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Centrifugal governor

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Drawing of a centrifugal "flyball" governor

A centrifugal governor is a specific type of governor that controls the speed of an engine by
regulating the amount of fuel (or working fluid) admitted, so as to maintain a near constant
speed whatever the load or fuel supply conditions. It uses the principle of proportional

It is most obviously seen on steam engines where it regulates the admission of steam into
the cylinder(s). It is also found on internal combustion engines and variously fueled turbines,
and in some modern striking clocks.

1 Operation

2 History

3 Dynamic systems

4 References

5 See also

The device shown is from a steam engine. Power is supplied to the governor from the
engine's output shaft by (in this instance) a belt or chain (not shown) connected to the
lower belt wheel. The governor is connected to a throttle valve that regulates the flow of
working fluid (steam) supplying the prime mover (prime mover not shown). As the speed of
the prime mover increases, the central spindle of the governor rotates at a faster rate and
the kinetic energy of the balls increases. This allows the two masses on lever arms to move
outwards and upwards against gravity. If the motion goes far enough, this motion causes
the lever arms to pull down on a thrust bearing, which moves a beam linkage, which
reduces the aperture of a throttle valve. The rate of working-fluid entering the cylinder is
thus reduced and the speed of the prime mover is controlled, preventing over-speeding.

Mechanical stops may be used to limit the range of throttle motion, as seen near the masses
in the image at right.

The direction of the lever arm holding the mass will be along the vector sum of the reactive
centrifugal force vector and the gravitational force.


Boulton & Watt engine of 1788

James Watt designed his first governor in 1788 following a suggestion from his business
partner Matthew Boulton. It was a conical pendulum governor and one of the final series of
innovations Watt had employed for steam engines. James Watt never claimed the
centrifugal governor to be an invention of his own. Centrifugal governors were used to
regulate the distance and pressure between millstones in windmills since the 17th century.
It is therefore a misunderstanding that James Watt is the inventor of this device [1].

A giant statue of Watt's governor stands at Smethwick in the English West Midlands. It is
known as the flyball governor.

Another kind of centrifugal governor consists of a pair of masses on a spindle inside a

cylinder, the masses or the cylinder being coated with pads, somewhat like a drum brake.
This is used in a spring-loaded record player and a spring-loaded telephone dial to limit the

Dynamic systems
The centrifugal governor is often used in the cognitive sciences as an example of a dynamic
system, in which the representation of information cannot be clearly separated from the
operations being applied to the representation. And because the governor is a
servomechanism, its analysis in a dynamic system is far from trivial. In 1868 James Clerk
Maxwell wrote a famous paper "On governors"[2] that is widely considered a classic in
feedback control theory. Maxwell distinguishes moderators (a centrifugal brake) and
governors which control motive power input. He considers devices by James Watt, Professor
James Thomson, Fleeming Jenkin, William Thomson, Leon Foucault and Carl Wilhelm
Siemens (a liquid governor).

In a largely overlooked passage of his famous 1858 paper to the Linnean Society (which led
Darwin to publish his monumental On the Origin of Species) Wallace says of the
evolutionary principle:

The action of this principle is exactly like that of the centrifugal governor of the steam
engine, which checks and corrects any irregularities almost before they become evident;
and in like manner no unbalanced deficiency in the animal kingdom can ever reach any
conspicuous magnitude, because it would make itself felt at the very first step, by rendering
existence difficult and extinction almost sure soon to follow.[3].

The cybernetician and anthropologist Gregory Bateson would observe in the 1970s that though
seeing it only as an illustration, Wallace had "probably said the most powerful thing that’d been said
in the 19th Century".[4] Bateson revisited the topic in his 1979 book Mind and Nature: A Necessary
Unity, and other scholars have continued to explore the connection between natural selection and
systems theory.[5]

Governor selalu berperan dan mengendalikan out put mesin. Jika terjadi dalam perubahan yang
diinginkan maka governor akan segera bertindak mengatur suplay untuk mengendalikan out put.
Jadi gobernor merupakan suatu alat kontrol otomatis, governor berperan mengatur kecepatan rata-
rata mesin untuk penggerak mula, apabila terjadi variasi kecepatan akibat fluktuasi beban. Jika
beban motor meningkat, kecepatan motor pun menurun dan wujud governor akan bertambah
dengan perubahan sehingga menggerakkan katup untuk memperbanyak suplay fluida kerja untuk
mengimbangi kenaikan beban motor. Jadi governor secara otomatis mengendalikan suplay ke motor
bila beban berubah dan mempertahankan kecepatan rata-ratanya, di dalam batas tertentu.
Governor diklasifikasikan menurut posisi massa yang berputar dan cara, pemasangannya pada
penggerak mula.

1. Fly wheel Governor

Grafity Load :

 Weat

 Porter

 Proell

Spring Governor :
 Hartnell
 Hortung

2. Shaft Governor

 Centrifugal governor
 Inersia governor

Pada gambar di bawah ini diperlihatkan jenis governor yang digunakan oleh James Watt pada tahun
1764 untuk mengontrol kecepatan mesinnya. Dua buah massa berputar A1 dan A2 digantung oleh
hirks A1B1 dan A2B2 dari ujung atas spindle yang berputar pada sumbu yang vertikal.

Dengan hirkes lainnya A1C1 dan A2C2

menghubungkan massa bola ke slongsong D yang dapat naik turun pada spindle. Engsel B1 dan B2
memungkinkan bola yang berputar dapat bergerak keluar dan ke dalam busur selinder. Posisi
slongsong D pada spindle akan bergantung pada radius perputaran lintasan bola slongsong D
dihubungkan dengan engkol yang berengsel di C dan batang H ke throttle valve yang di pasang di
dalam pipa pengatur uap ke motor dan mengatur penyaluran uap. Spindel governor menerima gerak
dari poros motor melalui sabuk beserta rodanya sepasang roda tirusnya.

Aksi gaya sentrifugal, berat bola-bola dan links akan mengangkat bola-bola pada radius tertentu
yang besarnya tergantung pada kecepatan motor. Bila kecepatan anguler spindle governor
meningkat, maka gaya-gaya sentrifugal bola-bola menyebabkan bergeser keluar sehingga
mengangkat slongsong D dengan perantaraan hirks sebelah bawah. Jika beban penggerak mula
dikurangi, kecepatan akan naik, radius lintasan bola akan membesar dan slongsong akan terangkat.
Gerakan ke atas slongsong memperkecip pembukaan katup dan gerakan ke bawah slongsong akan
memperbesar pembukaan katup.

Bila slongsong berada di posisi paling atas, katup akan tertutup rapat. Sebaliknya bila slongsong
berada di posisi paling bawah, katup akan terbuka selebar-lebarnya. Posisi tertinggi dan terendah
slongsong, juga jarak perpindahan total slongsong pada umumnya dibatasi oleh dua pembatas.
Besar radius lintasan bola selalu bersesuaian dengan kecepatan rotasi tertentu, sehingga motor yang
dikontrol governor dapat dibatasi kecepatannya di dalam suatu range tertentu, yang diatur oleh
gerak slongsong naik turun di antara dua pembatasnya.

Agar governor dapat berfungsi dengan baik sesuai dengan yang diinginkan maka perlu diperhatikan:
a)Cara perawatan dan pemeliharaannya
b) Cara penyetelan dan prosedur penyetelan
c) System pengatur governor

Karakteristik utama yang menentukan derajat dan pengendalian governor dari mesin
a) Penurunan kecepatan
b) Pengaturan isokhoren
c) Kecepatan
d) Kestabilan sebagai presentase
e) Ayunan (hunting)
f) Ketangkasan (promptness)
g) Daya dari governor

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