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1. Circle the best word to complete these sentences.

1. Jack go / goes to a film club on Wednesdays.

2. I love / loves reading in my free time.

3. They don’t / doesn’t usually see each other during the week.

4. The train leave / leaves at 6.30.

5. Do / Does Ollie play chess?

6. Daisy like / likes most sports.

7. We always get up / gets up at 7 o’clock.

8. What do / does you think of their new album?

9. He studys/ studies hard every day.

10. He doesn’t do/ does his homework in the afternoon.

2. Write the word in the correct form to fill the gaps.

1. Alfie ________________ in London. (live)

2. ________________ swimming a lot? (you, like)

3. Sophie ________________ in Thailand today. (be)

4. We ________________ to the same school. (not go)

5. I ________________ old black and white films. (hate)

6. She ________________ as a travel writer. (not work)

7. My dad ________________ breakfast before us. (have)

8. ________________ taekwando on Tuesdays? (they, do)

9. Tom ___________________ newspapers. (not read)

10. The baby ________________ all the time. (cry)

3. Put the words in the right order:

a. they/ Russian/ speak/ don’t.

b. the boy/ books/ reading/ likes.

c. pupils/ to the teacher/ listen/ always.

d. does/ go/ to/ every/ she/ school/ day?

e. my/ does/ evening/ the/ homework/ brother/ his/ in .

f. best/ doesn’t/ swimming/ friend/ like/ my.

g. you/ early/ up/ do/ always/ get?

h. at/ I/ TV/ watch/ never/ night.

i.mother/ ironing/ usually/ the/ my/ does.

j. he/ afternoon/ sometimes/ computer/ plays/ games/ the/ in.

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