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Fourth Edition

Clyde A. Helms, MD
Professor of Radiology and Orthopaedic Surgery
Department of Radiology
Duke University School of Medicine
Durham, North Carolina
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899



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This book is dedicated to Jason, Benjamin, and Austin.
Like medical students and
residents, they love to learn and are a
joy to teach.

Foreword to the Second Edition

Clyde Helms, as a radiologist in training during increasingly large number of young radiologists
the mid-1970s, was, in many ways, the ideal radi- (his residents and former residents) will attest that,
ology resident. Able, perceptive, informed, and indeed, they do work. The teaching may be un-
responsible, he progressed through the various orthodox, but the learning is real and substantial.
stages of residency training in superb fashion. On This volume is also unorthodox. Several excel-
the other hand, he was different. Whereas the lent, superbly researched and crafted treatises on
traditional “best resident” always had at hand ex- skeletal radiology are available to the radiology
haustive lists of differential diagnoses, Dr. Helms resident and practicing radiologist. This volume
quietly ignored the trivial, the esoteric, and the is not intended as an exhaustive compendium of
information that was not likely to serve him in his skeletal radiology. Rather it is, as indicated by the
work as a radiologist in the “real world,” some- title, an exposition of the basics of skeletal radiol-
times to the discomfiture of the radiology faculty ogy. In keeping with his personalized, unusual
of the University of California, San Francisco approach to teaching, he begins with a discussion
(of which I was then a junior member). Whereas of radiologic examinations that should not be per-
the traditional “best resident” was suitably in formed. The remainder of the book deals with
awe of the faculty (many of whom were truly skeletal conditions that radiologists are likely to
awesome), Dr. Helms fearlessly challenged what encounter any day of the week. The reader who
he perceived as unsupportable dogma. Not one to wishes to become familiar with Scheie syndrome
sit still for pretension, he poked gentle (and or trichorhinophalangeal dysplasia type II must
sometimes not so gentle) fun at the faculty. look elsewhere.
Occasional pranks were perpetrated, sometimes Rather than the usual, formal language found
at the expense of members of the faculty. No one in other radiology texts, the reader will encounter
was immune, no matter how lofty his status. the vernacular used by all radiologists when they
Dr. Helms, as the Sinatra song goes, did it his discuss their work with other radiologists. The
way. Irreverent, witty, occasionally outrageous, text is much like Dr. Helms himself—witty,
and a superb radiologist, he completed his irreverent, unpretentious, and fast-paced. The
residency and went on to fulfill his military reader will find the book refreshing, eminently
commitment. readable, and highly informative.
He returned to UCSF 3 years later as a faculty
member in the skeletal radiology section. That he The ideal condition
had not changed was immediately apparent. Would be, I admit, that men should be
Faculty meetings are disrupted by his irreverent right by instinct;
remarks, frequently hilarious. Now a mentor, his But since we are all likely to go astray,
teaching reflects the same realistic, nontraditional
The reasonable thing is to learn from
approach he used as a resident. He emphasizes not
the exotic or esoteric but the practical, the infor- those who can teach.
mation that is critical in the day-to-day practice of —SOPHOCLES
radiology. Incorporated into his teaching method
are mnemonics, one or two of which might not Clyde Helms can teach!
be recommended for family viewing. On the
other hand, if they work, why not use them? An Hideyo Minagi, M.D.


The fourth edition of this book, much like the it was irreverent and superficial, but now,
third, shows little substantial change from prior 25 years later, those criticisms wouldn’t bother
editions (how many ways can you say or illus- me. In fact, this book is irreverent and superfi-
trate that the damn bone is broken?); however, it cial! It’s meant to be. It’s not meant to be
has refinements and subtle corrections that make disrespectful to a profession that is worthy
it a more accurate reflection of my experience as of the highest respect – it’s merely a style of
a bone radiologist for the past nearly 35 years. teaching that makes learning easier for many of
The chapters on magnetic resonance imaging us. Once the basics of a subject are mastered,
(MRI) have been considerably updated to reflect one can delve more deeply into a topic. Other
the ongoing improvements in that area. books have been written to address that aspect
In keeping with the previous editions and of bone radiology. Use this book to get started
my basic personality, I have kept the style of and to have some fun while you learn. This
writing very informal and casual. When the book is purposely short and succinct, which is
first edition was written I was concerned that hard to accomplish with such a weighty topic.
my peers and mentors would have judged me To paraphrase Mark Twain, “I would have
to be too irreverent and superficial in dealing written a shorter book if I had more time.”
with a very serious and weighty subject. To my Enjoy it.
surprise the first edition was well received and
became quite popular. I’m sure many did think Clyde A. Helms


Unnecessary Examinations
Before beginning to learn how to interpret There is virtually no finding on a skull series that
pathologic skeletal films, it is important to briefly will alter the next step in the patient’s workup.
consider unnecessary skeletal radiographic ex- Presence or absence of a fracture should not in-
aminations. Dr. Ferris Hall from Boston first fluence whether the patient receives a computed
brought to my attention the idea that just be- tomography (CT) scan or a magnetic resonance
cause we could x-ray something didn’t mean that imaging (MRI) examination. A CT or MRI scan
we should. His article titled “Overutilization of is obtained for other reasons: continued uncon-
Radiologic Examinations” in the August 1976 sciousness or focal neurologic signs. The plain
issue of Radiology1 details many examples of over- films only delay the eventual diagnosis, and in a
use and misuse of radiologic examinations. This patient with a subdural or an epidural hema-
article, even though it is more than 35 years old, toma, that delay could be fatal.3 The mortality
and a similar one by Dr. Herbert Abrams in the from intracranial bleeding is significantly in-
New England Journal of Medicine2 should be man- creased as the time to surgical decompression is
datory reading for every intern before he or she increased; therefore any delay caused by obtain-
begins to order examinations. ing unnecessary examinations (skull films) is
There are many reasons why it is undesir- potentially harmful. There are no findings on a
able to have unnecessary radiologic examina- plain skull series to indicate (or not indicate)
tions: excess cost, excess radiation, waste of the subdural or epidural hematoma (Figure 1-1).
patient’s time, waste of the technician’s and Fewer than 10% of patients with fractures have
radiologist’s time, and false hopes and expecta- subdural or epidural hematomas, and up to 60%
tions based on the outcome of the examination. of patients with subdural or epidural bleeding
In addition, and not least of all, they indicate a have no fractures.4 Therefore, why order the
breakdown in the logical thought pattern con- examinations? Medicolegal reasons? On the
cerning the patient’s workup. contrary! It is well documented that delays in
Many examinations are ordered because of diagnosis in this setting can be fatal, so ordering
so-called medicolegal considerations. It is be- unnecessary examinations might in fact be ask-
lieved that if a certain finding (e.g., a broken rib) ing for a lawsuit. The American College of Ra-
is not documented, the physician could be sued. diology has published appropriateness criteria
In fact, few, if any, examples of medicolegal for when to order particular examinations and
“covering yourself” types of examinations are has endorsed CT scans of the head as the initial
valid. With the move toward greater consumer study of choice in trauma.5
awareness, lawsuits in the future are more likely Despite much documentation in the radiology
to result from unnecessary radiation exposure and emergency department literature that show
because of needless examinations rather than skull films’ lack of utility in trauma, they still are
from too few examinations. commonly routinely ordered in many emergency
departments throughout North America. A sur-
vey performed in 1991 by Hackney and published
EXAMPLES OF UNNECESSARY in Radiology6 reported that more than 50% of the
EXAMINATIONS hospitals in the study “often or always” obtained
skull films for trauma. Every hospital had CT
available. What are they thinking? Obviously
Skull Series they are not thinking about what a skull film will
Except for a depressed skull fracture or the pres- show them that might affect their treatment, be-
ence of intracranial metallic fragments, there is cause it won’t change a thing whether it is positive
no reason to order a skull series for trauma. This or negative.
was once one of the most abused examinations in
radiology, costing millions of dollars per year
unnecessarily. Although the number of unneces-
Sinus Series
sary skull films has decreased, they remain a It is true that an opaque sinus or an air-fluid level
costly burden in many emergency departments. can be seen in a sinus series when sinusitis is
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 1
2 1 Unnecessary Examinations

FIGURE 1-1 ■ Skull fracture. A thin radiolucent line char- FIGURE 1-2 ■ Waters’ view of the sinuses. This film is
acteristic of a skull fracture is noted (arrow) extending obtained with the patient’s head tilted slightly up-
obliquely across the temporal bone. A fracture in this ward (as if he or she were drinking water—apologies
area is often associated with an epidural hematoma to Dr. Waters). It is an excellent film to obtain when
because the middle meningeal artery lies here. This the maxillary sinuses need to be seen. When done
finding by itself, however, has little or no significance in an upright position, air-fluid levels can be seen
and must be correlated with clinical findings. (arrow).

present. However, the patient with these find- CT scan to search for additional fractures might
ings is often asymptomatic, and just as often, the be in order, but not a nasal series.
sinus series is interpreted as normal in another
patient who has typical clinical findings of sinus-
itis. Both of these patients are treated based on
Rib Series
their clinical, not radiographic, presentation, Fractured ribs are commonly seen in any radio-
which is appropriate. Therefore the information logic practice. The significance of the finding
from the sinus series is ignored. If that is the of a fractured rib or ribs is not well appreciated
way you practice—and many recommend that as by most physicians. If the truth be known, the
being proper—don’t order the sinus series: treat finding of a rib fracture after trauma has almost
the patient. Reserve the sinus series for the no clinical significance and does not alter treat-
patient who doesn’t respond to treatment or has ment. One must rule out a pneumothorax and
an unusual presentation. Also, if it is only sinus- even a lung contusion, both of which are uncom-
itis you are concerned with, most times a simple mon and are best done on chest films, not a rib
upright Waters’ view (Figure 1-2) to examine series. In older patients with chest wall pain
the maxillary and frontal sinuses, rather than a and rib fractures from undetermined causes, it
full sinus series, will suffice, saving money and is extremely difficult and often impossible to dif-
decreasing the patient’s exposure to radiation.7 ferentiate a pathologic rib fracture through a
metastatic focus from a posttraumatic rib frac-
ture. Hence, obtaining x-ray films in a patient
Nasal Bone with focal rib pain to find a fracture serves little
A nasal series is often requested to see if a patient purpose other than to find a cause for the pain.
has suffered a broken nose after trauma to the Most rib series can be eliminated without chang-
face. What if the nasal bone is fractured? It ing the way the patient is treated.
won’t be casted. It won’t be reduced. In other
words, no treatment will be given regardless of
what the x-ray shows. Therefore don’t order the
films in the first place. Occasionally a nasal bone Although not a common x-ray examination, we
is badly enough displaced to warrant interven- have occasional requests to x-ray the coccyx
tion, but even then an acute, posttraumatic x-ray to rule out a fracture. As with the nasal bone
study adds nothing for the patient except ex- and ribs, a fracture in this location will not be
pense and radiation exposure. A facial series or a casted or reduced. Also, this examination has
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
1 Unnecessary Examinations 3

significantly more gonadal radiation dose than renal osteodystrophy to look for Looser’s frac-
a rib or nasal series. Because no treatment is tures, brown tumors, and subperiosteal bone
predicated on the x-ray results, don’t order the resorption. Most institutions have replaced the
x-ray study for routine trauma to the coccyx. bone survey with hand films, which is preferable
in regard to patient expense and radiation dose.
Subperiosteal bone resorption is seen earliest
Lumbar Spine and easiest on the middle phalanges, radial sides
Plain films of the lumbar spine are probably the (Figure 1-3), and is virtually pathognomonic for
most abused examinations in radiology. They hyperparathyroidism. Looser’s fractures are rare
give the highest gonadal radiation dose of any and not treated. Brown tumors are uncommon
plain film examination, and in most cases they and also are not treated. Therefore, if no treat-
offer no diagnostic information that will be acted ment is based on the x-ray findings, the survey
on by the physician. A significant number of only satisfies curiosity and is not worth the pa-
lumbar spine films are done in persons younger tient’s money or radiation exposure.
than age 40 who have acute onset of back pain
after lifting or straining. There is virtually no
plain film x-ray finding in this patient subgroup
Metastatic Bone Survey
that can be responsible for the acute problem or Little useful information is obtained from the
that can be treated with intervention. Even the majority of metastatic bone surveys. Occult le-
severest spondylolisthesis cannot unequivocally sions that are not found on radionuclide bone
be said to be the origin of the symptoms. Disc scans are seldom encountered. Radionuclide
herniation cannot be identified. Tumors and in- scans are more effective at picking up most
fections are not clinical considerations in this metastatic lesions and could be substituted for
setting. Treatment invariably consists of rest, bone surveys with less cost and better diagnostic
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), yield.11 Many investigators believe that search-
overall relaxation of the muscle groups, and then ing for bone metastases is not warranted in every
flexion and extension exercises to strengthen the patient with a primary tumor unless finding
muscles. Radiographs have nothing to offer un- metastatic disease (mets) will obviate surgery or
less the pain is very atypical or the clinical picture otherwise change the patient’s therapy. Radionu-
is clouded by other considerations (e.g., intrave- clide bone scans with x-rays of questionable or
nous drug use, in which case infection must be clinically suspicious areas makes more sense than
ruled out). a complete metastatic bone survey. An exception
The gonadal radiation dose from a lumbar
spine film is the same as that from a daily chest
x-ray for 6,8 16,9 or 98 years,10 depending on
which study you choose to believe. These studies
were based on a three-view lumbosacral spine
series and do not include the oblique views rou-
tinely obtained in many practices. Subtle osseous
changes found on oblique views are thought by
many orthopedists to be insignificant in most
cases anyway.
When should a lumbosacral spine series be
ordered? In cases of severe trauma, possible pri-
mary or metastatic tumor, and possible infec-
tion. Acute low back pain with radicular signs is
no indication for a spine series. An MRI scan
will show disc herniation and would be the pre-
ferred examination over plain films if clinically
warranted. Generally a lumbar spine MRI ex-
amination is performed only after a failed course
of conservative therapy if disc disease is clinically
FIGURE 1-3 ■ Phalanges with subperiosteal bone resorp-
Metabolic Bone Survey tion. Subperiosteal bone resorption is seen as a subtle
irregularity or interruption of the cortex. It is best seen
Many institutions routinely order metabolic bone on the radial aspect of the middle phalanges (arrows)
surveys in patients with hyperparathyroidism or and is pathognomonic for hyperparathyroidism.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 1 Unnecessary Examinations

to this is in patients with multiple myeloma.

Radionuclide bone scans are often negative in
multiple myeloma, even with marked skeletal
involvement; hence a plain film bone survey is
warranted in these patients.

Ankle Series
The most common cause for presentation to
emergency departments in North America is an
ankle sprain, with more than 30,000 ankle sprains
reported each day.12 Ligamentous injuries can
easily be clinically differentiated from significant
fractures. One study reported that a 50% reduc-
tion of ankle films resulted in no fractures being
missed when the radiology resident simply exam-
ined the patients.13 Another study revealed that if
the patient were able to walk three steps immedi-
ately after the injury or during the examination
in the emergency room there was almost zero
chance of a fracture.14 This study was one of sev-
eral to use what has been called the Ottawa ankle
rules for when to obtain ankle x-ray films. They
are so named after the hometown of the first
authors to implement them and are in wide- FIGURE 1-4 ■ Ankle after trauma. Calcific densities
spread use today in most emergency departments around the ankle that can be mistaken for avulsions
are often seen (arrow). When rounded and smoothly
in North America. Small bony avulsions receive corticated, as in this example, they are either acces-
the same treatment as ligament tears and are sory ossicles or old avulsions. An acute avulsion is
often difficult to differentiate from accessory best diagnosed clinically by noting point tenderness
ossicles (Figure 1-4). Therefore in most cases the at ligament insertion sites. Because a ligament can
x-ray film is not a factor in determining the avulse with or without a fragment of bone being
attached, the x-ray finding will not influence the
patient’s treatment and should be skipped. patient’s treatment.

Lumbar Myelograms
One of the most painful radiologic examina- (Figure 1-6). We can hope that the myelogram
tions extant is the lumbar myelogram, in which will go the way of the pneumoencephalogram
a spinal needle is placed into the subarachnoid and the epidural venogram.
space of the lumbar spine and contrast material So far as choosing between a CT and an MRI
is injected (Figure 1-5). Although this is done scan of the lumbar spine for disc disease and spi-
for tumors, it is most commonly performed in nal stenosis, an MRI examination will give much
the workup of lumbar disc disease. Many studies more diagnostic information and is considered
show that a CT or MRI scan of the lumbar the state-of-the-art imaging examination for the
spine is more accurate than myelography in di- spine, although, as the next section shows, an
agnosing disc disease and emphasize that a CT MRI scan of the lumbar spine is one of the most
or MRI scan should be the study of choice. overused imaging tests in the country.
Many surgeons, however, still request myelo-
grams in addition to the CT or MRI study when
only the CT or MRI need be performed. In ad-
MRI Lumbar Spine
dition to being painful, the myelogram pro- Much has been written in the lay press in the
duces side effects in some people that can be past few years concerning the overuse of medical
pronounced and debilitating; the myelogram testing at a time when our economy is reeling
occasionally necessitates overnight hospitaliza- from skyrocketing medical costs. One of the
tion; the radiation dose from the myelogram is imaging tests mentioned near the top of every
higher overall than with CT; and perhaps most list is an MRI study of the lumbar spine. Multi-
important, the myelogram is not as accurate and ple studies have shown that as many as one third
does not give as complete a picture of additional of asymptomatic individuals older than age 50
back structures as the CT or MRI examination will have one or more focal disc protrusions.15
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
1 Unnecessary Examinations 5

FIGURE 1-6 ■ Lumbar MRI. Axial T1-weighted (top)

and T2-weighted (bottom) images through the L4-5
FIGURE 1-5 ■ Lumbar myelogram. An iodinated con- disc space show a focal lateral disc protrusion
trast material has been injected into the subarachnoid (arrows) encroaching on the left neuroforamen. This
space by way of a spinal needle. A large extradural type of disc protrusion would likely not be seen on
defect is seen that is caused by a disc protrusion. A a myelogram.
tumor could have a similar appearance. This examina-
tion can be quite painful, has occasional long-lasting
complications, and gives no information that could
not be obtained with an MRI examination. In some
institutions it requires an overnight stay in the hospi-
Cervical Spine (C-Spine)
tal as well. For these reasons the standard of practice Many emergency departments routinely order
today is an MRI scan.
C-spine films for all trauma patients, primarily
because of the horrible consequences of not stabi-
lizing a fractured neck. This is ridiculous. It has
been demonstrated in numerous publications that
Often the patient’s pain and examination coinci- patients who are alert and have no C-spine pain
dentally correspond to the location of the disc have almost zero chance of having a fracture.16 If
protrusion, resulting in unnecessary surgery. the patient is unconscious, is obtunded for what-
More times than not, the MRI scan shows ab- ever reason, is unable to communicate, or has
normalities that have no clinical correlation a significant fracture elsewhere, all bets are off.
whatsoever, resulting in diagnostic confusion. In However, if the patient is alert and has no pain
most cases an MRI scan of the lumbar spine with motion on clinical examination of the neck,
should not be performed unless 6 to 8 weeks of no posterior midline tenderness, and no neuro-
conservative care has been afforded, and even logic deficits, no C-spine film need be obtained.17
then, if surgery is not being considered, why pay As for plain films of the C-spine in trauma,
for an expensive imaging study? Certainly an a case should be made for skipping a plain film
MRI study would be reasonable if the clinical C-spine series and going straight to a CT
presentation were atypical or if trauma, tumor, scan. The obvious reason for this is that a
or infection were clinically suspected. Several negative plain film will not exclude a fracture;
studies have reported that surgeons and other therefore a CT scan will be performed regard-
medical specialists who own their own MRI less of what the plain film shows (a CT scan is
units order many more examinations than when always obtained when a fracture is found).
the MRI unit is not self-owned. Lumbar spine One caveat is that if the CT scan shows no
MRI studies tend to be the most overused ex- fracture, the patient could still have ligamen-
amination I see daily. tous disruption, which would not be seen on a
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 1 Unnecessary Examinations

CT scan unless there is malalignment. A diag- 3. Seelig JM, Becker DP, Miller JD, et al: Traumatic acute
nosis of ligamentous disruption requires that a subdural hematoma. N Engl J Med 304:1511–1518,
flexion-extension plain film or an MRI scan be 4. Masters JS, McClean PM, Arcarese JS, et al: Skull x-ray
done. Some say obtaining a CT scan on every examinations after head trauma. N Engl J Med 316:84–91,
patient in whom only a plain film is currently 1987.
obtained would inundate most scanners with 5. American College of Radiology: ACR Appropriateness
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unnecessary examinations, because the major- acr.org.
ity of plain films of the C-spine aren’t really 6. Hackney DB: Skull radiography in the evaluation of
needed. Hello! If they aren’t really needed acute head trauma: a survey of current practice. Radiology
then don’t get them! 181:711–714, 1991.
7. Williams JJ, Roberts L, Distell B, Simel D: Diagnosing
sinusitis by x-ray: comparing a single Waters view to
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8. Webster EW, Merrill OE: Radiation hazards: II. Mea-
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only one way to decrease unnecessary radiation 9. Antoku S, Russell WJ: Dose to the active bone marrow,
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to significantly diminish exposure is to collimate Radiology 101:669–678, 1957.
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third.18 Exposure could be further reduced by Radiology 118:323–329, 1976.
having proper filtration, fast screen-film combi- 12. Cheung Y, Rosenberg ZS: MR imaging of ligamentous
nation, and adequate gonadal shielding. Digital abnormalities of the ankle and foot. Magn Reson Imag-
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properly functioning equipment will diminish 1991.
the number of retakes. These should be high- 14. Stiell I, Greenberg G, McKnight R, et al: Decision rules
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ter service to both the referring clinician and the tudinal assessment of imaging and disability of the back
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Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Benign Lytic Lesions

A benign, bubbly lytic lesion of bone is probably entities that cause benign lytic lesions is quite
one of the most common skeletal findings a radi- long; therefore a mnemonic is helpful in recall-
ologist encounters. The differential diagnosis can ing them.
be quite lengthy and is usually given on an “Aunt I was a flight surgeon in the Air Force before
Minnie” basis (I know that’s Aunt Minnie be- my radiology residency, and I would spend a half-
cause she looks like Aunt Minnie); in other day every week or so with the radiologist, trying
words, the differential diagnosis is structured on to pick up some pearls. This radiologist was Ivan
how the lesion looks to the radiologist based on Barrett, and he did me a great favor: he taught
his or her experience. This method, called pat- me the mnemonic FEGNOMASHIC, which is
tern identification, certainly has merit, but it can made up from the first letter of each of the enti-
lead to many erroneous conclusions if not tem- ties in the differential of benign lytic lesions of
pered with some logic. For instance, most radi- bone. For instance, the F stands for fibrous dys-
ologists would justifiably miss the diagnosis of a plasia; the E, for enchondroma; and so on. I dili-
rare presentation of a primary malignant neo- gently learned what each letter stood for, even
plasm that initially looks benign. Many of these though I had no idea what most of the processes
radiologists would subsequently insist on includ- were or looked like on an x-ray film. Before I
ing primary malignant neoplasms in their benign could learn another mnemonic from Ivan (I was
lytic differential even though the rare malignancy a slow learner), I moved away to begin residency.
is “1 in a million.” If every differential is geared Sure enough, the first week of residency, in a
to cover even the long shots, there would be a lot formal conference with 15 to 20 residents pres-
of extremely long differentials and the clinicians ent, I was chosen as the sacrificial lamb among
wouldn’t get much useful information from us. the first-year residents to take an unknown case.
We might as well give the clinician the index to a It happened to be a benign lytic lesion, which
multivolume bone book as the differential to I proceeded to expound on with a list of 12 to
ensure we never miss anything. 15 differential possibilities. The conference room
Then again, you don’t want a differential di- got quiet, I was thanked cordially but a little
agnosis list that is wrong half the time. You could frostily, and the conference was adjourned. One
almost do better with a coin flip. I’m willing to of the first-year residents whom I barely knew at
accept a differential that is accurate (i.e., one that the time asked how I knew so many of the pos-
contains the correct diagnosis) 95% of the time. sibilities on that case, because the staff man
This is acceptable to me for most skeletal enti- showing the case (who was a chest radiologist)
ties; however, I would be remiss if I were willing didn’t even know that many. I explained, with a
to accept a 1-out-of-20 miss rate for fractures straight face, that those simply seemed like the
and dislocations. Nevertheless, for most of the logical things to mention. I was trying to be
entities in this book I will accept 95% accuracy matter-of-fact and not come off as too much of
in differentials and would expect most radiolo- a show-off, but I couldn’t help laughing. I then
gists to concur. If you want to be more accurate told the resident how I had learned a single mne-
than that, you simply add more diagnoses to the monic and how with a little luck it made it seem
list of differential possibilities. like I knew a lot more than I really did. He and
The shorter the differential diagnosis list is, the rest of my fellow residents were relieved that
the handier it is to remember and apply. As the I really wasn’t any smarter or more advanced
differential list gets longer, it generally gets than them and quickly learned the mnemonic
more accurate but it can be difficult to remem- themselves. I became hopelessly addicted to
ber and often falls into disuse. Mnemonics are mnemonics from that day on.
helpful in recalling long lists of information, and
I will pass on many that I use; many people,
however, do not like to use mnemonics (for no FEGNOMASHIC
good reason that I’ve been able to ascertain) and
will have to use whatever method works for FEGNOMASHIC is defined in Funk and Wagner’s
them to remember the differentials. The list of unabridged dictionary, 13th edition, as “one who
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 7
8 2 Benign Lytic Lesions

uses mnemonics.” It serves as a nice starting characteristically. I have tried to pick out findings
point for discussing possibilities that appear as that come as close to always as I can, realizing
benign lytic lesions in bone. That mnemonic that I will often be only 95% accurate. That’s
has been in general use for many years, but I good enough for me. If it is not good enough for
have never heard a claim as to who first coined you, you will have to get your own differential
it. The first mention of it that I saw in print was criteria or discriminators. Try these and see if
in 1972 in a radiology article by Gold, Ross, and they work for you. If they don’t, modify them as
Margulis.1 By itself it is merely a long list— necessary. Whatever you do, develop reasons for
about 14 entities—and needs to be coupled with including things in your differential. Have con-
other criteria so that it can be shortened into a crete criteria of some kind for including or ex-
manageable form for each particular case. For cluding each entity.
instance, if the lesion is epiphyseal, only three I will give a brief description of each entity,
to five entities need to be mentioned, depending because complete descriptions are readily avail-
on how accurate you care to be. If multiple able in any skeletal radiology text. What I will
lesions are present, only half a dozen entities dwell on, however, are the points that are unique
need to be discussed. Ways of narrowing the dif- for each entity, thereby enabling differentiation
ferential are discussed later in this chapter. from the others. Table 2-1 is a synopsis of these
The next step after learning the names of all discriminators.
the lesions is getting some idea of what each one
looks like. This is where experience becomes a
factor. For the medical student or first-year FIBROUS DYSPLASIA
resident it is difficult to go beyond saying that
they all look lytic or bubbly and benign. How- It is unfortunate that this differential starts
ever, the fourth-year resident should have no with fibrous dysplasia because fibrous dysplasia
trouble differentiating between a unicameral can look like almost anything. It can be wild
bone cyst and a giant cell tumor (GCT) because looking, a discrete lucency, patchy, sclerotic,
he or she has seen examples of each many times expansile, multiple, and a host of other descrip-
before and knows what each looks like. The tions. It is therefore difficult to look at a bubbly
fourth-year resident may have a difficult time lytic lesion and unequivocally say it is or is not
verbalizing the differences but should be able to fibrous dysplasia. When assessing such a lesion,
tell them apart. radiology residents usually say, “I suppose it
A novice can quickly gain experience by could be fibrous dysplasia, but I’m not sure.”
looking at the examples of each of these lesions The resident is feeling insecure and becomes
in a major skeletal radiology text. In fact, I immediately defensive, setting the tone for the
highly recommend that you compare my de- entire differential diagnosis. It would be better
scription and differential points on each lesion if the differential started on a positive note, say,
with multiple examples in other books. Some of with GCT or chondroblastoma, where there
these lesions can be diagnosed radiologically are some hard and definite criteria. This would
only on a pattern identification or Aunt Minnie help the resident set a tone of self-assurance
basis. In other words, there are no hard-and-fast and decisiveness rather than appearing wishy-
criteria to differentiate some of the lesions from washy. Then, when the resident mentions fibrous
the others. dysplasia and uses the same words, “I suppose
After getting a feel for what each lesion it could be fibrous dysplasia, but I’m not sure,”
looks like radiographically and overcoming the it is looked upon as thoughtful deliberation
frustration that builds when you realize that rather than insecurity or ignorance. It is pure
many of them look alike, you should try to gamesmanship, but it makes a difference in how
learn ways to differentiate each lesion from the the resident is perceived.
others. I have developed a number of keys that How do you know whether to include or ex-
I call discriminators that will help you differen- clude fibrous dysplasia if it can look like almost
tiate each lesion. These discriminators are 90% anything? Experience is the best guideline. In
to 95% useful (I will mention when they are other words, look in a few texts and find as many
more or less accurate based on my experience) different examples as you can; get a feeling for
and are by no means meant to be absolutes or what fibrous dysplasia looks like. A few examples
dogma. They are guidelines but have a high are shown in Figures 2-1 to 2-6, but pouring
confidence rate. over another text for 10 to 15 minutes will be
Textbooks rarely tell you that a finding always time well spent.
or never occurs. Authors temper their descrip- Fibrous dysplasia will not have periostitis
tions with virtually always, invariably, usually, or associated with it; therefore, if periostitis is
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Benign Lytic Lesions 9

TABLE 2-1 Differential Criteria for Benign Lytic Bone Lesions

F Fibrous dysplasia ! No pain or periosteal reaction; if in tibia, mention adamantinoma
E Enchondroma ! Must have calcification, except in phalanges; must be no pain or
Eosinophilic granuloma (EG) ! Patient must be younger than age 30
G Giant cell tumor (GCT) ! (1) Epiphyses must be closed; (2) must be epiphyseal and
abut the articular surface; (3) must be well defined with a nonsclerotic border;
(4) must be eccentric
N Nonossifying fibroma (NOF) ! Patient must be younger than 30; periostitis and pain
must be absent
O Osteoblastoma ! Mentioned whenever ABC is mentioned, even if patient is older
than age 30
M Mets and myeloma ! Patient must be older than age 40
A Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) ! Lesion must be expansile; patient must be younger
than age 30
S Solitary bone cyst ! Cyst be centrally located; patient must be younger than age 30;
no pain or periostitis
H Hyperparathyroidism (brown tumor) ! Must be other evidence of hyperparathyroidism
I Infection ! If adjacent to a joint, must involve the joint (weak)
C Chondroblastoma ! Patient must be younger than 30; lesion must be epiphyseal
Chondromyxoid fibroma ! Mention when a nonossifying fibroma is mentioned
Younger Than 30 No Periostitis or Pain Epiphyseal Multiple

EG Fibrous dysplasia Chondroblastoma (Mnemonic: FEEMHI)

ABC Enchondroma Infection Fibrous dysplasia
Chondroblastoma Solitary bone cyst Geode Enchondroma
Solitary bone cyst (EG and ABC are optional) Mets and myeloma

present, you can safely exclude fibrous dyspla- using ground-glass appearance as a buzzword for
sia. It would be possible to have a pathologic fibrous dysplasia. Fibrous dysplasia is often
fracture through an area of fibrous dysplasia, purely lytic and becomes hazy or takes on a
which then had periostitis, but I have never ground-glass look as the matrix calcifies. It can
seen this occur. Fibrous dysplasia virtually go on to calcify quite a bit, and then it presents
never undergoes malignant degeneration and as a sclerotic lesion. Also, I often see other lytic
should not be a painful lesion in the long bones lesions that have a distinct ground-glass ap-
unless there is a fracture. pearance; therefore the ground-glass quality
Fibrous dysplasia can be either monostotic can be misleading.
(most commonly) or polyostotic and has a pre- When fibrous dysplasia is in the differential
dilection for the pelvis, proximal femur, ribs, diagnosis for a lesion in the tibia, an adamanti-
and skull. When it is present in the pelvis, it noma should also be mentioned (Figure 2-7).
is invariably present in the ipsilateral proximal An adamantinoma is a malignant tumor that
femur (Figures 2-3 and 2-4). I have seen only radiographically and histologically resembles
one case in which the pelvis was involved with fibrous dysplasia. It occurs almost exclusively
fibrous dysplasia and the proximal femur was in the tibia (for unknown reasons) and is rare.
spared. The proximal femur, however, may be Because it is rare, you may choose not to in-
affected alone, without involvement in the pel- clude it in your memory bank—you won’t miss
vis (Figures 2-5 and 2-6). more than one or two in your life, even if you
The classic description of fibrous dysplasia is are a busy radiologist.
that it has a ground-glass or smoky-appearing Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia occasionally oc-
matrix. This description confuses people rather curs in association with café-au-lait spots on
than helps them, and I do not recommend the skin (dark-pigmented, frecklelike lesions)
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
10 2 Benign Lytic Lesions

FIGURE 2-3 ■ Fibrous dysplasia. An expansile mixed

FIGURE 2-1 ■ Fibrous dysplasia. A predominantly lytic lytic/sclerotic process in the proximal femur is a com-
lesion with some sclerosis and expansion is seen in mon pattern for fibrous dysplasia. Note that the supra-
the distal half of the radius in a child. A long lesion in acetabular region is also involved. The ipsilateral
a long bone typifies fibrous dysplasia. Although parts proximal femur is invariably affected when the pelvis
of this lesion indeed have a ground-glass appearance, is involved with fibrous dysplasia.
most of it does not. Expansion and bone deformity
like this is commonly seen in fibrous dysplasia.

FIGURE 2-4 ■ Fibrous dysplasia. The entire pelvis

FIGURE 2-2 ■ Fibrous dysplasia. The ribs are often in- and proximal femurs are diffusely involved with
volved with fibrous dysplasia, as in this example. When polyostotic fibrous dysplasia. The pelvis is severely
the posterior ribs are involved, the process is often a deformed with predominantly lytic lesions. The prox-
lytic expansile lesion, whereas when the anterior ribs imal femurs are involved with both lytic and sclerotic
are involved, it is commonly a sclerotic process. lesions.

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2 Benign Lytic Lesions 11

FIGURE 2-5 ■ Monostotic fibrous dysplasia. The proxi-

mal femur is a common place for monostotic fibrous
dysplasia. This presentation is typical and should not be
confused with an infection. Some speckled calcification
is noted within the lesion that should not be miscon-
strued as chondroid calcification in an enchondroma.
FIGURE 2-7 ■ Adamantinoma. A wild-looking mixed
lytic/sclerotic lesion in the tibia that resembles fibrous
dysplasia is classic for an adamantinoma. This lesion
occurs almost exclusively in the tibia and has some
malignant potential. An adamantinoma should always
be considered when a lesion resembling fibrous dys-
plasia is seen in the tibia.

and precocious puberty. This complex is called

McCune-Albright syndrome. The bony lesions
in this syndrome, and even in the simple polyos-
totic form, often occur unilaterally (i.e., in one
half of the body). This does not happen often
enough to be of any diagnostic use in differenti-
ating fibrous dysplasia from other lesions. The
presence of multiple lesions in the jaw has been
termed cherubism, which relates to the physical
appearance of the affected child. Such children
have puffed out cheeks, producing an angelic
look. The jaw lesions in cherubism regress in
Fibrous dysplasia often has areas of chon-
droid matrix, which, when a biopsy is performed,
can resemble chondrosarcoma (as can any chon-
dral tissue). I have seen sampling errors result in
inappropriate radical surgery when the diagnosis
FIGURE 2-6 ■ Monostotic fibrous dysplasia. Another should have been made based on the plain films
example of proximal femur involvement that shows a
lytic lesion with a thick sclerotic border reminiscent of
with no biopsy performed.
a chronic infection. This is characteristic of fibrous
dysplasia in the hip. Discriminator: No periosteal reaction.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
12 2 Benign Lytic Lesions


The most common benign cystic lesion of the
phalanges is an enchondroma (Figure 2-8). En-
chondromas occur in any bone formed from
cartilage and may be central, eccentric, expans-
ile, or nonexpansile. They invariably contain
calcified chondroid matrix (Figure 2-9, A) except
when in the phalanges. If a cystic lesion is pres-
ent without calcified chondroid matrix anywhere
except in the phalanges, I will not include
enchondroma in my differential.
Often it is difficult to differentiate between an
enchondroma and a bone infarct. Although some
of the following criteria are helpful in separating
an infarct from an enchondroma, they are not
foolproof. An infarct usually has a well-defined,
densely sclerotic, serpiginous border, whereas
an enchondroma does not (Figure 2-9, B). An
enchondroma often causes endosteal scalloping,
whereas a bone infarct will not.

FIGURE 2-9 ■ A, Enchondroma. A lesion in the distal
femur is seen with irregular speckled calcification
typical of chondroid matrix. This is virtually pathog-
nomonic of an enchondroma. A chondrosarcoma
could have an identical appearance but should be
painful for consideration in the differential diagnosis.
A bone infarct can be similar in appearance to an
enchondroma. B, Bone infarcts. Bilateral lytic lesions
FIGURE 2-8 ■ Enchondroma. A benign lytic lesion in the in the femurs are noted with a densely calcified ser-
hand is an enchondroma until proved otherwise. This piginous border characteristic of bone infarcts. Com-
is a common presentation of an enchondroma. En- pare these lesions with (A), which does not have a
chondromas in any other part of the body should well-defined serpiginous border. Often the differen-
contain some calcified chondroid matrix before they tiation between bone infarcts as in this example
are included in the differential. However, calcified and an enchondroma (A) is not so clear-cut. (Case
chondroid matrix is unusual in the phalanges. courtesy of Dr. Hideyo Minagi.)

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Benign Lytic Lesions 13

It is difficult, if not impossible, to differenti- though that is technically correct. The problem
ate an enchondroma from a chondrosarcoma. is there are few surgeons who will not biopsy a
Clinical findings (primarily pain) serve as a bet- lesion if the dictation mentions chondrosarcoma
ter indicator than radiographic findings, and as a possibility. I have seen multiple examples of
indeed pain in an apparent enchondroma should radical surgery for benign cartilaginous lesions
warrant surgical investigation. Periostitis should being undertaken because a biopsy was incor-
not be seen in an enchondroma either. Trying rectly interpreted as chondrosarcoma (including
to differentiate an enchondroma from a chon- a forequarter shoulder amputation). The correct
drosarcoma histologically is also difficult, if not dictation for an enchondroma should simply say
impossible at times. Therefore biopsy of an ap- “benign-appearing chondroid lesion with no
parent enchondroma should not be performed aggressive features noted”—no differential diag-
routinely for histologic differentiation.2 Mag- nosis should be given.
netic resonance imaging (MRI) criteria for be- Multiple enchondromas occur on occasion,
nign versus malignant includes lack of a soft tissue and this condition has been termed Ollier’s dis-
mass and no surrounding T2 high-signal edema ease (Figure 2-10, A). It is not hereditary and
in benign enchondromas. does not have an increased rate of malignant
Because an enchondroma can histologically degeneration. Older books say that Ollier’s dis-
mimic a chondrosarcoma, biopsies on painless ease has a high rate of malignant degeneration;
chondroid lesions of all types should not be rou- this is because any chondroid lesion can look
tinely done. Most tumor surgeons prefer to malignant when a biopsy is performed and
watch them with serial imaging (every 6 months needs to be correlated radiographically and
to a year) and close clinical supervision. Radiolo- clinically. The presence of multiple enchondro-
gists should refrain from adding “cannot exclude mas associated with soft tissue hemangiomas is
chondrosarcoma” to a formal report when look- known as Maffucci’s syndrome (Figure 2-10, B).
ing at a benign-appearing chondroid lesion, even This syndrome also is not hereditary; however,

FIGURE 2-10 ■ A, Ollier’s disease. Multiple lytic lesions in the hand—multiple enchondromas—are seen in this pa-
tient. This is known as Ollier’s disease. B, Maffucci’s syndrome. Multiple enchondromas associated with soft tissue
hemangiomas are seen in the hand in this patient. This is Maffucci’s syndrome. Note the multiple rounded calcifi-
cations in the soft tissues, which are phleboliths in the hemangiomas.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

14 2 Benign Lytic Lesions

it is characterized by an increased incidence of amorphous. EG can mimic Ewing’s sarcoma and

malignant degeneration of the enchondromas. present as a permeative (multiple small holes)
Discriminators: How, then, can one distinguish EG from any
1. Must have calcification (except in phalanges). of the other lytic lesions in this differential? Let
2. Must be no periostitis. me say right out that it is difficult to exclude EG
from almost any differential of a bony lesion.
Although some authorities say that up to 20% of
Eosinophilic Granuloma EGs occur in patients older than age 30, others
Eosinophilic granuloma (EG) is a form of histio- claim that it is rare in older age-groups. I have
cytosis X, the other forms being Letterer-Siwe seen only one or two cases of EG in someone
disease and Hand-Schüller-Christian disease. older than age 30 and have seen at least 100 cases
Although these forms may be merely different in children and young adults. Therefore I find
phases of the same disease, most investigators the 30 years’ cutoff point quite useful and am
categorize them separately. The bony manifesta- willing to exclude the diagnosis of EG in anyone
tions of all three disorders are similar and are older than age 30. (I accept the fact that I will
discussed in this text simply as eosinophilic miss the diagnosis in older age-groups, but I
granuloma, or EG. hate to clutter up every differential with EG.)
EG, unfortunately for radiologists, has many EG is most often monostotic, but it can be
appearances. It can be lytic or blastic, may be well polyostotic and thus has to be included when
defined or ill defined (Figures 2-11 and 2-12), may multiple lesions are present.
or may not have a sclerotic border, and may or EG may or may not have a soft tissue mass
may not elicit a periosteal response.3 The periosti- associated with it, so the presence or absence of
tis, when present, is typically benign in appearance a soft tissue mass will not help in the differential
(thick, uniform, wavy) but can be lamellated or diagnosis. In fact, I know of no entity in which

FIGURE 2-12 ■ Eosinophilic granuloma. A predomi-

FIGURE 2-11 ■ Eosinophilic granuloma. A well-defined nantly lytic process with some sclerosis is seen in the
lytic lesion in the midshaft of a femur in a child. At proximal femur in a child. Again, this case would have
biopsy this was shown to be eosinophilic granuloma. a long differential diagnosis. Eosinophilic granuloma
This is an entirely nonspecific pattern that could easily must be mentioned because the patient is younger
represent a focus of infection or one of several other than age 30. In this example the zone of transition is
processes. Because the lesion is present in a child, narrow and the lesion appears benign, but eosino-
eosinophilic granuloma must be included in the dif- philic granuloma can have an aggressive appearance
ferential diagnosis. and mimic a sarcoma.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Benign Lytic Lesions 15

the presence or absence of an associated soft GIANT CELL TUMOR

tissue mass will warrant inclusion or exclusion
of a process from a differential. It is important GCT is an uncommon tumor found almost ex-
to note the presence of a soft tissue mass (or clusively in adults in the ends of long bones and
its absence), but it will do little to narrow your in flat bones.4
differential diagnosis. It is important to realize that one is unable to
EG occasionally has a bony sequestrum tell, regardless of its radiographic appearance, if a
(Figure 2-13). Only three other entities have GCT is benign or malignant. In fact, histologi-
been described that, on occasion, have bone cally, a GCT cannot be reliably divided into either
sequestra: osteomyelitis, lymphoma, and fibro- a benign or a malignant category. Most surgeons
sarcoma. Therefore, when a sequestrum is iden- curettage and pack the lesions and consider them
tified, these four entities should be considered benign unless they recur. Even then they can still
(Box 2-1). (Another entity, osteoid osteoma, can be benign and recur a second or third time. About
sometimes have an appearance that mimics a 15% of GCTs are said to be malignant, based on
sequestrum. This is discussed in Chapter 8.) their recurrence rate. Only rarely will GCTs me-
Clinically, EG may or may not be associated tastasize. They metastasize to the lungs and then
with pain; therefore clinical history is noncon- should be characterized as malignant.
tributory for the most part. I use four radiographic criteria for diagnosing
GCTs (Figures 2-14 and 2-15). If any of these
Discriminator: Patient must be younger than criteria are not met when looking at a lesion, I
age 30. discard GCT from my differential diagnosis.
Number 1: GCT occurs only in patients with
closed epiphyses; this is valid at least 98% to
99% of the time and is extremely useful. I will
not entertain the diagnosis of GCT in a patient
with open epiphyses.

FIGURE 2-13 ■ Eosinophilic granuloma. A well-defined

lytic lesion with a dense bony sequestrum in the
proximal humerus of a child should conjure up the
diagnosis of an infection. Eosinophilic granuloma also
occasionally has a bony sequestrum (as in this exam-
ple) and must be considered.

BOX 2–1 Entities That Can Present

with a Sequestration
FIGURE 2-14 ■ Giant cell tumor. A well-defined lytic le-
sion in the distal femur that has all four criteria typical
Eosinophilic granuloma for a giant cell tumor: (1) the zone of transition is well
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (includes fibrosar- defined but nonsclerotic, (2) the epiphyses are closed,
coma and desmoids) (3) the lesion is eccentrically placed in the bone, and
Lymphoma (4) the lesion is epiphyseal and abuts the articular
(Osteoid osteoma can mimic a sequestration) surface. If any one of these criteria were not adhered to,
I would not include giant cell tumor in my differential.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

16 2 Benign Lytic Lesions

Number 4: The lesion must have a sharply

defined zone of transition (border) that is not
sclerotic. This is a very helpful finding in GCT.
The only places this does not apply is in flat
bones, such as the pelvis, and in the calcaneus.
Using these four “rules” will allow you to
eliminate GCT from a list of differential possi-
bilities with accuracy and assurance when it
would otherwise have to be included. Unwar-
ranted inclusion of a lesion in a differential tends
to clutter the list and make it unnecessarily long.
It is important to realize that the four criteria
for a GCT apply only to GCTs and to no other
lesion. For instance, I know of no other lesion
that is dependent on whether the epiphyses are
open or closed. No other lesion in any of my lists
can be defined by whether the zone of transition
is sclerotic (many lesions, such as nonossifying
fibromas [NOFs], will often have a sclerotic mar-
gin, but it doesn’t occur enough to include as a
differential point). No other lesion must always
abut the articular surface, and no other lesion has
the classic description of always being eccentri-
cally placed (although several lesions, including
FIGURE 2-15 ■ Giant cell tumor. A typical example in NOF and chondromyxoid fibroma, are in fact
the distal radius, which is a common location for giant eccentric in more than 98% of cases).
cell tumor. So although these four criteria work nicely
for GCT, they don’t work at all for any other
lesions. Residents have a tendency to apply these
Number 2: The lesion must be epiphyseal and criteria to every lytic lesion encountered for
abut the articular surface. There is disagreement the simple reason that they’ve learned the four
regarding whether GCTs begin in the epiphysis criteria. Once one of the criteria is violated, the
or metaphysis or from the physeal plate itself; remainder don’t even have to be used to elimi-
however, except for rare cases, when radiologists nate a GCT. For instance, if a lytic lesion is
see the lesions, they are epiphyseal and are flush found in the mid-diaphysis of a bone, GCT can
against the articular surface. The metaphysis also be excluded. There is no need to check further
has some of the tumor in it because the lesions to see if it is eccentric, if it has a nonsclerotic
are generally very large. I’m not terribly inter- margin, or if the epiphyses are closed.
ested in the embryogenesis of a lesion when I am Again, these rules will be greater than 95%
looking at it as an unknown and have a handful effective and, in my experience, close to 99%
of surgeons breathing down my neck wanting a effective—but only in long bones. Flat bones
differential diagnosis. I (and they) want to be able such as the pelvis and the calcaneus are excep-
to intelligently say what it is or is not. Therefore tions. If one or two cases are found that don’t fit
I don’t get caught up in the argument of where the criteria, another pathologist should probably
the lesion began. When you see a GCT, it will review the slides. Many pathologists refer to
be epiphyseal. Perhaps more important, it should aneurysmal bone cysts as GCTs; hence they have
be flush against the articular surface of the joint. “giant cell tumors” that don’t obey any of the
This occurs in 98% to 99% of GCTs4; therefore, criteria. These pathologists may be correct, but
if I have a lesion that is separated from the ar- they are not in the mainstream of what most
ticular surface by a definite margin of bone, I will people use for GCT criteria, both radiographi-
not include GCT in the diagnosis. cally and histologically.
Number 3: These lesions are said to be eccen-
trically located in the bone, as opposed to being Discriminators (long bones only):
centrally placed in the medullary cavity. I don’t 1. Epiphyses must be closed.
find this to be a terribly helpful description, but it 2. Must abut the articular surface.
is one of the classic “rules” of a GCT. It is accu- 3. Must be well defined with a nonsclerotic
rate; however, occasionally the lesion is so large margin.
that it’s difficult to tell whether it is truly eccentric. 4. Must be eccentric.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Benign Lytic Lesions 17

An NOF (also called a fibroxanthoma) is proba-
bly the most common bone lesion encountered
by radiologists. It reportedly occurs in up to
20% of children and spontaneously regresses, so
it is seen only rarely after the age of 30. Fibrous
cortical defect is a common synonym, although
some people divide the two lesions on the basis
of size, with a fibrous cortical defect being
smaller than 2 cm in length and an NOF being
larger than 2 cm. Histologically, these lesions
are identical; therefore it seems illogical to sub-
divide the lesion by its size.
NOFs are benign, asymptomatic lesions that
typically occur in the metaphysis of a long bone
emanating from the cortex (Figures 2-16 to 2-18).
They classically have a thin, sclerotic border that

FIGURE 2-17 ■ Nonossifying fibroma. A well-defined

expansile lytic lesion in the distal fibula is noted,
which is characteristic for a nonossifying fibroma. The
patient was asymptomatic, and the lesion was an inci-
dental finding. The faint sclerosis seen in the lesion is
secondary to the partial calcification or ossification of
the matrix, which in a few years time will be complete
as the lesion disappears.

FIGURE 2-16 ■ Nonossifying fibroma. A classic exam-

ple of a nonossifying fibroma that is slightly expansile
and lytic and has a scalloped, well-defined sclerotic
border. The location in the metaphysis is characteris-
tic. The fact that the cortex is not well seen should not FIGURE 2-18 ■ Nonossifying fibroma. A multilocular, ex-
imply cortical destruction but rather that the cortex pansile, well-defined lytic lesion in a long bone of a child
has been replaced with benign fibrous tissue. This who is asymptomatic. There is no need to do a biopsy
was an incidental finding in a patient who was for diagnosis because this is an obviously benign lesion
asymptomatic. and characteristic of a nonossifying fibroma.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

18 2 Benign Lytic Lesions

is scalloped and slightly expansile; however, this

is a general description that probably applies to
only 75% of the lesions. They do not have to
have expansion or a scalloped or sclerotic bor-
der, and they are not limited to the metaphyses.
Then how will you recognize them? The best
way is, again, by familiarizing yourself with their
general appearance by taking 15 minutes to look
at examples in textbooks. It is important to rec-
ognize these lesions because they are what I call
“don’t touch” lesions; that is, the radiologist’s
diagnosis should be the final word and thereby
supplant a biopsy (see Chapter 4). These lesions
are so characteristic that no logical differential
diagnosis should be entertained, although a few
entities can indeed occasionally simulate them.
I use age 30 as a cutoff point for NOFs. If
the patient is older than 30 years of age, I will
not include NOF in the differential diagnosis.
The lesions must be asymptomatic and exhibit
no periostitis, unless there is an antecedent his-
tory of trauma. NOFs routinely “heal” with
sclerosis and eventually disappear (Figures 2-19
and 2-20). During this healing period, they can
appear hot on a radionuclide bone scan because

FIGURE 2-20 ■ Healing nonossifying fibroma. A typical

nonossifying fibroma in the proximal humerus of a
child that is beginning to ossify. In a few years time
this lesion will essentially be nonexistent.

there is osteoblastic activity. Computed tomog-

raphy (CT) scan may show apparent cortical
breakthrough, which is really only fibrous tissue
replacing cortex (Figure 2-21). These lesions
are occasionally quite large (Figure 2-22); there-
fore growth or change in size should not alter
the diagnosis. They are most commonly seen
about the knee but can occur in any long bone.
The MRI appearance of an NOF is some-
what variable. Although NOFs are essentially
always low signal on T1-weighted images they
can have high or low signal on T2-weighted im-
ages (Figure 2-23).

1. Patient must be younger than age 30.
2. Periostitis and pain must be absent.

FIGURE 2-19 ■ Healing nonossifying fibroma. A lesion in Osteoblastomas are rare lesions that could justi-
a young adult, characteristic of a nonossifying fibroma fiably be excluded from this differential without
that is beginning to disappear or “heal.” Because
these lesions are typically not seen in patients older
the fear of missing a diagnosis more than once in
than age 30, it is thought that they ossify and then your lifetime. Why, then, include them? The
blend into the normal bone. mnemonic FEGNOMASHIC would not have
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Benign Lytic Lesions 19

FIGURE 2-22 ■ Large nonossifying fibroma. This large,
expansile, well-defined lytic lesion was noted in an
asymptomatic 16-year-old and a biopsy was performed
because it had grown over a several-year follow-up.
It was found to be a nonossifying fibroma. There is
little justification for performing a biopsy on this
lesion, even though it is larger than most nonossifying

nearly the same ring without the extra vowel, so

osteoblastoma remains.
Osteoblastomas have two appearances: (1) They
look like large osteoid osteomas and are often
called giant osteoid osteomas. Because osteoid
osteomas are sclerotic lesions and do not re-
semble bubbly lytic lesions, this is not the type
B of osteoblastoma we are concerned with in this
FIGURE 2-21 ■ CT of nonossifying fibroma. An antero- differential. (2) They simulate aneurysmal bone
posterior plain film (A) shows an expansile lytic lesion cysts (ABCs). They are expansile, often having
that was seen when this child had x-ray films obtained a soap bubble appearance (Figure 2-24). If an
for a sprained ankle. This is typical for a nonossifying ABC is being considered, so should an osteo-
fibroma. A CT scan was obtained through this lesion
(for no good reason) (B); it shows some disruption of
blastoma. They most commonly occur in the
the cortex (arrow), which was believed to represent posterior elements of the vertebral bodies, and
“cortical destruction.” A biopsy was therefore per- about half of the cases include speckled calcifica-
formed on the lesion, which was found to be a nonos- tions. A classic radiology differential is that of
sifying fibroma. This cortex is not destroyed but rather an expansile lytic lesion of the posterior ele-
replaced with benign fibrous tissue.
ments of the spine, and it includes osteoblas-
toma, ABC, and tuberculosis (Box 2-2).

Discriminator: Mentioned when ABC is

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
20 2 Benign Lytic Lesions


FIGURE 2-23 ■ MRI of nonossifying fibroma. An anteroposterior plain film (A) of a knee in a 16-year-old girl shows
a benign-appearing lytic lesion (arrows), which is consistent with a nonossifying fibroma. Sagittal T1-weighted
(B) and T2-weighted (C) images show a cortically based low-signal lesion on both the T1 and the T2 sequences.
This is characteristic for a nonossifying fibroma.

METASTATIC DISEASE Most mets have an aggressive appearance and

AND MYELOMA won’t be in the FEGNOMASHIC differential,
but a significant number appear benign.
Metastatic disease (mets) should be considered For statistical purposes I will not mention
for any lytic lesion—benign or aggressive in mets in a patient younger than age 40. I’ll be
appearance—in a patient older than age 40. Mets correct more than 99% of the time using 40 as a
can appear perfectly benign radiographically cutoff age. Otherwise, mets would have to be
(Figure 2-25), so it is not valid to say, “Because mentioned in every single case of a lytic lesion,
this lesion looks benign, it should not be a met.” and I’m trying to find ways to limit the list of
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Benign Lytic Lesions 21

FIGURE 2-25 ■ Metastatic disease. A typical renal me-

tastasis is seen as a benign lytic lesion in the proximal
femur in this patient.

Virtually any metastatic process can present

FIGURE 2-24 ■ Osteoblastoma. A well-defined, expans- as a lytic, benign-appearing lesion; therefore it
ile, lytic lesion that looks like an aneurysmal bone cyst serves no purpose to try to guess the source of
in a 35-year-old patient. This is only one appearance
of this very rare lesion (the other appearance being
the met from its appearance. In general, lytic
a sclerotic lesion similar to an osteoid osteoma, expansile mets tend to come from thyroid and
although considerably larger). renal tumors (Figure 2-27). The only metastatic
lesion that is said to always be lytic is renal cell
Discriminator: Patient must be older than
BOX 2–2 Differential Diagnosis of age 40.
Expansile, Lytic Lesion in
Posterior Elements of Spine
Aneurysmal bone cyst

differential possibilities. I’m not saying that mets

don’t occur in patients younger than age 40, only
that I’m willing to miss them (unless I’m given a
history of a known primary neoplasm).
Myeloma can present as either solitary or
multiple lytic lesions, which are more correctly
called plasmacytomas (Figure 2-26). I try to
mention plasmacytoma separately from meta-
static disease because it can occur in a slightly
younger population (35 years is my cutoff) and
can precede clinical or hematologic evidence of
myeloma by 3 to 5 years. In general, there is no
FIGURE 2-26 ■ Plasmacytoma. A large lytic lesion with
harm in lumping all metastatic disease, including a well-defined sclerotic border is seen in the left ilium
myeloma, into one group and using age greater in a patient with multiple myeloma. The ilium and
than 40 as the limiting factor. sacrum are common sites for plasmacytomas.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

22 2 Benign Lytic Lesions

FIGURE 2-28 ■ Aneurysmal bone cyst. An expansile le-

sion in the diaphysis of the ulna in a young child that
is typical for an aneurysmal bone cyst.

FIGURE 2-27 ■ Metastatic renal cell carcinoma. A bub-

bly expansile lesion of the proximal radius is noted
that is typical for renal cell carcinoma metastasis. It is
similar in appearance to an aneurysmal bone cyst.


ABCs are the only lesions I know of that are
named for their radiographic appearance. They
are virtually always aneurysmal or expansile
(Figures 2-28 and 2-29). Rarely an ABC will
present before it is expansile but that is unusual
enough to not worry about. ABCs primarily
occur in patients who are younger than age 30,
although occasionally one will be encountered in
older patients. I use expansion and age younger
than 30 as fairly rigid guidelines and seldom
miss the diagnosis of an ABC.
ABCs have a characteristic appearance on MRI
scans with multiple fluid-fluid levels (Figure 2-30).
Although other entities can have fluid-fluid levels
and ABCs don’t always have them, the appear-
ance is nevertheless so characteristic for an ABC
that it is almost pathognomonic. FIGURE 2-29 ■ Aneurysmal bone cyst. An expansile
There are two types of ABCs: a primary type lytic lesion in a 25-year-old that is typical for an aneu-
rysmal bone cyst. At first glance one might consider
and a secondary type. The secondary type occurs this typical for a giant cell tumor. However, note the
in conjunction with another lesion or from sclerotic margins and the fact that it does not abut the
trauma, whereas a primary ABC has no known articular surface.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Benign Lytic Lesions 23

FIGURE 2-30 ■ Aneurysmal bone cyst (MRI). An axial

proton-density MRI scan through an expansile lytic
lesion involving the posterior elements of a thoracic
vertebral body reveals several fluid-fluid levels (arrows).
This appearance is classic for an aneurysmal bone cyst.

cause or association with other lesions. Second- FIGURE 2-31 ■ Solitary bone cyst. A centrally placed
ary ABCs have been described to occur with lesion in the proximal femur that is classic for a soli-
GCTs, osteosarcomas, and almost any other le- tary bone cyst.
sion you can name; however, in my experience
this does not happen very often. As to occurring
after trauma, I don’t understand why they would
be age-limited if trauma were the cause. Also, solitary bone cyst can be excluded if it is not. It
malignant tumors were once thought to occur is one of the few lesions that does not occur most
after trauma because of the frequent antecedent commonly around the knees. Two thirds to three
history of trauma with malignant bone tumors. fourths of these lesions occur in the proximal
This is not seriously considered today and is humerus and proximal femur. By itself this fact
thought to be coincidental. I suspect that ABCs isn’t that helpful, or one third to one fourth of
and trauma are also coincidental, but this is mere the lesions would be missed.
speculation. Patients with solitary bone cysts are usually
ABCs typically present because of pain. They asymptomatic unless the bone fractured—a
occasionally can occur in the epiphyses, but common occurrence (Figure 2-32). Even when
there is no location in which they should be pathologic fractures occur, they rarely form
given more weight in the differential. As with periostitis. They usually occur in young pa-
osteoblastoma, they often occur in the posterior tients, and it is unusual to see one in a patient
elements of the spine. older than age 30. Although long bones are
most commonly involved, solitary bone cysts
Discriminators: have been described in almost every bone in the
1. Lesion must be expansile. body. They begin at the physeal plate in long
2. Patient must be younger than age 30. bones and grow into the shaft of the bone;
therefore they are not epiphyseal lesions. They
can, however, extend up into an epiphysis after
SOLITARY BONE CYST the plate closes, but this is unusual. A fairly
common location is in the calcaneus, where
Solitary bone cysts are also called simple bone they have a characteristic triangular appearance
cysts or unicameral bone cysts. They are not (Figure 2-33).
necessarily unicameral (one compartment), how-
ever. This is the only lesion in FEGNOMASHIC Discriminators:
that is always central in location (Figure 2-31). 1. Cyst must be central.
Many of the other lesions may be central, but a 2. Patient must be younger than age 30.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
24 2 Benign Lytic Lesions

Brown tumors of hyperparathyroidism (HPT)
can have almost any appearance, from a purely
lytic lesion to a sclerotic process (Figure 2-34).
Generally, when the patient’s HPT is treated,
the brown tumor undergoes sclerosis and even-
tually disappears. If a brown tumor is going to be
considered in the differential, additional radio-
graphic findings of HPT should be seen. Sub-
periosteal bone resorption is pathognomonic for
HPT and should be searched for in the phalan-
ges (particularly the radial aspect of the middle
phalanges), distal clavicles (resorption), medial
aspect of the proximal tibias, and sacroiliac joints
(it has the appearance of bilateral sacroiliac joint
erosive disease). Osteoporosis or osteosclerosis
might suggest that renal osteodystrophy with
secondary HPT is present, but subperiosteal

FIGURE 2-32 ■ Solitary bone cyst. A pathologic fracture has

occurred through this lesion in the proximal humerus. Its
location and appearance are typical for a solitary bone
cyst. Note the cortical fragments (arrow) produced from
the fracture that have sunk to the bottom of this fluid-filled
lesion. This is termed a fallen fragment sign. No other le-
sion has been reported to have a fallen fragment sign;
therefore this is virtually pathognomonic.

FIGURE 2-34 ■ Brown tumor. An expansile lytic lesion

in the fifth metacarpal that would have an extremely
long differential diagnosis. Barely discernible is sub-
periosteal bone resorption on the radial aspect of the
middle phalanges (arrows). A second, smaller lytic le-
FIGURE 2-33 ■ Solitary bone cyst. A classic appearance sion is seen at the proximal portion of the fourth
of a solitary bone cyst in the calcaneus. This lesion in proximal phalanx. It has a different appearance than
the calcaneus occurs only in this position (anterior to the other lytic lesion, emphasizing how brown tumors
the midportion of the calcaneus and on the inferior can have almost any appearance. The multiplicity is
border). Although other lesions could occur in this typical for a brown tumor and limits the differential
location, a solitary bone cyst of the calcaneus virtually diagnosis. However, the finding of subperiosteal bone
never occurs away from this spot. resorption makes any other diagnosis unlikely.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Benign Lytic Lesions 25

resorption must be present; otherwise, brown multiple lytic lesions are encountered and the
tumor can be excluded from the differential. patient is asymptomatic.
Most authorities believe that brown tumors
occur most commonly in primary HPT; how-
ever, because we see so many more patients with INFECTION
secondary HPT, more brown tumors are seen in
patients with secondary rather than primary Unfortunately there is no reliable way to radio-
HPT. In fact, we rarely see brown tumors today, graphically exclude a focus of osteomyelitis (Figure
likely because of the more aggressive treatment 2-36). It has a protean radiographic appearance
of renal disease, which has resulted in fewer and can occur at any location and in a patient of
cases of hyperparathyroidism. any age. It may or may not be expansile, have a
sclerotic or nonsclerotic border, or have periostitis
Discriminator: Must be other evidence of HPT. associated with it. Soft tissue findings such as oblit-
eration of adjacent fat planes are notoriously unre-
liable and even misleading, because tumors and
HEMANGIOMAS EG can do the same thing.
When osteomyelitis occurs near a joint, if
Multiple hemangiomas, also known as cystic the articular surface is abutted, invariably the
angiomatosis or cystic lymphangiomatosis, al- adjacent joint will be involved and show either
though uncommon, are seen more frequently cartilage loss, an effusion, or both (Figure 2-37).
than brown tumors and should probably replace This finding is not particularly helpful, because
them as the “H” in FEGNOMASHIC. Cystic any lesion can cause an effusion, but it’s the best
angiomatosis usually is an incidental finding of I can come up with.
multiple lytic lesions throughout the skeleton
(Figure 2-35). Tissue abnormalities may also be
present, which can be painful. Although the
hemangiomas are incidental, some believe they
are in a similar category to Gorham’s disease
(massive osteolysis or disappearing bone dis-
ease), but without the destructive potential. Cys-
tic angiomatosis should be considered when

FIGURE 2-36 ■ Brodie’s abscess. A focus of infection

that was chronic in this patient is seen in the distal
tibia. The differential diagnosis for this lesion would
be quite long if the subtle periostitis (arrow) and the
FIGURE 2-35 ■ Cystic angiomatosis. Multiple lytic le- clinical history of pain were not noted. Although this
sions are seen in the femurs and pelvis in this as- is a typical appearance for a chronic osteomyelitis
ymptomatic young woman. These were found to be (Brodie’s abscess), infection can resemble almost
hemangiomas. anything.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

26 2 Benign Lytic Lesions

FIGURE 2-37 ■ Osteomyelitis with pyoarthritis. A plain film of the shoulder (A) in this child with shoulder pain
shows a well-defined lytic lesion. Coronal T2-weighted MRI scan (B) shows high signal throughout the lesion,
which extends through the cortex (arrow) into the joint. This is a typical appearance for osteomyelitis with exten-
sion into the joint.

When a sclerotic margin is present, infection lymphoma, and fibrosarcoma. Most cases of
usually causes the sclerotic margin to be thick osteomyelitis, however, do not have sequestra,
and ill defined or fuzzy on its outermost portion, so this feature is also of limited use. Therefore
but these findings are by no means always pres- infection will be in almost every differential
ent and are of only limited usefulness. diagnosis of a lytic lesion, which is all right,
If a bony sequestrum is present, osteomyeli- because it is one of the most common lesions
tis should be strongly considered. As previ- encountered.
ously mentioned, the only lesions described
that demonstrate sequestra are infection, EG, Discriminators: None.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Benign Lytic Lesions 27

Chondroblastomas are among the easiest lesions
to deal with because they occur only in the
epiphyses (a handful of cases have been reported
in the metaphyses—they’re rare), and they occur
almost exclusively in patients younger than
age 30 (Figure 2-38). What could be easier?
Anywhere from 40% to 60% demonstrate calci-
fication, so absence of calcification is not helpful.
Presence of calcification is helpful as long as you
can be sure that it is not detritus or sequestra
from infection or EG (both of which can occur
in the epiphyses). Because I can never be certain
about the calcification, I don’t worry about it.
The differential diagnosis of a lytic lesion in FIGURE 2-39 ■ Chondroblastoma. A lytic lesion in the
the epiphysis of a patient younger than age 30 is calcaneus that abuts the superior portion of the
short and simple: (1) infection (most common), calcaneus has a fairly short differential diagnosis.
(2) chondroblastoma, and (3) GCT (it has its own The differential is essentially the same as for an
diagnostic criteria, so it can usually be definitely epiphysis. On biopsy this lesion was found to be a
ruled out or in). This is an old, classic differential
and probably takes care of 98% of epiphyseal le-
sions. If you want to be 99% certain, you must
add two more lesions—ABC (be certain it is ex- that there are three entities in the epiphyseal
pansile) and EG—and add mets and myeloma if differential and then pick from the longer list of
the patient is older than age 40. I no longer rec- five entities, often leaving out the main things
ommend using the longer differential because it while including EG and ABC. Most of residents
seems to cause confusion. Residents remember have too much to commit to memory already
without trying to stuff in a few rare presentations
that will not be seen very often.
A caveat on epiphyseal lesions is to always
consider the possibility of a subchondral cyst or
geode, which has been described in anything that
can result in degenerative joint disease (DJD). Be
certain no joint pathology that might cause DJD
is present, or an unnecessary biopsy of a geode
might be performed based on your differential of
an epiphyseal lesion (see Chapter 4).
The carpal bones, the tarsal bones, and the
patella have a tendency to behave like epiphyses
as far as their differential diagnosis of lesions is
concerned. Therefore a lytic lesion in these
areas has a similar differential as an epiphyseal
lesion (Figure 2-39); although in my experience
this differential diagnosis in the epiphyses is
close to 99% inclusive, in these other locations
it is only about 50% inclusive—still, a good
differential to begin with.

1. Patient must be younger than age 30.
2. Lesion must be epiphyseal.

FIGURE 2-38 ■ Chondroblastoma. A lytic lesion with a

well-defined sclerotic margin in the proximal humeral
epiphysis extending slightly across the epiphyseal
plate. This is a typical appearance of a chondroblas-
toma. Almost half of all chondroblastomas have a small Like osteoblastoma, the chondromyxoid fibroma
portion of the lesion extending across the physeal plate. is such a rare lesion that failure to mention it is
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
28 2 Benign Lytic Lesions

residents to learn and would result in differential

lists that were less helpful to clinicians. If you
have a favorite lesion that is not in this list, by all
means add it. Likewise, if the list is already too
cumbersome, forget about osteoblastoma and
chondromyxoid fibroma. I’m unable to make it
much simpler than that and still be reasonably
Some of the lesions I have purposefully omitted
are intraosseous ganglion, pseudotumor of hemo-
philia, hemangioendothelioma, ossifying fibroma,
intraosseous lipoma, glomus tumor, neurofibroma,
plasma cell granuloma, and schwannoma. Others
could be added to this list, of course, but are best
left to the pathologist—not the radiologist—for
the diagnosis.
There are several features that are somewhat
useful in separating out the various lesions
in FEGNOMASHIC (see Table 2-1). For in-
stance, if the patient is younger than age 30, be
sure to consider EG, chondroblastoma, NOF,
ABC, and solitary bone cyst. This is not a dif-
ferential diagnosis to list when faced with a lytic
lesion in a patient younger than 30; several
FIGURE 2-40 ■ Chondromyxoid fibroma. This lytic le-
other lesions should be included in that differ-
sion in the distal tibia with a well-defined sclerotic ential. This means don’t mention those five
margin should have been a nonossifying fibroma. The lesions in a patient older than 30. If the patient
differential diagnosis for this lesion would include is older than 30, those five lesions can probably
several other entities, all of which are benign. Al- be excluded.
though a biopsy of this lesion probably should not
have been done in this asymptomatic patient, it was If periostitis or pain is present (assuming no
performed and the lesion was found to be a chondro- trauma, which can be a foolhardy assumption),
myxoid fibroma. you can exclude fibrous dysplasia, solitary bone
cyst, NOF, and enchondroma. If the lesion is
epiphyseal, the classic differential is infection,
GCT, and chondroblastoma. ABC and EG could
probably not going to result in missing more be added to that differential too but are not
than one in your lifetime. Why include it mandatory. If the patient is older than 40 years
then? I recommend not including it, but it is of age, add mets and myeloma and remove ABC,
part of the classic differential. If you do men- chondroblastoma, and EG from the epiphyseal
tion it, at least know what it looks like. Basi- list. Don’t forget to consider a subchondral cyst
cally, chondromyxoid fibromas resemble NOFs or geode in epiphyseal lesions.
(Figure 2-40). Unlike NOFs, however, they The epiphyseal differential tends to work also
can be seen in patients of any age. They can for the tarsal bones (especially the calcaneus),
present with pain also, which will not occur the carpal bones, and the patella. In the calca-
with an NOF. neus, a unicameral bone cyst should also be
considered and has a characteristic appearance
Discriminator: Mention when an NOF is and location (see Figure 2-33). Apophyses are
mentioned. “epiphyseal equivalents” and have the same dif-
ferential as epiphyses. The difference between
an epiphysis and an apophysis is that epiphyses
ADDITIONAL POINTS contribute to the length of a bone, whereas
apophyses serve as ligamentous attachments.
The preceding, in essence, is my differential for A few findings that just don’t seem to narrow
a benign lytic lesion of bone. It is probably 98% the differential diagnosis are presence or absence
accurate, which is good enough for me. Increas- of a soft tissue mass, expansion of the bone (ex-
ing the accuracy to 99% would require adding a cept this must be present in an ABC), a sclerotic
host of uncommon or rare lesions, and the entire or nonsclerotic border (except it must be non-
process would become too confusing for most sclerotic in GCT), presence or absence of bony
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Benign Lytic Lesions 29

BOX 2-3 “Automatics” age 30. Make sure you give a thoughtful pause
after inspecting the film—as if you really con-
Younger Than Age 30: sidered the pros and cons of mentioning them.
Eosinophilic granuloma This is gamesmanship, but it adds to your cred-
Infection ibility. In patients older than age 40, mets and
Older Than Age 40: infection are automatics. No consideration for
Mets the lesion’s appearance or location needs to be
Infection made when using the automatics—simply find a

struts or compartments in the lesion, and size of SCLEROTIC LESION
the lesion.
There are a few lesions that I call automatics Many lytic lesions spontaneously regress and are
(Box 2-3). That is, they need to be included not usually seen in patients older than age 30.
automatically in almost every case. In patients When these lesions regress, they often fill in
younger than 30, EG and infection must be with new bone and have a sclerotic or blastic
included in every differential of a lytic bone le- appearance. Therefore, when a sclerotic focus
sion. In fact, they should be mentioned in all is identified in a 20- to 40-year-old patient, es-
cases except for trauma or arthritis because pecially if it is an asymptomatic, incidental
they can have virtually any appearance—lytic, finding, the following lesions should be consid-
sclerotic, mixed, benign, aggressive, and so on. ered: NOF (Figure 2-41), EG, solitary bone
Hence they can mimic almost any bone lesion. cyst, ABC, and chondroblastoma. Several other
I recommend mentioning EG and infection lesions that can also appear sclerotic should be
for every bone lesion in patients younger than included: fibrous dysplasia, osteoid osteoma,

FIGURE 2-41 ■ A, Healing nonossifying fibroma. This faintly sclerotic lesion in the proximal tibia of a 30-year-old
asymptomatic patient is characteristic for a healing or disappearing nonossifying fibroma. Prior films showed a
typical lytic nonossifying fibroma. B, Healing nonossifying fibroma. This densely sclerotic lesion in the posterior
proximal tibia in a young asymptomatic patient was thought to represent an osteoid osteoma or osteomyelitis.
Even though the patient was asymptomatic, a biopsy was performed. It revealed a nonossifying fibroma that had
ossified. In a patient older than age 40, metastatic disease would need to be considered.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

30 2 Benign Lytic Lesions

FIGURE 2-42 ■ Giant bone island. A large sclerotic lesion is seen in the right iliac bone, which could easily be mis-
taken for a focus of metastatic disease in a patient older than age 40. This is a giant bone island and has the
typical pattern of irregular “feathered” margins with the trabecula blending into the normal bone. The axis of the
lesion is in the long axis of the bone or in the direction of the primary weight-bearing trabecula.

infection, brown tumor (healing), and perhaps from that misdiagnosis—it is still benign and in
a giant bone island (Figure 2-42). As these le- most cases an incidental finding.
sions continue to resolve, they often will be In any patient older than age 40, the num-
seen to have varying amounts of normal fatty ber 1 possibility for a sclerotic lesion should
marrow (Figure 2-43). They should not be mis- be metastatic disease (now that I’ve passed
takenly called intraosseous lipomas just because 40, I’m seriously considering moving the age
they contain fat, although no harm would come to 50).

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learning file. An introduction to diagnostic radiology. 3. David R, Oria R, Kumar R, et al: Radiologic features of
Radiology 104(1):27–31, 1972. eosinophilic granuloma of bone. Pictorial essay. AJR Am
2. Skeletal Lesions Interobserver Correlation Among Ex- J Roentgenol 153:1021–1026, 1989.
pert Diagnosticians (SLICED) Study Group: Reliability 4. Dahlin D: Giant cell tumor of bone: highlights of 407
of histopathologic and radiologic grading of cartilaginous cases. AJR Am J Roentgenol 144:955–960, 1985.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Benign Lytic Lesions 31


FIGURE 2-43 ■ Resolving nonossifying fibroma. An anteroposterior plain film of a knee (A) in a 28-year-old man
shows a sclerotic lesion in the metaphysis of the tibia. Coronal T1-weighted (B) and T2-weighted (C) images of
the knee reveal a lesion that on the T1-weighted image has mixed high and low signal, consistent with fatty tissue
in some areas, which is mixed high and low signal on the T2-weighted image. This is typical for a resolving non-
ossifying fibroma.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Malignant Tumors
Radiology residents have difficulty dealing with think of a malignant lesion when using the
malignant bone tumors, and the difficulty gets Gestalt approach, but the lesion must also have
worse in the years after residency. This is simply other criteria for a malignant process, such as a
because malignant bone tumors, thankfully, are wide zone of transition.
not very common. Nevertheless, every radiolo-
gist will encounter one or two a year in most
practices and should be able to recognize them
and provide a good differential diagnosis. Periosteal reaction occurs in a nonspecific man-
First, how do you recognize a malignant ner whenever the periosteum is irritated, whether
tumor and differentiate it from a benign process? it is irritated by a malignant tumor, a benign
This can be difficult and often even impossible. tumor, infection, or trauma. Callus formation in
Recognizing that it is aggressive is usually easy, a fracture is actually just periosteal reaction of
but saying that it is malignant is another matter the most benign type. Periosteal reaction occurs
altogether. Processes such as infection and eosin- in two types: benign (Figure 3-3, A and B) and
ophilic granuloma can mimic malignant tumors aggressive (Figure 3–3, C and D). The difference
and are, of course, benign. They will often be between the two is based more on the timing
included in the differential diagnosis of an aggres- of the growth of the irritation than on whether
sive lesion along with malignant tumors. the process causing the periostitis is malignant
or benign. For example, a slow-growing benign
What radiologic criteria are useful for deter-
mining malignant versus benign? Standard text-
books and the literature give four aspects of a
lesion to be examined: (1) cortical destruction,
(2) periostitis, (3) orientation or axis of the
lesion, and (4) zone of transition.
Let me expound on each of these criteria
and show why only the last one—the zone of
transition—is the most reliable, with an accu-
racy rate of 90%.

Cortical Destruction
Often cortical bone is replaced by part of the
noncalcified matrix (fibrous matrix or chon-
droid matrix) of benign fibro-osseous lesions
and cartilaginous lesions. This can give the false
impression of cortical destruction on plain films
(Figure 3-1) or computed tomography (CT).
Also, benign processes such as infection and FIGURE 3-1 ■ Apparent cortical destruction. This be-
nign chondroblastoma has noncalcified chondroid tis-
eosinophilic granuloma can cause extensive cor- sue replacing cortical bone in the proximal femur,
tical destruction and mimic a malignant tumor. which gives the lesion a destructive appearance. This
Aneurysmal bone cysts are known to cause such is an example of cortical replacement rather than of
thinning of the cortex as to make it radiograph- cortical destruction, which can be very confusing if one
uses cortical destruction as an aggressive or malignant
ically undetectable (Figure 3-2). For these rea- key in differential diagnosis. Note that the zone of tran-
sons I find cortical destruction to occasionally sition is narrow, as one would expect in a benign
be misleading. Cortical destruction makes one lesion such as this.

32 Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

3 Malignant Tumors 33

tumor will cause thick, wavy, uniform, or dense periostitis will solidify and appear benign. There-
periostitis because it is a low-grade chronic irrita- fore, when periostitis is seen, the radiologist
tion that gives the periosteum time to lay down should try to characterize it into either a benign
thick new bone and remodel into more normal (thick, dense, wavy) type or an aggressive (lamel-
cortex. A malignant tumor causes a periosteal lated, amorphous, sunburst) type.
reaction that is high grade and more acute; Unfortunately, judging the lesion by its peri-
hence, the periosteum does not have time to ostitis can be misleading. First, it takes consid-
consolidate. It appears lamellated (onion skinned) erable experience to accurately characterize
or amorphous, or it may even appear sunburst. If periostitis because many times the reaction is
the irritation stops or diminishes, the aggressive not clearly benign or aggressive. Second, many


FIGURE 3-2 ■ A, Aneurysmal bone cyst. This benign lesion has thinned the cortex to such a degree as to make it
imperceptible on a plain radiograph. As in Figure 3-1, this can be misconstrued as cortical destruction, giving the
false impression of a malignant or very aggressive lesion. B, Giant cell tumor. This lesion in the proximal femur
has expanded and thinned the cortex to such a degree that it is imperceptible on the plain film. C, On a CT scan
through this region a very thin cortex that was greatly expanded was identified. This giant cell tumor originated
from the greater trochanter, which is an epiphyseal equivalent. Note that it has a well-defined but nonsclerotic
zone of transition, as all giant cell tumors in long bones do.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

34 3 Malignant Tumors


FIGURE 3-3 ■ Benign periostitis. A, An osteoid osteoma in the midshaft of the tibia has caused thick, wavy, dense
periostitis, which is classic for benign type of periostitis. Malignant lesions are incapable of forming this type of
periostitis and should not be considered in the differential. This type of periostitis is basically indistinguishable
from callus formation in a fracture. B, Thick, wavy periostitis (arrows) along the ilium in a child with a permeative
lesion in the pelvis is characteristic for infection or eosinophilic granuloma. Ewing’s sarcoma was initially consid-
ered in the differential; however, the benign periostitis would make a malignant lesion very unlikely. Biopsy
showed this lesion to be eosinophilic granuloma. C, Aggressive periostitis. Amorphous, sunburst periostitis with
a Codman’s triangle (arrows) in a patient with a mixed lytic-sclerotic lesion of the humerus, which on biopsy was
shown to be Ewing’s sarcoma. Although this type of periostitis is characteristic for a malignant lesion, it could
also be seen with benign processes such as eosinophilic granuloma or infection. D, Lamellated, or onion-skinned,
periostitis is characteristic of an aggressive process, such as in this patient with Ewing’s sarcoma of the femur.
Again, this aggressive type of periostitis could conceivably occur in a benign process such as infection or eo-
sinophilic granuloma.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 Malignant Tumors 35

benign lesions, such as infection, eosinophilic

granuloma, aneurysmal bone cysts, osteoid os-
teomas, and even trauma, cause aggressive peri-
ostitis. Seeing benign periostitis, however, can be
helpful because malignant lesions will not cause
benign periostitis. Some investigators with great
experience in dealing with malignant bone tu-
mors state that the only way benign periostitis
can occur in a malignant lesion is if there is a
concomitant fracture or infection. I have seen a
few exceptions, but overall I think it is a valid

Orientation or Axis of the Lesion

The orientation or axis of the lesion is a poor
determinant of benign versus aggressive and
seldom helps me decide into which category the
lesion should be placed. It has been said that if a
lesion grows in the long axis of a long bone,
rather than being circular, it is benign. Non-
sense! Ewing’s sarcoma, an extremely malignant
lesion, usually has its axis along the shaft of a FIGURE 3-4 ■ Narrow zone of transition. The border
of normal bone with a lesion is known as the zone of
long bone. Conversely, many fibrous cortical transition. When, as in this example of a nonossifying
defects are circular yet totally benign. I see no fibroma, the border can be drawn with a fine-point
reason to even consider the axis of a lesion as pen it is said to be a narrow zone of transition, which
part of its radiologic evaluation. is characteristic of a benign lesion. A narrow zone of
transition may or may not have a sclerotic border.

Zone of Transition
Without question the zone of transition is the
most reliable indicator in determining benign
versus malignant lesions. Unfortunately it also
has some drawbacks, on which I will elaborate.
The zone of transition is the border between
the lesion and the normal bone. It is said to be
narrow if it is so well defined that it can be
drawn with a fine-point pen (Figure 3-4). If it
is imperceptible and cannot be clearly drawn, it
is said to be wide (Figure 3-5). Obviously all
shades of gray lie in between, but most lesions
can be characterized as having either a narrow or
a wide zone of transition. If the lesion has a scle-
rotic border, it, by definition, has a narrow zone
of transition.
If a lesion has a narrow zone of transition, it
is a benign process. The exceptions to that are
rare, and I’m willing to miss them. If a lesion has
a wide zone of transition, it is aggressive. Notice
that I said aggressive and not malignant. As with
aggressive periostitis, many benign lesions can
have a wide zone of transition. A few of the same
processes that can cause aggressive periostitis, FIGURE 3-5 ■ Wide zone of transition. A lytic perme-
and thereby mimic a malignant tumor, can have ative process is seen in the midshaft of the femur in
a wide zone of transition (i.e., infection and eo- this patient. On biopsy it was found to be a malignant
fibrous histiocytoma. The zone of transition in this
sinophilic granuloma). They are aggressive in their lesion is said to be wide, because it cannot be easily
radiographic appearance because they are fast- drawn with a fine-point pen. A permeative lesion such
acting, aggressive lesions. The zone of transition as this, by definition, has a wide zone of transition.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

36 3 Malignant Tumors

is usually easier to characterize than the perios-

titis, plus it is always there to evaluate (or you
wouldn’t see a lesion), whereas many lesions,
benign and malignant, have no periostitis. For
these reasons the zone of transition is the most
useful indicator of whether a lesion is benign or
A lesion that consists of multiple small holes is
said to be permeative. It has no perceptible bor-
der and therefore has a wide zone of transition.
Round cell tumors such as multiple myeloma,
primary lymphoma of bone (formerly called re-
ticulum cell sarcoma), and Ewing’s sarcoma are
typical of this type of lesion. However, infection
and eosinophilic granuloma (Figure 3-6) can have
the same appearance.
The zone of transition applies only to lytic or
predominantly lytic lesions. A blastic or sclerotic
lesion will always appear to have a narrow zone A
of transition and may erroneously be included in
the benign differential even if it is malignant.
It is critical to be aware that the zone of tran-
sition is a plain film finding and cannot be used
with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Many
malignant tumors will appear to have narrow
zones of transition on MRI examinations and
can mislead one into thinking a benign lesion is
present (Figure 3-7). The zone of transition can
be used only with lytic lesions and on plain films.

FIGURE 3-7 ■ Zone of transition on MRI. A, A T2-weighted
MRI scan of the knee in this child with knee pain
shows a well-defined lesion (arrow) with a low signal
border, suggesting a narrow zone of transition with a
sclerotic border. Because the knee pain was de-
scribed as probably related to the menisci, this lesion
was believed to be an incidental, benign process,
such as a nonossifying fibroma. However, the plain
film (B), obtained later, shows a barely discernible
lytic lesion with a wide zone of transition (arrow).
This lesion was, in fact, painful, and the differential
diagnosis, based solely on the plain film, would in-
clude osteosarcoma—the eventual histologic diagno-
sis. The zone of transition can be used only on plain
FIGURE 3-6 ■ Permeative pattern. A permeative pattern films; it is invalid on MRI scans.
is defined as multiple, small, irregular holes in bone
and indicates an aggressive process. Ewing’s sarcoma
typically has a permeative pattern; however, infection
and eosinophilic granuloma, as in this example, can
also have a permeative pattern. This is a fine-detailed
film of the same case shown in Figure 3–3, B.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

3 Malignant Tumors 37

DIFFERENTIATING TYPES OF TUMORS malignant tumors of bone that I think may be

helpful in their diagnosis.
Once it has been decided that a particular lesion
is probably malignant, the differential is fairly Osteosarcoma
straightforward. First, the list of malignant tu-
mors is relatively short, and second, most tumors The most common malignant primary bone
follow somewhat strict age groupings. Jack tumor is an osteosarcoma. Although it typically
Edeiken, a famed skeletal radiologist, evaluated occurs toward the end of a long bone, it may
4000 malignant bone tumors and found that they occur anywhere in the skeleton with enough
could be correctly diagnosed 80% of the time by frequency that location is not a helpful discrimi-
using only the patient’s age! He basically divides nator. Osteosarcomas are usually destructive,
the tumors into decades of when they will affect with obvious sclerosis present from either tumor
a patient; for example, osteosarcoma and Ewing’s new bone or reactive sclerosis (Figures 3-8 and
sarcoma are the only childhood primary malig- 3-9); however, on occasion they can be entirely
nant tumors of bone, and after the age of 40, only lytic (Figure 3-10). These are usually so-called
metastatic disease (mets), myeloma, and chon- telangiectatic osteosarcomas. There are many
drosarcoma are common (Table 3-1). Although types and classifications of osteosarcomas, but
there are certainly outliers that are uncommon, it serves little purpose to the radiologist to try
these age guidelines are extremely useful. It is to distinguish between most of them.
inappropriate to mention Ewing’s sarcoma in a These tumors occur almost exclusively in pa-
40-year-old or mets in a 15-year-old. Obviously, tients younger than 30 years of age. Although
if a 15-year-old has a known primary tumor, then some textbooks claim there is a second peak of
mets must be considered—in fact, any bone le- osteosarcomas in patients around age 60, I and
sion, regardless of its appearance, could be a met
and would be suspicious in a patient with a
known primary tumor.
MRI scans should be routinely obtained in
the workup of malignant tumors. MRI scans
will show the full bony and soft tissue extent
and can identify the position of the larger adja-
cent vessels, making angiography unnecessary.
Routine use of Gd-DTPA with tumors does
not appear to be justified, as it currently seems
to give no additional information over non-
contrast-enhanced studies.
Rather than give a description of characteris-
tics of every malignant tumor, which is available
in any of the leading skeletal radiology textbooks,
let me make a few points on many of the primary

TABLE 3-1 Malignant Tumors and

Patient Age
Age (yr) Tumor

1–30 Ewing’s sarcoma

30–40 Fibrosarcoma and malignant
fibrous histiocytoma
Malignant giant cell tumor
Primary lymphoma of bone
Parosteal sarcoma
40! Mets
Myeloma FIGURE 3-8 ■ Osteosarcoma. An extremely sclerotic
Chondrosarcoma lesion in the proximal tibia of a child is noted, which
is characteristic for an osteogenic sarcoma.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

38 3 Malignant Tumors

FIGURE 3-9 ■ Osteosarcoma. A, A subtle

sclerotic lesion is seen in the left ilium
adjacent to the sacroiliac joint that was
initially diagnosed as osteitis condensans
ilii, a benign entity. Because of persistent
pain the patient returned for a follow-up
visit, at which time a small amount of
cortical destruction on the pelvic brim
was noted (arrow). B, A CT scan was ob-
tained and showed a large soft tissue
mass and tumor new bone around the
B ilium, which is characteristic for an osteo-
genic sarcoma.

FIGURE 3-10 ■ Lytic osteosarcoma. An ill-defined lytic lesion was

noted in the proximal tibia of a 20-year-old with pain. This lesion has
a differential diagnosis of eosinophilic granuloma, infection, Ewing’s
sarcoma, and osteogenic sarcoma. Biopsy showed it to be a lytic
osteogenic sarcoma.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

3 Malignant Tumors 39

others do not believe this to be correct. Some

Parosteal Osteosarcoma
osteosarcomas occur in older patients who have A type of osteosarcoma that should be distin-
malignant degeneration of Paget’s disease and guished from the central osteosarcoma is the
some occur secondary to prior irradiation, but parosteal osteosarcoma. A parosteal osteosar-
de novo osteosarcomas in the older age-group coma originates from the periosteum of the
are uncommon. bone and grows outside the bone (Figure 3-11).

FIGURE 3-11 ■ Parosteal osteogenic sarcoma. A, A lateral film of the distal femur shows a large calcific mass with
an ill-defined, fluffy, calcific periphery growing off the posterior femur. The location and appearance are character-
istic for a parosteal osteogenic sarcoma. B, A CT scan through this lesion shows cortical and medullary involve-
ment, which indicates a more sinister lesion, with treatment and prognosis similar to that of a central osteogenic
sarcoma. Without intramedullary involvement, a parosteal sarcoma has a favorable prognosis. C, A proton-density
MRI scan in another patient with a parosteal osteosarcoma shows how the vessels (arrow) can be easily identified
in relation to the tumor. In this example the vessels are displaced posteriorly by the tumor.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

40 3 Malignant Tumors

It often wraps around the diaphysis without appear somewhat aggressive. Unfortunately it
breaking through the cortex. It occurs in an can appear malignant histologically, so biopsy
older age-group than the central osteosarcomas can lead to disastrous consequences. Amputations
and is not as aggressive. Treatment used to con- for benign cortical desmoids being mistaken for
sist of merely shaving the tumor off the bone it malignancies have occurred. (See Chapter 4 for
originated from; however, recurrence rates were further points on cortical desmoids.) Another
so high that now wide-bloc excisions are per- lesion that can be mistaken for a parosteal osteo-
formed. Once a parosteal osteosarcoma violates sarcoma is an area of myositis ossificans (Figure
the cortex of the adjacent bone, some consider 3-13). Like cortical desmoids, areas of myositis
it to be as aggressive as a central osteosarcoma ossificans can be histologically mistaken for
and treat it in a similar fashion (i.e., amputation malignancies with disastrous consequences. There-
or radical excision). Therefore the radiologist fore differentiation is vital. Fortunately differ-
needs to evaluate the lesion for invasion of the entiation between parosteal osteosarcoma and
adjacent cortex to help determine treatment and myositis ossificans is fairly easily done radio-
prognosis. This is best done with CT or MRI graphically. (See Chapter 4 for differential points
examination (Figure 3-11, B and C). between parosteal osteosarcoma and myositis
A common location for parosteal osteosarco- ossificans.)
mas to arise is from the posterior femur, near the Another type of osteosarcoma that residents
knee. A lesion that can mimic an early parosteal often mention in their differential of a parosteal
osteosarcoma in this location is a so-called corti- osteosarcoma is a periosteal osteosarcoma. It
cal desmoid (Figure 3-12). A cortical desmoid is should not get such attention. First, it is ex-
an avulsion injury that is totally benign but can tremely rare, with fewer than 50 such lesions

FIGURE 3-12 ■ Cortical desmoid. Irregular periostitis FIGURE 3-13 ■ Myositis ossificans. This lesion is often
(arrows) off the medial supracondylar ridge of the confused with parosteal osteogenic sarcoma, because
distal femur is pathognomonic for a small avulsion of at first glance it has a close resemblance. However,
the adductor muscles and is called a cortical desmoid. myositis ossificans, as in this example, will demon-
Biopsy of this lesion can easily result in a mistaken strate calcification that is densest in the periphery and
diagnosis of a sarcomatous lesion and should there- well defined, whereas parosteal osteogenic sarcoma
fore be avoided. A cortical desmoid should not be has calcification that is most concentrated centrally
confused with an early parosteal osteogenic sarcoma and ill defined in the periphery. Myositis ossificans is
on radiographs, because it will then lead to an unnec- another lesion that can be confused with a malignant
essary biopsy, perhaps with dire consequences. An lesion on biopsy and therefore should be radiographi-
incidental finding is a nonossifying fibroma seen just cally rather than surgically diagnosed.
proximal to the cortical desmoid.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

3 Malignant Tumors 41

metaphyseal or diametaphyseal or in flat bones.

They do tend to be found primarily in children
and adolescents, although a significant number
occur in patients who are in their 20s, especially
in flat bones. Although most often permeative in
appearance, they can elicit reactive new bone,
which can give the lesion a partially sclerotic or
“patchy” appearance (Figures 3-3, C, 3-15, and
3-16). Ewing’s sarcomas often have an onion-
skinned type of periostitis, but they can also have
periostitis that is sunburst or amorphous in char-
acter (see Figure 3-16). Rarely, if ever, will a
Ewing’s sarcoma have benign-appearing perios-
titis (thick, uniform, or wavy). If benign perios-
titis is present, other lesions, such as infection
or eosinophilic granuloma, should be considered
A knee-jerk differential diagnosis for a per-
meative lesion in a child should be Ewing’s sar-
coma, infection, and eosinophilic granuloma.
These three entities can appear radiologically
identical. I exclude Ewing’s sarcoma from the
differential if I can see definite benign periostitis
or if I can see a definite sequestrum of bone. In
this differential list only eosinophilic granuloma

FIGURE 3-14 ■ Periosteal osteogenic sarcoma. Unlike

the parosteal osteosarcoma, the periosteal osteogenic
sarcoma does not have large amounts of calcification
in soft tissues. It typically has a saucerized configura-
tion with periostitis that resembles hair on end or is
sunburst, as in this example. Although this lesion is
very malignant, it inexplicably will not invade the
medullary space. Although parosteal and periosteal
sarcomas originate from the same point and have
similar names, they do not have a similar radiographic

reported in the literature. Second, and most

significantly, periosteal osteosarcomas do not
resemble parosteal osteosarcomas (Figure 3-14).
Therefore mentioning both of these lesions in
the same differential is inappropriate and simply
means that the resident doesn’t know what a
periosteal osteosarcoma looks like. It is such a
rare lesion that I teach residents not to worry
about it—that is, not to mention it. Radiology is
hard enough without remembering all the rare
lesions that might be seen once in a lifetime—
if at all.

Ewing’s Sarcoma
The classic Ewing’s sarcoma is a permeative
(multiple small holes) lesion in the diaphysis of FIGURE 3-15 ■ Ewing’s sarcoma. A mixed lytic-sclerotic
lesion in the femur of a child with periostitis that is
a long bone in a child (see Figure 3-3, D). amorphous and sunburst, such as in this example, is
However, only about 40% of these tumors oc- characteristic of a Ewing’s sarcoma. An osteosarcoma
cur in the diaphysis, with the remainder being could have a similar appearance.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

42 3 Malignant Tumors

FIGURE 3-17 ■ Chondrosarcoma. A large soft tissue

FIGURE 3-16 ■ Ewing’s sarcoma. This is a predominantly mass with typical chondroid matrix is seen in this
sclerotic process with large amounts of sunburst peri- young adult with a history of multiple osteochondro-
ostitis in the diaphysis of a femur that, on biopsy, was matosis. A sessile osteochondroma is seen off the
found to be Ewing’s sarcoma. proximal humerus, and another osteochondroma is
seen protruding off the scapula (arrow). The chondro-
sarcoma in the axilla presumably arose from a prior
benign osteochondroma that has undergone malignant

and infection can have benign periostitis or a

sequestrum. Presence or absence of a soft tissue
mass is not helpful in distinguishing between Probably the most difficult lesion for a bone
these three lesions. Presence of symptoms is not pathologist to deal with is an enchondroma. It
helpful, as all three entities can be symptomatic; can be extremely difficult histologically to dif-
however, it would be unusual to find an asymp- ferentiate a low-grade chondrosarcoma from
tomatic Ewing’s sarcoma. an enchondroma. Because low-grade chondro-
sarcomas do not metastasize, some pathologists
call them active enchondromas. The diagnosis
Chondrosarcoma of chondrosarcoma usually initiates radical ex-
Chondrosarcomas have a number of appearances cision and therapy, although it is debatable (and
that at times make them difficult to diagnose somewhat controversial) as to whether a low-
with any assurance. They most frequently occur grade chondrosarcoma is even a malignant tumor.
in patients older than age 40. An eminent bone For these reasons I usually reserve the diagnosis
radiologist once told me that if a pathologist of “possible chondrosarcoma” for those lesions
makes the diagnosis of chondrosarcoma in a that are painful or show definite aggressive char-
child, get another pathologist. Although it is very acteristics, such as periostitis and destruction.
uncommon, chondrosarcomas occasionally occur The truth of the matter is that neither radiolo-
in children; usually they are from malignant de- gists nor pathologists can reliably distinguish
generation of an osteochondroma (Figure 3-17) between enchondromas and many chondrosar-
but do not have to be. I reserve the diagnosis of comas (Figure 3-18). MRI scans can be very
a chondrosarcoma for patients older than age helpful in distinguishing between a benign en-
40 unless they have an obvious enchondroma chondroma and a chondrosarcoma. If a soft tis-
or osteochondroma that is painful or has a de- sue mass or edema is present it is unlikely to be
structive appearance. an enchondroma.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 Malignant Tumors 43

have to be performed at any rate, so it is not

necessary for the radiologist to make the diagno-
sis. This is the case with most malignant tumors.
The radiologist does play an important role,
however, in suggesting additional lesions that
might masquerade as malignancies and in imag-
ing the lesion to show such features as the full
extent, the presence of a soft tissue component,
and metastases. As mentioned earlier, MRI ex-
amination plays an invaluable role in this regard
and should be performed on every potential
malignant bone lesion.

Malignant Giant Cell Tumor

Giant cell tumors (GCTs) are rarely malignant if
metastatic disease is the marker for malignancy.
FIGURE 3-18 ■ Chondrosarcoma. Typical snowflake, punc- It is said that approximately 15% of GCTs are
tate, amorphous calcification in the proximal humerus
is seen, which is typical of an enchondroma. The patient,
malignant; however, that’s based on how often
however, had pain associated with this lesion, and on they recur, which is not a valid marker for malig-
biopsy it was found to be a chondrosarcoma. nant. Unfortunately there does not seem to be
any way to foretell which GCT will become
malignant. Benign and malignant GCTs appear
Chondrosarcoma should be considered in radiologically identical (see Chapter 2). They
the diagnosis anytime there is a lytic, destructive also are histologically similar. So how is the di-
lesion with amorphous, snowflake calcification agnosis made? If metastases (usually to the lung)
in an older patient (older than 40 years of age) occur, the tumor is considered malignant. Ma-
(Figure 3-19). Without the presence of the calci- lignant GCTs tend to occur primarily in the
fied chondroid matrix, the lesion is indistinguish- fourth decade of life.
able from any other aggressive lytic lesion, such
as metastatic disease, plasmacytoma, fibrosar- Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma
coma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH), or
infection. Usually the radiologist can give only a MFHs are lytic malignant tumors that do not
long differential diagnosis such as this, which is produce osteoid or chondroid matrix. They usu-
entirely acceptable. A biopsy of the lesion will ally do not elicit reactive new bone and therefore
are almost always lytic in appearance. This lytic
appearance may take any form, from permeative
to moth-eaten (Figures 3-20 and 3-21) to a fairly
well-defined area of lysis (Figure 3-22). This can
make radiographic diagnosis very difficult.
The age range for MFH is quite broad, but
they tend to predominate in the fourth decade.
MFH, desmoids, and lymphoma are the only
malignant tumors that can, on occasion, have a
bony sequestrum. In addition, desmoids and
MFHs tend to be the only tumors that are not
consistently high in signal on T2-weighted MRI
scans (Figure 3-23).

A desmoid tumor (not to be confused with a cor-
tical desmoid; see Chapter 4) is a half-grade fibro-
sarcoma. It has also been called a desmoplastic
fibroma or aggressive fibromatosis. These lesions,
FIGURE 3-19 ■ Chondrosarcoma. An amorphous, irregu-
like fibrosarcoma, are lytic but are usually fairly
lar calcification is seen in a lesion arising in the ischium well defined because of their slow growth. They
(arrow). This is fairly typical for a chondrosarcoma. often have benign periostitis present that has
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
44 3 Malignant Tumors

FIGURE 3-21 ■ MFH. A moth-eaten or permeative process

in the distal femur, with some involvement of the poste-
rior cortex, is seen on this lateral radiograph. In a patient
younger than 30 years of age, a Ewing’s sarcoma, eo-
sinophilic granuloma, or infection would be the differen-
tial diagnosis. In a patient older than 30 years, infection
FIGURE 3-20 ■ MFH. An ill-defined lytic lesion that is and MFH would be more common. A primary lym-
permeative or moth-eaten is seen in the diaphysis of phoma of bone could have a similar appearance.
the femur. On biopsy it was shown to be an MFH.

FIGURE 3-22 ■ MFH. A large, fairly well-defined destructive process of the entire right iliac wing is noted. On
biopsy this was shown to be an MFH. An MFH can be very slow growing and will occasionally have a narrow
zone of transition, such as this.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

3 Malignant Tumors 45

FIGURE 3-23 ■ Desmoid. A large soft tissue mass (arrows) is seen in the right buttock, which is low signal on both
the T1-weighted (A) and the T2-weighted (B) images. This is typical for a soft tissue desmoid tumor.

MFHs, these lesions can exhibit a bony seques-

trum (see Figure 3-24).

Primary Lymphoma of Bone

(Reticulum Cell Sarcoma)
Primary lymphoma of bone (formerly called re-
ticulum cell sarcoma) has a radiologic appear-
ance identical to that of Ewing’s sarcoma (i.e.,
a permeative or moth-eaten pattern) (Figure
3-26). It tends to occur in an older age-group
than does Ewing’s sarcoma, and whereas the
patient with Ewing’s sarcoma is typically sys-
temically symptomatic, the patient with primary
lymphoma of bone is often asymptomatic. In
fact, primary lymphoma of bone is the only ma-
lignant tumor that can involve a large amount
of bone while the patient is systemically asymp-

FIGURE 3-24 ■ Desmoid tumor. A lytic destructive pro- Metastatic Disease

cess involving both bones of the distal forearm is noted,
with at least one portion demonstrating a sequestrum Metastatic lesions must be included in all differ-
(arrow). A desmoid tumor is a fibrosarcoma-like lesion, ential diagnoses of a bone lesion in patients older
and fibrosarcomas are known to occasionally demon- than 40 years of age. They can have virtually any
strate bony sequestra in the same manner, as will osteo-
myelitis, lymphoma, and eosinophilic granuloma.
appearance: they can mimic a benign lesion (see
Chapter 2) or a primary bone tumor. Judging
the origin of the tumor from the appearance
thick spicules, or “spikes,” and normally have a of the metastatic focus can be difficult—if not
multilocular appearance with thick septa (Figures impossible—although some appearances are fairly
3-24 and 3-25). They are slow growing and sel- characteristic. For instance, multiple sclerotic
dom metastasize, but they can exhibit inexorable foci in a male patient are probably prostatic me-
tumor extension into surrounding soft tissues tastases (Figure 3-27), although lung, bowel, or
with disastrous results. Like fibrosarcoma and almost any other organ tumor could present in
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
46 3 Malignant Tumors

FIGURE 3-25 ■ Desmoid tumor. A and B, A multilocular, heavily septated, destructive lytic lesion of the distal femur
is noted, which is fairly characteristic for a desmoid tumor. The thick septa and narrow zone of transition
are characteristic of a benign process, whereas the Codman’s triangle and the large amount of bony destruction
indicate an aggressive process.

the same way. In a female patient the same pic-

ture would probably indicate breast metastases.
The only primary tumor that virtually never
presents with blastic mets is renal cell carcinoma.
Typically, an expansile lytic metastasis should be
either renal or thyroid in origin (Figure 3-28),
although there are many exceptions to this rule.

Like metastases, myeloma should be considered
only in patients older than age 40, although some
radiologists use age 35 for the lower limits of
myeloma. Myeloma typically has a diffuse per-
meative appearance that can mimic a Ewing’s
sarcoma or a primary lymphoma of bone (Figure
3-29). It often involves the calvarium (Figure
3-30). Because of the age criteria, Ewing’s sar-
coma and myeloma are not in the same differen-
tial, however. Rarely, myeloma can present with
multiple sclerotic foci that resemble diffuse mets.
Myeloma is one of the only lesions that is not
characteristically “hot” on a radionuclide bone
FIGURE 3-26 ■ Primary lymphoma of bone. A diffuse
permeative pattern throughout the humerus in this
scan; therefore radiologic “bone surveys” are
35-year-old patient is characteristic of primary lym- performed instead of radionuclide bone scans
phoma of bone. when evidence of myeloma is found clinically.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 Malignant Tumors 47

FIGURE 3-27 ■ Metastatic prostate carcinoma. Diffuse blastic metastases are seen throughout the pelvis and
proximal femurs, with a lytic destructive lesion seen in the right proximal femur. Prostate metastases tend to be
blastic, but as shown here, they can occasionally be lytic.

FIGURE 3-28 ■ Metastatic renal cell carcinoma. A lytic

lesion in the diaphysis of the femur is noted, which is FIGURE 3-29 ■ Multiple myeloma. Throughout the di-
characteristic for renal cell carcinoma. Up to one third aphysis of the femur in this 45-year-old patient is a
of renal cell carcinomas initially present with a bony diffuse moth-eaten pattern, which is characteristic for
metastasis. Renal cell carcinoma virtually never pre- myeloma. Primary lymphoma of bone could have a
sents with a blastic metastatic focus. similar appearance.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

48 3 Malignant Tumors

FIGURE 3-30 ■ Multiple myeloma. A lateral view of the skull shows multiple lytic lesions in the calvarium, which is
a characteristic appearance of multiple myeloma.

Myeloma has two different appearances in the

spine on CT scans. Acute myeloma appears as
one would imagine—it has a Swiss cheese pat-
tern of multiple holes (Figure 3-31). Chronic
or long-standing myeloma, however, has a wild-
looking pattern of dense, thick bony struts that
resembles Paget’s disease (Figure 3-32). This is a

FIGURE 3-32 ■ CT appearance of chronic multiple

myeloma. An axial CT image through a vertebral body
FIGURE 3-31 ■ CT appearance of multiple myeloma. An in a patient with long-standing multiple myeloma
axial CT image through a vertebral body in a patient shows the typical appearance of hypertrophied bony
with multiple myeloma shows a Swiss cheese appear- struts giving a wild-looking pattern somewhat resem-
ance typical for this disease in the acute stages. bling Paget’s disease.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

3 Malignant Tumors 49

FIGURE 3-33 ■ MRI appearance of plasmacytoma. Axial proton-density (A) and T2-weighted (B) images through a
vertebral body with a plasmacytoma show a characteristic, if not pathognomonic, appearance of a mini-brain,
which is seen only with plasmacytoma.

characteristic Aunt Minnie on CT but is not odds and mention the two most common soft
appreciated on plain films—both the acute and tissue tumors, MFH and liposarcoma, as the best
chronic myeloma simply appear osteopenic on candidates, but any cell type can produce a be-
plain films. nign or malignant tumor and mimic any other
Occasionally myeloma will present with a soft tissue tumor. A lipoma can be separated out
lytic bone lesion called a plasmacytoma. This by the appearance of fat, but a liposarcoma may
lesion can mimic any lytic bone lesion, benign or or may not have fat present. Therefore we are
aggressive, in its appearance; it can precede left to give descriptions of size and extent, and
other evidence of myeloma by up to 3 years. It let the pathologist tell us the rest. Most of us are
can be solitary or multiple, although some insist uncomfortable with this approach because our
that to be considered a plasmacytoma, it must be training has been to derive an answer—or at
solitary; when it is multifocal, they argue it is least a listing of probable lesions. This is simply
myeloma. Whatever. It has an appearance on not possible for soft tissue tumors.
MRI scans in the vertebral body that is virtually A few words about soft tissue tumors that may
pathognomonic. It resembles the cadaveric sec- be helpful: as mentioned earlier, liposarcomas do
tion of a brain with which every medical student not have to have fat visible in the tumor. There
is familiar, hence the name mini-brain appear- are at least three subtypes of liposarcomas, two
ance (Figure 3-33). of which have only small amounts of fat present.
Synovial sarcomas, or synoviomas, only rarely, if
ever, originate in a joint. They are often adjacent
Soft Tissue Tumors to joints. There are no malignant tumors that
Most radiology residents feel uneasy when faced routinely need to be considered in the differen-
with the differential diagnosis of a soft tissue tial diagnosis of joint lesions. Synovial osteo-
tumor. They will give elaborate description with chondromatosis is a benign joint lesion that
plenty of pertinent and not-so-pertinent nega- occurs from metaplasia of the synovium and leads
tives, such as “no calcifications are seen,” “no to multiple calcific loose bodies in a joint. This
bony destruction is noted,” and “no obliteration can histologically mimic a chondrosarcoma;
of fat planes is apparent.” Then, when faced with therefore it is best diagnosed radiographically,
finally giving a differential, few can give an au- because it has a pathognomonic radiographic
thoritative list of the possibilities. The reason for appearance (Figure 3-34). Up to 30% of the
this is simple: there is no authoritative, useful time, however, the loose bodies do not calcify,
differential for soft tissue tumors, whether or and the lesion then can mimic pigmented villo-
not there is calcification, bony destruction, fat nodular synovitis (PVNS) on plain films. On
plane involvement, or whatever. You can play the MRI scans, synovial osteochondromatosis can
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
50 3 Malignant Tumors

have a tumefactive appearance, with all the loose

bodies packed together so tightly that it resem-
bles a solid mass in the joint (Figure 3-35). I have
seen two cases where the MRI scan suggested a
tumor that was labeled a chondrosarcoma after
a subsequent biopsy and amputation was then
performed. This ensures a great 5-year survival
rate, but the diagnosis should be made before a
biopsy is performed so that a tumor is not in the
PVNS is a benign synovial soft tissue process
that causes joint swelling and pain and, occasion-
ally, joint erosions (Figure 3-36). Calcifications
are virtually never associated with it.
Hemangiomas often have phleboliths associ-
ated with them and often cause “cortical holes”
in adjacent bone that mimic a permeative pat-
tern (Figure 3-37). The permeative pattern of
round cell lesions occurs in the intramedullary
or endosteal part of the bone and can be differ-
entiated from “cortical holes” by the intact cor-
tex (see Chapter 7).
Atypical synovial cysts, such as Baker’s cysts
FIGURE 3-34 ■ Synovial osteochondromatosis. Multiple around the knee, can present as a soft tissue mass
calcific loose bodies in a hip joint such as this are vir- and result in an unnecessary biopsy. On CT scans
tually pathognomonic for synovial osteochondroma- these lesions may not be appreciated as fluid-
tosis. Notice the erosions in the acetabulum. In up to
30% of cases the loose bodies are nonossified. When
filled lesions, and their association with a joint
the loose bodies are nonossified, this process is indis- can be easily overlooked. MRI examination will
tinguishable from pigmented villonodular synovitis demonstrate a very high-signal intensity with
on plain films. T2 weighting and may show some fluid in the

FIGURE 3-35 ■ Tumefactive synovial osteochondromatosis. A, A plain film of the shoulder shows a partially calci-
fied mass, which is eroding the medial aspect of the humerus. Coronal proton-density (B) and T2-weighted
(C) images of the shoulder reveal a large mass encircling the humeral head, which was interpreted as a sarcoma.
A biopsy was performed, and the mass was labeled as a chondrosarcoma, which resulted in a forequarter ampu-
tation. The intraarticular nature of the mass was not appreciated until after the radical surgery, when it was
correctly recognized as synovial chondromatosis.

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3 Malignant Tumors 51

FIGURE 3-35, cont’d. For legend see opposite page.

FIGURE 3-36 ■ Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS). FIGURE 3-37 ■ Hemangioma. Multiple irregular lytic
Large erosions in the femoral head and acetabulum lesions, predominantly cortical in nature, are seen in
are characteristic for pigmented villonodular synovitis; the tibia in this patient with a soft tissue mass. Cortical
however, nonossified synovial osteochondromatosis holes such as this occur almost exclusively in radiation
could present like this. and soft tissue hemangioma. Note the phleboliths in
the posterior soft tissues (arrows), which are often
seen in hemangioma and make this an easy diagnosis.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

52 3 Malignant Tumors

adjacent joint with an identical signal (Figure A hematoma can present as a focal mass and
3-38). Differentiation of a solid mass from a gan- be misdiagnosed on MRI as a tumor. If high
glion is one of the few uses of Gd-DTPA in mus- signal is present on a T1-weighted image, blood
culoskeletal MRI. A solid tumor will diffusely products should be considered. However, keep
enhance with gadolinium, whereas a ganglion will in mind that tumors often have bleeding within,
have rim enhancement only. When a mass that so that alone won’t indicate a hematoma. In
looks like a fluid collection or cyst is seen in a addition, blood may or may not have high T1
location atypical for a cyst or ganglion, intrave- signal. Gadolinium can be misleading in hema-
nous contrast should be given. Two tumors that tomas because some enhancement can occur in
typically mimic fluid on T2-weighted MRI scans long-standing hematomas, making one think it
are synovial sarcoma and neural tumors (neurofi- is a solid tumor. Heightened suspicion for a he-
bromas and schwannomas) (Figure 3-39). matoma should be present if a history of trauma

FIGURE 3-38 ■ Atypical synovial cyst. A, CT scan through the distal femurs in a patient with a soft tissue mass
around the right knee shows a multilocular soft tissue mass adjacent to the distal right femur (arrows). B, An MRI
examination with T1 weighting through the same area as imaged in A shows intermediate-intensity signal in a
multilocular soft tissue mass. C, An MRI examination with T2 weighting shows high-intensity signal in the lesion,
which is characteristic for fluid. This was an atypical synovial cyst arising from the knee joint.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

3 Malignant Tumors 53

FIGURE 3-39 ■ Schwannoma. Coronal T1-weighted (A) and T2-weighted (B) images of an ankle in a young
woman with a painful mass show a homogeneous mass that seems to emanate from the joint itself, suggesting
an atypical ganglion. Intravenous contrast should have been administered to determine whether this was a
solid or a cystic mass. At surgery this was found to be a solid tumor, a benign schwannoma. It did not extend
into the joint.

FIGURE 3-40 ■ Hematoma. T1-weighted (A) and T2-weighted (B) sagittal images through the shoulder of an athlete
with trauma to his pectoralis major shows a mass with surrounding high T1 signal that is pathognomonic for a
hematoma. On the T2-weighted image (B), it has the appearance of a sarcoma.

or anticoagulation is elicited. A characteristic images. This can lead to an occasional misdiag-

appearance for a hematoma is peripheral high nosis by assuming that all the high signal on the
T1 signal (Figure 3-40), but although virtually postcontrast image is from contrast enhance-
pathognomonic, this is not always present. ment, thereby making the call of a solid mass. A
A common mistake many make in giving in- fluid collection can sometimes appear to en-
travenous contrast with MRI of tumors is to fat- hance on the postcontrast images simply as a
suppress the postcontrast images and compare result of the fat suppression (Figure 3-41). When
them with the non-fat-suppressed precontrast precontrast and postcontrast images are being
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
54 3 Malignant Tumors


FIGURE 3-41 ■ Hemorrhagic cyst. A 61-year-old man sought treatment for a mass on his thigh, which was revealed
to be of intermediate signal on an axial T1-weighted image (A) (arrow). A coronal T2-weighted image (B) shows
marked high signal, which is homogeneous. Is this solid or cystic? A coronal T1-weighted image with fat suppres-
sion was performed after administration of gadolinium (C), which shows apparent diffuse enhancement, indicat-
ing this is a solid mass. However, the increased signal cannot reliably be attributed to enhancement from the
gadolinium because fat suppression was applied, which, in some instances, can make a mass appear brighter
simply because of its relatively higher signal compared with that of the muscles. Notice on the T1-weighted image
in A that the mass is higher in signal than the muscles; therefore, when fat suppression is applied, the next high-
est signal structure is the mass. Scaling the image then makes it appear bright, which can be misinterpreted as
secondary to contrast enhancement. This was incorrectly called a solid tumor, and at surgery it was found to be
a hemorrhagic cyst.

compared, it is important to not change any- pictures, but at the expense of an occasional mis-
thing else; otherwise, you won’t know for sure diagnosis. If you must fat-suppress the postcon-
what’s causing the increased signal in the mass. trast images, you must also fat-suppress the
There’s no good reason to fat-suppress the post- precontrast images so that you have changed
contrast images—it simply makes for prettier only one variable.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


“Don’t Touch” Lesions

Skeletal “don’t touch” lesions are those pro- because its aggressive histologic appearance
cesses that are so radiographically characteristic can often mimic a sarcoma. Unfortunately,
that a biopsy or additional diagnostic tests are radical surgery has been performed based on
unnecessary. Not only does the biopsy result in the histologic appearance of myositis ossificans
unnecessary morbidity and cost, but in some when the radiologic appearance was diagnos-
instances a biopsy can be frankly misleading and tic. The typical radiologic appearance of myo-
lead to additional unnecessary surgery. sitis ossificans is circumferential calcification
Most of our radiology training teaches us to with a lucent center (Figure 4-1). This is often
give a differential diagnosis of a lesion, leaving it best appreciated on computed tomography
up to the clinician to decide between the various (CT) examination (Figure 4-2). A malignant
entities. For the don’t touch lesions, however, a tumor that mimics myositis ossificans will
differential list is inappropriate, because that often have an ill-defined periphery and a calcified or
makes the next step on the decision tree a biopsy. ossific center (Figure 4-3). Periosteal reaction
Because a biopsy of these lesions is not required can be seen with myositis ossificans or with a
for a final diagnosis, a radiologic diagnosis should tumor. Occasionally the peripheral calcifica-
be made without a list of differential possibilities. tion of myositis ossificans can be difficult to
Don’t touch lesions can be classified into three appreciate; in such cases a CT scan or delayed
categories: (1) posttraumatic lesions, (2) normal films a week or two later are recommended.
variants, and (3) real but obviously benign lesions. Biopsy should be avoided when myositis ossifi-
cans is a clinical consideration. Magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI) in myositis ossificans
POSTTRAUMATIC LESIONS can be misleading because the peripheral calci-
fication may not be conspicuous and often
Myositis ossificans is an example of a lesion has marked soft tissue edema surrounding it
on which a biopsy should not be performed (Figure 4-4).

FIGURE 4-1 ■ Myositis ossificans. A, A plain film of the femur in this

patient, who presented with a soft tissue mass, shows a calcific
density adjacent to the posterior cortex of the femur that is calci-
fied primarily in its periphery. From seeing the plain film alone, it
should not be difficult to say that this is peripheral, circumferential
calcification; nevertheless, a CT scan was obtained (B) and shows
A that the calcification is unequivocally peripheral. This is virtually
diagnostic of myositis ossificans.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 55

56 4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions

FIGURE 4-2 ■ Myositis ossificans. A, Hazy calcification is seen adjacent to the humeral shaft, with underlying peri-
osteal reaction noted. It is difficult to ascertain whether the calcification is circumferential. B, A CT scan through
this mass shows that the calcification is unequivocally circumferential, making the diagnosis of myositis ossifi-
cans a certainty.

Another posttraumatic entity in which a biopsy

can be misleading is an avulsion injury. These
injuries can have an aggressive radiographic
appearance, but because of their characteristic
location at insertion sites (e.g., anteroinferior iliac
spine or ischial tuberosity), they should be recog-
nized as benign (Figures 4-5 and 4-6). Again,
delayed films of several weeks will usually allow
the problem case to become more radiographi-
cally and clinically clear. Biopsy can lead to the
mistaken diagnosis of a sarcoma and should there-
fore be avoided. Any area that is undergoing
healing can have a high nuclear-chromatin ratio
and a high mitotic figure count, thereby occasion-
ally simulating a malignancy.
A cortical desmoid is a process considered by
many to be an avulsion off the medial supracon-
dylar ridge of the distal femur. It occasionally
simulates an aggressive lesion radiographically
and on biopsy can look malignant.1 In many
instances biopsy has led to amputation for this
benign, radiographically characteristic lesion
FIGURE 4-3 ■ Osteogenic sarcoma. Hazy, ill-defined cal- (Figures 4-7 and 4-8). Cortical desmoids occur
cification seen adjacent to the iliac wing in this patient only on the posteromedial epicondyle of the
can be definitively ascertained from the plain film not femur. They may or may not be associated with
to be circumferential. Even though a history of trauma
was obtained in this case, myositis ossificans is not a pain and can have increased radionuclide uptake
consideration with this appearance of calcification. on bone scan. They may or may not exhibit peri-
Biopsy showed this to be an osteogenic sarcoma. osteal new bone and usually occur in young
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions 57

FIGURE 4-4 ■ Myositis ossificans. A, A plain film of the humerus in this 30-year-old man shows a calcific mass
adjacent to the diaphysis of the humerus. The calcification is not clearly peripheral in nature, although the central
portion is less well mineralized. B, An axial T2-weighted image through the mass shows only a high-signal mass
without evidence of calcification. C, A CT scan through the mass demonstrates the typical peripheral calcification,
which is virtually pathognomonic for myositis ossificans.

FIGURE 4-5 ■ Avulsion injury. Cor-

tical irregularity (arrows) at the
ischial tuberosity in this patient
with pain over this region raises
the question of possible tumor.
This is a classic appearance,
however, for an avulsion injury
from this region, and a biopsy
should be avoided.

people. Biopsy should be avoided in all cases. findings, such as joint space narrowing, sclerosis,
They are often seen as incidental findings and osteophytes, a diagnosis should be made
on MRI and have a characteristic appearance radiographically (Figures 4-10 and 4-11). How-
(Figure 4-9). ever, on occasion the additional findings are
Trauma can lead to large cystic geodes or sub- subtle and can be missed (Figure 4-12). Geodes
chondral cysts near joints that can be mistaken for can also occur in the setting of calcium pyrophos-
other lytic lesions, and thus a biopsy is performed. phate dihydrate crystal disease (also known as
Although the biopsy specimen is not likely to CPPD or pseudogout), rheumatoid arthritis, and
mimic a malignant process, it is nevertheless avascular necrosis.2
avoidable. Because geodes from degenerative dis- An entity that is often confused with meta-
ease almost always are associated with additional static disease to the spine is discogenic vertebral
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
58 4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions

FIGURE 4-8 ■ Cortical desmoid. A well-defined cortical

defect is seen in the posterior distal femur (arrow),
which is a common appearance for a fairly well-
healed cortical desmoid.
FIGURE 4-6 ■ Avulsion injury. Cortical irregularity with
a Codman’s triangle of periostitis is seen along the
ischial tuberosity. This was at first thought to represent
a malignancy. Because of the characteristic location, disease. It can mimic metastatic disease radio-
an avulsion injury was considered, and the lesion was graphically and clinically, and unless the radi-
observed. It healed without sequelae.
ologist is familiar with this process, it can lead
to an unnecessary biopsy.3,4 Discogenic verte-
bral disease most often is sclerotic and focal
(Figure 4-13). It is adjacent to an end-plate,
and the associated disc space should be narrow.
Osteophytosis is invariably present. It represents
a variant of a Schmorl’s node and should not be
confused with a metastatic focus. On occasion it
can be lytic or even mixed lytic-sclerotic. The
typical clinical presentation is a middle-aged
woman with chronic low back pain. Old films
often confirm the benign nature of this process.
In the setting of disc space narrowing and osteo-
phytosis, a biopsy of focal sclerosis adjacent to an
end-plate should not be performed.
Occasionally a fracture will be the cause of
extensive osteosclerosis and periostitis, which
can mimic a primary bone tumor (Figure 4-14).
Lack of immobilization can result in exuberant
callus, which can be misinterpreted as aggressive
periostitis or even tumor new bone. Biopsy re-
sults in such a case might resemble those of a
FIGURE 4-7 ■ Cortical desmoid. A focal cortical irregu- malignant lesion. Therefore any case associated
larity is seen in the posterior aspect of the femur with trauma should be carefully reviewed for a
(arrow) with adjacent periostitis noted. Although a
tumor such as an early parosteal osteosarcoma could
perhaps have this appearance, the location and Another traumatic process that can be misdi-
appearance are characteristic of a cortical desmoid, agnosed radiologically and lead to inappropriate
and a biopsy should not be performed. treatment and morbidity is a pseudodislocation

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions 59


FIGURE 4-9 ■ Cortical desmoid. A, An anteroposterior film of the knee in a child shows a faint lytic lesion (arrows)
in the medial aspect of the distal femur. Axial T1-weighted (B) and T2-weighted (C) images through the lesion
show a cortically based process (arrows) in the medial supracondylar ridge, which is characteristic for a cortical

of the humerus (Figures 4-15 and 4-16). This after with additional views. A transscapular or an
results from a fracture with hemarthrosis, which axillary view is the key to making the diagnosis of
causes distention of the joint and migration of a pseudodislocation. With either of these views
the humeral head inferiorly. An axial or trans- the humeral head can be seen to be normally
scapular view shows that it is not anteriorly or positioned in relation to the glenoid, although it
posteriorly dislocated (the usual forms of shoul- may appear somewhat inferiorly displaced. If
der dislocation) but merely inferiorly displaced. necessary, the joint can be aspirated to confirm
On an anteroposterior view it can mimic a pos- the presence of a bloody effusion and to show the
terior dislocation. Often attempts are made to normal position of the humeral head with no
“relocate” the humeral head, efforts that are fluid in the joint.5
both fruitless (because it is not dislocated) and Costochondritis, or Tietze’s syndrome, can
painful. A fracture is invariably present and if cause a bulbous swelling of a rib (Figure 4-17) as
not seen on the initial films should be sought a result of periostitis, which can mimic a rib

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

60 4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions

FIGURE 4-10 ■ Geode. A, A plain film of the hip in this older patient with hip pain shows in the supraacetabular re-
gion a lytic lesion (arrows), which has a benign appearance. Mild osteoarthritis was thought to be present (when
compared with the opposite hip, joint space narrowing and minimal sclerosis were seen); hence this was believed
to be a subchondral cyst or geode. B, Several years later the same hip shows a large lytic lesion (arrows) that still
appears benign. The osteoarthritis has increased in severity. However, because of the growth of the lesion, a
biopsy was performed and it was found to be a geode. A biopsy should have been avoided.

FIGURE 4-11 ■ Geode. A large cystic lesion was found in

the shoulder in this middle-aged weight lifter, and the
possibility of a metastatic process was considered. Be-
cause the humeral head has sclerosis and osteophytosis,
as well as a loose body in the joint (arrow), degenerative
disease of the shoulder was diagnosed; this makes the
cystic lesion almost certainly a geode or subchondral
cyst, which made a biopsy unnecessary.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions 61


FIGURE 4-12 ■ Geode. A, A cystic lesion was noted in
the femoral head (arrows) of a young male with a pain-
ful hip. B, A CT scan through this area shows the sub-
articular nature and adjacent sclerosis. The differential
diagnosis of infection, eosinophilic granuloma, and
chondroblastoma was given. A ring of osteophytes
(open arrow heads) was noted in retrospect on the
plain film (A) in the subcapital region, which indicates
degenerative disease of the hip. This is an extremely
unusual presentation in a healthy 20-year-old male;
however, it makes the lytic lesion in the femoral head
almost certainly a subchondral cyst or geode. This was
an active soccer player who had been playing with
pain in his hip for several years after an injury that had
caused the degenerative disease. Unfortunately a biopsy
was performed anyway, and a subchondral cyst or
geode was confirmed. C
FIGURE 4-13 ■ Discogenic vertebral sclerosis. A–C,
These films all show patients with sclerosis on the
inferior portion of the L4 vertebral body associated
with minimal osteophytosis and joint space narrow-
ing at the adjacent disc space. This is the classic
appearance for discogenic vertebral sclerosis, and a
biopsy to rule out metastatic disease should not be

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

62 4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions


FIGURE 4-14 ■ Fracture mimicking osteosarcoma. A, This
16-year-old had experienced pain around the knee for
2 weeks before these radiographs were taken. The knee
films showed diffuse sclerosis and extensive periostitis B
about the distal femur, which was believed to be char-
acteristic for an osteogenic sarcoma. The periosteal FIGURE 4-15 ■ Pseudodislocation of the shoulder. A, This
reaction, however, was believed to be much too thick, patient experienced trauma to the shoulder, with resul-
dense, and wavy to represent malignant type of peri- tant pain and immobility, and was thought to have a
ostitis. B, A small offset of the epiphysis can be seen dislocation of the shoulder after the anteroposterior film
(arrow), which indicates an epiphyseal slippage con- was seen. The humeral head is inferiorly placed in rela-
sistent with a Salter epiphyseal fracture. The patient tion to the glenoid; however, this is not the characteris-
had fallen off his bicycle and fractured his femur, yet tic location of an anterior or posterior dislocation. B, The
he continued to be active. The lack of immobility transscapular view shows the humeral head to be situ-
caused exuberant periostitis or callus with a large ated normally over the glenoid without anterior or pos-
amount of reactive sclerosis, all of which mimicked an terior dislocation. These findings are characteristic for a
osteogenic sarcoma. pseudodislocation caused by hemarthrosis, or blood in
the joint, which allows the shoulder to be subluxed
rather than dislocated. Aspiration of the blood will result
in the humeral head returning to its normal position
in relation to the glenoid; however, this is not usually
necessary. When a pseudodislocation is seen, as in this
example, a search for an occult fracture should ensue.
In this case, as seen in A, a fracture (arrow) was initially

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4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions 63

FIGURE 4-16 ■ Pseudodislocation of the shoulder.
The humeral head is inferiorly placed in relation to
the glenoid. This is the characteristic location when
a hemarthrosis is present. A minimally displaced
fracture of the neck of the humerus with avulsion of
the greater tuberosity has occurred, causing the

lesion. This condition is very painful and usually

easily diagnosed clinically; however, with a bony
lesion seen on radiographs, many clinicians may
want to perform a biopsy to rule out a malignant
process. This would be a mistake; with any post-
traumatic or rapidly healing lesion, it can be
difficult to categorize histologically. Because
Tietze’s syndrome is a short-lived process, watch-
ful waiting with repeat film in 2 to 3 weeks if the
patient is not improved is probably indicated.
Sacral insufficiency fractures (see Chapter 5)
are occasionally mistaken for an aggressive process B
such as metastatic disease; these should be easily FIGURE 4-17 ■ Costochondritis. A, A young male with
recognized, and neither biopsy nor irradiation point tenderness over the anterior chest wall had a chest
should be performed (Figure 4-18). Another frac- radiograph that revealed a nodular density (arrow) that
ture that can be mistaken for metastatic disease is appeared attached to the second rib. B, Tomograms of
this area show a nodular density with speckled calcifica-
a supraacetabular insufficiency fracture. These can tion at the distal end of the rib, which was thought to
resemble a blastic metastatic process on plain possibly represent an osteochondroma. Any chondroid
films, but an MRI scan will show a fracture line lesion that is painful should be suspicious for malignant
that typically is curvilinear and parallel to the degeneration, and a biopsy was planned for this patient.
acetabulum (Figure 4-19). The clinical findings, however, were classic for costo-
chondritis, or Tietze’s syndrome, which rapidly cleared;
therefore biopsy was cancelled. Costochondritis can
cause periostitis and bulbous swelling of the ribs, as in
NORMAL VARIANTS this example, and a biopsy should not be performed.

Numerous normal variants exist that are often

confused with a pathologic process. This is best
evidenced by the fact that several of the most
popular radiology texts are atlases of normal
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
64 4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions

FIGURE 4-18 ■ Sacral insufficiency fracture. A, A woman
with a history of breast cancer presented with sacral
pain, and linear low signal adjacent to the sacroiliac
joint was seen (arrow). This was called an insuffi-
ciency fracture by the radiologist; however, a bone
scan was interpreted as possible metastatic disease.
Therefore the patient underwent radiation therapy.
B, She had worsening sacral pain, and an MRI 6 months
later shows bilateral sacral insufficiency fractures.
Radiation is one of the causative factors for insuffi-
ciency fractures and, in this case, caused additional
pain and suffering when the initial imaging examina-
tion was diagnostic.

A normal variant that has been described in FIGURE 4-19 ■ Supraacetabular insufficiency fracture.
the patella is a lytic defect in the upper outer A, An elderly woman with a history of breast cancer
presented with right hip pain and had an ill-defined
quadrant called dorsal defect of the patella area of sclerosis in the right supraacetabular region
(Figure 4-20).6 It can mimic a focus of infection, (compared with the opposite side). A biopsy was
osteochondritis dissecans, or a lytic lesion. It is a requested, but the radiologist thought this might
normal developmental anomaly, however, and represent an insufficiency fracture. B, An MRI was
obtained, which revealed a curvilinear fracture line
because of its characteristic location, a biopsy of (arrow), characteristic for a supraacetabular insuffi-
it should not be performed. It is diagnosed based ciency fracture.
on MRI examination and its characteristic loca-
tion, because the signal characteristics are similar
to those of tumor or infection (Figure 4-21). have been repeated (see Figure 4-22, C) after
Another entity often confused with a lytic the initial pathology report stated “normal
pathologic process is a pseudocyst of the hu- bone—no lesion in specimen.” Because of the
merus (Figure 4-22). This is merely an anatomic associated hyperemia from the shoulder disor-
variant caused by the increased cancellous bone der (be it rotator cuff or whatever), a bone scan
in the region of the greater tuberosity of the can show increased radionuclide uptake and
humerus, which gives this region a more lucent thus sway the surgeon to do a biopsy of this
appearance on radiographs. With hyperemia normal variant. It is radiographically character-
and disuse caused by rotator cuff problems or istic in its location and appearance, and a biopsy
any other shoulder disorder, this area of lucency of it should not be done.7 Although other le-
may appear strikingly more lucent and mimic a sions, such as a chondroblastoma (Figure 4-23),
lytic lesion. Biopsies of many of these lesions infection, or even a metastatic focus, could oc-
have been done mistakenly and in several cases cur in a similar location, they do not have quite
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions 65

FIGURE 4-20 ■ Dorsal defect of the patella. A lytic defect in the upper outer quadrant of the patella (A) was seen in
this patient (arrows), which is characteristic for a normal variant called dorsal defect of the patella. It occurs only
in the upper outer quadrant and should be asymptomatic. It lies adjacent to the articular surface, as shown on the
sunrise view (B).

FIGURE 4-21 ■ MR images of dorsal defect of the patella. (A) T1-weighted and (B) T2-weighted axial MR images
through the patella in a patient with a lytic lesion in the upper outer quadrant of the patella shows low signal on
the T1 image, which is high signal on T2. This is a characteristic appearance for a dorsal defect of the patella
because of its location.

the same appearance as a pseudocyst of the they are all unstable. Radiologists should recog-
humerus. nize that this process is not acute, and as such,
A normal variant of the cervical spine that the patient can be saved from having Crutchfield
may, in fact, be posttraumatic is an os odontoi- tongs or a halo applied and from possible im-
deum.8 It is an unfused dens that may move mediate surgical intervention. Most patients are
anterior to the C2 body with flexion and can seen after trauma occurred, and if no neurologic
mimic a fractured dens (Figures 4-24 and 4-25). deficits are present, these patients can be seen
Many of these lesions require surgical fixation; electively and spared the horrors and morbidity
some surgeons fuse every case, believing that associated with treatment of the acutely fractured
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
66 4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions


FIGURE 4-22 ■ Pseudocyst of the humerus. A-C, A well-

defined lytic process is seen in the greater tuberosity in
each of these examples. In each case it was believed to
represent a lytic lesion. These patients were all symptom-
atic, and several had increased radionuclide uptake on
isotope bone scan. The location and appearance, however,
are characteristic for a pseudocyst of the humerus, which
merely represents decreased cortical bone in this region.
This becomes more pronounced when pain in the shoulder
is present and hyperemia or disuse osteoporosis occurs.
Biopsies of several of these examples were performed, and
a biopsy was repeated in the example in C when the first
biopsy was reported as “normal bone” and the surgeons
assumed that they had missed the lesion. It was localized
C with K-wires at the second surgery to make certain it was
not missed. This is an intraoperative film.

FIGURE 4-23 ■ Chondroblastoma. A well-defined lesion in

the greater tuberosity of the humerus that has a sclerotic
margin is easily distinguished from the prior examples
of pseudocyst of the humerus. This was found to be a

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions 67

FIGURE 4-24 ■ Os odontoideum. Flexion (A) and extension (B) views show that the anterior arch (a) of the C1 ver-
tebra has moved markedly posterior in relation to the body of C2 in extension. The odontoid or dens is difficult
to see but appears to be separated from the body of C2. Because of the smooth borders of the separated dens
and because of the cortical hypertrophy of the anterior arch of C1, this can safely be called an os odontoideum,
which is a congenital or long-standing posttraumatic abnormality rather than an acute fracture. Obviously these
patients should have no neurologic problems, yet in many instances the lesions are still believed to be unstable
and are surgically fused. Surgery, if indicated, can be done on an elective basis.

FIGURE 4-25 ■ Os odontoideum. Extension (A) and flexion (B) show extreme motion of the anterior arch (a) of C1
as compared with the C2 vertebral body. The dens is difficult to find in this example but is certainly not attached
to the C2 body. Again, the smooth margins where the dens should be attached and the cortical hypertrophy of
the anterior arch of C1 make this a congenital or long-standing process consistent with an os odontoideum rather
than an acute fracture.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

68 4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions

cervical spine. The radiologic signs for recogniz- as benign and left alone. These are lesions that
ing an os odontoideum are the smooth, often should be diagnosed by the radiologist, not the
well-corticated inferior border of the dens and pathologist. Listing a differential in such cases
the hypertrophied, densely corticated anterior often spurs the surgeon to perform a biopsy,
arch of C1. This latter finding presumably rep- when in fact no biopsy is necessary.
resents compensatory hypertrophy and indicates Perhaps the most commonly encountered le-
a long-standing condition.9 sion in this category is the nonossifying fibroma
Although unusual, osteopoikilosis, a benign (NOF). It is identical to a fibrous cortical defect,
familial process of multiple bone islands or small but the term is usually reserved for defects larger
areas of osteosclerosis, has caused confusion than 2 cm. Classically, NOFs are lytic lesions
because of its similarity to metastatic disease that are located in the cortex of the metaphysis
(Figure 4-26). Ordinarily osteopoikilosis has of a long bone, which have a well-defined and
such a characteristic appearance that it will not often sclerotic, scalloped border with slight cor-
be mistaken for another entity, and the pre- tical expansion (Figure 4-28) (see also Chapter 2).
dominance of sclerotic foci near the epiphyses They are almost exclusively found in patients
should help differentiate it from metastatic dis- younger than 30 years of age, suggesting that
ease (Figure 4-27). the natural history of the lesion is involution.
As they involute, they fill in with new bone
(Figure 4-29); hence they can have some in-
REAL BUT OBVIOUSLY BENIGN creased radionuclide activity on bone scans.
LESIONS They are most often mistaken for an area of
infection, eosinophilic granuloma, or aneurys-
Biopsies are frequently performed on some le- mal bone cyst. Patients with NOFs are asymp-
sions that should be recognized radiographically tomatic, and NOFs have never been reported to


FIGURE 4-26 ■ Diffuse metastatic disease mimicking osteopoikilosis. A and B, A CT scan through the pelvis and
hips shows diffuse sclerotic foci consistent with metastatic disease. One examiner thought that this might repre-
sent the sclerotic foci of osteopoikilosis, however, which is a benign familial process. C, An anteroposterior view
of the pelvis shows a similar appearance; however, a destructive lytic lesion is seen in the right proximal femur,
which makes metastatic disease more likely. This patient had metastatic prostate carcinoma. Compare this
with D in a patient with known osteopoikilosis, and it is easy to see how the two entities can be confused. Clinical
history is vital in the distinction.

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4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions 69

FIGURE 4-27 ■ Osteopoikilosis. A more typical example

of osteopoikilosis is shown in this example, in which
the sclerotic foci are predominantly around the joints
rather than diffusely spread throughout the bones.

FIGURE 4-28 ■ Nonossifying fibroma. A well-defined, FIGURE 4-29 ■ Resolving nonossifying fibroma. A, A
slightly expansile lytic lesion is seen in a long bone, minimally sclerotic, slightly expansile process is seen
which is characteristic for a nonossifying fibroma. in the posterior proximal tibia (arrows). This was be-
Unfortunately a biopsy of the lesion was performed, lieved by the surgeons to represent a focus of infection
and the diagnosis was surgically confirmed. or an osteoid osteoma, even though the patient was
asymptomatic. This is a characteristic appearance for a
disappearing or resolving nonossifying fibroma. The
postsurgical appearance, which went on to a patho-
logic fracture, is shown in B. Surgery confirmed a
nonossifying fibroma.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

70 4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions

be associated with malignant degeneration. On This is characteristic of a bone island and help-
occasion a pathologic fracture can occur through ful in differentiating it from more aggressive
these lesions, but most surgeons do not advocate processes.
prophylactic curettage to prevent fracture, as Unicameral bone cysts are often prophylacti-
they would with unicameral bone cysts. NOFs cally packed, thereby preventing fracture with
can be quite large but invariably have a benign subsequent deformity. When these cysts occur in
appearance (Figure 4-30), and biopsy should be the calcaneus, however, they should be left alone.
avoided. The asymptomatic nature is imperative They always occur in the anteroinferior portion
to help distinguish them from most of the other of the calcaneus (Figure 4-33), an area that does
lesions in the differential, thereby precluding not receive undue stress. In fact, a pseudotumor
even giving a differential diagnosis. On occasion of the calcaneus in the identical position is seen
they are found to be multiple (Figure 4-31), yet because of the absence of stress and resulting
each lesion is so characteristic that they should atrophy of bony trabeculae (Figure 4-34). Calca-
be easily diagnosed. neal unicameral bone cysts are asymptomatic,
Bone islands are not a radiographic dilemma only rarely fracture, and should not suffer the
when they are 1 cm or smaller. Occasionally, same fate as their counterparts in long bones.
however, they grow to golf ball size and mimic Calcaneal unicameral bone cysts seem to involute
sclerotic metastases (Figure 4-32). Bone islands at a slower rate than those in long bones; hence
are always asymptomatic. Radiographically, two they can be seen in patients older than 30.
signs can be found to help distinguish giant Also, as they involute they occasionally undergo
bone islands from metastases: first, bone islands “lipidization,” which is fatty infiltration. If im-
usually are oblong, with their long axis in the aging or a biopsy is done during this stage, they
axis of stress on the bone (e.g., in a long bone are mistakenly diagnosed as an intraosseous
they align themselves along the axis of the di- lipoma. This is why many authors have called
aphysis); second, the margins of a bone island, calcaneal unicameral bone cysts lipomas. Annu-
if examined closely, will show bony trabeculae ally, around radiology oral boards time, resi-
extending from the lesion into the normal dents ask me to explain why some texts refer to
bone in a spiculated fashion.10 (See Chapter 2.) these lesions as unicameral bone cysts while

FIGURE 4-30 ■ Nonossifying fibroma. A and B, This well-defined, minimally expansile lytic lesion of the proximal
tibia is characteristic for a nonossifying fibroma. It was believed by several radiologists to be a giant cell tumor;
however, it has a sclerotic border and does not abut the tibial articular surface. Even though the patient was
asymptomatic, a biopsy was performed and the diagnosis of a nonossifying fibroma was confirmed.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions 71

FIGURE 4-31 ■ Multiple nonossifying fibromas. Multiple well-defined lytic lesions (arrows) are seen around the
knees in this patient on the anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) views, each of which is characteristic for a non-
ossifying fibroma.

FIGURE 4-32 ■ Giant bone island. A, A large sclerotic focus is seen in the right iliac wing, which was thought to
possibly represent an area of metastasis. B, Old films from 5 years earlier were obtained, which showed a similar
but much smaller process. This is characteristic for a growing bone island. Note in A how the lesion is somewhat
spherical or oblong in the lines of trabecular stress, which is characteristic of a bone island.

others call them lipomas. In fact, they are all uni- permeative process as opposed to the classic ap-
cameral bone cysts. Many benign fibro-osseous pearance of a sclerotic, serpiginous peripheral
lesions throughout the skeleton involute with border (Figures 4-35 and 4-36). In a patient with
fatty infiltration and are mistakenly called intraos- bone pain and a permeative bone lesion, many
seous lipomas. aggressive disorders head the differential list and
Early in the course of its development, a a biopsy soon ensues. If this process can be noted
bone infarct can have a patchy or a mixed lytic- to be multiple and in the diametaphyseal region
sclerotic pattern, or it may even resemble a of a long bone, especially if the patient has an
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
72 4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions

FIGURE 4-33 ■ Unicameral bone cyst. A well-defined

lytic lesion on the anteroinferior portion of the calca-
neus, as in this example, is virtually pathognomonic for
a unicameral bone cyst or simple bone cyst. Because
this is an area of diminished stress, it is thought not to
be necessary to prophylactically curettage and pack
this lesion in an effort to avoid a pathologic bone
fracture, which is occasionally done in the femur and
humerus with unicameral bone cysts. FIGURE 4-35 ■ Early bone infarct. Patchy demineraliza-
tion is seen in the distal femur and proximal tibia in
this patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. The
opposite leg was similarly involved. This is charac-
teristic for early bone infarcts and should not be
confused with infection or metastatic disease.

FIGURE 4-34 ■ Pseudocyst of the calcaneus. An

area of radiolucency is seen in the anteroinfe-
rior portion of the calcaneus that is similar to
the example in Figure 4-31 but is not as well
defined. This is a pseudocyst similar to the
pseudocyst of the humerus that results from
diminished stress through this region.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions 73

FIGURE 4-36 ■ Bone infarct. A mixed

lytic-sclerotic process is seen in
the distal femurs and proximal tib-
ias bilaterally in this patient with
systemic lupus erythematosus. Be-
cause of pain in these regions, a
biopsy was performed and a bone
infarct was confirmed. With this
characteristic location and this ap-
pearance, even though suggestive
of a more aggressive process, a
biopsy of these lesions should not
be performed.

FIGURE 4-37 ■ Bone infarct. A, A plain film of the knee shows faint patchy sclerosis in the proximal tibia that was
at first thought to be infection or malignancy. B, MRI scan shows the characteristic serpiginous border seen with
bone infarct. MRI can on occasion better characterize the ill-defined early bone infarct, as in this example.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

74 4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions

FIGURE 4-38 ■ Pitt’s pit. A, A plain film of the left hip shows a well-defined lytic lesion in the lateral aspect of the
femoral neck. It has a sclerotic border. This is a characteristic appearance of a synovial herniation pit, also called
a Pitt’s pit. T1-weighted (B) and T2-weighted (C) magnetic resonance axial images through the hips show bilateral
lesions with low-signal T1 and high-signal T2, which is typical for Pitt’s pits.

underlying disorder such as sickle cell anemia or cystic changes in the underlying femoral neck—
systemic lupus erythematosus, areas of early a Pitt’s pit.
bone infarction should be considered. In several
instances the MRI appearance of an infarct has
saved patients from biopsy when the plain films CONCLUSION
were equivocal (Figure 4-37).11
A commonly encountered lytic lesion on the These are but a few of the many examples in
lateral aspect of the femoral neck was first de- skeletal radiology in which the well-trained
scribed by Michael Pitt as a synovial herniation radiologist can be of invaluable assistance to the
pit.12 It has taken on the appropriate eponym of clinician and the patient by helping avert a
a Pitt’s pit. It is believed to be caused by surface needless biopsy. Dozens of other examples are
erosion of the synovium and soft tissues around nicely shown in normal variant textbooks, which
the hip, but its exact etiology is unknown. It has are widely available. Because of the potential
a characteristic plain film and MRI appearance harm in performing a needless biopsy, these
primarily because of its location and benign examples are stressed. When these lesions are
appearance (Figure 4-38). Pitt’s pits are found encountered by the radiologist, a differential
much more frequently in patients with femoro- diagnosis should not be offered, because it will
acetabular impingement (FAI), a process in merely lead the surgeon to a biopsy in an at-
which the femoral neck abuts the rim of the tempt to reach a diagnosis. A biopsy of many of
acetabulum when the hip is abducted (see these entities not only is unnecessary but also
Chapter 13). It is thought this likely results in can be misleading.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 “Don’t Touch” Lesions 75

REFERENCES 7. Helms C: Pseudocyst of the humerus. AJR Am J

Roentgenol 131:287–292, 1979.
1. Barnes G, Gwinn J: Distal irregularities of the femur simu-
8. Minderhoud JM, Braakman R, Penning L: Os odonto-
lating malignancy. AJR Am J Roentgenol 122:180, 1974.
ideum: clinical, radiological and therapeutic aspects.
2. Resnick D, Niwayama G, Coutts RD: Subchondral cysts
J Neurol Sci 8:521, 1969.
(geodes) in arthritic disorders: pathologic and radio-
9. Holt RG, Helms CA, Munk PL, Gillespy T III: Hyper-
graphic appearance of the hip joint. AJR Am J Roentgenol
trophy of C-1 anterior arch: useful sign to distinguish
128:799, 1977.
os odontoideum from acute dens fracture. Radiology
3. Martel W, Seeger FJ, Wicks JD, et al: Traumatic lesions of
173:207–209, 1989.
the discovertebral junction in the lumbar spine. AJR Am J
10. Onitsuka H: Roentgenologic aspects of bone islands.
Roentgenol 127:457, 1976.
Radiology 124:607, 1977.
4. Lipson S: Discogenic vertebral sclerosis with calcified
11. Munk PL, Helms CA, Holt RG: Immature bone infarcts:
disc. N Engl J Med 325:794–799, 1991.
findings on plain radiographs and MR scans. AJR Am J
5. Helms C, Richmond B, Sims R: Pseudodislocation of
Roentgenol 152(3):547–549, 1989.
the shoulder: a sign of an occult fracture. Emerg Med
12. Pitt M, Graham A, Shipman J, Birkby W: Herniation
18:237–241, 1986.
pit of the femoral neck. AJR Am J Roentgenol
6. Goergen TG, Resnick D, Greenway G, et al: Dorsal
138:1115–1121, 1982.
defect of the patella (DDP): a characteristic radiographic
lesion. Radiology 130:333, 1979.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Radiology of trauma to the skeletal system emergency department, and it can present
is such a large topic that entire volumes have the most difficulty in interpretation. Usually
been devoted to it. Lee Rogers has written the a cross-table lateral view of the C-spine is
definitive work in his excellent book titled Radi- obtained first so as not to unduly move the
ology of Skeletal Trauma,1 and Jack and William patient who might have a cervical fracture.
Harris’s outstanding book on The Radiology of If the lateral C-spine film appears normal,
Emergency Medicine2 is a must-read for anyone the remainder of the C-spine series, which
dealing with a large emergency department may include flexion and extension views (if the
population. The leading orthopedic treatise on patient can cooperate), is obtained.
fractures is Rockwood and Green’s multivolume What do you look for on the lateral C-spine?
text.3 The following is merely an overview First, make certain that all seven cervical vertebral
of selected cases that residents and medical stu- bodies can be visualized. A number of fractures
dents should be exposed to and that can be are missed because the shoulders obscure the
studied in greater detail by referring to the texts lower C-spine levels (Figure 5-1). If the entire
just mentioned. cervical spine is not visualized, repeat the film
Before specific examples are given, the unini- with the shoulders lowered.
tiated or neophyte radiologist should keep a few What constitutes complete visualization of
key points in mind concerning radiology of the cervical spine? Many radiologists insist on
trauma. First, have a high index of suspicion. seeing the top of the T1 vertebral body on the
Every radiologist in the world has missed frac- lateral view, whereas others will pass a C-spine
tures on radiographs because they were not suf- lateral film if it includes any of the C7 body.
ficiently attuned to the fact that a fracture might Most textbooks say the lateral view should
be present. Often the history is either nonexis- show “C1 through C7.” What does “through
tent or misleading, and the anatomic area of C7” mean? I have no idea, but I was trained to
concern is therefore overlooked. When in doubt, accept a lateral C-spine film that included any
examine the patient! Orthopedic surgeons sel- of the C7 body. It can be difficult to image the
dom miss seeing fractures on radiographs be- T1 vertebral body in the majority of cases;
cause they have examined the patient, they know therefore I believe it is acceptable to accept a
where the patient hurts, and they have a high lateral C-spine film with any of the C7 vertebral
index of suspicion. Second, in every trauma case, body visible if the report includes the disclaimer
get two radiographs at 90 degrees to each other. that the C7–T1 disc space is not seen and clini-
A high percentage of fractures are seen only on cal correlation must be obtained to warrant
one view (the anteroposterior [AP] or the lateral) additional films or a computed tomography
and will therefore be missed unless two views are (CT) scan of that area. In fact, this is a moot
routinely obtained. Third, once a fracture is point in many practices where physicians rou-
identified, don’t forget to look at the rest of the tinely acquire CT scans throughout the C-spine
film. About 10% of all cases have a second find- instead of plain films. Complete CT evaluation
ing that often is as significant as, or even more of the cervical spine will probably evolve to be
significant than, the initial finding. Many frac- the standard of care, but it is not yet widely
tures have associated dislocation, foreign bodies, accepted as the normal routine.
or additional fractures, so be sure to examine the Next, evaluate five (more or less) parallel
entire film. lines for step-offs or discontinuity as follows
(Figure 5-2):
Line 1 is in the prevertebral soft tissue. It
SPINE extends down the posterior aspect of the
airway; it should be several millimeters
from the first three or four vertebral bodies
Examination of the Cervical Spine and then move further away at the laryn-
The cervical spine is one of the most com- geal cartilage; it should be less than one
monly radiographed parts of the body in a busy vertebral body width from the anterior
76 Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
5 Trauma 77

FIGURE 5-1 ■ Shoulders obscuring C7. This patient came to the emergency department after being injured as a result
of diving into a shallow swimming pool. He had neck pain but no neurologic deficits. The initial radiograph obtained
of the C-spine (A) was interpreted as being within normal limits. However, because of high-riding shoulders only
five cervical vertebrae are visible. A repeat examination (B) with the shoulders lowered reveals a dislocation of
C5 on C6. To visualize C7 the shoulders were lowered even further. The C7 vertebral body must be visualized on
every lateral C-spine examination in a trauma setting.

vertebral bodies from C3 or C4 to C7. the cord must be recognized as soon as

It should also be smooth in its contour. possible.
Line 2 follows the anterior vertebral bodies and Line 5 is not really a line so much as a collec-
should be smooth and uninterrupted. Ante- tion of points—the tips of the spinous pro-
rior osteophytes can encroach on this line cesses. The spinous processes are quite
and extend beyond it and should therefore variable in size and appearance, although
be ignored in drawing this line. Interruption C7 usually has the largest. A fracture of one
of the anterior vertebral body line is a sign of the spinous processes by itself is not a
of a serious injury (see Figure 5-1, B). serious injury, but it occasionally heralds
Line 3 is similar to the anterior vertebral other, more serious injuries. Also, who
body line (line 2) except that it connects the wants to miss a fractured spinous process,
posterior vertebral bodies. Like line 2, it however innocuous, and then have the
should be smooth and uninterrupted; any patient (after visiting another doctor) pro-
disruption signifies a serious injury. claim that you didn’t see her “broken neck”
Line 4, called the spinolaminal line, con- on the radiograph?
nects the posterior junction of the lamina After visually inspecting these five lines on
with the spinous processes. The spinal the lateral C-spine, inspect the C1–2 area a little
cord lies between lines 3 and 4; therefore more closely. Make certain that the anterior arch
any offset of either of these lines could of C1 is no greater than 2.5 mm from the dens
mean that a bony structure is impinging (Figure 5-3). Any greater separation than this
on the cord. Severe neurologic deficits (except in children, in whom up to 5.0 mm is
can result from very little force against normal) is suspicious for disruption of the trans-
the cord, and any bony structure lying on verse ligament between C1 and C2 (Figure 5-4).
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
78 5 Trauma

A B 1 2 3 4
FIGURE 5-2 ■ Normal lateral cervical spine. A, Lateral radiograph of a normal cervical spine. B, Diagrammatic repre-
sentation of a lateral C-spine showing four parallel lines that should be observed in every lateral C-spine examination.
Line 1 is the soft tissue line that is closely applied to the posterior border of the airway through the first four or
five vertebral body segments and then widens around the laryngeal cartilage and runs parallel to the remainder
of the cervical vertebrae. Line 2 demarcates the anterior border of the cervical vertebral bodies. Line 3 is the posterior
border of the cervical vertebral bodies. Line 4, called the spinolaminal line, is drawn by connecting the junction of the
lamina at the spinous process. It represents the posterior extent of the central canal, which contains the spinal cord
itself. These lines should generally be smooth and parallel, with no abrupt step-offs.

2.5 mm


FIGURE 5-3 ■ Normal C1–2. A lateral radiograph (A) and drawing (B) of the upper cervical spine, showing the normal
distance of the anterior arch of C1 to be less than 2.5 mm from the odontoid process of C2 (arrows).

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5 Trauma 79

8.0 mm


FIGURE 5-4 ■ C1–2 dislocation. A lateral radiograph (A) and drawing (B) of the upper cervical spine in a patient
with trauma to the neck, which shows that the anterior arch of C1 is 8 mm anterior to the odontoid process of
C2 (arrows). This is diagnostic of a dislocation of C1 on C2, and indicates rupture of the transverse ligaments,
which normally hold these vertebral segments together.

The disc spaces are examined next to check radiologists cannot turn the film to their liking.
for any inordinate widening or narrowing, either Get used to viewing lateral spine films (lateral
of which could indicate an acute traumatic injury. chest films, too) in either anterior left or right
If a disc space is narrowed, it will usually be orientation; otherwise, you will find yourself
secondary to degenerative disease. Make certain disadvantaged in many situations.
that associated osteophytosis and sclerosis are
present, however, before assuming the narrowing
is from degenerative disease. Examples of Fractures,
An examination of the lateral C-spine as de- Dislocations, and Other
scribed earlier can be done in less than 1 minute.
If this view is normal, then the remainder of
the examination can be completed, including A blow to the top of the head, such as when an
flexion and extension views. It is imperative that object falls directly on the apex of the skull, can
the patient initiate the flexion and extension cause the lateral masses of C1 to slide apart,
without help from the technician or anyone else. splitting the bony ring of C1. This is called a
A patient, if conscious and semialert, will not Jefferson’s fracture (Figure 5-5). It nicely illus-
injure himself or herself with voluntary flexion trates how a bony ring will not break in just
and extension and will have muscle guarding, one place but must break in several places. This
preventing motion, if an injury is present. Even rule is seldom violated. All the vertebral rings,
gentle pressure to aid in flexion or extension can when fractured, must fracture in two or more
cause severe injury if a fracture or dislocation is places. The bony rings of the pelvis behave the
present. same way. If you see only one fracture on
Learning to look at lateral spine films with the radiograph, you can be certain you are miss-
anterior facing either right or left is very impor- ing at least one more. A CT scan is excellent at
tant. Many radiologists can interpret images demonstrating the complete bony ring of C1
only facing one way and become almost unable and shows the fractures, as well as any associated
to function if the films are not placed on the soft tissue mass, much better than plain films. In
viewbox in their preferred orientation. This diagnosing a Jefferson’s fracture on plain film
is fine if they can control the film; however, the lateral masses of C1 must extend beyond the
in meetings where slides are shown, in books margins of the C2 body (see Figure 5-5, A). Just
and journals, and on oral board examinations, seeing asymmetry of the spaces on either side of
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
80 5 Trauma

FIGURE 5-5 ■ Jefferson’s fracture. A, An AP open-mouth odontoid view is suspicious for the lateral masses
of C1 being laterally displaced. However, because of overlying structures, this displacement is difficult to
appreciate. B, Therefore, a CT scan was obtained, which shows multiple fracture sites in the C1 ring (arrows).
This is called a Jefferson’s fracture. CT is routinely used in spinal trauma because of the obvious shortcomings
of plain films.

the dens is not enough to make the diagnosis, (supraspinous ligaments) to undergo a tremen-
because these spaces can be normally asymmet- dous force, pulling on the spinous process and
ric with rotation or with rotatory fixation of the avulsing it. This fracture can occur at any of the
atlantoaxial joint. lower cervical spinous processes (Figure 5-7).
What is rotatory fixation of the atlantoaxial A hangman’s fracture is an unstable, serious
joint? This is a somewhat controversial, little fracture of the upper cervical spine that is
understood process in which the atlantoaxial caused by hyperextension and distraction (e.g.,
joint becomes fixed and the C1 and C2 bodies hitting one’s head on a dashboard). This is a
move en masse instead of rotating on each other. fracture of the posterior elements of C2 and,
This condition is easily diagnosed with open- usually, displacement of the C2 body anterior to
mouth odontoid views. In the normal odontoid C3 (Figure 5-8). Patients with this type of frac-
view the spaces lateral to the dens (odontoid) are ture actually do better than one might think.
equal. With rotation of the head to the left, the They often escape neurologic impairment be-
space on the left widens; and with rotation to the cause of the fractured posterior elements of
right, the space on the right widens. With rota- C2, which, in effect, cause decompression and
tory fixation, one of the spaces is wider than the take pressure off the injured area. This is a sim-
other and stays wider even with rotation of the plistic explanation for a complex entity, but it
head to the opposite side (Figure 5-6). By itself, seems to be a reasonable answer to why these
this is a relatively innocuous malady usually patients often fare well.
treated with a soft cervical collar and/or gentle Severe flexion of the cervical spine can cause
traction. It is, however, occasionally associated a disruption of the posterior ligaments and ante-
with disruption of the transverse ligaments at rior compression of a vertebral body. This is
C1–2, and is then a serious problem. Rotatory called a flexion “teardrop” fracture (Figure 5-9).
fixation usually presents spontaneously or after A teardrop fracture is usually associated with
very mild trauma, such as that caused by sleeping spinal cord injury, often from the posterior
in an unusual position. portion of the vertebral body being displaced
Another relatively innocuous injury is a frac- into the central canal.
ture of the C6 or C7 spinous process, called If severe enough, and if associated with some
a clay-shoveler’s fracture. Supposedly workers rotation, the apophyseal joint ligaments will
shoveling sticky clay in Australia (I’ve also read rupture and the facet joints dislocate and then
England and North Carolina—this is a vital dis- override. This can result in locking of the facets
tinction, and some future researcher can perhaps in an overriding position, which in effect causes
straighten out this confusion) would toss the some stabilization to protect against further in-
shovelfuls of clay over their shoulders; once in a jury. This condition is called unilateral locked
while the clay would stick to the shovel, causing facets (Figures 5-10 and 5-11), but occasionally it
the ligaments attached to the spinous processes occurs bilaterally. When unilateral, the more
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
5 Trauma 81


FIGURE 5-6 ■ Rotatory fixation of the atlantoaxial joint.

This patient came to the emergency department with
pain and decreased motion in the cervical spine. An AP
open-mouth odontoid view (A) shows that the space on
the left side of the odontoid between the odontoid and
the lateral mass of C1 (arrows) is wider than the corre-
sponding space on the right side. This is often caused
by rotation. Therefore open-mouth odontoid views with
right and left obliquities were obtained. Rotation of the
patient’s head to the left (B) causes the space on the left
side of the odontoid process (arrows) to be wider than
that on the right, which is appropriate. However, when
the patient turns to the right (C) the space on the right
(arrows) does not get wider than the space on the left.
C This is diagnostic of rotatory fixation of the atlantoaxial

inferior vertebral body is usually rotated, giving

it a shorter AP length on a lateral film, which is
a clue to the diagnosis (see Figure 5-11).
A seat belt injury is seen secondary to hyperflex-
ion at the waist (as occurs in a car accident while
the person is restrained by a lap belt). This causes
distraction of the posterior elements and liga-
ments and anterior compression of the vertebral
body. It usually involves the L1 or L2 vertebra.
Several variations of this injury can occur: a frac-
ture of the posterior body is called a Smith’s frac-
ture, and a fracture through the spinous process is
called a Chance fracture. Horizontal fractures of
the pedicles, laminae, and transverse processes
can also occur (Figure 5-12).
A spinal abnormality that may or may not be
caused by trauma is spondylolysis. Spondylolysis is
a break or defect in the pars interarticularis por-
FIGURE 5-7 ■ Clay-shoveler’s fracture. A nondisplaced tion of the lamina (Figure 5-13). It can be seen in
fracture of the C7 spinous process (arrow) is noted, about 5% to 10% of asymptomatic individuals.
which is diagnostic of a clay-shoveler’s fracture. On oblique views the posterior elements form the
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
82 5 Trauma

FIGURE 5-8 ■ Hangman’s fracture. A, A lateral film of a patient with a hangman’s fracture shows an obvious
example of the posterior elements of the C2 vertebral body fractured and displaced inferiorly. B, The film
of another patient shows a subtle fracture through the posterior elements of C2 (arrow). A line drawn
through the spinolaminal lines of the posterior elements shows the C2 spinolaminal line to be offset in this



FIGURE 5-9 ■ Flexion teardrop fracture. This patient FIGURE 5-10 ■ Unilateral locked facets. The C6–7 disc
suffered hyperflexion in a car accident and came to space is abnormally widened, and the C7 vertebral
the emergency department with severe neurologic body is posteriorly located in relation to C6. Also note
deficits. A lateral radiograph of the lower cervical the C7 facets, which are dislocated and locked on the
spine shows wedging anteriorly of the C7 vertebral C6 facets (arrow). When the facets are perched in this
body with some displacement of the posterior verte- manner, the condition is termed locked facets, which
bral line of C7 into the central canal. A small avulsion in this example is unilateral.
fracture off the anterior body is also noted.

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5 Trauma 83



FIGURE 5-11 ■ Unilateral locked facets. A, The C6–7 disc space is slightly wider than normal and the C7 vertebral
body is narrower in this view than the C6 vertebral body because of abnormal rotation. B, The facets of C7 are
not well identified, but in the tomogram they are shown to be overriding and locked (arrow).

FIGURE 5-12 ■ Seat belt fracture. A, Hyperflexion at the waist can cause anterior wedging of the vertebral body in
the lower thoracic or upper lumbar region. By itself, that is somewhat innocuous. B, However, here a horizontal
fracture through the right transverse process and pedicle (arrow) resulting from extreme traction during the flex-
ion injury can be seen. When fracture of the posterior elements occurs, this injury is considered unstable and
potentially debilitating. Any anterior wedging injury to a vertebral body should have the posterior elements of
that level closely inspected for interpedicular space widening.

figure of a Scottie dog, with the transverse pro- will have a defect or break. It often looks as if the
cess being the nose, the pedicle forming the eye, Scottie dog has a collar around its neck. Although
the inferior articular facet being the front leg, the often difficult to visualize with magnetic reso-
superior articular facet representing the ear, and nance imaging (MRI), spondylolysis should be
the pars interarticularis (which means the portion easily seen on CT scans (see Chapter 11).
of the lamina that lies between the facets) equal- The cause of a spondylolysis is said by some
ing the dog’s neck. If a spondylolysis is present, investigators to be congenital and by others to
the pars interarticularis, or the neck of the dog, be posttraumatic. Many believe that this is a
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84 5 Trauma

FIGURE 5-13 ■ Spondylolysis. A, An oblique film of the lumbar spine shows a defect in the neck of the Scottie dog
at L5 (arrow), which is diagnostic of a spondylolysis. B, This drawing shows the findings more clearly. This has
been described as a collar around the Scottie dog’s neck.

stress-related injury from infancy that develops the initial trauma. I have seen more than a dozen
when toddlers try to walk and repeatedly fall lawsuits against radiologists who failed to men-
on their buttocks, sending stress to their lower tion minor anterior wedging of a vertebral body
lumbar spine. The significance of spondylolysis is that went on to further collapse with associated
just as controversial as its cause. More and more paraplegia. All that needs to be mentioned is that
clinicians are coming to the viewpoint that a a fracture of indeterminate age is present and
spondylolysis is an incidental finding with no requires clinical correlation. If the patient has
clinical significance in most cases. Certainly some pain in that location, the patient needs to wear a
patients have pain related to a spondylolysis and back brace until pain free. Old films can help
get relief after surgical stabilization, but such determine whether it is an old fracture. If no
cases are less common. pain is present on physical examination, it can be
If a spondylolysis is bilateral and the vertebral safely assumed to be an old fracture. It is not
body in the more cephalad position slips forward necessary to obtain a CT or MRI scan even if
on the more caudal body, spondylolisthesis is pain is present, because the treatment will be the
said to be present (Figure 5-14). Spondylolisthesis same regardless of what the CT or MRI scans
may or may not be symptomatic and by itself has reveal. No spine surgeon will operate on a stable
no clinical significance. If severe, it can cause spine fracture without kyphosis or neurologic
neuroforaminal stenosis and can impinge on the deficits, so the CT or MRI examination add
nerve roots in the central spinal canal. If it is nothing but time and expense.
symptomatic, it can be surgically stabilized. Patients who have fusion of their spine from
Anterior wedge compression fractures of the ankylosing spondylitis and, to a lesser extent,
spine are commonly seen (Figure 5-15), espe- from diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
cially at the thoracolumbar junction, as a result (DISH; see Chapter 6) are at a very high risk of
of an old injury; they are often passed off by the spinal fractures from even relatively minor
radiologist, if they are mentioned at all, as inci- trauma. Patients with ankylosing spondylitis
dental findings. The problem with this is it’s typically have marked osteoporosis, which fur-
impossible to tell from a plain film if the fracture ther magnifies their risk of sustaining a frac-
is old or new, even if degenerative changes ture. A fused spine is more likely to fracture
are present (which are often not related to the than a normal spine, much in the same way that
fracture). If acute and left unprotected, a wedge a long glass pipette breaks more easily than
compression fracture can proceed to delayed a short one because it has a long lever arm.
further collapse with resulting severe neurologic A small force at one end is greatly magnified
deficits (Figure 5-16). This is called Kummell’s further down the lever arm. For that reason, a
disease and typically occurs 1 to 2 weeks after patient with ankylosing spondylitis should be
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
5 Trauma 85





A B Spondylolisthesis
FIGURE 5-14 ■ Spondylolisthesis. A, A lateral film of the lumbar spine shows the L5 vertebral body is slightly an-
teriorly offset on the S1 body as noted by the posterior margins (arrows). B, The drawing shows the findings more
clearly. Because the offset is less than 25% as measured by the length of the S1 end-plate, it is termed a grade 1
spondylolisthesis. A grade 2 offset is more than 25% but less than 50% of the length of the S1 end-plate.

treated as though a spinal fracture is present

if he or she has back pain after the trauma.
CT and/or MRI scans are mandatory if plain
films are negative (Figure 5-17).


Several seemingly innocuous fractures in the
hand require surgical fixation rather than just
casting and therefore should be recognized by
the radiologist as serious injuries. One such frac-
ture is a fracture at the base of the thumb into
the carpometacarpal joint, or a Bennett’s fracture
(Figure 5-18). Because of the insertion of the
strong thumb adductors at the base of the thumb,
it is almost impossible to keep the metacarpal
from sliding off its proper alignment. It almost
always requires internal fixation. The radiologist
occasionally has to remind a nonorthopedic
practitioner of this, as well as closely examine
the alignment of a Bennett’s fracture in plaster
that has not been internally fixed with pins.
A comminuted fracture of the base of the
FIGURE 5-15 ■ Anterior wedge compression fracture. thumb that extends into the joint has been
Anterior compression of this lower T-spine vertebral termed a Rolando’s fracture (Figure 5-19), and
body (arrow), which may or may not be acute, is
present. If the patient has pain in this area, it is most a fracture of the base of the thumb that does
likely acute and must be protected with a back brace not involve the joint has been called a pseudo-
until the symptoms abate. Bennett’s fracture.
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86 5 Trauma


FIGURE 5-16 ■ Kummel’s disease. A, Very minimal anterior wedging of the L1 vertebral body is noted by comparing
the height of the anterior body versus the posterior height. This patient had been in an auto accident and com-
plained of back pain. No treatment for his back was given. B, After several weeks of continuing pain the patient
sought treatment for leg weakness, which proceeded to paraplegia. A spine film now shows progression of the
vertebral body collapse of L1. This almost certainly could have been avoided with simple bracing of the spine
after the initial injury.


FIGURE 5-17 ■ Spine fracture in ankylosing spondylitis. A, A lateral spine plain film after trauma shows fusion of
the spine anteriorly, which was secondary to ankylosing spondylitis. Minimal anterior wedging of the L1 vertebral
body, which was overlooked, is present. B, Two weeks later a CT scan of the spine was performed because of the
sudden onset of paralysis. This axial image through L1 shows a fracture of the posterior elements, which was
undoubtedly present on the initial visit to the emergency department. Patients with ankylosing spondylitis need
to be examined closely for any back pain after trauma, and CT or MRI scans should be obtained if any pain is

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5 Trauma 87

A mallet finger or baseball finger is an avul-

sion injury at the base of the distal phalanx
(Figure 5-20) where the extensor digitorum
tendon inserts. With the extensor tendon
inoperative, the distal phalanx flexes without
opposition. If not properly treated, this can
result in a flexion deformity and inability to
extend the distal phalanx.
Another innocent-appearing fracture that
often requires internal fixation is an avulsion on
the ulnar aspect of the first metacarpophalangeal
joint (Figure 5-21), which is where the ulnar col-
lateral ligament of the thumb inserts. If the ulnar
collateral ligament is torn, the function of the
thumb can be impaired; therefore this fracture
can have a serious result if not properly treated.
This injury is called a gamekeeper’s thumb because
of the propensity of old English game wardens to
acquire it from breaking rabbits’ necks between
their thumbs and forefingers. A more current
scenario is falling on a ski pole and having the
FIGURE 5-18 ■ Bennett’s fracture. A small corner frac- pole jam into the webbing between the thumb
ture of the base of the thumb is noted and, at and index finger. Kayakers occasionally suffer
first glance, appears minor; however, it involves the a gamekeeper’s thumb when their paddles hit
articular surface of the base of the thumb (arrow),
which makes this a serious injury that almost always
a rock. This avulsion injury usually requires
requires internal fixation. pinning to securely fix the ligament.
A fall on an outstretched arm can result in
any number of wrist fractures and dislocations.
One such serious injury is the lunate/perilunate
dislocation. This dislocation occurs when the liga-
ments between the capitate and the lunate are
disrupted, allowing the capitate to dislocate from
the cup-shaped articulation of the lunate. This is
best seen on the lateral view. Ordinarily, on the
lateral view, the capitate should be seen seated in
the cup-shaped lunate (Figures 5-22 and 5-23, A).
In a dorsal perilunate dislocation (occasionally the
capitate dislocates volarly, but this is uncom-
mon), the capitate and all its surrounding bones,
including the metacarpals, come to lie dorsal to
a line drawn up through the radius and the lu-
nate (Figures 5-23, B, and 5-24). If the capitate
then pushes the lunate volarly and tips it over,
the line drawn up through the radius shows the
lunate volarly displaced, and the line goes
through the capitate. This has been termed a
lunate dislocation (Figures 5-23, C, and 5-25).
The normal, perilunate, and lunate dislocations
are shown schematically in Figure 5-23. Often
it is difficult to tell whether the lunate or the
capitate is displaced merely by drawing a line
up the radius because it can lie between the
lunate and the capitate. In such cases the desig-
nation of lunate or perilunate is difficult or even
FIGURE 5-19 ■ Rolando’s fracture. A comminuted impossible. In reality these are all perilunate-
fracture of the base of the thumb that extends
into the articular surface is a more serious type of type dislocations, and additional trauma or ma-
Bennett’s fracture and has been termed a Rolando’s nipulation of the wrist can cause the so-called
fracture. lunate dislocation. It is certainly possible to turn
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
88 5 Trauma

FIGURE 5-20 ■ Mallet finger. A small avulsion injury is noted at the base of the distal phalanx, which is where the
extensor digitorum tendon inserts. This injury is termed a mallet finger or baseball finger. It is often caused by a
baseball striking the distal phalanx, causing the avulsion.

FIGURE 5-21 ■ Gamekeeper’s thumb. A small avulsion FIGURE 5-22 ■ Normal lateral radiograph of the wrist.
injury on the ulnar aspect of the first metacarpopha- The normal lateral view should show the lunate (L)
langeal joint (arrow) is diagnostic of a gamekeeper’s seated in the distal radius and the capitate (C) in turn
thumb. This is the insertion site for the ulnar seated in the lunate. A line drawn through the radius
collateral ligament and usually requires internal should connect all three structures. Compare this ra-
fixation. diograph with the drawing in Figure 5-23, A.

a perilunate dislocation into a lunate dislocation the median nerve if it gets impinged on by the
merely by manipulating the wrist. Therefore lunate.
strict classification of these entities is not recom- I strongly recommend that every radiologist
mended by everyone. For many surgeons it is a get in the habit of looking at the alignment of
moot point—they want rapid reduction of the the lunate and the capitate on every lateral wrist
capitate-lunate dislocation and don’t really care film. There’s not a whole lot else to look for on
which one happens to be more volarly or dor- the lateral view anyway. I see a missed perilunate
sally displaced. Failure to diagnose and treat this dislocation every few years, and they usually end
disorder can result in permanent impairment of up in litigation.
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5 Trauma 89

FIGURE 5-23 ■ Schematic depiction of normal lateral wrist (A), perilunate dislocation (B), and lunate dislocation (C).
(The dark shaded bone is the capitate; the cross-hatched filled bone is the lunate. Ventral is to the left.)

A lunate or perilunate dislocation can be diag-

nosed on an AP view of the wrist by noting a tri-
angular or pie-shaped lunate (see Figure 5-25, B).
Ordinarily the lunate has a rhomboid shape on
the AP view, with the upper and lower borders
Several fractures are known to be associated
with a perilunate dislocation, the most common
of which is a transscaphoid fracture. The capitate,
radial styloid, and triquetrum are also known to
frequently fracture when a perilunate dislocation
occurs. Often the fractures are identified and
C treated while the dislocation is overlooked.
One of the most difficult wrist fractures to
L identify on plain films is a fracture of the hook of
the hamate. A special view, the carpal tunnel view,
should be obtained when trying to see the hook
of the hamate. This view is obtained with the
wrist (palm down) flat on a radiograph plate and
the fingers and palm pulled dorsally. The x-ray
beam is angled about 45 degrees, parallel to the
palm, so the carpal tunnel is in profile. The hook
of the hamate is seen as a bony protuberance
off the hamate on the ulnar aspect of the carpal
FIGURE 5-24 ■ Perilunate dislocation. Although the tunnel. A fractured hook of the hamate can be
lunate (L) is normal in relation to the distal radius, seen with the carpal tunnel view (Figure 5-26)
the capitate (C) and the remainder of the wrist are
dorsally displaced in relation to the lunate. Compare but is often difficult to pick up. A CT scan will
this radiograph with the drawing in Figure 5-23, B. often show an obvious fracture that the plain
film does not (Figure 5-27) and should be con-
sidered in any possible carpal fracture when
plain films are not diagnostic.
A fracture of the hook of the hamate most
commonly occurs from a fall on the outstretched
hand. A clinical setting that has gained attention
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
90 5 Trauma

FIGURE 5-25 ■ Lunate dislocation. A, The lateral radiograph of the wrist shows the lunate tipped off the distal radius,
whereas the capitate seems to be normally aligned in relation to the radius yet is dislocated from the lunate. Compare
this with the drawing in Figure 5-23, C. B, The AP view shows a pie-shaped lunate (L) rather than a lunate with a more
rhomboid shape. A pie-shaped lunate can be seen in a perilunate or lunate dislocation.

FIGURE 5-27 ■ CT of a fractured hook of the hamate. A

FIGURE 5-26 ■ Fracture of the hook of the hamate. The CT scan through the wrist in this patient shows a lu-
hook of the hamate is seen on a carpal tunnel view in cency in the hook of the hamate (arrow), which repre-
this patient, as well as an area of sclerosis with a faint sents a fracture. This could not be seen in the plain
cortical break (arrow). This represents a fracture at the films, even in retrospect.
base of the hook of the hamate.

in radiology and sports medicine circles is that continue their participation, which can lead to a
of a professional athlete who participates in an nonunion of the fracture.
activity in which the butt of a club, bat, or racket Another wrist injury that is seen after a fall
is held in the palm. Overswinging can result in onto the outstretched hand is rotatory subluxation
the butt of the club levering off the hook of the of the scaphoid. This results from rupture of the
hamate. This has been seen in professional base- scapholunate ligaments, which allows the scaph-
ball players, tennis players, and golfers. Why oid to rotate dorsally. On an AP wrist radiograph
professionals? Amateurs usually are not strong a space is seen between the scaphoid and the
enough to exert enough force to lever the hook lunate (Figure 5-28) when ordinarily they
off and, if they do, will usually terminate that are closely opposed. This space has been called
activity, allowing healing. Professionals, however, the Terry-Thomas sign, after a famous British
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5 Trauma 91

FIGURE 5-28 ■ Rotatory subluxation of the scaphoid. FIGURE 5-29 ■ Scaphoid fracture. A coronal T1-weighted
An AP view of the wrist shows a gap or space image of the wrist in a patient with snuffbox tender-
between the scaphoid and the lunate (arrow). This is ness and a normal plain film shows a fracture of the
abnormal and represents the Terry-Thomas sign, mid-waist of the scaphoid (arrow).
which means that the ligaments between the lunate
and the scaphoid are ruptured. This is diagnostic of a
rotatory subluxation of the scaphoid.

actor from the 1950s and 1960s who had a gap

between his two front teeth. The latest genera-
tion of radiologists is too young to have heard of
Terry-Thomas; therefore I prefer to call it the
David Letterman sign.
A fracture of the scaphoid is a potentially serious
injury because of the high rate of avascular necro-
sis that occurs with this injury. When avascular
necrosis occurs, surgical intervention and bone
grafting are usually required for healing to occur.
This fracture can be difficult to detect initially;
therefore, whenever a fracture of the scaphoid is
clinically suspect (trauma with pain over the snuff-
box of the wrist), the wrist should be casted and
repeat radiographs obtained in 1 week. Often the
fracture is then able to be visualized because of the
disuse osteoporosis and hyperemia around the FIGURE 5-30 ■ Avascular necrosis of the scaphoid. An AP
fracture site. Thus, in the acute setting, a negative view of the wrist shows a fracture through the waist of
film does not exclude a fractured scaphoid. Instead the scaphoid (arrow). The proximal half of the scaphoid
of casting the wrist and repeating the films in is slightly sclerotic in relation to the remainder of the
a week, physicians are obtaining an MRI scan carpal bones, which indicates avascular necrosis of the
proximal half.
immediately in many pages to determine whether
a fracture is present (Figure 5-29). This has been
shown to be less expensive overall than having the disruption of the blood supply thus leaves the
patient casted and reexamined a week later.4 proximal pole without a vascular supply; hence
If avascular necrosis develops, it is the proxi- it dies. Avascular necrosis is diagnosed by noting
mal fragment that undergoes aseptic necrosis increased density of the proximal pole of the
because the blood supply to the scaphoid begins scaphoid as compared with the remainder of the
distally and runs proximally. A fracture with carpal bones (Figure 5-30).
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
92 5 Trauma

FIGURE 5-31 ■ Kienböck’s malacia. An AP view of the

wrist reveals the lunate to be sclerotic and abnormal in
shape. The lunate has collapsed as a result of aseptic
necrosis. This is known as Kienböck’s malacia. Note
that the ulna is shorter than the radius—negative ulnar
variance—which is said to be related to an increased
incidence of Kienböck’s malacia.
FIGURE 5-32 ■ Triquetral fracture and perilunate disloca-
tion. A perilunate or lunate dislocation is present (it is
difficult to classify exactly which has occurred, because
Avascular necrosis can occur in other carpal both the lunate and the capitate are out of their normal
bones, most commonly the lunate. This is positions). Compare this radiograph with the drawing in
called Kienböck’s malacia and is most often Figure 5-23, A. A small avulsion is seen on the dorsum
caused by trauma, although some investigators of the wrist (arrow), which is virtually diagnostic of an
claim it is idiopathic. The disease is diagnosed avulsion off the triquetrum. It is often associated with a
lunate or perilunate dislocation.
by noting increased density of the lunate bone,
which may or may not go on to collapse
and fragment (Figure 5-31). It often requires
surgical bone grafting and occasionally re- wrist and is called a Colles’ fracture (Figure 5-33).
moval or may require proximal carpal row fu- When the fracture angulates volarly, it is called a
sion. Kienböck’s malacia is said to have an Smith’s fracture (Figure 5-34). A Smith’s fracture
increased incidence in patients who have short- is a much less common occurrence than a Colles’
ening of the ulna in relation to the radius, fracture. Sometimes the radius and ulna suffer a
called negative ulnar variance. Positive ulnar traumatic insult, and the force on the bones
variance (the ulna is longer than the radius) causes bending instead of a frank fracture. This
is associated with an increased incidence of has been termed plastic bowing deformity of the
triangular fibrocartilage tears. forearm (Figure 5-35) and is often treated by
An avulsion fracture that is frequently seen is breaking the bones (under anesthesia, of course)
a triquetral fracture. The fracture is best seen on and resetting them. Left untreated, a plastic
the lateral film, which shows a small chip of bowing deformity can result in reduced supina-
bone on the dorsum of the wrist (Figure 5-32). tion and pronation.
This is virtually pathognomonic of avulsion off The forearm is a two-bone system that has
the triquetrum. some of the same properties as a bony ring.
For example, a solid ring cannot break in only a
single place; it must break in at least two points
ARM (try to break a pretzel—not a soft New York
pretzel—in only one place). Likewise, the rings
One of the most common fractures of the fore- in the spine or pelvis always break in at least two
arm is a fracture of the distal radius and ulna places. In the forearm a fracture of one bone
after a fall on the outstretched arm. This results should be accompanied by a fracture of the
in dorsal angulation of the distal forearm and other. If the second fracture is not present, a
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
5 Trauma 93

FIGURE 5-33 ■ Colles’ fracture. A fracture of the distal FIGURE 5-35 ■ Plastic bowing deformity of the forearm.
radius with dorsal angulation is noted, which has These AP and lateral views of a child’s forearm show
been termed a Colles’ fracture (volar is to the left). the radius to be abnormally bowed. This condition has
been termed a plastic bowing deformity of the forearm
and occurs only in children.

dislocation of the nonfractured bone usually

occurs. The most common example of this is a
fracture of the ulna with a dislocation of the
proximal radius (Figure 5-36). This is called a
Monteggia’s fracture. (In prior editions of this
book I termed this a nightstick injury from a
police officer hitting someone with a nightstick
[Who hasn’t had that happen?]—the person be-
ing hit instinctively raises an arm for protection
and the nightstick falls on the ulna, fracturing it
and dislocating the radial head. Lee Rogers
called me and informed me that a nightstick
fracture is a different entity than a Monteggia’s
fracture. He’s right, of course, but the mecha-
nism I described is correct.) The dislocated
radial head can be missed clinically and go on
to aseptic necrosis with subsequent elbow
dysfunction. Therefore any time the ulna is frac-
tured, the elbow must be examined to exclude a
FIGURE 5-34 ■ Smith’s fracture. A fracture of the distal A fracture of the radius with dislocation of
radius with volar angulation such as this is called a
Smith’s fracture. This injury is much less common
the distal ulna is called a Galeazzi’s fracture
than the Colles’ fracture shown in Figure 5-33 (volar is (Figure 5-37). This is much less common than
to the left). a Monteggia’s fracture.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
94 5 Trauma

FIGURE 5-36 ■ Monteggia’s fracture. A blow

to the forearm, such as with a policeman’s
nightstick, can result in a fracture of the
ulna. Although the head of the radius
appears normally placed on the AP view
(A), the lateral examination (B) reveals the
head of the radius to be displaced. Failure
to recognize this abnormality can result in
death of the radial head with subsequent
elbow dysfunction. This illustrates the im-
A B portance of always obtaining two views of a
bone in cases of injury.

FIGURE 5-37 ■ Galeazzi’s frac-

ture. A, A fracture of the dis-
tal radius in this patient is
seen on the AP view without
a definite fracture of the ulna.
B, The lateral view shows an
obvious dislocation of the dis-
tal ulna, which would almost
certainly not be missed clini-
cally. This has been termed a
Galeazzi’s fracture and is much
A B less common than a Monteg-
gia’s fracture.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

5 Trauma 95

A helpful indicator of a fracture about the el- be treated identically whether or not it is radio-
bow is a displaced posterior fat pad. Ordinarily graphically recorded. As long as there is no obvi-
the posterior fat pad is not visible on a lateral ous deformity or loose body present, it does not
view of the elbow because it is tucked away in the matter if the fracture is definitely identified in a
olecranon fossa of the distal humerus. When the patient with a posttraumatic painful elbow and a
joint becomes distended with blood secondary to visible posterior fat pad.
a fracture, the posterior fat pad is displaced out of Couldn’t an infection cause a joint effusion
the olecranon fossa and is visible on the lateral and a displaced posterior fat pad? Of course, but
view (Figure 5-38). Therefore, in the setting the clinical setting would not be to rule out a
of trauma, a visible posterior fat pad indicates fracture. In fact, any elbow effusion will cause a
a fracture. In an adult (epiphyses closed) the posterior fat pad to be visible.
fracture site is almost always the radial head The anterior fat pad also gets displaced
(see Figure 5-38, B). In a child (epiphyses open) with a joint effusion. Ordinarily it is visible as a
it is usually indicative of a supracondylar fracture small triangle just anterior to the distal humeral
(Figure 5-39). Often the fracture itself is not diaphysis on a lateral film (Figure 5-40). With
visualized, and heroic steps are taken by clini- an effusion it gets displaced superiorly and out-
cians and radiologists alike to demonstrate the ward from the humerus and has been called a
fracture. These steps include oblique views, sail sign because it resembles a spinnaker sail
special radial head views, tomograms, and even (see Figures 5-38 and 5-39). I have seen only
CT and MRI scans. These are costly and unnec- one example of a displaced anterior fat pad
essary attempts to document pathology that will without a visible posterior fat pad, and that was

FIGURE 5-38 ■ Displaced fat pads about the elbow. A, On the lateral view of the elbow in this patient, the posterior
fat pad is visible (arrow) and the anterior fat pad is elevated and anteriorly displaced (curved arrow). These findings
indicate a fracture about the elbow, which in an adult should be in the radial head. B, An oblique view in this patient
shows the fracture of the radial head (arrow). Even without definitely seeing the fracture on the radiographs it
should be surmised to be present when the posterior fat pad is visualized in the setting of trauma. The elevated
and displaced anterior fat pad has been termed a sail sign because it resembles a spinnaker sail.

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96 5 Trauma

FIGURE 5-39 ■ Displaced elbow fat pads. A lateral view

of the elbow in this patient shows a posterior fat pad
(arrow) and a sail sign anteriorly (curved arrow). This
is indicative of a fracture about the elbow, which in a FIGURE 5-41 ■ Anterior dislocation of the shoulder. An AP
child (the epiphyses are open) usually means a supra- view of the right shoulder shows the humeral head to
condylar fracture. lie medial to the glenoid and inferior to the coracoid
process (C). This is diagnostic of an anterior dislocation
of the shoulder.

things as simple as possible. Why be concerned

over the appearance of two fat pads when one
will do quite nicely?
Shoulder dislocations are generally easily
diagnosed, both clinically and radiographically.
The most common shoulder dislocation is
the anterior dislocation. It is at least 10 times
more common than the posterior dislocation.
For all practical purposes, these are the only
two types of shoulder dislocations to be con-
cerned about.
An anterior dislocation occurs when the arm
is forcibly externally rotated and abducted. This
is commonly seen when football players “arm
tackle,” when kayakers “brace” with the paddle
above their heads and allow their arms to get
too far posterior, when skiers plant their uphill
FIGURE 5-40 ■ Normal anterior fat pad of the elbow. pole and get it stuck, and as a result of similar
Note the lucency just anterior to the humerus of this athletic positions. Radiographically, the diagno-
normal elbow (arrow) and compare this with the sail sis is easily made on an AP shoulder film: the
sign of the anterior fat pads in Figures 5-38 and 5-39.
humeral head is seen to lie inferiorly and medial
to the glenoid (Figure 5-41). The humeral head
often impacts against the inferior lip of the
in a patient with a prior elbow fracture who glenoid, causing an indentation on the postero-
probably scarred down the joint posteriorly, superior portion of the humeral head called a
preventing it from distending enough to push Hill-Sachs deformity. A Hill-Sachs deformity is
the fat pad out of the fossa. Therefore I usually said to indicate a greater likelihood of recurrent
don’t care what the anterior fat pad looks like dislocation, and some surgeons use it as an
and find it simpler to concentrate on the pres- indicator to surgically intervene in an effort
ence or absence of the posterior fat pad. Keep to prevent a recurrence. A bony irregularity
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
5 Trauma 97

or fragment off the inferior glenoid, which

occurs from the same mechanism as does the
Hill-Sachs deformity, is called a bony Bankart
deformity (see Chapter 10).
A posterior dislocation can be a difficult
diagnosis to make, both clinically and radio-
graphically. An AP view may look normal or
nearly normal. On the AP view of a normal
shoulder the humeral head should slightly
overlap the glenoid (Figure 5-42), forming
a crescent sign. In a patient with a posterior
dislocation this crescent of bony overlap
is often absent, and a small space is seen
between the glenoid and the humeral head
(Figure 5-43).
The best way to unequivocally diagnose a
dislocated shoulder is to obtain a transscapular
view. An axillary view will show basically the
same thing but requires the patient to move the
arm and shoulder, which can be painful and can
even redislocate the shoulder if it has already
been reduced. The transscapular view is ob-
tained by angling the x-ray beam across the FIGURE 5-43 ■ Posterior dislocation of the shoulder. Note
shoulder in the same plane as the blade of the that the humeral head in this patient is slightly displaced
scapula. This gives an en face view of the gle- from the glenoid on the AP view. This is termed absence
noid, and the humeral head can easily be related of the crescent sign and is often seen with a posterior
dislocation. Compare this with Figure 5-42.
to it as either normal, anterior (Figure 5-44),
or posterior (Figure 5-45). Because of overlap-
ping ribs and clavicles the exact anatomy is often
difficult to discern on the transscapular view.

FIGURE 5-44 ■ Transscapular view of an anterior disloca-

tion. This transscapular view of the shoulder is obtained
by aiming the x-ray beam parallel to the shoulder blade.
The coracoid process (C) can be seen anteriorly, and the
FIGURE 5-42 ■ Normal AP view of the shoulder. Note spine of the acromion (A) can be seen posteriorly. Both
on this example of a normal shoulder that the humeral of these structures extend inwardly and meet at the
head slightly overlaps the glenoid. This has been glenoid (G). In this example the humeral head is seen to
termed the crescent sign. lie outside of the glenoid in an anterior direction.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

98 5 Trauma

FIGURE 5-46 ■ Fracture of the glenoid. A CT scan of the

shoulder in this patient who had a fracture identified
on a plain film shows extension into the articular por-
tion with a possible loose fragment (arrow). The plain
film did not show the fracture extending into the joint.

on the AP film. Because the anterior dislocation

displaces inferomedially, it should not be con-
FIGURE 5-45 ■ Transscapular view of a posterior dislo- fused with this. The posterior dislocation
cation. The transscapular view in this patient is more will easily be excluded by looking at a trans-
difficult to appreciate; however, the coracoid process scapular view. This is termed a pseudodisloca-
(C) and the acromion (A) can still be identified and
the position of the glenoid can be extrapolated. tion (see Chapter 4).
The humeral head is seen to lie posterior to where the If a fracture about the shoulder is suspected
glenoid lies. and the plain films are negative or equivocal, a
CT scan should be performed. Any complex
joint, such as the shoulder or hip, is best exam-
To find the glenoid one has to find the coracoid, ined with CT scanning when the full extent of
the spine of the acromion, and the blade of the the fracture needs to be identified (Figure 5-46).
scapula. These three structures all lead to the
glenoid and form a Y around it. All one has to do
to find the center of the glenoid is find two of PELVIS
those bony landmarks, usually the coracoid and
the blade of the scapula. The humeral head can Fractures of the pelvis, and especially those in-
then be found and its position determined. volving the acetabulum, can be difficult to evalu-
I was once involved in a court case where an ate completely with plain films alone. Because
emergency department physician and a radiolo- plain films often do not show free fragments
gist both missed a posterior dislocation in a and subtle fractures, CT scanning should be
patient who fell and had shoulder pain. The considered in almost all acetabular fractures
patient had the diagnosis made 2 weeks later and (Figure 5-47).
needed surgery; he was left with some perma- Sacral fractures are said to occur in half of
nent shoulder disability because of the delay. the cases that have pelvic fractures, yet radiolo-
The radiologist’s lawyer argued that a commu- gists see a lot of pelvic fractures without seeing
nity hospital radiologist should not be expected very many sacral fractures. Why is this? We
to diagnose such a rare disorder, even though simply miss a lot of sacral fractures. They can be
the “university radiologist” (me) said it should difficult to see on even the best of films because
be routinely identified. You certainly cannot ex- the sacrum is often hidden by bowel gas. In
pect to pass boards if you miss a posterior dislo- looking for sacral fractures the radiologist
cation on your examination; this is bread and should examine the arcuate lines of the sacrum
butter radiology. bilaterally to see if they are intact. Fractures
An entity that can be mistaken for a dislo- often interrupt these lines and, because of the
cated shoulder is a traumatic hemarthrosis side-to-side asymmetry, can be easily spotted
that displaces the humeral head inferolaterally (Figure 5-48).
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
5 Trauma 99

FIGURE 5-47 ■ Dislocation of the hip. A, An AP plain film of the left hip shows dislocation of the femoral head,
which lies superior to the acetabulum. B, Fractures are easily identified on the CT scan. A cortical break through
the articular surface of the posterior acetabulum, as well as the dislocation, is identified.

history of prior radiation and on the presence of

a cortical break. These are often bilateral and
have a pathognomonic appearance on bone scan
called a Honda sign (Figure 5-50). They also
have a characteristic MRI appearance with
geographic involvement of one or both sacral
alae with low signal on T1-weighted images,
which may or may not have high signal on
T2-weighted images (Figure 5-51).
Avulsion injuries affect the pelvis often
and should be easily recognized by radiologists.
On occasion an avulsion can appear somewhat
aggressive, and if it is not diagnosed radiograph-
ically, a biopsy might be performed. This action
can be calamitous, because avulsion injuries have
been known to mimic malignant lesions histo-
logically, with a misdiagnosis leading to radical
FIGURE 5-48 ■ Fracture of the sacrum. An AP view of treatment (Figure 5-52). Therefore, when an
the sacrum in this patient shows normal arcuate avulsion injury is a consideration, it becomes a
lines on the left side of the sacrum that are inter- “don’t touch” lesion (see Chapter 4). Common
rupted on the right side (arrows). Interruption of sites for pelvic avulsion include the ischium,
these lines indicates a fracture through this portion
of the sacrum.
the superior and inferior anterior iliac spines
(Figure 5-53), and the iliac crest. Such injuries
are fairly common in long jumpers, sprinters,
hurdlers, gymnasts, and cheerleaders.
Sacral insufficiency fractures occur com- The symphysis pubis is another area in the
monly in patients who are osteoporotic or who pelvis that can demonstrate radiologic findings
have undergone radiation therapy. These pre- as a result of stress. In ultramarathoners, mara-
sent as patchy or linear sclerosis in the sacral thon cross-country skiers, and soccer players
ala that may or may not show cortical disruption the symphysis often undergoes degenerative
(Figure 5-49). They should be differentiated changes (Figures 5-54 and 5-55). The hallmarks
from metastatic disease based on their char- of degenerative disease (osteoarthritis) are scle-
acteristic location, appearance, osteoporosis, or rosis, joint space narrowing, and osteophytosis.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
100 5 Trauma

FIGURE 5-49 ■ Insufficiency fracture of the sacrum. A, Faint sclerosis is noted in the left part of the sacrum as
compared with the right in this patient complaining of pelvic pain. A radionuclide bone scan showed increased
isotope uptake on the left half of the sacrum, and metastatic disease was postulated. B, A CT scan through this
region demonstrates a cortical disruption (arrow) indicative of a fracture. This is a characteristic plain film and
CT appearance of an insufficiency fracture of the sacrum.

FIGURE 5-51 ■ MRI scan of a sacral insufficiency frac-

ture. A T1-weighted coronal MRI scan through the
sacrum in the patient with the bone scan shown in
Figure 5-50 reveals areas of low signal corresponding
to the edema and reactive bone around the sacral
fractures. Much of the area of low signal will increase
in signal on a T2-weighted sequence. Why do an MRI
examination if the bone scan is pathognomonic?
A good question. The MRI scan is certainly not neces-
sary if the bone scan had been performed already, and
the bone scan would not be needed if the MRI scan
were the first study done.

FIGURE 5-50 ■ Honda sign. A radionuclide bone scan in

a patient with bilateral sacral insufficiency (or stress)
fractures shows increased uptake in the sacrum cor-
responding to an H which has been termed a Honda
sign. This finding is virtually pathognomonic for sacral
insufficiency fractures.

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5 Trauma 101

FIGURE 5-52 ■ Avulsion off the ischium. A, An AP view of the pelvis shows calcification extending off the left
ischium (arrow) in a patient complaining of pain at this site. Note the irregular cortical surface, suggesting
periostitis. B, The CT scan shows dense calcification adjacent to the ischium (arrow). These findings are
characteristic for an ischial avulsion, and a biopsy should not be done.

FIGURE 5-54 ■ Osteoarthritis of the symphysis pubis.

Sclerosis with erosion is noted at the symphysis in
this ultramarathoner complaining of severe pubic
pain. This is characteristic of degenerative disease or
osteoarthritis at this site in an overuse setting, such as
in an ultramarathoner. Erosions are ordinarily not
seen in degenerative disease except in certain joints,
such as the symphysis pubis, the sacroiliac joints, and
the acromioclavicular joints.

FIGURE 5-53 ■ Avulsion from anterior inferior iliac

spine. A plain film of the pelvis shows a calcific density
near the anterior inferior iliac spine (arrow), which is
typical for an avulsion of the rectus femoris muscle.

In certain joints, however, erosions occur as a also behaves in this manner. Ordinarily when
result of degenerative joint disease. These joints erosions are a feature of an articular process,
include the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) is not
acromioclavicular (AC) joint, and the sacroiliac in the differential diagnosis. It should be if the
(SI) joint. These are easy to remember because TMJ, the AC joint, the SI joint, or the symphy-
they are the “letter joints.” The symphysis pubis sis is involved, however.
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102 5 Trauma

FIGURE 5-55 ■ Osteoarthritis of the symphysis pubis.

This is another example of sclerosis and erosive
changes at the symphysis pubis in an ultramarathoner.

FIGURE 5-57 ■ Sacroiliac osteophytes. A, An AP view
of the pelvis in this marathoner shows dense sclero-
sis over both sacroiliac joints. B, A CT scan through
this area demonstrates dense bridging osteophytes
characteristic of degenerative disease.

FIGURE 5-56 ■ Osteoarthritis of the sacroiliac joint.

Sclerosis and erosions (arrow) are seen in the left
sacroiliac joint in this young, professional dancer.
Although this finding has the appearance of an inflam-
matory arthritis, it is also seen in degenerative disease
or osteoarthritis secondary to overuse.

When the SI joints are involved with degen-

erative joint disease, the condition can closely
resemble an HLA-B27 spondyloarthropathy
(Figure 5-56) and lead to erroneous diagnosis and
treatment. Large osteophytes can develop across
the SI joints and mimic sclerosis (Figure 5-57) or
even a tumor (Figure 5-58). FIGURE 5-58 ■ Sacroiliac osteophytosis. A focal area
of sclerosis is seen overlying the right sacroiliac joint
(arrows) in this elderly patient. A metastatic process
LEG was a diagnostic consideration. This is characteristic,
however, of a sacroiliac osteophyte seen in degenera-
tive disease of the sacroiliac joints.
Overt fractures in the femur and lower leg are,
for the most part, straightforward and deserve no
special radiologic treatment for fear of missing
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
5 Trauma 103

subtle abnormalities. Stress fractures, however, fracture until proved otherwise. Occasionally
need to be considered in anyone with hip or a stress fracture will appear somewhat aggres-
leg pain, because overlooking the diagnosis sive, with aggressive periostitis and no definite
can lead to catastrophe. The most serious stress linearity to the sclerosis (Figure 5-63). If the
fracture—and fortunately one of the rarest—is fracture is mistaken for a tumor and a biopsy is
the femoral neck stress fracture. It has been performed, it can be confused with a malig-
divided into three types by orthopedic surgeons: nancy, which is then typically followed by
type 1—sclerosis without a fracture line evident radical therapy. Therefore, in such cases a
(Figure 5-59); type 2—a lucent fracture line biopsy should not be done under any circum-
without displacement (Figure 5-60); and type stances. If the clinical presentation is unusual
3—an evident displaced fracture. The prognosis for a stress fracture and the plain films are not
is best for a type 1 and worst for a type 3 fracture. diagnostic, take additional films 1 or 2 weeks
Many surgeons believe that type 2 and type 3 later. Sometimes CT and MRI scans will better
fractures require internal fixation, whereas a delineate the lesion. Stress fractures can be dif-
type 1 fracture requires non–weight bearing for ficult to diagnose radiologically early on but
at least 3 to 4 weeks. Many type 1 fractures pro- should be straightforward after several weeks.
gress to complete fractures with displacement A history of repetitive stress is not always
(type 3) with continued weight bearing; therefore obtained, so the diagnosis should not depend
these are considered very serious lesions. If a solely on the history.
femoral stress fracture is a clinical concern and An unusual stress fracture is a fibular stress
plain films are normal, an MRI scan should be fracture (Figure 5-64). The fibula is ordinarily
obtained. not thought of as a weight-bearing bone, but in
Stress fractures also occur in the distal certain people it must serve as such.
diaphysis of the femur and in the proximal, One final stress fracture that deserves mention
middle, and distal thirds of the tibia. All because it is frequently misdiagnosed clinically
of these stress fractures need to be treated and overlooked radiographically is the calcaneal
with the utmost caution, because complete stress fracture (Figure 5-65). It is often misdiag-
fractures are can occur with continued stress nosed clinically as a heel spur or plantar fasciitis,
(Figures 5-61 and 5-62). Sclerosis in a weight- and it can be a subtle radiographic finding.
bearing bone that has a horizontal or oblique An MRI scan can be helpful in cases in which
linear pattern should be considered a stress plain films are negative (Figure 5-66).

FIGURE 5-59 ■ Femoral stress fracture. An area of linear FIGURE 5-60 ■ Stress fracture of the femoral neck. A
sclerosis (arrows) is seen at the base of the femoral linear lucency with surrounding sclerosis is seen in
neck in a neophyte runner with hip pain. This finding the femoral neck in this jogger with hip pain. This is a
is diagnostic of a stress fracture of the femur. severe femoral neck stress fracture.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

104 5 Trauma

FIGURE 5-61 ■ Stress fracture with completion. A, A linear lucency is seen in the anterior cortex of the tibia in this
runner, which is diagnostic for a stress fracture. B, This radiograph shows the result of continued exercise.
The stress fracture went on to a complete fracture, which illustrates why any stress fracture of a long bone should
be protected.

FIGURE 5-62 ■ Stress fracture with completion. A, Seen here is a faint linear sclerotic area (arrow), which
is characteristic for a stress fracture of the proximal tibia. B, This radiograph shows the result of continued
exercise in this patient: a complete fracture of the tibia and of the proximal fibula.

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5 Trauma 105

FIGURE 5-63 ■ Stress fracture of the tibia. A, An irregular focus of sclerosis is seen in the posterior proximal
tibia with adjacent periostitis. There was concern that this might represent a primary bone tumor, and the
surgeons recommended a biopsy. B, An MRI scan was performed, however, showing a linear low-signal area
running obliquely across the tibia, which is characteristic of a stress fracture. No soft tissue mass was found.
The patient’s recent history included an increase in his jogging, and a stress fracture was diagnosed based on
these images.

FIGURE 5-64 ■ Fibular stress fracture. A linear band of FIGURE 5-65 ■ Calcaneal stress fracture. A linear band
sclerosis with adjacent periostitis (arrow) is seen in of sclerosis is seen in the posterior calcaneus
the distal fibula in this young female jogger. This is (arrows), which is diagnostic for a stress fracture of
diagnostic for a stress fracture of the fibula. the calcaneus.

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106 5 Trauma


FIGURE 5-66 ■ MRI scan of a calcaneal stress fracture. A, A lateral plain film of the calcaneus in an elderly woman
with heel pain and a history of lung carcinoma shows only osteoporosis. B, A radionuclide bone scan reveals
diffuse increased uptake throughout the calcaneus. The question of whether to treat the calcaneus with radiation
for metastatic lung carcinoma or to do a biopsy first was a dilemma. C, An MRI scan was obtained to get a better
idea of where the met might be. This sagittal T1-weighted image shows a linear low-signal area (arrow), which is
characteristic for a stress fracture. Obviously, no biopsy or radiation was necessary.

Overt fractures in the lower extremity are a fracture. MRI examination has proved to be
uncommonly missed on radiographs; however, very useful in diagnosing hip fractures when
a few exceptions should be noted. Hip frac- plain films are negative (Figure 5-68), and even
tures in the elderly population can be difficult though expensive, they can actually reduce the
to detect (Figure 5-67), and a high index of overall costs by ensuring that no fractures are
suspicion should be maintained. A negative missed.5
plain film in an elderly patient with hip pain Another fracture that can be difficult to exclude
after trauma (even relatively mild trauma) does on routine plain films is a tibial plateau fracture
not exclude a femoral neck fracture. An imme- (Figure 5-69). Many emergency department phy-
diate MRI scan should be obtained to exclude sicians routinely take a cross-table lateral view of
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
5 Trauma 107

FIGURE 5-67 ■ Fracture of the hip. A, An AP view of the hip was obtained in an elderly man after he had fallen. It
was interpreted as normal, and the patient was discharged from the emergency department. B, Two weeks later
the patient returned to the emergency department because he was unable to walk. Another radiograph was
obtained and revealed a complete fracture through the femoral neck. In retrospect the fracture can be faintly seen
in A and should have been picked up initially. Fractures of the hip in the elderly can be difficult to see and should
be diligently searched for with additional views when the clinical setting is appropriate.

FIGURE 5-68 ■ MRI scan of a hip fracture. A, A plain film of the hip in this elderly patient who has hip pain after a
fall does not show a fracture. B, A T1-weighted MRI scan shows linear low signal in the intertrochanteric region,
which is diagnostic for a hip fracture.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

108 5 Trauma


FIGURE 5-69 ■ Tibial plateau fracture. A, An AP view of the knee shows no obvious abnormalities at first glance.
B, A CT scan with reformations of the knee, however, demonstrates a plateau fracture of the lateral tibia. Note
the rounded sclerosis, which in retrospect can be barely appreciated in A. C, A T1 coronal MRI scan shows a
tibial plateau fracture, which was barely discernible on plain films. MRI is an excellent imaging choice for subtle
fractures. Tibial plateau fractures are probably the most commonly missed fractures about the knee.

the knee to look for a fat/fluid level in the supra- surgeon in Napoleon’s army who would do fore-
patellar recess. This finding indicates that a frac- foot amputations in patients with gangrenous toes
ture has occurred and allowed fatty marrow to after frostbite. The Lisfranc’s fracture is a frac-
enter the joint; it is highly correlated with a tibial ture-dislocation of the tarsometatarsals. If the
plateau fracture. In the appropriate clinical setting dislocation is minimal, it can be easily overlooked.
CT or MRI examination may be necessary to A key to normal alignment is that the medial bor-
make the diagnosis. der of the second metatarsal should line up with
A serious fracture in the foot that can be the medial border of the second cuneiform and
missed radiographically when little or no dis- the medial border of the fourth metatarsal should
placement occurs is the so-called Lisfranc’s frac- line up with the medial border of the cuboid.
ture (Figure 5-70). It is named after a famous If they do not, a Lisfranc’s fracture-dislocation
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
5 Trauma 109


FIGURE 5-71 ■ Bohler’s angle in a normal calcaneus.

This drawing shows the normal calcaneus with a line
across the anterior process extending to the apex of
the calcaneus, intersecting with a line from the poste-
rior portion of the calcaneus to the apex. This is
termed Bohler’s angle, and when it becomes flattened
or less than 20 degrees, a calcaneal fracture should be

FIGURE 5-70 ■ Lisfranc’s fracture. An AP view of the

foot in this patient shows a space between the first
and second metatarsals with the base of the second
metatarsal displaced off the second cuneiform. This is
indicative of a Lisfranc’s fracture-dislocation.

should be suspected. This fracture is seen most

commonly in someone who has caught the fore-
foot in something such as a hole in the ground or
in a horseback rider falling and hanging by the FIGURE 5-72 ■ Calcaneal fracture. Bohler’s angle in this
forefoot in the stirrups. It is sometimes seen as calcaneus is less than 20 degrees, which is indicative
a neurotropic or Charcot’s joint in diabetic of a fracture of the calcaneus.
patients. As with many fractures MRI examina-
tion can be very helpful in finding or excluding
fractures when the clinical examination and the
plain films are discordant.
A fracture of the calcaneus can be difficult to involves the base of the fifth metatarsal. It com-
appreciate on routine radiographs. Bohler’s an- monly occurs in conjunction with a sprained
gle is a normal anatomic landmark that should ankle; hence the distracting element of the ankle
be looked for in every foot film when trauma has pain from the injured ligaments can lead to this
occurred (Figure 5-71). If the angle is narrower fracture being overlooked clinically as well.
than 20 degrees, such as is seen with jumping On lateral plain films the fracture line can re-
injuries, a compression of the calcaneus is indi- semble an articular surface and be somewhat
cated (Figure 5-72). This fracture has been inconspicuous (Figure 5-73). In addition, the
termed a lover’s fracture, for the propensity of base of the fifth metatarsal has an apophysis that,
lovers to jump out of windows when discovered before its closure, can resemble a fracture; how-
in compromising surroundings by apparently ever, the apophysis has its physeal line parallel to
larger or armed jealous suitors. the metatarsal shaft (Figure 5-74), whereas a
A fracture that is easily overlooked by un- fracture of the base of the fifth is perpendicular
trained or inexperienced physicians is one that to the metatarsal shaft.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
110 5 Trauma

This fairly simplified overview of some com-

monly overlooked fractures and dislocations
should in no way be interpreted as a substitute
for the more complete texts listed in the bibliog-
raphy. For most residents and medical students
it can serve as a starting point, however, and
perhaps stimulate reading in more depth on
some of the topics.

1. Rogers LF: Radiology of skeletal trauma, ed 3, New York,
2002, Churchill Livingstone.
2. Harris JH Jr, Harris WH: The radiology of emergency
medicine, ed 4, Baltimore, 2000, Lippincott Williams &
FIGURE 5-73 ■ Fracture of the base of the fifth metatar- Wilkins.
sal. This lateral plain film in a woman who sprained 3. Rockwood CA Jr, Green DP: Fractures in adults, ed 5,
her ankle shows the classic appearance of a fracture of Philadelphia, 2001, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
the base of the fifth metatarsal (arrow). 4. Dorsay TA, Major NM, et al: Cost-effectiveness of im-
mediate MR imaging versus traditional follow-up for
revealing radiographically occult scaphoid fractures.
AJR Am J Roentgenol 177(6):1257–1263, 2001.
5. Deutsch AL, Mink JH, Waxman AD: Occult fractures
of the proximal femur: MR imaging. Radiology 170:
113–116, 1989.

FIGURE 5-74 ■ Normal apophysis at the base of the fifth

metatarsal. This AP film of the foot shows a normal
fifth metatarsal apophysis. This 12-year-old boy
sprained his ankle, and the emergency department
physician thought it was a fracture even though it was
nontender to palpation. Unfortunately the patient was
treated for several weeks in a walking boot and missed
the remainder of his basketball season unnecessarily.
(Case courtesy of Jennifer Stenner.)

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


The radiologic study of arthritis can be ex- can involve the more proximal portion of the
tremely difficult for the inexperienced because hand and wrist, although this is unusual.
of the wide variety of patterns of disease, which Side-to-side symmetry of the arthropathy is
produces a tremendous amount of overlap occasionally helpful in selecting a differential
among the various diseases. What at first seems diagnosis (Box 6-1). Primary osteoarthritis and
to be simple characterization of disease entities rheumatoid arthritis are classically described as
is found by the more experienced observer to be bilaterally symmetric. Exceptions occur quite
broad generalizations that may or may not fit often, however, so bilateral symmetry in these
into any one category of disease. disorders is probably only on the order of
This chapter gives an overview of radiologic 80% to 90%. Rheumatoid arthritis is a com-
evaluation of arthritis with the caveat that it is, mon offender of the bilateral symmetry rule,
by necessity, a simplified version and in no way and one should not be surprised if rheumatoid
complete. If one is interested in greater detail arthritis is seen to be asymmetric in up to 25%
or more accuracy, I would urge reading either of cases.
Debbie Forrester’s excellent monograph1 on the Involvement of joints other than the hand and
subject or Anne Brower’s superb book.2 The wrist is not a common feature with most of the
definitive work on this subject is Don Resnick’s arthritides. In general, when a large joint such as
six-volume tome,3 but most can’t read even the the shoulder, hip, or knee is involved with arthri-
arthritis portion during a 4-year residency—it’s tis only a few entities need to be considered
best used as a reference. (Table 6-2). Although it must be emphasized
The majority of arthritides are most easily that almost any arthritis can affect almost any
examined and categorized by looking at their joint, the diseases listed in Table 6-2 probably
effect on the hands. Forrester recommends a will account for 90% or more of the large joint
search pattern that she calls the ABC’S, with the arthropathia.
A indicating alignment, B standing for bone Involvement of certain joints can often give a
mineralization, C standing for cartilage and in- clue as to the underlying disease process. For
cluding a search for erosions, and the S standing example, if the sacroiliac (SI) joints are involved,
for soft tissues. I would add to this search pattern the differential diagnosis is as listed in Table 6-3.
by making it the ABCD’S, with the D indicating Again, almost any arthritis can affect any joint,
distribution of the pathology. Although this is but if the SI joint is involved, using Table 6-3 for
implied in Forrester’s search pattern, I believe it the differential diagnosis will give a 95% or bet-
cannot be overemphasized. ter chance of having the right answer.
In general, if the distribution of the arthropa- The aforementioned differential diagnoses
thy can be determined, the differential diagnosis are to be considered generalizations and are,
becomes very short (Table 6-1). Although on for the most part (except when mentioned),
paper this sounds quite nice, it can on occasion probably not more than 75% to 85% accurate.
be difficult to accurately determine the distribu- They are a nice starting point, however, for
tion of the arthropathy. The distribution of the developing the differential diagnosis. I cannot
arthropathy is difficult to determine when it is overemphasize that the exceptions are exceed-
not clearly distal or proximal but is more gen- ingly common. There are probably more
eral, such as occurs with gout and sarcoid. It can missed diagnoses in the field of arthritis than
also be difficult to accurately determine the dis- in almost any other area of radiology. The re-
tribution when advanced disease is present, such mainder of this chapter gives a brief overview
as occurs with severe rheumatoid arthritis. With of arthritides with which most radiologists
severe rheumatoid arthritis the proximal nature should be familiar. Rather than provide an in-
of the pathology is not so apparent because of depth description of each process—which can
involvement with the metacarpophalangeal be obtained in any of the major radiology
joints and even the phalangeal joints. In a similar texts—I give salient discriminating points that
manner, when psoriatic disease, Reiter’s syn- might make it easier to differentiate one pro-
drome, or osteoarthritis is severely advanced, it cess from another.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 111
112 6 Arthritis

TABLE 6-1 Arthropathy Distribution in BOX 6-2 Hallmarks of Degenerative

Hands and Wrists Joint Disease
Distal Proximal Sclerosis
Psoriasis Rheumatoid arthritis
Reiter’s Calcium pyrophosphate
Joint space narrowing
syndrome dihydrate crystal deposition
Osteoarthritis disease (CPPD)

BOX 6-1 Bilateral Symmetry of

Primary osteoarthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis

TABLE 6-2 Large Joint Involvement

Ankylosing Osteoarthritis (degenerative
spondylitis joint disease)
Pigmented villonod- Rheumatoid arthritis
ular synovitis Calcium pyrophosphate
Synovial osteo- dihydrate crystal deposi-
chondromatosis tion disease (CPPD)

TABLE 6-3 Sacroiliac Joint Involvement

FIGURE 6-1 ■ Degenerative joint disease of the shoul-
Ankylosing Osteoarthritis (degenerative der. This former professional baseball pitcher with
spondylitis joint disease) long-standing shoulder pain has joint space narrow-
Inflammatory bowel Infection ing, subchondral sclerosis, and osteophytosis, which
disease Gout are hallmarks of degenerative joint disease (DJD).
Reiter’s syndrome

Sclerosis should be present in varying amounts

in all cases of DJD unless severe osteoporosis is
present. Osteoporosis causes the sclerosis to be
OSTEOARTHRITIS diminished. For instance, in long-standing rheu-
matoid arthritis where the cartilage has been
The most common arthritis seen by radiologists destroyed, DJD often occurs with little sclerosis.
is osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease Osteophytosis will be diminished in the setting
(DJD). It is thought to be caused by trauma— of osteoporosis also. Otherwise, sclerosis and
either overt or as an accumulation of microtrauma osteophytosis should be prominent in DJD.
over the years. The hallmarks of DJD are joint The only disorder that will cause osteophytes
space narrowing, sclerosis, and osteophytosis without sclerosis or joint space narrowing is dif-
(Box 6-2 and Figure 6-1). If all three of these fuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH).
findings are not present on the radiograph, an- This common bone-forming disorder is seen
other diagnosis should be considered. primarily in the spine and at first glance resem-
Joint space narrowing is the least specific bles DJD except there is no disc space narrowing
finding of the three, yet it is virtually always and there is no sclerosis (Figure 6-2). DISH is
present in DJD. Unfortunately it is also seen in not thought to be caused by trauma or stress, as
almost every other joint abnormality, so by itself is DJD, and is not painful or disabling, as DJD
it means little. can be. Millions of dollars per year are awarded
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 Arthritis 113

FIGURE 6-2 ■ Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis.
A lateral film of the lumbar spine shows extensive
osteophytosis without significant disc space narrow-
ing or sclerosis. This is a classic picture for diffuse
idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH).

to government employees on retirement for

“disability” payments for supposed DJD ac-
quired on their jobs when, in fact, they have
DISH and are misdiagnosed. It is hoped that
such errors will be rectified in the future as more
radiologists become informed of the difference
between DJD and DISH.
Osteoarthritis is divided into two types: pri-
mary and secondary. Secondary osteoarthritis is
what radiologists refer to when speaking of
DJD. It is, as mentioned, secondary to trauma of
some sort. It can occur in any joint in the body
but is particularly common in the knees, hips,
and spine.
Primary osteoarthritis is a familial arthritis that
affects middle-aged females almost exclusively
and is seen only in the hands. It affects the distal
interphalangeal (DIP) joints, the proximal inter- FIGURE 6-3 ■ Primary osteoarthritis. A radiograph of
phalangeal (PIP) joints, and the base of the thumb the left (A) and right (B) hands in a patient with
in a bilaterally symmetric fashion (Figure 6-3). primary osteoarthritis shows classic findings of os-
teophytosis, joint space narrowing, and sclerosis
If the arthritis is not bilaterally symmetric, the at the distal interphalangeal joints, the proximal
diagnosis of primary osteoarthritis should be interphalangeal joints, and the base of the thumb.
questioned (Figure 6-4). This is bilaterally symmetric in this patient, which is
A type of primary osteoarthritis that can be typical for primary osteoarthritis.
very painful and debilitating is erosive osteoar-
thritis. It has the identical distribution as men-
tioned for primary osteoarthritis but is associated
with severe osteoporosis of the hands as well
as erosions. It is somewhat uncommon, and
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
114 6 Arthritis

FIGURE 6-4 ■ Lack of bilateral symmetry in primary osteoarthritis. This patient has classic radiographic findings
of primary osteoarthritis in the left hand; however, the right hand shows only osteoporosis and soft tissue wasting
without evidence of osteoarthritis. The reason for the lack of bilaterality is that this patient has long-standing
right-sided paralysis, which has blocked the onset of the arthritic changes in the right hand.

radiologists generally see little of this disorder.

Residents tend to mention erosive osteoarthritis
in every example of joint erosions encountered
whether it is in the hands, knees, hips, or wher-
ever. This is totally inappropriate because erosive
osteoarthritis occurs only in the hands, and there
it has a characteristic distribution, which should
make for an easy diagnosis.
There are a few exceptions to the classic triad
of findings seen in DJD (sclerosis, narrowing,
and osteophytes). Several joints also exhibit ero-
sions as a manifestation of DJD. I call these
joints the letter joints because they are all often
called by their initials: the temporomandibular
joint (TMJ), the acromioclavicular (AC) joint, FIGURE 6-5 ■ Osteoarthritis of the SI joint. A young
and the SI joints; the symphysis pubis behaves woman, who is a professional dancer, complained of
left-sided hip pain. This anteroposterior (AP) film of
similarly (Box 6-3). When erosions are seen in the pelvis demonstrated left SI joint sclerosis, joint
one of these joints DJD must be considered; irregularity, and erosions. A complete workup to rule
otherwise, inappropriate treatment can occur out an HLA-B27 spondyloarthropathy was negative,
(Figure 6-5). and no laboratory or clinical evidence for infection
was found. Her clinical history pointed to this process
being completely occupation related, and an aspira-
tion biopsy to rule out infection was therefore not
performed. This is not an unusual appearance for DJD
BOX 6-3 Joints That Exhibit Erosions of the SI joints.
with Osteoarthritis

Temporomandibular Acromioclavicular (AC)

joint (TMJ) joint
Sacroiliac (SI) joint Symphysis pubis

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

6 Arthritis 115

Another process that can occasionally be RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS

seen in DJD is a subchondral cyst or geode
(taken from the geologic term used when a vol- Rheumatoid arthritis is a connective tissue dis-
canic rock has a gas pocket that leaves a large order of unknown cause that can affect any
cavity in the rock). Geodes are cystic formations synovial-lined joint in the body. The radio-
that occur around joints in a variety of disorders graphic hallmarks are soft tissue swelling, os-
(Box 6-4). Presumably, one method by which teoporosis, joint space narrowing, and marginal
they form is synovial fluid being forced into erosions (Box 6-5). In the hands it is classically
the subchondral bone, causing a cystic collec- a proximal process that is bilaterally symmetric
tion of joint fluid. They seldom cause problems (Figure 6-7). There are so many exceptions
by themselves but are often misdiagnosed to these rules, however, that I have come to
as something more sinister (Figure 6-6; see regard them as no better than 80% accurate.
Chapter 4). Rheumatoid arthritis has a large variety of ap-
pearances and can be difficult to diagnose with
any degree of assurance from its radiographic
appearance alone.
Rheumatoid arthritis in large joints is fairly
BOX 6-4 Diseases That Cause characteristic in that it causes a lot of joint space
Subchondral Cysts (Geodes) narrowing and is associated with marked osteo-
porosis. Erosions may or may not be present and
Rheumatoid arthritis Calcium pyrophosphate tend to be marginal, that is, away from the
Degenerative joint dihydrate crystal
weight-bearing portion of the joint. In the hip
disease deposition disease
(CPPD) the femoral head tends to migrate axially,
Avascular necrosis whereas in osteoarthritis it tends to migrate su-
perolaterally (Figures 6-8 and 6-9). In the shoul-
der the humeral head tends to be “high-riding”
(Figure 6-10). Other things to think of when
confronted with a high-riding shoulder are a
torn rotator cuff and calcium pyrophosphate
dihydrate crystal deposition disease (CPPD)
(Box 6-6).
When rheumatoid arthritis is long-standing, it
is not unusual for secondary DJD to superimpose
itself on the findings one would expect with rheu-
matoid. This picture of DJD differs somewhat
from that usually seen in that the sclerosis and
osteophytes are considerably diminished in sever-
ity as compared with the joint space narrowing
(Figure 6-11).

A group of diseases that was formerly called
rheumatoid variants is now known as the serone-
gative HLA-B27-positive spondyloarthropa-
thies. What was wrong with rheumatoid variants?
It was short and concise. It has been replaced

FIGURE 6-6 ■ Subchondral cyst or geode of the shoul-

der. This patient has marked DJD of the shoulder with
BOX 6-5 Hallmarks of Rheumatoid
joint space narrowing, sclerosis, and osteophytosis. A Arthritis
large lytic process (arrows) seen in the humeral head
is a subchondral cyst or geode, which often occurs in Proximal and bilaterally Osteoporosis
association with DJD. Because of the DJD in the symmetric (hands) Joint space narrowing
shoulder, a biopsy to rule out a more sinister lesion in Soft tissue swelling Marginal erosions
the humeral head should be avoided.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

116 6 Arthritis

FIGURE 6-7 ■ Rheumatoid arthritis. An erosive arthritis that primarily affects the carpal bones and the metacarpo-
phalangeal joints is seen that has osteoporosis and soft tissue swelling (note the soft tissue over the ulnar styloid
processes). It is bilaterally symmetric process in this patient, which is classic.


FIGURE 6-8 ■ Routes of migration of the femoral head.

Osteoarthritis of the hip tends to cause superior (S)
migration of the femoral head in relation to the ace-
tabulum, whereas rheumatoid arthritis tends to cause
axial (A) migration of the femoral head in relation to
the acetabulum.

FIGURE 6-9 ■ Rheumatoid arthritis of the hip. Note the

severe joint space narrowing in this patient with rheu-
matoid arthritis. The femoral head has migrated in
an axial direction with fairly concentric joint space
narrowing. Minimal secondary degenerative changes
have occurred, as noted by the sclerosis in the supe-
rior portion of the joint; however, these have been
diminished somewhat by the osteoporosis that usu-
ally accompanies rheumatoid arthritis.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

6 Arthritis 117

FIGURE 6-10 ■ Rheumatoid arthritis in the shoulder.

An AP view of the shoulder in this patient with rheu-
matoid arthritis shows that the distance between
the acromion and the humeral head is diminished
(arrows). Ordinarily this space is about one finger-
breadth in width to allow the rotator cuff to move
freely. This is a common finding in rheumatoid arthri- FIGURE 6-11 ■ Secondary degenerative disease in the
tis as well as in CPPD or with a torn rotator cuff. knee in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. This
patient has a history of long-standing rheumatoid
arthritis. An AP view of the knee shows severe os-
teoporosis and joint space narrowing. Secondary
DJD is occurring, as evidenced by the sclerosis and
BOX 6-6 Diseases That Cause a osteophytosis; however, these findings are out of
High-Riding Shoulder proportion to the severe joint space narrowing.
When DJD narrows a joint to this extent, the osteo-
Calcium pyrophosphate Rheumatoid arthritis phytosis and sclerosis are invariably much more
dihydrate crystal Torn rotator cuff
deposition disease
vertically, whereas an osteophyte has its orien-
tation in a horizontal axis. Sometimes deciding
whether a particular paravertebral ossification
with a polysyllabic mouthful that is perhaps is an osteophyte or a syndesmophyte is difficult
more descriptively correct, but so what? That’s based on its orientation alone (Figure 6-12).
the problem with most academicians—make Bridging osteophytes and large syndesmo-
it sound more erudite and maybe everyone phytes can have a similar appearance, with
will think we’re smarter than we really are. both having an orientation halfway between
They shouldn’t be so insecure. I liked rheuma- vertical and horizontal. How should one evalu-
toid variants. ate those examples? Easy—ignore them. Look
These disorders are all linked to the HLA- at the other vertebral bodies and use the ossifi-
B27 histocompatibility antigen. Included in this cations on them to determine whether you are
group of diseases are ankylosing spondylitis, in- dealing with osteophytes or syndesmophytes.
flammatory bowel disease, psoriatic arthritis, If no other level is involved, you might just
and Reiter’s syndrome. They are characterized have to make the diagnosis based on something
by bony ankylosis, proliferative new bone for- else. In other words, sometimes you simply
mation, and predominantly axial (spinal) in- will not be able to tell one from the other.
volvement. Osteophytes should be accompanied by disc
One of the more characteristic findings is space narrowing (except in DISH), but some-
that of syndesmophytes in the spine. A syndes- times narrowing in not obvious.
mophyte is a paravertebral ossification that Syndesmophytes are classified as to whether
resembles an osteophyte except that it runs they are marginal and symmetric or nonmarginal
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
118 6 Arthritis

FIGURE 6-13 ■ Marginal symmetric syndesmophytes

in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis. Bilateral mar-
ginal syndesmophytes are seen bridging the disc
FIGURE 6-12 ■ Psoriasis with syndesmophytes. The spaces throughout the lumbar spine in this patient.
large paravertebral ossification on the left side of the This is a “bamboo spine” and is classic for ankylosing
T12–L1 disc space (open arrow) is difficult to differen- spondylitis or inflammatory bowel disease.
tiate between an osteophyte and a syndesmophyte.
Either could have this appearance. However, the para-
vertebral ossification at the left L1–2 disc space (solid
arrow) definitely has a vertical rather than a horizon-
tal orientation, as does the faint ossification seen at
the T11–12 disc space (small arrow). These definitely
represent syndesmophytes. Therefore it makes sense
to logically assume that the ossification at the T12–L1
disc space is almost certainly a syndesmophyte as
well. This patient has large nonmarginal asymmetric
syndesmophytes, which are typical of psoriatic arthri-
tis or Reiter’s syndrome. This patient indeed has

and asymmetric. A marginal syndesmophyte has

its origin at the edge or margin of a vertebral
body and extends to the margin of the adjacent
vertebral body. Marginal syndesmophytes are
invariably bilaterally symmetric as viewed on an
anteroposterior (AP) spine film. Ankylosing
spondylitis classically has marginal, symmetric
syndesmophytes (Figure 6-13). Inflammatory
bowel disease has an identical appearance when
the spine is involved.
Nonmarginal, asymmetric syndesmophytes
are generally large and bulky. They emanate
from the vertebral body away from the end-plate
or margin and are unilateral or asymmetric as
FIGURE 6-14 ■ Syndesmophytes in psoriatic arthritis.
viewed on an AP spine film (Figures 6-12 and Large, bulky, nonmarginal asymmetric syndesmoph-
6-14). Psoriatic arthritis and Reiter’s syndrome ytes (arrows) are seen in this patient with psoriatic
classically have this type of syndesmophyte. arthritis.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

6 Arthritis 119

Involvement of the SI joints is common in the Reiter’s syndrome and psoriatic arthritis can
HLA-B27 spondyloarthropathies. The patterns exhibit unilateral or bilateral SI joint involve-
of involvement, like the patterns of involvement ment. It is said that it is bilateral about 50% of
of the spine, are somewhat typical for each dis- the time. It is often asymmetric when it is bilat-
order. Ankylosing spondylitis and inflammatory eral, but exact symmetry can be difficult to assess
bowel disease typically cause bilaterally symmet- on plain films. Therefore, when it is definitely
ric SI joint disease that is initially erosive and bilateral and not clearly asymmetric, I consider
progresses to sclerosis and fusion (Figures 6-15 the SI joints to be in the bilateral symmetric
and 6-16). It is extremely unusual to have asym- category. This means that if I have a case with
metric or unilateral SI joint disease in these two bilateral, symmetric SI joint disease, it could be
disorders. Another entity that can have bilateral caused by any of the four HLA-B27 spondyloar-
SI joint erosions is hyperparathyroidism. Sub- thropathies. If I have a case with unilateral (or
periosteal resorption along the SI joints mimics clearly asymmetric) SI joint involvement, I can
erosive changes. This is more commonly seen in confidently exclude ankylosing spondylitis and
children. inflammatory bowel disease, and I would consider
Reiter’s syndrome and psoriatic disease. In this
example I would have to also consider infection
and DJD (don’t forget that DJD can cause ero-
sions in the SI joints) (Figures 6-5 and 6-17) and
in older patients, gout. Computed tomography
(CT) is very helpful in examining the SI joints
and is considered by many to be the diagnostic
procedure of choice because of the unobstructed
view of the entire joint (Figure 6-18).
That is, in a nutshell, my approach to the SI
joints (see Table 6-3). Other considerations in
the differential are too uncommon for me to
worry about for the most part, and you shouldn’t
Large joint involvement with the HLA-B27
spondyloarthropathies is uncommon (except for
FIGURE 6-15 ■ Ankylosing spondylitis. Bilateral, sym-
metric SI joint sclerosis and erosions are seen in this ankylosing spondylitis) but occurs often enough
patient with ankylosing spondylitis. Inflammatory to warrant learning about. In general, the ar-
bowel disease could have an identical appearance. thropathy will resemble rheumatoid arthritis
Although this is classic for these two disorders, it with the typical features thereof (Figure 6-19).
would not be that unusual for this appearance to be
seen with psoriatic disease or Reiter’s syndrome. It
The hips are involved in up to 50% of the
would be unlikely for infection or DJD to be bilateral patients with ankylosing spondylitis.
in this fashion.

FIGURE 6-16 ■ Fusion of the SI joints in ankylosing

spondylitis. Bilateral complete fusion of the SI joints
in this patient with ankylosing spondylitis makes the FIGURE 6-17 ■ Psoriasis with SI joint disease. Unilateral
SI joints totally indistinguishable. Inflammatory bowel SI sclerosis and erosions are seen in this patient with
disease could have a similar appearance. I have not psoriasis. Ankylosing spondylitis and inflammatory
seen other disease processes affect the SI joints to this bowel disease virtually never have this unilateral dis-
extent, with the exception of long-standing paralysis. tribution.

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120 6 Arthritis

FIGURE 6-18 ■ CT scan of the SI joints in psoriasis. A CT A

scan through the SI joints in this patient with psoriasis
shows unilateral SI joint sclerosis and erosions (arrows)
typical for psoriasis or Reiter’s syndrome.

FIGURE 6-19 ■ Ankylosing spondylitis with hip disease.

An AP view of the pelvis in this patient with ankylos-
ing spondylitis shows bilateral complete fusion of the
SI joints. Concentric left hip joint narrowing is present
with axial migration of the femoral head. The hip
changes would be typical findings in rheumatoid
arthritis or, as in this example, ankylosing spondylitis.
Note the secondary DJD changes in the hip as well as
the SI joint fusion.
Small joint involvement, specifically the hands
FIGURE 6-20 ■ Psoriatic arthritis. A, Cartilage loss at
and feet, is not commonly seen in ankylosing the proximal interphalangeal joints of the third,
spondylitis and inflammatory bowel disease and fourth, and fifth digits in this hand is apparent, with
tends to resemble rheumatoid arthritis. Psoriasis erosions noted most prominently in the fourth and
causes a distinctive arthropathy in the hands fifth digits. These erosions are not sharply demar-
cated but are covered with fluffy new bone, which are
that is characterized by its distal predominance, termed proliferative erosions. Note also the periosti-
proliferative erosions, soft tissue swelling, and tis along the shafts of each of the proximal phalanges.
periostitis. The erosions are different from the B, Advanced psoriatic arthritis. Fusion or ankylosis
clean-cut, sharply marginated erosions seen in is apparent across the proximal interphalangeal joints
all other erosive arthritides in that they often of the second through the fifth digits. Several of
the distal interphalangeal joints are also ankylosed.
have fuzzy margins with wisps of periostitis Severe joint space narrowing at the metacarpopha-
emanating from them (Figure 6-20, A). The langeal joints is noted. This distal arthritis is typical
severe forms are often associated with bony for psoriatic arthritis.

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6 Arthritis 121

FIGURE 6-21 ■ Reiter’s syndrome. A lateral view of a cal-

caneus in a patient with Reiter’s syndrome shows poorly
defined new bone on the inferior margin of the calca-
neus with a calcaneal spur that is also poorly defined. FIGURE 6-22 ■ Reiter’s syndrome. An AP view of the
This is typical of psoriatic arthritis or Reiter’s syndrome great toe in a patient with Reiter’s syndrome shows
as opposed to the well-formed calcaneal spur in DJD. fluffy periostitis in the erosions adjacent to the inter-
phalangeal joint of the great toe. Marked soft tissue
swelling is also present throughout the great toe.
ankylosis across joints (Figure 6-20, B) and mu- These changes are typical in appearance and location
tilans deformities. A fairly common finding is for Reiter’s syndrome or psoriasis.
a calcaneal heel spur that has fuzzy margins as
opposed to the well-corticated heel spur seen in
DJD (Figure 6-21). body, especially joint cartilage. The actual causes
Reiter’s syndrome causes changes that are of the hyperuricemia are myriad, including in-
identical in every respect with those of psoriasis herited, and are not germane to this discussion.
with the exception that the hands are not as The arthropathy caused by gout is very charac-
commonly involved (Figure 6-22). Also, Reiter’s teristic radiographically, yet it is not commonly
is rare in women. Therefore I recommend storing seen. Why is that? Because it takes 4 to 6 years for
the findings for psoriasis and Reiter’s syndrome gout to cause radiographically evident disease,
on a single neuron and saving the other for a and most patients are successfully treated long
phone number or something else. before the destructive arthropathy occurs.
The classic radiographic findings are well-
defined erosions, often with sclerotic borders or
CRYSTAL-INDUCED ARTHRITIS overhanging edges; soft tissue nodules that calcify
in the presence of renal failure; and a random
The crystal-induced arthritides include gout and distribution in the hands without marked osteo-
pseudogout (CPPD). Ochronosis and a few porosis (Figure 6-23). I know of no other disorder
other arcane crystal deposition diseases are so that typically has erosions with sclerotic margins;
rare that they don’t deserve mention except to therefore this is a very specific finding for gout.
say that you will probably never see an example It typically affects the metatarsophalangeal joint
outside of a textbook or teaching file. of the great toe (called podagra) (Figure 6-24).
In advanced stages it can be very deforming
Gout (Figure 6-25). Patients with gout often have
chondrocalcinosis because they have an increased
Gout is a metabolic disorder that results in hy- chance of having pseudogout (CPPD). Up to
peruricemia and leads to monosodium urate 40% of the patients with gout concomitantly
crystals being deposited in various sites in the have CPPD.

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FIGURE 6-23 ■ Gout. Sharply marginated erosions,

some with a sclerotic margin, are noted throughout
the carpus and proximal metacarpals. These erosions
are classic in gout. Note the absence of marked de-
FIGURE 6-25 ■ Advanced gout. Marked diffuse and focal
soft tissue swelling is present throughout the hand and
wrist in this patient with long-standing gout. Destruc-
tive, large, well-marginated erosions, some with over-
hanging edges, are noted near multiple joints. The
focal areas of soft tissue swelling are called tophi,
some of which are calcified. These calcify only with
coexistent renal disease.

It is worth repeating that patients must have

clinically evident gout for years before changes
will be apparent on a radiograph, and it is get-
ting to be uncommon to find such a case. Also,
even though erosions with overhanging edges
can occur with gout, they can occur in other
disorders as well and are by no means pathog-

Pseudogout (CPPD)
Calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition dis-
ease (CPPD) causes much confusion among
radiologists as well as other specialists. It is actu-
ally quite simple if you don’t read all the con-
flicting literature. First, what do you call it? Is it
pseudogout or CPPD? Who cares? Call it ei-
ther, or call it both. Many academicians say that
it should be called pseudogout only when symp-
toms are present. Do we call lung cancer some-
FIGURE 6-24 ■ Gout. A sharply marginated erosion with thing else if the patient is asymptomatic? Of
an overhanging edge (arrow) is seen in the metatarso-
phalangeal joint in the great toe in this patient with
course not. For all practical purposes the terms
gout. This appearance and location are classic for pseudogout and CPPD are synonymous, and argu-
gout, whereas psoriasis and Reiter’s syndrome usu- ment over the issue is academic B.S.
ally involve the interphalangeal joint and do not have CPPD has a classic triad: pain, cartilage calci-
erosions that are this sharply marginated. fication, and DJD. The patient may have any
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6 Arthritis 123

combination of one or more of this triad at any

one time. Each of these signs and symptoms
will be dealt with individually in some detail,
but note that two of the three are radiographic
findings. This disorder is best diagnosed radio-
The pain of CPPD is nonspecific. It can
mimic that of gout (hence the term pseudogout)
or infection or just about any arthritis. It typi-
cally is intermittent over many years until DJD
occurs and becomes the main cause of pain.
Cartilage calcification, known as chondrocal-
cinosis, can occur in any joint but tends to affect
a few select sites in the overwhelming majority of
patients. These are the medial and lateral com-
partments of the knee (Figure 6-26), the triangu-
lar fibrocartilage of the wrist (Figure 6-27), and
the symphysis pubis. Chondrocalcinosis in any
joint is virtually diagnostic of CPPD. When
CPPD crystals occur in the soft tissues, such as in
the rotator cuff of the shoulder, a radiograph
cannot differentiate between CPPD and calcium
hydroxyapatite, which occurs in calcific tendini-
tis. Some refer to the deposition of calcium hy-
droxyapatite (CHA) crystals in soft tissues as
HAD—hydroxy apatite deposition. It is by far FIGURE 6-27 ■ Chondrocalcinosis in the wrist. This patient
the most commonly seen source of soft tissue with CPPD exhibits chondrocalcinosis in the triangular
fibrocartilage of the wrist (curved arrow). Triangular
calcification. HAD does not occur in the joint fibrocartilage calcification is one of the more common
cartilage except in extremely rare cases; therefore locations for chondrocalcinosis to occur.
all chondrocalcinoses can be considered CPPD.

This, for some reason, is confounding to many

people. Many established academicians have a
hard time accepting the fact that if chondrocal-
cinosis is present, CPPD crystals are the only
possible culprit. Monosodium urate crystals in
gout are not radiographically visible. CHA does
not occur in cartilage. In fact, no other radio-
graphically visible crystal in cartilage has been
described. It couldn’t be simpler: chondrocalci-
nosis equals CPPD. So what’s the fuss all about?
Beats me.
The joint destruction or arthropathy of
CPPD is virtually indistinguishable from that of
DJD. In fact, it is DJD. It’s caused by CPPD
crystals eroding the cartilage. There are a few
features of DJD caused by CPPD that will help
distinguish it from DJD caused by trauma or
overuse. The main difference is one of location.
CPPD has a proclivity for the upper extremity:
the shoulder, the elbow (Figure 6-28), the radio-
carpal joint in the wrist (Figure 6-29), and the
MCP joints of the hand; also it tends to involve
the patellofemoral joint of the knee in an iso-
lated manner, that is, with no DJD seen in the
FIGURE 6-26 ■ Chondrocalcinosis in the knee. Cartilage
calcification, known as chondrocalcinosis, is seen in
medial or lateral compartments. These areas are
the fibrocartilage (arrows) and in the hyaline articular not normally involved by DJD from wear and
cartilage in this patient with CPPD. tear. When DJD is seen in the joints that CPPD
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FIGURE 6-29 ■ CPPD arthropathy. Marked DJD at the

radiocarpal joint is seen in this patient with CPPD.
Severe joint space narrowing and sclerosis with large
FIGURE 6-28 ■ CPPD arthropathy. DJD of the elbow is
subchondral cysts or geodes are hallmarks of DJD.
seen in this patient with CPPD. Note the joint space
This is an unusual location for DJD except in the
narrowing with minimal sclerosis and the large osteo-
setting of CPPD.
phytes (arrows). Osteophytes of this nature are termed
drooping osteophytes and are often seen in CPPD.
The elbow is an unusual place for DJD to occur except
in the setting of CPPD or trauma.
acromegaly, diabetes, Wilson’s disease, and hy-
pophosphatasia, but the recent work in this field
does not support this.
tends to involve, a search for chondrocalcinosis
should be made. If necessary, a joint aspiration
for CPPD crystals may be necessary to confirm COLLAGEN VASCULAR DISEASES
the diagnosis.
Occasionally the arthropathy of CPPD accel- Scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus
erates, and severe destruction occurs to such an (SLE), dermatomyositis, and mixed connective
extent that a neuropathic or Charcot’s joint is tissue disease are all grouped together as colla-
mimicked on the radiograph (Figure 6-30). This gen vascular diseases. The striking abnormali-
has been termed a pseudo-Charcot’s joint. It is ties in the hands in each of these disorders
not a true Charcot’s joint because of the presence are osteoporosis and soft tissue wasting. SLE
of sensation. characteristically has severe ulnar deviation of
Three diseases have a high degree of associa- the phalanges (Figure 6-31). Erosions are gen-
tion with CPPD: primary hyperparathyroidism, erally not present in these diseases. Soft tissue
gout, and hemochromatosis. This is not a dif- calcifications are typically present in scleroderma
ferential diagnosis for chondrocalcinosis. These (Figure 6-32) and dermatomyositis. Mixed con-
diseases tend to occur at the same time that nective tissue disease is an overlap of sclero-
CPPD occurs. If the patient has one of these derma, SLE, polymyositis, and rheumatoid
three disorders, he or she is more likely to have arthritis. Obviously it has a myriad of radio-
CPPD than is a healthy person. There is prob- graphic findings.
ably no good reason to perform a workup on
every patient with chondrocalcinosis for one of
the three associated diseases, because they are SARCOID
so uncommon and CPPD is extremely com-
mon. Several texts list many other disorders that Sarcoidosis causes deposition of granulation
are supposedly associated with CPPD, such as tissue in the body, primarily in the lungs but
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6 Arthritis 125

FIGURE 6-30 ■ Pseudo-Charcot’s joint in CPPD. This patient with CPPD shows severe joint destruction in the carpus
primarily at the radiocarpal joint. A, Large subchondral cysts or geodes are noted. Heterotopic new bone or joint
debris is also seen (arrow). B, Dislocation of the radiocarpal joint is seen, with the entire carpus lying volarly in
relation to the radius. The findings of severe joint destruction, heterotopic new bone, and dislocation are classic
for a Charcot’s joint. This patient, however, had sensation in this joint; therefore it is not a true Charcot’s or neu-
ropathic joint but a pseudo-Charcot’s joint, which is occasionally seen in patients with CPPD.

FIGURE 6-31 ■ Systemic lupus erythematosus. Marked soft tissue wasting, as noted by the concavity in the hypo-
thenar eminence, and ulnar deviation of the phalanges, as is seen primarily in the right hand in this patient,
are hallmarks of SLE.

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FIGURE 6-32 ■ Scleroderma. Diffuse subcutaneous soft tissue calcification is seen throughout the hands and wrist
in this patient with scleroderma. Soft tissue wasting and osteoporosis are also present as well as bone loss
in multiple distal phalanges (acro-osteolysis) secondary to the vascular abnormalities are often present in this

also in the bones. In the skeletal system it has a large osteophytes commonly seen in this disorder.
predilection for the hands, where it causes lytic In fact, the osteophytes are often called droop-
destructive lesions in the cortex. These often ing because of the unusual way they hang off the
have a lacelike appearance (Figure 6-33). Sarcoid joint margin.
can also affect the joints in the hand, causing
DJD-like changes.
HEMOCHROMATOSIS The radiographic findings for a Charcot’s joint
are characteristic and almost pathognomonic. A
From 20% to 50% of patients with hemochro- classic triad has been described that consists of
matosis have a characteristic arthropathy in the joint destruction, dislocation, and heterotopic
hands that should suggest the diagnosis. Hemo- new bone (Figure 6-35). Multiple other findings
chromatosis is a disease of excess iron that gets have been described that do not seem to be as
deposited in tissues throughout the body, lead- useful as the classic triad.
ing to fibrosis and eventual organ failure. The Joint destruction is seen in every arthritis
characteristic arthropathy classically involves the encountered and therefore seems very nonspe-
second through fourth metacarpophalangeal cific; however, nothing causes as severe de-
joints. The radiographic changes are essentially struction in a joint as a Charcot’s joint. Early in
those of DJD (joint space narrowing, sclerosis, the development of a Charcot’s joint, the joint
and osteophytes; Figure 6-34). Up to 50% of destruction may merely appear to be joint space
the patients with hemochromatosis also have narrowing. It is extremely difficult to make
CPPD; therefore, when the hands are being the diagnosis this early. In the spine, instead
looked at, a search should be made for triangular of joint space destruction, there is disc space
fibrocartilage chondrocalcinosis. Another find- destruction (Figure 6-36).
ing that is often seen in hemochromatosis is Dislocation, like joint destruction, can be
called squaring of the metacarpal heads. They present in varying degrees. Early on, the joint
appear enlarged and blocklike as a result of the may have subluxation instead of dislocation.
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6 Arthritis 127

FIGURE 6-34 ■ Hemochromatosis. An AP view of the

hand in this patient with hemochromatosis shows
severe joint space narrowing throughout the hand,
FIGURE 6-33 ■ Sarcoid. An AP view of the hand in this which is most marked at the metacarpophalangeal
patient with sarcoid demonstrates classic changes of joints. Associated sclerosis at the metacarpophalan-
bony involvement with this granulomatous process. geal joints with large osteophytes seen off the meta-
Note the lacelike pattern of destruction seen most carpal heads suggests DJD. These are unusual joints
prominently in the proximal phalanges and the distal for DJD to occur in, yet this is the classic appearance
third phalanx. Soft tissue swelling and some areas of of hemochromatosis. No chondrocalcinosis is seen
severe bony dissolution are also noted, which occur in in the triangular cartilage in this patient; however, a
more advanced patterns of sarcoid. These changes small amount of chondrocalcinosis can be seen
are typically limited to the hands but can rarely occur at the second metacarpophalangeal joint (arrow).
in other parts of the skeleton. Fifty percent of patients with hemochromatosis also
have CPPD.

Heterotopic new bone has also been termed The shoulder can become a Charcot’s joint in
debris and consists of soft tissue calcification or patients with syringomyelia, which has a so-called
clumps of ossification adjacent to the joint. It, atrophic Charcot’s appearance. This refers to its
too, can be present in varying amounts. tendency to have no debris or heterotopic new
The most commonly seen Charcot’s joint is in bone, and the proximal humerus has a tapered
the foot of a diabetic patient. It typically affects appearance likened to a licked candy stick.
the first and second tarsometatarsal joints in a A pseudo-Charcot’s joint from CPPD (see
fashion termed a Lisfranc’s fracture (Figure 6-37). Figure 6-30) is encountered almost as commonly
Lisfranc was Napoleon’s surgeon, and he gained as a true Charcot’s joint from any other cause
fame for saving the lives of soldiers with gangre- with the exception of the Lisfranc type seen in
nous toes from frostbite by doing a forefoot diabetic patients.
amputation at the tarsometatarsal junction.
Tabes dorsalis from syphilis is seldom seen HEMOPHILIA, JUVENILE
today. I have encountered only two cases of a
Charcot’s joint in syphilis in the past 35 years, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, AND
and I’ve been around some pretty raunchy resi- PARALYSIS
dents. More commonly seen is a Charcot’s joint
in a patient with paralysis who continues to use Why would three clinically disparate entities
the affected limb for support. such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA),
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FIGURE 6-35 ■ Charcot’s joint. An AP view of the knee

in this patient with tabes dorsalis shows the classic
changes of a neuropathic or Charcot’s joint. Note FIGURE 6-36 ■ Charcot’s spine. An AP view of the spine
the severe joint destruction, the subluxation, and the in this paraplegic patient shows severe destruction of
heterotopic new bone (arrow). the L2 and L3 vertebral bodies and the intervening
disc space, heterotopic new bone (arrow), and ma-
lalignment or dislocation.

hemophilia, and paralysis be covered in the same

section? Because this is a radiology book, and epiphyses. The thing that JRA, hemophilia, and
they are radiographically indistinguishable. As paralysis have in common is disuse. I believe that
with several other processes covered in this this is what causes the overgrowth of the ends of
book, you might as well store these three on a the bones seen in all three disorders.
single neuron and save the other neuron for
something important.
The classic findings for JRA and hemophilia SYNOVIAL OSTEOCHONDROMATOSIS
are overgrowth of the ends of the bones (epiphy-
seal enlargement) associated with gracile diaphyses Synovial osteochondromatosis, a relatively com-
(Figure 6-38). Joint destruction may or may mon disorder, is caused by a metaplasia of the
not be present (Figures 6-39 and 6-40). A find- synovium, resulting in the deposition of foci of
ing that is purported to be classic for JRA and cartilage in the joint. It is most commonly seen
hemophilia is widening of the intercondylar in the knee, hip, and elbow. Most of the time
notch of the knee. I find this sign variable and these cartilaginous deposits calcify and are read-
difficult to use. I have never seen it present ily seen on a radiograph (Figures 6-42 and 6-43).
when the other classic signs were not also pres- Up to 30% of the time the cartilaginous deposits
ent and obvious. do not calcify. In these cases all that is seen on
Another process that can mimic the findings the radiograph is a joint effusion unless erosions
in JRA and hemophilia is a joint that has under- or joint destruction occurs (Figure 6-44).
gone disuse from paralysis (Figure 6-41). It has The calcifications begin in the synovium and
always been said that the reason the epiphyses then tend to shed into the joint, where they can
are overgrown in JRA and hemophilia is because cause symptoms of free fragments or “joint
of the hyperemia; however, a lot of other things mice.” They then embed into the synovium and
cause hyperemia without affecting the size of the tend not to be free in the joint after a while. If
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6 Arthritis 129

FIGURE 6-38 ■ Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. A lateral

view of the knee in this patient with JRA shows the
classic findings of overgrowth of the ends of the
bones and associated gracile diaphyses. These
changes can also be seen in hemophilia or paralysis
FIGURE 6-37 ■ Lisfranc Charcot’s joint. Dislocation of
the second and third metatarsals along with joint de-
struction and large amounts of heterotopic new bone
are present in the foot of this diabetic patient. These
findings are classic for a Charcot’s joint that has been
termed a Lisfranc’s fracture-dislocation. It is most
commonly seen secondary to trauma rather than as a
Charcot’s joint but is the most common neuropathic
joint seen today.

the loose bodies are all of the same size it is

termed primary synovial osteochondromatosis.
It is usually necessary to perform a complete
synovectomy to relieve the symptoms. If the
loose bodies are of different sizes, it is termed
secondary synovial osteochondromatosis. This
indicates it is secondary to underlying DJD in
which small bits of cartilage are shed into the
joint and grow as they are nourished by the
synovial fluid. Because the shedding of the joint
fragments occurs at varying times, the loose
bodies are of different sizes. The differentiation
of primary versus secondary synovial osteochon-
dromatosis is important, because the primary
type requires a synovectomy, whereas the sec-
ondary type requires removal of the loose bodies
and treatment of the DJD but no synovectomy.
An uncommon presentation of synovial osteo- FIGURE 6-39 ■ Hemophilia. An AP view of the ankle in
this patient with hemophilia shows subtle changes of
chondromatosis is tumefactive synovial osteochon- overgrowth of the distal tibia and fibula as compared
dromatosis. This occurs when the loose bodies with the diameter of the diaphyses. Some joint destruc-
are so tightly packed in a joint that it appears on tion of the tibiotalar joint is also noted.

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130 6 Arthritis

FIGURE 6-40 ■ Hemophilia. An AP view of the elbow in

this patient with hemophilia shows overgrowth of the
ends of the bones, in particular the head of the radius, FIGURE 6-42 ■ Synovial osteochondromatosis. An AP
and marked joint destruction. JRA could certainly view of the hip in this patient with left hip pain shows
cause an appearance such as this. multiple calcified loose bodies in the hip joint. The
loose bodies are all of a similar size; therefore this is
diagnostic of primary synovial osteochondromatosis.

FIGURE 6-41 ■ Muscular dystrophy. This patient with

muscular dystrophy has changes similar to those of
JRA and hemophilia, which consist of overgrowth
of the ends of the bones and a tibiotalar slant. This
appearance is commonly found in patients with
paralysis. FIGURE 6-43 ■ Synovial osteochondromatosis. Multiple
calcified loose bodies are seen in the suprapatellar
space of the knee in this patient. The loose bodies are
of different sizes; therefore this is diagnostic of sec-
ondary synovial osteochondromatosis.

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6 Arthritis 131

FIGURE 6-45 ■ Pigmented villonodular synovitis. An AP

FIGURE 6-44 ■ Synovial osteochondromatosis without view of the hip in this patient shows joint space
calcification. An AP view of the hip in this patient destruction and bony erosions throughout the femoral
shows the femoral neck to be virtually whittled down, head and neck. PVNS or synovial chondromatosis
with the femoral head undercut, giving an apple core (nonossified) could have this appearance.
appearance. This has occurred from the pressure ero-
sion of multiple nonossified loose bodies in the joint.
This is nonossified synovial osteochondromatosis,
which is probably more properly termed synovial
chondromatosis. It usually does not cause this degree SUDECK’S ATROPHY
of bony erosion and is indistinguishable from pig-
mented villonodular synovitis. Also known as shoulder-hand syndrome, reflex
sympathetic dystrophy, and chronic regional
pain syndrome, Sudeck’s atrophy is a poorly
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to be a solid understood affliction that typically occurs after
tumor (see discussion and figures in Chapter 3). minor trauma to an extremity, resulting in
pain, swelling, and dysfunction. Severe osteo-
porosis and swelling are seen radiographically
PIGMENTED VILLONODULAR (Figure 6-47). The disorder typically affects
SYNOVITIS the distal part of an extremity, such as a hand
or foot, yet intermediate joints, such as the
Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a knee and hip, are thought by some to occasion-
chronic, inflammatory process of the synovium ally be involved. The pain usually subsides, but
that causes synovial proliferation. A swollen joint the osteoporosis may persist. The swelling,
with lobular masses of synovium occurs, which with time, will subside, and the skin may become
causes pain and joint destruction (Figure 6-45). atrophic. It is important for the radiologist to
It virtually never calcifies. It has been termed recognize the aggressive osteoporosis in this
giant cell tumor of tendon sheath and tendon disorder so the treating physician can begin
sheath xanthoma when it occurs in a tendon aggressive physical therapy.
sheath, which is not unusual. PVNS looks radio-
graphically identical to noncalcified synovial
osteochondromatosis, yet it is much less com- JOINT EFFUSIONS
mon. Therefore, whenever PVNS is a consid-
eration, mention synovial osteochondromatosis Radiology residents often go to great extremes
(noncalcified). An MRI scan of a joint with to determine whether or not a joint—be it a
PVNS shows a pathognomonic appearance of knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, or whatever—has an
low-signal hemosiderin deposits lining the effusion. There are some good signs of joint ef-
synovium (Figure 6-46). fusions (which I will review), and there are some
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132 6 Arthritis

FIGURE 6-46 ■ Pigmented villonodular synovitis. Sagittal T1-weighted (A) and FSE T2-weighted (B) images of an
ankle with PVNS show a soft tissue mass emanating from the ankle joint, which is low signal on both sequences
and has very low-signal hemosiderin lining parts of the synovium. This is characteristic for PVNS.

that are used that are invalid. The thing that

amazes me is all the attention it gets because
when all is said and done, in most cases, it
doesn’t make any difference whatsoever. With
the exception of the elbow (see Chapter 5), and
possibly the hip, treatment is never predicated
on the radiographic finding of a joint effusion.
Most joint effusions are clinically obvious
and do not require radiographic validation. As
mentioned earlier, the elbow is an exception.
In the setting of trauma to the elbow an effu-
sion indicates a fracture. The radiographic
signs of an elbow effusion are generally clearly
seen and have proved to be valid. Clinical de-
termination of an elbow effusion can be difficult;
therefore the radiologist can be very helpful
in this area (see Chapter 5 and Figures 5-38,
5-39, and 5-40).
Clinical determination of a hip effusion is
also difficult. The presence of a hip effusion can
be valuable in certain clinical settings. For in-
stance, in a patient with pain in the hip and an
effusion, the joint should be aspirated to rule
out an infection. If only pain were present, an
aspiration would probably not be performed.
The radiology literature mentions displacement
of the fat stripes about the hip as being an indi-
cator for an effusion, but this has been proved
to be fallacious. The only fat pad around the
FIGURE 6-47 ■ Sudeck’s atrophy. Diffuse soft tissue hip that gets displaced with an effusion is the
swelling and marked osteoporosis that is so aggressive obturator internus, and it is seldom seen. The
it has a spotty or permeative appearance around the
joints is noted in this patient with severe hand pain and remainder of the fat pads are far removed from
dysfunction after minor trauma. This is characteristic of the joint capsule and are not directly influenced
Sudeck’s atrophy. by the joint.
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6 Arthritis 133

A radiographic sign in the hip that does work of 5 to 10 mm is no-man’s-land. I usually call it
for indicating an effusion is called the teardrop an effusion if the distance is greater than 5 mm,
sign. Leonard Swischuk first brought this sign to realizing that I’m probably overcalling a few. I
my attention with regard to its application in am also aware that it doesn’t make any difference
pediatric patients. I have used it in adults as well if there is an effusion in the knee or not—the
with good results. The teardrop is an anatomic patient gets treated the same regardless. If it
landmark at the medial aspect of the hip joint were vital to the patient, you could aspirate the
(Figure 6-48) that is made up of several bony joint or obtain an MRI scan to find out. I should
structures bounding the acetabulum medially. emphasize that we never do an MRI examination
The teardrop measurement is the distance from just to see if there is fluid in the joint, because it
the medialmost part of the femoral head to the is completely nonspecific.
medialmost extent of the acetabulum (which is Shoulder effusions are difficult to detect un-
the teardrop). This measurement—inappropri- less they are massive enough to displace the
ately called the teardrop measurement—should humeral head inferiorly, as with a fracture and
be equal in both hips. An effusion will push the hemarthrosis (see Chapter 5). Fortunately, as
femoral head laterally and give the affected side with most other joints, treatment is not based on
a wider teardrop distance (Figure 6-49). The the presence or absence of an effusion, so it
teardrop distance is a valid indicator of an effu- hardly matters. The same is true in the ankle,
sion in children. It is valid in adults only when wrist, and smaller joints. Ultrasound is widely
no long-standing joint abnormality, such as available and is becoming popular for identifying
DJD or an old fracture, is present. A difference joint effusions, but, again, I question why bother
in the teardrop distance from one hip to the —it is unlikely to change the treatment.
other of as little as 1 mm is significant in the
appropriate clinical setting. It would be better
to aspirate a few normal hips rather than risk AVASCULAR NECROSIS
missing a hip infection that might destroy the
hip if diagnosed late. Avascular necrosis (AVN), or aseptic necrosis,
The radiographic sign for a knee effusion that can occur around almost any joint for a host of
seems to be the most reliable is the measurement reasons, including steroid use, trauma, and vari-
of the distance between the suprapatellar fat pad ous underlying disease states and may even occur
and the anterior femoral fat pad (Figure 6-50). A idiopathically. It is often seen in patients who
distance between these two fat pads of more have undergone renal transplant.
than 10 mm is definite evidence of an effusion. A The hallmark of AVN is increased bone density
distance of less than 5 mm is normal. A distance at an otherwise normal joint. Increased density at
a joint usually indicates DJD; however, if osteo-
phytes and joint space narrowing are not present,
Fovea Centralis another disorder should be considered.
The earliest sign of AVN is a joint effusion.
This often is not radiographically visible or is
so nonspecific as to not help with the diagnosis
unless the clinical setting had already raised
suspicion for AVN. The next sign for AVN is a
patchy or mottled density (Figure 6-51). In the
knee this density increase can occur through-
out an entire condyle, whereas in the hip, it
Tear Drop Dist.
often involves the entire femoral head. Next, a
subchondral lucency develops that forms a thin
line along the articular surface (Figure 6-52).
This lucent line has been described as being
an early indicator for AVN when, in fact, it is
a late finding. Also, the lucent line stage is of-
ten not present in the evolution of AVN.
Tear Drop
Therefore using the lucent line as one of the
FIGURE 6-48 ■ Drawing of the teardrop measurement. main criteria for AVN can lead to missing early
The teardrop measurement is the distance from the findings or missing the diagnosis completely.
medialmost aspect of the femoral head to the nearest
portion of the adjacent acetabulum (arrows). Widen- I would estimate that I see a lucent line in
ing of this distance as compared with the opposite hip only 20% or fewer of the cases of AVN in our
is indicative of a joint effusion. hospital.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
134 6 Arthritis

FIGURE 6-49 ■ Widened teardrop. The teardrop distance in this patient on the left side (arrows) is slightly wider
than that on the right side (arrows), which is indicative of a hip joint effusion. This patient had a hip joint infection
on the left side.

FIGURE 6-51 ■ Early avascular necrosis of the hip.

Patchy sclerosis is present throughout the femoral
FIGURE 6-50 ■ Knee joint effusion. This patient has a head in this patient with a renal transplant and AVN
fractured patella with a large joint effusion. The supra- of the right hip. No subchondral lucency or articular
patellar pouch is grossly distended, with the distance surface irregularity in the weight-bearing region is yet
between the suprapatellar fat pad and the anterior present, with the exception of a small cortical irregu-
femoral fat pad measuring more than 1 cm (arrows). larity seen laterally.

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6 Arthritis 135

FIGURE 6-53 ■ Avascular necrosis of the shoulder.

Articular surface collapse is present in this shoulder
FIGURE 6-52 ■ Avascular necrosis of the hip. A definite with long-standing AVN. Dense bony sclerosis is
subchondral lucency (arrows) is seen in the weight- also present.
bearing portion of this hip with AVN. Patchy sclerosis
throughout the femoral head is also noted.

The final sign in AVN is collapse of the articu-

lar surface and joint fragmentation (Figure 6-53).
I must stress that these changes all occur on only
one side of a joint, which makes for an easy diag-
nosis, because almost everything else around
joints involves both sides.
MRI examination plays a valuable role in the
early diagnosis of AVN throughout the skeletal
system but especially in the hip where it is more
sensitive than even radionuclide scans. The use
of MRI in the diagnosis AVN of the hip is dis-
cussed more fully in Chapter 13.
A form of AVN that is smaller and more
focal than that just described is osteochondritis
dissecans (OCD). For whatever reasons the
term osteochondritis dissecans has been replaced
by the term osteochondral lesion (OCL). Perhaps
the absence of true desiccation forced true aca-
demicians to choose a more acceptable term—I
wish they’d just stick to one term, whether it’s
technically right or wrong! It is thought to re-
sult from trauma, although many believe that it
is primarily idiopathic. It is most commonly
found in the knee at the medial femoral condyle FIGURE 6-54 ■ Osteochondral lesion. A small focal area
(Figure 6-54) but also is often seen in the dome of AVN in the medial condyle of the femur (black
of the talus (Figure 6-55) and occasionally in arrows) is present, which is an OCL. Part of the area of
AVN has shed a bony fragment (whites arrow) that is
the capitellum (Figure 6-56). Osteochondritis loose in the joint and known as a joint mouse.
dissecans—oops, I mean an OCL—often leads
to a small fragment of bone being sloughed off
and becoming a free fragment in the joint—a
“joint mouse” (see Figure 6-54).
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136 6 Arthritis

AVN is one of the disorders around joints in

which subchondral cysts or “geodes” can occur.
It is the only one of the four disorders (rheuma-
toid arthritis, DJD, and CPPD being the others)
that can have an essentially normal joint and
have a geode (Figure 6-57). The other abnor-
malities will have joint space narrowing and/or
osteophytes, osteoporosis, chondrocalcinosis, or
other findings.
A host of names have been ascribed to epi-
physeal and small bone AVN, usually with the
eponym being the first person to describe the
disorder. These are thought to be idiopathic
for the most part but can also occur secondary
to trauma. A few of the more common bones
involved are the following: the carpal lunate—
Kienböck’s malacia (Figure 6-58); the tarsal
navicular—Köhler’s disease (Figure 6-59);
the metatarsal heads—Freiberg’s infraction
(Figure 6-60); the femoral head—Legg-Perthes
disease; the ring apophyses of the spine—
Scheuermann’s disease (Figure 6-61); and the
tibial tubercle—Osgood-Schlatter disease, also
FIGURE 6-55 ■ Osteochondral lesion of the talus. A focal called surfer’s knees.
area of AVN in the talus as seen here (arrows) is called
an OCL. The talus is the second most common site
after the knee and, as in the knee, can cause a joint
mouse or loose body in the joint.

FIGURE 6-57 ■ Geode in the hip. A large cystic lesion

(arrows) is seen in this patient with AVN of the hip.
Note the adjacent patchy sclerosis indicative of AVN.
A subchondral cyst or geode should be considered
any time a lytic lesion is found around a joint.

FIGURE 6-56 ■ Osteochondral lesion of the elbow. The

third most common site for an OCL is in the capitellum
of the elbow. The faint lucency seen in this capitellum
(arrows) was at first thought to be a chondroblastoma
or an area of infection.

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6 Arthritis 137

FIGURE 6-58 ■ Kienböck’s malacia. AVN of the lunate, FIGURE 6-60 ■ Freiberg’s infraction. Flattening, col-
or Kienböck’s malacia, is demonstrated in this patient. lapse, and sclerosis of the second metatarsal head, as
Note the increased density and partial fragmentation seen in this patient, is typical of AVN or Freiberg’s
of the lunate. infraction. It can also involve the third or fourth meta-
tarsal heads. Note the compensatory hypertrophy of
the cortex of the second metatarsal, which is invari-
ably found with this disorder.

FIGURE 6-59 ■ Köhler’s disease. Flattening and sclerosis

of the tarsal navicular (arrow) in children is thought by
many to be AVN and is called Köhler’s disease. Others
have found this to be an asymptomatic normal variant
and believe that it is an incidental finding.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

138 6 Arthritis

1. Forrester DM, Brown JC: The radiology of joint disease,
ed 3, Philadelphia, 1987, WB Saunders.
2. Brower AC: Arthritis in black and white, ed 2, Philadelphia,
1997, WB Saunders.
3. Resnick D: Diagnosis of bone and joint disorders, ed 4,
Philadelphia, 2002, WB Saunders.

FIGURE 6-61 ■ Scheuermann’s disease. AVN of the

apophyseal rings of the vertebral bodies is called
Scheuermann’s disease. Scheuermann originally de-
scribed a painful kyphosis with multiple vertebral
bodies involved. It is most commonly seen without
kyphosis or pain and with only a few vertebral bodies

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Metabolic Bone Disease

Most of the literature on metabolic bone disease in the second metacarpal at the middiaphysis
is steeped in biochemistry, physiology, histology, (Figures 7-1 and 7-2). The normal metacarpal
internal medicine, and other arcane pursuits that cortical thickening should be approximately one
can be quite confusing for a poor radiology resi- fourth to one third the thickness of the metacar-
dent who just wants a few pearls and illustrations. pal (Figure 7-3). In osteoporosis this cortical
Frankly, it’s a tough topic. I will, by necessity, thickness is decreased. The metacarpal cortex
keep it simple, but this is an important topic (and all bony cortices, for that matter) decreases
about which every radiologist should have at least normally with age and is less for women than for
a superficial fund of knowledge. I have excluded men of the same age. Several tables have been
disorders such as pseudo- and pseudo-pseudo published that give the normal metacarpal corti-
hypoparathyroidism that are unlikely to be seen, cal measurement, with age and sex adjustments
and I have tried to cover the more commonly to allow determination of normal. Unfortunately
seen disorders. these tables determine only the mineralization
of the peripheral skeleton and do not seem to
correlate to whether or not spinal or hip fractures
OSTEOPOROSIS will occur.
Measurement of the axial bone mineral con-
Osteoporosis is diminished bone quantity in tent can be done by one of several methods that
which the bone is otherwise normal. This con- use computed tomography (CT) to assess the
trasts with osteomalacia, in which the bone quan- bone quantity in the spine. There is some debate
tity is normal but the bone itself is abnormal in over which method is superior and even whether
that it is not normally mineralized. Osteomalacia or not knowing the bone mineral content is
results in excess nonmineralized osteoid. It is not clinically helpful, because merely knowing the
possible in the vast majority of cases to distin- age and sex of the patient is fairly accurate for
guish between osteoporosis and osteomalacia on predicting the bone mass quantity. Nevertheless,
plain films. it is generally agreed that if a quantitative CT
The causes of osteoporosis are myriad, the (QCT) measurement shows bone mass to be
most common of which was senile osteoporosis 2 standard deviations below normal, that person
(a term that is not considered politically correct is at high risk for spinal and hip fractures. Bone
and is no longer used), or osteoporosis of aging. densitometry is widely used to identify patients,
The preferred term for this type of osteoporo- especially postmenopausal women, who are os-
sis is primary osteoporosis. This is seen most teoporotic so that treatment can be instituted.
commonly in postmenopausal females and is Bisphosphonates have been widely used for
a major public health concern because of the treating osteoporosis with excellent results for
increase of spinal and hip fractures in this patient the most part. A complication of long-term
population. bisphosphonate therapy is fracture of the proxi-
Secondary osteoporosis implies that an under- mal femur.1 These fractures occur on the lateral
lying disorder, such as thyrotoxicosis or renal aspect of the proximal femoral diaphysis and are
disease, has caused the osteoporosis. Only about often bilateral (Figure 7-4). If not treated, they
5% of osteoporosis has an underlying cause. The can go on to complete fractures.
differential diagnosis for secondary osteoporosis Exercise and proper diet (whatever that is)
is long and probably should not be memorized, seem to help delay the onset of primary osteopo-
because one cannot even be sure if it is osteopo- rosis as much as anything. Calcium additives
rosis or osteomalacia based on the plain films. alone have not been shown to reverse the process
Therefore the differential for presumed osteo- of primary osteoporosis.2
porosis would have to include the causes of Because we cannot accurately give the causes
osteomalacia. The list gets too long to be of any of osteoporosis by looking at a radiograph and
real help to anyone. cannot even differentiate it from osteomalacia, it
The main radiographic finding in osteoporosis is a topic that is frustrating for many radiologists
is thinning of the cortex. This is best demonstrated to deal with. Most of us would rather comment
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 139
140 7 Metabolic Bone Disease

FIGURE 7-1 ■ Mild osteoporosis. Mild cortical narrowing FIGURE 7-3 ■ Normal mineralization. Note the cortical
(arrows) at the mid-second metacarpal is noted in this width (arrows) of the mid-second metacarpal in this
patient with renal osteodystrophy. Compare this cortical patient with normal mineralization. The width of the
width with that of the normal width in Figure 7-3. cortex is easily greater than one third of the total
width of the metacarpal.

FIGURE 7-4 ■ Femoral fracture secondary to bisphos-

phonate therapy. This postmenopausal woman had
been taking bisphosphonates for many years and
FIGURE 7-2 ■ Marked osteoporosis. Marked cortical sought treatment for left thigh pain. Focal cortical
narrowing (arrows) of the mid-second metacarpal cor- thickening (arrow) is characteristic for the appearance
tex is present in this patient with severe osteoporosis. of femur fractures related to bisphosphonate therapy.
Also note the intracortical tunneling, which occurs with These can go on to a complete fracture if not pro-
more rapid forms of osteoporosis. tected or treated.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

7 Metabolic Bone Disease 141

on something we can give a diagnosis on or of the severe cortical patchy or permeative

at least a short differential. In general, when pattern that projects over the medullary space
decreased bone mass is present on a radiograph, and resembles a medullary permeative process
the odds are that osteoporosis is present. How- (Figure 7-6). The way to differentiate a true
ever, because the disease process could just as intramedullary permeative process from an in-
easily be osteomalacia, it is recommended that tracortical process such as osteoporosis is to
the term osteopenia be used. This is a generic observe the cortex and see if it is solid or riddled
term that includes both osteoporosis and osteo- with holes (Figure 7-7). If it is solid, you can
malacia. When used, it also implies that the assume the permeative process is emanating
observer knows he or she cannot separate the from the medullary space (Figure 7-8); if it has
two entities and is an educated person. multiple small holes, you have to assume the
A type of osteoporosis that can be seen in a permeative pattern is from the cortical process.
patient of any age is disuse osteoporosis. It re- I call a permeative appearance that is secondary
sults from immobilization from any cause, most to cortical holes a pseudopermeative process to
commonly after treatment of a fracture. The distinguish it from a true permeative process.
radiographic appearance of disuse osteoporosis Another cause for a pseudopermeative pro-
is different from primary osteoporosis in that it cess is a hemangioma. It can cause cortical holes
occurs somewhat more rapidly and gives the in two ways: from focal increased blood flow or
bone a patchy or even a permeative appearance hyperemia, causing focal osteoporosis, or by the
(Figure 7-5). This is from the osteocytic resorp- blood vessels themselves tunneling through the
tion in the cortex, causing intracortical holes. If cortex (Figure 7-9). I have seen more than one
allowed to continue with disuse, the bone would
resemble any bone with marked osteoporosis
(i.e., severe cortical thinning).
Occasionally aggressive osteoporosis from
disuse can mimic a permeative lesion, such as a
Ewing’s sarcoma or multiple myeloma, because

FIGURE 7-5 ■ Aggressive osteoporosis. A diffuse per- FIGURE 7-6 ■ Cortical holes in osteoporosis. This patient
meative pattern throughout the proximal femur is suffered a stroke and has aggressive osteoporosis
noted in this patient, who has recently had an amputa- secondary to disuse. What appears to be a diffuse
tion. Note that the cortices are riddled with holes, permeative pattern throughout the humerus is noted,
which would indicate that this is not a true intramed- on closer inspection, to be cortical holes, which in this
ullary process but an intracortical process. This is case resulted from the aggressive osteoporosis. This
distinctive for aggressive osteoporosis and causes a type of pattern, unfortunately, often leads to a biopsy
pseudopermeative pattern that can be mistaken for a to rule out multiple myeloma or other round cell
more sinister process. tumors.

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142 7 Metabolic Bone Disease

FIGURE 7-8 ■ Permeative appearance in myeloma. This

patient has multiple myeloma, which has caused a
diffuse permeative pattern throughout his femur. Note
the solid appearance of the cortex, although there is
endosteal scalloping. This is a true permeative process.
FIGURE 7-7 ■ Schematic of cortical holes. A, This sche-
matic of a permeative lesion shows how only the OSTEOMALACIA
endosteum is affected with the bulk of the cortex
spared. B, A pseudopermeative lesion affects the
entire cortex. Both processes will look permeative on
As mentioned earlier, osteomalacia is the result
a plain film; however, the true permeative process will of too much nonmineralized osteoid. There are
have an uninvolved cortex. many causes for osteomalacia, with the most
common today being renal osteodystrophy. The
radiographic findings are almost identical to
hemangioma operated on inadvertently because those of osteoporosis, and for the most part the
the lesion was thought to be a Ewing’s sarcoma— two disorders are indistinguishable. The only
they bleed a lot. findings that are distinctive for osteomalacia are
Radiotherapy can cause cortical holes in bone Looser’s fractures, which are fractures through
and mimic a permeative pattern (Figure 7-10). large osteoid seams (Figure 7-11). They are
These holes are often large and would not be extremely uncommon but tend to occur in the
confused with a true permeative process, but pelvis and scapula.
they can be small and cause confusion. In children, osteomalacia is called rickets.
If a permeative pattern is seen in bone, the dif- It causes the epiphyses to become flared and
ferential is usually an aggressive process such as irregular, and the long bones undergo bending
Ewing’s sarcoma, infection, or eosinophilic granu- from the bone softening (Figure 7-12). As in
loma in a young person or multiple myeloma, adults, the most common cause is renal disease,
metastatic carcinomatosis, or primary lymphoma although other causes, such as biliary disease and
of bone in an older patient. If, however, the dietary insufficiencies, are seen.
permeative pattern is seen to be a result of cortical
holes (i.e., a pseudopermeative pattern), the dif-
ferential is considerably kinder: aggressive osteo- HYPERPARATHYROIDISM
porosis, hemangioma, or radiation changes. This
differential does not arise often but is very useful Hyperparathyroidism (HPT) occurs from ex-
when it does come up.3 cess parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH causes
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
7 Metabolic Bone Disease 143

FIGURE 7-9 ■ Hemangioma. Cortical holes of varying

sizes are seen throughout the tibia in this patient with a
large hemangioma of the tibia. Also note the phleboliths
present in the soft tissues (arrows). It would be unlikely FIGURE 7-10 ■ Osteonecrosis secondary to radiation.
for osteoporosis to cause cortical holes of this size. Radiation to the femur for a soft tissue sarcoma some
years before this plain film was taken has caused large
cortical holes throughout the femur. It is not likely that
cortical holes of this size would be caused by osteopo-
osteoclastic resorption in bone, which leads rosis, but they could be caused by a hemangioma.
to osteoporosis and osteomalacia. The most
common cause is renal disease, which leads to
secondary HPT. Secondary HPT is caused by
the response of the parathyroids to hypocalce-
mia. Parathyroid adenomas and hyperplasia can
cause primary HPT. Skeletal abnormalities will
be present radiographically in up to 40% of
patients with primary HPT.
The radiographic sign that is pathognomonic
for HPT is subperiosteal bone resorption. It is
seen most commonly on the radial aspect of the
middle phalanges of the hand (Figure 7-13) but
can be seen in any long bone in the body. It is
occasionally seen on the medial aspect of the
proximal tibia (Figure 7-14), in the distal clavi-
cles, and in the sacroiliac (SI) joints, where it
resembles bilateral sacroiliitis (Figure 7-15).
This seems to be seen more often in children
than in adults.
Other radiographic findings include osteo-
sclerosis, usually diffuse, but often involving the
spine in a manner resembling the stripes on FIGURE 7-11 ■ Looser’s fractures in osteomalacia.
rugby jerseys, hence the name rugger jersey A horizontal fracture of the tibia and the fibula is
present in this child with osteomalacia (rickets).
spine (Figure 7-16). Brown tumors are cystic le- Fractures of this type are called Looser’s fractures
sions that are often expansile and aggressive in and are virtually pathognomonic for osteomalacia;
appearance (Figure 7-17). They were once said however, they are rarely seen.

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144 7 Metabolic Bone Disease

FIGURE 7-13 ■ Hyperparathyroidism. Subperiosteal bone

resorption is noted along the radial aspect of the middle
phalanges (arrows), which is pathognomonic for hyper-
parathyroidism. The lytic lesion seen in the distal part of
the middle phalanx (curved arrow) is either a brown
tumor or a geode.

FIGURE 7-12 ■ Rickets. Osteomalacia in children causes

fraying and splaying of the epiphyses, as well as
bending of the bone secondary to bone softening.
This condition has been termed rickets and is most
commonly seen in patients with renal disease.

FIGURE 7-14 ■ Hyperparathyroidism. Subperiosteal bone resorption is noted along the medial aspect of the proximal
tibias (arrows). This is pathognomonic for hyperparathyroidism.

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7 Metabolic Bone Disease 145

FIGURE 7-15 ■ Hyperparathyroidism with sacroiliac joint

subperiosteal erosion. Bilateral SI joint widening and
erosions can be seen in this patient with renal disease.
This is caused by subperiosteal resorption and is a
common finding in children with hyperparathyroidism.

FIGURE 7-17 ■ Hyperparathyroidism. Lytic lesions are

seen in the fifth metacarpal and at the base of the
fourth proximal phalanx in this patient with hyperpara-
thyroidism. Note the subperiosteal bone resorption
seen along the radial aspect of the middle phalanges
(arrows). Any cystic lesion in a patient with hyperpara-
thyroidism should be considered a brown tumor until
proved otherwise.

to be more common in primary HPT but are

seen most commonly associated with secondary
HPT today because of the overwhelming pre-
ponderance of patients with secondary disease as
compared with primary. They are only rarely
seen without other evidence of HPT, such as
subperiosteal resorption; therefore I will not in-
clude a brown tumor in my differential diagnosis
of a cystic lesion if the remainder of the bones
are normal. A brown tumor can have a variety of
appearances, so the only thing characteristic
about it is that it is associated with subperiosteal
bone resorption.
PTH can have an accelerating effect on
bone, which is undergoing slow change. In
degenerative joint disease, especially in the
spine, PTH can cause the affected joint or disc
space to mimic infection (Figure 7-18). PTH
makes the usually sclerotic end-plates fuzzy and
FIGURE 7-16 ■ Hyperparathyroidism. Sclerotic bands eroded, and the narrowed disc space, which is
are seen along the vertebral body end-plates. This has a part of the degenerative disc disease, makes
been termed a rugger jersey spine and is characteristic infection seem more likely. Therefore patients
for hyperparathyroidism. Note how the sclerotic bands
in the rugger jersey spine such as this are much less with renal disease who have a presumed radio-
distinct and fuzzier than the sclerotic bands seen in graphic diagnosis of joint or disc space infec-
osteopetrosis in Figure 7-23. tion should not have an aspiration or biopsy
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
146 7 Metabolic Bone Disease


FIGURE 7-18 ■ PTH discitis. A, A lateral plain film of the lumbar spine reveals disc space narrowing with erosion of
the end-plates at the L2–3 level (arrow). This is a typical appearance of disc infection. B, A sagittal T1-weighted
image of the lumbar spine reveals disc space narrowing and low signal extending into the end-plates and vertebral
bodies adjacent to the L2–3 disc. C, A T2-weighted image shows high signal in the L2–3 disc and in the tissue
extending into the vertebral bodies. This is the classic magnetic resonance imaging appearance of disc infection
with involvement of the vertebral bodies. However, this patient has renal osteodystrophy, and hyperparathyroidism
can cause changes in the joints and the disc spaces identical to those caused by infection. Clinical correlation must
be used to avoid an unnecessary biopsy.

unless strong clinical suspicion for infection is OSTEOSCLEROSIS

Although subperiosteal resorption is pathog- The radiographic finding of diffuse increased
nomonic for HPT, it does not seem to be found bone density, osteosclerosis, is somewhat uncom-
as frequently as in the past. This is likely the mon, yet every radiologist must have a differential
result of modern medicine’s improved treatment diagnosis for this process. Fortunately it is a rather
of the underlying renal disease. short differential, and there are criteria to narrow
What causes the osteosclerosis in HPT? No down the list of possibilities.
one really knows. Several theories have evolved Dealing with the differential diagnosis for
to explain it, but none are totally satisfactory and osteosclerosis is a three-step process. First,
are best left to others to worry about. one must recognize that the bones are truly

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

7 Metabolic Bone Disease 147

increased in density. This sounds straightfor- Renal Osteodystrophy. Anything that causes
ward enough but is, in fact, often difficult to do. HPT can cause osteosclerosis, but renal disease is
Technical factors can easily alter the apparent far and away the biggest offender. As mentioned
bone density and be misleading. Second, once previously, the sine qua non of renal osteodystro-
it is determined that diffuse osteosclerosis is phy is subperiosteal bone resorption, seen earliest
present, one merely has to list the disease enti- and most reliably at the radial aspect of the middle
ties that could be responsible. This is the easiest phalanges of the hands. Although most patients
step because it merely requires memorization. I with renal osteodystrophy will be osteopenic,
will supply a mnemonic to help your memory. about 10% to 20% will exhibit osteosclerosis, and
Last, one must look for radiographic findings the reasons for it are unknown.
that are specific for each disorder to rule them
out or in so as to narrow down the list of possi- Sickle Cell Disease. Like renal osteodystrophy,
bilities. The list of diseases that cause diffuse the reason for dense bones to occur in sickle cell
osteosclerosis is different with each textbook that disease is unknown. It occurs in only a small per-
you read. Many disorders have been reported centage of patients. Additional signs to look for are
to cause osteosclerosis, but you only need a list bone infarcts and H-shaped or step-off deformities
that is correct 95% to 98% of the time. Nobody of the vertebral body end-plates (Figure 7-19).
expects you to include the one reported case of These are also called fish vertebrae because of
humpback midget whale syndrome in your list. If their similarity to the vertebrae found in fish.
you absolutely cannot bear the thought of leaving
out a possibility in your differential diagnosis, you Myelofibrosis. Also called agnogenic myeloid
might as well just give your clinician the index metaplasia, myelofibrosis is a disease caused by
from Resnick’s book—it will be all-inclusive but progressive fibrosis of the marrow in patients
not really useful to the clinician (not to imply that older than 50 years of age. It leads to anemia
Resnick’s book is not useful—it is the Bible for
bone radiologists).
The entities I include in the differential for
diffuse osteosclerosis are the following:
• Renal osteodystrophy
• Sickle cell disease
• Myelofibrosis
• Osteopetrosis
• Pyknodysostosis
• Metastatic carcinoma
• Mastocytosis
• Paget’s disease
• Athletes
• Fluorosis
The mnemonic I use to remember them is
“Regular sex makes occasional perversions much
more pleasurable and fantastic.” Hey, it’s not a
great mnemonic, but in the twenty-first century
it’s not politically correct to be ribald, vulgar,
off-color, coarse, crude, erotic, lewd, or even,
sometimes, funny. If you want a filthy mnemonic,
make up your own, you insensitive pervert.
I will cover each of these topics in generali-
ties, trying to point out the features of each that
you should look for when deciding whether to
include or exclude them from the differential.
A nice feature of this mnemonic is it lists the
entities in their order of frequency. Not that FIGURE 7-19 ■ Sickle cell disease. Step-off deformities
osteopetrosis is more common than Paget’s are seen in the end-plates of multiple vertebral bodies
disease or metastatic carcinoma, but it’s more in this patient with sickle cell disease. Although the
bones do not show osteosclerosis, the visible
common to see osteopetrosis than either Paget’s trabeculae are somewhat coarsened. The step-off
disease or metastatic carcinoma presenting as deformities in the spine are characteristic for sickle cell
diffuse bony sclerosis. disease. These are also called fish vertebrae.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

148 7 Metabolic Bone Disease

with splenomegaly and extramedullary hemato-

poiesis. Whenever osteosclerosis is seen in a
patient older than age 50, a search for a large
spleen and extramedullary hematopoiesis should
be made (Figure 7-20).

Osteopetrosis. Also called marble bone disease,

this uncommon hereditary abnormality results
in extremely dense bones throughout the skele-
ton (Figure 7-21). There is a congenita and a
tarda form, with different degrees of severity in
each. It is not so rare that you will never see
a case; therefore I include it in this differential
list. A characteristic finding is the “bone-in-
bone” appearance often seen in the vertebral
bodies, in which the vertebrae have a small rep-
lica of the vertebral body inside the normal one
(Figure 7-22). Also characteristic is the “sand-
FIGURE 7-21 ■ Osteopetrosis. Diffuse bony sclerosis is
wich vertebrae,” in which the end-plates are present throughout the skeleton in this patient with
densely sclerotic, giving the appearance of a osteopetrosis.
sandwich (Figure 7-23). These findings do not
have to be present to make the diagnosis, but
their absence makes the diagnosis less likely.

Pyknodysostosis. This is the other congenital

abnormality with dense bones that should be
considered in the differential diagnosis for os-
teosclerosis. Like osteopetrosis, it is rare but
is seen from time to time in busy radiology

FIGURE 7-22 ■ Osteopetrosis. A “bone-in-bone” appear-

ance is present in the vertebral bodies in this patient
with osteopetrosis. This is often seen in patients with
osteopetrosis and occasionally other disorders.

practices. These patients are typically short

and have hypoplastic mandibles. The distin-
FIGURE 7-20 ■ Myelofibrosis. Uniform increased bone guishing radiographic finding that is essentially
density seen most prominently throughout the pelvis pathognomonic is that the distal phalanges of-
is present in this patient with myelofibrosis. Note the
grossly enlarged spleen (arrows) and the opaque iron
ten have the appearance of chalk that has been
tablets (curved arrow), which are taken for the anemia put into a pencil sharpener—they are pointed
often present in patients with this disorder. and dense (Figure 7-24). Nothing else does this,
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
7 Metabolic Bone Disease 149

FIGURE 7-23 ■ Osteopetrosis. “Sandwich vertebrae” FIGURE 7-24 ■ Pyknodysostosis. Dense sclerosis is seen
are seen in the vertebral bodies in this patient with throughout the hand in this patient with pyknodysos-
osteopetrosis. This is virtually pathognomonic for tosis. A pathognomonic finding is seen in the distal
osteopetrosis when present and should not be con- phalanges, where the tufts are absent and the phalanges
fused with the ill-defined bands of sclerosis seen in are pointed and sclerotic.
the rugger jersey spine of hyperparathyroidism.

but unfortunately pyknodysostosis does not do

this in every case. Another name for this disorder
is Toulouse-Lautrec syndrome; this famous artist
was apparently afflicted with pyknodysostosis.

Metastatic Carcinoma. Only rarely will diffuse

metastatic carcinoma cause a problem in diag-
nosis. I have seen only a handful of cases in
which diffuse metastatic disease mimicked dif-
fuse osteosclerosis, and in every case the pri-
mary tumor was prostate or breast carcinoma.
If cortical destruction or a lytic component is
present, the differential diagnosis is simplified,
so these should be searched for.

Mastocytosis. This is another uncommon dis-

order that can cause uniform increased bone
density. Unfortunately there are no other plain
film findings that might help with the diagnosis.
These patients have thickened small bowel folds FIGURE 7-25 ■ Mastocytosis. Uniform dense bones
are noted throughout the pelvis in this patient with
with nodules, but of course to see them an upper mastocytosis. Note the thickened small bowel folds
gastrointestinal contrast study must be per- with nodules (arrow), which are often seen in masto-
formed (Figure 7-25). Mastocytosis is rare cytosis.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

150 7 Metabolic Bone Disease

enough that you might be justified in leaving it

out of your differential—you won’t miss many,
but it messes up the mnemonic.

Paget’s Disease. Although Paget’s disease in

bone is common, diffuse Paget’s disease that
could be confused with one of the other diseases
in the differential diagnosis of generalized osteo-
sclerosis is very rare—I have seen only one or
two cases ever. Paget’s disease classically causes
bony enlargement (Figure 7-26), but this is not
always present. It occurs most commonly in the
pelvis (Figure 7-27), where it has been said the
iliopectineal line on the pelvic brim must be
thickened if Paget’s disease is present. In fact,
the iliopectineal line is usually, but not always,
thickened. Paget’s disease can occur in any bone FIGURE 7-27 ■ Paget’s disease. Dense bony sclerosis with
in the body, including the smaller bones of the some bony enlargement is seen throughout the left
hands and feet (Figure 7-28). It has been spread pelvis and proximal femur. Note the thickening of the
through the teaching files of many institutions iliopectineal line on the left side (arrow) as compared
with the right side. This is not an example of diffuse
(I have seen many statements in teaching files dense bones; therefore the differential diagnosis is con-
that have never made the literature that have siderably shorter.
served me well and others that have misled me)
that the fibula is the only bone that Paget’s dis-
ease never affects. I must agree that the fibula is
usually spared—even with profound disease all
around it—but I have certainly seen exceptions
to this rule.

FIGURE 7-28 ■ Paget’s disease. Dense sclerosis of the

FIGURE 7-26 ■ Paget’s disease. Dense sclerosis with capitate (arrow) is seen in this patient. Although no defi-
bony overgrowth is seen in the L3 vertebral body in nite bony overgrowth is appreciated, it is not unusual
this patient with Paget’s disease. The left L3 pedicle is for Paget’s disease to affect a single bone uniformly such
particularly dense and overgrown. as this.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

7 Metabolic Bone Disease 151

Three distinct phases are radiographically (Figure 7-30), whereas entities that cause osteo-
visible in Paget’s disease: a lytic phase, a scle- sclerosis as a result of marrow disease (sickle cell
rotic phase, and a mixed lytic-sclerotic phase disease and myelofibrosis) will spare the base of
(Figure 7-29). The lytic phase often has a sharp the skull because it contains no marrow. This
leading edge, called a flame-shaped or blade of point is best illustrated by thalassemia in which
grass leading edge. In a long bone, with the sole the calvarium is thickened by marrow hyperplasia
exception being the tibia, Paget’s disease always while the base of the skull is spared (Figure 7-31).
starts at the end of the bone; therefore, if a
lesion is present in the middle of a long bone Athletes. I see radiographs of professional ath-
and does not extend to either end, you can letes quite often and continue to be impressed by
safely exclude Paget’s disease. the degree of increased cortical thickness these
So why is Paget’s disease in this differential if people possess. No question about it: increased
it so rarely fits? Good question. You can proba- stress causes hypertrophy of bone as well as of
bly safely leave it out without missing too many muscle. I see radiologists routinely question the
cases, but it’s good to at least consider, because it
is so readily diagnosed once you do think of it.
Also, it does occasionally involve a large area,
such as the entire pelvis, and makes the observer
think that the entire skeleton might be involved.
When Paget’s disease involves the skull, it
often causes thickening of the base of the skull

FIGURE 7-30 ■ Paget’s disease. This patient with Paget’s

disease shows marked thickening of the base of the
skull on this lateral skull film.

FIGURE 7-29 ■ Paget’s disease. A flame-shaped or

blade of grass appearance is seen in the distal tibia
(arrow) in this patient with Paget’s disease of the tibia.
The sclerotic phase of Paget’s disease is seen in
the midtibia in this patient, whereas the proximal
tibia has an area of apparent cortical destruction FIGURE 7-31 ■ Thalassemia. This patient with thalassemia
(curved arrow), which is suspicious for sarcomatous has marked thickening of the calvarium with sparing of
degeneration. the base of the skull.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

152 7 Metabolic Bone Disease

presence of diffuse increased bone density in CONCLUSION

this set of patients, enough so that I have added
normal athletes to my differential diagnosis for There are other categories of disease that
osteosclerosis. could be covered in a chapter on metabolic
bone disease, but most of the remaining disor-
Fluorosis. This is another uncommon disorder ders are exceedingly rare and not likely to be
that could probably be left off the list without seen by most radiologists on a routine basis.
danger of missing too many cases. Fluorosis is Excellent textbooks are available that provide
usually a result of chronic intake in certain areas additional details on the diseases I have men-
that have large amounts of fluoride present in the tioned as well as information about the less
drinking water. It can also be a result of long-term common entities.
therapy with sodium fluoride for osteoporosis.
A radiographic finding that patients with fluorosis
often have is ligamentous calcification. If I have a REFERENCES
patient with dense bones and no ligamentous cal- 1. Schilcher J, Michaelsson K, Aspenberg P: Bisphospho-
cifications, I will put fluorosis lower on the list but nate use and atypical fractures of the femoral shaft.
not eliminate it. If ligamentous calcifications are N Engl J Med 364:1728–1737, 2011.
2. Hall FM: Bone-mineral screening for osteoporosis.
present, it will go to the top of the list. Calcifica- Opinion. AJR Am J Roentgenol 149:120–122, 1987.
tion of the sacrotuberous ligament is said to be 3. Helms C, Munk P: Pseudopermeative skeletal lesions.
characteristic for fluorosis. Br J Radiol 63:461–467, 1990.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Miscellaneous Conditions
There are a host of bony conditions, diseases, resonance imaging (MRI) is extremely valuable
and syndromes that do not fit conveniently into in demonstrating the presence and extent of
any of the preceding chapters yet should be AVN (Figure 8-2, B), even when plain films are
given some mention in an attempted overview of apparently normal. MRI is currently considered
musculoskeletal radiology. Many of these are the most efficacious way to evaluate a joint for
simply “Aunt Minnies” and only require you to AVN.2 It is useful in AVN not only of the hips
have seen them once or twice to recognize them. but also of the knee, wrist, foot, and ankle.
I have severely limited the things I have included
in this chapter—it could easily have dozens
of other entities, but none are very common. ENGELMANN’S DISEASE
Besides, I need to have something to add in
future editions. These are listed alphabetically Also known as diaphyseal dysplasia, Engelmann’s
for lack of a more scientific basis. disease is a congenital disorder manifested by
diaphyseal cortical thickening, which primarily
involves the long bones, particularly the lower
ACHONDROPLASIA extremity (Figure 8-5). Although it can be asymp-
tomatic and incidental, children with Engelmann’s
The most common cause of dwarfism is achon- disease can have a painful, waddling gait, and
droplasia, a congenital, hereditary disease of fail- the disease can progress dramatically, causing
ure of endochondral bone formation. The femurs severe medullary encroachment with subsequent
and humeri are more profoundly affected than anemia.
the other long bones, although the entire skeleton
is abnormal. The spine typically has narrowing of
the interpedicular distances in a caudal direction HYPERTROPHIC PULMONARY
(Figure 8-1), the opposite of normal, where the OSTEOARTHROPATHY
interpedicular distances get progressively wider as
one proceeds down the spine. I know of no other Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
entity that has narrowing of the interpedicular (HPO) is manifested by clubbing of the fingers
distance, and I have never seen a case of achon- and periostitis, usually in the upper and lower
droplasia without this narrowing. The long bones extremities (Figure 8-6), which may or may not
are short but have normal width, giving them a be associated with bone pain. It is most com-
thick appearance. monly seen in patients with lung cancer, but many
other etiologies have been reported, including
bronchiectasis, gastrointestinal disorders, and
AVASCULAR NECROSIS liver disease. The actual mechanism of formation
of periostitis secondary to a distant malignancy
The term avascular necrosis (AVN) refers to the or other process is unknown. The differential
lack of blood supply with subsequent bone death diagnosis for periostitis in a long bone without
and ensuing bony collapse in an articular sur- an underlying bony abnormality includes HPO,
face. This condition is also called osteonecrosis. venous stasis, thyroid acropachy, pachydermo-
The etiology of AVN is an extensive differential periostosis, and trauma (Box 8-2).
that most commonly includes trauma, steroids,
aspirin, sickle cell disease, collagen vascular dis-
eases, alcoholism, and idiopathic conditions MELORHEOSTOSIS
(Box 8-1).1 The radiographic appearance ranges
from patchy sclerosis (Figure 8-2, A) to articular Melorheostosis is a rare, idiopathic disorder
surface collapse and fragmentation (Figure 8-3). characterized by thickened cortical new bone
Just before collapse, a subchondral lucency is that accumulates near the ends of long bones,
occasionally seen (Figure 8-4); however, this is usually only on one side of the bone, and has
a late and inconstant sign of AVN. Magnetic an appearance likened to dripping candle wax
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 153
154 8 Miscellaneous Conditions

(Figure 8-7). It can affect several adjacent bones

and can be symptomatic. Many believe there is
some relation or overlap among melorheostosis,
osteopathia striata, and osteopoikilosis (men-
tioned later in this chapter), all of which present
with varying patterns of increased cortical bone.

The mucopolysaccharidoses are a group of inher-
ited diseases characterized by abnormal storage
and excretion in the urine of various mucopoly-
saccharides, such as keratan sulfate (Morquio’s)
and heparan sulfate (Hurler’s). Affected patients
have short stature, primarily from shortened
spines, and characteristic plain film findings. In
the spine, patients with Morquio’s syndrome have
platyspondyly (generalized flattening of the verte-
bral bodies) with a central anterior projection or
FIGURE 8-1 ■ Achondroplasia. An anteroposterior (AP) “beak” off of the vertebral body as viewed on a
plain film of the spine in this patient with achondroplasia lateral plain film (Figure 8-8). In patients with
demonstrates narrowing of the interpedicular distance Hurler’s or Hunter’s syndrome, platyspondyly is
(arrows) in a caudal direction, which is characteristic
of this disorder. Ordinarily the interpedicular distance
seen with a “beak” that is anteroinferiorly posi-
widens in each vertebra in a caudal direction. tioned (Figure 8-9) (remember “middle” beak for
Morquio’s syndrome and “hind” beak for Hurler’s
and Hunter’s syndromes). The pelvis in these
BOX 8-1 Common Causes of disorders is similar in appearance to that seen
Avascular Necrosis in patients with achondroplasia with wide, flared
iliac wings and broad femoral necks. A character-
Trauma Collagen vascular diseases istic finding in the hands is a pointed proximal
Steroids Alcoholism fifth metacarpal base that has a notch appearance
Aspirin Idiopathic causes on the ulnar aspect (Figure 8-10).
Sickle cell disease

FIGURE 8-2 ■ Avascular necrosis. A, A plain film of the hip in

this patient with avascular necrosis (AVN) shows faint patchy
sclerosis throughout the femoral head. This is a relatively
early plain film finding for AVN. B, Coronal T1-weighted image
in another patient with bilateral AVN of the hips shows two
A different appearances with low signal on the left side and high
signal on the right. Each is consistent with AVN.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

8 Miscellaneous Conditions 155

FIGURE 8-3 ■ Avascular necrosis. An AP plain film of

the shoulder reveals articular surface collapse in
this patient who was treated with steroids for sys-
temic lupus erythematosus. This is an advanced
stage of AVN. FIGURE 8-5 ■ Engelmann’s disease. An AP film of the
femurs shows bilateral cortical thickening that is local-
ized to the diaphyses (arrows).

FIGURE 8-4 ■ Avascular necrosis. An AP frog-leg lateral

view of the hip in this patient with sickle cell disease
shows a subchondral lucency (arrows) and patchy
sclerosis in the femoral head, indicative of AVN. This
is a relatively advanced stage of AVN. The subchon-
dral lucency is often better demonstrated with the FIGURE 8-6 ■ Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
frog-leg lateral view. (HPO). Periostitis can be seen along the shafts of the
distal tibia and fibula (arrows) in this patient with bron-
chogenic carcinoma and leg pain. This is characteristic
for HPO.

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156 8 Miscellaneous Conditions

BOX 8-2 Periostitis Without

Underlying Bony Lesion
Trauma Venous stasis
Hypertrophic pulmo- Thyroid acropachy
nary osteoarthropathy Pachydermoperiostosis

FIGURE 8-8 ■ Morquio’s syndrome. A lateral plain film

of the spine reveals a central “beak” or anterior bony
projection off of the vertebral bodies in this patient
with Morquio’s syndrome.

FIGURE 8-7 ■ Melorheostosis. Dense, wavy new bone

is seen adjacent to the lateral tibial cortex, which has
a dripping candle wax appearance that is classic for
melorheostosis. A similar pattern can be seen in the
medial aspect of the distal femur.


Also known as diaphyseal aclasia, this is a not
uncommon hereditary disorder that seems to
affect multiple members of a family with multiple
osteochondromas, or exostoses. An osteochon-
droma is a cartilage-capped bone outgrowth,
which may be pedunculated or sessile in appear-
ance. In the multiple hereditary form, the knees FIGURE 8-9 ■ Hurler’s syndrome. A lateral plain film of the
are virtually always involved (Figure 8-11). The spine in this patient with Hurler’s syndrome shows an
inferiorly placed bony projection extending anteriorly off
incidence of malignant degeneration in this pop- of the vertebral bodies (arrow).
ulation has been reported to be as high as 20%,
but this is a gross overestimation, with the actual
incidence probably less than 1%. As with soli-
tary osteochondromas, the more axially situated
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
8 Miscellaneous Conditions 157

FIGURE 8-12 ■ Multiple hereditary exostosis. The femo-

ral necks are often involved in multiple hereditary
exostosis. They will show undertubulation, as in this
example, and usually have one or more exostoses
(arrows). Note the involvement of the superior pubic
rami and the symphysis.
FIGURE 8-10 ■ Hurler’s syndrome. An AP plain film of
the hand in this patient with Hurler’s syndrome shows
a notch (arrow) at the base of the fifth metacarpal,
which is a characteristic finding in all the mucopoly- lesions are more prone to undergo malignant
saccharidoses. degeneration, whereas the more peripheral le-
sions are less likely to do so. The proximal femurs
are commonly involved and have a characteristic
appearance (Figure 8-12).

The etiology of osteoid osteoma is unknown. Is
it an infection (bacterial or viral), a slow-growing
tumor, a dessert topping? Nobody knows. It is a
painful lesion that occurs almost exclusively in
patients younger than 30 years of age that is
treated successfully with surgical excision or,
more commonly today, percutaneous radiofre-
quency ablation. Aspirin often gives dramatic
relief of the pain and can be used for conserva-
tive treatment in lieu of surgery. A classic clinical
picture for an osteoid osteoma is night pain
relieved by aspirin. However, many osteoid
osteomas do not have this presentation, and
most painful musculoskeletal lesions are worse
at night and relieved by aspirin, so this can lead
to confusion.
Radiographically, an osteoid osteoma is said
to have a typical appearance, but, in fact, it has
many different appearances, which can make
FIGURE 8-11 ■ Multiple hereditary exostosis. The knees diagnosis difficult.3 The classically described
are involved in virtually every case of multiple heredi- radiographic appearance is a cortically based
tary exostosis. They typically show not only multiple
exostoses (arrows) but also marked undertubulation sclerotic lesion in a long bone that has a small
(widening) in the metaphyses. lucency within it, called the nidus (Figure 8-13, A).
It is the nidus that causes the pain and the sur-
rounding reactive sclerosis. If the nidus is surgi-
cally removed or ablated percutaneously with
radiofrequency, complete cessation of pain is the
rule. Computed tomography (CT) and radionu-
clide bone scanning are often very helpful in
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
158 8 Miscellaneous Conditions


FIGURE 8-13 ■ Osteoid osteoma. A, An AP plain film of the femur in a child with hip pain shows an area of sclero-
sis medially near the lesser trochanter with a small lucency (arrow), which is the nidus of an osteoid osteoma.
Osteomyelitis could have this identical appearance. B, A radionuclide bone scan shows increased uptake in the
proximal femur, which corresponds to the reactive new bone seen on the plain film. In addition, however, note
the second smaller area of increased radionuclide uptake within the larger area (arrow). This corresponds to the
nidus itself. This pattern on a bone scan is called the double-density sign. C, A CT scan of the femur shows the
sclerosis medially and the lucent nidus (arrow) to better advantage. The CT and the bone scan give the surgeon
a more precise anatomic location of the nidus than the plain film.

demonstrating the exact location of the nidus as sclerotic. Up to 80% of osteoid osteomas are
(Figure 8-13, B and C). located intracortically, with the remainder being
If the nidus of an osteoid osteoma is located in in the intramedullary part of a bone. Rarely, an
the medullary rather than the cortical portion of osteoid osteoma will present in the periosteum,
a bone or if it is located in a joint, there is much causing tremendous periostitis.
less reactive sclerosis present. This gives the le- The nidus itself is usually lucent but often
sion a different overall appearance than the more develops some calcification within it. It then has
common cortical lesion in that it does not appear the appearance of a sequestrum as is seen in
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
8 Miscellaneous Conditions 159

osteomyelitis. If the nidus calcifies completely, of hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy

it blends in with the surrounding sclerosis and (Figure 8-18), but pachydermoperiostosis is
cannot be seen on most radiographs. Therefore rarely painful.
the diagnosis of an osteoid osteoma is not depen-
dent on seeing a nidus.
Because an osteoid osteoma resembles osteo- PAINFUL BONE MARROW EDEMA
myelitis, regardless of the appearance of the
nidus, it can be difficult to differentiate the two Painful bone marrow edema was first described
radiographically. In fact, it cannot be done with in the hip and called idiopathic transient osteo-
plain films, CT scan, or MRI scans. However, porosis of the hip (ITOH). It was initially de-
because the nidus is extremely vascular, it avidly scribed on plain films in young (30 to 50 years
accumulates radiopharmaceutical bone scanning old) males with a sudden onset of severe hip pain
agents. An osteoid osteoma will have an area of unknown etiology that was self-limited (usu-
of increased uptake corresponding to the area ally lasting 6 months or so) and treated with
of reactive sclerosis, but, in addition, it will dem- palliation. When MRI was developed, this entity
onstrate a second area of increased uptake cor- was found to have a characteristic appearance of
responding to the nidus (Figures 8-13 to 8-15). diffuse edema throughout the femoral head
This has been termed the double-density sign.4 and neck (Figure 8-19). It commonly affects
In contrast, osteomyelitis has a photopenic the knee and is seen on MRI scans as extensive
area corresponding to the plain film lucency, high T2 signal in the medial or lateral condyle
which represents an avascular focus of purulent (Figure 8-20) and less commonly in the tibial
material. The natural history of an osteoid plateau. The increased signal is out of propor-
osteoma is presumed to be spontaneous regres- tion to any internal derangement or cartilage
sion because they are rarely seen in patients abnormality. The absence of trauma excludes a
older than age 30. contusion, which could have this appearance.
These patients need protected weight bearing to
prevent the development of subchondral frac-
OSTEOPATHIA STRIATA tures. In fact, about half of affected patients have
a tiny fracture visible on their initial MRI scan,
Also known as Voorhoeve’s disease, osteopathia and some show a fracture has occurred after
striata is manifested by multiple 2- to 3-mm weight bearing when follow-up MRI scanning is
thick linear bands of sclerotic bone aligned par- performed.
allel to the long axis of a bone (Figure 8-16). It The foot and ankle are frequently affected
usually affects multiple long bones, and affected with painful bone marrow edema. The appear-
patients are asymptomatic; hence, it is usually an ance in the ankle is somewhat different from
incidental finding. that in the hip and knee in that it typically has
a spotted appearance with small foci of high
T2 signal scattered throughout (Figure 8-21). It
OSTEOPOIKILOSIS is not unusual for a patient to have recurrent
episodes of painful bone marrow edema in sev-
Osteopoikilosis is a hereditary disorder that is eral joints (hip, knee, or ankle) months or years
usually an incidental finding of multiple small apart. This is known as regional migratory
(3 to 10 mm) sclerotic bony densities affecting osteoporosis.5
primarily the ends of long bones and the pelvis
(Figure 8-17). Patients are asymptomatic, and
the condition has virtually no clinical signifi- SARCOID
cance other than that it can be confused for
diffuse osteoblastic metastases. Sarcoidosis is a noncaseating granulomatous dis-
ease that primarily affects the lungs. When the
musculoskeletal system is involved, the hands
PACHYDERMOPERIOSTOSIS are mainly affected, with the spine and long
bones only infrequently involved. Sarcoid causes
Pachydermoperiostosis is a rare, familial disease a characteristic lacelike pattern of bony destruc-
that is manifested by periostitis in the extremi- tion in the hands (Figure 8-22). Multiple phalan-
ties, thickening of the skin of the extremities and ges are typically affected in either one or both
face, and clubbing of the fingers. It seems to be hands. It is so radiographically characteristic that
more common in the African American popula- there is almost no differential diagnosis for this
tion. The periosteal reaction is similar to that pattern.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
160 8 Miscellaneous Conditions


FIGURE 8-14 ■ Osteoid osteoma. A, A lateral plain film of the tibia in this child with leg pain shows cortical thickening
in the posterior diaphysis. No lucency in the sclerotic area could be identified. B, A radionuclide bone scan reveals
uptake corresponding to the area of sclerosis in the tibia, with a more marked area of uptake centrally (arrow), which
is the double-density sign of an osteoid osteoma. C, The surgical specimen shows the nidus (arrow) as a faint
lucency within the sclerotic bone.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

8 Miscellaneous Conditions 161


FIGURE 8-15 ■ Osteoid osteoma. A, A plain film of the

hips in this 24-year-old male with right hip pain shows
a widened tear drop (arrows) measurement on the right
as compared with the left. This indicates a joint effu-
sion. No other abnormality was found, so an aspiration
arthrogram was performed to exclude infection. It was
normal except for a joint effusion, which was culture
negative. B, A radionuclide bone scan was done to see
if AVN or a stress fracture was the source of the pain. It
revealed increased uptake throughout the acetabulum,
with a second area of increased uptake (arrow) corre-
sponding to a double-density sign. C, A CT scan through
the acetabulum shows a lucent nidus, which is partially
calcified (arrow). This is characteristic for an osteoid
osteoma; however, osteomyelitis with a sequestrum
C could have an identical appearance except for the bone
scan double-density sign.

FIGURE 8-16 ■ Osteopathia striata. Multiple linear dense

streaks are seen in the distal femur, which are character-
istic of osteopathia striata.

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162 8 Miscellaneous Conditions

FIGURE 8-17 ■ Osteopoikilosis. An AP film of the pelvis

reveals multiple small round sclerotic foci throughout
the pelvis and femurs. This is diagnostic of osteopoikilo-
sis. This is occasionally mistaken for metastatic disease.

FIGURE 8-19 ■ Idiopathic transient osteoporosis of

the hip. A coronal T2-weighted image of the hip in a
patient with sudden onset of pain and no trauma
shows diffuse high signal throughout the hip, which
is characteristic of ITOH.

FIGURE 8-18 ■ Pachydermoperiostosis. An AP film of

the knee in this 50-year-old black man shows extensive
periostitis about the knee, which is characteristic for

FIGURE 8-20 ■ Painful bone marrow edema of the knee.

A coronal T2-weighted image of the knee in a patient
with sudden onset of knee pain and no trauma shows
diffuse high signal in the medial femoral condyle. The
adjacent cartilage was normal. This is characteristic
for painful bone marrow edema.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

8 Miscellaneous Conditions 163

FIGURE 8-21 ■ Painful bone marrow edema of the ankle.

A sagittal T2-weighted image of the ankle in a patient
with sudden onset of ankle pain shows a spotted
appearance of high signal around the ankle, which is
typical for painful bone marrow edema in the ankle.

FIGURE 8-22 ■ Sarcoid. An AP plain film of the hands in a

patient with sarcoidosis shows multiple lytic lesions,
many of which demonstrate a lacelike pattern.

SLIPPED CAPITAL FEMORAL on an AP film of the pelvis or hips by drawing

EPIPHYSIS a line along the lateral femoral neck and noting
that in normals this line intersects about a quar-
The epiphysis of the femoral head (called the ter of the epiphysis (Figures 8-23). In patients
capital epiphysis) has a tendency to slip medi- with a slipped capital epiphysis this line inter-
ally. This is seen primarily in young teenage sects little or none of the slipped epiphysis.
boys who are overweight, although it can be This process is often found bilaterally and
seen in patients with hyperparathyroidism or is treated by internally fixing the epiphysis
may be seen idiopathically. It can be identified with pins.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

164 8 Miscellaneous Conditions



FIGURE 8-23 ■ Slipped capital femoral epiphysis. A plain film of the hips in this child shows medial slippage of the
left femoral capital epiphysis (B) as compared with the right (A). Although the amount of slippage is slight and
difficult to appreciate at first glance, note that a line drawn along the lateral femoral neck on the normal side
(A) intersects a portion of the femoral epiphysis, whereas on the left side (B) a similar line misses most of the
epiphysis. A schematic of the normal hip and a hip with a slipped capital epiphysis (C) shows how a line parallel
to the femoral neck (solid line) that is then moved to the lateral aspect of the femoral neck (dotted line) intersects
part of the epiphysis (shaded) in the normal and misses the epiphysis in a slipped epiphysis.

1. Mankin H: Nontraumatic necrosis of bone (osteonecrosis). 4. Helms CA, Hattner RS, Vogler J III: Osteoid osteoma:
N Engl J Med 326:1473–1479, 1992. radionuclide diagnosis. Radiology 151(3):779–784, 1984.
2. Mitchell D, Kressel H, Arger P, et al: Avascular necrosis of 5. Korompilias AV, Karantanas AH, Lykissas MG, Beris AE:
the femoral head: morphologic assessment by MR imaging, Bone marrow edema syndrome. Skeletal Radiol 38:425-436,
with CT correlation. Radiology 161:739–742, 1986. 2009.
3. Marcove R, Heelan R, Huvos A, et al: Osteoid osteoma:
diagnosis, localization, and treatment. Clin Orthop Relat
Res 267:197–201, 1991.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging

of the Knee
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the for examining the menisci. Slices 4 or 5 mm
knee has developed into one of the most com- thick with a small (12 to 14 cm) field of view
monly requested examinations in radiology. (FOV) and at least a 192 matrix are recom-
This is not just because many people injure mended. The knee should be imaged using a
their knees but because of its high accuracy dedicated knee coil and externally rotated about
in depicting internal derangements. Accuracy 5 to 10 degrees (do not exceed 10 degrees) to put
reports of MRI scans for the knee vary from the anterior cruciate ligament in the plane of
85% to 95%, with many investigators believing imaging. T2 spin-echo or T2* gradient-echo
that MRI of the knee is, in fact, more accurate sagittal images are obtained primarily to exam-
than arthroscopy. Very few top orthopedic sur- ine the cruciate ligaments and cartilage. With
geons will operate on a knee without an MRI T2 spin-echo images, meniscal tears may be dif-
scan to serve as a road map. Although some ficult to see; however, they will be picked up on
surgeons believe MRI scanning is too expen- the proton-density images. Thus the menisci
sive for routine use in every patient, there are and the cruciate ligaments are examined primar-
studies that report enormous financial savings ily on the sagittal images. Although the menisci
(not to mention decreased patient morbidity) and the cruciate ligaments can be seen on the
in performing an MRI examination on every coronal and axial images, it is uncommon for
patient who is a candidate for knee arthros- those images to show an abnormality that is not
copy. Many of these patients do not need sub- seen on the sagittal images.
sequent arthroscopy and those who do benefit Coronal images are obtained to examine the
from a more complete preoperative assessment collateral ligaments and to look for meniscocap-
(not directly reflected in financial savings but sular separations. These abnormalities can most
clearly beneficial for surgical planning).1 MRI often be seen only with T2-weighted images. T1
scanning of the knee has a very high negative coronal images are therefore a waste of time,
predictive value; therefore a normal MRI knee because there is nothing to be seen on these
examination is highly accurate in excluding an images that cannot be seen equally well on the
internal derangement.2,3 sagittal images. T2* gradient-echo coronals or
Maximum diagnostic accuracy can be obtained fast spin-echo (FSE) T2 sequences in the coronal
in several ways. First, and most obvious, is to plane are imperative. FSE (also called turbo
obtain high-quality images. This includes using spin-echo or TSE) sequences should have fat
the appropriate imaging protocol. Using an inap- suppression applied; otherwise, fluid cannot be
propriate protocol is probably the number one distinguished from fat.
error committed in knee MRI scanning. Second, A few centers continue to use T1-weighted
knowing the basic MRI signs for internal de- coronal images without realizing that they give
rangements is key in achieving a high accuracy no additional information and, in fact, can hide
rate. Third, knowing the imaging pitfalls, such significant abnormalities. Why would they do
as normal variants, which can mimic pathology, this? T1-weighted coronal images were part of
will further aid in diagnostic accuracy. Proper everyone’s protocol when we first began to use
protocols, basic imaging signs, and pitfalls are MRI scanning in the knee. Articles, book chap-
discussed in detail in this chapter. ters, and speakers (including me) would give the
standard protocol, not thinking enough about
what each sequence was showing us. I remember
IMAGING PROTOCOL reading a knee study in the late 1980s with one
of the radiology residents, and I asked him to
The proper imaging protocol is essential for hedge on the diagnosis of a partial tear of the
a high diagnostic accuracy rate. A sagittal T1- medial collateral ligament and request a repeat
weighted (or proton-density) sequence is essential examination with T2-weighted coronals to rule
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 165
166 9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee

out a meniscocapsular separation. This was the Many acceptable variations of this protocol exist.
second or third time that week that the resident Many centers, for various reasons, prefer not to
had been so instructed, so he asked, “Why don’t use FSE images and instead use gradient-echo.
we just routinely do a T2 coronal—we don’t see
anything on the T1 coronal, and we often have
to hedge or repeat the examination with a T2 MENISCI
coronal?” I told him to worry about dictating the
cases, and I and others would take care of setting The normal meniscus is a fibrocartilaginous,
up the protocols. Well, 2 weeks later he rotated C-shaped structure that is uniformly low in
to another service, and we began doing T2 coro- signal on both T1- and T2-weighted sequences
nal images as part of our standard knee protocol. (Figure 9-1). With T2* sequences the menisci
Uppity residents! will usually demonstrate some internal signal.
Axial images were initially used by the tech- With T1-weighted images any signal within
nicians as a scout view. They were then found to the meniscus is abnormal, except in children,
be useful for viewing the patellofemoral carti- in whom some signal is normal and represents
lage and for identifying and characterizing fluid normal vascularity. Meniscal signal that does
collections. As in the coronal images, to afford not disrupt an articular surface is representa-
an opportunity to see any pathology, T2 images tive of intrasubstance degeneration (Figure 9-2),
must be obtained. which is myxoid degeneration of the fibrocar-
We have found that fat suppressing the sagittal tilage. It most likely represents aging and
T1 or proton-density meniscus-sensitive sequence normal wear and tear. It is not believed to be
increases the dynamic range of signal in the symptomatic and cannot be diagnosed clinically
meniscus and makes meniscal pathology more or with arthroscopy. Some choose, therefore,
conspicuous. It gets rid of all the distracting high not to mention intrasubstance degeneration
signal in the marrow, making it easier to visualize in the radiology interpretation. A grading scale
the meniscus. for meniscal signal that is widely used is the
The use of FSE sequences with a short TE following (Figure 9-3): grade 1—rounded or
(FSE proton-density) has been reported in sev- amorphous signal that does not disrupt an
eral studies to be useful for meniscal tears, yet articular surface; grade 2—linear signal that
others have reported a decreased sensitivity. does not disrupt an articular surface; and grade
What is the truth? The truth is that every pub- 3—rounded or linear signal that disrupts an
lished report I can find shows a sensitivity of articular surface (Figure 9-4). Grades 1 and 2
around 80% for FSE proton-density sequences, are intrasubstance degeneration and should
whereas conventional spin-echo sequences have not be reported as “grade 1 or 2 tears.” This
a sensitivity closer to 95%. It is very controver- is a radiology grading scale, which is not
sial, but basically everyone’s results are the same known widely by orthopedic surgeons; hence,
(80% sensitivity), only the conclusions differ.4 the term tear often leads to an unnecessary
If you’re willing to decrease your sensitivity for arthroscopy (arthroscopy is not indicated for
meniscal tears from 95% to 80% to save 3 minutes intrasubstance degeneration). Only grade 3 is
(the only advantage of FSE), then your time is a meniscal tear.
more valuable than your diagnostic accuracy. Get When high signal in a meniscus disrupts the
another job! superior or inferior articular surface, a meniscal
The protocol I currently recommend consists tear is diagnosed (see Figure 9-4). Care must be
of a sagittal proton-density weighted spin-echo taken to be sure that the signal actually disrupts
series with fat suppression and sagittal, coronal, the articular surface of the meniscus before call-
and axial FSE T2 with fat suppression (Table 9-1). ing a tear. When high signal approaches the

TABLE 9-1 Knee Protocol

TR/TE Nex Matrix Fat Sat Thickness (mm) FOV
Sagittal 2000/20 1 192 yes 4 14
Sagittal 4000/70 2 192 yes 4 14
Coronal 4000/70 2 192 yes 4 14
Axial 4000/70 2 192 yes 4 14

Fat Sat, Fat suppression; FOV, field of view; Nex, number of excitations.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee 167

FIGURE 9-1 ■ Normal meniscus. A, A T1-weighted sagittal image through a normal lateral meniscus demonstrates
uniform low signal in the meniscus. This is a section through the body of the meniscus, because it has a bowtie
configuration. Two sections of the body should be seen in each meniscus with 4- or 5-mm thick slices. B, In the
same T1-weighted sequence, this sagittal image demonstrates uniform low signal in the anterior and posterior
horns of this normal lateral meniscus. (Anterior is to the left.)

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

FIGURE 9-3 ■ Grading scale for menisci. A schematic of
the MRI grading scale for meniscal abnormalities:
Grade 1 has rounded or amorphous signal in the me-
niscus that does not disrupt an articular surface. Grade 2
has linear signal that does not disrupt an articular
A surface. Grades 1 and 2 represent intrasubstance de-
generation. Grade 3 has signal that does disrupt an
articular surface and indicates a meniscal tear.

FIGURE 9-2 ■ Intrasubstance degeneration. A, Faint
intermediate signal can be seen in the posterior horn
of this meniscus (arrow), which does not disrupt the
articular surface of the meniscus. This is intrasub-
stance degeneration. B, Linear high signal is present
in the posterior horn of the meniscus (arrow). The
signal does not disrupt the articular surface; therefore
this represents intrasubstance degeneration.

FIGURE 9-4 ■ Meniscal tear. This fat-suppressed T1-

weighted sagittal image shows linear high signal in
the posterior horn of the meniscus, which disrupts the
inferior articular surface. This is the appearance of an
oblique meniscal tear.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

168 9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee

articular surface of the meniscus, it seems many

radiologists tend to overcall it whether or not it
disrupts the surface. This is evidenced not only “HANDLE”
from my experience of watching residents and
fellows but also by noting that most published
series on the accuracy of knee MRI scanning
have a lower specificity than sensitivity (i.e.,
there are more false-positive results than false-
negative results). One way to aid in avoiding
false-positive calls is to cover up the meniscus
with a card, or your thumbnail, leaving only a
thin margin of the articular surface of the menis-
cus visible. If this margin of articular surface of
the meniscus is seen as a straight uninterrupted FIGURE 9-5 ■ Bucket handle tear. This drawing illustrates
line, no tear of the meniscus is present. If the a bucket handle tear with the torn free edge of the
meniscus displaced as the “handle” of the bucket.
thin margin is interrupted, a meniscal tear is
Meniscal tears have many different configura-
tions and locations, with an oblique tear extend-
ing to the inferior surface of the posterior horn
of the medial meniscus being the most common
type. In a small but significant percentage of
cases (around 10%) it can be virtually impossible
to be certain if meniscal high signal disrupts an
articular surface. In these cases it is recom-
mended that the surgeon be advised that it is too
close to call. The surgeon can then rely on his or
her clinical expertise to decide if arthroscopy
is warranted; if it is, the MRI scan will guide
the surgeon to where the questionable tear is A
located. DeSmet showed that signal that disrupts
the surface of the meniscus on only one sagittal
image should be considered a sign of an equivo-
cal tear.5 He reported that only 56% of the
medial menisci and 30% of the lateral menisci
were torn if only one sagittal image showed the
“tear.” If these equivocal cases are excluded, the
remaining cases will have an extremely high
accuracy rate.
Another very common meniscus tear, one
that is often missed by radiologists, is a bucket
handle tear. This is a vertical longitudinal tear
that can result in the inner free edge of the B
meniscus becoming displaced into the inter- FIGURE 9-6 ■ Bucket handle tear. Sagittal gradient-
condylar notch (Figure 9-5). It is most easily echo images through the medial meniscus at its most
recognized by observing on the sagittal images medial aspect reveal one bowtie, indicative of the
that only one image with the bowtie appearance body of the meniscus (A), with the adjacent image
(B) having apparent normal anterior and posterior
of the body segment of the meniscus is present horns. However, because there should be two consec-
(Figure 9-6). Normally two contiguous sagittal utive sagittal images with a bowtie configuration, this
images with a bowtie shape are seen, because indicates a bucket handle tear. (Anterior is to the left.)
the normal meniscus is 9 to 12 mm in width
and the sagittal images are 4 to 5 mm in thick-
ness. On the coronal images a bucket handle seen in the intercondylar notch on sagittal or
tear may reveal the meniscus to be shortened coronal views (Figure 9-8).
and truncated; however, often the torn meniscus Another meniscus tear that is diagnosed by
remodels and truncation cannot be appreciated having too few bowtie segments present in the
(Figure 9-7). The displaced inner edge of the sagittal plane is a radial tear or parrot beak tear.
meniscus (the “handle” of the bucket) should be This is a tear of the free edge of the meniscus
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee 169

Tear (Figure 9-9), which is a common tear. It should

be suspected when only one bowtie segment is
present and the adjacent sagittal image shows a
Tear small gap (a bucket handle tear will have a large
gap) in the expected bowtie (Figure 9-10). The
apparent anterior and/or posterior horn trian-
gles will often be rounded or truncated instead
of pointed.
Use of the bowtie sign, that is, having two
consecutive sagittal images that demonstrate a
bowtie configuration, is one of the most useful
FIGURE 9-7 ■ Schematic of bucket handle tear. This signs I can give beginners in evaluating an MRI
drawing shows how a vertical longitudinal tear as scan of the knee.6 Looking for this sign makes it
shown on the axial view (left) can appear on the coro- virtually impossible to overlook a bucket handle
nal views (right). Before the free edge is displaced, the
tear may be seen (top, right); after the free edge (or
“handle”) displaces, the remaining meniscus may
appear truncated (center, right); after weight bearing
the truncated meniscus smooths out to a sharp triangle
that is simply decreased in width from the normal
(bottom, right).

Free edge tear

FIGURE 9-9 ■ Parrot beak tear. This drawing shows the

appearance of a radial free edge meniscal tear called
a parrot beak tear.

FIGURE 9-8 ■ Displaced fragment in bucket handle tear. FIGURE 9-10 ■ Radial tear. Sagittal images through the
(A) Sagittal and (B) coronal T2-weighted images body of the medial meniscus in a patient with a radial
through the intercondylar notch in a patient with a tear showed a normal bowtie configuration in the
bucket handle tear reveals the displaced free fragment most medial image, with the next adjacent image
or “handle” (arrows) just anterior to the posterior (shown here) having a small gap (arrow), which indi-
cruciate ligament. cates a disruption of the free edge of the meniscus.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

170 9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee

tear and, as the next section describes, the sign wedged, flat, and others. It is unknown whether it
can be used to diagnose a discoid meniscus. is congenital or acquired, but most are found in
There are four pitfalls to be aware of in applying children or young adults. It is seen laterally in up
the bowtie sign (Box 9-1). First, if the knee and to 3% of the population, with a discoid medial
the menisci are very small, as in a child’s knee, meniscus being rare. A discoid meniscus is be-
only one bowtie may be observed without a lieved to be more prone to tear than a normal
bucket handle tear being present. However, meniscus and can be symptomatic even without
there will be only two or three sagittal images being torn. Although they are easily identified on
that demonstrate the anterior and posterior coronal images by noting meniscal tissue extend-
horns. A normal-sized knee will have two bow- ing into the tibial spines at the intercondylar notch
ties and three or four images that show the ante- (Figure 9-11), they are most reliably diagnosed by
rior and posterior horns. Also, in a small knee noting more than two consecutive sagittal images
both the medial and lateral menisci will have that show the meniscus with a bowtie appearance
only one bowtie image, and bucket handle tears (Figure 9-12). Hence, the bowtie sign can be used
involving both the medial and lateral menisci are to diagnose a bucket handle tear (fewer than two
very rare. bowties) or a discoid meniscus (more than two
The second pitfall in the bowtie sign is seen in bowties). If slices thinner than 4 or 5 mm are used,
older patients—those older than age 60. Patients the bowtie sign can be adjusted to whatever slice
older than 60 years often have worn down the thickness is used.
inner free edges of their menisci so only one The lateral meniscus often has what appears
sagittal image of the body is seen, followed by to be a tear on the anterior horn near its upper
four or five images that show the anterior and margin, which is a pseudotear from the insertion
posterior horns, usually a good sign for a bucket of the transverse ligament (Figure 9-13). This
handle tear. This, unlike the pitfall described can easily be differentiated from a real tear by
in children or small knees, does not necessarily following it medially across the knee in Hoffa’s
occur in both menisci. How do I differentiate fat pad to where it inserts onto the anterior horn
this from a real bucket handle tear? First, degen- of the medial meniscus. Although less common
erative disc disease is always present, and, second, than on the lateral meniscus, a pseudotear from
no displaced meniscal fragment can be found. the insertion of the transverse ligament onto
A third pitfall to be aware of in using the bow- the anterior horn of the medial meniscus can
tie sign is that the sign works only if the entire be seen.
meniscus is covered with sagittal images. If the Meniscal cysts occur in about 5% of cases
technologist doesn’t begin the sagittal images at and can cause pain even if the meniscus is not
the far medial or lateral aspects of the knee, the torn. The cause is unknown, but they occur
meniscus will not be imaged in its entirety. One more frequently in discoid menisci. If the me-
will quickly learn to appreciate whether or not niscus is not torn, the surgical approach used by
the entire meniscus is covered. some is percutaneous with decompression and
The fourth pitfall is seen in knees that have
been operated on previously and in which a partial
meniscectomy has been performed. This can be
differentiated from a bucket handle tear by the
lack of a displaced fragment (no handle of the
bucket). In fact, all four of the pitfalls mentioned
can be recognized by the inability to see a dis-
placed meniscal fragment.
A discoid meniscus is a large disclike meniscus
that can have many different shapes—lens-shaped,

BOX 9-1 Pitfalls in Bowtie Sign

1. Small knee with small menisci
2. Older patients (!60 years of age) who may have
fraying and degeneration of free edge FIGURE 9-11 ■ Discoid lateral meniscus. A coronal
3. Incomplete coverage gradient-echo image through the intercondylar notch
4. Prior surgery shows a large lateral meniscus with meniscal tissue
extending into the notch medially (arrow).

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee 171


FIGURE 9-12 ■ Discoid lateral meniscus. Three consecutive 5-mm thick T2-weighted images through the lateral
meniscus, beginning with the most lateral (A) and extending medially (B and C); each shows the meniscus to have
a bowtie configuration. Because only two images should have a bowtie shape, indicative of the body of the
meniscus, this is diagnostic of a discoid lateral meniscus (Figure 9-11 is a coronal image of the same knee).
(Anterior is to the left.)

packing performed, whereas if a meniscus tear (called a parameniscal cyst) or into the joint via
is associated with the cyst, it is approached in- a meniscus tear. Decompression into a parame-
traarticularly. Hence, accurate diagnosis of a niscal cyst does not indicate a meniscus tear.
tear is imperative. The intrameniscal portion of A meniscus tear, by definition, has to disrupt the
the cyst typically does not get fluid-bright in articular surface of the meniscus. Although a
signal on T2 sequences (Figure 9-14), which has meniscus with a meniscal cyst is more likely to
misled many radiologists into discounting the tear than an otherwise normal meniscus, up to
presence of a cyst. A meniscal cyst will enlarge 40% are not torn.7 Many reports cite that me-
the meniscus and give it a swollen appearance nisci with cysts are torn up to 98% of the time;
unless it decompresses into the soft tissues this is simply not true.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
172 9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee

FIGURE 9-13 ■ Pseudotear from a transverse ligament.

A sagittal T1-weighted image through the lateral me- A
niscus shows linear high signal through the upper
anterior horn (arrow), which resembles a tear. This
is the insertion of the transverse ligament onto the
meniscus (see Figure 9-1, B, for another example).
(Anterior is to the left.)

MRI scanning of the cruciate ligaments is more
accurate than is an MRI scan of the menisci,
with accuracy reported near 100% in several
published series.8 The normal anterior cruciate
ligament (ACL) is seen in the intercondylar
notch as a linear, predominantly low-signal struc-
ture on T1-weighted or proton-density-weighted
images that often shows some linear striations
near its insertion onto the medial tibial spine B
when viewed on sagittal images (Figure 9-15, A).
T2-weighted images are imperative for obtain- FIGURE 9-14 ■ Meniscal cyst. A, A sagittal proton-density-
ing the highest accuracy in diagnosing ACL weighted image through the medial meniscus shows
tears, because fluid and hemorrhage will often a swollen anterior horn filled with increased signal
(arrow). B, A T2-weighted image shows high signal
obscure the ligament on T1-weighted images similar to fluid in the parameniscal portion, whereas
(Figure 9-15, B). the intrameniscal signal is only intermediate.
A torn ACL is most often simply not visual-
ized (Figure 9-16), although sometimes the ac-
tual disruption will be seen (Figure 9-17). Partial report. It is an incidental finding with little or no
tears or sprains of the ACL are manifested by clinical significance. It is found in about 1% of
high signal and/or laxity in an otherwise intact all knees. Even though it often gets misdiag-
ligament. The diagnosis of a partial tear or sprain nosed as an ACL tear on MRI examination, it
is generally not critical on MRI because the virtually never confuses a surgeon into operating
treatment afforded the patient depends primar- because the knee is stable.
ily on the diagnosis of a complete tear. In most The normal posterior cruciate ligament
instances the arthroscopist cannot tell a partial (PCL) is a gently curved, uniformly low-signal
tear from an intact ACL. structure (Figure 9-19), which is infrequently
An entity that has been mistaken for a torn torn and even less frequently repaired by sur-
ACL is an ACL cyst (Figure 9-18). The cause is geons. When torn, it typically has a thickened
unknown, but it basically represents fluid in and appearance with diffuse intermediate signal
around the fibers of the ACL, giving it a swollen, throughout (Figure 9-20). It typically appears
drumstick appearance on sagittal images. It has intact but has undergone a plastic deformation
been mistakenly diagnosed as a tumor with sub- that renders it unstable, much like overstretch-
sequent radical removal (oops!) in one published ing the elastic in your socks. In only a third of
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee 173

FIGURE 9-15 ■ Normal anterior cruciate ligament. A, A sagittal T1-weighted image through the intercondylar notch
shows the normal appearance of the ACL (arrows). B, A sagittal T2-weighted image with fat suppression through
the intercondylar notch in another patient shows a normal ACL.

FIGURE 9-17 ■ Torn anterior cruciate ligament. A sagittal

gradient-echo image through the intercondylar notch
FIGURE 9-16 ■ Torn anterior cruciate ligament. This sag- shows fibers of a torn ACL, which are disrupted cen-
ittal T2-weighted image with fat suppression through trally (arrow).
the intercondylar notch fails to show the ACL. This is a
fairly typical example of a completely torn ACL.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

174 9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee

FIGURE 9-18 ■ ACL cyst. This sagittal T2-weighted image

with fat suppression through the intercondylar notch
shows the ACL with a drumstick appearance and high
FIGURE 9-20 ■ Torn posterior cruciate ligament. A sagittal
signal within. This is the appearance of an ACL cyst.
proton-density-weighted image through the intercondy-
lar notch reveals the PCL to have a fat or thickened
appearance with diffuse intermediate signal throughout.
This is typical for a torn PCL

cases can an actual ligament disruption or avul-

sion off of the femur or tibia be seen.9 Most or-
thopedic surgeons do not even inspect the PCL
at arthroscopy and do not repair it when torn
because it rarely is a cause of instability. A for-
mer fellow I worked with tried to publish an
MRI sign for a torn PCL. After collecting a
dozen cases with torn PCLs, he got the opera-
tive reports from the patients’ records. We were
surprised to find that not one surgeon even men-
tioned the PCL! We called a few of the surgeons
and each gave the same answer—they virtually
never repair the PCL because it does not lead to
instability; hence, they don’t even bother to look
at it during arthroscopy. Although not all sur-
geons subscribe to this philosophy, many do. If
yours does, it’s a kind of freedom you have in
looking at the PCL. You can tell the surgeon it’s
tied in a knot, and it won’t matter.
FIGURE 9-19 ■ Normal posterior cruciate ligament. A
sagittal T1-weighted image through the intercondylar A low-signal round structure is often seen
notch shows the appearance of the normal PCL with just anterior or posterior to the PCL on the
its characteristic uniform low signal (arrow). sagittal views. A loose body or a flap of a piece
of torn meniscus can have this appearance
(Figure 9-21), but it most commonly results
from a meniscofemoral ligament, which ex-
tends obliquely across the knee from the medial
femoral condyle to the posterior horn of the
lateral meniscus (Figure 9-22). If it passes in
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee 175

front of the PCL, it is called the ligament of

Humphry; if it passes behind the PCL, it is the
ligament of Wrisberg (Figure 9-23). One or
the other is present in up to 72% of all knees
on MRI. In less than 5% of cases, both will be
The insertion of the ligament of Humphry or
Wrisberg onto the lateral meniscus can produce
a pseudotear similar to that caused by the trans-
verse ligament on the anterior horn of the lateral
meniscus (Figure 9-24). Before calling a tear on
the upper aspect of the posterior horn of the
lateral meniscus, care must be taken to look for
a meniscofemoral ligament to be certain it is
not a pseudotear from the ligament’s insertion.
Similarly, before calling a loose body in front of

FIGURE 9-21 ■ Loose bodies. A sagittal T1-weighted

image through the intercondylar notch in this patient
shows two rounded low-signal structures (arrows),
which are loose bodies. A meniscofemoral ligament
of Wrisberg could have the appearance of either of
these loose bodies.

Ligament of

Ligament of
FIGURE 9-22 ■ Ligament of Wrisberg. This coronal T1-
weighted image shows an obliquely oriented struc-
ture extending from the medial femoral condyle to Posterior Cruciate
the lateral meniscus. This is a normal ligament of B Ligament
Wrisberg. FIGURE 9-23 ■ Ligament of Wrisberg. A, A sagittal T1-
weighted image through the intercondylar notch shows
a rounded low-signal structure posterior to the PCL,
which is the meniscofemoral ligament of Wrisberg
(arrow). B, This drawing shows the relationship of the
ligaments of Wrisberg and Humphry to the PCL.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

176 9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee

! !

FIGURE 9-24 ■ Pseudotear from ligament of Humphry insertion. A, A sagittal proton-density fat-suppressed image
through the lateral meniscus reveals an apparent tear of the posterior horn (arrow), which is the insertion of the
ligament of Humphry onto the meniscus. B, On the image through the intercondylar notch, a ligament of
Humphry (arrow) is seen anterior to the PCL. The ligament of Humphry could be followed on adjacent images,
from anterior to the PCL to its insertion on the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus.

or behind the PCL, care must be taken to try to

follow the structure across to the lateral menis-
cus to determine whether it is a meniscofemoral

The medial collateral ligament (MCL) origi-
nates on the medial femoral condyle and inserts
on the tibia. It is closely applied to the joint and
is intimately associated with the medial joint
capsule and the medial meniscus. The MCL is
uniformly low in signal on all imaging sequences. FIGURE 9-25 ■ Grade 2 sprain of the medial collateral
Injuries to the MCL usually occur from a valgus ligament. A T2-weighted coronal image reveals high
stress, a blow to the lateral part of the knee. signal in the soft tissues adjacent to the MCL (arrows),
A grade 1 injury represents a mild sprain and which represents edema and hemorrhage from a
is diagnosed on MRI by noting fluid or hemor- sprain of the MCL. The MCL is somewhat attenuated
(area between the arrows), indicative of a grade 2
rhage in the soft tissues medial to the MCL. The sprain.
ligament is otherwise normal. A grade 2 injury
is a partial tear and is seen as high signal in
and around the MCL on T2 coronal sequences. recognized on a T2 coronal image by noting
The ligament is intact, although the deep or joint fluid extending between the medial menis-
superficial fibers may show minimal disruption cus and the capsule. It is essential to use T2
(Figure 9-25). A grade 3 injury is a complete sequences because a T1-weighted image may
disruption of the MCL. It can be best appreci- not detect the fluid between the meniscus and
ated on T2 images (Figure 9-26). It is unusual the capsule (Figure 9-27). They can be over-
for a surgeon to operate on an MCL even if it is looked at arthroscopy if they involve only the
a complete disruption. MCL partial tears, and superficial fibers of the capsule because they are
even complete tears, heal quite nicely simply then essentially extracapsular. It is an important
with immobilization. diagnosis to make because it involves a very
A meniscocapsular separation occurs when vascular portion of the meniscus; hence, it will
the medial meniscus is torn from its attachment readily heal with immobilization or with sutur-
to the joint capsule. It occurs most commonly ing by the surgeon. If overlooked and continued
at the site of the MCL and often occurs con- activity occurs, it can lose the vascular interface
comitantly with an MCL injury. It is easily and never heal.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee 177

FIGURE 9-26 ■ Torn medial collateral ligament. A coronal

T2-weighted image shows a tear of the MCL distally

The lateral collateral ligament consists of three

parts. The most posterior structure is the tendon
of the biceps femoris, which inserts onto the head
of the fibula. Next, anterior to the biceps, is the
true lateral collateral ligament, also called the
fibulocollateral ligament, which extends from the B
lateral femoral condyle to the head of the fibula FIGURE 9-27 ■ Meniscocapsular separation. A, A T1-
(Figure 9-28). The biceps and the fibulocollateral weighted coronal image reveals a contusion of the
ligament usually join and insert onto the head of lateral femoral condyle, indicative of a valgus strain,
the fibula in a conjoined manner. Anterior to the which is often associated with an MCL tear. The MCL
fibulocollateral ligament is the iliotibial band, appears normal on this image; however, the linear low
signal in the soft tissues just adjacent to the MCL is
which extends into the fascia more anteriorly and suggestive of fluid. This indicates a partial tear or
inserts onto Gerdy’s tubercle on the anterolateral sprain of the MCL. B, A coronal gradient-echo image
tibia. The lateral collateral ligament complex is in the same knee reveals fluid between the medial
infrequently torn, but a tear can have significant meniscus and the MCL (arrow), which is diagnostic for
a meniscocapsular separation. Faint high signal in the
long-term consequences of pain and instability in MCL and adjacent to it indicate a partial tear. A T2 or
athletes if not treated aggressively. This is called T2* sequence in the coronal plane are necessary to
posterolateral corner instability. see these abnormalities.
The posterolateral corner is basically the soft
tissues in and around the lateral collateral liga-
ment complex. These structures are injured in
hyperextension, and about 95% of the time they phone call, because many surgeons believe the
are associated with a PCL or an ACL tear.10 If an posterolateral corner needs to be repaired
ACL or PCL tear is present with a tear of two or promptly.
more of the following structures, posterolateral
corner instability should be suggested: fibulocol-
lateral ligament, biceps tendon, iliotibial band, PATELLA AND CARTILAGE
popliteofibular ligament, popliteus tendon, ar-
cuate ligament (Figure 9-29). Some of these The patellar cartilage commonly undergoes de-
structures are hard to identify and take a lot of generation, causing exquisite pain and tender-
experience; therefore one can simply suggest ness. This is called chondromalacia patella. It can
posterolateral corner injury if an ACL or PCL is be diagnosed on sagittal images but is generally
torn and part of the lateral collateral ligament more reliably identified on axial images. T2, T2*,
complex has a definite tear. This is a significant or STIR (inversion recovery) sequences are typi-
injury, and usually the surgeon appreciates a cally used to diagnose chondromalacia patella.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
FIGURE 9-28 ■ Normal lateral collateral ligament. This coronal
FSE T2 with fat suppression shows a normal fibulocollateral
ligament (lateral collateral ligament) (arrows) extending from
the lateral femoral condyle to the fibular head.


FIGURE 9-29 ■ Posterolateral corner injury. A, This sagit-

tal proton-density image shows the PCL to be fat and
increased in signal (arrows), indicative of a torn PCL.
B, A coronal FSE T2 with fat suppression reveals a tear
of the lateral collateral ligament (arrow). C, An axial FSE
T2 with fat suppression shows an injury to the popliteus
tendon (arrow) with thickening and increased signal.
C This constellation of injuries indicates posterolateral
corner instability.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee 179

Chondromalacia begins with focal swelling

and degeneration of the cartilage. This can be
seen as high-signal foci in the cartilage. As it
progresses, it causes thinning and irregularity of
the articular surface of the cartilage, and finally
underlying bone is exposed (Figure 9-30).
A normal structure that is seen in more than
half of the population is the medial patellar plica.
It is an embryologic remnant from when the
knee was divided into three compartments. It is
a thin fibrous band that extends from the medial
capsule toward the medial facet of the patella
(Figure 9-31). A suprapatellar and infrapatellar
plica can also be present. The medial patellar
plica can on rare occasions thicken and cause
clinical symptoms indistinguishable from those
of a torn meniscus, which has been termed plica
syndrome (Figure 9-32). T2-weighted images
and a joint effusion are necessary to visualize a FIGURE 9-31 ■ Plica. An axial T2-weighted image through
plica in most instances. An abnormal plica can be the patella shows a low-signal linear structure (arrow)
easily removed arthroscopically. extending from the medial capsule toward the medial
facet of the patella. This is a normal medial patellar
An abnormality that can clinically mimic plica plica. Without the joint effusion or the T2 weighting, the
syndrome, as well as mimic a torn meniscus, is plica would not be visualized.
bursitis. Two bursae typically are identified
medially, and they can become symptomatic.
The first is the pes anserine bursa. Three ten-
dons, the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus
(remembered by the mnemonic “some girls
stand”), insert onto the anteromedial aspect of
the tibia in a fan-shaped manner that has been
likened to a goose’s foot, hence the name pes
anserinus. A bursa lies beneath the insertion site,
which can become inflamed and cause medial
joint line or patellar pain that can be confused
with plica syndrome or a torn medial meniscus
(Figure 9-33). A second, much more common
medial bursa is the semimembranosus tibial
collateral ligament bursa (an unwieldy name,
to say the least!). It occurs at the medial joint
line and often mimics a meniscal cyst. It has a

FIGURE 9-32 ■ Thickened medial patellar plica. This

axial FSE T2-weighted image with fat suppression
shows a thickened medial patellar plica (arrow). This
patient presented with a painful clicking knee,
symptoms typical for either a torn meniscus or plica

characteristic comma shape, draping over the

semimembranosus tendon (Figure 9-34). Making
the diagnosis of pes anserinus or semimembra-
nosus tibial collateral ligament bursitis based on
MRI examination can prevent an unnecessary
FIGURE 9-30 ■ Chondromalacia patella. An axial T2-
arthroscopy procedure—one in which the bursa
weighted image through the patella shows a focal would be overlooked because they are extracapsu-
chondral defect at the apex of the patella (arrow). lar structures.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
180 9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee

FIGURE 9-33 ■ Pes anserinus bursitis. A coronal T2*

gradient-echo image shows a fluid collection below
the medial joint line near the insertion of the pes an-
serinus tendons. This is pes anserinus bursitis.

FIGURE 9-34 ■ Semimembranosus tibial collateral ligament bursa. A, A sagittal FSE T2-weighted image with fat
suppression through the medial aspect of the knee shows a fluid collection (arrows) at the joint line that is
adjacent to the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. This is characteristic of a semimembranosus MCL bursa.
B, A coronal FSE T2-weighted image with fat suppression shows this bursa at the joint line with a comma-
shaped appearance.

BONY ABNORMALITIES dissecans if they are not treated with diminished

weight bearing; hence, an isolated bone contusion,
The most commonly encountered bony abnor- with no other internal derangement, is a serious
mality seen with MRI scanning is a contusion. A finding that requires protected weight bearing.
contusion represents microfractures from trauma. A commonly seen contusion is one that oc-
They are also called bone bruises. They are easily curs on the posterior part of the lateral tibial
identified on T1-weighted sequences as subarticu- plateau (Figure 9-36). It is invariably associated
lar areas of inhomogeneous low signal. With with a torn ACL.11 A kissing contusion on the
T2 weighting, a contusion will show increased lateral femoral condyle is often seen. When one
signal for several weeks, depending on its severity or both of these contusions are present, an ACL
(Figure 9-35). It can be difficult to see increased tear is a virtual certainty. The only exception to
signal with T2* images because of the susceptibil- this rule is in teenagers, who are flexible enough
ity artifacts of the bone inherent with T2* im- to twist the knee and suffer the contusions with-
ages. Contusions can progress to osteochondritis out tearing the ACL.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee 181

MRI scanning is useful in examining fractures

about the knee. Tibial plateau fractures can be
imaged precisely with computed tomography;
however, MRI allows the soft tissues, including
internal derangements, to be seen in addition to
any bony abnormalities.

FIGURE 9-36 ■ Contusions. A sagittal T1-weighted image

through the lateral compartment shows irregular low
signal in a subarticular location in the posterior tibial
plateau and in the anterior part of the lateral femoral
condyle. These findings are characteristic for bone con-
tusions. This distribution of contusions in the posterior
lateral tibial plateau and anterior in the lateral femoral
condyle is almost always associated with a torn ACL.
FIGURE 9-35 ■ Contusion. A coronal FSE T2-weighted
image with fat suppression shows a focus of high
signal in the lateral femoral condyle, which is a char-
acteristic appearance for a severe bone contusion.
This occurred from a patella dislocation.

1. Ruwe P, Wright J, Randall R, et al: Can MR imaging 7. Anderson J, Helms CA, Conner G: New observations
effectively replace diagnostic arthroscopy? Radiology on meniscal cysts. Skeletal Radiol 39:1187–1191,
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accuracy of MR imaging. Radiology 164:445–448, 1987. ment tears: MR imaging compared with arthroscopy
3. Mink JH, Deutsch AL: Magnetic resonance imaging of and clinical tests. Radiology 166:861–864, 1988.
the knee. Clin Orthop Relat Res 244:29–47, 1989. 9. Rodriquez W Jr, Vinson EN, Helms CA, Toth AP:
4. Helms CA: The meniscus: recent advances in MR MRI appearance of PCL tears. AJR Am J Roentgenol
imaging of the knee. AJR Am J Roentgenol 179(5): 191:W155–159, 2008.
1115–1122, 2002. 10. Covey DC: Injuries of the posterolateral corner of the
5. De Smet AM, Norris MA, Yandow DR, et al. MR diag- knee. J Bone Joint Surg Am 83-A:106–118, 2001.
nosis of meniscal tears of the knee: importance of high 11. Murphy B, Smith R, Uribe J, et al: Bone signal ab-
signal in the meniscus that extends to the surface. AJR Am normalities in the posterolateral tibia and lateral
J Roentgenol 161:101–107, 1993. femoral condyle in complete tears of the anterior
6. Helms CA, Laorr A, Cannon WD Jr: The absent bow tie cruciate ligament: a specific sign? Radiology
sign in bucket-handle tears of the menisci in the knee. 182:221–224, 1992.
AJR Am J Roentgenol 170(1):57–61, 1998.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging

of the Shoulder
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the occur, although most occur at the bone/tendon
shoulder has been shown to have a high degree interface.
of accuracy, especially when performed with The glenoid labrum is a fibrocartilaginous
arthrography.1,2 Although most texts divide the ring that surrounds the periphery of the bony
shoulder into either cuff or labral abnormalities, glenoid of the scapula. It serves as an attachment
it is important to know that cuff and labral site for the capsule and broadens the base of the
pathology often coexist, causing great confusion glenohumeral joint to allow increased stability.
in the clinical presentation and the physical Tears of the glenoid labrum most commonly
examination. Most surgeons are aware that fail- occur from and result in humeral head instability
ure to address a labral abnormality when fixing and dislocations.
a torn cuff can result in failed surgery and, con-
versely, fixing a labral abnormality and ignoring
a cuff problem may not address the patient’s real IMAGING PROTOCOL
problem. MRI examination can show both the
cuff and the labrum to good advantage. Also, an There are many variations in the imaging proto-
MRI scan of the shoulder may reveal one of the col that are all acceptable for showing normal
entities I discuss in the last part of this chapter, and pathologic findings in the shoulder. The
such as suprascapular nerve entrapment, quadri- rotator cuff, that is, the supraspinatus tendon, is
lateral space syndrome, or Parsonage-Turner best seen on oblique coronal images that are
syndrome, any one of which can present clini- aligned parallel to the supraspinatus muscle
cally with findings similar to a cuff problem. (Figure 10-2). T2-weighted sequences, or accept-
able variations, are mandatory. A commonly used
protocol is an oblique coronal fast spin-echo
ANATOMY (FSE) T2-weighted sequence with fat suppres-
sion. The slice thickness should be no greater
The rotator cuff is composed of the tendons of than 5 mm, with 3 mm being preferable. As with
four muscles that converge on the greater and most joint imaging, a small field of view (FOV)
lesser tuberosities of the humerus: the supra- (16 to 20 cm) is recommended. A dedicated
spinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres shoulder coil or a surface coil placed anteriorly
minor (Figure 10-1). Of these, the supraspina- over the shoulder is necessary, although no par-
tus tendon is the one that most commonly ticular type of shoulder coil appears to be clearly
causes clinically significant problems and is superior.
almost exclusively the one that is addressed The glenoid labrum is best seen on axial T2-
surgically. weighted images. T1-weighted images do not
The supraspinatus tendon lies just superior to give any additional information and can be elim-
the scapula and inferior to the acromioclavicular inated. If a joint effusion is present, the labrum
joint and the acromion. It inserts onto the greater is easily identified. Without fluid in the joint, it
tuberosity of the humerus. Located 1 to 2 cm can be more difficult to clearly see the labrum;
proximal to its insertion is a section of the tendon therefore many radiologists will perform a mag-
called the critical zone. This area is reported to netic resonance (MR) arthrogram. Either saline
have decreased vascularity and is therefore less alone or saline mixed with a small amount of
likely to heal after trauma. It is also the area of gadolinium (a ratio of 1:250 is recommended)
the tendon that undergoes fibrillar and myxoid can be injected into the joint, followed by MRI
degeneration (also called tendinopathy), presum- scanning. MR arthrography is a routine part of
ably from aging and trauma, although this has shoulder imaging in many centers.
not been proved. The critical zone of the supra- The oblique sagittal sequence is one of the
spinatus tendon is where many rotator cuff tears most useful and is performed in our protocol as
182 Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
10 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Shoulder 183

Coracoacromial surgeon, who claims that 95% of all rotator cuff

Ligament tears occur from impingement syndrome. Im-
pingement of the critical zone of the supraspina-
tus tendon occurs from abduction or flexion
ANT. C Post. of the humerus, which allows the tendon to be
impinged between the anterior acromion and
the greater tuberosity. The tendon can also be
impinged by the undersurface of the acromiocla-
Subscapularis H vicular (AC) joint if downward-pointing osteo-
phytes or a thickened capsule is present. Other
theories exist for impingement syndrome, in-
Teres Minor
cluding natural degeneration from aging and a
FIGURE 10-1 ■ Schematic of shoulder anatomy. This
drawing shows the rotator cuff muscles in a sagittal
predisposition for the critical zone to undergo
plane (anterior is on the left). A, Acromion; C, cora- degeneration as a result of decreased blood sup-
coid; H, humeral head. ply.3 Most investigators agree that, whatever
the cause, the natural course of impingement
syndrome leads to a complete, or full-thickness,
tear of the rotator cuff.
Treatment of impingement syndrome con-
sists of rest, subacromial bursa steroid injections,
and, if refractory to conservative care, surgery.
Surgery involves removal of the anterior third of
the acromion, resection of the coracoacromial
ligament, and removal of any irregularities on
the undersurface of the AC joint. If a tear of the
H supraspinatus tendon is present, it is repaired.
Intrinsic degeneration (also called myxoid de-
generation) is believed by many surgeons to be
more significant than anatomic impingement as
a source of cuff pathology.4
In examining the rotator cuff the anterior most
oblique coronal images will show the critical zone
of the supraspinatus tendon. A useful landmark
for noting the supraspinatus tendon is the bicipi-
tal groove, which has the anterior-most fibers of
the supraspinatus just lateral to the groove. This
is where most cuff tears begin and can be easily
FIGURE 10-2 ■ Scout view for oblique coronal images.
This axial image through the supraspinatus tendon
overlooked if the shoulder is internally rotated,
shows the cursors angled along the plane of the which is common (Figure 10-3).5
supraspinatus muscle (anterior on top). H, Humeral The normal supraspinatus tendon is said to
head. be uniformly low in signal on all pulse se-
quences. Unfortunately, this is not always the
case. In fact, it usually has some intermediate to
a standard T1-weighted sequence without fat high signal in the critical zone, which has caused
suppression (to identify fatty atrophy) and as a much confusion in the evolution of interpreting
FSE T2-weighted sequence with fat suppres- shoulder MRI examinations. We imaged around
sion. This is very useful in identifying cuff tears, 20 “normal” volunteers (residents and fellows) in
fluid collections about the shoulder, and muscle the early days of learning how to read an MRI
edema. With T2 weighting, fluid in the subacro- scan of the shoulder and found only one or two
mial bursa can occasionally be seen to better that had uniform low signal throughout the
advantage than on the oblique coronal images. critical zone. This was very distressing because
the literature at that time said any high signal
in the critical zone meant it was abnormal.
ROTATOR CUFF We know now that there are many causes for
intermediate to high signal on T1-weighted
The rotator cuff commonly suffers from what images in the normal shoulder. We no longer
has been termed impingement syndrome. This even obtain an oblique coronal T1-weighted
was first described by Neer, an orthopedic sequence, because it does not add any additional
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
184 10 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Shoulder

FIGURE 10-3 ■ Internal rotation hiding partial tear of the supraspinatus tendon. A, An oblique coronal FSE T2-
weighted image shows an apparently normal supraspinatus tendon inserting onto the greater tuberosity (arrow).
B, One slice anteriorly, the bicipital groove can be identified with the anterior fibers of the supraspinatus tendon
just lateral to the groove lifted off of the greater tuberosity (arrow). This is a partial tear of the rotator cuff at its
anterior-most portion.

information to the oblique coronal FSE T2- T2 weighting.6 Some tendon degeneration (tendi-
weighted sequence. nopathy) can be seen in asymptomatic shoulders
If signal in the critical zone is brighter on the in patients of all ages; hence, it needs to be corre-
T2-weighted images, it is abnormal and repre- lated with the clinical picture. If the signal gets
sents a partial tear if it is fluid bright. A partial tear brighter on T2-weighted images, it must be con-
can also be present if the cuff has focal thinning of sidered pathologic—a partial tear. If intermediate
the tendon (Figure 10-4). signal in the cuff tendons is accompanied by fusi-
Myxoid or fibrillar degeneration of the supra- form or focal thickening, myxoid degeneration is
spinatus tendon is commonly found in autopsy present (Figure 10-5). Surgeons will debride this
specimens and increases with age. The majority when it is prominent.4
of asymptomatic shoulders in patients older than
age 50 are believed to have some tendon degen-
eration in the supraspinatus tendon, which has
been termed tendinopathy. This is seen as inter-
mediate to high signal in the critical zone on
T1-weighted images that does not increase with

FIGURE 10-4 ■ Partial tear of the supraspinatus tendon. FIGURE 10-5 ■ Tendinosis. An oblique coronal FSE T2-
An oblique coronal FSE T2-weighted image with fat weighted image shows intermediate signal in a supra-
suppression shows thinning of the supraspinatus ten- spinatus tendon (arrow) that has fusiform swelling.
don (arrow), which is a partial articular-sided cuff tear. This is myxoid degeneration or tendinosis.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

10 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Shoulder 185

If disruption of the supraspinatus tendon can impingement syndrome. In the proper clinical
be seen, obviously a full-thickness tear is present setting an anterior acromioplasty will relieve the
(Figure 10-6). In these cases fluid is invariably symptoms of impingement syndrome and prevent
present in the subacromial bursa. Care should be a more serious full-thickness cuff tear. Many be-
taken to look for retraction of the supraspinatus lieve it is imperative that the surgeon also remove
muscle, because marked retraction will obviate any AC joint undersurface irregularity, if present,
some types of surgery. or a failed surgery can be expected. This is some-
what controversial, with many surgeons subscrib-
ing to the intrinsic degeneration theory for cuff
Partial Tears pathology, while others claim impingement from
Partial cuff tears have marked clinical signifi- bony abnormalities such as spurs being the pri-
cance because most agree that they will not heal mary etiologic agent for cuff disease. Those
on their own if they are greater than 25% of the surgeons who believe intrinsic degeneration is
cuff thickness.7 Although we generally can’t be the primary problem do not remove bony spurs;
so precise as to what percentage of the cuff is they debride the abnormal cuff tissue.4
involved, we can usually identify partial cuff The acromion has been classified into three
tears. If there is an irregularity or thinning of the types as seen on the sagittal images. The normal
cuff on either the bursal side of the cuff or on the appearance, type 1, is an acromion with a flat or
joint side, I will describe it as small, medium, or slightly convex undersurface. A type 2 acromion
large (near full thickness). Bursal-sided partial has a concave undersurface, and a type 3 acro-
tears are exceedingly uncommon, 25 to 30 times mion has a concave undersurface with an ante-
less frequent than articular-sided partial tears. rior osteophyte. Although it has been reported
The most common cuff tear encountered is an that a type 3 acromion is seen in up to 80% of
articular-sided partial tear called a rim rent. It cuff tears, a type 2 acromion is seen in 20%, and
occurs at the insertion of the fibers of the cuff a type 1 acromion has no association with a torn
onto the greater tuberosity, most commonly cuff, this has not been substantiated and is cer-
anteriorly at the insertion of the supraspinatus tainly not my experience. I often see cuff tears
tendon (Figure 10-7). Rim rent tears comprise with a type 1 acromion, and I often see no cuff
20% to 40% of all cuff tears.5 tear when a type 3 acromion is present. I do not
routinely report the type of acromion, because
our surgeons don’t use the information for any-
Bony Abnormalities thing. More importantly, I try to tell them if
The undersurface of the anterior acromion and the acromion is low lying or if it is anteriorly
the AC joint should be examined for osteophytes or laterally sloping, because it can cause bony
or irregularities that can be responsible for impingement in these instances.

FIGURE 10-6 ■ Torn supraspinatus (two examples). A, This oblique coronal FSE T2-weighted image with fat suppres-
sion shows a gap in the supraspinatus tendon (arrow). B, This oblique coronal FSE T2-weighted image with fat
suppression in a different patient shows a gap in the supraspinatus tendon (arrow).

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

186 10 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Shoulder

FIGURE 10-8 ■ Os acromiale. An axial FSE T2-weighted

image with fat suppression through the upper part
of the shoulder shows an unfused apophysis of
the acromion which is an os acromiale.

Abnormalities of the humeral head include

sclerosis and cystic changes about the greater
tuberosity that are commonly present in patients
with impingement syndrome and rotator cuff
tears. Bony impaction on the posterosuperior
aspect of the humeral head can be seen in pa-
tients with anterior instability of the humeral
head. This is called a Hill-Sachs lesion and is
best identified on the superior-most two or three
axial images (Figure 10-9). The normal humeral
head should be round on the superior slices—an
irregularity posteriorly is abnormal. A Hill-
Sachs lesion is almost always associated with a
torn or detached anteroinferior labrum (called a
FIGURE 10-7 ■ Rim rent tear. A, This oblique coronal Bankart deformity).
FSE T2-weighted image with fat suppression shows
linear increased signal at the insertion of the supraspi-
natus tendon (arrow). B, The oblique sagittal FSE
T2-weighted image with fat suppression shows the
same finding located anteriorly (arrow). This is a par-
tial tear on the articular side of the cuff. Tears or detachment of the glenoid labrum result
in glenohumeral joint instability. They are com-
monly caused by dislocations, but less traumatic
In about 5% of the population the distal episodes, such as repeated trauma from throwing,
acromion fails to fuse with the scapula, leaving can result in labral tears. Torn or detached labra
an unfused apophysis called an os acromiale are often repaired arthroscopically with good
(Figure 10-8). The deltoid inserts on the acro- results. Labrum and rotator cuff abnormalities
mion, and if a mobile os acromiale is present, often coexist, and an abnormality of one can lead
it can pull the acromion down like a flap with to an abnormality in the other.
resultant cuff impingement. Because the sur- The normal labrum is a triangular-shaped low-
geon cannot see this during arthroscopy (or signal structure as viewed on an axial image, with
open surgery), it is imperative to identify an os the anterior labrum usually larger than the poste-
acromiale preoperatively so that the surgeon rior labrum (Figure 10-10). The anterior labrum
can consider fusing it. is said to be much more commonly involved with
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
10 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Shoulder 187

the elite throwing athlete, these patients attract

more attention.
If no joint effusion is present, a labral tear can
be difficult to see unless it is extremely large.
If joint fluid extends between the bony glenoid
and the base of the labrum, a detached labrum
is present. In the anteroinferior labrum, this is
called a Bankart deformity (Figure 10-11). Tears
in the body of the labrum are diagnosed by not-
ing fluid extending into the labrum or by trun-
cation of the labrum. The attachment of the
glenohumeral ligaments to the labrum can strip
off, resulting in instability just as with a torn or
detached labrum. This is termed a labroliga-
mentous disruption (Figure 10-12). Therefore a
shoulder dislocation can result in one of three
types of abnormalities of the labrum: a detach-
FIGURE 10-9 ■ Hill-Sachs lesion. An axial FSE T2- ment, a tear, or a labroligamentous tear.
weighted image with fat suppression through the su- Several variations of normal exist in the la-
perior portion of the humeral head shows a posterior
impaction (arrow) caused by the glenoid labrum dur- brum and can be confused for pathologic condi-
ing an anterior dislocation of the humerus. This has tions. The most common one is seen in the
been termed a Hill-Sachs lesion. superior labrum at the biceps attachment. This
is a sublabral recess (Figure 10-13), and it can be
very difficult at times to differentiate it from a
SLAP tear. It should be seen only near the ante-
rior portion of the superior labrum where the
biceps attaches, and it should be thin and smooth
in configuration. It is found in up to 40% of
shoulders, and, quite frankly, I often find cases in
which I cannot confidently tell if it is a sublabral
recess or a SLAP tear.
Another commonly seen variant, found in
10% to 20% of shoulders, is a sublabral foramen.
Like the sublabral recess it has the appearance
of a detached labrum (Figure 10-14); however,
it is differentiated from a detached labrum by
its location in the anterosuperior quadrant of

FIGURE 10-10 ■ Normal labrum. An axial T2* gradient-

echo image shows a normal anterior (white arrow)
and posterior (black arrow) glenoid labrum. The ante-
rior labrum is usually larger than the posterior.

tears than the posterior, and the superior labrum

is said to be rarely involved. In fact, the posterior
and the superior labra are torn as often as the
anterior labrum. The superior labrum is best
evaluated on the oblique coronal views. Tears
of the superior labrum are called SLAP lesions
(superior labrum anterior to posterior). They are
said to be seen mostly in throwing athletes as a
result of the insertion of the long head of the bi-
ceps tendon onto the labrum avulsing part of the
labrum during a forceful throwing motion. In FIGURE 10-11 ■ Detached labrum. An axial FSE T2-
fact, they can be seen in any shoulder; however, weighted image with fat suppression shows a tear of
because they cause a decrease in performance in the anterior labrum (arrow).

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

188 10 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Shoulder

FIGURE 10-12 ■ Labroligamentous tear. A, An axial FSE T2-weighted image with fat suppression through the infe-
rior glenoid shows detachment of the inferior glenohumeral ligament from the anterior labrum (arrow). B, One
slice more inferiorly shows the stripping of the ligament extending down the labrum (arrow).

FIGURE 10-13 ■ Sublabral recess. A coronal T1-weighted

gadolinium arthrogram with fat suppression shows fluid
between the superior labrum and the cartilage of the bony
glenoid, which is thin and smooth. This is a sublabral

FIGURE 10-14 ■ Sublabral foramen. A, An axial FSE T2-weighted image with fat suppression through the glenohu-
meral joint at the level of the coracoid shows a space between the anterior labrum and the bony glenoid (white
arrow), which is a sublabral foramen. A detached labrum could have this appearance, but this is in the anterosu-
perior part of the joint. The middle glenohumeral ligament (black arrow) is seen as a separate structure anterior
to the labrum. B, A few slices inferiorly, the labrum is seen attached firmly to the anterior glenoid.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

10 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Shoulder 189

the glenoid, a location that is virtually immune It can be impinged by an abnormal acromion
from isolated labral pathology. A much less com- in the same way the supraspinatus tendon is
mon variant is the Buford complex. It consists impinged, resulting in tendinosis, a partial tear,
of an absent anterosuperior labrum with a thick- or a complete tear, or it can undergo myxoid
ened, cordlike middle glenohumeral ligament degeneration similar to the cuff. In tenosynovitis,
(Figure 10-15). It is found in only about 1% to fluid can be seen in the tendon sheath surround-
3% of shoulders. ing an otherwise normal tendon. Because fluid
in the glenohumeral joint can normally fill the
biceps tendon sheath, this diagnosis is difficult
BICEPS TENDON to make with MRI examination alone. If the ten-
don is enlarged or has signal within it, tendinosis
The long head of the biceps tendon runs in the is present (Figure 10-16). If the tendon is not
bicipital groove between the greater and lesser seen on one or more of the axial images, it is
tuberosities and inserts onto the superior labrum. disrupted (Figure 10-17) or dislocated. When

FIGURE 10-16 ■ Biceps tendinosis. An axial gradient-echo

image shows the biceps tendon (arrow) to be swollen
and filled with high signal, indicating tendinosis.

FIGURE 10-15 ■ Buford complex. A, An axial FSE T2-
weighted image with fat suppression through the upper
part of the joint shows the anterior labrum separated
from the bony glenoid (arrow). B, Lower in the joint the
anterior labrum is firmly attached to the glenoid, but a
thick, cordlike middle glenohumeral ligament is present FIGURE 10-17 ■ Ruptured biceps tendon. An axial gradi-
(arrow). This is a Buford complex. In (A), the anterior ent-echo image shows the biceps tendon sheath filled
labrum is absent and a thick middle glenohumeral liga- with fluid (arrow) but with no tendon. This indicates a
ment is simulating the anterior labrum. torn biceps tendon.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

190 10 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Shoulder

dislocation occurs, the tendon can be seen to anterior to posterior, just medial to the coracoid
lie anteromedial to the joint (Figure 10-18), and process. It gives off a branch that innervates the
it is inferred that the superior fibers of the sub- supraspinatus muscle as it courses posteriorly in
scapularis are torn. the suprascapular notch. It then innervates the
infraspinatus as it runs inferiorly through the
spinoglenoid notch in the posterior scapula. A
SUPRASCAPULAR NERVE not uncommon finding is a ganglion in the spi-
ENTRAPMENT noglenoid notch that impresses the infraspinatus
portion of the nerve with resultant pain. Atrophy
The suprascapular nerve is made up of branches and/or edema of the infraspinatus muscle is seen
from the C4, C5, and C6 roots of the brachial on MRI (Figure 10-19).8 These are always asso-
plexus. It runs superior to the scapula, from ciated with a torn or detached posterior labrum.

FIGURE 10-18 ■ Dislocated biceps

tendon. This axial gradient-echo
image shows an empty bicipital
groove (arrow), suggesting a torn
biceps tendon; however, the bi-
ceps tendon is dislocated and can
be seen anterior to the labrum
(curved arrow).

FIGURE 10-19 ■ Ganglion in spinoglenoid notch. A, An axial FSE T2-weighted image with fat suppression reveals
a high-signal mass posterior to the scapula in the spinoglenoid notch. Note the neurogenic edema in the infra-
spinatus muscle (arrow). B, A sagittal image shows the infraspinatus edema (arrow) as well as atrophy (compare
the size of the infraspinatus muscle with the adjacent teres minor and note the difference). This is a ganglion that
has impressed the suprascapular nerve, causing shoulder pain and atrophy of the infraspinatus muscle.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

10 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Shoulder 191

This has been reported almost exclusively in several patients who have had needless surgery
males who are athletic, particularly weight lift- for presumed cuff pathology when the real prob-
ers. It is important to see on preoperative MRI, lem was quadrilateral space syndrome. Generally,
because the ganglion is extracapsular and cannot no surgery is necessary, because physical therapy
be seen during arthroscopy. Symptoms in these is usually successful in breaking up the fibrous
patients can clinically mimic those of having a bands or scar tissue that cause this entity.
rotator cuff tear; hence, MRI examination is
critical to making this diagnosis.
QUADRILATERAL SPACE SYNDROME After I look at the oblique sagittal T1-weighted
images for fatty atrophy, I look at the oblique sag-
My search pattern for a shoulder MRI begins ittal FSE T2-weighted fat-suppressed images for
with the oblique sagittal T1-weighted images to muscle edema. In about 1% of cases neurogenic
look for fatty atrophy in any of the cuff muscles. edema is found in muscle groups, which corre-
If the infraspinatus is smaller than the other sponds to a particular nerve (i.e., supraspinatus/
muscles or has fatty infiltration, the aforemen- infraspinatus ! suprascapular nerve; teres minor/
tioned suprascapular nerve entrapment second- deltoid ! axillary nerve). This is characteristic for
ary to a ganglion in the spinoglenoid notch is Parsonage-Turner syndrome (Figure 10-21). It’s
the likely diagnosis. If the teres minor has fatty not pathognomonic because a traumatic nerve
atrophy (Figure 10-20), the only diagnosis I’m injury (e.g., a brachial plexus injury) could have a
aware of is quadrilateral space syndrome. This similar appearance. It becomes pathognomonic
most commonly occurs from fibrous bands or once the clinical presentation is provided. If there
scar tissue in the quadrilateral space impinging is no history of trauma or of an insidious onset and
on the axillary nerve. The quadrilateral space if the onset is sudden, with severe pain, followed in
lies between the teres minor superiorly, the teres a day or two with profound weakness, the edema
major inferiorly, the long head of the triceps pattern is virtually pathognomonic for Parsonage-
medially, and the diaphysis of the humerus later- Turner syndrome.
ally. The axillary nerve traverses the quadrilat- The etiology of Parsonage-Turner syndrome is
eral space and innervates the teres minor and unknown, but it seems to have an association with
deltoid muscles; however, the deltoid is never prior vaccinations, viral illness, or general anesthe-
involved in quadrilateral space syndrome. We sia in about one third of cases. It is bilateral
have found quadrilateral space syndrome in in about 10% to 15% of cases. It affects people
about 1% of our shoulder MRI scans. These of all ages and both sexes and is self-limited.
patients can present clinically similar to those
who have a rotator cuff tear, and I have seen

FIGURE 10-21 ■ Parsonage-Turner syndrome. An oblique

sagittal T2-weighted image with fat suppression shows
FIGURE 10-20 ■ Quadrilateral space syndrome. This edema in the supraspinatus (S) and the infraspinatus
oblique sagittal T1-weighted image shows fatty atro- (I) muscles consistent with involvement of the supra-
phy of the teres minor muscle (arrow), which is diag- scapular nerve. The sudden onset with no history of
nostic of quadrilateral space syndrome. trauma is characteristic for Parsonage-Turner syndrome.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

192 10 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Shoulder

It can affect either the axillary or suprascapular 2. Palmer WJ, Brown JH, Rosenthal DI: Rotator cuff: evalu-
nerve, or both simultaneously. For that matter, ation with fat-suppressed MR arthrography. Radiology
188:683–688, 1993.
it can affect any of the brachial plexus nerves, 3. Neviaser R, Neviaser T: Observations on impingement.
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I have seen unnecessary shoulder, brachial plexus, 4. Budoff JE, Nirschl RP, Guidi EJ: Debridement of partial-
and cervical spine surgery performed before the thickness tears of the rotator cuff without acromioplasty.
Long-term follow-up and review of the literature. J Bone
correct diagnosis of Parsonage-Turner syndrome Joint Surg Am 80:733–748, 1998.
was made. 5. Vinson EN, Helms CA, Higgins LD: Rim-rent tears of
Parsonage-Turner syndrome was first de- the rotator cuff: a common and easily overlooked partial
scribed in the radiology literature in 1998, indi- tear. AJR Am J Roentgenol 189:943–946, 2007.
cating we all missed it on MRI examination for 6. Kjellin I, Ho CP, Cervilla V, et al: Alterations in the supra-
spinatus tendon at MR imaging: correlation with histo-
more than 15 years.9 That’s because we did not pathologic findings in cadavers. Radiology 181:837–841,
routinely fat suppress our shoulder images until 1991.
the early 1990s, and the edema in the muscles 7. Fukuda H: The management of partial-thickness tears of
was not conspicuous enough to be picked up on the rotator cuff. J Bone Joint Surg Br 85:3–11, 2003.
8. Fritz R, Helms C, Steinbach L, Genant H: Suprascapular
non-fat-suppressed sequences. nerve entrapment: evaluation with MR imaging. Radiology
182:437–444, 1992.
9. Helms CA, Martinez S, Speer KP: Acute brachial neuritis
REFERENCES (Parsonage-Turner-syndrome): MR imaging appearance—
1. Zlatkin MB, Iannotti JP, Roberts MC, et al: Rotator cuff report of three cases. Radiology 207:255–259, 1998.
tears: diagnostic performance of MR imaging. Radiology
172:223–229, 1989.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Lumbar Spine: Disc Disease

and Stenosis
Imaging the lumbar spine for disc disease and angling. In addition we obtained axial images that
stenosis has evolved in the past 30 years from were angled parallel to the discs and covered only
predominantly myelography-oriented examina- the disc spaces, thereby leaving a gap between one
tions to plain computed tomography (CT) and level and the next (see Figure 11-2). The angled
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examina- axial images were combined with the sagittal im-
tions. Although few differences between CT and ages and evaluated for free disc fragments and pars
MRI scanning have been noted concerning breaks and were then compared with the original
diagnostic accuracy in the lumbar spine, MRI interpretations, which had the stacked axials and
examination will give more information and a the sagittals. Our standard imaging protocol found
more complete anatomic depiction than will CT 15 cases of spondylolysis and 8 free disc fragments.
examination.1,2 There are a host of things that can The angled axial protocol showed only 8 cases of
be seen on an MRI study that cannot be seen with spondylolysis and 3 free fragments, even though
CT, yet it remains to be seen if the additional the sagittal images were available. We missed
information afforded by an MRI examination three fourths of the free fragments! These patients
will prove to be clinically useful. For example, would likely have all had failed surgery with the
MRI scanning can determine whether a disc angled axial protocol. There’s no reason I’ve ever
is degenerated by showing loss of signal on T2- heard of for angling the axial cuts and leaving
weighted images (Figure 11-1). CT scanning gaps, yet about one third of all the consult spine
cannot give this information, but it hardly matters cases I look at use this protocol. I think it’s the
because no treatment is currently given solely for number one cause of missed diagnoses in spine
a degenerated disc. In fact, degenerative discs imaging.
have been reported in asymptomatic children Both T1-weighted (or proton-density-weighted)
who deny a history of back pain.3 Nevertheless, and T2-weighted (or T2*-weighted) images should
MRI has evolved as the imaging procedure of be obtained in both the sagittal and the axial
choice for the lumbar spine. planes. Coronal images have not been shown to
add additional information and are not typically
To achieve a high degree of accuracy it is impera- DISC DISEASE
tive that the proper imaging protocol be observed.
Thin-section axial images (4 or 5 mm) should be Terminology plays a large role in how radiolo-
obtained from the midbody of L3 to the midbody gists describe disc bulges or protrusions. Since
of S1. Angling of the plane of imaging to be paral- the advent of CT in the 1970s, disc bulges
lel to the discs is not necessary (Figure 11-2), and have been described by their morphology.
contiguous images without skip areas are consid- A broad-based disc bulge was said to be a
ered mandatory (Figure 11-3). Even though sagit- bulging annulus fibrosus, whereas a focal disc
tal images will be obtained, a host of entities are bulge was called a herniated nucleus pulposus
more easily identified on the axial images than on (HNP) (Figure 11-4). This is no longer the
the sagittal ones. These include migrated free disc accepted terminology.
fragments, spondylolysis (pars breaks), conjoined Although no universally accepted classifica-
nerve roots, the facets, the neuroforamen, the tion of disc disease is present, most agree on
lateral recesses, and intraspinal synovial cysts. We something like the following: a broad-based disc
looked at 103 consecutive spine MRI studies4 in bulge is called a bulge; a focal bulge is called a
which we obtained our standard axial and sagittal protrusion; a piece of disc that has migrated
T1- and T2-weighted sequences; the axial cuts from the parent disc is a free fragment or seques-
were contiguous, stacked images without gaps or tration. The term HNP is no longer considered
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 193
194 11 Lumbar Spine: Disc Disease and Stenosis

FIGURE 11-1 ■ Desiccated disc. A sagittal T2-weighted im-

age shows the L2–3 and L3–4 discs to be abnormally low
in signal, indicating disc desiccation and degeneration.
Compare with the normal L1–2 disc (arrow), which has
high signal.

FIGURE 11-3 ■ Proper MRI technique. This MRI scout

with cursors placed contiguously from the body of
L3 to S1 allows complete coverage of the lower lumbar
spine in the axial plane.

FIGURE 11-4 ■ Schematic of types of disc bulges. The
broad-based disc bulge (left) is typical for a bulging
annulus fibrosus. A focal disc bulge (right) is more
consistent with a protrusion.

acceptable. More significantly, most surgeons do

not care what name is applied to a disc bulge—
they do not treat a bulging annulus any differ-
FIGURE 11-2 ■ Inadequate technique—skip areas. A CT ently than a protrusion. They treat the patient’s
scout film with cursors placed through the disc spaces.
This allows large gaps or skip areas that can result
symptoms and have to decide whether the disc
in multiple missed diagnoses, including missed free bulge is responsible for those symptoms. It has
fragments of discs. been reported in multiple studies that from 10%
to 25% of asymptomatic young people have disc
bulges or protrusions5; hence just seeing a disc
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
11 Lumbar Spine: Disc Disease and Stenosis 195

bulge on a CT or MRI scan does not mean it is fragment. Missing a free disc fragment is one of
clinically significant. the leading causes of failed back surgery, and
One of the most widely used classifications identifying it will guide the surgeon to search for
has the terms protrusion, extrusion, and extruded it and remove it. I have seen several cases in
as the basis for describing the type of disc bulge which the terms extrusion and extruded were mis-
present. I have seen this terminology cause mis- used or not understood and patients had free
adventures for patients because it was either fragments left behind (the surgeon didn’t realize
used incorrectly by the radiologist or not under- the term extruded meant a free fragment), and in
stood by the surgeon. In this classification a others, the surgeon searched for a free fragment
protrusion is a focal disc bulge with a wide neck when there was none because the term extruded
or base (Figure 11-5, A); an extrusion is a focal was incorrectly applied. Because there is no
bulge with a narrow neck or base (Figure 11-5, B); clinical or surgical difference between having a
and an extruded disc is a free disc fragment protrusion or an extrusion and surgical mistakes
(Figure 11-5, C). Surgeons don’t treat a patient can occur when this terminology is used, I do
with a protrusion any differently than one with not let my residents and fellows use these terms.
an extrusion; it’s an artificial distinction based MRI has a high degree of accuracy in delin-
solely on the neck width of the bulge. If that’s all eating disc protrusions and showing if neural
it were, so what, but it’s much more significant, tissue is impressed (Figure 11-6). MRI scans
because of the term extruded, which is a free can also show if annular fibers of the disc are

FIGURE 11-5 ■ Disc protrusions. A, A focal disc protrusion with a wide neck or
base (arrow). This has been termed a protrusion. B, A focal disc protrusion with
a narrow neck or base (arrow). This has been termed an extrusion. C, A piece
of disc that has broken off as a free fragment. This has been termed an
extruded disc.

FIGURE 11-6 ■ Disc protrusions. A, An axial T1-weighted image shows a focal disc protrusion (arrows). B, An axial
T2-weighted image shows a broad-based disc bulge (arrows). Because these are both showing impression of the
thecal sac, they could each cause symptoms.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

196 11 Lumbar Spine: Disc Disease and Stenosis

disrupted (Figure 11-7)—a so-called HIZ (high- to the parent disc or is really “free.” As long
intensity zone). Although annular tears can’t be as disc material is above or below the level of
diagnosed on the basis of CT examination, clini- the disc space, it really does not matter if it is
cians do not currently treat them surgically. The attached or not. The key element is recognizing
annulus is innervated by the sinuvertebral nerve, that disc material is present away from the level
which goes to the dorsal root ganglion and can of the disc space (caudally or cranially) so that the
mimic a focal disc protrusion at that level. They surgeon will be aware that he or she may have to
can cause back pain and even sciatica (buttock increase his or her exposure to find and account
and leg pain), but they typically resolve with for the additional disc material, whether it is
conservative management. attached to the parent disc or not.
Free fragments are diagnosed on MRI scans
by noting disc material cephalad or caudal to
Free Fragments the disc space (Figure 11-8). Free fragments
A type of disc abnormality that is critical to diag- may migrate either cranially or caudally with no
nose is the free fragment or sequestration. Missed apparent preference.
free fragments are one of the most common Axial images often show the free fragment
causes of failed back surgery.6 The preoperative more conspicuously than the sagittal images
diagnosis of a free fragment means the surgeon (Figure 11-9); therefore contiguous axial images
needs to explore more cephalad or caudally dur- without large skip areas or gaps are imperative to
ing the surgery to remove the free fragment. prevent missing free fragments.
Because free fragments can be very difficult to A conjoined root, which is a normal variant of
diagnose clinically, imaging is critical in the two roots exiting the thecal sac together or in an
evaluation of the spine for any patient contem- anomalous manner (seen in 1% to 3% of the
plating surgery. At times it can be difficult to be population)7 (Figure 11-10), or a Tarlov cyst, a
absolutely certain as to whether or not a disc that normal variant in which a nerve root sleeve is
lies above or below the disc space is still attached dilated, can have a similar appearance to a free

FIGURE 11-8 ■ Sequestration or free fragment. This sag-

ittal T2-weighted image shows disc material located
FIGURE 11-7 ■ Annular tear. This sagittal fast spin-echo caudal to the parent disc (arrow). This is a sequestration
T2-weighted image shows a focus of increased signal or free fragment. It may still be attached and technically
(arrow) in the annulus, which is called an HIZ (high- is not a “free” fragment, but it has the same significance
intensity zone). This indicates an annular tear. whether it is attached or not.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

11 Lumbar Spine: Disc Disease and Stenosis 197

FIGURE 11-10 ■ Conjoined root. An axial T2-weighted

image shows several nerve root components clus-
tered in the thecal sac on the right (arrow), whereas
the left side has a single root that has already left the
thecal sac. This is known as a conjoined root but is
really just a delayed exit of the nerve roots on one side
as compared with the other.

exploration if they think a free fragment is pres-

ent. Many surgeons have inadvertently damaged
conjoined or anomalous nerve roots thinking
they were free fragments. Obviously, a free frag-
ment should be removed and a conjoined nerve
root should be left alone—the imaging study is
where that difference should be ascertained, not
during surgery.

Lateral Discs
Discs will occasionally protrude in a lateral direc-
tion, causing the nerve root that has already exited
the central canal to be stretched (Figure 11-11).
Although not common (less than 5% of cases),
B these are frequently overlooked and are known to
FIGURE 11-9 ■ Free fragment more evident on axial be a source of failed back surgery.8 Because they
images. The axial image (A) reveals an obvious large affect the previously exited root, they can clinically
free disc fragment (arrow). It is not as conspicuous on mimic symptoms of a disc protrusion from one
the sagittal image (B). The free fragment can be seen level more cephalad (Figure 11-12). For example,
posterior to the L4 vertebral body (arrow).
in a patient with multilevel disc disease and
symptoms referable to the L3–4 disc, the disc
protrusion is usually a posterior L3–4 bulge that
fragment but can almost always be differentiated impresses the L4 nerve root. However, a lateral
from disc material by the signal staying isoin- disc at L4–5 could impress the L4 nerve root
tense to the thecal sac on both T1 and T2 se- and cause the same symptoms. If not noticed,
quences. It is critical to identify a conjoined root surgery could be performed at the L3–4 disc—
or a Tarlov cyst and not confuse them for a free the wrong level. Unfortunately, I have seen this
fragment. Surgeons will often change their pro- on several occasions. Also, it is important to
cedure and certainly their amount of surgical notify the surgeon that the disc is lateral to the
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
198 11 Lumbar Spine: Disc Disease and Stenosis

FIGURE 11-11 ■ Lateral disc. A, A sagittal T1-weighted MRI scan through the left neuroforamen shows a low-signal
structure in the L4 neuroforamen (arrow), which is a lateral disc protrusion. B, Axial T1-weighted (upper) and
T2*-weighted (lower) images show the lateral disc (arrows) in the left neuroforamen.


By definition, spinal stenosis is encroachment of
the bony or soft tissue structures in the spine on
L4-5 one or more of the neural elements with result-
ing symptoms. These symptoms are often indis-
L4 Root tinguishable from those of disc disease, and, in
fact, disc disease often coexists with spinal steno-
sis. Patients with spinal stenosis classically seek
L5 Root treatment initially for back pain and bilateral
sciatica, intermittent claudication, pain with hy-
L4-5 Disc perextension and relief with flexion, and pain
with standing that is relieved by lying down.
FIGURE 11-12 ■ Schematic of lateral disc. This sche-
matic illustrates how a posterior L4–5 disc protrusion
Spinal stenosis is classically divided into con-
affects the L5 nerve root, yet a lateral L4–5 disc affects genital and acquired types; however, even the
the L4 root. most severe forms of congenital stenosis do not
cause symptoms unless a component of acquired
stenosis (usually degenerative disease of the facets
and the discs) is present. A more useful classifica-
tion of stenosis is on an anatomic basis: central
neuroforamen, as a standard surgical approach canal, neuroforaminal, and lateral recess. It is
through the lamina might not allow removal of important to realize that stenosis and disc disease
a lateral disc. are often present concomitantly, and it can be
Lateral discs are best identified on axial im- very difficult to clinically differentiate the two. As
ages. Sagittal images will often show a lateral with disc disease, it is imperative that any imaging
disc occluding a neuroforamen, but many times findings be matched with the clinical picture. It is
a lateral disc will not extend into the foramen not unusual to have a patient with severe stenosis
and the sagittal images will appear normal. on an imaging study and no clinical symptoms.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
11 Lumbar Spine: Disc Disease and Stenosis 199

It should be noted that a disc protrusion alone

should not be considered a cause of stenosis,
even though, technically speaking, narrowing
of the central canal or foramen has occurred.
An isolated disc protrusion is simply disc disease.
A bulging disc can be a component of stenosis
when it is accompanied by facet and ligamentum
flavum hypertrophy, but not by itself. I often
have residents report that a large focal disc pro-
trusion has caused central canal or foraminal
stenosis, but that is not the terminology that
surgeons use.

Central Canal Stenosis

Although at one time measurements were con-
sidered very useful in the determination of cen-
tral canal stenosis, they are no longer believed
to be a valid indicator of disease. Instead, simply
noting whether the thecal sac is compressed or FIGURE 11-14 ■ Facet hypertrophy causing stenosis.
round will reliably serve for determining central This MRI scan shows marked facet degenerative dis-
ease with hypertrophy of the facets causing lateral
canal stenosis (Figure 11-13). A subjective recess and central canal stenosis.
assessment as to whether the compression
(usually in an anteroposterior direction) is mild,
moderate, or severe is all that is necessary for common cause of lateral recess stenosis. When
evaluating the central canal. It is common to the facets undergo degenerative joint disease
note mild or moderate central canal stenosis (DJD), they often have some slippage, which
with flattening of the thecal sac in a patient who results in buckling of the ligamentum flavum.
is asymptomatic. Although a misnomer, this has been termed liga-
The most common cause of central canal mentum flavum hypertrophy and is a common
stenosis is degenerative disease of the facets with cause of central canal stenosis (Figure 11-15).
bony hypertrophy, which encroaches on the cen- Frequently, mild disc bulging is associated with
tral canal (Figure 11-14). This is also the most minimal facet hypertrophy and ligamentum

FIGURE 11-13 ■ Central canal stenosis. An axial T2- FIGURE 11-15 ■ Ligamentum flavum hypertrophy. Inward
weighted image shows marked compression of the bulging of the ligamentum flavum (arrows) is shown on
thecal sac in an anteroposterior direction, diagnostic this MRI scan. Central canal stenosis from ligamentum
of central canal stenosis. flavum hypertrophy is common.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

200 11 Lumbar Spine: Disc Disease and Stenosis

flavum hypertrophy. This combination can result

in severe focal central canal stenosis.
Less common causes of central canal stenosis
include bony overgrowth from Paget’s disease,
achondroplasia, posttraumatic changes, and severe

Neuroforaminal Stenosis
DJD of the facets with bony hypertrophy is the
most common cause of neuroforaminal stenosis;
however, encroachment on the nerve root in the
neuroforamen can be seen with free disc frag-
ments, with postoperative scarring, and from a
lateral disc protrusion.
The neuroforamen is best evaluated on axial
images just cephalad to the disc space. The disc
space lies at the inferior portion of the neurofo- FIGURE 11-17 ■ Neuroforaminal stenosis. Marked nar-
ramen, and the exiting nerve root lies in the rowing of the neuroforamen (arrow) is seen on this
superior or cephalad portion of the neurofora- sagittal T1-weighted image.
men. Although the neuroforamen can be clearly
seen on sagittal MRI scans (Figure 11-16), care Lateral Recess Stenosis
must be taken to evaluate the entire neurofora-
men and not just the 4 or 5 mm of one sagittal The lateral recesses are the bony canals in which
image. A normal-appearing neuroforamen on a the nerve roots lie after they leave the thecal sac
sagittal image does not exclude neuroforaminal and before they enter the neuroforamen. The
stenosis (the axial images must be evaluated), lateral recesses are bounded by the neurofora-
whereas a stenotic foramen seen on a sagittal men caudally and cranially. They are triangular
image (Figure 11-17) can be counted on as being in shape when viewed on axial images, and the
reliable for pathology. nerve root can be identified as a low-signal
rounded structure on all imaging sequences.
Hypertrophy of the superior articular facet from
DJD is the most common cause of encroachment
on the lateral recesses (Figure 11-18), although,
as with the neuroforamen, disc fragments and
postoperative scarring can cause nerve root

FIGURE 11-16 ■ Normal neuroforamen. A sagittal T1-

weighted image through the neuroforamen shows the
nerve roots surrounded by fat with no evidence of
foraminal stenosis. This does not exclude, however, a FIGURE 11-18 ■ Lateral recess stenosis. Hypertrophy of
focus of foraminal stenosis that is medial or lateral to the right-sided facet with encroachment into the
this sagittal image. lateral recess (arrow) is seen on this drawing.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

11 Lumbar Spine: Disc Disease and Stenosis 201

POSTOPERATIVE CHANGES The use of intravenous gadolinium (Gd-

DTPA) has traditionally been used to distin-
Failed back surgery, unfortunately, is com- guish scar tissue from disc. Scar tissue will be
mon. It can occur from many causes, includ- enhanced after the administration of gadolin-
ing inadequate surgery (including missed free ium, whereas disc material will have only some
disc fragments), postoperative scarring, fail- minimal peripheral enhancement, presumably
ure of bone grafting for fusion, and recurrent as a result of inflammation. Many have found
disc protrusion. CT examination is useful in that by just looking at the morphology of the
evaluating bone grafts but is not reliable for soft tissues they can distinguish scar tissue
differentiating postoperative scarring from from disc material. A disc will cause a mass
disc material. MRI examination has been impression on the thecal sac, whereas scar tis-
shown to be particularly useful in distinguish- sue will surround neural tissue (Figure 11-19).
ing scar from disc material. Most surgeons Some centers have omitted the routine use of
will reoperate for recurrent disc protrusions gadolinium in patients who have had spinal
but not for postoperative scarring; therefore surgery, with the exception of patients with
it’s critical to distinguish the two. possible infection.


FIGURE 11-19 ■ Postoperative scar. A, A T1-weighted axial image shows a left-sided mass that could be either
postoperative scar tissue or a recurrent disc. B, A T2-weighted image through the same level shows the soft
tissue mass is wrapping around the thecal sac rather than impressing it. This is typical for scar tissue, not
recurrent disc protrusion. C, After administration of Gd-DTPA intravenously, enhancement of the scar tissue
adjacent to the thecal sac is seen. The diagnosis of postoperative fibrosis could be made without the admin-
istration of gadolinium.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

202 11 Lumbar Spine: Disc Disease and Stenosis

BONY ABNORMALITIES a low-signal area that resembles spondylolysis.

If the pars appears normal on the sagittal view, it
Spondylolysis and can be considered a reliable finding; however, if
the pars appears abnormal on the sagittal view,
Spondylolisthesis the axial view must be used to determine whether
Defects in the bony pars interarticularis (spon- a break is really present or not.
dylolysis) are commonly found in asymptomatic Spondylolisthesis (forward slippage of one
individuals, yet they can be a source of low back vertebral body on a lower one) occurs from ei-
pain and instability. Before disc surgery or other ther slippage of two vertebral bodies after bilat-
back surgery, it is imperative that any spondy- eral spondylolysis or from DJD of the facets with
lolysis be identified. Because spondylolysis can slippage of the facets. Bilateral spondylolysis can
mimic back pain from other pathologic condi- result in a large amount of slippage, whereas
tions, it is important to assess it preoperatively. facet DJD will usually result in only minimal
If necessary it can then be surgically addressed at slippage. If spondylolisthesis is severe, it can re-
the same time as the other surgery. Failure to sult in central canal stenosis, neuroforaminal
note and evaluate spondylolysis is a known stenosis, or both.
source of failed back surgery.
CT scans are superior to MRI scans for iden- End-plate Changes
tifying spondylolysis.9 Although MRI scans will
show spondylolysis defects, they can be very dif- Parallel bands of high or low signal adjacent to
ficult to see at times. As previously mentioned, the vertebral body end-plates are often seen in
this is the only area in which CT scanning is association with degenerative disc disease. The
reported to be clearly superior to MRI scanning most common appearance is of high-signal
in evaluating the lumbar spine. Spondylolysis is bands on T1-weighted images that remain
identified on the axial images through the mid- high on T2-weighted images (Figure 11-21).
vertebral body as a break in the normally intact This represents fatty marrow conversion. It
bony ring of the lamina (Figure 11-20). A proto- was seen in 16% of cases in the first report by
col using axial images only through the discs will
routinely miss spondylolysis defects. Care must
be used in diagnosing spondylolysis based on the
sagittal views, because the normal pars often has

FIGURE 11-20 ■ Spondylolysis. An axial T2-weighted

image through the mid-vertebral body reveals a break FIGURE 11-21 ■ Type 2 marrow changes. A sagittal
in the bony laminae bilaterally (arrows), which indi- T1-weighted image in a patient with degenerative disc
cates spondylolysis. An axial cut through the pedicles disease shows bands of fatty marrow parallel to the
should have an intact bony ring around the central L4–5 end-plates (arrows), which are type 2 marrow
canal. changes seen often with degenerative disc disease.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

11 Lumbar Spine: Disc Disease and Stenosis 203

Modic et al.10 and was termed type 2 changes the routine lumbar spine MRI and include
(generally referred to as Modic type 2). Modic annular tears, pars breaks (spondylolysis), and
type 1 changes are seen as low-signal bands facet disease. In addition, sacroiliac joint and
parallel to the end-plates on T1-weighted im- sacral abnormalities can mimic disc disease
ages that get brighter on T2-weighted images and should be looked for on every spine MRI
(Figure 11-22). This represents an inflamma- scan (Figure 11-24). Tendinosis or partial tears
tory or granulomatous response to degenerative at the hamstring insertion on the ischial tuber-
disc disease. The type 1 changes were reported osity is often misdiagnosed as sciatica with
in 4% of cases and must be distinguished from resultant L-spine MRI examination. I have seen
disc space infection (Figure 11-23). In disc space several patients who had focal disc protrusions
infection the disc should get bright on the that were surgically removed as the putative
T2-weighted images, whereas it is unusual for cause of sciatica when in fact the “sciatica” was
a degenerative disc to have high signal on T2- secondary to an abnormality at the hamstring
weighted images. Modic type 3 changes are insertion; the disc was an incidental, asymptom-
parallel bands of low signal adjacent to the end- atic bulge. Disc surgery in those cases, obvi-
plates on both T1- and T2-weighted images. ously, was unnecessary and did not improve
Type 3 changes represent bony sclerosis seen on their pain.
plain films. Last, a lumbar spine MRI scan typically
includes at least part of the kidneys. A renal
cell carcinoma can cause back pain that can be
Mimics mistakenly attributed to a disc protrusion
Multiple entities can mimic disc disease clini- and, if overlooked on the L-spine MRI scan,
cally and, if not noted, can result in unnecessary can result in a tragic outcome for the patient
disc surgery. Many of these can be identified on (Figure 11-25).

FIGURE 11-22 ■ Type 1 marrow changes. A, A sagittal T1-weighted image in a patient with degenerative disc disease at
L3–4 shows faint bands of low signal parallel to the L3–4 end-plates (arrows). B, A sagittal fast spin-echo T2-weighted
image with fat suppression shows bands of high signal adjacent to the L3–4 end-plates. This represents granulation
tissue seen with degenerative disc disease and has been called type 1 marrow change. It can be differentiated from a
disc infection by the low signal of the disc on the T2-weighted image.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

204 11 Lumbar Spine: Disc Disease and Stenosis

FIGURE 11-23 ■ Disc infection. A, A sagittal T1-weighted image shows bands of low signal in the vertebral bodies
adjacent to the L4–5 end-plates. B, On a T2-weighted (gradient-echo) image, the vertebral body/end-plate signal
increase is faintly seen (because it is a gradient-echo sequence). However, note the high signal in the disc, which
makes this consistent with a disc infection rather than type 2 signal of a degenerative disc.

FIGURE 11-24 ■ Sacroiliitis presenting as disc disease.

This young adult had low back pain and what was FIGURE 11-25 ■ Renal cell carcinoma seen on routine
thought to be sciatica on clinical examination. This lumbar spine MRI. This elderly man had left-sided
axial T1-weighted image, which was the most caudal back pain that was thought to be from disc disease.
image on the routine lumbar spine MRI, shows The most cranial axial T2-weighted image shows a
low signal surrounding the left sacroiliac joint left-sided renal mass (arrows), which was a renal cell
(arrow). This turned out to be sacroiliitis secondary carcinoma. The remainder of his lumbar spine MRI
to psoriasis. was normal.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

11 Lumbar Spine: Disc Disease and Stenosis 205

5. Jensen MC, Brant-Zawadzki MN, Obuchowski N, et al:

REFERENCES Abnormal magnetic-resonance scans of the lumbar spine
1. Jackson R, Becker G, Jacobs R, et al: The neuroradio- in asymptomatic subjects. N Engl J Med 331:69–73, 1994.
graphic diagnosis of lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus (I): 6. Onik G, Mooney V, Maroon J, et al: Automated percu-
a comparison of computed tomography, myelography, taneous discectomy: a prospective multi-institutional
CT-myelography, discography, and CT-discography. Spine study. Neurosurgery 26:228–233, 1989.
14:1356–1361, 1989. 7. Helms CA, Dorwart RH, Gray M: The CT appearance
2. Jackson R, Cain J, Jacobs R, et al: The neuroradiographic of conjoined nerve roots and differentiation from a her-
diagnosis of lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus (II): a niated nucleus pulposus. Radiology 144:803–807, 1982.
comparison of computed tomography, myelography, CT- 8. Winter DDB, Munk PL, Helms CA, Holt RG: CT and
myelography, and magnetic resonance imaging. Spine MR of lateral disc herniation: typical appearance and
14:1362–1367, 1989. pitfalls of interpretation. J Can Assoc Radiol 40:256–259,
3. Tertti M, Salminen J, Paajanen H, et al: Low-back pain 1989.
and disk degeneration in children: a case-control MR 9. Grenier N, Kressel HY, Schiebler ML, Grossman RI:
imaging study. Radiology 180:503-507, 1991. Isthmic spondylolysis of the lumbar spine: MR imaging
4. Singh K, Helms CA, Fiorella D, et al: Disc space targeted at 1.5 T. Radiology 170:489–494, 1989.
axial MR images in the lumbar spine: a potential source of 10. Modic M, Masaryk T, Ross J, Carter J: Imaging of de-
diagnostic error. Skeletal Radiol 36:1147–1153, 2007. generative disk disease, Radiology 168:177–186, 1988.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging

of the Foot and Ankle
I have always found topics on the foot and ankle Tendons can be directly traumatized or be in-
to be exceedingly boring. This is mainly because jured from overuse. Either etiology can result in
I was never called on to use any of the informa- tenosynovitis, which is seen on MR imaging as fluid
tion I learned; hence I quickly forgot all that I in the tendon sheath with the underlying tendon
was told. I learned early in my residency that appearing normal, or in tendinosis, which is seen
during lectures on the foot and ankle, I could as focal or fusiform swelling of the tendon with
find better use of my time—like running or play- signal within the tendon that does not get bright
ing golf. That has changed now that magnetic on T2-weighted images. This represents myxoid
resonance imaging (MRI) is being used in the degeneration and can progress to a partial or com-
foot and ankle. MRI scanning is playing an in- plete tear. A partial tear has thinning or attenua-
creasingly important role in examining the foot tion or has T2 high signal within it. A complete
and ankle. Orthopedic surgeons and podiatrists tear or rupture has a gap in the tendon. It is often
are learning that critical diagnostic information diagnosed based on the absence of a tendon on
can be obtained in no other way and are relying one or more axial image.
on MRI to aid them in making many therapeutic It is important to distinguish between a partial
decisions. tear and a complete disruption because surgical
When most of us first encounter an ankle repair is often warranted for the latter and not for
MRI image, we get out a cross-sectional atlas the former. It is often difficult to make the
and start trying to determine where all the ten- distinction clinically.
dons, muscles, vascular structures, and so on, lie. Complete tendon disruption can be difficult
I can assure you this will be unnecessary after to see on sagittal or coronal images because of
reading this chapter. Although the anatomy of the tendency for tendons to course obliquely to
the foot and ankle can be complex, the signifi- the plane of imaging. An exception to this is the
cant anatomy, that is, the anatomy that must be Achilles tendon, which is usually best seen on a
learned because it is affected by disease, is fairly sagittal image. The imaging protocol for the foot
straightforward and easily learned.1 There is no and ankle must include axial images with T1 (or
need to memorize tendons, ligaments, and mus- proton-density) and T2 (or T2*) sequences. It is
cles that are only rarely seen to be abnormal; not recommended that both ankles be studied
therefore this chapter dwells only on the patho- together. An extremity coil around one ankle with
logically significant areas. a small field of view (FOV) will give the highest-
I must admit, imaging the foot and ankle is image quality. Both sagittal and coronal images
getting more complex; it seems there is a new with T1 and T2 weighting are also performed.
article every month on the utility of MRI in this
area. Foot and ankle imaging is one of the fastest Achilles Tendon
growing studies in musculoskeletal imaging.
The Achilles tendon does not have a sheath as-
sociated with it; therefore tenosynovitis does not
TENDONS occur. Tendinosis and partial tears are commonly
seen in the Achilles tendon. Complete disruption
One of the more common reasons to perform an is commonly seen in athletes and in males around
MRI examination on the foot and ankle is to ex- the age of 40; however, it is such an easy clinical
amine the tendons. Although multiple tendons diagnosis that MRI examination is usually not
course through the ankle, only a few are routinely necessary. Complete tears are also commonly as-
affected pathologically. These are primarily the sociated with other systemic disorders that cause
flexor tendons, located posteriorly in the ankle. tendon weakening, such as rheumatoid arthritis,
The extensor tendons, located anteriorly, are collagen vascular diseases, crystal deposition
rarely abnormal. diseases, and hyperparathyroidism.
206 Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
12 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Foot and Ankle 207

Achilles tendon disruption can be treated Tib Ant

surgically or by placing the patient in a cast with Ext Hall Long
equinus positioning (marked plantar flexion) for
several months. It is very controversial as to
which treatment is superior, with both methods
of treatment seemingly working well. I have
Ext Dig Long
known two surgeons who were dogmatic in their Tib Post
approach to always recommending surgery for (Tom)
torn Achilles tendons until they ruptured their Flex Dig Long
own and opted for nonsurgical treatment. (Dick)
MRI scanning is being used by some surgeons Art & Veins
to help decide if surgery should be performed. If Peroneus (and)
a large gap is present (Figure 12-1), some sur- Long & Brev
geons believe surgery should be performed to Flex Hall Long
reappose the torn ends of the tendon, whereas if Achilles Tendon
the ends of the tendon are not retracted, nonsur- A
gical treatment is preferred. No papers have been
published to show that this is, in fact, scientifically

Posterior Tibial Tendon

The flexor tendons are easily remembered and
identified by using the mnemonic “Tom, Dick,
and Harry,” with Tom representing the posterior
tibial tendon (PTT); Dick, the flexor digitorum
longus; and Harry, the flexor hallucis longus (FHL)
(Figure 12-2). The PTT is the most medial and

FIGURE 12-2 ■ Normal ankle anatomy. A, This drawing of
the tendons around the ankle at the level of the tibiotalar
joint shows the relationship of the flexor tendons poste-
riorly and the extensor tendons anteriorly. B, An axial
T1-weighted image through the ankle just above the
tibiotalar joint shows the normal anatomy. A, Achilles
tendon; D, flexor digitorum tendon; H, flexor hallucis
tendon; P, peroneal tendons; T, posterior tibial tendon;
TA, tibialis anterior tendon.

the largest, with the exception of the Achilles, of

FIGURE 12-1 ■ Torn Achilles tendon. A sagittal T1- the flexor tendons. The PTT inserts onto the
weighted image reveals the Achilles to be torn with a navicular, second to fourth cuneiforms, and the
2-cm gap. Only a thin remnant of the tendon remains
intact across the gap (arrow). Note the high signal in bases of the second to fourth metatarsals. As it
the swollen ends of the separated tendon, indicative sweeps under the foot, it provides some support
of hemorrhage or tendinosis. for the longitudinal arch; hence, problems in the
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
208 12 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Foot and Ankle

arch or plantar fascia can sometimes lead to stress

on the PTT with resulting tendinosis or even
rupture. Posterior tibial tendinosis and rupture are
commonly encountered in patients with rheuma-
toid arthritis.
Rupture of the PTT results clinically in a flat
foot as a result of the loss of arch support given
by this tendon. The spring ligament runs just
deep to the PTT and then goes underneath the
neck of the talus, which it supports in a slinglike
fashion. When the PTT tears, the stress is then
placed on the spring ligament to support the ta-
lus and the arch. The spring ligament has a high
incidence of disruption when the PTT tears.
Once the PTT and the spring ligament tear,
the next structure to fail is the subtalar joint liga-
ments: the sinus tarsi. We looked at 20 patients
with PTT tears and found that 92% of them had
abnormal spring ligaments (thickened or torn)
and 75% had an abnormal sinus tarsi.2 It’s clear
that these structures are linked and injury or
stress to one can affect the others.
Differentiation of partial tears from tendon
rupture can be difficult clinically, and MRI ex-
amination has become very valuable for making
this distinction.3 Most surgeons will operate on
FIGURE 12-3 ■ Posterior tibial tendon tendinosis. A
a disrupted PTT, whereas nonoperative therapy T2-weighted axial image through the ankle shows
is usually preferred for partial tears. the posterior tibial tendon (arrow) swollen and con-
Posterior tibial tendinosis is seen on axial T1- taining high signal. This is the appearance of marked
or T2-weighted images as swelling and/or signal tendinosis.
within the normally low-signal tendon on one or
more images (Figure 12-3). The increased signal
should not be fluid bright on the T2-weighted taken to have clinical correlation, because up
images. Tendon disruption is diagnosed by not- to 20% of healthy people have a communica-
ing the absence of low-signal tendon on one or tion between the ankle joint and the FHL
more axial image (Figure 12-4). This typically tendon sheath; therefore fluid can be seen in
occurs just at or above the level of the tibiotalar the FHL tendon sheath from a connection to
joint. an ankle joint, which has an effusion. Rupture
The spring ligament is identified on axial and of the FHL is rare.
coronal images just deep to the PTT. When it is
stressed, it typically gets scarred and thickened
(Figure 12-5). A tear can be diagnosed by noting
Peroneal Tendons
a gap in the ligament. The peroneus longus and brevis tendons can
be seen posterior to the distal fibula, to which
Flexor Hallucis Longus they are bound by a thin fibrous structure, the
superior retinaculum. The fibula serves as a
The FHL tendon is easily identified near the tib- pulley for the tendons to work as the principal
iotalar joint because it is usually the only tendon at evertor of the foot. The tendons course close
that distal level that has muscle still attached. In together adjacent to the lateral aspect of the
the foot the FHL is easily identified beneath the calcaneus until a few centimeters below the
sustentaculum talus, which it uses as a pulley to lateral malleolus where they separate, with the
plantar flex the foot. peroneus brevis inserting onto the base of
The FHL is known as the Achilles tendon the fifth metatarsal and the peroneus longus
of the foot in ballet dancers because of the crossing under the foot to the base of the first
extreme flexion position they frequently em- metatarsal. Avulsion of the base of the fifth
ploy. Ballet dancers often have tenosynovitis metatarsal from a pull by the peroneus brevis
of the FHL, seen on MRI scans as fluid in the is known as a dancer’s fracture or a Jones
sheath surrounding the tendon. Care must be fracture.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
12 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Foot and Ankle 209

FIGURE 12-4 ■ Torn posterior tibial tendon. Axial T1-weighted (A) and T2-weighted (B) images through the ankle
in this patient with chronic pain reveal a distended posterior tibial tendon sheath (arrows) with no low-signal
tendon identified within. This is a tear of the posterior tibial tendon.

FIGURE 12-6 ■ Dislocated peroneus longus tendon. An

axial T2-weighted image in this rock climber who in-
jured his ankle in a fall shows a low-signal rounded
structure (arrow) lateral to the lateral malleolus. This
is a dislocated peroneus longus tendon.

Disruption of the superior retinaculum, often

seen in skiing accidents, can result in displace-
ment of the peroneal tendons (Figure 12-6),
FIGURE 12-5 ■ Abnormal spring ligament. An axial which must be surgically corrected. It often
T2-weighted image through the ankle shows a
markedly thickened spring ligament (arrow) with occurs with a small bony avulsion, called a flake
high signal within it just deep to the posterior tibial fracture, off of the fibula caused by the avulsed
tendon. superior retinaculum.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
210 12 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Foot and Ankle

osteochondritis dissecans (which, for whatever

reason, is now called an osteochondral lesion
[OCL]). Even when not apparent on plain films,
MRI scans can show an OCL as a focal area of
low signal in the subarticular portion of the talar
dome on T1-weighted images. On T2-weighted
images, if high signal is seen surrounding the
OCL fragment, in the bone at the bed of the frag-
ment, or throughout the fragment (Figure 12-8),
it is most likely an unstable fragment. These signs
seem to be less useful in adolescents than in

FIGURE 12-7 ■ Longitudinal split tear of the peroneus

brevis. This axial T1-weighted image shows the pero-
neus brevis (arrow) with a V or chevron shape, which is
characteristic of a longitudinal split tear of the brevis.

Entrapment of the peroneal tendons in a frac-

tured calcaneus or fibula can occur and is easily
diagnosed with MRI or CT. This can be a difficult
diagnosis to make clinically. Complete disruption
of the peroneal tendons is uncommon but is easily
noted with MRI. A
Longitudinal split tears of the peroneus bre-
vis are commonly seen in patients after an inver-
sion ankle sprain with associated dorsiflexion.
The peroneus brevis gets trapped against the
fibula by the peroneus longus, and a longitudinal
split tear of the peroneus brevis results. These
patients have chronic lateral ankle pain, often
associated with ankle instability resulting from
the lateral collateral ligament disruption that
also occurs with the inversion trauma. A split
tear of the peroneus brevis is easily identified on
MRI by noting either a chevron or V shape to
the tendon distal to the fibula (Figure 12-7) or
noting a division of the tendon into two parts.
There is an 80% association with lateral liga-
ment tears, so close attention should be paid to
the ligaments when a split tear of the peroneus
brevis is found.
AVASCULAR NECROSIS FIGURE 12-8 ■ Unstable osteochondritis dissecans of
the talus. A, A proton-density coronal image through
Avascular necrosis (AVN) commonly occurs in the talus shows a focus of low signal in the medial
the foot and ankle. The talar dome is the second subarticular part of the talus (arrow). This is a charac-
teristic appearance for osteochondritis dissecans. B, A
most common location of osteochondritis disse- T2-weighted image shows high signal throughout the
cans (the knee is the most common site). MRI focus of osteochondritis dissecans, which indicates an
examination is useful in identifying and staging unstable fragment.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

12 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Foot and Ankle 211

FIGURE 12-9 ■ Avascular necrosis of the tarsal navicu-

lar. A T1-weighted sagittal image of the ankle in this
patient with pain on the dorsum of the foot shows dif-
fuse low signal throughout the tarsal navicular. This is
a characteristic appearance for AVN and often pre-
cedes any plain film findings.

adults. If the fragment has become displaced and

lies in the joint as a loose body, MRI examination A
can sometimes be useful in localizing it; however,
loose bodies in any joint can be exceedingly
difficult to find.
Diffuse low signal throughout a tarsal bone on
T1- and T2-weighted images is typical for AVN.
If the T2-weighted images have increased signal
throughout, it may or may not be reversible.
This occasionally occurs in the tarsal navicular
(Figure 12-9). MRI can be useful in making this
diagnosis when plain films are normal or equivo-
cal. AVN in the tarsal navicular can result from
continued weight bearing on a fracture that was
not diagnosed. This is often seen in athletes,
especially basketball players, and can be a career-
ending injury in a professional athlete.

There are a few tumors that have a predilection
for the foot and ankle.4 Up to 16% of synovial
sarcomas occur in the foot. Desmoid tumors are
commonly seen in the foot. Giant cell tumors of
tendon sheath are often found in the tendon B
sheaths of the foot and ankle (Figure 12-10). FIGURE 12-10 ■ Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath.
They are characterized by marked low signal in Axial proton-density (A) and T2-weighted (B) images
the synovial lining and in the tendons on T1- and reveal a mass surrounding the flexor hallucis longus
T2-weighted images, similar to the appearance tendon (arrow), which is confined by the tendon
sheath. Although high-signal fluid is present, a large
of pigmented villonodular synovitis in a joint. amount of low-signal material is lining the distended
The differential diagnosis for calcaneal tu- tendon sheath. This low signal is hemosiderin, which
mors is similar to that of the epiphyses: giant is typically found in a giant cell tendon of tendon
cell tumor, chondroblastoma, infection, as well sheath. Pigmented villonodular synovitis in a joint has
as a unicameral bone cyst (Figure 12-11). This an identical appearance.
differential works more than 95% of the time
for epiphyseal lesions; however, it may be less
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212 12 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Foot and Ankle

FIGURE 12-11 ■ Calcaneal unicameral bone cyst. A T1-

weighted axial image through the calcaneus reveals a FIGURE 12-12 ■ Ganglion causing tarsal tunnel syn-
typical unicameral bone cyst. Note that some fatty drome. A T2-weighted axial image of the ankle in a
material is present in the periphery and fluid is present patient complaining of pain and paresthesia on the
in the central portion. Biopsy of the peripheral portion plantar aspect of the foot shows a high-signal mass
could lead to an erroneous diagnosis of an intraosse- (arrow) lying adjacent to the flexor hallucis longus
ous lipoma. Unicameral bone cysts will occasionally tendon. This is the position of the posterior tibial
have fatty elements within as well as serous fluid. nerve that can be impinged by a mass, such as in this
case, resulting in tarsal tunnel syndrome. This was a

than 50% inclusive in the calcaneus—but it’s a a treatable lesion (i.e., a mass) in many cases.
good starting point. An MRI examination for tarsal tunnel syndrome
Soft tissue tumors in the medial aspect of the is becoming increasingly requested as surgeons
foot and ankle can press on the posterior tibial learn how valuable it can be in identifying the
nerve, resulting in tarsal tunnel syndrome.5 source of the symptoms.
Clinically, patients with tarsal tunnel syndrome Anomalous muscles in the foot or ankle are
have pain and paresthesia in the plantar aspect reported to be present in up to 6% of the popula-
of the foot. In the aforementioned mnemonic, tion. These can be mistaken for a tumor, and a
“Tom, Dick, and Harry,” the and is for artery, biopsy may be unnecessarily performed. MRI
nerve, and vein. It is the position of the poste- scans will show these “tumors” to have imaging
rior tibial nerve. The nerve is easily compressed characteristics identical to those of normal muscle
in the tarsal tunnel, which is bounded medially (Figure 12-13) and to be sharply circumscribed.
by the flexor retinaculum—a strong fibrous Accessory soleus and peroneus quartus muscles
band that extends across the medial ankle joint are the most common accessory muscles encoun-
for about 5 to 7 cm in a superior to inferior tered around the foot and ankle.
direction. Ganglions and neural tumors, both
of which can look similar on T1- and T2-
weighted images, often lie in the tarsal tunnel LIGAMENTS
(Figure 12-12) and compress the posterior tibial
nerve, resulting in pain and paresthesia on the MRI is not the best way to diagnose acute ankle
plantar aspect of the foot extending into the ligament abnormalities. The clinical evaluation
toes. Tarsal tunnel syndrome often occurs is usually straightforward, and no diagnostic
secondary to trauma, fibrosis, or idiopathically, imaging of any type is necessary. Nevertheless,
all of which may not respond to surgical inter- in clinically equivocal cases, when the examina-
vention; hence, MRI is valuable in delineating tion is ordered for other reasons, or in cases of
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
12 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Foot and Ankle 213

FIGURE 12-13 ■ Anomalous muscle. An axial T1-weighted image of both ankles in this patient complaining of a
mass in the right ankle shows an anomalous muscle (arrow), a peroneus quartus, lateral to the flexor hallucis
longus muscle, which is responsible for the mass the patient feels.

chronic lateral ankle pain, the ligaments can be up the anterior capsule of the joint (Figure 12-16).
clearly evaluated with high-quality MRI.6 The anterior talofibular ligament is usually
The deltoid ligament lies medially as a broad torn without other ligaments being involved;
band beneath the medial flexor tendons. It can be however, if the injury is severe enough, the next
seen extending from the medial malleolus to the ligament to tear is the calcaneofibular ligament.
talus and calcaneus. It has multiple parts that are Even with very severe trauma, the posterior
not easily separated with MRI. It is considered talofibular ligament rarely tears. The anterior
injured when it has increased T2 signal or dis- talofibular ligament always tears before the cal-
ruption of the linear fibers. Surgery to repair a caneofibular ligament. A torn anterior talofibu-
torn deltoid is uncommon, whereas reconstruc- lar ligament will be absent in some chronic tears
tion of the lateral ligament complex is commonly but can be thickened (Figure 12-16, B); it can
performed. be attenuated or have a gap also (Figure 12-17).
The lateral collateral ligament complex is
responsible for more than 90% of all ankle
ligament injuries. It is made up of two parts:
Sinus Tarsi Syndrome
(1) a superior group, the anterior and posterior An entity that has a high association with torn
tib-fib ligaments that make up part of the syn- lateral collateral ligaments in the ankle is sinus
desmosis (Figure 12-14), (2) and an inferior tarsi syndrome. Clinically affected patients have
group, the anterior and posterior talofibular lateral ankle pain and a feeling of hindfoot insta-
ligaments and the calcaneofibular ligament bility. Up to 80% of these patients have torn
(Figure 12-15). The anterior and posterior tib- lateral collateral ligaments and up to one third of
iofibular ligaments can be seen on axial images patients who tear their lateral collateral liga-
at the level of the dome of the talus. The ante- ments have been reported to have sinus tarsi
rior and posterior tib-fib ligaments are seen on syndrome.7 In the past, diagnosis has relied on
the axial images just below the tibiotalar joint clinical suspicion and injection of lidocaine into
and emanate from a concavity in the distal fibula the sinus tarsus, which causes resolution of the
called the malleolar fossa (Figure 12-15, B). The pain. Treatment is varied but can include a joint
most commonly torn ankle ligament is the ante- fusion.
rior talofibular ligament. It is easily identified The sinus tarsi is the space that lies between
when a joint effusion is present because it makes the talus and the calcaneus and opens up in a
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
214 12 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Foot and Ankle



A B Tib-Fib
FIGURE 12-14 ■ Schematic of lateral collateral ligaments. A, This drawing of the ankle in a lateral view shows
how the anterior and posterior tib-fib ligaments extend off of the fibula and course superiorly to the tibia.
B, A drawing in the axial plane shows that the fibula has a flat or convex surface at the origin of these

Anterior Posterior talofibular
talofibular talofibular


A Calcaneofibular B talofibular
FIGURE 12-15 ■ Schematic of lateral collateral ligaments. A, This drawing of the ankle in a lateral view shows
how the anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments and the calcaneofibular ligament extend off of
the fibula and course inferiorly. These ligaments arise off of the fibula more distally than the anterior and
posterior tib-fib ligaments. B, A drawing in the axial plane shows that the anterior and posterior talofibu-
lar ligaments arise from the level of the distal fibula, which has a concave medial surface, the malleolar

conelike configuration in the lateral aspect of BONY ABNORMALITIES

the ankle beneath the lateral malleolus. It is
filled with fat and several ligaments that give Tarsal coalition is a common cause of a painful
hindfoot stability. The most lateral of these liga- flat foot. It occurs most commonly at the calca-
ments are slips of ligaments from the lateral neonavicular joint and the middle facet of the
extensor retinaculum. Medial to these are the talocalcaneal joint (Figure 12-20). Up to 50%
cervical ligament, and the most medial ligament of patients with tarsal coalition have bilateral
is the interosseous ligament (Figure 12-18). In coalition. It can be difficult (or impossible) to
sinus tarsi syndrome the fat in the sinus tarsus is see the coalition on plain films; however, CT
obliterated and one or more of the ligaments and MRI examination will show bony coalition
are disrupted (Figure 12-19). Visualization of with a high degree of accuracy. Coalitions most
the ligaments is not necessary—replacement commonly are fibrous or cartilaginous. In these
of the normal fat with scar tissue makes the cases, secondary findings, such as joint space
diagnosis. This syndrome is resulting in an irregularity at the affected joint or degenerative
increasing amount of MRI scanning requests joint disease at nearby joints that are subjected
as surgeons and podiatrists recognize that a to accentuated stress, can be seen. For now,
definitive diagnosis of sinus tarsi syndrome can MRI does not appear to have superiority to CT
be made with imaging. for diagnosing tarsal coalition.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
12 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Foot and Ankle 215

FIGURE 12-16 ■ Anterior talofibular ligament. A, An axial T2-weighted image through the distal fibula at the level
of the malleolar fossa (the concave medial surface of the fibula) shows an intact anterior talofibular ligament
(arrow), which makes up part of the joint capsule at this level. Note the high-signal joint fluid adjacent to the
ligament. B, This axial T2-weighted image at the level of the malleolar fossa reveals a thickened anterior talofibular
ligament (arrow). The marked thickening of the ligament indicates a chronic process with scarring.



FIGURE 12-18 ■ Schematic of the sinus tarsi. A sagittal
schematic of the sinus tarsi show the positions of the
cervical and the interosseous ligaments. The cervical
ligament lies more anteriorly and laterally in relation
to the interosseous ligament.

Fractures of the foot and ankle are usually

well documented with plain films. Stress frac-
tures, however, can be difficult to radiographi-
cally or clinically diagnose and can mimic
more sinister abnormalities. MRI will show
stress fractures as linear low signal on T1-
weighted images with high signal on T2
weighting (Figure 12-21).
MRI has had mixed reviews when used
FIGURE 12-17 ■ Torn anterior talofibular ligament. The
anterior talofibular ligament is attenuated and has a for diagnosing osteomyelitis in the foot. In
gap (arrow) in this athlete who sustained a sprained diabetic patients with foot infections, it is
ankle several days before this MRI. important to diagnose osteomyelitis, because
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
216 12 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Foot and Ankle

FIGURE 12-20 ■ Tarsal coalition. An axial T1-weighted

image in a patient with painful flat feet shows bilateral
talocalcaneal coalition (arrows), which is primarily fi-
brous. The joint space is irregular and widened bilat-
erally. In cases of suspected coalition, both ankles
should be imaged because coalition often occurs bilat-
B erally.

FIGURE 12-19 ■ Sinus tarsi syndrome. A, A sagittal

T1-weighted image shows obliteration of the normal
fat in the sinus tarsi. No ligaments are visualized. ankle specialists. There are many causes of
B, A sagittal T2-weighted image reveals no evidence chronic lateral ankle pain, including degenera-
of the normal cervical or interosseous ligaments. tive joint disease, loose bodies, and an OCL of
The high signal throughout the sinus tarsi repre-
sents scar or fibrosis. These findings are classic for the talus; however, there are four common
sinus tarsi syndrome. entities that are easily identified with MRI
(Box 12-1). Newer surgical techniques are
evolving to treat these. However, when several
the treatment is often much more aggressive, of these occur simultaneously (which is not
including amputation, than if the bone is not uncommon), it can be very difficult to deter-
involved. If the marrow appears normal, MRI mine from the clinical examination where the
examination is useful in predicting no osteo- abnormality lies. MRI is very useful in helping
myelitis; however, if low signal is present in determine exactly where the pathology is,
the marrow around a joint, osteomyelitis may which then allows the surgeon to direct his or
or may not be present. Low signal can be her therapy more precisely.9
caused by edema or hyperemia without infec- Injury to the anterior talofibular ligament
tion. The only definitive MRI findings for osteo- from an inversion ankle sprain is the common
myelitis are cortical disruption (Figure 12-22), thread running through all of these diagnoses,
a bony abscess (not a common finding), or a being associated in around 80% in each entity.
sinus track (an even less common finding). MRI These four entities should be looked for on ev-
is therefore very sensitive but not very specific in ery ankle MRI scan because they are commonly
diagnosing osteomyelitis in the foot and ankle.8 found, even in only minimally symptomatic
Isolated chronic injury to the anterior talo-
CHRONIC LATERAL ANKLE PAIN fibular ligament may be a cause of chronic lateral
ankle pain, or it may be only one part of the
Chronic lateral ankle pain is, after the diabetic problem. An 80% association with sinus tarsi
foot with infection, the bane of most foot and syndrome and longitudinal split tears (both of

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12 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Foot and Ankle 217


FIGURE 12-22 ■ Osteomyelitis. Axial T1-weighted (A) and
T2-weighted (B) images through the forefoot in this
diabetic patient shows low T1 signal (arrow, A) and high
T2 signal (arrow, B) in the lateral sesamoid. Cortical
disruption is present which is diagnostic for osteomyelitis.

BOX 12-1 Common Causes of

B Chronic Lateral Ankle
FIGURE 12-21 ■ Calcaneal stress fracture. A, A 70-year-old
woman with a history of lung cancer had heel pain and
a normal plain film. A bone scan showed diffuse in-
- Anterior talofibular ligament disruption or
creased radionuclide uptake throughout the posterior scarring
calcaneus. B, A sagittal T1-weighted MRI scan revealed - Sinus tarsi syndrome
a linear area of low signal (arrows), which is characteris- - Longitudinal split tears of the peroneus brevis
tic for a stress fracture. Metastatic disease would not - Anterolateral impingement
have this appearance.

which were discussed earlier in this chapter) has The synovium becomes thickened and scarred
been reported; both of these conditions can be a from an inversion ankle injury and causes a pain-
cause of chronic lateral ankle pain by themselves. ful, mechanical block to dorsiflexion. It is easily
Another cause of chronic lateral ankle pain that identified with MRI by noting low-signal scar
has a high association with chronic disruption of tissue in the joint just deep to the anterior
the anterior talofibular ligament is anterolateral talofibular ligament where one should see
impingement or lateral gutter syndrome. The joint fluid (Figure 12-23). It is treated by ar-
lateral gutter is simply the lateral joint space be- throscopically debriding the scar tissue and, if
tween the distal tibia and talus medially and the necessary, reconstructing the lateral collateral
fibula and lateral collateral ligaments laterally. ligaments.

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218 12 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Foot and Ankle

FIGURE 12-23 ■ Anterolateral impingement. A, This axial T1-weighted image through the ankle reveals absence of the
anterior talofibular ligament (arrow). B, The corresponding T2-weighted image shows low-signal scar
tissue deep to the expected location of the anterior talofibular ligament (arrow), which indicates anterolateral impinge-
ment syndrome.

REFERENCES 6. Erickson S, Smith J, Ruiz M, et al: MR imaging of the lat-

eral collateral ligament of the ankle. AJR Am J Roentgenol
1. Kneeland J, Macrandar S, Middleton W, et al: MR imaging 156:131–136, 1991.
of the normal ankle: correlation with anatomic sections. 7. Klein M, Spreitzer A: MR imaging of the tarsal sinus and
AJR Am J Roentgenol 151:117–126, 1988. canal: normal anatomy, pathologic findings, and features
2. Balen PF, Helms CA: Association of posterior tibial tendon of the sinus tarsi syndrome. Radiology 186:233–240,
injury with spring ligament injury, sinus tarsi abnormality, 1993.
and plantar fasciitis on MR imaging. AJR Am J Roentgenol 8. Erdman W, Tamburro F, Jayson H, et al: Osteomyelitis:
176:1137–1143, 2001. characteristics and pitfalls of diagnosis with MR imaging.
3. Rosenberg Z, Cheung Y, Jahss M, et al: Rupture of pos- Radiology 180:533–539, 1991.
terior tibial tendons: CT and MR imaging with surgical 9. Anzilotti K, Schweitzer ME, Hecht P, et al. Effect of
correlation. Radiology 169:229–236, 1988. foot and ankle MR imaging on clinical decision making.
4. Keigley B, Haggar A, Gaba A, et al: Primary tumors of Radiology 201:515–517, 1996.
the foot: MR imaging. Radiology 171:755–759, 1989.
5. Erickson S, Quinn S, Kneeland J, et al: MR imaging of
the tarsal tunnel and related spaces: normal and abnormal
findings with anatomic correlation. AJR Am J Roentgenol
155:323–328, 1990.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Miscellaneous Magnetic
Resonance Imaging
There are several additional areas in which mag- significance of a torn TFC. That is because
netic resonance imaging (MRI) is useful but not torn TFCs (and torn intercarpal ligaments, for
well enough developed or of enough widespread that matter) are found with a high frequency
use to have an entire chapter devoted to them. in older patients who do not have wrist pain or
Included in this group are MRI examinations of dysfunction. Nevertheless, in a young patient
the wrist, hip, elbow, and bone marrow. with a painful, torn TFC, most hand surgeons
would surgically intervene if conservative care
was ineffective. For this reason, imaging may
WRIST play a role.
The normal TFC is predominantly low
MRI examination of the wrist has been slower signal on all imaging sequences and seen to be
to develop than that of other joints. Similarly, triangular in shape, with the base attaching
wrist arthrography has not enjoyed the same to the ulna and the apex attaching onto the
popularity as that of the knee or shoulder. radius (Figure 13-1). A detached or torn
Nevertheless, MRI of the wrist has some defi- TFC is best seen in the coronal plane with
nite utility. It is useful in evaluating the carpal T2 or gradient-echo sequences and is usually
bones for fractures and avascular necrosis accompanied by joint fluid in both the distal
(AVN). It seems to have some use for evaluat- radioulnar and the proximal carpal joints
ing the triangular fibrocartilage (TFC) and the (Figure 13-2).
intercarpal ligaments.1
Avascular Necrosis
Imaging Techniques The wrist has several bones that have a propen-
Thin-section (2 to 3 mm) T1- and T2-weighted sity to undergo AVN. The lunate is commonly
images in both an axial and a coronal plane are affected and is known as Kienböck’s malacia.
typically used with a dedicated wrist coil or a It is seen as uniform low signal on T1- and
small surface coil. Some recommend sagittal T2-weighted images (Figure 13-3). As is found
images as well. A small field of view (FOV; 5 to with AVN in other joints, MRI examination can
8 cm) should be used for maximal resolution. be useful in showing AVN when plain films are
Three-dimensional volumetric coronal images normal.
with thin (1 to 2 mm) slices are used in many The proximal pole of the scaphoid often un-
centers to replace the T2-weighted images. dergoes AVN after a fracture is sustained. MRI
These are especially useful for examining the can demonstrate the AVN earlier than plain
TFC and the intercarpal ligaments.2 films, allowing earlier treatment (Figure 13-4).
Subtle or occult fractures of the scaphoid (or any
other carpal bone) can be identified with MRI
Pathology examination. MRI should be considered when
clinical suspicion of a fracture is high and plain
Triangular Fibrocartilage
films are negative, because a missed fracture of
The TFC lies between the distal ulna and the the scaphoid can lead to AVN. We have found it
carpal bones and is thought to have some cost-effective to obtain an MRI scan of the wrist
shock-absorbing function. It can tear or be- to rule out a fracture in a patient with trauma,
come detached and cause significant wrist pain pain in the snuffbox, and a negative plain film, as
and dysfunction. Tears of the TFC can be opposed to casting the patient for a week and
diagnosed with arthrography or with MRI, having him or her return for a follow-up x-ray
although it is somewhat controversial as to the examination.3

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 219

220 13 Miscellaneous Magnetic Resonance Imaging

FIGURE 13-1 ■ Normal TFC. A coronal gradient-echo

3D-volume thin-section image of a normal wrist
shows the TFC (arrow) with its attachment to the
radius separated by a thin layer of cartilage.
FIGURE 13-3 ■ Kienböck’s malacia. A coronal T1-weighted
image shows the lunate (arrow) to be devoid of the
normal high signal from fatty marrow. This is diagnostic
of AVN and is called Kienböck’s malacia when it occurs
in the lunate.

ligament to tear is the lunatotriquetral ligament,

which is found at the proximal portion of the joint.
Unfortunately it is not always visualized, even
with excellent images; hence, it is difficult to diag-
nose a torn lunatotriquetral ligament with any
Further complicating the diagnosis of torn
intercarpal ligaments is the fact that they can be
torn as a matter of aging and wear and tear with-
out being symptomatic. Hence, diagnosing a
torn ligament may have no clinical significance
whatsoever. Cadaver studies have reported torn
intercarpal ligaments in up to 80% of older
FIGURE 13-2 ■ Torn TFC. A coronal T1-weighted image of people.
a wrist arthrogram in a patient with ulnar-sided wrist pain
shows the TFC to be torn in its midsubstance (arrow).
Note the gadolinium/fluid that has extended into the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
distal radioulnar joint, which would be present only with
a torn TFC. The median nerve can become impinged in the
carpal tunnel by a variety of processes and result
in paresthesia in the hand and fingers. Surgical
removal of the offending agent if any (it is most
Intercarpal Ligaments
often idiopathic or caused by overuse of the
The intercarpal ligaments can tear and cause pain hands in stressful positions, such as typing) and
and instability in the wrist. The scapholunate liga- excision of the flexor retinaculum are usually
ment is the most commonly torn intercarpal liga- curative if conservative treatment fails. Although
ment. It should be identified at the proximal part MRI is useful in identifying tumors, ganglia,
of the scapholunate joint in every MRI scan of the swollen flexor tendon sheaths, or other masses in
wrist unless it is torn (Figure 13-5). A torn scaph- the carpal tunnel, it has little role in carpal tun-
olunate ligament will have linear disruption of nel syndrome because of the ease with which the
the normal triangular or bandlike configuration diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome is made
(Figure 13-6). The next most common intercarpal clinically. If surgery is performed, it is easy to
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
13 Miscellaneous Magnetic Resonance Imaging 221

FIGURE 13-4 ■ Scaphoid AVN. Coronal images in a patient who sustained a fracture of his scaphoid several months
prior shows low signal in the proximal pole on the T1-weighted images (A), which is high in signal on the
T2-weighted images (B). This is worrisome but not diagnostic of AVN. If the T2-weighted images were low in
signal, it would indicate AVN; however, with high T2 signal, the proximal pole might still be viable.

FIGURE 13-5 ■ Scapholunate ligament. A coronal 3D-

volume thin-section image of a normal wrist shows
the appearance of the scapholunate ligament (arrow).
A normal lunotriquetral ligament (curved arrow) can
also be seen, although it is not always identified. FIGURE 13-6 ■ Torn scapholunate ligament. This coronal
T2-weighted image demonstrates a torn scapholunate
ligament (arrow) with linear disruption of the ligament.
inspect the entire carpal tunnel, making preop- The body of the TFC is also torn.
erative imaging unnecessary.

Tendons tendinosis with swelling and increased signal

intensity, which is easily identified on the axial
MRI plays a valuable role in identifying tendon images. Longitudinal split tears (Figure 13-7),
abnormalities in the wrist. The extensor ten- as in tendons in the ankle, have the same sig-
dons seem to have more pathology associated nificance as complete tears. The abductor pol-
with them than the flexor tendons. The most licis longus and extensor pollicis brevis tendons
commonly affected extensor tendon is the ex- have a common tendon sheath on the radial as-
tensor carpi ulnaris (ECU). It commonly has pect of the wrist and often have tenosynovitis or
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
222 13 Miscellaneous Magnetic Resonance Imaging

FIGURE 13-9 ■ Flexor tenosynovitis. An axial T2-weighted

image through the fingers in a patient with painful
swelling of the fourth digit shows tenosynovitis of the
fourth flexor tendon (arrow), which is worrisome for a
septic tenosynovitis. This is considered a surgical emer-
FIGURE 13-7 ■ Longitudinal split tear of the extensor gency, although it is not possible to tell on MRI if it is
carpi ulnaris. The ECU tendon has a split tear, which is septic or aseptic.
seen on this axial T2-weighted image (arrow).

tendinosis, which can result in a “trigger outcome for the patient. MRI scans cannot dif-
thumb.” This is where the thumb catches on ferentiate a sterile tenosynovitis from an infectious
attempted flexion and then suddenly gives way. tenosynovitis.
This is called de Quervain’s syndrome. MRI
shows the fluid distending the tendon sheath
(tenosynovitis) and will show the tendinosis, if HIP
present (Figure 13-8).
Tenosynovitis in any of the flexor tendons MRI has proved to be useful in a number
(Figure 13-9) is considered a surgical emergency of abnormalities of the hip, including AVN,
by most hand surgeons, and when seen on MRI, it fractures (see Chapter 5), idiopathic transient
deserves a phone call to the surgeon. An infection osteoporosis of the hip (ITOH; see Chapter 8),
in a flexor tendon sheath can easily spread to the torn acetabular labra, and femoroacetabular
common flexors in the wrist and lead to a terrible impingement (FAI).

Osteonecrosis (AVN)
AVN can be diagnosed with great sensitivity
with MRI. It has a characteristic appearance,
with involvement of the anterosuperior portion
of the femoral head. The area of AVN typically
is surrounded by a low-signal serpiginous border
(Figure 13-10). AVN can be diagnosed earlier
and more reliably based on MRI scans than on
plain films or with nuclear medicine.

Acetabular Labrum
The acetabular labrum is analogous to the
glenoid labrum of the shoulder. It can tear or
detach, resulting in a painful, snapping hip.
FIGURE 13-8 ■ De Quervain’s syndrome. This axial T2-
The labrum can be arthroscopically debrided
weighted image through the wrist at the distal radius or repaired, with multiple surgeons reporting a
in a patient complaining of a trigger thumb shows good clinical outcome.
distention of the common tendon sheath surrounding The acetabular labrum is best visualized
the abductor pollicis longus and the extensor pollicis with a magnetic resonance arthrogram.4 Imag-
brevis tendons (arrow). The fluid is not very T2 bright,
suggesting synovitis. The abductor pollicis longus ing should be done with a small FOV and only
is somewhat thickened, with some increased signal one hip studied. Bilateral examinations with a
indicative of tendinosis. large FOV and nonarthrogram studies have an
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
13 Miscellaneous Magnetic Resonance Imaging 223

FIGURE 13-12 ■ Femoroacetabular impingement. An

FIGURE 13-10 ■ AVN of the femoral heads. A T1- axial T2-weighted image in an athlete with hip pain
weighted coronal image shows marked low signal in shows a bony prominence in the subcapital portion of
the left femoral head, which indicates advanced hip the femoral neck (arrow). He had marked pain relief
AVN. The right hip has AVN demonstrated by high and increased range of motion after surgical excision
signal surrounded by a low-signal serpiginous border. of the bony prominence.
This is characteristic for AVN.

a relatively recently described entity that is a re-

extremely low sensitivity for labral tears. When sult of bony prominence or even a protuberance
the labrum tears or detaches, it most commonly at the lateral subcapital region of the femoral
is abnormal in the anterosuperior quadrant neck (Figure 13-12) and/or from overcoverage of
(Figure 13-11). the femoral head by the acetabulum. Abduction
of the hip causes the bony prominence on the
Femoroacetabular Impingement femur to abut the acetabulum (which may also be
prominent), squeezing the labrum and often
The labrum is often torn or macerated as a result tearing it. If the main problem is a bony promi-
of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). This is nence on the femur, it is termed cam impinge-
ment, whereas if the acetabulum is prominent, it
is termed pincer impingement. Cam impingement
is more common in males, whereas pincer
impingement is said to be more common in
females. In fact, the vast majority of patients with
impingement have a combination of the two
types. Multiple measurements about the hip have
been described to diagnose FAI; however, they do
not seem to be reliably reproduced, and many
asymptomatic individuals have abnormal mea-
surements. Therefore I do not report any mea-
surements. I simply evaluate for a subcapital bony
prominence or for overextension of the acetabu-
lum and let the surgeon decide if the patient has
clinical signs of FAI.

MRI examination of the elbow has been shown
to be useful in diagnosing collateral ligament
tears and biceps tendon tears and identifying
loose bodies. It can show high T1 signal in the
flexor tendons as they insert on the medial epi-
condyle and in the extensor tendons on the
FIGURE 13-11 ■ Torn acetabular labrum. This coronal
T1-weighted, fat-suppressed arthrogram of the hip
lateral epicondyle in so-called golfer’s and tennis
shows fluid between the bony acetabulum and the elbow. Tendinosis of the flexor and extensor ten-
labrum (arrow), indicating a detached labrum. dons is the most common abnormality seen on
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
224 13 Miscellaneous Magnetic Resonance Imaging

however, we have found them to be useful and

routinely obtain them. Magnetic resonance
arthrography is used when a partial tear of the
ulnar collateral ligament or loose bodies are
clinical considerations.
The ulnar collateral ligament is reliably identi-
fied on coronal T2-weighted images. If it is torn,
it will show discontinuity and high T2-weighted
signal (Figure 13-14).

MRI readily shows the bone marrow throughout
the skeleton. Its appearance varies with age and
location within the skeleton. For instance, a
young person’s skeleton has more red (hemato-
poietic) marrow, whereas an elderly person’s has
more fatty marrow. The axial skeleton (spine and
pelvis) has more red marrow than the peripheral
FIGURE 13-13 ■ Partial tear of the common extensors. skeleton.
A coronal T2-weighted image of the elbow shows One of the best tips for differentiating red
fluid signal at the insertion of the common extensor marrow from an infiltrative process is that red
tendons onto the lateral epicondyle (arrow). This indi- marrow is always higher in signal on T1-weighted
cates a partial tear of the tendons.
images than adjacent muscle, or, in the lumbar
spine, higher in signal than the discs (Figure 13-15).
elbow MRI scans. Partial tears of the flexor or ex- An infiltrative process, such as tumor or infection,
tensor tendons show high T2 signal (Figure 13-13). only rarely is higher in signal than muscle or disc
Bony and cartilaginous abnormalities can also be on a T1 sequence. Even the most severe anemia
seen with MRI. with marked red marrow hyperplasia will obey
The imaging protocol typically includes ax- this rule unless there is iron overload, as in hemo-
ial and coronal T1- and T2-weighted images. chromatosis. Care must be taken not to confuse
Sagittal images are optional in some centers; diffuse increased bone density with abnormal

FIGURE 13-14 ■ Ulnar collateral ligament. Coronal T1-weighted, fat-suppressed arthrograms of the elbow show the
normal ulnar collateral ligament (A) (arrow) and one that is torn off of the attachment to the medial epicondyle (arrow).

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

13 Miscellaneous Magnetic Resonance Imaging 225

FIGURE 13-15 ■ Normal red marrow. This sagittal T1- FIGURE 13-16 ■ Increased red marrow in anemia. This
weighted image of the lumbar spine in a 25-year-old sagittal T1-weighted image through the lumbar spine
shows the appearance of normal red marrow in the in a 40-year-old woman with anemia shows a marked
vertebral bodies. Note that the signal of the marrow is increase in the red marrow. Note that it remains
higher than that of the discs. higher in signal than the discs.

marrow, because both may have marked low signal

on T1-weighted images.
When I see red marrow hyperplasia, it is
usually in a 30- to 40-year-old obese woman
who smokes. Those factors often rev up the red
marrow. My residents and fellows routinely
mention these as an etiology for the increased
red marrow, and most times they are probably
right. However, it’s important to suggest ane-
mia as a cause (Figure 13-16), because anemia
is easily diagnosed with a simple blood test and
easily treated with iron supplements, usually
with a noticeable difference for the patient.
Obesity and smoking are unlikely to be cured,
so I often suggest only anemia as a cause for the
increased red marrow.
The epiphyses should always have fatty mar-
row seen as high signal on T1 sequences. If red
marrow is seen in the epiphyses, anemia should FIGURE 13-17 ■ Sickle cell anemia. This coronal T1-
be suggested (Figure 13-17). Fatty marrow will weighted image of the pelvis in a patient with sickle cell
anemia shows low signal in the left femoral head
be present in a geographic pattern after radiation epiphysis (arrow), indicative of red marrow hyperplasia.
treatment, because the hematopoietic marrow is The right femoral head shows the normal appearance
obliterated. with fatty marrow.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

226 13 Miscellaneous Magnetic Resonance Imaging

REFERENCES 3. Dorsay TA, Major NM, Helms CA: Cost-effectiveness of

immediate mr imaging versus traditional follow-up for
1. Kang H, Kindynis P, Brahme S, et al: Triangular fibro- revealing radiographically occult scaphoid fractures. AJR
cartilage and intercarpal ligaments of the wrist: MR Am J Roentgenol 177:1257–1263, 2001.
imaging. Cadaveric study with gross pathologic and 4. Petersilge CA: MR arthrography for evaluation of the
histologic correlation. Radiology 181:401–404, 1991. acetabular labrum. Skeletal Radiol 30:423–430, 2001.
2. Totterman S, Miller R, Wasserman B, et al: Intrinsic and
extrinsic carpal ligaments: evaluation by three-dimensional
Fourier transform MR imaging. AJR Am J Roentgenol
160:117–123, 1993.

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Differential Diagnoses
Fibrous dysplasia MORE PLEASURABLE AND
Enchondroma, eosinophilic granuloma FANTASTIC)
Giant cell tumor
Nonossifying fibroma Renal osteodystrophy
Osteoblastoma Sickle cell disease
Mets and myeloma Myelofibrosis
Aneurysmal bone cyst Osteopetrosis
Solitary bone cyst Pyknodysostosis
Hyperparathyroidism (brown tumor), Mastocytosis
hemangiomas Mets—breast and prostate
Infection Paget’s disease
Chondroblastoma; chondromyxoid fibroid Athletes


Fibrous dysplasia
Enchondromas, eosinophilic granuloma Rheumatoid arthritis
Mets and myeloma CPPD (calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate
Hyperparathyroidism (brown tumor), crystal disease)
hemangiomas Trauma


Chondroblastoma Trauma
Giant cell tumor Pigmented villonodular synovitis
Infection Synovial osteochondromatosis
Geode Avascular necrosis


Ewing’s sarcoma
Chondroblastoma Infection
Nonossifying fibroma Eosinophilic granuloma
Eosinophilic granuloma
Aneurysmal bone cyst
Solitary bone cyst

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 227

228 Appendix


Avascular necrosis
Osteoporosis Degenerative joint disease
Radiation Rheumatoid arthritis

Primary hyperparathyroidism Eosinophilic granuloma
Gout Osteoid osteoma
Hemochromatosis Fibrosarcoma
Fibrous dysplasia
Engelmann’s disease
Von Buchem’s disease
Paget’s disease

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

Appendix 229


Distal Proximal Sclerosis Joint space narrowing
Psoriasis Rheumatoid Osteophytes
Reiter’s syndrome arthritis
Osteoarthritis CPPD
OF ARTHROPATHY Temporomandibu- Acromioclavicular
lar (TMJ) (AC)
Primary Multicentric Sacroiliac (SI) Symphysis pubis
osteoarthritis reticulohistiocytosis
Fibrous dysplasia Mets and myeloma
LARGE JOINT INVOLVEMENT Aneurysmal bone Enchondroma
cyst and eosinophilic
Osteoarthritis Ankylosing granuloma
(degenerative spondylitis
joint disease) Pigmented
Rheumatoid villonodular
arthritis synovitis HALLMARKS OF RHEUMATOID
Synovial osteo- Infection ARTHRITIS
CPPD Soft tissue swelling Marginal erosions
Osteoporosis Proximal and bilat-
Joint space erally symmetric
narrowing (hands)
Ankylosing Reiter’s syndrome
spondylitis Osteoarthritis “AUTOMATICS” (MUST MENTION IN
Inflammatory (degenerative EVERY CASE)
bowel disease joint disease)
Psoriasis Infection Younger Than 30 Older Than 40
Infection Infection
Eosinophilic Mets and myeloma

Osteoarthritis Multicentric retic-

(degenerative ulohistiocytosis
joint disease) Pigmented villo-
Gout nodular synovitis

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


A Arthritis (Continued)
ABCs. See Aneurysmal bone cysts collagen vascular diseases, 124
Abrams, Herbert, 1 crystal-induced, 111 See also Calcium pyrophosphate
Achilles tendons, MRI for, 206–207, 207f dihydrate crystal deposition disease
Achondroplasia, 153 gout, 121–122, 122f
ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), MRI for, 172, 173f, 174f differential diagnosis, 111
Acromegaly, 124 hemophilia, 127–128, 129f, 130f
Adamantinoma, 11f HLA-B27 spondyloarthropathies, 115–121
Aggressive osteoporosis, 141, 141f ankylosing spondylitis, 84–85, 86f, 117–118, 119f, 120f
Aneurysmal bone cysts (ABCs), 22–23, 22f Reiter’s syndrome, 117, 118, 119, 121, 121f
cortical destruction, 32, 33f syndesmophytes, 117–118, 118f
MRI, 22, 23f variants, 115–117
osteoblastomas, 19 joint effusions, 131–133, 134f
primary type, 22–23 diagnosis, 132
secondary type, 22–23 teardrop measurements, 133f, 134f
Ankle large joint involvement, 112t
MRI for, 206 See also Tendons, MRI for osteoarthritis
anatomy, 206, 207f DISH, 112–113, 113f
anterolateral impingement, 218f geodes, 115, 115b, 115f
chronic lateral ankle pain, 216–217, 217b joint space narrowing, 112
osteomyelitis, 217f letter joints, 114, 114b
stress fractures, 217f primary, 113–114, 113f, 114f
Ottawa ankle rules, 4 secondary, 113
after trauma, 4f in shoulder, 112f
unnecessary examinations, 4 SI joints, 102f, 114f
Ankylosing spondylitis, 84–85, 86f, 117–118, 119f, 120f subchondral cysts, 115, 115b, 115f
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), MRI for, 172, 173f, 174f paralysis, 127–128
Anterior wedge compression fracture, 84, 85f physical examination, 111
Arm, trauma to psoriatic, 118, 118f, 119, 119f, 120f
displaced fat pads, 95–96, 95f, 96f CT, 120f
fractures, 92–98 PVNS, 131, 131f, 132f
Colles’, 92, 93f rheumatoid, 115, 115b
Galeazzi’s, 93, 94f CPPD, 115
glenoid, 98f of hip, 116f
Monteggia’s, 92–93, 94f juvenile, 127–128, 129f
plastic bowing deformity of forearm, 92, 93f migration routes, 116f
shoulder secondary degenerative disease, 117f
Bankart deformity, 96–97 of shoulder, 117b, 117f
dislocations, 96–98, 97f, 98f sarcoidosis, 124–126, 127f
Hill-Sachs deformity, 96–97 SI joints, 111, 112t
normal view, 97f osteoarthritis, 102f
pseudodislocations, 62f, 63f side-to-side symmetry, 111
Arthritis bilateral, 112b
anatomical distribution, 111 SLE, 124, 125f
in hands and wrists, 112t synovial osteochondromatosis, 128–131
AVN, 133–136 without calcification, 131f
Freiberg’s infraction, 136, 137f development, 128–129
geodes, 136, 136f MRI, 129–131
of hip, 134f, 135f muscular dystrophy, 130f
indications, 133 presentation, 129–131
Kienböck’s malacia, 136, 137f Atypical synovial cysts, 52f
Köhler’s disease, 136, 137f Avascular necrosis (AVN), 153, 154f, 155f
Legg-Perthes disease, 136 arthritis, 133–136
MRI, 135 Freiberg’s infraction, 136, 137f
OCD, 131f, 135, 136f geodes, 136, 136f
Osgood-Schlatter disease, 136 of hip, 134f, 135f
Scheuermann’s disease, 136, 138f indications, 133
of shoulder, 135f Kienböck’s malacia, 136, 137f

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. 231

232 Index

Avascular necrosis (Continued) Benign lytic lesions (Continued)

Köhler’s disease, 136, 137f hemangiomas, 25
Legg-Perthes disease, 136 hyperparathyroidism, 24–25
MRI, 135 Brown tumors, 24–25, 24f
OCD, 131f, 135, 136f primary, 25
Osgood-Schlatter disease, 136 secondary, 25
Scheuermann’s disease, 136, 138f subperiosteal bone resorption, 24–25
of shoulder, 135f infections, 25f
common causes, 154b metastatic disease, 20–21, 21f
etiology, 153 incidence rates, 20–21
hand and wrist trauma, 91, 91f, 92, 219, 221f, 222, 223f renal cell carcinoma, 22f
MRI, 135, 153 myeloma, 21
in tendons, 210–211, 211f NOFs, 17–18, 17f, 19f
OCD, 210–211, 210f age factors, 18
Avulsion injuries, 56, 57f, 58f CT scans, 18, 19f
pelvic fractures, 90f, 99, 101f GCT, 16
healing, 18f, 29f
MRI, 18, 20f
B resolving, 31f
Baker’s cysts, 50–52 osteoblastomas, 18–19, 21f
Bankart deformity, 96–97 ABCs, 19
Barrett, Ivan, 7 osteomyelitis with pyoarthritis, 26f
Baseball finger. See Mallet finger pattern identification, 7
Benign lytic lesions plasmacytoma, 21f
ABCs, 22–23, 22f during residency, 7
MRI, 22, 23f solitary bone cysts, 23, 23f, 24f
osteoblastomas, 19 tarsal bones, 28
primary type, 22–23 Benign tumors, malignant compared to, 32–36
secondary type, 22–23 Bennett’s fracture, 85, 87f
automatics, 29, 29b Bone cysts, 212f
Brodie’s abscess, 25f Bone infracts
chondroblastoma, 27, 27f benign lesions, 71–74, 72f, 73f
carpal bones, 27 enchondroma, 12, 12f
chondromyxoid fibroma, 10f, 27–28 Bone islands, 70, 71f
cystic angiomatosis, 25f Bone marrow
differential diagnosis, 7, 9t, 21b, 29–30 MRI for, 224–225, 225f
accuracy rates, 7 sickle cell disease, 225f
EG, 10f, 14–15, 14f, 15f Bowtie signs, 168–170, 170b
appearances, 14 Brodie’s abscess, 25f
bony sequestrum, 15 Brower, Anne, 111
monostotic, 14 Brown tumors, 24–25, 24f
presentation, 15b Buford complex, 187–189, 189f
enchondroma, 12–14, 12f Bursitis, 179, 180f
bone infarcts, 12, 12f
chondrosarcoma, 13
Maffucci’s syndrome, 13–14 C
MRI, 13 Calcaneal stress fractures, 103, 105f, 106f, 109, 109f
multiple, 13–14 Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) crystal
OIlier’s disease, 13–14, 13f deposition disease, 115, 121, 123
periostitis, 13 arthropathy, 124f
FEGNOMASHIC, 7–8 gout, 124
definition, 7–8 hemochromatosis, 124, 126
discriminators, 8 HPT, 124
GCT, 8 in knee, 123f
unicameral bone cyst, 8 pseudo-Charcot joint, 125f, 126–127, 128f, 129f
fibrous dysplasia, 8–11, 10f in wrist, 123f
adamantinoma, 11f Carpal tunnel syndrome, 220–221
assessment, 8 Central canal stenosis, 199–200, 199f
chondrosarcoma, 11 Cervical spine (C-spine)
classical description, 9 ligamentous disruption, 5–6
differential diagnosis, 8, 9 unnecessary examinations, 5–6
McCune-Albright syndrome, 9–11 Chance fracture, 81
monostotic, 9, 11f Chondroblastoma, 27, 27f
periostitis, 8–9 carpal bones, 27
polyostotic, 9–11 “don’t touch” lesions, 64–65, 66f
GCT, 15–16, 15f, 16f Chondromalacia, 179, 179f
diagnostic criteria, 15, 16 Chondromyxoid fibroma, 10f, 27–28
eccentric locations, 16 Chondrosarcoma, 42–43, 43f
FEGNOMASHIC, 8 diagnostic issues, 42
NOFs, 16 enchondroma, 13
giant bone island, 29–30, 30f fibrous dysplasia, 11

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

Index 233

Chronic lateral ankle pain, 216–217, 217b “Don’t touch” lesions (Continued)
Clay-shoveler’s fracture, 80, 81f geodes, 57, 60f, 61f
Coccyx, unnecessary examinations, 2–3 MRI, 55
Collagen vascular diseases, 124 myositis ossificans, 55, 55f, 56f, 57f
Colles’ fracture, 92, 93f os odontoideum, 65–68, 67f
Computed tomography (CT) scans osteogenic sarcoma, 56f
cortical destruction, 32 osteophytosis, 57–58
lumbar spine, 194f pseudocyst of humerus, 66f
NOFs, 18 pseudodislocation of shoulder, 62f, 63f
osteoid osteoma, 157–158 from trauma, 57
for osteoporosis, 139 Dorsal defect of patella, 56f, 64
posttraumatic lesions, 55 MRI scans, 61f
psoriatic arthritis, 120f
skull, 1
Contusions, 180, 181f E
Cortical desmoid EG. See Eosinophilic granuloma
parosteal osteosarcoma, 40f Elbows, MRI for
posttraumatic lesions, 56–57, 58f, 59f extensor tears, 224f
Cortical destruction, 32, 32f ulnar collateral ligament, 224f
ABCs, 32, 33f Enchondroma, 12–14, 12f
CT, 32 bone infarcts, 12, 12f
Costochondritis, 59–63, 63f chondrosarcoma, 13
CPPD. See Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal Maffucci’s syndrome, 13–14
deposition disease MRI, 13
Crystal-induced arthritis, 121–124. See also multiple, 13–14
Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal Ollier’s disease, 13–14, 13f
deposition disease periostitis, 13
gout, 121–122, 122f Engelmann’s disease, 153, 155f
C-spine. See Cervical spine Eosinophilic granuloma (EG), 10f, 14–15, 14f, 15f
CT scans. See Computed tomography scans appearances, 14
Cystic angiomatosis, 25f bony sequestrum, 15
Cysts. See specific cysts monostotic, 14
presentation, 15b
Ewing’s sarcoma, 35, 36, 37, 41–42, 41f, 42f
D differential diagnosis, 41–42
De Quervain’s syndrome, 222f Examinations. See Unnecessary examinations
Degenerative joint disease. See Osteoarthritis
Desmoid tumors, 43–45, 45f, 46f
cortical desmoid parosteal osteosarcoma, 40f F
Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH), 84–85 FAI. See Femoroacetabular impingement
osteoarthritis, 112–113, 113f Fast spin-echo (FSE) sequences, 166, 182
Disc disease, 193–198, 194f, 204f FEGNOMASHIC, 7–8
mimics, 203 definition, 7–8
renal cell carcinoma, 204f discriminators, 8
sacroiliitis, 204f GCT, 8
Discitis, 146f unicameral bone cyst, 8
Discogenic vertebral disease, 57–58, 61f Femoral stress fractures, 102–103, 103f
Discoid meniscus, 170, 170f, 171f osteoporosis, 140f
DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis), 84–85 Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI)
Disuse osteoporosis, 141 Pitt’s pit, 74
“Don’t touch” lesions in wrist, 223, 223f
benign, 68–74 FHL (flexor hallucis longus), 208, 209f
bone infarcts, 71–74, 72f, 73f Fibrous dysplasia, 8–11, 10f
bone islands, 70, 71f adamantinoma, 11f
lipidization, 70–71 assessment, 8
NOF, 68–70, 69f, 70f, 71f chondrosarcoma, 11
Pitt’s pit, 74, 74f classical description, 9
pseudocyst of calcaneus, 72f differential diagnosis, 8, 9
unicameral bone cysts, 70–71, 72f McCune-Albright Syndrome, 9–11
biopsies, 64–65, 68 monostotic, 9, 11f
chondroblastoma, 64–65, 66f periostitis, 8–9
differential diagnosis, 55 polyostotic, 9–11
dorsal defect of patella, 56f, 64 Fibular stress fractures, 103, 105f
MRI scans, 61f Field of vision (FOV), 165
normal variants, 63–68 Flexion teardrop fractures, 80, 82f
osteopoikilosis, 68, 68f, 69f Flexor hallucis longus (FHL), 208, 209f
posttraumatic, 55–63 Fluorosis, 152
avulsion injuries, 56, 57f, 58f Foot fractures, 108–109, 110f
cortical desmoid, 56–57, 58f, 59f Lisfranc’s, 108–109, 109f, 127
CT scans, 55 Forrester, Debbie, 111
fractures, 58, 62f FOV (field of vision), 165

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234 Index

Fractures, 79–85 Gout, 121–122, 122f

anterior wedge compression, 84, 85f CPPD, 124
arm, 92–98
Colles’, 92, 93f
Galeazzi’s, 93, 94f H
glenoid, 98f Hall, Ferris, 1
Monteggia’s, 92–93, 94f Hand and wrist, trauma to
plastic bowing deformity of forearm, 92, 93f arthritis, 112t
Chance, 81 AVN, 91, 91f, 92
clay-shoveler’s, 80, 81f CPPD, 123f
flexion teardrop, 80, 82f dorsal lunate dislocation, 87–88
foot, 109, 110f fractures, 74
Lisfranc’s, 108–109, 109f, 127 Bennett’s, 85, 87f
of foot and ankle, 217f pseudo-Bennett’s, 85
hand and wrist, 74 Rolando’s, 85, 87f
Bennett’s, 85, 87f scaphoid, 91, 91f
hook of the hamate, 89–90, 90f transscaphoid, 89
pseudo-Bennett’s, 85 triquetral, 92, 92f
Rolando’s, 85, 87f Kienböck’s malacia, 92, 92f
scaphoid, 91, 91f lunate dislocation, 87–88, 90f
transscaphoid, 89 lunate/perilunate dislocation, 87–88, 89, 89f
triquetral, 92, 92f MRI, 219–222
hangman’s, 80, 82f acetabular labrum, 222–223, 223f
hip, 107f AVN, 219, 221f, 222, 223f
Jefferson’s, 79–80, 80f carpal tunnel syndrome, 220–221
leg, 102–110 De Quervain’s syndrome, 222f
calcaneal stress, 103, 105f, 106f, 109, 109f FAI, 223, 223f
with completion, 104f imaging techniques, 219
femoral stress, 102–103, 103f, 140f intercarpal ligaments, 220, 221f, 222f
fibular stress, 103, 105f Kienböck’s malacia, 220f
MRI, 106, 106f pathology, 219–222
tibial, 105f, 106–108, 108f tendons, 221–222
Looser’s, 3–4, 143f tenosynovitis, 222, 222f
metabolic bone surveys, 3 TFC, 219, 220f, 223f
pelvic, 98–102 normal radiograph, 88f
avulsion injuries, 90f, 99, 101f rotatory subluxation of scaphoid, 90–91, 91f
Honda sign, 99, 100f schematic view, 89f
MRI, 100f Hangman’s fracture, 80, 82f
osteoarthritis of sacroiliac, 102f Harris, Jack, 76
sacral, 98, 99, 99f, 100f Harris, William, 76
symphysis pubis, 99–101, 101f, 102f Healing nonossifying fibromas, 18f, 29f
posttraumatic lesions, 58, 62f Hemangioendothelioma, 28
sacral insufficiency, 63, 64f Hemangiomas, 25
seat belt, 81, 83f osteoporosis, 143f
Smith’s, 81, 92, 93f soft tissue tumors, 50, 51f
supraacetabular insufficiency, 63, 64f Hematomas, 35f, 52–53
unilateral locked facets, 80–81, 82f, 83f Hemochromatosis, 124
Freiberg’s infraction, 136, 137f Hemophilia, 127–128, 129f, 130f
FSE (fast spin-echo) sequences, 166 Hemorrhagic cysts, 41f
Hill-Sachs deformity, 96–97
shoulders, 186, 187f
G HLA-B27 spondyloarthropathies, 115–121
Galeazzi’s fracture, 93, 94f ankylosing spondylitis, 117–118, 119f, 120f
Gamekeeper’s thumb, 87, 88f Reiter’s syndrome, 117, 118, 119, 121, 121f
Geodes syndesmophytes, 117–118, 118f
AVN, 136, 136f Honda sign, 99, 100f
osteoarthritis, 115, 115b, 115f HPO (hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy),
posttraumatic lesions, 57, 60f, 61f 153, 155f
Giant cell tumor (GCT), 43 HPT. See Hyperparathyroidism
benign lytic lesions, 15–16, 15f, 16f, 43 Hunter’s syndrome, 154
diagnostic criteria, 15, 16 Hurler’s syndrome, 154, 156f, 157f
eccentric locations, 16 Hyperparathyroidism (HPT), 24–25, 142–146,
FEGNOMASHIC, 8 144f, 145f
NOFs, 16 Brown tumors, 24–25, 24f
malignant, 43 causes, 142–143
in tendons, 211, 211f CPPD, 124
Glenoid fracture, 98f discitis, 146f
Glomus tumor, 28 metabolic bone surveys, 3
Gonadal radiation, lumbar spine, 3 osteonecrosis, 143f
Gorham’s disease, 25 primary, 25, 143–145

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

Index 235

Hyperparathyroidism (Continued) Looser’s fractures

secondary, 25 metabolic bone surveys, 3
SI joint erosion, 145f osteoporosis, 3–4, 143f
subperiosteal bone resorption, 24–25, 146 Lumbar myelograms, 4, 5f
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (HPO), 153, 155f Lumbar spine
Hypophosphatasia, 124 conjoined root, 197f
CT, 194f
disc bulges, 194f
I disc disease, 193–198, 194f, 204f
Idiopathic transient osteoporosis of hip, 162f mimics, 203
Impingement syndrome, 183 renal cell carcinoma, 204f
Infections, benign lytic lesions, 25f sacroiliitis, 204f
Intraosseous ganglion, 28 disc protrusions, 195, 195f
Intraosseous lipoma, 28 end-plate changes, 202–203
free fragments, 196–197, 196f, 197f
gonadal radiation, 3
J imaging protocols, 193
Jefferson’s fractures, 79–80, 80f lateral discs, 197–198, 198f
Joint effusions, arthritis, 131–133, 134f marrow changes, 202f, 203f
teardrop measurements, 133f, 134f MRI, 194f, 195–196
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, 127–128, 129f unnecessary examinations with, 4–5, 5f
postoperative scars, 201, 201f
spondylolisthesis, 3, 202
K spondylolysis, 202, 202f
Kienböck’s malacia, 92, 92f stenosis, 198–200
AVN, 136, 137f central canal, 199–200, 199f
in wrist, 220f facet hypertrophy, 199f
Knees lateral recess, 200, 200f
CPPD in, 123f ligamentum flavum hypertrophy, 199–200, 199f
MRI for neuroforaminal, 200, 200f
ACL, 172, 173f, 174f unnecessary examinations, 3
axial images, 166 with MRI, 4–5, 5f
bowtie signs, 168–170, 170b
bucket tears, 168, 168f, 169f
bursitis, 179, 180f M
chondromalacia, 179, 179f Maffucci’s syndrome, 13–14
contusions, 180, 181f Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). See also Tendons,
coronal images, 165–166 MRI for
discoid meniscus, 170, 170f, 171f ABCs, 22, 23f
FOV, 165 AVN, 135, 153
imaging protocols, 165–166, 166t tendons, 210–211, 210f, 211f
intrasubstance degeneration, 167f bone marrow, 224–225, 225f
ligament of Humphrey, 175–176, 176f sickle cell disease, 225f
ligament of Wrisberg, 174–175, 175f bony abnormalities, 214–216
MCL, 176, 177f dorsal defect of patella, 61f
meniscal cysts, 170–171, 172f elbows, 223–224
meniscal tears, 166–168, 167f extensor tears, 224f
menisci, 166–171, 167f ulnar collateral ligament, 224f
meniscocapsular separation, 176, 177f enchondroma, 13
parrot beak tears, 168–169, 169f of foot and ankle, 206 See also Tendons, MRI for
patella, 177–179, 179f anatomy, 206, 207f
PCL, 172–175, 174f anterolateral impingement, 218f
plica, 179, 179f chronic lateral ankle pain, 216–217, 217b
posterolateral corner, 177, 178f osteomyelitis, 217f
radial tears, 169f stress fractures, 217f
Köhler’s disease, 136, 137f hand and wrist, 219–222
Kummell’s disease, 84, 86f acetabular labrum, 222–223, 223f
AVN, 219, 221f, 222, 223f
carpal tunnel syndrome, 220–221
L De Quervain’s syndrome, 222f
Lateral recess stenosis, 200, 200f FAI, 223, 223f
Legg-Perthes disease, 136 imaging techniques, 219
Lesions. See Benign lytic lesions; “Don’t touch” lesions; intercarpal ligaments, 220, 221f, 222f
Malignant tumors; Occult lesions Kienböck’s malacia, 220f
Ligament of Humphrey, 175–176, 176f pathology, 219–222
Ligament of Wrisberg, 174–175, 175f tendons, 221–222
Ligaments, MRI for, 212–214, 214f, 215f tenosynovitis, 222, 222f
Ligamentum flavum hypertrophy, 199–200, 199f TFC, 219, 220f, 223f
Lipomas, 49 of knee
Lisfranc’s fracture, 108–109, 109f, 127 ACL, 172, 173f, 174f

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236 Index

Magnetic resonance imaging (Continued) Malignant tumors (Continued)

axial images, 166 metastatic disease, 45–46
bowtie signs, 168–170, 170b prostate carcinoma, 47f
bucket tears, 168, 168f, 169f MFH, 43, 44f
bursitis, 179, 180f MRI, 37
chondromalacia, 179, 179f transition zones, 36, 36f
contusions, 180, 181f myeloma, 46–49
coronal images, 165–166 appearances, 46, 48–49
discoid meniscus, 170, 170f, 171f multiple, 47f, 48f
FOV, 165 Paget’s disease, 48–49
imaging protocols, 165–166, 166t plasmacytoma, 49
intrasubstance degeneration, 167f osteosarcoma, 37–39, 37f, 38f
ligament of Humphrey, 175–176, 176f lytic, 38f
ligament of Wrisberg, 174–175, 175f Paget’s disease, 37–39
MCL, 176, 177f parosteal, 39–41, 39f, 41f
meniscal cysts, 170–171, 172f patient age and, 37t
meniscal tears, 166–168, 167f periostitis, 32–35
menisci, 166–171, 167f appearance, 32–33
meniscocapsular separation, 176, 177f benign, 33–35, 34f
parrot beak tears, 168–169, 169f primary lymphoma of bone, 45, 46f
patella, 177–179, 179f transition zones, 35–36
PCL, 172–175, 174f MRI, 36, 36f
plica, 179, 179f narrow, 35–36, 35f
posterolateral corner, 177, 178f permeative patterns, 36f
radial tears, 169f wide, 35–36, 35f
leg fractures, 106, 106f Mallet finger, 87, 88f
of ligaments, 212–214, 214f, 215f Marked osteoporosis, 140f
sinus tarsi syndrome, 213–214, 215f, 216f Mastocytosis, 149–150, 149f
lumbar spine, 4–5, 5f, 194f, 195–196 McCune-Albright syndrome, 9–11
unnecessary examinations with, 4–5, 5f Medial collateral ligament (MCL), MRI for, 176, 177f
malignant tumors, 37 Melorheostosis, 153–154
transition zones, 36, 36f Meniscal cysts, 170–171, 172f
NOFs, 18, 20f Meniscal tears, 166–168, 167f
pelvic fractures, 100f Meniscocapsular separation, 176, 177f
posttraumatic lesions, 55 Metabolic bone disease. See also Hyperparathyroidism
shoulders osteomalacia, 142, 143f, 144f
acromion, 185, 186 osteoporosis, 139–142
anatomy, 182, 183f aggressive, 141, 141f
biceps tendon, 189–190, 189f, 190f causes, 139
bony abnormalities, 185–186 cortical holes, 141f, 142f
Buford complex, 187–189, 189f CT for, 139
coronal images, 182, 183f disuse, 141
FSE, 182 femoral fracture, 140f
glenoid labrum, 170f, 186–189, 187f, 188f, 190f hemangioma, 143f
Hill-Sachs lesion, 186, 187f idiopathic transient osteoporosis of hip, 162f
imaging protocols, 182–183 Looser’s fractures, 3–4, 143f
impingement syndrome, 183 marked, 140f
os acromiale, 186f mild, 140f
Parsonage-Turner syndrome, 191–192, 191f normal mineralization, 140f
partial tears, 185, 186f, 188f permeative processes, 141–142, 142f
quadrilateral space syndrome, 191, 191f prevention strategies, 139
rotator cuff, 183–186 primary, 139
suprascapular nerve entrapment, 190–191 secondary, 139
supraspinatus tendon, 183–184, 184f, 185, 185f osteosclerosis, 146–152
tendinosis, 184f in athletes, 151–152
skull, 1 differential diagnosis, 146–147
synovial osteochondromatosis, 129–131 fluorosis, 152
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH), 43, 44f mastocytosis, 149–150, 149f
Malignant tumors. See also Soft tissue tumors metastatic carcinoma, 149
axis orientation, 35 myelofibrosis, 147–148, 148f
benign compared to, 32–36 osteopetrosis, 148, 148f, 149f
chondrosarcoma, 42–43, 43f Paget’s disease, 150–151, 150f, 151f
diagnostic issues, 42 pyknodysostosis, 148–149, 149f
cortical destruction, 32, 32f renal osteodystrophy, 147
ABCs, 32, 33f sickle cell disease, 147, 147f
CT, 32 thalassemia, 151, 151f
desmoid, 43–45, 45f, 46f Metabolic bone surveys
enchondroma, 42 hyperparathyroidism, 3
Ewing’s sarcoma, 35, 36, 37, 41–42, 41f, 42f Looser’s fractures, 3
differential diagnosis, 41–42 subperiosteal bone resorption, 3, 3f
GCT, 43 unnecessary examinations, 3

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Index 237

Metastatic carcinoma, 149 Osteoblastomas, 18–19, 21f

Metastatic disease, 20–21, 21f ABCs, 19
incidence rates, 20–21 Osteochondral lesion (OCL), 135
renal cell carcinoma, 22f Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), 131f, 135, 136f, 210f
Metastatic bone surveys AVN, 210–211, 210f
occult lesions, 3–4 Osteogenic sarcoma, 56f
radionuclide scans, 3–4 Osteoid osteoma, 157–159, 158f, 160f, 161f
unnecessary examinations, 3–4 CT, 157–158
MFH (malignant fibrous histiocytoma), 43, 44f double-density sign, 159
Mild osteoporosis, 140f etiology, 157
Monostotic fibrous dysplasia, 9, 11f Osteomalacia, 142, 143f, 144f
Monteggia’s fracture, 92–93, 94f Osteomyelitis
MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging of foot and ankle, 217f
Mucopolysaccharidoses, 154 with pyoarthritis, 26f
Hunter’s syndrome, 154 Osteonecrosis, 143f
Hurler’s syndrome, 154, 156f, 157f Osteopathy striata, 159, 161f
Morquio’s syndrome, 154, 156f Osteopetrosis, 148, 148f, 149f
Multiple hereditary exostoses, 156–157, 157f Osteophytosis, 57–58
Morquio’s syndrome, 154, 156f Osteopoikilosis, 68, 68f, 69f, 159, 162f
Muscular dystrophy, 130f Osteoporosis, 139–142
Myelofibrosis, 147–148, 148f aggressive, 141, 141f
Myelograms, lumbar, 4, 5f causes, 139
Myeloma cortical holes, 141f, 142f
benign lytic lesions, 21 CT for, 139
malignant, 46–49 disuse, 141
appearances, 46, 48–49 femoral fracture, 140f
multiple, 47f, 48f hemangioma, 143f
Paget’s disease, 48–49 idiopathic transient osteoporosis of hip, 162f
plasmacytoma, 49 Looser’s fractures, 3–4, 143f
Myositis ossificans marked, 140f
parosteal osteosarcoma, 40f mild, 140f
posttraumatic lesions, 55, 55f, 56f, 57f normal mineralization, 140f
permeative processes, 141–142, 142f
prevention strategies, 139
N primary, 139
Neurofibroma, 28 secondary, 139
Neuroforaminal stenosis, 200, 200f Osteosarcoma, parosteal, 39–41, 39f, 41f
New England Journal of Medicine, 1 cortical desmoid, 40f
Nonossifying fibromas (NOFs) locations, 40
benign lesions, 68–70, 69f, 70f, 71f myositis ossificans, 40f
benign lytic lesions, 17–18, 17f, 19f Osteosclerosis, 146–152
age factors, 18 in athletes, 151–152
CT scans, 18 differential diagnosis, 146–147
healing, 18f fluorosis, 152
MRI, 18, 20f mastocytosis, 149–150, 149f
GCT, 16 metastatic carcinoma, 149
healing, 18f, 29f myelofibrosis, 147–148, 148f
resolving, 31f osteopetrosis, 148, 148f, 149f
Paget’s disease, 150–151, 150f, 151f
pyknodysostosis, 148–149, 149f
O renal osteodystrophy, 147
Occult lesions, metastatic bone surveys, 3–4 sickle cell disease, 147, 147f
OCD. See Osteochondritis dissecans thalassemia, 151, 151f
OCL (osteochondral lesion), 135 Ottawa ankle rules, 4
OIlier’s disease, 13–14, 13f
Ollier’s disease, 13f
Os acromiale, 186f P
Os odontoideum, 65–68, 67f Pachydermoperiostosis, 159, 162f
Osgood-Schlatter disease, 136 Paget’s disease
Ossifying fibroma, 28 malignant myeloma, 48–49
Osteoarthritis osteosarcoma, 37–39
DISH, 112–113, 113f osteosclerosis, 150–151, 150f, 151f
geodes, 115, 115b, 115f Painful bone marrow edema, 159, 162f, 163f
joint space narrowing, 112 Paralysis, 127–128
letter joints, 114, 114b Parosteal osteosarcoma, 39–41, 39f, 41f
primary, 113–114, 113f cortical desmoid, 40f
lack of bilateral symmetry, 114f locations, 40
secondary, 113 myositis ossificans, 40f
in shoulder, 112f Parrot beak tears, 168–169, 169f
SI joints, 102f, 114f Parsonage-Turner syndrome, 191–192, 191f
subchondral cysts, 115, 115b, 115f Patella, 177–179, 179f

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238 Index

PCL (posterior cruciate ligament), MRI for, 172–175, 174f Rib, unnecessary examinations, 2
Periostitis, 8–9, 13 Rogers, Lee, 76, 92–93
benign, 33–35, 34f Rolando’s fracture, 85, 87f
malignant tumors, 32–35 Rotator cuff, 183–186
appearance, 32–33 Rotatory fixation of atlantoaxial joint, 80, 81f
Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS), 49–50, 51f
arthritis, 131, 131f, 132f
Pitt, Michael, 74 S
Pitt’s pit Sacral insufficiency fractures, 63, 64f
benign lesions, 74, 74f Sacroiliac (SI) joints
FAI, 74 arthritis, 111, 112t
Plasma cell granuloma, 28 HPT, 145f
Plasmacytoma, 21f, 49 osteoarthritis, 102f, 114f
Plastic bowing deformity of forearm, 92, 93f Sacroiliitis, 204f
Plica, 179, 179f Sarcoidosis, 124–126, 127f, 159, 163f
Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, 9–11 Scheuermann’s disease, 136, 138f
Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), MRI for, 172–175, 174f Schwannomas, 28, 53f
Posttraumatic lesions, 55–63 Seat belt fracture, 81, 83f
avulsion injuries, 56, 57f, 58f Secondary osteoarthritis, 113
cortical desmoid, 56–57, 58f, 59f Secondary osteoporosis, 139
CT scans, 55 Shoulders
fractures, 58, 62f AVN, 135f
geodes, 57, 60f, 61f MRI
MRI, 55 acromion, 185, 186
myositis ossificans, 55, 55f, 56f, 57f anatomy, 182, 183f
os odontoideum, 65–68, 67f biceps tendon, 189–190, 189f, 190f
osteogenic sarcoma, 56f bony abnormalities, 185–186
osteophytosis, 57–58 Buford complex, 187–189, 189f
pseudocyst of humerus, 66f coronal images, 182, 183f
pseudodislocation of shoulder, 62f, 63f FSE, 182
from trauma, 57 glenoid labrum, 170f, 186–189, 187f, 188f, 190f
Primary lymphoma of bone, 45, 46f Hill-Sachs lesion, 186, 187f
Primary osteoarthritis, 113–114, 113f, 114f imaging protocols, 182–183
Primary osteoporosis, 139 impingement syndrome, 183
Pseudo-Bennett’s fracture, 85 os acromiale, 186f
Pseudo-Charcot joint, 125f, 126–127, 128f, 129f Parsonage-Turner syndrome, 191–192, 191f
Pseudocyst of calcaneus, 72f partial tears, 185, 186f, 188f
Pseudocyst of humerus, 66f quadrilateral space syndrome, 191, 191f
Pseudogout. See Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal rotator cuff, 183–186
deposition disease suprascapular nerve entrapment, 190–191
Pseudotumor of hemophilia, 28 supraspinatus tendon, 183–184, 184f, 185, 185f
Psoriatic arthritis, 118, 118f, 119, 119f, 120f tendinosis, 184f
CT, 120f osteoarthritis, 112f
PVNS. See Pigmented villonodular synovitis rheumatoid arthritis, 117b, 117f
Pyknodysostosis, 148–149, 149f SI joints. See Sacroiliac joints
Pyoarthritis, 26f Sickle cell disease, 147, 147f
MRI, 225f
Q CT scan, 2
Quadrilateral space syndrome, 191, 191f sinusitis, 1–2
unnecessary examinations, 1–2
Waters’ view, 2f
R Sinus tarsi syndrome, 213–214, 215f, 216f
Radial tears, 169f Skull
Radiology, 1 CT scan, 1
The Radiology of Emergency Medicine (Harris and fracture, 2f
Harris), 76 MRI, 1
Radiology of Skeletal Trauma (Rogers), 76 unnecessary examinations, 1
Radionuclide scans, metastatic bone surveys, 3–4 SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus), 124
Reiter’s syndrome, 117, 118, 119, 121, 121f Slipped capital femoral epiphysis, 163, 164f
Renal cell carcinoma, 22f Smith’s fracture, 81, 92, 93f
disc disease, 204f Soft tissue tumors, 49–54
Renal osteodystrophy, 147 atypical synovial cysts, 52f
Resnick, Don, 111 Baker’s cysts, 50–52
Rheumatoid arthritis, 115, 115b, 116f hemangiomas, 50, 51f
CPPD, 115 hematomas, 35f, 52–53
of hip, 116f hemorrhagic cysts, 41f
juvenile, 127–128, 129f misdiagnosis of, 52–53
migration routes, 116f PVNS, 49–50, 51f
secondary degenerative disease, 117f schwannomas, 28, 53f
of shoulder, 117b, 117f synovial osteochondromatosis, 49–50, 50f

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Index 239

Soft tissue tumors (Continued) Tendons, MRI for (Continued)

tumefactive synovial osteochondromatosis, 50–51f giant cell, 211, 211f
Solitary bone cysts, 23, 23f, 24f tarsal tunnel syndrome, 212, 212f
Spine. See also Fractures in wrist, 221–222
C-spine Tenosynovitis, 222, 222f
ligamentous disruption, 5–6 TFC (triangular fibrocartilage), 219, 220f, 223f
normal C1-2, 78f Thalassemia, 151, 151f
unnecessary examinations, 5–6 Tibial fractures, 105f, 106–108, 108f
normal view, 78f Tietze’s syndrome, 59–63
trauma, 76–85 Toulouse-Lautrec syndrome, 148–149, 149f
C1-2 dislocation, 79f Transscaphoid fracture, 89
C7, 76–77, 77f Trauma. See also Arm, trauma to; Fractures; Hand and
C-spine examination, 76–79 wrist, trauma to
CT, 76 ankle after, 4f
disc spaces, 79 ankylosing spondylitis, 84–85, 86f
prevertebral soft tissue, 76–77 DISH, 84–85
spinolaminal line, 77 Kummell’s disease, 84, 86f
Spondylolisthesis mallet finger, 87, 88f
lumbar spine, 3, 202 posttraumatic lesions from, 57
treatment, 3 rotatory fixation of atlantoaxial joint, 80, 81f
Spondylolysis, 81–84, 84f, 85f spine, 76–85
lumbar spine, 202, 202f C1-2 dislocation, 79f
Spondylolisthesis, 84, 85f C7, 76–77, 77f
Stenosis, 198–200 C-spine examination, 76–79
central canal, 199–200, 199f CT, 76
facet hypertrophy, 199f disc spaces, 79
lateral recess, 200, 200f prevertebral soft tissue, 76–77
ligamentum flavum hypertrophy, 199–200, 199f spinolaminal line, 77
neuroforaminal, 200, 200f spondylolysis, 81–84, 84f, 85f
Subchondral cysts, 115, 115b, 115f spondylolisthesis, 84, 85f
Subperiosteal bone resorption, 3, 3f, 24–25 suspicion index, 55
hyperparathyroidism, 24–25, 146 Triangular fibrocartilage (TFC), 219, 220f, 223f
Sudeck’s atrophy, 131, 132f Triquetral fracture, 92, 92f
Supraacetabular insufficiency fractures, 63, 64f Tumefactive synovial osteochondromatosis, 50–51f
Suprascapular nerve entrapment, 190–191 Tumors. See also Benign tumors; Malignant tumors
Swischuk, Leonard, 133 tendons, MRI for, 211–212
Symphysis pubis, 99–101, 101f, 102f anomalous muscles, 212, 213f
Syndesmophytes, 117–118, 118f bone cysts, 212f
Synovial osteochondromatosis, 49–50, 50f, 128–131 giant cell, 211, 211f
without calcification, 131f tarsal tunnel syndrome, 212, 212f
development, 128–129
MRI, 129–131
muscular dystrophy, 130f U
presentation, 129–131 Unicameral bone cysts, 8, 70–71, 72f
Synovial sarcomas, 49–50 Unilateral locked facets fracture, 80–81, 82f, 83f
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 124, 125f Unnecessary examinations
ankle, 4
coccyx, 2–3
T C-spine, 5–6
Tarsal tunnel syndrome, 212, 212f lumbar myelograms, 4
Tendinosis, 184f, 206 lumbar spine, 3
Tendons, MRI for, 208 with MRI, 4–5, 5f
Achilles, 206–207, 207f medicolegal considerations, 1
AVN, 210–211, 211f metabolic bone surveys, 3
OCD, 210–211, 210f metastatic bone surveys, 3–4
FHL, 208, 209f rib, 2
peroneal, 208–210, 210f sinus, 1–2
posterior tibial, 207–208, 208f, 209f skull series, 1
spring ligament, 209f technical considerations, 6
tendinosis, 184f, 206
tenosynovitis, 206
tumors, 211–212 W
anomalous muscles, 212, 213f Wilson’s disease, 124
bone cysts, 212f Wrist. See Hand and wrist

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