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3. Ashworth, A., Principles of Criminal Law, 3'^'' edition, Oxford university press,
4. Auburn, J., Modem Treaty Law and Practice, Cambridge university press, 2000
5. Bossard, A., Transnational Crime and Criminal Law, University of Illinois at
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6. Bosworth-Davis R. and Saltmarsh G., Money Laundering: A Practice Guide to the
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7. Brown, A., Process of Crime. Money Laundering, Confiscation and Forfeiture,
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8. Beare , Margaret, Critical Reflections on Transnational Organized Crime, Money
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32. Nayor, R.T, Hot Money and the Politics of Debt, London, 1994
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17. Edward, Andrew, 'Towards a Clean World', Journal of Money Laundering
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19. Gilmore, W.C, 'Money Laundering: The International Aspect', Edinburgh
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23. Hoffman, CD, 'Why Tradifional Money laundering Controls May Fail without
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26. Jaya, Surya, 'Money Laundering: The Role of legislation in Developing
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27. Leps, A, 'Estonia: Opportunities for the Control of Money laundering'. Journal
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28. Levi, M, 'Evaluating the "New Policing": Attacking the Money Trail of
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31. Levi, M, 'Money laundering, Legislation and Fraud', Lloyd's of London Press
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33. Lipp, V, 'Germany and Money Laundering', Anti Money Laundering Guide,
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34. Magliveras, K, 'Money Laundering and the European Communities', Lloyd's
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35. Nichols, L.T, 'Social Problems as landmark Narratives: Bank of Boston, Mass
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36. Oswald, K, 'Money Laundering Legislation in Germany: Selected Results from a
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Criminal Justice, 1997, pp. 196-202
37. Pheiffer, M, 'Financial Investigations and Criminal Money, Journal of Money
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38. Rider, B.A.K, 'The Practical and Legal Aspects of Interdicting the Flow of Dirty
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39. Savona, E, 'Money laundering, the Developed Countries and Drug Control: The
New Agenda', European Drug Policies and Enforcement, 1996, pp. 213-230
40. Schaap, CD, 'Money laundering: A Public Prosecutor's Viewpoint', Journal of
Money Laundering Control, Vol.1, No.3, pp.67-98
41. Sherman, T, ' International Efforts to Combat Money Laundering : The Role of
the Financial Action Task Force', Edinburgh University press, 1993
42. Sproule, D.W, 'The United Nations Drug Trafficking Convention: An Ambitious
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46. Vento, C, 'Italy', International Bank Secrecy, London, 1992, pp.387-389
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49. Zelizer, V, 'The Social Meaning of Money: "Special Meaning of Monies'",
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1. www. acronyms.thefreedictionary. com

2. www. answers, com
3. www. moneylaundering. com
4. www. fedcourt. org.uk
5. www. moneylaunderingconference. com
6. www. moneylaunderingalert. com
7. www. countermoneylaundering. com
8. www. fatf-gafi. org
9. www. laundryman.u.net. com
10. www. money laundering, ca
11. www. helplinelaw. com
12. www. moneylaundering. net
13. www. indialawinfo. com
14. www. Moneylaunderingnews. tv
15. www. infa.org
16. www. mma-moneylaundering. com
17. www. antimoneylaundering. com
18. www. kaplegal. com
19. www. law. com
20. www. moneylaundering. gr
21. www. money laundering, co.uk
22. www. tribuneindia. com
23. www. moneylaundering. info
24. www. unilawbooks. com
25. www. launderingmoney. com
26. www. wikipedia. org
27. www. laundryman.u-net. com
28. www. wto.org
29. www. undoc. org

D) Acts and Statutes

1. Indian Penal Code, 1860

2. Convention on Narcotic Drug, 1961
3. Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971
4. United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances (Vienna Convention), 1988
5. Council of Europe Convention on the Money Laundering Search, Seizure
and Confiscadon of the Proceeds from Crime, 1990
6. Council of Europe Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and
Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and the Financial of Terrorism,
7. United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime
(Palermo Convention), 2000
8. Statement of Principles on Money Laundering (Basel Committee), 1988
9. Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision, Basel Committee,
10. The Forty Recommendations of FATF, 1990
11. Criminal Justice Act, England, 1988
12. Drug Trafficking Act, England, 1988
13. Terrorism Act, England, 2000
14. The Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA), England, 2002
15. The Money Laundering Regulation, England, 2007
16. Bank Secrecy Act ( BSA), USA, 1970
17. Money Laundering Control Act (MLCA), USA, 1986
18. United and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools
Required to Intercept and Abstract Terrorism Act (PATRIOT), USA, 2001
19. The USA PATRIOT and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act, USA,
20. The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, India, 2002
21. Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA), India, 1973
22. Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), India, 1999
23. The Anti-Money Laundering Act, Iran, 2008

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