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Smudge and anoint

I cleanse, bless and consecrate thee, O creature of Water,
that you may be fit to dwell in Sacred Space. In the names
of Amphitrite and Poseidon, I cleanse, bless and consecrate
thee. So mote it be.

I bless and consecrate thee, O creature of Earth, that you
may be fit to dwell in Sacred Space. In the names of
Amphitrite and Poseidon, I bless and consecrate thee. So
mote it be.

Water and earth are combined. Blessed be.

I cleanse, bless and consecrate thee, O creature of Fire, that
you may be fit to dwell in Sacred Space. In the names of
Amphitrite and Poseidon, I cleanse, bless and consecrate
thee. So mote it be.

I cleanse, bless and consecrate thee, O creature of Air, that
you may be fit to dwell in our Sacred Space. In the names of
Amphitrite and Poseidon, I cleanse, bless and consecrate
thee. So mote it be.

With Water I cleanse our sacred temple, and I strengthen it
with Earth. So mote it be.

With Fire and with Air, I bless and consecrate this space,
that it may be filled with passion and insight. So mote it be.

We acknowledge the Universal Spirit, in whom we live, move
and have our being. Hail the Universal!

By the fertile Earth that is Her body, by the living Waters that
are Her womb, by the vital Air that is Her breath, and by the
bright Fire that is Her Spirit, I cast this Circle. Naught but
love shall enter, naught but love shall pass. As above, so
below! The Circle is cast! So mote it be!

Invoke EAST ~ Water

Invoke NORTH ~ Fire

Invoke WEST ~ Earth

Invoke SOUTH ~ Air
Invoke Amphitrite

Hail Amphitrite, Queen of the Oceans! Daughter of

Oceanus, Wife of Poseidon, come be present in our Circle
this evening. Preside here, bringing the power and beauty of
the great waters, as we work for the healing of the Gulf of
Hail and welcome, Amphitrite!

Invoke Poseidon

Hail Poseidon, Lord of the vast oceans! Earth-shaker and

King of the Seas, Son of Kronos and Rhea, come be present
in our Circle this evening. Preside here, bringing the might
and life and the great waters, as we work for the healing of
the Gulf of Mexico.
Hail and welcome, Poseidon!

Merry meet to all gathered here this evening. We are happy
to call you friends, and to share this sacred time with you in
the place between the worlds.

The magic Circle is not only a boundary between the world
of humans and the realms of the Mighty Ones ± it is also a
world in miniature, where the principle of µAs above, so
below¶ is made real in a very special way.

With this in mind, this small group of people, inland and in
another part of the world, can hold the gulf in love and
healing, and know that a ripple of healing and new life is sent
out to where it¶s needed.

For this simple ritual, we will sit in a circle and hold hands.
Call to mind what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico: the oil
leak, the damage being done to an already-ailing sea, the
injury and loss of life, as well as the toll being taken on the
people trying to help where they can.
Into this, see healing, love, and new life. As we chant, let
that sense of healing grow and expand, and then when the
High Priestess says µrelease!¶, we will all raise our arms into
the air, and send out the healing, life and love to the gulf.


*After the release*

Lady Amphitrite, Lord Poseidon, look upon our work with
favour, and add your great power to our efforts. Bring
healing and renewal of life to the Gulf of Mexico. So mote it
*Cakes and Ale*

High Priest holds chalice, High Priestess the athame.

As the athame is to the male,

So the cup is to the female,

And together, they bring forth blessedness, abundance, and

High Priestess offers the chalice to the High Priest, who sips
and offers back to the High Priestess.

Gracious Mother and Father, bless this bread, filling it with
your life and love. May we thrive. Great mercy!

*High Priest offers the plate to the High Priestess, who eats
and offers it back to the High Priest.*

*High Priestess and High Priest offer cakes and ale to those
Not in sacrifice, but in thanksgiving do we offer of the fruits of
the harvest. May the seas be healed! Blessed be!

Not in sacrifice, but in thanksgiving do we offer the fruits of
the harvest. May the seas be restored to life! Blessed be!

*Make ready to open the Circle*

We thank you, Lord Poseidon, for being in our Circle this
evening. We thank you for your power, mercy and love.
Leave us with your blessing.
Hail and farewell, Poseidon!

We thank you, Lady Amphitrite, for being in our Circle this
evening. We thank you for your healing, mercy and love.
Leave us with your blessing.
Hail and farewell, Amphitrite!

Revoke SOUTH ~ Air

Revoke WEST ~ Earth

Revoke NORTH ~ Fire

Revoke EAST ~ Water

I draw back the energies used to cast this Circle, by the
fertile Earth that is Her body, by the living Waters that are
Her womb, by the vital Air that is Her breath, and by the
bright Fire that is Her spirit, and I direct them into the ground
at this place for life and love. Naught but love shall enter
here, naught but love shall pass. The Circle is open but
never broken«

«in us and through us it flows. All go out in love and peace!
Blessed be!

We acknowledge the Universal Spirit, in whom we live, move
and have our being. Hail the Universal!

*Merry Meet and Merry Part«*

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