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The review content is in Chapter 3 (part 1 & 2) and chapter 4. Main content as follow:

Chapter 3 slide (<-> Chapter 8 textbook)

Part 1: Design a Custom-design (ASIC) by ASM and FSMD model
• ASM chart: State-based (Moore) chart, Input-based (Mealy) chart
• FSMD or State-action table for the design
• Decide necessary components in Data path
• Derive necessary equations (Flip-lop inputs equations, outputs equations) of Control Unit
• Draw logic schematic (including Data path and Control Unit)
* Students know how to design the Data path and Control Unit for a problem/specific purpose.
Part 2: Design optimization (Data path optimization)
• Register sharing (Variable merging)
- Left-edge algorithm
- Graph-partitioning algorithm
• Functional-unit sharing (Operator merging):
- Know how to design a circuit for an operator (simple functional units/library
- Know how to design a shared circuit to combine many operators (complex
functional units/library components)

Chapter 4 slide (<-> Chapter 9 textbook)

• Design the instruction set for a given specific processor. Understand the instruction set
in terms of:
- Instruction type
- Instruction format
+ Three-address instructions
+ Two-address instructions
+ One-address instructions and ACC
- Addressing mode
+ Immediate, Direct/ Indirect, Relative, Indexed

• Difference between the Instruction set of CISC and RISC

• Understand ASM and Data path of the CISC and RISC processor


Exercises: all the exercises and problems you have done in the homeworks.

In the exam: Students are only allowed to use 3 papers A4 (correspondingly 6 pages A4).

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