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Preparing adequately for class, listening intently, and taking good notes are essential
skills for college success. With 5 being “Almost Always” and 1 being “Almost Never,”
assess your skills for success. Rate each of the following statements honestly by circling
the appropriate number. Completing this exercise will help you identify concerns you
may be experiencing about these skills.

Almost Almost
Always Sometimes Never

1. I assess the difficulty level 5 1

of each of my courses and
M62 revise my study strategies
躁 accordingly.
佛妞哪 2. Ican identify subjects where , 人
bi 5’3" leaming comes naturally
compared to those where
I have to work hard.
3. Iread and/or complete assign-ed 5 〇4
material before class.

4. Ikeep my attention focused

during the entire class period.
5. When listening to a lecture,
I can recognize the most
important points. 灬 .
6. I vary my note taking to fit 5
different types of courses. / 川譬邂
7. Itake organized and legible
notes so I don’t have to recopy

8. I review my lecture notes before 5

the next class.
9. I use a partner to help me fill in 5
rm'ssing gaps in my notes. -
10. I am satisfied with my current ′ 5
abilities to learn in class. 召 S/

Add up the numbers you circled. Your otal score will be between 10 and 50. The
higher your score, the more likely you are to be skilled in preparing for class, lis-
tening, and note taking. For a score below 30, reflect on the items for which you
have concerns and consider talking with a trusted friend, family member, teacher,
counselor, or advisor.
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Exercise 9.1

SELF—ASSESSMENT: Managing My Time and My Life

your life.” With 5
You have heard it said before, “College can be the best time of
a Almost Always” and 1 being “Almost Never,” assess how. you manage your time and
the approprlate number.
life. Rate each of the following statements honestly by c1r'cllng
you may have about
Completing this exercise will help you identify areas of concern
your ability to exercise control over your time and your life.

Almost AlInost
Always Sometimes Never

1. I tend to rely on logic and thinking set/321

when I make decisions.

2. I tend to rely on feelings, intuitions, 丶/8

and desires when I make decisions.
3. I can identify my specific habits
that help me perform well
4. I can identify my specific habits
that interfere with my academic
5. I read assigned textbook chapters,
novels, articles, etc., without
waiting until the last minute.

6. I complete homework assignments,

papers, and projects without
waiting until the last minute.

7. I prepare for exams without

waitm'g until the last minute.

8. I can accurately predict how much

time it takes me to read a chapter,
accomplish a task, reach a
destination, and so on.

9. I am aware of when I use time

productively versus when I
waste time.

10. I use a planner or calendar, to-do

lists, Post-it notes, etc., to keep
track of tasks, assignments,
exams, and appointments.

Add up the numbers eir'cled. Your total score will be between 10 and 50. The higher
your score, the more likely it is that you feel confident about how you spend your time.
For scores below 30, reflect on items for which you have concerns and consider talking
with a trusted friend, family member, teacher, counselor, or advisor.
e self.

C ateg0 rles
' of pr ocrastmatlon
. . ~LiSt exam

、衢 WM
Work (pa1d/volun tear/interns hip) ' 'd/taxes)
Finances (budgets/b1'11 S/f1nanC1ala1

SCI/‘1? m ('mN hi

Procrastination behaviors—List examples of some things you actually do when
your pr0Cra8「n彗te (you knw you are supposed to be doing something else):
L′ w c 【I 也 或 v

when you procrasti ate:

` ‘l’ 二 山- ′′

Adapted from Burka & Yuen, 2008, pp. 167—173.

> `工、L_一A-~`邂一么_仍~: ~L二ˉLˉ麒N-__′d、一邂一_一一 gˉ ′x_失L二 _v_ˇl 丶`二<麒. lL麒>′′` _ 马,~i` 麒 ^v> 、v s... ‖一# WM- .9 W,峒
… ˉ WA
、 ˉ ′麒- AW
_这 … ; ~p她 4 一~~_v_一_f_4,Jh~z一..、一rA宀'咖脚 .‘W,"-~.m-


LIZ is an extroverted, over involved sophomore who has a long history of procrastm'at-
mg on academic projects. In high school, she was able to wait unt11' the last mm'ute, work
frantically, and end up with a decent grade. The adrenaline rush was fun. Liz has con-
tinued this behavior in college but now finds that her grades are slippln'g dramatically
She has an important and complicated project 1n" her marketm'g class due in three weeks
but luckily no exams or other major assignments. Liz attends weekly meetings of tW(
student organizations. In addition, her parents’ 25th wedding anniversary party is u'
10 days, and they live three hours away from her college.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

What strategies would you recommend Liz use to accomplish work on this projecf
in a timely manner so she can enjoy her parents’ celebration without feeling anxious
or guilty? If Liz wanted to create a three—week timeline, what tasks and correspond-
ing dates would you recommend she put on it?

Although good decisions, good habits, and strong willpower are essential in buildiné
your quality life, two aspects of time are also important to understand. Pay close 狮n
tion to these aspects of time and determine how you can use this knowledge to imer
your time management.

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