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Petrobr6s of Brazil and the Gost of Gapitcl

standsout in termsof deepwaterte:chnology. . . WACC reduction could be immediate.If peffobrdi
but currentlylagsin theareaof costof capital.Webelieve were to acquire one of the North American indepen-
, that in the long term, if petrobr1s is to becoimea,cotmpet- dents-which we estim;ateon averagehave aWACC in
ttive player in what loolcsto be thefuture int und,erwater the range of 6o/" to 8o/o--it ,":;rt- raise debi-ot tn",
fuel exploration, it would be headedin the right direction acquired.companyand subsequentlylower itsWACC in,
by expandinginternationally,secu.ringitspresencein the the short term. Petrobrascould even cancelsome of its
Golden Trianile, and lowenng iis costof aapital own debt and./or issue new debt through the newly
acquiredentity.We'veseenother savvyLatin companies apparentto international investorqwho assignedthe com-
(i.e., Cemex via its Spanishsubsidiary Valenciana)do pany the samecountry risk factors and premiums they did
this successrutt:;;::"r:::;^^,ion all other Brazilian companies.As shown in Exhibit 1, the
Makes Senseat the result wasa cost of capital in 2002thatwas 6% higher than
Right Price," Morgan StanleyEquity all others.The equity strategistsand markets considered
Research,January18,2002,p. 4 this a distinct competitive disadvantage.
Petr6leo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobrris)was an integrated Petrobrds embarked on a globalization strategy,with
oil and gascompanyfounded in 1954by the Brazilian gov- several major transactions heading up the process.In
ernment asthe national oil companyof Brazil. In 1997,the December z}}t,Repsol-YpF of Argentina and petrobr6s
Brazilian governmentinitiated a number of major privati- concludedan exchangeof operating assetsvalued at $500
zation effortq including Petrobrds. The company was million. In the exchange,Petrobrdsreceived 99% interest
listed in S5o Paulo in 1997,and on the New york Stock in the Eg3 S.A. service station chain, while Repsol-ypF
Exchange(NYSE: PBR) in 2000.Despite the equity list- gained a 30o/ostake in a refinery, a L}yo stake in an off-
ings, the Brazilian government continued to be the con- shore oil field, and a fuel resale right to 230 service sta-
trolling shareholder,with 33% of the total capital and tions in Brazil. The agreement included an eight-year
55% of the voting shares.As the national oil company of guaranteeagainstcurrencyrisks.
Brazll, the company'ssingular purpose was the reduction In October 2002,Petrobr6spurchasedpercz Companc
of Brazil's dependencyon imported oil. A side effect of (Pecom)of Argentina. Pecomhad quickly come into play
this focus,however,had been a lack of international diver- following the Argentine financial crisis in January 2002.
sification.Many of the company,scritics arguedthat being Although Pecom had significant international reserves
both Brazilian and undiversified internationalv resurted and production capability,the combinedforces of a deval-
in an uncompetitivecost of capital. ued Argentine peso, a largely dollar-denominated debt
portfolio, and a multitude of Argentine government regu-
lations that hindered its ability to hold and leveragehard
lrleedfor Diversiftcation currency resources,the company had moved quickly to
ln2D2,Petrobr6s was the largest companyin Brazil, and find a buyer to refund its financial structure. petrobr:{s
the largestpublicly traded oil companyin SouthAmerica. took advantageof the opportunity. pecom's ownership
It was not, however, international in its operations.This had been split betweenthe owning family and foundation
inherent lack of international diversification was clearlv (58.6%), and public flotation (the remaining 4L.4o/o).

ffi ;;5"rd;"ffiffi;ffi* c*tffi

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1lYo -8:8./;-*--
8.5% &90/d***-- 9.0 %*--*-9 :00/d-




a""- 6.N\
^$d.t* *$\"t*
t-t". --.."""-."" **t""*
fuIl actually operatedin the world, was consideredto have
Petrobr6shad purchasedthe controlling interest-the currency. Once that company listed
family' dollar as its functional
58.6Yointerest-outright from the the dol-
on its sharesin a U.S.equity market like the NYSE'
In the following iht"" years' Petrobrds focused more accepted'
of its debt (and the debt it had Iarization of its capital costsbecameeven
restructuring *o"h
in its But what was the cost of capital-in dollar terms-for
acquired via the Pecom acquisition) *d investing bouts
a Brazilian business?Brazil has a long history of
owrrgrowth.Butplogressinrevitalizingitsfinancialstruc- instability, and currency
dis- with high inflation, economic
ture had come stowly,and by 2005there wasrenewed
its equity devaluationsand depreciations(dependingon the regime
cussion of a new equity issuanceto increase
of de jure). One of the leading indicators of the global mar-
capital.l But at what cost?What wasthe company'scost
ket-'sopinion of Brazilian country risk was the sovereign
capital? the
spr"ad, the additional yield or cost of dollar funds that
Gostof CapitalandCountryRisk Brazilian governmenthad to pay on global markets
and above that which the U.S.Tieasury paid to
Exhibit 1 presentsthe cost of capital of a number of major Brazilian sov-
dollar funds.As illustrated in Exhibit Z,the
oil and gas companies across the world' including volatile over the
petrobr6s in2002.ihi, ,o.parison could occur only if all ereign spread had been both high and
as low as 400
this past-decade.2The spread was sometimes
capital costswere calculatedin a commoncunency;in 2'400
markets had fasis points (4.0%),asin recentyearg or as high as
case,the U.S. dollar. The global oil and gas during the 20O2 financial crisis in
basis points Q4%),
lonjbeen considered"dollar-denominated,"and any com- devalued then floated' And that
it which the reais was first
puo:yop"rating in these markets, regardlessof where

Tr ;#iti." S"*t"ign SpreaO(December1997-August2005)


1,400 i*-**-"



200 Dec-O4
Dec-98 Dec-99 Dec-O1

Global - Brazil

quoted by Latin Focus,http://www.|atin-focus'com/|atinfocus/countries/

Source:JPMorgans EMB| + Spread,as
August 2005'

funding (not debt, in that project

lBy 2005,the company,sfinancial strategywas showingsignificant diversification-Total corporate
st"rtrrpf was well balanced:uonas,$+ billion; nNpEs (bonds issuedunder
finance is nonrecourseto the companyafter operational finance,$5 billion; other, $4 billion'
tinion; project
the auspicesof a Brazilian economi. a"u"ropol"ot ag"rr"y;, $g
in its Emerging Market Bond Index Plus
zThemeasureof sovereignspreadpresentedin Exhibit 2 is that calculatedby JPMorgan
*idely usedmeasureof country risk by practitioners'
(EMBI+) index.This ir'in"ioti
was merely the cost of debt for the governmentof Brazil. WACC = (0.333x 9.000%x0.72) +
How was this sovereign spread reflected in the cost of
(0.667x L4.050"/")= ll.529o/o
debt and equity for aBrazilian companylike petrobr6s?
One approachto the estimationof petrobrds,scost of So, after all of the efforts to internationally diversify
debt in U.S.dollar terms,k$0,was to build it up-the gov- the firm and internationalize its cost of capital, why was
ernment of Brazil's cost of dollar funds adjustedfor a pri_ Petrobrds' cost of capital still so much higher than its
vate corporate credit spread: global counterparts?Not only was the company'sWACC
high comparedto other major global players,but this was
kl = U.S.Treasuryrisk-freerate+ the same high cost of capital used as the basic discount
Braziliansovereignspread+ rate in evaluatingmany potential investmentsand acqui-
Pehobr6scredit spread sitions.
kl = 4.000X+ 4.000%+ 1.000% -- 9.000% A number of the investment banking firms that cov_
ered Petrobrdsnoted that the company'sshareprice had
If the U.S.Tieasury risk-free rate was estimatedusing shown a very high correlation with the EMBI + sovereign
the Treasury 10-year bond rate (yield), a base rate in spread for Brazil (shown id Exhibit 2), hovering around
August 2005 could be 4.0oh. The Brazilian sovereign 0.84 for a number of years. Similarly, petrobrds, share
spread, as seen in Exhibit Z, appearedto be 400 basis price was alsohistorically correlated- inversely-with the
points,or an additional 4.0o/o.Even if petrobr6s'scredit Brazilian reaisAJ.s.dollar exchangerate. This correlation
spreadwasthen only L.0%,the company,scurrent costof had averaged-0.88 over the Z00L1004period.Finally,the
dollar debt would bego/o.Thiscost was clearly higher than questionof whether Petrobrdswasconsideredan oil com-
the cost of debt for most of the world,s oil majors, who pany or a Brazil.ian company was also somewhat in
were probably paying only 5% on averagefor debt in late debate:
2005. Petrobrds'sstockperforrnanceappearsrnorehighly cor-
Petrobr6s'scost of equity would be similarly affected relatedto theBrazilian equity marketand creditspreads
by the country risk-adjusted risk-free rate of interest. based on historical trading patterns, suggesting that
Using a simple expressionof the Capital Asset pricing one'sview on the direction of the broad Brazilian mar_
Model (CAPM) to estimatethe company'scost of equity ket is important in making an investmentdecisionon the
capital in dollar terms (k$"): conxpany.If the historical trend were to hold, an
improvementin Brazilian risk perception should pro-
kl = risk-freerate* (gr"*o* x marketrisk premium) vide a filhp to Petrobrds'sshareprice performance.
= 8.ooo%
+ (r.rox 5.soo%) -"Petrobrds: A Diamond in the Rough,,'
=14.05Yo IPMorgan Latin American Equity Research,
This calculation assumedthe same risk-free rate as
used in the cost of debt previously, with a beta (NySE
basis)of 1.L0and a market risk premium of 5.500%.Even
with these relatively conservative assumptions (many 1. Why do you think Petrobri{s' cost of capital is so
would argue that the company,sbeta was actually higher high? Are there better ways,or other ways,of calcu-
or lower, and the market risk premium to be 6.0% or lating its weighted averagecost of capital?
higher),the company,scost of equity wasl4yo. 2. Does this method of using the sovereignspread also
Finally, the corporate cost of capital,WACC, could be compensatefor currencyrisk?
calcul'atedas follows:
3. The final quote that "one,s view on the direction of
the broad Brazilian market" suggeststhat potential
WACC = (oeUt/capital)x t! x (r - Tax rate)+ investorsconsiderthe relative attractivenessof Brazil
t- in their investment decision.How does this percep-
x t')
tion show up in the calculationof the company,scost
Assuming a long-term target capital structure of one- of capital?
third debt and two-thirds equity, and an effective corporate 4. Is the cost of capital really a relevant fuctor in the
tax rate of 28"/" (after specialtax concessions, surcharges, competitivenessand strategy of a company like
and incentives for the Brazilian oil and gas industry), Petrobr6s?Does the corporate cost of capital really
Petrobriis'WACC wasestimatedat a little over l_1,.5%: affect competitiveness ?

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