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A Brief Guide to Symptoms


Sudden panic attacks. Aconite

Prolonged periodic panic attacks. Arsen alb.

With fainting spells. Sulphur

Feeling of emptiness even after meals. Calc. carb.

Variable appetite. Ferrum phos.

Excessive appetite which is easily satisfied. Lycopodium

Aversion to food. Hunger prevents sleep. Ignatia

Continual craving with loss of appetite. Arsen. alb.

Where the death is sudden and the shock severe. Aconite

Cannot get over the loss. Prolonged bereavement. Ignatia

Seek medical treatment. Immediately take Aconite.

Horsefly bites. Hypericum.

Insect stings, general. Apis mel.

Pain from puncture wounds by small sharp objects. Ledum.

Crushed/puncture wounds. Hypericum / Calendula Ointment. Also

known as Hypercal

Profuse sticky sweat all day. Skin sensitive to touch. Hepar Sulph.

Perspiration which stains clothes yellow. Merc.sol.

Unhealthy looking skin. Feet particular problem. Sulphur.

Sweats in uncovered parts. Thuja.

With redness, heat and throbbing. Belladonna.

Patient chilly, boil cold. Silicea.

With rattling mucous in bronchial tubes. Ipecac.
With loss of voice/hoarseness. Phosphorus.


General for burns and scalds. After a day in the sun when reaction is
expected. Cantharis.

Sunburn with redness, heat and throbbing. Belladonna.

Stinging burns and scalds. Urticaria. Urtica urens.

Profuse watery discharge with sneezing and burning of nose and lip
area. Allium cepa.

Copious burning and clear watery discharge, chilliness, craving for

heat, great exhaustion, watery eyes. Arsen. alb.

Catarrh lying on chest which feels tight. Inability to expectorate.


Thick, greenish yellow discharge in tiny lumps. Symptoms worse

after rest and from damp weather. Calc. fluor.

Bland, nasal catarrh with watering of the eyes. Euphrasia.

Thick yellow infected discharge with sore throat, hoarseness and

tough stringy mucous. Kali. bich.

Variable, intermittent, flowing catarrh, with much sneezing, especially

in morning. Nat. mur.

For early stages of cold with accompanying, often dry nasal catarrh.
Nose blocked at night. Nux vom.

Catarrh is variable in frequency and intensity with a clear, yellow or

green discharge, worse at night. Pulsatilla.

Catarrh in sinuses causing headaches and obstinate nasal

obstruction with sneezing in morning. Silicea..

With dry painful cough. Bryonia

Hoarseness and loss of voice. Phosphorus

People who catch cold readily, often in the chest. Sulphur

Beginning of colds. Sudden onset from exposure to cold. Aconite

Common cold with much sneezing, watering of eyes and profuse

acrid nasal discharge. Accompanying temperature. Allium cepa.

Common cold with pronounced sneezing and watering eyes.


Feverishness, stuffiness and sneezing at onset of cold. Ferrum phos.

Hot & cold shivering flu symptoms. Sore throat, runny nose,
headache and aching limbs. Gelsemium

Watery cold with general feeling of discomfort and headache. Loss of

taste and smell. Nat. mur.

Slow onset and recovery, with sinusitis and headache. Silicea

Hoarse, dry, loud, spasmodic, hard, ringing cough. Usually no
expectoration and worse at night. Aconite

Restless and anxious with wheezy respiration and burning sensation

in chest. Thin, watery discharge in great quantity. Arsen. alb.

Dry, tickling cough with spasmodic barking, giving rise to violent

coughing fits, ending in sneezing. Belladonna

Hard dry cough with soreness and/or stitches in chest and

headache. Worse in cold, dry weather and for movement. Bryonia

Tickling cough with yellow, sour and offensive sputum. Head and
neck apt to sweat at night. Calc.carb.
Hard, racking cough with pain in chest bringing exhaustion; Inability
to bring up phlegm. Causticum

Persistent, irritating cough coming from deep down in chest,

occasionally leading to vomiting. Drosera

Hoarse cough with roughness and scraping sensation in throat.

Worse in cold, dry weather. Better for cover. Hepar sulph.

Spasmodic, suffocative cough wheezing and loss of breath, either

leading to vomiting without nausea, or intense nausea unrelieved by
vomiting. Ipecac

Cough with stringy sputum. Cough originating from tickling in pit of

stomach with bursting pain in head. Kali. bich

Dry, tearing, spasmodic cough with great soreness of chest and

retching. Oppressed breathing and feverishness. Nat. Mur.

Violent, hard, dry, exhausting, tight or racking cough with yellow

sputum. Sore, hot throat and thirst. Phosphorous

Cough dry in the evening, loose in morning with thick, bland yellow
green discharge and tickling in larynx. Pulsatilla


Use a calendula ointment in conjunction with I

Painful cuts & wounds, particularly where nerves are involved.

Hypericum / Calendula Ointment ( Also known as Hypercal Ointment

With confusion and despondency. Actaea rac.

Especially women who are easily depressed. Sepia

Sleeplessness due to mental activity. Tension. Agitation. Coffea

Skin cracked and weeping. Graphites

Excessive itching, uncontrollable urge to scratch which results in

burning and smarting. Sulphur


Abscesses slow to mature. Hepar Sulph.

Mouth abscesses sensitive to touch. Merc. sol.

When pus has formed and is slow to clear. Silicea

Bad breath with a bitter taste in the mouth. Kali. Phos.

Bad breath with a metallic taste in the mouth ulcers on the gums.
Merc. sol.

Conjunctivitis with headaches. Argent. nit.

Inability to bear bright light. Eyes inflamed burning, watering.


Aid to reduce pain & assist healing after tooth extractions. Arnica

Earache with redness, heat and throbbing. Belladonna.

Eyelids swollen. Apis mel.

Early stages of styes. Pulsatilla

Toothache worse from hot & cold. Merc. sol.

Ulceration of mouth and throat. Phytolacca\par


Following an accident. Aconite

Fear to the point of terror. Arsen. alb.

Fear of crowds, death, impending misfortune. Ferr. phos.

Fear of appearing before an audience. Argent. nit.

Examination nerves. Fear of failure. Gelsemium

General remedy where condition is allergic response to pollen.
Mixed pollen

Nose and eyes stream. Sneezing severe and frequent. Worse in

morning, indoors. Allium cepa

Nose tickles violently. Sneezing violent and painful with a watery

burning discharge. Arsen. alb.

Eyes burn, itch and water. Heavy sneezing, sore throat and hard
dry cough. Euphrasia

Violent sneezing, nose tingles and streams, particularly in

morning. Face hot. Gelsemium

Copious catarrh and sneezing, often accompanied by cold sores

or mouth ulcers. Worse in open air. Nat. mur.

Irritation of nose, eyes, face and throat with prolonged bouts of

sneezing. Nux.vom.

Copious thick catarrh and sneezing. Relieved by open air.


Sinusitis with blocked, stuffy nose. Symptoms worse on waking.


With painful watering of eyes. Euphrasia

Lessened by bending head backwards. Hypericum

With humming in ears. Kali. phos.

Hammering headache. Migraine with zig-zag lights. Nat. mur.

Migraine beginning in the neck, travelling over the head and

ending in one eye. Silicea

Blurred vision before headache. Kali. bich.


When food lies like a stone in the stomach. Bryonia

Bloated after light meal. Much flatulence. Lycopodium

Flatulence and colic after eating. Overeating. Ineffectual urging.

Early morning liverishness. Nux. vom.

From nervous anticipation of coming events. Argent. nit.

Mild food poisoning. Nausea with burning pains. Arsen. alb.

Chronic, yellow, offensive, urgent stool. Sulphur

Excessive flatulence. Carbo veg.

Morning sickness, worse from lying down. Constant nausea.


With vomiting after drinking alcohol. Kali. bich.

Worms. Itchiness of nose and anus. Nausea with white

diarrhoea. Cina

Travel sickness. Nausea with hollow sensation in stomach.

Nausea during pregnancy. Cocculus

Colic. Stomach pains. Flatulence. Cramp. Colocynthis

For the early stages of flu where there is a fever and/or chill.

Restlessness despite feeling of exhaustion with a burning nasal

discharge and sneezing. Arsen. alb.

For the early stages of flu where there is a temperature

accompanied by weakness and tiredness and aching.

General aches and pains, often with nausea. Desire for warmth
despite sweating. Nux. vom.

With barking cough and tickling dry throat. Drosera

With hard dry cough and loss of voice. Phosphorus

Change of life in fair blue eyed women. Periods delayed, scanty
but protracted. Pulsatilla

Change of life in dark haired women. Periods delayed. Sepia

If symptoms vary between the two above then a combination of

Sepia & Pulsatilla is suggested

Periods too early and excessive. Calc. phos.

Cystitis. Painful urination or constant desire to urinate. Cantharis

Fluid retention, heaviness of breasts relieved by flow. Flushes

and depression during menopause. Lachesis

Symptoms of wind and bloated feeling. Irritability and

melancholia. Lycopodium

Extreme irritability. Nux. vom.

Melancholia and weepiness. Ignatia

Tenderness of breasts. Periods profuse, early or too long.

Bone fracture slow to heal, bones refuse to knit. Calc. phos.

General remedy for all kinds of bone injury sprains of wrists or

ankles. Ruta grav

General treatment of sprains, bruises & muscular soreness.

Rheumatism with a fear of being touched. Arnica

Where skin is unbroken use in conjunction with Arnica Ointment.

Cramp in fingers, legs & toes. Poor circulation. Cold extremities.

Cuprum met.

Painful joints & ligaments. Rheumatism worse on beginning to

move but improves with continued movement. Rhus tox.

Muscular soreness after violent exercise, stiff neck. Actaea rac.

Burning pains as a result of insect bites. Apis mel.

Burning pains when passing water. Cantharis

Topical application for rheumatic pains and stiffness of joints,

tendons, ligaments and strains from overlifting. Rhus tox.

Topical application for bruised bones, dislocations, sprains and

sciatic pain. Ruta Ointment

Rheumatism aggravated by movement. Better for pressure;

worse for warmth. Bryonia

Rheumatic conditions which begin in the lower back and ascend.


Rheumatism resulting from earlier broken bones. Symphytum

Lumbago. Bruises. Bellis Perennis

Bleeding, protruding and itching piles. Calc. fluor.

Ooze dark blood. Hamamelis

Protruding piles with stitching pains. Ignatia

Itching piles. Nux. vom.

In cautious indecisive individuals. Graphites

In oversensitive individuals. Hepar sulph.

In deepthinking individuals. Sulphur

Immediately following an accident. Aconite

To reduce prolonged effects of shock. Before operations, dental

visits etc. Arnica

General improvement of skin, hair and nails. Silicea

Following exposure to dry winds. Aconite

Burning dry throat. Arsen. alb.

Excessive saliva. Merc. sol.

Swollen throat, absence of thirst. Apis mel.

Sore throat. Stiff neck with Inability to swallow. Phytolacca

General wart treatment. Thuja

Molluscum Contagiosum . Thuja Ø topically. Thuja. Moluscum

Contageosum Nosode

tcy anus, driven to scratch, very bad tempered. Cina

Itchy anus, without marked change of mood. Teucrium mar

With Colicky pains. Natrum phos

Frequent episodes. Carcinocin

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