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Clinical Approach to Brainstem Lesions

Maria Rosa Querol-Pascual

The brainstem consists of the midbrain, pons, and medulla. The cerebellum is attached to the
dorsal surface of the pons and upper medulla. The brainstem contains 9 of the 12 cranial nerves
and is crossed by ascending, descending, and cerebellar pathways and their nuclei as well as
the reticular formation. Numerous and rare crossed brainstem syndromes have been described
in recent years, many of them without clinical significance. The aim of this article is to provide
a brief clinical description of some conditions affecting the brainstem.
Semin Ultrasound CT MRI 31:220-229 © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

T he brainstem is situated in the posterior cranial fossa and

is divided into 3 transverse regions. The most caudal is
the medulla, the middle or central part is the pons, and fina-
are V, VI, VII, or VIIIl, the lesion is within the pons; and
finally, if the lesion is located in the midbrain, the cranial
nerves affected are III and IV.5,8
lly the most rostral portion is the midbrain or mesencepha- Most of these syndromes comprise ipsilateral cranial nerve
lon. The brainstem is also organized longitudinally into 3 lesions and contralateral signs of long tract involvement, such as
further regions: the roof or tectum, posteriorly, the basis or hemiparesis or hemisensory or bilateral deficit. Other symptoms
basilar portion, anteriorly, and the tegmentum in the center. that indicate brainstem disease include vertigo, unsteadiness of
Nine of the 12 cranial nerves are situated in the brainstem, gait or ataxia, dysarthria-clumsy Hand disease, blepharospasm,
which is covered by the cerebellum and connected to it by the hiccup, palatal myoclonus, respiratory dysfunction, a special
cerebellar peduncles. The fourth ventricular cavity is located type of hallucinosis (peduncular hallucinosis), and conjugate
between the tegmentum and the roof.1-5 eye deviation towards hemiparesis (Table 1).8
The brainstem has 3 roles. The first is to provide transit Brainstem ischemia is the most frequent cause of acute
and procession nuclei for ascending and descending path- brainstem lesions, and most syndromes have been de-
ways that convey messages to and from the cerebrum, cere- scribed as a sequel of brainstem infarcts.9-10 Ischemic ver-
bellum, and spinal cord. The second is to play a part in tebrobasilar strokes account for 23% of all first episodes of
integrative functions, such as level of consciousness, the ischemic brain strokes, and 48% of these affect the brain-
sleep-wake cycle, muscle tone, posture, and respiratory and stem.11 Most ischemic brainstem strokes involve the pons
cardiovascular control. The third relates to actions of the (27%), followed by the medulla (14%), and the midbrain
cranial nerves, which are composed of sensory fibers termi- (7%).12-15 The most common mechanism of brainstem
nating in the brainstem nuclei and motor fibers originating in stroke includes embolism and lipo hyalinosis.12 An arterial
the brainstem nuclei.1,6,7 Therefore, a small and single lesion dissection causes 20% to 30% of medullary strokes and
could produce severe and mixed deficits.2 approximately 5% of mesencephalic strokes but is rather
Lesions of the brainstem may manifest as cerebellar, so- rare in pontine strokes.14,16,17
matosensory, and motor symptoms as well as cranial nerve Examples of nonvascular disorders that commonly affect
dysfunction. The level of the lesion can usually be deter- the brainstem include demyelinating disease (multiple scle-
mined by the injured cranial nerve. The affected cranial nerve rosis or acute disseminated encephalomyelitis), degenerative
or fascicles localize the lesion to the medulla, pons, or mid- disease, trauma, intraaxial neoplasms (such as brainstem gli-
brain. Thus, if the glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, and omas/ependymomas), brainstem encephalitis (Bickerstaff’s
hypoglossal nerves (IX, X, XI, XII) are involved, the lesion lies encephalitis), central pontine myelinolysis, Arnold–Chiari
within the medulla; by contrast, if the cranial nerves affected malformations, and syringobulbia, which are multifocal and
unsuitable for topographic studies.18
Before describing the more common brainstem syn-
Neurology Department, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Badajoz,
dromes, some anatomical features will be reviewed2,5:
Badajoz, Spain.
● Descending motor tracts decussate in lower medulla;
Address reprint requests to: Maria Rosa Querol-Pascual, Hospital Infanta
Cristina, Avda, De Elvas s/n, Badajoz, Spain. E-mail: rquerolp@ ● Ascending somatosensory tracts decussate in the middle
hotmail.com medulla.

220 0887-2171/10/$-see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Clinical approach to brainstem lesions 221

● Spinothalamic tracts (information on temperature and

● ipsilateral ataxia of the arm and leg.

● contralateral alteration of pain and

pain) occupy a more lateral position in medulla and

temperature (arm, leg and rarely

● ipsilateral alteration of pain and

pons than the medial lemniscus (information on stere-

Cranial nerves; V, VII, IX, and XI

● ipsilateral Horner’s syndrome
Lateral Structures

ognosis and position).

Sensory nucleus of the Vth

temperature on the face.

Most ascending spinocerebellar tracts are ipsilateral; and
and Deficits
Spinocerebellar pathways

Spinothalamic pathways ● Effects of the cranial nerves and their nuclei are ipsilat-

Sympathetic pathway;
eral except for IVth cranial nerve.

We shall now discuss briefly some clinical and neuroradio-

logical characteristics of the most common syndromes asso-
ciated with lesions of certain parts of the brainstem.

Brainstem Syndromes
Mesencephalic Syndromes
vibration and proprioception

Medial longitudinal fasciculus

● Contraleral weakness (arm

The mesencephalon is the most rostral portion of the brain-

cranial nerve; IIIrd, IVth,

stem. It is located between the forebrain and the hindbrain.

Medial Structures

Motor nucleus and nerve

● ipsilateral internuclear

● ipsilateral loss of the

The mesencephalon has 2 main divisions: the tectum and the

and Deficits

● contralateral loss of

tegmentum. The tectum (“roof”) is the dorsal surface of the

Medial lemniscus

midbrain, which is composed of 4 rounded eminences

(arm and leg)
Motor pathway

known as the corpora quadrigemina (quadrigeminal plate):

VIth, XIIth

the posterior pair called the inferior colliculi, which have an

and leg)

auditory function, and the anterior pair, called the superior

colliculi, which have a visual function. The ventrolateral por-
Table 1 Cranial Nerve Names and Main Functions, Medial and Lateral Structures, and Their Deficits

tion of the tegmentum is formed by the cerebral peduncles.

The tegmentum contains 3 colorful structures: the periaq-
ueductal gray matter, the substantia nigra, and the red
Facial sensation, muscles of mastication

nucleus. There are 2 ocular nuclei and nerves associated

with the mesencephalon; the third and fourth cranial
Eye movements, pupil constriction

nerves (Fig. 1).5,19

muscles, facial expression, taste,

Pharyngeal muscles, salivation

laryngeal/pharyngeal muscles
Main Function

Ventral Mesencephalon Lesions

A unilateral lesion located in the ventral portion of the mes-
lacrimation, salivation

Parasympathetics org;

encephalon could involve the cerebral peduncles (corticospi-

Hearing, equilibrium

nal and corticobulbar tracts). Damage of the anteromedial

Tongue movement

structures causes dysarthria or dysphagia and contralateral

Eye movements

Eye movements

facial and upper-extremity weakness without accompanying

Head turning

sensory disturbances. Fibers in the corticospinal tract are


somatotopically arranged, with the fibers destined to the arm


medially placed and those to the leg laterally located, with the
trunk fibers in between.20 We can observe signs of third-
nerve and Edinger-Westphal nuclei involvement manifest as
a deviation of the ipsilateral eye downwards and laterally
VIII, vestibulocochlear nerve

IX, glossopharyngeal nerve

with pupillary dilatation and ptosis of the lid.2,12

XI, spinal accessory nerve

Conversely, more lateral mesencephalic lesions cause con-

Cranial Nerve

XII, hypoglossal nerve

tralateral hemiparesis that predominantly affects the lower

VI, abducens nerve
V, trigeminal nerve
IV, trochear nerve

extremities, loss of the contralateral vibration and joint posi-

I, olfactory nerve

VII, facial nerve

X, vagus nerve
III, oculomotor

tion sense (medial leminisci), and loss of pain and tempera-

II, optic nerve

ture sensors in the trunk and extremities (ascending spino-

thalamic tracts).
Adapted from Burger et al.12

Choreoathetosis, contralateral ataxia, and internuclear

ophthalmoplegia are produced by involvement of the red
nuclei, superior cerebellar peduncles, and medial longitudi-
nal fasciculus, respectively.

Lateral mesencephalic lesions can affect descending sym-



pathetic tracts, producing Horner’s syndrome. If the medial


geniculate bodies are involved, auditory dysfunction could

occur as well.21
222 M.R. Querol-Pascual

Figure 1 Cranial nerve nuclei. (A) View of the cranial nerve nuclei that settle at the brainstem. It represents the location and
the direction of their axons. (B) dorsal view of the brainstem and cranial nerve nuclei location. Corpora quadrigeminal
(asterisks); lateral and medial geniculate bodies (arrows). The nuclei of cranial nerves III to XII lie in the brainstem, just in
front of the floor of the fourth ventricle and the Sylvian aqueduct. Four are located in the medulla oblongata (IXth, Xth, XIth,
XIIth); 4 in the pons (Vth, VIth, VIIth, and VIIIth) and 4 above the pons (3rd, 4th are in the midbrain). The 1st (olfactory) and
the 2nd (optic) are above the brainstem. The 4 motor nuclei that are in the midline of the brainstem are those that divides
equally into 12, that is, 3, 4, 6, and 12. They emerge through the anterior midline surface, except the IVth, which exits from
the dorsal part of the midbrain after its decussation in the superior medullary velum. Although the Vth, VIIth, and IXth cranial
nerve nuclei have motor function, they also have sensory components and do not divide evenly into 12. Thus, they are not
pure motor nuclei and, on this basis, they are not located medially. The VIIIth cranial nerve nucleus (entirely sensory) and
XIth (pure motor, which does not divide equally into 12), are located laterally.42 Salivatory and lacrimal nuclei. (Courtesy of
M. Ángeles Fernández-Gil.) (Color version of figure is available online.)

There are 3 classic eponyms describing these syn- abnormalities from periaqueductal gray matter, and tinnitus
dromes10,12,20,22,23: or auditory alterations from inferior colliculi.24 Bilateral mes-
encephalic lesions damaging the reticular formation can re-
1. Weber’s syndrome involves the third nerve and cere-
sult in consciousness disturbances.2,12,14
bral peduncle, causing ipsilateral third nerve palsy with
There are 2 syndromes associated with mesencephalic le-
contralateral hemiparesis (Fig. 2).
2. Benedikt’s syndrome involves the red nucleus, causing
ipsilateral third nerve palsy and contralateral chorea,
1. Parinaud’s syndrome, characterized by loss of up-
tremor or athetosis (Fig. 3).
ward gaze, large and irregular pupils, eyelid retrac-
3. Claude’s syndrome involves the superior cerebellar pe-
tion, convergence nystagmus and loss of accommo-
duncle, causing third-nerve palsy and contralateral
2. Top of the basilar syndrome, characterized by pupillary
Dorsal Mesencephalic Lesions and visual disorders, vertical gaze palsy, delirium and
Dorsal mesencephalic lesions produce mainly neuro-oph- hallucinosis, sensory deficits, and motor deficits. This
thalmologic abnormalities and are most often seen with hy- syndrome can result from giant basilar artery tip aneu-
drocephalus or tumors of the pineal region.6,20 These lesions rysms, vasculitis, or as a complication of cerebral an-
cause dysfunction of the IVth cranial nerve (trochlear), which giography.20,25 Table 212 summarizes the mesence-
produces diplopia, slight elevation of the eye, vertical gaze phalic syndromes.
Clinical approach to brainstem lesions 223

Figure 2 An 85-year-old patient exhibiting sudden right 3d cranial nerve palsy and light loss of strength in left
extremities (Weber’s syndrome). (A, B) Axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) and (C) coronal spin echo
(SE) T2-weighted images show a hyperintense area with imprecise margins affecting the right thalamus just next to the
wall of the 3rd ventricle (arrowheads) and the paramedian and anterior right region of mesencephalon (arrows)
consistent with ischemic insult. (D, E) Axial isotropic diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images and (E, F)
Apparent diffusion coefficient maps show the typical imaging features of acute ischemic infarcts: hyperintensity on
isotropic images and hypointensity on Apparent diffusion coefficient maps (arrows).

Pontine Syndromes This vascular distribution is classified in 5 main clinic-topo-

The pons extends from the pontomedullary junction cau- graphic patterns: anteromedial, anterolateral, tegmental, uni-
dally to the pontomesencephalic junction rostrally. The dor- lateral, and multiple pontine infarcts.12,13
sal part of the pons is referred to as the tegmentum, and the Anteromedial/Anterolateral Syndromes
ventral portion is referred to as the basis pontis. The fourth Lesions at this level can produce some of following symp-
ventricle separates the pontine tegmentum from the cerebel- toms, depending on the tract that is damaged. The tracts and
lum. The pontine tegmentum contains important nuclei and possible damage are listed to follow:
pathways (pontine reticular formation). The basis pontis
contains the corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts, cranial 1. Corticobulbare tracts: involved in movement of the
nerve nuclei, and transverse cerebellar fibers.6,19,20 In the eyes, face, pharynx, and tongue and produce dysar-
pons there are important structures involved in several func- thria, dysphagia, or facial palsy.
tions. Cranial nerve nuclei are associated with ocular move- 2. Cortipontocerebellar tracts: ataxia or pathologic laugh-
ments, facial expression, mastication, salivation, equilibrium, ter associated with paresis constitutes the ataxic-hemi-
and audition.5 Fiber tracts, such as the paramedian pontine re- paresis syndrome; ataxia or pathologic laughter in con-
ticular formation, the medial longitudinal fasciculus, the medial junction with dysarthria constitutes the dysarthria
lemniscus, the ventral spinocerebellar, spinothalamic, lateral clumsy-Hand disease.12,26
tectospinal, rubrospinal, and corticopontocerebellar tracts, au- 3. Corticospinal tracts: pure hemiplegia or hemiparesis
ditory connections and the middle cerebellar peduncle. involving the face, the arm, and the leg are the most
The main arteries that provide the blood supply to the common presentations of anteromedial syndromes.12
pons are branches of vertebral artery and basilar artery.6,12,19 In addition, pure sensory syndromes or associated mo-
224 M.R. Querol-Pascual

Figure 3 A 75-year-old man with unilateral left IIIrd cranial nerve palsy and contralateral ataxia (Benedikt’s syndrome). (A, B)
Axial SE T2-weighted images show a high-intensity lesion that affects the midbrain in its medial and anterior region
(anteromedial or paramedian syndrome) consistent with ischemic infarct. The lesion involves the left 3rd cranial nerve
nucleus and tract as it travels near the red nucleus (black arrow). The lesion of the red nucleus interrupts fibers from the
opposite cerebellar hemisphere, which reach the red nucleus via the superior cerebellar peduncles that decussate in the
anterior midbrain (white arrow). (C) coronal FLAIR image shows the left midbrain ischemic lesion (arrowhead), as well as
the signal changes in juxta-ventricular white matter related to small vessel angiopathy typical in the elderly patient (arrows).

tor lesions are further manifestations of anteromedial contain fibers to the lower extremities. The most severe
pontine syndrome.12,27 weakness and loss of position sense in the lower extremi-
4. Medial lemnisci: these are responsible for vibration, ties could be produced by the involvement of the antero-
proprioception, and deep sensation from the contralat- lateral region.12
eral extremities. Three syndromes are associated with these zones:
5. Nuclei or fibers of cranial nerve VII: responsible for
● Raymond’s syndrome, which is ipsilateral paresis of the
ipsilateral facial palsy.
VI nerve and contralateral hemiparesis;
6. Fascicles of cranial nerve VI: responsible for ipsilateral
● Millar-Gubler’s syndrome, which is an ipsilateral palsy
sixth nerve palsy producing diplopia, which is accen-
of both the VI and VII cranial nerves and contralateral
tuated when the patient looks toward the lesion.
hemiparesis; and
7. Medial longitudinal fasciculus: responsible for internu-
● Cheiro-oral syndrome, which is sensory loss in the peri-
clear ophthalmoplegia, which produces disconjugate
oral region and contralateral hand.
lateral gaze.
Lateral Syndromes
The medial zones of the corticospinal tract and the medial
Lateral syndrome lesions can produce the following problems:
leminsci transmit fibers to the upper extremities and the
more lateral fibers affect the lower extremities. In addition, ● Contralateral ataxia, by damage to the inferior and mid-
the lateral zones of the medial lemnisci predominantly dle cerebellar peduncles and pontocerebellar fibers;
Clinical approach to brainstem lesions 225

Table 2 Midbrain Syndromes

Midbrain Syndromes Structures Affected Signs and Symptoms
Anteromedial Corticospinal tract Contralateral
Corticobulbar tract ● Hemiparesia/hemiplegia
Red nucleus ● Dysartria
Decussation of superior cerebellar ● Choreoathetosis/tremor
peduncle ● Ataxia
Cranial nerve 3 fascicle Ipsilateral
● IIIrd nerve palsy
Anterolateral Corticospinal Contralateral
Medial spinothalamic tract ● Hemiparesia/hemiplegia
Portions of superior cerebellar peduncle ● sensory loss (pain and temperature) in extremities
● Ataxia
Lateral Descending sympathetic fibers Horner’s syndrome contralateral
Lateral spinothalamic tract ● Sensory loss (pain and temperature) in extremities
Dorsal Superior/inferior colliculi ● Vertical gaze palsies
Posterior commissure ● Loss of pupillary light reflex/loss of accommodation
Cranial nerve 3 nucleus Ipsilateral
Cranial nerve 4 nucleus ● IIIrd nerve palsy
● Superior oblique weakness
Bilateral Midbrain ● Vertical gaze palsies and cranial nerve 3 palsy
Thalamus ● Sensory finding and inattention
Medial temporal lobes ● Memory disturbances and aphasias
Occipital lobes ● Visual deficits
Adapted from Burger et al.12

● Loss of pain and temperature sensation in the contralat- Tegmental

eral extremities and trunk caused by damage from the Lesions at the tegmental level are very unusual and consist of
lateral spin thalamic tract excluding the face. disturbances of consciousness, severe ataxia, skewed devia-
● Tinnitus and disturbances in hearing from lesions affect- tion of the eyes, VIth cranial nerve palsy, one and a half
ing the lateral leminsci. syndrome, and vertigo.13,17,28,29
● Ipsilateral paresis of the face from the facial nuclei and
fascicles involvement. Bilateral Lesion
● Ipsilateral motor deficits of muscles of mastication and The most characteristic clinical symptomatology is the
loss of ipsilateral corneal reflex from lesions of the tri- pseudobulbar syndrome and the “locked-in syndrome.”13
geminal complex. The structures involved on both sides are the motor tracts
● VIth cranial nerve palsy. (corticospinal, corticobulbar, corticopontine), the fascicles of
the abducens nerves, paramedian pontine reticular formation
Dorsolateral Syndromes (horizontal gaze center), and reticular formation.12,13 Because
The characteristic clinical picture associated to these lesions of this damage, the patient is unable to move (quadriplegia),
often comprises the following: to speak (aphonia), and experiences bilateral palsy of the
● Reduced auditory acuity and sound localization from facial nerve and horizontal gaze paresis. Consciousness may
lesions of the lateral lemniscus or cochlear nucleus. be affected initially, although it is recovered later. If the spino-
● Ataxia from lesions involving the superior cerebellar pe- thalamic tract is affected, there is loss of pain and temperature in
duncles. the trunk and extremities but not in the face. The patient can
● Parkinsonian symptoms from the loci cerulei. communicate through vertical movements of the eyes and
● Ipsilateral jaw jerks from the mesencephalic nuclei of blinking of the eyelids. This bilateral lesion in the basal portion
the Vth cranial nerve. of the lower pons is known as “locked-in syndrome.”2 Table 312
summarizes the pons syndromes.
There 3 syndromes associated with dorsolateral lesions:
● Marie-Foix syndrome, or ataxia, contralateral hemiparesis, Medullary Syndromes
and contralateral hypoesthesia to pain and temperature. Medial Medullary Syndrome
● Foville syndrome, or ipsilateral horizontal gaze paresis, ip- Déjerine’s syndrome, a rare clinical entity, usually is pro-
silateral facial palsy, and contralateral hemiparesis. duced by distal occlusion of the vertebral artery or the upper
● Raymond-Cestan-Chenais syndrome, which includes portion of the anterior spinal artery.30,31 Lesions of the pyra-
ataxia, contralateral loss of facial and body sensation, midal tract in the medial medulla result in contralateral arm
and contralateral hemiparesis. and leg paresis, and sometimes (50% of cases) the contralat-
226 M.R. Querol-Pascual

Table 3 Pontine Syndromes

Pontine Syndromes Structures Affected Signs and Symptoms
Anteromedial Corticospinal tract Contralateral
Corticopontine tract ● hemiparesis/hemiplegia
Corticobulbar tract ● ataxia or pathologic laughter
Cranial facial nerve fascicle ● dysarthria, dysphagia
Cranial abducens nerve fascicle Ipsilateral
Parmedian pontine reticular formation ● facial weakness
Medial longitudinal fasciculus ● lateral rectus palsy
● horizontal gaze palsy
Others symptoms
● internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Anterolateral Corticospinal tract Contralateral
Spinothalamic tract ● hemiparesis/hemiplegia
● ataxia
● contralateral numbness
Lateral/dorsolateral Lateral corticospinal tract Contralateral
Spinothalamic tract ● hemiparesis leg > arm
Spinal nucleus/tract of cranial nerve 5 ● contralateral numbness
Cranial nerve 7 fasciculus/nucleus Ipsilateral
Cranial nerve 8 ● facial numbness
Cerebellum ● facial weakness
● hearing loss
● ataxia
Bilateral Corticobulbar tract ● aphonia/dysphagia
Corticospinal tract ● quadriplegia
Paramedian pontine reticular formation ● bilateral horizontal gaze paresis
Cranial facial nerve fascicle/nucleus ● bilateral facial weakness
Reticular formation ● transient disturbances of
Adapted from Burger et al.12

eral face can be affected. Often the hypoglossal nerve is dam- ● Hypalgesia and thermoanesthesia in ipsilateral face
aged, producing ipsilateral tongue weakness. This weakness caused by involvement of the spinothalamic tract and
may a person’s position sense of position, stereognosis, and nucleus of cranial nerve V.
vibratory perception in contralateral extremities, although ● Involvement of the sympathetic pathways, which produces
pain and temperature may be preserved. Occasionally, nys- Horner’s syndrome (ptosis, myosis, and anhydrosis).
tagmus or skew deviation of the eyes is produced by injury of ● Headache, especially a unilateral headache localized to
medial longitudinal fasciculus.2,12,30-32 the upper posterior cervical region, is common with the
lateral medullary syndrome.20
● Damage to the nucleus ambiguous and fibers of the va-
Lateral Medullary Syndrome
gus nerve cause paralysis of the ipsilateral palate, phar-
The lateral syndrome is the most common in the medulla
ynx, and larynx, producing dysphagia, dysarthria, di-
oblongata (Fig. 4). This is known as Wallenberg’s syndrome,
minished gag reflex, and hoarseness.
a relatively common brainstem infarct, and according to the
● In some case palatal myoclonus is produced by dysfunc-
findings of Marx10 is the only crossed syndrome with clinical
tion of the inferior olive.
importance. Vertebral artery thrombosis is the most common
● Finally, there may be horizontal or vertical nystagmus
cause (67%) and isolated involvement of the PICA is less
(vestibular nuclei) and skew deviation of the eyes with
common (10%).8,32,33 Spontaneous dissection of the verte-
diplopia (medial longitudinal fasciculus).37
bral artery is a common cause.34
The most characteristic symptoms of the lateral medullary Other Hemimedullary Syndromes
syndrome are2,8,12,20,35,36: A very uncommon combination of the 2 major syndromes
occurs as bilateral medial medullary, hemimedullary, and
● Ipsilateral ataxia produced by involvement of the infe- bilateral medullary syndrome:
rior cerebellar peduncle, restiform body, or dorsal
spinocerebellar tract. Bilateral medial medullary syndrome. Flaccid quadriplegia
● Vertigo caused by involvement of the vestibular nu- sparing the face, bilateral loss of deep sensation, hypoglossal
clei. nerve palsy and respiratory failure38,39
Clinical approach to brainstem lesions 227

Figure 4 A 58-year-old patient with vertigo and difficulty in walking. The patient demonstrated left Horner’s syndrome
(descending autonomic fibers), right loss of pain and temperature sensation, ataxia, left IXth and Xth cranial nerve
nuclei impairment, left facial dysesthesias, vertigo, and hiccups (Wallemberg’s syndrome). (A, B) Axial SE T2-weighted
and (C) coronal FLAIR images reveal a diagonal band-shape of high intensity of signal involving the posterolateral left
side of the medulla oblongata (arrows) consistent with ischemic lesion. Note the imprecise borders and the correspon-
dence with the posterolateral vascular territory.

Hemimedullary lesions. These may result in contralateral The principles of the rule of 4 are:
hemiparesis, contralateral hemisensory loss, ipsilateral Hor-
1. There are 4 structures in the midline beginning
ner’s syndrome, ipsilateral ataxia, ipsilateral facial sensory
with (M);
loss, ipsilateral tongue paresis, dysarthria, nausea, and vom-
X the motor pathway: contralateral weakness,
iting.12,40 There are 3 eponyms associated with medulla le-
X the medial leminscus (ie, contralateral loss of vib-
sions. Of these, Reinhold syndrome is a hemimedullary syn-
ration and propioception in the arm and leg),
drome. The other 2 syndromes, Babinski-Nageotte and
X the medial longitudinal fasciculus (ie, ipsilateral in-
Cestan-Chenais syndromes, are intermediolateral syndromes
ternuclear opthalmoplegia),
of the medulla with all (Babinski-Nageotte) or nearly all (Ces-
X the motor nuclear nerve (ie, ipsilateral loss of af-
tan-Chenais) features of the lateral Wallenberg syndrome and
fected cranial nerve).
the hemiparesis of the medial medullary syndrome.41 Table 412
2. There are 4 structures laterally beginning with (S);
summarizes the medullary syndromes.
X the spinocebellar pathway,
X the spinothalamic pathway (contralateral alteration
Summary of pain and temperature in the arm, leg, and rarely
The rule of 4 suggested by Gates42 is a simple method devel- trunk),
oped to diagnose and localize where damage has occurred in X The sensory nucleus of the Vth (ie, ipsilateral alter-
the brainstem (Table 4). ation of pain and temperature on the face),
228 M.R. Querol-Pascual

Table 4 Medullary Syndromes

Medullary Syndromes Structures Affected Signs and Symptoms
Medial medullary Corticospinal tract Contralateral
Medial lemniscus ● Arm and leg hemiparesis
Cranial nerve XII Nucleus/fascicle ● Sensory loss (vibratory and positional)
● Tongue paresis
Lateral medullary Lateral spinothalamic tract Contralateral
Spinal trigeminal nucleus/tract ● Arm/trunk/leg numbness
Inferior cerebellar peduncle Ipsilateral
Sympathetic fibers ● Absent corneal reflex/
Nucleus ambiguous ● facial numbness
Vestibular nuclei ● Ataxia
● Horner syndrome
Other symptoms
● Dysphagia, dysarthria, hoarse voice
● Vertigo, nausea, and vomiting
Hemimedullary syndrome Both structures (medial and lateral) Contralateral
● Arm and leg hemiparesis
● Sensory loss (vibratory and positional)
● Arm/trunk/leg numbness
● Absent corneal reflex/facial numbness
● Ataxia
● Horner’s syndrome
● Tongue paresis
Other symptoms
● Dysphagia, dysarthria, hoarse voice
● Vertigo, nausea, and vomiting
Adapted from Burger et al.12

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