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第 x 学期 第x周 每日教学计划


日期 xxxxxxx 星期 一
Tarikh Hari
周 周会 / Assembly
7.30- 8.00

BI Focus skill Listening

2H Theme World of self, family and friends
9.00- 10.00 Topic Unit 7: Get dressed!
Content standard 1.2
Complementary CS 3.3
Learning standard 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of simple sentences
(Y1-Y3) Complementary LS 3.3.1 Read and enjoy simple print and digital games at sentence level
Learning objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and say at least 6/10 clothes.
Activities Starter: Stand N Share
Act 1: Realia demo.
Act 2: Turn to your partner.
Closure: Take off Touch down
Success criteria Pupils can listen and point to the correct pictures
Differentiation Strategy Strategy 1
CCE Language

BI Focus Listening and Speaking

6T Theme World of knowledge
12.20- Topic Unit 9: Malaysians speak
1.20 Learning standard 1.1.3
Learning objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to talk about at least 5/9 pictures regarding Malaysia.
Activities Starter: Stand N Share. What do you know about Malaysia.
Act 1: Think, Pair, Share. Pupils talk about the picture in group.
(Y4-Y6) Act 2: I-think map
Closure: Moral lesson: love others and your country.
Success criteria Pupils can make an i-think map.
CCE Interpersonal skill
I-think/ VLE FROG Tree Map

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