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What Is Really Happening in Iran?

Arthur Smith

Quite likely the reader expects us to launch right into an analysis of Iranian politics,
and discuss the merits and demerits of the Iranian electoral and governmental system,
which somehow seems to be subordinated to and Islamic religious dictatorship.
But we are not going to.
Because we want to look first at the Western copper kettles who are calling the
Iranian pot black.
For example, here is the current verdict in the UK Sunday Express by an ex-
Westminster MP on the current British New Labour government:

“BRITAIN has ceased to be a working democracy. Our Parliament is no longer “fit

for purpose”

Seventy-five per cent of our laws are made by unelected Eurocrats in Brussels and Westminster just rubber-
stamps them.

The Commons meets on average for only two days a week and the Government completely controls its business.
MPs are herded through the lobbies by the whips to vote for or against laws that have often hardly been discussed.

Most people now believe elections make little difference to their lives. They change nothing but the personnel
enjoying the limos, the jaunts abroad and other perks of office.

As a democratic institution, the Commons is virtually dead. Watchdog of the constitution? You must be joking. It’s as
ineffective as a chihuahua.

The Chamber is empty for most debates because nobody is listening. Ministers go through the motions but largely
ignore what is said. I know – I used to be one.

Our legislators are now so unemployed they put their creative skills into inventing ever more preposterous expenses

When unelected judges of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg or the Court of Justice in Luxembourg
hand down ridiculous judgments, politicians are powerless to alter or reverse them.

Hence, hard-pressed taxpayers have to accommodate and pay for bogus asylum seekers for ever.”

This rant however, which is also not party political, because the writer, though an
ex-Conservative MP pointed out as have we, that the Conservative party under David
Cameron would likely be no better, in view for example of their weak and
undemocratic offer to give the British people a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty (yet
another recession of national power to the European parliament) only if Ireland once
again rejected it.
In fact, the UK Conservative party we are going to point out quickly in passing is
full of contradictions. Whilst its leader Mr Cameron appears to oppose more
integration with Europe, his “shadow Chancellor” Kenneth Clarke (the man who will
be the main economic and financial power if the Conservatives form government) is
very pro-Europe.
And we have already witnessed, that bowing to feminist pressure, he has put some
very young and not very balanced looking women into candidate positions, who will
then become MPs and ministers in the next government, so it will be almost
indistinguishable from the current feminist Labour government, about which one
comment to the above article said:

“It’s not just the death of democracy under labour, it’s the death of morals, common
decency, any belief in fair play, and the never ending sleaze from a party bereft of any sense
of wrong doing. They believe the common person the likes of me and you have no right to a
vote on anything, all we are there for is to keep them in luxuries while the rest of the country
roughs it, no wonder a pig looks good next to one and not as greedy.”

Then, without looking too hard amongst the other Sunday papers we find another
article about a senior judge engaged in a secret affair with a young homosexual
prostitute detailed in the British gutter press paper The News of the World:

“A SENIOR married judge had a secret nine-month fling with a

£250-a-night RENT BOY, the News of the World can reveal.

Judge Gerald Price QC, 60, was so besotted with 25-year-old Christopher Williams he
set him up with a FLAT, paid him a monthly ALLOWANCE and let him sit on the
bench in court as he presided over TRIALS.”

Then we find further evidence of just how wonderful British democracy is in The
Times regarding the almost Nazi powers of social workers and courts to take away
children from their parents:

“Family justice: the secret state that

steals our children
Every year thousands of children are taken from
their parents, largely on the say-so of ‘experts'. It is a
secret and sometimes unjust process and the system
must change”
This article was supported by numerous aggrieved parents who have been victims of
this system, many commenters indicating that the situation was much the same in –
feminist you see – Europe, Canada and America, and one commented in the following

“ Why live in Britain ? What is the point ? A near police state, men are second class
citizens, families stay together by the grace of God rather than guaranteed laws, children
carry weapons to defend themselves, we are surveilled 24 hrs a day and expected to pay for
it, the list is endless.”

And as we write, there is a TV debate going on as to if British women are ever

responsible for being raped, with an all women panel of mostly overt feminists all
claiming that even if a woman gets drunk, takes off all her clothes and gets into bed
with a man who was quite possibly a total stranger to her until only a few hours
before, and is most probably equally or even more drunk, she is in no way responsible
if when she wakes up in the morning, she believes she did not invite sex, and fully
entitled to shout “rape” and ruin the man’s life.
We could of course go on to mention the awful drug, alcohol and tobacco addiction,
the terrible crime with people getting shot or stabbed or beaten to death by psychotic

individuals or gangs of youths on a daily or weekly basis, the terrible debt and
unemployment which is resulting in thousands of people losing their homes every
week, or the awful human misery of the unprecedented millions of people who are
without a partner in their lives, because feminist ideas have made the sexes into
mutual enemies, leaving the mostly unaccountable social workers and courts to clean
up the mess of failed families, and often putting children into more abuse rather than
relieving it.
So this is the country, Britain, like most of its other Western allies, who is calling
the elections in Iran “undemocratic”, and a fraud, and declaring open support for
those who want to overturn the government in Iran, and thus transform it from being a
Muslim country into a “liberal Western democracy.”
Because Iran is comparatively speaking a closed society, with a lack of freedom for
foreign journalists to investigate, do they even know if the elections have been fair or
not? How can they know?
For example, one very widely respected and influential British ex-Defence Minister,
Michael Portillo, said on a BBC politics show that he believed the elections were
probably fair and representative.
But this does not seem to be the “official view” of the media or government, most of
whom are without any real evidence calling the Iranian elections a sham, and there are
all kinds of mocking cartoons in the newspapers to this effect, belittling the spiritual
leader and Mr Ahmedinejad, with lots of “comedians” merely making childish fun of
his name.
So we will give our guess based on the general world state of affairs about what we
think is going on.
The demonstrations we have seen are not representing the views of the majority of
Iranian people, but only some of the “Westernized intellectuals” who live in Teheran
and other big cities.
Their behaviour, after even the Ayatollah has given a universally witnessed speech,
warning those who oppose the – as he sees it – democratically elected government
with the severest penalties, can only be seen as suicidal.
The protestors are gripped by a madness which parallels that of the suffragettes who
went on hunger strike and even in cases threw themselves in front of race horses and
were killed, in order that women should get the right to vote in elections.
Note that the suffragettes were not complaining about specific issues, such as
mistreatment of women in marriage, or whatever, but about the right to vote, because
the cunning thinkers behind this campaign, knew that because women outnumbered
men, and every government candidate therefore ever since would have to chase the
women’s vote, that would lead directly to the current situation, in which women do
whatever they like and bear almost no responsibility for any of their actions, which is
the cause of the total chaos and human misery in every so called “Western democratic
country” that we now see, because it has destroyed and corrupted human relationships
in general, and in particular between the sexes, and destroyed children in the crossfire.
Likewise, are the Iranian protestors obsessed – practically drugged – with this thing
they call “freedom”, which if they get it, will culminate in them ending up in a society
like ours, in which neither a man nor woman hardly dares walk the streets
unaccompanied, day or night, for fear of the muggers, the teen thugs, the rapists and
the murderers.
If, or more likely when, the Iranians get this freedom, they will end up just like
ourselves – all drug addicted, gambling addicted, sex addicted, and enslaved in
masses of debt and in fear of losing our jobs and homes and even our children,

because some hostile neighbour or trouble causer reports us to the social workers and
on a mere accusation they take our children away just in case while they
“investigate”, with these Nazi like powers they now have.
Because everybody knows as regards the latter, how most child abuse takes place in
institutions which are supposed to be for the protection of children, and nobody asks
too hard about the reason why parents want to adopt children who are not their own.
So what exactly is this “freedom” that the Iranian protestors want?
They want the “freedom” to be “Western liberals.”
They want to live outside of any fixed moral laws, they want to have loads of sex
whether gay or straight with any number of partners, they want to live in a “sensual”
world of fantasies of sex and delusions of vanity, they want an easy life of luxuries,
and so on.
This of course will happen at the expense of law and order, and children will be
neglected as women demand the right to work and have extra-marital sex as they do
in the West.
Fathers will be evicted from their homes for disciplining their own children, and
asking sex from their wives, and possibly even imprisoned.
Every problem we have got, they will have too, they will end up living in a sick
society that obsesses on sex, drugs, money, power and every other kind of pleasure in
order to escape from the failure of meaningful relationships and any kind of meaning
in life as a whole.
It is merely the pursuit of pleasure and vanity, delusions of grandeur about oneself,
at the expense of reality, of kind and honourable human relationships, and of sanity
and justice in society as a whole, that they will get, and if they think that is happiness,
that is only because they haven’t tried it.
It is the happiness only a deluded addicted, like the Emperor Nero who allegedly
sang songs and played his lyre while his city burned and his people with it.
So the Iranian protestors – many of them inexperience students no doubt – do not of
course see this, all they see is their counterparts in Western countries like America,
Britain and Europe who seem to have so much of this wonderful thing called
And the Iranian authorities accuse the Western countries of stirring up this trouble,
this protest.
Whether they have done that directly or not we cannot know for sure, and we would
argue does not greatly matter, because the greater influence is in the constant
depiction of Western life by Hollywood and so on, of a world in which writers,
sportsmen, film and pop stars, and business people can be millionaires while the rest
of the people work very hard to make ends meet or struggle to survive at all.
If you want to control people in this way, to corrupt them, all you have to do is take
control of their minds, and then their bodies will follow, and that is what the Western
capitalist and feminist forces of propaganda have been doing for decades now.
Please think again – why are these people out on the streets, risking their lives, blind
to the fact that the authorities will shoot them sooner or later and then their lives will
be over?
Because they are without food?
Because the authorities are arresting them and torturing them right, left and centre,
for expressing their views like in communist Russia or China?

They have no basic human freedoms taken away from them, they have no lack of
the basic necessities of life.
It is merely that they are gripped by the insanity of desire.
They want unbridled sex, luxury and vanity so badly, they are even willing to die
for it.
They think that the meaning of life is the pursuit of grandeur, of materiality, of
vanity, of unmitigated pleasure, rather than living decently, moderately in a peaceful
and secure society and enjoying good, caring human relationship.
And then of course there is the old “chestnut” which fires up so many “liberal
Westerners” and always gets brought up sooner or later in any debate regarding the
regime change desire in Muslim countries by the West – womens’ rights.
But actually there is an Iranian woman professor, formerly a professor at Teheran
university, called Azar Nafisi, now a professor of literature at John Hopkins
university, Washington, who wrote a book called “Reading Lolita in Teheran.”
This book is, like the Da Vinci Code, a piece of “faction.” This authoress claims she
was ejected from her role in Teheran university for refusing to wear the veil, whether
that is true or not, because as this book seems neither clearly a novel or an
autobiography, she does not have to prove any of her thus “veiled” allegations.
Her book is the usual feminist nonsense about repression and abuse of women and
so on, but amazingly, it has been on the New York Times best seller list for over 100
weeks, and translated into 32 languages.
Is it Harry Potter? Is it Shakespeare? Is it Tolstoy or Tolkien to deserve such
incredible attention?
No, it is obviously just some more feminist anti-Muslim propaganda that some very
powerful Westerners have decided is going to be a very big hit.
We are not of course saying there is no repression of women in Iran, but there is
also repression of women in the West, as well as repression of men both in Iran and
the West.
Repression of women in the West?
Well, due to the widespread depiction of women of all ages and shapes primarily as
sex objects, decent women now are scared in many cases even to walk down a public
street due to the constant ogling, and are frequently raped when they do not take care
for their personal safety, due to the fact men have been allowed to have been sexually
obsessed to a wholly unattural degree by Hollywood, mainstream TV and the porn
But as to whether women are being repressed in a major way in Iran it all depends
how we define “repression” doesn’t it?
Is when a child wants to stab its little brother or sister, to interfere with its desire
Is stopping a married woman getting a job, when that otherwise results in her
neglecting her own children, putting them in a nursery, and maybe getting them child
abused there – there are now two women in the UK accused of and on trial for
systematic child sex abuse in the Plymouth nursery case – also “repression”? Or is it
child protection?
So before we start howling about “trendy issues” like “womens’ rights” in Muslim
countries like Iran, we ought surely to first question very seriously about how “right”
we are on these issues of right and wrong, in the Western societies we have created
which obviously are not working properly in all kinds of ways.

And as to the political background to all this, we would like the reader to consider
whether those who think this is a “women’s rights” issue or “democracy” issue that is
being taken up by the West are being naïve.
For is it rather, that Iran has been painted as the new demon by the West, because of
its alleged desire to make nuclear weapons, combined with its overt rejection of
Israel, which it regards as an illegal state?
So then the West sees this election as a means to overthrow the mainly Muslim
system in Iran, and convert it to a Western democracy, because they can no longer
persuade their own people once again to start a war with Iran, as they have done with
Afghanistan and Iraq, and in fact, may not even now even have the military capacity
to do so.
The West has only one serious interest in the Middle East and everybody knows it is
oil, or else there would be no Western soldiers there and Israel – then without the
backing of American and Britain – would not ever have existed.
If it were about “human rights” or “women’s rights” as they claim, then they would
be attacking and condemning countries like Saudi Arabia, which they are not
remotely doing, but rather building luxury “playground” homes there for rich
And just consider how this has backfired on Britain, with the current Ayatollah
saying “death to the British” – we would ask him please to consider if he is not aware
already, that the British government does not represent the entire will, or even the
majority will of the British people.
But nevertheless, some Islamist extremists may well consider this a license to
commit terrorist acts on British soil again, so due to the British media and
government’s unwise and lacking in evidence condemnation of the Iran elections as a
fraud, Mr Brown in particular has possibly brought more terrorism on the British
people, for interfering in an affair which was not his own, and not our own.
We have a suggestion for the Iranian government therefore in the face of this likely
minority – it only takes a few thousand or even hundred out of over seventy million
Iranians to riot in Teheran, and justify the Western media and government’s position
that the elections are fraudulent and all the Iranians want “freedom” – who want to be
“luxury loving and amoral Western liberals.”
We suggest that they stop repressing the rioters and apportion a section of Iran,
calling it “Western democratic Iran”, and put all the protestors who do not want to
live in Islamic Iran there.
They may find it is rather more less populated than they imagined.
But they should understand.
They cannot merely be “Western intellectuals” who write irrelevant books on arts
and literature and so on, but whose bread, butter and other needs in life are taken care
of by poorer and hard working people.
Let this “nation within a nation” then milk their own cows, maintain their own
sewers, make their own cars, if they can persuade the other “freedom” loving Iranians
to do that for them, instead of living in their privileged ivory towers while the
ordinary people do all the real work.
Or if the West is so welcoming of them, let America or other Western countries
welcome all the dissidents, would the British, and American and other European
nations all upset about mass immigration now, like that?
Or let us be more sensible about it.
Let those in Iran use the existing democratic system to debate issues, rather than
trying to overthrow their own government.

For is there hunger, is there lack of health care, is there violent crime that they
should be worried about? Is their really cruelty against women which is of course
wrong and needs addressing?
Let them get their priorities right first, instead of trying to overthrow a system that
largely works, and let the Western governments stop bringing terrorism on their own
people – we note President Obama wisely said he did not think it was right to interfere
in other countries’ elections, whether that is just diplomatic or not – and instead
focussing on creating true justice, freedom and democracy in their own.
If the West actually led by example, and showed the rest of the world that their way
was better, created more human happiness and meaning in life, were paragons of
decent behaviour and justice, with peaceful and happy citizens all living in harmony,
then no doubt the rest of the world nations would follow them without manipulation
or force.
For in the absence of such an example, any clear seeing Muslim in any country,
would surely be terrified that their countries also might end up likely ours, and thus it
is on that basis that we believe that the Iran elections were quite likely almost entirely
accurate in representing the vast majority of their people’s views.

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