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1/10/2019 Your Results for "Multiple choice questions: set A"

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Site Title: E-Business and E-Commerce Management, Summary of Results

Fifth Edition
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Book Title: E-Business and E-Commerce Management,
15 Correct: 100%
Fifth Edition
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Book Author: Chaffey
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Location on Site: Student Resources > Chapter 5: E-business
strategy > Multiple choice questions: set A
Date/Time January 10, 2019 at 10:15 AM (UTC/GMT)

1. A business strategy is taken to define the future direction and actions of an organisation or
part of an organisation. What would the definition of the approach by which applications of
internal and external electronic communications can support and influence corporate strategy
be referred to as?

Your Answer: E-business strategy

2. What could be an implication for an organisation if an e-business strategy is not clearly


Your Answer: None of the above are applicable

3. Before developing any type of strategy, a management team needs to agree the process they
will follow for generating and then implementing the strategy. A framework that gives a
logical sequence to follow to ensure inclusion of all key activities of an e-business strategic
development is generally known as:

Your Answer: A strategy process model

4. Regarding resource analysis, this is primarily concerned with examining e-business capability
and includes examining the degree to which a company has the appropriate technological and
applications infrastructure in place. What more is required so that these resources can work
together to provide efficient business processes?

Your Answer: Human and financial resources

5. SWOT analysis can be used in many different areas of business and can help organisations
analyse their internal resources in terms of strengths and weaknesses then match them
against the external environment in terms of opportunities and threats. However, it may be of
greatest value when it is used to:

Your Answer: Formulate future strategies in addition to analysing the current situation

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1/10/2019 Your Results for "Multiple choice questions: set A"

6. External factors need to be assessed as an integral part of strategic analysis and this could
examine many areas including competitor (as against competitive) threats. A competitor
analysis can be conducted which involves a review of e-business services offered by existing
and new competitors and the adoption of these by their customers. Resource-advantage
mapping is one suggestion but why would this be useful?

Your Answer: Actually, all of the above have a part to play

7. Defining a specific company vision for e-business helps to contextualise e-business in relation
to a company's strategic initiatives and its marketplace. In 2008, Jelassi and Enders
suggested that an e-business mission statement should include three of the following points
but which one is FALSE?

Your Answer: Cost

8. Much of the organizational value created by e-business is due to more effective use of
information. An analytical tool developed by Marchand and others can be used to illustrate
different ways in which information can create value for organisations. There are four
methods or axes used to analyse information but which does not fit in with Marchand's

Your Answer: Accept costs

9. Effective strategies link objectives and performance together, while prioritising objectives can
facilitate and communicate an e-business vision. As such, e-business objectives should be
SMART but within this acronym, what does R stand for?

Your Answer: Relevant

10. As the definition of strategy is driven by the objectives and vision or mission, these will need
reviewed and significant key e-business decisions taken. One decision will include examining
market strategy, specifically a target marketing strategy of customers. Which of the following
would represent the evaluation and selection of customer segments?

Your Answer: Customers who are brand loyal

11. Once segments have been identified, organisations need to define how best to position their
online services relative to competitors according to four main variables: product quality,
service quality, and fulfillment time. Which variable is missing?

Your Answer: Price

12. Another aspect of Internet strategy formulation closely related to product development is the
review of opportunities from new business and revenue models. Constantly reviewing
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innovation in services to improve the quality of experience offered is also important to e-

businesses. So while there is a view that 'only the paranoid will survive', which of the
following options should managers avoid?

Your Answer: None of the above

13. Much can be learned from e-business failures as well as successes and Miller's (2003)
analysis of Internet company failures pointed the major overall mistake was to:

Your Answer: Massively overestimate the speed at which the marketplace would adopt dot
com innovations

14. An assessment of MSE success factors was produced by Jeffcoate and others in 2002 and
they suggested critical success factors applicable to larger organisations. Which of the
following could be usefully applied?

Your Answer: All of the above are applicable

15. When considering the alignment and impact of e-business strategies, an essential element is
to consider how the information system strategy supports change. It has been observed in a
study of major leading corporations that they distinguished between information and
technology and the contributions both made. Essentially, competitive advantage came from
how information is:

Your Answer: All of the below

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