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“Plant root system” as a concept


The plant root system constitutes the major part of the plant body, both in terms of function and bulk.
In plants, the root system is the underground part of the plant body while the plant is the aboveground
part. Roots are branching organs of a plant that typically lies below the surface of the soil. There are
three main classifications of plant root system: the tap root system, fibrous root system, and the
adventitious root system. I won’t explain further on how they differ from each other and there is no
specific classification on which kind of plant root system that was used to formulate the concept of the

No matter what type of root system a plant has, it is the root system of a plant that ensures all parts of
the plants received the required water and minerals to grow. A root is the most basic and fundamental
organ of a plant. It is through the roots that plants grow out of the soil. The roots originate from the
seed and everything else originates from the roots. The roots perform most of the important functions
of a plant.

Proceeding to the concept of the project: (written as is on concept board)

Clark-IT or Clark Integrated Transitway embraced the principle of metamorphosis, a phenomena

wherein a person or thing develops and changes into something, may it be in form, character, or its
structure. In this case, the proponent use the changing form & character of a plant through its root
system, or otherwise known as plant root system. The root system of a plant constantly provides the
stems and leaves with water and dissolved minerals to be able for the plants to grow. In order to
accomplish this the roots must first grow into new regions of the soil.

Relating it to the project, once the roots (symbolizes as the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)) penetrates into the
ground and creating a larger root zone and mass, the growth rate of the plant (symbolizes the
transportation system) also accelerates. Same principles applied as to plant root system, the deeper the
extent of understanding the solution will serves as limitation for the betterment of transportation.

Despite being inconspicuous because they are normally hidden underground, the plant root system
performs various functions, which also can relate to the function of the BRT as a whole, which are
essential to growth and development. These functions include:

 Anchorage and support. The plant root system (symbolizes as BRT) anchors the plant body
(symbolizes as transportation system) to the soil and provides physical support. Trees that
about 100 meters tall have stood erect for thousand years only because millions of individual
roots dig into the ground.

The metamorphosis of a plant (symbolizes as the transportation system) doesn’t mean eradicating the
past, but rather integrating the best of the past into our future. It just means that with the
determination of bringing the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) into the 21st century in terms of uses,
technological progress, and innovation, it is possible to have better transportation system for the future

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