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Medications (Include oxygen, IV fluids, saline flushes, and prn medications):

Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Abacavir/Ziagen antiretrovirals Assess patient for signs of headache, insomnia, MI,

nucleoside reverse hypersensitivity reactions; hepatotoxicity, diarrhea,
transcriptase change in severity of HIV nausea, vomiting, anorexia,
inhibitors symptoms and for rashes, lactic acidosis,
symptoms of opportunistic hypersensitivity reactions
infections throughout
Abarelix/Plenaxis antineoplastics Observe patient for at least dizziness, fatigue, headache,
gnrh antagonist 30 min following injection sleep disturbances, peripheral
for immediate-onset edema, constipation, diarrhea,
systemic allergic reactions. nausea, dysuria, urinary
Measure serum total frequency, hot flushes, breast
testosterone concentrations enlargement/nipple
just prior to administration tenderness, back pain
on Day 29.
Abatacept/Orencia antirheumatics Assess range of motion, headache, dizziness,
fusion proteins degree of swelling, pain in hypersensictivity reactions
affected joints, infusion- including anaphylaxis,
related reaction, signs of infections, infusion-related
allergic reaction, latent events,
tuberculosis with a
tuberculin skin test, and
health status at each
Abciximab/ReoPro antiplatelet agents Assess patient for bleeding abnormal thinking, dizziness,
glycoprotein iib iiia at all potential bleeding headache, hypotension, atrial
inhibitors sites; hypersensitivity fibrillation/flutter, bradycardia,
reaction or anaphylaxis; complete AV block,
mental status changes; nose supraventricular tachycardia,
and mouth mucous vascular disorder, chest pain,
membranes, and examine peripheral edema, bleeding,
urine, stool and emesis for thrombocytopenia, allergic
presence of blood frequently reactions including anaphylaxis
throughout therapy. Check
the sheath insertion site and
distal pulses of affected
leg(s) frequently while
femoral artery sheath is in
place and for 6 hr after
femoral artery sheath is
Acamprosate calcium/ alcohol abuse Assess for signs of alcohol abnormal thinking, anxiety,
Campral therapy adjuncts withdrawal at initiation of depression, drowsiness,
gamma therapy. headache, abnormal vision,
aminobutyric acid cough, dyspnea, pharyngitis,
gaba analogues rhinitis, palpitations, peripheral
edema, syncope, vasodilation,
abdominal pain, anorexia,
constipation, diarrhea,
flatulence, ↑ appetite, nausea,
taste perversion, vomiting, ↓
libido, erectile dysfunction,

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rash, weight gain, arthralgia,
back pain, mylagia, tremor
Acarbose/Precose antidiabetics Observe patient for signs abdominal pain, diarrhea,
alpha glucosidase and symptoms of flatulence, ↑ transaminases.
inhibitors hypoglycemia when taking
concurrently with other oral
hypoglycemic agents.
Acebutolol/ Sectral antiarrhythmics Monitor blood pressure, fatigue, weakness, anxiety,
(class II) ECG, and pulse; intake and depression, dizziness,
antihypertensives output ratios and daily drowsiness, insomnia, memory
beta blockers weights. Assess routinely for loss, nervousness, nightmares,
signs and symptoms of CHF. blurred vision, stuffy nose,
bronchospasm, wheezing,
bradycardia, CHF, pulmonary
edema, hypotension,
peripheral vasoconstriction,
constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
vomiting, erectile dysfunction,
diminished libido, urinary
frequency, rashes,
hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia,
arthralgia, joint pain, drug-
induced lupus syndrome.
Acetaminophen/ antipyretics Assess overall health status Hepatic renal failure,
nonopioid and alcohol usage before hepatotoxicity, renal failure,
analgesics administering neutropenia, pancytopenia,
acetaminophen. Assess leucopenia, rash, urticaria
type, location, and intensity
prior to and 30–60 min
following administration.
Assess fever; note presence
of associated signs.
Acetazolamide/ AK- anticonvulsants Assess for allergy to Depression, tiredness,
Zol, Dazamide, antiglaucoma sulfonamides, eye weakness, anorexia, metallic
Diamox, Diamox agents discomfort or decrease in taste, nausea, Stevens-
Sequels, Storzolamide diuretics visual acuity, neurologic Johnson Syndrome,
ocular hypotensive status, and decrease in hyperchloremic acidosis,
agent severity of symptoms aplastic anemia, hemolytic
carbonic anhydrase throughout prolonged anemia, leucopenia, weight
inhibitors therapy. Serum electrolytes, loss, paresthesias, allergic
complete blood counts, and reactions including
platelet counts should be anaphylaxis.
evaluated initially.
Acetohexamide/ antidiabetics Observe patient for signs Dizziness, headache, anorexia,
Dymelor sulfonylureas and symptoms of cholestatic jaundice,
hypoglycemic reactions, and constipation, diarrhea,
allergy to sulfonamides epigastric fullness, heartburn,
throughout therapy. photosensitivity,
hypoglycemia, aplastic
anemia, agranulocytosis,
hemolytic anemia, leukopenia,
Acetohydroxamic anti-infectives Assess patient for signs and Headache, anxiety,
acid/ AHA, Lithostat (adjunct) symptoms of urinary tract depression, malaise,
urease inhibitors infection throughout nervousness, tremulousness,
therapy. palpitations, superficial
phlebitis of the lower
extremities, alopecia, rash,

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anorexia, nausea, vomiting,
anemia, hemolytic anemia.
Acetylcysteine/ Antidotes (for Assess type, amount, and Drowsiness, vasodilation,
Acetadote, Mucomyst, acetaminophen time of acetaminophen rhinorrhea, bronchospasm,
Mucosil toxicity) ingestion. Assess plasma bronchial/tracheal irritation,
mucolytic acetaminophen levels. chest tightness, increased
Monitor AST, ALT, and secretions, nausea, vomiting,
bilirubin levels along with stomatitis, pruritus, rash,
prothrombin time every 24 urticaria, clamminess, allergic
hr for 96 hr in patients with reactions (primarily with IV),
plasma acetaminophen including anaphylaxis,
levels indicating potential angioedema, chills, fever.
hepatotoxicity. Monitor
cardiac and renal function,
serum glucose, and
electrolytes. Assess
respiratory function and
color, amount, and
consistency of secretions.
Acitretin/ Soriatane antipsoriatics Assess skin lesions before Rigors, dry eyes, irritation,
retinoids and periodically during hepatotoxicity, pancreatitis,
therapy. Monitor liver alopecia, dry skin, nail
function (AST, ALT, and disorder, peeling, pruritis,
LDH) every 1–2 wk until rash, hematuria,
stable and periodically hyperlipidemia, arthralgia,
thereafter as indicated. hyperostosis, cheilitis,
paresthesia, epistaxis.
Activated charcoal/ antidotes Assess neurologic status; black stools, constipation,
Acta-Char Liquid-A, adsorbents administer only if patient is diarrhea, vomiting.
Actidose-Aqua, alert. Inquire as to the type
CharcoAid 2000, of drug or poison and time
Insta-Char, Insta- of ingestion. Monitor blood
Char pressure, pulse, respiratory
Aqueous Suspension, and neurologic status, and
Liqui-Char, SuperChar urine output as indicated by
Aqueous toxicity of agent(s). Chronic
use may impair absorption
of essential nutrients. This
may result in decreased
mineral or electrolyte levels
Acyclovir/Zovirax antivirals Assess lesions before Seizures, dizziness, headache,
purine analogues and daily during diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
therapy. Monitor renal failure, unusual
neurologic status in sweating, Stevens-Johnson
patients with herpes syndrome, thrombotic
encephalitis. Monitor thrombocytopenic
BUN, serum creatinine, pupura/hemolytic uremic
and CCr before and syndrome, pain, phlebitis.
during therapy.
Adalimumab/ Humira antirheumatics Assess pain and range of Headache, hypertension,
dmards motion; signs of infection; abdominal pain, nausea,
monoclonal injection site reactions; hematuria, rash, neutropenia,
antibodies latex allergy; signs of thrombocytopenia, injection
anaphylaxis; and latent site reactions,
tuberculosis with a hypercholesterolemia,
tuberculin skin test prior to hyperlipidemia, back pain,
initiation of therapy. allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis, infections.

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Adefovir/ Hepsera antivirals May cause lactic acidosis Headache, cough, pharyngitis,
nucleotides and severe hepatomegaly sinusitis, dyspepsia,
with steatosis. Monitor HEPATOMEGALY WITH
patient for signs of STEATOSIS, abdominal pain,
increased serum lactate diarrhea, flatulence, increased
levels, elevated liver liver enzymes, nausea,
enzymes, liver enlargement vomiting, hematuria,
on palpation. Monitor viral nephrotoxicity, pruritus, rash,
load and CD4 cell count lactic acidosis, weakness,
regularly during therapy in fever, HIV resistance.
patients with HIV
infectionMonitor liver
function tests and hepatitis
B virus levels throughout
and following therapy.
Adenosine/Adenocard, antiarrhythmics Monitor heart rate Apprehension, dizziness,
Adenoscan frequently (every 15–30 headache, head pressure,
sec) and ECG continuously light-headedness, blurred
during therapy. Monitor vision, throat tightness,
blood pressure and shortness of breath, chest
respiratory status during pressure, hyperventilation,
therapy. facial flushing, transient
arrhythmias, chest pain,
hypotension, palpitations,
metallic taste, nausea, burning
sensation, facial flushing,
sweating, neck and back pain,
numbness, tingling, heaviness
in arms, pressure sensation in
Agalsidase beta/ replacement Assess for infusion Anxiety, depression, dizziness,
Fabrazyme enzyme reactions, and cardiac headache, bronchospasm,
enzymes function during treatment in edema, cardiomegaly,
patients with previously hypotension, hypertension,
compromised cardiac dyspepsia, nausea, testicular
function pain, pallor, skeletal pain,
arthrosis, infusion reactions,
rigors, fever.
Alatrofloxacin/Trovan anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures, dizziness,
IV fluoroquinolones signs and symptoms of drowsiness, headache,
anaphylaxis during therapy. insomnia, hepatoxicity,
Monitor liver function tests pseudomembranous colitis,
and pancreatic tests in abdominal pain, diarrhea,
patients who develop nausea, altered taste,
symptoms consistent with interstitial cystitis, vaginitis,
hepatitis and/or photosensitivity, rash,
pancreatitis. hypersensitivity reactions
including Stevens-Johnson
syndrome, and anaphylaxis.
Albendazole/ Albenza antihelmintics Ophthalmic examinations Headache, dizziness/ vertigo,
should be performed before increased intracranial
therapy to determine pressure, abnormal liver
presence of retinal lesions. function tests, abdominal pain,
Monitor liver function tests nausea/vomiting, reversible
before start of each alopecia, granulocytopenia,
treatment and at least every agranulocytosis, pancytopenia,
2 weeks during treatment. meningeal signs, fever.
Monitor WBC count before

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each 28-day cycle and every
2 weeks during each 28–day
Albumin (human)/ volume expanders Monitor vital signs, CVP, and Headache, pulmonary edema,
Albuminar, Albutein, blood products intake and output; signs of fluid overload, hypertension,
Buminate, normal colloids vascular overload; increased hypotension, tachycardia,
human serum bleeding after increased salivation, nausea,
albumin, Plasbumin administration caused by vomiting, rash, urticaria, back
increased blood pressure pain, chills, fever, flushing.
and circulating blood volume
throughout therapy. Monitor
serum sodium levels.
Albuterol/Airet, bronchodilators Assess lung sounds, pulse, Nervousness, restlessness,
Proventil, Proventil adrenergics and blood pressure; tremor, headache, insomnia
HFA, salbutamol, pulmonary function tests; (Pedi: occurs more frequently
Ventolin, Ventolin paradoxical bronchospasm in young children than adults),
HFA, Ventolin before administration and hyperactivity in children, chest
rotacaps during peak of medication. pain, palpitations, angina,
arrhythmias, hypertension,
nausea, vomiting,
hyperglycemia, hypokalemia,
Alclometasone topical/ anti inflammatories Assess affected skin before Allergic contact dermatitis,
Aclovate steroidal and daily during therapy. atrophy, burning, dryness,
corticosteroids Note degree of inflammation edema, folliculitis,
and pruritus. May cause hypersensitivity reactions,
increased serum and urine hypertrichosis,
glucose concentrations if hypopigmentation, irritation,
significant absorption maceration, miliaria, perioral
occurs. Adrenal function dermatitis, secondary
tests may be ordered to infection, striae, adrenal
assess degree of suppression.
adrenal (HPA) axis
suppression in long—term
Aldesleukin/interleuki antineoplastics Monitor ECG continuously Apnea, respiratory failure,
n- interleukins during infusion. Monitor vital dyspnea, pulmonary
2, IL-2, Proleukin signs at least daily; congestion, pulmonary edema,
development of capillary CHF, cardiac arrest, MI,
leak syndrome; respiratory stroke, arrhythmias,
status and pulse oximetry; hypotension, tachycardia,
weight daily; changes in bowel perforation, diarrhea,
mental status; signs of jaundice, nausea, stomatitis,
infection; signs of anemia; vomiting, ascites,
nutrition and bowel status; hepatomegaly, oliguria/anuria,
skin daily for rash or blisters proteinuria, dysuria,
on skin throughout therapy. hematuria, renal failure,
Monitor CBC, differential, exfoliative dermatitis, pruritus,
platelet count, blood acidosis, hypocalcemia,
chemistries including hypokalemia,
electrolytes, and renal and hypomagnesemia,
hepatic function prior to and hypophosphatemia, alkalosis,
daily throughout therapy. anemia, coagulation disorders,
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
leukocytosis, capillary leak
syndrome, chills, fever.

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Alefacept/ Amevive antipsoriatics Assess skin lesions; signs Dizziness, chills, pruritis, fatty
immunosuppressan and symptoms of infection; liver, hepatitis, increase in
ts allergic reactions; signs and liver enzymes, liver failure,
fusion proteins symptoms of hepatic nausea, lymphopenia,
rDNA impairment before and injection site reactions,
during therapy. Monitor CD4 myalgia, pharyngitis, cough,
and T lymphocyte count hypersensitivity reactions
before initiating and weekly (angioedema, urticaria),
during therapy. immunosuppression, infection,
Alemtuzumab/ antineoplastics Monitor for infusion Depression, dizziness,
Campath monoclonal reactions. Obtain CBC and drowsiness, fatigue, headache,
antibodies platelet counts weekly weakness, bronchospasm,
during therapy and more cough, dyspnea, hypertension,
frequently if worsening hypotension, tachycardia,
anemia, neutropenia, or abdominal pain, anorexia,
thrombocytopenia is constipation, stomatitis, rash,
observed. sweating, edema, neutropenia,
pancytopenia/ marrow
hypoplasia, anemia,
thrombocytopenia, back pain,
skeletal pain, infusion-related
events, infection, sepsis.
Alendronate/ Fosamax bone resorption Assess patients for low bone Headache, blurred vision,
inhibitors mass and symptoms of conjunctivitis, eye
biphosphonates Paget's disease before and pain/inflammation, atrial
periodically during therapy. fibrillation, abdominal
Assess serum calcium and distention, abdominal pain,
alkaline phosphatase before acid regurgitation,
and periodically during constipation, diarrhea,
therapy. dyspepsia, dysphagia,
esophageal ulcer, flatulence,
gastritis, nausea, taste
perversion, vomiting,
erythema, photosensitivity,
rash, musculoskeletal pain,
Alfentanil/ Alfenta analgesic adjuncts Assess vital signs, especially Dizziness, sleepiness, blurred
opioid analgesics respiratory status and ECG, vision, apnea, respiratory
opioid agonists frequently during and depression, bradycardia,
following administration. hypotension, tachycardia,
Symptoms of toxicity arrhythmias, hypertension,
include respiratory nausea, vomiting, thoracic
depression, hypotension, muscle rigidity, skeletal
arrhythmias, bradycardia, muscle rigidity.
and asystole.
Alfuzosin/ Uroxatral urinary tract Assess patient for symptoms Dizziness, fatigue, headache,
antispasmodics of benign prostatic bronchitis, sinusitis,
peripherally acting hyperplasia; orthostatic pharyngitis, postural
antiadrenergics reaction and syncope; BP; hypotension, abdominal pain,
and pulse before and constipation, dyspepsia,
periodically during therapy. nausea, erectile dysfunction.
Alglucosidase/ replacement Observe for signs and Bradycardia, tachycardia,
Myozyme enzyme symptoms of anaphylaxis; respiratory distress failure,
infusion-related reactions; cough, ↓ oxygen saturation,
and cardiorespiratory status tachypnea, diarrhea, reflux,
continuously during therapy. vomiting, constipation,

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Monitor liver enzymes prior flushing, rash, dermatitis,
to and periodically during urticaria, anemia, allergic
therapy. reactions including
anaphylaxis, infustion
reactions, fever.
Aliskiren/ Tekturna antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure and Cough, abdominal pain,
renin inhibitors pulse frequently during diarrhea ↑ (in females and
initial dose adjustment and elderly), dyspepsia, reflux,
periodically during therapy. angioedema.
Alitretinoin/ Panretin antineoplastics Assess skin lesions and Pain, pruritus, rash, edema,
retinoids dermal toxicities throughout exfoliative, dermatitis,
therapy. paresthesia.
Allopurinol/ Alloprim, antigout agents Monitor intake and output Hypotension, flushing,
Lopurin, Zyloprim antihyperuricemics ratios; rash or more severe hypertension, bradycardia, and
xanthine oxidase hypersensitivity reactions; heart failure (reported with IV
inhibitors joint pain and swelling; administration), drowsiness,
blood glucose in patients diarrhea, hepatitis, nausea,
receiving oral hypoglycemic vomiting, renal failure,
agents. Monitor hematuria, rash (discontinue
hematologic, renal, and liver drug at first sign of rash),
function tests before and urticaria, bone marrow
periodically during therapy, depression, hypersensitivity
especially during the first reactions.
few months.
Almotriptan/ Axert vascular headache Assess pain location, Drowsiness, headache,
suppressants character, intensity, and coronary artery vasospasm,
five ht1 agonists duration and associated MI, myocardial ischemia,
symptoms (photophobia, ventricular fibrillation,
phonophobia, nausea, ventricular tachycardia, dry
vomiting) during migraine mouth, nausea, paresthesia.
Aloe/ Aloe vera, cape, laxatives Perform baseline skin Contact dermatitis, skin
Zanzibar, socotrine, assessment prior to applying irritation, hypokalemia,
curacao aloe to minor wounds, dehydration, cramping,
burns, and abrasions. diarrhea, laxative dependence
Assess for abdominal (chronic use), red-colored
distention, presence of urine.
bowel sounds, and usual
pattern of elimination; color,
consistency, and amount of
stool produced;
inflammation, drainage,
pain, warmth, and/or
Alosetron/ Lotronex anti irritable bowel Monitor patient for signs of Acute ischemic colitis, toxic
syndrome agents constipation or ischemic megacolon, constipation,
five ht3 antagonists colitis (new or worsening abdominal discomfort,
abdominal pain, bloody abdominal distention,
diarrhea, blood in stool) flatulence, nausea, GI viral
throughout therapy. infections, hemorrhoids,
regurgitation or reflux.
Alpha Interferons/ immune modifiers Assess for signs of Neuropsychiatric disorders,
Pegasys, Intron A, interferons neuropsychiatric disorders; confusion, depression,
Pegintron, Alferon N signs of infection; dizziness, fatigue, headache,
cardiovascular disorders; insomnia, irritability, anxiety,
signs of colitis; development blurred vision, nose bleeds,
of flu-like syndrome; bone rhinitis, ischemic disorders,
marrow depression; arrhythmias, chest pain,

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pulmonary status; signs of edema, colitis, pancreatitis,
thyroid dysfunction; and anorexia, abdominal pain,
number, size, and character diarrhea, dry mouth, nausea,
of lesions prior to and taste disorder, vomiting,
throughout therapy. Monitor weight loss, drug-induced
for CBC and differential prior hepatitis, flatulence, alopecia,
to and periodically during dry skin, pruritus, rash,
therapy. sweating, leucopenia,
thrombocytopenia, anemia,
hemolytic anemia, arthralgia,
myalgia, cough, dyspnea,
autoimmune disorders,
infectious disorders, chills,
fever, flu-like syndrome.
Alpha1-proteinase pulmonary Monitor respiratory status; Dizziness, headache, transient
inhibitor, replacement fever, chills, and dizziness; ↑ in liver enzymes, transient
Human/alpha1- enzyme inhibitor signs of fluid overload prior leukocytosis, cough,
antitrypsin, Aralast, enzyme inhibitors to and weekly during respiratory tract infection, sore
Prolastin, Zemaira therapy. Monitor serum throat, delayed fever.
alpha1-proteinase inhibitor
levels to determine
response to therapy.
Alprazolam/ Niravam, antianxiety agents Assess degree and Dizziness, drowsiness,
Xanax, Xanax XR benzodiazepines manifestations of anxiety lethargy, confusion, hangover,
and mental status; headache, mental depression,
drowsiness, light- paradoxical excitation, blurred
headedness, and dizziness; vision, constipation, diarrhea,
CNS effects and risk of falls nausea, vomiting, weight gain,
prior to and periodically rashes, physical dependence,
during therapy. Monitor CBC psychological dependence,
and liver and renal function tolerance.
periodically during long-
term therapy.
Alprostadil erectile dysfunction Monitor for hypotension Dizziness, headache,
(intracavernosal, agents during in-clinic dosing. hypertension, hypotension,
intraurethral)/ prostaglandins penile pain, penile edema,
Caverject, penile fibrosis, penile rashes,
Edex, MUSE priapism, back pain, cough,
bleeding, ecchymosis
(injection), hematomas
(injection), irritation.
Alprostadil (systemic)/ ductus arteriosus Monitor temperature, Seizures, cerebral bleeding,
Prostaglandin E1, patency adjuncts respiratory rate, pulse, irritability, jitteriness, lethargy,
Prostin prostaglandins blood pressure, and ECG; apnea, altered respiratory rate
VR Pediatric respiratory status and heart (slow and fast), hypercapnia,
sounds; facial or arm respiratory depression,
flushing; signs of bleeding wheezing, arrhythmia,
during therapy. Monitor bradycardia, edema, heart
arterial blood gases before block, heart failure,
and periodically throughout hypotension, tachycardia,
therapy. diarrhea, gastric regurgitation,
hyperbilirubinemia, peritonitis,
anuria, hematuria, flushing,
hypokalemia, disseminated
intravascular coagulation,
anemia, bleeding,
hypoglycemia, neck

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hyperextension, stiffness,
fever, hypothermia, sepsis.
Alteplase/ Activase, thrombolytics Monitor vital signs, including Intracranial hemorrhage,
Cathflo Activase, plasminogen temperature, continuously epistaxis, gingival bleeding,
tissue plasminogen activators for myocardial infarction and bronchospasm, hemoptysis,
activator, t-PA at least every 4 hr during reperfusion arrhythmias,
therapy for other hypotension, recurrent
indications. Assess patient ischemia/thromboembolism,
carefully for bleeding every GI bleeding, nausea,
15 min during the 1st hr of retroperitoneal bleeding,
therapy, every 15–30 min vomiting, GU tract bleeding,
during the next 8 hr, and at ecchymoses, flushing,
least every 4 hr for the urticaria, bleeding,
duration of therapy. Assess hemorrhage at injection site,
patient for hypersensitivity phlebitis at injection site,
reaction; neurologic status musculoskeletal pain, allergic
throughout therapy. Monitor reactions including
ECG continuously. anaphylaxis, fever.
Altretamine/ Hexalen, antineoplastics Monitor for bone marrow Seizures, fatigue, nausea,
hexamethylmelamine depression and signs of vomiting, anorexia, hepatic
neurotoxicity including CNS toxicity, gonadal suppression,
effects throughout therapy. renal toxicity, alopecia,
Monitor CBC and platelets pruritus, skin rash, gonadal
prior to each course of suppression, anemia,
therapy, monthly, and as leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
clinically indicated. peripheral neuropathy.
Aluminum hydroxide/ antiulcer agents Assess location, duration, Constipation,
AlternaGEL, Alu-Cap, hypophosphatemics character, and precipitating hypophosphatemia.
Aluminet, Alu-Tab, antacids factors of gastric pain.
Amphojel, Basalgel, phosphate binders Monitor serum phosphate
Dialume and calcium levels
periodically during chronic
use of aluminum hydroxide.
Alvimopan/ Entereg gastric stimulant Assess bowel sounds and Constipation, dyspepsia,
opioid antagonists frequency, quantity, and flatulence, hypokalemia,
consistency of stools urinary retention, anemia,
periodically during therapy. back pain.
Amantadine/ antiparkinson Monitor blood pressure; Ataxia, dizziness, insomnia,
Symmetrel agents drug-induced orthostatic anxiety, confusion, depression,
antivirals hypotension; vital signs and drowsiness, psychosis,
mental status; CHF; seizures, nausea, vomiting,
appearance of a diffuse red anorexia, constipation, blurred
mottling of the skin; intake vision, dry mouth, dyspnea,
and output; akinesia, hypotension, CHF, edema,
rigidity, tremors, and gait urinary retention, mottling,
disturbances; respiratory livedo reticularis, rashes,
status and temperature leukopenia, neutropenia.
before and throughout
Ambrisentan/ Letairis antihypertensives Assess patient for signs and Headache, hepatotoxicity, fluid
endothelin receptor symptoms of primary retention, ↓ hemoglobin, ↓
antagonists pulmonary hypertension; sperm count.
peripheral edema during
therapy. Monitor liver
chemistries prior to initiation
of therapy and at least
every month thereafter.

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Amcinonide/ Cyclocort anti inflammatories Assess affected skin before Allergic contact dermatitis,
steroidal and daily during therapy. atrophy, burning, dryness,
corticosteroids Periodic adrenal function edema, folliculitis,
tests may be ordered to hypersensitivity reactions,
assess degree of hypertrichosis,
hypothalamic-pituitary- hypopigmentation, irritation,
adrenal (HPA) axis maceration, miliaria, perioral
suppression in chronic dermatitis, secondary
topical therapy if suspected. infection, striae, adrenal
Amifostine/ Ethyol cytoprotective Monitor blood pressure Dizziness, somnolence,
agents before and every 5 min sneezing, hypotension,
during infusion; fluid status; hiccups, nausea, vomiting,
signs and symptoms of flushing, hypocalcemia,
anaphylaxis; dry mouth and allergic reactions including
mouth sores during therapy. anaphylaxis, Stevens-Johnson
Monitor serum calcium syndrome, toxic epidermal
concentrations before and necrolysis, toxoderma,
periodically during therapy. erythema multiforma,
exfoliative dermatitis, chills.
Amikacin/ Amikin anti-infectives Assess patient for infection; Vertigo, ototoxicity (vestibular
aminoglycosides Evaluate eighth cranial and cochlear), nephrotoxicity,
nerve function by enhanced neuromuscular
audiometry; intake and blockade, apnea,
output and daily weight; hypersensitivity reactions.
and signs of superinfection
before and throughout
therapy. Monitor renal
function by urinalysis,
specific gravity, BUN,
creatinine, and CCr before
and throughout therapy.
Amiloride/ Midamor diuretics Monitor intake and output Dizziness, headache,
potassium sparing ratios and daily weight; arrhythmias, constipation,
diuretics signs and symptoms of nausea, vomiting,
hypokalemia throughout hyperkalemia, hyponatremia,
therapy. Monitor BUN, muscle cramps, allergic
serum creatinine, and reactions.
electrolytes before and
periodically throughout
Aminocaproic acid/ hemostatic agents Monitor blood pressure, Dizziness, malaise, nasal
Amicar, epsilon fibrinolysis pulse, and respiratory stuffiness, tinnitus,
aminocaproic acid inhibitors status; overt bleeding every arrhythmias, hypotension (IV
15–30 min; neurologic only), anorexia, bloating,
status; intake and output cramping, diarrhea, nausea,
ratios; and thromboembolic diuresis, renal failure,
complications during myopathy.
therapy. Monitor platelet
count and clotting factors
prior to and periodically
throughout therapy in
patients with systemic
Aminoglutethimide/ antineoplastics Monitor patient for changes Drowsiness, dizziness,
Cytadren adrenal in signs of Cushing's headache, weakness,
suppressants syndrome; blood pressure hypotension, tachycardia,
aromatase with patient recumbent and anorexia, nausea, hepatitis,

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inhibitors upright; CNS side effects; vomiting, measles-like rash,
measles-like rash and fever; pruritus, urticaria, adrenal
and during periods of stress insufficiency, hirsutism in
throughout therapy. Monitor women, hypothyroidism,
serum acid phosphatase masculinization in women,
concentrations periodically agranulocytosis, leukopenia,
throughout therapy in neutropenia,
patients with prostatic thrombocytopenia, myalgia,
carcinoma. fever.
Aminolevulinic acid/ photosensitizers Assess skin lesions prior to Burning, edema, pruritus,
Levulan Kerastick and periodically during stinging, oozing, scaling,
therapy. ulceration.
Aminophylline/ bronchodilators Assess blood pressure, Seizures, anxiety, headache,
Truphylline xanthines pulse, respiratory status; insomnia, irritability,
intake and output ratios for arrhythmias, tachycardia,
an increase in diuresis or angina, palpitations, rash,
fluid overload; chest pain nausea, vomiting, anorexia,
and ECG changes; and tremor.
pulmonary function tests
before and periodically
during therapy. Monitor
ABGs, acid-base, and fluid
and electrolyte balance in
patients receiving parenteral
therapy or whenever
required by patient's
condition. Monitor drug
levels routinely.
Amiodarone/Cordaron antiarrhythmics Monitor ECG continuously; Dizziness, fatigue, malaise,
e, Pacerone (class III) signs of pulmonary toxicity; corneal microdeposits, adult
signs and symptoms of respiratory distress syndrome
ARDS; neurotoxicity; (ARDS), pulmonary fibrosis,
Ophthalmic exams; and pulmonary toxicity, CHF,
thyroid dysfunction during worsening of arrhythmias,
initial and throughout bradycardia, hypotension, liver
therapy. Monitor liver and function abnormalities,
thyroid functions; and AST, anorexia, constipation,
ALT, and alkaline nausea, vomiting, toxic
phosphatase at regular epidermal necrolysis,
intervals before and photosensitivity,
periodically throughout hypothyroidism,
therapy. hyperthyroidism, ataxia,
involuntary movement,
paresthesia, peripheral
neuropathy, poor coordination,
Amitriptyline/ Elavil antidepressants Assess fasting glucose and Lethargy, sedation, blurred
tricyclic cholesterol levels in vision, dry eyes, dry mouth,
antidepressants overweight/obese arrhythmias, hypotension, ECG
individuals; obtain weight changes, constipation,
and BMI initially and hepatitis, paralytic ileus,
periodically; blood pressure increased appetite, weight
and pulse; mental status; gain, urinary retention, ↓
intensity, quality, and libido, photosensitivity,
location of pain throughout changes in blood glucose,
therapy. Assess leukocyte gynecomastia, blood
and differential blood dyscrasias.
counts, liver function, and

Rev. 08/21/08
serum glucose before and
periodically during therapy.
Amlodipine/ Norvasc antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure and Headache, dizziness, fatigue,
calcium channel pulse; intake and output peripheral edema, angina,
blockers ratios and daily weight; bradycardia, hypotension,
CHF; location, duration, palpitations, gingival
intensity, and precipitating hyperplasia, nausea, flushing.
factors of patient's anginal
pain before and periodically
during therapy.
Ammonium chloride electrolyte Assess patient for signs of Coma, confusion, drowsiness,
modifiers metabolic alkalosis; signs of headache, seizure, rash,
acidifying agents hepatic function hypokalemia, gastric irritation,
impairment; especially in nausea, vomiting, metabolic
patients with uremia, acidosis, pain/irritation at IV
cirrhosis, or hepatitis. site, ammonia toxicity,
Monitor serum bicarbonate twitching, hyperventilation.
levels to determine dose.
Monitor patient for
symptoms of ammonia
Amobarbital/ Amytal sedative/hypnotics Monitor respiratory status, Drowsiness, bronchospasm (IV
barbiturates pulse, and blood pressure ONLY), laryngospasm (IV
frequently; and sleep ONLY), angioedema,
patterns before and hypersensitivity reactions
periodically throughout including Stevens-Johnson
therapy. syndrome, fever.
Amoxapine/ Asendin antidepressants Monitor mental status; Neuroleptic malignant
suicidal tendencies; BP and syndrome, fatigue, sedation,
pulse; onset of extrapyramidal reactions,
extrapyramidal side effects; tardive dyskinesia, blurred
tardive dyskinesia; and vision, dry eyes, dry mouth,
development of neuroleptic arrhythmias, hypotension, ECG
malignant syndrome before changes, constipation,
and during initial therapy. increased appetite, weight
Monitor CBC and differential gain, paralytic ileus, testicular
during chronic therapy. In swelling, urinary retention,
chronic therapy, periodically photosensitivity, rash,
monitor hepatic and renal gynecomastia, sexual
function. dysfunction, blood dyscrasias,
Amoxicillin/ Amoxil, anti-infectives Assess for infection; Seizures, pseudomembranous
DisperMox, Moxatag, antiulcer agents anaphylaxis; and bowel colitis, diarrhea, nausea,
Trimox, Wymox aminopenicillins function beginning of and vomiting, elevated liver
throughout therapy. enzymes, rashes, urticaria,
blood dyscrasias, allergic
reactions including
anaphylaxis, serum sickness,
Amoxicillin/clavulanat anti-infectives Assess for infection; Seizures, urticaria, rashes,
e// aminopenicillins anaphylaxis; and bowel pseudomembranous colitis,
Augmentin, beta lactamase function beginning of and nausea, diarrhea, hepatic
Augmentin inhibitors throughout therapy. dysfunction, vomiting, vaginal
ES, Augmentin XR candidiasis, blood dyscrasias,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis, serum sickness,

Rev. 08/21/08
Amoxapine/ Asendin antidepressants Monitor mental status, Neuroleptic malignant
suicidal tendencies, blood syndrome, fatigue, sedation,
pressure and pulse, onset of extrapyramidal reactions,
extrapyramidal side effects, tardive dyskinesia, blurred
tardive dyskinesia, and vision, dry eyes, dry mouth,
development of neuroleptic arrhythmias, hypotension, ECG
malignant syndrome before changes, constipation,
and during therapy. Monitor increased appetite, weight
CBC and differential during gain, paralytic ileus, testicular
chronic therapy. In chronic swelling, urinary retention,
therapy, periodically monitor photosensitivity, rash,
hepatic and renal function. gynecomastia, sexual
dysfunction, blood dyscrasias,
Amphetamine central nervous Monitor blood pressure, Hyperactivity, insomnia,
mixtures/ system stimulants pulse, and respiration; restlessness, tremor,
Amphetamine Salt, behavior change; weight behavioral disturbances,
Adderall, Adderall XR biweekly; and frequency of dizziness, hallucinations,
narcoleptic episodes before headache, mania, irritability,
and periodically during thought disorder, palpitations,
therapy. Assess attention tachycardia, cardiomyopathy,
span, impulse control, motor hypertension, hypotension,
and vocal tics, and anorexia, constipation,
interactions with others in cramps, diarrhea, dry mouth,
children with ADHDs. metallic taste, nausea,
vomiting, erectile dysfunction,
increased libido, urticaria,
growth inhibition,
psychological dependence.
Amphotericin B antifungals Assess injection site anxiety, confusion, headache,
deoxycholate / frequently for insomnia, dyspnea, hypoxia,
Amphotec, Abelcet, thrombophlebitis or wheezing, chest pain,
AmBisome leakage; vital signs every 15 hypotension, tachycardia,
min during test dose and edema, hypertension,
every 30 min for 2–4 hr diarrhea, hyperbilirubinemia,
after administration; intake liver enzyme elevation,
and output and weigh daily; nausea, vomiting, abdominal
monitor patient closely pain, nephrotoxicity,
during test dose and the hematuria, hyperglycemia,
first 1–2 hr of each dose for hypocalcemia , hypokalemia,
fever, chills, headache, hypomagnesemia, anemia,
anorexia, nausea, or leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
vomiting. Monitor CBC, BUN pruritis, rashes, phlebitis,
and serum creatinine, and arthralgia, myalgia, chills,
potassium and magnesium fever, acute infusion reactions,
levels daily. hypersensitivity reactions
Ampicillin/Marcillin, anti-infectives Assess patient for infection; Seizures, pseudomembranous
Omnipen, Penbritin, aminopenicillins anaphylaxis; and skin for colitis, diarrhea, nausea,
Principen, Polycillin, "ampicillin rash," a vomiting, rashes, urticaria,
Totacillin nonallergic, dull red, blood dyscrasias, allergic
macular or maculopapular, reactions including
mildly pruritic rash at anaphylaxis, serum sickness,
beginning of and throughout superinfection.
Ampicillin/sulbactam// anti-infectives Assess patient for infection Seizures, diarrhea, nausea,
Unasyn aminopenicillins and anaphylaxis at pseudomembranous colitis,
beta lactamase beginning of and throughout vomiting, rashes, urticaria,
inhibitors therapy. blood dyscrasias, pain at IM

Rev. 08/21/08
site, pain at IV site, allergic
reactions including
anaphylaxis, serum sickness,
superinfection, elevated liver
Amprenavir/Ageneras antiretrovirals Assess patient for change in Depression/mood disorder,
e protease inhibitors severity of HIV symptoms; diarrhea, nausea, taste
symptoms of opportunistic disorders, vomiting, rash,
infections; allergy to hyperglycemia,
sulfonamides; and skin hyperlipidemia,
reactions throughout redistribution/accumulation of
therapy. Monitor viral load body fat.
and CD4 cell count regularly
during therapy.
Amyl nitrite antianginals Assess heart rate and blood Headache, restlessness,
antidotes pressure; location, duration, dizziness, fainting, weakness,
nitrates intensity, and cause of chest ↑ intraocular pressure,
pains; signs of cyanide shortness of breath,
poisoning; and heart rate hypotension, tachycardia,
before and periodically flushing, cyanosis of lips,
throughout therapy and fingernails, or palms, nausea,
administration. methemoglobinemia,
hemolytic anemia.
Anagrelide/ Agrylin platelet reducing Monitor blood pressure, Seizures, dizziness, headache,
agent cardiovascular status, signs eosinophilic pneumonia,
and symptoms of interstitial interstitial pneumonitis,
lung diseases during pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary
therapy. Monitor platelet hypertension, dyspnea,
count every 2 days during cardiomegaly,
first wk of therapy and cardiomyopathy,
weekly until maintenance cerebrovascular accident,
dose is reached. complete heart block,
congestive heart failure, MI,
chest pain, edema,
palpitations, GI bleeding,
pancreatitis, abdominal pain,
diarrhea, flatulence, renal
failure, weakness.
Anakinra/ Kineret antirheumatics Assess patient's range of Headache, diarrhea, nausea,
(DMARD) motion and degree of neutropenia, injection site
interleukin swelling and pain in affected reactions, infections,
antagonists joints; signs and symptoms hypersensitivity reactions
of infection; and (rare).
hypersensitivity reactions
before and periodically
during therapy. Monitor
neutrophil count prior to and
during therapy, then
monthly for 3 mo and
quarterly thereafter for up
to 1 yr.
Anastrazole/ Arimidex antineoplastics Assess patient for pain and Headache, weakness,
aromatase other side effects dizziness, pharyngitis,
inhibitors periodically during therapy. dyspnea, increased cough,
peripheral edema, nausea,
abdominal pain, anorexia,
constipation, diarrhea, dry
mouth, vomiting, pelvic pain,

Rev. 08/21/08
vaginal bleeding, vaginal
dryness, rash, including
mucocutaneous disorders,
sweating, weight gain, back
pain, bone pain, paresthesia,
angioedema, urticaria,
anaphylaxis, hot flashes, pain.
Anidulafungin/ Eraxis antifungals Assess infected area and Dyspnea, hypotension,
echinocandins monitor cultures before and diarrhea, ↑ liver enzymes,
periodically during therapy. flushing, rash, urticaria,
Anileridine/ Leritine opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Dizziness, euphoria,
opioid agonists intensity of pain prior to and excitement, nervousness,
1 hr following IV restlessness, disturbed vision,
administration; level of respiratory depression,
consciousness, blood constipation, dry mouth,
pressure, pulse, and nausea, vomiting, flushing,
respirations; and bowel itching, sweating, physical
function before and dependence, psychological
periodically during therapy. dependence, tolerance.
Anise (Anisi fructus)/ expectorant Assess the frequency and Seizures (toxic amounts of
anise seed, sweet nature of the cough, lung essential oil), nausea,
cumin sounds, and amount and vomiting, Pulmonary edema,
type of sputum produced; allergic reactions.
epigastric or abdominal
pain; and weight gain
associated with sodium and
water retention during
Anistreplase/ thrombolytics Monitor vital signs, including Intracranial hemorrhage,
anisoylated plasminogen temperature, continuously epistaxis, gingival bleeding,
plasminogen– activators for myocardial infarction; bronchospasm, hemoptysis,
streptokinase bleeding every 15 min reperfusion arrhythmias,
activator complex, during the 1st hr of therapy, hypotension, recurrent
APSAC, every 15–30 min during the ischemia/thromboembolism,
next 8 hr, and at least every GI bleeding, hepatotoxicity,
4 hr; hypersensitivity nausea, retroperitoneal
reaction; inquire about bleeding, vomiting, GU tract
recent streptococcal bleeding, ecchymoses,
infection; and neurologic flushing, urticaria, bleeding,
status; ECG continuously; hemorrhage at injection site,
intensity, character, phlebitis at injection site,
location, and radiation of musculoskeletal pain, allergic
chest pain; heart sounds reactions including
and breath sounds anaphylaxis, fever.
throughout therapy.
Hematocrit, hemoglobin,
platelet count, fibrin/fibrin
degradation product
(FDP/fdp) titer, fibrinogen
concentration, prothrombin
time, thrombin time, and
activated partial
thromboplastin time may be
evaluated before and
frequently during therapy.
Anthrax vaccine vaccines/immunizin Prior to administration, Headache, anorexia, nausea,
(absorbed)/ BioThrax g agents assess patient's vomiting, local reactions,

Rev. 08/21/08
immunization history for myalgia, respiratory difficulty,
possible vaccine sensitivities allergic reactions including
and/or previous vaccine- anaphylaxis, fever, malaise.
related adverse reactions to
determine if vaccine is
contraindicated; illness
(fever); history of latex
sensitivity; adverse
reactions throughout series
of vaccinations.
Antihemophilic factor/ hemostatic agents Monitor blood pressure, Headache, lethargy, loss of
Advate, AHF, blood products pulse, and respirations; consciousness, sedation, visual
Alphanate, Bioclate, renewed bleeding every 15– disturbances, chest tightness,
factor VIII, Helixate 30 min; intake and output hypotension, tachycardia,
FS, Helixate NexGen, ratios; note color of urine; nausea, vomiting, flushing,
Humate-P, HYATE:C, allergic reaction. Monitor urticaria, intravascular
Koate-DVI, Kogenate, plasma factor VIII levels. hemolysis, postoperative
Kogenate FS, hemorrhage, back pain,
Monoclate-P, paresthesia, allergic reactions,
Recombinate, ReFacto hepatitis B, C, D, or HIV virus
infection, chills, fever,
jaundice, rigor.
Aprepitant/ Emend antiemetics Assess nausea, vomiting, Dizziness, fatigue, weakness,
neurokinin appetite, bowel sounds, and diarrhea, hiccups.
antagonists abdominal pain; hydration,
nutritional status, and
intake and output prior to
and following
administration. Monitor
clotting status closely during
the 2 wk period, especially
at 7–10 days, following
aprepitant therapy in
patients on chronic warfarin
Apomorphine/ Apokyn antiparkinson Assess for nausea and Dizziness, hallucinations,
agents vomiting; blood pressure somnolence, confusion,
dopamine agonists standing and lying during sudden drowsiness, headache,
dose titration. Orthostatic rhinorrhea, cardiac arrest,
hypotension may occur any chest pain, hypotension,
time during therapy but angina, CHF, QTc prolongation,
occurs more frequently nausea, vomiting, priapism,
during initial therapy or with pallor, flushing, sweating,
a dose increase. injection site pain, arthralgia,
back pain, limb pain,
aggravation of Parkinson's
disease, dyskinesia, yawning.
Aprotinin/ Trasylol hemostatic agents Monitor patient for Renal tubular necrosis,
proteinase development of allergic phlebitis, hypersensitivity
inhibitors reactions during therapy. reactions including anaphylaxis
Usually causes elevations in (incidence increases with
partial thromboplastin time repeated use).
(PTT) and activated clotting
time (ACT).
Arbutamine/ GenESA diagnostic agents Monitor heart rate before Anxiety, dizziness, fatigue,
cardiac stress and after the procedure until headache, dyspnea,
agents heart rate and blood arrhythmias, angina,
pressure have returned to hypotension, palpitations,

Rev. 08/21/08
acceptable levels. vasodilation, altered taste, dry
mouth, flushing, sweating,
transient hypokalemia,
tremors, hypoesthesia,
Ardeparin/ Normiflo anticoagulants Assess patient for signs of Dizziness, headache, insomnia,
antithrombotics bleeding and hemorrhage; edema, constipation, nausea,
evidence of additional or reversible increase in liver
increased thrombosis; enzymes, vomiting, urinary
hypersensitivity reactions; retention, ecchymoses,
and epidural catheters pruritus, rash, urticaria,
frequently for signs and bleeding, anemia,
symptoms of neurologic thrombocytopenia, erythema
impairment. Observe at injection site, hematoma,
injection sites for irritation, pain, fever.
hematomas, ecchymosis, or
inflammation. Monitor CBC,
platelet count, and stools for
occult blood periodically
throughout therapy.
Arformoterol/ Brovana bronchodilators Assess lung sounds, pulse, Headache, insomnia,
adrenergics and blood pressure; nervousness, weakness,
pulmonary function tests; paradoxical bronchospasm,
paradoxical bronchospasm ECG changes, tachycardia,
before administration and vomiting, rash, hypokalemia,
during peak of medication. leukocytosis, cramps, tremor,
hypersensitivity reactions
including anaphylaxis, fever.
Argatroban/ anticoagulants Monitor for signs of Hypotens, diarrhea, nausea,
Argatroban thrombin inhibitors anaphylaxis and vital signs vomiting, bleeding, allergic
periodically during therapy. reactions including
Monitor aPTT prior to anaphylaxis, fever.
initiation of continuous
infusion, 2 hours after
initiation of therapy, and
periodically during therapy
to confirm aPTT is within
desired therapeutic range.
Assess hemoglobin,
hematocrit, and platelet
count prior to, and
periodically during,
argatroban therapy.
Aripiprazole/ Abilify antipsychotics Assess patient's mental drowsiness, extrapyramidal
mood stabilizers status; weight and BMI; BP, reactions, constipation,
dihydrocarbostyril pulse, and respiratory rate; tremor, neuroleptic malignant
akathisia; extrapyramidal syndrome, bradycardia, chest
side effects; tardive pain, edema, hypertension,
dyskinesia; and orthostatic hypotension,
development of neuroleptic tachycardia, blurred vision,
malignant syndrome. Obtain conjunctivitis, ear pain,
fasting blood glucose and anorexia, ↑ salivation, nausea,
cholesterol levels initially vomiting, weight loss,
and periodically during hyperglycemia, anemia,
therapy. fatigue, hostility, insomnia,
lightheadedness, manic
reactions, confusion

Rev. 08/21/08
Armodafinil/ Nuvigil central nervous Observe and document Dizziness, headache, insomnia,
system stimulants wakefulness and frequency anxiety , psychiatric reactions,
of narcoleptic episodes. ↑ blood pressure, nausea, dry
Monitor blood pressure mouth, Stevens-Johnson
periodically during therapy. syndrome, rash, multi-organ
hypersensitivity, allergic
reactions including
anaphylactoid reactions and
Arnica/ leopard's anti-infectives Inspect skin for breaks prior Edematous dermatitis with
bane, to application; and after pustules (chronic treatment of
mountain tobacco, application, assess the damaged skin), eczema
mountain snuff, wolf's affected area for signs of (prolonged use), local allergic
bane allergic response. reactions.
Arsenic trioxide/ antineoplastics Assess patient for APL Fatigue, headache, insomnia,
Trisenox heavy metals differentiation syndrome; weakness, hypoxia, dyspnea,
ECG prior to initiation of pleural effusion, QT
therapy and weekly or more prolongation, complete AV
frequently for clinically block, atrial arrhythmias,
unstable patients during abdominal pain, constipation,
induction or consolidation increase liver enzymes, renal
phase; and vital signs failure, dermatitis,
periodically throughout hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia,
therapy. Monitor electrolyte, acidosis, hypocalcemia,
hematologic, and hyperkalemia, hypokalemia,
coagulation profiles at least hypomagnesemia,
twice weekly and more neutropenia, APL
frequently for clinically differentiation syndrome,
unstable patients during disseminated intravascular
induction phase and at least coagulation,
weekly during consolidation thrombocytopenia,
phase. hyperleukocytosis, anemia,
leukocytosis, back pain,
arthralgia, bone pain, neck
pain, limb pain, myalgia,
allergic reactions, fever,
Ascorbic vitamins Assess for signs of vitamin C Drowsiness, fatigue, headache,
acid/Ascorbicap, water soluble deficiency before and during insomnia, cramps, diarrhea,
Cebid, Cecon, Cecore- vitamins therapy. heartburn, nausea, vomiting,
500, Cemill, Cenolate, kidney stones, flushing, deep
Cetane, Cevalin, Cevi- vein thrombosis, hemolysis,
Bid, Flavorcee, Mega- sickle cell crisis, pain at subcut
C/A or IM sites.
Plus, Ortho/CS,
Asparaginase/ Elspar antineoplastics Monitor vital signs; intake Seizures, agitation, coma,
enzymes and output; hypersensitivity confusion, depression,
reaction; nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue,
and appetite; weigh weekly; hallucinations, headache,
and neurologic status before irritability, somnolence,
and frequently during nausea, vomiting, anorexia,
therapy. Monitor CBC and cramps, hepatotoxicity,
blood glucose before and pancreatitis, weight loss,
periodically throughout rashes, urticaria,
therapy. hyperglycemia, coagulation
abnormalities, transient bone
marrow depression,

Rev. 08/21/08
hypersensitivity reactions
including anayphylaxis.
Aspirin/acetylsalicylic antipyretics Assess pain and limitation of Tinnitus, GI bleeding,
Acid, nonopioid movement; note type, dyspepsia, epigastric distress,
analgesics location, and intensity nausea, abdominal pain,
salicylates before and at the peak after anorexia, hepatotoxicity,
administration. Assess fever vomiting, anemia, hemolysis,
and note associated signs. rash, urticaria, allergic
Monitor hepatic function reactions including anaphylaxis
before antirheumatic and laryngeal edema.
therapy. Monitor for the
onset of tinnitus, headache,
hyperventilation, agitation,
mental confusion, lethargy,
diarrhea, and sweating.
Atazanavir/ Reyataz antiretrovirals Assess for change in Headache, depression,
protease inhibitors severity of HIV symptoms dizziness, insomnia, ↑ PR
and for symptoms of interval, heart block, nausea,
opportunistic infections abdominal pain, ↑bilirubin,
throughout therapy. Assess cholelithiasis, diarrhea,
for rash which can occur jaundice, vomiting, ↑
within initial 8 wk of transaminases, rash.
therapy. Usually resolves Hyperglycemia, fat
within 2 weeks without redistribution, myalgia, fever.
altering therapy. Monitor
viral load and CD4 cell count
regularly during therapy.
Atenolol/ Tenormin antianginals Monitor blood pressure, Fatigue, weakness, anxiety,
antihypertensives ECG, and pulse; intake and depression, dizziness,
beta blockers output ratios and daily drowsiness, insomnia, memory
weights; and CHF frequently loss, mental status changes,
during dosage adjustment nervousness, nightmares,
period and periodically blurred vision, stuffy nose,
throughout therapy. bronchospasm, wheezing,
bradycardia, CHF, pulmonary
edema, hypotension,
peripheral vasoconstriction,
constipation, diarrhea, liver
function abnormalities,
nausea, vomiting, erectile
dysfunction, decreased libido,
urinary frequency, rashes,
hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia,
arthralgia, back pain, joint
pain, drug-induced lupus
Atomoxetine/Strattera agents for attention Assess attention span, Suicidal thoughts, dizziness,
deficit disorder impulse control, and fatigue, mood swings,
selective interactions with others. behavioral disturbances,
norepinephrine Monitor blood pressure and hallucinations, mania, thought
reuptake inhibitors pulse; growth, body height, disorder, Adults—insomnia,
and weight in children; signs hypertension, orthostatic
of liver injury; and behavior hypotension, tachycardia,
change during therapy. dyspepsia, severe liver injury
(rare), nausea, vomiting,
Adults—dry mouth,

Rev. 08/21/08
constipation, rash, urticaria,
ejaculatory problems, ↓ libido,
erectile dysfunction, urinary
hesitation, urinary retention,
decreased appetite,
weight/growth loss, allergic
reactions including
angioneurotic edema.
Atorvastatin/ Lipitor lipid-lowering Obtain a diet history, Dizziness, headache, insomnia,
agents especially with regard to fat weakness, rhinitis, bronchitis,
hmg coa reductase consumption. Evaluate chest pain, peripheral edema,
inhibitors serum cholesterol and abdominal cramps,
triglyceride levels before constipation, diarrhea, flatus,
initiating, after 2–4 wk of heartburn, altered taste, drug-
therapy, and periodically induced hepatitis, dyspepsia,
thereafter. Monitor liver elevated liver enzymes,
function tests, including nausea, pancreatitis, erectile
AST, prior to, at 12 wk after dysfunction, rashes, pruritus,
initiation of therapy, or after rhabdomyolysis, arthralgia,
dose elevation, and then arthritis, myalgia, myositis,
every 6 mo. If patient hypersensitivity reaction
develops muscle tenderness including angioneurotic edema.
during therapy, CPK levels
should be monitored.
Atovaquone/ Mepron Antiprotozoals Assess patient for signs of Headache, insomnia, cough,
PCP at beginning of and diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
throughout therapy. Monitor rash, fever.
hematologic and hepatic
Atracurium/ Tracrium neuromuscular Assess respiratory status Bronchospasm, hypotension
blocking agents continuously; ECG, heart tachycardia skin flushing,
nondepolarizing rate, and blood pressure; allergic reactions including
residual muscle weakness anaphylaxis.
and respiratory distress
throughout therapy.
Neuromuscular response
should be monitored with a
peripheral nerve stimulator
Atropine/ Atro-Pen antiarrhythmics Assess vital signs and ECG Drowsiness, confusion,
anticholinergics tracings; intake and output hyperpyrexia, blurred vision,
antimuscarinics ratios in elderly or surgical cycloplegia, photophobia, dry
patients; abdominal eyes, mydriasis, tachycardia,
distention and auscultate for palpitations, arrhythmias, dry
bowel sounds during mouth, constipation, impaired
therapy. GI motility, urinary hesitancy,
retention, impotency,
tachypnea, pulmonary edema,
flushing, decreased sweating.
Attapulgite/Children's antidiarrheals Assess the frequency and Constipation
Kaopectate, Fowler's adsorbents consistency of stools and
Anti-Diarrhea Tablets, bowel sounds before and
Fowler's attapulgite throughout course of
oral suspension, therapy. Assess fluid and
Kaopectate, electrolyte balance and skin
Kaopectate Extra turgor for dehydration.

Rev. 08/21/08
Auranofin/ Ridaura antirheumatics Assess patient's range of Peripheral neuropathy,
(DMARDs) motion and degree of conjunctivitis, corneal gold
gold compounds swelling and pain in affected deposition, proteinuria,,
joints before and hematuria, bronchitis,
periodically throughout pulmonary fibrosis,
therapy. Assess patient's pneumonitis, bradycardia, GI
range of motion and degree bleeding, abdominal pain,
of swelling and pain in cramping, diarrhea, gingivitis,
affected joints before and glossitis, metallic taste,
periodically throughout stomatitis, anorexia, difficulty
therapy. swallowing, ↑ liver enzymes,
dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea,
vomiting, dermatitis, rash,
alopecia, urticaria,
photosensitivity reactions,
pruritus, agranulocytosis,
aplastic anemia,
thrombocytopenia, anemia,
eosinophilia, leucopenia,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis, angioedema.
Aurothioglucose/Solga antirheumatics Assess patient's range of Dizziness, headache,
nol (DMARDs) motion and degree of neuropathy, syncope, corneal
gold compounds swelling and pain in affected gold deposition, corneal
joints before and ulcerations, pneumonitis,
periodically throughout bradycardia, abdominal pain,
therapy. Monitor patient for cramping, diarrhea, metallic
nitritoid reaction that may taste, stomatitis, anorexia,
occur immediately to 10 min difficulty swallowing, drug-
after injection. Monitor induced hepatitis, dyspepsia,
renal, hepatic, and flatulence, nausea, vomiting,
hematologic function and dermatitis, rash,
urinalysis before and photosensitivity reactions,
periodically during therapy. pruritus, agranulocytosis,
Monitor CBC and platelets aplastic anemia,
before every other injection thrombocytopenia,
or every 2–4 wk. eosinophilia, leucopenia,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis, angioneurotic
edema, nitritoid reactions.
Azacitidine/ Vidaza antineoplastics Monitor for bone marrow Fatigue, hepatotoxicity,
nucleoside depression; bleeding; constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
analogues nausea and vomiting; vomiting, nephrotoxicity, renal
fatigue, dyspnea, and tubular acidosis, ecchymosis,
orthostatic hypotension; and hypokalemia, anemia,
signs of anaphylaxis during neutropenia,
therapy. Monitor CBC with thrombocytopenia, injection
differential and platelet site erythema, allergic
count prior to each dosing reactions including
cycle. anaphylaxis, fever.
Azatadine/ Optimine allergy, cold and Assess allergy symptoms; Dizziness, sedation, tinnitus,
cough remedies lung sounds and character thickened bronchial secretions,
antihistamines of bronchial secretions prior hypertension, epigastric
to and periodically distress, vomiting, early
throughout therapy. menses, urinary hesitancy,
urinary retention, sweating,
anemia, thrombocytopenia.

Rev. 08/21/08
Azathioprine/ Azasan, immunosuppressan Assess for infection: vital Retinopathy, pulmonary
Imuran ts signs, sputum, urine, stool, edema, anorexia,
purine antagonists WBC; intake and output and hepatotoxicity, nausea,
daily weight; range of vomiting, diarrhea, mucositis,
motion; degree of swelling, pancreatitis, alopecia, rash,
pain, and strength in anemia, leukopenia,
affected joints; and ability pancytopenia,
to perform activities of daily thrombocytopenia, arthralgia,
living before and periodically serum sickness, chills, fever,
during therapy. Monitor Raynaud's phenomenon,
renal, hepatic, and retinopathy.
hematologic functions
before beginning therapy,
weekly during the 1st mo,
bimonthly for the next 2–3
mo, and monthly thereafter.
Azelastine/ Astelin allergy, cold and Assess allergy symptoms, Drowsiness, dizziness,
cough remedies lung sounds and character dysesthesia, fatigue,
antihistamines of bronchial secretions headache, epistaxis, nasal
before and periodically burning, pharyngitis, sinusitis,
throughout therapy. sneezing, bitter taste, dry
mouth, nausea, weight gain,
Azithromycin/ Zmax, agents atypical Assess patient for infection; Dizziness, seizures,
Zithromax mycobacterium signs and symptoms of drowsiness, fatigue, headache,
anti-infectives anaphylaxis beginning of chest pain, hypotension,
macrolides and throughout therapy. palpitations, QT prolongation
(rare), pseudomembranous
colitis, abdominal pain,
diarrhea, nausea, cholestatic
jaundice, elevated liver
enzymes, dyspepsia,
flatulence, melena, oral
candidiasis, nephritis,
vaginitis, anemia, leukopenia,
photosensitivity, Stevens-
Johnson syndrome, rashes,
ototoxicity, hyperkalemia,
Aztreonam/ Azactam anti-infectives Assess patient for infection; Seizures, pseudomembranous
monobactams determine previous use of colitis, altered taste, diarrhea,
and reactions to penicillins nausea, vomiting, rash, pain at
and cephalosporins; signs IM site, phlebitis at IV site,
and symptoms of allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis at beginning of anaphylaxis, superinfection.
and throughout therapy.
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Baclofen Anti-spasticity Assess muscle spasticity Dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue,

agents before and periodically weakness, nausea.
during therapy. Observe
patient for drowsiness,
dizziness, or ataxia. May
be alleviated by a change

Rev. 08/21/08
in dose.

Balsalazide gastrointestinal Assess abdominal pain and Hepatotoxicity, abdominal

anti-inflammatories frequency, quantity, and pain, diarrhea.
consistency of stools at the
beginning of and throughout
therapy. Assess patient for
allergy to Salicylates. May
cause elevated AST, ALT,
serum alkaline phosphatase,
gamma glutamyl
transpepsidase (GGT), LDH,
and bilirubin.
Basiliximab immunosuppressan Monitor for signs of Heart failure, hypersensitivity
ts anaphylactic or reactions including
hypersensitivity anaphylaxis, dizziness,
reactions and infection headache, insomnia,
prior to and during weakness, coughing, edema,
therapy. hypertension, abdominal pain,
constipation, diarrhea,
dyspepsia, moniliasis, nausea,
vomiting, acne, wound
complications, hyperglycemia,
hypoglycemia, acidosis,
hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia,
hypocalcemia, hypokalemia,
hypophosphatemia, back pain,
leg pain, tremor, infection,
weight gain.
Beclomethasone Anti-inflammatories Monitor respiratory status Headache, cataracts,
steroidal and lung sounds. Pulmonary dysphonia, oropharyngeal
corticosteroids function tests may be fungal infections, pharyngitis,
assessed periodically during rhinitis, sinusitis,
and for several months bronchospasm, cough,
following a transfer from wheezing, adrenal
systemic to inhalation suppression, decreased growth
corticosteroids. Assess (children), back pain.
patients changing from
systemic corticosteroids to
inhalation corticosteroids for
signs of adrenal
insufficiency; and
withdrawal symptoms
during therapy. Periodic
adrenal function tests may
be ordered to assess degree
of hypothalamic-pituitary-
adrenal (HPA) axis
suppression in chronic
Beclomethasone anti inflammatories Monitor degree of nasal Dizziness, headache, epistaxis,
(nasal) steroidal stuffiness, amount and color nasal irritation, nasal
corticosteroids of nasal discharge, and stuffiness, rhinorrhea,
frequency of sneezing. sneezing, tearing eyes,
Patients on long-term nausea, adrenal suppression
therapy should have (increased dose, long-term
periodic otolaryngologic therapy only), decreased

Rev. 08/21/08
examinations to monitor growth (children).
nasal mucosa and passages
for infection or ulceration.
Growth rate in children
receiving chronic therapy.
Periodic adrenal function
tests may be ordered to
assess degree of
adrenal (HPA) axis
suppression in chronic
Benazepril/Lotensin antihypertensives Monitor BP, pulse, and signs Dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue,
ace inhibitors of angioedema. Monitor headache, cough, hypotension,
renal function. nausea, impaired renal
function, rashes,
hyperkalemia, and
Bendamustine anti-neoplastics Monitor for bone marrow Fatigue, weakness, cough,
depression, bleeding, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
symptoms of infusion skin reactions, anemia,
reactions, tumor lysis leucopenia, neutropenia,
syndrome, skin reactions, thrombocytopenia,
intake and output, appetite, hyperuricemia, tumor lysis
and nutritional intake, syndrome, allergic reactions
nausea and vomiting prior including anaphylaxis, fever,
to and throughout therapy. infusion reactions.
Monitor CBC with differential
and platelet count before
and during therapy. Monitor
blood chemistry, especially
serum potassium and uric
acid before and periodically
during therapy.
Benzocaine anesthetics topical Assess type, location, and Allergic reactions including
local intensity of pain before and anaphylaxis.
a few minutes after Mucosal use—decreased or
administration of anesthetic. absent gag reflex.
Assess integrity of involved Topical use—burning, edema,
skin and mucous irritation, stinging, tenderness,
membranes before and urticaria.
periodically throughout
course of therapy.
Benzonatate/ Tessalon allergy, cold and Assess frequency and nature Headache, mild dizziness,
cough remedies of cough, lung sounds, and sedation, burning sensation in
antitussives amount and type of sputum eyes, nasal congestion,
(local anesthetic) produced. constipation, GI upset,
nausea, pruritus, skin
eruptions, chest numbness,
chilly sensation,
hypersensitivity reactions.
Benztropine anti-parkinson Assess parkinsonian and Confusion, depression,
agents extrapyramidal symptoms; dizziness, hallucinations,
bowel function; headache, sedation, weakness,
constipation, abdominal blurred vision, dry eyes,
pain, distention, or absence mydriasis, arrhythmias,
of bowel sounds; intake and hypotension, palpitations,
output ratios; urinary tachycardia, constipation, dry

Rev. 08/21/08
retention; and patients with mouth, ileus, nausea,
mental illness before and hesitancy, urinary retention,
throughout therapy. Monitor decreased sweating.
pulse and blood pressure
closely and maintain bedrest
for 1 hr after administration.
Beractant anti rds agents Monitor ECG, heart rate, Oxygen desaturation and
pulmonary color, chest expansion, transient bradycardia.
surfactants facial expression,
transcutaneous oxygen
saturation, and endotracheal
tube patency continuously
during dosing. Continuous
bedside monitoring should
continue for at least 30 min
after dosing. Monitor ABGs
frequently to prevent
hyperoxia or hypocarbia.
Betamethasone Anti-inflammatories Assess patient for signs of Depression, euphoria,
(systemic) steroidal adrenal insufficiency, intake hypertension, peptic
corticosteroids and output ratios and daily ulceration, anorexia, nausea,
weights, peripheral edema, vomiting, acne, decreased
steady weight gain, wound healing, ecchymoses,
rales/crackles, or dyspnea fragility, hirsutism, petechiae,
before and periodically adrenal suppression, fluid
throughout therapy. Monitor retention, hypokalemia,
serum electrolytes and hypokalemic alkalosis,
glucose. Periodic adrenal thromboembolism,
function tests may be thrombophlebitis, weight gain,
ordered to assess degree of weight loss, muscle wasting,
hypothalamic-pituitary- osteoporosis, aseptic necrosis
adrenal axis suppression in of joints, muscle pain,
systemic and chronic topical cushingoid appearance,
therapy. increased susceptibility to
Betamethasone Anti-inflammatories Assess affected skin before Allergic contact dermatitis,
(topical) steroidal and daily during therapy. atrophy, burning, dryness,
corticosteroids Note degree of inflammation edema, folliculitis,
and pruritus. Periodic hypersensitivity reactions,
adrenal function tests may hypertrichosis,
be ordered to assess degree hypopigmentation, irritation,
of hypothalamic-pituitary- maceration, miliaria, perioral
adrenal (HPA) axis dermatitis, secondary
suppression in chronic infection, striae, adrenal
topical therapy if suspected. suppression
Betaxolol antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure, Fatigue, weakness, erectile
beta blockers ECG, and pulse, intake and dysfunction, bradycardia, CHF,
output ratios and daily pulmonary edema, anxiety,
weights, signs and depression, back pain, joint
symptoms of congestive pain, dizziness, constipation,
heart failure, frequency and diarrhea, liver function
characteristics of angina abnormalities, drug-induced
before and periodically lupus syndrome, rashes,
during therapy. insomnia, wheezing.
Bethanechol urinary tract Monitor blood pressure, Headache, miosis, urgency,
stimulant pulse, and respirations lacrimation, bronchospasm,
cholinergics before administering and for heart block, flushing,
at least 1 hr after subcut sweating, vomiting,

Rev. 08/21/08
administration. Monitor syncope/cardiac arrest,
intake and output ratios. bradycardia, abdominal
Palpate abdomen for discomfort, diarrhea, nausea,
bladder distention. salivation.
Bevacizumab antineoplastics Assess for signs of GI Reversible posterior
monoclonal perforation, fistula leukoencephalopathy
antibodies formation, wound syndrome (RPLS), arterial
dehiscence, signs of thromboembolic events, CHF,
hemorrhage, signs of CHF, hypertension, hypotension,
thromboembolic events, hemoptysis, non-
infusion reactions, and signs gastrointestinal fistulas, nasal
of RPLS before and during septum perforation, GI
therapy. Monitor BP every perforation, nephrotic
2–3 wk during therapy. syndrome, proteinuria,
Monitor serial urinalysis for bleeding, wound dehiscence,
proteinuria during therapy. impaired wound healing,
infusion reactions.
Bicalutamide antineoplastics Assess patient for adverse Weakness, constipation,
antiandrogens GI effects. Diarrhea is the diarrhea, nausea, nocturia,
most common cause of urinary tract infections,
discontinuation of therapy. alopecia, rashes, sweating,
Monitor serum prostate- breast pain, gynecomastia,
specific antigen (PSA) anemia, hyperglycemia,
periodically to determine weight loss, back pain, pelvic
response to therapy. pain, bone pain, paresthesia,
Monitor liver function tests generalized pain, hot flashes,
before and periodically flu-like syndrome, infection.
during therapy.
Bimatoprost (lash, hair regrowth Monitor intraocular pressure Conjunctival hyperemia, eye
ophthalmic) stimulants in patients with a history of pruritus, hyperpigmentation of
prostaglandins increased intraocular eyelids, macular edema,
pressure or who are using permanent pigmentation of the
prostaglandin analogs for iris.
intraocular pressure
reduction concurrently.
Biperiden/ Akineton antiparkinson Assess parkinsonian and Confusion, depression,
agents extrapyramidal symptoms; dizziness, hallucinations,
anticholinergics bowel function; intake and headache, sedation, weakness,
output ratios and assess blurred vision, dry eyes,
patient for urinary mydriasis, arrhythmias,
retention; pulse and blood hypotension, palpitations,
pressure; and mental illness tachycardia, constipation, dry
are at risk of developing mouth, ileus, nausea,
exaggerated symptoms of hesitancy, urinary retention,
their disorder during decreased sweating.
Bisacodyl stimulant laxatives; Assess patient for abdominal abdominal cramps, nausea,
laxative distention, presence of
bowel sounds, and normal
pattern of bowel function;
color, consistency, and
amount of stool produced
Bismuth subsalicylate/ antidiarrheals Assess the frequency and Constipation, gray-black
Bismatrol, Bismed, antiulcer agents consistency of stools and stools, impaction (infants,
Kaopectate, adsorbents bowel sounds before and debilitated patients).
Kapectolin, Kao-Tin, throughout course of
K-Pek, Peptic Relief, therapy. Assess fluid and
Pepto-Bismol, Pink electrolyte balance and skin

Rev. 08/21/08
Bismuth turgor for dehydration.
Assess for epigastric or
abdominal pain and frank or
occult blood in the stool,
emesis, or gastric aspirate.
Bisoprolol antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure, Fatigue, weakness,
beta blockers ECG, and pulse, intake and bradycardia, CHF, pulmonary
output ratios and daily edema, erectile dysfunction,
weights, for signs and decreased libido, urinary
symptoms of CHF frequently frequency, rashes,
during dosage adjustment hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia,
period and periodically arthralgia, back pain, joint
throughout therapy. pain, drug-induced lupus
Bitolterol/ Tornalate bronchodilators Assess lung sounds, pulse, Nervousness, restlessness,
adrenergics and blood pressure; tremor, headache, insomnia,
pulmonary function tests; light-headedness, paradoxical
paradoxical bronchospasm bronchospasm, chest pain,
before administration and palpatations, tachycardia,
during peak of medication. arrhythmias, hypertension,
Observe patient for drug nausea, vomiting,
tolerance and rebound hyperglycemia, hypokalemia,
bronchospasm. Symptoms tremor.
of overdose include
persistent agitation, chest
pain or discomfort,
decreased blood pressure,
dizziness, hyperglycemia,
hypokalemia, seizures,
tachyarrhythmias, persistent
trembling, and vomiting.
Bivalirudin anticoagulants Assess for bleeding and vital Headache, anxiety, insomnia,
thrombin inhibitors signs before, during, and nervousness, hypotension,
throughout therapy. Assess bradycardia, hypertension,
hemoglobin, hematocrit, nausea, abdominal pain,
and platelet count prior to dyspepsia, vomiting, bleeding,
bivalirudin therapy and injection site pain, back pain,
periodically during therapy. pain, fever, pelvic pain.
Monitor ACT periodically in
patients with renal
Black cohosh Assess frequency and Seizures, headache, dizziness,
severity of menopausal GI upset, rash, weight gain,
symptoms; blood cramping.
pressure; nausea and
vomiting; history of
seizures, liver disease, and
alcohol intake; irregular
periods for pregnancy prior
to taking this drug because
large doses of black cohosh
may induce a miscarriage.
Bleomycin antineoplastics Assess for fever and chills. Aggressive behavior,
antitumor May occur 3–6 hr after disorientation, weakness,
antibiotics administration and last 4–12 pulmonary fibrosis,
hr. Monitor vital signs, pneumonitis, hypotension,
anaphylactic and peripheral vasoconstriction,
idiosyncratic reactions, anorexia, nausea, stomatitis,

Rev. 08/21/08
respiratory status for vomiting, hyperpigmentation,
dyspnea and rales/crackles, mucocutaneous toxicity,
nausea, vomiting, and alopecia, erythema, rashes,
appetite, and weigh weekly urticaria, vesiculation, anemia,
before and frequently during leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
therapy. Monitor CBC before pain at tumor site, phlebitis at
and periodically during IV site, weight loss,
therapy. Monitor baseline anaphylactoid reactions, chills,
and periodic renal and fever.
hepatic function.
Bortezomib anti-neoplastics Monitor vital signs Fatigue, malaise, weakness,
proteasome frequently, GI adverse dizziness, syncope, blurred
inhibitors effects, signs and symptoms vision, diplopia, hypotension,
of tumor lysis syndrome CHF, pneumonia, anorexia,
before and during therapy. constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
Monitor CBC and platelet vomiting, bleeding, anemia,
count frequently during neutropenia,
therapy. Monitor blood thrombocytopenia, peripheral
glucose levels closely in neuropathy, fever, tumor lysis
patients taking oral syndrome.
hypoglycemic agents; may
require adjustment of
antidiabetic agent dose
Bosentan Vasodilators Assess for signs and Headache, fatigue,
endothelin receptor symptoms of primary nasopharyngitis, edema,
antagonists pulmonary hypertension hypotension, palpitations,
prior to and periodically hepatotoxicity, dyspepsia,
during therapy. Monitor flushing, pruritus, anemia.
serum AST, ALT, and
bilirubin prior to and
monthly during treatment. If
AST and ALT are ↑ >3 and
<=5 times the upper limit of
normal, confirm level with a
second test. If confirmed,
reduce dose or interrupt
therapy and monitor AST
and ALT every 2 wk. Once
AST and ALT return to
normal levels, reintroduce
therapy at starting dose and
recheck AST and ALT levels
within 3 days. If AST and
ALT levels are >8 times the
upper limit of normal if
clinical symptoms of liver
injury occur, or if bilirubin
levels are >= 2 times the
upper limit of normal,
discontinue therapy
permanently. Monitor
hemoglobin and hematocrit
levels 1 and 3 mo after
initiation of therapy and
every 3 mo thereafter.
Botulism immune vaccines/immunizin Monitor vital signs Rash and infusion reactions.
globulin/BabyBIG g agents continuously during
immune globulins infusion. Monitor urine

Rev. 08/21/08
output and signs of aseptic
meningitis syndrome (AMS)
during therapy.
Brompheniramine/ allergy, cold and Assess allergy symptoms, Drowsiness, sedation,
Bromfenac, Dimetapp cough remedies lung sounds and character dizziness, excitation (in
Allergy, Nasahist B antihistamines of bronchial secretions; children), blurred vision,
symptoms of allergic hypertension, arrhythmias,
transfusion reaction or hypotension, palpitations, dry
anaphylaxis; sweating, mouth, constipation,
hypotension, dizziness, obstruction, retention, urinary
drowsiness, or hesitancy, sweating,
hypersensitivity reactions hypersensitivity reaction (IV
before and periodically use).
during therapy.
Bromocriptine anti-parkinson Assess patient for allergy to Dizziness, confusion,
agents ergot derivatives. Monitor drowsiness, hallucinations,
dopamine agonists blood pressure, restlessness headache, insomnia,
or desire to keep moving, nightmares, burning eyes,
rigidity, tremors, pill rolling, nasal stuffiness, visual
masklike face, shuffling gait, disturbances, effusions,
muscle spasms, twisting pulmonary infiltrates, MI,
motions, difficulty speaking hypotension, nausea,
or swallowing, loss of abdominal pain, anorexia, dry
balance control, fever, mouth, metallic taste,
respiratory distress, vomiting, urticaria, leg
tachycardia, convulsions, cramps, digital vasospasm
diaphoresis, hypertension, (acromegaly only).
hypotension, pallor,
tiredness before and
throughout therapy.
Physical examination
including ring size, heel pad
thickness, and soft-tissue
volume should be assessed
throughout therapy.
Measure serum prolactin
concentrations and anterior
pituitary function before
female infertility therapy.
Monitor serum growth
hormone and insulin-like
growth factor (IGF-I)
concentrations periodically
during acromegaly therapy.
Measure serum prolactin
concentrations monthly
during initial therapy and
twice yearly during
maintenance therapy to
determine effectiveness of
hyperprolactinemia therapy.
Budesonide anti inflammatories Monitor respiratory status Headache, rash, otitis media,
steroidal and lung sounds. Pulmonary dysphonia, epistaxis,
corticosteroids function tests may be oropharyngeal fungal
assessed periodically during infections, pharyngitis, rhinitis,
and for several months sinusitis, bronchospasm,
following a transfer from cough, abdominal pain,
systemic to inhalation diarrhea, dyspepsia,

Rev. 08/21/08
corticosteroids. Assess gastroenteritis, nausea,
patients changing from vomiting, adrenal suppression
systemic corticosteroids to (high dose, long-term therapy
inhalation corticosteroids for only), decreased growth
signs of adrenal insufficiency (children), weight gain, back
during initial therapy and pain, flu-like syndrome.
periods of stress. Monitor
for withdrawal symptoms
during withdrawal from oral
corticosteroids. Monitor
growth rates in children
receiving chronic therapy.
Budesonide (nasal) anti inflammatories Monitor degree of nasal Epistaxis, nasal burning, nasal
steroidal stuffiness, amount and color irritation, nasopharyngeal
corticosteroids of nasal discharge, and fungal infection, pharyngitis,
frequency of sneezing. sneezing, dry mouth,
Patients on long-term dyspepsia, adrenal
therapy should have suppression (increased dose,
periodic otolaryngologic long-term therapy only),
examinations to monitor decreased growth (children),
nasal mucosa and passages bronchospasm, cough.
for infection or ulceration.
Monitor growth rate in
children receiving chronic
Budesonide (oral) gastroinestinal anti Assess signs of Crohn's Headache, easy bruising, acne,
inflammatories disease (diarrhea, crampy nausea, eczema, flushing,
corticosteroids abdominal pain, fever, increased sweating, striae,
bleeding from rectum) adrenal suppression,
during therapy. hypokalemia, leukocytosis,
weight gain, hyperkinesia,
paresthesia, tremor, back
pain, cramps, increased
arthritis, myalgia, infection,
cushingoid appearance, flu-like
Bumetanide diuretics Assess fluid status, blood Dizziness, encephalopathy,
loop diuretics pressure and pulse, tinnitus headache, hearing loss,
and hearing loss, allergy to tinnitus, hypotension,
sulfonamides before and diarrhea, dry mouth, nausea,
during therapy. Monitor vomiting, excessive urination,
daily weight, intake and photosensitivity, pruritis, rash,
output ratios, amount and hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia,
location of edema, lung dehydration, hypocalcemia,
sounds, skin turgor, and hypochloremia, hypokalemia,
mucous membranes. Assess hypomagnesemia,
patients receiving digoxin hyponatremia, hypovolemia,
for anorexia, nausea, metabolic alkalosis, arthralgia,
vomiting, muscle cramps, muscle cramps, myalgia,
paresthesia, and confusion ↑ increased BUN.
risk of digoxin toxicity due
to potassium-depleting
effect of diuretic. Diuretic
use is associated with
increased risk for falls in
older adults. Monitor
electrolytes, renal and
hepatic function, serum

Rev. 08/21/08
glucose, and uric acid levels
before and periodically
during therapy.
Bupivacaine epidural local Assess for systemic toxicity, Seizures, anxiety, dizziness,
anesthetics BP, HR, and respiratory rate headache, irritability, blurred
anesthetics topical continuously while patient is vision, tinnitus, cardiovascular
local receiving this medication. collapse, arrhythmias,
Monitor for return of bradycardia, hypotension,
sensation after procedure. nausea, vomiting, urinary
retention, pruritus, metabolic
acidosis, circumoral tingling/
numbness, tremor, allergic
reactions, fever.
Buprenorphine opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Confusion, dysphoria,
opioid agonists intensity of pain before and hallucinations, sedation,
antagonists 1 hr after IM and 5 min dizziness, euphoria, floating
(peak) after IV feeling, headache, unusual
administration. Assess level dreams, blurred vision,
of consciousness, blood diplopia, miosis (high doses),
pressure, pulse, and respiratory depression,
respirations, previous hypertension, hypotension,
analgesic history, signs and palpitations, nausea,
symptoms of opioid constipation, dry mouth, ileus,
withdrawal before and vomiting, urinary retention,
during therapy. Monitor liver sweating, clammy feeling,
function tests prior to and physical dependence,
periodically during therapy psychological dependence,
for opioid dependence. tolerance.
Bupropion antidepressants Monitor mood changes, Seizures, suicidal thoughts,
smoking deterrents mental status and mood agitation, headache, insomnia,
aminoketones changes during initial few mania, psychoses, dry mouth,
months of therapy and nausea, vomiting, change in
during dose changes. appetite, weight gain, weight
Monitor hepatic and renal loss, photosensitivity,
function closely in patients hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia,
with kidney or liver syndrome of inappropriate
impairment to prevent ↑ ADH secretion, tremor.
serum and tissue bupropion
Busulfan/ Busulfex, antineoplastics Monitor for bone marrow Seizures, cerebral
Myleran alkylating agents depression; bleeding; signs hemorrhage/ coma, anxiety,
of infection; fatigue, confusion, depression,
dyspnea, and orthostatic dizziness, headache,
hypotension; intake and weakness, epistaxis,
output ratios and daily pharyngitis, pulmonary
weights; symptoms of gout; fibrosis, cardiac tamponade,
pulmonary fibrosis chest pain, hypotension,
periodically during and after tachycardia, thrombosis,
therapy. Monitor CBC with abdominal enlargement,
differential and platelet anorexia, constipation,
count before and weekly diarrhea, dry mouth,
during therapy. hematemesis, nausea, rectal
discomfort, vomiting, oliguria,
itching, rashes, sterility,
hypophosphatemia, bone
marrow depression,

Rev. 08/21/08
inflammation/pain at injection
site, hyperglycemia, arthralgia,
myalgia, allergic reactions,
chills, fever, infection.
Butalbital, nonopioid Assess type, location, and Drowsiness, confusion,
acetaminophen analgesics intensity of pain before and delirium, depression,
(combination with 60 min following dizziness, excitation, headache
barbiturate) administration. Prolonged (with chronic use), irritability,
barbiturates use may lead to physical lethargy, nervousness,
and psychological numbness, tingling, earache,
dependence and tolerance. nasal congestion, tinnitus,
respiratory depression,
tachycardia, constipation, dry
mouth, dysphagia, flatulence,
heartburn, dermatitis, pruritis,
rash, sweating, leg pain,
muscle weakness, fever,
physical dependence,
psychological dependence,
Butenafine anti-fungal (topical) Inspect involved areas of Burning, itching, local
skin and mucous hypersensitivity reactions,
membranes before and redness, stinging.
frequently during therapy.
Increased skin irritation may
indicate need to discontinue
Butoconazole anti-fungal Inspect involved areas of Itching, pelvic pain, soreness,
(vaginal) skin and mucous swelling, vulvovaginal burning.
membranes before and
frequently during therapy.
Increased skin irritation may
indicate sensitization and
warrant discontinuation of
Butorphanol opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Confusion, dysphoria,
opioid agonists intensity of pain before and hallucinations, sedation,
antagonists 30–60 min after IM, 5 min euphoria, floating feeling,
after IV, and 60–90 min headache, unusual dreams,
after intranasal blurred vision, diplopia, miosis,
administration. Assess blood respiratory depression,
pressure, pulse, and hypertension, hypotension,
respirations before and palpitations, nausea,
periodically during constipation, dry mouth, ileus,
administration. Assess vomiting, urinary retention,
previous analgesic history. sweating, clammy feeling,
physical dependence,
psychological dependence,
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

C1 inhibitor (human)/ antiangioedema Assess for signs and Headache, rash,

Cinryze agents symptoms of hypersensitivity reactions
proteinase hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylaxis.
inhibitors during or after injection.

Rev. 08/21/08
Monitor patients with known
risk factors for thrombotic
Cabergoline/ Dostinex Anti Monitor blood pressure, Dizziness, headache,
hyperprolactinemic ECG, parkinson’s disease depression, drowsiness,
dopamine agonists symptoms. Serum prolactin fatigue, nervousness, vertigo,
concentrations. weakness, pulmonary fibrosis,
pleural effusion, abnormal
vision, valvular disorders,
postural hypotension, hot
flashes, constipation, nausea,
abdominal pain, dyspepsia,
vomiting, dysmenorrheal,
breast pain, paresthesia.
Caffeine citrate/ Cafcit central nervous Assess respiratory status Insomnia, irritability,
system stimulants and signs of necrotizing jitteriness, restlessness,
respiratory enterocolitis frequently tachycardia, necrotizing
stimulants throughout therapy. Monitor enterocolitis, feeding
serum caffeine levels before intolerance, gastritis, GI
and periodically during bleeding, increased urine
therapy in infants previously output, dry skin, rash, skin
treated with theophylline or breakdown, hypoglycemia,
in infants whose mothers hyperglycemia, muscle
consumed caffeine before tremors, twitches.
delivery. Monitor serum
glucose levels.
Calcipotriene/ antipsoriatics Assess skin before and Burning, itching, skin irritation,
Dovonex synthetic vitamin periodically during therapy. dry skin, erythema, peeling,
d3 analogues Monitor serum calcium rash, worsening/spreading of
concentrations. psoriatic lesions,
Calcitonin (rdna)/ hypocalcemics Observe patient for signs of Nasal only—headaches,
Fortical hormones hypersensitivity and rhinitis, epistaxis, nasal
hypocalcemic tetany. Assess irritation, arthralgia, back
nasal mucosa, septum, pain.
turbinates, and mucosal IM, subcut—nausea, vomiting,
blood vessels. Monitor urinary frequency.
serum calcium and alkaline Rashes, injection site
phosphatase. reactions, allergic reactions
including anaphylaxis, facial
flushing, swelling.
Calcitonin (salmon)/ hypocalcemics Observe patient for signs of Nasal only—headaches,
Miacalcin hormones hypersensitivity and rhinitis, epistaxis, nasal
hypocalcemic tetany. Assess irritation, arthralgia, back
nasal mucosa, septum, pain.
turbinates, and mucosal IM, subcut—nausea, vomiting,
blood vessels. Monitor urinary frequency.
serum calcium and alkaline Rashes, injection site
phosphatase. reactions, allergic reactions
including anaphylaxis, facial
flushing, swelling.
Calcitriol/ 1,25– vitamins Assess patient for bone pain Headache, somnolence,
Dihydroxycholecalcifer fat soluble vitamins and weakness, height and weakness, conjunctivitis,
ol, weight, evidence of photophobia, rhinorrhea,
Calcijex, Rocaltrol hypocalcemia. Serum arrhythmias, hypertension,
calcium and phosphorus abdominal pain, anorexia,
concentrations should be constipation, dry mouth, liver
drawn twice weekly during function test elevation,

Rev. 08/21/08
initial therapy. metallic taste, nausea,
pancreatitis, polydipsia,
vomiting, weight loss,
albuminuria, azotemia,
decreased libido, nocturia,
polyuria, pruritus,
hypercalcemia, pain at
injection site, hyperthermia,
bone pain, metastatic
calcification, muscle pain,
allergic reactions (pruritis,
rash, urticaria).
Calcium mineral electrolyte Observe patient closely for Headache, tingling.
acetate/PhosLo replacements symptoms of hypocalcemia. arrhythmias, bradycardia.
supplements Assess patient for nausea, constipation, nausea, vomiting
vomiting, anorexia, thirst, calculi, hypercalciuria. phlebitis
severe constipation, (IV only).
paralytic ileus, and
Calcium carbonate/ mineral electrolyte Observe patient closely for Headache, tingling,
Alka-Mints, Amitone, replacements symptoms of hypocalcemia, arrhythmias, bradycardia,
BioCal, Calcarb, Calci- supplements heartburn, indigestion, and constipation, nausea,
Chew, Calciday, abdominal pain. Monitor vomiting, calculi,
Calcilac, Calci-Mix, patient on digitalis hypercalciuria.
Cal- glycosides for signs of
Plus, Caltrate, Chooz, toxicity. Monitor serum
Dicarbosil, Equilet, calcium or ionized calcium,
Gencalc, Liqui-Cal, chloride, sodium, potassium,
Liquid Cal-600, magnesium, albumin, and
Maalox parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Antacid Caplets, concentrations before and
Mallamint, Nephro- periodically during therapy.
Calci, Os-Cal, Oysco,
Oyst-Cal, Oystercal,
Rolaids Calcium Rich,
Surpass, Surpass
Strength, Titralac,
Tums, Tums E-X
Calcium chloride mineral electrolyte Observe patient closely for Headache, tingling, syncope,
replacements symptoms of hypocalcemia, cardiac arrest, arrhythmias,
supplements blood pressure, pulse, and bradycardia, constipation,
ECG, IV site for patency. nausea, vomiting, calculi,
Monitor patient on digitalis hypercalciuria, phlebitis.
glycosides for signs of
toxicity. Monitor serum
calcium or ionized calcium,
chloride, sodium, potassium,
magnesium, albumin, and
parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Calcium citrate/ Cal- mineral electrolyte Observe patient closely for Headache, tingling,
Citrate 250, Citrical, replacements symptoms of hypocalcemia arrhythmias, bradycardia,
Citrical Liquitab supplements and digitalis glycosides for constipation, nausea,
signs of toxicity before and vomiting, calculi,
during therapy. Monitor hypercalciuria.
serum calcium or ionized
calcium, chloride, sodium,

Rev. 08/21/08
potassium, magnesium,
albumin, and parathyroid
hormone (PTH)
concentrations before and
periodically during therapy
for treatment of
Calcium glubionate mineral electrolyte Observe patient closely for Headache, tingling,
replacements symptoms of hypocalcemia. arrhythmias, bradycardia,
supplements Monitor patient on digitalis constipation, nausea,
glycosides for signs of vomiting, calculi,
toxicity. Monitor serum hypercalciuria.
calcium or ionized calcium,
chloride, sodium, potassium,
magnesium, albumin, and
parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Calcium gluconate/ mineral electrolyte Observe patient closely for Headache, tingling, syncope,
Kalcinate replacements symptoms of hypocalcemia, cardiac arrest, arrhythmias,
supplements blood pressure, pulse, and bradycardia, constipation,
ECG, IV site for patency. nausea, vomiting, calculi,
Monitor patient on digitalis hypercalciuria, phlebitis.
glycosides for signs of
Calcium lactate/ Cal- mineral electrolyte Observe patient closely for Headache, tingling,
Lac replacements symptoms of hypocalcemia. arrhythmias, bradycardia,
supplements Monitor patient on digitalis constipation, nausea,
glycosides for signs of vomiting, calculi,
toxicity. hypercalciuria.
Candesartan/ Atacand antihypertensives Assess blood pressure Dizziness, fatigue, headache,
angiotensin ii (lying, sitting, standing) and hypotension, chest pain,
receptor pulse, signs of angioedema, edema, hyperkalemia,
antagonists daily weight and assess abdominal pain, diarrhea,
patient routinely for nausea, impaired renal
resolution of fluid overload. function, arthralgia, back pain,
Capecitabine/ Xeloda antineoplastics Assess mucous membranes, Fatigue, headache, dizziness,
antimetabolites number and consistency of insomnia, eye irritation,
stools, and frequency of epistaxis, rhinorrhea, edema,
vomiting, signs of infection, chest pain, diarrhea,
symptoms of toxicity, and necrotizing enterocolitis,
hand-and-foot syndrome. abdominal pain, anorexia,
Monitor hepatic, renal, and constipation, dysgeusia,
hematologic function. hyperbilirubinemia, nausea,
Monitor PT or INR stomatitis, vomiting,
frequently. dyspepsia, xerostomia,
dermatitis, hand-and-foot
syndrome, nail disorder,
alopecia, erythema, rashes,
dehydration, anemia,
leukopenia, arthralgia,
myalgia, thrombocytopenia,
peripheral neuropathy, cough,
dyspnea, fever.
Capsaicin/ Capsin, nonopioid Assess pain intensity and Cough and transient burning.
Capzasin-P, Dolorac, analgesics location before and
No (topical) periodically throughout
Pain-HP, Pain Doctor, therapy.

Rev. 08/21/08
Pain-X, R-Gel,
Rid·a·Pain·HP, Zostrix,
Captopril/Capoten antihypertensives Monitor BP, pulse, and signs dizziness, fatigue, headache,
ace inhibitors of angioedema. Monitor insomnia, cough, hypotension,
weight and assess patient chest pain, palpitations,
routinely for resolution of tachycardia, taste
fluid overload. disturbances, abdominal pain,
anorexia, constipation,
diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
proteinuria, impaired renal
function, angioedema, rashes,
pruritis, hyperkalemia,
agranulocytosis, neutropenia,
Carbamazepine/ anticonvulsants Assess for facial pain, Ataxia, drowsiness, fatigue,
Carbatrol, Epitol, mood stabilizers seizures, mental status, and psychosis, sedation, suicidal
Equetro, Tegretol, changes in skin condition behavior or ideation, vertigo,
Tegretol-XR, Teril before and periodically blurred vision, nystagmus,
during therapy. Monitor corneal opacities, pneumonitis,
CBC, including platelet CHF, edema, hypertension,
count, reticulocyte count, hypotension, syncope,
and serum iron, Liver hepatitis, pancreatitis, weight
function tests, urinalysis, gain, hesitancy, urinary
and BUN, serum ionized retention, chills,
calcium levels, ECG and photosensitivity, rashes,
serum electrolytes weekly stevens-johnson syndrome,
during the first 2 mo and toxic epidermal necrolysis,
yearly thereafter for urticaria, syndrome of
evidence of potentially fatal inappropriate antidiuretic
blood cell abnormalities. hormone (SIADH), fever,
hyponatremia, aplastic
anemia, agranulocytosis,
eosinophilia, leucopenia,
lymphadenopathy, elevated
liver enzymes, multi-organ
hypersensitivity reactions,
hepatic failure (rare).
Carbidopa/levodopa// antiparkinson Assess parkinsonian Involuntary movements,
Parcopa, Sinemet, agents symptoms, blood pressure anxiety, dizziness,
Sinemet CR dopamine agonists and pulse frequently during hallucinations, memory loss,
therapy. Monitor hepatic psychiatric problems, blurred
and renal function and CBC vision, mydriasis, nausea,
periodically in patients on vomiting, anorexia, dry mouth,
long-term therapy. hepatotoxicity, melanoma,
hemolytic anemia, leucopenia,
darkening of urine or sweat.
Carboplatin/ antineoplastics Assess for nausea and Weakness, ototoxicity,
Paraplatin alkylating agents vomiting; bleeding; abdominal pain, nausea,
neurotoxicity; bone marrow vomiting, hypocalcemia,
depression; signs of hypokalemia, anemia,
anaphylaxis; and signs of hypomagnesemia,
infection. Monitor CBC, hyponatremia, leucopenia,
differential, and clotting peripheral neuropathy,
studies before and weekly thrombocytopenia,
during therapy. hyperuricemia,
hypersensitivity reactions

Rev. 08/21/08
including anaphylactic-like
Carboprost/ abortifacients Assess for nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache.
Hemabate oxytocics and diarrhea; amount and wheezing, diarrhea, nausea,
prostaglandins type of vaginal discharge; vomiting, abdominal pain,
temperature, pulse, and BP; cramps, uterine rupture,
frequency, duration, and flushing, fever, chills,
force of contractions and shivering.
uterine resting tone.
Auscultate breath sounds.
Carisoprodol/ Soma, skeletal muscle Assess patient for pain, Dizziness, drowsiness,
Vanadom relaxants muscle stiffness, and range agitation, ataxia, depression,
(centrally acting) of motion before and headache, insomnia,
periodically throughout irritability, syncope, asthma
therapy. attacks, hypotension,
tachycardia, epigastric
distress, hiccups, nausea,
vomiting, flushing, rashes,
eosinophilia, leucopenia,
anaphylactic shock, fever,
psychological dependence,
severe idiosyncratic reaction.
Carmustine/ BCNU, antineoplastics Monitor vital signs; bone Pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary
BiCNU, Gliadel alkylating agents marrow depression; infiltrates, hepatotoxicity,
bleeding; respiratory status; nausea, vomiting, anorexia,
intake and output, appetite, diarrhea, esophagitis, renal
and nutritional intake before failure, alopecia, leucopenia,
and frequently during thrombocytopenia, anemia,
therapy. Monitor CBC with pain at IV site.
differential and platelet
count before and throughout
Carteolol/ Cartrol antianginals Monitor blood pressure and Fatigue, weakness, anxiety,
antihypertensives pulse, intake and output depression, dizziness, CHF,
beta blockers ratios and daily weight, drowsiness, insomnia, memory
evidence of fluid overload, loss, mental status changes,
angina, and signs of nightmares, blurred vision, dry
overdose before and during eyes, nasal stuffiness, rashes,
therapy. bronchospasm, wheezing,
bradycardia, pulmonary
edema, orthostatic
hypotension, peripheral
vasoconstriction, itching,
constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
erectile dysfunction, decreased
libido, hyperglycemia,
hypoglycemia, arthralgia, back
pain, muscle cramps,
paresthesia, drug-induced
lupus syndrome.
Carvedilol/ Coreg, antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure and Dizziness, fatigue, weakness,
Coreg beta blockers pulse frequently during dose anxiety, depression,
CR adjustment period and drowsiness, insomnia, memory
periodically during therapy. loss, mental status changes,
Monitor intake and output nervousness, nightmares,
ratios and daily weight, blurred vision, dry eyes, nasal
evidence of fluid overload, stuffiness, back pain,
signs of overdose, bronchospasm, wheezing,

Rev. 08/21/08
orthostatic hypotension bradycardia, CHF, pulmonary
before and during therapy. edema, diarrhea, constipation,
nausea, erectile dysfunction,
decreased libido, itching,
rashes, hyperglycemia,
hypoglycemia, arthralgia,
muscle cramps, paresthesia,
drug-induced lupus syndrome.
Caspofungin/ antifungals Assess patient for signs and Headache, diarrhea, nausea,
Cancidas (systemic) symptoms of fungal vomiting, flushing, venous
echinocandins infections, and signs of irritation at injection site,
anaphylaxis prior to and allergic reactions including
periodically during therapy. anaphylaxis, fever.
Cefaclor/ Raniclor anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (very high doses),
second generation signs and symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis,
cephalosporins anaphylaxis at beginning of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
and throughout therapy. rashes, urticaria,
agranulocytosis, bleeding,
eosinophilia, hemolytic
anemia, neutropenia, allergic
reactions including anaphylaxis
and serum sickness,
Cefadroxil/ Duricef anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (very high doses),
first generation signs and symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis,
cephalosporins anaphylaxis at beginning of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
and throughout therapy. dyspepsia, rashes, pruritis,
urticaria, agranulocytosis,
thrombocytopenia, allergic
reactions including anaphylaxis
and serum sickness,
Cefazolin/ Ancef, anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (high doses),
Kefzol first generation signs and symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis,
cephalosporins anaphylaxis at beginning of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
and throughout therapy. cramps, rash, pruritis,
urticaria, Stevens-Johnson
syndrome, leukopenia,
thrombocytopenia, pain at IM
site, phlebitis at IV site,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis and serum
sickness, superinfection.
Cefdinir/ Omnicef anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures, headache, rash,
third generation signs and symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis,
cephalosporins anaphylaxis at beginning of diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal
and throughout therapy. pain, nausea, vaginal
moniliasis, vaginitis, pruritus,
allergic reactions including
Cefditoren/ Spectracef anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (high doses),
third generation bowel function, signs and pseudomembranous colitis,
cephalosporins symptoms of anaphylaxis at headache, diarrhea, abdominal
beginning of and throughout pain, dyspepsia, nausea,
therapy. Monitor vomiting, hematuria, vaginal
prothrombin time and moniliasis, bleeding,
assess patient for bleeding eosinophilia, hemolytic

Rev. 08/21/08
daily in high-risk patients. anemia, lymphocytosis,
neutropenia, thrombocytosis,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis, superinfection.
Cefepime/ Maxipime anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (very high doses in
fourth generation bowel function, signs and patients with renal
cephalosporins symptoms of anaphylaxis at impairment), neutropenia,
beginning of and throughout pseudomembranous colitis,
therapy. encephalopathy, headache,
diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
rashes, pruritis, urticaria,
bleeding, eosinophilia,
hemolytic anemia, fever,
thrombocytopenia, pain at IM
site, phlebitis at IV site,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis, superinfection.
Cefixime/ Suprax anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (very high doses),
third generation bowel function, signs and pseudomembranous colitis,
cephalosporins symptoms of anaphylaxis at diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
beginning of and throughout cramps, rashes, urticaria,
therapy. bleeding, blood dyscrasias,
hemolytic anemia, allergic
reactions including anaphylaxis
and serum sickness,
Cefoperazone/ Cefobid anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (high doses),
third generation signs and symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis,
cephalosporins anaphylaxis at beginning of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
and throughout therapy. rashes, urticaria, bleeding,
Monitor prothrombin time eosinophilia, neutropenia, pain
and assess patient for at IM site, phlebitis at IV site,
bleeding daily in high-risk allergic reactions including
patients. anaphylaxis, superinfection.
Cefotaxime/ Claforan anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (high doses),
third generation signs and symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis,
cephalosporins anaphylaxis at beginning of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
and throughout therapy. rashes, pruritis, urticaria,
agranulocytosis, bleeding,
eosinophilia, hemolytic
anemia, neutropenia,
thrombocytopenia, pain at IM
site, phlebitis at IV site,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis, superinfection.
Cefotetan/ Cefotan anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (high doses),
second generation signs and symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis,
cephalosporins anaphylaxis at beginning of diarrhea, nausea, rashes,
and throughout therapy. urticaria, bleeding,
Monitor prothrombin time eosinophilia, hemolytic
and assess patient for anemia, leukopenia,
bleeding daily in high-risk thrombocytopenia, pain at IM
patients. site, phlebitis at IV site,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis, superinfection.
Cefoxitin/ Mefoxin anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (high doses),
second generation signs and symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis,
cephalosporins anaphylaxis at beginning of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,

Rev. 08/21/08
and throughout therapy. rashes, urticaria, bleeding,
eosinophilia, hemolytic
anemia, leukopenia,
thrombocytopenia, pain at IM
site, phlebitis at IV site,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis, superinfection.
Cefpodoxime/ Banan, anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (very high doses),
Vantin third generation bowel function, signs and headache, abdominal pain,
cephalosporins symptoms of anaphylaxis at pseudomembranous colitis,
beginning of and throughout diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
therapy. rashes, urticaria, vaginal
moniliasis, bleeding, blood
dyscrasias, hemolytic anemia,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis, superinfection.
Cefprozil/ Cefzil anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (very high doses),
second generation signs and symptoms of dizziness, urticaria,
cephalosporins anaphylaxis at beginning of pseudomembranous colitis,
and throughout therapy. abdominal pain, diarrhea,
nausea, vomiting, rashes,
eosinophilia, hemolytic
anemia, leucopenia, vaginitis,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis, superinfection.
Ceftazidime/ Fortaz, anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (very high doses in
Tazicef third generation signs and symptoms of patients with renal
cephalosporins anaphylaxis at beginning of impairment), dizziness,
and throughout therapy. headache, abdominal pain,
pseudomembranous colitis,
diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea,
vomiting, rashes, urticaria,
bleeding, fever, eosinophilia,
hemolytic anemia, leukopenia,
thrombocytosis allergic
reactions including
anaphylaxis, superinfection.
Ceftibuten/ Cedax anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (very high doses in
third generation signs and symptoms of patients with renal
cephalosporins anaphylaxis at beginning of impairment), dizziness,
and throughout therapy. headache, abdominal pain,
pseudomembranous colitis,
diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea,
vomiting, rashes, urticaria,
bleeding, eosinophilia,
hemolytic anemia, leukopenia,
thrombocytosis allergic
reactions including
anaphylaxis, superinfection.
Ceftizoxime/ Cefizox anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (very high doses),
third generation signs and symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis,
cephalosporins anaphylaxis at beginning of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
and throughout therapy. pruritis, rashes, urticaria,
bleeding, eosinophilia,
hemolytic anemia, fever,
leukopenia, neutropenia,

Rev. 08/21/08
thrombocytosis, pain at IM
site, phlebitis at IV site,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis, superinfection.
Ceftriaxone/ Rocephin anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (very high doses),
third generation bowel function, signs and pseudomembranous colitis,
cephalosporins symptoms of anaphylaxis at diarrhea, cholelithiasis,
beginning of and throughout sludging in the gallbladder,
therapy. Assess newborns rashes, urticaria, bleeding,
for jaundice and eosinophilia, hemolytic
hyperbilirubinemia. anemia, leukopenia,
thrombocytosis, pain at IM
site, phlebitis at IV site,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis, superinfection.
Cefuroxime/ Ceftin, anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (very high doses),
Zinacef second generation signs and symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis,
cephalosporins anaphylaxis at beginning of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
and throughout therapy. cramps, rashes, urticaria,
diaper dermatitis, eosinophilia,
hemolytic anemia, leucopenia,
bleeding, pain at IM site,
phlebitis at IV site, allergic
reactions including
anaphylaxis, superinfection.
Celecoxib/ Celebrex antirheumatics Assess range of motion, Dizziness, headache, insomnia,
nonsteroidal anti degree of swelling, and pain edema, GI bleeding,
inflammatory in affected joints before and abdominal pain, diarrhea,
agents periodically throughout dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea,
cox 2 inhibitors therapy. exfoliative dermatitis, stevens-
johnson syndrome, toxic
epidermal necrolysis, rash.
Cephalexin/ Keflex anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (very high doses),
first generation signs and symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis,
cephalosporins anaphylaxis at beginning of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
and throughout therapy. abdominal pain, rashes,
urticaria, eosinophilia,
hemolytic anemia,
neutropenia, allergic reactions
including anaphylaxis,
Cephradine/ Velosef anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Seizures (very high doses),
first generation signs and symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis,
cephalosporins anaphylaxis at beginning of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
and throughout therapy. cramps, rashes, pruritis,
urticaria, eosinophilia,
leukopenia, neutropenia,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis and serum
sickness, superinfection.
Certolizumab pegol/ gastroinestinal anti Assess abdominal pain, Skin reactions (rarely severe),
Cimzia inflammatories stools, signs of infection, hematologic reactions,
tumor necrosis signs of hypersensitivity arthralgia, allergic reactions
factor blockers reactions prior to and during including anaphylaxis,
therapy. infections, lupus-like

Rev. 08/21/08
Cetirizine/ Zyrtec allergy, cold and Assess allergy symptoms, Dizziness, drowsiness
cough remedies lung sounds and character (significant with doses > 10
antihistamines of bronchial secretions mg/day), fatigue, pharyngitis,
piperazines before and periodically dry mouth.
peripherally during therapy.
Cetuximab/ Erbitux antineoplastics Assess for infusion reaction Malaise, depression, headache,
monoclonal (rapid onset of airway insomnia, conjunctivitis,
antibodies obstruction [bronchospasm, dyspnea, ↑ cough, interstitial
stridor, hoarseness], lung disease, pulmonary
urticaria, hypotension) for at embolism, abdominal pain,
least 1 hr following infusion. constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
Assess for onset or vomiting, anorexia, stomatitis,
worsening of pulmonary renal failure, acneform
symptoms. Assess for dermatitis, alopecia, nail
dermatologic toxicities. disorder, pruritus, skin
Monitor serum electrolytes desquamation, dehydration,
periodically during and for hypomagnesemia, peripheral
at least 8 wks following edema, anemia, leucopenia,
infusion. back pain, weight loss,
infusion reactions, fever,
desquamation of mucosal
Cevimeline/ Evoxac xerostomia therapy Assess patient for dry Coughing, rhinitis, visual
adjuncts mouth prior to and disturbances, nausea,
cholinergics periodically during therapy. diarrhea, excessive salivation,
muscarinic agonists excessive sweating, hot
sialagogues flashes.
Chamomile (Matricaria gastroinestinal anti Assess patient for abdominal Contact dermatitis, allergic
chamomilla, Anthemis inflammatories distention and auscultate for reactions including
nobilis) sedative/hypnotics bowel sounds. Evaluate anaphylaxis.
sleep pattern and anxiety
level prior to initiation. Note
size, location and character
of affected skin prior to and
after topical application.
Chloral hydrate/ sedative/hypnotics Assess mental status, LOC, Excess sedation, rashes,
Aquachloral sleep pattern before and disorientation, dizziness,
periodically throughout hangover, headache,
therapy. incoordination, irritability,
paradoxical excitation
(children), respiratory
depression, diarrhea, nausea,
vomiting, flatulence, tolerance,
physical or psychological
Chlorambucil/Leukera antineoplastics Monitor for bone marrow Pulmonary fibrosis, nausea,
n immunosuppressan depression; bleeding; intake stomatitis (rare), vomiting,
ts and output ratios and daily decreased sperm count,
alkylating agents weights; fatigue, dyspnea, sterility, alopecia (rare),
and orthostatic hypotension; dermatitis, rash, leucopenia,
and symptoms of gout anemia, thrombocytopenia,
during therapy. Monitor CBC hyperuricemia, allergic
and differential before and reactions, risk of second
weekly during course of malignancy.
therapy. Monitor liver
function tests, BUN, serum
creatinine, and uric acid

Rev. 08/21/08
before and periodically
during course of therapy.
Chloramphenicol/ anti-infectives Assess patient for infection, Confusion, delirium,
Chloromycetin signs of bone marrow depression, headache, blurred
depression, and gray vision, optic neuritis, bitter
syndrome at beginning of taste (IV only), diarrhea,
and throughout therapy. enterocolitis, glossitis, nausea,
CBC should be monitored stomatitis, vomiting, rashes,
every 2 days throughout urticaria, aplastic anemia,
therapy. bone marrow depression,
neutropenia, angioedema,
thrombocytopenia, gray
syndrome in newborns,
peripheral neuritis, fever.
Chlordiazepoxide/ antianxiety agents Assess for anxiety and level Dizziness, drowsiness,
Libritabs, Librium sedative/hypnotics of sedation, mental status, hangover, headache, mental
benzodiazepines blood pressure, heart rate, depression, paradoxical
and respiratory rate, excitation, sedation, blurred
tremors, agitation, delirium, vision, constipation, diarrhea,
and hallucinations prior to nausea, vomiting, weight gain,
and periodically during rashes, pain at IM site,
therapy. CBC and liver physical/psychological
function tests evaluated dependence, tolerance.
Chloroquine/Aralen antimalarials Assess deep tendon reflexes Seizures, delirium, depression,
antirheumatics periodically to determine headache, personality
(DMARDs) muscle weakness. Assess changes, psychosis, hearing
degree of joint pain and impairment, retinopathy,
limitation of motion alopecia, tinnitus, visual
monthly. Monitor CBC disturbances, vomiting,
periodically throughout cardiomyopathy, ECG changes
therapy. (T-wave abnormalities, QRS
prolongation), hypotension,
abdominal cramps, anorexia,
diarrhea, nausea, dermatoses,
skin eruptions,
photosensitivity, aplastic
anemia, pigmentary changes,
pruritus, agranulocytosis,
leucopenia, thrombocytopenia,
neuromyopathy, peripheral
neuritis, weakness.
Chlorothiazide/ Diuril antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure, Dizziness, drowsiness,
diuretics intake, output, and daily lethargy, weakness,
thiazide diuretics weight and assess feet, hypotension, anorexia,
legs, and sacral area for cramping, hepatitis, nausea,
edema daily. Monitor vomiting, pancreatitis,
electrolytes (especially photosensitivity, rashes,
potassium), blood glucose, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia,
BUN, serum creatinine, and dehydration, hypercalcemia,
uric acid levels before and hypochloremic alkalosis,
periodically throughout hypomagnesemia,
therapy hyponatremia, blurred vision,
hypovolemia, rarely blood
dyscrasias, muscle cramps,

Rev. 08/21/08

Chlorpheniramine/Alle allergy, cold and Assess allergy symptoms; Drowsiness, dizziness,

r- cough remedies pulse and blood pressure; excitation (in children), blurred
Chlor, Allergy, Chlo- antihistamines adverse anticholinergic vision, hypertension,
Amine, Chlorate, effects; lung sounds and arrhythmias, hypotension,
Chlor- character of bronchial palpitations, dry mouth,
Trimeton, Chlor- secretions prior to and constipation, obstruction,
Trimeton Allergy 4 periodically during therapy. retention, urinary hesitancy.
Hour, Chlor-Trimeton
Allergy 8 Hour, Chlor-
Trimeton Allergy 12
Hour, PediaCare
Formula, Phenetron,
Telechlor, Teldrin
Chlorpromazine/ antiemetics Assess mental status, Neuroleptic malignant
Thorazine, Thor-Prom antipsychotics weight and BMI, fasting syndrome, sedation,
phenothiazines blood glucose and extrapyramidal reactions,
cholesterol levels, tardive dyskinesia, blurred
symptoms of schizophrenia, vision, dry eyes, lens
blood pressure (sitting, opacities, hypotension (↑ with
standing, lying), pulse, and IM, IV), tachycardia,
respiratory rate, fluid intake constipation, dry mouth,
and bowel function, onset of anorexia, hepatitis, ileus,
akathisia, tardive priapism, urinary retention,
dyskinesia, development of photosensitivity, pigment
neuroleptic malignant changes, rashes, galactorrhea,
syndrome, level of anxiety, amenorrhea, agranulocytosis,
and pain. CBC, liver function leucopenia, hyperthermia,
tests, and ocular exams allergic reactions.
periodically throughout
Chlorpropamide/ antidiabetics Observe patient for signs Anorexia, dizziness, headache,
Diabinese sulfonylureas and symptoms of constipation, diarrhea, drug-
hypoglycemic reactions. induced hepatitis, increased
Serum glucose and appetite, nausea, vomiting,
glycosylated hemoglobin, photosensitivity, rash, pruritis,
CBC, urine, serum sodium urticaria, hypoglycemia,
levels and plasma syndrome of inappropriate
osmolarity periodically antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)
throughout therapy secretion, hyponatremia,
aplastic anemia,
agranulocytosis, eosinophilia,
hemolytic anemia, leukopenia,
thrombocytopenia, disulfiram-
like reaction.
Chlorthalidone/ antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure, Dizziness, drowsiness,
Hygroton, diuretics intake, output, and daily lethargy, weakness,
Thalitone thiazide diuretics weight and assess feet, hypotension, anorexia,
legs, and sacral area for cramping, hepatitis, nausea,
edema daily. Monitor vomiting, photosensitivity,
electrolytes (especially rashes, hyperglycemia,
potassium), blood glucose, hypokalemia, dehydration,
BUN, serum creatinine, and hypercalcemia, hypochloremic
uric acid levels before and alkalosis, hypomagnesemia,
periodically throughout hyponatremia,

Rev. 08/21/08
therapy. hypophosphatemia,
hypovolemia, blood dyscrasias,
hypercholesterolemia, muscle
cramps, pancreatitis.
Chlorzoxazone/ EZE- skeletal muscle Assess patient for pain, Dizziness, drowsiness, GI
DS, relaxants muscle stiffness, and range bleeding, constipation,
Paraflex, Parafon (centrally acting) of motion before and diarrhea, heartburn, nausea,
Forte periodically throughout vomiting, allergic dermatitis,
DSC, Relaxazone, therapy agranulocytosis, anemia,
Remular, Remular-S, allergic reactions including
Strifon Forte DSC angioedema.
Cholecalciferol/ Delta- vitamins Assess for symptoms of Headache, irritability,
D, vitamin D3 fat soluble vitamins vitamin deficiency, bone somnolence, weakness,
(inactive) pain and weakness, conjunctivitis, photophobia,
evidence of hypocalcemia arrhythmias, hypertension,
prior to and periodically anorexia, constipation, dry
during therapy. Serum mouth, liver function test
calcium, phosphorus, and elevation, metallic taste,
alkaline phosphatase should nausea, pancreatitis,
be monitored periodically. polydipsia, vomiting, weight
loss, albuminuria, azotemia,
polyuria, pruritus,
hypercalcemia, bone pain,
muscle pain.
Cholestyramine/ lipid-lowering Assess severity of itching Irritation of the tongue,
LoCHOLEST, agents and skin integrity, stools. abdominal discomfort,
LoCHOLEST bile acid Obtain a diet history, constipation, nausea, fecal
Light, Prevalite, sequestrants especially in regard to fat impaction, flatulence,
Questran, Questran consumption. Serum hemorrhoids, perianal
Light cholesterol and triglyceride irritation, steatorrhea,
levels should be evaluated vomiting, irritation, rashes,
before initiating, frequently hyperchloremic acidosis,
during first few months and vitamin A, D, and K deficiency.
periodically throughout
Choline and antipyretics Assess pain and limitation of Tinnitus, GI bleeding,
magnesium nonopioid movement, fever before and dyspepsia, epigastric distress,
salicylates/ Trilisate analgesics during therapy. Monitor nausea, abdominal pain,
salicylates hepatic function and serum anorexia, hepatotoxicity,
salicylate levels. vomiting, allergic reactions
including anaphylaxis and
laryngeal edema.
Chondroitin/ Nonopioid Monitor pain and range of Heartburn, nausea, diarrhea,
chondroitin analgesics motion, gastric discomfort, bleeding (antiplatelet effect),
Polysulfate, CPS, CDS signs of bleeding on an allergic reactions, edema, hair
ongoing basis as an loss.
indicator of drug efficacy.
Ciclesonide antiasthmatics Monitor respiratory status Headache, candida infection of
(inhalation)/ corticosteroids and lung sounds, signs of mouth and pharynx, nasal
Alvesco inhalation adrenal insufficiency, growth congestion, nasopharyngitis,
rates in children, change in pharyngolaryngeal pain,
vision or with a history of cataracts, ↑ intraocular
increased intraocular pressure, adrenal suppression
pressure, glaucoma, or (↑ dose, long term therapy), ↓
cataracts closely during growth (children), arthralgia,
therapy. Periodic adrenal back pain, ↓ bone mineral
function tests may be density (↑ dose, long term

Rev. 08/21/08
ordered to assess degree of therapy), extremity pain,
hypothalamic-pituitary- worsening of infections.
adrenal (HPA) axis
suppression in chronic
Ciclesonide (nasal)/ allergy, cold and Monitor degree of nasal Headache, ear pain, epistaxis,
Omnaris cough remedies stuffiness, amount and color local stinging, nasopharyngitis,
corticosteroids of nasal discharge, and adrenal suppression (↑ dose,
frequency of sneezing. long term therapy only).
Patients on long-term
therapy should have
periodic otolaryngologic
examinations to monitor
nasal mucosa and passages
for infection or ulceration.
Ciclopirox/ Loprox, antifungals Inspect involved areas of burning, itching, local
Penlac (topical) skin and mucous hypersensitivity reactions,
membranes before and redness, stinging.
frequently during therapy.
Cidofovir/ Vistide antivirals Monitor vision for Headache, weakness,
progression of CMV retinitis, decreased intraocular
ocular symptoms, pressure, hearing loss, iritis,
intraocular pressure, and ocular hypotony, uveitis,
visual acuity, vital signs, dyspnea, infection,
signs and symptoms of pneumonia, hepatic
infection periodically. Renal dysfunction, pancreatitis,
function must be monitored abdominal pain, nausea,
within 48 hr before each vomiting, anorexia, chills,
dose and throughout diarrhea, renal failure,
therapy. WBC before each proteinuria, alopecia, rash,
dose. fever, decreased serum
bicarbonate, neutropenia,
anemia, metabolic acidosis,
Cilostazol/ Pletal antiplatelet agents Assess patient for Headache, dizziness,
platelet intermittent claudication palpitations, tachycardia,
aggregation before and periodically diarrhea.
inhibitors during therapy.
Cimetidine/ Tagamet, antiulcer agents Assess patient for epigastric Confusion, dizziness,
Tagamet HB histamine h2 or abdominal pain and frank drowsiness, hallucinations,
antagonists or occult blood in the stool, headache, arrhythmias,
emesis, or gastric aspirate. constipation, diarrhea, drug-
CBC with differential should induced hepatitis, nausea,
be monitored periodically decreased sperm count,
throughout therapy erectile dysfunction,
gynecomastia, pain at IM site,
agranulocytosis, aplastic
anemia, anemia, neutropenia,
hypersensitivity reactions.
Cinacalcet/ Sensipar hypocalcemics Monitor for signs and Nausea, vomiting,
calcimimetic agents symptoms of hypocalcemia hypocalcemia, adynamic bone
during therapy. Monitor disease.
serum calcium and
phosphorous levels within 1
wk after initiation of therapy
or dose adjustment and
monthly for patients with
hyperparathyroidism or

Rev. 08/21/08
every 2 mo for patients with
parathyroid carcinoma once
maintenance dose has been
established, especially in
patients with a history of
seizure disorder.
Ciprofloxacin/ Cipro, anti-infectives Assess for infection, signs Seizures, dizziness,
Cipro XR, Proquin XR fluoroquinolones and symptoms of drowsiness, headache,
anaphylaxis, bowel function, insomniaagitation, confusion,
diarrhea, abdominal hyperglycemia,
cramping, fever, and bloody pseudomembranous colitis,
stools at beginning of and abdominal pain, diarrhea,
throughout therapy. abnormal liver enzymes ,
nausea, vaginitis,
photosensitivity, rash,
hypoglycemia, eosinophilia,
phlebitis at IV site, tendinitis,
tendon rupture, peripheral
neuropathy, hypersensitivity
reactions including
Cisatracurium/ neuromuscular Assess respiratory status, Bronchospasm, rash, allergic
Nimbex blocking agents ECG, heart rate, and blood reactions including
nondepolarizing pressure, infusion site anaphylaxis.
continuously throughout
Cisplatin/ Platinol-AQ antineoplastics Monitor vital signs; intake Seizures, malaise, weakness,
alkylating agents and output and specific ototoxicity, tinnitus, severe
gravity; patency of IV site; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
bone marrow depression; hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity,
anaphylaxis; ototoxicity and sterility, alopecia,
neurotoxicity; and overdose hypocalcemia, hypokalemia,
during therapy. Monitor CBC hypomagnesemia, leucopenia,
with differential and platelet thrombocytopenia, anemia,
count before and routinely phlebitis at IV site,
throughout therapy. Monitor hyperuricemia, peripheral
BUN, serum creatinine, and neuropathy, anaphylactoid
CCr before initiation of reactions.
therapy and before each
course of cisplatin to detect
Citalopram/ Celexa antidepressants Monitor mood changes and Apathy, confusion, drowsiness,
selective serotonin sexual dysfunction during insomnia, weakness, agitation,
reuptake inhibitors therapy. amnesia, anxiety, decreased
ssris libido, dizziness, fatigue,
impaired concentration,
increased depression, migraine
headache, suicide attempt,
abnormal accommodation,
cough, postural hypotension,
tachycardia, abdominal pain,
anorexia, diarrhea, dry mouth,
dyspepsia, flatulence,
increased saliva, nausea,
altered taste, increased
appetite, vomiting,
amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea,
ejaculatory delay, erectile

Rev. 08/21/08
dysfunction, polyuria,
increased sweating,
photosensitivity, pruritus,
rash, decreased weight,
increased weight, arthralgia,
Cladribine/ Leustatin antineoplastics Monitor for bone marrow Fatigue, headache, dizziness,
antimetabolites depression, fever, chills, insomnia, malaise, weakness,
sore throat, and signs of epistaxis, abnormal breath
infection, platelet count, sounds, cough, dyspnea,
bleeding, IV site for edema, tachycardia, anorexia,
phlebitis, intake and output diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
throughout therapy. CD4 T- abdominal pain, constipation,
lymphocyte count and CD8 rash, erythema, petechiae,
T-lymphocyte count; renal pruritis, sweating,
and hepatic function; serum neutropenia, anemia,
uric acid concentrations thrombocytopenia, injection
before initiation of therapy site reactions, phlebitis,
and periodically during and thrombosis, arthralgia,
after therapy. Monitor myalgia, chills, fever,
hemoglobin, hematocrit, infection, trunk pain.
leukocyte, and platelet
counts before and
periodically throughout
therapy, especially during
the first 4–8 wk after
Clarithromycin/ agents atypical Assess patient for infection, Headache, pruritus, rash,
Biaxin, Biaxin XL mycobacterium epigastric or abdominal pain Stevens-Johnson syndrome,
anti-infectives and frank or occult blood in pseudomembranous colitis,
antiulcer agents the stool, emesis, or gastric abdominal pain/discomfort,
macrolides aspirate during therapy. abnormal taste, diarrhea,
dyspepsia, nausea.
Clemastine/ Dayhist allergy, cold and Assess allergy symptoms, Drowsiness, confusion,
Allergy, Tavist Allergy cough remedies lung sounds and character dizziness, paradoxical
antihistamines of bronchial secretions prior excitation (children), blurred
to and periodically vision, hypertension,
throughout therapy. arrhythmias, hypotension,
palpitations, tachycardia, dry
mouth, constipation, nausea,
obstruction, vomiting, urinary
retention, rash, thick mucus.
Clevidipine/ Cleviprex antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure and Headache, CHF, hypotension,
calcium channel heart rate during infusion, rebound hypertension, reflex
blockers and until vital signs tachycardia, nausea, vomiting,
dihydropyridine stabilize. Hypotension and arthralgia.
reflex tachycardia may
occur with rapid upward
Clindamycin/ Cleocin, anti-infectives Assess for infection, bowel Dizziness, headache, vertigo,
Cleocin T, Clinda- elimination, diarrhea, arrhythmias, hypotension,
Derm, abdominal cramping, fever, pseudomembranous colitis,
Clindagel, Clindesse, and bloody stools, diarrhea, bitter taste (IV only),
ClindaMax, Clindets, hypersensitivity before and nausea, vomiting, rashes,
C/T/S, Evoclin during therapy. Monitor phlebitis at IV site.
Clobetasol/ Clobex, anti inflammatories Assess affected skin before Allergic contact dermatitis,
Temovate, Temovate steroidal and daily during therapy. atrophy, burning, dryness,

Rev. 08/21/08
E corticosteroids Periodic adrenal function edema, folliculitis,
tests may be ordered to hypersensitivity reactions,
assess degree of hypertrichosis,
hypothalamic-pituitary- hypopigmentation, irritation,
adrenal (HPA) axis maceration, miliaria, perioral
suppression in chronic dermatitis, secondary
topical therapy if suspected. infection, striae, adrenal
suppression (use of occlusive
dressings, long-term therapy).
Clocortolone/ Cloderm anti inflammatories Assess affected skin before Allergic contact dermatitis,
steroidal and daily during therapy. atrophy, burning, dryness,
corticosteroids Periodic adrenal function edema, folliculitis,
tests may be ordered to hypersensitivity reactions,
assess degree of hypertrichosis,
hypothalamic-pituitary- hypopigmentation, irritation,
adrenal (HPA) axis maceration, miliaria, perioral
suppression in chronic dermatitis, secondary
topical therapy if suspected. infection, striae, adrenal
suppression (use of occlusive
dressings, long-term therapy).
Clofarabine/ Clolar antineoplastics Monitor respiratory status Fatigue, pharyngitis,
antimetabolites and blood pressure during pericardial effusion,
infusion. Monitor for bone tachycardia, edema, diarrhea,
marrow depression, hepatic toxicity, nausea,
bleeding, signs and abdominal pain, constipation,
symptoms of tumor lysis mucositis, vomiting,
syndrome and cytokine dehydration, neutropenia,
release, nausea and anemia, thrombocytopenia,
diarrhea before and during injection site pain, systemic
therapy. CBC and platelet inflammatory response
counts at regular intervals syndrome, tumor lysis
during therapy and more syndrome, infections, fever,
frequently if levels are chills.
abnormal. Hepatic and renal
function frequently during
Clomiphene/ Clomid, ovulation inducer Perform a pelvic Headache, blurred vision,
Milophene, Serophene examination to determine floaters, photophobia,
ovarian size and presence of scotomata, phosphenes, hot
ovarian cysts prior to flashes, abdominal pain,
therapy and before bloating, distention, nausea,
subsequent courses of vomiting, ↑ liver enzymes,
therapy. Assess patient for ovarian cyst formation,
abdominal pain throughout ovarian enlargement, breast
therapy. Liver function tests discomfort, multiple births,
should be performed prior to intermenstrual spotting,
course of therapy. abnormal menstrual flow,
weight gain.
Clomipramine/ antiobsessive Monitor mental status, blood Seizures, lethargy, sedation,
Anafranil agents pressure and pulse, weight weakness, aggressive
tricyclic and BMI, onset of behavior, blurred vision, dry
antidepressants extrapyramidal parkinsonian eyes, dry mouth, vestibular
side effects before and disorder, arrhythmias, ECG
during initial therapy. changes, orthostatic
Monitor CBC and differential hypotension, constipation,
during chronic therapy. nausea, vomiting, weight gain,
Monitor hepatic and renal eructation, male sexual
function. dysfunction, urinary retention,

Rev. 08/21/08
dry skin, photosensitivity,
gynecomastia, anemia, muscle
weakness, extrapyramidal
reactions, hyperthermia.
Clonazepam/Klonopin Anticonvulsant; Assess degree and behavioral changes,
benzodiazepines manifestations of anxiety drowsiness, ataxia
and mental status,
drowsiness, unsteadiness,
and clumsiness prior to and
periodically during therapy
Clonidine/ Catapres, antihypertensives Monitor intake and output Drowsiness, depression,
Catapres-TTS, adrenergics ratios and daily weight, and dizziness, nervousness,
Duraclon centrally acting assess for edema daily, nightmares, bradycardia,
blood pressure and pulse hypotension (increased with
frequently during initial epidural), palpitations, dry
dosage adjustment and mouth, constipation, nausea,
periodically throughout vomiting, erectile dysfunction,
therapy. Assess location, rash, sweating, sodium
character, and intensity of retention, weight gain,
pain prior to, frequently withdrawal phenomenon.
during first few days, and
routinely throughout
administration. Monitor
patient for signs and
symptoms of opioid
withdrawal. Monitor for
fever as potential sign of
catheter infection.
Clopidogrel/ Plavix antiplatelet agents Assess patient for symptoms Depression, dizziness, fatigue,
platelet of stroke, peripheral headache, epistaxis, cough,
aggregation vascular disease, signs of dyspnea, chest pain, edema,
inhibitors thrombotic thrombocytic hypertension, GI bleeding,
purpura or MI periodically abdominal pain, diarrhea,
during therapy. Monitor CBC dyspepsia, gastritis, pruritus,
with differential and platelet purpura, rash, bleeding,
count periodically during neutropenia, thrombotic
therapy. thrombocytopenic pupura,
arthralgia, back pain, fever,
hypersensitivity reactions.
Clorazepate/ Gen- anticonvulsants Assess for drowsiness, Dizziness, drowsiness,
XENE, sedative/hypnotics unsteadiness, and lethargy, hangover, headache,
Tranxene, Tranxene- benzodiazepines clumsiness, anxiety and mental depression, slurred
SD mental status, alcohol speech, ataxia, paradoxical
withdrawal, seizures prior to excitation, blurred vision,
and periodically during respiratory depression,
therapy. CBC and liver constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
function tests evaluated vomiting, weight gain
periodically. (unusual), rashes, physical
dependence, psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Clotrimazole (topical)/ antifungals Inspect involved areas of Burning, itching, local
Cruex, Lotrimin (topical) skin and mucous hypersensitivity reactions,
membranes before and redness, stinging.
frequently during therapy.
Increased skin irritation may
indicate need to discontinue

Rev. 08/21/08
Clotrimazole antifungals Inspect involved areas of Itching, soreness, vulvovaginal
(vaginal)/ (vaginal) skin and mucous burning.
Gyne-Lotrimin-3, membranes before and
Mycelex-7 frequently during therapy.
Cloxacillin/ Cloxapen anti-infectives Assess for infection, signs Seizures, diarrhea, epigastric
penicillinase and symptoms of distress, nausea, vomiting,
resistant penicillins anaphylaxis at beginning of eosinophilia,
and throughout therapy. pseudomembranous colitis,
interstitial nephritis, rash,
urticaria, leucopenia, allergic
reactions including anaphylaxis
and serum sickness,
Clozapine/Clozaril Antipsychotics Monitor patient's mental Neuroleptic malignant
status, BP, pulse, weight, syndrome, seizures, dizziness,
BMI, fasting BG and sedation, myocarditis,
cholesterol levels, signs of hypotension, tachycardia
myocarditis, onset of constipation, agranulocytosis,
akathisia and leukopenia
extrapyramidal side effects,
tardive dyskinesia, BMs,
development of neuroleptic
malignant syndrome
Codeine allergy, cold and Assess blood pressure, Confusion, sedation,
cough remedies pulse, respirations, pain, dysphoria, euphoria, floating
antitussives bowel function, cough feeling, hallucinations,
opioid analgesics before and periodically headache, unusual dreams,
opioid agonists during administration. blurred vision, diplopia, miosis,
respiratory depression,
hypotension, bradycardia,
constipation, nausea,
vomiting, urinary retention,
flushing, sweating, physical
dependence, psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Colchicine antigout agents Assess patient for toxicity, Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
joints for pain, mobility, and abdominal pain, anuria,
edema, intake and output hematuria, renal damage,
ratios before and during alopecia, agranulocytosis,
therapy. During initiation of aplastic anemia, leukopenia,
therapy, monitor for drug thrombocytopenia, phlebitis at
response every 1–2 hr. In IV site, peripheral neuritis.
patients receiving prolonged
therapy, monitor baseline
and periodic CBC; report
significant ↓ in values.
Colesevelam/ Welchol lipid-lowering Obtain a diet history, Constipation, dyspepsia.
agents especially in regard to fat
bile acid consumption. Monitor serum
sequestrants total cholesterol, LDL, and
triglyceride levels before
initiating, and periodically
during therapy.
Colestipol/ Colestid lipid-lowering Assess severity of itching Irritation of the tongue,
agents and skin integrity. Obtain a abdominal discomfort,
bile acid diet history, especially in constipation, nausea, fecal
sequestrants regard to fat consumption. impaction, flatulence,
Assess frequency, amount, hemorrhoids, perianal

Rev. 08/21/08
and consistency of stools. irritation, steatorrhea,
Serum cholesterol and vomiting, irritation, rashes,
triglyceride levels should be hyperchloremic acidosis,
evaluated before initiating, vitamin A, D, and K deficiency.
frequently during first few
months and periodically
throughout therapy.
Comfrey/ Ass ear, none assigned Assess skin surface prior to Headache, apathy, lassitude,
black application of this herb and gastroenteritis, abdominal
root, blackwort, at least daily during use. pain, decreased urine output,
bruisewort, Assess area for signs of pulmonary hypertension,
Consolidae infection such as redness, pleural effusion, ascites,
radix, consound, gum swelling or drainage at least hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice,
plant, healing herb, daily during use. Assess hepatic cirrhosis and necrosis
knitback, knitbone, response to therapy by and death as a result of veno-
salsify, slippery root, evaluating adjacent wound occlusive disease, oral use of
Symphitum officinale, for size, color and drainage comfrey for as little as 5-7
Symphitum radix, at least daily. days in a child and 19-45 days
wallwort in adults have resulted in
severe hepatic disease and
Concentrated oral gel/ oral protectants Assess mouth ulcers and None noted
Gelclair severity of pain prior to and
periodically during therapy.
Conivaptan/ Vaprisol electrolyte Monitor injection site and Headache, confusion,
modifiers neurologic status during insomnia, hypertension,
vasopressin administration. Monitor vital hypotension, diarrhea,
antagonists signs frequently during polyuria, dehydration,
therapy. Monitor serum hypokalemia,
sodium concentration hypomagnesemia,
frequently during therapy. hyponatremia, injections site
reactions, fever, thirst.
Corticotrophin/ ACTH- hormones Monitor blood pressure and Depression, euphoria,
80, H.P. Acthar Gel (adrenocorticotropi daily weight periodically psychoses, cataracts,
c) during therapy. Assess increased intraocular pressure,
hormones waking and sleeping CHF, thromboembolism,
electroencephalograms edema, hypertension, nausea,
periodically in patients increased appetite, peptic
treated for infantile ulceration, vomiting, weight
myoclonic seizures. Monitor gain, decreased wound
CBC, serum calcium, healing, petechiae, acne,
electrolytes, phosphorus, ecchymoses, fragility,
serum fasting and hirsutism, adrenal
postprandial glucose, and suppression, decreased growth
renal function tests with in children, hyperglycemia,
urinalysis before initiation of menstrual irregularities,
therapy. hypokalemia, sodium
retention, hypocalcemia,
metabolic alkalosis, atrophy at
IM sites, aseptic necrosis of
joints, myopathy,
osteoporosis, weakness,
cushingoid appearance,
increased susceptibility to
infections, pancreatitis.
Cortisone anti inflammatories Assess patient for signs of Depression, euphoria,
steroidal adrenal insufficiency, intake headache, increased
corticosteroids and output ratios and daily intracranial pressure (children

Rev. 08/21/08
weights, peripheral edema, only), personality changes,
steady weight gain, psychoses, restlessness,
rales/crackles, or dyspnea cataracts, increased
before and periodically intraocular pressure,
throughout therapy. Monitor hypertension, peptic
serum electrolytes and ulceration, anorexia, nausea,
glucose. Guaiac-test stools. vomiting, acne, decreased
wound healing, ecchymoses,
fragility, hirsutism, petechiae,
adrenal suppression,
hyperglycemia, fluid retention
(long-term high doses),
hypokalemia, hypokalemic
alkalosis, thromboembolism,
thrombophlebitis, weight gain,
weight loss, muscle wasting,
osteoporosis, aseptic necrosis
of joints, muscle pain.
Cosyntropin/ diagnostic agents Monitor for hypersensitivity Hypersensitivity reactions
Cortrosyn hormones response. Plasma cortisol including anaphylaxis.
(adrenocorticotropi concentrations will be
c) measured before and 30 or
hormones 60 min after administration
of cosyntropin.
Cromolyn/ Intal, antiasthmatics Evaluate pulmonary function Dizziness, headache, rash,
Gastrocrom, allergy, cold and testing before initiating urticaria, angioedema, nausea,
NasalCrom cough remedies therapy in asthmatics. unpleasant taste, allergic
mast cell stabilizers Assess lung sounds and reactions including anaphylaxis
respiratory function before or worsening of conditions
and periodically during being treated. Intranasal—
therapy. Assess for nasal irritation, nasal
symptoms of rhinitis. congestion, sneezing.
Inhalation—irritation of the
throat and trachea, cough,
wheezing, bronchospasm.
Cyanocobalamin/ antianemics Assess patient for signs of Headache, heart failure,
Nascobal, Rubramin vitamins vitamin B12 deficiency before diarrhea, itching, swelling of
PC water soluble and periodically during the body, hypokalemia,
vitamins therapy. Monitor plasma thrombocytosis, pulmonary
folic acid, vitamin B12, and edema, pain at IM site,
iron levels, hemoglobin, hypersensitivity reactions
hematocrit, and reticulocyte including anaphylaxis.
count before treatment, 1
month after the start of
therapy, and then every 3–6
Cyclobenzaprine/Flexe Skeletal muscle Assess patient for pain, dizziness, drowsiness, dry
ril Relaxants muscle stiffness, and range mouth
of motion before and
periodically throughout
Cyclophosphamide/ antineoplastics Monitor blood pressure, Pulmonary fibrosis, myocardial
Cytoxan, Neosar immunosuppressan pulse, respiratory rate, and fibrosis, hypotension,
ts temperature; urinary anorexia, nausea, vomiting,
alkylating agents output; bone marrow hemorrhagic cystitis,
depression; bleeding; hematuria, alopecia, gonadal
nausea, vomiting, and suppression, syndrome of
appetite; weight; cardiac inappropriate antidiuretic

Rev. 08/21/08
and respiratory status for hormone (SIADH), leucopenia,
dyspnea, rales/crackles, thrombocytopenia, anemia,
weight gain, edema during hyperuricemia, secondary
therapy. Monitor CBC with neoplasms.
differential and platelet
count; BUN, creatinine, and
uric acid; ALT, AST, LDH,
and serum bilirubin before
and periodically during
Cyclosporine/ Neoral, immunosuppressan Monitor serum creatinine Seizures, tremor, confusion,
Sandimmune, Gengraf ts level, intake and output flushing, headache, psychiatric
antirheumatics ratios, daily weight, and problems, hypertension,
( DMARD) blood pressure during diarrhea, hepatotoxicity,
polypeptides therapy. Assess for nausea, vomiting, abdominal
cyclic symptoms of organ rejection discomfort, anorexia,
throughout therapy. Assess pancreatitis, nephrotoxicity,
pain and limitation of hirsutism, acne, hyperkalemia,
movement prior to and hypomagnesemia, anemia,
during administration. Prior leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
to initiating therapy, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia,
perform a physical exam hyperesthesia, paresthesia,
including blood pressure on gingival hyperplasia,
2 occasions to determine hypersensitivity reactions,
baseline. Monitor blood infections.
pressure every 2 wk during
initial 3 mo, then monthly if
Cyproheptadine/ allergy, cold and Assess for adverse Drowsiness, excitation
Periactin, PMS- cough remedies anticholinergic effects, (increased in children), blurred
Cyproheptadine antihistamines rhinitis, conjunctivitis, hives, vision, arrhythmias,
food intake and weight, lung hypotension, palpitations, dry
sounds and respiratory mouth, constipation,
function prior to and hesitancy, retention,
periodically throughout photosensitivity, rashes,
therapy. weight gain.
Cysteamine/ Cystagon cystine depleting Assess patient for rash, Seizures, lethargy, ataxia,
agent neurologic status, anorexia, confusion, depression,
nausea, vomiting, and encephalopathy, headache,
abdominal pain throughout hallucinations, nightmares,
therapy. Monitor leukocyte somnolence, hypertension,
cystine levels every 3 mo. hearing loss, anorexia,
Monitor CBC and liver diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal
function tests periodically pain, abnormal liver function
during therapy. studies, bad breath,
constipation, dyspepsia, rash,
urticaria, dehydration, anemia,
leucopenia, tremor, fever.
Cytarabine/Ara-C, antineoplastics Monitor for bone marrow CNS dysfunction (high dose),
cytosine arabinoside, antimetabolites depression, bleeding, intake confusion, drowsiness,
Cytosar-U, DepoCyt and output ratios and daily headache, corneal toxicity
weights, symptoms of gout, (high dose), hemorrhagic
nutritional status, conjunctivitis (high dose),
development of cytarabine pulmonary edema (high dose),
or ara-C syndrome, edema, nausea, vomiting,
respiratory distress and hepatitis, hepatotoxicity,
pulmonary edema, signs of severe GI ulceration (high
anaphylaxis, Chemical dose), stomatitis, urinary

Rev. 08/21/08
arachnoiditis before and incontinence, alopecia, rash,
during therapy. Monitor sterility, anemia, leukopenia,
patients receiving IT therapy cytarabine syndrome, fever,
continuously for the thrombocytopenia,
development of hyperuricemia.
neurotoxicity. Monitor CBC Intrathecal only—chemical
with differential and platelet arachnoiditis, abnormal gait.
count prior to and frequently
during therapy. Monitor
renal and hepatic function
prior to and routinely during
Cytomegalovirus vaccines/immunizin Monitor vital signs prior to, Headache, tremor, anxiety,
immune g agents during, and following seizures, pancytopenia,
Globulin/CMVIG, immune globulins infusion and before any hemolysis, leucopenia, rash,
CytoGam increases in infusion rate. wheezing, dyspnea, pulmonary
Monitor patient for adverse edema, anuria, hypotension,
reactions throughout back pain, thromboembolism,
therapy. nausea, fever, vomiting,
hepatic dysfunction, flushing,
oliguria, acute renal failure,
muscle cramps, allergic
reactions including chills,
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Dacarbazine/DTIC- antineoplastics Monitor vital signs; bone Hepatic necrosis, anorexia,

Dome alkylating agents marrow depression; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
bleeding; IV site; intake and hepatic vein thrombosis,
output, appetite, and alopecia, facial flushing,
nutritional intake; and photosensitivity, rash, gonadal
nausea and vomiting prior suppression, anemia,
to and frequently during leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
therapy. pain at IV site, phlebitis at IV
site, tissue necrosis, myalgia,
facial paresthesia,
anaphylaxis, fever, flu-like
syndrome, malaise.
Daclizumab/Zenapax immunosuppressan Assess for fluid overload, dizziness, fatigue, headache,
ts signs of anaphylactic or insomnia, pulmonary edema,
monoclonal hypersensitivity reactions, coughing, dyspnea, chest pain,
antibodies infection, vital signs and edema, hypertension (↑ in
breath sounds closely. children), hypotension,
Obtain chest x-ray within 24 tachycardia, abdominal
hr before beginning therapy. discomfort, constipation,
diarrhea (↑ in children),
dyspepsia, epigastric pain,
nausea, pyrosis, vomiting (↑ in
children), dysuria, oliguria,
renal tubular necrosis, acne,
impaired wound healing,
pruritus (↑ in children),
thrombosis, arthralgia, back
pain, musculoskeletal pain,
tremor, allergic reactions

Rev. 08/21/08
including anaphylaxis, fever (↑
in children), post-operative
pain (↑ in children), urinary
and respiratory tract
infection(↑ in children).
Dactinomycin/ antineoplastics Monitor vital signs; bone Lethargy, malaise, anorexia,
actinomycin-D, antitumor marrow depression; nausea, stomatitis, vomiting,
Cosmegen antibiotics bleeding; signs of infection abdominal pain, ascites,
during neutropenia; intake diarrhea, dysphagia,
and output, appetite, and esophagitis, hepatotoxicity,
nutritional intake; nausea ulceration, acne, alopecia,
and vomiting; and IV site erythema, hyperpigmentation,
frequently for inflammation skin eruptions,
or infiltration. Monitor CBC photosensitivity, rash,
and differential before and pharyngitis, hypocalcemia,
periodically during therapy. gonadal suppression, anemia,
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
phlebitis at IV site, myalgia,
pneumonitis, fever.
Dalteparin/ Fragmin anticoagulants Assess for signs of bleeding Dizziness, reversible increase
antithrombotics and hemorrhage. Observe in liver enzymes, bleeding,
low molecular injection sites for thrombocytopenia.
weight heparins hematoma, ecchymosis, or
Danaparoid/ Orgaran anticoagulants Assess patient for signs of dizziness, headache, insomnia,
low molecular bleeding and hemorrhage, edema, constipation, nausea,
weight heparins bleeding from surgical site, reversible increase in liver
evidence of additional or enzymes, vomiting, urinary
increased thrombosis, retention, ecchymoses,
hypersensitivity reactions, pruritus, rash, urticaria,
epidural catheters bleeding, anemia,
frequently for signs and thrombocytopenia, erythema
symptoms of neurologic at injection site, hematoma,
impairment. Observe irritation, pain, fever.
injection sites for
hematomas, ecchymosis, or
Danazol/ Danocrine hormones Assess patient for emotional lability, deepening
androgens endometrial pain, breast of voice, edema, hepatitis
pain, tenderness, and (cholestatic jaundice),
nodules, edematous attacks amenorrhea, clitoral
enlargement, testicular
atrophy, acne, hirsutism,
oiliness, amenorrhea,
anovulation, decreased breast
size (women), decreased
libido, weight gain.
Dang quai/ Angelic None (treats Assess pain and menstrual Photosensitivity, can be
sinensis, Chinese menstrual pain) patterns, pregnancy test, carcinogenic and mutagenic.
Angelica, Dang Gui, history of hormone sensitive
Danggui, Dong Qua, cancer, medication profile.
Phytoestrogen, Radix
angelicae giganitis,
Tang Kuei, Tan Kue
Bai Zhi
Dantrolene/ Dantrium skeletal muscle Assess bowel function, drowsiness, muscle weakness,
relaxants neuromuscular status and confusion, dizziness,

Rev. 08/21/08
(direct acting) muscle spasticity, headache, insomnia, malaise,
anesthesia history of all nervousness, excessive
surgical patients. Monitor lacrimation, visual
ECG, vital signs, disturbances, pleural effusions,
electrolytes, and urine changes in BP, tachycardia,
output continuously when hepatotoxicity, diarrhea,
administering IV for anorexia, cramps, dysphagia,
malignant hyperthermia. GI bleeding, vomiting,
difficulty swallowing and crystalluria, dysuria,
choking during meals on the frequency, erectile
day of administration. dysfunction, incontinence,
nocturia, pruritus, sweating,
urticaria, eosinophilia,
irritation at IV site, phlebitis,
myalgia, chills, drooling, fever.
Dapsone/ Aczone leprostatic agent Assess skin for new or toxic Headache, tonic-clonic
dermatologic reactions movements (topical), vertigo,
during therapy. Assess blurred vision, tinnitus,
patient for infection and hepatotoxicity, abdominal
monitor respiratory status at pain, nausea, pancreatitis,
beginning of and throughout vomiting, exfoliative
therapy. Monitor AST and dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson
ALT prior to and periodically syndrome, agranulocytosis,
during therapy. methemoglobinemia,
reticulocytosis, hemolytic
Daptomycin/ Cubicin anti-infectives Assess patient for infection Dizziness, dyspnea,
cyclic lipopeptide and signs of hypertension, hypotension,
antibacterial agents pseudomembranous colitis pseudomembranous colitis,
(diarrhea, abdominal constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
cramping, fever, and bloody vomiting, ↑ liver function tests,
stools) renal failure, pruritus, rash,
anemia, injection site
reactions, ↑ CPK, fever.
Darbepoetin/ Aranesp antianemics Monitor blood pressure, Seizures, dizziness, fatigue,
hormones symptoms of anemia, headache, weakness, cough,
rDNA allergic reactions, signs of dyspnea, bronchitis, CHF, MI,
anaphylaxis, dialysis shunts stroke, thrombotic events,
edema, hypertension,
hypotension, chest pain,
abdominal pain, nausea,
diarrhea, vomiting,
constipation, pruritus, pure red
cell aplasia, myalgia,
arthralgia, back pain, limb
pain, fever, allergic reactions,
flu-like syndrome, sepsis, ↑
mortality and ↑ tumor growth
Darifenacin/ Enablex Urinary tract Monitor voiding pattern and Dizziness, blurred vision,
antispasmodic assess symptoms of constipation, dry mouth,
Anticholinergic overactive bladder (urinary dyspepsia, nausea, heat
urgency, urinary intolerance.
incontinence, urinary
frequency) periodically
during therapy.
Darunavir/ prazista Antiretroviral Assess patient for change in Hepatotoxicity, constipation,
Protease inhibitor severity of HIV symptoms diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
and for symptoms of hyperglycemia, body fat

Rev. 08/21/08
opportunistic infections. redistribution, rash.
Assess for allergy to
sulfonamides. Monitor
patient for development of
rash. Monitor viral load and
CD4 counts regularly.
Monitor liver function prior
to and periodically during
Dasatinib/ Sprycel Antineoplastic Monitor for fluid retention. Seizures, altered affect,
Enzyme iinhibitor Weigh regularly, and assess anxiety, confusion, depression,
for signs of pleural effusion, drowsiness, insomnia, malaise,
pericardial effusion, syncope, vertigo,
pulmonary edema, ascites. conjunctivitis, dry eye,
Monitor chest x-ray in tinnitus, asthma,
patients with symptoms of peneumonitis, CHF, MI,
pleural effusion. Monitor pulmonary edema, QTC
vital sigs. Monitor liver prolongation, hypertension,
function before and monthly hypotension, palpitations,
during treatment. Monitor abdominal pain, altered
CBC weekly for first 2 appetite, dysgeusia,
months, monthly after that. dyspepsia, ileus, mucositis,
nausea, vomiting, renal
failure, urinary frequency,
acne, alopecia, dry skin,
flushing, nail disorder,
photosensitivity, pigment
disorder, rash , sweating,
urticaria, gynecomastia, fluid
retention, hypocalcemia,
bleeding events, anemia,
nautropenia, pancrytopenia,
hyperuricemia, muscle
tremor, infections, palmar-
olanter erythrodysesthesia,
tumor lysis syndrome
Daunorubicin citrate Antineoplastics Monitor vital signs Fatigue, headache, depression,
liposome/ daunoXome Anthracyclines before/during therapy. dizziness, insomnia, malaise,
Assess patient for back pain, rhinitis, abnormal vision,
flushing, and chest sinusitis, cardiotoxixity, chest
tightness. Monitor for bone pain, edema, abdominal pain,
marrow depression. Assess anorexia, constipation,
for bleeding and avoid IM diarrhea, nausea, stomatitis,
injections and taking rectal tenesmus, vomiting, red urine,
temps. Apply pressure to gonadal suppression, alopecia,
venipuncture sites for 10 increased sweating, pruritus,
min. assess for signs of anemia, leucopenia,
infection. Monitor for thrombocytopenia, phlebitis at
increase fatigue, dyspnea, IV site, hyperuricemia, back
and orthostatic hypotension. pain, arthralgia, myalgia,
Assess IV site frequently for neuropathy, allergic reactions,
inflammation or infiltration. chills, fever, flushing, chest
Monitor intake/output, tightness, influenza-like
appetite, and nutritional symptoms.
intake. Assess for nausea
and vomiting. Administer an

Rev. 08/21/08
antimetic periodically and
adjust diet as tolerated to
hlelp maintain fluid and
electrolyte balance and
nutritional status.
Encourage fluid intake of
2000-3000ml/day. Assess
patient for evidence of
cardiotoxicity which
manafests as CHF. Monitor
uric acid levels, CBC and
differential, hepatic and
renal functions before each
dose/ course of therapy.
Daunorubicin Antiineoplastic Monitor vital signs. Monitor Rhinitis, abnormal vision,
hydrochloride/ Anthracyclines for bone marrow depression. sinusitis, cardiotoxicity,
cerubidine Assess for bleeding and arrhythmias, nausea,
avoid IM injections and vomiting, esophagitis,
taking renal temps. Monitor hepatotoxicity, stomatitis, red
for lncrease fatigue, urine, gonadal suppression,
dyspnea, and orthostatic alopecia, anemia, leucopenia,
hypotension. Apply pressure thrombocytopenia, phlebitis at
to venipuncture sties for IV site, hyperuricemia, chills,
10min. assess IV site for fever.
inflammation or infiltration.
Monitor intake/output,
apetite, and nutritional
intake. Assess for nausea
and voimiting. Administer
antiemetic periodically and
adjust diet as tolerated to
help maintain fluid and
electrolyte balance and
nutritional status.
Encourage fluid intake of
2000-3000ml/day. Assess
patient for evidence of
cardiotoxicity, which may
manifest as CHF. Monitor
uric acid, CBC and
differential, leukocyte count,
liver, and kidney function.
Decitabine/ Dacogen Antineolastics Monitor for bone marrow Confusion, fatigue, insomnia,
depression. Assess for depression, lethargy, blurred
bleeding and avoid IM vision, cough, atrial fibrillation,
injections and taking rectal pulmonary edema,
temps. Apply pressure to tachycardia, abdominal pain,
venipuncture sites for 10 constipation, diarrhea,
min. assess for signs go stomatitis, vomiting, abnormal
infection during liver function tests, petechiae,
neutropenia. Monitor for rash, edema, hypokalemia,
increased fatigue, dyspnea, hypomagnesemia, ascites,
and orthostatic hypotension. bleeding, anemia, neutropenia,
Monitor CBC prior to each thrombocytopenia, injection
dosing cycly. Obtain liver site irritation, hyperglycemia,
chemistries and serum arthralgia, myalgia, infection,
creatinine prior to fever lymphadenopathy.

Rev. 08/21/08
Deferasirox/ Exjade Antidotes Assess hearing and vision Headache, hearing loss, ocular
Chelating agents prior to and periodically. disturbances, cough, diarrhea,
May cause high frequency nausea, vomiting, abdominal
hearing loss and visual pain, drug-induced hepatitis,
disturbances. Assess patient increase serum creatinine, skin
for rash during therapy. rash, arthralgia, fever.
Measure serum ferritin
monthly. Monitor serum
creatinine prior to and
monthly. Monitor urine
protein periodically.
Deferoxamine/ Antidotes In acute poisoning assess Blurred vision, cataracts,
desferal Heavy metal time, amount, and type of ototoxicity, hypotension,
antagonists iron preparation ingested. tachycardia, abdominal pain,
Monitor signs of iron diarrhea, red urine, erythema,
toxicity. Early (abdominal flushing, urticaria, induration
pain, bloody diarrhea, at injection site, pain at
emesis), late (decreased injection site, leg cramps,
level of consciousness, allergic reactions, fever, shock
shock, metabolic acidosis). after rapid IV administartaion.
Monitor vital signs closely.
Watch for anaphylactic
reactions. Monitor
intake/output and urine
color. Monitor serum iron,
total iron binding capacity,
ferritin levels, and uring iron
excretion before and
periodically. Monitor liver
function and assess damage
of iron poisoning.
Delavirdine/ Resciptor Antiretrovirals Assess patient for changes Fatigue, headache, diarrhea,
Non nucleoside in severity of HIV symptoms increased amylase, increased
reverse and for symptoms of liver enzymes, nausea,
transcriptase opportunistic infections. vomiting, rash, pruritus, fat
inhibitors Monitor viral load and CD4 redistribution.
cell counts.
Denileukin diftitox/ Antineolastics Monitor patient for signs and Dizziness, headache,
Ontak Cytotoxic proteins symptoms of confusion, insomnia,
hypersensitivity reaction. nervousness, weakness, loss
Motitor patient for flu-like of visual acuity. Loss of color
syndrome. Assess patient vision, cough, dyspnea,
for symptoms of vascular pharyngitis, rhinitis, chest
leak syndrome. Monitor pain, edema, hypotension,
bowel function and fluid tachycardia, arrhythmia,
status. Assess patient for hypotension, thrombotic
rash. Monitor CBC, blood events, rash pruritis, sweating,
chemistry, liver and renal anorexia, diarrhea, nausea
function, serum albumin. vomiting, constipation
,dyspepsia, dysphagia,
increased transaminases,
albuminuria, hematuria,
hypocalcemia, dehydration,
hypokalemia, anemia,
leucopenia, thrombocytopenia,
injection site reactions,
hypoalbuminemia, weight loss,
myalgia, arthroalgia,

Rev. 08/21/08
paresthesia, acute
hupersensitivity reactions,
chills, fever, flu-like syndrome,
Desipramine/ Antidepressants Obtain weight and BMI Drowsiness fatigue, blurred
Norpramin, Tricyclic initiatially and periodically vision, dry eyes, dry mouth,
pertofrane antidepressants throughout therapy. Assess arrhythmias, hypotension, ECG
FBS and cholesterol levels changes, constipation, drug-
for overweight/ obese induced hepatitis, paralytic
individuals. Monitor BP and ileus, increased appetite,
pulse prior to and during weight gain, urinary retention,
therapy. Patients taking decreased libido,
high doses or with a history photosensitivity, changes in
of cardio disease should blood glucose, gynecomastia,
have ECG monitored prior to blood dyscrasias.
and periodically during
therapy. Monitor mental
status. Assess for suicidal
tendencies. Assess intensity,
quality, and location of pain.
Assess leukocyte and
differential blood counts,
liver function, and serum
glucose periodically.
Desirudin/ iprivask Anticoagulants Assess for sings of bleeding. Nauseas, bleeding, anemia,
Thrombin inhibitors Assess patient for evidence injection site reactions, wound
of thrombosis. Monitor secretion.
patients with epidural
catheters frequently for
signs of neurological
impairment. Observe
injection sites for
hematomas, ecchymosis, or
inflammation. Monitor aPTT
daily. Monitor CBC.
Desloratadine/ Allergy, cold and Assess allergy symptoms. Drowsiness, pharyngitis, dry
Clarinex cough remedies Assess lung sounds and mouth, allergic reactions
Antihistamines character of bronchial including anaphylaxis
piperidines secretions. May cause false-
negative result on allergy
skin testing
Desmopressin/ Hormones Chronic intranasal use may Drowsiness, headache,
DDAVP, DDAVP Antidiuretic cause tolerance. Monitor listlessness, nasal congestion,
Rhinal tube, hormones frequency of enuresis. rhinitis, dyspnea,
DDAVP rhinyle Monitor urine and plasma hypertension, hypotension,
drops, Octostim, osmolality and urine tachycardia, mild abdominal
Stimate volume. Assess patient for cramps, nausea, valval pain,
symptoms of dehydration. flashing, water intoxication/
Weigh patient daily. Monitor hyponatremia, phlebitis at IV
plasma factor VIII site.
coagulation, factor VIII
antigen, and ristocetin
cofactor. Monitor aPTT.
Monitor BP and pulse during
IV infusion. Monitor
intake/output and adjust
fluid intake to avoid
overhydration. Assess for

Rev. 08/21/08
signs of water intoxication.

Desonide/ Desonate, Anti inflammatories Assess affected skin before Allergic contatct dermatitis,
DesOwen, steroidal and daily during therapy. atrophy, burning, dryness,
Verdeso, Corticosteroids Note degree of inflammation edema, folliculitis,
and pruritus. Periodic hypersensitivity reactions,
adrenal function tests may hypertrochosis,
be ordered to assess degree hypopigmentation, irritation,
of hypothalamic-pituitary- maceration, miliaria, perioral
adrenal (HPA) axis dermatitis, secondary infection
suppression in chronic striae, adrenal suppression.
topical therapy.
Desoximetasone/ Anti inflammatories Assess affected skin before Allergic contatct dermatitis,
Topicort steroidal and daily during therapy. atrophy, burning, dryness,
corticosteroids Note degree of inflammation edema, folliculitis,
and pruritus. Periodic hypersensitivity reactions,
adrenal function tests may hypertrochosis,
be ordered to assess degree hypopigmentation, irritation,
of hypothalamic-pituitary- maceration, miliaria, perioral
adrenal (HPA) axis dermatitis, secondary infection
suppression in chronic striae, adrenal suppression.
topical therapy.
Desvenlafaxine/ Antidepressants Assess mental status and Seizures, anxiety, dizziness,
Pristiq Selective serotonin mood changes. Assess drowsiness, insomnia,
norepinephrine suicidal tendencies. Monitor headache, increased
reuptake inhibitor BP, appetite and nutritional intraocular lpressure,
intake. Weight weekly. mydriasis, eosinophilic
Assess for serotonin pneumonia,interstitial lung
syndrome. disease, hypertension,
decreased appetite,
constipation, nausea, male
sexual dysfunction, sweating,
hyponatremia, increased risk
of bleeding,
hyperlipidemia, serotonin
Dexamethasone/ Anti inflammatories Assess involved systems. Depression, euphoria,
DexPak steroidal Assess for signs of adrenal hallucinations, headache,
insufficiency. Monitor increased intracranial pressure
intake/output ratios and (children only), insomnia,
daily weights. Observe for personality changes,
peripheral edema, steady phychoses, restlessness,
weight gain, rales/crackels, cataracts , increased
or dyspnea. Children should intraocular pressure,
have periodic evaluations of hypertension, edema, peptic
growth. Monitor for signs of ulceration, anorexia, nausea,
allergic reactions. Monitor increased appetitie, vomiting,
ECG. Assess for changes in acne, decreased woundt
level of consciousness and healing, acchymoses,
headache. Monitor serum hirsutism, petechiae, adrenal
electrolyes and glucose. suppression, hyperglycemia,
Periodic adrenal function amenorrhea, hypokalemenia,
tests. Dexamethasone alkalosis, thromboembolism,
suppression test: obtain thrombophlebitis, weight gain,
baseline cortisol level; muscle wasting, osteoporosis,
administer dexamethasone aseptic necrosis of joints,
at 11 pm and obtain cortisol muscle pain, allergic reactions,

Rev. 08/21/08
levels at 8 am the next day. cushingoid appearance,
Normal response is a increased susceptibility to
decreased cortisol level infection
Dexamethasone anti inflammatories Assess affected skin before Allergic contact dermatitis,
(topical)/Aeroseb- steroidal and daily during therapy. atrophy, burning, dryness,
Dex, corticosteroids Periodic adrenal function edema, folliculitis,
Decadron, Decaspray tests may be ordered to hypersensitivity reactions,
assess degree of hypertrichosis,
hypothalamic-pituitary- hypopigmentation, irritation,
adrenal (HPA) axis maceration, miliaria, perioral
suppression in chronic dermatitis, secondary
topical therapy if suspected. infection, striae, adrenal
Dexlansoprazole/ Antiulcer agents Assess patient routinely for Abdominal pain, diarrhea,
Kapidex Proton pump epigastric or abdominal pain flatulence, nausea, vomiting.
inhibitor and for frank or occult blook
in stool, emesis, or gastric
aspirate. Monitor liver
function. Monitor INR and
prothrombin time.
Dexmedatomidine/ Sedative/ hypnotics Assess level of sedation. Hypoxia, bradycardia, sinus
Precedex Monitor ECG and BP arrest, hypotension, transient
continuously. hypertension, nauseas,
vomiting, anemia, fever.
Dexmethylphenidate/ Central nervous Assess child’s attention Behavioral disturbances,
Focalin (XR) system stimulants span, impulse control, and hallucinations, insomnia,
interactions with others. mania, nervousness, thought
Monitor BP, pulse, and disorder, visual disturbances,
respiration. Obtain a history tachycardia, abdominal pain,
and physical to assess for anorexia, nausea, growth
cardiac disease. Monitor suppression, weight loss,
growth (height and weight) twitching, fever.
in children. Monitor behavior
change. Monitor CBC,
differential, and platelet
Dexrazoxane/ Totect, Cardioprotective Assess extent of Myelosuppression, pain at
Zinecard agents cardiomyopathy. Assess site injection site.
of extavasation for pain,
burning, swelling, and
redness. Monitor CBC and
platelet count. Monitor liver
Dextroamphetamine/ Central nervous Monitor BP,pulse, and Hyperactivity, insomnia,
Dexedrine, system stimulants respiration. Obtain history restlessness, tremor,
Dextrostate Amphetamines and physical exam to assess behavioral disturbances,
for cardiac disease. Moniot depression, dizziness,
weight biweekly. Monitor hallucinations, headache,
height periodically in irritability, mania, thought
children. Assess attention disorder, palpitations,
span, impulse control, motor tachycardia, arrhythmias,
and vocal tics, and hypertension, anorexia,
interactions with others. constipation, cramps, diarrhea,
Observe and document dry mouth, metallic taste,
frequency of narcoleptic nausea, vomiting, erectile
eplisodes. dysfunction, increased libido,
urticaria, physical dependence,
psychological dependency.

Rev. 08/21/08
Dextromethorphan/ Allergy, cold, and Assess frequency and nature Dizziness, sedation, nausea
Balminil DM, Benylin cough remedies of cough, lung sounds, and
Adult (and pediatric), Antitussives amount and type of sputum
broncho-Grippol-DM, produced.
Calmylin #1,
Hold, Creo-Terpin,
Delsym, DexALone,
syrup, Drixoral Liquid
cough caps, Elixsure
Children’s cough
Gold, Koffex, little
cough formula drops,
mediquell, Neo-DM,
Ornex-DM, PediCare
Infant’s long acting
drops, pertussin
suppressant, Protussin
CS, Pertussin ES,
Robidex, Robitussin
cough calmers,
Robitussin maximum
strength cough
Pediatric, sedatuss,
simply cough, Sucrets
cough control formula,
TheraFlu thin strips
acting cough,
think strips long
cough, Vicks 44 cough
relief, Vicks formula
pediatric formula
Dextrose/ Glucose, caloric sources Assess hydration status of Inappropriate insulin secretion,
Glutose, Insta- carbohydrates patients receiving IV. fluid overload, hypokalemia,
glucose, Monitor intake/output and hypomagnesemia,
Insulin Reaction electrolyte concentrations. hypophophatemia, local
Assess patient for pain/irritation at IV site,
dehydration and edema. glycosuria, hyperglycemia.
Assess nutritional status,
function of gastrointestinal
tract, and caloric needs.
Diabetic patients and
patients receiving
hypertonic dextrose solution
should have serum glucose,

Rev. 08/21/08
potassium, and phosphate
monitored regularly. Monitor
IV site for phlebitis and
Diazepam/Valium Benzodiazepines, Monitor blood pressure, dizziness, drowsiness,
antianxiety agents, pulse, and respiratory rate lethargy, respiratory
anticonvulsants, prior to therapy. Conduct depression, depression,
sedative/hypnotics, regular assessment of hangover, ataxia, slurred
skeletal muscle continued need for speech, headache, paradoxical
relaxants treatment. Assess mental excitation, rashes, physical
status and degree of dependence, psychological
anxiety. Assess level of dependence, tolerance.
Diazoxide/Hyperstat, antihypertensives Assess patient routinely for dizziness, headache,
Proglycem hyperglycemic signs and symptoms of hypotension, tachycardia,
vasodilators congestive heart failure, angina, edema, flushing,
blood pressure and pulse hirsutism, hyperglycemia,
every 5 min until stable and hyperuricemia, sodium and
then hourly, signs of water retention, nausea,
hyperglycemia, blood vomiting, constipation,
glucose on diabetic patients phlebitis at IV site, weakness.
Dibucaine/ anesthetics topical Assess integrity of involved Mucosal use—decreased or
Nupercainal local skin and mucous absent gag reflex.
membranes, signs of Topical use—burning, edema,
infection or irritation, type, irritation, stinging, tenderness,
location, and intensity of urticaria.
pain before and a few allergic reactions including
minutes after administration anaphylaxis
of anesthetic
Diclofenac potassium/ nonopioid Assess pain and limitation of dizziness, headache,
Cataflam analgesics movement; note type, hypertension, tinnitus, GI
nonsteroidal anti location, and intensity bleeding, abdominal pain,
inflammatory before and 30–60 min after constipation, diarrhea,
agents administration. Assess dyspepsia, flatulence,
arthritic pain (note type, heartburn, liver enzyme
location, intensity) and elevation, nausea, vomiting,
limitation of movement, acute renal failure, hematuria,
lesions. exfoliative dermatitis, stevens-
johnson syndrome, toxic
epidermal necrolysis, pruritis,
rashes, eczema,
photosensitivity, edema,
anemia, prolonged bleeding
time, allergic reactions
including anaphylaxis.
Topical only—contact
dermatitis, dry skin,
Diclofenac sodium/ nonopioid Assess pain and limitation of dizziness, headache,
Voltaren analgesics movement; note type, hypertension, tinnitus, GI
nonsteroidal anti location, and intensity bleeding, abdominal pain,
inflammatory before and 30–60 min after constipation, diarrhea,
agents administration. Assess dyspepsia, flatulence,
arthritic pain (note type, heartburn, liver enzyme
location, intensity) and elevation, nausea, vomiting,
limitation of movement, acute renal failure, hematuria,
lesions. exfoliative dermatitis, stevens-
johnson syndrome, toxic

Rev. 08/21/08
epidermal necrolysis, pruritis,
rashes, eczema,
photosensitivity, edema,
anemia, prolonged bleeding
time, allergic reactions
including anaphylaxis.
Topical only—contact
dermatitis, dry skin,
Diclofenac topical/ nonopioid Assess pain and limitation of dizziness, headache,
Solaraze analgesics movement; note type, hypertension, tinnitus, GI
nonsteroidal anti location, and intensity bleeding, abdominal pain,
inflammatory before and 30–60 min after constipation, diarrhea,
agents administration. Assess dyspepsia, flatulence,
arthritic pain (note type, heartburn, liver enzyme
location, intensity) and elevation, nausea, vomiting,
limitation of movement, acute renal failure, hematuria,
lesions. exfoliative dermatitis, stevens-
johnson syndrome, toxic
epidermal necrolysis, pruritis,
rashes, eczema,
photosensitivity, edema,
anemia, prolonged bleeding
time, allergic reactions
including anaphylaxis.
Topical only—contact
dermatitis, dry skin,
Diclofenac (topical nonsteroidal anti Assess pain and limitation of edema, hypertension, GI
patch)/ Flector inflammatory movement; note type, bleeding, ↑ liver enzymes,
agents location, and intensity renal toxicity, stevens-johnson
analgesics before and 30–60 min after syndrome, toxic epidermal
administration. Assess necrolysis, local reactions at
arthritic pain (note type, treatment site, rash, allergic
location, intensity) and reactions including
limitation of movement, anaphylatoid reactions.
Dicloxacillin/ Dycill, anti-infectives Assess for infection, signs Seizures, diarrhea, epigastric
Dynapen, Pathocil penicillinase and symptoms of distress, nausea, vomiting,
resistant penicillins anaphylaxis pseudomembranous colitis, ↑
liver enzymes, interstitial
nephritis, rash, urticaria,
eosinophilia, leucopenia,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis and serum
sickness, superinfection
Dicyclomine/ Bentyl antispasmodics Assess patient for symptoms confusion (increased in
anticholinergics of irritable bowel syndrome, geriatric patients), drowsiness,
abdominal distention and light-headedness (IM only),
auscultate for bowel sounds, blurred vision, increased
intake and output ratios intraocular pressure,
palpitations, tachycardia,
paralytic ileus, constipation,
heartburn, decreased
salivation, dry mouth, nausea,
vomiting, erectile dysfunction,
urinary hesitancy, urinary
retention, decreased sweating,

Rev. 08/21/08
decreased lactation,
pain/redness at IM site,
allergic reactions including
Didanosine/ ddI, antiretrovirals Monitor for change in Seizures, headache, dizziness,
Dideoxyinosine, Videx, nucleoside reverse severity of HIV symptoms insomnia, lethargy, pain,
Videx EC transcriptase and for symptoms of weakness, rhinitis, ear pain,
inhibitors opportunistic infection, epistaxis, optic neuritis,
peripheral neuropathy, parotid gland enlargement,
symptoms of pancreatitis photophobia, retinal
depigmentation, sialoadenitis,
cough, asthma, arrhythmias,
edema, hypertension,
vasodilation, liver failure,
pancreatitis, anorexia,
diarrhea, liver function
abnormalities, nausea,
vomiting, abdominal pain,
constipation, dry mouth,
dyspepsia, flatulence, hepatic
steatosis, stomatitis, urinary
frequency, alopecia,
ecchymoses, rash, fat
redistribution, hyperglycemia,
granulocytopenia, anemia,
bleeding, leucopenia, lactic
acidosis, hyperlipidemia,
hyperuricemia, weight loss,
rhabdomyolysis, arthritis,
myalgia, peripheral
neuropathy, poor coordination,
chills, fever, anaphylactoid
Difenoxin/atropine// antidiarrheals Assess the frequency and dizziness, confusion,
Motofen anticholinergics consistency of stools and drowsiness, headache,
bowel sounds, fluid and insomnia, nervousness,
electrolyte balance and skin blurred vision, dry eyes,
turgor for dehydration tachycardia, constipation, dry
mouth, epigastric distress,
ileus, nausea, vomiting,
urinary retention, flushing.
Diflorasone/ Florone, anti inflammatories Assess affected skin. Note allergic contact dermatitis,
Florone E, Psorcon, steroidal degree of inflammation and atrophy, burning, dryness,
Psorcon E corticosteroids pruritus. edema, folliculitis,
hypersensitivity reactions,
hypopigmentation, irritation,
maceration, miliaria, perioral
dermatitis, secondary
infection, striae, adrenal
Diflunisal/ Dolobid nonopioid Assess pain and range of dizziness, drowsiness,
analgesics motion, BP, pain (type, headache, tinnitus,
nonsteroidal anti location, and intensity) arrhythmias, ↑ in blood
inflammatory before and 1–2 hr after pressure, chest pain, edema,
agents administration GI bleeding, abdominal
salicylic acid discomfort, nausea,
derivatives constipation, diarrhea,

Rev. 08/21/08
dyspepsia, vomiting, renal
failure, rash, blood dyscrasias,
prolonged bleeding time,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis, chills.
Difluprednate ocular agents Assess affected eye for pain ↑ intraocular pressure,
(ophthalmic)/ Durezol corticosteroids and swelling, intraocular blepharitis, cataracts,
pressure of difluprednate is conjunctival hyperemia,
used more than 10 days corneal edema, delayed
healing, eye pain, infections,
iritis, photophobia.
Digoxin/ Digitek, antiarrhythmics Monitor apical pulse for 1 fatigue, headache, weakness,
Lanoxicaps, Lanoxin inotropics full min before blurred vision, yellow or green
digitalis glycosides administering. Monitor blood vision, arrhythmias,
pressure periodically in bradycardia, ECG changes, A-V
patients receiving IV block, S-A block, anorexia,
digoxin, ECG throughout IV nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
administration and 6 hours gynecomastia,
after each dose, peripheral thrombocytopenia, electrolyte
edema, and auscultate lungs imbalances with acute digoxin
for rales/crackles. Observe toxicity.
IV site for redness or
infiltration; extravasation
can lead to tissue irritation
and sloughing
Digoxin immune Fab/ antidotes Monitor ECG, pulse, blood re-emergence of atrial
Digibind, DigiFab antibody fragments pressure, and body fibrillation, re-emergence of
temperature, signs of CHF CHF, hypokalemia.
Dihydroergotamine/ vascular headache Assess frequency, location, Dizziness, rhinitis, MI,
D.H.E. 45, Migranal suppressants duration, and characteristics hypertension, angina pectoris,
ergot alkaloids (pain, nausea, vomiting, arterial spasm, intermittent
visual disturbances) of claudication, abdominal pain,
chronic headaches. During nausea, vomiting, altered
acute attack, assess type, taste, diarrhea, polydipsia,
location, and intensity of extremity stiffness, muscle
pain before and 60 min after pain, stiff neck, stiff shoulders,
administration. blood leg weakness, numbness or
pressure and peripheral tingling in fingers or toes,
pulses, signs of ergotism, fatigue.
nausea and vomiting
Diltiazem/ Cardizem, antianginals Monitor blood pressure and abnormal dreams, anxiety,
Cardiazem CD, antiarrhythmics pulse, signs of CHF, confusion, dizziness,
Cardizem (class IV) location, duration, intensity, drowsiness, headache,
LA, Cardizem SR, antihypertensives and precipitating factors of nervousness, psychiatric
Cartia calcium channel patient's anginal pain, ECG, disturbances, weakness,
XT, Dilacor XR, Diltia blockers blurred vision, disturbed
XT, equilibrium, epistaxis, tinnitus,
Nu-Diltiaz, Taztia XT, cough, dyspnea, arrhythmias,
Tiazac CHF, peripheral edema,
bradycardia, chest pain,
hypotension, palpitations,
syncope, tachycardia,
abnormal liver function
studies, anorexia,
constipation, diarrhea, dry
mouth, dysgeusia, dyspepsia,
nausea, vomiting, dysuria,
nocturia, polyuria, sexual

Rev. 08/21/08
dysfunction, urinary
frequency, dermatitis,
erythema multiforme, flushing,
increased sweating,
pruritus/urticaria, rash,
gynecomastia, hyperglycemia,
anemia, leukopenia,
thrombocytopenia, weight
gain, joint stiffness, muscle
cramps, paresthesia, tremor,
stevens-johnson syndrome,
gingival hyperplasia.
Dimenhydrinate/ Calm antiemetics Assess nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness,
X, antihistamines bowel sounds, and headache, paradoxical
Dimetabs, Dinate, abdominal pain, intake and excitation (children), blurred
Dramamine, output, including emesis, vision, tinnitus, hypotension,
Dramanate, signs of dehydration palpitations, anorexia,
Hydrate, Triptone constipation, diarrhea, dry
Caplets mouth, dysuria, frequency,
photosensitivity, pain at IM
Dimercaprol/ British antidotes Monitor blood pressure and Seizures, headache,
anti- pulse throughout therapy. nervousness, blepharospasm,
lewisite, BAL in Oil chelating agents Systolic blood pressure may unpleasant breath odor,
rise, and tachycardia may increased blood pressure,
occur 15–30 min after tachycardia, abdominal pain,
administration. Blood nausea, salivation, vomiting,
pressure usually returns to dysuria, nephrotoxicity,
normal within 2 hr. intake hemolysis (in G6PD-deficient
and output, temperature patients), transient leukopenia
(increased in children),
thrombocytopenia, pain at IM
site, sterile abscesses at IM
site, muscle ache, paresthesia,
burning sensation in lips,
mouth, throat, eyes, or penis,
feeling of constriction in
throat, chest, or hands, fever
Dinoprostone/ Cervidil cervical ripening Monitor frequency, duration, uterine contractile
Vaginal Insert, Prepidil agent and force of contractions abnormalities, warm feeling in
Endocervical Gel, oxytocics and uterine resting tone. vagina, back pain, fever.
Prostin prostaglandins Monitor temperature, pulse, Suppository: headache,
E Vaginal Suppository and blood pressure, drowsiness, syncope,
Auscultate breath sounds, coughing, dyspnea, wheezing,
nausea, vomiting, and hypotension, hypertension,
diarrhea, amount and type diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
of vaginal discharge, uterine rupture, urinary tract
symptoms of hemorrhage. infection, uterine
Monitor uterine activity, hyperstimulation,
fetal status, and dilation and vaginal/uterine pain, allergic
effacement of cervix reactions including
anaphylaxis, chills, fever.
Diphenhydramine/Alle allergy, cold and Assess for urticaria and for Drowsiness, dizziness,
rgy cough remedies patency of airway; degree of headache, paradoxical
Medication, AllerMax, antihistamines nasal stuffiness, rhinorrhea, excitation (increased in
Banophen, Benadryl antitussives and sneezing; movement children), blurred vision,
Dye- disorder; sleep patterns; tinnitus, hypotension,

Rev. 08/21/08
Free Allergy, Benadryl nausea, vomiting, bowel palpitations, anorexia, dry
Allergy, Benadryl, sounds, and abdominal mouth, constipation, nausea,
Compoz, Compoz pain; frequency and nature dysuria, frequency, urinary
Nighttime Sleep Aid, of cough, lung sounds, and retention, photosensitivity,
Diphen AF, Diphen amount and type of sputum chest tightness, thickened
Cough, Diphenhist, produced; degree of itching, bronchial secretions,
Dormin, Genahist, 40 skin rash, and inflammation wheezing, pain at IM site.
Winks, Hyrexin- 50, during therapy.
Maximum Strength
Maximum Strength
Sleepinal, Midol PM,
Nervine, Nighttime
Aid, Nytol, Scot-
Allergy DM, Siladril,
Silphen, Sleep-Eze 3,
Sleepwell 2-night,
Sominex, Snooze
Sominex, Tusstat,
Twilite, Unisom
Diphenoxylate/atropin antidiarrheals Assess the frequency and dizziness, confusion,
e// anticholinergics consistency of stools and drowsiness, headache,
Logen, Lomanate, bowel sounds, fluid and insomnia, nervousness,
Lomotil, Lonox electrolyte balance and skin blurred vision, dry eyes,
turgor for dehydration tachycardia, constipation, dry
mouth, epigastric distress,
ileus, nausea, vomiting,
urinary retention, flushing.
Dipyridamole/ antiplatelet agents Monitor blood pressure and dizziness, headache, syncope,
Dipridacot, diagnostic agents pulse. Monitor vital signs nausea, diarrhea, GI upset,
Persantine, Persantine (coronary during and for 10–15 min vomiting, rash.
IV vasodilators) after infusion. Obtain ECG in IV only—transient cerebral
platelet adhesion at least 1 lead. If severe ischemia, weakness,
inhibitors chest pain or bronchospasm bronchospasm, MI,
occurs, administer IV hypotension, arrhythmias,
aminophylline 50–250 mg at flushing.
a rate of 50–100 mg over
30–60 sec.
Dirithromycin anti-infectives Assess patient for infection dizziness/vertigo, headache,
(vital signs; appearance of insomnia, abdominal pain,
wound, sputum, urine, and diarrhea, vaginitis, dyspnea
stool; WBC) at beginning of
and throughout course of
Disopyramide antiarrhythmics Monitor blood pressure, constipation, dry
pulse, and ECG before and mouth,urinary hesitancy,
routinely throughout urinary retention
therapy. Check pulse before
administering medication
Disulfiram/ Antabuse alcohol abuse Assess patient for recent Drowsiness, fatigue, headache,
therapy adjuncts alcohol use. Monitor liver psychoses, optic neuritis,
enzyme inhibitors function tests at baseline, hepatic toxicity,

Rev. 08/21/08
after 10–14 days of therapy, metallic/garlic-like taste,
and periodically thereafter. erectile dysfunction, acneiform
Monitor CBC and blood eruptions, allergic dermatitis,
chemistry every 6 months peripheral neuritis/neuropathy,
during therapy. polyneuritis.
Divalproex sodium anticonvulsants, Monitor CBC, platelet count, agitation, dizziness, headache,
vascular headach and bleeding time prior to insomnia, sedation, visual
suppressants and periodically during disturbances, tremor,
therapy; Assess location, abdominal pain, anorexia,
duration, and characteristics anorexia, diarrhea, indigestion,
of seizure activity; Monitor nausea, vomiting
frequency of migraine
headaches; Assess mood,
ideation, and behavior
DOBUTamine/ inotropics Monitor blood pressure, Headache, shortness of
Dobutrex adrenergics heart rate, ECG, pulmonary breath, hypertension,
capillary wedge pressure increased heart rate,
(PCWP), cardiac output, premature ventricular
CVP, and urinary output contractions, angina pectoris,
continuously during the arrhythmias, hypotension,
administration. Palpate palpitations, nausea, vomiting,
peripheral pulses and assess phlebitis, hypersensitivity
appearance of extremities reactions including skin rash,
routinely throughout fever, bronchospasm or
administration. Monitor eosinophilia, nonanginal chest
potassium concentrations pain.
during therapy
Docetaxel antineoplastics Monitor vital signs before fatigue, weakness, peripheral
and after administration; edema, diarrhea, nausea,
Monitor CBC and differential stomatitis, vomiting, alopecia,
before each treatment rashes, anemia,
Docosanol/Abreva antivirals (topical) Assess skin lesions prior to acne, skin, itching, rash
and periodically throughout
Docusate laxative Assess for abdominal Throat irritation. mild cramps
distention, presence of rashes
bowel sounds, and usual
pattern of bowel function;
Assess color, consistency,
and amount of stool
Docusate calcium laxative Assess for abdominal Throat irritation. mild cramps
distention, presence of rashes
bowel sounds, and usual
pattern of bowel function;
Assess color, consistency,
and amount of stool
Docusate stool softeners; Assess patient for abdominal Throat irritation. mild cramps
sodium/Colace laxative distention, presence of rashes
bowel sounds, and normal
pattern of bowel function;
color, consistency, and
amount of stool produced
Docusate laxative Assess patient for abdominal electrolyte imbalances,,
sodium/senna distention, presence of dehydration, abdominal

Rev. 08/21/08
bowel sounds, and normal cramps, nausea, vomiting,
pattern of bowel function; diarrhea, rashes, urine
color, consistency, and discoloration
amount of stool produced
Dofetilide antiarrhythmics Creatinine clearance must dizziness, headache,
be calculated for all patients ventricular arrhythmias, chest
prior to administration and pain, QT interval prolongation
every 3 months during
therapy; Assess the
patient's medication history
including OTC, Rx, and
natural/herbal products,
with emphasis on those that
interact with dofetilide;
Monitor ECG, pulse, and
blood pressure continuously
during initiation of therapy
Dolasetron antiemetics Assess patient for nausea, headache (increased in cancer
vomiting, abdominal patients), dizziness, fatigue,
distention, and bowel syncope, bradycardia, ECG
sounds before and after changes, hypertension,
administration hypotension, tachycardia,
diarrhea, dyspepsia.
Donepezil anti-Alzheimers's Administer Mini-Mental headache, abnormal dreams,
agents Status Exam (MMSE) depression, diarrhea, nausea
initially and periodically as a
screening tool to rate
cognitive functioning;
Administer Clock Drawing
Test initially and periodically
as a screening tool to
measure severity of
DOPamine/ Intropin inotropics Monitor blood pressure, Headache, mydriasis (high
vasopressors heart rate, pulse pressure, dose), dyspnea, arrhythmias,
adrenergics ECG, pulmonary capillary hypotension, angina, ECG
wedge pressure (PCWP), change, palpitations,
cardiac output, CVP, and vasoconstriction, nausea,
urinary output continuously vomiting, piloerection,
during administration. irritation at IV site.
Monitor urine output
frequently throughout
administration. Palpate
peripheral pulses and assess
appearance of extremities
routinely during
Doripenem anti-infectives Assess patient for infection headache, pseudomembranous
(vital signs; appearance of colitis, diarrhea, nausea, ↑
wound, sputum, urine, and liver enzymes.
stool; WBC) at beginning of
and during therapy; Obtain
a history before initiating
therapy to determine
previous use of and
reactions to penicillins,
cephalosporins or
carbapenems; Obtain

Rev. 08/21/08
specimens for culture and
sensitivity before initiating
Dornase alfa cystic fibrosis Assess vital signs and sore throat, voice alteration,
therapy adjuncts respiratory status (lung conjunctivitis, hoarseness,
sounds, respiratory rate, rhinitis, chest pain, rash
amount and color of
sputum, dyspnea)
periodically throughout
therapy. Incidence of cough,
rash, and rhinitis is greater
in children under 5 yr
Doxacurium neuromuscular Monitor ECG, heart rate, rash, atracurium—skin
blocking agents and blood pressure flushing, allergic reactions
nondepolarizing throughout administration; including anaphylaxis
Neuromuscular response
should be monitored with a
peripheral nerve stimulator
intraoperatively; Assess
respiratory status
continuously throughout
Doxapram central nervous Because of narrow margin of Seizures, apprehension,
system stimulants safety and indications for disorientation, dizziness,
use, patient must be headache, gagging, mydriasis,
monitored constantly when laryngospasm, bronchospasm,
receiving doxapram and cough, dyspnea, hiccups,
until patient is fully alert for rebound hypoventilation,
30–60 min; Monitor ABGs tachypnea
prior to and every 30 min
during therapy; Monitor vital
signs, ECG, and
hemodynamic parameters
Doxazosin antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure and dizziness, headache, first-dose
pulse 2–6 hr after first dose, orthostatic hypotension,
with each increase in dose, abnormal vision, blurred
and periodically during vision, conjunctivitis, epistaxis
Doxepin antianxiety agents, Monitor blood pressure and fatigue, sedation, blurred
antidepressants, pulse rate prior to and vision, hypotension,
antihistamines during initial therapy; constipation, dry mouth
Assess weight and BMI
initially and throughout
treatment; Assess degree
and manifestations of
anxiety prior to and during
therapy; Assess the type,
location, and severity of
pain prior to and periodically
during therapy; Assess
pruritic area prior to and
periodically during therapy
Doxercalciferol vitamins Assess for symptoms of dizziness, headache, malaise,
vitamin deficiency prior to dyspnea, edema, nausea,
and periodically during vomiting
therapy; Assess patient for
bone pain and weakness
prior to and during therapy;

Rev. 08/21/08
Serum ionized calcium,
phosphorus, and intact PTH
concentrations should be
monitored prior to initiation
of therapy
DOXOrubicin antineoplastics Monitor blood pressure, Recall pneumonitis,
hydrochloride/ anthracyclines pulse, respiratory rate, and cardiomyopathy, ECG changes,
Adriamycin PFS, temperature; bone marrow diarrhea, esophagitis, nausea,
Adriamycin RDF, depression; bleeding; intake stomatitis, vomiting, red urine,
Rubex and output ratios; signs of alopecia, photosensitivity,
cardiac toxicity; and oral sterility, prepubertal growth
mucosa frequently for failure with temporary gonadal
development of stomatitis impairment (children only),
before and periodically anemia, leukopenia,
during therapy. Severe and thrombocytopenia, phlebitis at
protracted nausea and IV site, tissue necrosis,
vomiting may occur as early hyperuricemia,
as 1 hr after therapy and hypersensitivity reactions.
may last 24 hr. Monitor CBC
and differential prior to and
periodically during therapy.
DOXOrubicin antineoplastics Monitor CBC and differential nausea, anemia, leukopenia,
hydrochloride prior to and periodically thrombocytopenia,
liposome during therapy; Monitor anaphylactoid allergic
renal (BUN and creatinine) reactions, acute infusion-
and hepatic (AST, ALT, LDH, related reactions, fever.
and serum bilirubin)
function prior to and
periodically during therapy
DOXOrubicin, antineoplastics Monitor CBC and differential nausea, anemia, leukopenia,
liposomal anthracyclines prior to and periodically thrombocytopenia,
during therapy; Monitor anaphylactoid allergic
renal (BUN and creatinine) reactions, acute infusion-
and hepatic (AST, ALT, LDH, related reactions, fever.
and serum bilirubin)
function prior to and
periodically during therapy
Doxycycline anti-infectives Assess for infection (vital Pseudomembranous colitis,
signs; appearance of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
wound, sputum, urine, and photosensitivity
stool; WBC) at beginning of
and during therapy; Obtain
specimens for culture and
sensitivity before initiating
Dronabinol antiemetics Assess nausea, vomiting, anxiety, concentration
appetite, bowel sounds, and difficulty, confusion, dizziness,
abdominal pain prior to and drowsiness, dry mouth
following the administration
of this drug; Monitor
hydration, nutritional status,
and intake and output
Droperidol sedative/hypnotics Assess nausea, vomiting, Seizures, extrapyramidal
hydration status, bowel reactions, hypotension,
sounds, and abdominal pain tachycardia
prior to and following
administration; Monitor
blood pressure and heart

Rev. 08/21/08
rate frequently during
Drotrecogin/ Xigris activated protein c Assess for signs of bleeding, Bleeding
human hemorrhage, and infection.
anti-infectives Use PT to monitor
coagulation status of
patients receiving
Duloxetine antidepressants Monitor blood pressure Seizures, suicidal thoughts,
before and periodically fatigue, drowsiness, insomnia,
during therapy; Assess hepatotoxicity, ↓ appetite,
suicidal tendencies in both constipation, dry mouth,
adults and children, nausea,dysuria
especially in early therapy
or during dose changes;
Assess mental status
Dutasteride benign Digital rectal examinations decreased libido, ejaculation
prostatichyperplasi should be performed before disorders, erectile dysfunction,
a bph agents and periodically during rash, urticaria.
therapy for BPH; Assess
patient for symptoms of
prostatic hyperplasia
Dyclonine/ Sucrets anesthetics topical Assess integrity of involved Mucosal use—decreased or
Children's Sore local skin and mucous absent gag reflex.
Throat, membranes, signs of Topical use—burning, edema,
Dyclone, Sucrets infection or irritation, type, irritation, stinging, tenderness,
Maximum Strength, location, and intensity of urticaria.
Vapor Lemon Sucrets pain before and a few allergic reactions including
minutes after administration anaphylaxis
of anesthetic
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Echinacea anti-infectives Assess frequency of illness Dizziness, fatigue, headache,

antipyretics during therapy. somnolence, heartburn, n/v,
tingling sensation on tongue,
sore throat, heartburn, allergic
reaction, abdominal pain, rash,
diarrhea, fever
Econazole antifungals Inspect involved areas of Burning, itching, local
(Spectazole) (topical) skin hypersensitivity reactions,
redness, stinging
Eculizumab (Soliris) hemostatic agent Monitor for infusion reaction Meningococcal infections,
complement during administration. headache, back pain,
inhibitors nasopharyngitis, nausea,
fatigue, sinusitis, cough,
constipation, myalgia,
extremity pain, herpes simplex
infection, influenza-like illness
Edentate calcium antidotes Monitor intake and output Nephrotoxicity, headache, n/v,
disodium chelating agents and daily weight; LOC lacrimation, nasal congestion,
before and during therapy. sneezing, arrhythmia, ECG
changes, hypotension, anemia,
anorexia, glycosuria, myalgia,
proteinuria, hypercalcemia,
zinc deficiency, pain at IM site,

Rev. 08/21/08
phlebitis at IV site, fever,
arthralgia, numbness, tingling,
tremor, chills, excessive thirst
Efalizumab (Raptiva) antipsoriatics Assess for signs of infections Malignancies, serious
monoclonal before and during therapy. infections, headache,
antibodies photosensitivity, worsening of
psoriasis, pain, arthritis, toxic
epidermal necrolysis, fever,
hemolytic anemia, arthralgia,
dose reactions,
thrombocytopenia, first
hypersensitivity reactions,
inflammatory/ immune
mediated reactions
Efavirenz (Sustiva) antiretrovirals Assess for rash, CNS and Rash, nausea, fatigue, renal
non-nucleoside psychiatric symptoms before calculi, abnormal dreams,
reverse and during therapy. dizziness, drowsiness,
transcriptase headache, insomnia, impaired
inhibitors concentration, nervousness,
psychiatric symptomatology,
abdominal pain, anorexia,
diarrhea, dyspepsia, pruritus,
flatulence, hematuria,
hypoesthesia, increased
Eflornithine (topical) facial hair removers Assess facial hair before Burning, rash, stinging,
(Vaniqa) (topical) administration. tingling
Eletriptan (Relpax) vascular headache Assess pain location, Dizziness, drowsiness,
suppressants; intensity, character, weakness, chest tightness/
five ht1 agonists duration, and associated pressure, abdominal pain, dry
symptoms before and during mouth, dysphagia, nausea,
therapy. paresthesia
Eltrombopag anti- Monitor for unusual Hepatotoxicity, bone marrow
(Promacta) thrombocytopenic bleeding; signs/ symptoms changes, development or
thrombopoetin of cataracts before and worsening of cataracts
receptor agonists during therapy.
Emtricitabine antiretroviral; Monitor HIV symptoms Severe hepatomegaly with
(Emtriva) nucleoside reverse before and during therapy. steatosis, lactic acidosis,
transcriptase dizziness, rash, headache,
inhibitors diarrhea, insomnia, weakness,
abdominal pain, nausea,
cough, depression,
nightmares, dyspepsia, skin
discoloration, vomiting, fat
redistribution, neuropathy,
paresthesia, arthralgia,
myalgia, rhinitis
Enalapril/ Enalaprilat// antihypertensives Monitor BP, pulse, and signs Dizziness, fatigue, headache,
Vasotec, Vasotec IV ace inhibitors of angioedema. Monitor vertigo, weakness, cough,
weight and assess patient hypotension, chest pain,
routinely for resolution of abdominal pain, diarrhea,
fluid overload. Monitor renal nausea, vomiting, proteinuria,
function. impaired renal function,
rashes, hyperkalemia,
dyspnea, angioedema.
Enfuvirtide (Fuzeon) antiretrovirals Assess for injection site Fatigue, diarrhea, injection site
fusion inhibitors reactions before and during reactions, nausea, cough,
therapy. conjunctivitis, pneumonia,

Rev. 08/21/08
sinusitis, abdominal pain, dry
mouth, anorexia, pancreatitis,
weight loss, myalgia, herpes
simplex, limb pain,
hypersensitivity reactions,
Enoxaparin (Lovenox) anticoagulants Assess for signs of bleeding Bleeding, anemia, dizziness,
antithrombotics and hemorrhage before and headache, insomnia, urinary
low molecular during therapy. retention, edema, reversible
weight heparins increase in liver enzymes, n/v,
constipation, ecchymoses,
pruritus, hyperkalemia, rash,
urticaria, irritation, fever,
thrombocytopenia, erythema
at injection site, hematoma,
Entacapone (Comtan) antiparkinson Monitor for diarrhea, assess Neuroleptic malignant
agents; catechol o- parkinsonian and EPS syndrome, rhabdomyolysis,
methyltransferase symptoms before and during dizziness, hallucinations,
inhibitors therapy. syncope, diarrhea, pulmonary
infiltrates, pleural effusion,
pleural thickening, nausea,
hypotension, abdominal pain,
retroperitoneal fibrosis,
brownish-orange discoloration
of urine, dyskinesia
Entecavir (Baraclude) antivirals Monitor liver function Hepatomegaly w/steatosis,
nucleoside lactic acidosis, dizziness, rash,
analogues fatigue, headache, dyspepsia,
Epinephrine/Adrenalin antiasthmatics Assess lung sounds, Nervousness, restlessness,
, bronchodilators respiratory pattern, pulse, tremor, headache, insomnia,
Ana-Guard, vasopressors and blood pressure; paradoxical bronchospasm
AsthmaHaler Mist, adrenergics pulmonary function tests; (excessive use of inhalers),
AsthmaNefrin ECG; and nasal and sinus angina, arrhythmias,
(racepinephrine), congestion before hypertension, tachycardia,
EpiPen, microNefrin, administration and during nausea, vomiting,
Nephron, Primatene, peak of medication. hyperglycemia.
Sus-Phrine, S-2 Symptoms of overdose
include persistent agitation,
chest pain or discomfort,
decreased blood pressure,
dizziness, hyperglycemia,
hypokalemia, seizures,
tachyarrhythmias, persistent
trembling, and vomiting.
Epirubicin (Ellence) antineoplastics Monitor CBC, bone marrow Cardiotoxicity, leucopenia,
anthracyclines depression, ECG before and anaphylaxis, infection,
during therapy. alopecia, n/v, lethargy,
anorexia, diarrhea, mucositis,
flushing, radiation-recall
reaction, itching, rash,
photosensitivity, skin/nail
hyperpigmentation, gonadal
suppression, anema, tissue
necrosis, thrombocytopenia,
treatment-related leukemia/
myelodysplastic syndromes,
injection site reactions, hot

Rev. 08/21/08
flashes, phlebitis at IV site,
Eplerenone/ Inspra antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure Dizziness, fatigue, abnormal
aldosterone periodically during therapy. liver function tests, abdominal
antagonists Monitor serum potassium pain, diarrhea, albuminuria,
levels prior to starting abnormal vaginal bleeding,
therapy, within the first wk, gynecomastia, hyperkalemia,
at 1 month following start of hypercholesterolemia,
therapy or dose hypertriglyceridemia, flu-like
adjustmentand periodically symptoms.
Epoetin antianemics BP, monitor for symptoms of Seizures, stroke, CHF,
hormones anemia before and during thrombotic events, MI,
therapy. hypertension, headache,
transient rashes, restored
fertility, resumption of
menses, increased mortality
and tumor growth.
Epoprostenol vasodilators Monitor hemodynamic Anxiety, headache, dizziness,
prostaglandins parameters before and tachycardia, hypotension, n/v,
during therapy. chest pain, abdominal pain,
diarrhea, flushing, myalgia,
jaw pain, hypesthesia/ hyper-
esthesia/paresthesia, flu-like
symptoms, dyspnea, injection
site reactions
Eprosartan (Teveten) antihypertensives BP (lying, sitting, standing), Angioedema, depression,
angiotensin ii and pulse before and during fatigue, hypotension, rhinitis,
receptor therapy. pharyngitis, hyperkalemia,
antagonists abdominal pain, impaired renal
function, pain
Eptifibatide antiplatelet agents Assess for bleeding before Bleeding including GI and
(Integrilin) glycoprotein iib iiia and during therapy. intracranial, hematuria, and
inhibitors hematomas, hypotension
Ergocalciferol (Drisdol, fat soluble vitamins Assess for vitamin Pancreatitis, dizziness,
Vitamin D2) deficiency, bone pain and headache, malaise, weakness,
weakness, hypocalcemia somnolence, conjunctivitis,
before and during therapy. photophobia, rhinorrhea, dry
mouth, edema, hypertension,
dyspnea, arrhythmias, liver
function test elevation, weight
loss, anorexia, constipation,
metallic taste, n/v, polydypsia,
albuminuria, azotemia, bone
pain, decreased libido, muscle
pain, hyperthermia, nocturia,
polyuria, pruritus, metastatic
calcification, hypercalcemia
Ergonovine oxytocics BP, pulse, and respirations q n/v, dizziness, headache,
(ergometrine, 15-30 minutes before and chest pain, tinnitus,
Ergotrate) during therapy. hypertension, arrhythmias,
palpitations, sweating, allergic
Ergotamine (Ergomar, vascular headache BP, peripheral pulses before MI, hypertension, abdominal
Ergostat) suppressants; and during therapy. pain, n/v, dizziness, diarrhea,
ergot alkaloids polydipsia, angina pectoris,
stiff shoulders, intermittent
claudication, stiff neck, leg

Rev. 08/21/08
weakness, extremity stiffness,
fatigue, numbness/tingling in
fingers or toes, muscle pain
Erlotinib (Tarceva) antineoplastics Respiratory status, liver Interstitial lung disease,
enzyme inhibitors function tests dyspnea, diarrhea, rash,
fatigue, conjunctivitis, corneal
ulceration, abdominal pain,
cough, n/v, increased liver
transaminase, stomatitis,
anorexia, dry skin, pruritis
Ertapenem (Invanz) anti-infectives Assess for infection before Pseudomembranous colitis,
carbapenems and during therapy. seizures, hypersensitivity
reactions, headache, n/v,
diarrhea, vaginitis, phlebitis at
IV site, pain at IM site
Erythromyocin oral/ Macrolides, anti- Assess patient for infection Ventricular arrhythmias,
E-mycin infectives and bowel function pseudomembranous colitis,
nausea, vomiting, allergic
reactions, super infection
Erythromycin anti-infectives Monitor bowel function Pseudomembranous colitis,
(parenteral) macrolides ventricular arrhythmias, QTC
(Erythrocin) prolongation, phlebitis at IV
site, n/v, seizures, drug-
induced hepatitis, cramping,
ototoxicity, hypotension,
abdominal pain, infantile
hypertrophic pyloric stenosis,
superinfection, rashes, drug-
induced pancreatitis, allergic
Erythromycin topical/ anti-infectives Assess patient for prior rashes, pruritis, allergic
Akne-Mycin, Del- macrolides history of hypersensitivity or reactions
Mycin, A/T/S, E/Gel, allergy to erythromycin
Emgel, Erycette,
Erygel, EryMax,
Erysol, ETS, Staticin,
Theramycin Z,
Escitalopram/Lexapro selective serotonin Assess for suicidal insomnia, diarrhea, nausea
reuptake inhibitors tendencies, mood changes
ssris; and level of anxiety, sexual
antidepressant dysfunction during therapy
Esmolol (Brevibloc) antiarrhythmics BP, ECG, and pulse, monitor Fatigue, hypotension, n/v,
beta blockers I&Os agitation, confusion, dizziness,
drowsiness, weakness,
peripheral ischemia, injection
site reactions, sweating
Esomeprazole antiulcer agents Assess for epigastric or Headache, abdominal pain,
(Nexium) proton pump abdominal pain or blood in constipation, diarrhea, dry
inhibitors stool mouth, flatulence, nausea
Estazolam (ProSom) sedative/hypnotic Assess sleep patterns Drowsiness, headache,
benzodiazepines weakness, abnormal thinking,
behavior changes, abnormal
dreams, sleep-driving, chest
pain, confusion, depression,
dizziness, hangover, malaise,
nervousness, abdominal pain,
pharyngitis, dyspepsia, cold

Rev. 08/21/08
symptoms, nausea, stiffness,
lower extremity pain, physical
dependence, psychological
dependence, hypokinesia, back
pain, abnormal coordination,
body pain
Estradiol hormones; BP, monitor I&Os Thromboembolism, MI,
estrogens headache, edema, intolerance
to contact lenses,
hypertension, nausea, weight
changes, oily skin, erectile
dysfunction, amenorrhea,
dysmenorrhea, breast
tenderness, testicular atrophy,
dizziness, lethargy, vomiting,
worsening of myopia or
astigmatism, anorexia, loss of
libido, increased appetite,
jaundice, urticaria, leg cramps,
breakthrough bleeding, vaginal
candidiasis, cervical erosions,
pigmentation, hyperglycemia,
hypercalcemia, acne, sodium
and water retention
Estramustine/ Emcyt antineoplastics Monitor blood pressure; Insomnia, thromboembolism,
hormones intake and output ratios and edema, hypertension,
alkylating agents weekly weight; and blood diarrhea, nausea, anorexia,
glucose closely in diabetic flatulence, vomiting, bruising,
patients throughout dry skin, pruritis, rashes,
therapy. Monitor decreased libido,
hematologic and hepatic gynecomastia, gonadal
functions, serum calcium, suppression (azoospermia),
and phosphorus periodically hyperglycemia, leukopenia,
throughout therapy. thrombocytopenia, leg cramps,
dyspnea, angioedema, allergic
Estrogens hormones BP, monitor I&Os Thromboembolism, MI,
(conjugated) estrogens headache, edema,
amenorrhea, hypertension,
nausea, weight changes,
erectile dysfunction,
dysmenorrhea, oily skin,
breast tenderness, testicular
atrophy, acne, breakthrough
bleeding, gynecomastia,
lethargy, mental depression,
dizziness, anorexia, insomnia,
increased appetite, jaundice,
vomiting, urticaria, cervical
erosion, pigmentation, vaginal
candidiasis, urticaria, loss of
libido, hyperglycemia,
hypercalcemia, Na & H2O
retention, leg cramps
Estropipate hormones; BP, monitor I&Os Thromboembolism, MI,
estrogens headache, edema,
amenorrhea, hypertension,
nausea, weight changes,

Rev. 08/21/08
erectile dysfunction,
dysmenorrhea, oily skin,
breast tenderness, testicular
atrophy, acne, breakthrough
bleeding, gynecomastia,
intolerance to conact lenses,
lethargy, mental depression,
dizziness, anorexia, insomnia,
increased appetite, jaundice,
vomiting, urticaria, cervical
erosion, pigmentation, vaginal
candidiasis, urticaria, loss of
libido, hyperglycemia,
hypercalcemia, Na & H2O
retention, leg cramps
Eszopiclone (Lunesta) sedative/hypnotic Assess sleep patterns; Abnormal thinking, behavior
cyclopyrrolones mental status changes, hallucinations, chest
pain, headache, depression,
dry mouth, peripheral edema,
rash, unpleasant taste, sleep-
Etanercept (Enbrel) antirheumatics Assess ROM, swelling, and Infections, injection site
(DMARDS), anti tnf pain in affected joints reactions, upper respiratory
agents tract infection, rhinitis, cough,
dizziness, weakness, sinusitis,
pharygitis, respiratory
disorder, abdominal pain,
dyspepsia, rash, pancytopenia,
increased risk of malignancies
Ethacrynic acid loop diuretics BP, pulse, daily weight, Agranulocytosis, fatigue,
(Edecrin) I&Os dehydration, vertigo,
hypochloremia, confusion,
hypokalemia, headache,
hyponatremia, anorexia,
hypomagnesemia, hearing
loss, metabolic acidosis,
hypovolemia, nervousness,
rash, tinnitus, hypotension,
abdominal pain, diarrhea, n/v,
excessive urination,
hematuria, hyperglycemia,
hyperuricemia, dry mouth
Ethambutol antituberculars Assess lung sounds, visual Hepatitis, optic neuritis,
(Myambutol) function confusion, dizziness,
headache, hallucination,
malaise, fever, abdominal
pain, anorexia, n/v,
hyperuricemia, joint pain,
anaphylactoid reactions,
peripheral neuritis,
Ethinyl contraceptive Assess blood pressure, depression, migraine
estradiol/desogestrel hormones acne before and headache, contact lens
(Apri 28, Desogen, periodically during intolerance, optic neuritis,
Ortho-Cept, Reclipsen, therapy. Monitor hepatic retinal thrombosis, cerebral
Solia, Kariva, function periodically hemorrhage, cerebral
Mircette, Cesia, during therapy. Estrogens thrombosis, coronary
Cyclessa, Velivet) only—May cause ↑ serum thrombosis, pulmonary
glucose, sodium, embolism, edema,

Rev. 08/21/08
triglyceride, VHDL, total hypertension, Raynaud's
cholesterol, prothrombin, phenomenon, thromboembolic
and factors VII, VIII, IX, phenomena, thrombophlebitis,
and X levels. May cause ↓ abdominal cramps, bloating,
LDL and antithrombin III cholestatic jaundice,
Levels. gallbladder disease, liver
tumors, nausea, vomiting,
amenorrhea, breakthrough
bleeding, dysmenorrhea,
spotting, melasma, rash,
hyperglycemia, weight change.
Ethinyl contraceptive Assess blood pressure, depression, migraine
estradiol/drospirenone hormones acne before and headache, contact lens
(Yasmin, Yaz) periodically during intolerance, optic neuritis,
therapy. Monitor hepatic retinal thrombosis, cerebral
function periodically hemorrhage, cerebral
during therapy. Estrogens thrombosis, coronary
only—May cause ↑ serum thrombosis, pulmonary
glucose, sodium, embolism, edema,
triglyceride, VHDL, total hypertension, Raynaud's
cholesterol, prothrombin, phenomenon, thromboembolic
and factors VII, VIII, IX, phenomena, thrombophlebitis,
and X levels. May cause ↓ abdominal cramps, bloating,
LDL and antithrombin III cholestatic jaundice,
Levels. gallbladder disease, liver
tumors, nausea, vomiting,
amenorrhea, breakthrough
bleeding, dysmenorrhea,
spotting, melasma, rash,
hyperglycemia, weight change.
Ethinyl contraceptive Assess blood pressure, depression, migraine
estradiol/ethynodiol hormones acne before and headache, contact lens
(Kelnor 1/35, Zovia periodically during intolerance, optic neuritis,
1/35, Zovia 1/50) therapy. Monitor hepatic retinal thrombosis, cerebral
function periodically hemorrhage, cerebral
during therapy. Estrogens thrombosis, coronary
only—May cause ↑ serum thrombosis, pulmonary
glucose, sodium, embolism, edema,
triglyceride, VHDL, total hypertension, Raynaud's
cholesterol, prothrombin, phenomenon, thromboembolic
and factors VII, VIII, IX, phenomena, thrombophlebitis,
and X levels. May cause ↓ abdominal cramps, bloating,
LDL and antithrombin III cholestatic jaundice,
Levels. gallbladder disease, liver
tumors, nausea, vomiting,
amenorrhea, breakthrough
bleeding, dysmenorrhea,
spotting, melasma, rash,
hyperglycemia, weight change.
Ethinyl contraceptive Assess blood pressure, depression, migraine
estradiol/etonogestrel hormones acne before and headache, contact lens
(NuvaRing) periodically during intolerance, optic neuritis,
therapy. Monitor hepatic retinal thrombosis, cerebral
function periodically hemorrhage, cerebral
during therapy. Estrogens thrombosis, coronary
only—May cause ↑ serum thrombosis, pulmonary
glucose, sodium, embolism, edema,
triglyceride, VHDL, total hypertension, Raynaud's

Rev. 08/21/08
cholesterol, prothrombin, phenomenon, thromboembolic
and factors VII, VIII, IX, phenomena, thrombophlebitis,
and X levels. May cause ↓ abdominal cramps, bloating,
LDL and antithrombin III cholestatic jaundice,
Levels. gallbladder disease, liver
tumors, nausea, vomiting,
amenorrhea, breakthrough
bleeding, dysmenorrhea,
spotting, melasma, rash,
hyperglycemia, weight change.
Ethinyl contraceptive Assess blood pressure, depression, migraine
estradiol/levonorgestr hormones acne before and headache, contact lens
el periodically during intolerance, optic neuritis,
(Alesse-28, Aviane- therapy. Monitor hepatic retinal thrombosis, cerebral
28, Lessina-28, function periodically hemorrhage, cerebral
Levlen-28, Levlite-28, during therapy. Estrogens thrombosis, coronary
Levora-28, Lutera, only—May cause ↑ serum thrombosis, pulmonary
Nordette-28, Portia- glucose, sodium, embolism, edema,
28, Sronyx, Enpresse, triglyceride, VHDL, total hypertension, Raynaud's
Tri-Levlen, Triphasil cholesterol, prothrombin, phenomenon, thromboembolic
28, Trivora 28, Lybrel, and factors VII, VIII, IX, phenomena, thrombophlebitis,
Seasonale, and X levels. May cause ↓ abdominal cramps, bloating,
Seasonique) LDL and antithrombin III cholestatic jaundice,
Levels. gallbladder disease, liver
tumors, nausea, vomiting,
amenorrhea, breakthrough
bleeding, dysmenorrhea,
spotting, melasma, rash,
hyperglycemia, weight change,
uterine imbedment/uterine
Ethinyl contraceptive Assess blood pressure, depression, migraine
estradiol/norelgestrom hormones acne before and headache, contact lens
in (Ortho Evra) periodically during intolerance, optic neuritis,
therapy. Monitor hepatic retinal thrombosis, cerebral
function periodically hemorrhage, cerebral
during therapy. Estrogens thrombosis, coronary
only—May cause ↑ serum thrombosis, pulmonary
glucose, sodium, embolism, edema,
triglyceride, VHDL, total hypertension, Raynaud's
cholesterol, prothrombin, phenomenon, thromboembolic
and factors VII, VIII, IX, phenomena, thrombophlebitis,
and X levels. May cause ↓ abdominal cramps, bloating,
LDL and antithrombin III cholestatic jaundice,
Levels. gallbladder disease, liver
tumors, nausea, vomiting,
amenorrhea, breakthrough
bleeding, dysmenorrhea,
spotting, melasma, rash,
hyperglycemia, weight change.
Ethinyl contraceptive Assess blood pressure, depression, migraine
estradiol/norethindron hormones acne before and headache, contact lens
e periodically during intolerance, optic neuritis,
(Balziva, Brevicon, therapy. Monitor hepatic retinal thrombosis, cerebral
Femcon Fe, Junel 21 function periodically hemorrhage, cerebral
1/20, Junel 21 1.5/20, during therapy. Estrogens thrombosis, coronary
Junel Fe 1/20, Junel only—May cause ↑ serum thrombosis, pulmonary
Fe 1.5/30, Loestrin 21 glucose, sodium, embolism, edema,

Rev. 08/21/08
1/20, Loestrin 21 triglyceride, VHDL, total hypertension, Raynaud's
1.5/30, Loestrin Fe cholesterol, prothrombin, phenomenon, thromboembolic
1/20, Loestrin Fe and factors VII, VIII, IX, phenomena, thrombophlebitis,
1.5/30, Microgestin Fe and X levels. May cause ↓ abdominal cramps, bloating,
1/20, Modicon, Necon LDL and antithrombin III cholestatic jaundice,
0.5/35, Necon 1/35, Levels. gallbladder disease, liver
Norethin 1/35E, tumors, nausea, vomiting,
Norinyl 1+ 35, Nortrel amenorrhea, breakthrough
0.5/35, Nortrel 1/35, bleeding, dysmenorrhea,
Ortho-Novum 1/35, spotting, melasma, rash,
Ovcon 35, Ovcon 50, hyperglycemia, weight change.
Zenchant, Necon
10/11, Ortho-Novum
10/11, Aranelle,
Leena, Necon 7/7/7,
Nortrel 7/7/7, Ortho-
Novum 7/7/7, Tri-
Ethinyl contraceptive Assess blood pressure, depression, migraine
estradiol/norgestimate hormones acne before and headache, contact lens
(MonoNessa, Ortho- periodically during intolerance, optic neuritis,
Cyclen, Previfem, therapy. Monitor hepatic retinal thrombosis, cerebral
Sprintec, Ortho Tri- function periodically hemorrhage, cerebral
Cyclen, Ortho Tri- during therapy. Estrogens thrombosis, coronary
Cyclen Lo, Tri-Nessa, only—May cause ↑ serum thrombosis, pulmonary
Tri-Previfem, Tri- glucose, sodium, embolism, edema,
Sprintec) triglyceride, VHDL, total hypertension, Raynaud's
cholesterol, prothrombin, phenomenon, thromboembolic
and factors VII, VIII, IX, phenomena, thrombophlebitis,
and X levels. May cause ↓ abdominal cramps, bloating,
LDL and antithrombin III cholestatic jaundice,
Levels. gallbladder disease, liver
tumors, nausea, vomiting,
amenorrhea, breakthrough
bleeding, dysmenorrhea,
spotting, melasma, rash,
hyperglycemia, weight change.
Ethinyl contraceptive Assess blood pressure, depression, migraine
estradiol/norgestrel hormones acne before and headache, contact lens
(Cryselle, Lo/Ovral 28, periodically during intolerance, optic neuritis,
Low-Ogestrel 28, therapy. Monitor hepatic retinal thrombosis, cerebral
Ogestrel 28) function periodically hemorrhage, cerebral
during therapy. Estrogens thrombosis, coronary
only—May cause ↑ serum thrombosis, pulmonary
glucose, sodium, embolism, edema,
triglyceride, VHDL, total hypertension, Raynaud's
cholesterol, prothrombin, phenomenon, thromboembolic
and factors VII, VIII, IX, phenomena, thrombophlebitis,
and X levels. May cause ↓ abdominal cramps, bloating,
LDL and antithrombin III cholestatic jaundice,
Levels. gallbladder disease, liver
tumors, nausea, vomiting,
amenorrhea, breakthrough
bleeding, dysmenorrhea,
spotting, melasma, rash,
hyperglycemia, weight change.
Ethosuximide anticonvulsants Monitor CBC, hepatic Increased frequency of grand
(Zarontin) function tests, urinalysis mal seizure, stevens-johnson

Rev. 08/21/08
syndrome, ataxia, fatigue,
dizziness, drowsiness, myopia,
euphoria, headache,
irritability, hyperactivity, n/v,
psychiatric disturbances,
abdominal pain, anorexia,
cramping, diarrhea, weight
loss, hiccups, vaginal bleeding,
rashes, pink/brown
discoloration of urine, ataxia,
urticaria, agranulocytosis,
eosinophilia, leucopenia,
pancytopenia, systemic lupus
Etidronate (Didronel) bone resorption Assess for bone pain, Diarrhea, musculoskeletal
inhibitors; weakness, or loss of pain, nausea, loss of taste,
hypocalcemics; function metallic taste, nephrotoxicity,
biphosphonates rash, microfractures,
osteonecrosis (primarily of
Etodolac (Lodine, antirheumatics; Assess pain, ROM Exfoliative dermatitis, stevens-
Lodine XL) nonopioid johnson syndrome, toxic
analgesics; epidermal necrolysis, allergic
pyranocarboxylic reactions, angioedema, GI
acid bleeding, dyspepsia,
depression, malaise, dizziness,
drowsiness, asthma, insomnia,
nervousness, edema, syncope,
weakness, abdominal pain,
photophobia, palpitations,
tinnitus, hypertension, CHF,
constipation, diarrhea, thirst,
drug-induced hepatitis, n/v,
dry mouth, stomatitis,
flatulence, gastritis, dysuria,
renal failure, urinary
frequency, prolonged bleeding
time, ecchymoses, flushing,
hyperpigmentation, pruritus,
rashes, sweating, anemia,
thrombocytopenia, chills, fever
Etomidate (Amidate) general BP, respiratory status, pulse Laryngospasm, apnea,
anasthetics; transient skeletal muscle
nonbarbiturates movements, arrhythmias,
post-operative n/v,
hypertension, hypotension,
hypoventilation, transient
injection site pain
Etonorgestgrel contraceptive BP, monitor hepatic function Thromboembolic events,
(implant) (Implanon) hormones; depression, hepatic adenomas,
progestins dizziness, emotional lability,
headache, leukorrhea,
nervousness, hypertension,
dysmenorrhea, increased risk
of ectopic pregnancy,
irregular/ unpredictable
menses, ovarian cysts, acne,

Rev. 08/21/08
breast pain, weight gain,
implant site reactions, back
Etoposide (VePesid, antineoplastics; BP before and q 15 min. Allergic reactions, anorexia,
VP-16) podophyllotoxin during infusion. Monitor for diarrhea, alopecia, leucopenia,
derivatives hypersensitivity reactions hypotension,
thrombocytopenia, anemia,
n/v, drowsiness, rash, fatigue,
pruritis, abdominal pain,
stomatitis, urticaria, sterility,
peripheral neuropathy,
phlebitis at IV site, fever
Etoposide phosphate antineoplastics; BP before and q 15 min. Allergic reactions, malaise,
(Etopophos) podophyllotixin during infusion Monitor for anorexia, mucositis, alopecia,
derivatives hypersensitivity reactions leukopenia, anemia,
thrombocytopenia, n/v, rash,
dizziness, hypotension, taste
alteration, constipation, fever,
diarrhea, urticaria, abdominal
pain, pruritis, sterility,
phlebitis at IV site
Etravirine (Intelence) antiretrovirals; Assess for rash, monitor MI, Stevens-johnson
non-nucleoside viral load and CD4 cell count syndrome, immune
reverse reconstitution syndrome,
transcriptase seizures, nausea, rash,
inhibitors anxiety, fatigue, confusion,
headache, insomnia, sleep
disorders, blurred vision,
vertigo, angina pectoris, atrial
fibrillation, hypertension, renal
failure, abdominal pain, dry
mouth, gynecomastia, anema,
hyperglycemia, hepatitis, fat
redistribution, hyperlipidemia,
stomatitis, vomiting, hemolytic
anemia, peripheral
neuropathy, hemiarthrosis,
allergic reaction
Eucalyptus anti-infectives Assess frequency and nature Seizures, pulmonary edema
expectorant of cough (overdose), cyanosis, delirium,
drowsiness, diarrhea,
epigastric pain, dyspnea, n/v
Everolimus/ Afinitor antineoplastics Assess for symptoms of Fatigue, weakness, headache,
kinase inhibitors non-infectious pneumonitis; pneumonitis, cough, dyspnea,
mouth ulcers, stomatitis, or anorexia, diarrhea, mucositis,
oral mucositis during mouth ulcers, nausea,
therapy. Monitor renal stomatitis, vomiting,
function prior to and dysgeusia, peripheral edema,
periodically during therapy. dry skin, pruritus, rash,
anemia, leukopenia,
extremity pain, infections,
hypersensitivity reactions
including anaphylaxis, fever.

Rev. 08/21/08
Exenatide (Byetta) antidiabetics; Monitor serum glucose Pancreatitis, diarrhea, n/v,
incretrin mimetic levels dizziness, headache,
agents hyperhyrosis, gastrointestinal
reflux, dyspepsia, jitteriness,
weakness, decreased appetite,
weight loss
Ezetimibe/Zetia cholesterol Obtain a diet history, Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, ↑
absorption especially with regard to fat hepatic transaminases,
inhibitors; lipid- consumption nausea, pancreatitis. Rash;
lowering agent angioedema.
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Factor ix (human) Hemostatic agents Monitor BP, pulse, and drowsiness, headache,
blood products respirations; monitor for lethargy, changes in BP,
clotting factors renewed or increased changes in HR, n/v, chills
bleeding flushing, urticaria, fever,
disseminated intravascular
coagulation, thrombosis,
tingling, dyspnea, risk for
transmission of viral hepatitis
and HIV virus, hypersensitivity
Famciclovir antiviral Assess lesions and assess headache, dizziness, fatigue,
for posthepetic neuralgia diarrhea, n/v
Famotidine/ Mylanta antiulcer agents Assess for epigastric or Confusion, dizziness,
AR, Pepcid, Pepcid AC histamine h2 abdominal pain and frank or drowsiness, hallucinations,
Maximum Strength, antagonists occult blood in the stool, headache, arrhythmias,
Pepcid RPD emesis, or gastric aspirate. constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
Monitor CBC with differential decreased sperm count,
periodically during therapy. erectile dysfunction,
Assess elderly and gynecomastia,
debilitated patients routinely agranulocytosis, aplastic
for confusion. anemia, anemia, neutropenia,
thrombocytopenia, pain at IM
site, hypersensivity reactions.
Fat emulsion caloric sources Monitor weights every other phlebitis at IV site, fever,
day. infection, chest pain,
hepatomegaly, jaundice, N&V,
pancreatitis, chills,
hypersensitivity reactions.
Intravascular fat accumulation
in preterm infants only.
Febuxostat Antigout agent Assess for joint pain and liver function abnormalities,
xantine oxidase swelling, especially during nausea, rash, gout flare,
inhibitor early therapy. Monitor for arthralgia
signs and symptoms of MI
and stroke. Monitor serum
uric acid levels prior to, 2
wks after intitiating, and
periodically thereafter.
Monitor liver function at 2
and 4 months of therapy
and periodically thereafter.

Rev. 08/21/08
Felbamate anticonvulsant location, duration, and Aplastic anemia, acute liver
characteristics of seizure failure, dizziness, drowsiness,
activity n/v, fatigue, headache,
insomnia, anorexia,
constipation, dyspepsia,
anxiety, diplopia, psychological
disturbances, pharyngitis,
rhinitis, acne, sinusitis,
rashes, myalgia, ataxia, flu-
like syndrome, weight loss.
Felodipine anti-anginals Monitor BP and pulse Arrhythmias, CHF, stevens-
antihypertensive johnson syndrome, headache,
calcium channel peripheral edema, abnormal
blockers dreams, anxiety, confusion,
dizziness, drowsiness, chest
pain, nervousness, blurred
vision, tinnitus, psychiatric
disturbances, weakness,
disturbed equilibrium, cough,
epistaxis, dyspnea,
bradycardia, hypotension,
palpitations, syncope, n/v,
tachycardia, dysuria, dry
mouth, nocturia, polyuria,
sexual dysfunction, urinary
frequency, dermatitis,
erythema multiforme, rash,
flushing, anemia, increased
sweating, photosensitivity,
abnormal liver function
studies, constipation, diarrhea,
dysgeusia, pruritis/ urticaria,
dyspepsia, anemia,
gynecomastia, leukopenia,
Fennel none assigned frequency and nature of photosensitivity
Fenofibrate lipid-lowering Assess for cholelithiasis fatigue/weakness, rash,
agents; fibric acid headache, arrhythmias,
derivatives pancreatitis, urticaria,
hypersensitivity reactions.
Fenoldopam antihypertensives BP, heart rate, and ECG headache, hypotension,
vasodilators tachycardia, nausea, flushing,
nervousness/ anxiety,
dizziness, ECG changes,
peripheral edema, abdominal
pain, constipation, diarrhea,
vomiting, sweating,
hypokalemia, injection site
reactions, back pain
Fenoprofen nonopioid monitor for rhinitis, asthma, Allergic reactions, GI bleeding,
analgesics; and urticaria hepatitis, dyspepsia,
propionic acid confusion, dizziness,
derivatives drowsiness, headache, renal
failure, blurred vision, hearing
loss, tinnitus, edema,

Rev. 08/21/08
palpitations, n/v, abdominal
pain, diarrhea, constipation,
discomfort, cystitis, dysuria,
hematuria, pruritis, rashes,
Fentanyl opioid analgesics Monitor type, location, and Dizziness, drowsiness,
opioid agonists intensity of pain before and abnormal thinking, confusion,
15 min after administration. hallucinations, headache,
Assess blood pressure, insomnia, nervousness,
pulse, and respirations weakness, abnormal vision,
before and periodically respiratory depression,
during administration. dyspnea, hypotension, nausea,
constipation, dry mouth,
vomiting, pruritus, rash,
sweating, abnormal gait.
Fentanyl (parenteral) Opioid analgesics respiratory rate and BP Laryngospasm, apnea,
Opioid agonists confusion, blurred/ double
vision, paradoxical
excitation/delirium, postop
depression, n/v, postop
drowsiness, allergic
bronchospasm, respiratory
depression, arrhythmias,
bradycardia, circulatory
depression, hypotension,
biliary spasm, facial itching,
skeletal & facial muscle rigidity
(rapid IV infusion)
Fentanyl Opioid analgesics BP, pulse, & respirations Apnea, confusion, dry mouth,
(transdermal) Opioid agonists sedation, weakness, anorexia,
Analgesic adjunct constipation, n/v, sweating,
dizziness, bronchoconstriction,
restlessness, laryngospasm,
respiratory depression,
bradycardia, erythema,
application site reactions,
skeletal & thoracic muscle
rigidity, physical dependence,
psychological dependence.
Fentanyl buccal Opioid analgesics BP, pulse, and respirations Respiratory depression,
(Fentora) Opioid agonists dizziness, drowsiness,
headache, n/v, application site
reactions, constipation,
confusion, depression, fatigue,
insomnia, weakness, cough,
dyspnea, abdominal pain,
anorexia, diarrhea, edema,
dehydration, physical
dependence, psychological
Fentanyl iontophoretic Opioid analgesics BP, pulse, and respirations Respiratory depression, fever,
transdermal system Opioid agonists n/v, application site reactions,
(Ionsys) anxiety, dizziness, insomnia,
somnolence, pharyngitis,
hypoxia, bradycardia, back
pain, hyper- or hypotension,
tachycardia, abdominal pain,
constipation, anemia,

Rev. 08/21/08
dyspepsia, flatulence, ileus,
urinary retention, itching,
Ferrous fumarate Antianemics assess bowel function. nausea, constipation, dark
(33% elemental iron) iron supplement stools, epigastric pain, GI
bleeding, dizziness, syncope,
headache, temp staining of
teeth, vomiting.
Ferrous gluconate Antianemics assess bowel function nausea, constipation, dark
(12% elemental iron) iron supplement stools, epigastric pain, GI
bleeding, dizziness, syncope,
headache, temp staining of
teeth, vomiting.
Ferrous sulfate (30% Antianemics assess bowel function nausea, constipation, dark
elemental iron) iron supplement stools, epigastric pain, GI
bleeding, dizziness, syncope,
headache, temp staining of
teeth, vomiting.
Fesoterodine (Toviaz) urinary tract urinary urgency, frequency, dry mouth, tachycardia,
antispasmodics; and urge incontinence constipation, nausea, upper
anticholinergics abdominal pain, dysuria,
urinary retention, back pain
Feverfew vascular headache assess for migraines “Post-feverfew Syndrome”
suppressant (anxiety, headache, insomnia,
muscle & joint aches),
tachycardia, n/v, diarrhea,
heartburn, mouth ulceration
and soreness, contact
dermatitis (topical)
Fexofenadine/ Allegra allergy, cold and Assess allergy symptoms; Drowsiness, fatigue,
cough remedies lung sounds and character dyspepsia, dysmenorrhea.
antihistamines of bronchial secretions
before and periodically
during therapy.
Filgrastim colony stimulating BP, heart rate, and medullary bone pain, redness
factor respiratory status at subcut site, pain, excessive
Finasteride hair regrowth symptoms of prostatic decreased libido, decreased
stimulant; hyperplasia; digital rectal volume of ejaculate, erectile
androgen inhibitors exams for BPH dysfunction
Flavocoxid (Limbrel) nonopioid pain, ROM, degree of increased BP, increase in
analgesics; swelling, stiffness in joint varicose veins, GI upset,
flavanoids psoriasis
Flecainide (Tambocor) anti-arrhythmias BP, pulse, ECG, I&Os Arrhythmias, chest pain, CHF,
(class IC) blurred vision, dizziness,
anxiety, fatigue, headache,
anorexia, visual disturbances,
n/v, mental depression,
constipation, drug-induced
hepatitis, rashes, stomach
pain, tremor
Floxuridine (FUDR) antineoplastics vital signs, I/O, abdominal bleeding, diarrhea, gastritis,
antimetabolites pain, intra-arterial infusion n/v, stomatitis, alopecia,
site erythema, maculopapular
rash, anemia, leucopenia,
thrombocytopenia, fatigue,
headache, anorexia, ulcer,
gonadal suppression, fever

Rev. 08/21/08
Fluconazole (Diflucan) antifungals assess infected area, Hepatotoxicity, exfoliative skin
(systemic) monitor CSF cultures disorders, headache, dizziness,
seizures, allergic reactions,
diarrhea, n/v, abdominal
Flucytosine (Ancobon, antifungals monitor AST, ALT, serum Seizures, aplastic anemia,
5-FC) bilirubin, and alkaline diarrhea, n/v, leucopenia,
phosphatase pancytopenia, ataxia,
confusion, dizziness,
drowsiness, fatigue, chest
pain, headache, hearing loss,
abdominal pain, pruritis, dry
mouth, photosensitivity,
hypoglycemia, azotemia,
hypokalemia, anemia, rash,
thrombocytopenia, dyspnea,
peripheral neuropathy, fever
Fludarabine (Fludara) antineoplastics respiratory status, visual Neurotoxicity, GI bleed,
antimetabolites changes, weakness, pulmonary hypersensitivity,
confusion, LOC pancytopenia, fatigue, cough,
pneumonia, rashes, diarrhea,
anemia, leukopenia,
hematuria, thrombocytopenia,
agitation, coma, confusion,
headache, malaise, weakness,
hearing loss, visual
disturbances, UTI, dyspnea,
sinusitis, edema, anorexia,
esophagitis, dysuria, myalgia,
gonadal suppression,
hemolytic anemia, peripheral
neuropathy, fever
Fludrocortisones hormones BP, fluid retention, serum dizziness, headache, anorexia,
(Florinef) corticosteroids electrolytes arrhythmias, edema, nausea,
mineralcorticoid hypertension, weight gain,
adrenal suppression, CHF,
hypokaleima, hypokalemic
alkalosis, arthralgia, muscle
weakness, tendon contracture,
ascending paralysis,
hypersensitivity reactions
Flumazenil antidotes LOC and respiratory status Seizures, dizziness, n/v,
(Romazicon) benzodiazepines agitation, confusion, fatigue,
drowsiness, emotional lability,
sleep disorders, abnormal
hearing, abnormal vision,
blurred vision, arrhythmias,
hypertension, hiccups, rigors,
flushing, sweating, shivering,
pain/ injection-site reactions,
phlebitis, paresthesia,
Flunisolide/ AeroBid, anti inflammatories Monitor respiratory status Headache, dizziness,
AeroBid-M steroidal and lung sounds; withdrawal irritability, nervousness,
corticosteroids symptoms; growth in palpitations, hoarseness, nasal
children; and changing from congestion, pharyngitis,
systemic corticosteroids to dysphonia, oropharyngeal

Rev. 08/21/08
inhalation costicosteroids for fungal infections, rhinitis,
signs of adrenal sinusitis, bronchospasm,
insufficiency. Periodic cough, wheezing, rash,
adrenal function tests may diarrhea, nausea, taste
be ordered to assess degree disturbances, vomiting,
of hypothalamic-pituitary- abdominal pain, anorexia, dry
adrenal (HPA) axis mouth, menstrual
suppression in chronic disturbances, adrenal
therapy. suppression (high-dose, long-
term therapy only), decreased
growth (children), flu-like
Flunisolide (nasal) anti-inflammatories degree of nasal stuffiness, nasal burning, aftertaste, nasal
(Nasarel) steroidal; amount and color of dryness, nasal irritation,
corticosteroids discharge cough, nasopharyngeal fungal
infections, nausea, adrenal
suppression, decreased growth
Fluocinolone anti-inflammatories affected skin; degree of allergic contact dermatitis,
steroidal; inflammation and pruritus atrophy, burning, folliculitis,
corticosteroids edema, dryness, maceration,
hypersensitivity reactions,
hypertrichosis, irritation,
hypopigmentation, miliaria,
perioral dermatitis, secondary
infection, adrenal suppression,
Fluocinonide anti-inflammatories degree of inflammation and allergic contact dermatitis,
steroidal; pruritus in affected skin atrophy, burning, folliculitis,
corticosteroids edema, dryness, maceration,
hypersensitivity reactions,
hypertrichosis, irritation,
hypopigmentation, miliaria,
perioral dermatitis, secondary
infection, adrenal suppression,
Fluoride supplements/ dental caries Examine teeth for staining nausea, vomiting, atopic
oral: Flura-Drops, prophylactic agents or mottling periodically. dermatitis, mottling of teeth
Luride, Pharmaflur, minerals
Phos-Flur//topical: electrolytes
ACT, Fluorigard,
Fluorinse, Gel Kam,
Gel-Tin, Prevident,
Stop, Thera-Flur
Fluoride (topical) dental caries examine teeth for staining atopic dermatitis, mottling of
prophylactic or mottling teeth (toxicity), n/v
Fluorouracil/Adrucil, antineoplastics Monitor vital signs before Acute cerebellar dysfunction,
Efudex, Fluoroplex, antimetabolites and frequently during diarrhea, nausea, stomatitis,
5-FU therapy. Assess mucous vomiting, alopecia,
membranes, number and maculopapular rash, local
consistency of stools, inflammatory reactions (topical
frequency of vomiting, signs only), melanosis of nails, nail
of infection, IV site loss, palmar-plantar
frequently for inflammation erythrodysesthesia,
or infiltration, skin for phototoxicity, sterility, anemia,
palmar-plantar leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
erythrodysesthesia. Monitor thrombophlebitis, fever.

Rev. 08/21/08
intake and output, appetite,
and nutritional intake, and
cerebellar dysfunction.
Monitor hepatic, renal, and
hematologic functions
before and periodically
throughout therapy.
Fluoxetine antidepressants monitor mood and CBC Seizures, anxiety, sexual
Selective Serotonin counts dysfunction, drowsiness,
Reuptake Inhibitor headache, insomnia, tremors,
(SSRI) nervousness, diarrhea,
pruritus, excessive sweating,
abnormal dreams, dizziness,
fatigue, hypomania, mania,
weakness, stuffy nose, visual
disturbances, cough, chest
pain, palpitations, abdominal
pain, abnormal taste,
anorexia, constipation,
dyspepsia, dry mouth, weight
loss, urinary frequency,
flushing, erythema nodusum,
rashes, arthralgia,
dysmenorrhea, myalgia, fever,
hyponatremia, n/v, allergic
reactions, flu-like syndrome,
hot flashes, back pain,
sensitivity reactions,
Fluphenazine Antipsychotics BP (sitting, standing, lying); Agranulocytosis, neuroleptic
phenothiazines ECG; pulse; respiratory rate malignant syndrome,
photosensitivity, EPS
reactions, sedation, tardive
dyskinesia, blurred vision, dry
eyes, hypertension, anorexia,
hypotension, tachycardia, dry
mouth, constipation, weight
gain, drug-induced hepatitis,
ileus, urinary retention, rash,
nausea, pigment changes,
galactorrhea, leukopenia,
thrombocytopenia, allergic
Flurandrenolide anti-inflammatories assess affected skin allergic contact dermatitis,
steroidal; atrophy, burning, dryness,
corticosteroids edema, folliculitis, secondary
infection, hypersensitivity
reactions, hypertrichosis,
hypopigmentation, irritation,
maceration, miliaria, perioral
dermatitis, striae, adrenal
Flurazepam sedative/hypnotic; Sleep patterns, mental abnormal thinking, behavior
benzodiazepines status changes, confusion, daytime
drowsiness, ataxia, decreased
concentration, dizziness, sleep
w/ driving, hallucinations,
headache, lethargy, mental
depression, paradoxical

Rev. 08/21/08
excitation, blurred vision, n/v,
constipation, diarrhea, rashes,
physical/ psychological
dependence, tolerance
Fluriboprofen antirheumatics pain and ROM Allergic reactions, stevens-
nonsteroidal anti- johnson syndrome, toxic
inflammatory dermal necrolysis, GI bleeding,
agents exfoliative dermatitis,
abdominal pain, heartburn,
nausea, dizziness, drowsiness,
fever, mental depression,
psychic disturbances, blurred
vision, corneal opacities,
tinnitus, changes in BP,
palpitations, edema, bloated
feeling, chills, constipation,
diarrhea, drug-induced
hepatitis, stomatitis,
incontinence, increased
sweating, rashes, prolonged
bleeding time, myalgia, blood
Flutamide (Eulexin) antineoplastics Monitor ALT Hepatotoxicity, hot flashes,
antiandrogens diarrhea, n/v, erectile
dysfunction, loss of libido,
anxiety, confusion, mental
depression, drowsiness, rash,
edema, hypertension,
Fluticasone (Flovent Anti-inflammaties respiratory status and lung Churg-Strauss syndrome,
HFA; Flovent Diskus) steroidal; sounds headache, dizziness,
corticosteroids dysphonia, nasal stuffiness,
oropharyngeal fungal
infections, hoarseness,
rhinorrhea, sinusitis, upper
respiratory tract infection,
bronchospasm, cough, muscle
pain, wheezing, diarrhea,
adrenal suppression, Cushing
syndrome, fever, decreased
growth in children
Fluticasone nasal/ anti inflammatory Monitor degree of nasal Headache, epistaxis, nasal
Flonase steroidal, stuffiness, amount and color burning, nasal irritation,
corticosteroids of nasal discharge, and nasopharyngeal fungal
frequency of sneezing infection, pharyngitis, nausea,
vomiting, adrenal suppression,
Fluticasone (topical) Anti-inflammaties degree of inflammation and allergic contact dermatitis,
(Cutivate) steroidal; pruritis in affected skin atrophy, burning, dryness,
corticosteroids edema, folliculitis, irritation,
hypersensitivity reactions,
hypertrichosis, maceration,
hypopigmentation, miliaria,
perioral dermatitis, secondary
infection, striae, adrenal
Fluvastatin (Lescol) lipid-lowering serum cholesterol and Rhabdomyolysis, n/v,
agents; hmg coa triglyceride levels headache, dizziness, fatigue,

Rev. 08/21/08
reductase inhibitors insomnia, bronchitis, cough,
pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis,
chest pain, peripheral edema,
abdominal pain/cramps, rash/
pruritis, constipation, elevated
liver enzymes, flatulence,
dyspepsia, photosensitivity,
arthritis, myopathy, allergic
reactions, arthropathy, back
Fluvoxamine (Luvox) antidepressants monitor mood changes dizziness, drowsiness, nausea,
antiobsessive headache, insomnia, diarrhea,
agents nervousness, weakness, dry
SSRI mouth, constipation,
dyspepsia, agitation, anxiety,
apathy, emotional lability,
manic reactions, syncope,
manic reactions, mental
depression, syncope, sinusitis,
cough, dyspnea, hypertension,
edema, palpitations, postural
hypotension, tachycardia,
anorexia, dysphagia, elevated
liver enzymes, flatulence,
weight gain, decreased libido/
sexual dysfunction, weight
gain or loss, chills, excessive
sweating, hypertonia, tooth
disorder/caries, myoclonus/
twitching, hypokinesia/ hyper-
kinesia, tremor, yawning, flu-
like symptoms, allergic
Folic acid anti-anemics signs of megaloblastic rashes, irritability, difficulty
water soluble anemia sleeping, malaise, confusion,
vitamins fever
Follitropin alfa (Gonal- hormones assess for ovarian Ovarian hyper-stimulation
F) (ovulation enlargement syndrome, abdominal/ pelvic
stimulant) pain, dizziness, rhinitis,
headache, pharyngitis, breast
pain, constipation, diarrhea,
dyspepsia, flatulence, ovarian
enlargement, dysmenorrhea,
irregular bleeding, injection
site reactions, acne, cough,
flu-like symptoms, multiple
Follitropin beta hormones assess for ovarian Ovarian hyper-stimulation
(Follistim AQ) (ovulation enlargement syndrome, abdominal/ pelvic
stimulant) pain, flatulence, breast
pain/enlargement, nausea,
injection site reactions, back
pain, dizziness, headache,
tachycardia, constipation,
dysmenorrheal, irregular
bleeding, dyspnea, ovarian
enlargement, tachypnea,
upper respiratory tract

Rev. 08/21/08
infection, flu-like symptoms,
multiple births
Fondaparinux/Arixtra anticoagulants Assess for signs of bleeding Confusion, dizziness,
active factor x and hemorrhage; bleeding headache, insomnia, edema,
inhibitors from surgical site; and hypotension, constipation,
evidence of additional or diarrhea, dyspepsia, increased
increased thrombosis. serum aminotransferases,
Monitor platelet count nausea, vomiting, urinary
closely. retention, bullous eruption,
hematoma, purpura, rash,
bleeding, thrombocytopenia,
hypokalemia, fever, increased
wound drainage.
Formoterol/ Foradil, bronchodilators Assess lung sounds, pulse, Dizziness, fatigue, headache,
Perforomist adrenergics and blood pressure; insomnia, malaise,
pulmonary function tests; nervousness, paradoxical
paradoxical bronchospasm; bronchospasm, angina,
ECG; and signs of arrhythmias, hypertension,
anaphylaxis before initiating hypotension, palpitations,
and periodically therapy. tachycardia, dry mouth,
nausea, hypokalemia,
hyperglycemia, metabolic
acidosis, muscle cramps,
tremor, allergic reactions
including anaphylaxis.
Fosamprenavir Antiretrovirals assess for skin reactions Allergic reactions, stevens-
(Lexiva) protease inhibitors johnson syndrome,
angioedema, headache,
diarrhea, n/v, rash, fatigue,
abdominal pain, mood
disorders, glucose intolerance,
increased liver enzymes,
neutropenia, fat redistribution,
increased triglycerides,
inflammatory response to
opportunistic infection
Fosaprepitant antiemetics assess n/v, appetite, bowel dizziness, fatigue, weakness,
(injection) neurokinin sounds and abdominal pain diarrhea, hiccups
(Emend) antagonists
Foscarnet (Foscavir) antivirals ophthalmologic exams, Seizures, headache, n/v,
culture for CMV diarrhea, renal failure, fever,
hypocalcemia, hypokalemia,
hypomagnesemia, arthralgia,
myalgia, anxiety, confusion,
dizziness, fatigue, malaise,
mental depression, weakness,
conjunctivitis, eye pain, vision
abnormalities, coughing, skin
ulceration, dyspnea, increased
sweating, palpiations, edema,
ECG abnormalities, dysuria,
chest pain, abdominal pain,
abnormal taste sensation,
anorexia, constipation, rash,
dyspepsia, urinary retention,
albuminuria, nocturia,
polyuria, pruritis, leukopenia,
hyperphosphatemia, sarcoma,

Rev. 08/21/08
hypophosphatemia, back pain,
granulocytopenia, lymphoma,
pain/inflammation at injection
site, chills, involuntary muscle
contraction, hypoesthesia,
ataxia, neuropathy, flu-like
syndrome, paresthesia
Fosfomycin (Monurol) anti-infectives urine culture and sensitivity; Pseudomembranous colitis,
monitor bowel function dizziness, nausea, headache,
weakness, diarrhea,
dyspepsia, vaginitis
Fosinopril/ Monopril antihypertensives Monitor BP, pulse, and signs dizziness, fatigue, headache,
ace inhibitors of angioedema. Monitor insomnia, weakness, cough,
weight and assess patient hypotension, chest pain,
routinely for resolution of edema, abdominal pain,
fluid overload. Monitor renal diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
function. erectile dysfunction, impaired
renal function, rashes,
hyperkalemia, muscle cramps,
dyspnea, angioedema.
Fosphenytoin anticonvulsants BP, ECG, respiratory Stevens-johnson syndrome,
(Cerebyx) function drowsiness, dizziness,
nystagmus, pruritis, ataxia,
headache, stupor, brain
edema, vertigo, amblyopia,
deafness, diplopia, tinnitus,
hypotension, tachycardia, dry
mouth, n/v, taste perversion,
tongue disorder, rash, back
pain, dysarthria, hypesthesia,
extrapyramidal syndrome,
incoordination, paresthesia,
tremor, pelvic pain
Fospropofol (Lusedra) General anesthetics Respiratory status, pulse, Respiratory depression,
BP parasthesia, pruritus, cough,
hypoxemia, hypotension, loss
of purposeful responsiveness
Frovatriptan (Frova) vascular headache location, intensity, duration, MI, coronary artery
suppressant; and associated symptoms of vasospasm, ventricular
five ht1 agonist pain fibrillation/tachycardia,
dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue,
flushing, chest pain, nausea,
myocardial ischemia,
dyspepsia, pain, dry mouth,
paresthesia, skeletal pain
Fulvestrant (Faslodex) antineoplastics Assess for pain headache, weakness, dyspnea,
estrogen receptor pharyngitis, increased cough,
antagonists vasodilation (hot flushes), n/v,
abdominal pain, constipation,
diarrhea, pain/inflammation at
injection site, back pain, bone
pain, fever, anemia, flu
syndrome, paresthesia, rash,
anemia, arthritis, sweating,
pelvic pain, UTI, anorexia,
chest pain, edema, dizziness,
depression, anxiety, insomnia

Rev. 08/21/08
Furosemide/Lasix Loop diuretics Monitor BP and pulse Aplaxtic anemia, anorexia,
Monitor electrolyte levels agranulocytosis, pruritis,
dehydration, blurred vision,
hypochloremia, nausea,
hypokalemia, metabolic
acidosis, hypomagnesemia,
hyponatremia, excessive
urination, hypovolemia,
constipation, hyperuricemia
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Gabapentin/ Analgesic adjuncts Assess seizure activity Confusion, depression,

Neurontin anticonvulsants and pain periodically drowsiness, sedation, anxiety,
mood stabilizers during therapy. Monitor concentration difficulties
frequency and intensity (children), dizziness,
of pain on pain scale. emotional lability (children),
May cause leucopenia. hostility, hyperkinesia
(children), malaise, vertigo,
weakness, abnormal vision,
nystagmus, arthralgia,
hypertension, weight gain,
anorexia, ataxia, flatulence,
gingivitis, altered reflexes,
facial edema, hyperkinesia,
Galantamine/Razadyn anti-Alzheimers's Assess cognitive Fatigue, dizziness, headache,
e, Razadyne ER agents function periodically syncope, bradycardia, chest
cholinergics during therapy and pain, anorexia, diarrhea,
cholinesterase monitor heart rate dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea,
inhibitors periodically during vomiting, bladder outflow
therapy. obstruction, incontinence,
tremor, weight loss.

Gallamine/ Flaxedil neuromuscular Assess respiratory Bronchospasm, rash,

blocking agents status continuously arrhythmias, skin flushing,
nondepolarizing throughout therapy. hypotension, excessive
Monitor ECG, heart rate, salivation, allergic reactions
and blood pressure including anaphylaxis.
throughout Gallamine—hypertension,
administration. Observe tachycardia.
the patient for residual
muscle weakness and
respiratory distress
during the recovery
period. Monitor infusion
site frequently. If signs
of tissue irritation or
extravasation occur,
discontinue and restart
in another vein.
Ganciclovir/Cytovene, antivirals Assess for signs of Seizures, abnormal dreams,
Vitrasert infection. Assess for coma, confusion, dizziness,
bleeding. Avoid IM drowsiness, headache,
injections and taking malaise, nervousness, retinal
rectal temperatures. detachment, decreased visual

Rev. 08/21/08
Apply pressure to acuity, vitreous hemorrhage,
venipuncture sites for hyphema, intraocular pressure
10 min. Monitor spikes, lens opacities, macular
neutrophil and platelet abnormalities, optic nerve
count at least every 2 changes, uveitis, dyspnea,
days during bid therapy arrhythmias, edema,
and weekly thereafter. hypertension, hypotension, GI
Monitor BUN and serum bleeding, abdominal pain,
creatinine at least once increased liver enzymes,
every 2 wk throughout nausea, vomiting, gonadal
therapy. Monitor liver suppression, hematuria, renal
function tests. toxicity, alopecia,
photosensitivity, pruritus,
rash, urticaria, hypoglycemia,
thrombocytopenia, anemia,
eosinophilia, pain/phlebitis at
IV site, ataxia, tremor, fever.
Ganirelix/ Antagon hormones Assess patient for Ovarian hyperstimulation
(gonadotropin- pregnancy prior to syndrome, abdominal pain,
releasing hormone therapy. Therapy should nausea, pelvic pain, vaginal
antagonist) not be initiated if patient bleeding, hypersensitivity
is pregnant. May cause reactions, injection site
elevated neutrophil reactions.
counts and decreased
hematocrit and total
bilirubin concentrations.
Galsulface/ replacement Assess patient for Malaise, conjunctivitis, cornela
Naglazyme enzyme infusion reactions; opacification, ear pain,
enzymes nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, chest pain, ↑ blood
elevated blood pressure, pressure, facial edema,
retrosternal pain, gastroenteritis, abdominal
abdominal pain, pain, areflexia, infusion
malaise, and joint pain, reactions, rigors.
sleep apnea, vital
signs and respiratory
status prior to
Administration should
be delayed in patients
with an acute febrile or
respiratory illness.
Gefitinib/Iressa antineoplastics Assess for signs of Weakness, aberrant eyelash,
enzyme inhibitors pulmonary toxicity. If conjunctivitis, corneal
interstitial lung disease is erosion/ulcer, eye pain, ↓
confirmed, discontinue vision, peripheral edema,
gefitinib and treat pulmonary toxicity, dyspnea,
appropriately. Assess diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
patient for eye symptoms anorexia, hepatotoxicity,
such as pain during mouth ulceration, acne, dry
therapy. Monitor liver skin, rash, pruritus, weight
function tests periodically. loss, allergic reactions
Monitor for changes in including angioedema.
prothrombin time and INR
in patients taking
Gemcitabine/Gemzar antineoplastics Monitor vital signs Pulmonary toxicity, dyspnea,
antimetabolites before and frequently bronchospasm, arrhythmias,

Rev. 08/21/08
nucleoside during therapy. Assess cerebrovascular accident, MI,
analogues injection site during edema, hypertension,
administration. Although hepatotoxicity, diarrhea,
gemcitabine is not nausea, stomatitis, transient
considered a vesicant, elevation of hepatic
local reactions may transaminases, vomiting,
occur. Monitor for bone hemolytic uremic syndrome,
marrow depression. hematuria, proteinuria,
Monitor intake and alopecia, rash, anemia,
output, appetite, and leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
nutritional intake. Mild injection site reactions,
to moderate nausea and paresthesias, flu-like
vomiting occur symptoms, fever,
frequently. Antiemetics anaphylactoid reactions.
may be used
prophylactically. Monitor
Gemfibrozil/Lopid fibric acid Obtain patient's diet history, Dizziness, headache blurred
derivatives, lipid- especially regarding fat and vision abdominal pain,
lowering agent alcohol consumption. Serum diarrhea, epigastric pain,
triglyceride and cholesterol flatulence, gallstones,
levels should be monitored heartburn, nausea, vomiting.
before and periodically alopecia, rashes, urticaria
throughout therapy. Liver anemia, leukopenia myositis.
function tests CBC and
electrolytes should be
evaluated every 3–6 mo
Gemifloxicin/Factive anti-infectives Assess patient for Drowsiness, dizziness,
fluoroquinolones infection prior to and headache, confusion, QTc
during therapy. Obtain prolongation, aarhythmias,
specimens for culture pseudomembranous colitis,
and sensitivity before diarrhea, abdominal pain,
initiating therapy. nausea, vomiting,
Observe patient for photosensitivity, rash,
signs and symptoms of tendinitis, tendon rupture.
anaphylaxis. Monitor
bowel function.
Gemtuzumab/ antineoplastics Assess patient for post- Headache, dyspnea, hypoxia,
ozogamicin, Mylotarg monoclonal infusion symptom hypotension, hypertension,
antibodies complex which may chills, mucositis, nausea,
antitumor occur within the first 24 vomiting, infection,
antibiotics hr following hepatotoxicity, rash,
administration and hyperglycemia, hypokalemia,
usually resolve after 2– fever, neutropenia, anemia,
4 hr with supportive bleeding, allergic reactions,
therapy. Monitor vital thrombocytopenia, post-
signs during infusion infusion reaction, tumor lysis
and for 4 hrs after syndrome.
infusion. Monitor patient
for development of
tumor lysis syndrome.
Gentamicin/Garamyci anti-infectives Assess patient for Ataxia, vertigo, ototoxicity
n, G-Mycin, aminoglycosides Infection, evaluate eighth (vestibular and cochlear),
Jenamicin cranial nerve function by nephrotoxicity, muscle
audiometry, intake paralysis (high parenteral
and output and daily doses), hypersensitivity
weight to assess reactions.
hydration status and

Rev. 08/21/08
renal function, signs of
Glatiramer/ Copaxone anti multiple Assess patient for side Anxiety, weakness, confusion,
sclerosis agents effects immediately after migraine, vertigo, chest pain,
immune response injection. Symptoms may palpitations, edema, syncope,
modifiers include flushing, chest pain, tachycardia, vasodilation,
palpitations, anxiety, pruritis, rashes, sweating,
dyspnea, constriction of erythema, rhinitis, nystagmus,
throat, and urticaria. diarrhea, nausea, anorexia,
Symptoms are usually vomiting, urgency, injection
transient and self-limited site reactions, arthralgia, back
without requiring treatment. pain, hypertonia, tremor,
May occur at the beginning dyspnea, flu-like symptoms,
of or following several lymphadenopathy, fever,
months of therapy, and immediate postinjection
patients may experience reaction, infection, pain,
one or several episodes of weight gain.
Glimepiride/Amaryl Sulfonylureas/ Observe patient for signs Photosensitivity,
antidiabetics and symptoms of hypoglycemia, constipation,
hypoglycemic reactions; cramps, diarrhea, drug-
Assess patient for allergy to induced hepatitis, dyspepsia,
sulfonamides increased appetite, nausea,
Glipizide/ Glucotrol, antidiabetics Observe for signs and Dizziness, drowsiness,
Glucotrol XL sulfonylureas symptoms of headache, weakness,
hypoglycemic reactions. constipation, cramps ,
Patients on concurrent diarrhea, drug-induced
beta-blocker therapy may hepatitis, dyspepsia, increased
have very subtle signs appetite, nausea, vomiting,
and symptoms of photosensitivity, rashes,
hypoglycemia. Assess hypoglycemia, hyponatremia,
patient for allergy to aplastic anemia, leukopenia,
sulfonamides. Monitor agranulocytosis, pancytopenia,
serum glucose and thrombocytopenia.
glycosylated hemoglobin
periodically during
therapy to evaluate
effectiveness of
treatment. Monitor CBC
periodically during
therapy. Report ↓ in blood
counts promptly.
Glucagon/GlucaGen Pancreatics, Assess for signs of Hypotension. Nausea,
hormones hypoglycemia, neurologic vomiting, hypersensitivity
status, nutritional status reactions including anaphylaxis
nausea and vomiting after
administration of dose
Glyburide/ DiaBeta, antidiabetics Observe for signs and Dizziness, drowsiness,
Glynase PresTab, sulfonylureas symptoms of headache, weakness,
Micronase hypoglycemic reactions. constipation, cramps, diarrhea,
Patients on concurrent drug-induced hepatitis,
beta-blocker therapy dyspepsia, increased appetite,
may have very subtle nausea, vomiting,
signs and symptoms of photosensitivity, rashes,
hypoglycemia. Assess hypoglycemia, hyponatremia,
patient for allergy to aplastic anemia,
sulfonamides. Monitor agranulocytosis, leukopenia,

Rev. 08/21/08
serum glucose and pancytopenia,
glycosylated thrombocytopenia.
hemoglobin periodically
during therapy to
evaluate effectiveness.
Monitor CBC periodically
during therapy. Report
↓ in blood counts

Glycerine/ Fleet antiglaucoma Assess patient for abdominal Confusion, headache, diarrhea,
Babylax, Sani-Supp agents distention, presence of cramping, nausea, vomiting,
laxatives bowel sounds, and normal dehydration, thirst.
osmotics pattern of bowel function.
Glycopyrrolate/Robinu antispasmodics Assess heart rate, blood Confusion, drowsiness, blurred
l, Robinul-Forte anticholinergics pressure, and vision, cycloplegia, dry eyes,
respiratory rate before mydriasis, tachycardia,
and periodically during orthostatic hypotension,
parenteral therapy. palpitations, dry mouth,
Assess for constipation, urinary
hyperexcitability, a hesitancy, retention.
paradoxical response
that may occur in
children. Monitor intake
and output ratios in
geriatric or surgical
patients. Assess patient
routinely for abdominal
distention and
auscultate for bowel
sounds. Periodic
intraocular pressure
determinations should
be made for patients
receiving long-term
Gold sodium antirheumatics Assess patient's range Dizziness, headache,
thiomalate/ Aurolate, (disease- of motion and the neuropathy, conjunctivitis,
aurothiomalate, modifying) degree of swelling and corneal gold deposition,
Myochrisine pain in affected joints corneal ulcerations,
before and periodically pneumonitis, bradycardia,
throughout therapy. abdominal pain, cramping,
Monitor patient for diarrhea, metallic taste,
nitritoid reaction that stomatitis, anorexia, difficulty
may occur immediately swallowing, drug-induced
to 10 min after injection. hepatitis, dyspepsia,
Monitor renal, hepatic, flatulence, nausea, vomiting,
and hematologic function hematuria, proteinuria,
and urinalysis before dermatitis, rash,
and periodically during photosensitivity reactions,
therapy. Obtain pruritus, agranulocytosis,
urinalysis before each anemia, thrombocytopenia,
injection. Proteinuria or eosinophilia, leucopenia,
hematuria may arthralgia, allergic reactions
necessitate including anaphylaxis,
discontinuation of angioneurotic edema, nitritoid
therapy. Monitor CBC reactions
and platelets before

Rev. 08/21/08
every other injection or
every 2–4 wk. May cause
leukopenia, and
Goserelin/ Zoladex antineoplastics Monitor patients with Headache, anxiety,
hormones vertebral metastases for depression, dizziness, fatigue,
gonadotropin increased back pain and insomnia, weakness, dyspnea,
releasing hormones decreased sensory/motor cerebrovascular accident, MI,
function. Monitor intake vasodilation, chest pain,
and output ratios and hypertension, palpitations,
assess for bladder anorexia, constipation,
distention in patients with diarrhea, nausea, ulcer,
urinary tract obstruction vomiting, renal insufficiency,
during initiation of urinary obstruction, sweating,
therapy. Assess patient rashes, decreased libido,
for signs and symptoms erectile dysfunction, breast
of endometriosis before swelling, breast tenderness,
and periodically during infertility, ovarian cysts,
therapy. Amenorrhea ovarian hyperstimulation
usually occurs within 8 wk syndrome, peripheral edema,
of initial administration anemia, gout, hyperglycemia,
and menses usually ↑ lipids, ↑ bone pain,
resume 8 wk after arthralgia, ↓ bone density, hot
completion. flashes, chills, fever, weight
Granisetron/ Kytril antiemetics Assess patient for nausea, Headache, agitation, anxiety,
five ht3 antagonists vomiting, abdominal CNS stimulation, drowsiness,
distention, and bowel weakness, hypertension,
sounds prior to and constipation, diarrhea,
following administration. elevated liver enzymes, taste
Assess for extrapyramidal disorder, anaphylactoid
symptoms during reactions, fever.

Guaifenesin/Alfen Jr, allergy, cold and Assess lung sounds, Dizziness, headache, nausea,
Altarussin, Breonesin, cough remedies frequency and type of diarrhea, stomach pain,
Diabetic Tussin, expectorant cough; and character of vomiting, rashes, urticaria.
Ganidin NR, Guiatuss, bronchial secretions
Hytuss, Hytuss-2X, periodically during therapy.
Mucinex, Naldecon Maintain fluid intake of
Senior EX, Organidin 1500–2000 ml/day to
NR, Robitussin, Scot- decrease viscosity of
tussin Expectorant, secretions.
Siltussin SA, Siltussin
Guanfacine/ Tenex antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure Drowsiness, weakness,
centrally acting (lying and standing) and depression, dizziness, fatigue,
antiadrenergics pulse frequently during headache, insomnia, tinnitus,
initial dose adjustment dyspnea, bradycardia, chest
and periodically during pain, palpitations, rebound
therapy. Report hypertension, constipation, dry
significant changes. mouth, abdominal pain,
nausea, erectile dysfunction.

Rev. 08/21/08
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Halcinonide/ Halog anti inflammatories Assess affected skin and allergic contact dermatitis,
steroidal symptoms of infection. Note atrophy, burning, dryness,
corticosteroids degree of inflammation and edema, folliculitis,
pruritus. hypersensitivity reactions,
hypopigmentation, irritation,
maceration, miliaria, perioral
dermatitis, secondary
infection, striae, adrenal
Halobetasol/ Ultravate anti inflammatories Assess affected skin and allergic contact dermatitis,
steroidal symptoms of infection. Note atrophy, burning, dryness,
corticosteroids degree of inflammation and edema, folliculitis,
pruritus. hypersensitivity reactions,
hypopigmentation, irritation,
maceration, miliaria, perioral
dermatitis, secondary
infection, striae, adrenal
Haloperidol/ Haldol, antipsychotics Assess mental status Seizures, extrapyramidal
Haldol Decanoate butyrophenones (orientation, mood, reactions, confusion,
behavior), blood pressure drowsiness, restlessness,
(sitting, standing, lying) and tardive dyskinesia, blurred
pulse, intake and output vision, dry eyes, respiratory
ratios and daily weight, depression, hypotension,
tardive dyskinesia, tachycardia, constipation, dry
development of neuroleptic mouth, anorexia, drug-induced
malignant syndrome, signs hepatitis, ileus, weight gain,
and symptoms of urinary retention, diaphoresis,
dehydration. onset of photosensitivity, rashes,
akathisia (restlessness or galactorrhea, amenorrhea,
desire to keep moving), anemia, leucopenia,
which may appear within 6 hyperpyrexia, neuroleptic
hr of 1st dose malignant syndrome,
hypersensitivity reactions.
Heparin/Hep-Lok Antithrombotics, Assess for signs of bleeding Drug-induced hepatitis.
anticoagulants and hemorrhage, evidence alopecia rashes, urticaria,
of additional or increased bleeding, anemia,
thrombosis, hypersensitivity thrombocytopenia osteoporosis
reactions fever, hypersensitivity
Hepatitis B immune vaccines/immunizin signs of anaphylaxis dizziness, faintness, malaise,
globulin/ BayHep B, g agents (hypotension, flushing, weakness, pruritus, rashes,
Nabi-HB immune globulins chest tightness, wheezing, urticaria, erythema at IM site,
fever, dizziness, nausea, pain, swelling, tenderness,
vomiting, diaphoresis) after joint pain, allergic reactions
administration. Epinephrine including anaphylactic shock
and antihistamines should and angioedema.
be available for treatment of
anaphylactic reactions
Hetastarch/ Hespan volume expanders Monitor vital signs, CVP, Headache, CHF, pulmonary
colloids cardiac output, pulmonary edema, vomiting, pruritus,
capillary wedge pressure, urticaria, fluid overload,

Rev. 08/21/08
and urinary output, signs of peripheral edema of the lower
vascular overload. If fever, extremities, decreased
wheezing, flu-like hematocrit, decreased platelet
symptoms, urticaria, function, myalgia,
periorbital edema, or hypersensitivity reactions
submaxillary and parotid including anaphylactoid
gland enlargement occurs, reactions, chills, fever, parotid
stop infusion. Assess and submaxillary gland
surgical patients for enlargement.
increased bleeding after
Histrelin/ Vantas hormones Before therapy, a complete seizures, headache, anxiety,
gonadotropin physical and endocrinologic depression, dizziness,
releasing hormones examination, including insomnia, lethargy, malaise,
height, weight, and other irritability, visual disturbances,
appropriate objective dyspnea, vasodilation, edema,
measures for monitoring the palpitations, tachycardia,
patient's prostate cancer abdominal discomfort,
must be performed. signs of constipationnausea, vomiting,
hypersensitivity dysuria, hematuria, polyuria,
urinary retention, rash, acne,
pruritis, increased sweating,
breast discharge, breast pain,
genital pruritis, increased
breast size, anemia, itching,
erythema, and swelling at
implantation site,
hyperlipidemia, hypercalcemia,
arthralgia, joint stiffness,
muscle cramps, muscle
stiffness, myalgia, bone pain,
tremor, allergic reactions
including angioedema ,
increased appetite, increased
Human papillomavirus vaccines/immunizin Assess vital signs prior to injection site reactions and
quadrivalent (types 6, g agents administration. anaphylaxis
11, 16 and 18)
vaccine, recombinant/
Hydralazine/ antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure and dizziness, drowsiness,
Apresoline vasodilators pulse headache, tachycardia, angina,
arrhythmias, edema,
orthostatic hypotension,
diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
rashes, sodium retention,
arthralgias, arthritis,
peripheral neuropathy, drug-
induced lupus syndrome.
Hydralazine/isosorbide vasodilators Monitor blood pressure and dizziness, drowsiness,
dinitrate// BiDil vasodilators pulse headache, tachycardia, angina,
nitrates arrhythmias, edema,
orthostatic hypotension,
diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
rashes, sodium retention,
arthralgias, arthritis,
peripheral neuropathy, drug-
induced lupus syndrome,

Rev. 08/21/08
apprehension, weakness,
paradoxic bradycardia,
syncope, hypotension,
abdominal pain, cross-
tolerance, flushing, tolerance.
Hydrochlorothiazide/ antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure, dizziness, drowsiness,
Esedrix, HCTZ, Hydro- diuretics intake, output, and daily lethargy, weakness,
chlor, Hydro-D, weight and assess feet, hypotension, anorexia,
HydroDIURIL, legs, and sacral area for cramping, hepatitis, nausea,
Microzide, edema daily. anorexia, vomiting, photosensitivity,
Novo-Hydrazide, nausea, vomiting, muscle rashes, hyperglycemia,
Oretic cramps, paresthesia, and hypokalemia, dehydration,
confusion hypercalcemia, hypochloremic
alkalosis, hypomagnesemia,
hypovolemia, blood dyscrasias,
hypercholesterolemia, muscle
cramps, pancreatitis.
Hydrocodone/ allergy, cold and Assess blood pressure, confusion, dizziness, sedation,
Hycodan, cough remedies pulse, and respirations, level euphoria, hallucinations,
Tussigon (antitussive) of sedation, bowel function. headache, unusual dreams,
opioid analgesics Assess cough and lung blurred vision, diplopia, miosis,
opioid agonists sounds during antitussive respiratory depression,
nonopioid analgesic use. Assess type, location, hypotension, bradycardia,
combinations and intensity of pain prior to constipation, dyspepsia,
and 1 hr (peak) following nausea, vomiting, urinary
administration. retention, sweating, physical
dependence, psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Hydrocodone/ allergy, cold and Assess blood pressure, confusion, dizziness, sedation,
acetaminophen//Anex cough remedies pulse, and respirations, level euphoria, hallucinations,
sia, (antitussive) of sedation, bowel function. headache, unusual dreams,
Co-Gesic, Lorcet-HD, opioid analgesics Assess cough and lung blurred vision, diplopia, miosis,
Lortab, Norco, opioid agonists sounds during antitussive respiratory depression,
Vicodin, nonopioid analgesic use. Assess type, location, hypotension, bradycardia,
Zydone combinations and intensity of pain prior to constipation, dyspepsia,
and 1 hr (peak) following nausea, vomiting, urinary
administration. retention, sweating, physical
dependence, psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Hydrocodone/aspirin// allergy, cold and Assess blood pressure, confusion, dizziness, sedation,
Azdone cough remedies pulse, and respirations, level euphoria, hallucinations,
(antitussive) of sedation, bowel function. headache, unusual dreams,
opioid analgesics Assess cough and lung blurred vision, diplopia, miosis,
opioid agonists sounds during antitussive respiratory depression,
nonopioid analgesic use. Assess type, location, hypotension, bradycardia,
combinations and intensity of pain prior to constipation, dyspepsia,
and 1 hr (peak) following nausea, vomiting, urinary
administration. retention, sweating, physical
dependence, psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Hydrocodone/ibuprofe allergy, cold and Assess blood pressure, confusion, dizziness, sedation,
n// cough remedies pulse, and respirations, level euphoria, hallucinations,
Vicoprofen (antitussive) of sedation, bowel function. headache, unusual dreams,
opioid analgesics Assess cough and lung blurred vision, diplopia, miosis,
opioid agonists sounds during antitussive respiratory depression,

Rev. 08/21/08
nonopioid analgesic use. Assess type, location, hypotension, bradycardia,
combinations and intensity of pain prior to constipation, dyspepsia,
and 1 hr (peak) following nausea, vomiting, urinary
administration. retention, sweating, physical
dependence, psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Hydrocortisone/ anti inflammatories signs of adrenal depression, euphoria,
Cortef, steroidal insufficiency, peripheral headache, increased
Cortenema, corticosteroids edema, steady weight gain, intracranial pressure (children
Cortifoam, rales/crackles, or dyspnea, only), personality changes,
Solu-Cortef signs of anaphylaxis, ECG. psychoses, restlessness,
cataracts, increased
intraocular pressure,
hypertension, peptic
ulceration, anorexia, nausea,
vomiting, acne, decreased
wound healing, ecchymoses,
fragility, hirsutism, petechiae,
adrenal suppression,
hyperglycemia, fluid retention,
hypokalemia, hypokalemic
alkalosis, thromboembolism,
thrombophlebitis, weight gain,
weight loss, muscle wasting,
osteoporosis, aseptic necrosis
of joints, muscle pain,
hypersensitivity reactions,
anaphylaxis, cushingoid
appearance, increased
susceptibility to infection.
Hydrocortisone anti inflammatories Assess affected skin before Allergic contact dermatitis,
topical/ Acticort, steroidal and daily during therapy. atrophy, burning, dryness,
Aeroseb-HC, Ala-Cort, corticosteroids Note degree of inflammation edema, folliculitis,
Ala-Scalp, Alphaderm, and pruritus. hypersensitivity reactions,
Anusol HC, Bactine, hypertrichosis,
CaldeCORT Anti-Itch, hypopigmentation, irritation,
Carmol HC, Cetacort, maceration, miliaria, perioral
Cortaid, Cort-Dome, dermatitis, secondary
Corticaine, Cortifair, infection, striae, adrenal
Cortizone, Dermacort, suppression.
DermiCort, Dermtex
HC, FoilleCort,
Gynecort, Hemril-HC,
Hi-Cor, Hycort, Hydro-
Tex, Hytone,
Lanacort 9-1-1,
Lemoderm, Locoid,
Nutracort, Orabase-
HCA, Pandel,
Penecort, Pharma-
Cort, Prevex HC,
Proctocort, Rhulicort,
Synacort, Texacort
Hydromorphone/Dilau allergy, cold and Assess blood pressure, confusion, sedation, dizziness,
did, cough remedies pulse, and respirations, dysphoria, euphoria, floating
Dilaudid-HP, (antitussives) bowel function. Assess type, feeling, hallucinations,

Rev. 08/21/08
Hydrostat opioid analgesics location, and intensity of headache, unusual dreams,
IR, PMS opioid agonists pain prior to and 1 hr blurred vision, diplopia, miosis,
Hydromorphone following IM and 5 min respiratory depression,
(peak) following IV hypotension, bradycardia,
administration. Assess constipation, dry mouth,
cough and lung sounds nausea, vomiting, urinary
during antitussive use retention, flushing, sweating,
physical dependence,
psychological dependence,
Hydroxocobalamin/ antianemics signs of vitamin B12 Diarrhea, itching,
Cyanokit vitamins deficiency. Monitor BP and hypokalemia, pain at IM site,
water soluble HR continuously during and hypersensitivity reactions
vitamins after infusion and including anaphylaxis,
immediately report dizziness, headache, memory
significant changes. impairment, restlessness,
hypertension, chest pain,
edema, tachycardia, dry
throat, eye redness, eye
swelling, dyspnea, abdominal
discomfort, diarrhea,
dyspepsia, dysphagia,
hematochezia, nausea,
vomiting, red urine, erythema,
rash, pruritis, urticaria,
injection site reaction.
Hydroxychloroquine/ antimalarials Assess patient monthly for Seizures, aggressiveness,
Plaquenil antirheumatics pain, swelling, and range of anxiety, apathy, confusion,
(DMARDs) motion, improvement in fatigue, headache, irritability,
signs and symptoms of personality changes,
condition, deep tendon psychoses, keratopathy,
reflexes ototoxicity, retinopathy,
tinnitus, visual disturbances,
ECG changes, hypotension,
abdominal cramps, anorexia,
diarrhea, epigastric discomfort,
nausea, vomiting, hepatic
failure, bleaching of hair,
alopecia, neuromyopathy,
photosensitivity, Stevens-
Johnson syndrome,
agranulocytosis, aplastic
anemia, leukopenia,
thrombocytopenia, peripheral
Hydroxyprogesterone/ hormones Blood pressure, pattern and Cerebral thrombosis,
Hy/Gesterone, progestins amount of vaginal bleeding depression, coughing,
Hylutin, (pad count) dyspnea, pulmonary
Pro-Depo, Prodrox, embolism, edema,
Pro- thrombophlebitis, cholestatic
Span jaundice, breakthrough
bleeding, amenorrhea, cervical
changes, increased
pigmentation, rashes, allergic
reactions, weight changes.
Hydroxyurea/ Droxia, antineoplastics Assess for signs of infection, Drowsiness, anorexia,
Hydrea, Mylocel antimetabolites increased fatigue, dyspnea, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,

Rev. 08/21/08
and orthostatic hypotension, constipation, hepatitis,
bleeding, intake and output, stomatitis, dysuria, infertility,
appetite, and nutritional renal tubular dysfunction,
intake alopecia, exacerbation of post-
radiation erythema, erythema,
pruritus, rashes, leukopenia,
anemia, thrombocytopenia,
hyperuricemia, chills, fever,
Hydroxyzine/ Atarax, antianxiety agents Assess patient for profound drowsiness, agitation, ataxia,
Hyzine-50, Vistaril antihistamines sedation, mental status dizziness, headache,
sedative/hypnotics (orientation, mood, and weakness, wheezing, dry
behavior), degree of nausea mouth, bitter taste,
and frequency and amount constipation, nausea, urinary
of emesis, degree of itching retention, flushing, pain at IM
and character of involved site, abscesses at IM sites,
skin chest tightness.
Hyoscyamine/ antispasmodics Assess vital signs and ECG blurred vision, nausea, allergic
Anaspaz, A-Spas S/L, anticholinergics tracings frequently during IV reactions including
Cystospaz, Cystospaz- drug therapy. Assess anaphylaxis,
M, Donnamar, ED- patients routinely for confusion/excitement
SPAZ, Gastrosed, abdominal distention and (especially in geriatric
Levsinex, Levsin, auscultate for bowel sounds. patients), dizziness, flushing,
Levbid, L- Monitor intake and output headache, insomnia,
Hyoscyamine, NuLev ratios in elderly or surgical lightheadedness (IM, IV,
patients because subcut), nervousness,
hyoscyamine may cause decreased sweating, urticaria
urinary retention.
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Ibandronate/ Boniva bone resorption Assess patients for low bone diarrhea, dyspepsia,
inhibitors mass before and periodically esophagitis,
biphosphonates during therapy esophageal/gastric ulcer,
musculoskeletal pain, pain in
arms/legs, osteonecrosis
(primarily of jaw), injection
site reactions.
Ibritumomab antineoplastics Assess patient for signs anxiety, dizziness, rhinitis,
tiuxetan/ monoclonal of infusion reaction dyspnea, increased cough,
Zevalin antibodies usually seen within 30– bronchospasm, abdominal
radioisotopes 120 min following pain, anorexia, diarrhea,
infusion. Monitor patient nausea, vomiting,
for neutropenia and ecchymoses, pruritis,
thrombocytopenia during leucopenia, thrombocytopenia,
and for 3 mo following anemia, arthralgia, infections,
treatment. Biodistribution infusion reactions, allergic
of indium-111 Zevalin reactions including
should be assessed at 2– anaphylaxis, secondary
24 hr and 48–72 hr after malignancies.
injection. Monitor CBC
and platelet counts prior
to administration, weekly
during therapy, and until
counts recover.

Rev. 08/21/08
Ibuprofin lysine/ nonsteroidal anti Monitor respiratory Atelectasis, edema,
NeoProfen inflammatory status, heart rate, blood hypoglycemia, adrenal
agents pressure, ECG, and heart insufficiency, anemia,
sounds routinely during bleeding, irritation or infection
therapy. May mask signs site.
of infection; monitor

Ibuprofen oral/Advil, antipyretics Assess pain and range of Headache, dizziness,

Advil Migraine Liqui- antirheumatics motion prior to and 1–2 hr drowsiness, psychic
Gels, Children's Advil, nonopioid following administration. disturbances, amblyopia,
Children's Motrin, analgesics Monitor temperature; note blurred vision, tinnitus,
Excedrin IB, Genpril, nonsteroidal anti signs associated with fever. arrhythmias, edema, GI
Haltran, Junior inflammatory Assess for signs and bleeding, hepatitis,
Strength Advil, agents symptoms of GI bleeding, constipation, dyspepsia,
Menadol, Medipren, nonopioid renal dysfunction, and nausea, vomiting, abdominal
Midol Maximum analgesics hepatic impairment. BUN, discomfort, cystitis, hematuria,
Strength Cramp serum creatinine, CBC, and renal failure, exfoliative
Formula, Motrin, liver function tests should dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson
Motrin Drops, Motrin be evaluated periodically in syndrome, toxic epidermal
IB, Motrin Junior patients receiving prolonged necrolysis, rashes, blood
Strength, Motrin therapy. dyscrasias, prolonged bleeding
Migraine Pain, Nu- time, allergic reactions
Ibuprofen, Nuprin, including anaphylaxis.
PediaCare Children's
Ibutilide/Corvert antiarrhythmics Monitor ECG continuously Headache, arrhythmias,
(class III) throughout and for 4 hr nausea.
after infusion or until QT
interval normalizes.
Clinicians trained to treat
ventricular arrhythmias,
medications, and equipment
(defibrillator/ cardioverter)
should be available during
therapy and monitoring of
Idarubicin/ Idamycin antineoplastics Monitor blood pressure, headache, mental status
anthracyclines pulse, respiratory rate, changes, pulmonary toxicity,
and temperature, bone pulmonary allergic reactions,
marrow depression, signs arrhythmias, cardiotoxicity,
of myocardial toxicity, CHF, abdominal cramps,
bleeding and avoid IM diarrhea, mucositis, nausea,
injections and taking vomiting, alopecia,
rectal temperatures if photosensitivity, rashes,
platelet count is low. gonadal suppression, bleeding,
Monitor intake and output anemia, leukopenia,
ratios, nausea and thrombocytopenia, phlebitis at
vomiting may occur as IV site, hyperuricemia,
early as 1 hr after peripheral neuropathy, fever.
therapy and may last 24
hr. Parenteral antiemetics
should be administered
30–45 min prior to
therapy and routinely
around the clock for the
next 24 hr as indicated.
Assess injection site

Rev. 08/21/08
frequently infiltrate
painlessly. Monitor
CBC, differential, and
platelet count.
Idursulface/ Elaprase replacement Observe for signs and headache, malaise,
enzyme symptoms of anaphylaxis. hypertension, dyspepsia,
enzymes Keep epinephrine, an cutaneous reactions, infusion
antihistamine, site swelling, arthralgia,
corticosteroids, and anaphylactoid reactions, fever.
resuscitation equipment
close by in case of
anaphylactic reaction.
Monitor for infusion-
related reactions.
Ifosfamide/ Ifex antineoplastics Monitor blood pressure, CNS toxicity (somnolence,
alkylating agents pulse, respiratory rate, and confusion, hallucinations,
temperature; urinary coma), cranial nerve
output; neurologic status; dysfunction, disorientation,
nausea, vomiting, and dizziness, cardiotoxicity,
appetite; weight; bone nausea, vomiting, anorexia,
marrow depression; and constipation, diarrhea,
bleeding frequently during hepatotoxicity, hemorrhagic
therapy. Monitor CBC, cystitis, dysuria, sterility, renal
differential, and platelet toxicity, alopecia, anemia,
count; AST, ALT, serum leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
alkaline phosphatase, phlebitis, allergic reactions.
bilirubin, and LDH; and
BUN, serum creatinine,
phosphate, and potassium
prior to and periodically
during therapy. Urinalysis
should be evaluated before
each dose.
Iloprost/ Ventavis vasodilators Assess respiratory status, fainting, headache, insomnia, ↑
prostacyclins vital signs prior to and cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis,
throughout therapy. Do CHF, vasodilation, chest pain,
not administer if BP <85 hypotension, peripheral
mmHg. Assess for signs edema, supraventricular
of pulmonary edema. tachycardia, nausea, vomiting,
renal failure, facial flushing,
back pain, jaw-muscle spasm,
muscle cramps.
Imatinib/ Gleevec antineoplastics Monitor for fluid fatigue, headache, weakness,
enzyme inhibitors retention, Weigh cough, dyspnea, epistaxis,
regularly, signs of pleural nasopharyngitis, pneumonia,
effusion, pericardial fever, hepatotoxicity,
effusion, pulmonary abdominal pain, anorexia,
edema, ascites, vital constipation, diarrhea,
signs, fever. Monitor dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting,
liver function before and petechiae, pruritus, skin rash,
monthly during treatment edema, hypokalemia,
or when clinically bleeding, neutropenia,
indicated. Monitor CBC thrombocytopenia, weight
weekly for the first gain, arthralgia, muscle
month, biweekly for the cramps, musculoskeletal pain,
second month, and myalgia, night sweats.
periodically during

Rev. 08/21/08
Imiglucerase/ replacement Monitor for an dizziness, headache, mild
Cerezyme enzyme improvement in hypotension, abdominal
symptoms including discomfort, nausea, decreased
hepatomegaly, urinary frequency, pruritus,
splenomegaly, anemia, rash, antibody production,
thrombocytopenia, bone hypersensitivity reactions,
demineralization, and fever.
increased appetite and
energy level periodically
throughout therapy.
Assess liver and spleen
size every 6 mo to
determine effectiveness
of therapy. Monitor
patient for signs of
reactions. Monitor
hemoglobin and platelet
count monthly to
determine effectiveness
of therapy.

Imiquimod/ Aldara antivirals Assess affected area(s) prior Irritation, pain, pruritis,
immune modifiers to and periodically during burning, swelling, fungal
immune response therapy. infections (women).
Imipenim/ Primaxin anti-infectives Assess patient for Seizures, dizziness,
carbapenems infection, signs and somnolence, hypotension,
symptoms of anaphylaxis pseudomembranous colitis,
at beginning of and diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
throughout therapy. rash, pruritus, sweating,
Obtain a history before urticaria, eosinophilia, phlebitis
initiating therapy to at IV site, allergic reactions
determine previous use of including anaphylaxis, fever,
and reactions to superinfection.
Imipramine/ Norfranil, antidepressants Monitor blood pressure drowsiness, fatigue, agitation,
Tipramine, Tofranil, tricyclic and pulse rate, weight confusion, hallucinations,
Tofranil PM antidepressants and BMI, sexual insomnia, blurred vision, dry
dysfunction, ECG, mental eyes, arrhythmias,
status, suicidal hypotension, ECG changes,
tendencies, frequency of constipation, dry mouth,
bedwetting, pain, plasma nausea, paralytic ileus, weight
levels in treatment- gain, urinary retention,
resistant patients. Assess decreased libido,
leukocyte and differential photosensitivity,
blood counts and renal gynecomastia, blood
and hepatic functions dyscrasias.
prior to and periodically
during prolonged or high-
dose therapy.
Immune Globin/ vaccines/immunizin Assess patient for aseptic aseptic meningitis syndrome,
gamma globulin, IG, g agents meningitis syndrome headache, light-headedness,
ISG, immune serum immune globulins (AMS). Monitor patient for malaise, dyspnea, wheezing,
globulin signs of infection during chest pain, vascular occlusion,
therapy. Monitor platelet nausea, renal failure, diuresis

Rev. 08/21/08
counts in patients being (maltose containing-products),
treated for idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, cyanosis,
thrombocytopenic urticaria, arthralgia, back pain,
purpura. hip pain, allergic reactions
including anaphylaxis,
angioedema, chills, fever,
SQ or IM site—muscle
stiffness, pain, tenderness,
IV site—local inflammation,
phlebitis, urticaria.
Immune globulin IM/ vaccines/immunizin Assess patient for aseptic aseptic meningitis syndrome,
BayGam, IGIM g agents meningitis syndrome headache, light-headedness,
immune globulins (AMS). Monitor patient for malaise, dyspnea, wheezing,
signs of infection during chest pain, vascular occlusion,
therapy. Monitor platelet nausea, renal failure, diuresis
counts in patients being (maltose containing-products),
treated for idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, cyanosis,
thrombocytopenic urticaria, arthralgia, back pain,
purpura. hip pain, allergic reactions
including anaphylaxis,
angioedema, chills, fever,
SQ or IM site—muscle
stiffness, pain, tenderness,
IV site—local inflammation,
phlebitis, urticaria.
Immune globulin IV/ vaccines/immunizin Monitor vital signs aseptic meningitis syndrome,
Gamimune N, g agents continuously during headache, light-headedness,
Gammagard S/D, immune globulins infusion of immune malaise, dyspnea, wheezing,
Gammar-P IV, globulin IV and assess chest pain, vascular occlusion,
Iveegam, Panglobulin, patient for signs of nausea, renal failure, diuresis
Polygam S/D, anaphylaxis for 1 hr (maltose containing-products),
Privigen, following initiation of nephrotic syndrome, cyanosis,
Sandoglobulin, infusion. Assess patient urticaria, arthralgia, back pain,
Venoglobulin-S for aseptic meningitis hip pain, allergic reactions
syndrome (AMS). Monitor including anaphylaxis,
patient for signs of angioedema, chills, fever,
infection during therapy. sweating.
Monitor platelet counts SQ or IM site—muscle
in patients being stiffness, pain, tenderness,
treated for idiopathic IV site—local inflammation,
thrombocytopenic phlebitis, urticaria.

Immune globulin SQ/ vaccines/immunizin Assess patient for aseptic aseptic meningitis syndrome,
Vivaglobin g agents meningitis syndrome headache, light-headedness,
immune globulins (AMS). Monitor patient for malaise, dyspnea, wheezing,
signs of infection during chest pain, vascular occlusion,
therapy. Monitor platelet nausea, renal failure, diuresis
counts in patients being (maltose containing-products),
treated for idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, cyanosis,
thrombocytopenic urticaria, arthralgia, back pain,
purpura. hip pain, allergic reactions
including anaphylaxis,
angioedema, chills, fever,

Rev. 08/21/08
SQ or IM site—muscle
stiffness, pain, tenderness,
IV site—local inflammation,
phlebitis, urticaria.
Inamrinone/ Inocor inotropics Inotropic effects may be Dyspnea, arrhythmias,
bipyridines additive with digoxin. hypotension, diarrhea,
Monitor blood pressure, hepatotoxicity, nausea,
pulse, ECG, respiratory rate, vomiting, hypokalemia,
cardiac index, pulmonary thrombocytopenia,
capillary wedge pressure, tachyphylaxis, fever,
and central venous pressure hypersensitivity reactions.
frequently during
administration. Monitor
intake and output and weigh
daily. Assess for resolution
of signs of CHF. Platelet
counts, serum electrolytes,
liver enzymes, and renal
function should be evaluated
periodically throughout

Indapimide/ Lozol antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure, dizziness, drowsiness,

diuretics intake and output, and lethargy, arrhythmias,
thiazide like daily weight and assess hypotension, anorexia,
diuretics feet, legs, and sacral area cramping, nausea, vomiting,
for edema daily. Assess photosensitivity, rashes,
patient, especially if hyperglycemia, hypokalemia,
taking digoxin, for dehydration, hypochloremic
anorexia, nausea, alkalosis, hyponatremia,
vomiting, muscle cramps, hypovolemia, hyperuricemia,
paresthesia, and muscle cramps.
confusion. Patients taking
digoxin have an increased
risk of digitalis toxicity
due to the potassium-
depleting effect of the
diuretic. Assess patient
for allergy to
sulfonamides. Monitor
electrolytes (especially
potassium), blood
glucose, BUN, serum
creatinine, and uric acid
levels periodically
throughout therapy.
Indinavir/ Crixivan antiretrovirals Assess for change in dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue,
protease inhibitors severity of symptoms of headache, insomnia,
HIV infection and for weakness, abdominal pain,
symptoms of acid regurgitation, altered
opportunistic infections taste, asymptomatic
throughout therapy. hyperbilirubinemia, diarrhea,
Monitor viral load and nausea, vomiting,
CD4 cell count nephrolithiasis, hyperglycemia,
periodically during ketoacidosis, back pain, flank
therapy. pain, redistribution of body fat.
Indomethacin/ antirheumatics Assess limitation of dizziness, drowsiness,
Indocin, Indocin I.V, ductus arteriosus movement and pain— headache, psychic

Rev. 08/21/08
Indocin SR, Indochron patency adjuncts note type, location, and disturbances, blurred vision,
E-R (IV only) intensity before and 1–2 tinnitus, hypertension, edema,
nonsteroidal anti hr after administration. cystitis, hematuria, renal
inflammatory Monitor respiratory failure, rashes, hyperkalemia,
agents status, heart rate, blood thrombocytopenia, blood
pressure, ECG, heart dyscrasias, prolonged bleeding
sounds, intake and time, phlebitis at IV site,
output. Evaluate BUN, allergic reactions including
serum creatinine, CBC, anaphylaxis. PO—drug-induced
serum potassium levels, hepatitis, GI bleeding,
and liver function tests constipation, dyspepsia,
periodically in patients nausea, vomiting, discomfort,
receiving prolonged necrotizing enterocolitis.
therapy. IV—dilutional hyponatremia,
Infliximab/ Remicade antirheumatics Assess for infusion- fatigue, headache, anxiety,
(DMARDs) related reactions during depression, dizziness,
gastroinestinal anti and for 2 hr after insomnia, conjunctivitis, upper
inflammatories infusion. Assess for latent respiratory tract infection,
monoclonal tuberculosis with a bronchitis, cough, dyspnea,
antibodies tuberculin skin test prior laryngitis, pharyngitis,
to initiation of therapy. respiratory tract allergic
Observe patient for reaction, rhinitis, sinusitis,
hypersensitivity reactions chest pain, hypertension,
during infusion. Assess hypotension, pericardial
pain and range of motion effusion, tachycardia, CHF,
prior to and periodically abdominal pain, nausea,
during therapy. Assess vomiting, constipation,
for signs and symptoms diarrhea, dyspepsia,
of Crohn’s Disease and flatulence, hepatotoxicity,
ulcerative Colitis before, intestinal obstruction, oral
during, and after therapy. pain, tooth pain, ulcerative
Monitor liver function stomatitis, dysuria, urinary
tests periodically during frequency, urinary tract
therapy. Monitor CBC infection, acne, alopecia, dry
with differential skin, ecchymosis, eczema,
periodically during erythema, flushing,
therapy. hematoma, increased
sweating, hot flushes, pruritus,
urticaria, rash, neutropenia,
arthralgia, arthritis, back pain,
involuntary muscle
contractions, myalgia,
paresthesia, infections
including reactivation TB,
pneumonia and invasive fungal
infections, fever, infusion
reactions, chills, flu-like
syndrome, herpes simplex,
herpes zoster, hypersensitivity
reactions, ↑ risk of lymphoma,
lupus-like syndrome,
moniliasis, pain, peripheral
edema, vasculitis.
Influenza vaccine/ vaccines/immunizin Assess patient for history Headache, rhinitis, nasal
FluMist g agents of asthma or reactive congestion, fever.
airway disease. Monitor
patient for signs of

Rev. 08/21/08
allergic reaction following
Insulin aspart/Novolog Pancreatics, Assess for symptoms of Hypoglycemia, lipodystrophy,
antidiabetics, hypoglycemia and pruritis, erythema, swelling,
hormones hyperglycemia during allergic reactions including
therapy. Monitor body anaphylaxis
Insulin aspart antidiabetics Assess for symptoms of Hypoglycemia, erythema,
protamine hormones hypoglycemia and lipodystrophy, pruritis,
suspension/insulin pancreatics hyperglycemia, body swelling, allergic reactions
aspart solution weight periodically. including anaphylaxis.
mixtures, rdna origin Monitor blood glucose
(NovoLog Mix 70/30) every 6 hr during
therapy. Overdose is
manifested by symptoms
of hypoglycemia.

Insulin Detemir/ antidiabetics Assess patient for signs Hypoglycemia, lipodystrophy,

Levemir hormones and symptoms of pruritis, erythema, swelling,
pancreatics hypoglycemia and allergic reactions including
hyperglycemia, body anaphylaxis.
weight periodically.
Monitor blood glucose
every 6 hr during
therapy, more frequently
in ketoacidosis and times
of stress. A1C may be
monitored every 3–6
months to determine
Insulin Pancreatics, Assess for symptoms of Hypoglycemia, lipodystrophy,
glargine/Lantus hormones hypoglycemia and pruritis, erythema, swelling,
hyperglycemia periodically allergic reactions including
during therapy anaphylaxis
Insulin Glulisine (rDNA antidiabetics Assess for symptoms of Hypoglycemia, lipodystrophy,
origin)/ Apidra hormones hypoglycemia and pruritis, erythema, swelling,
pancreatics hyperglycemia, body allergic reactions including
weight periodically. anaphylaxis.
Monitor blood glucose
every 6 hr during
therapy, more frequently
in ketoacidosis and times
of stress. A1C may be
monitored every 3–6
months to determine

Insulin lispro (rDNA)/ antidiabetics Assess for symptoms of Hypoglycemia, erythema,

Humalog hormones hypoglycemia and lipodystrophy, pruritis,
pancreatics hyperglycemia, body swelling, allergic reactions
weight periodically. including anaphylaxis.
Monitor blood glucose
every 6 hr during
therapy, more frequently
in ketoacidosis and times
of stress. A1C may be
monitored every 3–6
months to determine

Rev. 08/21/08

Insulin lispro antidiabetics Assess for symptoms of Hypoglycemia, erythema,

protamine hormones hypoglycemia and lipodystrophy, pruritis,
suspension/insulin pancreatics hyperglycemia, body swelling, allergic reactions
lispro solution weight periodically. including anaphylaxis.
mixtures, rdna origin Monitor blood glucose
(Humalog Mix 75/25, every 6 hr during
Humalog Mix 50/50) therapy. Overdose is
manifested by symptoms
of hypoglycemia.

Insulin nph/Novolin N Pancreatics, Assess patient periodically Hypoglycemia, lipodystrophy,

hormones/ for symptoms of pruritis, erythema, swelling,
antidiabetics hypoglycemia and allergic reactions including
hyperglycemia during anaphylaxis
therapy. Monitor body
weight periodically.
Insulin Regular/ Pancreatics, Assess for symptoms of Hypoglycemia, lipodystrophy,
Humulin R, Novolin R, hormones/ hypoglycemia and pruritis, erythema, swelling,
Iletin II Regular, antidiabetics hyperglycemia, body allergic reactions including
Velosulin BR, Humulin weight periodically. anaphylaxis
R Regular U-500 Monitor blood glucose
(Concentrated) every 6 hr during
therapy. Overdose is
manifested by symptoms
of hypoglycemia.

Interferon Alfacon-1/ immune modifiers Assess patient for symptoms anxiety, depression, dizziness,
Infergen interferons of hepatitis C, mood, insomnia, nervousness,
depression, suicidal malaise, suicidal ideation, loss
ideation, and other severe of visual acuity or visual field,
psychiatric disorders. tinnitus, abdominal pain,
Monitor liver function anorexia, diarrhea, dyspepsia,
studies prior to and vomiting, constipation, dry
periodically during therapy. mouth, flatulence, alopecia,
Monitor platelet count, pruritus, rash, hypothyroidism,
hemoglobin, hematocrit, anemia, leucopenia,
absolute neutrophil count thrombocytopenia, injection
(ANC), serum creatinine, site reactions, body pain,
bilirubin, and albumin paresthesia, allergic reactions
concentrations, and TSH including anaphylaxis, flu-like
and T prior to and 2 wk symptoms (headache, fatigue,
after initiation of therapy fever).
and periodically during

Interferon alpha-2b/ immune modifiers Assess for signs of Neuropsychiatric disorders,

Intron A interferons neuropsychiatric confusion, depression,
disorders, signs of dizziness, fatigue, headache,
infection, cardiovascular insomnia, irritability, anxiety,
disorders, ECG, signs of blurred vision, nose bleeds,
colitis and pancreatitis rhinitis, ischemic disorders,
during therapy. Colitis arrhythmias, chest pain,
usually resolves within 1– edema, colitis, pancreatitis,
3 wks of discontinuation. anorexia, abdominal pain,
Assess for development diarrhea, dry mouth, nausea,
of flu-like syndrome. taste disorder, vomiting,

Rev. 08/21/08
Symptoms often appear weight loss, drug-induced
suddenly 3–6 hr after hepatitis, flatulence, alopecia,
therapy. Monitor for bone dry skin, pruritus, rash,
marrow depression, sweating, thyroid disorders,
bleeding, pulmonary leucopenia, thrombocytopenia,
status periodically during anemia, hemolytic anemia
therapy. Perform a (with ribavirin), arthralgia,
baseline eye exam in all myalgia, leg cramps,
patients prior to initiation paresthesia, cough, dyspnea,
of therapy. Assess for injection site reactions,
signs of thyroid autoimmune disorders,
dysfunction. Monitor infectious disorders, allergic
number, size, and reactions including
character of Kaposi anaphylaxis, chills, fever, flu-
Sarcoma lesions prior to like syndrome.
and throughout therapy.
Monitor for CBC and
differential; liver function
and renal function tests.
Interferon alpha-n3/ immune modifiers Assess for signs of Neuropsychiatric disorders,
Alferon N interferons neuropsychiatric confusion, depression,
disorders, signs of dizziness, fatigue, headache,
infection, cardiovascular insomnia, irritability, anxiety,
disorders, ECG, signs of blurred vision, nose bleeds,
colitis and pancreatitis rhinitis, ischemic disorders,
during therapy. Colitis arrhythmias, chest pain,
usually resolves within 1– edema, colitis, pancreatitis,
3 wks of discontinuation. anorexia, abdominal pain,
Assess for development diarrhea, dry mouth, nausea,
of flu-like syndrome. taste disorder, vomiting,
Symptoms often appear weight loss, drug-induced
suddenly 3–6 hr after hepatitis, flatulence, alopecia,
therapy. Monitor for bone dry skin, pruritus, rash,
marrow depression, sweating, thyroid disorders,
bleeding, pulmonary leucopenia, thrombocytopenia,
status periodically during anemia, hemolytic anemia
therapy. Perform a (with ribavirin), arthralgia,
baseline eye exam in all myalgia, leg cramps,
patients prior to initiation paresthesia, cough, dyspnea,
of therapy. Assess for injection site reactions,
signs of thyroid autoimmune disorders,
dysfunction. Monitor infectious disorders, allergic
number, size, and reactions including
character of Kaposi anaphylaxis, chills, fever, flu-
Sarcoma lesions prior to like syndrome.
and throughout therapy.
Monitor for CBC and
differential; liver function
and renal function tests.

Interferon Beta-1a/ anti multiple Assess frequency of Seizures, depression,

Avonex, Rebif sclerosis agents exacerbations of symptoms dizziness, fatigue, headache,
immune modifiers of multiple sclerosis drowsiness, incoordination,
interferons periodically during therapy rigors, suicidal ideation,
Monitor patient for signs of sinusitis, vision abnormalities,
depression during therapy. upper respiratory tract
If depression occurs, notify infection, chest pain, heart
physician or other health failure, abdominal pain,

Rev. 08/21/08
care professional nausea, autoimmune hepatitis,
immediately dry mouth, elevated liver
Monitor hemoglobin, WBC, function studies, urinary tract
platelets, and blood infection, urinary incontinence,
chemistries including liver polyuria, alopecia, rash,
function tests prior to and 1, hyperthyroidism,
3, and 6 mo after initiation hypothyroidism, spontaneous
of therapy. abortion, neutropenia, anemia,
thrombocytopenia, injection-
site reactions, injection site
necrosis, myalgia, arthralgia,
back pain, muscle spasm,
allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis, chills, fever, flu-
like symptoms, pain.
Interferon Beta-1B/ anti multiple Assess frequency of depression, headache,
Betaseron sclerosis agents exacerbations of symptoms incoordination, insomnia,
immune modifiers of multiple sclerosis suicidal ideation, dyspnea,
interferons periodically during therapy. edema, chest pain,
Monitor patient for signs of hypertension, abdominal pain,
depression during therapy. constipation, nausea,
If depression occurs, notify vomiting, autoimmune
physician or other health hepatitis, elevated liver
care professional function studies, urgency,
immediately. erectile dysfunction, rash,
Monitor hemoglobin, WBC, menstrual disorders,
platelets, and blood hyperthyroidism,
chemistries including liver hypothyroidism, menorrhagia,
function tests prior to and 1, spontaneous abortion,
3, and 6 mo after initiation neutropenia, anemia,
of therapy and periodically thrombocytopenia, injection-
thereafter. site reactions , injection site
necrosis, myalgia, muscle
spasm, allergic reactions
including anaphylaxis, chills,
fever, flu-like symptoms, pain.
Interferon gamma1b/ immune modifiers Assess patient for signs and Headache, decreased mental
Actimmune interferons symptoms of infection status, dizziness, nausea,
before and throughout vomiting, abdominal pain,
therapy. Flu-like syndrome rash, neutropenia,
is a frequent side effect that thrombocytopenia, edema or
may decrease in severity as tenderness at injection site,
treatment continues. arthralgia, myalgia, back pain,
Monitor CBC with gait disturbances, chills, fever.
differential, platelet count,
blood chemistries including
liver and kidney function,
and urinalysis before and
every 3 mo throughout
Iodine / Iodide antithyroid agents Assess for signs and confusion, weakness, GI
(strong iodine iodine containing symptoms of iodism, bleeding, diarrhea, nausea,
solution/Lugol's agents symptoms of vomiting, acneiform eruptions,
solution) hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, goiter,
hypersensitivity reaction. hyperthyroidism,
Monitor thyroid function, hyperkalemia, tingling, joint
serum potassium levels, pain, hypersensitivity, iodism.
thyroid stimulating hormone

Rev. 08/21/08
(TSH) and free T4 in
Ipecac syrup emetic overdose/ poisoning from assess LOC Myocarditis, sedation,
noncaustic substance arrhythmias, diarrhea,
aspiration (can be fatal)
Ipratropium (Atrovent allergy, cold and COPD, rhinorrhea from assess respiratory status dizziness, headache, epistaxis,
HFA) cough remedies; rhinitis or common cold nervousness, nasal dryness/
bronchodilators; irritation, blurred vision, sore
anticholinergics throat, bronchospasm, cough,
hypotension, palpitations, GI
irritation, nausea, rash,
allergic reactions
Irbesartan (Avapro) antihypertensives; Hypertension; diabetic BP (standing, sitting, lying), Angioedema, dizziness,
angiotensin ii nephropathy pulse; monitor renal hyperkalemia, fatigue, anxiety,
receptor function headache, hypotension,
antagonists edema, hypotension,
tachycardia, chest pain,
abdominal pain, rashes,
diarrhea, dyspepsia, impaired
renal function, n/v, pain
Irinotecan antineoplastics; metastatic colorectal cancer monitor vital signs, assess Diarrhea, elevated liver
(Camptosar) enzyme inhibitors for bleeding enzymes, dizziness, headache,
insomnia, weakness, rhinitis,
dyspnea, vasodilation,
coughing, edema, abdominal
pain/cramping, anorexia, n/v,
constipation, dyspepsia,
weight loss, flatulence,
alopecia, rash, leukopenia,
stomatitis, chills, dehydration,
anemia, sweating, fever, back
pain, injection site reactions,
thrombocytopenia, colonic
ulceration, abdominal
enlargement, neutropenia
Iron dextran antianemics; Iron deficiency monitor BP and HR following Allergic reactions, seizures,
(Dexferrum, InFeD) iron supplements IV admin hypotension, skin staining at
IM site, dizziness, headache,
syncope, abdominal pain,
tachycardia, arthralgia,
urticaria, phlebitis at IV site,
fever, lymphadenopathy, n/v,
pain at IM site, sweating
Iron polysaccharide antianemics; treatment and prevention of assess bowel function for epigastric pain, nausea, dark
(Hytinic, Nu-Iron, iron supplements iron deficiency anemia constipation or diarrhea stools, constipation, dizziness,
Niferex) headache, syncope, vomiting,
temporary staining of teeth, GI
Iron sucrose (Venofer) antianemics; iron deficiency anemia in monitor BP during infusion Hypersensitivity reactions,
iron supplements chronic renal failure headache, n/v, diarrhea, leg
cramps, dyspnea, dizziness,
weakness, increased liver
enzymes, cough, pruritus,
hypotension, chest pain, CHF,
hypertension, abdominal pain,
taste perversion,
hypervolemia, injection site
reactions, sepsis,

Rev. 08/21/08
musculoskeletal pain, fever

Isocarboxazid antidepressants; depression BP and pulse, I&Os, assess Hypertensive crisis, seizures,
(Marplan) monamine oxidase hepatic function dizziness, blurred vision,
inhibitors headache, nausea, dry mouth,
akathisia, restlessness,
anxiety, ataxia, euphoria,
black tongue, drowsiness,
weakness, insomnia, dysuria,
orthostatic hypotension,
diarrhea, sexual dysfunction,
dysuria, urinary incontinence,
urinary retention,
photosensitivity, constipation
Isoniazid antituberculars Active or latent TB infection Monitor hepatic function Drug-induced HEP, n/v,
monthly peripheral neuropathy, visual
disturbances, psychosis,
rashes, seizures,
gynecomastia, blood
dyscrasias, fever
Isoproterenol/ Isuprel, antiarrhythmics Assess lung sounds, Nervousness, restlessness,
Medihaler-Iso bronchodilators respiratory pattern, pulse, tremor, headache, insomnia,
adrenergics and blood pressure; and arrhythmias, angina,
pulmonary function tests hypertension, tachycardia,
before initiating therapy and nausea, vomiting, xerostomia,
periodically throughout. hyperglycemia, pink/red
discoloration of saliva.
Isosorbide group antianginals; angina pectoris, chronic CHF monitor BP and pulse hypotension, tachycardia,
nitrates routinely dizziness, headache, paradoxic
bradycardia, syncope, flushing,
tolerance, n/v
Isotretinoin/ antiacne agents Assess skin, allergy to conjunctivitis, epistaxis,
Accutane, Amnesteem retinoids parabens prior to and cheilitis, dry mouth, nausea,
periodically during therapy. vomiting, pruritus, anemia,
Verify that patient receiving decreased high-density
isotretinoin is registered lipoproteins,
with the iPLEDGE program hypercholesterolemia,
and is completing all hypertriglyceridemia,
required interactions with arthralgia, back pain,
their health care provider. muscle/bone pain, suicide
Monitor liver function prior attempt, pseudotumor cerebri,
to therapy, after 1 mo of severe birth defects
therapy, and periodically
Isradipine (DynaCirc, antianginals; hypertension; angina BP, pulse, I&Os, daily CHF, arrhythmias, stevens-
DynaCirc CR) antihypertensives; pectoris; vasospastic weight, monitor ECG johnson syndrome, peripheral
calcium channel (Prinzmetal’s) angina periodically edema, abnormal dreams,
blockers chest pain, anxiety, confusion,
rash, dizziness, drowsiness,
blurred vision, headache,
nervousness, psychiatric
disturbances, dry mouth,
disturbed equilibrium,
epistaxis, tinnitus,
bradycardia, cough, dyspnea,
palpitations, hypotension,
constipation, n/v, syncope,
tachycardia, abnormal liver

Rev. 08/21/08
function studies, anorexia,
diarrhea, dysgeusia,
dyspepsia, dysuria, nocturia,
polyuria, sexual dysfunction,
increased sweating, urinary
frequency, dermatitis,
flushing, erythema multiforme,
photosensitivity, increased
sweating, prutitus/ urticaria,
gynecomastia, hyper-
glycemia, thrombocytopenia,
anemia, leukopenia, gingival
hyperplasia, paresthesia, joint
stiffness, paresthesia, weight
gain, muscle cramps, tremor
Itraconazole antifungal histoplasmosis; assess for s&s of infection Hepatotoxicity, toxic epidermal
(Sporanox) (systemic) blastomycosis; aspergillosis; periodically (vital signs, lung necrolysis, nausea, dizziness,
dermatophyte infection; sounds, sputum, WBC, nail drowsiness, fatigue, headache,
oropharyngeal esophageal beds) flatulence, malaise, tinnitus,
candidiasis CHF, edema, hypertension,
abdominal pain, anorexia,
diarrhea, vomiting,
albuminuria, decreased libido,
erectile dysfunction, pruritus,
photosensitivity, hypokalemia,
adrenal insufficiency, allergic
reactions, rash, fever
Ixabepilone (Ixempra) antineoplastics; metastatic or locally monitor for hypersensitivity Myelosuppression, nail
epothilone B analog advanced breast cancer reaction; monitor CBC disorder, fatigue, constipation,
weakness, abdominal pain,
n/v, anorexia, diarrhea,
mucositis, stomatitis,
hyperpigmentation, alopecia,
myalgia, palmar-plantar
erythrodysesthesia, arthralgia,
musculoskeletal pain,
peripheral neuopathy,
dizziness, headache, insomnia,
increased lacrimation, edema,
chest pain, rash, myocardial
ischemia, dyspnea, exfoliation,
altered taste, pruritus, hot
flushes, hypersensitivity
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Kanamycin/ Kantrex anti-infectives Assess patient for infection Ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity,

aminoglycosides (vital signs, wound muscle paralysis,
appearance, sputum, urine, hypersensitivity reactions.
stool, WBC); intake and
output and daily weight;
evaluate eighth cranial
nerve function by
audiometry; signs of
superinfection at beginning

Rev. 08/21/08
of and throughout therapy.
Monitor renal function by
BUN and creatinine before
and throughout therapy.
Kaolin/pectin/ Kao- antidiarrheals Assess the frequency and Constipation
Spen, Kapectolin adsorbents consistency of stools and
bowel sounds before and
throughout course of
therapy. Assess fluid and
electrolyte balance and skin
turgor for dehydration.
Kava-kava (Piper antianxiety agents Assess muscle spasm, Dizziness, headache,
Methysticum)/ Ava sedative/hypnotics associated pain, limitations drowsiness, sensory
pepper, intoxicating of movement; degree of disturbances, extrapyramidal
pepper, kao, kew, anxiety and level of effects, Pupil dilation, red
tonga, sedation; sleep patterns eyes, visual accommodation
wurzelstock, yagona prior to and periodically disorders, hepatictoxicity,
throughout therapy. gastrointestinal complaints,
allergic skin reactions, yellow
discoloration of skin, pellagroid
dermopathy, decreased
lymphocytes, decreased
platelets, weight loss, ataxia,
muscle weakness.
Ketamine/ Ketalar general anesthetics Monitor blood pressure, Emergence reactions, elevated
ECG, and respiratory status; intracranial pressure, diplopia,
and level of consciousness increased intraocular pressure,
frequently throughout nystagmus, laryngospasm,
therapy. respiratory depression and
apnea, hypertension,
tachycardia, arrhythmias,
bradycardia, hypotension,
excessive salivation, nausea,
vomiting, erythema, rash, pain
at injection site, increased
skeletal muscle tone.
Ketoconazole antifungals Assess patient for symptoms Dizziness, drowsiness,
(systemic)/ (systemic) of infection prior to and photophobia, druginduced
Nizoral periodically during therapy. hepatitis, nausea, vomiting,
Monitor hepatic function abdominal pain, constipation,
tests prior to and monthly diarrhea, flatulence,
for 3–4 mo and then azoospermia, decreased male
periodically during therapy. libido, menstrual irregularities,
oligospermia, rashes,
Ketoconazole antifungals Inspect involved areas of Burning, itching, local
(topical)/ imidazoles skin and mucous hypersensitivity reactions,
Extina, Nizoral, membranes before and redness, stinging, increased
Nizoral A- frequently during therapy. hair loss.
D, Xolegel
Ketoprofen/ Actron, antipyretics Assess pain and range of Drowsiness, headache, drug-
Orudis, Orudis KT, antirheumatics motion prior to and 1 hr induced hepatitis, GI bleeding,
Oruvail nonopioid following administration. constipation, diarrhea,
analgesics Monitor temperature; note dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting,
nonsteroidal anti signs associated with fever. exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-
inflammatory Evaluate BUN, serum Johnson syndrome, toxic
agents creatinine, CBC, and liver epidermal necrolysis, allergic
nonopioid function tests periodically in reactions including

Rev. 08/21/08
analgesics patients receiving prolonged anaphylaxis.
Ketorolac/ Toradol nonsteroidal anti Assess pain (note type, Drowsiness, abnormal
inflammatory location, and intensity) prior thinking, dizziness, euphoria,
agents to and 1–2 hr following headache, asthma, dyspnea,
nonopioid administration. Evaluate edema, pallor, vasodilation, GI
analgesics liver function tests, bleeding, abnormal taste,
pyrroziline especially AST and ALT, diarrhea, dry mouth,
carboxylic acid periodically in patients dyspepsia, GI pain, nausea,
receiving prolonged therapy. oliguria, renal toxicity, urinary
frequency, exfoliative
dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson
syndrome, toxic epidermal
necrolysis, pruritus, purpura,
sweating, urticaria, prolonged
bleeding time, injection site
pain, paresthesia, allergic
reactions including,
Kunecatechins/ catechins Assess genital and perianal Phimosis, burning, edema,
Veregen area prior to and periodically erosion, erythema, itching.
during therapy.
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Labetalol/ Trandate antianginals Monitor blood pressure and Fatigue, weakness, anxiety,
antihypertensives pulse; orthostatic depression, dizziness,
beta blockers hypotension; intake and drowsiness, insomnia, memory
output ratios and daily loss, mental status changes,
weight frequently during nightmares, blurred vision, dry
dose adjustment and eyes, nasal stuffiness,
periodically during therapy. bronchospasm, wheezing,
Patients receiving labetalol arrhythmias, bradycardia,
IV must be supine during CHF, pulmonary edema,
and for 3 hr after orthostatic hypotension,
administration. Vital signs constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
should be monitored every erectile dysfunction, decreased
5–15 min during and for libido, itching, rashes,
several hours after hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia,
administration. arthralgia, back pain, muscle
cramps, paresthesia, drug-
induced lupus syndrome.
Lacosamide/ Vimpat anticonvulsants Assess location, duration, Dizziness, headache, syncope,
and characteristics of vertigo, diplopia, PR interval
seizure activity. Monitor prolongation, nausea,
closely for notable changes vomiting, ataxia, multiorgan
in behavior that could hypersensitivity reactions
indicate the emergence or
worsening of suicidal
thoughts or behavior or
depression. Assess ECG
prior to therapy in patients
with pre-existing cardiac
Lactulose/Cephulac Osmotic; laxative Assess patient for abdominal Belching, cramps, distention,
distention, presence of flatulence, hyperglycemia

Rev. 08/21/08
bowel sounds, and normal (diabetic patients).
pattern of bowel function;
color, consistency, and
amount of stool produced
Lamotrigine/ Lamictal anticonvulsants Monitor for hypersensitivity Ataxia, dizziness, headache,
reactions, and skin rash behavior changes, depression,
frequently during therapy. drowsiness, insomnia, tremor,
Assess location, duration, blurred vision, double vision,
and characteristics of rhinitis, nausea, vomiting,
seizure activity. Assess vaginitis, photosensitivity, rash
mood, ideation, and (higher incidence in children,
behaviors frequently. patients taking VPA, high
Lamotrigine plasma initial doses, or rapid dose
concentrations may be increases), arthralgia, allergic
monitored periodically or hypersensitivity reactions
during therapy, especially in including Stevens-Johnson
patients concurrently taking syndrome.
other anticonvulsants.
Lamivudine/ Epivir, antiretrovirals Assess patient for change in Seizures, fatigue, headache,
Epivir antivirals severity of symptoms of HIV insomnia, malaise, depression,
HBV, 3TC nucleoside reverse infection and for symptoms dizziness, cough,
transcriptase of opportunistic infection; hepatomegaly with steatosis,
inhibitors peripheral neuropathy; pancreatitis, anorexia,
hepatitis; and signs of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
pancreatitis periodically musculoskeletal pain,
during therapy. Monitor arthralgia, muscle weakness,
serum amylase, lipase, myalgia, rhabdomyolysis,
triglycerides, liver function, neuropathy, hypersensitivity
viral load and CD4 levels reactions including anaphylaxis
before and periodically and Stevens-Johnson
during therapy. syndrome.
Lanreotide/ hormones Assess for GI side effects Bradycardia, hypertension,
Somatuline somatostatin (diarrhea, abdominal pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea,
Depot analogues nausea, gas, constipation); gallstones, hyperglycemia,
usually decrease with hypoglycemia, anemia,
continued treatment. injection site reactions.
Lansoprazole/ antiulcer agents Assess patient routinely for Dizziness, headache, diarrhea,
Prevacid proton pump epigastric or abdominal pain abdominal pain, nausea, rash.
inhibitors and for frank or occult blood
in stool, emesis, or gastric
aspirate. Monitor INR and
prothrombin time in patients
taking warfarin.
Lanthanum hypophosphatemics Assess patient for nausea Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
carbonate/ phosphate binders and vomiting during
Fosrenol therapy. Monitor serum
phosphate levels prior to
and periodically during
Lapatinib/ Tykerb antineoplastics Evaluate left ventricular Fatigue, insomnia, dyspnea,
enzyme inhibitors ejection fraction (LVEF) interstitial lung disease,
kinase inhibitors prior to therapy to pneumonitis, ↓ left ventricular
determine if within ejection fraction,
institution's normal limits. hepatotoxicity, diarrhea,
Monitor ECG and respiratory nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, ↑
status for symptoms of liver enzymes, stomatitis,
interstitial lung disease and palmar-plantar
pneumonitis prior to and erythrodysesthesia, rash, dry

Rev. 08/21/08
periodically during therapy. skin, neutropenia, back pain,
Monitor liver function tests extremity pain.
prior to initiation and every
4–6 wks during therapy and
as clinically indicated.
Monitor serum potassium
and magnesium prior to and
periodically during therapy.
Laronidase/Aldurazym replacement Assess vital signs; Respiratory tract infections,
e enzyme anaphylaxis; and infusion- rash, injection site reactions,
enzymes related reaction during allergic reactions including
therapy. anaphylaxis, infusion related
Leflunomide/ Arava antirheumatics Assess range of motion and Headache, dizziness,
(DMARDs) degree of swelling and pain weakness, bronchitis,
immune response in affected joints before and increased cough, pharyngitis,
modifiers periodically during therapy. pneumonia, respiratory
Monitor liver function infection, rhinitis, sinusitis,
throughout therapy. Assess chest pain, hypertension,
ALT at baseline, then diarrhea, nausea, alopecia,
monthly during initial 6 mo rash, dry skin, eczema,
of therapy, then every 6–8 pruritus, hypokalemia, weight
wks. Monitor CBC with loss, arthralgia, back pain,
platelets monthly for 6 mo joint disorder, allergic
following initiation of reactions, flu syndrome,
therapy and every 6–8 wks infections including sepsis,
thereafter. pain.
Lemon verbena/ antianxiety agents Assess patient for epigastric Contact dermatitis, kidney
Aloysia gastroinestinal anti or abdominal pain, frank or irritation from volatile oil
Triphylla, herb Louisa, inflammatories occult blood in the stool that excretion.
louisa sedative/hypnotics may be indicative of an
ulcer. Assess degree and
manifestations of anxiety
and response and quantity
of herb consumed.
Lenalidomide/ antianemics Assess pregnancy status Dizziness, fatigue, headache,
Revlimid immune response prior to therapy. Effective insomnia, depression, cough,
modifiers contraception must be used pharyngitis, pulmonary
for at least 4 wk prior to embolism, edema, chest pain,
initiating therapy, during deep vein thrombosis,
therapy, during dose palpitations, abdominal pain,
interruptions, and for 4 wk constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
following discontinuation of vomiting, abnormal taste,
therapy, even with a history anorexia, dry mouth, Stevens-
of infertility unless due to a Johnson syndrome, pruritus,
hysterectomy or patient has rash, dry skin, sweating,
been postmenopausal hypothyroidism, hypokalemia,
naturally for 24 consecutive hypomagnesemia,
months. Assess for signs of neutropenia,
deep venous thrombosis and thrombocytopenia, arthralgia,
pulmonary edema; and skin myalgia, fever, chills.
rash periodically during
therapy. Monitor CBC with
differential, platelet count,
hemoglobin and hematocrit
weekly for first 8 wk of
therapy and at least
monthly thereafter.

Rev. 08/21/08
Lepirudin (rDNA)/ anticoagulants Assess patient for signs of Bleeding, allergic reactions
Refludan thrombin inhibitors bleeding and hemorrhage, including anaphylaxis.
and hypersensitivity
reactions during therapy.
Letrozole/ Femara antineoplastics Assess patient for pain and Nausea, weight gain,
aromatase other side effects musculoskeletal pain,
inhibitors periodically throughout arthralgia, fractures.
Leucovorin calcium/ Antidotes (for Assess patient for nausea Thrombocytosis, allergic
citrovorum factor, methotrexate) and vomiting; and reactions
folinic vitamins development of allergic
acid, Wellcovorin folic acid analogues reactions during therapy.
Assess degree of weakness
and fatigue. Monitor serum
methotrexate levels to
determine dosage and
effectiveness of therapy.
Leucovorin calcium levels
should be equal to or
greater than methotrexate
Leuprolide/ Eligard, antineoplastics Assess patient for an Dizziness, headache, syncope,
Lupron, Lupron Depot, hormones increase in bone pain, depot—hair growth, rash,
Lupron Depot-PED, gonadotropin especially during the first Subcut—dry skin, hair loss,
Lupron Depot-3 Month releasing hormones few weeks of therapy. pigmentation, skin cancer, skin
Monitor patients with lesions, breast swelling, breast
vertebral metastases for tenderness, diabetes,
increased back pain and hypercalcemia, lower
decreased sensory/motor extremity edema, burning,
function; intake and output itching, swelling at injection
ratios; bladder distention; site, depot—hyperuricemia,
severity of symptoms; increased bone density,
endometrial pain prior to fibromyalgia, transient
and periodically during increase in bone pain (prostate
therapy. Assess patient for cancer only), Subcut—
signs of precocious puberty ankylosing spondylitis, joint
periodically during therapy. pain, pelvic fibrosis, temporal
Monitor testosterone, bone pain, Subcut—peripheral
prostatic acid phosphate, neuropathy, hot flashes, chills,
and prostate-specific decreased libido, fever, depot
antigen (PSA) levels to —body odor, epistaxis.
evaluate response to
Levalbuterol/ bronchodilators Assess lung sounds, pulse, Anxiety, dizziness, headache,
Xopenex, Xopenex adrenergics and blood pressure; nervousness, increased cough,
HFA pulmonary function tests; paradoxical bronchospasm,
and paradoxical turbinate edema, tachycardia,
bronchospasm before dyspepsia, vomiting,
initiating therapy and hyperglycemia, hypokalemia,
periodically throughout. tremor.
Levamisole/ Ergamisol antineoplastics Assess mucous membranes, Fatigue, anxiety, central
immune response number and consistency of nervous system toxicity,
modifiers stools, and frequency of depression, depression,
vomiting. Assess for signs of dizziness, drowsiness,
infection; bleeding; and conjunctivitis, diarrhea,
central nervous system metallic taste, nausea,
toxicity during therapy. stomatitis, vomiting,
Hematologic functions abdominal pain, anorexia,

Rev. 08/21/08
should be monitored prior to dyspepsia, flatulence, alopecia,
and throughout therapy. dermatitis, pruritus, skin
CBC with differential and discoloration, agranulocytosis,
platelets, electrolytes, and anemia, leukopenia,
liver function tests should thrombocytopenia, arthralgia,
be performed on the 1st day myalgia, ataxia, paresthesia,
of therapy. chills, fever.
Levetiracetam/ anticonvulsants Assess location, duration, Dizziness, fatigue/somnolence,
Keppra pyrrolidines and characteristics of weakness, behavioral
seizure activity; somnolence abnormalities, coordination
and fatigue (asthenia), difficulties.
coordination difficulties
(ataxia, abnormal gait, or
incoordination), and
behavioral abnormalities
throughout therapy.
Levocetirizine/ Xyzal antihistamines Assess allergy symptoms; Drowsiness, fatigue,
piperazines lung sounds and character weakness, dry mouth.
of bronchial secretions
before and periodically
during therapy.
Levodopa/ Dopar, antiparkinson Assess parkinsonian Involuntary movements,
Larodopa, l-dopa agents symptoms, blood pressure anxiety, dizziness,
dopamine agonists and pulse frequently during hallucinations, memory loss,
therapy. Monitor hepatic psychiatric problems, blurred
and renal function and CBC vision, mydriasis, nausea,
periodically in patients on vomiting, anorexia, dry mouth,
long-term therapy. hepatotoxicity, melanoma,
hemolytic anemia, leucopenia,
darkening of urine or sweat.
Levofloxacin/ anti-infectives Assess patient for infection Seizures, dizziness,
Levaquin fluoroquinolones (vital signs; appearance of drowsiness, headache,
wound, sputum, urine, and insomnia, agitation, confusion,
stool; WBC; urinalysis; QTc prolongation, arrhythmias,
frequency and urgency of hepatotoxicity,
urination; cloudy or foul- pseudomembranous colitis,
smelling urine); abdominal pain, diarrhea,
anaphylaxis; and bowel nausea, vomiting, vaginitis,
function at beginning of and photosensitivity, rash,
during therapy. hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia,
phlebitis at IV site, peripheral
neuropathy, arthralgia,
tendinitis, tendon rupture,
hypersensitivity reactions
including anaphylaxis.
Levoleucovorin Antidotes (for Assess patient for nausea Confusion, dyspnea, nausea,
calcium/ methotrexate) and vomiting; development stomatitis, vomiting, altered
Fusilev vitamins of allergic reactions during taste, diarrhea, dyspepsia,
folic acid analogues therapy. Monitor serum dermatitis, abnormal renal
methotrexate and creatinine function, neuropathy, allergic
at least once daily levels to reactions.
determine dosage and
effectiveness of therapy.
Levonorgestrel/ Plan B contraceptive Assess blood pressure and Cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral
hormones skin lesion before and thrombosis, coronary
periodically during therapy. thrombosis, pulmonary
Monitor hepatic function embolism, melasma, rash,
periodically during therapy. bone loss, weight change.

Rev. 08/21/08
Levorphanol/ Levo- opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Confusion, sedation,
Dromoran, Levorphan opioid agonists intensity of pain prior to and dysphoria, euphoria, dizziness,
90–120 min following PO, floating feeling, hallucinations,
60–90 min following subcut, headache, unusual dreams,
and 20 min (peak) following blurred vision, diplopia, miosis,
IV administration. Assess respiratory depression,
blood pressure, pulse, and hypotension, bradycardia,
respirations; and bowel constipation, dry mouth,
function before and nausea, vomiting, urinary
periodically during therapy. retention, flushing, sweating,
pruritis, physical dependence,
psychological dependence,
Levothyroxine/ thyroid Assess apical pulse and Insomnia, irritability,
Synthroid preparations, blood pressure prior to headache, arrhythmias,
hormones therapy; tachyarrhythmias tachycardia, angina pectori,
and chest pain. abdominal cramps, diarrhea,
vomiting hyperhidrosis,
hyperthyroidism, menstrual
irregularities. weight loss, heat
Lidocaine/ LidoPen, anesthetics topical Monitor ECG continuously Seizures, confusion,
Xylocaine, Anestacon, local and blood pressure and drowsiness, blurred vision,
Xylocaine Viscous, antiarrhythmics respiratory status frequently dizziness, nervousness, slurred
Lidoderm, L-M-X 4, L- (class IB) during administration. speech, tremor, mucosal use—
M- Assess degree of numbness decreased or absent gag
X 5, Solarcaine Aloe of affected part. Serum reflex, cardiac arrest,
Extra Burn Relief, electrolyte levels should be arrhythmias, bradycardia,
Zilactin-L monitored periodically heart block, hypotension,
during prolonged therapy. nausea, vomiting,
bronchospasm, stinging,
burning, contact dermatitis,
erythema, allergic reactions
including anaphylaxis.
Lidocaine/prilocaine// anesthetics topical Assess application site for Blanching, redness, alteration
EMLA local open wounds. Apply only to in temperature sensation,
intact skin. Assess edema, itching, rash, allergic
application site for reactions including
anesthesia following anaphylaxis.
removal of system and prior
to procedure.
Lindane/ gamma pediculocides Assess skin and hair for Seizures, headache,
benzene scabicide signs of infestation before tachycardia, nausea, vomiting,
hexachloride, G-Well, and after treatment. contact dermatitis (repeated
Scabene Examine family members application), local irritation.
and close contacts for
infestation. When used in
treatment of pediculosis
pubis or scabies, sexual
partners should receive
concurrent prophylactic
Linezolid/ Zyvox anti-infectives Assess for infection (vital Headache, insomnia,
oxazolidinones signs; appearance of pseudomembranous colitis,
wound, sputum, urine, and diarrhea, increased liver
stool; WBC); visual function tests, nausea, taste
function; and bowel function alteration, vomiting, lactic
at beginning of and during acidosis, thrombocytopenia,

Rev. 08/21/08
therapy. Monitor CBC and optic neuropathy, peripheral
platelet count weekly, neuropathy.
especially in patients at risk
for increased bleeding,
having pre-existing bone
marrow suppression,
receiving concurrent
medications that may cause
myelosuppression, or
requiring >2 weeks of
Liothyronine/ hormones Assess apical pulse and Insomnia, irritability,
Cytomel, l- thyroid blood pressure; headache, arrhythmias,
triiodothyronine, T3, preparations tachyarrhythmias and chest tachycardia, angina pectoris,
Triostat pain; height, weight, and abdominal cramps, diarrhea,
psychomotor development vomiting, hyperhidrosis,
prior to and periodically hyperthyroidism, menstrual
during therapy. Monitor irregularities, weight loss, heat
thyroid function studies intolerance, accelerated bone
prior to and during therapy. maturation in children.
Monitor blood and urine
glucose in diabetic patients.
Liotrix/ T3/T4, Thyrolar hormones Assess apical pulse and Insomnia, irritability,
thyroid blood pressure prior to and headache, arrhythmias,
preparations periodically during therapy. tachycardia, angina pectoris,
Assess for tachyarrhythmias abdominal cramps, diarrhea,
and chest pain. Monitor vomiting, hyperhidrosis,
thyroid function studies hyperthyroidism, menstrual
prior to and during therapy. irregularities, weight loss, heat
Monitor blood and urine intolerance, accelerated bone
glucose in diabetic patients. maturation in children.
Lisdexamfetamine/ central nervous Assess child's attention Behavioral disturbances,
Vyvanse system stimulants span, impulse control, and dizziness, hallucinations,
sympathomimetics interactions with others. insomnia, irritability, mania,
Monitor blood pressure, psychomotor hyperactivity,
pulse, and respiration; thought disorder, tics, blurred
growth, both height and vision, poor accommodation,
weight; behavior change; abdominal pain, ↓ appetite, dry
dependence and abuse mouth, nausea, vomiting,
before administering and rash, ↓ weight, long-term
periodically during therapy. growth suppression.
Lisinopril/ Prinivil, antihypertensives Monitor BP, pulse, and signs Dizziness, fatigue, headache,
Zestril ace inhibitors of angioedema. Monitor weakness, cough,
weight and assess patient hypotension, chest pain,
routinely for resolution of abdominal pain, diarrhea,
fluid overload. Monitor renal nausea, vomiting, erectile
function. dysfunction, impaired renal
function, rashes,
hyperkalemia, angioedema.
Lithium/Eskalith, mood stabilizers Assess mental status; manic Seizures, fatigue, headache,
Lithobid symptoms; intake and impaired memory,
output ratios; and weight arrhythmias, ECG changes,
should also be monitored at edema, hypotension,
least every 3 mo at baseline abdominal pain, anorexia,
and periodically through bloating, diarrhea, nausea, dry
treatment. Evaluate renal mouth, metallic taste,
and thyroid function, WBC polyuria, acneiform eruption,
with differential, serum folliculitis, hypothyroidism,

Rev. 08/21/08
electrolytes, and glucose leukocytosis, weight gain,
periodically during therapy. muscle weakness, rigidity,
Lomustine/ CCNU, antineoplastics Monitor for bone marrow Ataxia, disorientation,
CeeNu alkylating agents depression; bleeding; dysarthria, lethargy, fibrosis,
nausea and vomiting; and pulmonary infiltrates, nausea,
pulmonary function tests vomiting, anorexia,
prior to initiation of therapy hepatotoxicity, stomatitis,
and periodically during azotemia, renal failure,
therapy. Monitor CBC and alopecia, infertility,
differential; liver function leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
studies (AST, ALT, LDH, anemia, hyperuricemia,
bilirubin) and renal function secondary malignancy (long-
studies (BUN, creatinine) term use).
prior to and periodically
during therapy.
Loperamide/Diar-aid antidiarrheals Assess frequency and Drowsiness, dizziness,
Caplets, Imodium, consistency of stools and constipation, abdominal
Imodium A-D, bowel sounds prior to and pain/distention/discomfort, dry
Kaopectate II Caplets, during therapy. Assess fluid mouth, nausea, vomiting,
Maalox Antidiarrheal and electrolyte balance and allergic reactions.
Caplets, Neo-Diaral, skin turgor for dehydration.
Pepto Diarrhea
Lopinavir/ritonavir// antiretrovirals Assess for signs of Headache, insomnia,
Kaletra protease inhibitors pancreatitis; change in weakness, diarrhea(↑ in
metabolic inhibitors severity of HIV symptoms children), abdominal pain,
and for symptoms of nausea, pancreatitis, taste
opportunistic infections aversion (in children),
during therapy. Monitor vomiting(↑ in children), rash.
triglyceride and cholesterol
levels; and viral load and
CD4 counts regularly during
Loracarbef/ Lorabid anti-infectives Assess patient for infection; Seizures, pseudomembranous
second generation anaphylaxis; obtain a colitis, abdominal pain,
cephalosporins history to determine diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
previous use of and rashes, urticaria, vaginal
reactions to penicillins or moniliasis, vaginitis,
cephalosporins at beginning eosinophilia, hemolytic
of and throughout therapy. anemia, leukopenia,
thrombocytopenia, allergic
reactions including
anaphylaxis, superinfection.
Loratadine antihistamines Assess allergy symptoms, Confusion, drowsiness (rare),
lung sounds and character paradoxical excitation, blurred
of bronchial secretions vision, dry mouth, GI upset,
during therapy. photosensitivity, rash, weight
Lorazepam/Ativan Benzodiazepines; Assess degree and Dizziness, drowsiness,
analgesic adjuncts, manifestations of anxiety & lethargy, apnea, cardiac
antianxiety agents, mental status prior to & arrest, constipation, nausea,
sedative, hypnotics periodically throughout vomiting, confusion, mental
therapy. depression
Losartan/ Cozaar antihypertensives Assess blood pressure Dizziness, fatigue, headache,
angiotensin ii (lying, sitting, standing) and insomnia, weakness, chest
receptor pulse; and signs of pain, edema, hypotension,
antagonists angioedema frequently nasal congestion,

Rev. 08/21/08
during initial dosage hypoglycemia, weight gain,
adjustment and periodically diarrhea, abdominal pain,
during therapy. Monitor dyspepsia, nausea, impaired
renal function. renal function, hyperkalemia,
back pain, myalgia,
angioedema, fever.
Lovage/ Angelica diuretics Assess fluid intake, urine Phototoxic dermatitis.
Levisticum, output and pedal edema.
Hipposelecnum Monitor serum electrolytes,
levisticum, lavose, BUN and creatinine
Levisticum officinale, periodically throughout
maggi plant, smellage therapy.
Lovastatin/ Mevacor lipid-lowering Obtain a diet history, Dizziness, headache, insomnia,
agents especially with regard to fat weakness, blurred vision,
hmg coa reductase consumption. Evaluate abdominal cramps,
inhibitors serum cholesterol and constipation, diarrhea, flatus,
statin triglyceride levels before heartburn, altered taste, drug-
initiating, after 4–6 wk of induced hepatitis, dyspepsia,
therapy, and periodically elevated liver enzymes,
thereafter. Monitor liver nausea, pancreatitis, erectile
function tests, including dysfunction, rashes, pruritus,
AST, before, 12 wk after rhabdomyolysis, arthralgia,
initiation of therapy or after myalgia, myositis,
dose elevation, and then hypersensitivity reactions.
every 6 mo. If patient
develops muscle tenderness
during therapy, CPK levels
should be monitored.
Loxapine/ Loxitane, antipsychotics Monitor patient's mental Neuroleptic malignant
Loxitane C, Loxitane status; positive (delusions, syndrome, confusion,
IM hallucinations, agitation) dizziness, drowsiness,
and negative (social extrapyramidal reactions,
withdrawal) symptoms of headache, insomnia, syncope,
schizophrenia; weight and tardive dyskinesia, weakness,
BMI; blood pressure (sitting, blurred vision, lens opacities,
standing, lying) and pulse; nasal congestion, orthostatic
onset of akathisia; hypotension, tachycardia,
extrapyramidal side effects; constipation, drug-induced
tardive dyskinesia; hepatitis, dry mouth, ileus,
frequency and consistency nausea, vomiting, urinary
of bowel movements; and retention, dermatitis, edema,
development of neuroleptic facial photosensitivity, pigment
malignant syndrome before changes, rashes, seborrhea,
and periodically during galactorrhea, agranulocytosis,
therapy. Monitor CBC and ataxia, allergic reactions.
differential before and
periodically throughout
therapy. Monitor liver
function studies and urine
bilirubin and bile
concentrations if patient
develops jaundice.
Lubiprostone/ Amitiza laxatives Assess for abdominal Dizziness, headache,
chloride channel distention, presence of peripheral edema, dyspnea,
activators bowel sounds, and usual diarrhea, nausea, abdominal
bowel patterns prior to and pain, abdominal distention,
periodically during therapy. dyspepsia, dry mouth, reflux,
Assess color, consistency, arthralgia.

Rev. 08/21/08
and amount of stool
Lymphocyte immune immunosuppressan Assess patient for Headache, dyspnea, chest
globulin/ ATG, ts hypersensitivity reaction pain, hypotension, diarrhea,
antilymphocyte immune globulins and vital signs frequently nausea, stomatitis, vomiting,
globulin, throughout therapy. Monitor dermatologic reactions,
Atgam, LIG CBC and platelets erythema, itching, leukopenia,
throughout therapy. thrombocytopenia, anemia,
hemolysis, pain/phlebitis at IV
site, arthralgia, allergic
reactions including
anaphylaxis, chills, fever,
serum sickness–like reactions,
clotted AV fistula, night
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Magnesium mineral electrolyte Assess for signs and diarrhea

chloride/Mag Delay, replacements symptoms of
Mag-SR, Slo-Mag supplements hypomagnesemia
Assess serum magnesium
level and renal function
before administering
Magnesium gluconate/ mineral electrolyte Assess for signs and diarrhea
Almoate, Magtrate, replacements symptoms of
Magonate supplements hypomagnesemia
Assess serum magnesium
level and renal function
before administering
Magnesium antiulcer agents Assess for heartburn and aluminum salts— constipation;
hydroxide/ antacids indigestion as well as magnesium salts—diarrhea;
Aluminum hydroxide/ location, duration, magnesium salts—
Alamag, Maalox, character, and precipitating hypermagnesemia; aluminum
Mylanta Ultimate, factors of gastric pain. salts—hypophosphatemia.
Rulox Monitor serum phosphate,
potassium, and calcium
levels periodically during
chronic use.
Magnesium mineral electrolyte Assess for signs and diarrhea
oxide/Mag-Ox 400, replacements symptoms of
Uro-Mag supplements hypomagnesemia
Assess serum magnesium
level and renal function
before administering
Magnesium salicylate antipyretics Assess pain and limitation of Allergic reactions including
non-opioid movement; note type, anaphylaxis and laryngeal
analgesics location, and intensity edema, GI bleeding,
before and at the peak after dyspepsia, epigastric distress
Assess fever and note
associated signs
(diaphoresis, tachycardia,
malaise, chills)
Malathion pediculocides Assess scalp for presence of
lice and their ova (nits) prior

Rev. 08/21/08
to and 1 wk after application

Mannitol diuretics Monitor vital signs, urine Transient volume expansion

output, CVP, and pulmonary
artery pressures (PAP)
before and hourly
throughout administration.
Assess patient for signs and
symptoms of dehydration or
signs of fluid overload.
Assess patient for anorexia,
muscle weakness,
numbness, tingling,
paresthesia, confusion, and
excessive thirst. Monitor
neurologic status and
intracranial pressure,
persistent or increased eye
pain or decreased visual
Maraviroc anti-retrovirals Assess patient for change in Allergic reactions,
severity of HIV symptoms hepatotoxicity, abdominal
and for symptoms of pain, dizziness, cough, upper
opportunistic infections respiratory tract infection,
throughout therapy fever.
Assess for signs of hepatitis
or allergic reaction (pruritic
rash, jaundice, dark urine,
and vomiting, abdominal
pain). If symptoms occur,
discontinue maraviroc
Mebendazole Anti-helmintics Pinworm: Perianal Seizures (rare)
examinations should be
performed to detect the
presence of adult worms in
the perianal area, and
cellophane tape swabs of
the perianal area should be
taken before and starting 1
wk after treatment to detect
the presence of ova. Swabs
should be taken each
morning before defecation
or bathing for at least 3
days. Patients are not
considered cured unless
perianal swabs have been
negative for 7 days
Roundworm: Stool
examinations should be
monitored before and 1–3
wk after treatment
Mecasermin hormones Assess tonsils for Hypoglycemia, seizures,
hypertrophy periodically tonsillar hypertrophy.
during therapy. To assess
for intracranial
hypertension, fundoscopic

Rev. 08/21/08
examinations are
recommended prior to and
periodically during therapy.
May cause headache with
nausea and vomiting,
allergic reactions (rash,
difficulty breathing),
thickening of soft tissues of
the face
Mechlorethamine/ antineoplastics Monitor blood pressure, Seizures, drowsiness,
Mustargen, nitrogen alkylating agents pulse, and respiratory rate; headache, vertigo, weakness,
mustard injection site; intake and nausea, vomiting, anorexia,
output, appetite, and diarrhea, infertility, rashes,
nutritional intake; nausea alopecia, leucopenia,
and vomiting; bone marrow thrombocytopenia, anemia,
depression; bleeding; and tissue necrosis, phlebitis at IV
symptoms of gout during site, hyperuricemia,
therapy. Monitor CBC and reactivation of herpes zoster.
differential; liver function
studies (AST, ALT, LDH,
bilirubin); renal function
studies (BUN, creatinine);
and uric acid concentrations
before and periodically
during therapy.
Meclizine antiemetics Assess patient for level of Drowsiness
antihistamines sedation, nausea and
vomiting before and 60 min
after administration
Assess degree of vertigo
periodically in patients
receiving meclizine for
Meclofenamate anti-rheumatics Monitor for rhinitis, asthma, GI bleeding, drug-induced
non-opioid and urticaria hepatitis, allergic reactions
analgesics Arthritis: Assess pain and including anaphylaxis and
range of movement before stevens-johnson syndrome,
and periodically during dizziness, headache, diarrhea,
therapy dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting
Pain: Assess location,
duration, and intensity of
pain before and 1 hr after
Medroxyprogesterone contraceptive Assess blood pressure, depression, migraine
(Depo-Provera, Depo- hormones acne before and headache, contact lens
subQ Provera 104) periodically during intolerance, optic neuritis,
therapy. Monitor hepatic retinal thrombosis, cerebral
function periodically hemorrhage, cerebral
during therapy. Estrogens thrombosis, coronary
only—May cause ↑ serum thrombosis, pulmonary
glucose, sodium, embolism, edema,
triglyceride, VHDL, total hypertension, Raynaud's
cholesterol, prothrombin, phenomenon, thromboembolic
and factors VII, VIII, IX, phenomena, thrombophlebitis,
and X levels. May cause ↓ abdominal cramps, bloating,
LDL and antithrombin III cholestatic jaundice,
Levels. gallbladder disease, liver
tumors, nausea, vomiting,

Rev. 08/21/08
amenorrhea, breakthrough
bleeding, dysmenorrhea,
spotting, melasma, rash,
hyperglycemia, weight change.
Megestrol anti-neoplastics Assess patient for swelling, Thromboembolism,
hormones pain, or tenderness in legs. asymptomatic adrenal
Report these signs of deep suppression (chronic therapy).
vein thrombophlebitis
Anorexia: Monitor weight,
appetite, and nutritional
intake in patients with AIDS
Meloxicam non-steroidal anti Patients who have asthma, GI bleeding, exfoliative
inflammatory aspirin-induced allergy, and dermatitis, stevens-johnson
agents nasal polyps are at syndrome, toxic epidermal
increased risk for developing necrolysis
hypersensitivity reactions.
Assess for rhinitis, asthma,
and urticaria
Assess pain and range of
motion prior to and 1–2 hr
following administration
Melphalan/Alkeran, L- antineoplastics Assess for signs of infection; Bronchopulmonary dysplasia,
PAM, phenylalanine alkylating agents bleeding; nausea and pulmonary fibrosis, diarrhea,
mustard vomiting; symptoms of hepatitis, nausea, stomatitis,
gout; fatigue and dyspnea; vomiting, infertility, alopecia,
and allergy to chlorambucil. pruritus, rashes, menstrual
Monitor CBC and differential irregularities, leukopenia,
weekly during therapy. hyperuricemia,
thrombocytopenia, anemia.
Memantine anti-Alzheimer’s Assess cognitive function
agents (memory, attention,
reasoning, language, ability
to perform simple tasks)
periodically during therapy
Meningococcal vaccines/immunizin Review patient's Pain at injection site
polysaccharide g agents immunization history for
diphtheria toxoid contraindications and
conjugate vaccine history of sensitivity to
vaccine, a similar vaccine,
or latex. Stopper of vial
contains dry natural latex,
which may cause allergic
reactions in latex-sensitive
Menotropins hormones Female Infertility : Thromboembolism, abdominal
Gynecologic and endocrine pain, bloating, pelvic pain
examinations to determine
the cause of infertility
should be completed before
Male Infertility:
Urologic and endocrine
examinations to determine
the cause of infertility
should be completed before
Meperidine opioid analgesics Monitor patients on chronic Seizures, confusion, sedation,
or high-dose therapy for hypotension, constipation,

Rev. 08/21/08
CNS stimulation nausea, vomiting
(restlessness, irritability,
seizures) due to
accumulation of
normeperidine metabolite.
Risk of toxicity increases
with doses >600 mg/24 hr,
chronic administration (>2
days), and renal
Meprobamate anti-anxiety agents Assess degree and Drowsiness, ataxia
sedative/hypnotics manifestations of anxiety
before and periodically
throughout therapy
Monitor blood pressure and
pulse rate before and during
initial therapy
Prolonged high-dose therapy
may lead to psychological or
physical dependence.
Restrict amount of drug
available to patient
Geri: Assess fall risk and
institute fall prevention
Mercaptopurine anti-neoplastics Monitor hepatic function Hepatotoxicity, anemia,
(AST, ALT, alkaline leukopenia, thrombocytopenia
phosphatase, LDH, and
bilirubin) weekly during
Meropenem anti-infectives Observe patient for signs Seizures, apnea,
and symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis,
anaphylaxis (rash, pruritus, allergic reactions including
laryngeal edema, anaphylaxis, diarrhea, nausea,
wheezing). Discontinue the vomiting
drug and notify physician
immediately if these
symptoms occur. Have
epinephrine, an
antihistamine, and
resuscitative equipment
close by in the event of an
anaphylactic reaction
Mesalamine gastrointestinal Monitor intake and output Anaphylaxis, headache
anti-inflammatories ratios. Fluid intake should
be sufficient to maintain a
urine output of at least
1200–1500 mL daily to
prevent crystalluria and
stone formation. Assess
abdominal pain and
frequency, quantity, and
consistency of stools at the
beginning of and during
Mesna antidotes Monitor for development of
hemorrhagic cystitis in
patients receiving ifosfamide

Rev. 08/21/08
Mestranol/norethindro contraceptive Assess blood pressure, depression, migraine
ne hormones acne before and headache, contact lens
(Necon 1/50, Norethin periodically during intolerance, optic neuritis,
1/50M, Norinyl 1+50, therapy. Monitor hepatic retinal thrombosis, cerebral
Ortho-Novum 1/50) function periodically hemorrhage, cerebral
during therapy. Estrogens thrombosis, coronary
only—May cause ↑ serum thrombosis, pulmonary
glucose, sodium, embolism, edema,
triglyceride, VHDL, total hypertension, Raynaud's
cholesterol, prothrombin, phenomenon, thromboembolic
and factors VII, VIII, IX, phenomena, thrombophlebitis,
and X levels. May cause ↓ abdominal cramps, bloating,
LDL and antithrombin III cholestatic jaundice,
Levels. gallbladder disease, liver
tumors, nausea, vomiting,
amenorrhea, breakthrough
bleeding, dysmenorrhea,
spotting, melasma, rash,
hyperglycemia, weight change.
Metaproterenol/ bronchodilators Assess lung sounds, pulse, Nervousness, restlessness,
Alupent adrenergics and blood pressure; tremor, headache, insomnia,
pulmonary function tests; paradoxical bronchospasm
and paradoxical (excessive use of inhalers),
bronchospasm before angina, arrhythmias,
initiating therapy and hypertension, tachycardia,
periodically throughout. nausea, vomiting,
Observe patient for drug hyperglycemia.
tolerance and rebound
bronchospasm. Symptoms
of overdose include
persistent agitation, chest
pain or discomfort,
decreased blood pressure,
dizziness, hyperglycemia,
hypokalemia, seizures,
tachyarrhythmias, persistent
trembling, and vomiting.
Metaxalone skeletal muscle Assess patient for pain, Drowsiness, dizziness, nausea
relaxants muscle stiffness, and range
(centrally acting) of motion before and
periodically during therapy
Geri: Assess geriatric
patients for anti-cholinergic
effects (sedation and
Metformin/Glucophage Biguanides/ When combined with oral abdominal bloating, diarrhea,
antidiabetics sulfonylureas, observe for nausea, vomiting, unpleasant
signs and symptoms of metallic taste, hypoglycemia,
hypoglycemic reactions. lactic acidosis, decreased
assess for ketoacidosis or vitamin B12 levels
lactic acidosis.
Methadone opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Confusion, sedation,
intensity of pain prior to and hypotension, constipation
1–2 hr (peak) following
Assess blood pressure,
pulse, and respirations
before and periodically

Rev. 08/21/08
during administration.
Assess bowel function
routinely. Assess patient for
signs of opioid withdrawal
(irritability, runny nose and
eyes, abdominal cramps,
body aches, sweating, loss
of appetite, shivering,
unusually large pupils,
trouble sleeping, weakness,
Methazolamide diuretics Assess for eye discomfort or Aplastic anemia, hemolytic
decrease in visual acuity, anemia, leucopenia,
signs of hypokalemia depression, tiredness,
(muscle weakness, malaise, weakness, anorexia, metallic
fatigue, ECG changes, taste, hyperchloremic acidosis,
vomiting) weight loss
Methimazole Anti-thyroid agents Monitor response for Agranulocytosis, rash
symptoms of
hyperthyroidism or
thyrotoxicosis, development
of hypothyroidism, skin rash
or swelling of cervical lymph
Methocarbamol skeletal muscle Assess patient for pain, Seizures (IV, IM only), allergic
relaxants muscle stiffness, and range reactions including anaphylaxis
(centrally acting) of motion before and (IM, IV use only) , dizziness,
periodically throughout drowsiness, light-headedness,
therapy anorexia, GI upset, nausea
Monitor pulse and blood
pressure every 15 min
during parenteral
administration. Geri: Assess
geriatric patients for
anticholinergic effects
(sedation and weakness)
Assess patient for allergic
reactions (skin rash,
asthma, hives, wheezing,
hypotension) after
parenteral administration.
Keep epinephrine and
oxygen on hand in the event
of a reaction
Monitor IV site. Injection is
hypertonic and may cause
thrombophlebitis. Avoid
Methohexital general anesthetics Assess blood pressure, ECG, Seizures, apnea,
heart rate, and respiratory laryngospasm,
status continuously cardiorespiratory arrest,
throughout methohexital shivering
therapy. Methohexital
should be used only by
individuals qualified to
administer anesthesia and
experienced in endotracheal
intubation. Apnea may occur

Rev. 08/21/08
immediately after IV
injection, especially in the
presence of opioid
Monitor IV site carefully.
Extravasation may cause
pain, swelling, ulceration,
and necrosis. Intra-arterial
injection may cause
arteritis, vasospasm,
edema, thrombosis, and
gangrene of the extremity
Methotrexate anti-neoplastics Monitor vital signs, Pulmonary fibrosis, aplastic
anti-rheumatics abdominal pain, diarrhea, or anemia, arachnoiditis (IT use
(DMARDs) stomatitis; bone marrow only), anorexia,
immunosuppressan depression, bleeding. Apply hepatotoxicity, nausea,
ts pressure to venipuncture stomatitis, vomiting, anemia,
sites for 10 min. Assess for leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
signs of infection during nephropathy
neutropenia. Monitor for
increased fatigue, dyspnea,
and orthostatic hypotension,
intake and output ratios and
daily weights. Monitor for
symptoms of pulmonary
toxicity, symptoms of gout
(increased uric acid, joint
pain, edema). Encourage
patient to drink at least 2 L
of fluid each day. Assess
nutritional status. Assess for
development of nuchal
rigidity, headache, fever,
confusion, drowsiness,
dizziness, weakness, or
pain and range of motion,
skin lesions prior to and
periodically during therapy
Methoxypolyethylene anti-anemics Monitor blood pressure, Seizures, cardiovascular and
glycol-epoetin beta signs of allergic reactions, thrombotic events, pure red
neurological status aplasia, allergic reactions
periodically during therapy, including anaphylaxis,
symptoms of anemia headaches, hypertension,
Methyl anti-neoplastics Assess lesions prior to and 3 Burning, contact sensitization,
aminolevulinate months after last treatment erythema, irritation, itching,
pain in area of application
Methyldopa/ Aldomet antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure and Sedation, decreased mental
centrally acting pulse; intake and output acuity, depression, nasal
antiadrenergics ratios and weight and stuffiness, myocarditis,
assess for edema daily; bradycardia, edema,
depression or other orthostatic hypotension, drug-
alterations in mental status; induced hepatitis, diarrhea,
temperature during therapy. dry mouth, erectile
Monitor renal and hepatic dysfunction, eosinophilia,
function and CBC before and hemolytic anemia, fever.
periodically during therapy.

Rev. 08/21/08
Methylergonovine oxytocic Monitor blood pressure, Hypertension, nausea,
heart rate, and uterine vomiting, cramps
response, signs of ergotism
(cold, numb fingers and
toes, chest pain, nausea,
vomiting, headache, muscle
pain, weakness)
Methylnatrexone laxatives Assess bowel sounds and Abdominal pain, flatulence,
frequency, quantity, and nausea
consistency of stools; pain
intensity during therapy.
Methylphenidate central nervous Monitor blood pressure, Hyperactivity, insomnia,
system stimulants pulse, and respiration before restlessness, tremor,
administering and hypertension, palpitations,
periodically during therapy. tachycardia, anorexia
Pedi: Monitor growth, both
height and weight, attention
span, impulse control, and
interactions with others.
Methylprednisolone / anti inflammatories Assess patient for signs of depression, euphoria,
A-Methapred, steroidal adrenal insufficiency; intake hypertension, peptic
depMedalone, immunosuppressan and output ratios; daily ulceration, anorexia, nausea,
Depoject, Depo- ts weights; and signs of acne, decreased wound
Medrol, Depopred, corticosteroids anaphylaxis before and healing, ecchymoses, fragility,
Depo-Predate, periodically throughout hirsutism, petechiae, adrenal
Duralone, Medralone, therapy. Observe patient for suppression,
Medrol, Meprolone, peripheral edema, steady thromboembolism, muscle
Rep-Pred, Solu-Medrol weight gain, rales/crackles, wasting, osteoporosis,
or dyspnea. Children should cushingoid appearance,
have periodic evaluations of
growth. Guaiac test stools.
Promptly report presence of
guaiac-positive stools
Metoclopramide anti-emetics Assess patient for nausea, neuroleptic malignant
vomiting, abdominal syndrome, drowsiness,
distention, and bowel extrapyramidal reactions,
sounds before and after restlessness
Assess patient for
extrapyramidal side effects,
tardive dyskinesia,
neuroleptic malignant
Metocurine/ Metubine neuromuscular Assess respiratory status, Bronchospasm, hypotension
blocking agents Neuromuscular response, (increased with tubocurarine),
nondepolarizing ECG, heart rate, and blood allergic reactions including
pressure, residual muscle anaphylaxis.
weakness and respiratory
distress, infusion site
Metolazone anti-hypertensives Monitor blood pressure, Hypokalemia, hyperuricemia
diuretics intake and output, and daily
weight, feet, legs, and
sacral area for edema daily ,
anorexia, nausea, vomiting,
muscle cramps, paresthesia,
and confusion. Monitor
blood pressure before and
periodically during therapy

Rev. 08/21/08
Metoprolol/Lopressor Beta blocker, Monitor blood pressure, fatigue, weakness, anxiety,
antianginals, ECG, and pulse frequently depression, dizziness,
antihypertensive during dose adjustment and drowsiness, insomnia, memory
periodically during therapy loss, mental status changes,
nervousness, nightmares,
bradycardia, CHF, pulmonary
edema, decreased libido
Metronidazole anti-infectives Assess patient for infection Seizures, dizziness, headache,
anti-protozoals (vital signs; appearance of abdominal pain, anorexia,
anti-ulcer agents wound, sputum, urine, and nausea
stool; WBC), neurologic
status during and after IV
infusions, intake and output
and daily weight.
Mexiletine anti-arrhythmics Monitor pulse, blood Arrhythmias, hepatic necrosis,
(class IB) pressure, and ECG dizziness, nervousness,
periodically throughout heartburn, nausea, vomiting,
therapy. Continuous Holter tremor
monitoring and chest x-ray
examinations may be
necessary to determine
efficacy and aid in dosage
Assess type, location, and
severity of pain prior to and
periodically throughout
Micafungin/ Mycamine antifungals Assess symptoms of worsening hepatic
echinocandins esophageal candidiasis, function/hepatitis, renal
injection site reactions impairment, hemolysis/
(phlebitis, thrombophlebitis) hemolytic anemia, injection
site reactions, allergic
reactions including
Miconazole (topical)/ antifungals Inspect involved areas of burning, itching, local
Fungoid, Lotrimin AF, (topical) skin and mucous hypersensitivity reactions,
Micatin, Monistat- membranes redness, stinging.
Miconazole (vaginal)/ antifungals Inspect involved areas of cramping, itching, vulvovaginal
Monistat-1, Monistat- (vaginal) skin and mucous burning
3, membranes
Monistat-7, Vagistat-3
Midazolam/ Versed antianxiety agents Assess level of sedation and agitation, drowsiness, excess
sedative/hypnotics level of consciousness sedation, headache, blurred
benzodiazepines throughout and for 2–6 hr vision, apnea, laryngospasm,
following administration. respiratory depression,
Monitor blood pressure, bronchospasm, coughing,
pulse, and respiration cardiac arrest, arrhythmias,
continuously during IV hiccups, nausea, vomiting,
administration. rashes, phlebitis at IV site,
pain at IM site.
Midodrine/ProAmatine vasopressors Monitor supine and sitting anxiety, confusion, head
blood pressure, pattern of pressure/fullness, headache,
urinary output, renal and nervousness, supine
hepatic function hypertension, bradycardia,

Rev. 08/21/08
dysuria, facial flushing,
piloerection, pruritus, rash,
paresthesia, chills, pain.
Mifepristone/ Mifeprex abortifacients Assess amount of bleeding abdominal pain, diarrhea,
antiprogestational and cramping during nausea, vomiting, uterine
agents treatment. Determine bleeding, uterine cramping,
duration of pregnancy. dizziness, fainting, headache,
Miglitol/ Glyset antidiabetics signs and symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea,
alpha glucosidase hypoglycemic reactions flatulence, low serum iron.
Miglustat/ Zavesca enzyme inhibitors Assess for tremor, diarrhea Headache, abdominal pain,
D-glucose analogue and weight loss diarrhea, flatulence, nausea,
substrate reduction weight loss, anorexia,
therapy dyspepsia, ↓ male fertility,
thrombocytopenia, weight
loss, paresthesia, peripheral
neuropathy, tremor.
Milnacipran/ Savella antifibromyalgia Assess intensity, quality, dizziness, headache, insomnia,
agents and location of pain, blood hypertension, tachycardia,
selective pressure and heart rate, constipation, dry mouth, liver
norepinephrine notable changes in behavior function abnormalities,
reuptake inhibitors that could indicate the nausea, vomiting, hot flushes,
emergence or worsening of hyperhydrosis.
suicidal thoughts or
behavior or depression.
Treat per-existing
hypertension and cardiac
disease prior to therapy.
Milrinone/ Primacor inotropics Monitor heart rate and blood headache, tremor, ventricular
pressure, ECG continuously arrhythmias, angina pectoris,
during administration. chest pain, hypotension,
supraventricular arrhythmias,
skin rash, liver function
abnormalities, hypokalemia,
Mineral oil/ Fleet laxatives Assess patient for abdominal lipid pneumonia, diarrhea, anal
Mineral Oil, lubricant laxatives distention, presence of irritation, rectal seepage of
Kondremul bowel sounds, and usual mineral oil.
Plain, Milkinol pattern of bowel function
Minocycline/ Arestin, anti-infectives Assess patient for infection benign intracranial
Dynacin, Minocin, tetracyclines hypertension, dizziness,
Solodyn vestibular reactions, diarrhea,
nausea, vomiting, esophagitis,
hepatotoxicity, pancreatitis,
photosensitivity, rash,
pigmentation of skin and
mucous membranes, blood
dyscrasias, lupus-like
syndrome, hypersensitivity
reactions, superinfection.
Minoxidil (systemic)/ antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure and Headache, pulmonary edema,
Loniten vasodilators pulse, intake and output CHF, ECG changes,
ratios and daily weight and tachycardia, angina,
assess for edema daily pericardial effusion, nausea,
hypertrichosis, pigment
changes, rashes,
gynecomastia, menstrual

Rev. 08/21/08
irregularities, sodium and
water retention, intermittent
Mirtazapine/ antidepressants Assess mental status drowsiness, abnormal dreams,
Remeron, tetracyclic (orientation, mood, abnormal thinking, agitation,
Remeron Soltabs antidepressants behavior), suicidal anxiety, apathy, confusion,
tendencies, weight and BMI, dizziness, malaise, weakness,
blood pressure and pulse sinusitis, dyspnea, increased
rate. Monitor for seizure cough, edema, hypotension,
activity in patients with a vasodilation, constipation, dry
history of seizures or alcohol mouth, increased appetite,
abuse. abdominal pain, anorexia,
elevated liver enzymes,
nausea, vomiting, urinary
frequency, pruritus, rash,
increased thirst,
agranulocytosis, weight gain,
increased triglycerides,
arthralgia, back pain, myalgia,
hyperkinesia, hypesthesia,
twitching, flu-like syndrome.
Misoprostol/ Cytotec antiulcer agents Assess patient routinely for Headache, abdominal pain,
cytoprotective epigastric or abdominal pain diarrhea, constipation,
agents and for frank or occult blood dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea,
prostaglandins in the stool, emesis, or vomiting, miscarriage,
gastric aspirate. Assess menstrual disorders.
women of childbearing age
for pregnancy.
Mitomycin/ MitoExtra, antineoplastics Monitor vital signs, Pulmonary toxicity, edema,
Mutamycin antitumor respiratory status and chest nausea, vomiting, anorexia,
antibiotics x-ray examination. Nausea stomatitis, infertility, renal
and vomiting usually occur failure, alopecia,
within 1–2 hr. Vomiting may desquamation, leukopenia,
stop within 3–4 hr. thrombocytopenia, anemia,
phlebitis at IV site, hemolytic
uremic syndrome, fever,
prolonged malaise.
Mitotane/ o,p'-DDD, antineoplastics Monitor for symptoms of lethargy, somnolence, brain
Lysodren adrenal insufficiency, damage, dizziness, fatigue,
development of dose- functional impairment (high-
limiting side effects (severe dose, long-term therapy),
nausea, vomiting, anorexia, headache, irritability, mental
or diarrhea), neurologic depression, tremors, vertigo,
status; report depression, weakness, blurred vision,
lethargy, and complaints of decreased hearing, diplopia,
dizziness lens opacities, optic neuritis,
toxic retinopathy, shortness of
breath, wheezing,
hypertension, hypotension,
anorexia, diarrhea, nausea,
vomiting, increased salivation,
albuminuria, hematuria,
hemorrhagic cystitis,
maculopapular rash, flushing,
adrenal suppression,

Rev. 08/21/08
hypouricemia, aching,
arthralgia, myalgia, fever.
Mitoxantrone/Novantr antineoplastics Monitor for hypersensitivity Seizures, headache, blue-
one immune modifiers reaction, bleeding, chest x- green sclera, conjunctivitis,
antitumor ray, ECG, echocardiography cough, dyspnea, cardiotoxicity,
antibiotics or MUGA, and radionuclide arrhythmias, ECG changes,
angiography to determine abdominal pain, diarrhea,
ejection fraction, symptoms hepatic toxicity, nausea,
of gout. Encourage patient stomatitis, vomiting, blue-
to drink at least 2 L of fluid green urine, gonadal
per day. suppression, renal failure,
alopecia, rashes, anemia,
leukopenia, secondary
leukemia, thrombocytopenia,
hyperuricemia, fever,
hypersensitivity reactions.
Modafinil/ Provigil central nervous Observe and document headache, amnesia, anxiety,
system stimulants frequency of narcoleptic cataplexy, confusion,
episodes depression, dizziness,
insomnia, nervousness,
rhinitis, abnormal vision,
amblyopia, epistaxis,
pharyngitis, dyspnea, lung
disorder, arrhythmias, chest
pain, hypertension,
hypotension, syncope,
vasodilation, nausea, abnormal
liver function, anorexia,
diarrhea, gingivitis, mouth
ulcers, thirst, vomiting,
abnormal ejaculation,
albuminuria, urinary retention,
dry skin, herpes simplex,
hyperglycemia, eosinophilia,
joint disorder, neck pain,
ataxia, dyskinesia, hypertonia,
paresthesia, tremor, infection.
Moexipril/ Univasc antihypertensives Monitor BP, pulse, and signs dizziness, fatigue, headache,
ace inhibitors of angioedema. Monitor cough, hypotension, chest
renal function. pain, edema, diarrhea,
dyspepsia, impaired renal
function, flushing, rashes,
hyperkalemia, myalgia,
angioedema, flu-like
Molindone/ Moban antipsychotics Assess patient's mental Neuroleptic malignant
status (orientation, mood, syndrome, extrapyramidal
behavior), weight and BMI, reactions, sedation,
fluid intake and bowel depression, dizziness,
function, onset of akathisia euphoria, headache, insomnia,
(restlessness or desire to tardive dyskinesia, blurred
keep moving) and vision, dry eyes, nasal
extrapyramidal side effects, congestion, hypotension,
tardive dyskinesia, tachycardia, constipation, dry
development of neuroleptic mouth, anorexia, drug-induced
malignant syndrome, hepatitis, nausea,
photosensitivity, rashes,
galactorrhea, increased libido,

Rev. 08/21/08
irregular menses, allergic
Mometasone (nasal)/ anti inflammatories Monitor degree of nasal Headache, pharyngitis,
Nasonex steroidal stuffiness, amount and color epistaxis, nasal burning, nasal
corticosteroids of nasal discharge, and irritation, nasopharyngeal
frequency of sneezing, fungal infection, sinusitis,
vomiting, dysmenorrheal,
adrenal suppression (increased
dose, long-term therapy only),
decreased growth (children),
pain, cough.
Mometasone (topical)/ anti inflammatories Assess affected skin prior to allergic contact dermatitis,
Elocon steroidal and daily during therapy. atrophy, burning, dryness,
corticosteroids Note degree of inflammation edema, folliculitis,
and pruritus. hypersensitivity reactions,
hypopigmentation, irritation,
maceration, miliaria, perioral
dermatitis, secondary
infection, striae, adrenal
Monobasic potassium antiurolithics Assess patient for signs and confusion, listlessness,
phosphate/ K-Phos mineral electrolyte symptoms of hypokalemia, weakness, arrhythmias,
Original replacements hypophosphatemia, pulse, cardiac arrest, ECG changes,
supplements blood pressure, and ECG, hypotension, diarrhea,
intake and output ratios and abdominal pain, nausea,
daily weight vomiting, hyperkalemia,
hypomagnesemia, irritation at
IV site, phlebitis, flaccid
paralysis, heaviness of legs,
hyperkalemia—muscle cramps;
arrhythmias, ECG
Montelukast/ Singulair allergy, cold and Assess lung sounds and anxiety, depression, fatigue,
cough remedies respiratory function, allergy headache, suicidal
bronchodilators symptoms (rhinitis, thoughts/behaviors, weakness,
leukotriene conjunctivitis, hives), cough, rhinorrhea, increased
antagonists notable changes in behavior liver enzymes, tremor, rash,
eosinophilic conditions
including churg-strauss
syndrome, fever.
Children: otitis, sinusitis,
abdominal pain, diarrhea,
dyspepsia, nausea.
Morphine/ opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and confusion, sedation, dizziness,
Astramorph, opioid agonists intensity of pain prior to and dysphoria, euphoria, floating
Astramorph PF, 1 hr following PO, subcut, feeling, hallucinations,
Avinza, IM, and 20 min (peak) headache, unusual dreams,
Duramorph, DepoDur, following IV administration. blurred vision, diplopia, miosis,
Infumorph, Kadian, Patients on a continuous respiratory depression,
MS, infusion should have hypotension, bradycardia,
MS Contin, MSIR, additional bolus doses constipation, nausea,
MSO4, provided every 15–30 min, vomiting, urinary retention,
MS Concentrate, as needed, for breakthrough flushing, itching, sweating,
Oramorph SR, RMS, pain. Assess level of physical dependence,

Rev. 08/21/08
Roxanol, Roxanol consciousness, blood psychological dependence,
Rescudose, Roxanol-T pressure, pulse, and tolerance.
respirations, bowel function
Moxifloxacin/ Avelox anti-infectives Assess for infection (vital agitation, anxiety, dizziness,
fluoroquinolones signs, appearance of headache, insomnia, QTc
sputum, WBC), signs and prolongation, arrhythmias,
symptoms of anaphylaxis, pseudomembranous colitis,
bowel function. Diarrhea, abdominal pain, abnormal liver
abdominal cramping, fever, function tests, diarrhea,
and bloody stools dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting,
photosensitivity, tendinitis,
tendon rupture,
hypersensitivity reactions
including anaphylaxis.
MULTIPLE VITAMINS/ vitamins Assess patient for signs of Urine discoloration
Adavite, Certagen, nutritional deficiency before (preparations with B vitamins),
Dayalets, and throughout therapy. allergic reactions to
Hexavitamin, LKV preservatives, additives, or
Drops, Multi-75, Multi- colorants.
Day, Nutrox, One-A-
Day, Optilets, Poly-Vi-
Sol, Quintabs, Ru-lets,
Sesame Street
Vitamins, Sigtab,
Syrvite, Tab-A-Vite,
Therabid, Theragran,
Thera Multi-Vitamin,
Theravee, Theravim,
Theravite, Therems,
Unicaps, Vita-Bob,
Vita-Kid, Zymacap
Multivitamin infusion/ vitamins Assess patient for signs of Urine discoloration
B nutritional deficiency before (preparations with B vitamins),
complex with C and B, and throughout therapy. allergic reactions to
Cernevit-12, Multi preservatives, additives, or
Vitamin Concentrate, colorants.
M.V.I.-12, M.V.I.
Mupirocin/ Bactroban, anti-infectives Assess lesions before and nasal only—headache, cough,
Bactroban Nasal daily during therapy itching, pharyngitis, rhinitis,
upper respiratory tract
congestion, altered taste.
topical only—burning, itching,
pain, stinging.
Muromonab-CD3/ immunosuppressan Assess for fluid overload, tremor, aseptic meningitis,
Orthoclone OKT3 ts vital signs and breath dizziness, pulmonary edema,
monoclonal sounds, signs of dyspnea, shortness of breath,
antibodies anaphylactic or wheezing, chest pain,
hypersensitivity reactions, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
infection, development of cytokine release syndrome,
aseptic meningitis. Assess infections, chills, fever,
for cytokine release hypersensitivity reactions,
syndrome (CRS), usually increased risk of lymphoma.
manifested by high fever
and chills, headache,
tremor, nausea and
vomiting, chest pain, muscle

Rev. 08/21/08
and joint pain, generalized
weakness, shortness of
breath, dizziness, abdominal
pain, malaise, diarrhea, and
trembling of hands, but may
occasionally cause a severe,
life-threatening, shock-like
Mycophenolic acid/ immunosuppressan Assess for symptoms of Progressive multifocal
Myfortic ts organ rejection, signs of leukoencephalopathy, anxiety,
progressive multifocal dizziness, headache, insomnia,
leukoencephalopathy paresthesia, tremor, edema,
(hemiparesis, apathy, hypertension, hypotension,
confusion, cognitive tachycardia, rashes,
deficiencies and ataxia) hypercholesterolemia,
hyperglycemia, hyperkalemia,
hypocalcemia, hypokalemia,
hypomagnesemia, GI bleeding,
anorexia, constipation,
diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
abdominal pain, renal
dysfunction, leukocytosis,
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
anemia, cough, dyspnea,
fever, infection, increased risk
of malignancy.
Mycophenolate immunosuppressan Assess for symptoms of Progressive multifocal
mofetil/ ts organ rejection, signs of leukoencephalopathy, anxiety,
CellCept progressive multifocal dizziness, headache, insomnia,
leukoencephalopathy paresthesia, tremor, edema,
(hemiparesis, apathy, hypertension, hypotension,
confusion, cognitive tachycardia, rashes,
deficiencies and ataxia) hypercholesterolemia,
hyperglycemia, hyperkalemia,
hypocalcemia, hypokalemia,
hypomagnesemia, GI bleeding,
anorexia, constipation,
diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
abdominal pain, renal
dysfunction, leukocytosis,
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
anemia, cough, dyspnea,
fever, infection, increased risk
of malignancy.
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Nabilone/ Cesamet antiemetics Monitor patient closely for Concentration difficulty,

cannabinoids altered mental status. drowsiness, euphoria, sleep
Monitor vital signs disturbance, vertigo, ataxia,
periodically during therapy. hypotension, dry mouth,
tachycardia, depression.
Nabumetone/ Relafen antirheumatics Assess pain and range of GI bleeding, abdominal pain,
nonsteroidal anti motion before and diarrhea, exfoliative
inflammatory periodically throughout dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson
agents therapy. Monitor for rhinitis, syndrome, toxic epidermal

Rev. 08/21/08
asthma, and urticaria necrolysis, allergic reactions
throughout therapy. including anaphylaxis,
Evaluate BUN, serum angioneurotic edema,
creatinine, CBC, and liver agitation, anxiety, confusion,
function periodically in depression, dizziness,
patients receiving prolonged drowsiness, fatigue, headache,
therapy. insomnia, weakness.
Nadolol/ Corgard antianginals Monitor blood pressure and Fatigue, weakness, anxiety,
antihypertensives pulse; orthostatic depression, dizziness,
beta blockers hypotension; intake and drowsiness, insomnia, blurred
output ratios and daily vision, dry eyes,
weight; and evidence of bronchospasm, wheezing,
fluid overload frequently arrhythmias, bradycardia,
during dose adjustment and CHF, pulmonary edema,
periodically during therapy. orthostatic hypotension,
Assess frequency and peripheral vasoconstriction,
characteristics of angina constipation, nausea, erectile
periodically during therapy. dysfunction, back pain, muscle
Monitor patients receiving cramps, paresthesia, drug-
beta blockers for signs of induced lupus syndrome.
Nafarelin/ Synarel hormones Assess patient for Emotional instability,
gonadotropin endometriotic pain; signs of headaches, nasal irritation,
releasing hormones precocious puberty; onset of edema, vaginal dryness, acne,
normal puberty and assess hirsutism, seborrhea,
menstrual cycle, cessation of menses, impaired
reproductive function, and fertility, reduced breast size,
final adult height decreased bone density,
periodically throughout myalgia, decreased libido, hot
therapy. flashes, weight gain.
Nafcillin/Nallpen, anti-infectives Assess for infection; signs Seizures, rash, urticaria,
Unipen penicillinase and symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis,
resistant penicillins anaphylaxis; and vein for diarrhea, epigastric distress,
signs of irritation and nausea, vomiting, interstitial
phlebitis at beginning of and nephritis, pain at IM site,
throughout therapy. Change phlebitis at IV site, allergic
IV site every 48 hr to reactions including anaphylaxis
prevent phlebitis. and serum sickness,
Naftifine/ Naftin antifungals Inspect involved areas of Burning, dryness, itching, local
(topical) skin and mucous hypersensitivity reactions,
membranes before and redness, stinging.
frequently during therapy.
Nalbuphine/ Nubain opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Dizziness, headache, sedation,
opioid agonists intensity of pain before and respiratory depression,
analgesics 1 hr after IM or 30 min hypertension, orthostatic
(peak) after IV hypotension, palpitations, dry
administration. Assess blood mouth, nausea, vomiting,
pressure, pulse, and urinary urgency, clammy
respirations before and feeling, sweating, physical or
periodically during psychological dependence,
administration. tolerance.
Nalmefene/ Revex antidotes Monitor respiratory rate, Dysphoria, headache,
opioid antagonists rhythm, and depth; pulse, hypertension, hypotension,
ECG, and blood pressure; tachycardia, vasodilation,
and level of sedation abdominal cramps, nausea,
frequently until effects of joint pain, myalgia, chills,
opioid wear off. Assess fever, postoperative pain.

Rev. 08/21/08
patient for signs and
symptoms of opioid
withdrawal. Assess patient
for intensity of pain when
nalmefene is used to treat
postoperative respiratory
Naloxone/ Narcan antidotes Monitor respiratory rate, Hypertension, hypotension,
(for opioids) rhythm, and depth; pulse, ventricular fibrillation,
opioid antagonists ECG, blood pressure; and ventricular tachycardia,
level of consciousness nausea, vomiting.
frequently for 3–4 hr after
the expected peak of blood
concentrations. Assess
patient for level of pain after
administration when used to
treat postoperative
respiratory depression.
Assess patient for signs and
symptoms of opioid
Naltrexone/ ReVia, alcohol abuse Assess patient for last time Anxiety, fatigue, headache,
Vivitrol therapy adjuncts opioids or alcohol were insomnia, nervousness,
opioid antagonists taken. Assess for signs of eosinophilic pneumonia,
eosinophilic pneumonia. hepatotoxicity, abdominal
cramps/pain, nausea, injection
site reactions.
Naltrexone injection/ alcohol abuse Assess patient for last time Dizziness, headache,
Vivitrol therapy adjuncts opioids or alcohol were eosinophylic pneumonia,
opioid antagonists taken. Assess for signs of anorexia, nausea, vomiting, ↓
eosinophilic pneumonia. eosinophils, ↓ platelets,
injection site reactions.
Nandrolone antianemics Monitor response for Insomnia, edema, muscle
decanoate/ hormones symptoms of anemia during cramps, diarrhea, hepatic
Deca-Durabolin, anabolic steroids therapy. Monitor CBC dysfunction, changes in libido,
Hybolin periodically throughout prostatic hyperplasia, acne,
Decanoate, Kabolin therapy. virilism in women and
prepubertal men.
Naproxen/Aleve, nonopioid Assess pain and range of Dizziness, drowsiness,
Anaprox, Anaprox DS, analgesics motion prior to and 1–2 hr headache, tinnitus, visual
Apo-Napro-Na DS, nonsteroidal anti following administration. disturbances, dyspnea,
EC- inflammatory Monitor temperature. tachycardia, drug-induced
Naprosyn, Naprelan, agents Evaluate BUN, serum hepatitis, GI bleeding,
Napron X, Naprosyn antipyretics creatinine, CBC, and liver constipation, dyspepsia,
function tests periodically in nausea, allergic reactions
patients receiving prolonged including anaphylaxis and
therapy. Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
Naratriptan/ Amerge vascular headache Assess pain location, Dizziness, drowsiness,
suppressants character, intensity, and malaise/fatigue, coronary
five ht1 agonists duration and associated artery vasospasm, MI,
symptoms (photophobia, ventricular fibrillation,
phonophobia, nausea, ventricular tachycardia,
vomiting) during migraine myocardial ischemia, nausea,
attack. paresthesia, pain/pressure
sensation in throat/neck.
Natalizumab/ Tysabri anti multiple Assess frequency of Depression, fatigue,
sclerosis agents exacerbations of symptoms cholelithiasis, allergic reactions
monoclonal of multiple sclerosis including anaphylaxis,

Rev. 08/21/08
antibodies periodically during therapy. infections, progressive
Assess for signs of multifocal
hypersensitivity reactions; leukoencephalopathy (PML),
new signs or symptoms that infusion-related reactions.
may be suggestive of PML,
an opportunistic infection of
the brain that leads to death
or severe disability during
therapy. Observe patient
during infusion and for 1 hr
after infusion is completed.
Nateglinide/ Starlix antidiabetics Observe for signs and Dizziness, bronchitis,
meglitinides symptoms of hypoglycemic coughing, upper respiratory
reactions. Monitor serum infection, diarrhea,
glucose and HbA1c hypoglycemia, arthropathy,
periodically during therapy back pain, flu symptoms.
to evaluate effectiveness
Nebivolol/ Bystolic antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure, Dizziness, fatigue, headache.
beta blockers ECG, and pulse; intake and
selective output ratios and daily
weights; signs and
symptoms of CHF prior to
and periodically during
Nefazodone antidepressants Assess mental status; Dizziness, insomnia,
suicidal tendencies; blood somnolence, dyspnea,
pressure and pulse; liver bradycardia, hypotension,
function tests; and sexual hepatic failure, hepatotoxicity,
dysfunction before and constipation, dry mouth,
periodically during therapy. nausea, gastroenteritis,
Monitor liver function erectile dysfunction, rashes,
periodically. decreased hematocrit.
Nelarabine/ Arranon antineoplastics Assess neurologic status Anemia, leukopenia,
antimetabolites frequently. Monitor CBC neutropenia,
regularly. thrombocytopenia, severe
neurologic events.
Nelfinavir/ Viracept antiretrovirals Assess patient for change in Seizures, diarrhea, anxiety,
protease inhibitors severity of HIV symptoms depression, pharyngitis,
and opportunistic infections rhinitis, dyspnea, rash,
throughout therapy. Monitor dyspepsia, GI bleeding,
viral load and CD4 cell arthritis, back pain, myalgia,
counts regularly during myopathy, allergic reactions,
therapy. fever, sweating, urticaria.
Neomycin/ Neo-Fradin anti-infectives Assess patient for infection Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
aminoglycosides at beginning of and hypersensitivity reactions.
throughout therapy. Monitor
neurologic status. Prior to
administering oral
medication, assess patient"s
ability to swallow.
Neostigmine/ antimyasthenics Assess pulse, respiratory Seizures, dizziness, weakness,
Prostigmin cholinergics rate, and blood pressure lacrimation, miosis,
prior to administration. bronchospasm, excess
Assess neuromuscular secretions, bradycardia,
status, including vital hypotension, abdominal
capacity, ptosis, diplopia, cramps, diarrhea, excess
chewing, swallowing, hand salivation, nausea, vomiting,
grasp, and gait, prior to sweating, rashes.

Rev. 08/21/08
administering and at peak
effect. Monitor abdominal
status, bladder distention,
intake and output during
therapy. Monitor reversal of
effects of neuromuscular
blocking agents with a
peripheral nerve stimulator.
Nesiritide/ Natrecor vasodilators Monitor blood pressure, Anxiety, confusion, dizziness,
human B-type pulse, ECG, respiratory rate, headache, hypotension (dose
natriuretic peptide cardiac index, PCWP, and related), insomnia,
central venous pressure drowsiness, amblyopia, apnea,
frequently during cough, hemoptysis,
administration. Monitor hypotension, arrhythmias,
intake and output and weigh bradycardia, abdominal pain,
daily; and decrease in signs nausea, vomiting, ↑ creatinine,
of CHF during therapy. renal failure, itching, rash,
Monitor BUN and serum sweating, anemia, injection
creatinine. site reactions, back pain, leg
cramps, paresthesia, tremor,
Nevirapine/ Viramune antiretrovirals Assess for change in Headache, hepatotoxicity,
non nucleoside severity of HIV symptoms elevated liver enzyme levels,
reverse and for symptoms of nausea, abdominal pain,
transcriptase opportunistic infections diarrhea, hepatitis, ulcerative
inhibitors throughout therapy. Assess stomatitis, rash (may progress
for rash especially during to toxic epidermal necrolysis),
1st 6 wks of therapy. granulocytopenia, myalgia,
Monitor viral load and CD4 paresthesia, peripheral
cell count regularly during neuropathy, Stevens-Johnson
therapy. Monitor for liver syndrome, fever.
function at baseline and
frequently during the first
18 wks for toxicity,
especially during first 6 wks
of therapy.
Niacin/ Edur-Acin, lipid-lowering Assess patient for signs of Nervousness, panic, blurred
Nia- agents niacin deficiency prior to vision, loss of central vision,
Bid, Niac, Niacels, vitamins and periodically during proptosis, toxic amblyopia,
Niacor, water soluble therapy. Obtain a diet orthostatic hypotension,
Niaspan, Nicobid, vitamins history, especially with hepatotoxicity, GI upset,
Nico- regard to fat consumption. bloating, diarrhea, nausea,
400, Nicolar, Monitor serum glucose and peptic ulceration, flushing of
Nicotinex, uric acid levels and hepatic the face and neck, pruritus,
nicotinic acid, Slo- function tests periodically burning, dry skin, increased
Niacin, during prolonged high-dose sebaceous gland activity,
vitamin B therapy. rashes, stinging or tingling of
skin, glycosuria.
Niacinamide/nicotina lipid-lowering Assess patient for signs of Nervousness, panic, blurred
mide agents niacin deficiency prior to vision, loss of central vision,
vitamins and periodically during proptosis, toxic amblyopia,
water soluble therapy. Obtain a diet orthostatic hypotension,
vitamins history, especially with hepatotoxicity, GI upset,
regard to fat consumption. bloating, diarrhea, nausea,
Monitor serum glucose and peptic ulceration, flushing of
uric acid levels and hepatic the face and neck, pruritus,
function tests periodically burning, dry skin, increased
during prolonged high-dose sebaceous gland activity,

Rev. 08/21/08
therapy. rashes, stinging or tingling of
skin, glycosuria.
Nicardipine/ Cardene, antianginals Monitor blood pressure and Abnormal dreams, anxiety,
Cardene SR, Cardene antihypertensives pulse prior to therapy, weakness, blurred vision,
IV calcium channel during dosage titration, and epistaxis, tinnitus, cough,
blockers periodically throughout dyspnea, shortness of breath,
therapy. Monitor ECG, arrhythmias, CHF, peripheral
intake and output ratios and edema, bradycardia, chest
daily weight, signs of CHF pain, hypotension,
periodically during palpitations, syncope,
prolonged therapy. Assess tachycardia, abnormal results
location, duration, intensity, in liver function studies,
and precipitating factors of anorexia, constipation,
patient's anginal pain. diarrhea, dry mouth, vomiting,
Monitor serum potassium dysuria, nocturia, polyuria,
periodically. Monitor renal flushing, pruritus/urticaria,
and hepatic functions rash, hyperglycemia, anemia,
periodically during long- thrombocytopenia, weight
term therapy. gain, joint stiffness, tremor,
Stevens-Johnson syndrome,
gingival hyperplasia.
Nicotine gum/ smoking deterrents Prior to therapy, assess Headache, insomnia,
Nicorette, smoking history. Assess nervousness, weakness,
Thrive patient for symptoms of pharyngitis, sinusitis,
smoking withdrawal tachycardia, chest pain,
periodically during nicotine hypertension, belching,
replacement therapy. increased appetite, increased
Evaluate progress in salivation, oral injury, sore
smoking cessation mouth, jaw ache, arthralgia,
periodically during therapy. back pain, myalgia,
paresthesia, allergy, pain.
Nicotine inhaler/ smoking deterrents Prior to therapy, assess Headache, anxiety, local
Nicotrol smoking history. Assess mouth/throat irritation,
Inhaler patient for symptoms of rhinitis, sinusitis, cough,
smoking withdrawal tachycardia, dyspepsia,
periodically during nicotine abnormal taste, diarrhea,
replacement therapy. flatulence, hiccups, nausea,
Evaluate progress in back pain, jaw pain, myalgia,
smoking cessation paresthesia, allergy, fever, flu-
periodically during therapy. like symptoms, pain.
Nicotine lozenge/ smoking deterrents Prior to therapy, assess Headache, insomnia,
Commit smoking history. Assess nervousness, weakness,
patient for symptoms of sinusitis, tachycardia,
smoking withdrawal abdominal pain, constipation,
periodically during nicotine diarrhea, dry mouth,
replacement therapy. dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting,
Evaluate progress in dysmenorrheal, arthralgia,
smoking cessation back pain, myalgia,
periodically during therapy. paresthesia, allergy, pain.
Nicotine nasal spray/ smoking deterrents Prior to therapy, assess Anxiety, headache, impaired
Nicotrol NS smoking history. Assess concentration, irritability,
patient for symptoms of insomnia, restlessness,
smoking withdrawal flatulence, nasopharyngeal
periodically during nicotine irritation, sneezing, watering
replacement therapy. eyes, cough, sweating, chest
Evaluate progress in pain, hypertension, acne,
smoking cessation palpitations, tachycardia, dry
periodically during therapy. mouth, hiccups.

Rev. 08/21/08
Nicotine transdermal/ smoking deterrents Prior to therapy, assess Headache, insomnia, dizziness,
Nicoderm CQ smoking history. Assess drowsiness, nervousness,
patient for symptoms of weakness, sinusitis,
smoking withdrawal tachycardia, abdominal pain,
periodically during nicotine diarrhea, dry mouth,
replacement therapy. dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting,
Evaluate progress in burning at patch site,
smoking cessation erythema, pruritis, rash,
periodically during therapy. sweating, back pain, myalgia,
paresthesia, allergy, pain.
NIFEdipine/ Adalat, antianginals Monitor blood pressure and Headache, peripheral edema,
Adalat CC, Afeditab antihypertensives pulse; intake and output bradycardia, chest pain,
CR, Nifedical XL, calcium channel ratios; daily weight; ECG; hypotension, arrhythmias,
Procardia, Procardia blockers and signs of CHF before and CHF, palpitations, syncope,
XL periodically during therapy. tachycardia, abnormal liver
Assess location, duration, function studies, anorexia,
intensity, and precipitating dysgeusia, dyspepsia, nausea,
factors of patient's anginal vomiting, dysuria, nocturia,
pain. Monitor serum polyuria, sexual dysfunction,
potassium, renal and urinary frequency, flushing,
hepatic functions joint stiffness, muscle cramps,
periodically during long- paresthesia, tremor, Stevens-
term therapy. Johnson syndrome, gingival
Nilotinib/ Tasigna antineoplastics Monitor ECG to assess the Fatigue, headache, dizziness,
enzyme inhibitors QTc interval at baseline, 7 vertigo, arrhythmias,
kinase inhibitors days after initiation of hypertension, palpitations, QT
therapy, and periodically prolongation, constipation,
thereafter. Monitor for diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
myelosuppression, bleeding, abdominal discomfort,
fatigue, dyspnea, and anorexia, dyspepsia,
othrostatic hypotension flatulence, hepatotoxicity,
during therapy. Apply pruritus, rash, alopecia,
pressure to venipuncture flushing, hyperkalemia,
sites for at least 10 min. hypocalcemia, hypokalemia,
Monitor serum electrolytes hyponatremia, fever,
prior to and periodically hypophosphatemia,
during therapy. Monitor CBC myelosupression, ↑ lipase,
every 2 wks for first 2 mo hyperglycemia,
and monthly thereafter or musculoskeletal pain,
as indicated. paresthesia, night sweats.
Nilutamide/ Nilandron antineoplastics Patients should have a chest Dizziness, impaired adaptation
antiandrogens x-ray prior to initiation of to darkness, abnormal vision,
therapy. Assess patient for interstitial pneumonitis,
symptoms of interstitial hypertension, hepatotoxicity,
pneumonitis. Monitor constipation, hepatitis,
hepatic function prior to and increased liver enzymes,
every 3 mo throughout nausea, hot flashes, hair loss,
therapy. sweating.
Nimodipine/ Nimotop subarachnoid Assess patient's neurologic Abnormal dreams, anxiety,
hemorrhage status; blood pressure and nervousness, weakness,
therapy agents pulse; intake and output blurred vision, tinnitus,
calcium channel ratios and daily weight; arrhythmias, CHF, chest pain,
blockers signs of CHF prior to and hypotension, syncope,
periodically following tachycardia, abnormal liver
therapy. Monitor serum function studies, anorexia,
potassium; renal and pruritus/urticaria, rash,
hepatic functions anemia, weight gain, joint

Rev. 08/21/08
periodically. stiffness, muscle cramps,
paresthesia, tremor, Stevens-
Johnson syndrome.
Nisoldipine/ Sular antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure and Headache, dizziness,
calcium channel pulse prior to therapy, pharyngitis, sinusitis,
blockers during dosage titration, and peripheral edema, chest pain,
periodically throughout hypotension, palpitations,
therapy. Monitor intake and nausea, rash, gynecomastia.
output ratios and daily
weight; and CHF during
Nitazoxanide/ Alinia antiprotozoals Assess frequency and Dizziness, yellow eye
benzamides consistency of stools and discoloration, abdominal pain,
bowel sounds; fluid and diarrhea, vomiting, discolored
electrolyte balance and skin urine, pruritus, sweating,
turgor for dehydration fever.
before and during therapy.
Nitrofurantoin/ anti-infectives Assess for signs and Dizziness, drowsiness,
Furadantin, Macrobid, symptoms of urinary tract headache, nystagmus,
Macrodantin infection; intake and output pneumonitis, chest pain,
ratios; and bowel function pseudomembranous colitis,
before and periodically anorexia, nausea, vomiting,
during therapy. Monitor CBC abdominal pain, diarrhea,
routinely with patients on drug-induced hepatitis,
prolonged therapy. rust/brown discoloration of
urine, blood dyscrasias,
peripheral neuropathy,
hypersensitivity reactions.
Nitroglycerin/ Nitro- antianginals Assess location, duration, Dizziness, headache,
Time, nitrates intensity, and precipitating apprehension, restlessness,
Nitro-Bid IV, Tridil, factors of patient's anginal weakness, blurred vision,
Nitrolingual, pain. Monitor blood pressure hypotension, tachycardia,
Nitromist, and pulse before and after syncope, abdominal pain,
Nitro-Bid, Nitrostat, administration. Patients nausea, vomiting, contact
NitroQuick, Minitran, receiving IV nitroglycerin dermatitis (transdermal or
Nitrek, Nitro-Dur require continuous ECG and ointment), alcohol intoxication
blood pressure monitoring. (large IV doses only), cross-
tolerance, flushing, tolerance.
Nitroprusside/ antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure, Dizziness, headache,
Nitropress vasodilators heart rate, and ECG restlessness, blurred vision,
frequently throughout tinnitus, dyspnea,
therapy; continuous hypotension, palpitations,
monitoring is preferred. abdominal pain, nausea,
Pulmonary capillary wedge vomiting, acidosis, phlebitis at
pressure (PCWP) may be IV site, cyanide toxicity,
monitored in patients with thiocyanate toxicity.
MI or CHF. Monitor serum
concentrations in patients
receiving >10 mg/kg and
exhibiting signs of impaired
oxygen delivery despite
adequate cardiac output and
arterial Pco2.
Nizatidine/ Axid, Axid antiulcer agents Assess patient for epigastric Confusion, dizziness,
AR histamine h2 or abdominal pain and frank drowsiness, hallucinations,
antagonists or occult blood in the stool, headache, arrhythmias,
emesis, or gastric aspirate. constipation, diarrhea, drug-

Rev. 08/21/08
Assess geriatric and induced hepatitis, nausea,
debilitated patients routinely decreased sperm count,
for confusion. CBC with erectile dysfunction,
differential should be gynecomastia, anemia,
monitored periodically agranulocytosis, aplastic
during therapy anemia, neutropenia,
hypersensivity reactions.
Norepinephrine/Levop vasopressors Monitor blood pressure Anxiety, dizziness, phlebitis at
hed every 2–3 min until IV site, headache, insomnia,
stabilized and every 5 min restlessness, tremor,
thereafter. ECG should be weakness, dyspnea,
monitored continuously. arrhythmias, bradycardia,
Monitor urine output and chest pain, hypertension,
notify physician if it decreased urine output, renal
decreases to <30 ml/hr. failure, metabolic acidosis,
Assess IV site frequently hyperglycemia, fever.
throughout infusion.
Norethindrone/ Errin, contraceptive Assess blood pressure and Depression, cerebral
Camila, Jolivette, hormones skin lesion before and hemorrhage, cerebral
Micronor, Nor-Q D periodically during therapy. thrombosis, coronary
Monitor hepatic function thrombosis, pulmonary
periodically during therapy. embolism, hypertension,
Raynaud's phenomenon,
amenorrhea, breakthrough
bleeding, hyperglycemia,
weight change.
Norethindrone/ethinyl contraceptive Assess blood pressure and Depression, cerebral
acetate// Estrostep, hormones skin lesion before and hemorrhage, cerebral
Estrostep Fe periodically during therapy. thrombosis, coronary
Monitor hepatic function thrombosis, pulmonary
periodically during therapy. embolism, hypertension,
Raynaud's phenomenon,
amenorrhea, breakthrough
bleeding, hyperglycemia,
weight change.
Norfloxacin/ Noroxin anti-infectives Assess for infection, signs Seizures, headache,
fluoroquinolones and symptoms of arrhythmias, hepatoxicity,
anaphylaxis, and bowel pseudomembranous colitis,
function at beginning of and diarrhea, nausea,
during therapy. hypersensitivity reactions
including anaphylaxis.
Nortriptyline/ Aventyl, antidepressants Monitor mental status, Drowsiness, fatigue, lethargy,
Pamelor tricyclic suicidal tendencies, weight agitation, confusion,
antidepressants and BMI, blood pressure and extrapyramidal reactions,
pulse, FBS and cholesterol hallucinations, headache,
levels before and during insomnia, blurred vision, dry
initial therapy. Monitor eyes, dry mouth, arrhythmias,
baseline and periodic ECGs hypotension, ECG changes,
in geriatric patients or constipation, nausea, paralytic
patients with heart disease. ileus, unpleasant taste, weight
Assess type, location, and gain, urinary retention,
severity of pain before and photosensitivity,
periodically during therapy. gynecomastia, blood
Assess leukocyte and dyscrasias.
differential blood counts,
liver function, and serum
glucose periodically.

Rev. 08/21/08
NPH insulin (isophane antidiabetics Assess for symptoms of Hypoglycemia, erythema,
insulin suspension)/ hormones hypoglycemia and lipodystrophy, pruritis,
Humulin N, NPH Iletin pancreatics hyperglycemia periodically swelling, allergic reactions
II, during therapy. Monitor including anaphylaxis.
Novolin N body weight periodically.
Monitor blood glucose every
6 hr during therapy, more
frequently in ketoacidosis
and times of stress.
NPH/regular insulin antidiabetics Assess for symptoms of Hypoglycemia, erythema,
mixtures// Humulin hormones hypoglycemia and lipodystrophy, pruritis,
50/50, Humulin pancreatics hyperglycemia periodically swelling, allergic reactions
70/30, during therapy. Monitor including anaphylaxis.
Novolin 70/30 body weight periodically.
Monitor blood glucose every
6 hr during therapy, more
frequently in ketoacidosis
and times of stress.
Nystatin/ Mycostatin, antifungals Inspect oral mucous Diarrhea, nausea, stomach
Nilstat, Nystex (topical/local) membranes before and pain, vomiting, contact
frequently throughout dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson
therapy. syndrome.
Nystatin (topical)/ antifungals Inspect involved areas of Burning, itching, local
Mycostatin, Nystop skin and mucous hypersensitivity reactions,
membranes before and redness, stinging.
frequently during therapy.
Nystatin (vaginal)/ antifungals Inspect involved areas of Irritation, sensitization.
Mycostatin skin and mucous
membranes before and
frequently during therapy.
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Octreotide/ antidiarrheals Assess frequency and Dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue,

Sandostatin, hormones consistency of stools and headache, weakness, visual
Sandostatin LAR bowel sounds; pulse and disturbances, edema,
blood pressure; fluid and orthostatic hypotension,
electrolyte balance and skin palpitations, abdominal pain,
turgor for dehydration; cholelithiasis, diarrhea, fat
signs of hypoglycemia; malabsorption, nausea,
gallbladder disease; and vomiting, flushing,
pain prior to and periodically hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia,
during therapy. Monitor 5- injection-site pain.
HIAA, plasma serotonin, and
plasma substance P in
patients with carcinoid;
plasma vasoactive intestinal
peptide (VIP) in patients
with VIPoma; and free T4
and serum glucose
concentrations prior to and
periodically during therapy.
Ofloxacin/ Floxin anti-infectives Assess patient for infection; Seizures, dizziness, headache,
fluoroquinolones signs and symptoms of insomnia, pseudomembranous
anaphylaxis; and bowel colitis, diarrhea, nausea,
function at beginning of and hypersensitivity reactions

Rev. 08/21/08
during therapy. including anaphylaxis.

Olanzapine/ Zyprexa Antipsychotics, Assess mental status, Neuroleptic malignant

mood stabilizers, weight, BMI, fasting blood syndrome, seizures, agitation,
thienobenzodiazepi glucose, cholesterol levels, dizziness, headache,
nes fluid intake and bowel restlessness, sedation,
function. Monitor BP, ECG, weakness, amblyopia, rhinitis,
pulse, respiratory rate, for constipation, dry mouth,
onset of akathisia, weight loss or gain, tremor.
extrapyramidal side effects,
tardive dyskinesia,
development of neuroleptic
malignant syndrome
Olmesartan/ Benicar antihypertensives Assess blood pressure Dizziness, hypotension,
angiotensin ii (sitting, lying, standing) and hyperkalemia, impaired renal
receptor pulse; signs of angioedema function, angioedema.
antagonists periodically during therapy.
Monitor renal function.
Olopatadine (nasal allergy, cold and Assess for symptoms of Drowsiness, headache,
spray)/ Patanase cough remedies seasonal allergic rhinitis epistaxis, nasal perforation,
antihistamines (sneezing, runny nose, nasal ulcerations,
nasal itching) prior to and pharyngolaryngeal pain, post-
during therapy. nasal drip, bitter taste, cough.
Olsalazine/ Dipentum gastroinestinal anti Assess patient for allergy to Ataxia, confusion, dizziness,
inflammatories sulfonamides and drowsiness, headache, mental
salicylates. Monitor intake depression, psychosis,
and output ratios; restlessness, diarrhea,
abdominal pain and abdominal pain, anorexia,
frequency, quantity, and exacerbation of colitis, drug-
consistency of stools at the induced hepatitis, nausea,
beginning of and throughout vomiting, itching, rash, blood
therapy. Monitor urinalysis, dyscrasias.
BUN, and serum creatinine
prior to and periodically
during therapy. Monitor CBC
prior to and every 3–6 mo
during prolonged therapy.
Omalizumab/ Xolair antiasthmatics Assess lung sounds and Injection site reactions,
monoclonal respiratory function; allergy allergic reactions including
antibodies symptoms; allergic reactions anaphylaxis, ↑ risk of
within 2 hr of first or malignancy.
subsequent injections; and
injection site reactions prior
to and periodically during
Omega-3-acid ethyl lipid-lowering Obtain a diet history, Altered taste, eructation, rash.
esters/ Lovaza agents especially with regard to fat
fatty acids consumption. Monitor serum
triglyceride levels prior to
and periodically during
therapy. Monitor serum ALT
periodically during therapy.
Monitor serum LDL
cholesterol levels
periodically during therapy.
Omeprazole/Prilosec proton pump Assess patient routinely for Abdominal pain, acid
OTC inhibitors, antiulcer epigastric or abdominal pain regurgitation, constipation,
agent and frank or occult blood in diarrhea, flatulence, nausea,

Rev. 08/21/08
the stool, emesis, or gastric vomiting. Dizziness,
aspirate drowsiness, fatigue, headache,
weakness itching, rash.
Ondansetron/Zofran five ht3 Assess patient for nausea, Headache, dizziness,
antagonists; vomiting, abdominal drowsiness, fatigue, weakness.
antiemetic distention, and bowel Constipation, diarrhea,
sounds prior to and abdominal pain, dry mouth,
following administration. increased liver enzymes.
Assess patient for extrapyramidal reactions.
extrapyramidal effects
Oprelvekin/ Neumega colony stimulating Assess patient for signs of Dizziness, headache, bone
factors fluid retention during pain, insomnia, alopecia,
interleukins therapy. Monitor platelet nervousness, weakness,
thrombopoetic count prior to and conjunctival hemorrhage,
growth factors periodically during therapy. cough, chills, dyspnea, pleural
CBC should be monitored effusions, atrial fibrillation,
prior to and at regular edema, myalgia, palpitations,
intervals during therapy. syncope, tachycardia,
Monitor electrolyte vasodilation, anorexia,
concentrations in patients constipation, diarrhea,
receiving chronic diuretic dyspepsia, fever, mucositis,
therapy. nausea, oral moniliasis,
vomiting, rash, ecchymoses,
infection, pain.
Orlistat/ Xenical weight control Monitor patients for weight Fecal urgency, flatus with
agents loss and adjust concurrent discharge, increased
lipase inhibitors medications defecation, oily evacuation,
(antihypertensives, oily spotting, fecal
antidiabetics, lipid-lowering incontinence.
agents) as needed.
Orphenadrine/ skeletal muscle Assess geriatric patients for CNS excitation, confusion,
Antiflex, relaxants anticholinergic adverse dizziness, drowsiness, blurred
Banflex, Flexoject, (centrally acting) effects and sedation. Assess vision, dry eyes, orthostatic
Flexon, Mio-Rel, diphenhydramine patient for pain, muscle hypotension, tachycardia,
Myolin, analogues stiffness, and range of constipation, dry mouth,
Myotrol, Norflex, motion; parkinsonian and urinary retention.
Orfro, extrapyramidal symptoms
Orphenate before and periodically
throughout therapy. Monitor
CBC and renal and hepatic
function tests periodically
during prolonged therapy.
Oseltamivir/ Tamiflu antivirals Monitor influenza Seizures, abnormal behavior,
neuramidase symptoms. Additional agitation, confusion, delirium,
inhibitors supportive treatment may hallucinations, insomnia,
be indicated to treat nightmares, vertigo,
symptoms. bronchitis, nausea, vomiting.
Oxacillin/ Bactocill anti-infectives Assess patient for infection; Seizures, diarrhea, epigastric
penicillinase signs and symptoms of distress, nausea, vomiting,
resistant penicillins anaphylaxis; vein for signs eosinophilia,
of irritation and phlebitis at pseudomembranous colitis,
beginning of and throughout interstitial nephritis, rash,
therapy. Change IV site urticaria, leucopenia, pain at
every 48 hr to prevent IM site, phlebitis at IV site,
phlebitis. allergic reactions including
anaphylaxis and serum
sickness, superinfection.

Rev. 08/21/08
Oxaliplatin/ Eloxatin antineoplastics Assess for peripheral Fatigue, chest pain, edema,
sensory neuropathy, signs pulmonary fibrosis, coughing,
of pulmonary fibrosis, and dyspnea, diarrhea, nausea,
signs of anaphylaxis at vomiting, abdominal pain,
beginning and periodically anorexia, gastroesophageal
during therapy. Monitor reflux, neutropenia,
WBC with differential, thrombocytopenia, anemia,
hemoglobin, platelet count, back pain, neurotoxicity,
and blood chemistries anaphylaxis/anaphylactoid
before each oxaliplatin cycle reactions, fever.
Oxaprozin/ Daypro antirheumatics Assess pain and range of GI bleeding, abdominal pain,
nonsteroidal anti motion prior to and diarrhea, dyspepsia, exfoliative
inflammatory periodically during therapy. dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson
agents Evaluate BUN, serum syndrome, toxic epidermal
creatinine, CBC, and liver necrolysis, allergic reactions
function tests periodically in including anaphylaxis,
patients receiving prolonged angioneurotic edema,
therapy. dyspnea, edema, vasculitis,
Oxazepam/ Serax antianxiety agents Assess patient for anxiety Dizziness, drowsiness,
sedative/hypnotics and orientation, mood and confusion, hangover,
benzodiazepines behavior; level of sedation; headache, respiratory
regularly for continued need depression, tachycardia,
for treatment periodically constipation, diarrhea, drug-
throughout therapy. Monitor induced hepatitis, nausea,
CBC and liver function tests vomiting, weight gain, urinary
periodically during problems, rashes, leucopenia,
prolonged therapy. physical and psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Oxcarbazepine/Trilept anticonvulsants Assess frequency, location, Dizziness/vertigo,
al carbamazepine duration, and characteristics drowsiness/fatigue, headache,
analogues of seizure activity; CNS abnormal vision, diplopia,
changes during therapy. nystagmus, abdominal pain,
Monitor ECG and serum nausea, vomiting, ataxia, gait
electrolytes before and disturbances, tremor,
periodically during therapy. lymphadenopathy.
Oxiconazole/ Oxistat antifungals Inspect involved areas of Burning, itching, local
(topical) skin and mucous hypersensitivity reactions,
membranes before and redness, stinging.
frequently during therapy.
Oxybutynin (oral)/ urinary tract Monitor voiding pattern and Dizziness, drowsiness,
Ditropan, Ditropan XL antispasmodics intake and output ratios, constipation, dry mouth,
anticholinergics and assess abdomen for nausea, urinary retention,
bladder distention prior to agitation, confusion,
and periodically during hallucinations, headache,
therapy. tachycardia, abdominal pain,
Oxybutynin urinary tract Monitor voiding pattern and Application site reactions,
(transdermal)/ antispasmodics intake and output ratios, Dizziness, drowsiness,
Oxytrol anticholinergics and assess abdomen for constipation, dry mouth,
bladder distention prior to nausea, urinary retention,
and periodically during agitation, confusion,
therapy. hallucinations, headache,
Oxybutynin urinary tract Monitor voiding pattern and Dizziness, fatigue, headache,
transdermal antispasmodics intake and output ratios, dry mouth, constipation,
gel/ Gelnique anticholinergics and assess abdomen for application site reactions,
bladder distention prior to pruritus.

Rev. 08/21/08
and periodically during
Oxycodone/ opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Confusion, sedation,
Oxycontin, opioid agonists intensity of pain prior to and dysphoria, diplopia, miosis,
OxyFAST, OxyIR, opioid agonists 1 hr (peak) after respiratory depression,
Percolone, nonopioid analgesic administration. Assess blood orthostatic hypotension,
Roxicodone, combinations pressure, pulse, and constipation, dry mouth,
Endocodone, M-Oxy respirations; bowel function nausea, vomiting, urinary
before and periodically retention, flushing, sweating,
during administration. physical and psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Oxycodone/ opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Confusion, sedation,
acetaminophen//Endo opioid agonists intensity of pain prior to and dysphoria, diplopia, miosis,
cet, opioid agonists 1 hr (peak) after respiratory depression,
Magnacet, Oxycet, nonopioid analgesic administration. Assess blood orthostatic hypotension,
Percocet, Roxicet, combinations pressure, pulse, and constipation, dry mouth,
Roxilox, Tylox respirations; bowel function nausea, vomiting, urinary
before and periodically retention, flushing, sweating,
during administration. physical and psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Oxycodone/aspirin// opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Confusion, sedation,
Endodan, Percodan opioid agonists intensity of pain prior to and dysphoria, diplopia, miosis,
opioid agonists 1 hr (peak) after respiratory depression,
nonopioid analgesic administration. Assess blood orthostatic hypotension,
combinations pressure, pulse, and constipation, dry mouth,
respirations; bowel function nausea, vomiting, urinary
before and periodically retention, flushing, sweating,
during administration. physical and psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Oxycodone Opioid agonists, Assess type, location, and Confusion, sedation,
Compound/ opioid agonists intensity of pain; BP, pulse, constipation, respiratory
Percocet nonopioid analgesic and respirations before and depression
combinations; periodically during
PAIN LEVEL 5, on a opioid analgesics administration. Prolonged
scale of 1-10 use may lead to physical
and psychological
dependence and tolerance.
Bowel function routinely.
Oxymorphone/ opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Confusion, sedation,
Opana, opioid agonists intensity of pain prior to and dysphoria, euphoria,
Opana ER 1 hr following IM and 15–30 hallucinations, unusual
min (peak) following IV dreams, blurred vision,
administration. Assess blood diplopia, miosis, respiratory
pressure, pulse, and depression, orthostatic
respirations; bowel function hypotension, constipation, dry
before and periodically mouth, nausea, vomiting,
during administration. urinary retention, flushing,
sweating, physical and
psychological dependence,
Oxymorphone (oral)/ opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Drowsiness, confusion,
Opana, Opana ER opioid agonists intensity of pain prior to and dizziness, headache,
1 hr (peak) after respiratory depression,
administration. Assess blood hypoxia, hypotension,
pressure, pulse, and tachycardia, nausea,
respirations; bowel function abdominal distention,
before and periodically constipation, dry mouth,
during administration. flatulence, ileus, vomiting,

Rev. 08/21/08
itching, ↑ sweating, fever.

Oxytocin/ Pitocin, hormones Fetal maturity, presentation, Fetal—intracranial

Syntocinon oxytocics and pelvic adequacy should hemorrhage, asphyxia,
be assessed prior to hypoxia, arrhythmias,
administration of oxytocin Maternal—hypochloremia,
for induction of labor. hyponatremia, water
Assess character, frequency, intoxication, increased uterine
and duration of uterine motility, painful contractions,
contractions; resting uterine abruptio placentae, decreased
tone; and fetal heart rate uterine blood flow,
frequently throughout hypersensitivity, coma,
administration. Monitor seizures, hypotension,
maternal blood pressure and
pulse frequently and fetal
heart rate continuously
throughout administration.
Monitor maternal
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Paclitaxel/Abraxane, antineoplastics Assess for development of ECG changes, hypotension,

Onxol, Taxol taxoids peripheral neuropathy; hypotension, bradycardia,
arthralgia and myalgia; vital abnormal liver function tests,
signs; cardiovascular status diarrhea, mucositis, nausea,
especially during first 3 hr of vomiting, alopecia, anemia,
infusion; bone marrow neutropenia,
depression; bleeding; intake thrombocytopenia, arthralgia,
and output, appetite, and myalgia, peripheral
nutritional intake; neuropathy, cough, dyspnea,
hypersensitivity reactions injection site reactions,
continuously during the first hypersensitivity reactions
30 min and frequently including anaphylaxis,
thereafter. Monitor CBC and Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
differential prior to and toxic epidermal necrolysis.
periodically during therapy.
Palifermin/ Kepivance cytoprotective Assess level of oral Skin toxicity, oral toxicity, ↑
agents mucositis prior to and amylase, ↑ lipase, arthralgia,
keratinocyte periodically during therapy. dysesthesia.
growth factors
Paliperidone/ Invega antipsychotics Monitor patient's mental Neuroleptic malignant
benzisoxazoles status, suicidal tendencies, syndrome, drowsiness,
weight and BMI, blood headache, anxiety, confusion,
pressure (sitting, standing, dizziness, extrapyramidal
lying down) and pulse, disorders, fatigue,
onset of extrapyramidal side Parkinsonism, syncope, tardive
effects, tardive dyskinesia, dyskinesia, weakness, blurred
development of neuroleptic vision, dyspnea, cough,
malignant syndrome before palpitations, tachycardia,
and periodically during bradycardia, orthostatic
therapy. Monitor fasting hypotension, ↑ QTc interval,
blood glucose and abdominal pain, dry mouth,
cholesterol levels before and dyspepsia, nausea, swollen
periodically during therapy. tongue, hyperglycemia, back

Rev. 08/21/08
pain, dystonia, akithisia,
dyskinesia, tremor, fever.
Palivizumab/ Synagis antivirals Assess patient for signs of Diarrhea, vomiting, erythema,
monoclonal lower respiratory tract induration, hypersensitivity
antibodies disease; and signs of reactions including
anaphylactic reaction anaphylactoid reactions and
periodically during therapy. anaphylaxis.
Palonosetron/ Aloxi antiemetics Assess patient for nausea, Dizziness, headache,
five ht3 antagonists vomiting, abdominal constipation, diarrhea
distention, and bowel
sounds prior to and
following administration.
Pamidronate/ Aredia bone resorption Monitor intake/output ratios Fatigue, conjunctivitis, blurred
inhibitors and blood pressure; signs of vision, eye pain/inflammation,
biphosphonates fluid overload; symptoms of rhinitis, rales, arrhythmias,
hypocalcemics hypercalcemia; evidence of hypertension, syncope,
hypocalcemia; IV site for tachycardia, nausea,
phlebitis; and bone pain abdominal pain, anorexia,
frequently during therapy. constipation, vomiting,
Assess serum creatinine hypocalcemia, hypokalemia,
prior to each treatment. hypomagnesemia,
Monitor serum electrolytes, hypophosphatemia, fluid
hemoglobin, and creatinine overload, nephrotoxicity,
closely. Monitor CBC and leukopenia, anemia, phlebitis
platelet count during the at injection site,
first 2 wk of therapy hypothyroidism, muscle
stiffness, musculoskeletal pain,
Pancrelipase/ digestive agent Assess patient's nutritional Nasal stuffiness, dyspnea,
Cotazym, pancreatic enzymes status, stools for high fat shortness of breath, wheezing,
Cotazym E.C.S. 8, content, and allergy to pork abdominal pain (high doses
Cotazym E.C.S. 20, prior to and periodically only), diarrhea, nausea,
Cotazym-S, Creon 10, throughout therapy. stomach cramps, oral
Creon 25, Enzymase- irritation, hematuria, hives,
16, rash, hyperuricemia, allergic
Ilozyme, Ku-Zyme HP, reactions.
Lipram-PN16, Lipram-
CR20, Lipram-UL12,
Lipram-PN10, Lipram-
UL18, Lipram-UL20,
Pancoate, Pancrease,
Pancrease MT 4,
Pancrease MT 10,
Pancrease MT 16,
Pancrease MT 20,
Pancrebarb MS-8,
Protilase, Ultrase MT
Ultrase MT 20,
Pancuronium/ Pavulon neuromuscular Assess respiratory status, Bronchospasm, hypertension,
blocking agents ECG, heart rate, and blood tachycardia, excessive
nondepolarizing pressure; and infusion site salivation, rash, allergic
throughout therapy. reactions including
Observe the patient for anaphylaxis.
residual muscle weakness
and respiratory distress

Rev. 08/21/08
during the recovery period.

Panitumumab/ antineoplastics Assess for dermatologic Fatigue, ocular toxicity,

Vectibix monoclonal toxicity; inflammatory or eyelash growth, pulmonary
antibodies infectious sequelae; severe fibrosis, cough, abdominal
infusion reactions; pain, constipation, diarrhea,
pulmonary fibrosis; and nausea, vomiting, edema,
diarrhea during therapy. stomatitis, dermatologic
Monitor electrolyte levels toxicity, paromychia,
periodically during and for 8 photosensitivity, infusion
wks after completion of reactions, hypocalcemia,
therapy. hypomagnesemia.
Pantoprazole/ antiulcer agents Assess patient routinely for Headache, abdominal pain,
Protonix, proton pump epigastric or abdominal pain diarrhea, eructation,
Protonix I.V inhibitors and for frank or occult blood flatulence, hyperglycemia.
in stool, emesis, or gastric
aspirate during therapy.
Papaverine/ Pavabid, erectile dysfunction Monitor blood pressure and Depression, dizziness, vertigo,
Pavagen TD agents pulse; ECG; and IV site for sedation, dry throat, visual
vasodilators thrombosis before and changes, apnea, arrhythmias,
periodically throughout hypotension, dry mouth,
course of therapy. Monitor sweating, thrombosis at
liver function studies. injection site.
Paregoric/ antidiarrheals Assess frequency and Dizziness, drowsiness, miosis,
camphorated opioid agonists consistency of stools and respiratory depression,
tincture of opium bowel sounds; fluid and orthostatic hypotension,
electrolyte balance and skin bradycardia, vasodilation,
turgor for dehydration; biliary tract spasm,
respiratory rate; resolution constipation, urinary retention,
of withdrawal symptoms histamine release.
before and throughout
course of therapy.
Paricalcitol/ Zemplar vitamins Assess for symptoms of Dizziness, conjunctivitis,
fat soluble vitamins vitamin deficiency; bone photophobia, rhinorrhea,
pain and weakness; and arrhythmias, edema,
evidence of hypocalcemia hypertension, palpitations,
prior to and periodically anorexia, constipation,
during therapy. Serum diarrhea, dry mouth, liver
calcium, phosphorus, and function test elevation,
intact PTH concentrations metallic taste, nausea,
should be monitored at least pancreatitis, polydipsia,
every 2 wk for the first 3 mo albuminuria, azotemia,
of therapy or following any decreased libido, pruritus,
dosage adjustment, then rash, gout, hypercalcemia,
monthly for 3 mo, then hyperthermia, bone pain,
every 3 mo. metastatic calcification, muscle
Paromomycin/ amebicide Assess patient for infection Abdominal cramps, diarrhea,
Humatin aminoglycosides and neurologic status at nausea, vomiting,
beginning of and throughout hypersensitivity reactions.
therapy. Prior to
administering oral
medication, assess patient's
ability to swallow.
Paroxetine antianxiety agents Monitor appetite and Anxiety, dizziness, drowsiness,
hydrochloride/ antidepressants nutritional intake; Weigh headache, insomnia,
Paxil, Paxil CR selective serotonin weekly; mental status; weakness, constipation,
reuptake inhibitors suicidal tendencies; diarrhea, dry mouth, nausea,

Rev. 08/21/08
ssris frequency of obsessive- ejaculatory disturbance,
compulsive behaviors; sweating, back pain, myalgia,
frequency and severity of myopathy, paresthesia,
panic attacks and episodes tremor, chills, fever, agitation,
of anxiety; manifestations of amnesia, confusion, emotional
post-traumatic stress lability, blurred vision, rhinitis,
disorder; symptoms of chest pain, edema,
premenstrual distress prior hypertension, palpitations,
to and during therapy. postural hypotension,
Monitor CBC and differential tachycardia, vasodilation,
periodically during therapy. dyspepsia, flatulence, pruritus,
Paroxetine mesylate/ antianxiety agents Monitor appetite and Anxiety, dizziness, drowsiness,
Pexeva antidepressants nutritional intake; Weigh headache, insomnia,
selective serotonin weekly; mental status; weakness, constipation,
reuptake inhibitors suicidal tendencies; diarrhea, dry mouth, nausea,
ssris frequency of obsessive- ejaculatory disturbance,
compulsive behaviors; sweating, back pain, myalgia,
frequency and severity of myopathy, paresthesia,
panic attacks and episodes tremor, chills, fever, agitation,
of anxiety; manifestations of amnesia, confusion, emotional
post-traumatic stress lability, blurred vision, rhinitis,
disorder; symptoms of chest pain, edema,
premenstrual distress prior hypertension, palpitations,
to and during therapy. postural hypotension,
Monitor CBC and differential tachycardia, vasodilation,
periodically during therapy. dyspepsia, flatulence, pruritus,
Pegaptanib/ Macugen ocular agents Assess eye for signs of Cataract, blurred vision,
vascular infection frequently during conjunctival bleeding,
endothelial growth week following injection. irritation/pain, ↑ intraocular
factor antagonists Check perfusion of optic pressure, ocular inflammation,
nerve head immediately infection (rare), retinal
after injection, use detachment (rare), traumatic
tonometry to measure cataract formation (rare),
intraocular pressure within anaphylaxis, angioedema.
30 min following the
injection, and biomicroscopy
between 2 and 7 days
following injection.
Increases in intraocular
pressure have been seen
within 30 min of injection.
Pegaspargase/ antineoplastics Monitor for hypersensitivity Seizures, headache, chills,
Oncaspar, reaction; development of malaise, pancreatitis,
PEG-l-asparaginase enzymes bone marrow depression; abdominal pain, abnormal liver
fever, sore throat, and signs function tests, nausea,
of infection; platelet count; anorexia, diarrhea, lip edema,
bleeding; increased fatigue, vomiting, jaundice,
dyspnea, and orthostatic hyperglycemia, peripheral
hypotension; signs of edema, ↓ fibrinogen,
pancreatitis; nausea, disseminated intravascular
vomiting, and appetite; and coagulation, hemolytic anemia,
weigh patient weekly during increased thromboplastin,
therapy. Monitor CBC prior leukopenia, pancytopenia,
to and periodically arthralgia, thrombocytopenia,
throughout therapy. Monitor injection site hypersensitivity,
serum amylase frequently to injection site pain, thrombosis,

Rev. 08/21/08
detect pancreatitis. Monitor myalgia, pain in extremities,
blood glucose. paresthesia, hypersensitivity
reactions, night sweats.
Pegfilgrastim/ colony stimulating Assess patient for bone pain Adult respiratory distress
Neulasta factors and signs of ARDS syndrome (ARDS), splenic
throughout therapy. Obtain rupture, sickle cell crisis,
CBC and platelet count leukocytosis, medullary bone
before chemotherapy. pain, allergic reaction including
Monitor hematocrit and anaphylaxis.
platelet count regularly.
Peginterferon alfa-2a/ immune modifiers Assess patient for signs of Neuropsychiatric reactions,
Pegasys interferons neuropsychiatric disorders; skin reactions (including
signs of infection; Stevens-Johnson syndrome
cardiovascular disorders; and exfoliative dermatitis),
pulmonary status; signs of decreased vision, optic
hypersensitivity reactions; neuritis, papilledema, retinal
signs of colitis; pre-existing hemorrhage/cotton wool spots,
diabetic or hypertensive retinal vascular thrombosis,
retinopathy; and skin retinopathy, MI, chest pain,
reactions periodically during hypertension, supraventricular
therapy. Monitor CBC with arrhythmias, dyspnea,
platelet count prior to, 2 interstitial pneumonitis,
wks and 4 wks after pulmonary infiltrates, colitis,
initiation of therapy. May pancreatitis, hyperglycemia,
cause hemolytic anemia. hypoglycemia,
Monitor liver function tests, hyperthyroidism,
uric acid and triglyceride hypothyroidism, bone marrow
levels every 4 wks during depression,
therapy. Monitor thyroid development/exacerbation of
stimulating hormone (TSH) autoimmune disorders,
every 12 wks during infections.
therapy. Monitor renal
function periodically during
Peginterferon alfa-2B/ immune modifiers Assess patient for Anxiety, depression, dizziness,
Pegintron interferons development of flu-like fatigue, headache, insomnia,
syndrome; mental status; pharyngitis, pulmonary
cardiac status; signs and infiltrates/pneumonitis, colitis,
symptoms of ulcerative pancreatitis, abdominal pain,
colitis; signs of pancreatitis; anorexia, diarrhea, nausea,
signs and symptoms of alopecia, neutropenia, flu-like
hypersensitivity reactions syndrome, musculoskeletal
periodically during therapy. pain, thrombocytopenia,
Monitor serum HCV RNA injection site pain/reactions,
levels after 24 wks of aggressive behavior, homicidal
treatment. Monitor for CBC ideation, dry skin, flushing,
and differential; and liver allergic reactions including
function tests prior to and anaphylaxis, fever, rigors.
periodically during therapy.
Pegvisomant/ hormones Assess patient for signs and Hypertension, peripheral
Somavert growth hormones symptoms of acromegaly; edema, ↑ LFTs, back pain,
signs and symptoms or growth hormone deficiency, ↑
hepatitis or other liver injury glucose tolerance,
periodically during therapy. lipohypertrophy.
Monitor serum IGF-1 levels
4–6 wk after therapy is
initiated or any dose
adjustments are made and

Rev. 08/21/08
at least every 6 mo after
IGF-1 levels have
normalized. Monitor serum
glucose carefully in patients
with insulin-dependent
diabetes. Measure liver tests
at baseline.
Pemetrexed/ Alimta antineoplastics Monitor for rash; Pharyngitis, chest pain,
antimetabolites hematologic and GI; bone constipation, nausea,
folate antagonists marrow depression; stomatitis, vomiting, anorexia,
bleeding; and neurotoxicity diarrhea, esophagitis, mouth
during therapy. Monitor CBC pain, desquamation, rash,
and platelet counts for nadir anemia, leukopenia,
and recovery, before each thrombocytopenia,
dose and on days 8 and 15 neuropathy, fever, infection.
of each cycle and chemistry
for renal and liver functions
Penbutolol/ Levatol antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure and Fatigue, weakness,
beta blockers pulse frequently; intake and arrhythmias, bradycardia,
output ratios and daily CHF, pulmonary edema,
weight; orthostatic erectile dysfunction, anxiety,
hypotension; and evidence depression, dizziness,
of fluid overload during drowsiness, insomnia, itching,
dosage adjustment period rashes, arthralgia, back pain,
and periodically throughout muscle cramps, drug-induced
therapy. lupus syndrome.
Penciclovir/ Denavir antivirals (topical) Assess lesions prior to and Headache, application site
daily during therapy. reactions.
Penicillamine/ antidotes Monitor intake and output Blurred vision, eye pain,
Cuprimine, antirheumatics and daily weight; edema; coughing, shortness of breath,
Depen (DMARD) allergic reactions; pain and wheezing, altered taste,
antiurolithics range of motion periodically anorexia, cholestatic jaundice,
chelating agents during therapy. Arthritis: diarrhea, drug-induced
Monitor 24-hr urinary pancreatitis, dyspepsia,
protein levels every 1–2 wk epigastric pain, hepatic
in patients with moderate dysfunction, oral ulceration,
proteinuria. vomiting, proteinuria,
pemphigus, ecchymoses,
hives, itching, rashes,
wrinkling, aplastic anemia,
anemia, nausea, eosinophilia,
leukopenia, allergic reactions,
fever, thrombocytopenia,
thrombocytosis, arthralgia,
migratory polyarthritis,
myasthenia gravis syndrome,
Goodpasture’s syndrome,
systemic lupus
erythematosus–like syndrome.
Penicillin G/ Pfizerpen anti-infectives Assess for infection; Seizures, diarrhea, epigastric
penicillins reactions to penicillins, distress, nausea, vomiting,
cephalosporins, or other eosinophilia,
beta-lactam antibiotics; and pseudomembranous colitis,
signs and symptoms of interstitial nephritis, rash,
anaphylaxis at beginning of urticaria, leucopenia, allergic
and during therapy. Monitor reactions including anaphylaxis
serum sodium and serum sickness,

Rev. 08/21/08
concentrations in patient superinfection, pain at IM site,
with hypertension or CHF. phlebitis at IV site.
Penicillin V/ Beepen- anti-infectives Assess for infection; Seizures, diarrhea, epigastric
VK, Pen-Vee K, penicillins reactions to penicillins, distress, nausea, vomiting,
Veetids cephalosporins, or other eosinophilia,
beta-lactam antibiotics; and pseudomembranous colitis,
signs and symptoms of interstitial nephritis, rash,
anaphylaxis at beginning of urticaria, leucopenia, allergic
and during therapy. reactions including anaphylaxis
and serum sickness,
Pentamidine/ antiprotozoals Assess patient for infection; Anxiety, headache, confusion,
NebuPent, signs of hypoglycemia and dizziness, hallucinations,
Pentam 300 hyperglycemia; pulse and arrhythmias, hypotension,
ECG and monitor respiratory pancreatitis, abdominal pain,
status at beginning of and anorexia, drug-induced
throughout therapy. Monitor hepatitis, nausea, unpleasant
blood pressure frequently metallic taste, vomiting, pallor,
during and following IM or rash, nephrotoxicity,
IV administration. Monitor hypoglycemia, anemia,
blood glucose hyperglycemia, chills,
concentrations prior to, daily hyperkalemia, fever,
during, and for several hypocalcemia, leukopenia,
months following therapy. thrombocytopenia, allergic
Monitor BUN and serum reactions including anaphylaxis
creatinine prior to and daily and stevens-johnson
during therapy. Monitor CBC syndrome. Inhalation—burning
and platelet count; serum in throat, bronchospasm,
calcium and magnesium cough.
concentrations prior to and IV—phlebitis, pruritus,
every 3 days during urticaria at IV site,
therapy. IM—sterile abscesses at IM

Pentazocine/ Talwin, opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Dizziness, euphoria,
Talwin NX opioid agonists intensity of pain prior to and hallucinations, headache,
antagonists 1 hr following PO, subcut, or sedation, dysphoria, blurred
IM and 15–30 min (peak) vision, diplopia, miosis,
following IV administration. respiratory depression,
Assess blood pressure, hypertension, hypotension,
pulse, and respirations; palpitations, nausea,
analgesic history; falls risk; constipation, dry mouth,
and CNS effects before and urinary retention, sweating,
periodically during severe tissue damage at
administration. subcut sites, physical and
psychological dependence,
Pentetate calcium radiation Obtain information Headache, lightheadedness,
trisodium/ Ca-DTPA protectants regarding contamination chest pain, diarrhea, metallic
chelating agents with plutonium, americium, taste, nausea, depletion of
or curium. Obtain baseline zinc, manganese, magnesium
CBC with differential, BUN, (prolonged treatment),
serum chemistries and injection site reactions, cough,
electrolytes, urinalysis, wheezing (inhalation only),
blood and urine radioassays. dermatitis, allergic reactions.
Pentetate zinc radiation Obtain information Lightheadedness, depletion of
trisodium / protectants regarding contamination manganese, magnesium,

Rev. 08/21/08
Zn-DTPA chelating agents with plutonium, americium, injection site reactions, cough,
or curium. Obtain baseline wheezing (inhalation only).
CBC with differential, BUN,
serum chemistries and
electrolytes, urinalysis,
blood and urine radioassays.
Pentobarbital/ anticonvulsants Monitor respiratory status, Drowsiness, hangover,
Nembutal sedative/hypnotics pulse, and blood pressure; lethargy, laryngospasm,
barbiturates psychological or physical delirium, excitation, mental
dependence; pain; sleep depression, vertigo, rashes,
patterns; intracranial respiratory depression,
pressure and level of bronchospasm, urticaria,
consciousness; location, hypotension, constipation,
duration, and characteristics diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
of seizure activity at hypersensitivity reactions
beginning and throughout including angioedema and
therapy. serum sickness.
Pentostatin/ Nipent antineoplastics Monitor patient for CNS CNS toxicity, fatigue, skin
enzyme inhibitors toxicity; intake and output rash, headache, weakness,
and renal function; allergic epistaxis, flatulence, dry skin,
reactions; bone marrow keratoconjunctivitis,
depression; and bleeding at pharyngitis, rhinitis, itching,
beginning and throughout sinusitis, vision changes,
therapy. Before initiating pulmonary toxicity, fever,
therapy, assess renal bronchitis, dyspnea, flu-like
function by measuring syndrome, pneumonia, cough,
serum creatinine or CCr. pulmonary edema, MI, angina
Serum creatinine; CBC with pectoris, weight loss, diarrhea,
differential and platelet arrhythmias, leukopenia,
count; serum uric acid constipation, thrombophlebitis,
should be measured before anorexia, hepatotoxicity,
each dose. Monitor nausea, vomiting, abdominal
peripheral blood for hairy pain, stomatitis, renal toxicity,
cells periodically throughout anemia, thrombocytopenia,
therapy. arthralgia, myalgia, allergic
reactions including
Pentoxifylline/ Trental blood viscosity Assess patient for Agitation, dizziness, flatus,
reducing agent intermittent claudication drowsiness, headache,
prior to and periodically insomnia, nervousness,
throughout therapy. Monitor blurred vision, dyspnea,
blood pressure periodically angina, arrhythmias, edema,
in patients on concurrent flushing, diarrhea,
antihypertensive therapy. hypotension, abdominal
discomfort, dyspepsia, nausea,
vomiting, tremor.
Perindopril/Aceon antihypertensives Monitor BP, pulse, and signs Dizziness, headache,
ace inhibitors of angioedema. Monitor weakness, cough,
renal function. hypotension, diarrhea,
dyspepsia, impaired renal
function, rashes,
hyperkalemia, back pain,
Permethrin/Acticin, Pediculocides Assess scalp for presence of Burning, itching, rash,
Elimite, Nix lice and their ova (nits) prior redness, stinging, swelling,
to and 1 wk after application numbness, tingling.
of permethrin. Assess skin
for scabies prior to and

Rev. 08/21/08
following therapy.

Perphenazine/ Trilafon antiemetics Assess patient's mental Neuroleptic malignant

antipsychotics status; fasting blood syndrome, extrapyramidal
(conventional) glucose, cholesterol level, reactions, sedation, tardive
phenothiazines weight, and BMI; positive dyskinesia, blurred vision, dry
(hallucinations, delusions, eyes, lens opacities,
agitation) and negative hypotension, tachycardia,
(social withdrawal) constipation, dry mouth,
symptoms of schizophrenia; anorexia, ileus, weight gain,
blood pressure (sitting, discoloration of urine, urinary
standing, lying), ECG, pulse, retention, photosensitivity,
and respiratory rate; fluid pigment changes, rashes,
intake and bowel function; galactorrhea, amenorrhea,
onset of akathisia and agranulocytosis, leucopenia,
extrapyramidal side effects; hyperthermia, allergic
tardive dyskinesia; reactions.
development of neuroleptic
malignant syndrome;
nausea and vomiting; intake
and output initially and
periodically throughout
Phenazopyridine/ Azo- nonopioid Assess patient for urgency, Headache, vertigo,
Standard, Baridium, analgesics frequency, and pain on hepatotoxicity, nausea, bright-
Geridium, Prodium, urinary tract urination prior to and orange urine, renal failure,
Pyridiate, Pyridium, analgesics throughout therapy. Renal rash, hemolytic anemia,
Pyridium Plus, function should be methemoglobinemia.
Urodine, monitored periodically
Urogesic, UTI Relief during course of therapy.
Phenelzine/ Nardil antidepressants Assess mental status, mood Seizures, dizziness,
monamine oxidase changes, and anxiety level, drowsiness, fatigue, headache,
inhibitors suicidal tendencies; blood hyperreflexia, insomnia,
pressure and pulse rate; tremor, twitching, weakness,
intake and output ratios and euphoria, paresthesia,
daily weight; peripheral restlessness, blurred vision,
edema and urinary retention glaucoma, nystagmus,
before and frequently during hypertensive crisis, edema,
therapy. Assess hepatic orthostatic hypotension,
function periodically during constipation, dry mouth,
prolonged or high-dose abdominal pain, liver function
therapy. Monitor serum test elevation, nausea,
glucose closely in diabetic vomiting, sexual dysfunction,
patients. urinary retention, pruritis,
rashes, hypernatremia, weight
Phenobarbital/ anticonvulsants Monitor respiratory status, Hangover, delirium,
Luminal, sedative/hypnotics pulse, and blood pressure; depression, drowsiness,
Solfoton barbiturates psychological or physical excitation, lethargy, vertigo,
dependence; location, respiratory depression,
duration, and characteristics constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
of seizure activity; level of vomiting, photosensitivity,
consciousness and anxiety; rashes, urticaria, phlebitis at
postoperative patients for IV site, arthralgia, myalgia,
pain with a pain scale before neuralgia, hypersensitivity
and frequently during reactions including
therapy. angioedema and serum
sickness, physical dependence,

Rev. 08/21/08
psychological dependence.
bronchospasm, hypotension.
Phentermine/ weight control Monitor patients for weight CNS stimulation, confusion,
Adipex-P, Banobese, agents loss and adjust concurrent dizziness, dysphoria, euphoria,
Fastin, Ionamin, Obi- appetite medications headache, insomnia, mental
Nix, OBY-CAP, suppressants (antihypertensives, depression, restlessness,
Phentercot, Phentride, antidiabetics, lipid-lowering blurred vision, hypertension,
T-Diet, Teramine, agents) as needed. palpitations, tachycardia,
Zantryl constipation, diarrhea, dry
mouth, nausea, unpleasant
taste, vomiting, changes in
libido, erectile dysfunction.
Phentolamine/Regitine agents Monitor blood pressure, Cerebrovascular spasm,
pheochromocytoma pulse, and ECG every 2 min dizziness, weakness, nasal
alpha adrenergic until stable during IV stuffiness, hypotension, MI,
blockers administration. angina, arrhythmias,
tachycardia, abdominal pain,
diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
aggravation of peptic ulcer,
Phenylephrine/ Neo- vasopressors Monitor blood pressure Anxiety, dizziness, headache,
Synephrine adrenergics every 2–3 min until insomnia, nervousness,
stabilized and every 5 min restlessness, trembling,
thereafter during IV weakness, dyspnea,
administration. Monitor ECG respiratory distress,
continuously for arrhythmias arrhythmias, bradycardia,
during IV administration. chest pain, hypertension,
Assess IV site frequently tachycardia, vasoconstriction,
throughout infusion. blanching, pallor, piloerection,
sweating, phlebitis, sloughing
at IV sites, tremor.
Phenytoin/ Dilantin, antiarrhythmics Assess oral hygiene; Ataxia, agitation, confusion,
Phenytek (group IB) hypersensitivity syndrome; dizziness, drowsiness,
anticonvulsants location, duration, dysarthria, dyskinesia,
hydantoins frequency, and extrapyramidal syndrome,
characteristics of seizure headache, insomnia,
activity; EEG; blood weakness, diplopia, fever,
pressure, ECG, and nystagmus, hypotension,
respiratory function; ECG at tachycardia, gingival
beginning of and periodically hyperplasia, nausea,
throughout therapy. Monitor constipation, drug-induced
CBC, serum calcium, hepatitis, vomiting,
albumin, and hepatic hypertrichosis, rash, pruritus,
function tests; serum folate agranulocytosis, aplastic
concentrations prior to and anemia, leukopenia,
monthly for the first several megaloblastic anemia,
months, then periodically thrombocytopenia,
throughout therapy. osteomalacia, allergic
reactions including stevens-
johnson syndrome.
Phosphate/biphosphat laxatives (saline) Assess patient for fever, Arrhythmias, cramping,
e// abdominal distention, nausea, colonic aphtous
Fleet Enema, Fleet presence of bowel sounds, ulcerations,
Phospho-Soda, Visicol and usual pattern of bowel hyperphosphatemia,
function; color, consistency, hypocalcemia, hypokalemia,
and amount of stool sodium retention.
produced; underlying Visicol—dizziness, headache,

Rev. 08/21/08
cardiovascular disease, abdominal bloating, abdominal
renal disease, bowel pain, vomiting.
perforation, misuse or
overdose at beginning of
and throughout therapy.
Physostigmine/ antidotes Monitor pulse, respiratory Seizures, restlessness,
Antilirium cholinergics rate, and blood pressure; dizziness, bronchospasm,
anticholinesterases neurologic status frequently bradycardia, hypotension,
throughout parenteral abdominal cramps, diarrhea,
administration. Monitor ECG nausea, vomiting, excess
during IV administration. salivation, rash.
Phytonadione/ antidotes Monitor for frank and occult Gastric upset, unusual taste,
AquaMEPHYTON, vitamins bleeding; pulse and blood flushing, rash, urticaria,
Mephyton, vitamin K fat soluble vitamins pressure; side effects and hemolytic anemia, erythema,
adverse reactions at pain at injection site, swelling,
beginning of and throughout allergic reactions, kernicterus,
therapy. Monitor hyperbilirubinemia.
prothrombin time (PT) prior
to and throughout vitamin K
therapy to determine
response to and need for
further therapy.
Pilocarpine cholinergics Assess oral mucosa for Nausea, vomiting, flushing,
(oral)/Salagen dryness and ulceration sweating, edema, chills,
periodically during therapy. hypertension, tachycardia,
amblyopia, epistaxis.
Pimecrolimus/ Elidel immunosuppressan Assess skin lesions prior to Burning, increased risk of
ts and periodically during lymphoma/skin cancer.
(topical) therapy. Discontinue
therapy after signs and
symptoms of atopic
dermatitis have resolved.
Resume treatment at the
first signs and symptoms of
Pimozide/ Orap antipsychotics Assess patient for frequency Neuroleptic malignant
(conventional) of tics; positive syndrome, mood/behavior
(hallucinations, delusions, effects, weakness, drowsiness,
agitation) and negative blurred vision, dry eyes,
(social withdrawal) arrhythmias, hypotension,
symptoms of psychotic constipation, dry mouth,
disorder; weight and BMI; decreased appetite, nausea,
blood pressure (sitting, vomiting, weight loss,
standing, lying) and ECG; decreased libido, erectile
intake and output ratios and dysfunction, skin discoloration,
daily weight; fluid intake galactorrhea (women), blood
and bowel function; onset of dyscrasias, akathisia,
akathisia; extrapyramidal parkinsonism, dystonic
side effects; tardive reactions, tardive dyskinesia,
dyskinesia; development of akinesia.
neuroleptic malignant
syndrome prior to and
periodically during therapy.
Obtain EKG and serum
potassium levels; and
fasting blood glucose and
cholesterol levels initially
and throughout therapy.

Rev. 08/21/08
Pindolol/ Visken antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure and Fatigue, weakness, anxiety,
beta blockers pulse; orthostatic arrhythmias, bradycardia,
hypotension; intake and CHF, pulmonary edema,
output ratios and daily erectile dysfunction, dry eyes,
weight; evidence of fluid bronchospasm, wheezing,
overload; frequency and arthralgia, back pain, muscle
characteristics of anginal cramps, drug-induced lupus
attacks at beginning of and syndrome, depression,
periodically throughout dizziness, nasal stuffiness,
therapy. itching, rashes.
Pioglitazone/Actos antidiabetics (oral) Observe patient taking Edema, hepatitis, ↑ liver
thiazolidinediones concurrent insulin for signs enzymes, anemia, fractures
and symptoms of (arm, hand, foot) in female
hypoglycemic reactions. patients.
Monitor serum glucose and
Hb A1c periodically during
therapy to evaluate
Pipecuronium/ Arduan neuromuscular Assess respiratory status, Bronchospasm, arrhythmias,
blocking agents ECG, heart rate, and blood hypotension, hypertension,
nondepolarizing pressure; and infusion site tachycardia, excessive
throughout therapy. salivation, rash, skin flushing,
Observe the patient for allergic reactions including
residual muscle weakness anaphylaxis.
and respiratory distress
during the recovery period.
Piperacillin/tazobacta anti-infectives Assess patient for infection; Seizures, dizziness,
m// Zosyn extended spectrum previous use of and pseudomembranous colitis,
penicillins reactions to penicillins or diarrhea, constipation, drug-
cephalosporins; and signs induced hepatitis, nausea,
and symptoms of vomiting, interstitial nephritis,
anaphylaxis at beginning of rashes, urticaria, bleeding,
and during therapy. leukopenia, neutropenia,
Evaluate renal and hepatic thrombocytopenia, pain,
function, CBC, serum phlebitis at IV site,
potassium, and bleeding hypersensitivity reactions
times prior to and routinely including anaphylaxis and
during therapy. serum sickness, fever,
Pirbuterol/ Maxair bronchodilators Assess lung sounds, pulse, Nervousness, restlessness,
adrenergics and blood pressure; tremor, headache, insomnia,
pulmonary function tests; paradoxical bronchospasm,
and paradoxical angina, arrhythmias,
bronchospasm before hypertension, tachycardia,
initiating therapy and nausea, vomiting,
periodically throughout. hyperglycemia.
Observe patient for drug
tolerance and rebound
Piroxicam/ Feldene antirheumatics Monitor for rhinitis, asthma, Drowsiness, headache,
nonsteroidal anti and urticaria; tinnitus, edema, drug-induced
inflammatory hypersensitivity reactions at hepatitis, GI bleeding,
agents beginning of and during discomfort, dyspepsia, nausea,
therapy. Assess pain and vomiting, anorexia,
range of motion prior to and constipation, diarrhea,
1–2 hr following flatulence, renal failure,
administration. Monitor liver exfoliative dermatitis, stevens-
function tests periodically johnson syndrome, toxic

Rev. 08/21/08
during therapy. Monitor epidermal necrolysis, rashes,
BUN, serum creatinine, and blood dyscrasias, prolonged
electrolytes periodically bleeding time, allergic
during therapy. reactions including
Plasma protein volume expanders Monitor vital signs, CVP, Headache, hypotension,
fraction/ blood products pulmonary capillary wedge tachycardia, vascular overload,
Plasmanate, Plasma- pressure (PCWP), and intake excess salivation, nausea,
Plex, and output; signs of vomiting, erythema, urticaria,
Plasmatein, Protenate vascular overload; increased back pain, infection, chills,
bleeding before and fever, flushing.
frequently throughout
therapy. Monitor
hemoglobin, hematocrit,
serum protein, and
electrolytes throughout
Plerixafor/ Mozobil hematopoietic stem Assess for splenic Dizziness, fatigue, headache,
cell mobilizers enlargement and potential insomnia, splenic rupture,
rupture (left upper diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
abdominal pain and/or abdominal distention/pain, dry
scapular or shoulder pain) mouth, constipation,
periodically during therapy. dyspepsia, erythema,
Monitor WBC and platelets sweating, leukemia/tumor cell
during therapy. mobilization, injection site
reactions, oral hypoesthesia.
Polycarbophil/ Bulk antidiarrheals Assess for fever, nausea, Abdominal fullness.
Forming Fiber laxatives vomiting, abdominal
Laxative, bulk forming distention, and pain. Inquire
Equalactin, FiberCon, agents about patient's usual diet,
Fiber-Lax, Konsyl fluid intake, activity level,
Fiber, and bowel function. Monitor
Mitrolan for color, consistency, and
amount of stool produced.
Monitor for signs of
Polyethylene glycol/ Osmotic, laxative Assess patient for abdominal abdominal bloating, cramping,
Miralax distention, presence of flatulence, nausea
bowel sounds, and usual
pattern of bowel function,
color, consistency, and
amount of stool produced
Polyethylene glycol/ Osmotic, laxative Assess patient for abdominal Abdominal fullness, diarrhea,
electrolyte// distention, presence of bloating, cramps, nausea,
Colovage, bowel sounds, and usual vomiting, allergic reactions
Colyte, GoLYTELY, pattern of bowel function;
NuLytely, OCL, and color, consistency, and
Peglyte, amount of stool produced
TriLyte during therapy. Monitor
semiconscious or
unconscious patients closely
for regurgitation when
administering via NG tube.
Porfimer/ Photofrin antineoplastics Assess patient for Insomnia, dyspnea, chest
photosensitizers substernal chest pain after pain, mucositis reaction,
therapy. Before each new pharyngitis, heart failure,
course of therapy, the pleural effusion, anemia,
patient should be examined pneumonia, respiratory

Rev. 08/21/08
for either insufficiency, abdominal pain,
bronchoesophageal or constipation, nausea,
tracheoesophageal fistula. vomiting, photosensitivity,
fever, pain, esophageal
rupture, GI bleeding.
Posaconazole/ Noxafil antifungals Assess for signs and Hepatocellular damage,
triazoles symptoms of fungal diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
infection. Monitor liver adrenal insufficiency, allergic
function tests prior to and reactions.
periodically during therapy.
Potassium acetate mineral electrolyte Assess for signs and Confusion, restlessness,
replacements symptoms of hypokalemia weakness, arrhythmias, ECG
supplements and hyperkalemia; pulse, changes, irritation at IV site,
blood pressure, and ECG paralysis, paresthesia.
periodically during IV
therapy. Monitor serum
potassium before and
periodically during therapy.
Monitor renal function,
serum bicarbonate, and pH.
Potassium acid antiurolithics Monitor intake and output Confusion, listlessness,
phosphate/ K-Phos ratios and daily weight. weakness, arrhythmias,
Original Report significant cardiac arrest, ECG changes,
discrepancies. Monitor hypotension, abdominal pain,
serum phosphate, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea,
potassium, and calcium vomiting, hyperkalemia,
levels prior to and hyperphosphatemia,
periodically throughout hypocalcemia,
therapy. Monitor renal hypomagnesemia, muscle
function prior to and cramps, tremors, flaccid
periodically throughout paralysis, heaviness of legs,
course of therapy. Monitor paresthesias.
urinary pH when using as a Hyperkalemia — arrhythmias,
urinary acidifier. bradycardia, ECG changes.
Potassium and sodium antiurolithics Assess patient for signs and Confusion, dizziness,
phosphates/ K-Phos mineral electrolyte symptoms of hypokalemia headache, weakness,
M.F, replacements and hypophosphatemia arrhythmias, cardiac arrest,
K-Phos Neutral, K- supplements throughout therapy. Monitor bradycardia, ECG changes,
Phos intake and output ratios and edema, diarrhea, abdominal
No. 2, Neutra-Phos, daily weight. Monitor serum pain, nausea, vomiting,
Uro- phosphate, potassium, hyperkalemia, hypernatremia,
KP Neutral sodium, and calcium levels hyperphosphatemia,
prior to and periodically hypocalcemia,
throughout therapy. Monitor hypomagnesemia, muscle
renal function studies prior cramps, flaccid paralysis,
to and periodically heaviness of legs,
throughout therapy. Monitor paresthesias, tremors.
urinary pH in patients
receiving potassium and
sodium phosphate as a
urinary acidifier.
Potassium mineral electrolyte Assess for signs and Confusion, restlessness,
bicarbonate/ replacements symptoms of hypokalemia weakness, arrhythmias, ECG
K+Care ET, K- supplements and hyperkalemia during changes, abdominal pain,
Electrolyte, therapy. Monitor serum diarrhea, flatulence, nausea,
K-Ide, Klor-Con/EF, K- potassium before and vomiting, paralysis,
Lyte, K-Vescent periodically during therapy. paresthesia.
Monitor renal function, Tablets, capsules only—GI

Rev. 08/21/08
serum bicarbonate, and pH. ulceration, stenotic lesions.

Potassium mineral electrolyte Assess for signs and Confusion, restlessness,

bicarbonate/ replacements symptoms of hypokalemia weakness, arrhythmias, ECG
potassium chloride// supplements and hyperkalemia during changes, abdominal pain,
K-Dur therapy. Monitor serum diarrhea, flatulence, nausea,
Lyte/Cl potassium before and vomiting, paralysis,
periodically during therapy. paresthesia.
Monitor renal function, Tablets, capsules only—GI
serum bicarbonate, and pH. ulceration, stenotic lesions.
Potassium mineral electrolyte Assess for signs and Confusion, restlessness,
bicarbonate/ replacements symptoms of hypokalemia weakness, arrhythmias, ECG
potassium citrate// supplements and hyperkalemia during changes, abdominal pain,
Effer-K, K-Lyte DS therapy. Monitor serum diarrhea, flatulence, nausea,
potassium before and vomiting, paralysis,
periodically during therapy. paresthesia.
Monitor renal function, Tablets, capsules only—GI
serum bicarbonate, and pH. ulceration, stenotic lesions.
Potassium chloride mineral electrolyte Assess for signs and Confusion, restlessness,
replacements symptoms of hypokalemia weakness, arrhythmias, ECG
supplements and hyperkalemia; pulse, changes, irritation at IV site,
blood pressure, and ECG paralysis, paresthesia.
periodically during IV
therapy. Monitor serum
potassium before and
periodically during therapy.
Potassium chloride mineral electrolyte Assess for signs and Confusion, restlessness,
(oral)/ replacements symptoms of hypokalemia weakness, arrhythmias, ECG
Cena-K, Gen-K, K+ supplements and hyperkalemia during changes, abdominal pain,
Care, therapy. Monitor serum diarrhea, flatulence, nausea,
K+ 10, Kaochlor, potassium before and vomiting, paralysis,
Kaochlor S-F, Kaon- periodically during therapy. paresthesia.
Cl, Monitor renal function, Tablets, capsules only—GI
Kay Ciel, KCl, K-Dur, serum bicarbonate, and pH. ulceration, stenotic lesions.
Lease, K-Lor, Klor-
Klorvess Liquid,
K-Lyte/Cl Powder, K-
K-Norm, K-Sol, K-Tab,
Micro-K, Micro-K
ExtenCaps, Micro-LS,
Potasalan, Roychlor,
Rum-K, Slow-K, Ten-K
Potassium chloride/ mineral electrolyte Assess for signs and Confusion, restlessness,
Potassium replacements symptoms of hypokalemia weakness, arrhythmias, ECG
bicarbonate/ supplements and hyperkalemia during changes, abdominal pain,
Potassium citrate// therapy. Monitor serum diarrhea, flatulence, nausea,
Kaochlor Eff potassium before and vomiting, paralysis,
periodically during therapy. paresthesia.
Monitor renal function, Tablets, capsules only—GI
serum bicarbonate, and pH. ulceration, stenotic lesions.
Potassium gluconate/ mineral electrolyte Assess for signs and Confusion, restlessness,
Kaon, Kaylixir, K-G replacements symptoms of hypokalemia weakness, arrhythmias, ECG
Elixir supplements and hyperkalemia during changes, abdominal pain,
therapy. Monitor serum diarrhea, flatulence, nausea,

Rev. 08/21/08
potassium before and vomiting, paralysis,
periodically during therapy. paresthesia.
Monitor renal function, Tablets, capsules only—GI
serum bicarbonate, and pH. ulceration, stenotic lesions.
Potassium gluconate/ mineral electrolyte Assess for signs and Confusion, restlessness,
Potassium chloride// replacements symptoms of hypokalemia weakness, arrhythmias, ECG
Kolyum supplements and hyperkalemia during changes, abdominal pain,
therapy. Monitor serum diarrhea, flatulence, nausea,
potassium before and vomiting, paralysis,
periodically during therapy. paresthesia.
Monitor renal function, Tablets, capsules only—GI
serum bicarbonate, and pH. ulceration, stenotic lesions.
Potassium iodide/ antithyroid agents Assess for signs and Confusion, weakness, GI
Pima, iodine containing symptoms of iodism; bleeding, diarrhea, nausea,
SSKI, ThyroSafe, agents symptoms of vomiting, acneiform eruptions,
ThyroShield hyperthyroidism; and hypothyroidism, goiter,
hypersensitivity reaction hyperthyroidism,
before and periodically hyperkalemia, tingling, joint
throughout therapy. Monitor pain, hypersensitivity, iodism.
thyroid function before and
periodically during therapy.
Potassium phosphate/ mineral electrolyte Assess patient for signs and Confusion, listlessness,
Neutra-Phos-K replacements symptoms of hypokalemia weakness, arrhythmias,
supplements and hypophosphatemia; cardiac arrest, ECG changes,
pulse, blood pressure, and hypotension, bradycardia,
ECG; intake and output abdominal pain, diarrhea,
ratios and daily weight prior flatulence, nausea, vomiting,
to and periodically hyperkalemia,
throughout IV therapy. hyperphosphatemia,
Monitor serum phosphate, hypocalcemia,
potassium, and calcium hypomagnesemia, irritation at
levels; and renal function IV site, phlebitis, muscle
prior to and periodically cramps, tremors, flaccid
throughout therapy. paralysis, heaviness of legs,
Pralidoxime/ antidotes Monitor neuromuscular Dizziness, drowsiness,
Protopam cholinesterase status; respirations, pulse, headache, blurred vision,
reactivators and blood pressure before diplopia, rash, impaired
and periodically throughout accommodation, nausea,
therapy. Determine type of laryngospasm, muscle
insecticide and time of weakness, hyperventilation,
patient's exposure. Therapy tachycardia, pain at injection
should begin as soon as site, muscle rigidity,
possible within 24 hr. neuromuscular blockade.
Pramipexole/ Mirapex antiparkinson Assess patient for confusion Sleep attacks, amnesia,
agents or hallucinations; ECG and dizziness, drowsiness,
dopamine agonists blood pressure; drowsiness hallucinations, weakness,
and sleep attacks; signs and confusion, dyskinesia,
symptoms of Parkinson's extrapyramidal syndrome,
disease; sleep patterns and headache, insomnia, postural
frequency of restless leg hypotension, constipation, dry
disturbances before and mouth, dyspepsia, nausea,
periodically throughout tooth disease, urinary
therapy. frequency, leg cramps,
Pramlintide/ Symlin antidiabetics Assess hemoglobin A1c, Dizziness, fatigue, headache,
hormones recent blood glucose cough, nausea, abdominal

Rev. 08/21/08
monitoring data, history of pain, anorexia, vomiting,
insulin-induced hypoglycemia, local allergy,
hypoglycemia, current arthralgia, injection site
insulin regimen, and body reactions, systemic allergic
weight prior to initiation of reactions.
therapy. Assess for signs
and symptoms of
hypoglycemia, occurs within
3 hr of injection. Monitor
blood glucose frequently,
including pre- and post-
meals and at bedtime.
Pramoxine/Fleet anesthetics topical Assess type, location, and Mucosal use—decreased or
Relief, ProctoFoam local intensity of pain before and absent gag reflex.
NS, Tronolane, a few minutes after Topical use—burning, edema,
Tronothane administration of anesthetic. irritation, stinging, tenderness,
Assess integrity of involved urticaria.
skin and mucous Allergic reactions including
membranes before and anaphylaxis.
periodically throughout
course of therapy.
Pravastatin/ Pravachol lipid-lowering Obtain a diet history, Dizziness, headache, rhinitis,
agents especially with regard to fat bronchitis, chest pain,
hmg coa reductase consumption. Obtain a diet peripheral edema, abdominal
inhibitors history, especially with cramps, rashes, constipation,
statins regard to fat consumption. diarrhea, flatus, heartburn,
Monitor liver function tests, altered taste, dyspepsia,
including AST, prior to, at elevated liver enzymes,
6–12 wk after initiation of nausea, pancreatitis, pruritus,
therapy or after dose rhabdomyolysis, arthralgia,
elevation, and then every 6 arthritis, myalgia, myositis,
mo. hypersensitivity reactions.
Prazosin/ Minipress antihypertensives Monitor intake and output Dizziness, headache,
peripherally acting ratios and daily weight and weakness, first-dose
antiadrenergics assess for edema daily; orthostatic hypotension,
blood pressure and pulse palpitations, angina, edema,
frequently; urinary abdominal cramps, diarrhea,
symptoms at beginning and dry mouth, nausea, vomiting,
throughout therapy. erectile dysfunction, priapism.
Prednicarbate/ anti inflammatories Assess affected skin prior to Allergic contact dermatitis,
Dermatop steroidal and daily during therapy. atrophy, burning, dryness,
immune modifiers Note degree of inflammation edema, pruritis,
corticosteroids and pruritus. Periodic hypertrichosis,
topical adrenal function tests may hypopigmentation, irritation,
be ordered to assess for maceration, adrenal
hypothalamic-pituitary- suppression
adrenal (HPA) axis
suppression in chronic
topical therapy if suspected.
Prednisolone/ Flo- anti inflammatories Assess patient for signs of Depression, euphoria,
Pred, steroidal adrenal insufficiency; intake increased intracranial
Orapred, Pediapred, (intermediate- and output ratios and daily pressure, restlessness,
Prelone acting) weights; peripheral edema, cataracts, increased
immune modifiers steady weight gain, intraocular pressure,
rales/crackles, or dyspnea hypertension, peptic
prior to and periodically ulceration, anorexia, nausea,
throughout therapy. Monitor vomiting, acne, decreased
serum electrolytes and wound healing, ecchymoses,

Rev. 08/21/08
glucose. Periodic adrenal fragility, hirsutism, petechiae,
function tests may be adrenal suppression, fluid
ordered to assess degree of retention, hypokalemia,
hypothalamic-pituitary- hypokalemic alkalosis,
adrenal axis suppression in thromboembolism, weight
systemic and chronic topical gain, weight loss, muscle
therapy. wasting, osteoporosis, aseptic
necrosis of joints, muscle pain.
Prednisone/ Sterapred anti inflammatories Assess patient for signs of Depression, euphoria,
steroidal adrenal insufficiency; intake increased intracranial
(intermediate and output ratios and daily pressure, increased intraocular
acting) weights; peripheral edema, pressure, hypertension, peptic
immune modifiers steady weight gain, ulceration, anorexia, nausea,
rales/crackles, or dyspnea vomiting, acne, decreased
before and periodically wound healing, ecchymoses,
throughout therapy. Monitor fragility, hirsutism, petechiae,
serum electrolytes and adrenal suppression, fluid
glucose. Periodic adrenal retention, weight gain,
function tests may be thromboembolism, weight
ordered to assess degree of loss, thrombophlebitis, muscle
hypothalamic-pituitary- wasting, muscle pain,
adrenal axis suppression in osteoporosis, cushingoid
systemic and chronic topical appearance, increased
therapy. susceptibility to infection.
Pregabalin/ Lyrica analgesics Assess location, Dizziness, drowsiness,
anticonvulsants characteristics, and intensity impaired attention/
gamma of pain periodically during concentration/thinking,
aminobutyric acid therapy. Assess location, edema, blurred vision, dry
gaba analogues duration, and characteristics mouth, constipation, ↑
nonopioid of seizure activity. appetite, vomiting, ↓ platelet
analgesics count, weight gain, allergic
reactions, fever.
Primidone/ Myidone, anticonvulsants Assess location, duration, Ataxia, drowsiness, vertigo,
Mysoline frequency, and excitement, visual changes,
characteristics of seizure dyspnea, edema, orthostatic
activity; allergy to hypotension, anorexia, drug-
Phenobarbital; signs of folic induced hepatitis, nausea,
acid deficiency at beginning vomiting, alopecia, rash, blood
of and during therapy. CBC dyscrasias, megaloblastic
and sequential multiple anemia, folic acid deficiency.
analysis–12 (SMA-12) tests
should be monitored every 6
mo throughout course of
therapy. Monitor serum
folate concentrations
periodically during therapy.
Probenecid/ Probalan antigout agents Assess involved joints for Headache, dizziness, nausea,
uricosurics pain, mobility, and edema vomiting, abdominal pain,
throughout course of diarrhea, drug-induced
therapy. Monitor intake and hepatitis, sore gums, uric acid
output ratios. CBC, serum stones, urinary frequency,
uric acid levels, and renal flushing, rashes, aplastic
function should be anemia, anemia.
monitored routinely during
long-term therapy. Serum
and urine uric acid
determinations may be
measured periodically when

Rev. 08/21/08
probenecid is used to treat
Procainamide/ antiarrhythmics Monitor ECG, pulse, and Seizures, confusion, dizziness,
Pronestyl (class IA) blood pressure continuously asystole, heart block,
throughout IV ventricular arrhythmias,
administration. Monitor CBC hypotension, diarrhea,
every 2 wk during the first 3 anorexia, bitter taste, nausea,
mo of therapy. Monitor ANA vomiting, rashes,
periodically during agranulocytosis, eosinophilia,
prolonged therapy or if leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
symptoms of lupus-like chills, drug-induced systemic
reaction occur. lupus syndrome, fever.
Procaine penicillin G/ anti-infectives Assess for infection; Seizures, diarrhea, epigastric
Wycillin penicillins reactions to penicillins, distress, nausea, vomiting,
cephalosporins, or other eosinophilia,
beta-lactam antibiotics; and pseudomembranous colitis,
signs and symptoms of interstitial nephritis, rash,
anaphylaxis at beginning of urticaria, leucopenia, allergic
and during therapy. Monitor reactions including anaphylaxis
serum sodium and serum sickness,
concentrations in patient superinfection, pain at IM site,
with hypertension or CHF. phlebitis at IV site.
Procarbazine/ antineoplastics Monitor blood pressure, Seizures, confusion, dizziness,
Matulane alkylating agents pulse, and respiratory rate; drowsiness, hallucinations,
nutritional status; bone headache, mania, mental
marrow depression; depression, nightmares,
bleeding; Signs and psychosis, syncope, tremor,
symptoms of hypertensive nystagmus, photophobia,
crisis during therapy. retinal hemorrhage, cough,
Monitor hemoglobin, pleural effusions, edema,
hematocrit, WBC, hypotension, tachycardia,
differential, reticulocytes, nausea, vomiting, anorexia,
and platelet count prior to dysphagia, hepatic
and every 3–4 days during dysfunction, stomatitis,
therapy. Monitor urinalysis, gonadal suppression, alopecia,
AST, ALT, alkaline gynecomastia, anemia,
phosphatase, and BUN at neuropathy, paresthesia,
least weekly during therapy. ascites, secondary malignancy.
Prochlorperazine/ antiemetics Monitor blood pressure Neuroleptic malignant
Compazine, Ultrazine antipsychotics (sitting, standing, lying syndrome, extrapyramidal
phenothiazines down), ECG, pulse, and reactions, sedation, tardive
respiratory rate; level of dyskinesia, blurred vision, dry
sedation; onset of akathisia eyes, lens opacities, ECG
and extrapyramidal side changes, hypotension,
effects; tardive dyskinesia; tachycardia, constipation, dry
development of neuroleptic mouth, anorexia, drug-induced
malignant syndrome; fluid hepatitis, ileus, pink or
intake and bowel function; reddish-brown discoloration of
degree and manifestations urine, urinary retention,
of anxiety and mental status photosensitivity, pigment
before and frequently during changes, rashes, galactorrhea,
therapy. Assess patient for agranulocytosis, leucopenia,
nausea and vomiting before hyperthermia, allergic
and 30–60 min after reactions.
Progesterone/ hormones Monitor intake and output Depression, pulmonary
Crinone, progestins ratios and weekly weight; embolism, changes in
Endometrin, BP; usual menstrual history; menstrual flow, weight gain,

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Prochieve, pattern and amount of thromboembolism, cervical
Prometrium vaginal bleeding before and erosions, chloasma, rashes,
throughout therapy. Monitor melasma, breast tenderness,
hepatic function before and amenorrhea, edema, allergic
periodically during therapy. reactions including anaphylaxis
and angioedema, weight loss.
Promethazine/ antiemetics Monitor blood pressure, Neuroleptic malignant
Antinaus, antihistamines pulse, and respiratory rate; syndrome, confusion,
Pentazine, Phenadoz, sedative/hypnotics level of sedation; onset of disorientation, sedation,
Phenergan, Promacot, phenothiazines extrapyramidal side effects; dizziness, extrapyramidal
Promet, Prorex adverse anticholinergic reactions, fatigue, insomnia,
effects; allergy symptoms; nervousness, blurred vision,
nausea and vomiting before diplopia, tinnitus, bradycardia,
and periodically throughout hypertension, hypotension,
course of therapy. If tachycardia, constipation,
administered IV, assess for drug-induced hepatitis, dry
burning and pain at IV site; mouth, photosensitivity,
may cause severe tissue severe tissue necrosis upon
injury. CBC should be infiltration at IV site, rashes,
evaluated periodically during blood dyscrasias.
chronic therapy.
Propafenone/ Rythmol antiarrhythmics Monitor ECG or use Holter Dizziness, shaking, weakness,
(class IC) monitor; blood pressure and blurred vision, supraventricular
pulse; intake and output arrhythmia, ventricular
ratios and daily weight; arrhythmias, conduction
signs of CHF prior to and disturbances, angina,
periodically during therapy. bradycardia, hypotension,
Monitor prothrombin level in altered taste, constipation,
patients taking warfarin; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
may ↑ effects of warfarin dry mouth, rash, joint pain.
Propantheline/ Pro- antiulcer agents Assess for abdominal pain Confusion, dizziness,
Banthine anticholinergics prior to and periodically drowsiness, excitement,
antimuscarinics throughout therapy. blurred vision, mydriasis,
Antagonizes effects of photophobia, tachycardia,
pentagastrin and histamine orthostatic hypotension,
during gastric acid secretion palpitations, constipation, dry
test. Avoid administration mouth, rash, urinary
for 24 hr preceding the test. hesitancy, urinary retention,
decreased sweating.
Propofol/ Diprivan general anesthetics Assess respiratory status, Dizziness, headache, apnea,
pulse, and blood pressure cough, bradycardia,
continuously throughout hypotension, hypertension,
propofol therapy. Assess abdominal cramping, hiccups,
level of sedation and level of nausea, vomiting, flushing,
consciousness throughout burning, pain, stinging,
and following coldness, numbness, tingling
administration. Assess level at IV site, involuntary muscle
of sedation and level of movements, perioperative
consciousness throughout myoclonia, discoloration of
and following urine (green), propofol
administration. Monitor for infusion syndrome, fever.
propofol infusion syndrome.
Propoxyphene opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Dizziness, weakness,
hydrochloride/ Darvon opioid agonists intensity of pain prior to and dysphoria, euphoria,
2 hr (peak) following headache, insomnia,
administration. Assess blood paradoxical excitement,
pressure, pulse, and sedation, blurred vision,
respirations; bowel function; hypotension, nausea,

Rev. 08/21/08
CNS effects before and abdominal pain, rash,
periodically during therapy. constipation, vomiting,
physical or psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Propoxyphene opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Dizziness, weakness,
hydrochloride/ opioid agonists intensity of pain prior to and dysphoria, euphoria,
acetaminophen// opioid agonists 2 hr (peak) following headache, insomnia,
Wygesic nonopioid analgesic administration. Assess blood paradoxical excitement,
combinations pressure, pulse, and sedation, blurred vision,
respirations; bowel function; hypotension, nausea,
CNS effects before and abdominal pain, rash,
periodically during therapy. constipation, vomiting,
physical or psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Propoxyphene opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Dizziness, weakness,
hydrochloride/aspirin/ opioid agonists intensity of pain prior to and dysphoria, euphoria,
caffeine// Darvon opioid agonists 2 hr (peak) following headache, insomnia,
Compound-65 nonopioid analgesic administration. Assess blood paradoxical excitement,
combinations pressure, pulse, and sedation, blurred vision,
respirations; bowel function; hypotension, nausea,
CNS effects before and abdominal pain, rash,
periodically during therapy. constipation, vomiting,
physical or psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Propoxyphene opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Dizziness, weakness,
napsylate/ opioid agonists intensity of pain prior to and dysphoria, euphoria,
Darvon N 2 hr (peak) following headache, insomnia,
administration. Assess blood paradoxical excitement,
pressure, pulse, and sedation, blurred vision,
respirations; bowel function; hypotension, nausea,
CNS effects before and abdominal pain, rash,
periodically during therapy. constipation, vomiting,
physical or psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Propoxyphene opioid analgesics Assess type, location, and Dizziness, weakness,
napsylate/ opioid agonists intensity of pain prior to and dysphoria, euphoria,
acetaminophen// opioid agonists 2 hr (peak) following headache, insomnia,
Darvon nonopioid analgesic administration. Assess blood paradoxical excitement,
A500, Darvocet-N 50, combinations pressure, pulse, and sedation, blurred vision,
Darvocet-N 100 respirations; bowel function; hypotension, nausea,
CNS effects before and abdominal pain, rash,
periodically during therapy. constipation, vomiting,
physical or psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Propranolol/ Inderal, antianginals Monitor blood pressure and Fatigue, weakness, anxiety,
Inderal LA, InnoPran antiarrhythmics pulse; ECG monitoring and dizziness, drowsiness,
XL (Class II) may have pulmonary insomnia, memory loss,
antihypertensives capillary wedge pressure mental depression, mental
vascular headache (PCWP) or central venous status changes, nervousness,
suppressants pressure (CVP); orthostatic nightmares, blurred vision, dry
beta blockers hypotension; intake and eyes, nasal stuffiness,
output ratios and daily bronchospasm, wheezing,
weight; evidence of fluid arrhythmias, bradycardia,
overload; frequency and CHF, pulmonary edema,
characteristics of anginal orthostatic hypotension,
attacks; frequency, severity, peripheral vasoconstriction,
characteristics, and location constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
of vascular headaches erectile dysfunction, decreased

Rev. 08/21/08
before and periodically libido, itching, rashes,
during therapy. Abrupt hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia,
withdrawal of propranolol arthralgia, back pain, muscle
may precipitate life- cramps, paresthesia, drug-
threatening arrhythmias, induced lupus syndrome.
hypertension, or myocardial
ischemia. Drug should be
tapered over a 2 week
period before
discontinuation. Assess
patient carefully during
tapering and after
medication is discontinued.
Propylthiouracil/ PTU antithyroid agents Monitor response of Drowsiness, headache,
symptoms of vertigo, nausea, vomiting,
hyperthyroidism or diarrhea, drug-induced
thyrotoxicosis; development hepatitis, loss of taste, rash,
of hypothyroidism; skin rash skin discoloration, urticaria,
or swelling of cervical lymph hypothyroidism,
nodes prior to and during agranulocytosis, leukopenia,
therapy. arthralgia, thrombocytopenia,
fever, lymphadenopathy,
Protamine sulfate antidotes Assess for bleeding and Dyspnea, bradycardia,
antiheparins hemorrhage; allergy to fish hypertension, hypotension,
(salmon), previous reaction pulmonary hypertension,
to or use of protamine nausea, vomiting, flushing,
insulin or protamine sulfate; warmth, bleeding, back pain,
signs and symptoms of hypersensitivity reactions
hypersensitivity reaction including anaphylaxis,
prior to and during therapy. angioedema, and pulmonary
Assess for hypovolemia edema.
before initiation of therapy.
Monitor clotting factors,
activated clotting time
(ACT), activated partial
thromboplastin time (aPTT),
and thrombin time (TT) 5–
15 min after therapy and
again as necessary.
Prussian blue antidotes Assess patient for signs of Constipation, hypokalemia.
(insoluble)/ radiation radiation toxicity. Measure
ferric (III) protectants and record radioactivity
hexacyanoferrate (II), insoluble complex counts in urine and fecal
Radiogardase samples at baseline and
weekly to monitor 137Cs
elimination rate. Monitor
CBC, serum chemistry and
electrolytes closely during
Pseudoephedrine/ allergy, cold and Assess congestion, pulse Seizures, anxiety,
Cenafed, Congestaid, cough remedies and blood pressure; lung nervousness, dizziness,
Decofed, Dimetapp nasal drying agents sounds and character of drowsiness, excitability, fear,
Maximum Strength decongestants bronchial secretions before hallucinations, headache,
12– and periodically during insomnia, restlessness,
Hour Non-Drowsy therapy. Maintain fluid weakness, respiratory
Extentabs, Dimetapp intake of 1500–2000 ml/day difficulty, cardiovascular
Decongestant to decrease viscosity of collapse, palpitations,

Rev. 08/21/08
Pediatric, secretions. hypertension, tachycardia,
Drixoral 12 Hour Non- anorexia, dry mouth, dysuria,
Drowsy Formula, diaphoresis.
24, Genafed, Halofed,
Kare, Medi-First Sinus
Infants' Decongestant
Drops, Pediatric Nasal
Decongestant, Simply
Stuffy, Sinustop,
Silfedrine, Sudafed,
Sudafed Childrens's
Drowsy, Sudafed 12
Hour, Sudafed Non-
Drowsy Maximum
Strength, Sudodrin,
Triaminic Allergy
Congestion Softchews,
Psyllium/ Alramucil, laxatives Assess patient for abdominal Bronchospasm, cramps,
Cillium, Effer-Syllium, bulk forming distention, presence of intestinal or esophageal
Fiberall, Fibrepur, agents bowel sounds, and usual obstruction, nausea, vomiting.
Hydrocil, Konsyl, pattern of bowel function.
Metamucil, Modane Assess color, consistency,
Bulk, and amount of stool
Mylanta Natural Fiber produced.
Supplement, Naturacil
Caramels, Perdiem,
Lax, Reguloid Natural,
Serutan, Siblin,
Vitalax, V-Lax
Pyridostigmine/Mestin antimyasthenics Assess pulse, respiratory Seizures, dizziness, weakness,
on, cholinergics rate, and blood pressure; lacrimation, miosis,
Mestinon Timespan, overdose, underdose, or bronchospasm, excessive
Regonol resistance prior to and secretions, bradycardia,
during therapy. Assess hypotension, abdominal
neuromuscular status, cramps, diarrhea, excessive
including vital capacity, salivation, nausea, vomiting,
ptosis, diplopia, chewing, sweating, rashes.
swallowing, hand grasp, and
gait before administering
and at peak effect.
Pyridoxine/ Beesix, vitamins Assess patient for signs of Sensory neuropathy,
Doxine, Nestrex, Pyri, water soluble vitamin B6 deficiency before paresthesia, pyridoxine-
Rodex, Vitabee 6, vitamins and periodically throughout dependency syndrome.
vitamin therapy.
Pyrimethamine/ antimalarials Assess patient for Seizures, arrhythmias,
Daraprim antiprotozoals improvement in signs and atrophic glossitis, fever,
symptoms of infection daily megaloblastic anemia,
during therapy. Monitor CBC headache, insomnia, light-
and platelet count headedness, malaise, mental

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periodically during therapy; depression, dry throat,
semiweekly in patients with pulmonary eosinophilia,
toxoplasmosis. anorexia, diarrhea, nausea.
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Quazepam/ Doral sedative/hypnotics Assess sleep patterns before Abnormal thinking, behavior
benzodiazepines and periodically throughout changes, daytime drowsiness,
course of therapy. palpitations, abdominal pain,
Prolonged therapy may lead itching, constipation, muscle
to psychological or physical spasm, ataxia, trembling,
dependence. allergic reactions, tolerance.
Quetiapine/ Seroquel, antipsychotics Monitor mental status; Neuroleptic malignant
Seroquel XR mood stabilizers suicidal tendencies; weight syndrome, seizures, dizziness,
and BMI; blood pressure cognitive impairment,
(sitting, standing, lying) and extrapyramidal symptoms,
pulse; onset of sedation, tardive dyskinesia,
extrapyramidal side effects; ear pain, rhinitis, pharyngitis,
tardive dyskinesia; and cough, dyspnea, palpitations,
development of neuroleptic peripheral edema, postural
malignant syndrome before hypotension, anorexia,
and periodically during constipation, dry mouth,
therapy. dyspepsia, sweating,
leucopenia, weight gain,
hyperglycemia, flu-like
Quinapril/Accupril antihypertensives Monitor BP, pulse, and signs dizziness, fatigue, headache,
ace inhibitors of angioedema. Monitor cough, hypotension, chest
weight and assess patient pain, abdominal pain,
routinely for resolution of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
fluid overload. Monitor renal impaired renal function,
function. rashes, hyperkalemia, back
pain, myalgia, dyspnea,
Quinine/ Qualaquin antimalarials Assess patient for Abdominal cramps/pain,
improvement in signs and diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
symptoms of condition daily cinchonism, hypersensitivity
during therapy. reactions including fever and
anaphylaxis, hemolytic uremic
syndrome, Stevens-Johnson
Quinupristin/dalfoprist anti-infectives Assess patient for infection; Headache, pruritus, rash,
in// Synercid streptogramins pain or inflammation at the thrombophlebitis,
infusion site; signs and pseudomembranous colitis,
symptoms of anaphylaxis; diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
myalgia and arthralgia at edema/inflammation/pain at
beginning of and throughout infusion site, infusion site
therapy. reactions, allergic reactions
including anaphylaxis, pain.
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Rabeprazole/ Aciphex antiulcer agents Assess routinely for Dizziness, headache, malaise,
proton pump epigastric or abdominal pain abdominal pain, constipation,
inhibitors and frank or occult blood in diarrhea, nausea,
Rev. 08/21/08
the stool, emesis, or gastric photosensitivity, rash, neck
aspirate. Monitor CBC with pain, allergic reactions, chills,
differential periodically fever.
during therapy.
Raloxifene/ Evista bone resorption Assess patient for bone Stroke, deep vein thrombosis,
inhibitors mineral density with x-ray, pulmonary embolism, retinal
selective estrogen serum, and urine bone vein thrombosis, leg cramps,
receptor turnover markers before hot flashes.
modulators and periodically during
Raltegravir/ Isentress antiretrovirals Assess patient for change in Headache, dizziness, fatigue,
integrase strand severity of HIV symptoms weakness, MI, diarrhea,
transfer inhibitor and for symptoms of abdominal pain, gastritis,
(INSTI) opportunistic infections hepatitis, vomiting, renal
during therapy. Monitor viral failure/ impairment, anemia,
load and CD4 counts neutropenia, lipodystrophy,
regularly during therapy. hypersensitivity reactions,
immune reconstitution
syndrome, fever.
Ramelteon/ Rozerem sedative/hypnotics Assess sleep patterns before Abnormal thinking, behavior
melatonin receptor and periodically throughout changes, dizziness, fatigue,
agonists therapy. hallucinations, headache,
insomnia, sleep—driving,
nausea, ↑ prolactin levels, ↓
testosterone levels.
Ramipril/Altace antihypertensives Monitor BP, pulse, and signs Dizziness, fatigue, headache,
ace inhibitors of angioedema. Monitor vertigo, weakness, cough,
weight and assess patient hypotension, chest pain,
routinely for resolution of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
fluid overload. Monitor renal impaired renal function,
function. rashes, hyperkalemia,
Ranibizumab/ Lucentis ocular agents Assess eye for signs of Conjunctival hemorrhage, eye
monoclonal infection frequently during pain, ↑ intraocular pressure,
antibodies week following injection. intraocular inflammation,
Increases in intraocular vitreal floaters,
pressure have been seen endophthalmitis, retinal
within 30 min of injection. detachment, arterial
thromboembolic events.
Ranitidine/ Zantac histamine h2 Assess patient for epigastric confusion, arrhythmias,
antagonists, anti- or abdominal pain and frank agranulocytosis, aplastic
ulcer agents or occult blood in the stool, anemia
emesis, or gastric aspirate
Ranolazine/ Ranexa antianginals Assess location, duration, Dizziness, headache, tinnitus,
intensity, and precipitating palpitations, QTc prolongation,
factors of anginal pain; and abdominal pain, constipation,
ECG at baseline and dry mouth, nausea, vomiting.
periodically during therapy.
Rasagiline/ Azilect antiparkinson Assess signs and symptoms Depression, chest pain,
agents of Parkinson's disease; albuminuria, ↓ libido, alopecia,
monoamine blood pressure; and skin for ecchymosis, ↑ melanoma risk,
oxidase type b melanomas prior to and rash, dyskinesia, allergic
inhibitors during therapy. reactions, flu-like syndrome, ↑
fall risk, fever.
Rasburicase/ Elitek Anti-gout agents Monitor patients for signs of Headache, abdominal pain,
antihyperuricemics allergic reactions and constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
enzymes anaphylaxis during therapy. vomiting, mucositis, rash,
Monitor patients for hemolysis,

Rev. 08/21/08
hemolysis; and methemoglobinemia,
methemoglobinemia during neutropenia, fever, sepsis,
therapy. hypersensitivity reactions
including anaphylaxis.
Remifentanil/ Ultiva opioid analgesics Monitor respiratory rate and Confusion, blurred/double
opioid agonists blood pressure frequently vision, apnea, shivering,
during therapy. Assess type, laryngospasm, allergic
location, and intensity of bronchospasm, respiratory
pain before and 3–5 min depression, arrhythmias,
after administration when bradycardia, circulatory
used to treat pain. depression, hypotension,
skeletal and thoracic muscle
Repaglinide/ Prandin antidiabetics Observe patient for signs Angina, chest pain,
meglitinides and symptoms of hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia.
hypoglycemic reactions
during therapy. Monitor
fasting serum glucose and
glycosylated hemoglobin
periodically during therapy
to evaluate effectiveness.
Reserpine/Novoreserpi antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure and Depression, drowsiness,
ne, peripherally acting pulse; intake and output lethargy, nasal stuffiness,
Reserfia antiadrenergics ratios and daily weight and conjunctival congestion,
assess for edema daily; miosis, bradycardia, angina,
depression; early morning arrhythmias, edema, diarrhea,
insomnia, anorexia, erectile cramps, dry mouth, GI
dysfunction, and self- bleeding, nausea, vomiting,
deprecation periodically erectile dysfunction, flushing,
throughout course of galactorrhea, gynecomastia,
therapy. sodium and water retention.
Retapamulin/ Altabax anti-infectives Assess lesions before and Application site irritation.
pleuromutilins daily during therapy.
Monitor for application site
Reteplase/ Retavase thrombolytics Monitor vital signs, including Intracranial hemorrhage,
plasminogen temperature, continuously epistaxis, gingival bleeding,
activators for myocardial infarction and bronchospasm, hemoptysis,
at least every 4 hr during reperfusion arrhythmias,
therapy for other hypotension, recurrent
indications. Assess patient ischemia, thromboembolism,
carefully for bleeding every GI bleeding, nausea,
15 min during the 1st hr of retroperitoneal bleeding,
therapy, every 15–30 min vomiting, GU tract bleeding,
during the next 8 hr, and at ecchymoses, flushing,
least every 4 hr for the urticaria, bleeding,
duration of therapy. Assess hemorrhage at injection site,
patient for hypersensitivity phlebitis at injection site,
reaction; ECG; intensity, musculoskeletal pain, allergic
character, location, and reactions including
radiation of chest pain; anaphylaxis, fever.
heart sounds and breath
sounds; and neurologic
status throughout therapy.
rho(d) immune vaccines/immunizin Monitor patient for signs and Dizziness, headache,
globulin g agents symptoms of intravascular hypertension, hypotension,
standard dose IM/ immune globulins hemolysis (IVH), anemia, rash, diarrhea, nausea,
HyperRHO S/D Full and renal insufficiency. vomiting, arthralgia, anemia,

Rev. 08/21/08
Dose, intravascular hemolysis,
RhoGAM myalgia, pain at injection site,
rho(d) immune vaccines/immunizin Monitor patient for signs and Dizziness, headache,
globulin g agents symptoms of intravascular hypertension, hypotension,
microdose IM/ immune globulins hemolysis (IVH), anemia, rash, diarrhea, nausea,
HyperRHO and renal insufficiency. vomiting, arthralgia, anemia,
S/D Mini-Dose, intravascular hemolysis,
MICRhoGAM, Mini- myalgia, pain at injection site,
Gamulin R fever.
rho(d) immune vaccines/immunizin Assess vital signs Dizziness, headache,
globulin g agents periodically during therapy hypertension, hypotension,
IV/ WinRho SDF immune globulins in patients receiving IV rash, diarrhea, nausea,
Rho(D) immune globulin. vomiting, arthralgia, anemia,
intravascular hemolysis,
myalgia, pain at injection site,
rho(d) immune vaccines/immunizin Monitor patient for signs and Dizziness, headache,
globulin g agents symptoms of intravascular hypertension, hypotension,
microdose IM, IV / immune globulins hemolysis (IVH), anemia, rash, diarrhea, nausea,
Rhophylac and renal insufficiency. vomiting, arthralgia, anemia,
Assess vital signs intravascular hemolysis,
periodically during therapy myalgia, pain at injection site,
in patients receiving IV fever.
Rho(D) immune globulin.
Ribavirin/ Copegus, antivirals Assess patient for infection; Dizziness, faintness, blurred
Rebetol, Virazole nucleoside respiratory; symptoms of vision, conjunctivitis, erythema
analogues hepatitis; signs of of the eyelids, ocular irritation,
depression; cardiovascular photosensitivity, cardiac
disorders; signs of colitis; arrest, hypotension, rash,
pancreatitis; pulmonary hemolytic anemia (with
status; and fluid status at interferon alpha 2b),
beginning and during reticulocytosis, emotional
therapy. Monitor CBC with lability (↑ in children), fatigue
differential and platelet (↓ in children), impaired
count prior to initiation, at concentration (↓ in children),
week 2, and week 4, and insomnia (↓ in children),
regularly during therapy. iritability (↓ in children), dry
Monitor liver function tests mouth, dyspnea(↓ in children),
and thyroid stimulating anorexia (↑ in children),
hormone prior to and dyspepsia (↓ in children),
periodically during therapy. vomiting (↑ in children),
Monitor liver function tests hemolytic anemia, pruritus (↓
and thyroid stimulating in children), arthralgia (↓ in
hormone prior to and children), fever (↑ in children).
periodically during therapy.
Riboflavin/ vitamin B2 vitamins Assess patient for signs of Yellow discoloration of urine.
water soluble vitamin B2 deficiency prior
vitamins to and periodically
throughout therapy.
Rifabutin/ Mycobutin agents atypical Monitor patient for signs of Brown-orange discoloration of
mycobacterium active tuberculosis and tears, ocular disturbances,
bowel function throughout dyspnea, chest pain, chest
therapy. Monitor CBC pressure, pseudomembranous
periodically during therapy. colitis, brown-orange
discoloration of saliva, altered
taste, drug-induced hepatitis,
brown-orange discoloration of

Rev. 08/21/08
urine, rash, skin discoloration,
hemolysis, neutropenia,
thrombocytopenia, arthralgia,
myositis, brown-orange
discoloration of body fluids,
flu-like syndrome.
Rifampin/ Rifadin, antituberculars Assess lung sounds and Ataxia, confusion, drowsiness,
Rimactane rifamycins character and amount of fatigue, headache, weakness,
sputum periodically during red discoloration of tears,
therapy. Perform abdominal pain, diarrhea,
mycobacterial studies and flatulence, heartburn, nausea,
susceptibility tests prior to vomiting, drug-induced
and periodically during hepatitis, red discoloration of
therapy to detect possible saliva, red discoloration of
resistance. Evaluate renal urine, hemolytic anemia,
function, CBC, and urinalysis thrombocytopenia, arthralgia,
periodically and during myalgia, red discoloration of
therapy. Monitor hepatic all body fluids, flu-like
function at least monthly syndrome.
during therapy.
Rifapentine/ Priftin agents amyotrophic Assess lung sounds and Dizziness, headache,
lateral sclerosis character and amount of hemoptysis, hypertension,
antituberculars sputum periodically pseudomembranous colitis,
throughout therapy. Assess anorexia, diarrhea, dyspepsia,
hepatic enzymes, bilirubin, increased liver enzymes,
CBC, and platelet count nausea, vomiting, hematuria,
prior to therapy. Monitor at proteinuria, pyuria, urinary
least monthly, especially in casts, acne, pruritus, rash,
relation to adverse anemia, leukopenia,
reactions. lymphopenia, neutropenia,
thrombocytosis, arthralgia,
Rifaximin/ Xifaxan anti-infectives Assess frequency and Dizziness, pseudomembranous
rifamycins consistency of stools and colitis.
bowel sounds prior to and
during therapy. Assess fluid
and electrolyte balance and
skin turgor for dehydration.
Rilonacept/ Arcalyst orphan drugs Assess for signs of infections Upper respiratory tract
fusion proteins and signs of hypersensitivity infections, cough, injection site
interleukin reactions during therapy. reactions, changes in lipid
antagonists Monitor lipid profiles every profile, hypoesthesia, serious
2–3 months during therapy. life-threatening infections,
hypersensitivity reactions.
Riluzole/ Rilutek agents amyotrophic Assess patient for Dizziness, weakness,
lateral sclerosis aggravation reaction headache, decreased lung
causing worsening of ALS function, hypertension,
symptoms. Monitor AST, peripheral edema, abdominal
ALT, serum bilirubin, and pain, anorexia, diarrhea,
GGT before and during dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea,
therapy. vomiting, weight loss,
arthralgia, back pain,
circumoral paresthesia.
Rimantadine/ antivirals Monitor respiratory status Seizures, agitation, dizziness,
Flumadine (rate, breath sounds, fatigue, headache, impaired
sputum) and temperature concentration, insomnia,
periodically. mental depression, tinnitus,
dyspnea, abdominal pain,

Rev. 08/21/08
anorexia, diarrhea, dry mouth,
dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting,
Risedronate/ Actonel bone resorption Assess patients via bone Weakness, amblyopia,
inhibitors density study for low bone conjunctivitis, dry eyes, eye
biphosphonates mass; and symptoms of pain/inflammation, tinnitus,
Paget's disease before and chest pain, edema, abdominal
periodically during therapy. pain, diarrhea, belching,
Assess serum calcium and colitis, constipation,
alkaline phosphatase before dysphagia, esophagitis,
and periodically during esophageal ulcer, gastric ulcer,
therapy. nausea, rash, arthralgia,
musculoskeletal pain,
osteonecrosis, flu-like
Risperidone/ Benzisoxazoles/ Monitor patient's mental Neuroleptic malignant
Risperdal, mood stabilizers/ status; weight and BMI; syndrome, aggressive
Risperdal M-TAB, Antipsychotics mood changes; suicidal behavior, dizziness,
Risperdal Consta tendencies; blood pressure extrapyramidal reactions,
(sitting, standing, lying headache, increased dreams,
down) and pulse; onset of increased sleep duration,
extrapyramidal side effects; insomnia, sedation,
tardive dyskinesia; and pharyngitis, rhinitis, visual
development of neuroleptic disturbances, cough,
malignant syndrome before constipation, diarrhea, dry
and periodically during mouth, nausea, weight gain,
therapy. Obtain fasting decreased libido,
blood glucose and dysmenorrhea/
cholesterol levels initially menorrhagia, itching/skin
and periodically during rash.
Ritodrine/ Yutopar tocolytic Assess uterine activity, Headache, anxiety,
adrenergics gestational age and fetal nervousness, pulmonary
maturity to determine edema, angina, hypotension,
premature labor, maternal tachycardia (maternal and
blood pressure and pulse fetal), nausea, vomiting, drug-
and fetal heart rate, intake induced hepatitis, erythema,
and output ratios hyperglycemia,
throughout therapy. Assess agranulocytosis, leucopenia,
patient frequently during IV tremors.
infusion for signs and
symptoms of pulmonary
edema. Blood glucose and
electrolytes should be
monitored carefully during
prolonged therapy.
Ritonavir/ Norvir antiretrovirals Assess patient for change in Seizures, abnormal thinking,
protease inhibitors severity of HIV symptoms weakness, angioedema, heart
and for symptoms of block, abdominal pain, altered
opportunistic infections taste, anorexia, diarrhea,
during therapy. Monitor viral nausea, vomiting,
load and CD4 counts hypersensitivity reactions
regularly during therapy. including Stevens-Johnson
syndrome and anaphylaxis.
Rituximab/ Rituxan antineoplastics Monitor patient for fever, Progressive multifocal
monoclonal chills/rigors, nausea, leukoencephalopathy,
antibodies urticaria, fatigue, headache, headache, bronchospasm,
pruritus, bronchospasm, cough, dyspnea, arrhythmias,

Rev. 08/21/08
dyspnea, sensation of hypotension, peripheral
tongue or throat swelling, edema, abdominal pain,
rhinitis, vomiting, altered taste, dyspepsia,
hypotension, flushing, mucocutaneous skin reactions,
hypersensitivity reactions, flushing, urticaria,
ECG, signs of progressive hyperglycemia, hypocalcemia,
multifocal anemia, neutropenia,
leukoencephalopathy, and thrombocytopenia, arthralgia,
pain at disease sites. back pain, allergic reactions
Monitor patient for tumor including anaphylaxis and
lysis syndrome due to rapid angioedema, infections,
reduction in tumor volume infusion reactions, tumor lysis
usually occurring 12–24 hr syndrome, fever/chills/rigors
after first infusion. Monitor
CBC and platelet count
regularly during therapy.
Rivastigmine/ Exelon, anti-Alzheimers's Assess cognitive function Weakness, dizziness,
Exelon Patch agents periodically throughout drowsiness, headache,
cholinergics therapy. Monitor patient for sedation, edema, heart failure,
cholinesterase nausea, vomiting, anorexia, hypotension, anorexia,
inhibitors and weight loss. dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting,
Rizatriptan/ Maxalt, vascular headache Assess pain location, Dizziness, drowsiness,
Maxalt-MLT suppressants character, intensity, and weakness, coronary artery
five ht1 agonists duration and associated vasospasm, MI, ventricular
symptoms during migraine fibrillation, ventricular
attack. tachycardia, hypersensitivity
reactions including
Rocuronium/ Zemuron neuromuscular Assess respiratory status; Bronchospasm, rash, allergic
blocking agents ECG, heart rate, and blood reactions including
nondepolarizing pressure; residual muscle anaphylaxis.
weakness and respiratory
distress; infusion site
throughout therapy and
Romiplostim/ Nplate Antithrombocytope Assess for bruising and Dizziness, insomnia, headache,
nic bleeding throughout abdominal pain, dyspepsia,
thrombopoetin therapy. Monitor CBC, bone marrow fibrosis,
receptor agonists including platelet counts and thrombosis/
periperal blood smears, thromboembolism, extremity
prior to, weekly until a pain, myalgia, arthralgia,
stable platelet count is shoulder pain, paresthesia.
achieved, and at least
monthly thereafter. Monitor
peripheral blood for signs of
marrow fibrosis.
Ropinirole/ Requip, antiparkinson Assess blood pressure; Sleep attacks, dizziness,
Requip XL agents drowsiness and sleep syncope, confusion,
dopamine agonists attacks; signs and drowsiness, abnormal vision,
symptoms of Parkinson's orthostatic hypotension,
disease; sleep patterns and peripheral edema,
frequency of restless leg constipation, dry mouth,
disturbances periodically dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting,
during therapy. increased sweating.
Ropivacaine/ Naropin epidural local Assess for systemic toxicity; Seizures, cardiovascular
anesthetics BP, HR, and respiratory rate collapse, arrhythmias,
anesthetics topical continuously during therapy. hypotension, tachycardia,

Rev. 08/21/08
local Monitor for return of nausea, vomiting, anemia,
sensation after procedure. paresthesia, dyspnea, allergic
reactions, fever.
Rosiglitazone/ Avandia antidiabetics Observe patient taking CHF, edema, new onset and
thiazolidinediones concurrent insulin for signs worsening diabetic macular
and symptoms of edema, urticaria, hepatitis, ↑
hypoglycemia. Assess liver enzymes, anemia, lactic
patient for edema and signs acidosis, ↑ total cholesterol,
of CHF; and signs of lactic LDL and HDL, weight gain,
acidosis during therapy. angioedema (rare), fractures
(arm, hand, foot) in female
Rosuvastatin/ Crestor lipid-lowering Obtain a diet history, Weakness, abdominal pain,
agents especially with regard to fat constipation, nausea, rash,
hmg coa reductase consumption. Evaluate rhabdomyolysis, myalgia.
inhibitors serum cholesterol and
statins triglyceride levels before
initiating, after 2–4 wk of
therapy, and periodically
thereafter. Monitor liver
function tests, including
AST, before, at 12 wk after
initiation of therapy or after
dose elevation, and then
every 6 mo.
Rota virus vaccine live vaccines/immunizin Determine current health Cough, runny nose, flatulence,
oral/Rotarix g agents status and previous loss of appetite, rotavirus
active immunizer vaccination history of infant, shedding in stool, vomiting,
including any reactions to fussiness/irritability.
previous dose of rotavirus
vaccine. Delay
administration in infants
with acute diarrhea and
Rufinamide/ Banzol anticonvulsants Assess location, duration, Dizziness, fatigue, headache,
triazoles and characteristics of somnolence, ↑ suicidal
seizure activity. Monitor thoughts/behavior, diplopia,
closely for notable changes QT prolongation, nausea,
in behavior that could changes in appetite, urinary
indicate the emergence or frequency, rash, anemia,
worsening of suicidal ataxia, coordination
thoughts or behavior or abnormalities, gait
depression. disturbances, multi-organ
hypersensitivity reactions.
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Saliva substitutes/ saliva substitutes Assess patient for Excessive absorption of

Entertainers' Secret, xerostomia (dry mouth) or electrolytes.
Moi- dry throat before and
Stir, Mouthkote, periodically throughout
Optimoist, Salivart, therapy. Assess gingiva and
Salix oral mucosa for stomatitis.
Salmeterol/ Serevent bronchodilators Assess lung sounds, pulse, Headache, nervousness,
adrenergics and blood pressure; palpitations, tachycardia,
pulmonary function tests; abdominal pain, diarrhea,

Rev. 08/21/08
and paradoxical nausea, muscle
bronchospasm before cramps/soreness, trembling,
initiating therapy and paradoxical bronchospasm,
periodically throughout. cough.
Salsalate/ Amigesic, antipyretics Assess pain and limitation of Tinnitus, GI bleeding,
Anaflex, Disalcid, nonopioid movement; note type, dyspepsia, epigastric distress,
Marthritic, Mono- analgesics location, and intensity nausea, abdominal pain,
Gesic, salicylates before and at the peak after anorexia, hepatotoxicity,
Salflex, Salgesic, administration. Assess fever vomiting, exfoliative
Salsitab and note associated signs. dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson
Monitor hepatic function; syndrome, toxic epidermal
and serum salicylate levels necrolysis, allergic reactions
before antirheumatic including anaphylaxis and
therapy. laryngeal edema.
Samarium Sm 153 nonopioid Assess pain (intensity, Arrhythmias, hypertension,
lexidronam/ analgesics location) periodically anemia, neutropenia,
Quadramet radiopharmaceutica throughout therapy. thrombocytopenia, transient
ls increase in bone pain.
SAMe/Ademetionine, antidepressants Assess mental status for Agitation, dizziness, mild
S-adenosylmethionine symptoms of depression and insomnia, manic reactions (in
symptoms of pain and patients with bipolar disorder),
fatigue prior to and vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence.
periodically during therapy.
Sapropterin/ Kuvan antihyperphenylala Assess diet prior to and Headache, pharyngolaryngeal
ninemics during therapy. Monitor for pain, abdominal pain,
synthetic BH4 signs of allergic reaction. diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
Monitor blood Phe levels neutropenia.
after 1 wk of treatment and
periodically for up to 1
Saquinavir/ Invirase antiretrovirals Assess for change in Seizures, confusion, headache,
protease inhibitors severity of symptoms of HIV abdominal discomfort,
and for symptoms of diarrhea, increased liver
opportunistic infections enzymes, jaundice, nausea,
during therapy. Monitor viral severe cutaneous reactions,
load and CD4 count hyperglycemia, acute
regularly during therapy. myeloblastic leukemia,
Monitor hematologic and hemolytic anemia,
hepatic function before and thrombocytopenia, ataxia,
periodically during therapy. Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
Sargramostim/ colony stimulating Monitor heart rate, blood Headache, malaise, weakness,
Leukine, factors pressure, and respiratory dyspnea, pericardial effusion,
rHu GM-CSF biologic response status during and peripheral edema, transient
(recombinant human modifiers immediately after infusion. supraventricular tachycardia,
granulocyte/macropha Assess for peripheral edema diarrhea, itching, rash,
ge daily; first-dose reaction; arthralgia, bone pain, myalgia,
colony-stimulating fever daily; arthralgias and chills, fever, first-dose
factor) myalgias throughout reaction.
Saw palmetto/ Assess patient for symptoms Dizziness, headache, nausea,
American of benign prostatic vomiting, constipation and
Dwarf Palm Tree, hypertrophy (BPH) before diarrhea.
Cabbage Palm, Ju- and periodically throughout
Zhong, therapy.
Palmier Nain, Sabal,
Sabal Fructus, Saw
Palmetto Berry,

Rev. 08/21/08

Scopolamine/ Isopto antiemetics Assess patient for signs of Drowsiness, confusion, blurred
Hyoscine, Transderm- anticholinergics urinary retention; heart vision, mydriasis, tachycardia,
Scop rate; pain; nausea and dry mouth, urinary hesitancy,
vomiting periodically during urinary retention.
Secobarbital/ Seconal sedative/hypnotics Assess sleep patterns; Excess sedation, excitation,
barbiturates respiratory status, pulse, hallucinations, mental
and blood pressure; and depression, vertigo,
pain prior to and periodically respiratory depression,
throughout therapy. arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia,
rashs, urticaria.
Selegiline/Apo- antiparkinson Assess patient for signs and Confusion, dizziness, fainting,
Selegiline, agents symptoms of Parkinson's hallucinations, insomnia, vivid
Carbex, Eldepryl, monoamine disease prior to and during dreams, nausea, abdominal
Gen- oxidase type b therapy. Assess blood pain, dry mouth.
Selegiline, Nu- inhibitors pressure periodically during
Selegiline, therapy.
SD-Deprenyl, Zelapar
Selegiline antidepressants Assess mental status, mood Insomnia, tinnitus, ↑ cough,
transdermal/ monoamine changes, and anxiety level hypertensive crisis, chest pain,
Emsam oxidase type b frequently; suicidal orthostatic hypotension,
inhibitors tendencies, agitation, peripheral edema, diarrhea,
irritability, and unusual altered taste, anorexia,
changes in behavior; blood constipation, flatulence,
pressure and pulse rate gastroenteritis, vomiting,
especially during early dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia,
therapy. Monitor pediatric urinary frequency, application
patients face-to-face weekly site reactions , acne,
during first 4 wks, every ecchymoses, pruritus,
other week for 4 wks, at 12 sweating, mylagia, neck pain,
weeks, and as clinically pathologic fracture,
indicated during therapy. paresthesia.
Sennosides/Black- laxatives Assess patient for abdominal Cramping, diarrhea, nausea,
Draught, Ex-Lax, Ex- stimulant laxatives distention, presence of pink-red or brown-black
Lax bowel sounds, and usual discoloration of urine,
Chocolated, Fletchers' pattern of bowel function. electrolyte abnormalities,
Castoria, Maximum Assess color, consistency, laxative dependence.
Relief and amount of stool
Ex-Lax, Sena-Gen, produced.
Senexon, Senokot,
Sertaconazole/ antifungals Inspect involved areas of Application site reactions,
Ertaczo imidazoles skin and mucous burning, contact dermatitis,
membranes before and dry skin, tenderness.
frequently during therapy.
Increased skin irritation may
indicate need to discontinue
Sertraline/ Zoloft antidepressants Assess for suicidal Suicidal thoughts, dizziness,
selective serotonin tendencies, especially drowsiness, fatigue, headache,
reuptake inhibitors during early therapy. insomnia, diarrhea, dry mouth,
ssris Monitor appetite and nausea, sexual dysfunction,
nutritional intake; weigh urinary disorders, urinary
weekly; mood changes; frequency, increased sweating,
frequency of obsessive- hot flashes, rash,
compulsive behaviors; hyponatremia, back pain,

Rev. 08/21/08
frequency and severity of myalgia, tremor, hypertonia,
panic attacks; feelings of hypoesthesia, paresthesia,
fear, helplessness, and twitching, fever, thirst,
horror; symptoms of social impaired concentration, manic
anxiety disorder; and reaction, nervousness,
symptoms of premenstrual weakness, yawning, agitation,
dysphoric disorder anxiety.
periodically during therapy.
Sevelamer/ Renagel, electrolyte Assess patient for GI side Diarrhea, dyspepsia, vomiting,
Renvela modifiers effects periodically during constipation, flatulence,
phosphate binders therapy. Monitor serum nausea.
phosphorous, calcium,
bicarbonate, and chloride
levels periodically during
Sibutramine/ Meridia weight control Monitor patients for weight Seizures, headache, insomnia,
agents loss and adjust concurrent CNS stimulation, anorexia,
appetite medications as needed. constipation, dry mouth,
suppressants Monitor blood pressure and altered taste, increased
heart rate regularly during appetite, increased sweating,
therapy. rash.
Sildenafil/Revatio, erectile dysfunction Determine erectile Headache, dizziness, insomnia,
Viagra agents dysfunction before hearing loss, vision loss,
phosphodiesterase administration. Monitor epistaxis, nasal congestion,
type 5 inhibitors hemodynamic parameters MI, sudden death,
and exercise tolerance prior cardiovascular collapse,
to and periodically during dyspepsia, diarrhea, priapism,
therapy. urinary tract infection,
flushing, rash, mylagia,
Silodosin/ Rapaflo benign prostatic Assess patient for symptoms Dizziness, headache,
hyperplasia bph of benign prostatic orthostatic hypotension,
agents hyperplasia; orthostatic diarrhea, retrograde
alpha adrenergic reaction and syncope; BP ejaculation.
blockers (lying and standing) before
and periodically during
Silver anti-infectives Assess burned tissue for Burning, itching, pain, rash,
sulfadiazine/Flint (topical) infection and sepsis; skin discoloration, skin
SSD, Sildimac, sulfonamides hypersensitivity reaction necrosis, leukopenia.
Silvadene, prior to and throughout
Thermazene course of therapy.
Simethicone/Degas, antiflatulent Assess patient for abdominal None significant.
Extra Strength Gas-X, pain, distention, and bowel
Flatulex, Gas-X, sounds prior to and
Genasyme, Maximum periodically throughout
Strength Mylanta Gas, course of therapy.
Mylanta Gas, Mylicon, Frequency of belching and
Phazyme passage of flatus should also
be assessed.
Simvastatin/ Zocor hmg coa reductase Obtain a diet history, abdominal cramps,
inhibitors especially with regard to fat constipation, diarrhea, flatus,
statin, lipid- consumption heartburn, rashes,
lowering agents rhabdomyolysis
Sirolimus/ Rapamune immunosuppressan Monitor blood pressure and Insomnia, interstitial lung
ts hyperlipidemia closely disease, edema, hypotension,
during therapy. Monitor hepatic toxicity, renal
sirolimus blood levels when impairment, acne, rash,

Rev. 08/21/08
dose forms are changed and thrombocytopenic purpura,
in patients likely to have hypokalemia, leukopenia,
altered drug metabolism, thrombocytopenia, anemia,
patients >=13 yr who weigh hyperlipidemia, arthralgias,
<40 kg, patients with tremor, ↑ risk of infection, ↑
hepatic impairment, and risk of lymphoma, ↑ risk of
during concurrent lymphocele, mucosal herpes
administration of drugs that simplex infections, ↓ wound
may interact with sirolimus. healing, lymphocele.
Sitagliptin/ Januvia antidiabetics Observe patient for signs Headache, nausea, diarrhea,
enzyme inhibitors and symptoms of upper respiratory tract
hypoglycemic reactions infection, nasopharyngitis,
during therapy. Monitor hypersensitivity reactions
hemoglobin A1C prior to and including anaphylaxis,
periodically during therapy. angioedema, and exfoliative
Monitor renal function prior skin conditions (Stevens-
to and periodically during Johnson syndrome), rash,
therapy. urticaria.
Sodium bicarbonate/ antiulcer agents Assess fluid balance, signs Edema, flatulence, gastric
Baking Soda, Bell- alkalinizing agents of acidosis, epigastric or distention, metabolic alkalosis,
Ans, abdominal pain and frank or hypernatremia, hypocalcemia,
Citrocarbonate, Neut, occult blood in the stool, hypokalemia, sodium and
Soda Mint emesis, or gastric aspirate water retention, irritation at IV
throughout therapy. site, tetany.
Sodium citrate and antiurolithics Assess patient for signs of Diarrhea, fluid overload,
citric acid/ Bicitra, mineral electrolyte alkalosis or hypernatremia hypernatremia (severe renal
Oracit, Shohl's replacements throughout therapy. Monitor impairment), hypocalcemia,
Solution supplements patients with renal metabolic alkalosis (large
modified alkalinizing agents dysfunction for fluid doses only), tetany.
overload. 24-hr urine for
Sodium chloride mineral electrolyte Assess fluid balance; CHF, pulmonary edema,
(IV/oral)/ Slo-Salt replacements symptoms of hyponatremia edema, hypernatremia,
supplements or hypernatremia hypervolemia, hypokalemia, IV
throughout therapy. —extravasation, irritation at IV
Sodium ferric antianemics Assess bowel function for Dizziness, headache, syncope,
gluconate iron supplements constipation or diarrhea; hypotension, hypertension,
complex/ Ferrlecit blood pressure and heart chest pain, nausea, vomiting,
rate; signs and symptoms of diarrhea, flushing, urticaria,
anaphylaxis; nutritional pain or erythema at injection,
status and dietary history arthralgia, myalgia, allergic
during therapy. reactions including
anaphylaxis, fever,
Sodium fluoride dental caries Examine teeth for staining Nausea, vomiting, atopic
(oral)/ prophylactic agents or mottling periodically. dermatitis, mottling of teeth.
Flura-Drops, Luride, minerals
Pharmaflur, Phos-Flur electrolytes
Sodium oxybate/ anticataplectic Assess respiratory status, Seizures, dizziness, pain,
Xyrem, hydroxybutyrate sleep patterns, and number headache, somnolence,
gamma of cataplexy attacks before confusion, depression,
hydroxybutyrate starting sodium oxybate. insomnia, nervousness,
(GHB) Patients must be monitored weakness, respiratory
at least every 3 months for depression, nausea, vomiting,
effectiveness and side urinary incontinence, arthritis,
effects. myalgia, hyperhidrosis.

Rev. 08/21/08
Sodium Assess neurological status Seizures, mental impairment,
phenylacetate/sodium and infusion site frequently vomiting, hyperglycemia,
benzoate// Ammonul during therapy. Monitor hypokalemia.
plasma ammonia levels
frequently during therapy.
Sodium phosphate mineral electrolyte Assess patient for signs and Confusion, listlessness,
replacements symptoms of weakness, hypernatremia—
supplements hypophosphatemia; and shortness of breath,
phosphate intake and output ratios and arrhythmias, cardiac arrest,
supplements daily weight throughout ECG changes, hypotension;
therapy. Monitor serum hypernatremia—edema,
phosphate, potassium, diarrhea, abdominal pain,
sodium, and calcium levels nausea, vomiting,
prior to and periodically hyperkalemia, hypernatremia,
throughout therapy. Monitor hyperphosphatemia,
renal function studies prior hypocalcemia,
to and periodically hypomagnesemia, irritation at
throughout therapy. IV site, phlebitis, hypocalcemia
—tremors, flaccid paralysis,
heaviness of legs, paresthesias
of extremities.
Sodium polystyrene hypokalemic Monitor response of Constipation, fecal impaction,
sulfonate/Kayexalate, electrolyte symptoms of hyperkalemia; anorexia, gastric irritation,
SPS modifiers intake and output ratios and nausea, vomiting,
cationic exchange daily weight; symptoms of hypocalcemia, hypokalemia,
resins fluid overload; symptoms of sodium retention,
digitalis toxicity; abdomen hypomagnesemia.
and note character and
frequency of stools during
course of therapy.
Solifenacin/ VESIcare urinary tract Monitor voiding pattern and Blurred vision, constipation,
antispasmodics assess symptoms of dry mouth, dyspepsia, nausea.
anticholinergics overactive bladder to and
periodically during therapy.
Somatrem/ Protropin hormones Monitor bone age annually Edema of the hands and feet,
growth hormones and growth rate hyperglycemia,
determinations, height, and hypothyroidism, insulin
weight every 3–6 mo during resistance, pain at injection
therapy. Monitor blood site, local lipoatrophy or
glucose periodically during lipodystrophy with
therapy. subcutaneous use, arthralgia.
Somatropin hormones Monitor bone age annually Edema of the hands and feet,
(recombinant)/ Saizen growth hormones and growth rate exacerbation of pre-existing
determinations, height, and psoriasis, hyperglycemia,
weight every 3–6 mo during hypothyroidism, insulin
therapy. Monitor thyroid resistance, pain at injection
function; blood glucose; and site, local lipoatrophy or
alkaline phosphatase prior lipodystrophy with
to and during therapy. subcutaneous use, arthralgia,
Monitor for development of musculoskeletal pain, swelling,
neutralizing antibodies if stiffness.
growth rate does not exceed
2.5 cm/6 mo.
Sorafenib/ Nexavar antineoplastics Monitor blood pressure Depression, fatigue, weakness,
kinase inhibitors weekly during first 6 wks hoarseness, hypertension,
and then periodically during constipation, diarrhea,
therapy. Assess for dyspepsia, dysphagia,
dermatologic toxicities; myalgia, mucositis/stomatitis,

Rev. 08/21/08
bleeding; and chest pain nausea, anorexia, acne,
during therapy. erythema, exfoliative
dermatitis, flushing, hand-foot
skin reaction, pruritus, rash,
hypophosphatemia, anemia,
bleeding, leukopenia,
lymphopenia, athralgia, pain.
Sotalol/ Betapace, antiarrhythmics Monitor blood pressure and Fatigue, weakness,
Betapace AF, Sorine (classes II and III) pulse frequently; orthostatic arrhythmias, bradycardia,
beta blockers hypotension; intake and CHF, pulmonary edema,
output ratios and daily erectile dysfunction, itching,
weight; evidence of fluid rashes, hyperglycemia,
overload during dosage hypoglycemia, arthralgia, back
adjustment period and pain, muscle cramps,
periodically throughout paresthesia, drug-induced
therapy. lupus syndrome.
Spironolactone/ diuretics Monitor intake and output Dizziness, clumsiness,
Aldactone potassium sparing ratios and daily weight; headache, arrhythmias, GI
diuretics signs and symptoms of irritation, erectile dysfunction,
hypokalemia during therapy. dysuria, gynecomastia (in
Evaluate serum potassium males), breast tenderness,
levels prior to and routinely deepening of voice, increased
during therapy. hair growth (in females),
hyperkalemia, hyponatremia,
hyperchloremic metabolic
acidosis, agranulocytosis,
muscle cramps, allergic
St. John's wort antidepressants Assess patient for Dizziness, restlessness, sleep
(Hypericum depression periodically disturbances, hypertension,
Perforatum)/ throughout therapy. Assess abdominal pain, bloating,
Amber, Demon skin or skin lesions constipation, dry mouth,
chaser, periodically throughout feeling of fullness, flatulence,
Goatweed, Hardhay, therapy. nausea, vomiting, allergic skin
Klamath weed, Rosin reactions, phototoxicity.
rose, Tipton weed
Stavudine/ d4T, Zerit, antiretrovirals Assess patient for change in Headache, insomnia,
Zerit XR nucleoside reverse severity of symptoms of HIV weakness, hepatic toxicity,
transcriptase infection and for symptoms pancreatitis, anorexia,
inhibitors of opportunistic infection diarrhea, lactic acidosis,
during therapy. Monitor anemia, arthralgia, myalgia,
patient for signs and peripheral neuropathy.
symptoms of peripheral
neuropathy; signs of
pancreatitis periodically
throughout therapy.
Streptokinase/ thrombolytics Monitor vital signs, including Intracranial hemorrhage,
Kabbikinase, plasminogen temperature, continuously epistaxis, gingival bleeding,
Streptase activators for myocardial infarction. bronchospasm, hemoptysis,
Assess patient carefully for reperfusion arrhythmias,
bleeding every 15 min hypotension, recurrent
during the 1st hr of therapy, ischemia/thromboembolism,
every 15–30 min during the GI bleeding, hepatotoxicity,
next 8 hr, and at least every nausea, retroperitoneal
4 hr for the duration of bleeding, vomiting, GU tract
therapy. Assess patient for bleeding, ecchymoses,

Rev. 08/21/08
hypersensitivity reaction; flushing, urticaria, bleeding,
recent streptococcal hemorrhage at injection site,
infection; ECG continuously; phlebitis at injection site,
intensity, character, musculoskeletal pain, allergic
location, and radiation of reactions including
chest pain; heart sounds anaphylaxis, fever.
and breath sounds; pulse,
blood pressure,
hemodynamics, and
respiratory status; and
neurologic status
throughout therapy.
Streptomycin anti-infectives Assess patient for infection; Ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity,
aminoglycosides eighth cranial nerve hypomagnesemia, muscle
function; intake and output paralysis, hypersensitivity
and daily weight to assess reactions.
hydration status and renal
function; and signs of
superinfection at beginning
of and throughout therapy.
Streptozocin/ Zanosar antineoplastics Monitor vital signs; intake Confusion, lethargy, mental
antitumor and output and daily depression, drug-induced
antibiotics weight; IV site; bone hepatitis, nausea, vomiting,
marrow depression; and diarrhea, duodenal ulcer,
hydration status, appetite, nephrotoxicity, gonadal
and nutritional intake prior suppression, proteinuria,
to and periodically during hypophosphatemia, anemia,
therapy. Monitor for leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
hepatotoxicity; serum uric eosinophilia, phlebitis at IV
acid; and CBC and site, injection site reactions,
differential prior to and hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia,
weekly during therapy. fever.
Strontium-89 nonopioid Assess pain (intensity, Anemia, neutropenia,
chloride/ analgesics location) periodically thrombocytopenia, transient
Metastron radiopharmaceutica throughout therapy. increase in bone pain.
Succimer/ Chemet antidotes Assess patient and family Dizziness, drowsiness,
chelating agents members for evidence of headache, cloudy film in eye,
lead poisoning prior to and otitis media, plugged ears,
frequently throughout watery eyes, cough, nasal
therapy. Monitor strict congestion, rhinorrhea, sore
intake and output and daily throat, arrhythmias, nausea,
weight; neurologic status; vomiting, abdominal cramps,
and signs of allergic anorexia, diarrhea, elevated
reactions during therapy. liver function tests,
Monitor blood and urine lead hemorrhoidal symptoms,
levels prior to and metallic taste, oliguria,
periodically throughout proteinuria, voiding difficulty,
therapy. mucocutaneous eruptions,
pruritus, rashes, eosinophilia,
chills, fever, thrombocytosis,
back, rib, flank pain, leg pain,
paresthesia, sensorimotor
neuropathy, flu-like syndrome,
Succinylcholine/Anecti neuromuscular Assess respiratory status; Apnea, bronchospasm,
ne, blocking agents neuromuscular response; arrhythmias, bradycardia,
Quelicin depolarizing ECG, heart rate, and blood hypotension, hyperkalemia,

Rev. 08/21/08
pressure; signs of malignant rhabdomyolysis, muscle
hyperthermia; residual fasciculation, malignant
muscle weakness and hyperthermia, myoglobinemia,
respiratory distress myoglobinuria, tachyphylaxis.
throughout therapy.
Sucralfate/ Carafate antiulcer agents Assess patient routinely for Dizziness, drowsiness,
gi protectants abdominal pain and frank or constipation, diarrhea, dry
occult blood in the stool. mouth, gastric discomfort,
indigestion, nausea, pruritus,
Sufentanil/ Sufenta opioid analgesics Monitor respiratory rate and Confusion, postoperative
analgesic adjuncts blood pressure frequently depression, postoperative
opioid agonists throughout therapy. Assess drowsiness, apnea, cardiac
type, location, and intensity arrest, laryngospasm, allergic
of pain before and 3–5 min bronchospasm, respiratory
after IV administration when depression, arrhythmias,
sufentanil is used to treat bradycardia, hypotension,
pain. biliary spasm, allergic
reactions including
Sulconazole/ antifungals Inspect involved areas of Burning, itching, local
Exelderm (topical) skin and mucous hypersensitivity reactions,
membranes before and redness, stinging.
frequently during therapy.
Increased skin irritation may
indicate need to discontinue
Sulfamethoxazole/ anti-infectives Assess patient for infection; Nausea, anorexia, fever,
Gantanol, Urobak sulfonamides allergy to sulfonamides; and crystalluria, rashes,
intake and output ratios at agranulocytosis, aplastic
beginning of and throughout anemia, eosinophilia,
therapy. Monitor CBC and thrombocytopenia, peripheral
urinalysis periodically neuropathy, hypersensitivity
throughout therapy. reactions including Stevens-
Johnson syndrome and serum
sickness, superinfection.
Sulfasalazine/ antirheumatics Assess patient for allergy to Headache, pneumonitis,
Azulfidine, (DMARD) sulfonamides and anorexia, diarrhea, nausea,
Azulfidine EN-tabs gastroinestinal anti salicylates. Monitor intake vomiting, drug-induced
inflammatories and output ratios; hepatitis, crystalluria,
abdominal pain and oligospermia, orange-yellow
frequency, quantity, and discoloration of urine, rashes,
consistency of stools; range exfoliative dermatitis,
of motion and degree of photosensitivity, yellow
swelling and pain in affected discoloration, agranulocytosis,
joints before and aplastic anemia, blood
periodically during therapy. dyscrasias, eosinophilia,
Monitor urinalysis, BUN, and megaloblastic anemia,
serum creatinine before and thrombocytopenia, peripheral
periodically during therapy. neuropathy, hypersensitivity
Monitor CBC before and reactions including serum
every 3–6 mo during sickness and Stevens-Johnson
prolonged therapy. syndrome, fever.
Sulfinpyrazone/ Anti-gout agents Assess involved joints for GI bleeding, nausea, vomiting,
Anturane uricosurics pain, mobility, and edema; abdominal pain, rash, blood
and intake and output ratios dyscrasias, fever.
throughout course of

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Sulfisoxazole/ Apo- anti-infectives Assess patient for infection; Ataxia, confusion, dizziness,
Sulfisoxazole, sulfonamides allergy to sulfonamides; and drowsiness, mental
Gantrisin intake and output ratios at depression, psychosis,
beginning of and throughout restlessness, nausea, diarrhea,
therapy. Monitor CBC prior anorexia, hepatitis, vomiting,
to and monthly during crystalluria, rash, exfoliative
prolonged therapy. Monitor dermatitis, photosensitivity,
urinalysis prior to and agranulocytosis, aplastic
periodically throughout anemia, eosinophilia,
therapy for crystalluria and thrombocytopenia, peripheral
formation of urinary calculi. neuropathy, hypersensitivity
reactions including serum
sickness and Stevens-Johnson
syndrome, fever,
Sulindac/ Clinoril antirheumatics Patients who have asthma, Dizziness, headache, tinnitus,
nonsteroidal anti aspirin-induced allergy, and edema, GI bleeding, drug-
inflammatory nasal polyps are at induced hepatitis, constipation,
agents increased risk for developing diarrhea, discomfort,
hypersensitivity reactions. dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting,
Monitor for rhinitis, asthma, anorexia, renal failure,
and urticaria; pain and exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-
range of movement before Johnson syndrome, toxic
and after 1–2 wk of therapy. epidermal necrolysis, rashes,
Evaluate BUN, serum blood dyscrasias, prolonged
creatinine, CBC, and liver bleeding time, allergic
function periodically in reactions including anaphylaxis
patients receiving prolonged and hypersensitivity
therapy. syndrome.
Sumatriptan/ Imitrex, vascular headache Assess pain location, Dizziness, vertigo, tingling,
Imitrex STATdose suppressants intensity, duration, and warm sensation, injection site
five ht1 agonists associated symptoms during reaction, MI, angina, chest
migraine attack. Monitor pressure, chest tightness,
blood pressure before and coronary vasospasm, ECG
for 1 hr after initial changes, transient
injection. If angina occurs, hypertension, jaw discomfort,
monitor ECG for ischemic muscle cramps, numbness.
Sunitinib/ Sutent antineoplastics Monitor for signs of CHF; Fatigue, dizziness,
kinase inhibitors left ventricular ejection myalgia,headache, CHF, back
fraction (LVEF); and pain, hypertension, peripheral
hypertension during edema, fever, thromboembolic
therapy. Monitor CBC with events, diarrhea, dyspepsia,
platelet count and serum nausea, stomatitis, vomiting,
chemistries including rash, skin discoloration,
phosphate at the beginning adrenal insufficiency,
of each treatment cycle. hemorrhage, anemia,
Monitor thyroid function in lymphopenia, neutropenia,
patients with symptoms of limb pain, thrombocytopenia,
hypothyroidism. hyperuricemia, arthralgia.
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Tacrine/ Cognex anti-Alzheimers's Assess cognitive function Dizziness, headache,

agents and heart rate periodically bradycardia, GI bleeding,
cholinergics throughout therapy. anorexia, diarrhea, drug-

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cholinesterase induced hepatitis, dyspepsia,
inhibitors nausea, vomiting.
Tacrolimus (oral, IV)/ immunosuppressan Monitor blood pressure Seizures, dizziness, headache,
Prograf ts closely during therapy. insomnia, tremor, cough,
Observe patients receiving pleural effusion, hypertension,
IV tacrolimus for the peripheral edema, GI bleeding,
development of anaphylaxis abdominal pain, anorexia,
for at least 30 min and ascites, constipation, diarrhea,
frequently thereafter. dyspepsia, increased liver
Monitor CBC, serum function studies, nausea,
creatinine, potassium, and vomiting, nephrotoxicity,
glucose closely. urinary tract infection,
pruritus, rash, arthralgia,
hyperglycemia, fever,
hyperkalemia, generalized
pain, hyperlipidemia,
hypokalemia, leukopenia,
hypophosphatemia, anemia,
thrombocytopenia, allergic
reactions including
Tacrolimus (topical)/ immunosuppressan Assess skin lesions prior to Erythema, pruritis, skin
Protopic ts and periodically during infection, flu-like symptoms,
therapy. increased risk of
lymphoma/skin cancer.
Tadalafil/ Cialis erectile dysfunction Determine erectile Headache, hearing loss, vision
agents dysfunction before loss, nasal congestion,
phosphodiesterase administration. Tadalafil has hypotension, dyspepsia,
type 5 inhibitors no effect in the absence of priapism, flushing, back pain,
sexual stimulation. limb pain, myalgia.
Tamoxifen/ Soltamox antineoplastics Assess for an increase in Confusion, depression,
antiestrogens bone or tumor pain. Monitor headache, weakness, blurred
CBC, platelets, and calcium vision, pu.monary embolism,
levels before and during stroke, edema, nausea,
therapy. Monitor serum vomiting, uterine
cholesterol and triglyceride malignancies, vaginal
concentrations in patients bleeding, hypercalcemia,
with pre-existing leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
hyperlipidemia. hot flashes, bone pain, tumor
Tamsulosin/ Flomax peripherally acting Assess patient for symptoms Dizziness, headache, rhinitis,
antiadrenergics of prostatic hyperplasia; orthostatic hypotension,
first-dose orthostatic retrograde/diminished
hypotension and syncope; ejaculation.
intake and output ratios and
daily weight, and assess for
edema daily before and
periodically throughout
Tapentadol/ Nucynta analgesics Assess type, location, and Seizures, dizziness, headache,
(centrally acting) intensity of pain before and somnolence, respiratory
opioid analgesics 1 hr (peak) after depression, nausea, vomiting.
opioid agonists administration. Assess blood
pressure and respiratory
rate; bowel function;
seizures; serotonin

Rev. 08/21/08
syndrome during therapy.

Tegaserod/ Zelnorm anti irritable bowel Assess patient for symptoms Headache and diarrhea.
syndrome agents of IBS (abdominal pain or
five ht4 agonists discomfort, bloating,
Telbivudine/ Tyzek antivirals Monitor signs of hepatitis Fatigue, headache, ↑
nucleoside and signs of myopathy hepatomegaly, neutropenia,
analogues during therapy. lactic acidosis, myopathy,
Telithromycin/ Ketek anti-infectives Assess for infection (vital Loss of consciousness, visual
ketolides signs; sputum, WBC) and disturbances, arrhythmias,
signs or symptoms of QTc prolongation,
hepatitis at beginning of and pseudomembranous colitis,
during therapy. Monitor liver diarrhea, hepatitis, HEPATIC
function periodically during FAILURE, nausea,
therapy and if signs of exacerbation of myasthenia
hepatitis occur. gravis.
Telmisartan/ Micardis antihypertensives Assess blood pressure Dizziness, fatigue, headache,
angiotensin ii (lying, sitting, standing) and hypotension, sinusitis,
receptor pulse; and signs of hyperkalemia, abdominal pain,
antagonists angioedema frequently diarrhea, dyspepsia, impaired
during initial dosage renal function, back pain,
adjustment and periodically myalgia, angioedema.
throughout therapy. Monitor
renal function.
Temazepam/ Restoril sedative/hypnotics Assess mental status; sleep Abnormal thinking, behavior
benzodiazepines patterns before and changes, hangover, dizziness,
periodically throughout drowsiness, hallucinations,
therapy. lethargy, paradoxic excitation,
sleep—driving, blurred vision,
constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
vomiting, rashes, physical
dependence, psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Temozolomide/Temod antineoplastics Monitor patient for seizures. Seizures, fatigue, headache,
ar alkylating agents Monitor CBC with differential nausea, vomiting, leukopenia,
and platelet count. thrombocytopenia.
Temsirolimus/ Torisel antineoplastics Assess for signs of Weakness, conjunctivitis,
enzyme inhibitors hypersensitivity reactions; hypertension, venous
kinase inhibitors signs of infection, including thromboembolism, interstitial
opportunistic infection; and lung disease, bowel
signs of interstitial lung perforation, anorexia, ↑ liver
disease during therapy. enzymes, mucositis, nausea,
Monitor CBC and platelet renal failure, rash, abnormal
count prior to and during wound healing, hyperglycemia,
therapy. Monitor serum edema, hypophosphatemia,
glucose; cholesterol and anemia, leukopenia,
triglycerides; and liver lymphopenia,
enzymes prior to and thrombocytopenia,
periodically during therapy. hyperlipidemia,
hypersensitivity reactions
including anaphylaxis, ↑ risk of
Tenecteplase/ TNKase thrombolytics Assess patients for bleeding Arrhthymias, cardiogenic
plasminogen every 15 min during the 1st shock, cardiac tamponade,
activators hr, every 15–30 min during embolism, heart failure,

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the next 8 hr and at least myocardial infarction,
every 4 hr for the duration myocardial rupture,
of therapy. Monitor vital pericarditis, pericardial
signs, including effusion, pulmonary edema,
temperature, every 4 hr recurrent myocardial ischemia,
during course of therapy. thrombosis, hypotension,
Assess neurologic status nausea, vomiting, bleeding,
throughout therapy. Monitor allergic reactions including
ECG continuously in patients anaphylaxis, fever.
with coronary thrombosis
for significant arrhythmias.
Assess intensity, character,
location, and radiation of
chest pain. Monitor heart
and breath sounds
frequently. Monitor
hematocrit, hemoglobin,
platelet count, prothrombin
time, thrombin time,
activated partial
thromboplastin time, and
fibrinolytic activity prior to
and frequently throughout
Teniposide/Vumon, antineoplastics Monitor blood pressure prior Acute CNS depression,
VM-26 podophyllotoxin to and every 15 min during hypotension, diarrhea,
derivatives infusion. Monitor for mucositis, nausea, vomiting,
hypersensitivity reaction; alopecia, rashs, gonadal
bone marrow depression; suppression, neutropenia,
intake and output, appetite, anemia, leukopenia,
and nutritional intake; thrombocytopenia, phlebitis at
infusion and infusion site IV site, peripheral
during therapy. Monitor CBC neurotoxicity, allergic
and differential prior to and reactions including
periodically throughout anaphylaxis, fever.
Tenofovir/ Viread antiretrovirals Monitor for change in Depression, headache,
nucleoside reverse severity of HIV symptoms weakness, hepatomegaly,
transcriptase and for symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, abdominal
inhibitors opportunistic infection pain, anorexia, vomiting,
before and during therapy. flatulence, renal impairment,
lactic acidosis,
hypophosphatemia, rash, ↓
bone mineral density.
Terazosin/ Hytrin antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure Dizziness, headache,
peripherally acting (lying and standing) and weakness, drowsiness,
antiadrenergics pulse; first-dose orthostatic nervousness, nasal congestion,
reaction and syncope; blurred vision, conjunctivitis,
intake and output ratios and sinusitis, dyspnea, first-dose
daily weight; symptoms of orthostatic hypotension,
prostatic hyperplasia; and arrhythmias, chest pain,
edema frequently during palpitations, peripheral edema,
initial dose adjustment and tachycardia, nausea,
periodically during therapy. abdominal pain, paresthesia,
Terbinafine/ Lamisil antifungals Inspect involved areas of Burning, itching, local
AT (topical) skin and mucous hypersensitivity reactions,
membranes before and redness, stinging.

Rev. 08/21/08
frequently during therapy.
Increased skin irritation may
indicate need to discontinue
Terbutaline/ bronchodilators Assess lung sounds, pulse, Nervousness, restlessness,
Brethaire, Bricanyl adrenergics and blood pressure; tremor, headache, insomnia,
pulmonary function tests; paradoxical bronchospasm
and paradoxical (excessive use of inhalers),
bronchospasm before angina, arrhythmias,
initiating therapy and hypertension, tachycardia,
periodically throughout. nausea, vomiting,
Observe patient for drug hyperglycemia.
tolerance and rebound
Terconazole/ Terazol- antifungals Inspect involved areas of Abdominal pain,
3, Terazol-7 (vaginal) skin and mucous dysmenorrhea, irritation,
membranes before and itching, vulvovaginal burning,
frequently during therapy. fever.
Increased skin irritation may
indicate sensitization and
warrant discontinuation of
Teriparatide/ Forteo hormones Assess patient for bone Orthostatic hypotension and
parathyroid mineral density before and muscle spasms.
hormones periodically during therapy.
rDNA origin
Testosterone buccal hormones Monitor intake and output Anxiety, fatigue, headache,
system, androgens ratios, weigh patient twice edema, abdominal cramps,
mucoadhesive/ Striant weekly, and assess patient bitter taste, gingivitis, gum
for edema. Monitor for edema, gum tenderness, liver
breast enlargement, function test elevation,
persistent erections, and nausea, taste perversion,
increased urge to urinate in vomiting, priapism, prostatic
men. Monitor for difficulty enlargement, acne,
urinating in elderly men, gynecomastia,
because prostate hypercholesterolemia.
enlargement may occur.
Testosterone hormones Monitor intake and output Deepening of voice, edema,
cypionate/ Depo- androgens ratios, weigh patient twice cholestatic jaundice, drug-
Testosterone weekly, and assess patient induced hepatitis, liver
for edema. Monitor for function test elevation,
precocious puberty in boys; nausea, vomiting, change in
breast enlargement, libido, erectile dysfunction,
persistent erections, and priapism, prostatic
increased urge to urinate in enlargement, gynecomastia,
men; difficulty urinating in hirsutism, oligospermia,
elderly men, because hypercholesterolemia,
prostate enlargement may hypercalcemia, hyperkalemia,
occur. hyperphosphatemia, male
pattern baldness, pain at
injection site.
Testosterone hormones Monitor intake and output Deepening of voice, edema,
enanthate/ Delatestryl androgens ratios, weigh patient twice cholestatic jaundice, drug-
weekly, and assess patient induced hepatitis, liver
for edema. Monitor for function test elevation,
precocious puberty in boys; nausea, vomiting, women-—
breast enlargement, change in libido, clitoral
persistent erections, and enlargement, menstrual

Rev. 08/21/08
increased urge to urinate in irregularities, men-—erectile
men; difficulty urinating in dysfunction, priapism,
elderly men, because prostatic enlargement,
prostate enlargement may hypercholesterolemia, women-
occur. —hirsutism, men-—
gynecomastia, oligospermia,
hypercalcemia, hyperkalemia,
hyperphosphatemia, male
pattern baldness, pain at
injection site.
Testosterone gel/ hormones Monitor intake and output Edema, hot flashes,
Androgel, Testim androgens ratios, weigh patient twice hypertension, liver function
weekly, and assess patient test elevation, nausea,
for edema. Monitor for vomiting, nocturia, priapism,
breast enlargement, prostatic enlargement, urinary
persistent erections, and hesitancy, urinary
increased urge to urinate in incontinence, acne, breast
men. Monitor for difficulty pain, change in libido,
urinating in elderly men, gynecomastia,
because prostate hypercholesterolemia,
enlargement may occur. alopecia, dry skin, pruritis,
anemia, chronic skin irritation.
Testosterone pellets/ hormones Monitor intake and output Deepening of voice, edema,
Testopel androgens ratios, weigh patient twice cholestatic jaundice, drug-
weekly, and assess patient induced hepatitis, liver
for edema. Monitor for function test elevation,
precocious puberty in boys; nausea, vomiting, change in
breast enlargement, libido, erectile dysfunction,
persistent erections, and priapism, prostatic
increased urge to urinate in enlargement, gynecomastia,
men; difficulty urinating in hirsutism, oligospermia,
elderly men, because hypercholesterolemia,
prostate enlargement may hypercalcemia, hyperkalemia,
occur. hyperphosphatemia, male
pattern baldness, pain at
implantation site.
Testosterone hormones Monitor intake and output Anxiety, confusion, depression,
transdermal system/ androgens ratios, weigh patient twice fatigue, headache, vertigo,
Androderm weekly, and assess patient edema, hypertension,
for edema. Monitor for bleeding, increased appetite,
breast enlargement, dysuria, erectile dysfunction,
persistent erections, and priapism, prostatic
increased urge to urinate in enlargement, urinary
men. Monitor for difficulty incontinence, application site
urinating in elderly men, reactions (e.g. pruritis,
because prostate blisters, erythema, burning),
enlargement may occur. rash, acne, decreased libido,
gynecomastia, paresthesia,
chronic skin irritation.
Tetrabenazine/ antichoreas Assess signs of Huntington's Anxiety, fatigue, insomnia,
Xenazine reversible disease; new or worsening depression, sedation/
monoamine depression or suicidality; somnolence, cognitive defects,
depleters signs of neuroleptic dizziness, headache, shortness
malignant syndrome; onset of breath, hypotension, QTc
of akathisia; tardive prolongation, nausea,
dyskinesia; blood pressure dysphagia, akathisia, balance
sitting and standing difficulty, dysarthria,
periodically during therapy. parkinsonism, unsteady gait,

Rev. 08/21/08
neuroleptic malignant
Tetracaine/Pontocaine anesthetics topical Assess type, location, and mucosal use—decreased or
, Viractin local intensity of pain before and absent gag reflex, topical use
a few minutes after —burning, edema, irritation,
administration of anesthetic. stinging, tenderness, urticaria,
Assess integrity of involved allergic reactions including
skin and mucous anaphylaxis.
membranes before and
periodically throughout
course of therapy.
Tetracycline/ anti-infectives Assess patient for infection. Benign intracranial
Achromycin, Renal and hepatic functions hypertension (increased in
Panmycin, Sumycin, and CBC should be children), dizziness, diarrhea,
Robitet, Tetracyn monitored periodically nausea, vomiting, esophagitis,
during long-term therapy. hepatotoxicity, pancreatitis,
photosensitivity, rashes, blood
dyscrasias, hypersensitivity
reactions, superinfection.
Thalidomide/ immunosuppressan Assess patient monthly for Dizziness, drowsiness,
Thalomid ts initial 3 months and bradycardia, edema,
periodically during therapy orthostatic hypotension,
to detect early signs of thromboembolic events,
peripheral neuropathy. constipation, rash,
Monitor for signs of photosensitivity, neutropenia,
hypersensitivity reaction; peripheral neuropathy, severe
venous thromboembolism; birth defects, hypersensitivity
and side effects periodically reactions, increased HIV viral
during therapy. load.
Theophylline/Elixophyl bronchodilators Assess blood pressure, Seizures, anxiety, headache,
lin, xanthines pulse, respiratory status; insomnia, irritability,
Quibron-T, Theochron, intake and output ratios for arrhythmias, tachycardia,
Theo-24, Uniphyl an increase in diuresis or angina, palpitations, nausea,
fluid overload; chest pain vomiting, anorexia, tremor.
and ECG changes; and
pulmonary function tests
before and periodically
during therapy.
Thiamine/ Biamine, vitamins Assess patient for signs and Restlessness, weakness,
vitamin B1 water soluble symptoms of thiamine tightness of the throat,
vitamins deficiency; andnutritional pulmonary edema, respiratory
status prior to and distress, vascular collapse,
throughout therapy. Monitor hypotension, vasodilation, GI
patients receiving IV bleeding, nausea, cyanosis,
thiamine for anaphylaxis pruritus, sweating, tingling,
(wheezing, urticaria, urticaria, warmth,
edema). angioedema.
Thiethylperazine/Norzi antiemetics Assess patient for nausea Neuroleptic malignant
ne, phenothiazines and vomiting prior to and syndrome, sedation, cerebral
Torecan 30–60 min following vascular spasm,
administration. Monitor extrapyramidal reactions,
blood pressure (sitting, headache, restlessness,
standing, lying down), tardive dyskinesia, dry eyes,
pulse, and respiratory rate; blurred vision, lens opacities,
level of sedation; onset of tinnitus, hypotension,
akathisia; tardive peripheral edema,
dyskinesia; development of constipation, dry mouth,
neuroleptic malignant altered taste, anorexia, drug-

Rev. 08/21/08
syndrome prior to and induced hepatitis, ileus,
frequently during initial urinary retention,
therapy. CBC and liver photosensitivity, pigment
function tests should be changes, rashes, galactorrhea,
evaluated periodically agranulocytosis, leucopenia,
throughout course of hyperthermia, trigeminal
prolonged therapy. neuralgia, allergic reactions.
Thioguanine/ antineoplastics Monitor for bone marrow Loss of vibratory sense,
6-thioguanine antimetabolites depression; bleeding; intake diarrhea, hepatotoxicity,
and output, appetite, and jaundice, nausea, stomatitis,
nutritional intake; increased vomiting, anorexia, hepatic
fatigue, dyspnea, and veno-occlusive disease,
orthostatic hypotension; gonadal suppression,
signs of infection; and dermatitis, rash, anemia,
symptoms of tumor lysis leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
syndrome during therapy. pancytopenia, hyperuricemia,
Monitor CBC and differential unsteady gait.
at least weekly, daily in
patients with elevated
leukocyte counts.
Thioridazine/ Mellaril, antipsychotics Assess mental status; Neuroleptic malignant
Mellaril-S phenothiazines positive (delusions, syndrome, sedation,
hallucinations, agitation) extrapyramidal reactions,
and negative (social tardive dyskinesia, blurred
withdrawal) symptoms of vision, dry eyes, lens
schizophrenia; weight and opacities, pigmentary
BMI; blood pressure (sitting, retinopathy, arrhythmias, QTC
standing, lying), ECG, pulse, prolongation, hypotension,
and respiratory rate; level of tachycardia, constipation, dry
sedation; intake and output mouth, anorexia, drug-induced
ratios and daily weight; hepatitis, ileus, weight gain,
onset of akathisia; tardive urinary retention, priapism,
dyskinesia; and photosensitivity, pigment
development of neuroleptic changes, rashes, galactorrhea,
malignant syndrome before amenorrhea, agranulocytosis,
and periodically during leucopenia, hyperthermia,
therapy. allergic reactions.
Thiotepa/ Thioplex antineoplastics Monitor vital signs; bone Dizziness, headache, blurred
alkylating agents marrow depression; vision, throat tightness,
bleeding; intake and output, anorexia, nausea, stomatitis,
appetite, and nutritional vomiting, gonadal suppression,
intake; and symptoms of dysuria, urinary retention,
tumor lysis syndrome prior alopecia, hives, pruritus, rash,
to and periodically during anemia, leukopenia,
therapy. Monitor CBC and thrombocytopenia, pain at IV
differential prior to and site, pain at site of
weekly during therapy and intracavitary instillation,
for at least 3 wk after hyperuricemia, allergic
therapy. reactions, fever, fatigue,
Thiothixene/ Navane antipsychotics Assess mental status; Neuroleptic malignant
(conventional) positive (delusions, syndrome, extrapyramidal
thioxanthenes hallucinations, agitation) reactions, sedation, tardive
and negative (social dyskinesia, seizures, blurred
withdrawal) symptoms of vision, dry eyes, lens
schizophrenia; weight and opacities, hypotension,
BMI; blood pressure (sitting, tachycardia, non-specific ECG
standing, lying), ECG, pulse, changes, constipation, dry

Rev. 08/21/08
and respiratory rate; level of mouth, anorexia, ileus,
sedation; intake and output nausea, urinary retention,
ratios and daily weight; photosensitivity, pigment
onset of akathisia; tardive changes, rashes, breast
dyskinesia; and enlargement, galactorrhea,
development of neuroleptic leukocytosis, leucopenia,
malignant syndrome before hyperpyrexia, allergic
and periodically during reactions.
Thyroid/ Armour hormones Assess apical pulse and Insomnia, irritability,
thyroid, thyroid blood pressure prior to and headache, arrhythmias,
Thyrar, Thyroid preparations periodically during therapy. tachycardia, angina pectoris,
Strong, Assess for tachyarrhythmias abdominal cramps, diarrhea,
Westhroid and chest pain. Monitor vomiting, hyperhidrosis,
thyroid function studies hyperthyroidism, menstrual
prior to and during therapy. irregularities, weight loss, heat
Monitor blood and urine intolerance, accelerated bone
glucose in diabetic patients. maturation in children.
Tiagabine/ Gabitril anticonvulsants Assess location, duration, Dizziness, drowsiness,
and characteristics of nervousness, weakness, chest
seizure activity. Assess pain, edema, ataxia, tremors,
mental status. epistaxis.
Ticarcillin/clavulanate/ anti-infectives Assess patient for infection Seizures, confusion, lethargy,
/ extended spectrum (vital signs; appearance of CHF, arrhythmias,
Timentin penicillins wound, sputum, urine, and pseudomembranous colitis,
stool; WBC); determine use diarrhea, nausea, hematuria
of and reactions to (children only), rashes,
penicillins or urticaria, hypokalemia,
cephalosporins; and signs hypernatremia, bleeding,
and symptoms of blood dyscrasias, increased
anaphylaxis at beginning of bleeding time, phlebitis,
and throughout therapy. metabolic alkalosis,
Evaluate renal and hepatic hypersensitivity reactions
function, CBC, serum including anaphylaxis,
potassium, and bleeding superinfection.
times prior to and routinely
throughout therapy
Ticlopidine/ Ticlid antiplatelet agents Assess patient for symptoms Dizziness, headache,
platelet of stroke periodically weakness, epistaxis, tinnitus,
aggregation throughout therapy. Monitor diarrhea, abnormal liver
inhibitors bleeding time throughout function tests, anorexia, GI
therapy. Monitor CBC with fullness, GI pain, nausea,
differential and platelet vomiting, hematuria, rashes,
count every 2 wk from the ecchymoses, pruritus,
2nd wk to the end of the 3rd urticaria, agranulocytosis,
mo of therapy; more aplastic anemia, intracerebral
frequently if absolute bleeding, neutropenia,
neutrophil count (ANC) is bleeding, thrombocytopenia,
declining or <30% of hypercholesterolemia,
baseline. hypertriglyceridemia.
Tigecycline/ Tygacil anti-infectives Assess patient for infection Pseudomembranous colitis,
glycylcyclines (vital signs; appearance of nausea, vomiting, changes in
wound, sputum, urine, and heart rate, vasodilation,
stool; WBC) at beginning of injection site reactions, allergic
and throughout therapy. reactions, anorexia, dry
mouth, jaundice.
Tiludronate/ Skelid bone resorption Assess for symptoms of Anxiety, drowsiness, cataracts,
inhibitors Paget's disease (bone pain, rhinitis, chest pain, abdominal

Rev. 08/21/08
biphosphonates headache, decreased visual pain, anorexia, urinary tract
and auditory acuity, infection, flushing,
increased skull size). musculoskeletal pain,
Monitor alkaline arthrosis, paresthesia, dry
phosphatase prior to and mouth, dysphagia,
periodically during therapy. hypertension, peripheral
Timolol/ Blocadren antihypertensives Monitor blood pressure and Fatigue, weakness,
vascular headache pulse frequently during dose arrhythmias, bradycardia,
suppressants adjustment; orthostatic CHF, pulmonary edema,
beta blockers hypotension; intake and erectile dysfunction,
output ratios and daily anaphylaxis, arthralgia, back
weight; and evidence of pain, muscle cramps,
fluid overload period and paresthesia, constipation,
periodically during therapy. diarrhea, nausea, anxiety,
Assess frequency, severity, depression, dizziness,
characteristics, and location drowsiness, insomnia, memory
of vascular headaches loss, mental status changes,
periodically during therapy. nervousness, nightmares,
itching, rashes, nasal
Tinidazole/ Tindamax antiprotozoals Assess patient for symptoms Dizziness, headache, malaise,
imidazoles of infection (discharge, constipation, dyspepsia,
itching); and neurologic metallic/bitter taste, vomiting,
status during and after IV transient
infusions prior to and during leukopenia/neutropenia.
Tinzaparin/ Innohep anticoagulants Assess for signs of bleeding Increased liver function tests,
antithrombotics and hemorrhage; and bleeding, thrombocytopenia,
neurological status ecchymoses, hematoma, local
frequently for signs of irritation, pain,
neurological impairment hypersensitivity reactions.
during therapy.
Tioconazole/1–Day, antifungals Inspect involved areas of Irritation, vulvovaginal
Monistat-1Day, (vaginal) skin and mucous burning.
Vagistat-1 membranes before and
frequently during therapy.
Increased skin irritation may
indicate need to discontinue
Tiotropium/ Spiriva bronchodilators Assess respiratory status Glaucoma, paradoxical
anticholinergics (rate, breath sounds, degree bronchospasm, ↑ heart rate,
of dyspnea, pulse) before dry mouth, constipation,
administration and at peak urinary difficulty, urinary
of medication. If paradoxical retention, hypersensitivity
bronchospasm (wheezing) reactions including
occurs, withhold medication angioedema.
and notify physician or other
health care professional
Tipranavir/ Aptivus antiretrovirals Assess for change in Intracranial hemorrhage,
protease inhibitors severity of HIV symptoms fatigue, headache,
and for symptoms of hepatotoxicity, abdominal
opportunistic infections pain, diarrhea, nausea,
during therapy. Monitor for vomiting, rash (↑ in women
hepatitis and sulfa allergy. and peds), hyperglycemia, ↑
Monitor viral load and CD4 cholesterol, ↑ triglycerides,
counts; triglyceride and allergic reactions, bleeding, fat

Rev. 08/21/08
cholesterol levels; and blood redistribution, fever, immune
glucose prior to and reconstitution syndrome.
periodically during therapy.
Tirofiban/ Aggrastat antiplatelet agents Assess patient for bleeding Dizziness, headache,
glycoprotein iib iiia and signs of bradycardia, coronary
inhibitors thrombocytopenia during dissection, edema, vasovagal
therapy. Assess hemoglobin, reaction, nausea, hives, rash,
hematocrit, and platelet bleeding, thrombocytopenia,
count prior to tirofiban leg pain, fever,
therapy, within 6 hr hypersensitivity reactions,
following loading infusion, pelvic pain, sweating.
and at least daily during
Tizanidine/ Zanaflex antispasticity Assess muscle spasticity; Anxiety, depression, dizziness,
agents blood pressure and pulse; sedation, weakness,
(centrally acting) and drowsiness, dizziness, dyskinesia, hallucinations,
adrenergics and asthenia before and nervousness, blurred vision,
periodically during therapy. pharyngitis, rhinitis,
Monitor liver function tests hypotension, bradycardia,
before and at 1, 3, and 6 abdominal pain, diarrhea, dry
mo of therapy. mouth, dyspepsia,
constipation, hepatocellular
injury, increased liver
enzymes, vomiting, urinary
frequency, rash, skin ulcers,
sweating, back pain,
myasthenia, paresthesia,
fever, speech disorder.
Tobramycin/Nebcin, anti-infectives Assess patient for infection; Ototoxicity (vestibular and
TOBI aminoglycosides eighth cranial nerve cochlear)Ophth only : burning,
function; intake and output stinging, blurred vision (oint
and daily weight to assess only), Inhalation only—
hydration status and renal tinnitus, voice alteration,
function; and signs of nephrotoxicity,
superinfection at beginning hypomagnesemia, muscle
of and throughout therapy. paralysis, hypersensitivity
Tocainide/ Tonocard antiarrhythmics ECG, pulse, lungs, and blood Seizures, changes in mood,
(class IB) pressure should be drowsiness, hallucinations,
monitored before and headache, restlessness,
periodically throughout tremor, blurred vision,
therapy. CBC and WBC with pulmonary fibrosis, sinus
differential and platelet arrest, CHF, arrhythmias,
counts should be monitored bradycardia, hypotension,
weekly during the first 3 mo palpitations, tachycardia,
of therapy and frequently anorexia, diarrhea, nausea,
thereafter. vomiting, agranulocytosis.
Tolazamide/ Tolamide, antidiabetics Observe patient for signs Dizziness, drowsiness,
Tolinase sulfonylureas and symptoms of headache, weakness,
hypoglycemic reactions. constipation, cramps, diarrhea,
Assess patient for allergy to drug-induced hepatitis,
sulfonamides; intake and dyspepsia, increased appetite,
output ratios and daily nausea, vomiting,
weight during therapy. photosensitivity, rashes,
Monitor CBC periodically hypoglycemia, hyponatremia,
throughout therapy. aplastic anemia,
agranulocytosis, leukopenia,

Rev. 08/21/08

Tolbutamide/ Orinase, antidiabetics Observe patient for signs Dizziness, drowsiness,

Tol-Tab sulfonylureas and symptoms of headache, weakness,
hypoglycemic reactions. constipation, cramps, diarrhea,
Assess patient for allergy to drug-induced hepatitis,
sulfonamides; intake and heartburn, increased appetite,
output ratios and daily nausea, vomiting,
weight during therapy. photosensitivity, rashes,
Monitor CBC periodically hypoglycemia, hyponatremia,
throughout therapy. aplastic anemia,
agranulocytosis, leukopenia,
Tolcapone/ Tasmar antiparkinson Assess patient for signs and Headache, sleep disorder,
agents symptoms of Parkinson's hallucinations, syncope,
catechol o disease and blood pressure orthostatic hypotension,
methyltransferase periodically throughout hepatotoxicity, hepatic failure,
inhibitors therapy. Monitor liver constipation, diarrhea,
function tests monthly anorexia, elevated liver
during the first 3 mo of enzymes, nausea, vomiting,
therapy and every 6 wk for hematuria, yellow discoloration
the next 6 wk of treatment. of urine, increased sweating,
dyskinesia, dystonia.
Tolmetin/ Tolectin, antirheumatics Patients who have asthma, Dizziness, headache,
Tolectin DS nonsteroidal anti aspirin-induced allergy, and drowsiness, mental
inflammatory nasal polyps are at depression, sleep
agents increased risk for developing disturbances, tinnitus, visual
hypersensitivity reactions. disturbances, edema,
Monitor for rhinitis, asthma, hypertension, drug-induced
and urticaria; pain and hepatitis, GI bleeding,
range of motion prior to and diarrhea, discomfort,
weekly during therapy. dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting,
Evaluate BUN, serum constipation, flatulence, renal
creatinine, CBC, and liver failure, exfoliative, dermatitis,
function periodically in Stevens-Johnson syndrome,
patients receiving prolonged toxic epidermal necrolysis,
therapy. rashes, prolonged bleeding
time, muscle weakness,
allergic reactions including
Tolnaftate/ Podactin, antifungals Inspect involved areas of Burning, itching, local
Q- (topical) skin and mucous hypersensitivity reactions,
Naftate, Tinactin, Ting membranes before and redness, stinging.
frequently during therapy.
Increased skin irritation may
indicate need to discontinue
Tolterodine/ Detrol, urinary tract Assess patient for urinary Headache, dizziness, blurred
Detrol LA antispasmodics urgency, frequency, and vision, dry eyes, dry mouth,
anticholinergics urge incontinence constipation, dyspepsia.
periodically throughout
Topiramate/ Topamax anticonvulsants Assess location, duration, Increased seizures, dizziness,
mood stabilizers and characteristics of drowsiness, fatigue, impaired
seizure activity; pain concentration/memory,
location, intensity, duration, nervousness, psychomotor
and associated symptoms; slowing, speech problems,

Rev. 08/21/08
and manic symptoms sedation, abnormal vision,
throughout therapy. Monitor diplopia, nystagmus, nausea,
CBC with differential and weight loss, ataxia,
platelet count before paresthesia, suicide attempt,
therapy to determine aggressive reaction, agitation,
baseline levels and anxiety, cognitive disorders,
periodically during therapy. confusion, depression,
Hepatic function should be malaise, mood problems,
monitored periodically abdominal pain, anorexia,
throughout therapy. constipation, dry mouth,
Evaluate serum bicarbonate kidney stones, tremor, fever,
prior to and periodically leukopenia.
during therapy.
Topotecan/ Hycamtin antineoplastics Monitor vital signs; bone Headache, fatigue, weakness,
enzyme inhibitors marrow depression; dyspnea, abdominal pain,
bleeding; signs of infection; diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
Nausea and vomiting; IV anorexia, constipation,
site frequently for increased liver enzymes,
extravasation during stomatitis, alopecia, anemia,
therapy. Monitor CBC with leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,
differential and platelet arthralgia.
count prior to administration
and frequently during
therapy. Monitor liver
Toremifene/ Fareston antineoplastics Assess for an increase in Depression, dizziness,
antiestrogens bone or tumor pain. headache, lethargy, blurred
Gynecologic examinations vision, cataracts, corneal
should be done regularly; keratopathy, dry eyes,
may cause variations in glaucoma, CHF, MI, pulmonary
Papanicolaou and vaginal embolism, angina,
smears. Monitor CBC, arrhythmias, edema,
platelets, and calcium levels thrombophlebitis, nausea,
prior to and throughout elevated liver enzymes,
therapy. Monitor hepatic vomiting, vaginal discharge,
function tests periodically vaginal bleeding, sweating,
during therapy. hypercalcemia, anemia, hot
flashes, tumor flare.
Torsemide/ Demadex antihypertensives Assess fluid status; daily Dizziness, headache,
loop diuretics weight, intake and output nervousness, hearing loss,
ratios, amount and location tinnitus, hypotension,
of edema, lung sounds, skin constipation, diarrhea, dry
turgor, and mucous mouth, dyspepsia, nausea,
membranes; blood pressure vomiting, excessive urination,
and pulse; anorexia, photosensitivity, rash,
nausea, vomiting, muscle hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia,
cramps, paresthesia, and dehydration, hypocalcemia,
confusion; tinnitus and hypochloremia, hypokalemia,
hearing loss; and allergy to hypomagnesemia,
sulfonamides during hyponatremia, hypovolemia,
therapy. Monitor metabolic alkalosis, arthralgia,
electrolytes, renal and muscle cramps, myalgia,
hepatic function, serum increased BUN.
glucose, and uric acid levels
before and periodically
during therapy.
Tositumomab (I 131 antineoplastics Observe patient for signs Dizziness, drowsiness,
tositumomab)/ Bexxar monoclonal and symptoms of headache, weakness, edema,

Rev. 08/21/08
antibodies anaphylaxis; infusional hypotension, abdominal pain,
radiolabled toxicity during or within 48 diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
monoclonal hr of infusion; and signs of hypothyroidism, neutropenia,
antibodies hypothyroidism periodically thrombocytopenia, anemia,
during therapy. Monitor CBC weight loss, arthralgia, back
prior to and at least weekly pain, myalgia, neck pain,
for at least 10–12 wks or hypersensitivity reactions
until severe cytopenias have including anaphylaxis,
resolved. Monitor serum infusional toxicity, fever, pain,
creatinine levels secondary malignancies.
immediately prior to
Trace metal mineral electrolyte Assess nutritional status by Chromium—COMA, Seizures,
combination replacements 24-hr recall prior to therapy. GI ulceration, hepatic damage,
additive/ supplements Monitor patient for signs and nausea, renal damage,
Concentrated symptoms of trace metal vomiting, Copper—behavioral
Multiple Trace deficiencies prior to and changes, diarrhea, peripheral
Element, throughout therapy. edema, photophobia,
ConTE-PAK-4, M.T.E.- Chromium—glucose progressive marasmus,
4, intolerance, ataxia, weakness, Iodine—acneiform
M.T.E.-4 peripheral neuropathy, skin lesions, headache,
Concentrated, confusion. Copper— increased salivation, metallic
M.T.E.-5, M.T.E.-5 leukopenia, neutropenia, taste, parotitis, runny nose,
Concentrated, M.T.E.- anemia, iron deficiency, sneezing, sore mouth, swelling
6, skeletal abnormalities, of eyelids, Manganese—
M.T.E.-6 defective tissue formation. anorexia, apathy, gait
Concentrated, Iodine—impaired thyroid disturbances, headache,
M.T.E.-7, MulTE-PAK- function, goiter, cretinism. erectile dysfunction, irritability,
4, Manganese—nausea, speech difficulties,
MulTE-PAK-5, Multiple vomiting, weight loss, Molybdenum—gout-like
Trace Element, dermatitis, changes in hair. syndrome, Selenium—garlic-
Multiple Molybdenum—tachycardia, like breath, garlic-like sweat,
Trace Element tachypnea, headache, night GI discomfort, hair loss,
Neonatal, blindness, nausea, vomiting, mental depression, metallic
Multiple Trace edema, lethargy, taste, nervousness, vomiting,
Element disorientation, coma, weak nails, Zinc—blurred
Pediatric, Neotrace 4, hypouricemia, vision, hypotension, jaundice,
PedTE-PAK-4, hypouricosuria. Selenium— loss of consciousness, oliguria,
Pedtrace- cardiomyopathy, muscle pulmonary edema,
4, P.T.E.-4, P.T.E.-5 pain, kwashiorkor, Keshan tachycardia, toxicity poorly
disease. Zinc—diarrhea, defined but may include
apathy, depression, hypothermia, vomiting.
anorexia, hypogonadism,
growth retardation, anemia,
impaired wound healing,
decreased sense of taste
and smell.
Tramadol/ Ultram, Analgesics Assess type, location, and Seizures, dizziness, headache,
Ultram ER (centrally acting) intensity of pain before and somnolence, anxiety, CNS
2–3 hr (peak) after stimulation, confusion,
administration. Assess blood coordination disturbance,
pressure and respiratory euphoria, malaise,
rate; bowel function; nervousness, sleep disorder,
seizures; serotonin weakness, visual disturbances,
syndrome; serotonin vasodilation, constipation,
syndrome; neuromuscular nausea, abdominal pain,
aberrations; gastrointestinal anorexia, diarrhea, dry mouth,

Rev. 08/21/08
symptoms before and dyspepsia, flatulence,
periodically during vomiting, menopausal
administration. symptoms, urinary
retention/frequency, pruritus,
sweating, hypertonia, physical
dependence, psychological
dependence, tolerance.
Trandolapril/ Mavik antihypertensives Monitor BP, pulse, and signs Weakness, cough,
ace inhibitors of angioedema. Monitor hypotension, hyperuricemia,
weight and assess patient diarrhea, dyspepsia, impaired
routinely for resolution of renal function, rashes,
fluid overload. Monitor renal hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia,
function. myalgia, angioedema.
Tranexamic acid/ hemostatic agents Observe site of surgery for Dizziness, visual abnormalities,
Cyklokapron antifibrinolytics excessive bleeding. Patients hypotension,
plasminogen taking tranexamic acid for thromboembolism, thrombosis,
inactivators more than several days diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
should have ophthalmologic
examinations to detect
visual abnormalities prior to
and at regular intervals
during and after therapy.
Tranylcypromine/ antidepressants Assess mental status, mood Seizures, confusion, dizziness,
Parnate monamine oxidase changes, and anxiety level; drowsiness, headache,
inhibitors intake and output ratios and insomnia, restlessness,
daily weight; peripheral tremor, paresthesia,
edema and urinary weakness, blurred vision,
retention; blood pressure tinnitus, hypertensive crisis,
and pulse rate before and edema, orthostatic
frequently during therapy. hypotension, tachycardia,
Assess hepatic function abdominal pain, anorexia,
periodically during rashes, constipation, diarrhea,
prolonged or high-dose dry mouth, hepatitis, nausea,
therapy. Monitor serum sexual dysfunction, urinary
glucose closely in diabetic retention, agranulocytosis,
patients leukopenia, muscle spasm,
thrombocytopenia, alopecia.
Trastuzumab/ antineoplastics Assess for infusion-related Abdominal pain, anorexia,
Herceptin monoclonal symptoms; severe diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
antibodies reactions; signs and rash, back pain, chills, fever,
symptoms of HF; and signs infection, pain, interstitial
of pulmonary pneumonitis, pulmonary
hypersensitivity reactions edema, pulmonary fibrosis,
prior to and frequently arrhythmias, HF,
during therapy. hypersensitivity reactions.
Trazodone/Trialodine Antidepressant Assess mental status, drowsiness, confusion,
suicidal tendencies, blood hypotension, dry mouth,
pressure and pulse rate constipation
before and during initial
Treprostinil/ vasodilators Monitor patient for signs of Dizziness, headache,
Remodulin prostacyclins improvement in pulmonary vasodilation, hypotension,
arterial hypertension and edema, diarrhea, nausea,
infusion site reactions rash, pruritus, flushing,
periodically throughout infusion site pain/reaction, jaw
therapy. pain.
Tretinoin (oral)/ antineoplastics Monitor patient for retinoic Seizures, anxiety, confusion,
Vesanoid retinoids acid–acute promyelocytic depression, dizziness, fatigue,

Rev. 08/21/08
leukemia (RA-APL) headache, insomnia, malaise,
syndrome, and risk is pseudotumor cerebri,
increased if leukocytosis weakness, cardiac failure, MI,
occurs during therapy. stroke, arrhythmias, chest
Monitor WBC frequently discomfort, edema,
during therapy; may cause hypertension, hypotension,
rapidly progressing peripheral edema, phlebitis,
leukocytosis. Monitor renal insufficiency,
hepatic function tests; disseminated intravascular
Cholesterol and triglyceride coagulation, hemorrhage,
concentrations frequently leukocytosis, weight gain,
during therapy. weight loss, paresthesias,
fever, infections, pain.
Tretinoin (topical)/ antiacne agents Assess skin prior to and Photosensitivity, redness,
Altinac, Avita, Retin- retinoids periodically during therapy. blistering, edema, crusting,
A, Transient worsening of acne hyperpigmentation,
Retin-A Micro, may occur at initiation of hypopigmentation.
Renova, therapy.
vitamin A Acid
Triamcinolone/ anti inflammatories Monitor respiratory status Headache, rash, pharyngitis,
Azmacort steroidal and lung sounds; signs of dysphonia, oropharyngeal
corticosteroids adrenal insufficiency; fungal infections, sinusitis,
withdrawal symptoms; and bronchospasm, wheezing,
growth rate in children abdominal pain, diarrhea, dry
during therapy. Periodic mouth, vomiting, adrenal
adrenal function tests may suppression, decreased growth
be ordered to assess degree (children), weight gain, vaginal
of hypothalamic-pituitary- moniliasis, back pain, myalgia,
adrenal (HPA) axis flu-like syndrome.
suppression in chronic
Triamcinolone (nasal)/ anti inflammatories Monitor degree of nasal Headache, epistaxis, nasal
Nasacort AQ, Tri- steroidal stuffiness, amount and color burning, nasal irritation,
Nasal of nasal discharge, and nasopharyngeal fungal
frequency of sneezing. infection, otitis media,
Patients on long-term pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis,
therapy should have sneezing, vomiting, adrenal
periodic otolaryngologic suppression (increased dose,
examinations to monitor long-term therapy only),
nasal mucosa and passages cough.
for infection or ulceration
Triamcinolone anti inflammatories Assess patient for signs of Depression, euphoria,
(systemic)/ steroidal adrenal insufficiency; intake hypertension, peptic
Aristospan, (intermediate- and output ratios and daily ulceration, anorexia, nausea,
Kenalog, Trivaris acting) weights; peripheral edema, vomiting, acne, decreased
immunosuppressan steady weight gain, rales/ wound healing, ecchymoses,
ts crackles, or dyspnea prior to fragility, hirsutism, petechiae,
and periodically throughout adrenal suppression,
therapy. Monitor serum hyperglycemia, fluid retention,
electrolytes and glucose. hypokalemia,
Periodic adrenal function thromboembolism,
tests may be ordered to thrombophlebitis, weight gain,
assess degree of weight loss, muscle wasting,
hypothalamic-pituitary- osteoporosis, aseptic necrosis
adrenal axis suppression in of joints, muscle pain,
systemic and chronic topical cushingoid appearance,
therapy. increased susceptibility to

Rev. 08/21/08
Triamcinolone anti inflammatories Assess affected skin prior to Allergic contact dermatitis,
(topical)/ steroidal and daily during therapy. atrophy, burning, dryness,
Aristocort, Delta- Note degree of inflammation edema, folliculitis,
Tritex, corticosteroids and pruritus. Periodic hypersensitivity reactions,
Flutex, Kenalog, adrenal function tests may hypertrichosis,
Kenonel be ordered to assess degree hypopigmentation, irritation,
of hypothalamic-pituitary- maceration, miliaria, perioral
adrenal (HPA) axis dermatitis, secondary
suppression in chronic infection, striae, adrenal
topical therapy if suspected. suppression
Triamterene/ diuretics Monitor intake and output Dizziness, arrhythmias,
Dyrenium (potassium- ratios and daily weight; nausea, vomiting, erectile
sparing) signs and symptoms of dysfunction, bluish urine,
hypokalemia or nephrolithiasis,
hyperkalemia during photosensitivity,
therapy. Evaluate serum hyperkalemia, hyponatremia,
potassium levels; BUN, blood dyscrasias, muscle
serum creatinine, and cramps, allergic reactions.
electrolytes; platelet count
and total and differential
leukocyte count prior to and
routinely during therapy.
Triazolam/ Halcion sedative/hypnotics Assess sleep patterns prior Dizziness, excessive sedation,
benzodiazepines to and periodically hangover, headache, blurred
throughout therapy. Assess vision, constipation, diarrhea,
CNS effects and risk of falls nausea, vomiting, rashes,
in elderly. Prolonged high- physical dependence,
dose therapy may lead to psychological dependence,
psychological or physical tolerance, confusion,
dependence. hallucinations.
Trifluoperazine/ antipsychotics Assess mental status and Neuroleptic malignant
Stelazine (conventional) degree of anxiety; weight syndrome, extrapyramidal
phenothiazines and BMI; positive reactions, sedation, tardive
(hallucinations, delusions, dyskinesia, dry eyes, blurred
agitation) and negative vision, lens opacities,
(social withdrawal) hypotension, tachycardia,
symptoms of schizophrenia; constipation, anorexia, dry
blood pressure (sitting, mouth, hepatitis, ileus, urinary
standing, lying), ECG, pulse, retention, priapism,
and respiratory rate; level of photosensitivity, pigment
sedation; intake and output changes, rashes, galactorrhea,
ratios and daily weight; amenorrhea, agranulocytosis,
onset of akathisia; tardive leucopenia, hyperthermia,
dyskinesia; and allergic reactions.
development of neuroleptic
malignant syndrome prior to
and periodically during
Trihexyphenidyl/ antiparkinson Assess parkinsonian and Dizziness, nervousness,
Artane, Trihexane, agents extrapyramidal symptoms; confusion, drowsiness,
Trihexy anticholinergics intake and output ratios and headache, psychoses,
assess patient for urinary weakness, blurred vision,
retention prior to and mydriasis, orthostatic
throughout therapy. hypotension, tachycardia, dry
mouth, nausea.
Trimethoprim/ anti-infectives Assess patient for urinary Altered taste, epigastric
Primsol, folate antagonists tract infection or other signs discomfort, glossitis, nausea,
Proloprim, Trimpex of infection; and intake and vomiting, drug-induced

Rev. 08/21/08
output ratios at beginning of hepatitis, pruritus, rash,
and throughout therapy. megaloblastic anemia,
Monitor CBC and urinalysis neutropenia,
periodically throughout thrombocytopenia, fever.
Trimethoprim/ anti-infectives Assess for infection; IV site; Pseudomembranous colitis,
sulfamethoxazole// antiprotozoals allergy to sulfonamides; hepatic necrosis, nausea,
Bactrim, Bactrim DS, folate antagonists intake and output ratios at vomiting, toxic epidermal
Cofatrim, Cotrim, sulfonamides beginning of and during necrolysis, rashes, aplastic
Cotrim therapy. Monitor CBC and anemia, agranulocytosis,
DS, Septra, Septra urinalysis periodically during phlebitis at IV site, allergic
DS, therapy. reactions including erythema
SMZ/TMP, Sulfatrim, multiforme, Stevens-Johnson
Sulfatrim DS, syndrome.
Trimipramine/ antidepressants Monitor blood pressure and Lethargy, sedation, blurred
Surmontil tricyclic pulse; ECG; mental status vision, dry eyes, dry mouth,
antidepressants and affect; suicidal arrhythmias, hypotension, ECG
tendencies; bipolar disorder changes, constipation,
before and during initial hepatitis, paralytic ileus,
therapy. Assess leukocyte increased appetite, weight
and differential blood gain, urinary retention, ↓
counts, liver function, and libido, photosensitivity,
serum glucose before and changes in blood glucose ,
periodically during therapy. gynecomastia, blood
Triprolidine antihistamines Assess symptoms (rhinitis, Sedation, dizziness, excitation,
conjunctivitis, hives); and blurred vision, arrhythmias,
lung sounds and character hypertension, hypotension,
of bronchial secretions prior palpitations, dry mouth,
to and periodically constipation, urinary
throughout therapy. hesitancy, urinary retention.
Triptorelin/Trelstar antineoplastics Assess patient for symptoms Dizziness, emotional lability,
Depot hormones of prostate cancer; signs fatigue, headache, insomnia,
and symptoms of hypertension, diarrhea,
anaphylaxis; bone pain, vomiting, erectile dysfunction,
neuropathy, hematuria, urinary retention, urinary tract
urethral or bladder outlet infection, pruritus, anemia,
obstruction prior to and injection site pain,
throughout therapy. Monitor musculoskeletal pain, allergic
response by measuring reactions including anaphylaxis
serum testosterone and and angioedema.
prostate-specific antigen
levels periodically during
Trospium/ Sanctura, urinary tract Monitor voiding pattern and Headache, constipation, dry
Sanctura XR antispasmodics intake and output ratios. mouth, urinary retention,
antimuscarinics urinary tract infection.
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Urokinase/ thrombolytics Assess patient carefully for Intracranial hemorrhage,

Abbokinase plasminogen bleeding every 15 min epistaxis, gingival bleeding,
activators during the 1st hr of therapy, bronchospasm, hemoptysis,
every 15–30 min during the reperfusion arrhythmias,

Rev. 08/21/08
next 8 hr, and at least every hypotension, recurrent
4 hr; neurologic status; and ischemia/thromboembolism,
hypersensitivity reaction for GI bleeding, nausea,
the duration of therapy. retroperitoneal bleeding,
Frank bleeding may occur vomiting, GU tract bleeding,
from sites of invasive ecchymoses, flushing,
procedures or from body urticaria, bleeding,
orifices. Monitor vital signs, hemorrhage at injection site,
including temperature, phlebitis at injection site,
continuously for myocardial musculoskeletal pain, allergic
infarction and at least every reactions including
4 hr during therapy for anaphylaxis, fever
other indications.
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Valacyclovir/ Valtrex antivirals Assess lesions before and Headache, dizziness,

daily during therapy. weakness, nausea, abdominal
Monitor patient for signs of pain, anorexia, constipation,
thrombotic thrombocytic diarrhea, thrombotic
purpura/hemolytic uremic thrombocytopenic purpura/
syndrome. hemolytic uremic syndrome
Valdecoxib/ Bextra nonsteroidal anti Patients who have asthma, Increased blood pressure,
inflammatory aspirin-induced allergy, and edema, fluid retention, GI
agents nasal polyps are at bleeding, abdominal pain,
nonopioid increased risk for developing rash, anemia, allergic
analgesics hypersensitivity reactions. reactions including
cox 2 inhibitors Assess for rhinitis, asthma, anaphylactoid reactions,
and urticaria. Assess pain, anaphylaxis, angioedema,
range of motion, and degree Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
of swelling in affected joints
prior to and 2–3 hr following
Valerian/ Amantilla, antianxiety agents Assess degree of anxiety Drowsiness, headache,
All- sedative/hypnotics and level of sedation; sleep Benzodiazepine-like
Heal, Baldrian, patterns; and loss of withdrawal symptoms with
Baldrianwurzel, balance prior to and discontinuation after long-term
Belgium periodically throughout use.
Valerian, Common therapy.
Valerian, Fragrant
Valerian, Garden
Heliotrope, Garden
Valerian, Indian
Valerian, Mexican
Valerian, Pacific
Valerian, Tagara,
Valeriana, Valeriana
officinalis, Valerianae
radix, Valeriana
rhizome, Valeriane
Valganciclovir/ Valcyte antivirals Assess for signs of infection Seizures, headache, insomnia,
and bleeding prior to and agitation, confusion, dizziness,
throughout therapy. hallucinations, psychosis,
Diagnosis of CMV retinitis sedation, abdominal pain,
should be determined by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,
ophthalmoscopy prior to renal impairment, neutropenia,

Rev. 08/21/08
treatment with ganciclovir. paresthesia,
Monitor BUN and serum thrombocytopenia, anemia,
creatinine at least once aplastic anemia, bone marrow
every 2 wk throughout depression, pancytopenia,
therapy. Monitor neutrophil ataxia, peripheral neuropathy,
and platelet count closely fever, hypersensitivity
throughout therapy. reactions, infections.
Valproate sodium/ anticonvulsants Assess location, duration, Agitation, dizziness, headache,
Depacon vascular headache and characteristics of insomnia, sedation, confusion,
suppressants seizure activity. Assess depression, peripheral edema,
mood, ideation, and visual disturbances,
behavior frequently. Monitor hepatotoxicity, pancreatitis,
frequency of migraine abdominal pain, anorexia,
headaches. Monitor hepatic anorexia, diarrhea, indigestion,
function (LDH, AST, ALT, nausea, vomiting,
and bilirubin) and serum constipation, increased
ammonia concentrations appetite, alopecia, rashes,
prior to and periodically weight gain, leukopenia,
during therapy. Monitor thrombocytopenia,
CBC, platelet count, and hyperammonemia,
bleeding time prior to and hypothermia, tremor, ataxia.
periodically during therapy.
Valproic acid/ anticonvulsants Assess location, duration, Agitation, dizziness, headache,
Depakene vascular headache and characteristics of insomnia, sedation, confusion,
suppressants seizure activity. Assess depression, peripheral edema,
mood, ideation, and visual disturbances,
behavior frequently. Monitor hepatotoxicity, pancreatitis,
frequency of migraine abdominal pain, anorexia,
headaches. Monitor hepatic anorexia, diarrhea, indigestion,
function (LDH, AST, ALT, nausea, vomiting,
and bilirubin) and serum constipation, increased
ammonia concentrations appetite, alopecia, rashes,
prior to and periodically weight gain, leukopenia,
during therapy. Monitor thrombocytopenia,
CBC, platelet count, and hyperammonemia,
bleeding time prior to and hypothermia, tremor, ataxia.
periodically during therapy.
Valsartan/ Diovan antihypertensives Assess blood pressure Dizziness, fatigue, headache,
angiotensin ii (lying, sitting, standing) and hypotension, edema, rhinitis,
receptor pulse; signs of angioedema; sinusitis, pharyngitis,
antagonists daily weight; and resolution hyperkalemia, abdominal pain,
of fluid overload throughout diarrhea, nausea, impaired
therapy. Monitor renal renal function, arthralgia, back
function. pain, angioedema.
Vancomycin/ anti-infectives Assess patient for infection; Ototoxicity, hypotension,
Lyphocin, IV site; blood pressure; nausea, vomiting,
Vancocin, Vancoled eighth cranial nerve nephrotoxicity, rashes,
function; intake and output eosinophilia, leucopenia,
ratios and daily weight; and phlebitis, back and neck pain,
signs of superinfection at hypersensitivity reactions
beginning of and throughout including anaphylaxis, chills,
therapy. fever, "red man" syndrome
(with rapid infusion),
Vardenafil/ Levitra erectile dysfunction Determine erectile Headache, amnesia, dizziness,
agents dysfunction before hearing loss, vision loss,
phosphodiesterase administration. Vardenafil rhinitis, sinusitis, dyspepsia,
type 5 inhibitors has no effect in the absence nausea, priapism, flushing, flu

Rev. 08/21/08
of sexual stimulation. syndrome.

Varenicline/ Chantix smoking deterrents Assess for desire to stop ↓ attention span, anxiety,
nicotine agonists smoking. Assess for nausea. depression, insomnia,
irritability, dizziness,
restlessness, diarrhea,
gingivitis, nausea, flushing,
hyperhydrosis, arthralgia, back
pain, musculoskeletal pain.
Vecuronium/ Norcuron neuromuscular Assess respiratory status; Bronchospasm, rash, allergic
blocking agents ECG, heart rate, and blood reactions including
nondepolarizing pressure; residual muscle anaphylaxis.
weakness and respiratory
distress; infusion site
throughout therapy and
Verapamil/ Apo- antianginals Monitor blood pressure and Abnormal dreams, anxiety,
Verap, antiarrhythmics pulse before therapy, during confusion, drowsiness,
Calan, Calan SR, (class IV) dosage titration, and headache, blurred vision,
Covera- antihypertensives periodically throughout disturbed equilibrium,
HS, Isoptin, Isoptin vascular headache therapy. Monitor ECG epistaxis, tinnitus, cough,
SR, suppressants periodically during dyspnea, shortness of breath,
Verelan, Verelan PM calcium channel prolonged therapy. Monitor arrhythmias, CHF,
blockers intake and output ratios and bradycardia, chest pain,
daily weight; signs of CHF; hypotension, palpitations,
location, duration, intensity, peripheral edema, syncope,
and precipitating factors of tachycardia, abnormal liver
patient's anginal pain during function studies, anorexia,
therapy. Monitor serum urinary frequency, dermatitis,
potassium periodically. erythema multiforme, flushing,
Monitor renal and hepatic increased sweating, rash,
functions periodically during thrombocytopenia, weight
long-term therapy. gain, joint stiffness, muscle
cramps, paresthesia, tremor,
Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
Vitamin B complex vitamins Assess patient for signs of Bright-yellow urine,
with vitamin C/ Albee- water soluble vitamin deficiency and anaphylaxis (vitamin B1-
T, Albee with C, vitamins anaphylaxis throughout thiamine), allergic reactions to
Arcobee with C, B- therapy. preservatives.
Complex/Vitamin C,
Beminal, Econo B & C,
Enviro-Stress, Farbee
with Vitamin C, Gen-
bee with C, High
Potency N-Vites, Nion
B Plus C, Probec-T,
Sublingual B Total
Liquid, Surbex T,
T, Therapeutic B
Complex with C,
ThexForte, T-Vites,
Vicon-C, Viogen-C,
Vita-Bee with C, Key
Plex, Neurodep, Vicam

Rev. 08/21/08
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Warfarin/Coumadin anticoagulants Assess for signs of bleeding Cramps, nausea, dermal

coumarins and hemorrhage; evidence necrosis, bleeding, fever.
of additional or increased
thrombosis during therapy.
PT, INR and other clotting
factors should be monitored
frequently during therapy.
Name: Dose, Route Drug Dosage Indications for Use in Assessments to be Common Side Effects
Generic/Trade and Times Classification Calculations this Client Done Prior to

Zafirlukast/Accolate antiasthmatics Assess lung sounds and headache, dizziness,

bronchodilators respiratory function before weakness, hepatotoxicity,
leukotriene and periodically during abdominal pain, diarrhea,
antagonists therapy. Monitor liver dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting,
function periodically during arthralgia, back pain, myalgia,
therapy. Churg-Strauss syndrome,
fever, infection, pain
Zalcitabine/ ddC, antiretrovirals Assess patient for change in Confusion, dizziness, fatigue,
Dideoxycitidine, HIVID nucleoside reverse severity of symptoms of headache, impaired
transcriptase AIDS and for symptoms of concentration, pharyngitis,
inhibitors opportunistic infections; cardiomyopathy, CHF, chest
signs and symptoms of pain, pancreatitis/
peripheral neuropathy; and hepatomegaly/steatosis, oral
symptoms of pancreatitis ulcers, abdominal pain,
throughout therapy. Monitor anorexia, diarrhea, dysphagia,
serum amylase, lipase, esophageal ulcerations
triglyceride, and calcium increased liver enzymes,
throughout therapy. Monitor nausea, vomiting, dermatitis,
viral load and CD4 levels pruritus, rash, lactic acidosis,
prior to and periodically leukopenia, neutropenia,
throughout therapy. Monitor arthralgia, myalgia, peripheral
liver function. neuropathy, hypersensitivity
reactions, weight loss.
Zaleplon/ Sonata sedative/hypnotics Assess mental status, sleep Abnormal vision, ear pain,
patterns, and potential for epistaxis, hearing sensitivity,
abuse; alertness at time of ocular pain, altered sense of
peak effect; pain during smell, peripheral edema,
therapy. abdominal pain, anorexia.
Zanamivir/ Relenza antivirals Assess patient for signs and Seizures, abnormal behavior,
neuramidase symptoms of influenza agitation, delirium,
inhibitors (fever, headache, myalgia, hallucinations, nightmares,
cough, sore throat) before bronchospasm, allergic
administration. reactions.
Ziconotide/ Prialt analgesics Assess level of pain; mental Meningitis, confusion,
n type calcium status; signs of meningitis dizziness, drowsiness,
channel blockers prior to and periodically headache, impaired memory,
during therapy. Monitor weakness, nystagmus, nausea,
serum CK levels every other hypertonia, urinary retention,
week for the first month, abnormal gait, ataxia.
monthly thereafter.
Zidovudine/ AZT, antiretrovirals Assess patient for change in Seizures, headache, weakness,
azidothymidine, nucleoside reverse severity of symptoms of HIV anxiety, confusion, decreased
Rev. 08/21/08
Retrovir transcriptase and for symptoms of mental acuity, dizziness,
inhibitors opportunistic infections insomnia, mental depression,
during therapy. Monitor viral restlessness, syncope,
load and CD4 counts prior to abdominal pain, diarrhea,
and periodically during nausea, anorexia, drug-
therapy. Monitor CBC every induced hepatitis, dyspepsia,
2 wk during the first 8 wk of oral mucosa pigmentation,
therapy in patients with vomiting, nail pigmentation,
advanced HIV disease, and gynecomastia, anemia,
decrease to every 4 wk after granulocytopenia, pure red-cell
the first 2 mo if zidovudine aplasia, thrombocytosis, back
is well tolerated or monthly pain, myopathy, tremor.
during the first 3 mo and
every 3 mo thereafter.
Zileuton/ Zyflo CR bronchodilators Assess lung sounds and Headache, dizziness, insomnia,
leukotriene respiratory function prior to malaise, nervousness,
antagonists and periodically during somnolence, weakness,
therapy. Monitor ALT prior conjunctivitis, chest pain,
to therapy, monthly for the abdominal pain, constipation,
first 3 mo, every 2 mo for dyspepsia, flatulence,
the 1st yr of therapy, and increased liver enzymes,
periodically thereafter. nausea, vomiting, urinary tract
infection, vaginitis, pruritus,
arthralgia, myalgia, neck pain,
hypertonia, fever,
Zinc sulfate/ Orazinc, mineral electrolyte Monitor progression of zinc Gastric irritation (oral use
Verazinc, Zinc 220, replacements deficiency symptoms only), nausea, vomiting.
Zincate, Zinkaps supplements (impaired wound healing,
trace metals growth retardation,
decreased sense of taste,
decreased sense of smell)
during therapy.
Ziprasidone/ Geodon antipsychotics Monitor patient's mental Neuroleptic malignant
mood stabilizers status; weight and BMI; syndrome, seizures, dizziness,
piperazine blood pressure (sitting, drowsiness, restlessness,
derivatives standing, lying) and pulse extrapyramidal reactions,
rate; rash; onset of syncope, tardive dyskinesia,
akathisia; tardive cough/runny nose, prolonged
dyskinesia; frequency and QT interval, orthostatic
consistency of bowel hypotension, constipation,
movements; and diarrhea, nausea, dysphagia,
development of neuroleptic rash, urticaria.
malignant syndrome prior to
and periodically during
Zoledronic acid/ bone resorption Monitor intake and output Agitation, anxiety, confusion,
Reclast, inhibitors ratios; acute-phase reaction insomnia, conjunctivitis,
Zometa electrolyte (fever, mylagia, flu-like hypotension, chest pain, leg
modifiers symptoms, headache, edema, abdominal pain,
hypocalcemics arthralgia); symptoms of constipation, diarrhea, nausea,
biphosphonates hypercalcemia; evidence of vomiting, dysphagia, renal
hypocalcemia; Paget's failure, pruritus, rash,
disease during therapy. hypophosphatemia,
Monitor serum creatinine hypocalcemia, hypokalemia,
prior to each treatment. hypomagnesemia, anemia,
musculoskeletal pain,
osteonecrosis, fever, flu-like

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Zolmitriptan/ Zomig, vascular headache Assess pain location, Dizziness, drowsiness, vertigo,
Zomig- ZMT suppressants intensity, duration, and weakness, throat
five ht1 agonists associated symptoms pain/tightness/pressure, chest
(photophobia, phonophobia, pain/pressure/ tightness/
nausea, vomiting) during heaviness, hypertension,
migraine attack. palpitations, dry mouth,
dyspepsia, dysphagia, nausea,
sweating, warm/cold
sensation, myalgia,
myasthenia, hypesthesia,
paresthesia, feeling of
heaviness, pain.
Zolpidem / Ambien Sedative, hypnotics For pain, mental status, abnormal thinking, amnesia,
sleep patterns, and potential behavior changes, daytime
for abuse prior to drowsiness, dizziness,
administration; alertness at "drugged" feeling,
time of peak effect hallucinations, sleep-driving;
nausea, vomiting; physical
dependence, psychological
dependence, tolerance
Zonisamide/ Zonegran anticonvulsants Monitor frequency, duration, Drowsiness, fatigue,
sulfonamides and characteristics of amblyopia, tinnitus, allergic
seizures; development of reactions including Stevens-
skin rash; and allergy to Johnson syndrome, abnormal
sulfa drugs during therapy. gait, hyperasthesia,
incoordination, tremor.
Zoster vaccine live/ vaccines/immunizin Assess patient for Swelling, redness, pain.
Zostavax g agents immunosuppressant
active immunizer medications or reactions to
previous vaccines.
Administration may result in
a more extensive vaccine-
associated rash or
disseminated disease in

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