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Lesson Reflection (Completed after EVERY lesson taught)

Circulatory System Maryam Bin ThaniH00327121
Lesson - unit/page Student teacher
MST Ms. Dibsi School Rak Academy BC
6F 4 of October 2018
Class Date
10:30 to 11:10
Overall aim and context of the lesson

Students will be able to Introduce the scientific vocabulary for the heart: carbon dioxide, oxygen,

transport, aorta, valve, right ventricle, left ventricle, right atrium, left atrium, pulmonary artery,

pulmonary vein, vena cava, heartbeat, pulse.

Select (S):

 The lesson was about the solar system specially the heart and the parts of it.
 Students should memorize:
 what do we know about the heart?
 Discuss what it is?
 Where it is?
 How it works?
 why it is needed?
Describe (D):

The lesson was for grade 6, we discussed about circulatory system, heart and the parts of the heart.
Since I was preparing the lesson plan I tried to focus on questioning that are related to the blooms
of taxonomy because this will improve students thinking skills. Classroom management also was
one of the strengths in my class because I followed the point strategy as a reward. At the beginning
I used the voice of the heart and I asked students to close their eyes and put their hands in the left
side of their chest, student should figure out what sound it this. I used PowerPoint to explain what
heart is and what is their benefits. Then, I draw the circulatory system in the board and I start
explaining it to students. After finishing, I distribute a real heart of a goat in each group, students
was well engaged during this part because of using hands on material.

Analyze (A):

I think that students responded because of using hands on materials such as goats’ heart so, the

lesson was creative and interesting. Students were able to tell the parts of the Circulatory System

and the benefits of the heart in human body. However, I was trying to connect the lesson to student’s

prior knowledge so, I asked them about how healthy food could protect human from heart attack.

Appraise (A):

I think that I achieved the learning objectives because students were able to explain the parts of the

heart. Students created a poster and did a worksheet at the end of the lesson that shows their

understanding. I was able to build students communication skills with students in the class and

check their understanding by asking them questions after each part for example; How the heart

look like? What are the parts of the heart? What color is the heart? How did heart send blood?

And Why did the heart send blood to the lungs?

Transform (T):

I think that students could create creative 3D heart using real life materials such as clay, papers or

cottons because this may improve students’ imagination or knowledge also, visual and kinesthetic

skills .

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