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<h2 class="post-title"><a href="http://supermanalexthegr
eat.wordpress.com/2010/04/23/what-lies-beneath/" title="Permanent Link to What L
ies&nbsp;Beneath">What Lies&nbsp;Beneath</a></h2>
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<p>What Lies Beneath<br />
This is something I wrote about awhile back (as those of you who read my blogs k
now), its interesting that theyre talking about it in this article and (hopefull
y) we&#8217;re finding some evidence for a pet theory of mine&#8230;</p>
<p>my idea was that if our universe isnt the only one then its possible that the
se particles travel back and forth between different universes&#8230;and maybe t
he universes are connected through dimensions other than the three were familiar
with&#8230;<br />
in other words, it might seem really far away but in these other dimensions thes
e other universes might coexist with us.</p>
<p>Sorry for the change in font, thats a small excerpt from a blog entry of mine
. I went on to say that if we dont consider our universe a closed system then it
s possible that the law of conservation of mass-energy is still maintained if we
think of particles blinking in and out of different universes and perhaps throu
gh microtunnels that have a microblackhole at one end and a microwormhole at the
other end. The sum total of particles would remain the same throughout the mult
iverse and the law of conservation of mass-energy would be maintained, just on a
much higher scale&#8230;</p>
<p>Gravity doesnt fit with the other three forces (strong nuclear, weak nuclear,
and electromagnetic) any more than time fits with the other three known dimensi
ons&#8211; so there is an interesting connection between gravity and time. And t
his is why the idea of multiple large higher dimensions (up to 11) has been gain
ing popularity. Einstein showed the connection between Gravity and Time to be tr
ue when Relativity predicted the existence of Closed TimeLike Curves near black
<p>From wiki:</p>
<p>CTCs have an unnerving habit of appearing in locally unobjectionable exact so
lutions to the Einstein field equation of general relativity, including some of
the most important solutions. These include: the Kerr vacuum (which models a rot
ating uncharged black hole). One feature of a CTC is that it opens the possibili
ty of a worldline which is not connected to earlier times, and so the existence
of events that cannot be traced to an earlier cause. Ordinarily, causality deman
ds that each event in spacetime is preceded by its cause in every rest frame. </
<p>Another reason why gravity doesnt fit with the other three forces is it doesn
t have a carrier particle and its so much weaker than them on the atomic scale,
yet on the macroscopic scale it dominates. This anomaly of the hierarchy of forc
es is where the idea of multiple dimensions came from&#8211; that gravity actual
ly is a much stronger force than it appears but it originates elsewhere&#8211; i
n what&#8217;s known as the gravity brane. And when you think about it, it makes
alot of sense. What are the greatest sources of gravity that we know of? Black
holes! If you consider that black holes are massive stars that have collapsed, t
o the point of where theyve become holes in the fabric of space-time, and the fa
ct that this extreme contraction has resulted in black holes pinching themselves
off from the known universe&#8211; hence the reason why the laws of physics bre
ak down on that level&#8211; and why they&#8217;re called singularities. Then it
makes sense to consider black holes, not just as holes, but as tunnels, and per
haps a focal point for concentrating and emanating gravity from its &#8220;true
source.&#8221; Any object of mass can emanate gravity because they all create sm
all kinks in the fabric of space time, but black holes are the most extreme, bec
ause theyve pinched themselves off from the rest of the universe (and yet can st
ill affect it because of their ultrastrong gravity&#8211; just think about it, o
n the large scale, galactic structure is determined by the presence of a central
supermassive black hole!) </p>
<p>But anyway, yeah I think Gravity and Time are inexorably linked (Youd have to
generate a strong gravity field to make a time machine, like a synthetic black
hole), and more connected to each other than either is to any of the other known
dimensions or the other forces, its interesting how its the fourth force and th
e fourth dimension that we know about the least, and yet gravity and time are bo
th pretty obvious in our day-to-day lives, makes you wonder &#8220;what lies ben
eath&#8221; space-time lol. Black Holes might come closest to the origin of grav
ity and indeed, those higher dimensions that are theorized to exist. Ive talked
about black hole- worm hole tunneling before (predicted by Einstein, and a formu
la for a transversible wormhole originating from the famous CalTech physicist Ki
p Thorne), and this could quite possibly offer us a way around the speed-of-ligh
t limit (without actually exceeding the speed of light) the same way that the sh
ortest route from here to China is to burrow underground rather than to travel a
ll the way across (you can consider the surface of the earth space-time and burr
owing underground as traveling through higher dimensions through a black hole- w
orm hole pair. Hopefully one day in the far flung future, we&#8217;ll be able to
reach the technological level to actually be able to do this!)</p>
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<h2 class="post-title"><a href="http://supermanalexthegr
eat.wordpress.com/2010/04/23/gravity-time-and-ftl/" title="Permanent Link to Gra
vity, Time and&nbsp;FTL">Gravity, Time and&nbsp;FTL</a></h2>
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<p>Gravity, Time and FTL<br />
the interesting thing about gravity is, if the idea that it emanates from outsid
e of space-time is correct (sometimes I wonder if we should even call it space-t
ime, as time is as distinct from the 3 spatial dimensions as gravity is from the
other 3 forces), then its quite possible that the hierarchy of forces is preser
ved if the weakness of gravity can be explained by its being based &#8220;on the
outside.&#8221; In the piece &#8220;what lies beneath space-time&#8221; I outli
ned a theory that looking at gravity as curvatures in space-time fabric is very
useful, and in another way, perhaps these warps in the space-time fabric that gr
avity causes are because the origin of gravity lies &#8216;underneath space-time
&#8217; (its a weak analogy I know, we&#8217;re trying to reduce 3D+T space-time
into a single dimensional fabric to simply the explanation, but you get my poin
t&#8230; underneath just refers to extra dimensions that arent a part of space-t
ime, but exist all around us.) My idea of how FTL and time travel would be possi
ble revolves around the same idea that can be simplified by reducing space-time
to a one dimensional fabric and imagining folds and kinks in it caused my intens
e gravitional pressure from &#8220;what lies beneath&#8221; (that is, outside) a
nd being able to navigate these folds (via wormholes aka einstein-rosen bridges)
and go from one point in space-time to another without journeying through the p
oints in between (and time travel through CTC which is possible near the most in
tense gravitational pressure of them all&#8211; black holes), in effect FTL with
out violating relativity as the speed of light is never exceeded, but the distan
ce between two points is greatly decreased. I do think that singularities aka bl
ack holes are key to this and the reason why the laws of physics break down insi
de of black holes is simply because the gravitational pressure inside them is so
great that a hole has been torn through the space-time fabric and they have a d
irect connection to &#8220;what lies beneath&#8221; where the same laws of physi
cs DO NOT APPLY. I do feel that gravity, time and FTL are very closely linked&#8
<p>The idea of zero point energy (vaccum energy) and harnessing the power of vir
tual particles, now there&#8217;s another idea. I think if youve read my stuff y
ou know that I think that virtual particles dont just wink in and out of existen
ce, I think that we do exist in a multiverse and every time a particle winks out
of here it enters somewhere else and vice versa (perhaps by &#8220;journeying t
hrough these higher dimensions instantaneously via microblackholes and microworm
holes, which are theorized to exist, and perhaps close to being verified as per
the last article I posted)&#8211; thus the law of conservation of mass-energy is
preserved, just on a higher scale. It opens up a new level of possibilities of
harnessing ZPE and the Casimir effect&#8230;</p>
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<h2 class="post-title"><a href="http://supermanalexthegr
eat.wordpress.com/2010/04/23/the-art-of-nature/" title="Permanent Link to The Ar
t of&nbsp;Nature">The Art of&nbsp;Nature</a></h2>
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<p>I wanted to share my thoughts as far as the kind of feelings they inspired in
<p>I love how the camera can preserve the beauty of a scene forever, sometimes I
go back to old photos and see things in there Id never seen before. I think we
take our surroundings for granted far too much and then we wonder about the mean
ing of life and why we are here&#8230; and well, the answer is all around us, to
experience and understand even a tiny bit of the wonders of our world and what
may lie beyond, as well as the wonders of the human mind and the human heart tha
t it can witness and appreciate these things of beauty, even though our lives ar
e but a millisecond compared to the timelessness of nature and our surroundings.
This is why I dont drink or take any drugs&#8211; why do we need to escape from
reality, all we need to do is find a part of reality that makes us truly happy,
appreciate it and hold onto it with all our might, no matter how far away it is
and feel special knowing that we are here to experience it.</p>
<p>I think these pictures prove that Nature is the greatest artist of them all,
she has had billions of years to perfect her Art so that we can all be here to a
ppreciate it.</p>
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<h2 class="post-title"><a href="http://supermanalexthegr
eat.wordpress.com/2010/04/23/the-art-and-science-of-manual-mode-photography/" ti
tle="Permanent Link to The Art and Science of Manual Mode&nbsp;Photography">The
Art and Science of Manual Mode&nbsp;Photography</a></h2>
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<p>The Art and Science of Manual Photography<br
Why use manual mode? Because it gives you full creative control of your images.
For example, if you want to get that perfect moon shot, the camera will expose
for the black sky in the background, because there is so much more of it compar
ed to the relatively small size of the moon, that your image will be blown out a
nd the moon will seem like a brilliant white orb in the sky with no surface deta
ils whatsoever. Manual mode isnt as daunting as it first seems, after awhile yo
ur mind will memorize the perfect settings for each situation (for the moon its
1/80 sec shutter speed at f/6.3 and iso 100) and it will seem like second nature
for you&#8211; basically your brain will become a much larger, much more powerf
ul camera than the one youre using to actually create the images. There are a f
ew things you need to realize before this can be accomplished:</p>
<p>Basically every time you double the iso you shorten the exposure by half. But
you also increase noise levels. ISO 400 should be fine though&#8211; its a nice
middle ground. </p>
<p>DONT USE AN ND4 FILTER!!! ND isnt the same as GND. ND filters are used to slo
w down your shutter speed, GND&#8217;s are used to preserve DR in contrasty situ
ations. The only time you&#8217;d really need to use an ND4 filter is in very br
ight sunlight&#8211; it slows down your exposure speed by a factor of 2 stops&#8
211; thus turning a 1 second exposure into an 4 second one . One stop = doubling
(or 2x) the exposure, so 2 stops = 2^2 = 4x. Thats what the 4 in ND4 means. So,
umm, without that ND4 filter, your 10 second exposure would have been about 2.5
seconds! (Easiest way to figure this out is to half your shutter speed twice&#8
211; for example 10/2 ~ 5/2 ~ 2.5). So the ND changed your shutter speed from 2.
5 seconds to 10 seconds.</p>
<p>Now one reason that some photographers do use ND filters is to give flowing w
ater that silky smooth effect (the slower shutter speed combines the droplets to
give that effect). But this is normally only needed in BRIGHT sunlight. That 2.
5 second shutter speed without the ND4 filter would have been just fine in your
case. OR just set the iso to 100 (that iso 400 actually negated the 2 stops off
your ND4 filter and added some noise into the image to boot&#8211; making the fi
lter useless. Basically, iso 400 with an ND4 filter is the same as iso 100 with
NO filter!) Increasing the iso to 400 decreased the shutter speed by 2 stops, wh
ile putting on an ND4 increased it by 2 stops&#8211; so they canceled each other
out. If you hadnt used an ND4 filter at all and had set your iso to 400, you wo
uld have had a shutter speed of 2.5 seconds, which is still fine for the effect
you want. At iso 100 and without that filter, you would have kept your 10 second
shutter speed anyway, which IMO is overkill.</p>
<p>The easiest way to remember all this is to recall that one stop = halving or
doubling of a given exposure value (depending on whether its an increase or decr
ease). Two stops = quarter or four times. Three stops = one eighth or eight time
s. Its all about powers of 2. 2^1(stop)=2 2^2(stop)=4, 2^3(stop)=8, etc.</p>
<p>Here&#8217;s the difference between a GND and a normal ND. While an ND filter
darkens the whole image (in your case by 2 stops), a GND only darkens one half
of the image. That way, the part of the image that would have been exposed corre
ctly without the GND should be on the &#8220;bright side&#8221; of the filter an
d the other part on the &#8220;dark side.&#8221; (Rotate it like you would a Pol
arizer.) The GND filter I received a couple weeks ago was a GND0.6, meaning, it
filters out about 2 stops of light on the &#8220;dark&#8221; side (same as your
ND4), and none at all on the bright side. </p>
<p>Remember that, in many cases, the best filter is no filter at all. No filter
can ever increase the amount of light coming into your camera, all they do is de
crease, so use them sparingly and only in very specific situations. </p>
<p>BTW when youre messing with manual settings (I always use full manual mode, e
ven on my so called point and shoot camera, as well as dslr&#8211; unless Im try
ing to create a special effect with one of the scene modes), let the live histog
ram guide you (I think you need to use Live View for this.) Make sure that the c
urve doesnt cut off to the right or left and that none of the colors are clipped
(that is, none reach the top of the histogram.) The best and simplest way to do
this is to just set your aperture to 5.6 and mess around with the shutter speed
until you get it to look the right way. Also, try to keep your iso fixed at 200
for best image quality (400 is ok though.) A well-kept secret with these kit le
nses is that when you have the aperture number set at less than 5.6, it can make
the image soft and dull. Thats why people buy the super expensive lenses&#8211;
to be able to use aperture values like 2.8, 3.2, 3.5, 4, etc. with no loss in i
mage quality. For landscape shots, you shouldnt be going lower than 5.6 anyway&#
8211; to get the most amount of the image in focus (the higher the aperture numb
er, the greater the depth of field.) An aperture of 8 or 11 would be even better
. BTW, aperture works the same way as shutter speed and iso, except that a doubl
ing or halving is a change in TWO stops. I believe this is because aperture refe
rs to the AREA of the lens being used to create the image (and area is a two dim
ensional number, as opposed to iso and shutter speed which are single dimensiona
l.) To get a one stop differential in aperture, multiply/divide (depending on wh
ether its one stop less or one stop more of light, respectively) the f-number by
the square root of 2, or approximately 1.42. For example, an image at f/11 that
requires a shutter speed of 2 seconds, can be taken at f/8 (f/11 divided by 1.4
2) with a shutter speed of 1 second. And can be taken at f/5.6 with a shutter sp
eed of half a second. (Reason being that decreasing the aperture number decrease
s depth of field&#8211; good for portaits&#8211; but increases the amount of lig
ht being let in, and so requires a quicker shutter speed, stop for stop.) Conver
sely, the same image can be taken at f/16 (f/11 multiplied by 1.42) with a shutt
er speed of 4 seconds or f/22 at 8 seconds. (Larger f-number increases depth of
field&#8211; good for landscapes&#8211; but also decreases the amount of light e
ntering the lens, thus the need for longer shutter speeds, stop for stop.) And a
n image taken with iso 100 and a shutter speed of 2 seconds is the same exposure
as one with an iso of 200 and a shutter speed of 1 second or an iso of 400 and
a shutter speed of one half second. All those &#8220;in between&#8221; apertures
like 3.2, 3.5, etc. correspond to 1/3 stops (you get these with shutter speeds
too)&#8211; if you&#8217;ll notice, there&#8217;s always two values between ever
y doubling or halving of shutter speed (for example: 1/200, 1/250, 1/320, 1/400)
or one stop of aperture (for example: f/4, f/4.5, f/4.8, f/5.6). That&#8217;s w
hy theyre considered 1/3 stops. Sometimes, you can even obtain 1/3 stops in ISO
(for example: 100, 125, 160, 200&#8211; though this is normally only done by the
camera in auto iso mode.) This also integrates into exposure compensation and E
V, which work the same way, except that they dont give you as much control as si
mply manually altering the aperture, shutter speed and iso.</p>
<p>PS- if we really want to make things complicated and work with all 3 factors
together, an exposure of f/5.6 with a shutter speed of 1/500 second and iso 200
is the same as an exposure of f/8 with a shutter speed of 1/1000 second and iso
800! (aperture subtracts one stop of light, shutter speed subtracts another stop
, iso adds two stops = net effect of 0 stops, thus equivalent exposure, although
the depth of field and the focused area is larger with the higher f-number aper
ture plus higher noise at iso 800.) This should show you how the three are all t
ied in together. In general, you want aperture numbers like f/8 and f/11 or grea
ter for landscape work to give a greater depth of field and focus and lesser ape
rture numbers for portraits, to retain shallow dof and to accentuate your subjec
t. A more complicated example utilizing 1/3 stops : an image with an f/3.5 (like
yours) aperture at 1/800 second shutter speed at iso 200 has the same exposure
value as an image at f/8 and 1/1250 second at iso 1600. (In the second case, the
f-number is 2.3 stops slower&#8211; remember doubling the f-number has a 2 stop
effect (for example f/4 and f/8)&#8211; plus add 0.3 stop for the difference be
tween f/3.5 and f/4, the shutter speed is 0.7 stops slower&#8211; two thirds of
a stop is rounded to 0.7&#8211; (if it was 1/1600 second (half of 1/800 second)
it would have been a full stop), but the iso is 3 stops faster = net stop differ
ential of 0.)</p>
<p>Remember that doubling or halving the iso or shutter speeds results in a one
stop difference in exposure; doubling or halving the aperture results in a two s
top difference, but also either doubles or halves the depth of field (the former
if the f-number went up, the latter if it went down.) Just remember how apertur
e and iso affect shutter speeds and each other and vice versa (and also keep an
eye on noise at higher iso&#8217;s) and youre good to go. Use the lowest iso you
can get away with, unless youre trying to freeze fast action.</p>
<p>You can do exposure bracketing (or just take a bunch of pics at slightly diff
erent settings) and go back and look at the review histogram of each to see whic
h one came out best. Eyeing the LCD before (live view) or after (review) helps o
ut alot as well. Finally, trust your own instincts and your own eyes&#8211; you
have the talent to figure out what looks best to you and Im sure if you let your
innate abilities guide you&#8211; you&#8217;ll do just fine! Remember that phot
ography is more than just math&#8211; its an art!!!</p>
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<h2 class="post-title"><a href="http://supermanalexthegr
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<p>My Photography<br />
Whole collection:</p>
<p>Some selections:</p>
<p><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/P8230160UVlevel
sharpen.jpg" alt="" width="304" height="293" /></p>
<p><a href="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/P5290001bb.jpg">
1 sec</a></p>
<p><a href="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/P5290001contrast
auto.jpg">autocontrast added</a></p>
<p><a href="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/P5290001bb.jpg">
1 sec</a></p>
<p><a href="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/P5290001contrast
auto.jpg">autocontrast added</a></p>
<p><a href="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/P5290001d.jpg">m
anual levels</a></p>
<p><a href="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/P5290001b.jpg">a
uto levels</a></p>
<p><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/DSCN0009aaaaa.j
pg" alt="" width="320" height="355" /></p>
<p><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/DSCN0009aa.jpg"
alt="" width="320" height="240" /></p>
<p><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/DSCN0405aa.jpg"
alt="" width="320" height="240" /></p>
<p><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/DSCN0409aa.jpg"
alt="" width="320" height="240" /></p>
<p><a href="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/DSCN0409.jpg">On
e in a Trillion&#8230;</a></p>
<p><a href="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/DSCN0405.jpg">St
ore Front Daisies</a></p>
<p><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/DSCN0068.jpg" a
lt="Sunflower!" width="400" height="300" /></p>
<p><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/P8230160UVlevel
sharpen.jpg" alt="" width="304" height="293" /></p>
<p><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/P8230205noUVsha
rp.jpg" alt="" width="362" height="317" /></p>
<p><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/P8230160UV.jpg"
alt="" width="304" height="293" /></p>
<p><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/P8230160UV.jpg"
alt="" width="304" height="293" /></p>
<p><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/P8230160UVsharp
.jpg" alt="" width="304" height="293" /></p>
<p><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/P8230205noUVlev
elsharpen.jpg" alt="" width="362" height="317" /></p>
<p><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/P8210015rev1.jp
g" alt="" width="319" height="315" /></p>
<p><img src="http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a265/alexreynolds/P8220124rev1.jp
g" alt="" width="351" height="308" /></p>
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<h2 class="post-title"><a href="http://supermanalexthegr
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<p>Relationships&#8230;<br />
This is in response to this article:</p>
<p>my comment</p>
<p>John, I think you absolutely hit the nail on the head. Love is an emotional t
hing, why be with someone if you wont be emotional? I think you need to balance
emotionality and rationality, because, like most things in life, balance works b
est, not either extreme. I am a very emotional guy who is with a reserved (I wou
ldnt say unemotional woman.) Actually anyone who says theyre unemotional is lyin
g to themselves, because everyone is emotional to some extent, its part of our b
rain chemistry. You might try to supress it, but it will always be there. Ice qu
eens are misunderstood, they are emotional, but they know when to control it and
when to let it out, and men must understand that their behavior doesnt mean the
y care any less, but because theyve learned the best way to respond in a situati
on, so they dont inflame it, but deal with it thoughtfully, to ensure the best p
ossible outcome. But that doesnt mean they cant let loose emotionally, when the
situation calls for it either! You must be emotional to some extent, to allow yo
urself to experience the highs of a relationship, even though there will also be
some lows (but not go to extremes of emotionality either, or else the lows will
hurt the relationship more than the highs will help it grow)&#8211; but thats h
ow a relationship gets tested to see if its meant to last.</p>
<p>It seems like people think of a relationship as competition rather than a par
tnership, and that competition damages it. People dont realize theyre supposed t
o be on the same side as their partner. Like my significant other said (and she
is the reserved one) know that you always have the support of your partner, whet
her they show it or not&#8211; its not a competition, trying to get the other pe
rson to crack first. Also, women find confident men attractive, so while emotion
ality is good to a certain extent, dont let it make you insecure&#8211; which ca
n be a major problem and barricade to a healthy and productive relationship. Eve
n rational women like a secure confident guy, because someone who is secure in t
hemselves, also makes the woman feel secure and confident in him and the relatio
nship. Instead of arguing about why your partner is seemingly unemotional (which
creates and festers insecurity on both sides), it would be better to open healt
hy communication channels and talk about the specific issues youre really worrie
d about, because I can guarantee that if you think they are issues, they do too,
and remember they are your partner, not your opponent or an object of dominatio
n or a mother-figure, equality is what its all about&#8230; I find that emotiona
l men like me want to see more emotion in the woman to feel secure she feels abo
ut us the same we do, but we need to realize that just because she is reserved,
it doesnt mean she cares any less than we do! Its best to take a step back and t
ake a deep breath when you feel a negative emotional outburst coming on, and kno
w that you might say something you will regret later, and then come back and act
ually be able to eloquently communicate what the issue is, rather than just the
emotions behind it, which your partner will appreciate, because they&#8217;ll kn
ow you care enough about them to actually bother to tell them whats going on, ra
ther than using them as an emotional boxing bag.</p>
<p>I find that I can better analyze my friends&#8217;relationships and help them
out more than I can my own sometimes, because I can maintain a healthy emotiona
l distance (note Im not unemotional, just not emotionally extreme, and I do care
if my friends&#8217; relationships work out), I think it would help alot of us
(I know it helped me) to be able to transfer some of this into my own relationsh
ip (friends had always commented how great I am at giving advice, why dont I fol
low it lol), and now that Im starting to, I find myself becoming much happier, b
y being emotional at the right time, and applying logic under stressful situatio
ns, rather than letting my emotions run rough shod all the time. Like I said bef
ore, a healthy balance of both is preferrable to either extreme to make a relati
onship work and grow. Yes, we all like to romanticize the perfect relationship t
hat is out there for us, but the fact is no one is perfect, so how can a relatio
nship be? It always needs to be worked on and never taken for granted and allowe
d to breathe and grow, as do the individual people who comprise it, and then and
only then, can you bear the labor of that fruit&#8211; and there&#8217;s nothin
g wrong in that, the fact is, like everything in life, you cant gain an apprecia
tion of a great relationship unless you work hard at it, and realize it takes tw
o people to build it, but only one to tear it down. Its always easier to tear so
mething down then to build it up and a few short words can hurt something that t
ook so long to build, so remember that. One thing I can say about a great relati
onship is not only do you learn about your partner, you also learn a great deal
about yourself. Because, a great relationship not only makes you happy, it chall
enges you, to show yourself to be the person you need to be to make it work. And
that&#8217;s as it should be, the road to everything worthwhile is challenging,
but the final goal can not only be emotionally exilirating, but serenely satisf
ying as well (meaning it can make us happy both emotionally and rationally!) And
the journey towards that goal can be just as exilirating and satisfying as reac
hing the final goal (if we ever do, Im of the opinion that a relationship always
needs to be nurtured, so there is no final goal&#8230; the journey is the thing
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<h2 class="post-title"><a href="http://supermanalexthegr
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<p>Philosophy on Love</p>
<p>Time outside that which we have with each other doesnt exist, it feels like f
orever that it holds its breath until we meet again, our hearts in a bubble, wai
ting to be unlocked with a key which only the other one holds. Bring me in fro
m the cold, a little smile in times of trouble, enough to bring me to heaven, th
inking of the next moment together, the next moment of bliss.</p>
<p>I say sweet dreams and good night and dont let the bed bugs bite, though it m
ight seem this is good bye its just closer to saying hello on a brand new day, t
hough the body is far away, the heart is always here to stay!</p>
<p>Love is the perfect union of two souls&#8211; this union not<br />
necessarily of soul mates, but can also be &#8220;soul sibling&#8221; or &#8220;
soul parent&#8221; love&#8230;<br />
pure love in all its forms, is what we must all strive to achieve, and whether<b
r />
or not we ever do achieve that perfect love is not the point, its the pursuit of
<br />
it that helps us grow as people, and helps us to realize the greater beauty of<b
r />
the world around us. I would add here that perfect love or any pursuit of such<b
r />
begins from within, and if we do not have love for ourselves we do not have love
<br />
to share with others. Now it may seem selfish to think of loving ourselves, but<
br />
never mistake selfishness for love&#8230; because jealousy, manipulation and<br
dishonesty&#8211; all necessary components of selfishness, are mutually exclusiv
e of<br />
true love. By loving ourselves, I mean we need to understand that no matter who<
br />
we are, we all play a key role in the success of our society, and we are all<br
important, and to give of ourselves in order to make our society a better place&
#8211;<br />
this is what loving ourselves means. It is this generosity of giving of<br />
ourselves that also shares our love, not only with people that we know, but also
<br />
with people that we do not know&#8211; love (I feel) is a logarithmic equation)
that<br />
is twice blessed, once for the giver and once for the receiver&#8211; and every
time<br />
it is shared, that love and a share of the heart of the giver reside inside the<
br />
receiver, making their heart that much bigger and readier to share love with<br
others. We touch so many people without even knowing who, or how we touched them
<p>Children are a representation, a<br />
personification, of perfect love&#8230; that is why I feel all children are perf
ect<br />
as they are born unto the world, until their environment can begin to corrupt<br
them. I have no children, but just looking at the purity of a baby&#8217;s smile
or<br />
the innocent sparkle in their eyes, proves it to me&#8230; they see the world in
a<br />
whole different light than we do, they see it for the truly beautiful and<br />
inspirational place it can be because each child sees the world in a whole new<b
r />
way; like a diamond with an infinite number of facets, the birth of a new child<
br />
opens up a whole new reality and path to the future in front of us. This newness
<br />
of a child&#8217;s world view is essential to creativity and the future of human
kind&#8211;<br />
without it culture would stagnate and humanity would descend into&#8211; my<br /
favorite word&#8211; BOREDOM (lol)&#8211; and disorder. A new child represents a
new<br />
motivation for us to succeed, one not only for ourselves, but also for them&#823
0;<br />
to make them proud of us, and to be a role model for them. As such, children<br
have much to teach us&#8211; not only about them, but also about ourselves, abou
t<br />
what love really is, and about what true beauty exists in our world today, and<b
r />
our desire to preserve it for their tomorrow. Children aren&#8217;t just a littl
e<br />
version of us, they are a BETTER version of us, nature (and our) attempt to<br /
achieve an even greater perfection than was achieved with the previous<br />
generation. We build upon the successes and mistakes of the previous generation<
br />
in order to achieve a better tomorrow with our heirs. We all have a little child
<br />
inside of us, that purity that hasn&#8217;t been tarnished, and that will always
be<br />
the best part of us&#8211; the part that lets us be creative, the part that lets
us<br />
imagine, and the part that helps us to dream what may happen, if we but try&#821
1; in<br />
short it&#8217;s the part that I (and many others, I suspect) access when we wri
te, or<br />
do anything else creative or productive. Children, whether we speak of the<br />
biological variety, or of the inner child inside all of us, are our hope for the
<br />
present and the future, as well as our link to the past&#8211; without them soci
ety<br />
would lose its very foundation, its reason for caring and its motivation to make
<br />
the world a better place.</p>
<p>Children are the greatest teachers of the greatest lesson the world has ever<
br />
known. And that lesson is love.</p>
<p>Love to me is a multifaceted jewel that exists on so many levels, that what w
e<br />
as humans understand as love is just one small part of it. Yes there are<br />
different forms of love, love of self, love of soulmate, love of sibling, love<b
r />
of parents, and love of friends and other family. BUT I feel that there is also<
br />
other forms of more subtle love. Animals can love&#8230; Plants can love, even<b
r />
inanimate objects such as the earth itself can love. Think about how it supports
<br />
all of us, gives all of us its precious resources so we might survive. The same<
br />
can be said of the sun. As another example&#8211; what is music but the perfect<
br />
physical representation of love through the medium of sound carried on air<br />
molecules? No one can sit here and say that music is not a pure form of love&#82
11;<br />
scientific studies have shown its abilities in healing, even in infants, and<br
also how it can aid (or degrade lol) brain development. One of the very<br />
qualities of love itself, is harmony, and the word harmony has music as its<br /
<p>I also believe (as I wrote in blogs previous to this) that to love another on
e<br />
must love oneself first&#8230; and make no mistake, this is no narcissistic self
-love<br />
I am typing of here, but the kind that creates and engenders respect for oneself
<br />
and for others, where one realizes (to a degree&#8211; not absolutely, or else t
here<br />
would be no purpose to life) ones place in the grand scheme of things. If one<br
does not have unconditional love of self than one does not have love to share<br
with others.</p>
<p>Finally I believe that the greatest teachers of love are children and animals
.<br />
They love unconditionally, from birth, because they know no other way to be. We<
br />
can learn much from them that we have forgotten along the way because of the<br
corruption the environment around us causes. Love is a great circle and the<br /
greatest example of that is how the teachers (adults) become students and how<br
students (kids) become teachers of love to the previous generation. Love can al
so be described as a circle because a circle has no beginning and no end and whe
n you have unconditional love, it seems like its always existed, even before you
knew the object of your love (no beginning) and will exist forever, even beyond
death (no end).</p>
<p>One of love&#8217;s most healing qualities is its<br />
restoration of faith into the faithless and the restoration of hope into the<br
hopeless. How does it do this? I believe that love is a fundamental force of the
<br />
universe as much as any of the 4 physical forces&#8230; and that it exerts press
ure<br />
on all of us, living or inanimate&#8230; it connects us all to each other, so th
e<br />
healthier parts can help heal the unhealthy ones. Love is like the glue that<br
holds together the many strands of the web which connects us all to each other,<
br />
an ever-renewing glue that seeks to make every strand as unbreakable as the<br /
strongest one. Ever notice how we can tell a loved one is in danger before we<br
know whats going on? This is just one example of how love makes our connections<
br />
stronger&#8211; in this case thru ESP. It may not always succeed&#8211; but that
is mostly<br />
due to the weight already placed on said strand&#8211; rather than some fundamen
tal<br />
flaw with love itself.</p>
<p>In another essay, I presented my theories on the soul/spirit being higher mul
tidimensional in its source, and I believe the same to be true of love. Love, i
n its essence, is the way the soul communicates to another soul, and because the
soul exists beyond the three dimensional world we can detect with our senses, w
e can at best describe it vaguely. Love, in quite the same manner, has given bo
th scientists and philosophers quite a conundrum in its ability to heal both the
mind and the body (miraculous cures have been done with the healing power of lo
ve alone&#8211; one example of how higher multidimensional reality can easily ac
complish what seems impossible in conventional three dimensional reality&#8211;
and is thus dubbed a &#8220;miracle&#8221;.) In my theory, the reason why love
is so hard to define in our three dimensional reality is because its origins&#82
11; as well as the origins of the soul/spirit and of creativity itself (which is
why such things as art and music bring such satisfaction to the soul&#8211; the
y speak to our very spirit itself, in its own higher multidimensional language&#
8211; this is a subject for another essay, but when we create something new, it
either has more substance in physical reality or in higher dimensional reality&#
8211; in the latter case, it &#8220;speaks to our soul&#8221; and in the former
case its more &#8220;practical&#8221;); these deeper parts of us lie in the part
of ourselves that exists beyond the three dimensional plane in which our five s
enses roam free. Because of this, it becomes difficult to associate any of thes
e qualities with things we are familiar with in our very day existence. Its lik
e two dimensional beings viewing us as cardboard cutouts and thinking that&#8217
;s all there is to humanity. In higher multidimensional reality, our physical e
xistence really is only a cardboard cutout compared to the &#8220;true us&#8221;
the parts of us that exist on those higher planes. A part of love is indeed ph
ysical (because three dimensional reality is a part of higher dimensional existe
nce) but its only a very small part&#8211; but, unfortunately, its the only part
most people can comprehend. That&#8217;s why when we talk about such things as
sex, yes its a part of love, but only a very small part&#8211; most of the elat
ion, euphoria and ecstasy caused by love comes from its higher dimensional aspec
ts, unfortunately, physicality, which is the only form of existence conventional
society can comprehend, cannot understand this higher dimensionality and theref
ore ignores it. Science is only beginning to probe higher dimensional reality i
n the form of quantum mechanics, and as it advances, I think we&#8217;ll see a d
ovetailing of science and spirituality, and when they meet, we will find the sou
l/spirit, creativity, consciousness and the true nature of love and our existenc
e itself waiting for us. As of right now, the closest our three dimensional asp
ects can get to higher multidimensional reality is when we experience that magic
ally close connection through love or in the world of dreams, where we can somet
imes access the higher dimensional parts of our being&#8211; and we see that dis
tance and time become meaningless, just as they are in higher multidimensional r
eality.) In conventional society, physicality reigns supreme, and the result is
a depressed morose population that seeks to pop pills, drink alcohol or have sh
allow liaisons in order to compensate for true love. Its not that they dont wan
t true love&#8211; they have no idea how to obtain it, because conventional soci
ety choses to ignore that which it cannot understand and that which is beyond th
e purview of its jurisdiction. Its almost like humankind pretends that which it
cannot understand doesnt exist, and for this ignorance it pays very dearly, for
it cuts itself off from its own life giving roots. Not only that, but power an
d greed, being afraid of something it doesnt understand, tries to close off soci
ety from that which could heal it by offering these substitutes for love, being
afraid that if we ever did find it on our own, their power would be ended, and t
heir greed would be cut off at the roots. Little children and animals, which ar
e pure and innocent, havent yet been coached into this culture of ignorance, and
therefore instinctively understand what unconditional love really is, and if we
could get away from the detrimental effects of society, so could we. All we ha
ve to do is to listen to our inner voice, it speaks true, as it has from the fir
st day of existence. If we trust our instincts and intuition, they can lead us
back to the path on which nature intended us to be on all along. And then we wi
ll find true love waiting for us, as it has been all along. And why is love time
less? Because time doesnt exist in these higher dimensions, that&#8217;s why tr
ue love is a circle, without a beginning or an ending&#8230;</p>
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<h2 class="post-title"><a href="http://supermanalexthegr
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<p>Angel Hero Forever</p>
<p>As I was lying half awake, half asleep, in a bed of soft and fragrant grass,
gazing up at the stars, my hands softly lit by the light of the moon, my mind be
gan to drift away. I gazed at the stars and imagined the eyes of my Angel, spark
ling down upon me. I, the hero, had been through many battles, had been hurt in
so many places, so many times before. But that which had been hurt the most, was
my heart. It lay in pieces&#8230; But the hero&#8217;s Angel had been sleeping
outside on the very same night, and in the light of the moon, had noticed someth
ing sparkling. It was a piece of her Hero&#8217;s heart. She picked it up, and a
little further away, she found another piece, and as she kept walking she kept
finding more and more pieces.<br />
Meanwhile, the hero noticed the grass was wet; it was wet with the tears of his
Angel. He carefully brushed the grass with his hands, collecting every single te
ardrop, and he crawled on his hands and knees, as far as the trail of tears woul
d lead him. Thus the two of them traveled, day and night, never straying from th
e trail of tears or the road of hearts.<br />
The Angel had picked up every single piece and carefully pieced them all togethe
r, and added many parts of her own heart, the most beautiful parts that were not
even there before his heart broke..and thus their hearts were joined before the
y even met. And the Hero cried because his Angel had been crying, her pain is hi
s pain, and he wept his tears upon her tears, and because tears come from parts
of the soul melting away, the Angel&#8217;s soul and the Hero&#8217;s soul were
joined thus before they ever met.<br />
Then on the dawn of one beautiful summer day, the trail of tears and the road of
hearts ended&#8230; The Hero looked up from his crouched pose, and the Angel lo
oked down&#8230;.The Hero saw the blush on the cheeks of his Angel, more beautif
ul than any dawn ever could be&#8230;Their gaze met, eyes locked, hearts joined,
two souls as one&#8230;.The Hero held out his hands, full of the tears he had c
ollected from his Angel, plus his own tears which had been shed, two souls joine
d as one.<br />
The Angel held out her hands, full of the pieces of his broken heart which she h
ad collected, plus the parts of her heart, which she had added to his, two heart
s joined as one. Their hands reached out for each other, their rings sparkled br
ightly against each other&#8230;and thus the hearts and souls of the Hero and An
gel were joined, never to be separated again.</p>
<p>Sunrise Smile</p>
<p>Watching the moon rising from beyond the bubbling stream, which is steaming i
n the cool night air is like looking into your eyes through the mists of distanc
e&#8230; and you are so beautiful to me&#8230; and, just like the moon, the dist
ance can not alter or diminish you in any way.<br />
I sit lurking under the darkness of murky shadows, waiting for the clear vision
of your warm smile to bring light into the darkness of my soul, in nervous antic
ipation&#8230;like waiting for a beautiful sunrise over a darkened landscape&#82
30;knowing in my mind&#8217;s eye how beautiful it will be, the first blush of d
awn reminding me of your tender rosy cheeks, yet the real wonder of your smile n
ot fully revealed til it is before me, for not even the greatest mind can fully
comprehend the joy of your *sunrise smile* until it is is upon thee.<br />
Wonders when I reach out my hands to you, if you can feel it; and when I hold my
hands in each other&#8230;.wrapping four fingers of my right hand under the fou
r fingers of my left and the thumb over them&#8230; if you can feel me holding y
our hands in mine. Wonders when I press my hands to my chest, if you can feel me
touching your heart. Wonders when I shed my tears if you can feel the rain fall
ing down&#8230;although there are no clouds&#8230; Wonders if when I call out yo
ur name and say &#8220;Sweet honey, I know it sounds so crazy to have these feel
ings so early, but I feel this from deep within my soul&#8230; I think I&#8217;m
falling in love you&#8221;&#8230;if you can hear me.<br />
A deep heartfelt sigh, as the cold west wind blows and dries my tears before the
y can touch your tender cheeks, taking my hand away from my chest, to reveal a s
now encrusted long-stemmed rose, sparkling like countless stars in the first lig
ht of dawn. Placing it gently upon your pillow, and then slowly backing away, no
t wanting to disturb your sleep. Gazing at you from afar, in appreciation and ad
mlration for who you are, awaiting your smile like the first light of the Sun af
ter a long cold and lonely night and the sparkle of your eyes like the twinkle o
f the Morning Star.<br />
Slowly departing, across the endless emerald fields of grass, teary eyed and ove
rcome with the beauty and joy of what I just saw, my tear drops intermingling wi
th the morning dew that you see when you venture outside, glittering with the br
illiance of your *Sunrise Smile* bringing light to all the shadows upon the land
scape and guiding me and keeping me warm upon my long journey home&#8230; the me
mory of you bringing me hope and comfort and something to look forward to til th
e next time we meet&#8230;</p>
<p>My One and Only</p>
<p>Let me tell you this right before I start :<br />
At first sight you part the door to my heart .</p>
<p>A written rhyme that forever preserves<br />
Is the least your breathtaking shape deserves .</p>
<p>Before we met, I planned to run lonely ;<br />
Now, you&#8217;re my true pet, MY ONE AND ONLY .</p>
<p>For you, in my heart, there is no rival .<br />
Your true, unequaled love&#8217;s my survival .</p>
<p>When we meet, the sun glows into my soul .<br />
Then I greet the ONE who knows my heart whole .</p>
<p>Every glorious day I glimpse your face ,<br />
I see flawless beauty and swan-like grace .</p>
<p>Your hair is a halo of flaming fire .<br />
Having your care is my deepest desire .</p>
<p>My heart can soar when I hear your laughter .<br />
I know, then, you&#8217;re my humors&#8217; clear master .</p>
<p>When you&#8217;re laughing, light glitters in your eyes ;<br />
Then, each dazzling bright diamond drops disguise !</p>
<p>The sad twinkling tears streaming while you cry ,<br />
Are like shooting stars streaking through the sky !</p>
<p>Your soft, rapturous, ruby red lips screen<br />
Twin strings of precious pearls fit for a queen .</p>
<p>A kiss from your lips, my sweet darling love ,<br />
Is an angel&#8217;s touch from Heaven above .</p>
<p>Your voice is sultry as a summer&#8217;s night .<br />
To my soul&#8217;s darkest depth, your smile brings light .</p>
<p>An unsurpassed face the texture of cream ;<br />
Beauty from some place past my wildest dream !</p>
<p>Each hand as smooth as a butterfly wing ;<br />
Tanned arms that soothe my demand by warming .</p>
<p>Your legs look like golden oars at first glance ;<br />
Or eagles that soar when immersed in dance .</p>
<p>Though seeing your splendid shape may entice ,<br />
Only your love can bring me paradise .</p>
<p>Why I Love You So Much</p>
<p>Living life is like walking through a fog, except that you don&#8217;t know t
hat you are in the fog, until a bright light cuts through it, and shows you the
way out of the darkness. And all of a sudden that light not only illuminates the
paths you had previously taken, and all the wrong turns, pitfalls and mistakes
you made along the way&#8230;but it also shows you the right road ahead, the roa
d to happiness, the path to the future you had always dreamed of, but never dare
d hope could exist.<br />
A future with true love. One special day this light dawns in your eyes&#8230;&#8
230;..it is the light of the smile of the one you love, your one and only&#8230;
.it is the light in her sparkling eyes, shining down upon you with love, making
you feel so special, so happy, so protected, so loved. Your heart opens up to he
r, full of love, blossoms like a rose, her sweetness overwhelming you like the s
weet aroma of jasmine in the air, making your cheeks glow like the morning&#8217
;s dew drops make rose petals sparkle.<br />
True Love is like sight to the blind man: unless you have it, you don&#8217;t kn
ow what you&#8217;re missing. I was that blind man until I met you. Every time y
ou tell me &#8220;I love you,&#8221; it feels like the first time. It&#8217;s be
cause not only have you healed my heart, and picked up pieces broken along the w
ay, but your love has added new parts that were never there before. You have mad
e my heart, and my soul, so much stronger and happier than it ever was, stronger
and happier more than even before the first time it was hurt.<br />
This is so wonderful and rare, not only have you given me back what I thought I
had lost forever, you gave me something better and more special than I have ever
had before, or even believed could be possible to have&#8230;Your Love. And eve
ry time you tell me &#8220;I love you,&#8221; you touch one of those new parts o
f my heart which you have created, a new and different one each and every time,
that&#8217;s why every &#8220;I love you&#8221; feels like the first &#8220;I lo
ve you.&#8221;<br />
You are like the blind man&#8217;s first sunrise, the first light dawning on a n
ew day, a day of Hope, a day of Love. You are like the first time a deaf man hea
rs his own heart beating&#8230; he feels life within him that he never knew exis
ted. I used to settle for less, but being loved by you now, I know that True Hap
piness only lies along the road which leads me to you. I&#8217;ve told you befor
e, sweetheart, a million years of pain and a million miles of unhappiness are al
l worth it, as long as you&#8217;re waiting for me at the end of that road.<br /
I would climb the highest mountain barefoot, as long as I knew you waited for me
on the peak; you, my Love, being my warmth and my shelter, as the rest of the w
orld falls beneath us. I would dive into the deepest ocean without scuba gear, a
s long as I knew you waited for me at the sea bottom, your sweet soft breath bei
ng the only air I would ever need to breathe.<br />
Like the morning sun rises over my garden, revealing more and more beauty with e
ach passing moment, my love for you grows day by day, getting stronger and stron
ger in every way. Even though at any one particular moment it doesn&#8217;t seem
it could grow any greater, just like the beauty of my roses, the very next mome
nt exceeds all expectations and every new moment I discover a new reason of why&
30;&#8230;. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH !</p>
<p>Older stuff I wrote when I was immature<br />
City Rock 1 â The Many Faces of New York</p>
<p>Who wants to live in that wide open space ?<br />
Some sparse far-flung unpopulated place !<br />
I need New Yorkâ s wild and nutty rat race ,<br />
Not some small hick townâ s mild and steady pace .<br />
I try to see the nightâ s cat and mouse chase ;<br />
Rat so fat that house cat hides in safe place !<br />
Grisly news of the latest murder case ;<br />
Great views of the daily police car chase !<br />
Where a neighbor who has a charming face ,<br />
May have been released from alarming place !<br />
(10)<br />
Where the term â treeâ means telephone poleâ s base<br />
And â grassâ is drug used to forget this place !<br />
Where smog has its not-so-secret base ;<br />
Air that can stun you like a can of mace !<br />
Dial the wrong phone numberâ what a disgrace!<br />
Area code overload is in place<br />
See informants vanish without a trace ;<br />
Some more snitches the mob had to erase !<br />
Where the people who corrupt and debase<br />
Are just politicians we must replace !<br />
(20)<br />
Youâ ll see a man make babies like an ace ,<br />
Then leave the mother in utter disgrace .<br />
Keep your country ladies with charm and grace ;<br />
Give me some city girls in see-through lace !<br />
In daylight, kids pitch, hit balls and reach base ;<br />
At night theyâ ll find subway trains to deface !<br />
Those who donâ t have money to leave this place ,<br />
Steal a sniff to think theyâ re in outer space !<br />
Where youâ ll see the great urban taxi race ;<br />
Cabbies with turbans all over the place !<br />
(30)<br />
Where, when you catch them after a long chase ,<br />
Their fareâ s enough to go to outer space !<br />
A dayâ s pay is needed for parking space ;<br />
Park in the dark; stereoâ s out of place !<br />
Your car is older than his fresh young face !<br />
Or they joyride and end up in a race ;<br />
Lead police on a twenty mile car chase ,<br />
Which ends when your front fender meets treeâ s base !<br />
Shake hands with a salesman and you must brace ;<br />
With his left hand, heâ ll your wallet displace !<br />
(40)<br />
Itâ s agreed that, to get out of this place ,<br />
You need greed to succeed, let doubt erase .<br />
If you get lost and shall try to retrace ,<br />
Then a mugger you shall surely embrace !<br />
Late night stroll: I hear steps; see a strange face ;<br />
With great delight, I spray my can of mace !<br />
Where greedy thugs who steal at rapid pace<br />
Are made needy by drugs, not born one race .<br />
Powers say, â stress and problems weâ ll erase ,â <br />
But I see distress: people out of place ,<br />
Hopeless and homeless vanished without trace ,<br />
Helpless misery; doubt on every face .<br />
Sadness as they stare into empty space ;<br />
Madness that no flashy words can displace .<br />
<p>City Rock 2<br />
City Rock 2 â The Lost Continent/City of New York</p>
<p>â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â - {1} OPENING (1-11)<br />
As you know, I live in New York City<br />
(No I donâ t!)<br />
And this poem will surely be witty<br />
(No it wonâ t!)<br />
But it gets down to the nitty-gritty<br />
Itâ s born after a nine month wait<br />
After City Rock Iâ the Great<br />
The basic credo of City Rock:<br />
So little time and so much to mock<br />
So letâ s let the saga continue<br />
(You didnâ t think Iâ d stop now, did you?)<br />
â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â - {2} CHILD (12-113)<br />
It may seem like magic<br />
That I actually wrote a sequel<br />
But itâ s really tragic<br />
To continue from the original<br />
In the class room, there is no space<br />
And the teachers are a disgrace<br />
Thereâ s no motivation<br />
For good education<br />
Only desperation<br />
Thereâ s no innovation<br />
Weâ re all on vacation!<br />
All the teachers are stinking<br />
So our test scores are sinking<br />
Because we arenâ t thinking<br />
Weâ d all rather be drinking!<br />
Or we are playing pool<br />
That, we all say, is cool<br />
It is a jewel<br />
But even pool<br />
(Like any school)<br />
Can be cruel<br />
To a fool<br />
Who doesnâ t know the rules<br />
Truly, just like life<br />
Can cut like a knife<br />
Those who have lost direction<br />
And canâ t make a correction<br />
(38)<br />
And those who think it is a joke<br />
Those poor deluded souls; they wonâ t think itâ s so funny<br />
When they are thirty and havenâ t got any money<br />
Not even enough<br />
Of holy green stuff<br />
To support their habit<br />
They just do not have it<br />
Canâ t even buy a joint to smoke!<br />
Think theyâ re still in motherâ s womb<br />
And that their parents will forever tend them<br />
Even though they will not ever respect them<br />
And they will get a rude awakening when<br />
They are kicked out of their room<br />
A helping hand no one will ever lend them<br />
And the police will forever suspect them<br />
Trouble on every corner awaiting when<br />
All alone to face their doom<br />
Remembering the good old days<br />
When they were living for free<br />
Never mending their lazy ways<br />
Sitting back, watching TV<br />
And when they donâ t learn<br />
Because they havenâ t gone to college<br />
Havenâ t used their mind<br />
Their bridges are burned<br />
Because they havenâ t got the knowledge<br />
And got left behind<br />
Their biggest influence:<br />
Watching TV violence (67)<br />
.N<br />
Instead of learning computers<br />
They are becoming gun shooters<br />
Bad habitual drug users<br />
And/or area store looters<br />
They canâ t get a job<br />
Then, they have to rob<br />
Or work for the mob<br />
They donâ t want any real work<br />
(Unless graffitiâ s artwork!)<br />
Just want to be full-time jerks!<br />
(They say theyâ ll find something tomorrow<br />
All their promises are so hollow)<br />
And they lie, they cheat, they steal<br />
Theyâ ll take away your carâ s wheels!<br />
And they will get caught<br />
Or worse still, get shot<br />
(83)<br />
Commit their first crime<br />
End up in jail<br />
Systemâ s so overcrowded<br />
Get out on bail<br />
Their mindsâ still shrouded<br />
System has failed<br />
Wonâ t be their last time<br />
Because, they will be in and out<br />
To them, thatâ s what lifeâ s all about<br />
They donâ t know that futureâ s in doubt<br />
And they will not listen<br />
Will not learn their lesson<br />
Not even in prison<br />
In jail, they learn<br />
How they can earn<br />
That the more laws you break<br />
The more money youâ ll make!<br />
And they have no goals<br />
They live for now<br />
Never learned their roles<br />
Never learned how<br />
How to love or to live<br />
To receive or to give<br />
And they will make more mistakes<br />
â Cause theyâ ll find new laws to break<br />
Illegal money to make<br />
Much counterfeit cash to fake<br />
And new drugs to sell and take<br />
Heâ ll cough and sneeze<br />
And spread disease<br />
â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â - {3} â MANâ (114-155)<br />
Heâ ll find a girl who doesnâ t know any better<br />
And (now what do you think?) pregnant he will get her<br />
Man who, when he comes home<br />
Instead of greeting<br />
(Whatâ s he thinking?)<br />
When they are all alone<br />
Gives her a beating<br />
(Heâ s been drinking)<br />
For talking on the phone<br />
He thinks sheâ s cheating<br />
The baby thatâ s born<br />
Already down one strike<br />
A family thatâ s torn<br />
Daddyâ s taken a hike<br />
Motherâ s got no house<br />
And sheâ s got no spouse<br />
And, I will never leave her<br />
Thatâ s what he had said<br />
But that was to deceive her<br />
Get her into bed<br />
(133)<br />
Just because heâ s a man<br />
And just because he can<br />
He just got up and ran<br />
Or maybe he meant it<br />
Saying he would never leave<br />
But could you ever believe<br />
Someone so demented<br />
Could long stay out of trouble?<br />
Heâ s always on the bubble<br />
How do you ever hold out hope<br />
For a guy never far from dope?<br />
For him, a wild young fool<br />
She dropped out of high school<br />
They didnâ t use protection during sex<br />
And now two other young lives he has wrecked<br />
Because he didnâ t know it is lethal<br />
To inject yourself with the same needle<br />
(Like the TV shows depicted<br />
Even the babyâ s addicted)<br />
The poor young girl heâ s laid<br />
And the baby theyâ ve made<br />
Also succumb to AIDS<br />
â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â -{4} PROTECTION?(156-175)<br />
We want to carry guns<br />
To protect our loved ones<br />
But all that just hurts us<br />
Only adds more danger<br />
Our courage deserts us<br />
When we see a stranger<br />
The burglar isnâ t caught<br />
And itâ s we whoâ ve been shot<br />
(163)<br />
You hear a strange noise<br />
And you lose your poise<br />
So you use your gun<br />
You shoot a loved one<br />
Guns arenâ t are our protection<br />
They are just an infection<br />
And for the thousandth-and-first time<br />
They go, once again, to jail<br />
Released on good behavior<br />
Again, the system has failed<br />
Now who will be our savior<br />
From this unending wave of crime?<br />
â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â -{5} CONCLUSION (176-206)<br />
Because, there is only one escape<br />
From the worst enemy weâ ve ever faced<br />
Foe with hideously ugly shape<br />
A mind is a terrible thing to waste<br />
And no time to wait<br />
We canâ t hesitate<br />
Donâ t procrastinate<br />
Before itâ s too late<br />
We must educate<br />
In very great haste<br />
Open the door<br />
To so much more<br />
Because, weâ ve got to build a bridge<br />
Narrow the very gap<br />
Between the high school and college<br />
So much talent to tap<br />
Show dedication and courage<br />
Hopeless must repeat this song<br />
Repeat this again and again:<br />
He wants to act like a child<br />
To live free and to run wild<br />
Wants to think this is bliss<br />
Pretend nothingâ s amiss<br />
Heâ s not crazy!<br />
Heâ s just lazy!<br />
Doesnâ t want to sweat<br />
Heâ s always in debt<br />
Just to pass the time along<br />
Not realizing theyâ re wrong<br />
Just continuing to pretend<br />
â Til they reach their very DEAD END (206)</p>
<p>Put Down Poetry!</p>
<p>I have a teacher who thinks she can jest ;<br />
Knows no humor, just how to be a pest !<br />
She tells very stale and such STUPID jokes .<br />
And, on her own laughter, I think she chokes !<br />
When she tries to laugh, her mouth opens wide ;<br />
THAT smells like somebody crawled in and died !<br />
â Her jokes loosen the tension,â someone said .<br />
I say, â Whatâ s LOOSE is a screw in her head !â <br />
The REAL reason we laugh, tiny teacher ,<br />
Is because youâ re SUCH an UGLY creature !<br />
(10)<br />
She gave this cruel and unusual test ,<br />
When I left school I was truly depressed ;<br />
But nothing nearly like what she must feel ,<br />
Because sheâ s really got no sex appeal !<br />
In class she displays her incompetence<br />
And, alas, disgusting incontinence !<br />
From afar you can see her facial flaws ;<br />
Her getting a man is a futile cause !<br />
Forget about her having sex for free ;<br />
She canâ t even get any for a fee !<br />
(20)<br />
Not with those ugly, grubby little paws ;<br />
Sharp gross nails hanging down like lionâ s claws !<br />
At very first sight, I viewed her in awe ;<br />
From afar, I was scared at what I saw :<br />
A smurf-like V-shaped pointy little jaw ;<br />
A Pinocchio-like vast nasal flaw !<br />
And many others caused me to guffaw !<br />
When we do not pass her test, she is glad ;<br />
For, I see the crooked teeth as she smiles ;<br />
Worse than failing is to smell breath so bad ;<br />
And seeing vile jaws like a crocodileâ s !<br />
(31)<br />
A voice like chalk squeaking on the blackboard ;<br />
Erratic elf which puberty ignored !<br />
Iâ ve stared for a long time and tried my best ;<br />
Unless Iâ m blind wrong, she has got no breast !<br />
I think our little Ms. Pee Wee pervert<br />
May have got doctorâ s cooperation .<br />
An obvious unsuccessful convert ;<br />
Made her â femaleâ in sex operation !<br />
No change resulted; she is still inert !<br />
Still canâ t have any sexual dessert !<br />
No man can inside her, his stick insert !<br />
(42)<br />
She wears a scarf; I wish it were a noose ;<br />
Look at the dwarfâ s back, she lacks a caboose !<br />
All during class, she picks her pointy nose ;<br />
Models the latest in midget-sized clothes !<br />
Forget about her seeing eye to eye ;<br />
Teacher can just barely see eye to thigh !<br />
A smurfette that is so very little ,<br />
Canâ t do it with a guy; sheâ s so brittle !<br />
(50)<br />
The cream of the crop always rises to the top ;<br />
But sheâ s sunk; stage prop who is a gross flop !<br />
Possesses a mouth that canâ t ever quit !<br />
She is total and colossal nitwit ;<br />
Inside which no manâ s â appendageâ can fit !<br />
The â menâ she dates are NOT local heroes ;<br />
They ARE social and physical zeroes !<br />
No sane man could want that eccentric elf ,<br />
So deprived, she would satisfy herself !<br />
Or go shopping for a hooker and lie ,<br />
Tell her (EASY TO BELIEVE) sheâ s a guy !<br />
False â ladyâ Pee Wee no real guy would choose ,<br />
Not even if she could ply him with booze !<br />
They know her womanhood is just a ruse !<br />
Canâ t see her without elevator shoes !<br />
(65)<br />
Sometimes, with great effort, she will land guys ;<br />
It must be someone whoâ s not very wise !<br />
And for her to a poor soul victimize ,<br />
Must be someone who has very bad eyes ;<br />
Not to notice she is no beauty prize !<br />
In a while, heâ ll finally realize ;<br />
When the effect of the booze she drugged dies ;<br />
When he loses his long drug-induced highs ;<br />
That, only his horror, she satisfies ;<br />
She wonâ t give him any passionate sighs ;<br />
She canâ t even get his Organ to rise !<br />
She AND his stick are both miniscule size !<br />
(The man wonâ t be able to maximize ;<br />
From now on, stick will only minimize !)<br />
By careful observation he descries ;<br />
Making sure heâ s not wrong, he twice espies ;<br />
And that, despite how loudly she denies ;<br />
That everything sheâ d said were really lies .<br />
What would have caused him to so criticize ?<br />
What could have happened to make him chastise ?<br />
What caused him to her suddenly despise ?<br />
What did lead to her ultimate demise ?<br />
Youâ d already know if youâ d heard his cries<br />
That her womanhood was a thin disguise ,<br />
When, despite how valiantly he tries ;<br />
Then, in spite of how hard he really pries ,<br />
To poor manâ s total and complete surprise ,<br />
He had found no entrance between her thighs !<br />
(93)<br />
One look at a pygmy so impudent ,<br />
Could make a man completely impotent !<br />
Ms. Manikin could not date any bum ,<br />
Even if he should be small as Tom Thumb !<br />
Couldnâ t get any for a ton of rum !<br />
Just the sight of her makes most men feel numb !<br />
Her â womanhood,â guys would hate and despise ;<br />
All men, tall or small: of any measure ;<br />
Because, no matter how hard teacher tries ,<br />
She canâ t give even a momentâ s pleasure !<br />
Tiny teacher has scrawny chicken thighs !<br />
(104)<br />
It did not matter how long she could coax ;<br />
Or how strong was that wee â ladyâ sâ demand ;<br />
No real man could have ever laid a hand<br />
On someone whose womanhood was a hoax !<br />
The truth of this I swear to you by oath :<br />
That the real reason she canâ t a man lure ,<br />
More than that sheâ s â femaleâ miniature ;<br />
No man ever has any â joystickâ growth !<br />
(112)<br />
Just as a lame one-legged woman she walks ;<br />
Like a parrot with a sore throat she talks !<br />
That â ladyâ has no chance with nerds or jocks ;<br />
Comes to school with two different-colored socks !<br />
Teacher has got a dense brain full of rocks ;<br />
The marks on her face look like chicken pox !<br />
In an ugly head shaped like a square box !<br />
Iâ ll tell you once again: she is NO fox ;<br />
To us, her sex is complete paradox !<br />
(121)<br />
Once a young fool did fall into her trance ;<br />
On his loneliness she made strong advance .<br />
He was one of those horny guys from France ;<br />
A typical Frenchman; big on romance !<br />
They went off to a dark nightclub to dance .<br />
You could tell that the witch has, at first chance,<br />
Put in his drink a narcotic she plants .<br />
(From his weird leg-moves and ungainly slants ,<br />
His horrible-to-behold horse-like prance ;<br />
And his voodoo man-like ungodly chants !)<br />
This is the way the Ugly One enchants !<br />
When theyâ re alone, sheâ s in sexual stance ;<br />
Use of his body, in drugged state, he grants .<br />
Just then, the drug wears off and, at a glance,<br />
He sees sheâ s barely bigger than most ants !<br />
The result of insect-like human enhance !<br />
He tries to run; enraged she chops his â lance !â <br />
Heâ ll be known now as Mister Empty Pants !<br />
(139)<br />
Once a nymphomaniac who was crazed ,<br />
Upon her barely nude body had gazed .<br />
At first his mania had his eyes hazed ,<br />
His thirst for sex had his sight-sense nerve dazed ;<br />
For, he had, her â feminine beautyâ praised !<br />
But then his sickness which had had him fazed<br />
Wore off and the man was truly amazed !<br />
Her so-called â beautyâ had left him unfazed !<br />
In this poor madman, no desire had blazed !<br />
She hadnâ t even a â nymphoâ sâ stick raised !<br />
(149)<br />
She will never be able to appease ;<br />
Not in her wildest dreams able to please<br />
Even a nymphomaniacal sleaze<br />
When she really does her so-called â strip-tease .â <br />
Then poor guy will certainly cough and sneeze ;<br />
He will truly struggle to breathe: heâ ll wheeze<br />
And his â vital organâ will surely freeze ;<br />
Finally, man will jump into the trees<br />
As her smell is brought over by the breeze<br />
And he first glimpses and then truly sees<br />
That this so-called â ladyâ has got no cheese !<br />
What she truly has are ankle-high knees<br />
And to show her â body,â she pays the fees !<br />
(162)<br />
.N<br />
When she wants to have men in a bad mood ;<br />
Put them into an awful attitude ;<br />
(Like she tried to do to my good friend Jude .)<br />
She shall then, in her mind, have smart plan brewed .<br />
Teacher will perform an act very shrewd :<br />
She shall appear before them in the nude !<br />
The tragic result of an act so lewd ?<br />
What do all of you think would have ensued ?<br />
Ever seen such a female form intrude ?<br />
Have you ever such a weird shape construed ?<br />
Have you ever, by a witch, been pursued ?<br />
Hereâ s what should happen to our viewer-dude ;<br />
Who would witness our teacherâ s act so rude :<br />
Well, first of all, he would have cursed and booed ;<br />
Trying to scare the dumb pest, should have shooed ;<br />
Blood would rush from his face; face could be blued ;<br />
Whatever he drank, whatever he chewed :<br />
He would have emitted his daily food ;<br />
Unnamed biological acts issued !<br />
Forever, his sight her shape would occlude .<br />
For a lifetime he would have sex eschewed ;<br />
Because his sex driveâ s forever subdued !<br />
Even a pervert would become a prude !<br />
He would, from all women, himself seclude .<br />
â Girls look just like us,â he had misconstrued .<br />
Besides the fact that she could have been sued ;<br />
But then the wise judge would have to conclude :<br />
By her stripping in an awful denude ,<br />
That she was trying to a male delude<br />
By having on her body, fake breasts glued !<br />
Failing utterly to have a man wooed ;<br />
Unsuccessful in getting herself screwed ;<br />
By displaying a female form so crude ;<br />
Because she is a freak; vicissitude !<br />
That should have caused a deaf cow to have mooed !<br />
(Photos from the crime lab would have him clued )<br />
Our pygmy pervert must be unglued ;<br />
Insanity would, from jail time, preclude .<br />
Unused mannikin completely unscrewed ;<br />
A leftover from an alien brood !<br />
The human species, she doesnâ t include !<br />
(203)<br />
.N<br />
When she cannot seduce the town prior<br />
And gets turned down by the saintly friar<br />
Then, she fails to deflower boysâ church choir ;<br />
Her sex driveâ s hornier than a briar ;<br />
Her need for satisfaction is so dire ;<br />
Within herself, there burns such a strong fire ;<br />
Deep-red coals of a hot burning desire ;<br />
That she now becomes a lady for hire !<br />
She will tell all of those who inquire<br />
That she certainly doesnâ t ever tire ;<br />
That she will make them hotter than a pyre !<br />
But she doesnâ t find a single buyer ;<br />
They all know sheâ s nothing but a liar ;<br />
In her entrance, canâ t even fit a wire !<br />
(217)<br />
When the creature we call Teacher shall near ;<br />
When we the pitter-patter of heels hear ,<br />
Some people will make fun of her and leer ;<br />
They will make cruel jokes; shout at her and sneer ;<br />
(They want to throw the witch off a short pier !)<br />
Others will shake and quiver in great fear !<br />
Paralyzed like headlights to a stray deer !<br />
They think that their manliness she will shear !<br />
Afraid that her ugliness brings Deathâ s bier !<br />
All comment on lack of twin frontal gear !<br />
All comment on her nonexistent rear !<br />
Her gender is one thing that is not clear !<br />
Out of her path all shall attempt to steer ;<br />
If she comes close, they change direction; veer ;<br />
They all think that she is really a queer !<br />
Not one person shall ever hold her dear !<br />
(Not even should she fill the guy with beer !)<br />
Because no man can pierce her with his spear !<br />
When she will tire and get out here ,<br />
Then every creature, tall or small, shall cheer ;<br />
Not one person shall even shed a tear !<br />
They sigh in relief and say what was here ;<br />
What came out of the blue to interfere ,<br />
After a travel of many a year :<br />
Alien outcast from final frontier !<br />
(Kind that make crop circles and eat raw steer !)<br />
(243)<br />
Normally, she canâ t even touch first base !<br />
But sometimes, after a very quick pace ;<br />
On foot, a long and difficult man chase ;<br />
She will corner a guy in a dark place .<br />
She will try to deflower and disgrace ;<br />
Maybe even try to wallet displace !<br />
Heâ ll yell at the sight of hideous face ;<br />
A so-called â ladyâ with no charm or grace ;<br />
Nothing worth noting under see-through lace ;<br />
At first, he tries to avoid her embrace ;<br />
But, not succeeding, he can only brace .<br />
Hope to memory of the event erase .<br />
But then he realizes sheâ s no ace ;<br />
She canâ t even fit him in her dark space !<br />
Heâ ll reach into pocket and spray with mace ;<br />
She will yell at him that she will deface ,<br />
He worries about her threat, just in case .<br />
Heâ ll get up and vanish without a trace ,<br />
Back to his own home his steps heâ ll retrace .<br />
Wondering, where before had he seen that face ?<br />
Heâ ll recall a movie at girlfriendâ s place<br />
Where he had seen just that same kind of face<br />
Itâ s about aliens from outer space !<br />
With ugly designs, they humans replace !<br />
(267)<br />
.N<br />
Sometimes to get guys, sheâ ll dress like a whore ;<br />
When she sees one, sheâ ll beg and implore<br />
Ask permission to his body explore .<br />
He says no; she does something I deplore .<br />
Injects him with drugs to get him to snore !<br />
(She doesnâ t know the act is such a bore ;<br />
Never did she get any man to soar ;<br />
Could never lift any manâ s oar !<br />
Sex is enough to get a guy to snore !)<br />
While heâ s sleeping, his body sheâ ll adore !<br />
But heâ ll certainly wake up before<br />
She has a chance to do anything more .<br />
Before she completes her sexual chore<br />
Heâ ll see himself under her on the floor<br />
Of a dirty pornographic bookstore !<br />
The guyâ s so disgusted; a soul so poor ,<br />
Her ugliness shakes him to his own core !<br />
Canâ t bear the burden of this anymore ;<br />
With a knife, heâ ll certainly himself gore !<br />
(286)<br />
When she goes out with a guy on a date ;<br />
From the start to the finish, they her hate ;<br />
They canâ t stand her walk, her lame one-legged gait !<br />
Nothing she has ever done has been great ;<br />
She canâ t any manâ s sex appetite sate .<br />
Couldnâ t even his hormones activate !<br />
Canâ t even a manâ s unit motivate !<br />
Nothing she will do can lift a manâ s â freight !â <br />
With her undesirable feather weight !<br />
Scale of one to ten, minus five they rate !<br />
No matter how much they slow down or wait ,<br />
She canâ t give them pleasure early or late !<br />
And thereâ s something they donâ t anticipate :<br />
They canâ t even open up her small gate !<br />
She thinks its the manâ s fault; calls him ingrate !<br />
Itâ s not her fault, just a quirk of cruel fate ;<br />
Just the result of a something innate !<br />
Ugly enough to be fishermanâ s bait !<br />
Kills fish with bad breath from garlic she ate !<br />
Her â womanhoodâ is a matter of debate !<br />
(306)<br />
When sheâ s on a quest to find the right mate ,<br />
A man who wonâ t jest and dump on first date ,<br />
She would go to a certain well-known place ,<br />
In search of the longest-suffering male ;<br />
The only men who would let her embrace ,<br />
Are the ones that she could get out on bail !<br />
(312)<br />
When she comes, unshaven men stare and shout ;<br />
She thinks they crave her; thatâ s NOT what they meant !<br />
The thing that theyâ re truly talking about :<br />
Theyâ re betting whoâ ll drop dead first from her scent !<br />
In time, sheâ ll pick out the ugliest one ,<br />
Slimeball who thinks that sheâ s a guy named Stan !<br />
The only males who, at first glance, wonâ t run ,<br />
Are those who prefer to be with a man !<br />
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<h2 class="post-title"><a href="http://supermanalexthegr
eat.wordpress.com/2010/04/23/high-school-poetry/" title="Permanent Link to High
School&nbsp;Poetry">High School&nbsp;Poetry</a></h2>
<div class="post-content">
<p>Older stuff I wrote when I was immature<br />
City Rock 1 &#8212; The Many Faces of New York</p>
<p>Who wants to live in that wide open space ?<br />
Some sparse far-flung unpopulated place !<br />
I need New York&#8217;s wild and nutty rat race ,<br />
Not some small hick town&#8217;s mild and steady pace .<br />
I try to see the night&#8217;s cat and mouse chase ;<br />
Rat so fat that house cat hides in safe place !<br />
Grisly news of the latest murder case ;<br />
Great views of the daily police car chase !<br />
Where a neighbor who has a charming face ,<br />
May have been released from alarming place !<br />
(10)<br />
Where the term &#8220;tree&#8221; means telephone pole&#8217;s base<br />
And &#8220;grass&#8221; is drug used to forget this place !<br />
Where smog has its not-so-secret base ;<br />
Air that can stun you like a can of mace !<br />
Dial the wrong phone number&#8211; what a disgrace!<br />
Area code overload is in place<br />
See informants vanish without a trace ;<br />
Some more snitches the mob had to erase !<br />
Where the people who corrupt and debase<br />
Are just politicians we must replace !<br />
(20)<br />
You&#8217;ll see a man make babies like an ace ,<br />
Then leave the mother in utter disgrace .<br />
Keep your country ladies with charm and grace ;<br />
Give me some city girls in see-through lace !<br />
In daylight, kids pitch, hit balls and reach base ;<br />
At night they&#8217;ll find subway trains to deface !<br />
Those who don&#8217;t have money to leave this place ,<br />
Steal a sniff to think they&#8217;re in outer space !<br />
Where you&#8217;ll see the great urban taxi race ;<br />
Cabbies with turbans all over the place !<br />
(30)<br />
Where, when you catch them after a long chase ,<br />
Their fare&#8217;s enough to go to outer space !<br />
A day&#8217;s pay is needed for parking space ;<br />
Park in the dark; stereo&#8217;s out of place !<br />
Your car is older than his fresh young face !<br />
Or they joyride and end up in a race ;<br />
Lead police on a twenty mile car chase ,<br />
Which ends when your front fender meets tree&#8217;s base !<br />
Shake hands with a salesman and you must brace ;<br />
With his left hand, he&#8217;ll your wallet displace !<br />
(40)<br />
It&#8217;s agreed that, to get out of this place ,<br />
You need greed to succeed, let doubt erase .<br />
If you get lost and shall try to retrace ,<br />
Then a mugger you shall surely embrace !<br />
Late night stroll: I hear steps; see a strange face ;<br />
With great delight, I spray my can of mace !<br />
Where greedy thugs who steal at rapid pace<br />
Are made needy by drugs, not born one race .<br />
Powers say, &#8220;stress and problems we&#8217;ll erase ,&#8221;<br />
But I see distress: people out of place ,<br />
Hopeless and homeless vanished without trace ,<br />
Helpless misery; doubt on every face .<br />
Sadness as they stare into empty space ;<br />
Madness that no flashy words can displace .<br />
<p>City Rock 2<br />
City Rock 2 &#8212; The Lost Continent/City of New York</p>
&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;- {1} OPENING (1-11)<br />
As you know, I live in New York City<br />
(No I don&#8217;t!)<br />
And this poem will surely be witty<br />
(No it won&#8217;t!)<br />
But it gets down to the nitty-gritty<br />
It&#8217;s born after a nine month wait<br />
After City Rock I&#8211; the Great<br />
The basic credo of City Rock:<br />
So little time and so much to mock<br />
So let&#8217;s let the saga continue<br />
(You didn&#8217;t think I&#8217;d stop now, did you?)<br />
212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;- {2} CHILD (12-113)<br />
It may seem like magic<br />
That I actually wrote a sequel<br />
But it&#8217;s really tragic<br />
To continue from the original<br />
In the class room, there is no space<br />
And the teachers are a disgrace<br />
There&#8217;s no motivation<br />
For good education<br />
Only desperation<br />
There&#8217;s no innovation<br />
We&#8217;re all on vacation!<br />
All the teachers are stinking<br />
So our test scores are sinking<br />
Because we aren&#8217;t thinking<br />
We&#8217;d all rather be drinking!<br />
Or we are playing pool<br />
That, we all say, is cool<br />
It is a jewel<br />
But even pool<br />
(Like any school)<br />
Can be cruel<br />
To a fool<br />
Who doesn&#8217;t know the rules<br />
Truly, just like life<br />
Can cut like a knife<br />
Those who have lost direction<br />
And can&#8217;t make a correction<br />
(38)<br />
And those who think it is a joke<br />
Those poor deluded souls; they won&#8217;t think it&#8217;s so funny<br />
When they are thirty and haven&#8217;t got any money<br />
Not even enough<br />
Of holy green stuff<br />
To support their habit<br />
They just do not have it<br />
Can&#8217;t even buy a joint to smoke!<br />
Think they&#8217;re still in mother&#8217;s womb<br />
And that their parents will forever tend them<br />
Even though they will not ever respect them<br />
And they will get a rude awakening when<br />
They are kicked out of their room<br />
A helping hand no one will ever lend them<br />
And the police will forever suspect them<br />
Trouble on every corner awaiting when<br />
All alone to face their doom<br />
Remembering the good old days<br />
When they were living for free<br />
Never mending their lazy ways<br />
Sitting back, watching TV<br />
And when they don&#8217;t learn<br />
Because they haven&#8217;t gone to college<br />
Haven&#8217;t used their mind<br />
Their bridges are burned<br />
Because they haven&#8217;t got the knowledge<br />
And got left behind<br />
Their biggest influence:<br />
Watching TV violence (67)<br />
.N<br />
Instead of learning computers<br />
They are becoming gun shooters<br />
Bad habitual drug users<br />
And/or area store looters<br />
They can&#8217;t get a job<br />
Then, they have to rob<br />
Or work for the mob<br />
They don&#8217;t want any real work<br />
(Unless graffiti&#8217;s artwork!)<br />
Just want to be full-time jerks!<br />
(They say they&#8217;ll find something tomorrow<br />
All their promises are so hollow)<br />
And they lie, they cheat, they steal<br />
They&#8217;ll take away your car&#8217;s wheels!<br />
And they will get caught<br />
Or worse still, get shot<br />
(83)<br />
Commit their first crime<br />
End up in jail<br />
System&#8217;s so overcrowded<br />
Get out on bail<br />
Their minds&#8217; still shrouded<br />
System has failed<br />
Won&#8217;t be their last time<br />
Because, they will be in and out<br />
To them, that&#8217;s what life&#8217;s all about<br />
They don&#8217;t know that future&#8217;s in doubt<br />
And they will not listen<br />
Will not learn their lesson<br />
Not even in prison<br />
In jail, they learn<br />
How they can earn<br />
That the more laws you break<br />
The more money you&#8217;ll make!<br />
And they have no goals<br />
They live for now<br />
Never learned their roles<br />
Never learned how<br />
How to love or to live<br />
To receive or to give<br />
And they will make more mistakes<br />
&#8216;Cause they&#8217;ll find new laws to break<br />
Illegal money to make<br />
Much counterfeit cash to fake<br />
And new drugs to sell and take<br />
He&#8217;ll cough and sneeze<br />
And spread disease<br />
212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;- {3} &#8220;MAN&#8221; (114-155)<
br />
He&#8217;ll find a girl who doesn&#8217;t know any better<br />
And (now what do you think?) pregnant he will get her<br />
Man who, when he comes home<br />
Instead of greeting<br />
(What&#8217;s he thinking?)<br />
When they are all alone<br />
Gives her a beating<br />
(He&#8217;s been drinking)<br />
For talking on the phone<br />
He thinks she&#8217;s cheating<br />
The baby that&#8217;s born<br />
Already down one strike<br />
A family that&#8217;s torn<br />
Daddy&#8217;s taken a hike<br />
Mother&#8217;s got no house<br />
And she&#8217;s got no spouse<br />
And, I will never leave her<br />
That&#8217;s what he had said<br />
But that was to deceive her<br />
Get her into bed<br />
(133)<br />
Just because he&#8217;s a man<br />
And just because he can<br />
He just got up and ran<br />
Or maybe he meant it<br />
Saying he would never leave<br />
But could you ever believe<br />
Someone so demented<br />
Could long stay out of trouble?<br />
He&#8217;s always on the bubble<br />
How do you ever hold out hope<br />
For a guy never far from dope?<br />
For him, a wild young fool<br />
She dropped out of high school<br />
They didn&#8217;t use protection during sex<br />
And now two other young lives he has wrecked<br />
Because he didn&#8217;t know it is lethal<br />
To inject yourself with the same needle<br />
(Like the TV shows depicted<br />
Even the baby&#8217;s addicted)<br />
The poor young girl he&#8217;s laid<br />
And the baby they&#8217;ve made<br />
Also succumb to AIDS<br />
212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;-{4} PROTECTION?(156-175)<br />
We want to carry guns<br />
To protect our loved ones<br />
But all that just hurts us<br />
Only adds more danger<br />
Our courage deserts us<br />
When we see a stranger<br />
The burglar isn&#8217;t caught<br />
And it&#8217;s we who&#8217;ve been shot<br />
(163)<br />
You hear a strange noise<br />
And you lose your poise<br />
So you use your gun<br />
You shoot a loved one<br />
Guns aren&#8217;t are our protection<br />
They are just an infection<br />
And for the thousandth-and-first time<br />
They go, once again, to jail<br />
Released on good behavior<br />
Again, the system has failed<br />
Now who will be our savior<br />
From this unending wave of crime?<br />
212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;&#8212;-{5} CONCLUSION (176-206)<br />
Because, there is only one escape<br />
From the worst enemy we&#8217;ve ever faced<br />
Foe with hideously ugly shape<br />
A mind is a terrible thing to waste<br />
And no time to wait<br />
We can&#8217;t hesitate<br />
Don&#8217;t procrastinate<br />
Before it&#8217;s too late<br />
We must educate<br />
In very great haste<br />
Open the door<br />
To so much more<br />
Because, we&#8217;ve got to build a bridge<br />
Narrow the very gap<br />
Between the high school and college<br />
So much talent to tap<br />
Show dedication and courage<br />
Hopeless must repeat this song<br />
Repeat this again and again:<br />
He wants to act like a child<br />
To live free and to run wild<br />
Wants to think this is bliss<br />
Pretend nothing&#8217;s amiss<br />
He&#8217;s not crazy!<br />
He&#8217;s just lazy!<br />
Doesn&#8217;t want to sweat<br />
He&#8217;s always in debt<br />
Just to pass the time along<br />
Not realizing they&#8217;re wrong<br />
Just continuing to pretend<br />
&#8216;Til they reach their very DEAD END (206)</p>
<p>Put Down Poetry!</p>
<p>I have a teacher who thinks she can jest ;<br />
Knows no humor, just how to be a pest !<br />
She tells very stale and such STUPID jokes .<br />
And, on her own laughter, I think she chokes !<br />
When she tries to laugh, her mouth opens wide ;<br />
THAT smells like somebody crawled in and died !<br />
&#8220;Her jokes loosen the tension,&#8221; someone said .<br />
I say, &#8220;What&#8217;s LOOSE is a screw in her head !&#8221;<br />
The REAL reason we laugh, tiny teacher ,<br />
Is because you&#8217;re SUCH an UGLY creature !<br />
(10)<br />
She gave this cruel and unusual test ,<br />
When I left school I was truly depressed ;<br />
But nothing nearly like what she must feel ,<br />
Because she&#8217;s really got no sex appeal !<br />
In class she displays her incompetence<br />
And, alas, disgusting incontinence !<br />
From afar you can see her facial flaws ;<br />
Her getting a man is a futile cause !<br />
Forget about her having sex for free ;<br />
She can&#8217;t even get any for a fee !<br />
(20)<br />
Not with those ugly, grubby little paws ;<br />
Sharp gross nails hanging down like lion&#8217;s claws !<br />
At very first sight, I viewed her in awe ;<br />
From afar, I was scared at what I saw :<br />
A smurf-like V-shaped pointy little jaw ;<br />
A Pinocchio-like vast nasal flaw !<br />
And many others caused me to guffaw !<br />
When we do not pass her test, she is glad ;<br />
For, I see the crooked teeth as she smiles ;<br />
Worse than failing is to smell breath so bad ;<br />
And seeing vile jaws like a crocodile&#8217;s !<br />
(31)<br />
A voice like chalk squeaking on the blackboard ;<br />
Erratic elf which puberty ignored !<br />
I&#8217;ve stared for a long time and tried my best ;<br />
Unless I&#8217;m blind wrong, she has got no breast !<br />
I think our little Ms. Pee Wee pervert<br />
May have got doctor&#8217;s cooperation .<br />
An obvious unsuccessful convert ;<br />
Made her &#8220;female&#8221; in sex operation !<br />
No change resulted; she is still inert !<br />
Still can&#8217;t have any sexual dessert !<br />
No man can inside her, his stick insert !<br />
(42)<br />
She wears a scarf; I wish it were a noose ;<br />
Look at the dwarf&#8217;s back, she lacks a caboose !<br />
All during class, she picks her pointy nose ;<br />
Models the latest in midget-sized clothes !<br />
Forget about her seeing eye to eye ;<br />
Teacher can just barely see eye to thigh !<br />
A smurfette that is so very little ,<br />
Can&#8217;t do it with a guy; she&#8217;s so brittle !<br />
(50)<br />
The cream of the crop always rises to the top ;<br />
But she&#8217;s sunk; stage prop who is a gross flop !<br />
Possesses a mouth that can&#8217;t ever quit !<br />
She is total and colossal nitwit ;<br />
Inside which no man&#8217;s &#8220;appendage&#8221; can fit !<br />
The &#8220;men&#8221; she dates are NOT local heroes ;<br />
They ARE social and physical zeroes !<br />
No sane man could want that eccentric elf ,<br />
So deprived, she would satisfy herself !<br />
Or go shopping for a hooker and lie ,<br />
Tell her (EASY TO BELIEVE) she&#8217;s a guy !<br />
False &#8220;lady&#8221; Pee Wee no real guy would choose ,<br />
Not even if she could ply him with booze !<br />
They know her womanhood is just a ruse !<br />
Can&#8217;t see her without elevator shoes !<br />
(65)<br />
Sometimes, with great effort, she will land guys ;<br />
It must be someone who&#8217;s not very wise !<br />
And for her to a poor soul victimize ,<br />
Must be someone who has very bad eyes ;<br />
Not to notice she is no beauty prize !<br />
In a while, he&#8217;ll finally realize ;<br />
When the effect of the booze she drugged dies ;<br />
When he loses his long drug-induced highs ;<br />
That, only his horror, she satisfies ;<br />
She won&#8217;t give him any passionate sighs ;<br />
She can&#8217;t even get his Organ to rise !<br />
She AND his stick are both miniscule size !<br />
(The man won&#8217;t be able to maximize ;<br />
From now on, stick will only minimize !)<br />
By careful observation he descries ;<br />
Making sure he&#8217;s not wrong, he twice espies ;<br />
And that, despite how loudly she denies ;<br />
That everything she&#8217;d said were really lies .<br />
What would have caused him to so criticize ?<br />
What could have happened to make him chastise ?<br />
What caused him to her suddenly despise ?<br />
What did lead to her ultimate demise ?<br />
You&#8217;d already know if you&#8217;d heard his cries<br />
That her womanhood was a thin disguise ,<br />
When, despite how valiantly he tries ;<br />
Then, in spite of how hard he really pries ,<br />
To poor man&#8217;s total and complete surprise ,<br />
He had found no entrance between her thighs !<br />
(93)<br />
One look at a pygmy so impudent ,<br />
Could make a man completely impotent !<br />
Ms. Manikin could not date any bum ,<br />
Even if he should be small as Tom Thumb !<br />
Couldn&#8217;t get any for a ton of rum !<br />
Just the sight of her makes most men feel numb !<br />
Her &#8220;womanhood,&#8221; guys would hate and despise ;<br />
All men, tall or small: of any measure ;<br />
Because, no matter how hard teacher tries ,<br />
She can&#8217;t give even a moment&#8217;s pleasure !<br />
Tiny teacher has scrawny chicken thighs !<br />
(104)<br />
It did not matter how long she could coax ;<br />
Or how strong was that wee &#8220;lady&#8217;s&#8221; demand ;<br />
No real man could have ever laid a hand<br />
On someone whose womanhood was a hoax !<br />
The truth of this I swear to you by oath :<br />
That the real reason she can&#8217;t a man lure ,<br />
More than that she&#8217;s &#8220;female&#8221; miniature ;<br />
No man ever has any &#8220;joystick&#8221; growth !<br />
(112)<br />
Just as a lame one-legged woman she walks ;<br />
Like a parrot with a sore throat she talks !<br />
That &#8220;lady&#8221; has no chance with nerds or jocks ;<br />
Comes to school with two different-colored socks !<br />
Teacher has got a dense brain full of rocks ;<br />
The marks on her face look like chicken pox !<br />
In an ugly head shaped like a square box !<br />
I&#8217;ll tell you once again: she is NO fox ;<br />
To us, her sex is complete paradox !<br />
(121)<br />
Once a young fool did fall into her trance ;<br />
On his loneliness she made strong advance .<br />
He was one of those horny guys from France ;<br />
A typical Frenchman; big on romance !<br />
They went off to a dark nightclub to dance .<br />
You could tell that the witch has, at first chance,<br />
Put in his drink a narcotic she plants .<br />
(From his weird leg-moves and ungainly slants ,<br />
His horrible-to-behold horse-like prance ;<br />
And his voodoo man-like ungodly chants !)<br />
This is the way the Ugly One enchants !<br />
When they&#8217;re alone, she&#8217;s in sexual stance ;<br />
Use of his body, in drugged state, he grants .<br />
Just then, the drug wears off and, at a glance,<br />
He sees she&#8217;s barely bigger than most ants !<br />
The result of insect-like human enhance !<br />
He tries to run; enraged she chops his &#8220;lance !&#8221;<br />
He&#8217;ll be known now as Mister Empty Pants !<br />
(139)<br />
Once a nymphomaniac who was crazed ,<br />
Upon her barely nude body had gazed .<br />
At first his mania had his eyes hazed ,<br />
His thirst for sex had his sight-sense nerve dazed ;<br />
For, he had, her &#8220;feminine beauty&#8221; praised !<br />
But then his sickness which had had him fazed<br />
Wore off and the man was truly amazed !<br />
Her so-called &#8220;beauty&#8221; had left him unfazed !<br />
In this poor madman, no desire had blazed !<br />
She hadn&#8217;t even a &#8220;nympho&#8217;s&#8221; stick raised !<br />
(149)<br />
She will never be able to appease ;<br />
Not in her wildest dreams able to please<br />
Even a nymphomaniacal sleaze<br />
When she really does her so-called &#8220;strip-tease .&#8221;<br />
Then poor guy will certainly cough and sneeze ;<br />
He will truly struggle to breathe: he&#8217;ll wheeze<br />
And his &#8220;vital organ&#8221; will surely freeze ;<br />
Finally, man will jump into the trees<br />
As her smell is brought over by the breeze<br />
And he first glimpses and then truly sees<br />
That this so-called &#8220;lady&#8221; has got no cheese !<br />
What she truly has are ankle-high knees<br />
And to show her &#8220;body,&#8221; she pays the fees !<br />
(162)<br />
.N<br />
When she wants to have men in a bad mood ;<br />
Put them into an awful attitude ;<br />
(Like she tried to do to my good friend Jude .)<br />
She shall then, in her mind, have smart plan brewed .<br />
Teacher will perform an act very shrewd :<br />
She shall appear before them in the nude !<br />
The tragic result of an act so lewd ?<br />
What do all of you think would have ensued ?<br />
Ever seen such a female form intrude ?<br />
Have you ever such a weird shape construed ?<br />
Have you ever, by a witch, been pursued ?<br />
Here&#8217;s what should happen to our viewer-dude ;<br />
Who would witness our teacher&#8217;s act so rude :<br />
Well, first of all, he would have cursed and booed ;<br />
Trying to scare the dumb pest, should have shooed ;<br />
Blood would rush from his face; face could be blued ;<br />
Whatever he drank, whatever he chewed :<br />
He would have emitted his daily food ;<br />
Unnamed biological acts issued !<br />
Forever, his sight her shape would occlude .<br />
For a lifetime he would have sex eschewed ;<br />
Because his sex drive&#8217;s forever subdued !<br />
Even a pervert would become a prude !<br />
He would, from all women, himself seclude .<br />
&#8220;Girls look just like us,&#8221; he had misconstrued .<br />
Besides the fact that she could have been sued ;<br />
But then the wise judge would have to conclude :<br />
By her stripping in an awful denude ,<br />
That she was trying to a male delude<br />
By having on her body, fake breasts glued !<br />
Failing utterly to have a man wooed ;<br />
Unsuccessful in getting herself screwed ;<br />
By displaying a female form so crude ;<br />
Because she is a freak; vicissitude !<br />
That should have caused a deaf cow to have mooed !<br />
(Photos from the crime lab would have him clued )<br />
Our pygmy pervert must be unglued ;<br />
Insanity would, from jail time, preclude .<br />
Unused mannikin completely unscrewed ;<br />
A leftover from an alien brood !<br />
The human species, she doesn&#8217;t include !<br />
(203)<br />
.N<br />
When she cannot seduce the town prior<br />
And gets turned down by the saintly friar<br />
Then, she fails to deflower boys&#8217; church choir ;<br />
Her sex drive&#8217;s hornier than a briar ;<br />
Her need for satisfaction is so dire ;<br />
Within herself, there burns such a strong fire ;<br />
Deep-red coals of a hot burning desire ;<br />
That she now becomes a lady for hire !<br />
She will tell all of those who inquire<br />
That she certainly doesn&#8217;t ever tire ;<br />
That she will make them hotter than a pyre !<br />
But she doesn&#8217;t find a single buyer ;<br />
They all know she&#8217;s nothing but a liar ;<br />
In her entrance, can&#8217;t even fit a wire !<br />
(217)<br />
When the creature we call Teacher shall near ;<br />
When we the pitter-patter of heels hear ,<br />
Some people will make fun of her and leer ;<br />
They will make cruel jokes; shout at her and sneer ;<br />
(They want to throw the witch off a short pier !)<br />
Others will shake and quiver in great fear !<br />
Paralyzed like headlights to a stray deer !<br />
They think that their manliness she will shear !<br />
Afraid that her ugliness brings Death&#8217;s bier !<br />
All comment on lack of twin frontal gear !<br />
All comment on her nonexistent rear !<br />
Her gender is one thing that is not clear !<br />
Out of her path all shall attempt to steer ;<br />
If she comes close, they change direction; veer ;<br />
They all think that she is really a queer !<br />
Not one person shall ever hold her dear !<br />
(Not even should she fill the guy with beer !)<br />
Because no man can pierce her with his spear !<br />
When she will tire and get out here ,<br />
Then every creature, tall or small, shall cheer ;<br />
Not one person shall even shed a tear !<br />
They sigh in relief and say what was here ;<br />
What came out of the blue to interfere ,<br />
After a travel of many a year :<br />
Alien outcast from final frontier !<br />
(Kind that make crop circles and eat raw steer !)<br />
(243)<br />
Normally, she can&#8217;t even touch first base !<br />
But sometimes, after a very quick pace ;<br />
On foot, a long and difficult man chase ;<br />
She will corner a guy in a dark place .<br />
She will try to deflower and disgrace ;<br />
Maybe even try to wallet displace !<br />
He&#8217;ll yell at the sight of hideous face ;<br />
A so-called &#8220;lady&#8221; with no charm or grace ;<br />
Nothing worth noting under see-through lace ;<br />
At first, he tries to avoid her embrace ;<br />
But, not succeeding, he can only brace .<br />
Hope to memory of the event erase .<br />
But then he realizes she&#8217;s no ace ;<br />
She can&#8217;t even fit him in her dark space !<br />
He&#8217;ll reach into pocket and spray with mace ;<br />
She will yell at him that she will deface ,<br />
He worries about her threat, just in case .<br />
He&#8217;ll get up and vanish without a trace ,<br />
Back to his own home his steps he&#8217;ll retrace .<br />
Wondering, where before had he seen that face ?<br />
He&#8217;ll recall a movie at girlfriend&#8217;s place<br />
Where he had seen just that same kind of face<br />
It&#8217;s about aliens from outer space !<br />
With ugly designs, they humans replace !<br />
(267)<br />
.N<br />
Sometimes to get guys, she&#8217;ll dress like a whore ;<br />
When she sees one, she&#8217;ll beg and implore<br />
Ask permission to his body explore .<br />
He says no; she does something I deplore .<br />
Injects him with drugs to get him to snore !<br />
(She doesn&#8217;t know the act is such a bore ;<br />
Never did she get any man to soar ;<br />
Could never lift any man&#8217;s oar !<br />
Sex is enough to get a guy to snore !)<br />
While he&#8217;s sleeping, his body she&#8217;ll adore !<br />
But he&#8217;ll certainly wake up before<br />
She has a chance to do anything more .<br />
Before she completes her sexual chore<br />
He&#8217;ll see himself under her on the floor<br />
Of a dirty pornographic bookstore !<br />
The guy&#8217;s so disgusted; a soul so poor ,<br />
Her ugliness shakes him to his own core !<br />
Can&#8217;t bear the burden of this anymore ;<br />
With a knife, he&#8217;ll certainly himself gore !<br />
(286)<br />
When she goes out with a guy on a date ;<br />
From the start to the finish, they her hate ;<br />
They can&#8217;t stand her walk, her lame one-legged gait !<br />
Nothing she has ever done has been great ;<br />
She can&#8217;t any man&#8217;s sex appetite sate .<br />
Couldn&#8217;t even his hormones activate !<br />
Can&#8217;t even a man&#8217;s unit motivate !<br />
Nothing she will do can lift a man&#8217;s &#8220;freight !&#8221;<br />
With her undesirable feather weight !<br />
Scale of one to ten, minus five they rate !<br />
No matter how much they slow down or wait ,<br />
She can&#8217;t give them pleasure early or late !<br />
And there&#8217;s something they don&#8217;t anticipate :<br />
They can&#8217;t even open up her small gate !<br />
She thinks its the man&#8217;s fault; calls him ingrate !<br />
It&#8217;s not her fault, just a quirk of cruel fate ;<br />
Just the result of a something innate !<br />
Ugly enough to be fisherman&#8217;s bait !<br />
Kills fish with bad breath from garlic she ate !<br />
Her &#8220;womanhood&#8221; is a matter of debate !<br />
(306)<br />
When she&#8217;s on a quest to find the right mate ,<br />
A man who won&#8217;t jest and dump on first date ,<br />
She would go to a certain well-known place ,<br />
In search of the longest-suffering male ;<br />
The only men who would let her embrace ,<br />
Are the ones that she could get out on bail !<br />
(312)<br />
When she comes, unshaven men stare and shout ;<br />
She thinks they crave her; that&#8217;s NOT what they meant !<br />
The thing that they&#8217;re truly talking about :<br />
They&#8217;re betting who&#8217;ll drop dead first from her scent !<br />
In time, she&#8217;ll pick out the ugliest one ,<br />
Slimeball who thinks that she&#8217;s a guy named Stan !<br />
The only males who, at first glance, won&#8217;t run ,<br />
Are those who prefer to be with a man !<br />
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