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Result :

Volume of NaOH = 250 ml

Volume of HCl = 10 ml

Volume of ethyl acetate = 250 ml

Times (s) NaOH NaOH CA ∆CA ∆CA/ ∆t

( ml) (mol) (mol / L) (mol / L) (mol / L.s)

0.0 5.4 0.0005 0.046 -3*10-3 0.0002

10 5.7 0.0004 0.043 -8*10-3 0.00027

30 6.5 0.0004 0.035 -0.013 0.00029

50 7.8 0.0002 0.022

Times (s) ∆CA/ ∆t Ln (∆CA/ ∆t) Ln CA

(mol / L.s)

0.0 0.0 -3.079

10 0.0002 -8.517 -3.14655

30 0.00027 -8.217 -3.3524

50 0.00029 -8.1456 -3.817

Ln k = -3.079

 K= 4.6*10-2 and the reaction is first order

Conce of A with time




concen of A (mol /L)


0.025 Conce of A with time





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
time( S)


It can be cleary seen from the tables and results that as the time proceeds the two reactants the

amount of NaOH from the pure increase this is due to the fact that reactant NaOH in the the

reactor is consumed as time proceeds and so less amount of 0.01 M HCl is needed from 10 ml

HCl to end the reaction that is consume the remaining NaOH is needed (0.1 M) thus larger

amount of HCl will present and so more NaOH is needed from the pure to reach the end point.

The reaction between NaOH and acetate ethyl ( CH3COOC2H5 ) is completed winth in (120 sec)

so no more than 4 saple are needed since no NaOH is present.

Since ther is some strage reading in tableit was not satisfy the expect trend of reading it then

excluded from calculate to avoid the error that may be from personal error or from the

concentration of chemical used.

A plot of Ln (∆CA/ ∆t) Vs Ln CA was obtained , get a straight line with slope = 1.12 and

intercept ln k = -3.079  k= 4.6*10-2


1. the reaction between NaOH and acetate ethyl ( CH3COOC2H5) is fast and can be ended

with in 120 sec based on250 ml NaOH and 250 ml of (CH3COOC2H5 ) and equal


2. when the volume of NaOH from the buret equal HCl volume added , then the reaction is

complyted and no more samples are needed

3. the addition of distillation water to samples for titration doesn't affect the process and

results, it can be used since small volume are used for titration

4. the order of reaction is first order this dosent mean that bothe order of A and B are equal

but if it's the case then the reaction is called elementary reaction since a = 1 and b=0.0

which equal to the stiochmtry coefficient in the reaction

5. k ( which is the rate constant is found = 4.6*10-2


1. Chemical process laboratory ,Dr .Khalil Alhalholi

2. Element of chemical reaction engineering, 4rd edition, H.scott Foglar

Sample calculation:

NAo dX/dt = -rA *V  -rA = CA dX/dt = k CA ( 1 – x)

Ln (-rA ) = ln k = n ln( ∆CA/ ∆t )

- assume x is volume of HCl (0.1 M) consumed in NaOH reaction with HCl

- volume of HCl presented ( 10 – x ) ml after reaction

- volume of NaOH from pure = volume of HCl remaning

- fror example sample (2)

10-x = 5.7  x = 4.3

Mol of HCl = 4.3*0.1*10-3 = 4.3 *10-4 mole

Mole of NaOH = 4.3*10-4

CA = 4.3*10-4 / 10*10-3 = 0.043mol /l ater 15 sec

-∆CA/ ∆t = -( 0.043 - 0.046 ) / 15 = 0.0002mol/ L.s

 k = 4.6*10-2

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