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Beyond The Attractor Factor


Copyright © 2005 Dr. Joe Vitale All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ..........................................................................................................2

Foreword .......................................................................................................................3
Assignment 0.1 – Three Boxes...................................................................................4
Assignment 0.2 – What You Want............................................................................5
Step 1 – Know What You DON’T Want ......................................................................6
Assignment 1 – Make a list of the things you DON’T want .....................................7
Step 2: Know What You Want to Have, Do or Be .......................................................9
Assignment 2 – Turn Complaints into Positive Intentions.....................................10
Step 3 – Get Clear........................................................................................................12
Assignment 3 – Get Clear of your negative beliefs .................................................13
Step 4 – Nevillize Your Goal .......................................................................................15
Assignment 4: Nevillize your Intentions .................................................................15
Step 5 – Let Go ............................................................................................................17
Assignment 5 – Re-evaluate your Intentions ..........................................................18
Summary .....................................................................................................................20


Welcome to the “Beyond The Attractor Factor” Workbook. This workbook contains a
summary of the Beyond The Attractor Factor MultiMedia Seminar (M2S), and is
intended to be a companion for the seminar itself.

Before we start though, I want to ask you a very important question:

What do you want out of this seminar?

Think about it for a second. It is very important for you to understand what you are
looking to get out of our time together. Visualize it, write it down, keep it in the back of
your mind while I take you through this special, one-to-one hour-long seminar on going
beyond the Attractor Factor.

What do you want to achieve most in your life? Is there a single, most important,
overwhelming desire of yours?

Print out a copy, pick up a pen or pencil and write it down in the space below. In all
capital letters if you wish. As we go through this seminar and this workbook, you will be
constantly reevaluating your primary goal from a new perspective, from Beyond the
Attractor Factor. Once we’re done here, you can come back to this page and look at your
biggest aim in life – how would you rephrase it after going through the seminar?

This seminar covers a lot of material from my book, the Attractor Factor, but instead of
summarizing the book, I’m building on the principles I talked about in the book and
taking them up a few notches – going beyond the Attractor Factor, so to speak.

One last thing – each segment contains assignments – make sure you take the time to do
them as they are very important to the whole learning process that we are about to
embark on. If you need more space, feel free to use extra sheets of paper.

So, print out a copy of this workbook, grab a pen, and pull up your chair…


The goal of this seminar is to teach you how to manifest what you want in your life. Now,
before we talk about how to do that, here’s something very important that I want you to

You are responsible for everything in your life.

Sure, it’s easy to say that, but I also know how hard it is to accept it – every time
something goes wrong we’re tempted to blame everything else and the kitchen sink. I
know that I’ve done this myself several times, and I’m sure most of you have had the
same experiences.

There’s an obvious difficulty in overcoming the hurdles that come between you and the
acceptance of the above principle.

The answer?

Conscious Control.

Take conscious control of your life – accept and understand that your life and your reality
is your own creation, and that you are in control.

I’m going to teach you how you can create your own reality the way you want it. I’ll tell
you exactly how to do it by befriending the universe.

In short, creating a joint venture with the universe and using its help in manifesting your
own reality.

Assignment 0.1 – Three Boxes

Imagine that you have three closed boxes.

1. The first box contains $1 million.

2. The second box contains a check for you, but you don’t know what the amount on
it is. It could be $1, or $1 billion.
3. The third box contains a blank check written and signed out in your name – all
you have to do is fill in an amount. This could be as much, or as little, as you

If you were given a choice, which box would you choose? Why? Because for today, this
is very important and relevant, and I’ll tell you why soon.

But first, pick a box.

Enter the number (1, 2 or 3) of the box in the space below:


Assignment 0.2 – What You Want

The second thing I want you to do is to tell me:

What would you want to get out of our time today?

In other words, what would you like to manifest, what would you want? If I could wave a
magic wand and grant your every wish, what is the one thing that you would want?

In the space below, write down the one thing that you want to manifest in your life today,
right here, right now.









Step 1 – Know What You DON’T Want

What is it that you are complaining about in your life? What is it that you DON’T want?

Why is this important? Because a lot of people are stuck here. They keep complaining
about life, their reality, the reality they have created / manifested by default, and they
keep blaming everything else but themselves – they refuse to take responsibility for their
own well-being.

The key thing to remember is:

The more you stay in this state, the more you will get of it in life.

It’s a psychological principle – you always get more in life of what you keep focusing on.
If you focus on pain, on discomfort, on negativity, you will only be manifesting more
negativity, more discomfort in your life.

The vast majority of people across the world are in this complaining phase – they are
stuck in there.

Why does this happen?

Understanding the Cultural Trance

Every day, people are being programmed by the television, the newspapers, the radio, the
music, by the media. We are subconsciously absorbing all the beliefs that culture
transfers to us.

Wake Up

To beat the cultural trance, you have to be aware; you have to understand how the
universe works and how it affects you.

One more thing that you should understand:

You are not your body, you are not your thoughts, and you are definitely not your

In fact, you are an invisible spirit that gets to use all these things in order to manifest your
own reality.

Usually people get used (controlled) by these things because they are not aware or
conscious of the process.

The process of awakening occurs when you manage to detach yourself from this
complaining process.

Quote from Mike Dooley’s www.tut.com (page xix of the Attractor Factor book):

“A little birdie just came my way and mentioned that deep soulful desire of yours.
Heavens no, not that one!
She says that you will be eternally grateful if once and for all, you never, ever had to
worry about money again.
Well, I couldn’t resist. Wish granted!
You never, ever have to worry about money again.
Anything else? Anything at all?”

– The Universe

“You never have to worry about money again” – Universe

What does it mean to you? This is an extremely powerful clue into the whole Beyond the
Attractor Factor process and we’ll be covering it a little while later.

One of the problems in the world is that people spend too much time complaining and not
enough time doing anything about it. Instead, we won’t spend too much time here, just
enough so that you can make a list of the things that you don’t want.

Assignment 1 – Make a list of the things you DON’T want

Make a list of the things that you have been complaining about – it could be your car,
your bad back, your boss, your relationship, your job, anything.

Why are we doing this? Once you right it down, you can detach yourself from it and are
able to look at the facts impersonally. Then you say: wait, that’s not me, I’m separate
from this.

Write down the things that you don’t want in your life. Go ahead and let it all out, make it

This will be a critical springboard for Step 2 where we discuss how you can manifest
your own reality consciously by having, being and living anything you want.

Things that you DON’T want:

1) __________________________________________________________________

2) __________________________________________________________________

3) __________________________________________________________________

4) __________________________________________________________________

5) __________________________________________________________________

6) __________________________________________________________________

7) __________________________________________________________________

8) __________________________________________________________________

9) __________________________________________________________________

10) __________________________________________________________________

11) __________________________________________________________________

12) __________________________________________________________________

13) __________________________________________________________________

14) __________________________________________________________________

15) __________________________________________________________________

Step 2: Know What You Want to Have, Do or Be

This second step is to help you decide what you want to have, do or be in your life.

The easiest way to do this is:

Take that sheet of paper from the previous step (where you wrote down all things that
you didn’t want), take each item, and convert it 180 degrees.

Convert your complaints into positive intentions. You have to realize how intensely
powerful intentions are.

“Intentions Rule The Earth”

– Oprah

When you set an intention, a real magic takes place. When you say that you intend
choose to do something, you start to go more towards it. When you start focusing on what
you want, everything inside you starts working towards making that thing a reality.

How does this happen? You start to attract that thing into your life. This happens through
the internal focus that you place on your intentions. The universe conspires to help you.

Examples of positive intentions:

• I intend to lose weight.

• I choose to make a certain amount of money in the next 6 months.

The Power of Intention

Your perceptions change – your focus narrows down to everything that matters to your
intention. As soon as your intention is stated, the universe starts to rearrange itself to
bring about your intentions.

The moment you say (and believe) that you intend to ______, everything inside you starts
to go towards the direction of that thing, and the universe starts to play along and makes
it happen for you.

Your job is to act on the intuitions and opportunities that come to you.

So in Step 2, you must change each complaint into an intention. Instead of defeating
yourself by rejecting your surroundings and life, focus on taking action towards what you
want most in life (peace of mind, a six-pack, a promotion).

How to do this?

A note creating positive intentions – the problem for some people when they write “I
want….” is that it doesn’t mean a thing – it’s sending a signal through you and to the
universe says that “I want it” – I don’t have it, and I don’t want to own it, but I want it. It
focuses on need, and desperation, and you begin to define yourself by your ‘lack’ of that
objective – which becomes just a sophisticated form of complaint.

Instead, use these forms of intentions:

• I choose to have
• I now have
• I intend to have

Use unambiguous terms in your intentions

• I choose to be a vice president at my company.
• I now have a new side business bringing in $5K minimum per month.

Assignment 2 – Turn Complaints into Positive Intentions

Now, take out your complaints list, take every single item on the list and change them
180 degrees into intentions. Instead of “I don’t want this”; write “I chose to have this”, or
“I intend to have this”.

Things that You Want:

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________

7. __________________________________________________________________

8. __________________________________________________________________

9. __________________________________________________________________

10. __________________________________________________________________

11. __________________________________________________________________

12. __________________________________________________________________

13. __________________________________________________________________

14. __________________________________________________________________

15. __________________________________________________________________

Step 3 – Get Clear

At this point we are heading beyond the Attractor Factor.

Did you do the exercises? No? Why Not?

So why didn’t you do the exercises? Something inside of you stopped you. If I’m giving
you a magic formula to attract success and you don’t take me up on the offer, that’s
revealing. Everything we do is very revealing.

Get clear of things that are stopping you

Something stops you. You decide what it means. Eventually, it is stopping you from
attracting your intentions into your life. Whatever is in the way of your intentions, weed
it out.

Things that get in the way of your intentions:

• Doubt
• Misplaced morality
• Negative beliefs

Get rid of the obstacles (getting clear) to get to your intentions.

Another thing that I want to talk to you about is the world around us.

We are living in a Belief-Driven Universe

We are surrounded by limiting beliefs (a list is given in the Attractor Factor):

• I’m not good enough

• I upset people
• I don’t know what I want

These beliefs will get in your way of manifesting your desired reality.

When people say that they don’t know what they want – they’re lying!

We ALL know what we want. It’s simply a matter of admitting it to ourselves.

As soon as you admit what you want, you have to take responsibility for it, and then get
clear of the negative beliefs that are holding you back.

So, how do you find out what your beliefs are?

First, declare your intentions. Then, everything inside you that’s in the way of your path
to achieving your intentions bubbles up – negative, limiting thoughts come up.

What does it mean to you that your intentions are not being met? Suppose your intention
is to lose 15 pounds in 5 weeks. Something inside you is against that; what is that

Suppose it says: “I can’t lose 15 pounds in 5 weeks because…”

The stuff after ‘because’ is your limiting belief.

I’m going to talk about two processes that you can use to get clear of your limiting

• The option process – a way to question beliefs very gently, very slowly.
• EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) – psychological acupuncture.

The first process – asking questions of your beliefs.

• Do I believe that?
• Why do I believe that?
• Do I really believe that?
• …

Repeat the questions until you get totally clear of your limiting beliefs.

The second process – EFT

Take whatever belief there is that is surfacing in face of your intentions:

• I don’t know how to do it

• I won’t be able to do it because I’m lazy

Then remove it, cleanse it from your body using the techniques described in the seminar.
Alternatively, head over to www.BradYates.com for some variations to the EFT

Assignment 3 – Get Clear of your negative beliefs

Look at your intention list and pick one of the intentions (any one).

Say it out loud and let the intention linger in your mind. You’ll notice for yourself the
limiting beliefs and thoughts that come to you. Get clear of them by using any of the
methods described above or in the Attractor Factor. To help you get through the process,

you can list your target intention and limiting beliefs on the form below – try to get clear
of at least one set of limiting beliefs for an intention before going to the next segment.



Limiting Beliefs

1) __________________________________________________________________

2) __________________________________________________________________

3) __________________________________________________________________

4) __________________________________________________________________

5) __________________________________________________________________



Limiting Beliefs

1) __________________________________________________________________

2) __________________________________________________________________

3) __________________________________________________________________

4) __________________________________________________________________

5) __________________________________________________________________

Step 4 – Nevillize Your Goal

“Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled”

– Neville Goddard

The more you get clear, the faster you will manifest and attract your intentions.

Understanding the process – the usual method in hypnosis is to visualize your intentions
and goals.

Instead of visualizing, think about this:

• What would it feel like if your intentions were manifested into reality now?
• What would it feel like if you had it all right now?

Focus on your emotions and mental state and experience your intentions in this moment.
This is a very strong clue to how the whole Beyond the Attractor Factor process works.
This moment, the present, is where the “power” of the Universe is, this is where the
magic lies, and this is where you can change things for the better.

You want to do everything you can to get into this moment.

Nevillizing your intentions is like living through a dream – it’s so real that it doesn’t even
need to happen anymore.

A variation to this approach, Scripting, can be found on the www.Abraham-Hicks.com


Scripting involves the Nevellizing technique, but requires that you write down what you
are experiencing at that moment. This can be cathartic – just as you can detach yourself
from negative emotions and use that detachment to your advantage, you can also attract
positive thoughts to yourself and use them to co-create your own reality.

By enjoying the process, you will find that the passion and the enjoyment gained from it
will invariably translate into intentions and attract the objectives.

Assignment 4: Nevillize your Intentions

Pick one intention (or more, if you wish), and Nevillize it. For better effect, do the
Scripting process as well (either in the space provided below, or on an extra sheet of
paper). Make sure you nevillize at least one intention before you move on, as this will be
a very effective springboard for the final step.



How You Feel About It











Step 5 – Let Go

Letting go is difficult for us to accept because we are used to struggling and fighting our
way through life.

What most people are unaware of is that there is an escalator through life. You can get on
the escalator, and you can glide to the top of the mountain.

That’s what the Attractor Factor is all about – finding what it is you want (your goal), and
then doing it with ease.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you don’t do anything.

Step 5 is about letting go WHILE taking Inspired Action.

Let me tell you about a very powerful principle that’s based on Step 5:

You can have anything you want as long as you don’t want it.

Or, to put it differently,

You can have anything you want as long as you don’t need it

If you are basing your intentions on need, you are sending out a message of desperation,
which in turn brings back more desperation and need. If you continue to focus on the
“need” – better understood as a “lack of something” – that need, or lack of what you
want, will be amplified through the Universe and it will become even more entrenched in
your life.

This is why we have to detach ourselves from what we want, we have to let go.

This doesn’t mean that you are settling for something less – in fact, I’m talking about
what you want or something better.


You have trust that whatever is being brought to you is being brought to you for your
evolutionary growth. This is because the universe can see the big picture, while your ego
can manage only a very narrow focus.

You have to trust that the universe will lead you to fulfilling your intentions, or to doing
something better.

You have to be open-minded. You must take inspired action.

When you detach yourself from your wants, it brings an “unasked for” intention within
you – follow on that intention.

When you set an intention, usually you start thinking of way to succeed towards that goal
– that’s your mind telling you what to do “based on the past”. What you want is to let
your heart tell you how to accomplish your goals based on the present.

Your job is to take action – inspired action, not ‘controlled’ action.

• Trust yourself, trust the process.

• Take opportunities with both hands.

• You must take inspired action – this is a process of co-creation.

• To manifest, to attract what we want, we co-create our reality and existence with
the Universe.

Don’t be locked in how things HAVE to be – don’t try to figure it out or how it should be
done, just understand and focus on taking inspired action on the opportunities that the
universe presents to you.

Let go, be detached, allow the possibility of something better coming your way, and take
inspired action.

Assignment 5 – Re-evaluate your Intentions

Let’s go back to your list of intentions for a minute here, and look at them again. Are they
needs or detached wants?

Go through each intention, apply the Let Go step to it, and then honestly ask yourself if it
is a need or a detached want?

Just as importantly, is there any way to convert this need into a detached want?

Enter your new, detached intentions in the space provided below:

Re-evaluate your intentions – are they needs or detached wants?

Look inside yourself and focus on your intentions – are there any opportunities, or
inspirations that are pulling you to act towards them? Find them, write them down, and
take them on.

Your Detached Intentions

1) __________________________________________________________________

2) __________________________________________________________________

3) __________________________________________________________________

4) __________________________________________________________________

5) __________________________________________________________________

6) __________________________________________________________________

7) __________________________________________________________________

8) __________________________________________________________________

9) __________________________________________________________________

10) __________________________________________________________________

11) __________________________________________________________________

12) __________________________________________________________________

13) __________________________________________________________________

14) __________________________________________________________________

15) __________________________________________________________________

Dare something worthy with your life

I’ve told you how to consciously co-create your reality.

Do the things that make you excited, get your blood pumping, things that really, really
expand your limits and wants.


From the book “The Hidden Souls of Words”

“Wealth is derived from the old English word wela, meaning ‘to be well’ and from the
medieval English weal, meaning wellbeing. The soul of wealth, therefore, has to do with
our health”

“The first wealth is health.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Going beyond the Attractor Factor

Most people focus on money. There’s nothing wrong with it, money is neutral. What
matters are the meanings and feelings that you attach to money (once again working on
the concept of needs and detached wants) that causes problems and it is these factors that
get in our way of achieving wealth.

Understand two things.

First, wealth has a lot to do with health.

Second, don’t focus on money directly – focus on what is your passion. This is going
beyond the attractor factor – look into your heart and ask:

• What do I really want to attract?

• What do I really want to manifest?

If you cannot focus beyond money, consider this:

Money is merely a means to an end

So what do you need all that money for? Think about this, focus on what comes in your
mind as an answer to this question – that is your intention; that is the subject of your


• Choose What you Don’t Want (Know what you don’t want)
• Choose What you Want (select what you do want)
• Get clear
• Nevillize your goal
• Let Go (while taking inspired action)

There is one single step that encompasses the Attractor Factor and even the principles
that take you Beyond the Attractor Factor.

Be Happy Now

All of the power is in this moment – this is all that’s real. The past is a memory, the
future is a projection – it’s not real. This, the present, right now, this moment, this is real.
This is where everything happens.

Dare Something Worthy


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