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The theological book, the Holiness of God, by Rc Sproul is a life changing notion

because of the author’s wholistic approach on the way we view the Holiness of God.
The 9 chapters of his book informed the readers about the Holiness of God. In each
chapter he presented concepts that explained his subject.

The author’s main points are; understand Holiness in chapter 1, Learn about God’s
Holiness in chapter 2, know Holiness in chapter 3, the Holy love of Jesus in chapter
4, the “just shall lived by Faith” and the Justification by faith alone in chapter 5, the
limited grace of an infinite God and Judgment of God in chapter 6, the Holy peace
in chapter 7, the fruits of the Holy Spirit in chapter 8, and the believer as a friend of
God in chapter 9. His main points give ways for him to connects his Idea to the

To understand the relationship between Christians the Holiness of God, and Holy is
equal to God, and as the author of the universe and everything beneath. We are part
of his creation and for us to understand that we humans are created on His image. In
this matter the Holiness of God must be reflected unto us that we must practice in
our lives a believer of God.

In chapter 2 the author used a prophet as an example. Isaiah recognised as a major

prophet recognised himself as person with unclean lips when he encountered God
In the temple. After he recognised himself as a sinner and not worthy. God,
nevertheless restored him and readied him for the ministry. Not only, that God
cleanse him of his unrighteousness, and redeemed him for the fulfilment of his
mission. His experience of God gave us to the idea that we are not worthy of four
calling, but God makes us worthy for us to lead and teach.

The author gave the primary meaning of Holy as “separate”, further he calls it that
“God is Transcendentally separate”. He is beyond and made foreign to us, and
knowing about His Holiness cause us phobia. Further, he called it “mysterium
tremendum” a special term by [Rudolph Otto]. God is a mystery for us that someday
we will encounter Him. The fear of His Holiness reminds us as human that we are
limited and created by a Holy God.

The fear of His Holiness gave us trauma, when Peter saw the Holy love of Jesus,
his reaction was he was not worthy and immediately tremble at his feet. It is a usual
reaction of a person who encounters the Holy love of Jesus. This trauma made us
realised that his perfect love for us brought Him to death for us to be saved.
The cause of Martin Luther’s insanity is when he tried to understand the Holy love
of God. He was disturb by God’s Holiness and spend several hours for confession
for his sins. Luther, was not insane he just studied the scripture and reflect before
God that he cannot grasp it by his knowledge. Further, his behaviour was affected
by the Great commandment that “Love the Lord your God with all your strength,
and your neighbours as yourself” and "great transgression was to fail to love God
with all the heart”. Nevertheless, he cannot understand how human will come to
His Holy presence, for God will not adjust His standard of Holiness. Further, his
journey brought him to understand about the mercy of God without compromising
His Justice. This is the love of God, that made him to understand that the “just shall
lived by faith, and “justification by faith alone”.

The Holy Justice of God explains that character of God does not contradict each
other but we need to understand that no one is righteous on the sight of God.
Believers are chosen by God, not because they are more righteous than others. But,
they are chosen to be Holy to be separate in the way of obeying God. He owes us
nothing, means we are all responsible for our own judgment. God had the right to
choose who will be benefit by His grace. Like what Sproul said “Be careful. While
you enjoy the benefits of my grace, don’t forget my justice. Don’t forget the gravity
of sin remember that I am Holy.”

Upon encountering Jesus, we will be granted Holy peace. This notion allow us to
approach God anytime because, Jesus becomes our High Priest. but, always keep in
mind that He is Holy. The war against sin was already finished. Not only that we are
to inherit the kingdom of God. Luther, said it this way “that we are to fear God not
with as servile children who do not wish to displease their beloved Father. We come
to Him in confidence; we come to Him in boldness; we have access. We have a Holy

Now we have peace with God. Apostle Paul said that we must present our body as a
living sacrifice and later called it “nonconformity”, that we must separate and not
being conformed by the world. We are now transformed by understanding the
Holiness of God and are called as saints as we pursue His kingdom. But, being saints
is not to described us that we are not able to sin or to commit sin. Sproul illustrate it
“ God puts Jesus’ righteousness in my account while I am still a sinner”, on this
matter our justification will be process by sanctification. As Paul said that the Spirit
within us will help us to produce its fruits as mentioned on Galatians 5:22.
Lastly, this last chapter, the author got his notion from the great sermon of Jonathan
Edwards titled, “ Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”. But, Sproul improved it
by saying “ God in the Hands of Angry Sinners. This notion explains that as
unbelievers, we naturally hate God. That we are enemies of Him as described In the
scriptures. However, we were reconciled by God and called us His friends . As
Sproul said “we can only love Him because He first loved us. To love a holy God
requires grace, grace strong to pierce our hardened hearts and awaken our moribund

Therefore, after reading this book your will have a new understanding about the
Holiness of God. Reflecting on it will give you a life changing attitude on how to
approach a Holy God. The author’s wholistic approach makes you understand a Holy
God on the human perspective. As Sproul said on his last statement of the book. “We
Love Him now because we see His loveliness. We adore Him now because we see
His majesty. We obey Him now because His Holy Spirit dwells within us. He is
holy, holy, holy…”.

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