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Dr. John Michael P. Castino

FINAL EXAMINATION (March 18, 2017)

TEST I: BASIC. Write a two-paragraph essay, with strictly five sentences in each
paragraph, about the following modules as discussed in this class in the entire semester. Your
essay must provide the gist (i.e. the main point or topic) and the sub-topics of the module at bar.
ANSWER EVERYTHING. Answer your ten selected questions appropriately. Be brief but
concise in your answers.

A. Human behavior is any act of an individual person which is a reflection of his thoughts,
feelings, emotions, sentiments whether conscious or not, and mirrors his needs, values,
motivation, aspirations, conflict and state of life. Human behaviour is also called human act
which is different from act of man. A human act is with free will that entails responsibility
or accountability while an act of man is forced at the risk of his own life which includes
instincts and reflexes. Some key behavioral assumptions state that every person is
significantly different from the moment of conception and that every person is constantly
active, goal-seeking and dynamic. The characteristics of an organization influence the
behaviour of the entire organization and the individuals within it as well.

Behavior cannot be predicted with one hundred per cent accuracy and that there are no
simple cookbook formulas for working with people. The behavioral concepts are almost all
behaviour is learned and human beings adapt. The behavioral principles are: law of effect
works and is powerful; the impact of stimuli is a function of frequency, recency and felt
intensity; behavior could be rational or emotional; and there are no two individuals who are
alike in all dimensions. Reasons for studying human behavior are to understand better
ourselves; to know the reasons why we think, feel, act, speak and talk in certain ways; and to
relate with others better and vice versa. Methods of studying human behaviour are the
following: three level or I-G-O, interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary, developmental,
systems and contingency models.

B. Organizations are group of people who work independently toward some purpose which
includes interaction, tasks and objectives. It is important to understand organizational
behavior in order to understand, predict and influence organizational events. Organizational
Behavior Trends are globalization, changing workforce diversity, employment relationships,
virtual work and values/ethics defined. Values are important because it will guide employee
decisions and actions, increase awareness of different values and emphasize application of
ethical values. Corporate Social Responsibility is the organization’s moral obligation toward
its stakeholders with triple bottom line philosophy of economic, social and environmental.

The five anchors of organizational behaviour are multidisciplinary, systematic research,

contingency, multi levels of analysis and open-systems anchors. Knowledge Management is
any structured activity that improves an organization’s capacity to acquire, share, and use
knowledge for its survival and success. It involves intellectual capital such as human,
structural and relationship capital. Its processes include knowledge acquisition, knowledge
sharing, and knowledge use. Organizational Memory is the storage and preservation of
intellectual capital as well as unlearning to be successful.

C. It is important for organizations to hire people with the right values, personality and then
nurturing their self-concept. The MARS model are factors that critically influence an
individual’s voluntary behavior and performance and this stands for Motivation, Ability,
Role perception and Situational factors. The types of individual behavior in the organization
are task performance, organizational citizenship, counterproductive work behavior, joining
and staying with the organization and maintaining work attendance. Values in the
Workplace include stable, evaluative beliefs that guide our preferences; define right or
wrong, good or bad; value system – hierarchy of values. Personality is a pattern of thoughts,
emotions and behaviors that characterize a person, along with the psychological processes
behind those characteristics.

Values across cultures are individualism, collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance
and achievement-nurturing. Decisions and behavior are linked to values and the three values
that guide ethical conduct are utilitarianism, individual rights and distributive justice. The big
five personality dimensions are CANOE – Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Neuroticism,
Openness to Experience and Extroversion. MBTI measures extroversion versus introversion,
sensing versus intuition, thinking versus feeling, and judging versus perceiving. Other
personality traits are locus of control, self-monitoring personality, dogmatism,
Machiavellianism, Risk-propensity and self-esteem.

D. The perceptual process involves environmental stimuli that we perceived thru the senses of
feeling, hearing, seeing, smelling and tasting which undergo selective attention, organization
and interpretation which lead to attitudes and behavior. Social identity theory features are
categorization, homogenization and differentiation processes. Stereotyping is the process of
assigning traits to people based on their membership in a social category. Attribution Theory
is when people observe another’s behavior they use certain criteria to determine whether it
fits that person’s general personality or is affected by other factors. Self-fullfilling prophecy
is observer expectations of someone causes that person to act in a way that is consistent with
the observer’s expectation.

Other perceptual errors are primacy, recency, halo and projection. Improving perceptions are
empathy or sensitivity to feelings, thoughts and situation of others; and self-awareness by
applying Johari Window to be aware of open, close, hidden and unknown areas. Learning in
organizations is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of a
person’s interaction with the environment through motivation, ability and role perceptions.
Learning through reinforcement is to alter behavior to maximize positive and minimize
adverse consequences through reinforcements while Learning by observation is learning by
observing others then modeling the behavior that lead to favorable outcomes and avoiding
those that lead to punishing consequences. Learning through experience is thru direct and
concrete experiences that gain new knowledge, conceptualize, reward experimentation,
recognize mistakes as part of learning, and take reasonable risks.
E. Emotions are psychological, behavioral, and physiological episodes experienced toward an
object, person, or event that create a state of readiness. These episodes are very brief in
contrast to mood which is long lasting and not directed toward anything in particular. Types
of emotions include astonished, elated, cheerful, content, tranquil, bored, sad and fearful.
The emotions-attitudes-behavior model illustrates that attitudes are shaped by ongoing
emotional experiences, thus, successful companies actively create more positive than
negative emotional episodes. Job satisfaction is a person’s evaluation of the different facets
of the job such as job content, supervisor, co-workers, working conditions, pay and benefits
and career progress.

Job satisfaction increases customer satisfaction, referrals and profitability because it affects
mood, leading to positive behaviors toward customers, less employee turnover resulting in
more consistent and familiar service. One type of organizational commitment is affective
commitment wherein the worker has an emotional attachment or loyalty to the organization
while another type is continuance commitment where there is a belief that staying with the
organization serves the personal interests. Another type is normative commitment wherein
there is they feel they are the owner of the organization. Ways build organizational
commitment are justice and support, shared values, trust, organizational comprehension and
employee involvement. Psychological Contracts are unwritten contracts, with meeting of the
minds and beliefs about the terms and conditions of a recriprocal exchange between
management of the organization and the worker, which include transactional and relational

F. The Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Theory identified five basic categories of need namely
(from lowest to highest) physiological, safety, belongingness/love, self-esteem and self-
actualization; also added are two innate desires such as the desire to know and the desire for
aesthetic beauty that do not fit into the hierarchy. According to Maslow, we are motivated by
several needs but the strongest source is the lowest unsatisfied need at the time, and as the
person satisfies a lower-level need, the next higher need in the hierarchy becomes the
primary motivator and so on. The Learned Needs Theory states that needs can be
strengthened by learning, such as the needs for achievement, affiliation and power. The ERG
Theory reorganizes Maslow’s five groups into three namely existence, relatedness and
growth; and describes how people regress down the hierarchy when they fail to fulfill higher
needs. The Four Drive Theory states that everyone has the drive to acquire, bond, learn and
defend, which are independent and no hierarchy of drives.

The Expectancy Theory of motivation states that work effort is directed toward behaviors
that people believe will lead to desired outcomes. We are motivated to achieve the goals
with the highest expected payoff. The three factors are effort to performance expectancy,
performance to outcome expectancy, and outcome valences. Goal setting is the process of
motivating employees and clarifying their role perceptions by establishing performance
objectives that are specific, relevant, and challenging, with commitment, participation and
feedback to improve employee performance. An effective feedback should be specific,
timely, relevant, sufficient, and credible. Organizational justice consists of distributive
justice (perceived fairness in the outcomes relative to our and others’ contributions) and
procedural justice (fairness of procedures used to decide the distribution of resources).
G. Money in the workplace is a fundamental part in an employment relationship which can have
many meanings such as symbol of success, reinforcer and motivator, reflection of
performance and can reduce anxiety; but for some, it is not everything and not the sole
motivator. One type of rewards practices is Membership/Seniority Based Rewards which
include fixed wages, most employee benefits, paid time off, retirement benefits that may
attract job applicants and reduce turnover however, it does not motivate job performance and
discourages poor performers from leaving. Another type is the Job Status Rewards to those
jobs that require higher skill and effort, more responsibility and more difficult working
conditions, thru higher pay, bigger offices, vehicles and other status perks that motivates
competition for promotion; however employees exaggerate duties, hoard resources and is
inconsistent with workplace flexibility. The Competency-Based Rewards are pay increases
with competencies acquired and demonstrated such as knowledge, attitude, skills and habits
that motivate employees to learn new skills, and have more flexible and better quality
workforce; however it is potentially subjective and entails higher training costs. The
Performance-Based Rewards are based on performance of the individual, team and

Job Design is assigning tasks to a job, including interdependency of those tasks with other
jobs with the goal of creating jobs that can be performed efficiently yet employees are
motivated and engaged. Job Specialization increases work efficiency while Job Design
practices that motivate are job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment. Empowerment
is a psychological concept represented by four dimensions: self-determination, meaning,
competence and impact of the individual’s role in the organization. Individual, job design
and organizational factors support empowerment. Self-leadership is the process of
influencing oneself to establish the self-direction and self-motivation needed to perform a
task; it involves emotional intelligence having self-awareness, self-management, social-
awareness and relationship-management.

H. Group is two or more interacting and interdependent individuals who come together to
achieve specific goals, which may be formal or informal group. Stages in group or team
development are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. Internal variables
that affect work group behaviour are: individual abilities of the group’s members, the size of
the group, the level of conflict and internal pressures. External or organizational conditions
affecting group behaviour are overall strategy, authority structures, formal regulations,
available organizational resources, performance management system, organizational culture.
Group member resources are their knowledge, skills, abilities and personality characteristics.
Group structure includes formal leadership, roles, norms, status, size, composition,
conformity and cohesiveness that shape the behaviour of the members. Group processes
includes group decision making and conflict management while Group tasks include highly
complex and interdependent tasks that require effective communications and controlled
conflict that will all lead to performance and satisfaction. A team is a group whose members
work intensely on a specific common goal using positive synergy, individual and mutual
accountability and complementary skills. Types of teams are problem-solving, self-managed
work, cross-functional and virtual teams. Team effectiveness includes the team’s ability to
achieve its objectives, fulfil the needs of its members, and maintain its survival.

A. What is the purpose of studying Organizational Behavior or Administrative Behavior?

To understand, to influence, to predict organizational events.

B. Explain the MARS Model of Individual Behavior and Results.

Draw. Explain.

Even if the person has a motivation, ability, and role perception all intact, but if the
situation will not be favourable or in line with the MAR, there will be a problem.
The leader should provide a situation conducive for the growth of one’s employee
motivation, ability and role perception.

C. Cite the modes of stages of delegating responsibility, authority and or accountability.

Responsibility – OIC
Authority – one week
Accountability – 2 months

D. Give several reasons why the computer-related industries are among the fastest growing
industries. Identify some specific jobs in this industry.

The computer-related industries

Because almost all industries are operating using the world wide net. Internet. Intranet
MIS, online jobs, money remittance centers, online payment of tuition fee in various schools and

A. Develop a counselling component that is designed to help individuals overcome job


Stress in inevitable. But not all stress is bad. In small doses and under the right
circumstances, there are kinds of stress that are good for. However, prolonged exposure
to stress that affects you physiologically and psychologically which can be detrimental to
your physical and mental health. In cases of work-related stress, it affects mood,
attitudes, behavior, work performance, interpersonal relationship and decision making.

In order to overcome job stress, one must learn to develop stress management
strategies. Firstly is stress audit. One must be able to investigate the sources of stress or
identify the stressors. It could be work overload, bad boss or co-worker, poor working
conditions and others.

Secondly, remove the stressor or withdraw from the stressor permanently or

temporarily. Go on a vacation break or sabbatical leave. A time out from work will
recharge you. Do not have a working lunch; instead leave work to enjoy a coffee or
lunch break with officemates at the cafeteria and not on your working table. If you do
not have the proper person-job matching, talk to a supervisor or the management so that
you will be given a job appropriate for you. Ask also for help from co-workers or much
better ask for additional manpower from management. Avoid negative people and try to
understand them instead of fighting with them. Learn to say no when you do not have the
capacity. Learn good time management skills. Prioritize. Ask for well-ventilated and
good working area.

Thirdly, change your stress perceptions. Be self-confident and practice self-

leadership. Develop your intellectual intelligence by studying, reading and researching
about your job as well as your emotional intelligence through self-awareness, self-
management, social-awareness and relationship management.

Fourthly, learn to control stress consequences through relaxation and meditation

such as movies, reading, massage, spa, religious activities, bible study. Breathe deeply as
our brain constantly needs oxygen. Eat healthy and on time. Join fitness and wellness
programs such as zumba class, yoga and pilates or simply walk or run. Enjoy the early
morning sunlight. Offices must have gym or sports facility and offer counselling, annual
executive check up for the employees.

Lastly, but not the least, is to have a community or social support. Talk to a friend. Meet
up with your former classmates and laugh with them. Play with your kids or pets. Hug
your spouse or partner. Maintain a work-life balance. Ask for childcare or househelp
support. Have a sense of belonginess.
B. Develop counselling strategies for individuals who feel insecure in their occupation.

Insecurities in occupation can be due to job status like if you are holding a job order or
casual position where there is no security of tenure. However, there are some who are
already in permanent position holding second or higher level positions who are still
insecure in their jobs. These are officials and employees whose nature of work are
subject to constant reshuffling of workplace. Other reasons for occupational insecurities
are lack of educational qualifications brought about by gender, age, income level,
Years in service. experience, , social psychological barrier – low self-esteem,
systemic variance – no backer. Provide coach and mentor; don’t play politics. Be
participative and support elective officials

Job insecurities can be caused by age, gender, religion, ability, there should be no
discrimination whatsoever in

Deficiency- assist by HR
Expose to training interventions
Chance to shine – local fest, committee assignments

Talk to the person. Ask for deficiencies in qualifications so that the Human Resource
Department can assist. If there is lack of educational background, encourage the worker
to enrol in weekend or night classes to earn units until he finishes the course. Encourage
the worker to earn a masteral degree in order to have a chance for departmental head
positions in the future. Expose them to training and workshop interventions.

For those with systemic variance, remind them to be participative and supportive of all
the officials and leader as one of the eight norms of conduct for government employees
under RA 6713. There should be political neutrality and we should provide service to
everyone without unfair discrimination and regardless of party affiliation or preference.

There should be no discrimination in the job as to age, gender, religion and income level.
Everyone should have a fair chance to work and to shine. Provide opportunities to gain
self-confidence and self-esteem. Give them committee assignments during local fests,
events and affairs where can they use their talents, skills and abilities.

For those with social-psychological barrier, provide a coach or a mentor to help them.

C. Our clients or even our colleagues need assistance in coping with joblessness. Men and
women can experience the same level of stress. How would you assist an individual who
has lost his or her job? Describe your procedures and their purpose.

It is very difficult for a person to lose a job. It causes stress and affects the total
well-being. Here are some procedures to assist in coping with joblessness.
Listen to what the person has to say. Expressing feelings, disappointments, fear
and sadness can be very helpful.

Investigate the reason of joblessness which could be administrative, criminal, civil

or implementation of the rationalization program or any other reasons. Knowing the root
cause can help provide solutions to the problem.

Determine the person’s knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits. Know his or her
interests. Then you can suggest for a job transfer or apply to other jobs.

Encourage to develop
Investigate the reason why natanggal sa work
It could be administrative, criminal or civil reasons.
Not functionining well

Knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits

What are interests
Job transfer, Apply to other jobs
Implementation of rationalization program

File early retirement. Open up a new business.

Assist the individual throughout the re‐employment process by providing job leads, encouragement,

humor, and fellowship.

Encourage the individual to stay involved with family, friends, professional associations,

hobbies, etc. Don’t let his/her embarrassment about the layoff lead to unhealthy isolation.

Be alert for signs of depression if your loved one’s unemployment persists beyond a month or

two. Eating, drinking, or sleeping too much or too little, along with a consistently depressed

mood, may be signs she needs more help than you can provide.

Words of encouragement

D. Compare the career development of an individual who works for an organization with
someone who owns his or her own business. Discuss similarities and differences.
He is his own boss. He owns his own time. His business is dependent upon the stages of
his business cycle. Introduction stage, growth, maturity and decline.

Beginner, proficient, highly proficient, distinguished

Governtmt – 1st level rank and file, 2nd level official, 3rd level official

Should satisfy supervisory experience to be promoted, necessary educational

qualification, necessary eligibilities,

Career development – Holland Stages

Growth, Exploration stage, establishment stage, maintenance, decline


He has an employer/boss. He is his own boss.
He has to follow an 8-hour time frame. He owns his own time.
His business is dependent upon the stages
of his business cycle such as the
introduction stage, growth stage, maturity
stage and decline stage.
There is security of tenure. Can hire or fire workers.
Hiring is based on necessary Can hire workers based on own
qualification standards including trust and

E. Develop a counselling component for individuals who are planning to retire.

Early preparation is a key to a comfortable and happy retirement. Therefore,

retirement planning is an extensive and long term process that needs long term
commitment. The earlier it is prepared, the better. First to consider, of course, is the
retirement fund or savings. One must prepare for it that must be enough for the daily
needs such as food, utilities and …..as well as for health and recreation. There must also
be a contingency fund in case of sickness and hospitalization. Another important

Government agencies provide pre-retirement counselling to their employees a

year before retirement. However, I suggest that one must not be dependent on the limited
retirement programs such as pensions from GSIS, Social Security and Pag-Ibig. One
must one invest in bonds, stocks and mutual fund that can generate higher income than
savings account in the bank. Financial Literacy among those nearing retirement is very
helpful to guide them in proper handling their finances now until their retirement years.

I also suggest that the family and relatives must also be included in the pre-
retirement counselling for them to be financially educated and not rely on the retirement
benefits that will be received by the retiree as if it is some sort of an inheritance. On the
other hand, the prospective retirees themselves must be ready so that they will not rely on
their children or relatives upon retirement.

Do not wait for retirement to maintain a healthy lifestyle. One must start in order
to avoid sickness and hospitalization, which entails additional costs and expenses.
Exercise, eating the right kind of food and regular check-up should have HEALTH


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