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Tim Brown

Classroom Management Plan

SCED 499

Classroom Outline
Mr. Brown
US Government

General Procedure
- Entering the Classroom: Upon entering the classroom, students should be aware of any
papers that need to be picked up on the Student Resources table and should then
immediately proceed to their assigned seats. Once there, students will look under the
“What’s Due?” section of the drill and have those assignments out and ready to be
handed in. Proceed to copy and complete the drill. Students are not required to be silent
during this process, however loud conversations across the classroom are not to be
- Distribution of Materials: The Student Resources table will generally have all the
necessary paperwork, including material from the previous class that students that were
absent can pick up, as well as necessary worksheets for the day’s lesson. If for some
reason a worksheet needs to be handed out, one student will be selected to achieve that
task. All materials are to be appropriately filed away for future use as study guides and
- Storing Personal Items: Backpacks and other bags are not permitted in the classroom. All
bags and backpacks are to be stored in your locker until the end of the day. Students
should only bring materials that they need specifically for this class. Binders and
notebooks may be on the desk.
- Leaving the Classroom for Water and the Bathroom: Students are expected to raise their
hands after any lecturing has been completed or between activities to leave the classroom.
After your agenda book has been signed you may take the purple clipboard, designating
the section of the school you should be in, and proceed to the bathroom, water fountain
area. Students are expected to return within 5 minutes. The only reason to interrupt
instruction to ask to leave the classroom is if it is an absolute emergency. Students will
also not be permitted to leave the classroom in the first or final five minutes of a class.

Classroom Interruptions

- Calling Out: Students are expected to raise their hands at all times unless explicitly told
by the instructor. This includes any questions about material, directions or requests to
leave the classroom. If a student proceeds with one of the above actions without raising
their hand, a warning will be given. If a student makes a habit of calling out without
raising their hand, they will be given a graded assignment as punishment. Interrupting
myself or your fellow students when they are talking will not be permitted in the
- Tardiness: Students are expected to be in this classroom on time. Tardiness is an issue
taken very seriously not only by myself but by the school as well. If a student is marked
as tardy, they will be given a verbal warning ensuring it doesn’t happen again. If it
happens a second time, the student’s parents will be contacted. If it happens a third time,
the student will receive a referral. A fourth tardiness will result in another referral as well
as a mandatory meeting between the student, the student’s guardian, the assistant
principal and myself.
- Early Dismissal from Classroom: If a student is going to be dismissed from the class
early, they are responsible for ensuring that I receive appropriate notice ahead of time.
Upon dismissal, students are expected to gather all material and then quietly exit the
classroom. If a student is dismissed from the classroom for behavioral reasons, the office
will be contacted and the student will be sent down to the in-school suspension classroom
with the appropriate school work. Depending on the severity of the incident, further
action may be taken with the office if suspension is a potential outcome. Students that
leave the classroom early for any reason are responsible for picking up any work they
missed from the “What did I miss?” folder on the Student Resources table.
- Food and Drink in the Classroom: Due to the possibility of unknown allergies and
sensitivities, food will not be permitted in the classroom. If the student provides
documentation that they need to have certain foods at certain times, exceptions with this
rule can be made. Drinks such as Gatorade, coffee and water are permitted.
- Forgotten Materials: Students are expected to arrive to class with the basic materials to
participate including a pen or pencil, notebook, paper, assignments to be turned in and
any other papers required as previously discussed by the teacher. If they are missing any
of the above materials, the Student Resources table has extra writing utensils, paper and
all the worksheets from that week. See Late Policy for more details regarding late
- Sharpening Pencil/Throwing Away Trash: Students should not be out of their seats for
any reason unless first approved by the teacher. This includes getting up to sharpen a
pencil or throw something away. Please wait until after instruction as concluded to ask to
do either of those things. While up, students are expected to pursue the task at hand and
not talk to engage in any disrupting behavior like side conversations.

Academic Expectations/Late Policy

- Homework: All homework is expected to be completed before class begins and is

expected to be taken out before completing the drill. Incomplete homework will not be
accepted. Students will have until the end of the day to turn in homework for full credit.
Your homework grade will be reduced by 20% for every day it is late and will not be
accepted after 5 days.
- Classwork: All worksheets that are assigned in class that do not get completed in the
allotted class time are to be considered homework. If the worksheet is to be turned in,
place it in the appropriate folder for your class. Classwork will only be accepted the class
period after it is assigned and will not be accepted after. There is no penalty for not
finishing in class.
- Projects: Projects will be assigned periodically throughout the semester. This includes
your critical essays and your end of the year project. Projects are due on the assigned date
and will not be collected after then. No late projects will be accepted. Students are given
these projects weeks or even months in advance and have no excuse if they are not
complete in the allotted time.
- Participation: Students are expected to participate in group discussions and group work
and will, to a certain extent, be expected to raise their hand during the lecture as well.
Your participation not only allows me to gauge where specific students are on a certain
subject, it gives an indication where the class as a whole stands.
- Extra Help: If you require any additional instruction or clarification, you may sign up for
additional instruction during your study hour. Alternatively, extra instruction is offered
after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for students that wish to take advantage.

Student Behavior

- Minor Disruptions: Disruptions that are less serious in nature, such as talking while
others are talking or passing notes will be met with a warning first. If students continue to
have these issues after one or two warnings, the severity of punishments will slowly
increase to detention and even parent and administrative intervention. We want to create
a safe, comfortable learning environment for all students.
- Cheating: Cheating in any form will not be tolerated to any extent. If you are caught
cheating, you will receive a 0 for the assignment and will not have an opportunity to
make up the grade. If you are caught cheating a second time, you will automatically fail
the class. This is a zero tolerance, no excuse policy.
- Major Disruptions: If a student is involved in a major disruption to instruction, such as a
fight, the student will be immediately removed from the classroom and the appropriate
punishments will be pursued by either myself or by the school’s administration.

Students Should

- Come to class with all the appropriate materials.

- Turn in all work on time
- Be empathetic towards your fellow classmates
- Raise your hand to answer questions
- Limit your interactions with peers unless explicitly told to do so
- Be open about the material we’re covering

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