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~cmm Olnm~u 1,WNl\All\lN
lnf>phinq \t,lln\J Mlnrh
I! \~UI 0 1Vli1f ,1t1ti Hull Nf'l,:

Through Km)wlrd\Jc' Olv1npl{\<:h

fhnn: IIH , '

CLASS /7 Techfssf
· 11r11on1uny


OLYMPIAD 2018~19

Guidelil'\es for the Candidate

I, You will \J~' ntlditiorn.,l tt1n mlnutos to lill Ltp lnfomwtlon Dllout Y()t;t-so11 on tliu OtvlFl Sl)o~t.

2. ~~~:~:~~~: : : ::,: , ~:~

)::~'~odo, c1at~ s1ctt!)n~tR{i[N~.-~~~~~~blle.Nu1i,ber c1ool'ly
011 tho OMR Sh&et uncl do not forget to sign lt:W& will shl\rt ~ ur mnrl---s I result Oil you .
molJHo numoor. ·•· . · '.• ·,.'
3, Tho Quostlon Poper comprises th,~
~~·.'•\,.,,1· •
~ tions:
fl> · · · ;
•~, :~.}o,I '\,_, I • . \'.

Logical Reasoning (1O Questlot)S), Selina (35 01.t&sllons) !lnd,Achl1versiS1ctlon

(5 Oltt:Stlons) , , • {" . , · )~.~:· _,.,~
Ench quostion u, Ach1evors Section caffies S marks, wli s all otne~ q1.1&stlons coiTY orie
mmk ooch, ·..
. ,,..;.,..:,.:ti
>'~ ,,. 1

4. All qunstions mo comp1.1lso1y, il'he~. Is no n~atNi ma~lng, Use o

permittod, ,.. ,
5, n1ere is on~1 ONEcorrect answ-. Ctioose only ONE ~tlonfot an ans
G. To mnrk your choice of answers Dy tl&*IDQ tne cll'Qles on·tne O ft Slieet, use HB '-•ncll
or Blue / Black boll point pen only. E.g.
Q, t6: In ttio water cyclef conctensatlon Is tlie P.rOcess .of ·""'

: : : :~: 1:,; ~~\:~~;~,..,.·~-

-~: :~:;~~~.. Into a liquid ,rtJ1'.

As the correct ,'answer

con-esµonding to
c. Liquid cooling down a11d ttirning into lee
·,'.~'pl· i»-..-.
D. Uq1.1id worming llP and tlirnit'lg Into water ~ r
. ~ ,..';'~.
ls'option A, you must da~tht circle
A~nth~ OMR Sheet.
7, ROl1gh work shottldj~.d~Q\~}-~t~e blanK s~ce ~ ijldeo ln ttie oooklet.
8. Retum the OMR Sheet' to the invigilator at tlie encl of the ~ '8m,
....is .; lM·· s.~ce provi~
9. Please m1 in \'Otir pef,.,nal rui1··0 .-~.,90 li~foit .o\iemµting 111
, 0,
For classes 8,
l •·, ,'
. ~~- ~~tjt1:. < ..
9 &'10. /nnovatlon Chalteiigi• ls liilng conciuctecfb1 Techfest ,
Bombay In association with SOF. For detalls.artd. to ~rticipate, please·
page. ~ .. .. J?>:~":'~:-~' . _., ft tum,, to /a

, :·~ ~:- \ ,:~f"'· _'.;: 'j:K , , ,i


111 1l 1l· g1 vn1 11111 11 hcr .~cm·:-. . li(l w 111:t 11y 11's ,m: Ili c re
\\ 1l 1r l1 :11\: 1111111cd1 :i 1t;ly prn :cdcd hy II pr i1m· 1111111hn t,
~ J' ··· (~
' . 9
h11 1 nut 111111 1l,'1l,:i1cly lollowcd hy :i pnnH; 111 1111hcr'! .

(,,1 , ,, I 5,l '.2{1cl I X,l :j l)~i.JX ,14 X21<4S •I X7•1<11l .1 'lZ
.,, ,,,_.,
I\ (1 l'. H ~:
11 11111 l·n 1ni11 c11dL· ln11gwq ;1· '( il.·. l{M /\NY ' 1:, w11ll \.:1t 11s
·.pt IHl)Sll' , liiL'll lt nw will ')H~IT/\IN ' hL: WI ill c ll 111 1l1;i l
cod t: l:111 gua gL··1 t; --o~
/\ . l·WXY1/,MN IY, WNXYI.MI. "---~ '
f: 1·1·1.Y l>l) Nl) ~ };_~I .Yl>N()
X. Sek el 1hc corrcc l conil1111;1L1011 of 111:11l 1c.: 11 1;it 1cal ., 1~,11
\. Wl1a1 1s lhe 111i11 i11111111 11 u111h cr ol d1 ITe ri. : 111 colo1 1rs
requ 1rl'd 111 pai111 Ill e li g11rc give n helow such 1li;i1 1w 10 he pill 11 1 ord l' r tn n,; pla ce "' 111 rl1 c ~'.1ve11 <.: qu:ir 1rin
lwo :1djan:111 n:g1 011 s have th e s:i 111e colour'! to h:il :111cc 11
" }r- 2 • 4 "' 3 • 4 "' 9
ty. I,
I~ I ,

(' I>

,, Sc:lc.:c l 1hc ligurc fro rn 1l1 c opl 1<JJ I'> llial would c<i1r1r l<.:I L·
Ill e g1vc11 ligun.: 11 w1rix

H. 4 (' 5 I), ,,

4. I lo w rna ny lcllcrs ol'lhc wo rd ' R/\IMl :NT' wi ll n.:11 1:i in

at same position whrn lhc lcll cr~ an; a~·;111gi.:d 111 lhe
alphabet ica l order'! ·~·7
/\ . Zero H. Three Y, One r'·wo ')

5. Select 1hc correel mirror image ol'the given co111binatio11

oflcllers. symbo ls and numbers, if th e mirror is placed
verticall y lo th e rig ht. CZ..>-
BI \ N I O 3 7 & II$ I() N \/1 O J 4~ \-1.,)
I\ . v1 0 I?. ii :J.) l [ 0 I EN H /io. Stud y rh e 1111'ormat 1on give n helow to an -,wer rli
_,.,...fr. v10 I ;f, \\ Y.) 1 f. 0 I v1 :I fl ·
°' t G~ ll >llo w111 g question ·
y v1 0 I\ I ?. :J.; 1 [ 0 I EN H .-\ ~~ \ G~ (1) Six pl ;1ys /\ , B, C. D, E and 1: are to he organ1 d
f) . v1 0 \\ I ;f, Y) v1 '.· I [ 0 I 7 H / \ '-1-- - '-'\~. !·'.·0111 Mo11da y to Sa turda y, oni.: play 011 each da)
\There /
1s a defin ite rclat ionsh i1) between the numbers
~I 11) I here arc lwo pla ys bet ween C and I) and one rla \
. -
between /\ and ( .
011 either si de of ::. Establish 1hc sam e re lat ion on the (" , , . .
-ril fi\ 111 ) 11ierc 1s on_1y one P_1ay hetween I· and La nd I · 1,
v. ~_1~
rig ht side and find the missing number. r-1
to be organ ised before I-'.

/\ . 5 14
14 : 182 :: 23 : _ '/_
H. 50 1

A square tran sparent sheet w1l

C. 5 10 D. 506
· 11 a pattern anc1 a (1olle< 1
\ '-.A
,,.; ~v
' /'fr
(iv) IJ is lo be orga nised before /\ , not ne ce,~a rily
immed iate ly.
(v) The orga nisa tion docs not start wrth B.
line on it is give n. Se lect a fi gure from the options as The orgn isat ion wo uld start from wh ic h pl ay·,
to how the pattern would appear when the transparent ~ /\ . A B. F
sheel is folded along th e dotted line. C. D D. Cannot he de1cn n1 ned

. fl.,

1 I
11 . /\ vess el conta ins oil (dens ity 0.8 g cm ) over mercury A . 12. 8 g cm
(den si Iy I J .(1 g cm 1>, /\ homogeneous sphere ll oals I
'} 7.2 g cm
with half vo lum e immersed in mercury and the other C. 1
6.4 g cm
hall' in oil. The den si ty of'thc materia l ol'the sphere is 1
D. 3.3 g cm

-..nm~--------------------------- sVi: I NSO I Class-91 Se l-C I Level 1 -

12. A stone weighs I00 N 011 th(.) surfacc of th!.! earth , The IJ, llu!li Hluk111 c11t N I :illd 2 :11 1· 11 11•· li\tf :.1:11 r 11 11.:11 I ? 1/i
ratio or its weight at a height ol' half the radius ol'the not the u1rn:cl cx pl unatic111 or ii t11k11H·111 I .
earth to its weight at a depth of hair the radius or the C. Stutcmcnt I is true nnd st.:1l '-· 111 t:11 l ? i~, /;i lt,1:
earth will be approxi111atl:ly f ). Boll, stat0111c11l s I and 2 arc lalhc.

A. 3.6 B. 2.2 C. 1.8 D. 0.9 17. Suppose a new pl and is di sc:ovc rcd, which re vol vc ~
around tlte S11n (i.e., it is a part or our tHi lar syst<.: 111)
lJ . Two bodies P and Q, havi11g masses M,, and M
. 1 • (/ If its orbit lies be!wec11 Sa t11rn .ind Jupil er, it s t11rn:
respective y, exert forces on each other und have 110
other forces acting on them . The force acting on P period of' revolution wou ld he
is F, which gives P an acceleration a. Which or the A. Less thun that of' Jupiter
following options is correct? ll . Mo1·c than that of' Jupiter
C. Equal to that of Jupiter or Saturn
Magnitude of Magnitude ol'
D. More than that of Saturn.
force on Q acceleration on Q
18. Which of the l'ollowing 8lalcmen ts arc correct'!
a J:
a (/ ,1- jJ )
100N I. It is easier to rol I than to slide some 11<.:a vy objec:ts
ov<.:r another fixed object.
B. M,, F
w II. If there is less fridion betw<.:cn the car tyres and

-~V~ 0

M,, a
(/J :'j //)✓
tiOP..- ,
road, then thc car can move forward vcry smoothly
without skidding.
Ill. Friction helps a person to climb a tree or c1 pole .
IV. Friction helps us to light a matchstick.
V. Ball bearings arc designed to increase frictio n
\ l) /4r A p; rticle i; moving in a straight line witl~ i; i~al between moving parts of mach ines.
\l,,Y velocity u and uniform acceleration a. If the sum of A. I and II only 13. II and 111 only
the distances travelled in 111' and (t + I)' 1' seconds is O C.
111 ,:..'fV and V only D. I, Ill and IV only
I 00 cm, then its velocity after t seconds in cm s is I
~ -
A. 20 B. 30 c. 50 D. 80 \{:,..<).. 19. Shweta observes lightning in her area . She hea rs thc
so und 4 s after she observed lightning . How far is
15 . The figure sho~s ~ress~re \P) variation i1~ two dif~e~ent X q V> she from the place where lightning occurs if spccd or
sound waves m air with time (I) at a given position. vl. so und in air is 330 m s ? 1

Both the figures are drawn to the same scale. \{.,..,.,\-;\I oJ-- .
A. I .32 km B. 2.55 km c. 1.92 km D. o.66 km
p ~7--

~i,2: ~:o: :i:; :i~~~s,:1;,: ~


"+++++-1++!-I++++-~_-✓ s-~_ 8_c_m_ ....,~ IP cin

~ plane mirror. The reflected
L,l) .,..
O ray S' is detected 2 cm
Wave I \0 ...\- \ 0 from the mirror at a vertical cin
Wave II Jv1 7.:
.... ri..,o r- di splacement of 12 cm . The
S'• 2
Which of the following statements is true? '\J .,- ~ O point of reflection is at a di stance of
A. Wave I has lower frequency and smaller ampl itude rA~ri,,/ (Figure is not drawn to scale)
compared to wave II. / A. 6.0 cm from P B. 9.6 cm from P
B. Wave I has higher frequency and greater amplitude C. 3.4 cm from Q D. 3.6 cm from Q
cotnpared to wave II. ----- -
21 . Consider the given cases.
C. Wave I has shorter wavelength and greater amplitude
compared to wave II. I. A ball moves vertically upwards after being thrown
by Rahul.
D. Wave I has shorter wavelength and smaller amplitude
II. The ball fa lls vertically downwards after reaching
compared to wave II.
the max imum height.
16. Read the given statements and select the correct option. Name the force s responsible for the motion of ball in
Statement I : Waves produced by a motor boat sailing the two cases.
in water are both longitudinal and transverse waves. II
Statement 2 : The longitudinal and transverse waves A. Muscular force No fo rce
cannot be produced simultaneously. B. Muscular force Gravitational fo rce
A. Both statements I and 2 are true and statement 2 C. Frictional force No force
is the correct explanation of statement I. D. Frictional force Gravi tati onal force

- NSO I Class-9I Set-CI Level 11 sOF-------------------------~P-..1--

Ma_tch Column 1 with Column I ,
option from the . I anc.J select the correct
g iven codes. 26.
Column f Becna took pieces of different fibres 1·k
P. Richter scale -) pColumn H rayon, po Iyester. ny lon and silk ·111d b' e cotton
I ' '·,c ,-·1
, on.
• . , ' t icm O
1 urnt nc by

Q W 1 one Wit 1 a burn111g matchstick A r.t . I
. aves ( "•) rotect house I
R . . 11 Seismograph t 1e correct observations is/a rc • 11c1 t ic ex.per· ·
· Lightning rod ···) E
111 arthquake I. Acrilon burns vigorously with no be· I fi . .
S . Charge - - . If NYJon an d polyester burn slow ly ·uidac. .0Jfllat,un
. . (iv) E lectroscope · 10 11n bcads ·
A. P-('.!, Q-(iv), R-(ii), S -(iii) 111 S ilk
· burns slowly wi.th a smell o fbun1
. ,· , t·, .
B . P-( 11 ) , Q-(iii), R-(iv). S-(i) IV. Cotton and rayon burn with a smell ofb ng .Cathers.'.
C. P-(iii), Q-(ii), R-(i), S -(iv) A
. I and IV only
urning h·ur
8 . 11 and /fl only ' .
D . P-(iii), Q-(i), R -(ii), S-(iv) C. IV only D. 1. II, 1/ I and /V
23 . 27.
A solid 'X' was heated b . . Match column I wi th column // a nd select the c- - -
The hot Ii . a eyond Its melting point. • from the gi. ven codes.
option orrcct
I I quid at 120 C was then allowed to cool
s_ow t The temperature was recorded at
time 1nterv I .1 .
regu ar
Column I
P. Butter Column II
fi ) Foam
a s unt1 It was cooled to 2soc Tl
followmg cooling curve was obtained. . le
Face cream
R. Milk of magnesia
ii) Aerosol
(iii) Ge/
Gl20 S.
Sponge (iv) Emu lsion
T. Automobile exhaust J (v) Sol
e.__ 90 (i)
::, (ii) A. P - (iii), Q -(iv), R -(v), S - (ii), T -(i)

.,., 60 8. P - (iii), Q - (iv), R - (v), S -(i), T -(ii)
i::: C. P - (iv), Q - (iii), R -(v), S -(ii), T - (i)
~ 30 (iii)
D. P-(ii), Q-(ii i), R - (i), S - (iv), T - (v)
-;,O;--- - - - - -- Time (m in) 28.
In an experiment, 50 kg o f a fuel was completely
Study the curve carefu lly and burnt. The heat produced was measured to be / 50,000 J.
statement(s). select the correct The calorific valu e of the fuel is
I. A. 3 kca l!g B . I 50,000 J
The freezing point of 'X' is 60°C.
C. 3000 kl/kg D. 3 kJ!kg
II. Ia part (iii) of the curve, 'X' exists in liquid state. 29.
m. When 'X' is heated beyond l20°C, the particles of Read the given statements and select the correct option.
'X' will Jose heat energy and contraction of liquid Sta tement I : In Rutherford 's gold foi l experiment,
'X' will take place. very few a -particles are deflected back .
IV Statement 2 : Nucleus is the heavy body present in
ln part (i) of the curve. particles of 'X' have higher the centre of the atom.
kinetic energy than that of the particles in parts (ii)
and (iii) of the curve. A. Both statements I and 2 are true and statement 2
A . II and III only is the correct explanation of sta tement I.
B . I and IV only B. Both statements / and 2 are true but statemen t 2 is
C. fTI only D. 1, II, IfI and IV not the correct explanation of statement / .
24. Read the following statements and select the correct C. Statement I is true and statement 2 is fa lse.
ones. · D . Both sta tements I and 2 arc fa lse.
I. Coal , petroleum and natural gas arc called fossil 30. Ritwik was given four inflammable subs tances P, Q,
fuels. R and S. He was asked to handover them to Ramesh
\. \
II. Coal and natural gas are two exhaustible resources.
7 ·t) who was the resident of a hot area (temperature, 46°C) .
III. Coke is used in the manufacture of steel. ~~ 0 0 Ritwik collected the data about the substances as shown
in the table. Which substances Ritwik should not carry
IV. Fossil fuels are present in limited quantity. ~j \O to the hot area where Ra mes h lives?
A. I and II only 8 . I and IV only ;1/
Substance Ignition temperature
C. I , II and ill only D . I, II, III and IV
p 40°c
25. Arrange the given substances (I-IV) in the increasing Q 38°C
order of their m ass in grams . R s2°c
I. 2 x 1023 atoms of carbon s s9°c
II. 2 g a toms of oxygen A. P and Q B. R a nd S
m. 25 g o f iron C. P and S D. P, Q and S
IV 22 .4 L of carbon diox ide a t STP
A. IV < III < II < J B . I < JJ1 < II < IV
3 I. Rag hav, a c lass 9 stude n t has l is ted down a frw
properties of three substances W, X and Y in the g ive n
C. JIJ < I < IV < 11 D . II < N < I < Ill
ta ble.

---1■1-------------------------------- sQf I NS O / Class-9 I Set-CI Level 1 -
- Property w X }"
-- ~1-1,l.--:,, take p;trl in :-:l1lr;1gc
They pn)\·idc co l1Hir
Particle size > 100 nm - to plnnt parts Ill l,1- 1; 11,d, <'.,t: .. :1111yll'l'lns1,
Nature - Heterogeneous altract pollinators (c:irholtydr:ilcs).
Tyndall effect Shows - and disscminators. clniC1pla sts (lip ids).
Docs not ak uroplasts um,1ci~s) .
show A__-1
L l -a1-,c-l -ll_l _o_n_ly- - - -l:-: ll a~t~I \i unly
Separation by - Not possible -
C. 1, II and Ill only ,o-_
.,,. 111. IV and \' only
ordinary fi lter
paper .
34. The given •
figures , . or·simi,k 11crn1anc11 1
represent t ypcs
Substances w; X and Y could be respectively tissues. Identi fy them :rnd sckcl th c co rrec t op! 1011
A. Lime water, milk and brine regarding them.
B. Soda water, curd and mist
c. Glass, milk and paint
D. Cod liver oil, jelly and vinegar.

32. Sample pieces of five metals. P. Q, R. S and r are

added to the given solutions separately. The results
observed are shown in the given table :
X }'
A. X provides rigidity to plant parts whereas r helps
Metal FeS04 CuS04 ZnS04 AgN03 Al2(S04)3 in conduction of nutrients.
p No No No Silver No B. X provides protective covering around nuts whereas
change change change deposit change Y serves as packing tissue.
Q Greyish Brown No Silver No C. X helps to store waste products whereas Y provides
black deposit change deposit change buoyancy to aquatic plants.
deposit D. X acts as water storage tissue whereas }' helps plant
R No No No No No parts to resist tearing effect of wind.
change change change change
35. Study the fo llowing features I-IV and identify the
s No Brown No ? No
animal on their basis and select the correct option.
change deposit change change
I. Heart two chambered
T ? Brown Grey Silver No
II. Oviparous
deposit deposit deposit change
111 . Skin covered with scales
Which of the foll owing statements is incorrect?
IV. Respire through gills
A. Among the given metals, metal T is most reactive
while metal R is least reactive.
A. B.
B. If metal T is added to FeSO 4 solution, reaction will
take place.
C. The correct order of the reactivity is
T > Q > S > P > R.
D. If metal Sis added to AgNO 3 solution, no reaction
will take place.
33. Refer to the given table of differences and select the
correct option. 36. Read the followi ng statements carefully.
Leucop lasts Chromoplasts (i) BCG is a triple vaccine, effective against tuberculosis,
They are coloured typhoid and malaria.
I. They are colourless
plastids. plastids. (ii) Malaria is transmitted by both male and female
Anopheles mosquitoes.
IT. They are irregular in They are cylindrical or
round in shape. (i ii) Chronic diseases arc characterised by drastic long-
tenn effects.
m. They are usually They are usually found
(iv) Antibiotics inhibit the bacterial growth by blocking
found in unexposed in exposed cells.
their biochemical pathways.
cells. Whi ch two of the above statements arc correct?
IV. They do not They can transform into
A. (i) and (iii) only B. (ii) and (iii) only
transform into other other types of plastids.
C. (iii) and (iv) only D. (ii) and (iv) only
types of plastids.

NSO I Class-9 I Set-CI Level 1 I sQF D -

3i . Refer to the g1Ycn statemrnts and :-dl·ct the op1111n ➔ I Sckct thl'. e,,rrl:ctly m.itchcd pair.
that correctly fills hlanb in them. nisl'llSl' Mode of transmission
l. Suspended particubtt· m.lltl'r m .m ts ab,1 known I. AIDS Unprotected ~ex
---- 11. I lcpatit1s ll Cllnlaminatcd fo(ld
11. Smog c0ntam5 l):-;ides l,f tlltf\)gcn and _____ Direct conlal'I
11 1. Malnria
II 1. ____ \o,,·cr.- amount ,,r O'.\yg..:n entcrmg ,,ur ll 1 and II onl y
A. I only
blood and ab,) ~l,),,·s dlm11 our n:tll'Xl'S. D. I and Ill nnly
C. II and 111 only
II Ill
..\ . .-\ Cf\.)Slll H~ Jn.x·.1rb{1ns Carhon nwt1\l'.\tde -t2 . Unil'cl lular algae .\' and l' of the same spcc1i.:" wm:
.-\ aosol Sulphur C:1r~1n di,1-.:tdt· tah·n nnd experi111en1all y chloroplasts were rcmnved
~ ' from cell X. f\ Iler some time, they hoth were kepi 111
C CFCs l h droi:arhl1ns C'arhl,n diLl\ldl'
D CFC~ Sulphur Carbon 1110110:--idc hright sun light for few hours and then iodine test was
--- --- rerfurmcd on thl'm. What wil l he the rc"ulr'!
Refer !L) th.: g.1, cn fig url's Lll m.1k :rnd frm.1k i\. Both .\' and Y will turn hlue-hlack.
rcpr,idul'.tiw ::-~ stems. 13. Cell X will turn blue-black.
C. Cell l' will turn blue-blac~.
D. Both.\' and r \\ ill remain a~ they originall y wen.:

➔ .~ . Identify the parts labe lled as

P-S in the given fi g ure and r- --,
sc lc ct the correct statement
Sdcct the mcom:..:t optwn rl·ga rd111g thL·m regarding them. 11
.-\. P .mdS :i.re the pnmary Sl''\ ,1rga1b present rn fem.tic ~ ,\. Pis atcndoo which is fonncd ,J/_I '
..ind nuk--s. rl"5pcctin:ly of yellow elastic fihn:s --- ~ 5
8 . r ,, .in <'rgan 1ha1 dcpo,1t~ , p,·m1, rnt,1 Q Llf 1hc B. Q is a bone havi ng malnx ~- -
f..-m.:ik~ entirely made of' orga111c mailer.
C R "the ~lit',, here Ju.smn of male Jrtd frmak l_!Jmete, C R is a muscle that shows alternate hghl anJ dark
u.i..~ plaa striations and helps in voluntary movemL·nl
D T rck::t\n content of both S .md l. . D. S is a ligament whid1 is formed of white fibrous
RejJ the tncn ~t-11cment~ ;md , elect the .:or1cct opt1un tissue.
-..121emen1 I : E\fc:n:.I\C u~c: of fossil fui:b posses:-c~
dll.::l problem. 11 rnm!J:-,e,- Jtr pollutwn and dcpkti.:s -l-l. Refer to the given statements ;111d scln:1 the opt Hlil
fud re-:,0ura~
that correctly fill s lhi.: hlanks 111 any two of 1hc111.

Staltmtnr 1 : ( ombus11on oi fo:.,1I fud~ rc:lc:a,c'> Med1anical method of sowing invol ves the u~e of
o,:de<i of nnro~cn and '>Ulphur. which con~cqucntly a
1.JU!>(' acid ra1r; and ,mog. II Bhghl of potato is a __ disease.
:\ &1th -:~tt.-mcm-. ! .ind 2 ,He: true: and , tatcmcnt 2 Ill 1s a traditionnl me1lu1d of 1mgat11111
I'> 1111: l om:1.1 c:-.pbna11on of , tatL-mcni I IV 1, 11 rnn,111011 wecd1c1d1.· .

B Both <,t.1t1.·mc:nt, I and ~ J!c: true hut , tati.:rncnt 2 I \ /\ Traclor II Viral

nut th.: wrrn 1 c,plam11on of ,1a1cmc:n t I Ii II Vir;d Ill Dhi.:kl i
C St:itcmcnt I h tru.c :ind \!Jll·ment 1 1, fol-.c (' Ill l<ahal IV Mala1h1on
[) Bvth \ l.atc:mcnh l :irui 2 arc fJI'>(; Il I Seed drill IV Mctolachlor
-HI 1 ht equall on g1, en bcl,,v. rep n:,i.:nh procn, 11 l -1~ Stud y the gi\ i:11 tl11 w chart and se h.: r l Ilic corrl'l'I
.:on\'ef\1on o t :,mmon1a rn11, nitrate., op111111

ff Energy
ldcnt1f~ thc: vr1mn 1ha1 1.an be rnm:cll:,- pl :1(..1,;d at
and 11 rc,pc:ct1\.cly
/\ I' rnu ld he lqlrn\y wherc;1, {! could he polio
.-\ \'11rohacter , f 1ppri:1/111 r B I( 1:ould Ix· c1J1111nnn l:old whcrea, /' could he 11111mp,
B. \.11rr1sococc11.v l'f'nH ,//,um I( /' eo11ld he lctanu, whcrea, Q rnu ld hi.: common
C .4 ,pere1llu1· \.'11rornm1ma r ✓ cold
D \1trornmona , V1 1ro1ncocc.11\ D {( could he \ mall pox whcrca, Q could he typhoid

- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SVI· I NSO I Class-9 1Set-C I Level 1 -

,I(, . 1\b11dy llhl VI.'.:< Ihm, res t wi th n L'1,11st11111 llLTdcrnthrn . IV. / 1 1.:11 11 coi 11hi111· with(> 111 l1m1111 1'P111 P111111 d i ii lli L·
Whkh l'IIC or
lhl' li 1 llowi11g gru ph s l'C pt'l'Sl:IIIS th l.' type()/' ,,
vnda li1)11 1d' its kin1•t i1'. l'lh'l'!J.Y A' wi th thL' dis t,111 1..' L' II , 11111d Ill nrtly
/\ . II 11rnl IV 1111ly
trnvd kd .l'°i' I) , N1lll l' 1,l' thCSl!

" " ,I() . ll L'llil till' )\IVL'II p11s~wp.1• 111111 sd cl' I the con\·1·1 opli(III ,
:\ ,

() -
----- ► 1
I\ .

) ► 1
.\' is 11 !l,IIS whkh ill'C llr 's '111th i11 1h1.: 011r1h 's 11ppl'I'
u111wspht· t\' (slrntosph L'l'L') 11 11d 111 c11rt h's p,ro1111d kvl'I.
l' 111\: th e s11hstu11ccs whic h rc11l! I wi th X 1111d 1k1,1rny
lht· s11111l,. lkiji11 p. prnt11l:ol wm: hcl~l 111 l11y dow11 iM ps

- 111 redu cl' )' rclt1 11st:d hy tkvl'111p111g 11 11d duv dopt1d

(' .
cl -

·----- ► 1
1.: n11111rks. lks tr11 L' lio11 of' X c11 11 kud 111 di:-;cuscs like
c11111·er i11 h111111111s,
i\ , .\' j)l\'Vl!IIIS the h11rr111\il LIV rndi111i1111:-. li-<11 11 n:11i.: hi11g
thi; L:11rlh 1111d 11 lso l\111l:ti1111 s 11s grc1;11 housl' g:1s.
II. ('00 1111 µ 1k vkes lik e 11ir t:011d 11io11 crn 1111d
rel'rigl'rnlnrs rn111rih111c lo i111.:n·11s1: in l' i11 th l' v1 1r1h's
.n, 1\ LIii' accdL·rnt l.ls from t\·s l 111 n co11sla111 rnlc IO n1/l
111111osphcrc .
1,1r s11111c time :illcr whkh ii dccderutcs 111 const11n1 rntc
(' . M11 xi mu111 effec t 111' l' oci.:11rs d11i.: lo rdc11sc Pl' 11ctivc
5 mh,l and 1hc11 i:1lllll'S tn rest. Totnl 1i111e dnpscd is 15 s. L' hlori11c whid1 rc11111i11s l'u11 ctio1111I li,r II lu11 g 111 11 u,
M11xin111111 vd11d ty or the rnr is _Ji)_ while nvcrngc I) , /\ II 111' th1.'. SC
wh:ity of the car during its dci:ckrn1in11 is ifil . Distnnci:
lrn\'dkd by the car nt thl' instant when its vdnci ty is lwll' 50, lde111 il'y lhc given li gu1'L'S 11 11d si.: k ct 1hu curn.:c t up1 11,11
ol' its 111ax imu111 vn lue is __ilii)_ or _Uy)_, reg11rdi11g W. X, Y 11 11d %.
(i) (ii) (iii) (i\l)
;\ ,75 111/s 50 m/s 312.5 111 J 1.25 Ill
H. 50 111/s
C. 100 111/s
25 mis
50 m/s
] 1.25 Ill
(l2 j () Ill
312.5 Ill
] 1.25 Ill
1 '·


0 . 50 mis 25 111/s 62,5() Ill 625,0 111 '~

' I 'I
--IX . Outer shdl electro nic c1111fi g11rn 1io11s nl'threc de111c111 s .?.
P. Q and /? arc given as :
,.,. ,,, tf'i( ~

(§J''" @_)"'" @"'"

p Q N
w ,.\'

/\ , S111ri.:d li1od m11tcrial i11 Wcuu ld he glycog1.:11 whcrc11s

in X it could hl: slurch.

B. (ic11clic 11wll:riu l in Y could he n:ikcd :1 11d circul ar

Whi ch of th e fo llowing stat c111c111 s is/arc im:orrcct ? whcrc11s i11 %ii could hl: 11w111hrn11e bound :111d lineur.
I. {} and R have the sa nw va lency. C. Ce ll wa ll 111 X could he nw tk up ol' chi1 111 whereas
11. The decreasing ordi:r or atomic 111asscs is{} . . . P · N. in W. )' 1111<11/, ii cou ld be 11111dc up ol' cc llulosc.
Ill. R ca n combine wi th Q to i<.)1'111 n co111pou11d or the D. /\l'lcr l'i.: rt ilis11tio11 c111hryo is fon11 cd in W b111 ii is
type /?Q. 1101 fonnud in %,


- NSO I Class-91 Set-CI Level 1 I sOi: ---------------------------1-•~-


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