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Tosca Commander™ shortcuts

Key / Key Action

Alt + <- or Navigate backward
button 4
Alt + Page ↓ Navigate between tabs
or Page ↑
Alt + -> or Navigate forward
button 5
Ctrl + - Collapse all
Ctrl + + Expand all
Ctrl + A Select all
Ctrl + Alt + Opens the Jump to Object dialog
Ctrl + Alt + Checkout Tree
Ctrl + ↑ On the basis of the root element of the details view, the parent element will be the new
root element.
Ctrl + B Open scratchbook
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + F Search
Ctrl + F6 Run from here
Ctrl + H Synchronization is enabled or disabled
Ctrl + L Clear Log
Ctrl + O Individual Checkout
Ctrl + P, Default view
Ctrl + D
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + T Search and add Module or Reusable TestStepBlock
Ctrl + Shift Copy table to clipboard
Ctrl + Shift Checkin all
Ctrl + Shift Jump to object in <baseObjectType>
Ctrl + Shift Update All
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + Z Undo
Del Delete
Enter The object selected in the details view will be the new root element of the details view
F1 Help Dialog
Key / Key Action
F2 Rename
F5 Refresh all
F6 Run
F7 Disable
F8 Snap
F9 Show or hide (Instances, DoNothing, inactive users, ActualLog, etc.)
F11 Show or hide statistics (LogInfo, execution state, etc.)
F12 Show or hide instance symbols (TestCase-Design AddIn)

Keyboard shortcuts for Create new context commands

Key / Key Action
Ctrl + N, Create UserGroup
Ctrl + G
Ctrl + N, Create User
Ctrl + U
Ctrl + N, Create ExecutionEntryFolder
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + N, Create ExecutionList
Ctrl + E
Ctrl + N, Create Element Structure from Clipboard
Ctrl + E
Ctrl + N, Create Manual TestStep
Ctrl + M
Ctrl + N, Create Manual TestStepValue
Ctrl + M
Ctrl + N, Create Module
Ctrl + M
Ctrl + N, Create Testmandate
Ctrl + M
Ctrl + N, Create ModuleAttribute
Ctrl + A
Ctrl + N, Create ControlCroupItem
Ctrl + I
Ctrl + N, Create SimpleControl
Ctrl + S
Ctrl + N, Create ControlGroup
Ctrl + G
Ctrl + N, Create CustomControl
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + N, Create Instance from Clipboard
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + N, Create ObjectMapParam
Ctrl + P
Key / Key Action
Ctrl + N, Create property definition
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + N, Create property
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + N, Create ObjectMap
Ctrl + O
Ctrl + N, Create ReusableTestStepBlock
Ctrl + R
Ctrl + N, Create Folder-Structure
Ctrl + S
Ctrl + N, Create Folder
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + N, Create TemplateInstance
Ctrl + I
Ctrl + N, Create TestCase
Ctrl + T
Ctrl + N, Create TestStepFolder
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + N, Create TestStepLibrary
Ctrl + L
Ctrl + N, Create VirtualFolder
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + N, Create RequirementSet
Ctrl + R
Ctrl + N, Create Requirement
Ctrl + R
Ctrl + N, Create RequirementTestCaseLink
Ctrl + L
Ctrl + W, Create new window with selected object and open in a tab
Ctrl + N
Ctrl + N, Create test configuration parameter
Ctrl + .

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