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Degree in international trade and customs

Introduction of Logistics
Timeline of logistics

Teacher's name: Miguel Angel Hernandez Apam

Group 6”A”

Tolcayuca .,Hgo 25 the September 2016


 Due to customer
Discovering the demand for better • Concept of total
potential of integrated It is noted bad service, the logistics cost. Management of
logistics and directed approach to performance was • Mechanical air the cost of
consideration of distribution. improved to improve transport supplies
the quality and
delivery time
• Transition; Development distribution centers
and transportation.

• Industrial boom.

• Marketing born.

• Companies begin to focus and specialize in

logistics, making its only economic activity,
bringing its expertise led her to reduce costs
• For this period was not enough outsourcing
organizations, companies needed the concept of
just in time for orders is employed, this means
that the exact amount would be delivered, at the
right time, at the exact time necessary . With this
it was possible to have precise control of the
amount of materials that were necessary, as well
as the optimization of time and resources. This
approach was particularly used by the
aeronautics, space, automotive and appliance
industries because thanks to the optimization of
time managed to avoid the depreciation of these
goods is highly accelerated.
• One management is essential in the
distribution process.
• A precise and exact amount sought strategy.
• The specific requirement of the customer is
looking for.
• Times are optimized.
Technological advances in communication and
satellite tracking.
• Achieving efficiency, reduced costs and
improved profitability throughout the
production process.

technological advances in areas such as

electronics, computer science and mechanics.
Simplification in the management of the supply
chain through the use of electronic document
exchange for transactions and accounting.

Identification of products, with

the implementation of barcode.
• Reduction of the items that make up the
operational costs, affecting the final product

Forefront in managing the supply


Emphasis customer service.

In the growing diversification
of consumer tastes, reducing
time available and the
demands of availability and
shorter delivery times.
• Christopher: The logistics creates value for
the customer.
• 2000 Tuesday until noon.

Robert Crape Castro: The process of
managing inflows informative materials and
raw materials, in-process inventory, and
waste services from the supplier to the
• A part of the supply chain that plans implements
and controls the efficient, effective flow and
storage forward and reverse goods, services
and related information from point of origin to
point of consumption in order to meet customer
requirements .
• This new integrated vision of the logistic
function has its origin in the concept of
Supply Chain Management, understood as the
integration and coordination among all
companies in the supply channel (suppliers,
manufacturers, distributors, logistics
operators, customers ...) of planning and
management of all necessary to bring the
product to the customer activities.
• Index Logistics Performance

• Strategic planning organizations, and not only
covers strategic customers and suppliers. a
chain of suppliers, producers and distributors
weapon, from the collection of the m.
premium to the final consumer
• Logistics of Cold
To maintain an ideal storage for perishable
products, from the point of origin to the consumer

• 2011

• 2010
• Logistics as a major issue
*companies create specific areas for treatment
• *Logistic Performance Index
Elaborated the World Bank
Companies create
specific areas for
treatment has been
developed over time and
is currently a key issue in
the ongoing struggle of
companies to be
competitive, profitable
and stay within the sector
• Today organizations have the
need and are implementing all
logistics concepts in all areas
because it is a tool to remain in
the market
• http://es.slideshare.net/YESIDMOJICA/evolucion-de-la-logistica

• http://www.derecho.usmp.edu.pe/Itaest_Articulos_Estudiantiles/0
• 4-2012_Evolucion_de_la_logistica_a_traves_del_tiempo.pdf

• William Ricardo Salamanca Forero . (2013). EVOLUCION DE

LA LOGISTICA. 24 de septiembre , de Prezi Sitio web:

• Emprenda Negocios . (2012). Dicen qué...Historia de la

logística. 24 de septiembre , de Logística simple Sitio web:

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