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UK ISSN 0032-1400


4 clicarterly s u r v e y of research on the plntinicrn metals a n d of

d e rieloptti ent s i n their appliccc t ion i r i i n cl us t r y

VOL. 39 JULY 1995 NO. 3


Progress in Platinum Group Metal Coating Technology, ACTTM 98

Ruthenium Improves Corrosion of Stainless Steel 107
Recent Developments in Methodologies Using Platinum Group Metal Catalysts 108
Conference on Chemistry of the Platinum Group Metals 111

European Precious Metals Conference 112

A Comprehensive Commentary on the Platinum Metals 116

Palladium Alloy Pinning Wires for Gas Turbine Blade Investment Casting 117

Platinum Group Metals in Catalysis 126

Palladium Shape Memory Alloys 126

First International Workshop on Diffusion and Stresses 127

Platinum 1995 128

Some Observations on Laser Trimming Platinum Thin Films 129

Iridium Microelectrode for Testing Water Quality 132

Abstracts 133

New Patents 142

Cornniiinicatioits should be cirldresscd to

The Editor, Susan Y . Ashton, Plutinunr Metuls K ~ v k i o
Johnson Matthey Public Limited Conymiiy, Hatton Garden, London ECl N 8 E E
Progress in Platinum Group MMetal
Coating Technology, ACT"
By D. R. Coupland, R. B. McGrath and J. M. Evens
Johnson Matthey Noble Metals, Royston

and J. P. Hartley
PLM Redfearn, Barnslep England

Refractory ceramics have long fonned a vital part of the glass making and
glassprocessing industries. Due to market pressures these industries are mov-
ing towards increasingly higher quulityproducts and progressively improved
plant efiiency. However, sipzjkant improvements to the refractory ceram-
ics are dzfiult because of the range of properties which they are required
to have. This second paper on A C T M(Advanced Coating Technology) using
platinum group metals, describes the latest developments and advantages
conferred by ACTMcoatings to the various ceramic forehearth components.

An earlier paper on ACT^^ coating technol- of up to approximately 1450°C.At the higher

ogy explained the principles of its application temperatures, however, the life of convention-
and its potential uses for the glass manufac- ally fabricated sheet metal platinum can be lim-
turing industry (1). It described the protec- ited by grain growth, and therefore alloying with
tion that could be achieved by using platinum other platinum group metals may be beneficial.
coatings on nickel-based alloys, and gave details Alternatively, the use of grain stabilised mate-
of the very earliest service performance of ACTm rials substantially reduces the problems caused
platinum-coated tri-level thermocouples on by grain growth. Johnson Matthey was the first
ceramic substrates.The latest progress in ACTTM to develop platinum group metals and alloys
technology for ceramic thermocouples and for containing very fine, uniform dispersions of
the very diverse refractory ceramic substrates oxide particulates (6). The alloys, designated
which are used in the forming end of glass mak- ZGS (Zirconia Grain Stabilised), are subjected
ing furnaces, are presented here (2-5). to special processing during manufacture which,
in combination with the oxide dispersion, pro-
Materials in the Glass Industry motes the formation of a high aspect ratio grain
The glass industry provides a rigorous test for structure. Thus these alloys are extremely sta-
any potential containment material for molten ble structurally, even at very high temperatures,
glass. Ceramics perform the bulk of this service, and exhibit the highest tensile strengths, creep
and even though manufacturers of ceramics have properties and general levels of durability of
been successful in progressively developing all comparableplatinum group metals and alloys.
ceramics with improved properties they suffer Therefore ZGS alloys are eminently suitable for
limitations in use, so opportunities exist for glass industry applications (7).
materials that have higher levels of corrosion
and erosion resistance; these are properties which Cladding of Materials
the platinum group metals can enhance. By using sheets of platinum or platinum alloys,
Platinum is relatively non-reactive with most it is quite possible to fabricate furnaces, chan-
glass melts and glass vapours at temperatures nels and consumables for glass processing (8).

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995,39, (3), 98-107 98

Terminal block

Thermocouple wires Insulator Thermocouple junction

Fig. 1 Standard assembly design for an ACTT"coated tri-level thermocouple assembly; the
assembly length, coating length, coating thickness and coating material are selected according to
customer requkmentu

Indeed, for the highest quality glass products, only be justified for the highest added-value
such as optical and lens glasses, this is already products. A less costly method is to clad ceramic
done. However, capital cost is high because of or molybdenum substrates with sheets of plat-
the thickness of sheet that is needed, and may inum group metals. In this way the amount of

Fig. 2(a) ACT'r" 10 per cent

rhodium-platinum coated inul-
lite thermocouple sheath after
king in service for 27 months
in container glass. The coating
to the underlying ceramic s u b
(b) A traditional 10 per cent
rhodium-platinum clad tri-level
thermocouple sheath after
service in container glaus

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, ( 3 ) 99

the platinum group metal employed is signifi- temperatures at various depths in molten glass
cantly reduced, while the strength and corro- as it flowed down the forehearth. The advan-
sion resistance of the component is maintained. tage in using Johnson Matthey ACTTM for ther-
However, there are limits beyond which the mocouple sheaths, compared with conventional
thickness of the platinum cladding metal can- cladding, is that the standardised basic assem-
not be reduced, without hindering fabrication bly design can be customised for assembly
or service requirements. To overcome this length, coating length, coating thickness and
restriction Johnson Matthey introduced its coating material, according to customer require-
ACTTMcoating technology which allows coat- ments, see Figure 1.
ing thicknesses as low as 175 p.m to be used. Mullite thermocouple sheaths should be used
at temperatures below about 1400"C, primar-
Thermocouple Assembly Design ily because they have better thermal shock prop-
with AmmCoating Technology erties than alumina. Although mullite may be
The first exploitation of ACTTMtechnology used at temperatures as high as 1700"C, the
was for the protection of thermocouples used environmental conditions in the melting zones
in the arduous service environments associated of glass furnaces (where these temperatures may
with the intrusive monitoring of glass temper- be approached) are often extreme. Therefore,
atures in forehearths, or in melting furnaces (9). for temperatures above approximately 1400°C
The early ACTTMsystem had been extensively an alumina substrate should be selected.
investigated and analysed in tested and untested
conditions before field trials on thermocouple Present Statue of ACTm Forehearth
assemblies were undertaken. Early field trials Thermocouples
were performed in a forehearth for container Forehearth thermocouples, and in particular
making where the components were subjected tri-levels, are used to measure the glass tem-
to temperatures of up to 1200°C in flint, amber perature profile both across the width of the
and green glasses successively, at times up to forehearth and in the glass depth. This allows
1000 hours. total control over forehearth firing cycles, and
The first commercial products were sheaths thus provides controlled viscosity of the glass
for tri-level thermocouples used for measuring gob leaving the furnace. Control of viscosity is

Typical Service Lives for ACTm Coated Mullite Thermocouple Assemblies

in Glass Making Forehearths
Country coating
CTTM Glass type Service life Comments
type in months
Australia lO%Rh-Pt Amber 6 Failure of uncoated
Ni-Cr substrate
Britain lO%Rh-Pt Flint 27 Mechanically damaged;
removed for examination
Scandinavia lO%Rh-Pt Amber 32 Still operating
Scandinavia lO%Rh-Pt Fibre 28 Still operating
Holland 1O%Rh-Pt Amber 23 Still operating
U.S.A. 1O%Rh-Pt Amber 12 Removed as planned
for examination
USA. Platinum Flint or amber 20 Still operating
U.S.A. Platinum Flint & amber 19 Still operating
Britain Platinum Flint & amber 18 Still operating
U.S.A. Platinum Amber 17-19 Still operating

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 100

Fig. 3 Optical micrograph of a
section through 10 per cent
rhodium-platinum cladding
after service in container glass.
Note the high level of porosity
within the structure of the
cladding and the presence of
glass between the cladding and
the underlying substrate

essential to ensure that the gob weight may be rhodium-platinum coating, and particularly the
maintained within the tight tolerance band portion that had been submerged in the molten
required, for example, in the production of glass glass, was found to be in excellent condition,
containers by the NNPB (narrow neck press see Figure 2(a). The traditional clad product
and blow) process. also appeared to be good, Figure 2@).However,
ACTTMcoated sheaths are already installed further examination of the clad thermocouple
worldwide in numerous plants in full scale pro- assembly revealed a significant amount of pore
duction. The success of the coating technology development within the structure of the
is demonstrated by the service lives, now in cladding, Figure 3. This degradation is seri-
excess of 2.5 years, shown in the Table. ous since it would be expected to promote con-
siderable mechanical weakening.
Comparison between ACTTM Coated and Alloy claddings are essentially separate struc-
Traditional Sheet-Clad Assemblies tures from the underlying ceramic sheathing
The second thermocouple assembly referred and are expected to have inherent mechanical
to in the Table entered service in May 1992 at strength. When the strength is compromised,
PLM Redfearn’s Barnsley plant. Approximately as happened here, the integrity of the whole
200 mm of its mullite sheath was coated with assembly must be at risk. A reduction in the
ACTTM10 per cent rhodium-platinum to a thick- mechanical strength of the component could
ness of about 200 pn, thickening to 250 pm at result in thimble failure and loss, with conse-
the glass line. The thermocouple ran continu- quential damage to the thermocouple element.
ously until its removal following mechanical In comparison, ACTTMcoated thermocou-
damage during forehearth repair work in ple sheaths are simple composite structures.
September 1994. It had been fractured during They do not lose integrity in the same way as
the repair work in the uncoated ceramic where clad products since the mechanical strength of
it had rested within the forehearth roof. the platinum group metal coating derives from
The thermocouple assembly was visually exam- &-intimate contact with the substrate sheath.
ined, evaluated, fully destructively analysed and The ACTTMcoating had fully protected the
compared to a traditional clad tri-level thermo- underlying ceramic sheath from glass corrosion,
couple sheath with a cemented ZGS 10 per cent even at the critical aidglass interface. It had per-
rhodium-platinum cladding that had been in ser- formed successfully for 27 months in a molten
vice for several years in a forehearth at the same glass environment, and could have continued
container manufacturer (10, 11). The cladding in service.
had an original thickness of at least 500 pm. The maximum service life of an ACTTMcoated
On visual examination the ACT^^ 10 per cent thermocouple assembly is therefore still

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 101

Fig. 4 A typical glass melting furnace forehearth
Photographby counesy of Parlunson Spencer Refracroner Lrd.

unknown, currently being 32 months operating Glass composition and chemical homogene-
in a forehearth in Scandinavia, as shown in the ity are largely determined by control at the melt-
Table. Ultimately service life will be dictated by ing stage and during conditioning of the glass.
specific operating and environmentalconditions. However, the feeder of the forehearth is crucial
for the effective manufacture of components
Development of ACTm Technology and dictates the shape, weight, thermal homo-
for Forehearth Consumables geneity and compositional homogeneity of the
The natural development of ACTTMcoating glass gob from which the products are made.
technology was into forehearth consumables The introduction of foreign material or defects
and these applications are achieving major suc- at this stage in the manufacture will almost cer-
cess, as the following case studies illustrate. tainly have a discernable and detrimental effect



Fig. 5 Schematic diagram of glass melting furnace forehearthshowing the position of the feeder
mechanism at the end of the forehearth
Diagram councsy of Zedrec Glass Condmonlng

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 102

on the final product. Thus, the performance
of the forming end components: spout bowl,
plunger, tube and orifice ring, requires careful
For the more expensive and difficult glasses,
the quality of the glass in the forming end has
often been achieved by the use of components
made of massive amounts of platinum group
metals, and ACTTMcoating technology is
unlikely to replace all of this use. However
ACTTMtechnology will enable manufacturers
who presently produce lower quality optical and Spout bowl

heat resistant glasses to upgrade their prod-

ucts and develop into other markets. For con-
tainer makers the opportunities presented by
ACTTMplatinum coatings for forehearth con-
sumables are described below.

Spout Bowls
The spout bowl is located at the end of the
forehearth, see Figures 4 to 6. The glass flow- Fi% 6-
ing down the forehearth, which may be 1200 mechanism showing the forming end com-
mm wide and 150 mm deep, is funnelled ponents: spout bowl, plunger, tube and
orifice ring
through a hole in the spout bowl into the ori-
fice ring. Therefore the ceramic bowl, especially
the leading edges of the basal hole, is subjected
to extremely erosive and corrosive conditions with other downtimes, must be beneficial. The
due to the passage of high volumes of molten followingservice experience of P L M Redfearn,
glass. Barnsley, illustrates that a spout bowl ACTTM
If erosion takes place it has a detrimental effect coated with platinum can provide these
on the maintenance of gob weight control and benefits.
in some product types defects, such as cord and The alumino-silicate bowl, installed in May
stones, may be formed. Erosion can also make 1993, was in a forehearth used for green glass
it impossible to close off the glass flow to allow production. As can be seen in Figure 7, the bowl
the orifice ring to be changed, so the whole spout was partially coated only in the most critical
bowl has to be removed and replaced. region, that is, around the exit hole. No prob-
Changing the spout bowl is a major operation, lems were reported at any time throughout its
requiring the glass in the forehearthto be “ h z e n service, although by December 1993 there were
o f f while the old bowl is removed. Installing concerns about cracks which had developed
a new bowl takes the major part of a shift, and in the refractory substrate. While not causing
re-establishment of a flow of high quality glass leakage, under normal circumstancesthe cracks
may take several hours. would have been sdliciently serious to indicate
Thus, changing the spout bowl causes major that the bowl might not survive until the next
downtime and production loss, and while it may scheduled break for maintenance. In fact the
be possible to schedule changes to coincide with ACTm coating sustained the bowl for a fi.uther
other downtimes, the true cost can be very high. full year.
Clearly anything which can extend the intervals When the bowl was finally removed at a
between changes, or improve the coincidence planned shutdown it had been in service for

Plarinum Metab Rev., 1995,39, (3) 103

Fig. 7 ACTm platinum coated
s p t bowl partiany coated only
m die area around the exit bole.
Proteetion ofthis critical region
improves maintenance of gob
weight control and allows the
glass flow to be consistently
closed off during orifice ring

20 months. The area of the bowl carrying the of the original substrate surface, allowing the
ACTTMplatinum coating was separated from glass flow to be shut off.
the bulk of the ceramic and returned for exam- The ACT^^ platinum coating on the critical
ination. section of the spout bowl had performed effec-
The ACTTMcoating was found to be intact tively. A very significant extension to its life had
over the major portion of the original surface, been achieved, and downtime, from one or more
see Figure 8. The refractory substrate was in component changes, had been eliminated. The
two pieces, resulting from cracks in the ceramic weakness, if any, lay with the refractory ceramic.
which had developed after only a few months The cracking could have presented a problem
of service. The regions of the coating that were if the ACTTMcoating had not been so stable and
not associated with any ceramic substrate crack- effective. In non-ACTTMcoated ceramics,
ing appeared to have performed superbly. In the cracked areas usually erode more rapidly than
areas where the ceramic had cracked the plat- the surrounding ceramic, and this accelerated
inum coating had even maintained the profile erosion/corrosion would traditionally have

Fig. 8 ACTTnplatinum coated

spout bowl after service of 20
months in container glass. The
platinum is still intact and
throughout the service life ofthe
bowl the ACT^ coating main-
tained the profile of the original
ceramic subatrate

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, ( 3 ) 104

caused extreme variations in both flow and ther- continuous gob monitoring and feedback
mal distribution within the glass. control systems significantly improve the gob
Investigations of the bowl have been under- weight control, an ACTTMcoated plunger would
taken and have provided guide lines for the enable even better control to be achieved.
selection of ceramic substrates.
ACTm Coated Orifice Rings
ACTm Coated Feeder Tubes The orifice ring is the final contact surface for
Unless protected, all ceramics used in glass the glass before the gob slides down the chute
making will begin to change dimensionally, due into the mould for forming. The orifice ring
to erosion and corrosion, *om the moment they controls the dimensions and shape of the gob,
come into contact with the glass. Stable com- and with the plunger and the tube it controls
ponents can be created by ACTTM coating with the weight of the gob. Ceramic orifice rings
platinum or platinum alloys. are made of alumino-silicate or zircon-mullite
ACTTMcoating of a tube requires a consider- compositions. They provide adequate perfor-
able quantity of platinum and in many circum- mance with respect to thermal shock resistance
stances, although full coatings are desirable, par- and erosion resistance, but only for limited peri-
tial coatings can be satisfactory. A short coating ods of perhaps a few days to a few weeks. All
over the bottom edge, terminating below the unprotected ceramics suffer an initial major ero-
glass surface is very effective in maintaining effi- sion followed by a steady state change, which
cient stirring and permitting closure to allow causes the gob diameter and hence the gob
orifice ring changes. Some corrosion of the tube weight to vary quite dramaticallyduring service
may occur at the glass/air interface, but in low if almost-continuous adjustment of tube and
corrosion glasses this may be tolerable. A par- plunger is not made.
tial coating may thus be very cost effective for However, users of ACTTMplatinum-coated
many applications. orifice rings report that both initial erosion and
Several ACTTMcoated tubes are currently in progressive erosion during use are totally elim-
service and have been operating for long peri- inated, even for periods of operation lasting in
ods, in a variety of glass types. One stirring tube, excess of six months. One of the partially coated
examined after it had been in service in T V triple gob orifice rings shown in Figure 9 oper-
screen and tube glass for 12 months, was found ated for over four months without any sign of
to have edges which were as well defined as when dimensional change, and provided trouble-free
it entered service. operation limited only by loss of sealing against
From this observation and from destructive the underside of the spout bowl. The area of
examinations, there are strong indications that failure was not ACTTM coated, and replacements
the life of ACTTM coated tubes is as long as those have been totally coated with an optimum
expected for other forming-end components. amount of platinum. Many examples of ACTTM
coated double gob orifice rings are in operation
ACTm Coated Plungers in the U.K. today. One container manufacturer
Ceramic plungers are the easiest forehearth has successfully operated these fully coated com-
component to change, but are second only to ponents for over six months.
the orifice ring in their contribution to the con- It has also been found that an ACTTMplat-
trol of the final quality of the glass gob. inum coated orifice ring of one diameter size
Unprotected ceramic plungers change dimen- can be used to produce a range of gob weights.
sionally due to the erosion and corrosion caused Normally with unprotected ceramic orifice rings
by the flowing glass. This progressive change a number of diameters are required. One ACTTM
must be monitored continuously to allow the coated diameter can effectively cover a range of
plunger movement to be adjusted and so con- diameters, which is explained by its stability. By
trol the weight of the glass gob. While the newer careful selection of the median diameter and

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 105

Fig. 9 Triple gob orifice rings,
partially coated with platinum
in critical using ACT^
technology. One such ring ope^
ated in container glaw for over
4 months without any sign of
dimensional change in the
orifices. The operaiing life was
only limited by failure of the
ceramic subetrate m an area not
protected by the ACTrn coating

production scheduling, ACTTM platinum coat- cal strength and thermal shock resistance
ing technology can be used for orifice rings in becomes possible, and the compromises needed
forehearths where both different sized contain- to select a ceramic are reduced.
ers and continuous runs of the same sized con- In fact ceramic substrates can now be reassess-
tainer are produced. ed, perhaps enabling alternative ceramics which
Operational benefits include improved con- have some inherently valuable property, but
trol of the gob weight and a reduction in down- which have been unusable for reasons such as
times caused by the need to change the ceramic coloration, to be chosen. Optimised refractory
orifice ring. Being able to maintain the glass ceramic substrates, compatible with ACTTM
flow between different sized containers also coating technology will yield composites hav-
avoids the need to re-establish flow, which oth- ing far higher capabilities, such as longer ser-
erwise can often result in defects in the glass. vice lives, than currently used materials. Such
issues are now being studied.
Refractory Ceramics as Substrates The quality of the surface finish of the refrac-
While many refractory ceramics are available, tories used for ACTTMcoating is important. It
current usage tends to limit the range employed is not unusual to find pores and gas holes on
within each zone of the glass melting furnace. the surface of a ceramic. In order to develop a
At the forming end, for example, the choice is surface coating with high interfacial integrity, a
dominated by variants of alumino-silicate and pre-coating preparatory stage may be required
zircon-mullite. The one selected is generally a if the initial quality is poor. This pre-process-
compromise to provide the most appropriate ing is clearly undesirable and refractory ceramic
combination of strength, thermal shock prop- manufacturers must be encouraged to supply
erties and corrosion resistance. materials with the improved quality of surface
ACT^^ technology creates a special relation- finish that is now needed.
ship with the ceramic substrate; the coatings are
enhanced by high quality refractory substrates, Conclusions
but can be diminished by poor substrates. At Current trends require glass manufacturers to
the forming end, the ACTTM coating beneficially produce better quality products, and are forc-
modifies the corrosion resistance of the com- ing them to improve efficiency. With brittleness,
posite structure. Thus, the choice of refrac- poor thermal shock resistance, high porosity
tory substrate becomes easier, particularly when and poor corrosion/erosion resistance inher-
fully coated, and selection based on mechani- ent in primary refractory ceramic containment

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, ( 3 ) 106

materials this could present insurmountabledif- now provide higher productivity and lower
ficulties. While cladding, relying on metal manufacturing costs.
strength achieved by using sheets of platinum ACTTMplatinum coating for tri-level ther-
group metals over refractories has been bene- mocouple sheaths is now a major world-wide
ficial for long periods of service, the metal product. Trials that have been undertaken on
requirement is high and therefore expensive. forehearth forming-end consumables have
New ACTTMcoatings effectively combine the demonstrated the wider applicability of ACTTM
best features and properties of both ceramics coating technology, from which glass makers
and platinum group metals, and give the oper- are now benefiting. It is anticipated that ACTm
ational durability and efficiency required by the coatings will find increased use in glass furnaces
glass industry. ACTTM platinum coating of form- as the best combined features and properties of
ing-end ceramicshas demonstrated major poten- ceramics and metals are sought. These devel-
tial for improving glass making operating prac- opments will require the integration of tech-
tices. It has highlighted the benefits possible nologies, notably those of the ceramicist, the
in control of gob diameter, shape and weight, metallurgist, the glass technologist and the fur-
and has brought stability to the forehearth nace builder to ensure that the maximum bene-
operation. Major reductions in downtime fit is gained by customers and manufacturers.

1 D. R. Coupland, Platinum Metals Rev., 1993,37, 6 G. L. Selman, J. G. Day and A. A. Bourne,
(213 62 Platinurn Metals Rev., 1974, 18, (2), 46; G. L.
2 D. R. Coupland and H. E. Hunt, Proc. Selman and A. A. Bourne, Platinum Met& Rev.,
Scandinavian Glass SOC.,Autumn 1993, Viixjo, 1976,20, (3), 86
Sweden 7 J. Stokes, Platinum Metals Rev., 1987, 31, (2),
3 Canadian Ceramic Society, 92nd Annual Meeting 54
and Convention, Montreal, Canada, 20th to 22nd 8 D. Ott and Ch. J. Raub, Platinum Metals Rev.,
February 1994 1986, 30, (3), 132; 1987, 31, (2), 64
4 Johnson Matthey PLC, European Patent
9 D. A. Toenshoff, Glass, 1992,69, (l), 21
5 Johnson Matthey PLC, European Patent 10 Internal Johnson Matthey Report, Nov. 1994
931300,823B 1 1 Internal Johnson Matthey Report, Dec. 1994

Ruthenium Improves Corrosion of Stainless Steel

Duplex stainless steels containing typically Now, research from South Africa, involving
chromium, nickel, molybdenum and nitrogen, immersion in sulphuric acid and electrochem-
and having approximately equal volume frac- ical measurements, has shown that the addition
tions of austenitic and ferritic phases in their of just 0.28 per cent of ruthenium to duplex
microstructure, are used in aggressivechemical stainless steel: iron-29 per cent chromium-14
and marine environments where high corrosion per cent nickel-3 per cent molybdenum can
resistance is required, such as in heat exchang- increase the corrosion resistance of the base alloy
ers, desalinationplants, food pickling and mine by improving the hydrogen evolution efficiency
waters. However, there is always a demand for and by inhibiting anodic dissolution (2). Adding
improved corrosion resistance in these steels to ruthenium moved the corrosion potential
cope with increasingly severe environmental towards more noble values. As the nitrogen con-
conditions, and much work has been done to tent in these alloys was extremely low, in order
meet this. In particular, it is known that small to obtain the desired microstructure the nickel
additions of the platinum group metals improve content was higher than usual; this additionally
corrosion resistance in stainless steel (1). Similar benefited the observed corrosion resistance.
improvements have been observed after adding
platinum group metals to duplex stainless steels References
with low-chromium contents, but no research 1 I. R. McGill, Platinum Metah Rev., 1990,34, (2),
85; 1990, 34, (3), 144
had been done on the effects of adding platinum 2 J. H. Potgieter and H. C. Brookes, Corros. Eng.
group metals to high-chromium duplex alloys. (Houston), 1995, 51, (4), 312

Platinurn Me& Rev,, 1995,39, (3) 107

Recent Developments in Methodologies
Using Platinum. Group Metal Catalysts
By D. T. Thompson
Consulting Chemist, Reading, England

Although most catalytic chemical produc- either ruthenium or rhodium with a complex
tion processes use heterogeneous gas or liquid collection of additives in a mixed solvent system.
phase systems, there are a significant number Many of these processes involve platinum
of industrial processes which depend upon the group metal catalysts, and their success, at least
use of soluble platinum group metal catalysts. in part, is due to their efficient use of the cata-
Separation of catalysts from the products has lyst, single catalyst charges having long lifetimes.
been a principal hindrance to more widespread If it were easier to separate catalysts from sub-
use of these systems. strates, many more applications might be pos-
However, recently developed approaches to sible for homogeneous systems. Attempts to
the use of soluble platinum group metal cata- anchor complexes onto polymeric supports,
lysts are helping to overcome this problem and such as polystyrene and silica are reported to
to provide useful new routes to organic prod- have been only partially successful (24). Some
ucts with significant market potential, particu- new approaches which may lead to significant
larly for pharmaceuticals. On the other hand, industrial developments are considered below.
modification of heterogeneous catalysts via
adsorption of certain organic species onto their Ligand-Enhanced Biphasic
surfaces is making them more selective, and is Rhodium Catalyst System
promoting investigation of their use into areas, Catalysis at the interface between phases in a
such as stereospecific organic synthesis, which biphasic aqueouslorganic system can be
to date have been predominantly the province enhanced using a ‘promoter ligand’. This lig-
of homogeneous catalysis. and is soluble in the organic phase but insolu-
The principal commercial uses of homoge- ble in the aqueous phase, and will bind to the
neous catalysts have been recently reviewed (1). water-soluble organometallic catalyst, thereby
These include the carbonylation of methanol increasingthe catalyst concentration at the inter-
(the Monsanto acetic acid process), hydro- face between the phases.
formylation for n-butyraldehyde and 2-ethyl- In a recent example, the hydroformylation of
hexanol production (the Johnson MattheyAJnion 1-octene was studied using a water soluble cat-
Carbide/Davy McKee process), the Wacker alyst system, m(COD)Cl],/tppts (where COD
process for the oxidation of alkenes, the Dupont is cycloocta-l,5-diene and tppts is triphenyl-
process for the hydrocyanation of butadiene, phosphine trisulphonate) in a biphasic system:
the oxidation of saturated hydrocarbons and
alkylbenzenes, for example, cyclohexane to
1-octene n-nonaldehyde
cyclohexanoneand cyclohexanol, and lastly, the
Shell Higher Olefins Process (SHOP) which
involves catalytic oligomerisation of ethene, fol-
lowed by isomerisation and alkene metathesis. When a ‘promoter ligand’, triphenylphosphine,
A process for the production of ethylene gly- is added to this system, it binds to the water-
col from synthesis gas has been developed by soluble organometallic catalyst, thus function-
a consortium of four Japanese companies, and ing as an enabling agent. Using this technique,
the catalyst system that is used is based on the catalyst concentration is increased at the

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3), 108-111 108


Scheme I

interface between the two phases and as a result Work on polymer-supported catalyst systems
promotes an enhancement in the reaction rate is continuing and there are recent reports of
of between 10 and 50 times (5, 6). interesting selectivities. One such report
describes the remarkable synergistic effect of
Polymer-Supported Catalyst polymer-anchored bimetallic palladium-ruthe-
Systems nium catalysts in the selective hydrogenation of
Ever since the 1970s polymer-supported metal pchloronitrobenzene, see Scheme I (7).
complex catalysts have been investigated, as their When PVP-PdC1,-RuCl, (I) (PVP = poly(N-
use would facilitate the separation of catalysts vinyl-2-pyrrolidone)) is used as the catalyst for
from products at the end of the reaction. Such the hydrogenation ofpchloronitmbenzene in the
materials were hailed as a third generation of presence of 0.01 per cent of sodium acetate, and
catalysts (3), after heterogeneous and homoge- with a pal1adium:ruthenium ratio of 1:1 or 1:2,
neous systems. Polymer-supported metal com- selectivitiesof 94.1 and 94.9 ofpchloroaniline
plex catalyst systems combine reasonable activ- are obtained, respectively. When PVP-PdCl, (II)
ity with selectivity, specificity and the easy was used as the catalyst in the presence of sodium
separation of the catalyst. Although activities acetate, the normal dehydrohalogenation to ani-
are usually reduced compared with homoge- line took place, giving selectivities of up to 97.8
neous systems, every metal atom is used in the aniline. Although ruthenium species are not active
catalysis, and this gives a potential advantage both for the hydrodechlorination and the reduc-
over heterogeneous systems where only a small tion of the nitro group of the nitrochloroani-
percentage of the metal atoms (those at the sur- l i e , the ruthenium species that are formed in sim
face) are exposed to the reactants. This last fac- may inhibit the oxidative addition of the carbon-
tor can be significant when selecting the plat- chlorine bond to the active palladium centres.
inum metals catalyst systems. As the structures
of homogeneous and polymer-supported sys- Use of Glass Micro-Beads
tems are well defined, their activities can be with a Chiral Ruthenium Catalyst
modified systematically by changing the chern- Stimulated by the demands of the regulatory
ical environment of the active site much more agencies, there is an increasing market for enan-
easily than in heterogeneous systems. tiomerically pure pharmaceuticals and for

Platinum Metak Rev., 1995, 39, ( 3 ) 109

insecticides (1,8,9). Recent work by Wan and is basically the same as the homogeneous
Davis (10, 11) indicates the use of glass micro- system from which it derives, leading to only
beads, with controlled pore size for the absorp- a small reduction in activity while retaining
tion of a polar liquid (ethylene glycol), together high enantioselectivity.
with a chiral ruthenium complex to form a cat-
alyst phase. This catalyst system has been used Greater Optical Yield with Platinum
in synthesis to give a high enantiomeric excess M d e d by Dihydrocinchonidine
of the important anti-inflammatory agent (S)- There have been reports of useful optical yields
naproxen (IV)from 2(6'-methoxy-2'-naph- resulting from the reduction of methyl pyruvate
thy1)acrylic acid (111), using hydrogen reduc- with platinum in the presence of the alkaloid,
tion at a pressure of 94 to 101 MPa and a cinchonidine (9). Recent work, in which the
temperature of 276 to 297 K and a 1: 1 mixture hydrogenation of ethyl pyruvate over dihy-
of chloroform and cyclohexane as solvent, see drochinchonidine-modified platinum was stud-
Scheme 11. ied, has indicated a distinct trend of increas-
The ruthenium complex used was ing optical yield with increasing conversion,
[Ru(BINAP)-4SO3Na(C,H,)C1] C1 and the con- ultimately reaching a plateau of 54 to 58 per
trolled-pore glass (CPG-240) had an average cent enantiomeric excess at conversionsover 50
pore size of 242A and 120/200 mesh size. At per cent (1 2), see Scheme 111.
276 K the enantiomeric excess at 100 per cent This trend occurred over a wide range of reac-
conversion of (111) was 96 per cent, and the ini- tion temperatures where the reaction time to
tial turnover frequency for this system at 297 K reach the conversion varied from 2 minutes to
was 4 l/hour compared with 13l/hour for the 2 hours.
homogeneous system in neat methanol. The It has been concluded that the dynamic adsorp-
high reaction rate and enantiomeric excess for tion/desorption processes which occur early on
this new homogeneous catalyst are accomplished in the reaction ultimately establish an equili-
without loss of ruthenium to the organic phase brated surface environment, thus allowing the
at a detection limit of 32 ppb. full potential of this system for chiral hydro-
The success of this new catalyst system is genation to be realised.
attributed to the fact that the phase contain- A second conclusion drawn from this work
ing the organometallic complex and ethylene was a suppression of opticai yield for reactions
glycol is physically immobilised onto the sup- carried out under diffusion limitations. This
port, rather than joined to the support via a suggests that the formation of the R(+)-ethyl
chemical bond (which considerably reduces lactate has a strong positive dependence on
the activity). The new heterogeneous system the hydrogen concentration. Development of

( 111) Scheme I1 (S )-Naproxen (IV)

Ethyl pyruvate
- H

R(+)-ethyl lactate
Scheme 111

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 110

1,2-Diphenylhydrazi n e 0 -Semi d i ne

an overall kinetic model of this reaction is help-by labile ligands (13), see Scheme IV.
ing to contribute to a greater understanding of Treatment of a dichloromethane solution of
chiral heterogeneous catalysis. [Rh(PPh,),(nbd)] C10, (nbd = norbornadiene
= bicyclo[2,2,1] hepta-2,5-diene) containing an
Rhodium Catalysed Rearrangement equimolar amount of lY2-diphenylhydrazine
of 1,2-Diphenylhydr&e with hydrogen gas (with caution, bearing in
The complexation behaviour of lY2-diphenyl- mind the possible explosion hazard) gives a deep
hydrazine to metals has not been widely stud- red solution of [Rh(o-semidine)(PPh3),1C10,
ied, but its reactions with samarium and tung- which contains a bidentate ligand bonded to
sten complexes have resulted in either the rhodium.
formation of hydrazido complexes or cleavage It is proposed that the rearrangement involves
of the N-N bond; no rearrangement of the aro- the initial co-ordination of the 1,%-diphenyl-
matic hydrazine has been observed. It has been hydrazine as a bidentate ligand to rhodium(1).
reported recently that lY2-diphenylhydrazine Steric constraints then place the phenyl rings of
rearranges exclusively to o-semidine in the pres- the co-ordinated ligand in a perfect position
ence of square planar rhodium(1) complexes to allow the exclusive formation of o-semidine
and this reaction is catalytic when there are two via a similar mechanism to that which occurs in
cis-sites in the square plane which are occupied the acid-catalysed benzidine rearrangement.

1 A. W. Parkins in “Insights into Speciality Inorganic 7 Z. Yu, S. Liao, Y. Xu,B. Yang and D. Yu,J Chem.
Chemicals”, ed. D. T. Thompson, Royal Society SOC., Chem. Commun., 1995, 1155
of Chemistry, Cambridge, 1995, p. 105 8 J. M. Brown in “Insights into SpecialityInorganic
Chemicals”, ed. D. T Thompson, Royal Society
2 P. J. Davidson, R R Hignett and D. T. Thompson, of Chemistry, Cambridge, 1995, p. 123
in “Catalysis”, Spec. Per. Report, Royal Society G. C. Bond in “Insights into SpecialityInorganic
of Chemistry, London, 1977,1,369 Chemicals”, ed. D. T. Thompson, Royal Society
3 F. R. Hartley, “Supported Metal Catalysts”, of Chemistry, Cambridge, 1995, p. 63
Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, 1985 10 K. T. Wan and M. E. Davis, Nature, 1994, 370,
4 Y. Iwasawa, “Tailored Metal Catalysts”, Reidel, (6489), 449
Dordrecht, Holland, 1986 11 J. M. Brown and S . G. Davies, Nature, 1994,370,
(6489), 418
5 D. T. Thompson, Platinum Metals Rev., 1995,39, 12 U. K. Singh, R. N. Landau, Y. Sun, C. LeBond,
(2), 62 D. G. Blackmond, S . K. Tanielyan and R. L.
6 R. V. Chaudhari, B. M. Bhanage, R. M. Augustine,.J Catal., 1995,154, 91
Deshpande and H. Delmas, Nature, 1995,373, 13 C. J. Davies, B. T. Heaton and C. Jacob, J. Chem.
(6514), 501 SOC.,Chem. Commun.,1995, 1177

Conference on Chemistry of the Platinum Group Metals

The Sixth International Conference on the Keynote speakers are H. Takaya, M. Brookhart,
Chemistry of the Platinum Group Metals w illbe P. Sadler, M. Gratzel, 0.Eisenstein and G. Ertl.
held at York University, England, from 2 1st to Both oral and poster conmbutions w illbe wel-
26th July 1996. The conference, organised by come. For further information contact Dr John
the Dalton Division of the Royal Society of F. Gibson, RS.C., Burlington House, Piccadilly,
Chemistry, is convened by Professor R N. Perutz. London W 1V OBN, UK; Fax:0 171-734-1227.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, ( 3 ) 111

European Precious Metals Conference
The Second Eurometaux Precious Metals required, the formation of brown powder can
Conference, organised by members of the be reduced to minimal levels by the introduc-
European precious metals industry, was held in tion of a gold film. This also serves to increase
Lisbon from 10th to 12th May, 1995.The indus- the wear resistance of the contact.
try is seeing the spread of environmental legis-
lation which is imposing new constraints on it, Palladium Powders in Microelectronics
but at the same time is also creating opportu- A paper describing the use of palladium metal
nities for the development of new technolo- powders for microelectronics was presented
gies and uses. Around 200 representatives from by E. M. Meyer of Metalor. Palladium used in
European and other noble metals industries the electronics industry accounts for around 47
attended the conference. Here we present a per cent of the total demand. Palladium is used
selective review of some of the platiniferous work in bonding applications via ultrasonic friction
reported at the sessions on advances in precious or press welding, and one of the largest bond-
metals applications, and especially on recent ing applications is in the production of micro-
innovation in automotive applications. electronic devices. Here layers of palladium pow-
der are sandwiched between barium titanate to
Precious Metals Applications form a circuit.
A paper by H. H. Beyer of Degussa reported Advances over the years have resulted in
on a method for surface hardening platinum, smaller devices requiring a continuous layer of
by the use of boron for jewellery applications. palladium powder, which must be free of lumps.
A hardened layer suitable for polishing is pro- With the constant demand for yet smaller elec-
duced when a boriding agent diffuses into plat- trical devices, new methods will be required
inum during heating for three hours at 600°C. to produce finer palladium powders.
Beyer also outlined the use of electroforming
for the production of thinner, hollow, intricate Deposition Processes
jewellery. A system where platinum is electro- Various methods of deposition of the platinum
formed using titanium electrodes at 75°C is group metals, and the components formed using
now being tested and is expected to become these processes, were discussed by D. A.
commercially available soon. Toenshoff and R. D. Lanam, Engelhard, (EI).
While salt plating is inexpensive, it is difficult
Palladium in Contact Bonding to vary the substrate, and the deposit has to be
The use of palladium and palladium alloys for relatively thick. Sputter coatings, however, which
contact and bonding applications was discussed need to be only half as thick, retain the same
by J. Wachter of W. C. Heraeus. For many years properties as salt coatings, and can utilise many
palladium has been used in the manufacture different substrates. New applications for sput-
of switch contacts. When palladium only is used, ter coatings include power tools coated with
a brown powder is formed during operation in platinum, platinum on tungsten for the lighting
an organic gas environment. industry and platinum coated wires for pace-
The substitution of silver to form a 70 per cent makers.
palladium-30 per cent silver alloy significantly A second process, known as the "PDC"
reduces the powder formation, and more process, described enhanced plasma and high
recently the introduction of copper to form a velocity oxygen fuel coating techniques, which
three-way alloy has increased the tensile prop- are used to deposit fine layers of precious met-
erties of the alloy. if palladim-only contacts are als. Such techniques are being developed towards

PSatinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3), 112-116 112

the fabrication of finished forms. Coatings that to end users in the glass industry are a substantial
were mentioned included platinum, iridium and reduction in downtime and an increased prod-
platindrhodium. uct yield, two factors which are expected to cause
Electroforming technology can punfL the plat- the ACTTMtechnology to grow rapidly in this
inum group metals, as well as form complex field. A wide range of examples were given,
shapes of platinum group alloys and refractory showing ACTTMproducts before and after use
metals and has been used by EI to produce irid- in different glass types.
ium crucibles. The electrolyte is a complex salt
of the metals with halogenoids of alkaline met- Automotive Applications
als. Electroforming takes place from the The session on innovation in automotive appli-
halogenoid melt under inert gas at elevated tem- cations looked at the role of the noble metals,
perature, using an anode of the metal to be particularly the platinum group metals, in motor
deposited and a shaped mandrel which deter- vehicles. Emission standards for motor vehicles
mines the geometry of the hnalcomponent. The are being set at increasingly stringent levels in
advantage of this method is that it produces a growing number of countries, and all new
extremely pure metal. EI are developing this motor vehicles are now designed with platinum
process for ruthenium and iridium products. group metal catalysts to control the emissions
of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitro-
Iridium gen oxides to these legislated levels.
A paper by D. Lupton of W. C. Heraeus and The increasing growth in the use of diesel
B. Fischer of Jena Polytechnic reported on the engines for passenger transport, and especially
difficultiesin processing iridium, due to its high for cars in Europe, has drawn attention to the
rate of work hardening and the deleterious effects ultra fine particulates with a mean diameter of
of small levels of contaminants segregating less than 10 p,PMlOs, which are emitted by
strongly to grain boundaries. It pointed, how- diesel engines. Platinum group metals assist in
ever, to the excellent high temperature strength the regeneration of self-cleaning particulate traps
of iridium, and showed its stress rupture prop- and filters to control these emissions. While car-
erties at 1800°C to be comparable to those of bon dioxide is not a legislated pollutant, it is the
platinum-rhodium or dispersion strengthened major “greenhouse” gas contributing to global
alloys operating at much lower temperatures. warming, and increasingly more countries are
encouraging the development of fuel-efficient
Advanced Coating Technology cars, which limit the production of carbon diox-
A paper by P. N. Duncan and W. G. Hall of ide. The growth in electronic systems designed
Johnson Matthey discussed the recent devel- for fuel efficiency, safety and comfort in new
opment of a process for thermally depositing cars all involve precious metals for contacts,
platinum onto a wide range of ceramic and metal capacitors and circuitry.
substrates. This process of advanced coating
technology, known as ACTTMhas progressed Legislation and Metal Consumption
dramatically beyond the development phase The first paper by R. A. Searles of Johnson
to find widescale applications notably in the Matthey reviewed emission standards around
glass industry. The process, which is described the world and the accelerating rate at which
elsewhere in this journal, enables the best use countries are adopting standards requiring plat-
of the surface properties of platinum, providing inum group metal catalysts for emission con-
corrosion protection, and the mechanical trol. While only North America and Japan used
strength of the substrate materials. Complex platinum group metal catalysts between 1975
shapes can be coated, taking platinum into new to 1985, by the end of the century all the major
areas of application where traditional cladding established and developing car markets of the
processes have proved impossible. The benefits world are expected to require the use of

Platinum MetaLc Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 113

platinum group metal catalysts. This he ascribed However, the popularity of diesel engines has
to the growing problems caused by transport- increased due to their better fuel economy and
related pollution, and the fact that the mar- improved power and performance, and catalyst
kets that develop new engines and models have technology is being developed and applied to
tough emission limits to which all new cars are enhance their environmental performance.
required to comply. Smedler reviewed oxidation catalysts, lean
The new standards set in California and the NOx and four-way catalysts and particulate fil-
Northeastern States are actively being consid- ters (with catalytic regeneration). Oxidation cat-
ered for the rest of the U.S.A. and for the alysts control carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons
European Union, and these would require and some of the particulates, by oxidising the
greater dependence on catalyst technology and volatile organic fiaction. It is necessary to avoid
more platinum group metals in each car. The increases in the level of sulphur trioxide in the
technology required to satisfy these tighter reg-exhaust since sulphate formation can contribute
ulations includes additional starter or light-offto particulate levels. Sulphate formation is min-
catalysts, faster acting catalysts (from a cold imised at exhaust temperatures of less than
start) and catalystswith auxiliary heating (either
400"C,but there is still a problem for engines
electrical or by injecting a small amount of fuel).
with exhaust temperatures above 500°C and
In May 1995 it was exactly 21 years since in these cases the use of the low sulphur level
Johnson Matthey and other manufacturers had diesel fuels, now becoming widely available, can
alleviate any environmental problems.
delivered the first production quantities of auto-
catalysts to the U.S.A. and Japan, and 1995 is However, lean NOx control of the diesel engine
emissions is still required. Smedler reported that
the first year in which the majority of cars in the
world have catalysts. Johnson Matthey has esti- a most elegant method for the decomposition
mated that there are now 255 million platinum of nitric oxide and other nitrogen oxides (NOx)
group metal catalyst-equipped cars in the world, to nitrogen and oxygen without the formation
out of a total of 491 million cars, and by the year
of by-products had been demonstrated on pre-
2000 56 per cent of the car population, or 310 reduced precious metal, particularly rhodium.
million cars, are expected to have catalysts. However, to maintain the pre-reduced state
While total demand for new platinum group requires the addition of selective reduction
metals has doubled between 1975 and 1995, agents. Ammonia, urea and diesel fuel had been
their use in autocatalysts during this period hastried. Results from several systems, including
increased more than 7-fold and presently platinum on alumina and copper on zeolite, were
accounts for 36 per cent (3,750 thousand reported; these had achieved NOx conversions
ounces) of all new platinum group metals pro- of 30 to 45 per cent. Progress towards over-
duced. By 2000 the gross demand for platinum coming the disadvantagesof both systems were
group metals for autocatalysts is predicted to described.
increase to 5,170 thousand ounces, of which 46 The concept of the four-way diesel catalyst for
per cent will be new metal. controlling emissions of carbon monoxide,
hydrocarbons, NOx and particulate was intro-
Diesel Emissions Control duced. Limited ageing on experimental cata-
The role of platinum group metal catalysis lysts had shown conversions of 92 per cent, 88
in the control of diesel emissions was reviewed per cent, 17 per cent and 37 per cent, respec-
by G. Smedler of Johnson Matthey. He tively. Finally Smedler reviewed systems for fil-
described the differences between petrol and tering and destroying particulate emissions.
diesel fuels and emphasised the twin challenge These systems can be either active or intermit-
of low temperatures and lean operation for the tent, using burners or heaters or be passive con-
catalyst engineer, with excess air making it im- tinuous systems. Ceramic honeycomb wall flow
possible to apply classical three-way catalysis. filters are best for meeting the requirements.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 114

The collected particulate must be destroyed by described a unique proprietary palladium-only
burning. catalyst which could only function with the
One system which had demonstratedhigh lev- quality of fuel available in the U.S.A.
els of particulate removal (and carbon monox-
ide and hydrocarbon oxidation) with reliable Other Automotive Uses of
regeneration was the Johnson Matthey contin- Platinum Group Metals
uously regenerating trap, CRT. This system The application of precious metal contacts
increases the level of nitrogen dioxide in the in automotive applications was discussed by
exhaust by oxidation of nitric oxide using a plat- R. Schnabl of Heraeus who reported on the sig-
inum catalyst. Soot is trapped on a following nificant increase in electrical systems utilising
ceramic wall flow filter. Nitrogen dioxide, which electrical contact materials in modern cars.
is a powerfid oxidising agent, lowers the soodpar- These systems, important for reliability and
ticulate oxidation temperature from 600 to safety, increasingly depend on precious metals
250°C. Field trials have demonstrated conver- in the contacts. Typical service requirements for
sion levels for carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons robust contact materials used to switch currents
and particulate of well over 90 per cent and reli- of up to 100 amps and for carrying electrical
able operation on a variety of engines, provided signals in the milliamp and millivolt ranges are:
that the inlet temperature to the CRT only 2.5 million switchesflifetimeat temperatures up
exceeds 250°C occasionally and that sulphur to 180°Cin the presence of corrosive pollutants,
levels in the fuel are less than 100 ppm. with vibrations in the kilocycle range and accel-
erations up to 100 g. Schnabl described the use
Three-Way Catalysts of silvednickel and palladidcopper contacts
The role of noble metals in modem three-way in headlamp relays, copper contacts plated with
catalysts was reviewed by J. Mooney of EI, with gold or palladidsilver alloy for critical systems
respect to emissions standards, the effect on fuel like airbags and brake controls. Increasingly
quality as the level of lead is reduced and refor- potentiometers are used to monitor the posi-
mulated gasoline in California which contains tion of throttle pedals, chokes, mirrors and seats,
reduced sulphur levels. He described how three- and require palladium-silver alloy wiper or slide
way catalyst design in North America is mov- contacts alloys. More demanding applications
ing away from the original platinudrhodium using sliding contacts in servo motors require
catalyst towards the use of palladidrhodium gold or platinum alloys with copper or nickel to
and palladium-only systems, while in Europe meet greater resistance to welding and erosion.
platindrhodium and platindpalladidrho-
dium systems are mostly preferred. He said that Recycling Catalytic Converters
in emerging world markets, where there was less The final paper in the session was presented
high quality fuel, use of the platinudrhodium by C. Hageluken of Degussa, who reviewed the
three-way catalyst systems would be preferred. recycling of automotive catalyst converters.
After describing the operation of a three-way Recycled platinum, palladium and rhodium
catalyst and the functions of the platinum and from autocatalysts already account for 18, 14
palladium as oxidation catalysts, and rhodium and 9 per cent, respectively, of gross demand,
as a NOx reduction catalyst, he went on to dis- with most recycled platinum group metals com-
cuss the mechanisms occurring on the catalyst ing from North America - an estimated 6,000
surface. These include the role of base metal to 8,000 todyear of autocatalystsubstrate (con-
components, such as cerium, which by an oxy- taining 7 ton platinum, 2 ton palladium and 0.6
gen storage mechanism, widened the operating ton rhodium), and Japan, estimated at 1,500 to
window. Improved performance was achieved 2,000 tondyear (containing 1.7 ton platinum,
by separating the platinum group metals into 0.5 ton palladium and 0.15 ton rhodium). In
different layers in the washcoat. He also Europe in 1994 only 250 tons of autocatalyst

Platinum Merak Rm., 1995, 39, (3) 115

substrate were available for recycling; this con- it is anticipated that 3,500 to 4,000 tons of auto-
tained 400 kg of platinum and 70 kg of rhodium. catalyst substrate should be available annually
In Germany the number of cars sold with cat- for platinum group metal recovery.
alytic converters has risen from 50,000 in 1985 In conclusion, continuing advances in the pre-
to 3.3 million in 1992. Hageluken estimated cious metals industries, even since the first
that by the end of 1994 there were 40 million Eurometaux conference was held in 1993,
catalyst-equipped vehicles in Europe and this together with the driving force of legislation to
would increase by 10 million cars during 1995. cope with levels of pollutants in the environ-
At present some 8 million cars are scrapped each ment, will ensure that the interest in innovation
year, but very few are fitted with converters. within the European refining and fabrication
Hageluken reviewed the system of returning industries for noble metals, remains at a high
scrap catalytic converters to the precious metal level. The Proceedings of the Conference will
refiner as well as the hydrometallurgical and not be published, but papers may be obtained
pyrometallurgical methods of platinum group from Eurometaux, Av. de Broqueville, Brussels,
metal recovery and separation. By the year 2000 Belgium. G.C., P.D., R.A.S.

A Comprehensive Commentary on the Platinum Metals

The Platinum Group Metals: A Global Perspective
BY c. F. VERMAAK, Mintek, South Africa, 1995, 247 pages, U.S.$lOO.OO, ISBN 0-86999-926-5
Frank Vermaak, a prominent South African discusses trends in world consumption of plat-
geologist, has undertaken the daunting task of inum group metals between 1981 and 1992,
writing a comprehensive overview of the geol- providing detailed tables of usage by region and
ogy, production and consumption of the plat- by application.
inum group metals. His aim is to provide a The latter part of the book provides an intro-
down-to-earth review, accessible to a wide audi- duction to the many applications of the plat-
ence, of all aspects on the platinum group met- inum group metals. One chapter discusses catal-
als and to suggest future developments. ysis, and covers development and manufacture
With his long experience in the platinum indus- of autocatalysts and reviews environmental leg-
try, Dr Vermaak is ideally placed to provide a islation. However, due to the extended timescale
thorough review of world resources and pro- required for the production of such an ambi-
duction of platinum group metals; and he tious treatise, Stage I1 European Union emis-
devotes the first half of the book to this, out- sions standards and the improvements in cata-
lining the occurrence of these metals in deposits lyst technology which have permitted increased
across the world. He then considers output by use of palladium in autocatalysts are not men-
producer, and concludes with a discussion of tioned. Another chapter deals with chemical,
the technical issues involved in mining, bene- glass and electronic applications.
ficiation and refining. Much of this section con- Finally, Dr Vermaak examines future demand
centrates upon South Africa, but there is also and supply of the platinum group metals. He
extensive information on platinum group metal devotes a chapter to the prospects for signifi-
resources and production in the U.S.A., Canada, cant platinum usage in fuel cells; there is detailed
China and Australia. This section performs a discussion of the different types of cell, their
valuable service in bringing together informa- potential applications, and progress towards
tion on smaller producers which, because of commercialisation. The book ends with an
their relative insignificance in terms of total examination of the social, political and economic
world supply, are not often reviewed elsewhere. factors influencing the outlook for demand and
He also includes a long discussion of platinum supply, concentrating upon the impact of the
group metals deposits and output in Russia, political changes in South Africa and Russia.
although he admits that “vital data on tonnage “The Platinum Group Metals” is a valuable
and grade remain pretty much guesswork”. addition to the literature on this subject. It
One chapter examines the marketing, distri- should prove particularly useful for the reader
bution, trading and pricing of platinum group seeking an expert overview of the background,
metals, especially up to 1992, with graphs show- geology and resources, and the uses to which
ing the long-term price trends. Dr Vermaak also the platinum group metals are put. A.J.C.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 116

Palladium Alloy pinning Wkes for
Gas Turbine Blade Investment Casting
By D. C. Power
Johnson Matthey Noble Metals, Royston

Turbine blades in aero-engine and land-based power generation gas turbines

are complex components manufactured to precise geometric, structural and
machanicalpropertytolerances. High pressure turbine blades used in the botttest,
m s t hostile and demanding sections ofgas turbines o f i n contain integral cool-
ing channels. The production of such cooling channels has been a s@$eant
advance ingas turbine efiiency and emission control. Pinningwires are used
during mouldpreparation and inwtment castingof the bladesfor reliabk man-
ufacture of the cooling channels. Traditional platinum-based materials and
new pahdium-refiactory alloysfor use as pinning wire are discussed here.

Gas turbine engines find widespread use for and further increases in operating temperature,
aircraft and marine propulsion and for land- even if only marginal, can profoundly reduce
based power generation. The engines consist of the service life of these blades.
an inlet duct followed in sequence by a com- Over the years, designers have actually been
pressor section, combustion chambers, high and able to achieve higher operating temperatures
low pressure turbine sections and an exhaust at the same time as improving the service life of
duct. Gas turbine engines operate on the sim-
ple principle of converting heat energy into
mechanical work, by taking a large volume of
air, compressing it to high pressure, mixing the
compressed air with fuel and then igniting it.
Propulsion or power generation is obtained by
the very rapid expansion of this ignited fuel-
air mixture through the turbine blades.
Thermodynamic efficiency is an important
consideration in gas turbine engine design, most
particularly for those turbines destined for the
aerospace market where the power:weight ratio
and fuel efficiency are of major concern. A sig-
nificant parameter in the equations which
describe thermodynamic efficiency is the tem-
perature difference that can be achieved across
the engine. Designers of turbine engines try to
maximise the operating temperature of the tur-
bine section of the engine, or more specifically,
the high pressure turbine section. However, there
are limitations. A turbine is composed of hun-
dreds of turbine blades which rotate at very high
speed on a series of coaxial disks. Operating Fig. 1 A 2-inch long high-pressure turbine blade
suesses and temperatures are therefore very high showing some of the multiple air cooling channels

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995,39, (3), 117-126 117

Fig. 2 A section through a 2-inch long high-pressure turbine blade exposing the internal network of air
cooling channels

the turbine blades. This has been accomplished improve thermodynamic efficiency and, signif-
through improvements in the engineering design, icantly, reduce nitrous oxide emissions.
manufacturing techniques and by the use of The cooling channels are produced by plac-
‘superalloy’materials. A significant feature in ing ceramic cores within the mould cavity in
the engineering design has been the incorpora- which the turbine blade is cast. These ceramic
tion of special cooling systems into the high pres- cores are subsequently dissolved out of the cast
sure turbine blades, see Figures 1 and 2. These turbine blade, leaving behind the required net-
cooling systems consist of a network of chan- work of cooling channels. Precise positioning of
nels within each blade which allow relatively the ceramic cores within the mould cavity, and
cold air to be pumped at pressure through the maintenance of that position throughout an elab-
centre of the blades. The air then flows out of orate series of mould preparations, firing and
numerous small holes in the blade surfaces, blade-casting processes are vital for achieving
enveloping the turbine blade in a film of cooler blade dimensional stabilityholerances. However,
air. This causes a reduction in the operating the ceramic cores have a very high length to
temperature of the turbine blade, without there diameter ratio and are only poorly supported
being any significant reduction in the operating within the mould cavity. To overcome this dif-
temperature or efficiency of the turbine engine. ficulty pinning wires are anchored in the mould
The technology of incorporatingcooling chan- cavity wall and butt against the ceramic cores.
nels within turbine blades has traditionally been The pinning wires are used to maintain core
applied to aircraft propulsion plant. More position.
recently designers of land-based gas turbines Platinum-based materials have traditionally
are showing interest in applying this technology been used for ceramic core pinning. Seven to
to create cleaner, more efficient power gener- ten pins, each of 5 to 10 mm long are typically
ating plant. The higher operating temperatures required for a 2 inch high-pressure aero-engine
that are possible using cored turbine blades turbine blade. Platinum-based materials are

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, ( 3 ) 118

Ceramic shell mould

Fig. 3 Schematic of a crosgsectionthrough a prepared mould showing the pinned ceramic cores
within the wax preform and the ceramic shell mould

used because of their proven ability to maintain ufactured by the precision casting process of
ceramic core position and subsequentlydissolve investment casting, also known as the ‘lost wax
into the turbine blade without any deleterious process’. Ceramic cores for the cooling chan-
effects on the structure or properties of the blade nels are positioned within a master mould pat-
material. Oxide dispersion strengthened plat- tern. Wax is then injected into the mould cav-
inum and, more recently, pure platinum have ity to produce a preform of the turbine blade.
seen extensive application in this area. Pinning wires are then pressed through the wax
A drawback to the more widespread use of to butt against the ceramic cores within the pre-
platinum-based pinning wires is the cost of the form. Next, the preform is coated with multi-
raw material. Recognising this, Johnson Matthey ple layers of ceramic, ultimately forming a thick
Technology Centre embarked on a programme casing around the preform with the pinning
of work to develop novel pinning wire materi- wires embedded in it. The assembly is heated
als (1). This paper discusses some of the func- to melt out the wax and then tired to strengthen
tional requirements of pinning wires and shows the ceramic. The result is a ceramic shell mould
how these have been met by alloy design. So far, containing a complex ceramic core pattern which
this work has led to the development of a range is held in position by pinning wires anchored in
of commercial, novel pinning wire alloys based the ceramic shell, see Figure 3. Finally, the
on palladium and specific refractory metals (2) mould assembly is preheated prior to casting
and the acceptance of one alloy by Rolls-Royce the turbine blade.
plc. This alloy is cheaper than platinum and has Turbine blade manufacture crucially requires
been shown to give comparable performance. the nucleation and growth of precisely controlled
microstructures. The grain structure within the
Turbine Blade Manufacture turbine-blade superalloy material is frequently
Turbine blades have a complex geometry and described by terms such as ‘equi-axed’, ‘direc-
contain many areas of double curvature. tionally solidified’ and ‘single crystal’. These
Therefore the blades have to be precisely man- characterisethe grain boundary length and thus

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 119

ultimately the performance of the turbine blade. directionally solidified aero-engine blades -
Equi-axed blades contain many small grains although there is an increasing amount of inter-
of similar size having no preferential orienta- est from manufacturers of land-based turbines.
tion. These types of blades are widely used in The alloy development programme therefore
the cooler parts of an engine. Directionally solid- concentrated on directionally solidified blades
ified blades offer significant advantages in for aero engines.
mechanical performance over equi-axed blades, Typical mould preparation conditions include
due to the preferred crystallographic orienta- air firing (sometimes in oxygen-rich air) at tem-
tion of the grains and the avoidance of trans- peratures up to 11OO'C, followed by preheat-
verse grain boundaries. Such blades are used in ing and casting under vacuum at temperatures
the hottest parts of the engine where service of about 1500°C. Processing times for each of
conditions are the most arduous. The very best these stages can vary from between 20 min-
performance is given by the single crystal tur- utes to many hours. These conditions mean that
bine blade, but unfortunately these are very the pinning wire must be resistant to oxida-
expensive and therefore not as widely employed tion, and have high temperature stability under
as directionally solidified blades, though their vacuum.
use is increasing. Precise control of the grain structure of a tur-
bine blade is necessary during its manufacture
Pinning Wire Alloy Design and if the blade is to perform reliably during service.
Functional Requirements However, pinning wire oxidation and the sub-
The primary function of the pinning wires is sequent entrapment of oxide within the molten
to maintain the position of the ceramic cores superalloy can lead to the nucleation and growth
during mould preparation and casting. While of undesirable grains. This must be avoided,
doing this the pinning wires must be able to sur- particularly in directly solidified and single crys-
vive exposure to the mould preparation condi- tal blades. Since most metals survive exposure
tions and must not have any deleterious effects to air at high temperatures by the formation of
on the mechanical properties or integrity of the a stable oxide layer then clearly there are sig-
turbine blade. Mould preparation conditions nificant constraints on the design of a pinning
differ from one blade manufacturer to another wire alloy.
and are also dependent upon the type of tur- The pinning wire must be able to maintain its
bine blade being cast. The highest usage of pin- primary function of core pinning at tempera-
ning wire is currently in the manufacture of tures up to the melting point of the superalloy.

lmm 14mm lmm lmm

diameter diameter diameter diameter


' /' /

R - 8Y.W

Fig. 4 Pinning wire recession

following immersion for 3 sec-
onds in molten nickel-based

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 120

this present use, in that the cut ends of the pin-
Table I
ning wire could expose the vulnerable base metal
Pinning Wire Recession Rates in core and ultimately undermine the structural
Molten Nickel Based Superalloy integrity of the pinning wire.
Material Estimated time Materials and alloys possessing high thermal
to dissolve expansion were also considered as pinning alloys.
Oxide dispersion Instantaneous
The length of a typical 8 mm long oxide dis-
strengthened Pt persion strengthened platinum pinning wire
R-6%R h
increases by about 0.12 mm (0.005 inches)
Pt-20YoRh between temperatures of 20 and 1400°C.Ifpin-
Pt-40YoR h ning wire with a higher thermal expansion were
Pt-1O%lr 2 seconds used then it would exert an even greater pin-
Pt-20%lr ning force on the ceramic cores during mould
Pt4.5Y"W 3 seconds preparation. The use of such materials appears
Pt-8%W 10 seconds practical until both the heating and cooling cycles
Nb 20 seconds are considered: cooling nullifies any beneficial
Ir effects gained from having a high thermal expan-
Mo sion. However, there is merit in using these mate-
W 2.5 minutes rials if high thermal expansion is achieved only
during the final preheat stage of the mould
preparation process (that is, there is no subse-
It must subsequently disperse quickly and quent cooling) following an order-disorder trans-
completelywithin the superalloy, and the effects formation.
of these small additions of metal from the pin- Palladium was finally chosen as the most
ning wires must not poison the precipitation promising material for pinning wires as it offers
hardeningreactions or compromise the mechan- comparable oxidation resistance to platinum at
ical properties of the superalloy. temperatures up to about 900°C (3). Being half
as dense as platinum and currently costing
AUoy Design around $155 per ounce, compared with around
Several types of materials were examined as $440 per ounce for platinum, it offers potential
pinning wires before a selection was made. savings in materials. Previous work had demon-
Superalloys were considered because of their strated that palladium behaved in a similar man-
compatibility with the turbine blade material. ner to platinum when dissolved in a nickel-based
However, superalloys might present problems superalloy (4,5). However, it was considered
resulting from oxidation during initial firing of that palladium by itself was unlikely to be able
the mould. This would probably lead to adverse to meet the service conditions as well as plat-
grain nucleation. Clearly the pinning wire needs inum; the principal reason being that its melt-
to possess good oxidation resistance, and in this ing temperature, 1554"C,is far too close to
platinum is exceptional. Oxidation is a surface the final mould preheat temperatures involved
phenomenon and hence a platinum coating over in turbine blade casting. Development work
a base metal substrate could suffice, with the therefore concentrated on improving the high
platinum providing the necessary oxidation resis- temperature capability of palladium by alloying
tance and the base metal core providing the stiff- with refractory metals.
ness and mechanical strength needed at high
temperatures. Development and Experimentalwork
Structures utilising a platinum coating over a When the development programme com-
base metal have many potential engineering menced, no information was available on the
applications. However, there is a drawback for length of time that a pinning wire was required

Platinum Metals Rm,, 1995, 39, (3) 121

Table II

Assessment after 18 hours at 850°C in Air (Stage 1)

and 1 hour at 1475°C under Vacuum (Stage 2)
Sample Wire diameter Weight Observations
reduction, loss,
per cent per cent

Pt 0 0 No damage or metal loss

Pd 75 95 Catastrophic metal loss after Stage 2
Pd-15OhMO 7 20 Sub-surface voids after Stage 1:
all oxide vaporised after Stage 2, leaving
behind a Pd-rich surface with large near
surface voids
Pd-PO%W 16 32 Near surface voids to 1/5th of wire diameter
after Stage 1; substantial if not complete
removal of oxide by vaporisation after
Stage 2, leaving behind a Pd-rich surface
with large voids
Pd-ZOYoW 4 17 Very small weight gain after Stage 1;
(Pt coated to 5 pm) coating cracked after Stage 2

to survive within the molten superalloy during are more related to the melting temperature of
casting of directionally solidified aero-engine the alloying element, rather than to the melting
blades. In the first experiments the recession temperature of the alloy itself.
rates in molten superalloys of a number of dif- This initial work demonstrated that prospec-
ferent platinum and refractory metal wires, tive new pinning wire materials do not need to
including oxide dispersion strengthened plat- survive in the molten superalloy for very long
inum (the standard pinning wire material) were to be successful. In fact, it emphasised the impor-
compared. tance of rapid dissolution in order to ensure that
The experimentsrevealed that when oxide dis- no concentration of pinning wire material exists
persion strengthened platinum wire of diame- anywhere within the turbine blade.
ter 1.4 mm (more than four times the cross-sec- Following these melt exposure tests, the exper-
tional area of standard pinning wire) was dipped imental programme next examined the oxida-
into molten nickel-based superalloy to a depth tion properties of samples and evaluated their
of about 20 mm for three seconds, the wire com- high temperature stability under vacuum.
pletely dissolved, see Figure 4. By comparison, Temperatures and times of exposure were
smaller diameter platinum-rhodium and plat- selected following consultation with major aero
inum-iridium wires suffered significant disso- engine manufacturers. Oxidation tests to sim-
lution and reduction in their length. While a ulate different ranges of mould firing conditions
platinum-8 per cent tungsten alloy also suffered were performed at 850°C for 18 hours and at
dissolution, t h i s was at a much slower rate than 1075°C for 8 hours. The same samples were
for the other alloys, and it still retained its orig- then placed under vacuum at 1475°C for up
inal length. Full results of these investigations to one hour. Tests were also conducted in air at
are shown in Table I. Clearly there is a rela- 950°C for 70 minutes followed by 30 minutes
tionship between the melting temperature and under vacuum at temperatures of 1500 to
the dissolution rate. It may also be suggested 1550°C. Results are shown in Tables I1,III and
that the dissolution rates of the platinum alloys IV.Samples were assessed by weight change,

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 122

Table 111
Assessment after 8 hours at 1075°C in A i r (Stage 1)
and 30 minutes at 1475°C under Vacuum (Stage 2)
Sample Neight change 'Veight change Observations
after Stage 1, after Stage 2,
per cent per cent
~ ~

Pd-20%W +0.8 -1 7.4 Very minor surface blistering after

Stage 1, oxide penetration to 0.3 mm;
no deterioration in surface condition
after Stage 2 but all oxide vaporised
to leave Pd-rich surface
Pd-15YoMO -1 1.2 -28.2 Internal delamination and oxide
penetration to 0.5-0.6 mrn after Stage 1;
oxide was vaporised during Stage 2
but delamination increased
Pd-l6%W4%lr +0.1 -9.9 Surface blistering after Stage 1, oxide
penetration to 0.2-0.3 mm; most oxide
vaporised during Stage 2
Pd-1l % M o 4 % l r -1.9 -10.3 Slight surface discoloration after
Stage 1, oxide penetration to 0.2 mm;
substantial removal of oxide
after Stage 2
Pd-15%W-5%Pt +0.7 -7.5 Obvious surface blistering after Stage 1,
oxide penetration to 0.2-0.4 mm;
blistering disappeared after Stage 2,
leaving behind an intermittent oxide
layer t o a depth of 0.1-0.3 m m
Pd-1O%Mod%Pt 0 -2.9 Surface condition perfect after both
Stages; oxide penetration to 0.13 mm
was substantially stable during Stage 2
Pd-1Oo/~Mo-50/~Ta -2.1 -4.0 Surface condition perfect after both
Stages; oxide penetration to 0.3 mm
substantially stable during Stage 2
Pd-l5%W-1O%AU +1.1 -5.1 Very good surface condition after
Stage 1, oxide penetration to 0.25 mm;
substantial loss of oxide from near
surface regions after Stage 2
Pd-20YoW-1O%AU +1.2 -1 1.3 Severe surface oxidation t o depth of
0.34 rnm evident after Stage 1;
blistering disappeared after Stage 2,
leaving an intermittent oxide layer

Table IV
Assessment after 70 minutes at 950°C in Air (Stage 1)
and 30 minutes at 1500 to 1550°C under Vacuum (Stage 2)
Sample 0bservations

Pd-15YoMO Oxidation to 0.04 mrn depth after Stage 1; complete removal of oxide
layer by vaporisation after Stage 2, leaving behind a Pd-rich surface region

Platinum Metab Rm., 1995,39, (3) 123

Table V
Pinning Wire Dissolution in Nickel-Based Superalloys
(Analysis of Investment Cast Turbine Blades)
Pinning wire
Nominal concentration
in turbine blade
Platinum, Palladium,
site I Dispersion within
turbine blade
Platinum, Palladium,
per cent per cent per cent f 0.05

Pd-l5%MO 0.21 Root 0.12

Blade 0.15
Tip 0.15
Pd-20%W 0.01 0.19 Root 0.1
I (Pt coated) Blade 0.1 0.14
Tip 0.02 0.1 1
I Pt 0.25 Root
Tip 0.27

appearance and by metallographic examination. of directionally solidified blades. The assess-

Collaboration with Rolls-Royce plc enabled ment included grain nucleation testing, evalu-
an in situ assessment to be made of prototype ation of pinning wire dissolution within turbine
alloys for pinning wire, using commercial pro- blades, see Table V, stress rupture testing, see
duction equipment and techniques, and the Table VI, and statistical evaluation of core drift
materials typically utilised in the manufacture under production conditions. Finally the

Longitudinal Stress Rupture Properties
Nickel-based Pinning &mount of pinning Test Applied Sample Average
superalloy Nire used wire in superalloy. emperature. stress, size life,
wt. Yo OC MPa hours

A none 1040 145 3 52

X 0.25 4 48
Y 0.25 5 39
A none 850 500 3 79
X 0.25 5 69
Y 0.25 5 75
A Pt 0.25 1040 145 3 56
X 0.1 3 3 60
Y 0.1 5 3 62
A Pt 0.25 850 500 3 84
X 0.13 3 87
Y 0.1 5 3 92

AAisisaa proprietary
proprietary Ni-based
superalloy used
for directionally
XX == Pd-15Y0Mo pinningwire
YY = Pd-SO%Wpinning
= Pd-20Y0w pinning wire
with 55ppm
m Pt

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995,39, (3) 124

proposed new pinning wire alloy was batch tested The behaviour of palladium-tungsten alloy
alongside platinum pinning wire and subjected was slightly Merent to that of palladium-molyb-
to stringent production control tests. denum alloy. Tungsten oxide is far more sta-
ble at high temperatures than molybdenum
Discussion oxide.
Oxidation testing and high temperature sta- This means that palladium-tungsten alloys are
bility testing clearly demonstrated the ability of better able to survive high mould firing tem-
platinum to survive unscathed in these arduous peratures, such as 1075°C. It also means that
environments. In comparison, palladium almost tungsten oxide is not as easily removed as molyb-
disappearedwhen exposed to high temperatures denum oxide is during high temperature vac-
under vacuum. However, there was a profound uum treatment. Nevertheless, test results clearly
improvement in the high temperature stability show that samples of oxidised palladium-tung-
of palladium when it was alloyed with particu- sten alloy exposed to temperatures of 1475°C
lar refractory metals. Molybdenum and tung- under vacuum for only 30 minutes developed a
sten additions to palladium, at levels of 15 per palladium-rich near-surface region with a pal-
cent and 20 per cent, respectively, were most ladium-tungsten core.
notable in this aspect. Furthermore, additions An improvement to the oxidation resistance
of refractory metals to palladium promoted a of palladium-molybdenum and palladium-tung-
higher degree of grain stabilisation than could sten alloys can be achieved by making ternary
be achieved in platinum, palladium or palla- additions to the alloy. Oxidation is a diffusion
dium-platinum-refractorymetal alloys. Exposure process which is primarily controlled by tem-
of palladium-molybdenum and palladium-tung- perature and exposure time, temperature being
sten alloys to temperatures of 850 and 975°C by far the more significant variable. Tests con-
in air caused far less surface oxidation than was ducted for 8 hoius at 1075°Cin air showed that
expected. Unalloyed tungsten, and especially the palladium-molybdenum alloy which per-
molybdenum, undergo rapid, if not catastrophic, formed so well at temperatures of 850 and 975°C
oxidation when exposed to these temperatures. suffered extensive oxidation at 1075°C. When
The behaviour of palladium-molybdenum was the palladium-molybdenum was alloyed with
particularly interesting; exposure to tempera- a small amount of platinum, however, the oxi-
tures of 850 and 975°C in air resulted in sur- dation resistance was much improved. Platinum
face oxidation and the formation of voids close additions to the palladium-molybdenum alloy
to the surface. These voids are thought to be clearly impart higher temperature stability to
the result of molybdenum oxide formation and what is otherwise a very unstable, volatile oxide.
volatilisation following oxide migration to the A similar improvement in oxide stability occurs
surface of the metal. Subsequent exposure to on adding platinum to palladium-tungsten alloy,
vacuum at high temperatures ensured the com- a feature which should result in an extension to
plete removal of any remaining oxide by volatil- the potential applications of this alloy to even
isation, leaving behind a pure palladium outer higher processing temperatures.
layer with a core of palladium-molybdenum.
Cleaning up the surface of the alloy by volatil- Conclusion
isation of the oxide avoids adverse grain nucle- A range of alloys have been developed for use
ation in the superalloy through oxide entrap- as pinning wire during turbine blade casting.
ment, and the material becomes very suitable The alloys are based on the addition of the
for use as pinning wire for directionally solidi- refractory metals molybdenum and tungsten to
fied and single crystal blades. Rolls-Royce plc palladium, possibly also with some additions of
have now accepted palladium-15 per cent m o l e platinum to enhance the properties further, offer-
denum alloy pinning wire for use in the pro- ing significant cost savings over traditional pin-
duction of directionallysolidified turbine blades. ning materials without sacrificing performance.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 125

1 M. L. Doyle and D. R. Coupland, “Development 4 D. R. Coupland, C. W. Hall and I. R. McGill,
of Experimental Turbine Blade Pinning Wires”, Platinum Metals Rev., 1982,26, (4), 146
Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, Interim
Report, Project 171MA101, October 1991 5 C. W. Corti, D. R. Coupland, I. R. McGill and
2 D. R. Coupland and M. L. Doyle, European Appl., C. W. Hall, Proceedings JIMS-3 (1983), High
533,385; 1993 Temperature Corrosion, Transactions of the Japan
3 H. Jehn,J. Less Common Met., 1984,100,321 Institute of Metals, Supplement 351-361

. Bibliography
E. Savitsky, V.Polyakova, N. Gorine and N. Roshan, P. G. Boswell and K. Majumdar, “New Palladium
“Physical Metallurgy of Platinurn Metals”, Pergamon Based Alloys”, Johnson Matthey Research Centre
Press Ltd., 1978 Final Report, Project 82J2/2, October 1981

Platinum Group Metals in Catalysis

The 14th North American Meeting of the sentations on methane coupling),residual oil
Catalysis Society was held in Snowbird, Utah, upgrading, catalyst deactivation and reaction
from June 11th to 16th, 1995. This prestigious engineering. An unusual but refreshing fea-
meeting attracted some 1000 participants from ture of the meeting was the number of high qual-
industry and universities predominantly from ity presentations by industrial organisations.
North America. The four parallel sessions for Conspicuously absent were discussions on
each of the 5 days meant that it was impossi- homogeneous catalysis, polymerisation cataly-
ble to do more than sample the wide range of sis, biomimetics and other topics which nor-
catalytictopics covered. The meeting had a spe- mally attract considerable interest worldwide.
cial emphasis on environmental catalysis, with While new applications of the platinum group
31 oral papers being presented, and as usual metals were not much in evidence, almost a third
in this area the noble metals, such as platinum, of the papers dealt with some aspect of platinum
featured prominently. The low temperature car- group metal catalyst performance and the con-
bon monoxide oxidation activity of platinum/ tinuing importance of these materials in het-
ceria combinations was discussed by J. C. Frost erogeneous catalysis came across very clearly
from Johnson Matthey and L. Murrell from throughout the meeting. J.C.F.
ABB Lummus CresdEngelhard, while M.
Prairie from Sandia National Laboratories Palladiuni Shape M e m o r y Alloys
emphasised the dominant role of platindgoldl High-temperature shape memory alloys, espe-
titania as a photocatalyst for treating air and cially titanium-nickel-based alloys, are used in
water pollutants. industrial and medical applications because of
A slightly disappointing aspect of the meeting their unique combination of perfect shape mem-
was the lack of presentations on genuinely new ory and ductility. However, their use is restricted
catalytic materials. Many of the most interest- to temperatures around 373 K, the temperature
ing presentationsreviewed new techniques such of the thermoelastic martensitic transformation.
as NMR studies of molecules in zeolites to probe There is now a need for shape memory engi-
acidity (J.Haw from Texas A & M University) neering alloys with higher temperatures for use
or electron holography in electron microscopes as actuators in motor vehicles, aircraft engine
which allows the 3-dimensional interior s m c - and pipe couplings, and titanium-palladium
ture of nanoscale particles to be examined; this alloys with a martensite start temperature of 823
was discussed by A. Datye and L. Allard from K may be suitable.
the University of New Mexico. Other develop- Now, researchers from Japan have studied the
ments of note included the detailed work on means to improve the characteristics of these
membrane reactors and particularly the use of alloys (D. Golberg, Y. Xu, Y. Murakami, K.
membranes to control the rate and position of Otsuka, T. Ueki and H. Horikawa, Muter. Len.,
mixing of reactants in hydrocarbon selective oxi- 1995,22, (5,6), 241-248). UsingTi,,Pd,,,Ni,
dation, reviewed by M. Harold from Du Pont. ( x = 10, 15, 20) alloy high temperature tensile
There were sessions on surface science, cata- tests at 293-858 K were carried out. They found
lyst characterisation, sulphide catalysts, hydro- that reversibly transformingthe as-rolled marten-
carbon conversion, acid catalysts, zeolites, the sitic phase and annealing it below the recrys-
evergreen topic of syngas formation and reac- tallisation temperature improved the shape
tions, selective oxidation (with only a few pre- memory characteristics of this system.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 126

First International Workshop
on Diffusion and Stresses
An increasing general appreciation of the importance of stresses concurrently developed
importance of stress and accompanying strain in platinum films which were grown upon
factor involvement in solid state physicochem- aluminium film substrates.
ical processes has resulted recently in the for-
mation of the First International Workshop on Uphill Hydrogen Diffusion Effects
Stress and Diffusion, organised by Professor D. Evidence of stresdstrainfactor influences noted
L. Beke of L. Kossuth University, Debrecen, during studies of hydrogen permeation through
Hungary and held in Balatonfiired, from 26th palladium and palladium-alloy membranes has
to 29th May, 1995. been centred on observations of Uphill Effects.
The consequences of stress involvement were Uphill Effects are broadly indicative of the
reported by internationally well-recognised presence of membrane cross-sectional regions
authorities, in plenary contributions which cov- of hydrogen flux,which are acting in opposition
ered a wide range of topics, including phase rela- to the concentration gradient, and are “self pro-
tionships, internal friction, precipitate growth duced” by the Gorsky-Diffusion-ElasticEffect
and thermodynamic features. In the general strain gradients, the latter being associated with
study area of thin film interdiffusion and mul- expansions of the interstitial sites effected by
tilayer growth processes, a review by F. M. permeating hydrogen. Uphill Effect observa-
d’Heurle, I.B.M. Research Center, Yorktown tions in sheet and tubular diffusion membranes,
Heights, U.S.A., and 0. Thomas of MATOP, which were recorded using measurements of
URA CNRS, Marseilles, France, of stresses hydrogen gas pressures and of electrode poten-
developed during silicide formation included tials at catalytically active surfaces, have been
a specific platinum group element participation substantially extended recently by experimen-
in terms of the compositions Pd,Si and Pt,Si. tal studies from the research groups of B.
The influence of stresses which develop in Baranowski, Institute of Physical Chemistry,
reaction zones as a result of the relatively higher Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, and Y.
mobility of one of the components, such as plat- Sakamoto, University of Nagasaki.
inum in a platindsilicon carbide diffusion cou- In addition, previous results have also been
ple, was considered to be a probable control- extended by increased variations of tempera-
ling source of layer distortions.This was reported ture, membrane thickness and other construc-
in a paper on periodic layer formation in ternary tional geometries, in further series of measure-
diffusion couples by M. R. Rijnders, A. A. ments that have now also been obtained over a
Kodentsov and F. J. van Loo, Laboratory of wider range of membrane compositions. Overall
Solid State Chemistry and Materials Science, progress in such recent experimental and com-
Eindhoven and C. Cserhati of L. Kossuth plementary theoretical aspects were outlined in
University. a workshop contribution entitled “Gorsky-
A study of solid state interactions in succes- Diffusion-Elastic Effects of Hydrogen Interstitial
sively deposited components of thin films, Strain Gradients in Palladium and Palladium
reported by F. B. Barna, G. Zsigmond, A. Alloys”, presented by F. A. Lewis, Queen’s
Csanady and Zs. Radi, Research Institute for University, Belfast, Y. Sakamoto, University
Technical Physics, Hungarian Academy of of Nagasaki, K. Kandasamy, University of J h a
Sciences, Budapest, considered the levels of and X. Q. Tong, University of Birmingham.

Platinum Metah Rev., 1995,39, (3), 127-128 127

Uphill Effect research studies, using a tubu- to the Workshop by D. Dudek and B.
lar form of membrane having a composition Baranowski concerning strain gradient influ-
similar to that of the initially investigated, and ences on hydrogen diffusion coefficients in the
subsequently well-characterised Pd,,Pt,, alloy Pd,,Pt,,-H system.
have been extended recently by employing a A total of some fifty participants in the
wider range of temperature, in combinationwith Workshop drawn from 12 different countries,
accurately correlated results from correspond- contributed to a programme of approximately
ing isothermal equilibrium pressure-hydrogen twenty-five verbal and fifteen poster presenta-
content (p-n) relationships, by Professor tions. Corresponding refereed articles prepared
Baranowski and colleagues. A survey of con- fiom these contributions are planned to be pub-
solidated results and current research progress lished in a forthcomingissue of the journal Defect
was comprehensively outlined in a contribution and Dafision Forum. F.A.L.

Platinum 1995
Since 1985 Johnson Matthey has been the manufacture of autocatalysts, with the
publishing an annual survey of the com- U.S.A. consuming an increased 32 per cent
mercial aspects of the platinum group met- bringing the total for 1994 to 1.86 mil-
als, with particular emphasis on platinum. lion ounces. This was followed closely by
Following uadition, the launch of “Platinum the Japanese jewellery industry with its
1995” took place in London during eleventh consecutive year of growth. An
Platinum Week and was well received by the increase in the fabrication of Platinum 1000
analysts, financial journalists, mining engi- jewellery resulted in escalatingdemand with
neers and industrialists who attended. sales spirallingby 100,000 ounces to reach
Based, in essence, on information gathered 1.45 million ounces. Growing appreciation
from numerous sources worldwide and well of platinum jewellery in North America has
supported by statistical data, “Platinum encouraged established manufacturers to
1995”details the progress of the platinum step-up production and also new partici-
metals during 1994 and the events which pants to develop products.
afFected both supply and demand, with fore- In addition to dealing with industrial and
casts for the coming year. investment demand, “Platinum 1995”has
The price of platinum during the year devoted a chapter to mining and explo-
averaged $405.25per ounce, an eight per ration, principally in South Africa. It also
cent increase over 1993,peaking to $427.50 contains special features covering mining
in July. This was upheld by factors such the platinum group metals in Russia, world-
as economic recovery, speculation and spas- wide coverage of emissions legislation and
modic uncertainty over supply. However, the use of platinum in the car. On a lesser
prices began a further climb in late March scale, there are also surveys of the other
1995 and soared to reach a four year high platinum group metals markets, in partic-
of $459 per ounce on 4th April 1995,fol- ular palladium.
lowing the announcement of a new plat- This fifty-two page analysis of trends in
inum-based technology for the reduction the platinum group metals market world-
of ozone and carbon monoxide. wide is regarded as the authoritative source
Supplies of platinum during 1994 rose by of such information and is highly respected
three per cent to 4.53million ounces. A fall throughout the financial world. If you would
in output from South Africa was offset by like to receive your free copy of “Platinum
a significant increase in exports from Russia. 1995” or be added to its distribution list,
Supply and demand were closely matched. please contact Alison Cowley, Johnson
The motor industry again led the way in Matthey PLC, 78 Hatton Garden, London
the consumption of platinum, chiefly for EClN 8JP, England; F ~ :x0171-269-8389.

Platinum Metah Rev., 1995,39, (3) 128

Some Observations on Laser Trimming
Platinum Thin Films
By D. A. Dimitrov
Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

Platinum resistance thermometers have been inum target onto alumina substrates.The mean-
selected for use as the basic instrument to define der shape was then drawn by laser evaporation
and reproduce the International Temperature of the layer, using a pulsed Q-modulated
Scale (ITS-90) (1, 2). The upper limit of the Nd:YAG laser (h = 1.06 p)with pulse repe-
temperature region which they define has tition rate of 20 Hz and train energy (for 10
increased by some 300°C when compared to pulses in a train) of 50 to 60 mJ. This technique
the previous International Temperature Scale, is faster and more cost effective, and avoids
IPTS-68. On the ITS-90 scale the upper limit the mask writing and chemical treatment that
is defined by the freezing point of silver, are necessary for lithographic patterning.
961.78"C. Thin film platinum sensors have However, laser treatment of the layer para-
demonstrated that they are able to meet the meters is not controllable, and so the final char-
requirements of industrial operation, but ITS- acteristics of the layer cannot be predicted.
90 has underlined their shortcomings, and
improvements to production processes are TemperatureIResistance Values
required in order to enhance their performance, of the Layer
if ITS-90 is to be approached. An assessment of the purity of the platinum
target was made in accordance with ITS-90.
Thin Film Preparation It was found that the resistance ratio at the boil-
Thin f ilm sensors are usually produced by the ing point of water, W(H,O b.p.) > 1.3927 (W
deposition of platinum onto a suitable substrate. = Rlwoc/%oc, where R is the electrical resistance
In order to avoid any problems that might arise of the platinum layer). However, contrary to
at the interface between the platinum layer and this, the sensors that were produced had a resis-
the substrate, the following criteria have to be tance ratio W(H,O b.p.) = 1.385. In addition
taken into account (3): the resistance ratio at 4.2 K, W = &.2K/R,pc was
[a] Mismatch between the lattices must be less about lo-', which is two orders of magnitude
than k 0.2 per cent greater than that proposed by ITS-90 for the
[b] Differences in the coefficients of thermal most accurate thermometers.
expansion must be less than 20 per cent An earlier investigation with this type of sen-
[c] There must be stability at the chemical sor showed that they required individual cali-
interface. This means that the material which bration in order to achieve an accuracy of f 10
is selected for the substrate must not react chem- mK (6).The results for the percentage varia-
ically with the platinum layer. tion of the resistance with temperature for two
Since the coefficientsof thermal expansion of typical sputtered platindalumina sensors, pre-
platinum and polycrystalline alumina are almost pared by the same method, serial numbers 023
equal, being 7 X /K over the temperature and 028, are presented in the Table. Their
range 50 to 300 K (4), alumina was chosen as behaviour is characteristic of this type of
the substrate for these sensors. sensor.
The production technology has been described The sensors show significant differences in
elsewhere (5). Platinum layers were deposited, their values for resistance below 50 K. This can
at 580 K, by magnetron sputtering of a plat- be explained (via Matthiessen's rule) by any

Platinum Met& Rm., 1995,39, (3), 129-132 129

ResistancefI'emperature Dependence from 5 to 270 K
for Two Sputtered Laser Treated Sensors
and Percentage Variation of their Resistance
~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Temperature, K Resistance, ohms AR,

23mK 023 028 per cent
~ ~~~

5.010 0.6456 1.6468 60.80

9.911 0.6788 1.6797 59.60
14.994 0.8048 1.8141 55.60
20.009 1.0989 2.1275 48.30
30.014 2.4391 3.4973 30.30
39.997 4.9082 5.9474 17.50
50.006 8.2700 9.2608 10.70
60.018 12.1720 13.1070 7.13
65.022 14.2278 15.1358 6.00
70.026 16.3411 17.2225 5.12
80.003 20.6053 21.4469 3.92
100.017 29.2092 29.9602 2.51
150.018 50.1719 50.7271 1.09
200.034 70.4822 70.8459 0.51
240.017 86.4281 86.6378 0.24
270.017 98.2334 98.3117 0.08

residual relative resistance. However, there is platinum layer were spoilt. Therefore the cover
no reason to suppose that there are any impu- was removed, but small amounts of glass frit
rities present in the layer during the platinum which had been deposited in the laser-drawn
deposition process. lines still remained. For this reason, in Figures
Eleven sensors of the same type were repeat- 1(a) to (d), lighter (white) lines appear on part
edly subjected to thermal cycling between 60 of the sensor.
to 320 K, and measurements of resistance were Thus laser treatment of the sensors appears
taken at 48 temperature points during every to create some problems. First, the rough edges
cycle. A visible shift in the temperaturehesis- of the treated layer are clearly visible; these cause
tance, T(R),function was observed up to the a reduction in the cross-sectional area of the
sixteenth cycle and only after 20 cycles was sat- platinum film. In Figure 1(b), which has twice
uration achieved. These results may be due to the resolution of Figure 1(a), it can be seen that
both the laser processing of the layer during fab- in some places the dimensions of the vertical
rication of the meander shape andor to inter- cross section have become too small. Any
action between the layer and the substrate. The mechanical tensions which have arisen as a result
effects of the laser processing can be observed of the high temperature laser treatment w ill be
by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). increased in these cross-sectional areas and affect
the temperature/resistance ratio.
Effects of the Laser Treatment During laser patterning evaporated material
A SEM micrograph of a part of sensor 028 is is redeposited onto the nearby film,this is shown
shown in Figure 1(a). The sensor was covered by the spots in Figure 1(c) . Some of these drops
with a glass kit to isolate the layer electrically. have dimensions equal to the width of the mean-
However, where the glass frit acted as an elec- der line layer, see Figure 1(d). It is therefore
trical isolator the SEM micrographs of the important to know both the structure and the

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 130

Fii. l(a) Scanningelectronmicrograph of -r 028
showing lines of plaiinumdepositen on alumina. The
WhiteIitlesaregIamiiit line.iS200p
(b) The vertical cross-section of the platinum is
reduced during laser processing line. is 100 p
onto nearby 6lm line is 20pn
(d)The size of the deposited drop is almost the same
aa the width of a meander line line is 20 p

composition of the drops, but this analysis is

made difficult by the narrowness of the layers.
If the drop is predominantly composed of alu-
mina the stress will be larger, since alumina
vaporises at a higher temperature than platinum.
However, as a result of the large temperature
difference between each drop and the layer on
which it is deposited, strong mechanical ten-
sions will occur in the cross section, causing the
platinum lattice to become overstrained. It is
suggested therefore that the electrical proper-
ties of the layer in this section become the deter-
mining ones for the sensor.
Some of these defects could be avoided if tech-
niques used in the preparation of high transi-
tion temperature superconductingfilms (7)were
employed. The film could, for example, be cov-
ered with photoresist prior to laser treatment
and any redeposited material can then be
removed by dissolving the resist in ethanol.
To s u m up, we have found that the T(R)func-
tion in thinfilm platinum sensors used for tem-
perature measurement is affected in an uncon-
trollable manner by laser treatment of the layer.
Changes in the meander shape are caused by
laser processing.
For this reason sensors fabricated by this
method display a non-uniform temperaturdresis-
tance dependence. It is also suggested that due
to the diffusion of aluminium atoms into the
platinum lattice, changes in the electrical
properties of the layer may also take place.

This work was completed with the financial support
of the National Foundation for Science Investigations
under contract number TH-265.The author wishes
to thank Professor N. Kirov and Dr. E. Nazarova
for their valuable discussion during preparation of this
The sensors used in this investigation were
manufactured by Pribor Ltd, Bulgaria.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995,39, (3) 131

“Suppl. Inf. for the Int. Temp. Scale of 1990”, 5 D. A. Dimitrov, B. M. Terzijska, V. Guevezov and
BIPM, 1990, S e w , h m BIPM Pm.-Verb. Com. V. T. Kovachev, Cryogenics, 1990, 30, (4), 348
Int. Poids et Mesures, 1989, 57, T1-21
B. L. Wibberley, plucjnum~~~~kR ~ ~1989,33,
. , 6 D. A. Dimiuov, A. L. Zahariev, J. K. Georgiev,
G. A. Kolev, J. N. Petrinski and T. Ivanov,
(31, 128
Cryogenics, 1994, 34, (6), 487
H. J. Scheel, M. Berkowski and B. Chabot, Physics
C, 1991,185-189,2095 7 J. Mannhart, M. Scheuetmannn, C. C. Tsuei, M.
Handbook “PhysicheskieVelichini” (Russ.Edn.), M. Oprysko, C. C. Chi, C. P. Umbach, R. H.
eds. I. S. Grigoriev and E. Z. Meilihov, Moscow, Koch and C. Miller, Appl. Phys. Len., 1988, 52,
Energoatomizdat, 1991, ISBN 5-283-040 13-5 (15), 1271

Iridium Microelectrode for Testing Water Quality

The lack of sound environmentalmanagement Optimal polishing procedures and conditions
of our natural resources is of growing concern, are given to achieve this. The build up of elec-
and increasingly legislation is setting standards trostatic charge on the tip of the microelectrode
for the pollutants which can be released into the is avoided by shieldingthe glass pipette with an
environment. Pollution in river water, however, outer layer of palladium.
is now routinely checked, and improving the To date the system has achieved near 100 per
quality of the water into which industrial and cent reproducibility and reliability for the mea-
domestic effluent may be discharged is one aim surement of trace metals by differential pulse
of the national River Authorities. anodic stripping voltammetry and square wave
Water is tested for the presence and quantity anodic stripping voltammetry (SWASV).
of many different types of pollutants, including Electrodes have been used continuously for sev-
organic pollutants, such as pesticides and insec- eral days without requiring a renewal of the mer-
ticides, nitrates and nitrites, and the elements, cury layer.
such as the heavy metals: lead, cadmium and When tested using SWASV in river water,
copper. A number of analytical techniques are which contained a high level of suspended par-
presently used to measure the amounts of ticle content, trace amounts of free cadmium
around 6000 individual pollutants, mainly by and lead were able to be measured in concen-
laboratory analysis from collected samples. trations as low as 0.5 nM and 0.1 nM, respec-
However, an advance on the technique for tively. Direct SWASV measurementsusing such
monitoring lead and cadmium using an a microelectrodewere the best for routine analy-
improved mercury-based iridium microelec- sis of dissolved trace metals in fresh water, since
trode is suggested in a paper fkom the University problems caused by contamination and/or
of Geneva (M.-L. Tercier, N. Parthasarathy and adsorption are minimised. This method allowed
J. Buffle, Electroanulysis, 1995, 7, (l), 55-63). the free and total metal concentrations to be
The drawbacks to using microelectrodes for rapidly determined. These are the most impor-
water analysis have been a lack of reproducibility tant trace metal speciation parameters. Sample
in their fabrication and the difficulty in char- pretreatment is not required. At present the life-
acterising them, and since complete reliability time of these state-of-the-art microelectrodes
is necessary in the analysis of water contami- is more than 2 years.
nants, microelectrodes have not been used. If dissolved organic matter in low concentra-
However, based on prior research on ultrami- tions of 1 to 2 mg/litre, relative to particle load,
croelectrodes, the researchers have produced is present then trace metals at levels of 50 pm
a sturdily constructed, reliable mercury-plated can be detected, although high levels of parti-
iridium-based microelectrode, having a central cles do not hinder SWASV measurements. To
iridium electrode of radius 62 pm, which gives avoid problems in water with higher dissolved
reproducible results. This has been achieved by organic content and to extend the use of the
thorough attention to all aspects of the fabri- sensor for in situ measurements of any type of
cation process, in particular, since the electrode natural water, a membrane coated microsensor
is built within a glass pipette, to the iridium- is being developed. Other uses suggested for this
glass sealing, and to the iridium-copper sol- sensor include an in situ automatic quality con-
dering in order to obtain perfect electrical con- trol system for industrial application, the mea-
tact. The morphology of the iridium disk is very surements of samples of small volume, being
important and strongly depends on using a used in still waters and as part of other routine
reproducible standard polishing procedure. detection systems.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 132

of current literature on the platinum metals and their alloys

PROPERTIES Characterization of Silver-Palladium

Submicronic Powders. Part 1. Morphology
Short-Range Order in Ni-Pt Alloys and Thermal Properties
D. K SAHA and K-I. OHSHMA,J Pbs. Conahas. Maner, E. DELARUE,M. MOSTAFAVI, M. 0. DELCOURT and D.
1995, 7 , (17), 3203-3209 REGNAULT,~ Muter. Sci., 1995,30, (3), 628-632
The existence and shape of the diffuse intensity in Submicronic Ag-Pd powders containing 70:30 and
Nil.& alloys with x = 0.25,0.35,0.44 and 0.50 were 75:25 wt.% Ag:Pd, prepared by precipitation in aque-
studied. The dependence on composition of the dif- ous solution, were studied for use in the multilayer
fuse intensity was observed where the shape of dif- ceramic capacitor industry. The powders consisted
fuse intensity changed with Pt content, and was sim- of submicron spherically shaped particles with a nar-
ilar to that for Cu-Au alloy. The change in shape from row size distribution and very little agglomeration.
disc-like for the 100 position for the x = 0.25 to spher- They were made into a paste by blending with an
ical for x = 0.5 can be explained using a linearised organic binder, screen printed, fired and sintered into
correlation function. a conductive layer of resistivity, 15-30 pWcm for 2
pm thickness, with only a few remaining voids.
Hydrogen Pressure-HydrogenContent and Thermal measurements showed that alloying was
Electrical Resistance-Hydrogen Content achieved below 960°C.
Relationships of Palladium and Palladium
Alloy-Hydrogen Systems Hydrogen-lnduced Orderiug in a P&.81Aw,.19
TONG, Int. J Hydmgen Energy, 1995,20, (5), 369-372 s.-M. LEE, T. B.FLANAGAN and G.-H. KIM, Scr. Metall.
A techniquefor obtainingp-c(n>-Trelationshipsat near Muter., 1995,32, (6), 827-832
25°C involving derivations from electrode potential Ordering in P&.slAuo.l,alloy proceeded under the
measurements in the Pd-Pt-H system, where sensi- effect of large amounts of dissolved Hz, which sta-
tive changes of electrical resistance can be measured, bilised the ordered structure as the alloy reverted to
was used to examine hysteretic diEerences between the disordered state upon annealing in vacuo, at the
forms of relationshipsin the Pd alloy-H system. Size of same temperature used for ordering the alloy by H,
alloying element is a guide to change of form in p n . heat treatment. The present results showed that the
alloy does not order because it is not thermodynam-
Kinetics of Hydrogen Desorption from ically stable in the absence of H,.
Palladium and Ruthenium-PalladiumFoils
A. L. CABRERA,E. MORALES and J. N. ARMOR, J. Muter. Magnetization and FMR Linewidth in
RRF.,1995, 10, (3), 779-785 Annealed Co-Pd-Si Amorphous Alloys
Studies of absorption of H and CO at room temper- s. MACKOVA, IEEE Trans. Map., 1995, 31, (2),
ature by Pd and 5% Ru-Pd foils showed that H read- 927-929
ily d i h s e d into the Pd and desorbed as one broad The effect of the annealing on the magnetic polari-
peak at 650 K. The 5% Ru-Pd is less effective than sation and FMR linewidth of the amorphous alloys
pure Pd for the absorption and transport of H but can ColOpd,,Sizoand Col,PbrSizowas studied at mom tem-
withstand more H absorption-desorption cycles. perature. A small maximum polarisation was observed
Activation energies for bulk diffusion obtained from
H uptake measurements corresponded to 4.4 and 4.9
at the annealing temperature of 4OO0C, which cor-
responds to the crystallisation region. A comparison
kcaUmol for Pd foil and Ru-Pd alloy, respectively. between the saturation magnetic polarisation and the
effective value obtained from FMR showed that the
Microstructural Development, Electrical maximum volume of Co clusters occurs for materi-
Properties and Oxygen Permeation of als annealed at -700-800°C. The possible contribu-
Zirconia-Palladium Composites tion of magnetic inhomogeneities to the linewidth is
C. S. CHEN, B. A. BOUKAMP, H. J. M. BOUWMEESTER, G. discussed.
BURGGRAAF, SolidState Ionics, 1995,76, (1,2), 23-28 New Heavy-Electron System Ce,PdpoSi,
Studies of Y,O,-stabilised cubic ZrOz, (YSZ)-Pd dual N. TAKEDA, J. IUTAGAWA and M. ISHIKAWA, J. Phys. SOC.
phase composites showed a larger 0 permeability in JPn., 1995,64, (2), 387-390
the percolative composite containing 40 vol.% Pd Studies of magnetic and transport properties of
(ZYPd40) than that of the non-percolative compos- Ce,Pdz,Si, showed that this compound is a Kondo
ite containing 30 vol.% Pd (ZYPd30). It is concluded material with a strongly enhanced C / T value of 24
that the transport of the 0 ions through the YSZ phase J/mole K’ at 0.2 K. This suggests that Ce3Pd20Si6 is
in the percolative system is the rate limiting step. one of the heaviest-electron systems.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3), 133-141 133

Cr,-JrXO2(0 < x < 0.3), a Ferromagnetic The Cossee Mechanism: Migratory Insertion
Material with High Coercivity Reactions in Palladium Phosphine-
G. DEMAZEAU, J. P. SANCHEZ, J. H. CHOY, S. F. MATAR, V. Phosphinite Complexes
EYERT, J. KUBLER and F. OKINO, J. M a p . & Magn. P. w. N. M. VAN LEEUWEN and K.F. ROOBEEK, Red. Trav.
Mater., 1995,14&144, 165-166 Chim. Pays-Bas, 1995, 114, (2), 73-75
Mossbauer studies of magnetic properties of the fer- Methyl Pd complexes containing phosphine-phos-
romagnetic lattice CrO, doped with Ira,which has phinite bidentate ligands containing two P atoms which
a high value for the spin-orbit coupling constant, are only slightly inequivalentundergo stepwise inser-
showed that IrO in CrO, is mainly stabilisedin such tions of CO and norbornadiene. The "P NMR spec-
a lattice. However, after very high 0, pressure treat- tra showed that a true migration pathway is the main
ment, IrO was found close to the surface. The orbital mechanism in this reaction. The large chemical shift
contribution to the spin only magnetic moment is 8 difference between the two P atoms allows studies
times larger for Ir than for Cr. of the intimate mechanism of multiple migratory inser-
tions in 4-co-ordinate complexes.
Electrical and Optical Properties of
Ruthenium-Related Defects in Silicon Synthesis and Properties of Cationic
H. PE'ITERSSON, H. G. GRIMMEISS, K. SCHMALZ, A. Organopalladium Complexes. Remarkable
KNECHT and R PASSLER,J Appl. Phys., 1995,77, (6), Rate Enhancement in O l e h Insertion into
2495-2500 the Palladium-Aryl Bond by the Generation
The electrical and optical properties of defects due to of a Cationic PaIladium Complex from trans-
ion implantation of Ru in Si were studied by using [PdBr(Ph)(PMe&l
junction space-charge techniques. Two energy levels F. KAWATAKA, I. SHIMIZU and A. YAMAMOTO, B d Chem.
were observed with energy positions at E, 4 . 1 8 4 eV SOC.a n . , 1995,68, (2), 654-660
(A-level) and E, +0.265 eV (B-level), respectively, Pd complexes tram-~dPh(py)(PMel)~]BF4 and tram-
at 77 K. The changes in enthalpy resulting from the [PdPh(solvent)(PMe,),]BF, were obtained by remov-
capture of electrons and holes were -8 meV (A-level) ing the bromide ligand in trans-[PdBr(Ph) (PMe,),]
and 1 meV (B-level), respectively. Gibbs' free energies (1) by AgBF, in the presence and absence of pyridine,
at Merent temperatures were calculated for both lev- pyridine-co-ordinated and solvent-co-ordinated
els. A model for the origin of the observed defects is cationic complexes. The cationic phenyl Pd complexes
discussed. have greater reactivities than the parent neutral com-
Conduction Mechanisms in RuO,-Glass plex (1) toward olefins to give phenylated olefins by
Composites insertion followed by P-H elimination processes. A
cationic aryl Pd complex is generated with a vacant
N. NICOLOSO, A. LECORRE-FRISCH, 1. MAIER and R.J. site for olefin insertions.
BROOK, solid state Ionics, 1995, 75, 21 1-216
The correlation between microstructure and electri- A Novel Route to Dinuclear Heteroleptic
cal transport in Ru0,-glass composites with metal Rhodium(II1) Complexes of 1,4,7-
oxide volume fractions 0.014.4 was studied by SEM, Trithiacy clononane
HREM and temperature, frequency and electric field KIM, J.-H. LEE, L H . SUH and Y.DO, horg. Chem.,
dependent conductivity studies. At high RuO, frac- 1995,34, (4), 796-801
tions 2 20% a metallic conduction mechanism was A novel route to dinuclear Rh(II1) complex cations
identilied, but at low RuO, contents I 3% ionic trans- with 1,4,7-trithiacyclononane (9S3): [(9S3)Rh(p-
port dominated. A quantitative description of elec- SPh),MCp*]", where M = Rh, Ir; Cp* = C,(CH,),,
mcal transport in RuO,-glass compositesis presented. is described using w(9S3)(CO)(PPh3)]' (1) as a syn-
thon. (1) is reactive toward oxidative decarbonylation
CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS reactions forming a new oxidative addition product
with I,, [Rh(9S3)(PPh3)(I),]' in good yield. In the
Highly Reactive Platinum(0) Carbene presence of excess benzenethiol and NEt,, the reac-
Intermediates in the Reactions of Diazo tion gives an insoluble red neutral solid Rh(9S3)-
Compounds. AFast Atom -Maw (SPh),.CH,CN, which is a potential synthon in the
Spectrometric Study formation of a new class of dinuclear 9S3 complexes.
Dramatic Acceleration of Migrat~ry
Organometallics, 1995, 14, (l), 551-554
in [MeIr(CO)J,r by Methanol and by Ti(II)
A direct reaction of [Pt(CHZ=CH2)(PPh,),](1) with Iodide
N,CHCOzEt, under a fast atom bombardment matrix, J. M. PEARSON, A. HAYNES,G. E. MORRIS, G. J. SUNLEY and
yielded molecular ions corresponding to the species P. M. MAITLIs, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Cornrnun., 1995,
[Pt {NK(H)COzEt) (PPh,),], [Pt {C(H)COzEt}- (lo), 1045-1046
(PPh,),] and [Pt{C(H)CO,Et} (PPh3),],, which are Carbonylation of [MeIr(C0)z13]- to [MeC0Ir(CO),I3]-,
intermediates in the formation of the fumarate Pt(0) requires > 80°C in chlorobenzene,but is greatly accel-
derivative [Pt { rrans-C(H)CO,Et=C(H)CO,Et}- erated on addition of MeOH by lo' at 33"C, or of the
(PPh,),] . (1) was active in the cylcopropanation of Lewis acid SnI, by 200 times at 93°C. The accelera-
styrene in the presence of N2CHCO2Et. tion is proposed to arise fkom activation of an Ir-I bond.

Platinum Metals Rm., 1995, 39, (3) 134

High Oxygen Pressure and the Preparation Synthesis of a [60]Fullerene Derivative
of New Iridium (VI) Oxides with Perovskite Covalently Linked to a Ruthenium(I1)
Structure: Sr2MIr0, (M= Ca, Mg) Tris(bipyridine) Complex
D.-Y. JUNG and G. DEMAZEAU, solid state chnn., 1995, M.MAGGINI, A. DONO, G. SCORRANO and M.P M T 0 , J
115, (2), 447-455 Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1995, (8), 845-846
I r w ) in an octahedral co-ordination was stabilised The synthesis of a [dO]fullerene derivative containing
in SrJ41r06 (A4= Ca, Mg) oxides with an ordered the transition metal complex Ru(bpy)? is described.
perovskite structure by use of high 0 pressure. The Its W-VIS spectrum showed absorptions typical of
structure of Sr,CazrO, depends swngly on the 0 pres- the two independent chromophores.
sure and reversibly returns to the original structure
according to the heat treatment applied. The oxida- ELECTROCHEMISTRY
tion state of Ir is determined and correlated with the
structural factors and the covalency of M - 0 bonds. High EfFiciency ElectrochemicalReduction
The electronic configuration of IrO leads to a high
Nee1 temperature with 55 K (Ca) and 80 K (Mg). of Carbon Dioxide under HighPressure on
a Gas Diffusion Electrode Containing Pt
Trans-CisIsomerizationin [Os(tpy)(Cl),(N)I+ Catalysts
D. S. WILLIAMS, G. M.COIA and T.J. MEYER, h r g . chem., K. HAM, A. KUDO, T.SAKATA and M.WATANABE, 3.
1995, 34, (3), 586-592 Electrochem. Soc., 1995, 142, (4), L57-L59
The 0 s complex man~-[Os(tpy)(C1)~(N)]C1 (1) was The electrochemical reduction of gas phase C 0 2under
synthesised by adding 2,2';6',2"-terpyridine (tpy) to high pressure (< 50 arm) was performed on a gas dif-
[NBu,] [Os(N)CI,] in dichloromethane and tmns- fusion electrode containing Pt electrocatalystat high
N ] by addition of "I%]
[ O ~ ( t p y ) ( C l ) ~ [PFs] [PFJ to current densities. The faradaic efficiency for C 0 2
a methanolic solution of (1). When dissolved in MeOH reduction reached 46% at a current density of 900
in the presence of added chloride, (1) slowly isomerised d c m P .CH, was produced at 35% efficiency.
to cis-[O~(tpy)(Cl)~(N)]', which was isolated as its
[PFJ salt. With added chloride, an equilibrium was Fabrication of Highly Dispersed Pt Coated
achieved in the solution between the mutts and cis iso- CarbonElectrodeebyaCombination of P d
mers. Isomerisationdid not occur in dichloromethane. Thermal Decomposition and Electrolytic
A mechanism for isomerisation and substitution is Reduction of Pt Complex
proposed involving associative attack of methanol to Y. KAMEGAYA, H. KOBAYASHI and T.MITMURA, Denki
form seven-co-ordinate, solvent-bound intermedi- Kugaku, 1995,95, (2), 122-127
ates, which undergo solvolysis. A Pt coated electrode was made, using a combination
of partial thermal decomposition of P t ( N o z ) 2 ( N H 3 ) 2
A Dihydrogen Complex, [Os(~z-H,)(CO)- on C paper at 350°C and electrochemical reduction
(quS)(PPh,),]+, in Equilibrium with Its of the Pt complex at 0 V (vs. Ag/AgCI) in a mixed
CoordinatedThiol Tautomer (quS = quino- solution of 1 M MeOH and 0.5 M H2S04at 60°C.
line-8-thiolate) The specific surface area and activity of Pt on this
M.SCHLAF and R. H. MORRIS, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. electrodewas higher than those obtained with H,PtCL.
Commun., 1995, (6), 625-626
The mixture of two isomers of the new 0 s complex ElectrochemicalSulphur Dioxide Oxidation
Os(H)(CO)(quS)(PPh,), reacted with HBFI.Et20 with Platinum-AluminumElectrocatalysts
at -80°C to produce the 0 s complexes [Os(q2- J. LEE and s. H. L A N G E R , ~Appl. Elecmchem., 1995,25,
H,)(CO)(quS)(PPh,),]+ with dihydrogen tram to sul- (4), 353-357
phur or nitrogen along with tautomeric thiol com- Pt-Alelectrocatalysts supported on C black were stud-
plexes [Os(H)(CO)(quSH) (PPh,),]'. The tautomeric ied for electrogenerativeSO, oxidation in hybrid type,
equilibria shifted with temperature. liquid-phase SOz/02cells. When 1-30 at.% Al was
incorporated with Pt electrocatalysts on C, electro-
Vertically Linked Ruthenium(II) Porphyrin catalytic activity increased for SO2oxidation. Even a
Oligomers -
small amount of Al 1 at.% incorporated in the Pt
produced a significant synergistic effect.
SASAKI, Chem. Len. Jpn.,1995, (3), 207-208
A novel porphyrin trimer linked vertically, of
Kinetic Properties of a Ptnambda-MnO,
formula Ru(OEP)(H,PyP,P),, was synthesised and Electrode for the Electmiusertionof Lithium
characterised. The porphyrin ligands with pyridyl Ions in an Aqueous Phase
p u p s in these oligomersare perpendicularlyco-ordi- H. KANOH,
Q. FENG, Y. MNAI and K. 001, J. Electrochem.
nated to the metal centres of Ru(I1) porphyrins. SOC.,1995, 142, (3), 702-707
Porphyrin oligomers, Ru(OEP)(CO)(H2PyP,P), Kinetic properties of a Pt/h-Mn02 electrode for the
Ru(0EP) (CO)(Znq.P,P) and [Ru(OEP)(CO)]~ ( W U ~ S - electrochemical insertion of Li ions were studied in
HzPy2P2P) were also prepared.This gives a systematic the aqueous phase. The electrochemical insertion
route for constructing perpendicularly linked por- reaction of Li ions proceeded in two steps at 0.6-0.98
phyrin oligomers and polymers and studies of their V (vs. S.C.E.). The chemical diffusion coefficients of
potential functions are currently in progress. Li ions in the Mn02were 6.6 x 10 "-1.4 x 10 '" cmz/s.

Platinum Merak Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 135

Preparation of Microparticle Palladium Electronic Energy Transfer in a Supramole
Incorporating Poly[N-(5-hydroxypentyl)- cular Species Containing the [Ru(bpy),]2’,
pyrrole] Film-Coated Electrode [Os(bpyhp, and Anthracene Chromophoric
Lett. Jpn., 1995, (3), 219-220 P. BELSER, R. DUX, M. BAN, L. DE COLA and v. BALZANI,
A new conducting polymer catalytic electrode incor- Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 1995,34, (3), 595-597
porating Pd microparticles into poly[N-(5-hydroxy- A very fast and efficient energy transfer of 4.7 X lO*/s
penty1)-pyrrole] film-coated electrode was prepared was observed from the Ru-to the 0s-based moiety in
by immmion treatment in NaJ’dC1, solution, followed the reaction of the above components. In 02, a pho-
by electrochemical reduction of permeated PdCL’ ions
in the films. The electrode exhibited catalytic activity
toreaction occurred which gave a strong decrease, -
80 times, in the rate of the energy transfer process.
for the hydrogenation of acetylene compound.
Dramatic Increase of 3MLCTState Lifetime
PHOTOCONVERSION of a Ruthenium(I1) Polypyridine Complex
upon Entrapment wiihin Y - h l i t e Supemagw
Effects of m,C1- and CH,COOH on the K. MARUSZEWSKI mdJ. R.K I N C m , Inorg c k . 3 1995,
Photocatalytic Conversion of PtC1,’- in 343 2o02-2006
Entrapment of Ru(bpy),(daf)”, where daf is diaza-
Aqueous TiO, Dispersion fluorene, in zeolite Y supercages induced a dramatic
c . XI, z . CHEN, Q. LIand Z. DJ, J. Photochem. P h o t d d . increase in the excited-state lifetime and emission
A: C h m . , 1995,87, (3), 249-255 intensity compared to solutions of the complex. The
Studies Of the effects Of H’, c1and CH3C00H (l) observed temperature dependence of the exited-state
on the photocatalyticconversion of ptCLz-in an aque- lifetime was modelled by a kinetic equation with
0~ TiOz dispersion showed that the hYdrOlySiS Prod- thermal terms corresponding to the so-called fourth
uct of PtC162- is photocatalytically converted into a 3 m C T State ligand field (LF) state, respectively,
solid deposit on the TiOzsurface which changes with meincreased lifetime of the entrapped complex was
the degree of the PtC1;- hydrolysis. No deposit was found to result from zeolite-induced destabilisation
observed on the TiO, when both Hi and C1 con- of the state.
centrations were high enough to depress the hydrol-
Photoadduct between T&(1,4,5,8-tetraaza-
ysis. The effect of (1) on the composition of the pho-
tocatalyticproduct of PtCL’ on TiO, is closely related
.;Um (II)and G w & e
to the degree of its ionisation. Monophosphat- Model for a New Mode of
Photoit~I~cedMditionofDioxygenMoledesCovalent Binding of Metal Complexes to DNA
U A of& p&(dp)&w
Catalyst J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1995, (9), 913-914
Ru(TAP),(2-TAP-G)” (TAP = 1,4,5,8-tetraaza-
P.D. HARVEY, M. CROZET and K. T. AYE, Can. 3.Chem., phenankene), in which the guanine moiety is bound
1995, 73, (l), 123-130 via N-2 to C-2 of one of the TAP ligands, was pro-
The photoinduced addition Of 0 2 Onto the unsaturated duced by visible light irradiation of [RUcTAp),]” in
cluster Pd,(dppm)3C02’ (as a CF3C02 Salt) in ace- aqueous solutions containing~’-guan~in~monophos-
t o ~ isew**. The final product pd3(dPPm)3(0z),” phate (GMP) and subsequent treatment with HCl.
is formed in a multi-step in which two photo- mereaction is said proceed by initial oxidation
chemical intermediates are observed, such as of the guanine by the R~ complex excited state, sub-
Pdl(dppm)3(Oz)(C0)2’and Pd3(dppm),(0d2’.Studies sequent proton transfer (both processes were verified
showed that Oz binds the Pd3 centre as a peroxo-o~~ by laser flash photolysis) and subsequent coupling
and acts as a hvo electron donor that triply bridges of the radicals that were formed.
the metal atoms, forming a 44-electron cluster.

Photochemistry and C-H Bond Activation ELECTRODEPOSITION AND

Reactivity of (HBPZ*,)R~(CO)~ (Pz*= 3,5- SURFACE COATINGS
Dimethylpyrazollyl)m Hydrocarbon Solution
A. A. PURWOKO and A. J. LEES, Inorg. Chem., 1995, 34, Fabrication Of ultrathim Metallic Membranes
(2), 424-425 on Ceramic Supports by Sputter Deposition
The solution photochemistry of (HBPz*,)R~(CO)~ v. JAYARAMAN, Y. S. LIN, M. P A U L A and R. Y . LIN, 3.
was studied and the absolute quantum efficiencies for Membrane ScL, 1995, 99, (l), 89-100
intermolecular C-H bond activation at several exci- Ultrathin Pd films (< 500 nm) grown on porous
tation wavelengthswere determined. The C-H bond ceramic supports were prepared by sputter deposi-
activation reaction proceededwell and cleanly in room- tion. Fairly gas-tight Pd films with good adhesion
temperature solutions after photolyses in either the could be coated on sol-gel derived fine pore yAl~Ot
near-UV or visible region. Quantum efficiency data supports but not on come a-Al,O,. Both coating tem-
revealed that the C-H bond activation is strongly perature and substrate type affect the grain size, N
dependent on the wavelength of light excitation, and gas-tighmess and the adhesion of the deposited metal-
that high conversion efficiencies can be obtained. lic films. The optimum coating temperature is 400°C.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 136

Effect of KCl Concentrationon Activation Ekctrochetnical Removal of Both NO and a
Using Pd-Sn(I1) Chloride Solutions under Lean-Burn Conditions
E. D. DOBREVA, A. L. LIRKOV, A. T. TRANDAFILOV and L. T. HIBIN0,J Appl. Elecnochnn., 1995,25,(3), 203-207
I. PINDEVA, Galvanotechnik, 1995,86, (2), 560-566 An electrochemical cell Pd/YSZ/Pd of simple struc-
Formation of Pd nuclei on the surface of plastics using ture and small size was placed in a flow of NO and
colloidal activating solutions strongly acidified with CHI mixture at 650-750°C with direct current. Both
HCl is compared with results obtained using weak NO and CHI were removed, even in the presence of
HCl with a KCl based activator. The effect of tem- excess 0,. No deterioration of activity was found in
perature increase and modification of the HCl and the presence of H,O and CO,. NO was reduced to N,
KCl concentration on the activation performance are at the cathode, and CH, was oxidised to COXat both
examined. The greatest Pd adsorption was obtained the anode and cathode. At the cathode, the reduction
using solutions with concentrated HCl. Results were of NO and the oxidation of CH, proceeded with the
obtained by measurement of surface tension, contact removal of chemisorbed 0 species from the Pd sur-
angle, and radiochemical and SEM-based methods. face, and at the anode, the oxidation of CH, was
increased by forming an active 0 atom.
Electrodeposition of Ru-Sn Coatings
D. R. HODGSON,J Muter. sci. Len., 1995,14, (4), 275 Characterizaiionof Nanoerysdhe PaRadium
Ru-Sn plating solutions containing RuCll and SnCh. for Solid State Gas Sensor Applications
5 H 2 0 dissolved in HzSO, were prepared and elec- F. A. VOLKENING, M. N. NAIDOO, G. A. CANDELA, R. L.
trodeposition was carried out at room temperature HOLTZ and v . PROVENZANO, NanoStructured Muter.,
using a Pt mesh anode surrounding a Ti cathode, at 1995, 5, (3), 373-382
a constant current density of 30 mA/cm2, for various Nanocrystalline Pd was prepared by the inert gas con-
times. Coatings were deposited onto a T i smp, pre- densation technique, consolidated into pellets, and
viously etched in oxalic acid. A dramatic increase in characterised. The H gas absorptioddesorption prop-
durabilitywas observed after heating the deposits from erties of the nanocrystalline Pd were studied to show
a solution containing Ru 0.009 mol/dm’ and Sn 0.19 their applicationto solid state gas sensor development.
mol/dm’, in air for 1 h at 500°C. This method is fast The nanocrystalline materials exhibited fast response
and the deposits become more stable by heating in air. to H, and complete recovery up to an exposure to sev-
eral % of H. Studies showed that the dissociative
chemisorption of H on the surface of the Pd is the
APPARATUS AND TECHNIQUE rate controlling step for absorption, while desorption
was controlled by diffusion of H out of the Pd metal.
A Method for l‘reparation of Pt-IrT ifor the
Scanning Tunneling Microscope Highly Selective Biosensing of Lactate at
v. WEINSTEIN, M. SLUTZKY, A. ARENSEITAM and E. BEN- Lactate Oxidase Containing Rhodium-
JACOB, Rev. Sci. Imtrum., 1995,66, (4), 3075-3076 Dispersed Carbon Paste Electrodes
Pt-Ir tips for STM were prepared by AC etching of J. WANG, Q. CHEN and M. PEDRERO, Anal. Chim.Acta,
Pt-Ir specimens, using Pb,Iro wire of diameter 0.25 1995,304, (l), 4 1 4 6
mm, in 1-2 M NaOH + saturated NaOCN distilled A highly selective lactate biosensor based on the -0-
HzO solution. The optimal frequency was 400 Hz bilisation of lactate oxidase within a Rh-dispersed C
and the etching duration was about 30 min. This paste is presented. The amperometric biosensing of
method is simple, relatively fast, taking 35-40 min lactate can be performed at low operating poten-
per tip, and produces tips with a small opening angle. tials. The effective catalytic action of the Rh micropar-
ticles towards the generated H,O, or consumed O2
Application of Redox Cycling Enhanced allows tuning of the operating potential to a region
Current at an Interdigitated Array Electrode which prevents unwanted reactions. The detection
for Iron-Trace Determinationin Ultrapure limit was 1.5 x 10 M and the response time 8 s. A
Spectral Carbon fast and sensitiveflow injection operation is obtained.
TVAROZEK, Anal. Chim. Acta, 1995, 305, (1-3),
Design and Optimization of a Selective
121-125 Subcutaneously Implantable Glucose
Vertically arranged interdigitated array (IDA) elec- Electrode Based on ‘Wired” Glucose Oxidase
trodes, containing a continuous Pt-film base and a E. CSOREGI, D. W. SCHMIDTKE and A. HELLER, Anal.
0.5 pthick insulation layer in the middle separating Chem., 1995,67, (7), 1240-1244
the upper Pt-IDA electrodes from the Pt-base, were An implantable 0.29 mm wide flexible wire electrode
used for Fe trace analysis in ultrapure spectral C. The for glucose monitoring contains 3 layers with no leach-
spiked samples were used during tests and the results able components: a “wired” glucose oxidase (GOX)
were compared with those obtained by AAS. The sensing layer formed by cross-linking {poly[(l-vinyh-
redox cycling enhanced the electrochemical signal idazolyl)Os(4,4’-dimethylbipy~idine)~Cl]} and GOX
of the IDA microelectrode, and the IDA signal was with poly(ethy1ene glycol) diglycidylether, a mass trans-
obtained for 1 x lO-’-I .5 x lo4 wt.% Fe. The method port limiting layer, and a non-fouling biocompatible
is a less expensive alternative to the AAS determina- layer. When poised at +200 mV vs S.C.E. and at 37”C,
tion of Fe pollutants in ultrapure carbon. the electrode had in vitro sensitivityof 1-2.5 nA/mM.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995,39, (3) 137

JOINING The Preparation of HigksllrfaceAreaPIISio,
Catalysts with Well-Defined Pore Size
Thin Multilayer Palladium Coatings for Distributions
Semiconductor Packaging Applications. W. ZOU and R. D. GONZALEZ, Catal., 1995, 152, (2),
Part I: Solderability 291-305
I. v. KADIJA, J. A. ABYS, J. J. MAISANO, E. J. KUDRAK and s. Thermally stable supported Pt catalysts were prepared
SHIMADA, Plat. Surf. Finish., 1995, 82, (2), 56-62 by matching the metal particle size to the average pore
Physical and chemical characteristics of Pd and Pd diameter. In the 3-8 pH range, blank SiO, gels pre-
alloy electrodeposits were studied to find their per- pared using tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) had BET sur-
formance as solderable and wire-bondable materials. face areas of 350-800 m2/gand mesoporous struc-
The most stringent soldering requirements were met tures with an average pore diameter of 4-25 nm at a
by combining layers with limiting porosity, inhibiting constant H20:TEOSratio of 10. The use of Pt(AcAc),
thermal diffusion and increasing wetting speeds. resulted in average pore diameters of 4-20 nm by
Combinations of Pd and Pd alloys with thin Au flash adjusting the H,O:TEOS ratio during synthesis.
showed good solderability and wire bonding. Pd fin- Catalytic activities were found to be comparable or
ishes have superior bond strength than Sn-Pb ones. slightly superior to supported metal catalysts prepared
by traditional methods.
HETEROGENEOUS CATALYSIS Synthesis of a Highly Active Superacid of
Iuvesiigahn of Methane orddation on WA1203
Platinum-Supported Zirconia for Reaction of
C- d e r Transient Reaction Conditions
M. HINO and K. MTA, J. C h m . SOC.,Chem. Commun.,
R BURCH andP. K. LOADER, Appl. cat&. A: Gen., 1995, 1995, (7), 789-790
122, (2), 169-190 A highly active superacid of 8 wt. % Pt/Zr02was
The oxidation of CH, on Pt/Al,O, catalysts was stud- obtained for the skeletal isomerisation of butane to
ied using various gas mixtures as a function of the
isobutane by impregnating ZrO, gel with 0.5 mol/dm'
state of oxidation or reduction of the Pt surface. The H,SO, followed by drying. The sulphated gel was
activity for CH, oxidationincreased sharply after addi- impregnated with H,PtCl, solution and calcined in
tion of the reactants to either a pre-reduced or a pre- air at 600°C. The catalytic activity achieved was the
oxidised catalyst. Even after re-oxidation at 3OO0C,the greatest of any solid catalyst yet reported for the acid-
Pt particles had a strong "memory" of previous reduc- catalysed isomerisation of butane without reducing
tion treatments, and the position of the maximum the catalyst before use or in the absence of H,.
activity was reproducible for pre-reduced catalysts.
of Modification of Pd/Si02with Rh on
A New Class of Chiral Modifiers for the Effects
C a w c Activity for Ethene Hydroformylation
Enantioselective Hydrogenation of a-
Ketoesters with Pt/Al,O, C h m . Soc., Faraday Trans., 1995,91, (8), 1271-1276
K. E. SIMONS, G. WANG, T. HEINZ, T. GIGER, T . MALLAT, The catalytic activity of PdiSiO, catalysts modified
A. PFALTZ anda.BAKER, Tetrahedmn:Asymmeny, 1995, with Rh was studied during ethene hydroformylation
6, (2), 505-518 using Pd catalysts with high (1) or low dispersions.
A series of enantiomerically pure chiral amino alco- The activity for propionaldehyde formation on (1)
hols was prepared and applied as modifiers in the catalyst modified with Rh(CH,CO,)l at Rh:Pd = 1.O
enantioselectivehydrogenation of ethyl pyruvate over was very high, being about 4 times that on unmodi-
k/Al,O, catalysts. Their use allowed an enantiomeric fied (1) or more than 50 times that on Rh/SiO, con-
excess af I75% to be obtained. A molecular model taining the same amount of Rh alone. This remark-
of the modifiers and reactant on a Pt(ll1) surface able increase in activity is probably due to the
explained the observed enantiodifferentiation. formation of a Rh-Pd bimetallic structure at the sur-
Increased Aromaiizationin the Reforming faces of metal particles.
of Mixtures of n-Hexane, Methylcyclopentane Catalytic Properties of Nanocrystalline
and Methylcyclohexaneover Composites of WO,,Pt/WO,, and Pd/WO, Particles
pt/BaKL Zeolite with Pt/b or Pt/USY Zeolites H.-M. LIN,C.-Y.TUNG, C.-M. HSU andP.-Y.LEE,J Muter.
P. G. SMIRNIOTIS and E. RUCKENSTEIN, Appl. Catal. Res., 1995, 10, (3, 1115-1119
A: Gen., 1995, 123, (1,2), 59-88 Nanocrystalline (NC) WO,, PtWOr, and Pd/WO,-,
The performance of the individualL, p and USY zeo- catalysts showed good interfacial bonding between
lites supportingPt and of compositesof PtBaKL with NC Pt or Pd and WO, particles. The nanocrystals

either Pt/p or Pt/uSY was studied during reforming WO,,E"O, and Pd/WO, grew into needle shapes
of n-hexane, methylcyclopentane, or methylcyclo- with a plate structure inside after sintering at 900"C,
hexane. The increase of the Pt loading increased the to form a network structure. However, the mean par-
aromatic selectivity for the hydrocarbons. Reactions ticle size of nanophase Pt and Pd increases only from
over the composites gave increased selectivities for < 10 nm to 30 nm and 50 nm, respectively.The results
C t 7 aromatics. This is attributed to the synergism of CO oxidation show that nanophase lWWOsxpow-
caused by the components of the composites in com- ders have better catalytic effects on converting CO to
bination with components of the feed mixture. CO, than nanophase WO,-, and Pd/WO,~,powders.

Platinum MetaLFRev., 1995, 39, ( 3 ) 138

Selective Hydrogenation of Phenylacetylene HOMOGENEOUS CATALYSIS
on Pumice-Supported Palladium Catalysts
D. DUCA, L. F. L I O l T A and G. DEGANELLO, 3. Catal., Highly Stereoselective Allylation of
1995, 154, (l), 69-79 Benzaldehyde: Generation of a Stereo-
The behaviour of Pdpumice catalysts during the above chemically De6ned Allylzinc Species from a
reaction in the liquid phase, was studied for a large x-Allylpalladium Intermediate and
range of metallic dispersions. The hydrogenation was Diethylzinc
''structure insensitive". Pdpumice catalysts show high Y.TAMARU, A. TANAKA, K.YASUI, s.GOTO and s.TANAKA,
activity and selectivity at high metal dispersions, so Angew. Chem., Znt. Ed. Engl., 1995,34, (7), 787-789
they can be used in industrial applications. The stereoselective addition of 2-cyclohexenylzinc
New Catalyst Precursors Consihted of As& species, generated by the Pd"-catalysedreaction of 2-
cyclohexenyl esters and diethylzinc, to benzalde-
and Palladium on Carbon or Pdadium(II) hyde using Pd(PPh,), catalyst is reported. The Pd-
Acetate as mcient Promoters of Selective catalysed allylation had the excellent stereoselectivity
Cross-Coupling Reactions between of syn addition with inversion of the allylic stereo-
Functionalized Alkenyl Halides and Aryl- centre for 2-cyclohexenyl substrates and (2')-anti addi-
or 1-Alkynylzinc Chlorides tion for acyclic 1,3-disubstituted allylic substrates.
R. ROSSI, F. BELLINA, A. CARPITA and R. GORI, Synlett, This technique can be applied to a range of allylic
1995, (4), 344-346 substrates prepared from allylic alcohols and a$-
Catalyst precursor containing a mixture of P d C and unsaturated aldehydes.
As€%? and also that obtained by treatment of Pd(OAc),
with AsPh, in THF at 60°C were found to promote Homogeneous Multimetallic Catalysts. 1 1.
efficient cross-coupling reactions between aryl- or Carbonylationof Aryl Iodides with HSiEt,
1-alkynylziic chlorides and alkenyl halides. The lat- Catalyzed by Pd-Co Bimetallic Systems
ter contain an electron-withhwing substituentlinked Y.MISUMI, Y.ISHII and M. HIDAI, Organometallics, 1995,
to their C-C double bond. 14, (4), 1770-1775
The bimetallic catalysts PdCl,(PPh,),-Ru(CO) 12 or
One-Step Synthesis of PdSAPO-5 Catalysts PdC12(PPh,)2-Co2(CO), were found to be effective for
and Their Structure carbonylation of aryl iodides and HSiEt, to yield ben-
T.-C. XIAO,L-D.AN, H.-L. WANG, F. DENG,N.-H. Y A N G ~ ~zyl
~ silyl ether as the main product, although they were
J.-Q.QIU, C h i n . 3 Catd., 1995, 16, (2), 108-113 not active individually. Addition of NEt, to the Pd-
PdSAPO-5 bifunctional catalysts were prepared by Co mixed-metal-catalysed carbonylation greatly
direct addition of Pd to the reactant gel mixture of changed the selectivity of the products giving 1,2-
silicoaluminophosphate followed by their modifica- diaryl-1,2-disiloxyethane as the major product.
tion. The addition of H2PdCl, did not depress the Detailed mechanisms are proposed for this reaction.
yield of SAPO-5 and the Pd could be evenly dispersed
in the channels of PdSAP0-5(Cl). The dispersion A shnple, Effective, New, Palladhrm-catalyzed
of Pd in PdSAPO-5 was much better than that in Conversion of Enol Silanes to Enones and
PdSAPO-5 prepared by impregnation. En&
[RU~(CO)~~]*- in NaX Zeolite Cages: and D. ZHENG, Tetrahedron Lett., 1995, 36, (14),
Characterization by EXAFS and FTIR 2423-2426
Spectroscopy Enol silanes obtained from aldehydes and ketones
A,-M. LIU, T. SHIDO and M. ICHIKAWA, J. Chem. SOC., were easily converted to the correspondinga,P-unsat-
Chem. Commun., 1995, (3,507-508 urated carbonyl compounds by 10% Pd(OAc)2in the
Ru'"(NH,)~in the cages of NaX zeolite was converted presence of 1 atm O2in dimethylsulphoxide as the
into the Ru carbonyl cluster dianion [RU,(CO),~]~-solvent. The process requires no additional reagents
in the presence of CO + H,, which w a s reversibly frag- or reoxidants for Pd, so is environmentallyattractive
mented and reconstructed under oxidative and reduc- and should therefore find widespread use.
tive conditions, respectively. The structure of this Ru
cluster was very sensitive to 02.
Palladium-Catalysed Carbonylation of
Halogenoalkynea to AkynylcarboxylicAcid
New Supported [Rudy1 Clusters as a Potenhl Esters under Mild Conditions
Transition Metal Nitride Catalyst T. T. ZUNG, L. G. BRUK, 0.N. TEMKIN and A. v.
Y.IZUMI and K.4. AIKA, Chem. Lett. Jpn., 1995, (2), MAIASHKEVICH, Mendeleev Commun., 1995, (l), 3-4
137-138 Alkynylcarboxylicacid esters were formed by Pd-catal-
[Ru6N] cluster catalysts were prepared by reacting ysed carbonylation of bromoalkynes, iodoalkynesand
[Ru6N(CO),,]-clusters with MgO, K+-doped MgO o-alkynyl Pd(II) complexes under CO at atmospheric
or Cs'-doped MgO. The [Ru6N] unit remained in pressure. Et,N or NaOAc may be added to the
reaction conditions and showed higher activities in methanol solution of PdX,-LiX (X = Br, I) catalyst.
NH, synthesis than conventional Ru catalysts or Ru Esters were produced in high yield and under mild
clusters prepared from [ R u ~ C ( C O ) , ~ M ~ or] - reaction conditions at 40°C. Ester formation must
[RU~(CO),~]*~complexes. occur from iodoalkyne as an intermediate product.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 139

Novel Palladium-catalySea Cyclodimerization Use of the Redox-Active Ligand 1,l'-
ofB-mthe Preseme of Carbon Diode Bis(dipheny1phosphino)cobaltocene to
and Water Reversibly Alter the Rate of the Rhdium(Ih
F. BERG-, F. PANELM, R SANTI and E. ANTONELLI, Catalyzed Reduction and Isomerization of
J. Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun., 1995, (9), 931-932 Ketones and Alkenes
A Pd-catalysed cyclodimerisationof butadiene to 2- I. M. m , and M. s. WRIGHTON, J. Am.
~ ~ o vR.~R cDUFF
vinylmethylenecyclopentaneoccurring in catalytic Chem. SOC., 1995, 117, (12), 3617-3618
turnovers and giving yields much superior to those of The synthesis and characterisation of the reversibly
the Ni-based systems, which are specific for cyclo- redox-active hydrogenation catalyst precursor
dimerisation reactions, is reported. The system used [ R ~ ( ~ ~ ~ C ) N B D ] ' + ' +(1)
( PW ) ~=, bicyclo[2.2.1]-
F ~D
Pd(O)L,, (L= Ph,P, (0-tolyl),P), CO, and H,O. hepta-2,5-diene, dppc = 1,l'-bis(dipheny1phos-
phino)cobaltocene) is reported. (1) reacts in both
Hydroesterificationof Olefins Catalyzed by states of charge with H, in acetone to give [Rh(dppc)-
Pd(OAc), Immobilized on Montmorillonite (acetone).12+'*(2). Studies of the effect of changes in
c.w. LEE and H. ALPER, J. Org. Chem., 1995,60, (l), the ligand state of charge on catalytic activity showed
250-252 that between the two states of charge of (2), (2), is
Pd acetate immobilised on montmorillonitewas found the faster and more durable hydrosilation catalyst,
to be an efficient catalyst for the hydroesterification while (2), is the faster hydrogenation catalyst.
of olefins with CO and CH30H, in the presence of
PPh, and an acid promoter, giving branched chain Rhodium Catalysed Asymmetric
esters in good yields and selectivities. The reaction Hydroformylationwith Diphosphite Ligands
was regiospecificfor aryl olefins and vinyl benzoate, Based on Sugar Backbones
and regioselectivefor aliphatic olefins. G. J. H. BUISMAN, M. E. MARTIN, E.J. VOS,A. KLOOTWIJK,
P. c.J. KAMER and P. w. N. M. VAN LEEUWEN,Tetrahednm:
Palladium(0)-Catalyzed Phenylation of Asymmemy, 1995,6, (3),719-738
Imidazo[4,s-bIpyridiues Chiral diphosphite ligands (PP) prepared from (2,2'-
s. GRIVAS and s. LINDSTROM, J. Heterocyclic Chem., biphenyl-1,l'-diyl), etc., and sugar backbones were
1995, 32, (2), 467471 used in the Rh catalysed asymmetric hydroformyla-
Coupling of benzeneboronic acid with 2-chloro, 6- tion of styrene. Enantioselectivities 2 6 4 % were
bromo and 6-bromo-2-chloro derivatives of 1- and 3- obtained with stable HFUIPP(CO)~catalysts. High
methylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridines was catalysed by regioselectivityto the branched aldehyde was found
Pd(PPh,), to novel 2-phenyl-, 6-phenyl- and 2,6- at relatively mild reaction conditions at 2540°C and
diphenylimidazo[4,5-b] pyridines. The phenylation 9 4 5 bar of syngas pressure. A relationship was found
of imidazo[4,5-b]pyridines containing labile H was between the trigonal bipyramidal structure and the
unsuccessful. enantioselectivity of the HRhPP(CO),.
Rhodium-Catalyzed Intramolecular Hydrudyhtionof Phenylacetylene Catalyzed
Silylformylation of Acetylenes:A Vehicle for by [Ir(COD)(q'-'PrZPCH,CHz0Me)][BF4]
Complete R e g b and Stereoselectivityin the M. A. ESTERUEIAS, M.O L I V h , L. A. O R 0 andJ.I. TOLOSA,
Formylation of Acetylenic Bonds J. Organomet. Chem., 1995,487, (1-2), 143-149
F. MONTEIL, I. MATSUDA and H. ALPER, J. Am. Chem. The cationic complexes [Ir(diolefin) ($-
SOC.,1995, 117, (15), 4419-4420 'Pr2PCH2CH2NMe2)] [BF,] (diolefin = 1,5-cyclooc-
Regio- and stereospecific intramolecular silylformy- tadiene or teaafluorobenzobarrelene)and F(dio1efin)-
lation of acetylenicbonds was studied in the presence (I~-~P~,PCH,CH,OM [BF,]
~ ) ] catalyse the reaction
of a Rh complex catalyst. Reaction of pent-4-ynyl- of phenylacetylene with triethylsilane to give
methylphenylsilanewith CO and a catalytic amount PhCH=CH,, PhC=CSiEt3, cis-PhCH=CH(SiEt,),
of either the zwitterionic Rh complex (q6- nans-PhCH= CH(Sit3)and Ph(SiEt,)C=CH, Under
C6H,BPh,)-Rh' (1&COD) (COD = cyclooctadiene) catalytic conditions both hydridoalkynyl and hydri-
or &(CO),, and methylaminegave the corresponding dosilyl intermediates are formed.
aldehyde in 43% and 56% isolated yield, respectively.
The six-membered ring silacycles were isolated in Aromatic Hydrogen Isotope Exchange
higher yields than their five-membered counterparts. Reactions Catalysedby IridiumComplexes in
Aqueous Solution
Asymmetric Hydrosilylationof Keto Esters c. A. LUKEY, M. A. LONG and J. L. GARNETT, Aust. 3.
W b Y a - * complexwithlkam+ Chem., 1995,48, (l), 79-91
Chelating Chiral Diphosphine EtTRAP Ir chloro complexes in aqueous acetic acid solution
M. SAWAMURA, R. KUWANO, J. SHIRAI and Y. lT0, sy?dt%t, are active catalysts for H isotope exchange in aromatic
1995, (4), 347-348 compounds. The optimum conditions for exchange
Asymmemc hydrosilylation of a-, and yketo esters were found at 0.02 M catalyst concentration in a
with diphenylsilanein the presence of 1 mol% Rh cat- solvent consisting of 50 mol % acetic acid/H,O, at
alyst, such as w(COD)z]BF,, containingnans-chelat- 160°C when the exchange rate was significant and
ing chiral phosphine ligand EtTRAP gave optically precipitation of Ir metal was miniiised. The active
active alcohols with enantiomeric excesses of 32-93%. catalyst for both systems is a solvated Ir(III)specie.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 140

Ruthenium-Catalyzed Synthesis of Direct Liquid Injection MOCVD of High
Butenolides and Pentenolides via Contra- Quality PLZT Films
Electronic c4kyhion of Hydroxyalkynoates W.TAO, S. B. DESU and T. K.LI, MateK Lett., 1995,23,
B. M. TROST, T. J. J. MULLER and J. MARTINEZ, J. A m . (4, 5, 6 ) , 177-180
Chem. SOC.,1995, 117, (7), 1888-1899 High quality La-modified lead zirconate titanate
The addition of alkenes to 4-hydroxy-2-alkynoates in (PLZT)which has excellent ferroelectric properties
an Alder-ene type mode yielded butenolides in the for non-volatile memory was deposited as films on
presence of CpRu(COD)Cl, which was the most effec- (1 1l)Pt/Ti/SiOJSi substrates by direct liquid injec-
tive catalyst, in aqueous DMF or MeOH when the tion metal-organic chemical vapour deposition. The
reaction proceeded with excellent chemoselectivity. as-deposited PLZT films had smooth, reflective sur-
Ru catalysts changed the rules of selectiviywith respect faces. XRD studies showed a single perovskite phase
to regioselectivity, when the usual preference for p- with a-axis oriented P U T films formed in situ at a
alkylation is reversed and a-alkylation becomes pre- substrate temperature of 650°C. Electrical fatigue
dominant. Acetogenin (+)-ancepsenolide was obtained tests showed 70% of the original switched polarisa-
&omcommercially available 10-undecenal and methyl tion still remained after 1 x 10" cycles.
(3-lactane in seven steps with 31% overall yield.
Magnetoresistance and Interlayer Coupling
Catalytic Addition of Aromatic Carbon- in Co-Pt/Cu/Permalloy Sandwiches
Hydrogen Bonds to Olefinswith the Aid of K. KATO, 0. KITAKAMI and Y . SHIMADA, 3pn. J. Appl.
Ruthenium Complexes Phy., 1995, 34, (2A), 492496
F. KAKIUCHI, S. SEKINE, Y.TANAKA, A. KAMATANI, M. Addition of a small amount of Pt (- 5.5 at.%) greatly
SONODA, N. CHATANI and S . M U M , Bull. Chem. soc. improved the magnetic hardness of very thin Co films.
a n . , 1995,68, (l), 62-83 Co-Pt/Cu/permalloy sandwiches were prepared by
Ru(H),(CO) (PPh,), catalysed the addition of ortho combination of the hard Co94.5Pt5.1 film with a soft
C-H bonds of aromatic ketones to o l e h s with a high permalloy film. The sandwiches exhibited a large mag-
efficiency and selectivity. 2'-Methylacetophenone netoresistance of I 4.4% without any buffer under-
reacted with terminal olefins to give 1:1 couplingprod- layers, but the magnetisation reversal field of the
ucts in good to excellent yields. Acetylnaphthalenes, permalloy layer was increased due to the ferromag-
cyclic aromatic ketones and heteroaromatic ketones netic interlayer coupling with a Co-Pt layer. This cou-
also reacted with triethoxyvinylsilane to give 1 : 1 addi- pling could be decreased by reducing the interfacial
tion products in nearly quantitative yields. roughness in the sandwiches and the magnetisation
fluctuations in each magnetic layer.
GLASS TECHNOLOGY Field Emission and Atom Probe Field Ion
Microscope Studies of Palladium-Silicide-
Platinum Tube Feeder Aids Holloware Coated Silicon Emitters
R A. KING, R A. D. MACKENWE, G. D. W.S M I T H and N. A.
E.SCHOTZ, GIUSS, 1995,72, (5),181-182; 185-186 CAD& J. kc. Sci. Technol. B,1995,13, (2), 6 0 3 6 0 6
Development in feeder tube technology showed the Pd-silicide-coated field emitters were prepared by Pd
advantages of using a Pt tube feeder with an agitator thermal evaporation onto Si tips, followed by anneal-
chamber, for processing special glasses which are ing at 675 K. Pulsed laser atom probe analysis showed
chemically highly homogeneous. The increased a clean near stoichiomemc, PdSi layer with a thin Si-
demand for quality, and the reduction in cost, is mak- enriched surface, which is converted to an oxidised
ing the use of Pt feeders for mass-produced container layer after exposureto air. As the voltage is raised there
or domestic glassware very important. is a large increase in field emissionwhich corresponds
to the disruption of the oxide layer.
Highly Reproducible Fabrication Platinum Anticancer Drug Binding to DNA
Technology for Passivated AlGaAsIGaAs Detected by ThicknesssheaFModeAcoustic
Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors with Wave Sensor
PtlTiitlAu Base Electrodes H. SU, P. WILLIAMS and M. THOMPSON, Anal. Chem.,
S.HONGO, T. SUGIYAMA,Y.KURNAMA, N. IIZUKA and M. 1995,67, (9,1010-1013
OBAlW,*.JA@! P&., 1995934, (2B), 1181-1184 Nucleic acid was attached to the electrodes of thick-
A highly reproducible fabrication technology for pas- ness-shear-mode acoustic wave devices to produce a
sivated heterojunction bipolar transistors has been biosensor for Pt-based drugs.The decreases in series
developed using a thermally stable I"i/Pt/Au base resonant fkequency for interactions of DNA with both
electrode. Metal penetrates through the &.,G&.,As cis- and transplatin showed two distinct kinetic
emitter layer to contact the base layer. A citric acid processes which were explained in terms of nucleic
based selective etchant is used to allow the repro- acid binding of the hydrolysis products. Concenuation-
ducibility of passivation layer thickness. The excess
base leakage current densitywas reduced to 1 - dependent decreases of series resonant frequency
showed the detection limit for the drugs of- lo-' M.

Platinum Metah Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 141

METALS AND ALLOYS Corrosion Resistant Insoluble Electrode
NIPPON STEEL COW. Japanese Appl. 61299,396
Gold-Colour Tarnish Resistant Alloy The insoluble electrode comprises a conductive metal
N. J. LAMONTAGNE et a1 US. Patent 5,409,663 electrode mother material, a conductive IrO, top layer
An In-free gold-coloured alloy comprises (by wt.%): and a layered structure of porous non-conductive
2 10 Au, 28-35 CU, 19.5-22.5 Ag, 6-1 1 Pd, 22-32 material and conductive oxide consisting mainly of
Zn, 0.1-1 A1 and 0.5-3 Pt. Also claimed is a gold- IrO, to fill the voids in the porous non-conductive
coloured alloy containing: 5-1 1 Au, 28-35 Cu, material between the mother material and the top
19.5-22.5 Ag, 6 1 1 Pd, 22-32 Zn, 0.1-1 Al, 0.5-3 layer. The electrode has a high corrosion resistance
Pt, 5-8 Ni, 0.1-1 Si and 0.01-0.1 B. The alloy is even under a high current density.
tarnish and corrosion resistant.
Electrode for Surface Treahg Stainless Steel
DAIS0 CO. LTD. Japanese Appl. 61346,267
CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS The electrode comprises a conductive metal base of
valve metal or its alloy, covered with an elecwde active
Chloropentane Ammine Iridium Dichloride layer containing Pt group metal oxide prepared by the
TANAKA KIKINZOKU KOGYO K.K. sol-gel method and a valve metal or oxide of Group
Japanese Appl. 61298,535 IVB (not C). The base body is protected from elec-
IrCI, is dissolved in HCI, added to an autoclave with trolyte owing to the dense and strongly adhered thin
NH, water at 120°C for 24 h, to form chloropen- wet gel film. In an example, the electrode was used
tane ammine Ir dichloride, followed by filtration and as the anode in aqueous Na sulphate using a Pt cath-
purification by recrystallisation. The process is ode at 200 Ndm’. The electrode is used for electro-
simple and efficient and the compound is used as a plating of Sn, Zn, Cr or treating stainless steel.
catalytic material in vehicles.
Preparation of Ammonia or Alkali Solution
ELECTROCHEMISTRY BASF A.G. German Appls. 4,326,53940
Preparation of NH, or aqueous alkali solution (1) and
peroxodisulphate(2) from electrolytes containingNH,
Electrode Used in Electrolytic Processes or alkali sulphate involves electrolysis of dilute or con-
IMPEFUAL CHEM. IND. P.L.C. centrated sulphate solution in a cell with cation
World Appls. 9515,498-99A exchanger membrane and a smooth Pt anode, using
An electrode with a valve metal (alloy) substrate is additive containing C and S and/or N. HzSzO,and/or
given an outer coating of an electrocatalytically-active HSO, are also prepared by electrolysis of HzS04solu-
material, that contains 2 10 mol % of Ru oxide and tion. NH,or (1) and (2) are prepared with high cur-
2 20 mol % of a non-noble metal oxide, by thermal rent yield and the process uses waste liquors.
spraying or PVD. Also claimed is an electrode, where
the coating has a loading of 5-100 g/m’ of nominal
electrode surface. The electrode has long life and is ELECTRODEPOSITION AND
used in the electrolytic production of CI,, etc. SURFACE COATINGS
&cidytk R d u c h of Palladhrm-rile ElectrolessPlating on Palladium Seed Layer
OSAKA GAS CO. LTD. Japanese Appl. 61293,985 ASTARlX MC. World Appl. 9512,900A
Production of Pd deuteride by electrolysiscomprises A structure comprising Al-Pd alloy with an active cat-
occluding D into Pd at 10°C lower than normal elec- alytic surface, provided by etching away Al, acts as a
trolytic temperature and raising the temperature to catalytic ‘seed’ layer. Small isolated regions can be
the normal electrolytic temperature. The Pd deuteride plated at the same rate as larger regions or dense mys.
can initiate normal temperature nuclear fusion. In an Good adhesion of the plated film is obtained. It is use-
example, a Pd plate cathode, Pt wire anode, and LiOD ful in electroless plating for forming high-resolution
0.5 moVl D,O solution were used during electrolysis conductive wiring patterns in semiconductors, etc.
at 10°C and 200 mA/cm2.The D:Pd ratio was 0.95.
Selective Seeding for Electroless Plating
IridiumOxide-GatedFkctropiatingElectmde INT.BUSINESS MACHINES COW.
NIF’PON STEEL COW. U S . Patent 5,380,560
Japanese AppLF. 61293,998-294,000 A polyimide surface of a metal or alloy is selectively
A T i nitride ceramic layer is on the surface of a Ti seeded for electroless deposition of a further metal by
metal base material and an Ir oxide ceramic layer on treating with an activating solution of PdS04,
the surface of the T i nimde ceramic layer. Layers of Pd(C10JZ, Pd(CF,SO,),, Pd(NO,)z or Pd(BF,),. Pd
Ir and Ir oxide may be formed on the surface of the is removed h m the polyimide by rinsing with deionised
Ti base. The Ir oxide layer protects the electrode base HzO or aqueous Na citrate and plated further with
Erom penetrating pin holes, thus preventing corrosion, metal. The seeding of metal interconnectionson Pd(II)
and so can be used under severe conditions. polyimide dielecmcs is highly selective.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3), 142-148 142

Electroless Plating Electroplated White Palladium Coatings
SHIPLEY CO.LNC. U S . Patent 5,395,652 ENTHONE-OMI LNC. German Appl. 4,428,966
Electroless plating for multilayer circuits uses a cat- A process for depositing white Pd coatings on a sub-
alyst of reduced noble metal bromo complex with strate comprises immersing the substrate in a Pd elec-
bromide ions : noble metal (Pd) ions 2 100: 1. The troplatingbath containing, as brighteners, special sul-
substrate to be plated is contacted with the bromo Pd phone and special N compounds, such as formyl
solution and the catalyst is then reduced by, for exam- benzene sulphonic acid and sulphopropylpyridinium
ple, a borohydride or an amine borane, and electro- betaine. The process provides a stable electroplating
lessly plated. A stable electroless plating is achieved. solution which enables the production of white Pd
There is high catalytic activity even with a large Br coatings, preferably I5 pn thick, without using metal-
molar excess and no displacementcoatings are formed lic brighteners such as Ni and Co salts. It is used for
on metallic surfaces. producing a white finish on jewellery, etc.
Platinum Coating with Uniform Thickness
Japanese Appl. 61336,698
Gas Vapour Sensor Element
Pt coating comprises holding a workpiece with top
and bottom clamps coated with insulation material MOTOROLA INC. U S . Patent 5,386,715
in a Pt coating jig, applying chemical etching as pre- A gas vapour sensor element for arsine or phosphine
treatment, holding the workpiece with top and bot- comprises a substrate with a surface and a Au-Pd alloy
tom clamps uncoated with insulating material in the layer on the surface. The alloy layer has an as-applied
Pt jig, immersing the workpiece into the Pt coating by volume Pd concentration of I-20%. The process
bath and applying electric current through the of sensing gas vapours comprises exposing an Au-
uncoated top and bottom clamps. Pt is coated at a Pd alloy film disposed on the substrate to gas vapour
uniform thickness around the clampled part. and detecting a change in a work function of the film.
The sensing element can detect less than 1 ppb of
Palladium-Copper Alloy Plating phosphme and much less than 1 ppb arsine.
TAKAMATSU M E W KOGYO K.K. Organopolysiloxane Composition
Japanese Appl. 61340,983
A Pd-Cu alloy plating coating layer contains 50-95%
Pd and 2-50% Cu and is made by elemplating using
Japanese Appl. 61345,970
a solution containing, for example, ethylene diamine An organopolysiloxane composition useful as a sealant
Pd complex salt and Cu sulphate. The coating may for optical devices comprises alkenylorganopolysil-
have a metal plating layer andor Cu alloy plating layer oxane, silicone compound, Pt catalyst and inorganic
as a base layer. The Pd-Cu plating coating is used for filler with a refractive index different from that of
watch cases or glasses for a white coloured appear- the cured product, such as SiOz-TiO,glass. The com-
ance. It has high coating quality and avoids induc- position gives cured product, with good moisture and
ing allergies by using Cu instead of Ni. heat resistance, mechanical strength, low thermal
expansion coefficient and superior transparency.
Electroless Plating Catalyst
Electroless plating catalyst for selective coating of
Ag base material comprises an aqueous solution con- Sulphided Platinum Charcoal Catalyst
taining 0.00014.5 moM Pd compound and 0.1-10 DEGUSSA A.G. European Appl. 629,439A
molil of alkali metal halide, sulphate of alkali earth Sulphided catalyst containing 0.1-5.0 wt.% Pt on a d -
metal, NH,halide or NH,sulphate. The catalyst solu- vated charcoal and 0.1-2 mole Slmole Pt is obtained
tion assures selective electroless plating only on the by mixing an aqueous Pt compound solution with an
Cu base material, and eliminates skip-phenomenon aqueous suspension of activated charcoal and heat-
on printed wiring board. ing the mixture at 70-100°C. The solution also con-
tains an oxidant and the charcoal has particle diam-
Palladium Coating Solution eter of 10-40 pm, specific surface area of > 500 m'lg
KOJIMA KAGAKU YAKUHIN K.K. and p H of > 5. The catalyst is used in the selective
Japanese AppLF. 711 1,475-76 hydrogenation of p-aminodiphenyl amine and after
Pd coating solutioncomprises: soluble Pd salt 1.040.0 partial poisoningby S has improved catalytic activity.
gA as Pd; pyridine sulphonate or its salt, or pyridine
carboxylateor its salt 0.1-20.0 gA; and urea or its salt Exhaust Gas Purification Catalyst
1.0-50.0 gll. The Pd coating solution may also con- NE CHEMCAT COW. European Appl. 633,052A
tain an anionic surfactant. This high purity Pd coat- An exhaust gas purification catalyst comprises crys-
ing solution forms a Pd deposit, preferably 2 5 pm, talline Ir silicate with atomic ratios 50-800 for Si:Ir
suitable for electronic devices or for ornaments. The and 2 15 for Si:Al. Also claimed is a catalyst-coated
obtained Pd deposit has high gloss and high ductil- structure comprising a refkctory support at least par-
ity, does not crack under bending or under NH,expo- tially coated with catalyst. The catalyst is highly durable
sure testing, and does not discolour under bonding to hydrothermal ageing and has high activity for exhaust
at an elevated temperature. gas fkom lean bum I.C.E., boilers or gas turbines.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 143

Catalytic Combustion Device for purification Partial Oxidation of Natural Gas
of Polluted Air SNAMPROGETn S.p.A. European Appl. 640,559A
M A N N E S M A N NA.G. European Appl. 633,065A Synthesis gas and formaldehyde are obtained by cat-
Device for purification of polluted exhaust air by het- alytic partial oxidation of natural gas, with a Pt group
erogeneous catalysis consists of a non-metallic, gas- metal catalyst at t 300°C. The catalyst is a wire mesh
permeable, spiral formed carrier element, that has an or is deposited on an inorganic carrier. The Pt group
adsorbing layer of a coated fibrous material impreg- metal(s) are 0.1-20 wt.% of the wt. of catalyst plus
nated with Pt by sol-gel deposition, with a heatable carrier, Syngas is obtained at UHSV and lower tem-
metallic woven band. The carrier element for the coat- peratures than at present. Further reaction can pro-
ing substances is a band of knitted glass-fibre yarn, duce MeOH and optionally dimethyl ether, or be used
which with the metallic woven band is formed into an in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
annular spiral disk. The device has high specific sur-
face area and purifies exhaust aidgases from diesel Pristine Alkylsiloxanes
engines, food processing, chemical manufacture and DOW CORNING COW. European Appl. 641,799A
waste processing. A pristine alkylsiloxane (A), containing 1-3C alkyl or
phenyl, is prepared by reaction of siloxane polymer
Ozone Decomposition with olefinic compound in the presence of a supported
E. DODUCO DUERRWAECHTERr3.m.b.H.& CO. Pt catalyst. Yield of (A) is > 99.9% and consists of
European Appls. 634,205A and 635,685A < 10 ppm SiH, < 100 ppm (CH,=CH- and < ppm
An unheated ozone decomposition catalyst consists Pt. Also claimed is a preparation of (A) by reacting
of a metal or plastic mesh support coated with noble under anhydrous conditions a SiH containing silox-
metal, such as Pt, Pd, etc. An air conditioning unit ane polymer and an olefinic compound with t 4C,
for cooling ambient air has the 0,-splitting Pd cata- in the presence of the catalyst and 0,. The process
lyst in front of the cooling apparatus. The catalyst can produces extremely pure alkylsiloxanes which are
decompose 0,in an air sueam in air conditioningand clear, colourless and odourless.
ventilating equipment, cars, etc. It is effective at ambi-
ent temperature and also at 0°C. Dibenzylamine Preparation
DSM N.V. European Appl. 644,177A
Continuous Dialkyl Carbonate Production Dibenzylaminepreparation comprises hydrogenation
BAYER A.G. European Appl. 634,388A of benzaldehyde in the presence of NH, and a Pd-
Continuous production of dialkyl carbonates of for- containing catalyst, using 3-60% of a solvent or dis-
mula CO(OR), (l), where R = 1-4C alkyl, is effected persion medium with respect to benzaldehyde.
by gas-phase reaction of CO with RON0 in the pres- Preferably, the solvent or dispersion medium is H,O
ence of a supported Pt group metal catalyst, an inert in an amount of 5-20 wt.%; the catalyst is P d C and
gas, ROH and optionally NO, with periodic or con- the reaction is performed at 80-120°C. High selec-
tinuous addition of a halogen. The reaction is per- tivity of > 95% with complete conversion is obtained.
formed at 50-170°C and 0.5-10 barusingRON0:CO High production capacities are achieved and simple
volume ratio of 0.1-1O:l. The (1) are useful as sol- recovery procedures can be used.
vents, carbonylating and acylating agents, interme-
diates for urethanes, ureas and gasoline octane Catalyst for Thermal Decomposition of
improvers. Addition of halogen avoids possible cor- Nitrogen Oxides
rosion problems associated with HCl gas addition. NAT. SCI. COUNCIL European Appl. 645,171A
A catalyst for the thermal decomposition of NO in
Paraffin Dehydrogenation I.C.E. or industrial exhaust gases comprises an Al,O,
ENIRICERCHE S.P.A. European Appl, 637,578A or Mg aluminate support and an active phase of Pd
Light olefins (especially 2-5C) are dehydrogenated crystallites on a Pd alloy dispersed on the support.
in a reactor at 450-80OO0C, 0.1-3 atm and GHSV The Pd alloy is Pd crystallites modified by addition
100-10,0OO/h over a P t group metal catalyst of of at least one alloying metal of Cu, Ag or Au. The
0.1-33.6 wt.% Ga (as Ga,OJ; 1-99 ppm Pt; 0-5 wt.%
(as oxide) alkali or alkaline earth metal; and 0.08-3
catalyst has high activity especially at 800"C, is resis-
tant to poisoning by high concentrations of 0,or SO,
wt.% modlfylng SiO, on 6,8,6/8, e/aor 6/WaAlzO,. in the feed gas and retains high activity over time.
Coked catalyst is regenerated at > 4000°C.
Catalyst for Removing Dioxins
Production of Phenols NE CHEMCAT CORP. European Appl. 645,172A
TOSOH CORP. European Appl, 638,536A Catalyst ( I ) , for treating exhaust gases containing
Phenol (1) production comprisesreacting an aromatic dioxins comprises Pt, Pd and/or Ir or their oxides
compound with O2and H, in the liquid phase in the on a support (2) of Si02/B20JAl,0,composite oxide
presence of a supported Group VIII metal catalyst or zeolite, is obtained by spraying or dripping a solu-
containingRu, Rh, Ir and particularly Pd and Pt, and tion or dispersion of the active components onto a
in the co-presence of a V compound, such as V(III) powder of (2). Exhaust gas (3) containing dioxins at
acetylacetonate, etc. Halogens in the catalyst are 5 concentration below 10 ngm' is contacted with (1)
0.15 wt.%. (1) are produced with high selectivity. at 150-280°C. (1) has long life and reduces dioxin
High catalytic activity is achieved over a long time. concentration in (3) to below 0.1 ng/m' and also
Phenols are used for resins and alkyl phenols. suppresses additional dioxin formation.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 144

Palladium Three-Way Catalyst Catalyst for Chlorine Dioxide Generation
ENGELHARD COW. World Appl. 951235A AMTX INC. U S . Patent 5,391,533
A layered catalyst composite consisting of 2 similar A catalyst system comprising a porous sintered ALO,
layers is used as a three-way catalyst to treat auto- and SiO, agglomerate catalyst substrate, with A 2 0 3
motive exhaust gas. The first layer comprises a first particles joined to other Al,03particles via point bond-
support, a first Pd component, an oxygen storage ing silicates, is produced by compressing a particu-
component, and optionally a Pt group metal com- late material at low pressure. The Pt group metal,
ponent other than Pd, a Zr component, an alkaline preferably Pd, is supported on the substrate. The cat-
earth metal component, and either La or Nd. The alyst is useful in ClO, generation. The system creates
second layer is similar, but has no 0,storage com- a unique microstructure with a unique surface area
ponent. The support is dispersed in an aqueous liq- which contributes to maintaining constant conver-
uid and the other components are introduced in H,O- sion efficiency and high chemical activation levels.
soluble or dispersed form. The mixture is applied to
the substrate and the H,O-soluble components are Low Pressure Manufacture of Cyclohexane
converted to insoluble forms to form the 6rst layer; Dicarboxylate Ester
the second layer is then applied in a similar way. EASTMAN CHEM. CO. U S . Patent 5,399,742
Manufacture of dimethyl cyclohexane dicarboxylates
Pudcaiion of Organic ImplllitieemInert Gas in a continuous process comprises feeding H, gas with
SINCO ENG. S.P.A. World Appl. 9512,446A a liquid mixture of the dimethyl cyclohexane dicar-
0,or 0, containing gas (1) is added to an inert gas boxylate product and the correspondmgdimethylben-
containing organic compounds as impurities circu- zene dicarboxylate to a hydrogenation zone contain-
lated at 250-600°C on a catalyst bed of Pt option- ing at least one fixed bed of PdIAl,O, catalyst. H, and
ally with Pd on an inert porous support to purrfy the a liquid product containing the dimethyl cyclohexane
gas. Amount of (1) added is stoichiometricwith respect dicarboxylate product are removed. Conversions of
to impurities, or in excess, so that gas leaving the bed > 99% are obtained with space-time yields of > 1000
contains < 10 ppm 02.Inert gas is N,; impurities gll h. 1,4-Cyclohexane dicarboxylate is an interme-
are aldehydes, glycols and glycol oligomers. The diate in the production of cyclohexane dimethanol,
process avoids a deoxidation stage with H2prior to which is used as a monomer in the preparation of
recycling of purified gas. condensation polymers.
Catalyst for I.C.E. Exhaust Gases Improved Preparation of Acetic Acid
PERSTORP A.B. World Appl. 9517,138A SHOWA DENKO K.K. Japanese Appl. 61293,695
A catalyst for I.C.E. is manufactured by depositing Preparation of acetic acid (1) comprises reaction of
oxides of Pt and La or Ce via an aqueous salt solu- ethylene with 0,and H20in the gaseous phase over
tion and hydroxide. Preferably, only one solution is Pd-V-H3P04catalyst prepared by treating supported
used and the molar ratio Pt:Ce (or La) is 3:l to 1:3. Pd catalystcontaining one or more metals (2) selected
The support body is a porous ceramic and the sup- from Cr, V, Mo and W with H,PO,. The catalyst is
port is wash-coated to increase its surface area. The prepared by supporting Pd containing salts and (2)-
catalyst can remove CO, NOx and hydrocarbon gases containing salts on SiO,, Al,03,etc. The process is
and its light-off temperature for the gases, especially performed in the gaseous phase, and (1) is prepared
CO, is much lower than a prior art Pt-Rh catalyst. more economically than from liquid phase reactions.
Dehydrocyclisation of Paraffins Combustion Catalyst for CH,-Type Fuel
A hydrocarbon feedstockis reformed to obtain an aro- Japanese Appl. 61296,866
matics-rich product by contact with a bed of cata- Rh is supported on a catalyst surface containing Pd
lyst particles having a surface layer of uniformly dis- or PdO ( W P d = 1-25%) to form a combustion cat-
persed Pt and Pd on a support of a non-acidic large alyst for CH, type fuel. The catalyst has good dura-
pore molecular sieve, such as zeolite L, and an inor- bility. In an example, 12 gA Pd and y-Alz03are sup-
ganic oxide binder, such as SO,. The specified Pt and ported on a cordieritehoneycomb support, immersed
Pd metal distribution improves catalyst activity and in 2.5% Rh nitrate solution, ion exchanged to pre-
selectivity to aromatics, and enhances catalyst sta- cipitate Rh and thermally treated at 700°C for 30 min
bility when small amounts of S are in the feed. to form catalyst with Rh.Pd of 3%.
Hydrogenation of Aromatics and Olefins Purification Catalyst for Exhaust Gas
SHELL OIL co. US. P a m t 5,391,291 NISSAN MOTOR co. LTD. Japanese Appl. 61296,869
A hydrocarbon feedstock containing components of A catalyst, composed of Pd, activated AlzO,and CeO,
boiling point 2 125°C is hydrogenated by contact- containing Fe and Zr, Co or Ni, and Li, Na, K, Ba
ing with H, and a Pt group metal, such as 0.05-3 wt.% or Sr as additive, is used to purlfy hydrocarbon, CO
Pt and Pd on zeolite at 2 150°C. A treatment of diesel and NOx in exhaust gas. In an example, activated
fuel feeds containing aromatics and olefins, converted AlzO,supporting 2% Pd and CeO,, containing Fe and
to saturates and saturated aromatics to acyclics, is Zr, were mixed and wet ground using HNO, to form
also claimed, but at 5 225°C. The catalyst hydrogenates a slurry, coated on a cordierite support, dried and
aromaticsand olefins while minimising hydrocracking. burned at 400°C for 1 h, to form the catalyst.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 145

2,3-Dihydro-lH-indene Derivative Highly Dispersed Platinum Catalyst
OTSUKA PHARM. co. LTD. Japanese Appl. 61298,7 11 TANAKA KIKINZOKU KOGYO K.K.
Preparation of optically active 2,3-dihydro- 1H-indene Japanese Appl. 718,807
derivative (1) and its salts (2) comprises catalytic Highly dispersed Pt catalyst is manufactured by reduc-
hydrogenation of 2,3-dihydroindene derivative (3) or ing Pt ion using Pt dinitro diamino nitrate solution
its salts in the presence of PtO, or PdlC catalyst. and ethanol as reducing agents. The catalyst is man-
Preferably, (3) is hydrogenatedin suitable solvent such ufactured without using surfactant, so the process is
as lower alcohols at -20°C to 100°C under 1-50 atm simple and the cost is low.
for 0.5-1 0 h. A specific optically active stereoisomer
of (1) and (2) with high optical purity can be prepared Preparation of Cyclopentyltrichlorosilane
selectively by using these catalysts. (1) and (2) are SHMETSU CHEM. MD. CO. LTD.
useful as materials for drugs in treating hypoxia, etc. Japanese Appl. 7110,887
Cyclopentyltrichlorosilaneis prepared by reacting
Preparation of Chloroformic Acid Esters cyclopentene with trichlorosilane in the presence of
UBE IND.LTD. Japanese Appls. 61306,016-17 a Pt catalyst which includes H2PtC1,.6H,0, WC, etc.,
Preparation of chloroformic acid ester (1) comprises while introducing gaseous inorganic oxygen com-
contact reacting CI,, CO and nitrous acid ester in the pounds into the reaction system. When solvent is used,
presence of a solid catalyst supporting a Pt group hydrocarbon or chlorinated solvent is used in 0.1-100
metal, such as Pd/A120,, and maintaining 0.1-100 times as much as the raw material cyclopentene.
moles of nitrous acid ester to 1 mole of C1,. The esters Cyclopentyltrichlorosilane,which is useful as high
(2) may also be prepared by reacting CO with nitrite activity base material for organic Si compound and
ester and HCI or nitrosyl chloride with a Pt group compounds with groups of organic Si, is prepared
metal catalyst. (1) and (2) are starting materials for in markedly high yield > 90%.
chemical manufacture. The one-step method forms
esters selectively.The process may be performed with- Simultaneous NOx Reduction and CO Oxidation
out using toxic phosgene. GAZ DE FRANCE
French Appl. 2,707,075
Catalytic Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides A catalyst, for the reduction of NOx to N, by CH,
AGENCY OF IND.SCI. & TECHN. or any mixture containing CH, (such as natural gas)
Japanese Appl. 61327,980 in an oxidising atmosphere, comprises a MFI-type
The catalyst substrate is coated with an undercoat zeolite exchanged with 0.3-2.0% of Pd, relative to
containing 100 pts. wt. of a k group metal, such as total catalyst weight. Simultaneous oxidation of CO
Pt, Rh, Ir, Pd and Ru, 100-100,000 pts. wt. oxides to CO, and CH, to CO, also occur. The catalyst can
of Ce, La, Nd, Ge or Ga, and preferably 0.0001-0.1 be used in an oxidising medium with Cfi, natural gas
pts. wt. Au on a support and laminated with a top or petrol in the presence of H,O.
coat containing Al,O,, TiO,, ZrO, or H type zeolite.
NOx is reduced efficiently and selectively: It can be
used for purification of exhaust gases. HOMOGENEOUS CATALYSIS
Decomposing Organic Halide Production of Thiophene Compounds
Japanese Appl. 61335,619 European Appl. 633,263A
Organic halide is removed from waste gas by con- Production of thiophene compounds from alkylidene
tacting it with a Pt or Pt oxide loaded catalyst con- derivatives comprises catalytically reducing them with
taining 0.1-5 wt.% Pt. The catalyst support is ZrO, H, in a solvent mixture of at least one alcohol and
prepared by reacting zirconyl nitrate with NH,water H,O in the presence of a Pd catalyst solublein organic
in the presence of organic halide containing gas, air solvents. Flocculent and adsorbent, to flocculate the
and H,O, followed by heating at 700-850°C. The Pd catalyst which is removed, are optionally added.
organic halide, which contains C1 and/or F, such as High yields of thiophene can be obtained.
fre& or aichloroethylene, is decomposed. The cat-
alyst is quite stable to concentrated HC1 or HF, so it Isomerisation Of External Olefins
can be used over a long - time. INST. FRANCAIS DU PETROLE
European Appls. 636,676-77A
Harmful Volatile Organic Halogen Treatment Isomerisation of external olefins to more highly sub-
KURITA WATER IND.LTD. Japanese Appl. 61343,983 stituted andlor internal olefins in diolefin-free or
The treatment comprises contacting a gas containing diolefin-containing charge is carried out over a Pd
volatile organic halogen compound with a reducing containing catalyst pretreated with a solution of a S
agent (HJ in the presence of a catalyst supporting a compound to give 0.05-10 wt.% S. The catalyst is
metal, preferably, Pd, Pt, etc., in an amount of 0.1-10 then activated by treatment in a neutral or reducing
wt.% based on the carrier, to decompose the gas. The atmosphere at 20-3OO0C, 1-50 bar and 50-600 vol-
reaction is controlled to 100-250°C. The carrier is ume of gas per volume of catalyst per hour and H,
preferably AlzO,, TiO,, active C, etc. Compounds, at 20-200°C and 1-50 bar. The catalyst gives 100%
such as trichloroethylene, etc., of boiling point < 150"C, removal of diolefin and higher conversion of 1-olefins
are removed &om the gas, making it harmless. than untreated catalyst.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, ( 3 ) 146

Process for Hydrosulphination of Olefins New Polyethers
HOECHST A.G. European Appl. 641,755A EASTMAN CHEM. CO. US. Patent 5,393,867
Hydrosulphination of olefins is carried out in the pres- New polyethers, used in the production of surfactants
ence of a Pd(I1) salt, such as PdCl,, PdBr,, etc., and are prepared by polymerising 3,4-epoxy-I -butene in
at a temperature between the ceiling temperature of the presence of a Pd(0) catalyst and nucleophilic ini-
the SO, o l e h copolymer system and 160°C. The sul- tiator, or at -40 to +60°C in the presence of a Pd(0)
phinic and sulphonic acids produced are useful as pre- catalyst, 2-4 trihydrocarbyl-phosphine ligands and an
cursors for plant protection agents and pharmaceu- organic hydroxyl initiator. Polymers containing poly-
ticals, and as intermediates for reactive dyestuf€s. ether residues can be produced.
Acetic Acid Production Aryl-Aliphatic Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
BP CHEM. LTD. European Appl. 643,034A ALBEMARLE cow. US. Patent 5,399,747
Acetic acid production comprises carbonylation of The preparation of aryl substituted aliphatic carboxylic
MeOH, or a reactive derivative, using CO in a liq- acid derivativescomprises treating an aryl substituted
uid reaction mixture containing acetic acid, an Ir cat- aliphatic ether or thio ether and H 2 0with CO at a
alyst soluble in H,O, such as IrCL, IrL, etc., MeI, pressure of L 1 arm and 25-200°C in the presence of
H,O, methyl acetate, and Ru and/or 0 s as promoter, Pd(0) catalyst or a Pd compound where Pd has valence
such as Os(III) chloride hydrate, OsO,, etc., Ru(III)- 1 or 2, mixed with a Cu compound, and at least one acid-
and Ru(IV) chlorides, etc. Increased reaction rates of stable ligand. Ibuprofen can be produced economically.
L 96% higher than prior methods, are obtained at rel-
atively low CO partial pressures. When Ru is the pro- Chlorobutene Carbonylation Catalyst
moter the volatility of Ir catalysts may be reduced, DSM N.V. US. Patent 5,399,753
allowing operation at reduced Ir levels, which may A process for the preparation of 3-pentenoyl chloride
reduce by-product formation. (3PC) comprises treating the still heels obtained by
the distillation of 3PC with a reaction mixture con-
Preparation of N-Vinyl Compounds taining Pd catalyst residue with concentrated HCl
BASF A.G. European Appl. 646,571A acid at 100-1 20°C. The above products are combined
N-vinyl compounds are prepared from N H com- with chlorobutene to form an organicphase and a HCI
pounds using acetylene at 50-250°C and 1-30 bar in acid phase containing the Pd catalyst residue; the lat-
the presence of a Pt group metal compound as cata- ter is combined with chlorobutene and distilled to an
lyst. The acetylene is used with an inert gas in a vol- azeotropic mixture in a CO atmosphere at 70-75°C
ume ratio of 6: 1-0.5: 1. N-vinyl compounds can con- until only a chlorobutenephase remains, formingcrotyl
tain H, 1-20C alkyl, 5 4 C cycloalkyl, 7-18C aralkyl Pd chloride, heating and recovering 3PC by distilla-
or 6 1 8 C aryl, or a saturated, unsaturated or aromatic tion. Pd catalyst is recovered, recycled and re-used.
heterocyclic ring, etc. The vinyl compounds can be
used to produce polymers for clarifymg liquids, film- Fluorine-ContainingSurface Active Agent
formers in hair treating agents or in detergents. The SHDETSU CHEM. IND.CO. LTD. Japanese Appl. 71793
process gives an improved space-time yield and bet- Preparation of the F-containing surface active agent
ter control of acetylene conversion. comprises batch-mixing organic Si compound with
polyether compound in aprotic solvent in the pres-
Modified Pyrimidine Derivatives ence of Pt-based catalyst followed by hydrosilylation.
UNIV. WASHINGTON STATE RES.FOUND. The agents are prepared without side reaction and
Wbrld Appl. 94129,279A with high reaction efficiency in a short period of time.
Modified pyrimidine derivatives for production of
nucleic acid antibodies are prepared by reacting pyrim- Production of Carbonyl Compounds
idine starting material with tetraalkyl Sn compound TOSOH cow. Japanese Appl. 7110,797
in the presence of a PdL, catalyst, where L may be Carbonyl compounds are produced quickly and effi-
PPh,,and isolatingthe modified pyrimidine. The cat- ciently from cyclic or straight chain olefins using a
alyst is prepared in a solution of Pd(OAc), and PPh, catalyst containing a Pd compound and a polyoxoanion
in a molar ratio of 3, in THF, MeCN, oxane, acetone, group compound. At least a part of the counter-cation
tetrahydropyran or morpholine. The catalyst improves of the polyoxoanion group compound is greater than
yields of vinyl and aryl coupling products. The anti- selected from Ni, Mn, La, Zn and Ce.
bodies may have altered structures with increased
capacity to bind target molecules. Production of Intermediates for Vitamins
Ethylenicdy Unsaturated Compounds French Appl. 2,706,452
SHELL CANADA LTD. World Appl. 9515,354A Production of intermediates for synthesis of vitamins
Hydroformylation of ethylenicallyunsaturated com- A and E and carotenoids comprises: reacting an allylic
pounds by reaction with CO and H, uses a catalyst of compound (1) with a vinyl halide compound in a polar
Pt group metal cations, anions other than halide and solvent in the presence of a base and Pd(OAc),, PdCl,
bidentate ligands. Improved conversion rate, linearity or a Pd phosphine complex catalyst, and treating
of products and suppression of p a r a f i s are obtained the product with a protonic acid. The base may be an
even at moderate temperature. Aldehydes and/or alco- alkali metal carbonate or acetate, or a Ag or T I salt.
hols, such as propanol, are produced. (1) is vinyl-b-ionol, methylbutenol, linalool, etc.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 147

Selective Oxidation of Organic Compounds Magnetic Recording Medium
BAYER A.G. German Appl. 4,331,671 VICTOR CO. OF JAPAN Japanese Appl. 61309,647
The selective oxidation of organic compounds by O2 A medium for high density recording comprises lam-
is performed in the presence of a Pd and Cu catalyst inations on a glass substrate of a pre-coat film, an
and CO. The process is useful for oxidisinglinear and undercoat layer of Cr and a magnetic film of Co-
cyclic 2-8C ole6ns to epoxides; aromatics to phenols, Cr-Ta-Pt alloy. The medium has 2 2200 Oe of coer-
etc. With HzO additions, olefins or acids give gly- civity. The magnetic film has lower X-ray diffraction
cols or glycol esters; and cyclohexanone with NH, intensity of Cr(200) and Co(l10) on each Cr crys-
gives cyclohexanone oxime andor &-caprolactam;and tal and Co crystal lattice plane than when both planes
linear ketones with NH, give azines. are oriented in parallel with the glass substrate plane.
Recording Medium with High Coercive Force
FUEL CELLS SHOWA DENKO K.K. Japanese Appl. 7114,712
A magnetic recording medium consists of a non-mag-
Solid Polymer Electrolyte for Fuel Cell netic base layer, a non-magnetic metal layer and a
TANAKA KMINZOKU KOGYO K.K. magnetic layer containing 60-80 at.% Co, 5-20 at.%
European Appl. 631,337A Cr and 2-25 at.% Pd, and a protecting layer. The
A solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) composition com- magnetic recording medium has high coercive force.
prises a solid polymer cation or anion exchange resin
and 0.01-80 wt.% metal catalyst. The catalyst is Pt, Photomagnetic Recording Medium for
Pd, Rh, Ir or Au. SPE is used as a fuel cell membrane. Rewritable Photomagnetic Disk
It produces H20and also retains the H,O so that it has SANYO ELECTRIC C O . LTD. Japanese ApPl. 712 1,60 1
high ionic conductivity.The membrane depresses the The medium comprises a lamination of a substrate,
crossover which improves cell performance. a 6rst magnetic layer of PdCo laminatefilm with coer-
Steam-Reforming Catalyst for Fuel Cells civity Hc-1 and Curie temperature Tc-1, and a sec-
ond magnetic layer of WCo laminatefilm having coer-
TONEN CORP. Japanese Appl. 61339,633 civity Hc-2 and Curie temperature Tc-2, where Hc-1
A steam-reforming catalyst for hydrocarbons for fuel > Hc-2 and Tc-1 < Tc-2. The medium is used for a
cells contains a catalytically active component of a Pt rewritable photomagnetic disk and light modulation
group element in 0.1-10 wt.% with respect to the total overwriting; it has high density write character.
amount of catalyst and with a specific surface area of
1-20 m21g.The fuel cell is preferably molten carbon- Photomagnetic Recording Medium
ate and the fuel of LNG,LPG, etc. is reformed directly TOSOH CORP. Japanese Appl. 7129,230
inside. Contamination by alkali carbonate via a gas The medium comprises magnetic-bonding lamina-
phase route is inhibited and catalyst has longer life. tion of an artificial lattice f
ilm made of a layer based
on Co or Co-Ni alloy and a layer based on Pt, and
CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY rare earth transition metal amorphous alloy double
layers with different Curie temperatures. The medium
Ruthenium Oxide Hydrate Powder is suitable for writehead using a short wave laser beam
JAPAN ENERGY CORP. Japanese Appl. 61345,441 and has 0.8 dB lower noise level.
Ru oxide hydrate powder is prepared by reducing a
solution of Ru salts of valency > 4. An aqueous solu- MEDICAL USES
tion of NazRuO, and acetone were reacted, and uni-
form grain size powder was obtained. The powder Age-Hardenable Gold Dental Alloy
is used to make thick film resistors. The uniform grain
size Ru02.nH,0 and RuO, powder is prepared with Japanese Appl. 61345,6 15
low cost materials, and without crushing apparatus.
Au alloy comprises 68-80 wt.% Au, 15-30 wt.%
unavoidable impurities, and preferably 0.1-1 .O wt. Ir
ELECTRZCAL AND ELECTRONIC and 0.1-110 wt.% Ru. The alloy is solution annealed
ENGINEERING by heating to 65&700"C and cooled rapidly. The alloy
has a hardness twice that of the initial hardness.
Soft Magnetic Material Composition
READ RITE cow. European Appl. 642,183A
Use of Gold-PalladiumAlloy for Dentistry
A soft magnetic alloy contains 82.7-84.7 at.% Ni, DEGUSSA A.G. German Appl. 4,324,738
15.3-17.3% Fe and Rh in an at.% defined by Rh = High gold content Au-Pd alloy comprises 6-25 wt.%
11.63 (Ni:Fe atomic ratio)-49.53 (1). Also claimed Pd,Cb12wt.%Pt,@2wt.%Ir,Rhand/orRu,0.7-5.8
is a magnetoresistive read transducer with a magne- wt.% Sn and remainder Au, for dental cast parts,
toresistive layer and at least one soft magnetic layer which are optionally blended with ceramics. The alloys
as above. Reduction of the corrosion rate of Ni-Fe have improved corrosion resistance, good mechanical
allov while maintaining low mametostriction com- and high temperature stabilities, ductility, etc.

prises simultaneous deposition of Ni, Fe and Rh in

amounts defined by (1). The alloy has a high resis- The New Patents abstracts have been prepared from
tivity and has an improved signaknoise ratio. material published by Derwent Publications Limited.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1995, 39, (3) 148

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