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08/11/2018 Saturn Transits—What do They Mean to your Career?

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Posted by: Donna Cunningham | September 22, 2009

Saturn Transits—What do They Mean to your Career?

©2008 by Donna Cunningham, MSW, reprinted from The Mountain Astrologer

(h p://www.mountainastrologer.com/)

Have you discovered that the planet Saturn is traveling through one of your career houses—the 2nd,
6th, or 10th? Are you thinking, “That can’t be good?” Some astrologers frown when talking about a
Saturn transit through your career houses or forming aspects to planets in those houses or to the
Midheaven. They may say you’ll suffer losses, delays, or setbacks—but that’s only part of the picture,
a short-sighted one at that.

If you’ve been working both hard and smart for a long time,
Saturn can bring the reward; if you’re doing a shoddy job,
you’ll be held accountable. If your foundation isn’t firm
enough, you’ll be asked to rebuild. Saturn transits to career
houses represent times when performance demands are high
and there are obstacles to overcome. Yet at the same time,
we’re often given the chance to prove ourselves and show our
capabilities in more challenging work opportunities. Our level
of maturity and the life experience that we’ve accumulated
and can land us a position of considerably more responsibility.

transit through a career house often entails a temporary sacrifice for a long-term goal. For instance, if
it’s in your 6th, you may take a lower-ranking job in a different field or company that opens up
opportunities once you’ve got a track record behind you. Saturn transits represent a period of
focusing on bo om-line issues, job accountability, and long-term goals.

Saturn transiting the 2nd House: Depending on natal placements in this house, Saturn’s travels
through the 2nd mean you can benefit from a practical, common-sense approach to finances, with the
tendency to live frugally and not to waste money or resources on frivolous purchases or pursuits. It

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08/11/2018 Saturn Transits—What do They Mean to your Career? | Sky Writer

requires an essentially sound manner of managing money and a capacity to live within your means.
If you’ve been working hard, the Saturn transit shows a payoff. You may be pursuing some long-
range goal, such as professional education, and so you’ll need to be very stringent with yourself

To establish yourself in a new career direction, you may even temporarily take a pay cut, yet know
that this strategy should pay off in the long run. One challenge to overcome, however, is a tendency
to earn considerably less than your work is worth. Additional financial stresses or a higher work load
during the Saturn transit might bring you to the point of se ing limits and demanding fair wages for
your contribution to the workplace.

Saturn transiting the 6th House: You’ll be working hard, but now is a time when you can begin to
see the rewards for a foundation you’ve been laying much of your work life. There may be increased
demands due to downsizing, so that you’re carrying the load for two. Still, even in a financial
downswing, good skills and work ethic are likely to make you irreplaceable.

One concern is that career potentials can be limited due to health issues during this time. If your
office or work station is toxic in some way, you may find yourself sensitized to it. Given the
workaholic pa erns of people with Virgo in a career house, years of serious overwork could
ultimately overstress the body, so it’s time to manage the workload to take be er care of your health,
with a be er diet and plenty of rest.

Saturn transiting the 10th House: As Saturn crosses—or aspects—your Midheaven, you may be
thrust into a position of authority despite yourself. Once you realize how much be er the mission
will flow with your extensive set of skills and abilities, you may well accept the position and spend
the next couple of years ge ing used to it. Given Saturnian traits like high standards and
perfectionism, you might well have trouble delegating and would have to learn that praise is a be er
motivator for employees than criticism is.

Let’s end with a boost for anyone who has Saturn transiting their vocational
sectors. Saturn is naturally related to Capricorn. If you have Capricorn planets in
an occupational house natally, you probably already have a solid track record in
just the qualities needed to benefit from this transit. When Capricorn is strong
natally, and especially when Saturn is also strongly in your birth chart, this
transit by Saturn can be a time when your Inner Parent is finally satisfied that
you’ve paid your dues, are entitled to expert status, and qualify for a be er—even a managerial—

More Posts about Saturn on this Blog:

Saturn’s Delays and Why We Should Embrace Them

(h ps://skywriter.wordpress.com/2009/06/21/saturn%e2%80%99s-delays-and-why-we-should-
Venus-Saturn Aspects—Waiting for Love (h ps://skywriter.wordpress.com/2009/06/07/venus-
Saturn Transits the 7th House—a Rare Interview with Father Time Himself
(h ps://skywriter.wordpress.com/2009/08/29/saturn-transits-the-7th-house%e2%80%94an-
Saturn Retrograde in Libra: Relationship Revision Time
(h ps://skywriter.wordpress.com/2010/01/18/saturn-retrograde-in-libra-relationship-revision-
Saturn in Libra: How to Set Healthy Boundaries
(h ps://skywriter.wordpress.com/2009/12/21/saturn-in-libra-how-to-set-healthy-boundaries/)
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08/11/2018 Saturn Transits—What do They Mean to your Career? | Sky Writer

Why Saturn has as much to do with Luck as Jupiter

(h ps://skywriter.wordpress.com/2009/02/18/why-saturn-has-as-much-to-do-with-luck-as-
Life Pa erns of People Born with Uranus-Saturn Aspects
(h ps://skywriter.wordpress.com/2009/01/17/some-life-pa erns-of-people-with-uranus-saturn-
Taming Transiting Saturn (h ps://skywriter.wordpress.com/2009/04/06/taming-transiting-saturn/)
Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself (h ps://skywriter.wordpress.com/2009/01/06/nothing-to-fear-but-

About the Author: Donna Cunningham is an internationally-respected author of books, articles, and
columns about astrology, flower essences and other metaphysical topics. Her insights reflect her dual
background in astrology and psychotherapy. She has a Master’s degree in Social Work from
Columbia University and over 40 years of experience in working with people. Her ebooks can be
found at Moon Maven Publications (h p://www.moonmavenpublications.com
(h p://www.moonmavenpublications.com/)) Visit her blog at h ps://skywriter.wordpress.com
(h ps://skywriter.wordpress.com/).


excerpt from my out-of-print book, The Moon in your Life, also known as
Being a Lunar Type in a Solar World. Read more about it here: NEW: FREE
(h ps://skywriter.wordpress.com/2009/08/02/new-free-booklet-for-
skywriter-subscribers/) If you’re already a subscriber and want a
copy, forward the most recent email post to me at moonmave@spiritone.com
(mailto:moonmave@spiritone.com). To sign up for a subscription, go to the
top right hand corner of the blog and click on “Subscribe.” Then send me an
email with your subscription confirmation or an email post.

Art Credits: Like most posts on this site, the art here came from Clipart.com
(h p://www.google.com/aclk?
– Make your own sticky note picture (h p://wigflip.com/superstickies/)


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08/11/2018 Saturn Transits—What do They Mean to your Career? | Sky Writer


Posted in A Pluto-Saturn Preparedness Kit, Bits from My Books and Articles, Current Astrological
Conditions--Transits, Vocational Astrology | Tags: ARTICLES ABOUT ASTROLOGY, career
astrology, career counseling, Donna Cunningham, Saturn, Saturn in Virgo, skywriter, vocational

Saturn’s transiting my 10th house from moon atm, hope I get enough strength to do what has to
be done.

By: Byrappa on January 24, 2010

at 11:52 am



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