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Coin Acceptor Make Money with Arduino


const int coinInt = 0;

//Attach coinInt to Interrupt Pin 0 (Digital Pin 2). Pin 3 = Interrpt Pin 1.

volatile float coinsValue = 0.00;

//Set the coinsValue to a Volatile float
//Volatile as this variable changes any time the Interrupt is triggered
int coinsChange = 0;
//A Coin has been inserted flag

void setup()
//Start Serial Communication
attachInterrupt(coinInt, coinInserted, RISING);
//If coinInt goes HIGH (a Pulse), call the coinInserted function
//An attachInterrupt will always trigger, even if your using delays

void coinInserted()
//The function that is called every time it recieves a pulse
coinsValue = coinsValue + 0.05;
//As we set the Pulse to represent 5p or 5c we add this to the coinsValue
coinsChange = 1;
//Flag that there has been a coin inserted

void loop()
if(coinsChange == 1)
//Check if a coin has been Inserted
coinsChange = 0;
//unflag that a coin has been inserted

Serial.print("Credit: £");
//Print the Value of coins inserted
What would I do with a Laser Cutter? Build Simple Robotic Kits to teach people a Hobby that I

Ever wanted to make some money from your projects?

This Instrutable will show you how to Simply interface a coin selector with your Adruino.
And also how to then connect that to your Visual C# Project.
Then it's all up to you and that great idea you have, if it's electronic or a program/game,
The Buck Starts Here.

You will need:

A Coin Selector: There are many different type's, the CH-926 accepts the most amount of coins
so thats what I'll be using.
UK Stock, US Stock

Any 12v Power Supply, Batteries or Wall Wart.

An Arduino UNO

Microsoft Visual Express 2010 C#: Free Download, Scroll down until you see the correct option.
Note: Only needed for a coin operated Program, Not electronics Projects.
Let's get started!
Step 1: Coin Sampling

For your Coin Selector to know what type of coins it accepts, you have to set it up and then
feed it samples of those coins.
It is recommend to sample at least 15 coins of the same type, up to a maximum of 30. Don't
feed the same coin through 30 times, it's make the selector to fussy about what it accepts.

A Coin Selector works by comparing the material, weight and size of coins past through it to
the samples you provide. If a coin is not reconised it drops out the return slot, if it is reconised
the Unit sends out pulse's on the "COIN" line.
So to make it easier for the programming side we use a "greatest common factor" rule.
eg. We'll use the following coins (UK) 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p,& £1, (US) 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c & $1.
All the the coins can be made up with multiple 5p or 5c coins, so we make 1 pulse equal to 5p
or 5c.
5p/c = 1 pulse, 10p/c = 2 pulses, 20p = 4 pulses, 25c = 5 pulses, 50p/c = 10 pulses, £/$1 = 20

Now, The Setup:

First the switches...

select "NC" by sliding the top switch to the bottom position.
select "FAST" by sliding the bottom switch to the top position.

Power Up the unit with a 12v supply.

1. Hold the "ADD" and "MINUS" buttons down at the same time for about 3 seconds, release
and then the letter "A" will appear on the LED display.
2. Press the "SETUP" button once, and the letter "E" will appear. Then use the "ADD" and
"MINUS" buttons to choose how many kinds of coins your going to use. Press the "SETUP"
button again to finish.
3. The letter "H" will appear. Use the "ADD" and "MINUS"buttons to choose how many sample
coins your going to feed it later. Press the"SETUP" button again to finish.
4. The letter "P" will appear. Again use the "ADD" and "MINUS" buttons to choose the amount
of output pulses you want. Press the "SETUP" button to finish. Refer to the above example to
determine number of pulses.
5. The letter "F" will appear. Using the "ADD" and "MINUS" buttons, choose the accuracy. The
value is from 1 to 30, with 1 being the most accurate. I use 10 and it works fine. Again "SETUP"
to finish.

You have now setup the first coin, depending on how many coins you selected in step 2, you'll
have to repeat Step's 3 to 5 for each one.
The letter "A" will appear when you've setup all the coins. Hold "SETUP" for 3 seconds to finish,
the letter "E" will appear.
Finally, switch the unit off and then back on.

Sampling time:

1. Hold the "SETUP" button down for about 3 seconds, release and then the letters "A1" will
appear on the LED display. This is your first coin (5p/c)
2. Feed the Coin Selector your sample coins, the LED display will show the amount of coins
you've entered. "A1" will appear again when finished.
3. Hold the "SETUP" button down again for about 3 seconds, release and then"A2" will appear,
repeat these steps until all coins are sampled.

If your not using all of the coin types available (eg 5 coins of a 6 type coin selector) the unit will
ask for samples of a coin type you haven't setup, just hold the "SETUP" button down for 3
secconds of each of the remaining coins.

The Coin Selector restarts itself and is now ready to connect to the Arduino
Step 2: Arduino Time

To Wire the Coin Selector to the Arduino is easy.

The white "COIN" Wire from the Selector connects to pin 2 on the Arduino. It has to be pin 2 or
3 as these are Interrupt pins.

Now if your using a different power supply for the Coin Selector to the Arduino, you must
connect a common Ground. So the Red wire from the Coin Selector connects to +12V of the
supply and the Black wire to ground of the supply AND to ground of the arduino.
Note: USB will NOT power the coin selector.
Step 3: Some Simple Code

Now, Fire up the Arduino IDE and let start coding:


const int coinInt = 0;

//Attach coinInt to Interrupt Pin 0 (Digital Pin 2). Pin 3 = Interrpt Pin 1.
volatile float coinsValue = 0.00;
//Set the coinsValue to a Volatile float
//Volatile as this variable changes any time the Interrupt is triggered
int coinsChange = 0;
//A Coin has been inserted flag

void setup()
//Start Serial Communication
attachInterrupt(coinInt, coinInserted, RISING);
//If coinInt goes HIGH (a Pulse), call the coinInserted function
//An attachInterrupt will always trigger, even if your using delays

void coinInserted()
//The function that is called every time it recieves a pulse
coinsValue = coinsValue + 0.05;
//As we set the Pulse to represent 5p or 5c we add this to the coinsValue
coinsChange = 1;
//Flag that there has been a coin inserted

void loop()
if(coinsChange == 1)
//Check if a coin has been Inserted
coinsChange = 0;
//unflag that a coin has been inserted

Serial.print("Credit: £");
//Print the Value of coins inserted


This simple program will write the total value of coins inserted to the serial monitor.
If you'd like your project to start automatically after say 50p or 50c has been inserted then

Serial.print("Credit: £");


if(coinsValue >= 0.50)

//your code here, eg Big Flashing Lights!!!! and Serial.println("I'M MAKING MONEY!!!!");


The Electronics Side is finished, Continue if you want to Interface with a Window Application
you've created

Step 4: Basic Windows Form Application

Load up Microsoft Express 2010 and create a new "Windows Form Application".
I'm calling mine Coin Selector.

Now to your form add the following components:

1. A Button, Change the Text to "Connect"
2. A Text Box, Change the Text to "0.00"
3. A Serial Port, Change the PortName to the COM Port your Arduino connects to.
Step 5: Coding Time

Double Click the "Connect" Button and you'll open the Code window, paste the following code in
the brackets:

if (button1.Text == "Connect") //If the button say's connect

serialPort1.Open(); //Open Serial Port
if (serialPort1.IsOpen) //If the Port Opens
button1.Text = "Disconnect"; //Change the Button to Disconnect
this.serialPort1.DataReceived += new
//Adds an Event when the serial port receives data
serialPort1.Close(); //Close the Serial Port
button1.Text = "Connect"; //Change the Button to Connect

We have to add a few functions, the first will close the port if we close the application. The
second tells the program what to do if data is received and the third is what it does. So Just
below the final "}" of "button1_Click"
add the following:


private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (serialPort1.IsOpen)


private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender,
System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
{ //serialPort1 runs in a different thread, to call a function in the main code Invoke must be
this.Invoke(new EventHandler(serialReceived)); //Calls the below function
private void serialReceived(object sender, EventArgs e)
double coinsValue = Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text); //converts the text to a
coinsValue = coinsValue + 0.05; //Add 0.05 to that number
textBox1.Text = Convert.ToString(coinsValue); //Converts it back to text and
puts it back in the textbox

Now, Scroll up and you'll see some "using" lines, add "using System.IO.Ports;" as we'll be
using Serial port functions.

The Basic Program is finished, On the Arduino side:

Serial.print("Credit: £");
Serial.print(0); //Sends 1 piece of data over the Serial, the windows program add's 0.05 for
every piece (println would send 3)
Upload, Run the windows Application, Click "Connect" and your away!


You can now activate your projects by receiving the right amount of money!



Arduino Vending Machine: 2 - Accepting Dollar Bills

Updated - (8/1/2012)!

This is a tutorial of how to use an Arduino to count the number of dollar bills accepted by a bill
validator (BA-30).

This tutorial is about using an Arduino to count dollars that were accepted by a bill validator. This is a
common type of bill validator used in machines that take money and give something (vending
machines). The goal is to connect the bill validator to the Arduino and be able to know when a dollar
bill has been accepted.

Specifically, we will use an Arduino to read pulses from a bill validator. Normally, the pulses read
from the bill validator will be in the range of 8000 to 9000. When we insert a dollar bill into the bill
validator and the bill validator accepts the bill, we will be able to read pulses above 12000 from the
bill validator. Given this, we can tell when a bill is accepted.
If (duration > 12000)

Before we begin
Divide and Confuse...
In many forums around the web, there is great interest in how to use an Arduino to accept
cash. Unfortunately, there is very little concrete information about how to it. What's worse is that
these devices, bill validators and coin mechanisms, use different protocols. Many devices that share
a common protocol share the Multi-Drop Bus (MDB) protocol which uses a 9-bit word. Enough said.

Bill Validator explained

The bill validator takes dollar bills. For the most part, all it does is take money in paper form, validate
it (make sure it is real), store it, and report that one piece of money (of a certain value) has been
accepted. The bill validator is also known as a bill acceptor or that thing that takes dollars (or other
appropriate local currency).

The idea for everything is simple, we are just listening for when the bill is accepted. We are using
the Arduino to listen to the bill validator. The bill validator has all of the logic to know when it has
accepted the paper currency. In the case of this tutorial, we are using the BA-30, made by
Coinco. The nice thing about the BA-30 is that it provides us with two ways to listen to it. The first is
using pulses and the other is using the MDB protocol. We will be using the pulses.

Safety (always)
"You gotta play it safe around the power lines" - Louie T.L. Bug
Experimenting with the combined equipment of an Arduino, bill validator, and computer can cause
harm to you or your equipment under certain situations. Here's some items to consider for some of
the components involved.

Bill Validator
In order to power the bill validator, you will need to hook it up to power from an outlet. It is relatively
simple but if you don't feel comfortable, don't do it. Find someone that has done something similiar
and have them help you.

D.) Other
This is the other category. This is all meant to be fun. When experimenting, there may be times you
feel uncomfortable or unsafe about doing something in a project. At times like these, find a person,
forum, or group (Arduino forums linked) to ask and make your situation safe at all times.

Control the ESC/Motor using an Arduino

1. Setup the bill validator.

2. Connect the bill validator to Arduino.
3. Upload your sketch to the Arduino.
4. Use a dollar and watch for the output.
1. Setup the bill validator.

Figure 1.1 - The pins

We are going to work with the pins A through F {A,B,C,D,E,F} as these are for pulses. Disregard the
pins G through K as they are for MDB and aren't covered in this tutorial.

As you can see from Figure 1.2, I use a wire harness for the BA30. You can find them on the
internet. If you are looking for them, search for "BA30 wire harness" or "BA30 coinco wire harness".
As long as one end goes to the BA30, you don't really care what the other end goes to.

First we need power. Power the BA30 with main (110V) power. NOTE: Power from an outlet can
kill you. Don't attempt this if you don't know how to be safe. There is a picture below with all of the
pins labeled (Figure 1.1). This picture is from the kegbot blog
at: http://kegbot.blogspot.com/2004/11/coinco-magpro-mag50b-pinout.html Take the line of a power
cord and splice the hot into "110VAC Hot" (on the picture it's pin F), and again splice the hot into the
"Hot Enabled" (on the picture it's pin E). Take the line's neutral and splice it into "110VAC Neutral"
(on the picture it's pin C).
2. Connect the bill validator to the Arduino
According to the diagram in Figure 1.1, the bill validators pin labeled "A" is the "cr-" line. It is difficult
to see but the line is green. Take this line from the bill validator and put it in the Arduino pin #7 (this
is the pin used in the sketch). The next line we need from the bill validator is labeled "B" or the "cr+"
line. This line needs to tie into the +5v as shown below (Figure 2.1)
3. Upload you sketch to the Arduino
The hard part is over. Upload the following sketch to your Arduino:

* Sean
* globalw2865@gmail.com
* 30JUL2012
* Bill validator/Arduino (second draft)

* http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/PulseIn
* http://kegbot.blogspot.com/2004/11/coinco-magpro-mag50b-pinout.html
* http://www.coinco.com/coin/faq/servicematerials/921970_1.pdf

* Description:
* Arduino records and counts dollar bill received from pin 7 (billValidator).

// Constants //
// pin for the bill validator's credit(-) line
const int billValidator = 7;

// Variables //
// recording the duration of pulse (milliseconds)
unsigned long duration;

// holding the total dollars recorded

int dollarCounter = 0;

void setup()
// Pin setups for bill validator and button
pinMode(billValidator, INPUT);

// Initialize serial ports for communication.

Serial.println("Waiting for dollar...");

void loop()
// get the duration of the pulse
duration = pulseIn(billValidator, HIGH);

// Receiving a dollar bill will create a pulse

// with a duration of 150000 - 160000.
// NOTE: When there is no dollar bill pulse,
// I will receive a pulse of 8400 - 8600
// on every loop.
// Dollar received
if(duration > 12000)
// Count dollar
// Checking for understanding
Serial.print("Dollar detected.\n Total: ");
// Display new dollar count

4. Use a dollar and watch for the output

First dollar (Figure 4.1)

Second dollar (Figure 4.2)

Figure 4.2

5. Done
The tutorial is fairly simple. Many thanks to anyone who has corrected me. Also, if anyone is
interested in this, you will probably be interested in the posts on the Bounis Blog. They go into detail
on the MDB protocol (well done).


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