Coman and Ronen, 2009). As this is a personal reflection assignment, it is
appropriate to note that my strengths are good learning skills, being ambitious, and being
friendly, whilst weaknesses include the fact that sometimes I get stressed when I am tired.
However, I am putting in place facilitators to mitigate against this weakness and am therefore
trying to ensure that I get enough sleep. In addition, I am doing some physical exercise to helps
minimise my stress. I am also setting myself ambitious goals with regards to further education
but am conscious that there is a threat to all my plans – the recession, and a resultant lack of

SWOT analysis
By evaluating my personal strengths and weaknesses through a SWOT analysis, I have been able
to use professional learning tools, and especially self-reflective learning and continuing
professional development (CPD). Self-reflective learning is, as Boud (2013) observes, about
trying to review some opinions, judgements, personal understanding and actions that people are
willing to take in a proper way and be honest about it. Undertaking this analysis will help me to
link my professional development to practical issues that I have experienced in my life both
socially and academically.

Self-reflective learning

Self-reflective learning enables one, as Boud (2013) maintains, to learn new skills at the
workplace by developing personal skills through having work tasks and responsibilities assigned.
While self-reflective learning reviews things, continuing professional development (CPD)
combines approaches, ideas and techniques to help develop personal learning (Graves, 2013).
Through undertaking such a review, I can link ideas together professionally and by and planning
and evaluating my effective learning I can improve. Personal development needs and activities
required to meet them.

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This essay has been submitted to us by a student. This is not an example of the work written by
our professional essay writers.

As organisation requires an individual to have time management skills, leadership skills and IT
skills (Davis, 2014). These are problems for me as noted by my SWOT analysis. In order to
overcome these weaknesses, I have set myself goals of improving my abilities in all of these
areas. This has involved engaging with training at my workplace, which has resulted in the
setting out of tasks and taking part in leadership development training. As I face communication
problems sometimes, I have tried to solve my weaknesses in this area by giving class
presentations on a range of topics.

Personal strategy

In order to improve my basic skills, I read more books and newspapers including the business
pages of The Times, Financial Times, and the Telegraph. As a result of so doing, I have expanded
my knowledge and this has helped me develop my communication skills. In addition, I have
embarked upon a programme of strategic planning through reading the Harvard Business
Review, and have, as a consequence, learnt how other organisation have improved performance
in their organisations. These proactive steps have been further strengthened by the undertaking of
personal development projects that have advanced my learning through researching what kinds
of changes might happen in future years and how organisations evaluate threats posed politically,
economically, socially, and technologically, also known as PEST analysis (Coman and Ronen,

Development opportunities to meet current and future needs for both personal and professional

Current needs
At the moment I am still pursuing my Higher National Diploma in Business. My target is to
complete all the assignments by the end of June so that my results and transcript could be used to
enable me to enrol for the final year of a top up degree (BSc in Business). The time scale
involved in this goal means that I will benefit from setting myself a clear goal plan (Coman and
Ronen, 2009).

Future needs

Opportunities are the chances that a person may have to develop themselves further in the future
(Pedlar, 2009). From a personal perspective, the most important personal learning opportunity
that I presently have is to continue with further education by joining the university for the third
year degree top-up in Business. After successfully completing the top-up degree, I am planning
to specialise in strategic management. Achievement of this career goal will require further
additional training in strategic management so that I may maximise my future potential in this
area. I also have the opportunity of doing a Masters in Strategic Management if I can find a
university that will accept me.

Personal and professional development plan

As Bourner (2011) comments, a personal development plan is a way by which individuals, such
as students or anyone else, can draw up a plan that will help them know where they are with
reference to their careers and/or skills, and where they are heading in the future, both personally
and professionally. Professional bodies try to encourage members to continue updating their
records for professional development purposes. Personal and professional development plans
require individuals, such as me, to have proper planning in place for future development; these
need to be flexible due to job requirements and aspirations changing (Collin and Hammond,
2013). The following is one stage, for example, for the creation of a professional development

Developing my curriculum vitae – this was the first stage of my knowing where I had reached in
terms of my education and skills. This allows me to develop short-term objectives which focus
on what I am doing now and how this fits into my wider programme of personal development.

Long-term objectives have, as a result of this process been set. I have set out my action plan with
dates, showing what I want to achieve in five years’ time.

SWOT analysis has enabled me to monitor my strengths and weaknesses regularly and, as a
result, I am trying to develop the areas where I have realised that I possess weaknesses. At the
same time, this analysis is enabling me to develop other areas where I found that I already
possess solid strengths or have uncovered additional opportunities.

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As a piece of reflective writing, a number of conclusions can be drawn from the work that I have
undertaken. Self-managed learning is not something easy, though some people tend to be rather
passive and suggest that managing their own learning through self-managing learning is an old
fashioned way of learning (Graves, 2013). The fact is that it is not true; the basic requirements
needed to improve one’s life career and personally, is the setting of realistic goals and meeting
them in a timely manner. Proper planning is put in place by making an action plan, monitoring it,
setting the date for the attainment of targets, reviewing it regularly and keeping it up to date. By
adopting this approach learners achieve their goals (Bjork, Dunlosky and Kornell, 2013).
Individuals also need to understand the stages of a professional development plan so as to ensure
that they have clear objectives of what they would like to achieve from self-managing learning.

Bjork, R. A., Dunlosky, J. and Kornell, N. (2013). Self-regulated learning: Beliefs, techniques,
and illusions. Annual Review of Psychology, 64, 417-444.

Boud, D. (2013). Enhancing learning through self-assessment. London: Routledge.

Bourner, T. (2011). Developing self-managed action learning. Action Learning: Research and
Practice, 8(2), 117-127.

Bresman, H. and Zellmer-Bruhn, M. (2013). The structural context of team learning: effects of
organizational and team structure on internal and external learning. Organization Science, 24(4),

Collin, R. and Hammond, M. (2013). Self-directed learning: critical practice. London:


Coman, A. and Ronen, B. (2009). Focused SWOT: Diagnosing critical strengths and weaknesses.
International Journal of Production Research, 47(20), pp. 5677-5689.

Cunningham, I. (2010). Learning to lead: Self-managed learning and how academics resist
understanding the process. Development and Learning in Organizations, 24(2), 4-6.

Davis, P.J. (2014). What employees do not like about L&D opportunities: Six learning strategies
to win them back. Development and Learning in Organizations, 28(2), 14-16.

de Bruijn, E. and Leeman, Y. (2011). Authentic and self-directed learning in vocational

education: Challenges to vocational educators. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27(4), 694-702.
Graves, N. (ed.). (2013). Learner managed learning: practice, theory and policy. London:

Hermans, H., Kalz, M. and Koper, R. (2013). Toward a learner-centered system for adult
learning. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 31(1), 2-13.

Ho, L. A. (2011). Meditation, learning, organizational innovation and performance. Industrial

Management & Data Systems, 111(1), 113-131.

Pedler, M. (ed.) (2011). Action learning in practice. Aldershot: Gower Publishing Ltd.

Pedler, M., Burgoyne, J. and Boydell, T. (2013). A manager's guide to self-development.

Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill International.

Saba, T. (2012). Implications of E-learning systems and self-efficiency on students’ outcomes: a

model approach. Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences, 2(1), 1-11.

Read more: http://www.ukessays.com/essays/education/approaches-to-self-managed-learning-


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