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Aid Me, ye Nine, wife Counfel to impart,

Sweet to the Ear, and pleafant to the Heart
May all attend, and to my Verfe incline,
Wife Sayings Learn, with Musick mod Divine,

. -. :

i v *7n\vttittiifiv i m im mM ttm**"

JpcaDett on €a#lj;

Beauty of Holinefs.
I The Whole Book of the Proverbs
of King Solomon, Com poli-d in Evglijh VERSE;
And Sec to MUSI C K,
II. The SONG of Songs, which is the
With various Hymns, Anth em?, and Ca-
nons: With Instructions to the Mu s i c k :

And Expositional Notes on the Whole.

Compofed in Two* Three* and Four Mufical Parts accord
ing to the moft Auihentkk Rules, and fet down in Score for Voice or
Inflrument /J

By Willi am T
ans'ur, of -Barns* in Surry. Author c.

The Melody of the Heart, and The Harmony of S 10 N.

Hear this, All ye People ; Give Ear, All ye Inhabitants cf the World.—
My Mouth /ball Sing of Wifdom ; and the Meditation of my Heart jbal
Muse cf Underflanding. Pfal. lxix. 6.
To Under/land a Proverb, and the Interpretation : The Words of the Wif
And their Dark Say higs, Pro v. i. 6.

I Q ND O A" •

Printed by A. Pearson, for S. jB i r t, at the Bible and Ball, in Ave

Mary Lane. Alio Sold by the A u t h o r. IvJ.iX _

Price Bound Three SJ



Ingenious <!{eaders, and TraBitioners ;

HIS Book is intended for the Uje y

Benefit, and Education of all Man-
kind in general, and includes the
greateft Scope of Moral-PhilosO-
PHY in the known World 5 regulating the Man-
ners and BehaYwurs of: Men, in all their refpe&ive
"Duties, both to God and their Neighbours.

King Solomon, the Son of VaYid, the Original

Author of this Book, in his firft Chapter, and
fourth Verfe, giveth his Readers a lively De-
fcription of the life of his Royal Proverbs 5
which Words ( according to my Tranflation,)
are thus
They Wtfdom to the Simple give,
That fuch may know it right :

To Young Men Knowledge is convey'd,


By this Prove rb'al Light, crc

Again, in Chapter the 6th, Vcrfe the 20th,
he humbly cxhortcth his Son (meaning all his
Succeflors, ) to true obedience of Heart, as thus:

My Son, thy Father's Counsel take,

Thy Mother s Law embrace :

And bind mod firrr.l/ to thy Heart,

Such Ornaments of Grace, &c.
Jt would be needlefs to fliew any more Proofs
to declare the Excellency and life of this Book,
by reafon the real Matter itlelf will decide all
Controverfies that can be made againft it.
A3 to the Verse itfelf, it is JJ?ortand eafy$
and is done in fuch a Meafure as was defired
by many Ingenious Perfons, ( who greatly im-
portuned me to compleat this Work ; ) an-
swering its Original Profe, as near as poflible.
Moreover, to Illuftrate the Whole, I have
adapted fliort and eafy Expofit'wnal-Kotes oppofite
each Verje-, Explicating fuch Obfcurities, as were
not before tranfparent to every Capacity.
Secondly, To render this Worl^ more compleat,
I have fet the fame to Musick, Compofed
in Two, Three, and Four Mufical Tarts, in
Score, for Voice, or Inftrument 5 Together with
The Song of Solomon ; alfo various Hymns,
Anthems, and Canons on feveral Occah-
cms : With proper Infirncllons thereunto : Which
advanceth the Worfliip of God, in the Beauty
of Holinefs.
I doubt not but that many in this Critick
Age, will Employ their Criticifm on the follow-
ing Verfcj who are doubtlefs better able to
have done this JFor^than myfelf But if what :

I have here endeavoured, doth not comport with

the Dictates of their Judgment, I hope they

will confider Me
( Mijerum, ) thatwas thruft

into the World in the midft of an Em-

ployment to which I am always Bow'd by
a daily and tedious Attendance.
Finally, I heartily recommend Wor^ to
all Chriftian Families, for their Godly Solace
and Comjort in their own Houfes 5 hoping it may
meet with a candid Reception even by All 5
and alfo be as Ufeful as is intended by the Ju-
thor, to the Praife of God, and Service of Mat>
Which are the Wijhes of,


Your moji Humble,

And AffeElionate Servant,

X %Z a. *%£:$ William Tans ur.
Poetical ENCOMIUM,

Ingenious Author, Mr. T A N S U R, '

By a Lover of Divine-Musick.

" And
I C K,
is now to full Perfection come,
were before, are now Out-done
that }
Thy Harmony, O TANS'UR doth invite,!

Thy Verfe Divine, doth give a Heav'nly Light.

Thou Sacred Knowledge doth to us impart,
Thy Musick fills the Ear, and Verse the Heart.
When both are joyned into Concert fweet,
Then Heav'nly Harmony is made complcat.
Thy Works, when heard, do every Soul infpire
To imitate on Earth, a heav'nly Choir-
Thy Works, O TANS'U R have thee ! rais'd to Fame,
And Purchas'd have a Never-dying NAME.
May Fortune thee with Happinefs attend,
Thee lafely aid, and Grace thy Soul befriend:
May'ft thou be Crown' d in Heav'n with Angels fing

Sweet Hallelujahs, To the Heav'nly KING.

A Com>|
[ ]


Rudiments of Mil lick.

By Mr. William Tans'ur.

can it be imagin'd that any Part of this
moll noble Science of Musick, can ever be rightly un-
derftood, or perform'd, unlefs the Performer be truly
grounded in the Gamut-rules, and all other Branch-
es thereunto belonging tho' many flatter themfelves

on the contrary But let me allure fuch Perfons, they are very

much in the Dark, and ever will ; neither will they ever attain to
the true Performance of any Part, or LeJJon, no otherways than
as they hear it from others Nor can they be able to regain what

they have forgot, or loft, without the Aftiftance of fome Perfon

to teach them the fame again.
But thofe who endeavour to qualify themfelves in the Grounds
and Principles of this Art, may be able to perform any Part what-
foever contain'd therein and alfo very nearly at the very firfh

Infpection, if they be thoroughly grounded therein Neither :

will they ever forget any Thing whilft they are in Practice But :

be able to learn, and perform any Lejfon without the Affiftance

of others. Thofe who endeavour to be qualified therein, may be
herein aflifted by the following Rules, which are done in a Uew
and eafy Method Being Compendioufly explicated in the five

included Seclicns, viz,

§ I. Of the Gamut, and of Cliffs and their Ufe.

§ II. Of the Names of the Notes, &c. And of other Cha-

racters ufed in Mufick.
§ III. Of Time, in its fevcral Moods. ,

§ IV. Of Keys, and of Tranjpofition.

§ V. Ofthefeveral Concords, and Discords : And how
jto compare one Part of Mufick with another.
^ a $ I. Of
[ 2 ] A Compendious Introduction:
§ I. Of the GAMUT; and ^/CLIFFS: And
their Ulc.
T* 1 1 E Scale of Music* is commonly call'd th r
contains all the Decrees of Sound; but the better to exj
Hull fi lit let u clown on the/ ;
in the three ufual j

OT/fr, thus :

The G ^ MU1\ or &afc of 2l/*/fr*.

TrsUe, -; r—— ——
- —

n — t— g —
F G.


Sol la ykfr, & fol la,

Tenor, $+<


Sol la Aff, fa fol, la, fa fol

GAB, C D E, F G:

or' gE ^ZIIirZZr J i i7i

:a £ >—°"
Sol la M, fa fol la, fa fol

Till S&tffe by learning
be perfectly learnt by heart, which may be
only one Part
by reafon
cafilydone firft i c

8th £0//;/J bears the fame Name as it was before : Which will

you proper Name for every line and ^

£j> Obferve, that all are "ending and
Dcfeending, in every Oclave, or 8th, only from ikfi to Fa, and
Zrt to Fj and they are but Half-Ti

TH Top
E Btf/}

i and
or, F-fa
called F, or ;

is fet on the id L.vvr from the

To the Rudiments of Mufick [ 3 ]

The C \ or Crfotfaut Cliff, may be fet on any one of the 4

loweft Lines \ and is called C, or Fa : But feldom ufed but in /;;-

/\?;7.s tho' formerly moft ufed to the Tenor1.

The G-folreutj or Treble -Cliff, is let on the 2d Line from the
Bottom, and G, or is called Sol : Being mollly ufed to the Tenor,
by being fung an Sth below ; which is of more certainty than the
Contra-Cliffy &c.

§ II. OF the Names, ^WMeafures of the Notes; and

their Refts And of other Characters z//?d in Mufick.

The Semibreve, The -'/. ;er. The Demifemiq.

T 1

, x

TH E fir ft

the other Leflfer
Char after
Ato in
is called the Semibreve,
called a Whole-Time
Proportion to it.

which is the
and guideth all
is performed while you may leifurely tell 1, 2, 3, 4; by the
flow Motions of the Pendulum of a large Chamber C/o^. The Mi-
nim is but half, or one 2d Part of a Semibreve \ and the Crotchet
is but one 4th The Quaver is but one Sth the Semi-Quaver
: •,

but one 1 6th ; and the Be mi- Semi- Quaver is but one 3 2d Part
of the Semibreve : All being made as the above Bxa?nple, &c.
C3* The Refts that are frxed under the Notes, (when ufed in
Compofition) import, that the Performer mud: Reft, or keep Silent
fo long as one of the Refpective Notes are performing, £sV.

Of other Characters ufed in Mufick, viz.

A Flat. A Sharp. A Repeat. A Slur. A Proper. A Single Bar. A Double Bar. A Clofe.

~*~:i--#- --SI—
1 ^
I. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8.

Aife, is made as above, and denotes that any Note it is
fet before, muft be fung half a lower than it was 7^
before : the fame as from Mi to Fa, or La to Fa, &c
a 2 2. A
[ 4 ] c- 4 *
;1ntko ucton: id

C any jYc.v it is fct before, mu"

Totieh\g\ from /'#

ff^ > or Sharps , the

. all fa muft be
on rhat Line or S

be contradicted by another
Rat* or .e forth' ]y.
res a Repetition ; muft be
repeal iin, from the Nofe it is let c r, or un
4. is drawn over or under any Number
1 ii.ng to but or* Sometimes they are joined
1 Stroaks thro' the Tails, which are to the very fame El:
, is otter fct before any made either
arjbarp at the Beginning of the live L: denotes I

iiich Notes muft be lung in their proper, or primitive Sound.

6. A
Single-Bar, is ufed to divide the uime according to the

7. Double-Bars, are ufed to divide many St &e,

A C/s/f, is 2, 3, or moreZfarj drawn together after the laft
f : which (ignifies a Conclufion, &c.
The Pwtf of Addition, is a little D^: fet on the Right fide
of a Afc/<? ; which adds to its Sound, or Time, half as much as it was
before, L . n this Point is added to the t muft be

., as thus

Of Time ; /f/;d its feveral Moods.
Com men -Time Moods.
I, I !
,.4. 1,1:3,


^/ : «. £? : ;:. d \ u. d :

Tripla-Time Moods
1.2:3. 1,4:3. 1,2:;,. 1,2,

. u. d . d : fr. ^ :

7' /. ./-
To tie Rudiments of Mufick. [ j ]
mcaiured by
is Motion of Hand
Motions of a Pendulum
reprcfcnt the
the or Foot, which
% by putting
your /, -.and taking it /(/> in equal Motion.
Common-Time mcafurcd by Even Numbers, and known by

the 2 Moods, as before The Fir/? is very flow ; the Second as


quick again and the Third very quick So that your Hand, or
•, :

Foot mud be down, and up in every Zfor, in equal Time, as the

Figures and Letters direct, 65V.
Tripla-Time moves by Odd Numbers, as 3 Minims, 3 Crotchets,
or 3 Quavers, (or more) in a Bar two to be performed with the

Hand or Foot dozvn, and one #/>, as before. There are many various
Moods Tripla-Time ufed in Inftrumerital Mufick, which I mail
omit to mention,by reafon they are not concerh'd in this Book.
Obferve, that in Common-Time, and alio in Tripla-Time, to
have your Hand, or Foot down at the firfl: Note in every Bar :
And that all odd Notes before a Bar, be pcrform'd with the £fe^
#/>, &c. (See my Compleat Melody, (Chap. 6.)

§ IV. Of the feveral Keys: And of Tranfpofition.

TH E R E are but two Natural Keys in Mufick^ viz. A, the

Natural Flat-Key \ and C, the Natural Sharp-Key \ all other
artificial Keys being brought to the fame Effect, by adding either

Flats or Sharps at the Beginning of the five Lines which Flats ox: -,

Sharps tranfpofe the Mi to be either next under, or next over the

Key-Note ; (which is the laft Note of the Bajs) which Key is known
to be either Flat, or Sharp, by the firfl Third next above the faid
Key-Note \ For if the Third includes but 3 Semitones (which is
the Flat-Tlnrd, as A, the Natural Rat-Key ;) then the 7#/#, or
Key, is faid to be Flat. But if the 5F&£r^ includes 4 Semitones,
(which is the Sharp-Third, as C, the Natural Sharp-Key then •,)

the Tune , or i£?y is faid to be 6VW^> ; in any Cliff whatfoever.

But the better to explain what I have faid, I will give you

An Example of the 7 fever al Keys, both Flat and Sharp ; in

the G Cliff.

i^tf Keys.

^, iVtov?/. £. C. D. E. R G
f :

[ 6 3 A Compendious Introductio n :

Sharp K

C, Natural. D. E. F. G. 'A.

The 12 Artificial Keys as before, are made conformable to the 2

ffatural ones by Tranjpqfing the M/, (which is the
•, firfl M
Note,) cither by 77rf/j, or by Sharps and afterwards founding \

your Key either next above, or next below it, £5

created Difficulty lies in the regular placing the Flats, and

on which I fhall add the following Inftrucnons. If the —

Mi be moved by Flats* the Firfl is founded on B, which fl

the Mi to E, a 4th above (or 5th below.) The 2d Eat muft


be on E, which fhifts the Mi to //, a 4th above the Former

So by this Method it may go thro' the whole Syftetn of
To Tranfpofc by Sharps, the firft Sharp is founded 0:1 F, which
is then Mi ; the 2d Sharp muft be on C, a 5th above the Former,
($c. the Mi going with the laft Sharp added.

Tranfpofition of the Mi >j> Flats, afti Sharps : In the G-CIifT.

—— -rr-t— fe
— — f—fe Flats.

— — zrj"
zz^;zqZ:iz. Eg:~_ :-«-:f- t*^ ;

rr?- :
B- -*b fefr-

Mr. A// Mi A//

oni? on E. on y/. onD. on C.

J5j Sharps.

& :Sz:z:z;rIz:t# z^zlz ^ c

Mi Mi Mi Afi
onB. on F. on C. on G\ on D.

{If that by Flats //»c' Mi you do ;

// muft be called in the 4th above, &c. 3

{7/" that by Sharps the Mi Ted is j \

fe i' /(/) 5 A^/t'i rf//J /Zv;/ tm cannot mifs y 6cc.

§ V. 0/

To the Rudiments ofM usick, C 7 3

§ V. Of Concords and Di[cords oAnd how to compare :

one Part 0/Mufick with another , &c.

U»ifon. Thirds. Fifths. Sixths. | Oflave. |

z:-=:j=:=;-itr-DzlZe-«-:9 -pi~}J--a=J

Majc | Minor. Major. Minor. |

Major. Minor. |

Seconds. Fourths. Sevenths.
g !.-

e-zPz—eu — 9— Srarz E
M ajor. Ml M aji Minor. Major. Minor.

AT. 5. T"* HAT

your ^to or Inftrument would permic
-*- to Ten
thouiand Eights, or OElaves, they are
ftill to the fame Effect as their fingle Concord, or Difiord, &c. But

I fhall next give you fome few Examples how to Compare one P#r£
of Mufick with another And fo conclude. :

An Example of T&w P<2;Vj.

1 $33; iS==
653 5I0 8 75 t

An Example of Tbire Parts.

Cantas. :a -to

3 3 1 3 6

1 6 5 3 5 10 8 7 5 8.

Sfez^ztSEizl^—EF^ :
[ 8 ] A Compendious Introduction, &c.

An Example of Four Par .

3 3 « 3 6 5 3 8 -


6 5 S io io 8 J2.

I 6 5 3 5 io 8 7 5


A/^2)' #// owr Hearts an* Tongues be 7
y/y Inftruments of Praife :

^//v/ in the Church, and Houfe of Saints,

Sing Pialms to God alwayj9 & &c.

/, W. Tans'ur.

* * Thefe are the moft ufeful Inftrutlions I think nccefiary for

young Beginners \ But for farther Knowledge in this Art, or
Science, I refer you to my Compleat Melody Which teacheth :

all the Grounds of Musick, and Compofttion in all its Branches.

Sold by me, and at the Looking-glafs on Ltmdon-Bn
The Fourth Edition. Price 3 s. It being the mod curious
Introduction that ever was publiihed.

N. B. I alfo teach the fame, in a new, , and entire

Method : But take no Letters, uruV :id.

C i


By Mr. William Tans' ur.
Audita Utrdque Parte, judica.
Hear with both Ears, and then judge.


*i *> 3. The Ufe of the Proverbs.

St. Afapb's Tune : Compofed in Three Parts. W. T*




\ ::

J- :5:=3" p^cr :: i

Sn:j t^3»t
1 T*HE Pro-verbs ot King Da-vicTs Son, 2 Teach Men to un-der-lhnd

8 #5 * 3 8

liiiiiii Initru&iorr

[ 2 ] The Proverbs of Solomon:

3 In-ilrufti-on, Wif-dom>

They Wifdom to the Simple give,

That fuch may know it right


And Juf-tice thro' the Land.

To young Men, Knowledge is convey'd^

By this proverb*al Light.
3 Wife Men will hear, and much increafe Wife Men will
hear, and learn
In LearningLikewife they
; j
and obey good
That are of Understanding, will Counicl'.

Wile Counfels ftricl: obey.

« Tounderlland a PROVERB well,
Such will their Hearts incline :

Into dark Sayings they'll infpecT:,

And Words that are Divine.

The Fear of God, Beginning is An Exhortatio»

to tear God, lad
Of Knowledge, ( Heav'nly Gem ! believe hit
But Fools do defpife,
And Wifdom do condemn.
8 My Son, thy Father's Counfel take,
Thy Mother's Law embrace *,

They'll be to thee as Chains of Gold,

An Ornament of Grace.

7. My
: ; :

in Englifh Verse. [3 ]

7- Chap. i.
jo My Son, if Sinners thee entice, An Exhortation
to avoid the en-
To them do not confent *,
ticings of Sinr.ot.

ix Nor lie in Ambufh to deftroy,

The Blood that's innocent.
They'll fay to thee, Let's lurk, and eat
Them up, like to the Grave :

*3 We'll all their Wealth and Riches fhare,

*4 And all one Purfe will have.
. 9-
*5 My Son,walk not within fuch Ways
As are averfe from Good •,

*6 Whofe Feet trace none but wicked Paths,

And take Delight in Blood,
i7 In vain fuch Men do lie in wait, Wicked Men
are catched in
38 Their Nets are open fet their own Snares.
*9 All fuch as greedy are of Gain,
Are catch'd in their own Net.

Wifdom com-
*o Wifdom cries out within the Streets, plaineth of her

11 And City too like wife Contempt.

And at the Op'ning of the Gates,

She thus burfts out her Voice :

*z How Jong will ye, ye fimple ones,
Thus love Simplicity
And Scorners take Delight in Scorn,
And Fools from Wifdom fly ?
*3 Turn ye, turn ye, Reproof,
at my
My Words be made known
fhall :

Behold, I'll pour my Sp'rit on ye,

Mine Anger fhall be Ihown.
H Becaufe I call'd, and ye refus'd,
Wiftom threat*
neth her Con-
And did not me regard : temners with
great Woe.
I ftretched out my Hand, and yet
Not one of ye me heard.
B 2 Ye

[ 4 1 ^- J
Proverbs of Solomon:
CH \P. I»
3j Yc fet my Counfi 1 all at nought,
And aid my Call neglect :

An not to my Reproof,
But did the fame reject
»6 Becaufe you've not obcyM my Voice,
When I did call and cry :

27 When Fear Hull come, I then will laugh

At your Calamity.

"When Fear, and Anguim, and Diftrcfs, Wifdom will r.o^

Shall come like a Whm-lm nnfv,

*8 Then ye fhall call, and me Hull feek,

But never mall mc find.
Becaufe ye always did refufe,
The Fear of God the Lord :

o» And always fcorncd my Reproof,

»9 And Knowledge have abhorred.
31 Therefore they ev'ry one fhall eat Every one fhall

The Fruit of their own Way receive .

32 The fimple ones Profperity

Shall work their own Decay.
21 But thofe that hearken to my Word, The godly and

Shall (till in Safety dwell obedient dull be

kfe and fure.
And be exempt from Fear and 111,
With fuch it fhall be well.


in Englifh Verse. C 5 ]


i 2, s- Wifdom promifetb Godlinefs to her Children.

Si. Peter's Tune : Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.


& P
Tenor & Baffo.

I X /% Y Son, if thou'lt my Words receive, And my Commandments keep :

i^ijirEiiz^zia:: :E^;i§:ri-

2 Thine ears ap--p!y to Wifdom, and 3 Thine Heart to Knowledge deep.

ii £E J

4 If after Knowledge thou wilt cry.
Knowledge, and
As if for fined Gold thou /halt find it.
Likewife for Underftanding too,
5 Thou both fhalt then behold.
6 Wifdom and Knowledge doth from God Righteous Men
enjoy Knowledge
7 Moll: plentifully flow
s On thofe that Paths of Judgment keep,
2 And Righteoufnefs do know.
4. When
: :

i 6 ] The Proverbs 0/ Solomon

4- Chap. 2.
>o When Wifdom's grounded in the Heart* Wifd m promi'
»i feth Safety torn
] n doth uphold :

evil Con
Knowledge and Underftanding is »nd give* Wca-

A Pleafure to the Soul.

iurt; to the SouU

« 'Twill thee protect from evil Men, - : rotc£U

from wicked
That froward Things profefs Men.
13 Who leave the Paths of righteous, and
Delight in Wickednefs.
14 Such as in Evil do rejoyce,
In Frowardnefs delight
15 Whofe Ways are crooked, and perverfc,
And do the Lord defpite.

- rrotectj
26 'Twill thee protect from Women ft range,
from lewd Wo-
Yea, from her flatt'ring too :

j7 They which forfake God in their Youth,

And break his Cov'nants due.
Lewd Womens
is Her Houfc inclineth ur*to Death, Ways are Dange-
Her Paths to Hell are led :
rous, and end in
39 There's none that go, that e'er return.
But harbour with the Dead,

Wildom giveth
to But fuch as walk in upright Ways, Direction in good

And godly Paths do tread, which

*i W T
ith upright Steps enjoy the Land,
Jead to Godlineifef

Which to PerrecYion lead.

Wicked Mens
12 But wicked Men, God wiil confound. Ends are flume*
And cut them from their Place :
ful,and end w
Tranfgrefifors (hall be rooted out,
And brought to foul Difgrace.


in Englifli Verse' t 7 ]

>,.>* CHAP. III.

An Exhortation to Obedience.

St. Phillip's Tune : Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.


Tenor & Bafo.


i \^Y Son, do not my Law forget, 2Which will thy Days encreafe :

5 ~ 8 8 3 *3 '

^ 8 io 8 I*


; :Qrpp-
^lllfelEJ:!—! D~a-

Keep ray Commands, and fure — ly they fha.ll add un-to thy Peace.
5 5 #3 S n io » i2
|_B— -h
5p^g :
Q:z=t::«z= :oc B-
t-— — *u-t
3 Mercy and Truth do not forfake,
Upon thine Heart them bind
* And Favour in both God and Man*
Thou evermore (halt find.
3. Truft
[ 8 ] The Proverbs c/Solomo^:
3- Chap. 3.
5 Truft in the Lord with all thine Heart, An Exl
Don't to thy K -: truft: to Faith, and to
fear God, and
6 In all thy Ways acknowledge God, honour him :
And he'll direct thee jufL which b ingeth
Plcflt* .

7 Shun Wifdom in thine own Conceit,
ir God the heav'nly King:
Depirt from ErH, and it fhall
8 Health and Salvation bring.

9 Honour the Lord with all thou haft,

The firft Fruits of thy Store :

10 Then (lull thy Burns with Corn be fill'd

And Prcfs with Wine run o'er.

11 When God fhall chaftife thee, my Son 9 station

to Patience, and
By no Means it defpife :
to bear God's

si For God correcteth ev'ry one Corrections.

That's lov'd before his Eyes*

The happy Gaia
»3 How bleft is he, that Wifdom finds ! of Wifdom.
And Knowledge does behold !

?4 Such Merchandife is more efteem'd

*5 Than Pearls, and curious Gold.
16 In her Right-hand are Length of Days,
Her left doth Honour fway :

17 Her Ways abound in Plenteoufnefs,

And Peace is all her Way.
9- .

»s She's like a Tree of Life, to all

That doth on her depend :

And ev'ry one that Her retains,

Hath fure a faithful Friend.
The Power of
19 By Wifdom God hath made the Earth, Wittum.
Man's mortal Eye may fee •,

With Underftanding, form'd the Heav'ns,

His Dwelling Place to be.
: :)

tn Englifli VeIsK [ 9 ]
II. ClI A P. 3.

By Knowledge, God hath made the Sea,

( O vaft Creator's Skill !

Likewife the Clouds to bring forth Rain,

And on the Earth diftil.
My Son, Wifdorii ne'er depart,
let The benefits of
On Judgment take fall hold :

They'l be as Grace unto thy Neck,

And Life unto thy Soul.
Then thou (halt walk in Paths moll fafe,
And fearlefs take thy Sleep :

Thy Steps from Stumbles mall be free,

God will thee guard and keep.
Thou not fear, when God fhall bring
On wicked Men great Woe :

Thy Confidence in God fhall keep

Thee fafe from ev'ry Foe.
* Withhold not Good, from godly Men, An Exportation

To whom good Things are due :

W Charity.

But give, when e'er 'tis in thy Pow'r,

Such godly Acls to do.
Say not unto thy Neighbour, Go,
To-morrow come again
When thou hall that within thy Houfe,
Which will his Need fullain.
I 7-
* Againll thy Neighbour don't devife, An Exhortation
to Peace, Unity
To do him any 111 and Content,
Strive not with Men without a Caufe,
Nor leek their Blood to fpill.

To the Oppreflbr bear not 111 \
Truly the froward are
Abomination to the Lord,
With Righteous th' have no Share.
C 29, The
[ io ] The Proverbs of Solomok
19. Ch a p. 3.
33 * 1 he Curfe of God within the Houfc The curfedStat* .

Of Wicked doth abound:

of the W«
And the B
But in the Dwellings of the Juft, Of tlic Jaft.

Are Bleffings ever found.

24 For fcorning, God will Seorners fcom,
"I 'h«- I.owly raife to Fame :

:i The Wife inherit Glory mail,

And Fools be brought to Shame.


t. *. Solomon Tcrfuadetb to Obedience.

St. Edmund's Tune : Compofed in !ZW Paris. W.'T.


Tenor o Z


^ j:?:| E:r E:i=£rE:|:2r:p3:=:}(:p:}t=tFl:p=l:

i "V/" E Children hearken, and give ear, your Father's Coun-fel take

in Englifli Ve rse, C " 3


Good Po&rine I'll to you im-part, 2 Do not my Law fbr-fake.

H3 — -t-«^- :d:

3 * My Parents thus infcrucfled me, He (heweth what

And alfo lov'd me well :
Inftrudtion /ch:ul
of his Parents :
4 Keep my Commands, and live, fliy they, and E::horteth to
ftudy Wifdom.
5 Let- Wifdom with thee dwell.
£ For fake her not, her Love, and She, Forfake pot Wif-
dom for fhe'l
Will fafely thee preferve :

pvcfcr;ve thee.

7 Get Underftanding too likewife,

And ye mail never fwerve.
4- Wifdom highly
I Exalt her, and fhe'l thee promote,
To Honour and Renown :

Embrace her, and fhe'l be thy Aid,

9 And thee with Glory crown.
10 Hear me, my Son, and mark my Words^ Wifdom lenp;th-
eneth Life, with
Then fhall thy Days increafe :
iJ I have thee taught to know aright,
The Paths of Reft and Peace.
n Where thou Go'ft, thou ne'er malt Hide,
e'er Inftru<fHon if pre-
cious and prefer v-
If thou'lt Inftruclion hold :
n Let her not Go, fhe is thy Life,
And precious more than Gold.
C 2 7. Go
C 1 * 3 We Proverbs o/Solomon:
C H A P. 4.
M * Go not the Paths of wicked Men, Shun th< Pathf
the Wicked who

15 Nor yet obey their Call :


>6 They flecp in Sin, and never reft, rr(\ not in Good-
Unlefs they've made fome fall.

f7 They eat the Bread of Wickcdnefs, -! Men fed

itc But
And drink the Wine of Spite :


is But Paths of juft and righteous Men, arc Beautiful.

Surpafs the Alining Light.

i9 The Ways of wicked Men are dark, Wic!:
<hrk, fuh of
They know not where they tread :
Stumbles, and lead
They (tumble at I know not what \ to Dcftru&ion.

Such to Deftrudlion lead,

to My Son, Unto my Words give ear, He
Exhorteth t«
»i On
them fix fail thy Mind :


iz From which comes Health unto thy Bones, and Life to Eter-
Thou Life therein fhalt find.
1 1.
* Keep firm thy Heart, with Diligence, He Exhorteth to
W Sanclification .

From thence proccedeth Life : zr.d to avoid Fjo*

*4 Put far from thee all'froward Lips,
That take delight in Strife.

»5 Fix faft thine Eyes, and tread the Paths ; A ftedfaft Heart
Le: thy Ways 'ftablifti'd be
is fajc zniL fuii,.
76 :

*7 Turn not unto the Right nor Left,

And then full fafe are ye.

: : :

in Englifh Verse. [ 13 }

i, z. Solomon Exhorteth to Jluiy Wijdom.

St. Olwt's Tune : Compofec} in TJjree Parts. W. T.


T«wr &f

M — Y &w, to Wifdom now at tend, thine Ears to Jn-dsr-danding lend


B— cEitiE^S:

fcep Knowledge in Ay Lips

} #3".
{o firm, 2
That thou Difcretion may'ii difcem.

m 3 J #5.
m i£E


* Strange Women's Lips at firfl feem fweet, He flieweth the

3 Mifchief of
More foft than Oil, yea, yaft compleat Whoredom, and
But pfdve at lad a* bitter Dart, Riot.

4 A
Ttvo-Edg'd Sword is not fo fharp.
Her Feet go down to Death's cold C<?//, A Harlot's Ways
lead to Ruin : aad
Her Steps likewife take hold of Hell end in Woe.
fi If thou could'ft view her Paths of Life,
They'l fickle prove, and end in Strife.

4* Ww

I 14 ] Toe Proverbs ^Solomon

4 Chap 5.
7 Mcar me, ye Children, and incline HearCounfcl,an4
%o nc near
To keep my
Words which are Divine :
t I

« Remove thy Feet far from her CV//,

And come not near where flic doth dwell.

Left thou from Honour fhould'ft depart,

And give thine Years to th' cruel Heart : not t
nor give th
14 Left allthy Treafures wafted are,
bour to Stranger*.
And Strangers of thy Labour fhare.
II And alfo mourn, when 'tis too late, Late Repentance

And curfe thy lad and wretched State :

gvaili ootliifi^.

When Flefh and Bones confumed are ',

No Mortal can fuch Lofs repair.

You'l fay, I've Counfel difobey'd,
And of Reproof a Scorn have made ;
I've not obey'd my Teacher's Voice,
But in all Evil made my Choice.
24 was Alas
I in midft of ill,

All Wickednefs my Heart did fill

Jn midft of Congregations too,

And in th' JJfembly had full view.
»5 * Obferve, and learn, What I thee tell, He rxborteih tf
Drink Waters out of thine own Well :
jui Liberality.
16 And let thy Fountains fpread abroad,
And Rivers in the Streets afford.
17 Let them be thine, yen, thine alone,
18 Not Strangers •, thine a blejfed One :

* Re Joyce with the Wife of thy Youth, He exhorteth V*

*9 Let her be Loving, and of Truth.
1 1.
Love thine own
Her Breads flrall thy Affection move,
and (hu&
Thou fhalt be ravifh'd with her Love : Hark:..

M Why then my Son ? Why wilt thou range

For to Embrace a Womn flrange ?

1 2 , For

in Englifli Verse; 1 15 }
Chap. 6.
ti For God doth know the Heart of Man,
Alio his fccrct Thoughts cloth lean : Wicked Men ire
overtaken with
*2 Men's own Iniquities fhall bind their Sins.

Thcmfelvcs in Cords of Sin, confind.

Such as fro m facred Counfel fly, Wicked Men g»
aftray in midft of
23 Shall fure without Inftruction die :
Folly and die

When Men forfake God's Righteous Way, without In-

In midft of Folly go aflray.

j, 2. Solomon Ter/uadetb again/t Suretyfhip.
St. Mark's Tune : Compofed in TJjree Paris. W. T.

sz 2 :2 EE EEE .: :zE ErzEJzEiS

fanr jj? Baffo.

— — — T t

i \ /f Y Son, when 5« — r* ty thou giv*ft, For . to o-blige thy Friend :

8 11 I

2 Thou art en--tangled in thy Words, And fnar-ed in the End.

2. Hum-

C 16 J The Proverbs o/SoloMon:

Chap. 6.
Humble thy felf, make fure thy Friend, Get free from 01
An J (Jeep not in the Snare:
i \ ;v'r thy felf, like as a Roe y
Or Bird that's in the Air.

* Go to the Ant % thou Sluggard, Qo % Againft Idlenefij

an Example.
I .ikewife her Ways difcern :

She hath no Guide, nor Overfcer-,

Yet thou mayM of her learn.

She do»ii provide in Summer -Time , Provide in Har*

In ttarveft gathers Meat
She layeth up her Winter Store,-
That (he may freely eat.

9 How long will ye, O Sluggard, deep? Sluggards want

Awake, Awake, Arife :

i» Yet dill you'l fold your Hands, and fay,

More Slumber (fleepy Eyes.)
: —
II So one that traveleth,
like as Idlencfs bring!

Thy Poverty fhall come Poverty.

And V/ant like to a Man of Arms ;

This, this mall be thy Doom.

* \\
froward Mouths, walk wicked Ones,
ith Again:'-,

They take delight in Lies :


They Teach with Fingers, Speak with Ftet y

'3 And Wink with both their Byes*
i4 In Mifchief fuch do take delight, Ba4 is the End of
To Difcord they're inclin'd : luch as love Mil*
15 On fuch Calamity fhall come,
No Remedy fhall find.

t6 * Six Things there are, that God doth bate, S-ven Th n?* :

Yea, Stv'n that bear Record : hatdul to G>*^

Which are Abomination, and

All hateful to the Lord.
10. Proud

in Englifh Verse. C 17 1
IO. ClfAP. 9.
(i) Proud Looks, (2) likewife a lying Tongue,
(3) And fuch as do (hed Blood :

(4 ) And
fuch as wicked Thoughts devife,
And hate Things that are good.

(5) Yea, fuch as run to Mifchief fwift,

(6) Falfe Witnefles like wife :

(y) They that fow Difcord among Friends,
Thro' Mifchief, and falfe Lies.
* My Son, thy Father's Counfel take, The Bleflmgtf
Thy Mother's Law embrace :

And bind mod firmly to thy Heart

Such Ornaments of Grace.
Where e'er thou go'ft, it (hall thee lead, Obedience will
When fleeping, thee preferve :
preferve both im
fleeping and
Difcourfe with thee, when thon'rt awake, awake.
From Wifdom never fwerve.
* The Lord's Commands are mod divine, Goi's Commands
His Precepts fhine mod bright aad Precepts will
protect from
And his Reproofs are unto thee ftrange Women^
Like as a flaming Light.
To keep thee from the Wo?nan ftrange, The Mifchief
•f Whoredorae
And from her flatt'ring Tongue :

After fuch Beauty do not luft,

For fuch will do thee Wrong.
For by fuch Women, Men
are brought A Whore will
To Want
and Beggery :
bring a Man
Piece of Bread,
to a

Yea, fuch will hunt for precious Souls,

Take Care, and from them fly.
In Bofom, Who
can Fire hold? A Comrarifon of
Or on hot Coals can go ? Adultery not:

free from Sin,

And not have Cloaths nor Feet be burnt,
But fcorching Heat mud know,
D iS. S:>
C 1 8 ] The Proverbs o/Solomon:
Ch a p. 6.
»9 So he that lows his Neighbour's Wife, Adultcrtrs arc
not innocent.
And into her goes in :

Shall not be deem'd as innocent,

But guilty is of Sin.
Men, don't defpife a Thief that fteals not may
be made for
When he is hungery :
Nor blame him when he Thfft commits,
His Soul to fatisfy.

For when foe ver he be found,
Seven-fold he mail reftore :

Yea, all his Subftance fhall attone

That is within his Door.

3- But he that with a Woman doth Attonement ne-
Commit Adultery :
ver can be made
for Adulter)-.
He wanteth Judgment, alfo doth
His precious Soul deftroy.
He fuch a fatal Wound fhall get, The Stain of
Adultery never
That never will decay :
is done away.
Shame and Diflionour, truly that
Shall ne'er be wip'd away.
4" 'caloufy, is the Rage of Man, Jealous Perfons
are never at reft.
His Mind's fo wicked bent :

No Gifit nor Ranfom he'll regard,

Or ever reft content.

in Englifli Verse. [ 19 ]


I. z . Solomon perfuadetb to a fincere, and kind Fami-

liarity with Wifdom.
St. Ja??ies's Tune : Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.


& Tenor Bajfo.

M Y Son, at- -tend,

and keep my

To my Commands ap-ply.

S^ffirS -0-0- e— I


-»-::::l:ai-J =
-e- :a

i And thou malt live ; Keep thoumyZ^w, Like th'Apple of thine Eye.

-t — --tt~---H"C"t — :ztt:«cnir|" e r|H


3 Bind them upon thy Fingers, and

Write them upon thine Heart :

4 Them Kinfwomen and 67/?ot call,

And from them ne'er depart.
D 2 3. They'll

t 20 3 the Proverbs of Solomon

Chap. 7.
5 They'll I Wifdor.,

CO do therti Y.
6 * When at the I , in my IIo
I took'd my C
7 A Touth among the Gmple Ones,
By Chance I there did view.

t ] I? void of Underftan as, r

And pafs'd along the
9 And in the Twilight of the El
Did at a
*• A Harlot , deck'd in rich Attire, Th* Cunning of
was of Heart
fabric :

M Both lewd, and Aubborn, and whofe E<

Do from her Houfe depart.
J2 She lay in wait, for cv'ry p AH
That pafTed in the
-11 arc welcome*
And at her Corner ready flood,
And thus fhe did him greet

33 She caught him firfl, and kifled him, Harlot

With an immodeft Face :

j 4 This Day (iaid flie) I've paid my /

I've Offerings of Peace.
is I purpofe came, to meet you here, The rJehinom
To view thy lovely Face •,

16 Fine T. , and meM

My lovely /.. / do grace.
is Come, let us take our Fill of L
Until -the Morn appear :

-9 My Good-man is a Journey gpl

Therefore, you need not fea
in Englifii Verse. c 21 3
i i. ( . P. 7.

&° lie likewife Monty tcok with him,

To Htvc 'till iiich a Day :

I know the Time when he'll return,

Come in, make no Delay.
*i She with her Speeches made him yield. Fine Words, ?.n\

fair Speeches, de-

Yea, him deluded fo :
. . arts

And thus deceiv'd his fimple Heart,

That with her he did go.

-s He follow'd her, as doth the Fool, The defperate

Simplicity of a
When forced to the Stocks ; -want 11 youivj
And fteps apace towards his End, Man.

As doth the filly O.v.

Thus, unperceiving, like a Bird, He is ftered aa-
9 wares.
That haftens to the Snare:
?j 'Till Darts do pierce his Liver through*
Of Death he's not aware.
a4 * Hearken to me, ye Children dear, exhorts
to ;<:d Ha
And to my lots:

Words attend :
snd Aewi thdr

?5 And never dray in Hitrlct'S Paths, mfoi Ead.

Her Ways do fatal end.
y By her, have many wounded been, A Harlots
Woufcds mor-
Yea, many have been (lain :

?7 Her Houfe, it leads the Vv ay to HeB9
Her Chambers Death maintain.

2 ] The Proverbs of Solomok 3


t, », 3. Wifdorn callctb loud for Attention.

St. Bernard's Tunc : Compofld in Three Paris. \V. T.

m lililliSllilllllill
r k r — Cant us.

Tenor &T Bajfo.


Doth not TJ ifdom call a--loud, And Ln--der-ftand-ing cry :


J uft by the Way of
th City Gates, % fi am Tops of Pla— ccs high?
i > * _ JLiJLfi 1 ft ^i—iti

4 To you,O Men, to you I call, Wifdom calls t»

5 Ye Simple underftand :

6 My Mouth (hall fpeak of wond'rous Things,

My Lips (hall Thv//> command.

3. But
: :

in Englifh Verse- c 23 ]
Chap. 8.
But Wickednefs unto my Lips Wifdom k
pure .uidundcfi.
Abominable are :
s There's nothing froward in my Words,
Or of Perverfenefs Share.
9 Unto the Wife, my Ways are plain, Wifdom's Ways
Thou Knowledge may'ft behold arc plain to tl>c
Wife and to be
Keep my Inftruclion, and efteem

efteem 'd.
Such Knowledge more than Gold.

For Wifdom Rubies doth furpafs, The Fame and
And all that's excellent
' :
Excellency of
i» I Wifdom, dwell with Prudence, and
Do all that's fine invent.
13 The Fear of God is for to hate Pride and Wick-
Pride and Arrogancy : ednefs is hateful
to God.
The evil Way, and froward Mouth,
I utterly defy.

14 Counfel is mine, and Wifdom too, All Things :

governed by
I've Strength, I underftand :
15 By me Kings reign, and Princes rule,
16 And Judges of the Land.
I love all do me love,
fuch, as The Love, ai*I
And thofe that feek me, find : Riches of Wif-
jS Such Wealth and Honour is with me.
That never will decline.

19 My Fruit is good, and more efteem'd,

Wifdom's Paths
Yea, more than fineft Gold : are pure, and

20 My Paths do lead to Righteoufnefs, lead to Righte-

oufnefs,and be-
And Judgment do behold, hold Judgment,

21 That I may caufe thofe that me love, Wi'dom increa£»
In Riches to increafe eth his Lov«r*
Their Treafures I'll with Riches fill,

Which they'll enjoy with Peace.

II The
[ 24 ] The Proverbs ^/Solomo H
1 1. Chap. 8.
The I, :

i of old :

»J Set u


I I :

Or Hills, or . found.

27 When he prepar'd th V/iCJorr

i compared the I

. pudc.
a3 When he eftablifli
I was in h fet.


29 Whenjthaf. he gave the Sea Decree,

To obey his Command :
ben Set
and Wcrld wai
And the round WonkTs / n laid, made.

I with him was at h:i\\0..

30 I was by him, as one brought up, m was

In me he took Delight :
I daily his Com was,
Rejoycing in his Sight.

3 1
n rejoye'd upon the E
ceth upon
Where Men inhabit •, then I

All my DJight it wholly was amon c I

Among the Sons of M

I* Now, therefore, hearken unto me, to be
or its
Attend, ye Children dear :

33 F is he, that keeps my //

And doth InjlruRion hear.

34 Yea, Heft is he, that hoarcth Whofo fccketh
And waiteth at my Dot V m, furely

35 Who findeth Me, fare fiftieth Life,

And Favour evermore*
19. But
in Englifli Verse; 1 25 ]
36 But he that doth againft me fin, hat Tin

And likewiie doth me hate :

wrong their own
Doth furely wrong his precious Soul, Souls.

And Death's his wretched State.

fj *> 3 . The Difcipline of Wifdom Alluring her Fol~ •

lowers to a fumptuous Feaft Meaning the Word of :

GOD, and his holy Sacraments.

St. Luke's Tune : Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.

liiiiliifplliiiili Tenor £ff Baffo,

=s£ e
1 \A7 Ifdom hath builded up her Houfe, She mingled hath her Wine :

5 5 5
-t-r— 01
_ _
9-4 B-
!«-fe*--- a~al:^H:~

=&:& ipzi.^—p. :gftp:

^:-:t -~itrr£—:-:J3z:13:z5

2 Her
Beails are kill'd, her Ta-bk's deck'd, 3 Her Maidens calTd
_ 6

E 2. Turn
[ 26 ] The Proverbs ^/Solomon :

Ch a p. 9.
* Turn in, turn in, ye fimple Ones, The Doftrinc of
Of ' '•'
U partake :
void Foolifhncis.
* All that would Underftanding know,
Your Foolifhncfs foriake.

7 * I Ic that a Scorncr doth reprove, Seomers reward

I [c Purely getteth Shame : t\il tor Good.

Rebuke a wife Man, he'll refpect

And love thee for the fame.

InftrucYion give unto the Wife,

Give Tr.rtru&ion
And they will Wifdom gain : to the Wife, and
they'll increafe in
Yea, Teach the Juft, and they'll increafe Learning, and
In Learning by the fame. love thee.

* The Fear of God, Beginning is
Of Wifdom likewife they •, prolougeth L

That holy Knowledge do embrace,

Shall fure prolong their Days.
If thou be wife, wife for thy felf,
Be wife for thy
To my Advice give ear : telr", and be not
For whofocver fcornful is,

They furely Scorn fhall bear.

* A foolifh Woman Clamorous is,
The Cuflom of
She fimple is alio :
Folly : meaning
She fitteth at her Door, ignorant Preach-
and calls
ers, &c.
All Pajfengers that go.
Whofo is fimple, hither comes, The Er
Thefe Words do them infiiare :

< r ieno-
rrnt Pe.ichers
i; Stol'n Water's fweet, and Bread that's cat nc is like
ftoltn Waters
In fecret, pleafant are. ;

fwect to the
9- Flefh, but four

is He knoweth not the Bead are there,

to the Soul.

Nor who doth therein dwell :

Folly ends dead*

And that her Guefts do all abide h.

Within the Vqtbs of Hell.

in Englifh Verse, [ 27 3


Wife Children make Glad 3 but Fools mal$

St. Atiftitfs Tune : Compofed in TJjrec Parts. W. T.


S|a±?=s4^=§iK^^ B-A\--^
7>»or fcf .&#.

§L^P^^^^S §il^

1 A Son that's wife, doth furely make His father's Heart full glad

* _ #3___ ,
bjo *
5?.: w*

_ 8_

±§=£±ic ~:?::-3(
But fbol-ifh SW, their Mothers make Moft hea-vy, and moll fad.


a In wicked Treafures are no Gain, No Gain in

Wealth ill got-
Such never Profit have :
ten : But righte-
But Treafures of fweet Righteoufnefs, ous Gain faveth
the SouJ.
Thy precious Soul fball fave.
E 2 3. The

t ~ s ] The Proverbs s/ Solomon

3- Ch ap. 10.
The Lord will differ not the S Th; Righteous
Of rij Men to need s

Wealth of the
But all the Wealth of wicked Men, WicJctd Hull f.y

I I Ml caft away with Sj

* Th< fuch as lazy are, (hall
r : but the
Shall fuddenly be poor :

But he that diligently deals, I

Shall much increafc his Store.

s He that doth get in Summer, is It 'sgood to worJc

Summer j but
Mod wife, agd free from Blame :
a Shame to flctp
in llarvtjl.
But he that deeps in
, is

Condemned with Scorn and Shame.

6 Great Bleftings are upon the J aft, Righteous Men
Hot the
Their Names fliall ne'er decay :
I :

violent rot.
7 But fu fe Mouths are violent,
Shall furely rot away.
8 The wife in Heart keep God's Coma: Prating Fools
But prating Fools fliall fall inailfall: But
the Upright flwll
9 He that walks upright, walketh fure, frand. Ail know
But Evil's known by all. Sin.

1* All fuch as wink with both their Eyes, Winking Eyes
caufe 5-crrow
Caufe Sorrow, and great Woe :
but a juft Mouth,

j 1 A righteous Mouth's a Well of Life, isaWellofLife t

But Wicked are not fo.

is Hatred, and Envy, ftirs up Strife, Hatred hides all

And does all Goodneis fmother Coodnefs j but
Love hides ail
But fweet Affection* hides all Faults, Faults.

And Love, all Sins doth cover,

33 The Lips of underftanding Men Good Men fhal|
not want
Do never Wifdom lack :
dom : But Fools
But he that void of Wifdom is, (hill be fcourccd,

A Rod is for his Back.

II Wife
in Englifh Verse. C 29 ]
i i. Cn a p. io.
Wife Men Wifdom up full fate, Wilt Men value
Wifdom: But j
They value it moil: dear :
Ddrruction is al-
Men, ways near the
But to the Mouths of foolilli
Deftru(5tion's always near.
The Rich Man's Wealth is great, and lik; Wealth isftrong;
But Poverty is
Unto a City ftrong :
The Poor's Deftruction's Poverty^
In which they languifh long.

The Labour of the Righteous, doth P.ighteous La-

bour tends to
Tend only unto Life : Life : But the
But Fruit of Wicked, only tends Wicked tend to
To Evil, Sin, and Strife.
He that doth fweet Inftruclion keep, InftrucVon
pjmct Guide.
is a

Is in the perfeft Way :

But he that doth refufe Reproof,

Doth not God's Word obey.
He that hides Hatred in fuch Lips Liars love Mif-
As take Delight in Lies :

And he that Slanders doth invent,

Is deern'd a Fool, unwife.
1 6.
When Multitude of Words,'
there's a Many Words ne-
ver want Sin.
No Sin is wanting then :

But they that do refrain their Lips,

Are wife, and happy Men.

The Tongues of Jufl, are more efteem'd Juft Tongues are

But the
Than Silver, or fine Gold: precious :

Evil are of no
But wicked Hearts, are little worth, Value,

And fcornful to behold.

The righteous Lips, do many feed, A good Man

feeds many But
And do their Need fupply

Fools die for
But Fools that Wifdom don't effoufe, Wrnt of Wif-
For Want of Wifdom die.

[ 3° 3 The Proverbs /Solomon

19. Ch A P. IO-
The Blcfings of the Lo R d, mikes Wealth Gol's b:
make w th«
And Riches to abound :
cut. jSui.

1 Ie to the lame no Sorrow adds,

No Trouble's with it found.
23 'Tis Sport to Fools, Mifehicf to do,
They envy God's Command :

But Men of underftanding Hearts,

Do Wifdom underftand.
24 The Fear of wicked Men fhall come Wicked Men.
:es on
Upon themfelves, in ire *.

themfelves But :

But Goddoth love the Righteous, and

Doth grant them their Defire.
*5 Like Whirl-wind pafieth, fo
as the The Wicked pafs
m the Wind: B~t
The Wicked are no more the Juft endure.
But Righteous have Foundation flrong,
And everlafting Store.
%& As Vinegar unto the Teetb, A fluggUh Mef-
i'enger addeth
As Smoke to th' Eye doth vent :
Juft fo the Sluggard truly is,

To thofe, that have him fent.

2; The Fear of God prolongeth Life, Cod's Fear
And doth Man's Days renew :
lcngtheneth Life •
But the Yean of
But Years of Wicked, {hall be fhort, the Evil are

And brought to be but few. fhorlned.

The Hope of righteous Men, fhall be The Hope of the

Great Gladnefs, and great Joy :
Juft is Joy : But
evil Men's Hop*
But wicked Mens Expectation, peiiiheth.

Shall perifli utterly.

'') The Sacred Ways of God
the Lord, Cod's Ways art
Strength But
Is Strength to the Upright : :

Woe tolls on the

On Workers of Iniquity, Wicked.
Deftru&ion hard {hall light.
27. The
in Englifh Verse. c 31 ]
27. Ch a p. 10.
30 The Righteous be grounded furc,
fhall The Righteous
arc dire But th«

They never remove

fhall :
E\il abide not.

But llich fhall not on Earth abide,

That hate God's Law, and Love:
31 The Mouths doth Wifdom bring,
of Juft, Wifdom attends

Yea, Wifdom's always nigh : the Juft: But evil

Tongues periih*
But froward Tongues, fhall be cut out,
The Lord will them deftroy.
V- The Lips of Righteous, truly know Juft Men know
what God
What will Acceptance find :
accept: But the]

But wicked Mouths, fpeak Frowardnefs, Evil fpeak Fro-

And wicked are inclin'd.

i< Falfe Weights are hateful to GOD.
St. Saviour's Tune : Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.

Cant us.

Tenor iff Bojfo

~9 Hi*
5 t-2r.-mr-u
I'T'Alfe Bal/ance, is by God condeiim'd, And hate-ful to his Sight:

C 32 ] The Proverbs <j/Solomon
Chap, it
tu s.

Tenor iff Bajfo.


But a \aSiWeight% with-out Defraud, It is the Z^n^s De-light.

» 4-


When Pride and Haughtinefs doth come, Shame f

Pride : But Wif-

Then Shame doth after Aide :
dom guards the
With Rich as lowly are of Heart, lowly.

Sweet Wifdom doth abide.

The upright Man's Integrity, Faith is a Aire

Shall guide, and not annoy :

Guide But evil

Doers are cut

But TranfgrefTors Perverfenefs, fhall off.

Them utterly deftroy.

Great Riches in the Bay of Wrath, Riches fade i
Will never Profit gain :
prcferves from
But Righteoufnefs delivers Men all Dangers.

Fiom Death, from /&//, and Pain.

The Righteoufnefs of per feci: Men, Righteoufn.

a fun :

Shall all their Paths direct :

But the W i

But Wicked by their Sins (hall fall, fail by their Sins.

And none fliall them protect.

Righteoufnefs Upright
fliall the aid, if:icfs

In Time of Grief and Wo aid* th«

Jun at

Tranforeflbrs fliall be taken in .

taken in their
Their Sins, and Trouble know. Sins.
' : :

in Englifli Verse. [ 33 ]
ClI A! 1
. II.
7 '

When Wicked what they expect,

die, The Hope <:f the
I dieth
Shall foon be put away :
Likewife the Hope of the Unjuft,
Shall fuddenly decay.
The righteous Men, deliver'd are The Jufl are f.e*
from Troubles
From Trouble, at their Need :
and the Evil pof-
The Wicked come, their Troubles find, fefsthem.

And have them in their Stead.

An Hypocrite, doth with his Mouth The Hypocrite

hurts his Neigh-
His Neighbour foon deitroy :
bour but the

But thro' fweet Knowledge, Righteous mail Righteous are de-

Deliver'd be, with Joy.
When with the Righteous Things go well. Righteous re-
joyce at good:
The City doth rejoyce ;
but wicked re-
But when the Wicked perifh, there joyce at evil.

Is Noife, with friouting Voice.

1 1.

*i By Bleffmg of the upright Men,

th' Good Men pre-
ferve the City :
The City doth abound :
but Wicked Men
By wicked Mouths 'tis overthrown, deftroy It*

And levelPd with the Ground.

« Men void of Wifdom, to defpife Fools hate their
Their Neighbours never ceafe Neighbours but :

the Wife are fi-

But Men of Underftanding, they lent.

Will furely hold their Peace.

*3 Tale-bearers, Things will fure divulge,

: Tale-bearers ex-
And Secrets will reveal pofe all w h; ca :

But fuch as are of faithful Heart, good Men will

The Matter will conceal.
54 Where there no, Counfel is, to aid, Good Counfel is

The People foon decay :

a fure Guard,

But where good Counfel doth abound,

Full fafe and fure are they.
F is. He
I J The Pxoverbs of Solo m o n
Chap, ir
is, I

ly Smart endur

But he that voideth fuch like Thing

and fare.

lb ','
bmatt, iurcly doth dot* Wo-
eat Honour fafe retain :


And Men both itrong, and wife in 1 I

Men gain F
Do fgrely Rid

The Man that's m< rclful and good, ThcM

Doth cherifli his own Soul : I

Souls : 1

But he th it's om is Flefh (

Great Troubles daily roll. the Fidh.

The Wicked, that do work Deceit,
as they
With fuch it fhall go hard :

But he that foweth Righteoufoefi,

Shall furely reap Reward.
*9 As . doth tend to L.ife,
hefs Goodnr
We plainly may behold 1

All fuch as Evil do purfue,

Make War againft their Soul.
io All fuch as froward are of Heart, Cod h"

The Lord doth Rich 1 Juft.

But they that walk in upright Paths,

Are all God's whole Delight.
21 The Wicked never fhall efcape, The Wicked flan
Tho' Hand do joyn in Hand :

But Seed of Righteous fhall be fav'd,

The Lord will by them ftaiuk
22 Like as the Jewel doth adorn
without C
The Snouts of dirty 5

Such are fair Women* without Grace,

Tho' counted curious tine.


in Englifli Verse, [ 35 .

S3 The p;. .
* Defire is Ja!l Men lov<;

Goodneis, and to Life :

But Wicked nothing do exp<

But Wrath, which ends in Strife.

24 Yea, there is that which fcattereth, The Liberal ne-
ver want Mi«
And dill doth more enjoy :
fets come

to Po-
And likewife that which holdeth much, verty.

Yet comes to Poverty.


*5 The lib'ral Soul, mail be made fat, 'Tisgocd to be

And alfo have much Wealth :

But fuch a one as watereth, '

Shall water'd be himfelf.

7.0 He that witflholdeth Or;/, mail caufc Withhold not
The People him to curfe
But Bleflirigs are upon the Head
Of him that ; him blefs.

27 He that doth diligently feek Seek Goodneis.

For Good, procureth Fame :

But he that feeketh Mifchief, fliall

Sure fall into the fame.
z3 He that on Riches doth depend, Depend not on
He furely foon fnall fall Riches.

But righteous Men, like as a Branch,

Shall flourim over all.
79 He that doth trouble his own Houfe, Trouble not
thine own
Such mail inherit Wind : Houfe.

And fimple Fools, to th' Wife mail be

As Servants, kept confin'd.
30. >.

30 The Fruit of th' Righteous, is a Tree *Tis good to win

of Life, fweet to behold :

And thofe are furely wife of Heart,

That do win many Souls,
F 2 31. Behold,

[ 3° 3 Toe Proverbs of Solomon

Chap, t i

31 Behold, the Righteous fkill on Earth Norc fl-.all pais

For Sins rewarded I

I low Wicked then cfcape :

[hall the
That Gnn'd much more than they.


LoVc Lift ruction.

St. David's Tune : Compofed in Four Paris. W. T.

4 4
=-|: 5 :tizH:iSF-
£--£ l~-g.

_ 5
I _ 1.


1 T TE that doth love hi-Jirufliox, will From Knowledge ne'er depart :

*/ __. .*3_ ^3

: : :

hi Englifii Verse. I 37 ]


Tenor &f Bap.


m But he that hateth

:ie: :d:

all Re-proof, Is of a bru-tifh Heart.

s A good Man, Favour doth obtain, Good Men are

God's Favourites:
From God, the heav'nly Lo^rd :
But Wicked are
But thofe that wicked are, he hath condemned.

Condemn'd, and much abhorr'd.

3 A Woman's as a Crown,
virtuous Good Women
And doth her Hujband blefs :
But Bad are as
But fhe that maketh Him afham'd, Rottennefs.

To's Bones is Rottennefs.

4 The Thoughts of righteous Men, are right, Juft Mens
Thoughts are
Their Paths are juft and (freight pure: but Wick-

5 But Counfels of the Wicked, are ed, are deceitful.

Nothing but damn'd Deceit.

6 The Words of Wicked, are to lie Shun ths Wick-
In wait for Blood, for ever ed :GoJ guards
the Good.
But Mouths of th' Upright, is their Aid ?
And mall them fure deliver.
7 The Wicked foon are overthrown, Wicked Men
They fopn are gone away :


C 38 ] The Proverbs of Solomo N

The Houfc of righteous Men fhall (land, ( IP. I 2,

And never fhall decay. us Men

t A Man fhall thus commended be, Commend a Man
According as he's v. as he di:

But he that is perverfe of Heart,

Shall meet with great Defpife.

9 He that's defpis'd, and Servant is, to be

Is better in Decree humble than

Than he that honoureth himfelf,
And comes to Poverty.

9 '

10 A righteous Man, regards his Beaft,

And cherifheth its Life : Mens
But th* Wicked's Mei lei are, cruel.

And moft delight in So


31 He that doth till fare Hull

the Land, Labourers {hall
With Bread be fati c fy'd : not want Go :

th the
But thofe that go with Wicked, are Wicked.
Of Underftandin§
1 1.

The Wicked greatly do defire Wicked love

The Net of Perfons vain :
Wickednefs: Juft
Men have Gain%
But Roots of Righteous yieldcth Fruit,
Yea, profitable Gain.
The Wicked's own TranfgrefTion, doth
Evil Men in-
By's Lips, himfelf enfnare :

But the juft Man, from Trouble fhalj Juft M

from Trouble.
Come out, and have no Share.
Man fhall be with Good
All ftull be re-
That from Lips proceed
his : warded for their

Likewife the Labour of his Hands

Shall rccompence the Deed.
The Ways of Fools , to them feem right, wife in

And juft in their own Eyes wa Eyes.


in BqgHIh Verse. 1 39 3
But he that will good Counfel hear, Ch a p. 12.
Is certainly molt wife.
16 Fooh Wrath, it prefently is known, Fool's Wiath
foon rifes Pru-
You Toon may fee the lame
dent Men cover
But he that Prudent is of Heart, Shame.

Will always cover Shame.

17 He that doth fpeak the very Truth, Speak the
Doth mew forth Righteoufnefs :

But a falfe Witnefs, is Deceit,

Such God doth never blefs.

is There is, that fpeaketh like a Sword, Speak net lies:

Love the Truth*
Its piercing's not ib fharp :

But Tongues of th* Wife, are perfect Health,

Truth donVfrom fuch depart.
19 The Lip of Truth, mall 'ftablim'd be, Truth fhall en-
dure Liars (hall
Truth mail tafte
It ever :

But lying Tongues, fhall foon decay,

Nay, but a Moment laft.

so Thofe that imagine evil Things, Imagine noEvifi
Good Counfel is
Deceit is in their Heart :
But Counfellers of Peace, is Joy,
Such ne'er from Goodnefs part.
21 No 111 fhall happen to the Juft, The Juft are
Who hearken to God's Will :
iure ;

the Wicked.
but not

But Wicked fhall of Evil fhare,

Of Mifchief have their Fill.
22 The lying Lips, abhorred are, Lying is hateful
And hateful in God's Sight :
is loved.

But they that true and juftly deal*,

Such are his whole Delight.
23 A Prudent Man, doth wifely act, The Prudent
He Knowledge doth conceal :
not :



[ 4° 3 W je Proverbs of Sol o m o x
But II .';, do utte* all, Ch a p. 1

And Folly do iw
=4 The I nd of th Ditigt
T >ar Thediligerv
Lt Rule, they govern fhall under.
But £/&£> (hall under Tribute b -,
And kept in fuch-like Thrall.
25 When leavineis v in the Heart
: krth

Of Man, it finketh low :

But precious Words do it revive,

That Gladnefs there may grow.

=6 The Righteous is more excellent Juft Men are

moft efteem'd :
Than yet his Neighbours are :
But the Wicked
But Ways of Wicked them (educe, 11 rive to
Corrupt, and much eninare.
-- The roads not what he took
Slothful sioth^:
live on the Spoil
In hunting, by the Lure :
of others :

The Subftance of the Diligent Subftance of the

Diligent is pure.
Moft precious are, and pure.
2s The Way of Righteoufncfs, is Life, Righteous Ways
lead to 1

No Fiend fhall them deftroy :

The Path is plain, there is no Death,

What can our Souls annoy ?

in Endifh Verse. C 41 ]


.. Hear InjlrucHon and (Rebuke.

St. Faith's Tunc : Compoicd in Three Parts. W. T.


#35t |-ir:^|i=;[:=j

~-l-5 ::3r:ll£- j::34:=: H;r^3: :gzfei-e:


Wife Son, doth his Fa-ther hear, And his In-flru&km take :

'A 6 5 #6 8 8 1 £5 £3 *

4 j £3 — I

-. B :i:i:-:p-.:p4:S« &::^± 9 ::: lo^rrfr::: _:fei.^:i| m^.


gi# — I P--j — f-j 3?4.0 4? — 3 --^4-~-04 e 4(*™

Bat Scorners, will not hear rebuke, Nor fcorning yet for-fake.

a A Man (hall eat of Food, by th' Fruit Men /hall have
as they merit.
That from his Lips proceed :

But Souls of vile Tranfgreflbrs, they

On Violence (hall feed.
G 3. H<

[ 42 3 Th* Proverbs of Solomo n

Chap. \$ {

3 I with Quard doth keep his Mouth* Guard well the

His Life prefcrve he (h
Bur lie that op*neth wide his Lips,
Shall to Dcftruaion fall.

The Soul of th' Sluggard, much defires, The Sluegard Is

rh« Dili-
But yet hath nothing found :
geit h
The Soul of th' Diligeir, mail be
Made fat, and rich abound.
A righteous Man, doth lying hate, Hare lying.

doth abhor the fame :

But wicked Men, are lothfome, and

Are quickly brought to Shame.

By Righteoufhefs, the upiight Man Rightemifncfs U

guarded iafe and lure
Is :

But Wickednels doth overthrow defh< J

The Sinner, that's impure.

There's that, which doth himfelf make rich, Content is all

Yet hath not any Store : in all.

There's alfo, that hath Riches great,

Yet maketh himfelf poor.

s The Ranfom that is of Man's Life, R'ches endure

Are Kick great Rev : Life :

S me Poor are
The Poor will never hear Rebuke, obftinate.

Nor yet Reproof regard.

The Light
of Righteous, doth rejoyce,
9 The Juft u
They're free from Care and Doubt :
Hi m St rrow :

The Y.\\\ 1 Ir.d

But Lamps or wicked Men, they Hull is foon.

Mod furely be put out.

*« By Pride alone, Contention comes, Pride brinri
Contention The
Which doubtlefs will remain :
welladrii d

But fuch as well advifed are, to Knowledge.

To Wifdom fare attain.

11. The
in Englifli Verse. C4? ]
I I. Chap. 13
The Wealth got by Vanity,
that's II! gotten

proJber not : But

Shall foon be little found :
well gotten en-
But he chat doth by Labour gain, dures.

It greatly ihall abound.

** When Hope's deferr'd, it maketh fick Befear not Hope

The Heart, likewife the Mind :

But Hope is like a Tree of Life,

To fuch as do it .find.
13 Whofo that doth depife the Word, Profane notCrxTs
Word : obey his
Shall furely be deftroy'd :
But he that doth Commandment fear,
For fuch God will provide.
14 The Law of Wife, a Fountain is,
th' Cod's Law will
Pertaining unto Life :
jure prefer ve.

For to depart from Snares of Death,

From Envy, Sin, and Strife.

15 Good Underftanding 9 furely gives Good Under-

Handing ihall
Great Favour, and Reward :
give Favour: it

But as for the TranfgrefTors Ways, go hard

with the Evil.
Shall certainly be hard.
26 The Prudent Man, with Knov/ledge doth Love Prudence :

Fools divulge all.

Always difcreetly deal :

But Fools * do Folly open wide,

And nothing will conceal.

17 A wicked Mejfenger, Ihall fall A wicked Me/-

In Mifchief, caufing Strife fenger caufeth
Woe ; But the
But a faithful Ambaffador, faithful isHealth.

Is precious Health, and Life.

18 Such as InJlAtftion do refufe, Haters cfCounfcl

Shall come Poverty to :
(hall tern; to
Poverty Bjt :

But they that do regard Reproof, Lovers fliall be

Shall be exalted high.
G 2 19, When
C 44 3 Toe P o verbs 0/ Solomon
Chap, i

n Defirc is fulfilled,
Ha unto the Soiil :

1 oul.

tag tK
Sh *h :

Cur God will them deftn

ill Sinners foon purfue,
ners Good Men
They foon fball be decay'd *.

But unto fuch as Righteous are,

Shall GoodneiV be repaid.
Good Men, lay up Inheritance Mtn lay
up for their .

For their Poftciity :

Children But :

wicked Mens
But Sinners Wealth is hoarded up,
h lies tor
And doth for juft Men lie. the j .

Within the 1 illage or the Pocr, Poor Mm? Til-

1-ge brii
Much Food doth there abide : Food ; Some are

But there is that, yea, which for Want W.mt

i for
Of Judgment is deftroy*d. ment.

He thai ts, and (pares his Rod, Dot the
Rod, aj
Doubtlefs, doth hate his Son : the CI
But he that loves him, will correct
And chaftife him, when Young.
-- T^I
le righteous Man, PrrM freely eat, The Righto
I [is Soul to fatisfy :

But wicked Bellies, they fhall want, lLill want.

[I them mnoy.

C H A P.
in Englifh Verse. [ 45 ]


u the Wife Act Wifely : 'But Foolifl) Act Folly.

St. Kathsrine's Tune : Compofed in Two Parts. W. T.

Tenor &f .&?>.

SEH£ 9
-9 QZ 4

: :
^2rir ?E p |:?5:fE|:?rp


A LL Wo-vicn wife, their Houfes build, They ne--ver do de--cay :

+ -——-J.
-B--B- GS -

But TooJ-iJh pluck down with their Hands, Andfoon them wafte do by.
3 3 8
2 . j; _ m C2~\- -4*_ -x i '


He that doth walk in Uprightnefs, Walk uprightly,
if ddoiied.
God's Fear is in his Eyes :

But he that is perverfe in Heart,

Always doth him defpife.
Within the Mouths of wicked Men, The Wicked are

Rod of Pride proud: Juft Men

Is fix'd a :
flnll ftand fift.
But wife Mens Lips, fhall them preferve,
That they fhall never Aide.
Where there no Oxen do abide, Oxen rrc pfg ea

The Crib is always clean : Value.

But by an &v, is great Increase,

Yea, Strength is likewife ken.
C 45 3 TfJ ? Proverbs ^/Solomon
Ch a p. 14.
N Wit-
5 A faithful JViiirfs, will not lie,
Nor yet falfe Witnefs l>
But lVttnefs falfe, will Utter Li ,

To lie they'll never fp

6 A Scorner. after Wifdom feeks, A 9-c-rr •:

But never doth it find :

But to the Juft it

But Knowledge eafy is to him ii cafy.

Of underdo nding Mind.

7 In Hade fly from the foolifb Man, Fly from Fools.

As foon as thou dofl find

That he not Lips of Knowledge hath,
But foolifhly's inclin'd,
* The Wifdom of the Prudent, is Prudence is Per-
Fools Folly
To underftand his Way : ii Deeeit.

But Fools own Folly, is Deceit,

Such work their own decay.
9 Fools, at their Folly do rejoyce, Fools make a
And make Mock

a at Sin :
Favour is amongft
But yet among the righteous Men, the Juft.

Favour is found therein.

JO The Heart doth know the Birternefs The Ii

knoweth its Bit-

That doth attend the Soul :
tern cl':.

The Stranger troubleth not his Joy,

Nor meddles to controul.
ii The Houfes of th* Unjuit, (hall foon WkVed Men are
ricftroyed: But
Be wafte, and turned o'er : the Juft nourifti.

But Tabernacles of the Juft,

Shall flourifh evermore.
n There is a Way, that feemeth right,
Which doth not Man befriend :

Which Ways do prove the Paths of L

And fatal is their End.
•3- In
in Englifn Vers *. 1 47 3
Cn a p. 14.
Plcalurcs end fa-
,3 I , is the Heart ul.
Bom ;. forrowfiil :

But in the End, that Mirth is turnM

To Heavinefs, mod dull.
14 The he fhall be fill'd
Backjlider, Avoid Backslid-
ing Rj
In Heart, with his own Way

arc (atisfied.

But righteous Men, from their own Words,

Shall (atisfied be.

T The Simple b«-

5 The fnnple Man, believeth all 1eve all Pru-

That from his Lips proceed :

dent Men guard
their Steps.
But Prudent Men, their Goings guard,
And of their Steps have Heed.
16 A wife Man, and
feareth Evil, Juft Men fear
Fools are
Kvil :

Doth from fame depart

the :
But Fools 1 do rage, and alio are
Quite confident of Heart.

17 He that is angry foon, hath dealt Avoid Hafli-

nefe: Wickei
Quite foolifh, undifcreet : are hated.

But wicked Men, that 111 devife,

Shall always Hatred meet.

18 The Simple, Folly fhall inherit, The Simple in-

herit Folly :
Their Folly fhall abound :
Prudent are
But fuch as Juft and Prudent are, crowned with,
Shall be with Knowledge crown'd.
The Evil fhall
19 The Evil bow, before the Good, tow to the Juft.

Yea, this is fure their Fate :

The Wicked likewife humble fhall,

Before the juft Man's Gate.
ao The Poor Man's Fate is very hard, Poor Men «r;
hated; Rich
His Neighbours do him hate : have many
But Rich Men, they have m my Friends* Frier.ds.

And jive in Splendoi great.

21. He
[ 48 ] The Proverbs 0/SoLOMOK
2 1. Chap. 14.
*i I !
ir doth D
'j iky of great Sin : * I

But he that Mercy hath on / }

Great Happinefs (hall win.

Do they nor err, that do l Blood:
Do good.
at Evil ? And (hed Bio
But 3 is to thofe
do devife Thin

In Labour, there (hall Profit be, Great

never (hall have En
But Talk of Lips, d ing gain,
But unto Penary tend,

+ The Crown of wife Men, &V£tt are, Mti are
In Wealth they much abou
But Foolifhnefs of Fools, is no-
Thing elfe but Folly found.

=s A Wiinefs true, delivers Souls

And brings them out of Thrall :

But Wxtnefs falfe, fpeaks Nought but Lies,

And utter ruins All.
-6 The Fear of God, is greatly Great, God's Fear is

A Confidence mod ftrong ftrmg and pro- :

His Children all (hall Refuge have,

That none (hall do them Wrong.
2 7-
2- The /^:c Wife, a Fountain is,
of th' Cod's Lr.w pre-
Pertaining unto Life :
fer eth from all
For to depart from Snares of Death,
From Envy, Sin, and Strife.
d* In Multitude of People, are •' 2
Mo-t honourable Kings I .

Bit when ot People there is Want,

Want them Dclbu&ion brings.
29. He

tn JSnglifli Ve r $ £. [49 3
29. ClI A P. 14
B9 He that hath Underllanding great, Wife Men arc
flow to Wr.it h
Is always flow to Wrath :
Fools arc halty.
But he that is of hafty Sp'rit,
Exalted Folly hath.
3° A found,
and pure, and perfect Hearty A pure Heart is
Is Life unto the Flefij :
Lite :Envy ro>
tcth the Bonet.
But Envy, Hatred, and Revenge,
To th' Bones is Rottennefs.
31 He that oppreffeth hath the Poor, Opprefs not the
His Maker hath abhorr'd : Poor,

But he that Mercy hath on them,

Hath honoured the Lord.

3* Wicked are driven quite away, Wicked are con-

fumed Righte-

All by their wicked Scope : ous endure.

, But Righteous never will decay,
But in their Death have Hope.
33 Wifdom doth reft in him, that is Love wife Men j
Avoid Fools.
underftanding Heart
But that which is in midft of Fools,
Fools quickly do impart.

34 Righteoufnefs, doth a Nation raife, preferveth : Sirj
And much exalt the fame :
bringeth Re-
But Sin, to any Nation is
Reproach, and utter Shame.
35 A Servant, that is wife in Heart,
Wife Servants
Hath Favour of the King : have Honour:
FooJifh ones
But he that caufeth Shame, fhall foon taufe Wrath a

His Wrath upon him bring.

t 50 ] The Proverbs o/Solomonj
* life /oft Words.

St. demerit's Tune : Compofed in Three Paris. W, T.

Cant us.

piiiiiiSli Tenor fcf Bafo.

1 A N Answer foft, turns Wrath—way,

a It Anger foon doth quell :

B - _s _.*3 # i> jfr^

. .

But grievous Words, do Danger ftlr, And makes it lon-ger dwell.

£ #3 * S3

The Tongues of wj/i Men, Knowledge ufe, Avoid Fool*

Likewifc apply it right :

But Mouths of Fools pour Folly out,

In fuch is their Delight.
3. The
: : :

in Engli/h Verse. [ 51 3
3- Chap, i 5-
The Eyes of God, are ev'ry where, God fees and go-
vcrns alL
Beholding ev'ry Place :

He Evil feeks, as well as Good,

He loves, and can abafe.

A wholefome Tongue's a Tree of Life, A wholefome
Tongue's a Tree
Which doth fweet Wifdom preach :
of Life : But e -
But fuch as are perverfe therein, vil Ones break

To th' Spirit is a Breach.

the Spirit.

Fools will not Fathers Counfel hear, Fools hate Conn

fe] : But Prurfsct
Inftruclion they defpife : love it.

But he that doth regard Reproof,

Is Prudent, and moft wife.

* Within the Houfe of righteous Men, The Juft abeunfl

in Wealth
Much Treafure doth abound :
But Wicked have
But wicked Mens Revenues are but little.

Nothing but Trouble found.

7 The Lips of wife, and godly Men, Wife Lips do
Cood Fools

Knowledge much difperfe :

repeat Folly,

But fhofe that foolifh are of Heart,

Their Follies do rehearfe.
8 The Sacrifice of wicked Men, Evil Mens Pray,
ers are hateful
Are hateful inGod's Sight But the Prayers

But Prafrs of fiich as Upright are, of the Juft are

Are furcly his Delight.
9 The Ways of wicked Men, God hates, God hatei tte
Wicked: BuX
Their Works he not approves loves the Juft.
But fuch as follow Righteoufnefs,
Such, fuch He dearly loves.
?° Correction grievous is to him, Evil Men hate

That from good Ways doth fly :


Put he that hateth good Reproof,

Indeed fhall furely die.
H 2 11 Hell
[ 52 ] The Proverbs of Solomon:
t r. Ch a p. i £
u Hell and DeflrufliQHf arc before All is ij

The Lord, our God of Might :

1 low much more then beiore the I [carts

Of Men, and Childrens Sight I

ftt A Seorner, hatcth he that doth Scombri hatjc

Reproof to him impart :

K rx>t.

I Ie hatcth fuch, he will not go

Unto the Wile of Heart.

33 A merry Heart, doth cheerful make A merry Heart

TheCountenance, for why ? gladeth But :

borrow deftroy-
Becaufe the Sorrow of the Heart, eth.

The Spirit doth deftroy.

H The Heart of him that underftands, Juft Men
Knowledge: But

Doth Knowledge fcek indeed : «?\il Men feed on

But Mouths of (uch as foolifh arc, Fi_uli'.hnefs.

On Foolifhnefs lhall feed.

*s The Days of the Afflicted, are Tulare

Juft h.v
All Evil, in God's Sight: tinual Feaft.

But he that is of merry Heart,

Hath a continual Light.
Content is % pre*
*6 More better is a little, with gious Gem.
The Fear of Go d, the Lord ;

Than to abound in Riches great,

Which Troubles doth afford.

?7 A Dinner better is of Herbs, Love furpaJJeth

Where True Love doth abound ;

Yea, better than a (tailed Ox,

Where Hatered is found.
Wrathful Mei
:& A wrathful Man, doth (tir up Strife, have but link-
hath but litde Eafe :

But he that flow to Anger is,

All Strife doth ibon appc -

*9< The
: 1

in Englilh V"E rs e.
[ 5? ]
19. ClI AI\ 15.
19 The Ways of Slothful Men, are like Slothful Men
have always
Unto a Hedge of Thorns :
Hinderanccs :

But Paths of righteous Men are plain, But juft M 1

Ways are dear*

God's Glory them adorns.
*° A Son that's wife, doth furely make A wife Son

His Father's Heart full glad btingeth Glad-

nefs But a Fool

But Fools theirMothers do defpife, bringeth Sorrow.

O Heavinefs moft fid !

. %i He that of Wifdom's deftitute, Fools Joy is
Folly Juft Men
His Folly is his Joy

walk uprightly.
But they that Underftanding have,
Will walk moft uprightly.
%z Where there no Counfel is, to aid, Counfel is a good
Purpofals foon decay : Friend.

But where good Counfellors abound,

Eftablifh'd foon they'll be.

43 The Anfwer of a Man's own Mouth, Good Words *«

Doth bring to him great Joy : fweet.

How good's a Word in Seafon fpoke ?

That does no one annoy !

24 The Way
of Life's above to th' Wife, Live not after'

(Who can God's Pow'r conceive?) the World : But

as to Heaven.
That ( he may Blifs attain ) he may ,

Depart from Hell beneath.

z$ The Lord will foon deftroy the Houfe Pride will foon
Of fuch as haughty be :
fall: But the
Juft and Defti-
The Widow's Border 'ftablim will, tute will have
That we His Pow'r may fee. Help.

*6 The Thoughts of wicked Men, to God God hates the
Wicked But
Are hateful, and abhorr'd :
loves the

But Words of Pure, are pleafing Words, of the Juft.

And pleafant to the Lord.

27, The
: )

C 54 3 The Proverbs af Solomon

Chap. 15.
The Man that greedy is of Gain, Avoid Greedi-
ndi : Hate Giftt.
Troubleth his own Houfe much :

But he that wholly hateth Gifts,

Shall furely live by fuch.
t% The Heart of th* Righteous, ftudy much, -
1 ftudy

How they may

anfwer right : Good: But
- EvU.

But Mouths of Wicked, pour forth Things

That evil are, with Spite.

The Lord is far from wicked Men, God heirs net ths
Wicked: Bat
Yea, far from them, not near :
the Juft.
But when the Righteous call and cry,
Straightway he doth them hear.
30 The Light that is within the Eyes, The EyesgWt
Joy to the
Doth fill the Heart with Joy :
Heart: A good
A good Report, makes fat the Bones ;
Name maketh
the Bones fat.
(May nothing fuch annoy.)

3' The Ear good Reproof,

that heareth Hear Reproof;
Aad/hun Wrath.
(The Reproof of Life
fweet :

He fure abideth with the Wife ;

And fhunneth Wrath and Strife.
3* He that Inftruftion doth refufe, Hate not In-
Defpifeth his own Soul ftxuaion; B«t
love it.
But he doth regard Reproof,

Hath Underftanding whole.

33 The God, Inftruction
Fear of is Love Inftruftwnj
Humility is
Of Wifdom this adore ; :
much beforo 1

Humility's a Virtue great, Honour.

Which Honour is before.

in Englifh Verse; C 5J 3

»• All are in G O Ds Tower.
St. George's Tune : Compofed in Four Parts, W. T.

Alto. g

7W & £tf^&.

I *Tr» HE whole Dif-pofings of Man's Heart, From God alone proceed :

The An-fwer of the Tongue like-wife ; Goi all af-fifts, at need.

2 The
C 56 ] 7fo Proverbs o/Solomon:
2. Ch ap. 16,
The Ways of Men, do all feem clean God fees and go*
verns all.
In theirown Eyes but they ;

Are under God's commanding Eye,

Who doth the Spirits weigh.

3 Commit Lord,
thy Works unto the Do all as to tht
Lord The
Thy Thoughts fhall 'ftablifli'd be :
Wicked are

4 The Lord hath made all for himfelf, made for the evil
But th' Vile for th' evil Day.
s Ev'ry one that is proud in Heart, Avoid Pride:
None fhall e*
Is hateful to the Lord: ftjpe.

None fhall efcape, tho' Hand in Hand,

But what fhall have Reward.
6 By Mercy, and likewife by Truth, Mercy and Truth
All Sin is purged clear: rnirgcth Sin : By
God's Fear.
And Men from Evil do depart,
Influenc'd by God's Fear.
7 When that Mens Ways are juft and pare, Juft Ways 1

They furely pleafe the Lord :

: And nuke

He makes their Foes to be at Peace,

And Envy is abhorr'd.
* More better is a Little, with Content is a pre-

The Fear of God in Sight : cious Virtue.

Than to abound in Riches Great,

In which we have no Right.
9 Man's Heart devifeth his own Way, Cod fees and di-
His Eyes likewife infpecl : rects all.

But yet the Lord doth govern all,

And doth his Steps direct;

10 The King hath Sentences divine, /hall judge
They do his Lips poffefs :

His Jrtiib is firm, fo that he doth

In Judgment ne'er tranfgrefs.
10. A
: ::

in Englifh Verse, f 57 3
IO. Ch ap. 16.
ji A Weight that's Juft, is God's alone, Falfe Weights
and Meafurea are
The Ballance juft like wife :
hateful to God*
Yea, all the Weights are God's own Work,
He doth the Whole revife.
iz Abomination 'tis to Kings, Kings Thrones
To act Unrighteoufnefs t
are eftabliihcd by
The Throne by Goodnefs 'ftablifh'd is$

Good Princes God doth blefs.

The righteous Lips, to Kings are pure, Kings ou<?ht to
love Righteouf-
In ilich Kings take delight nefs and Right.
To Men they Adoration bear,
Whofe Words are juft and right.
H As Mejfengers of Deaths fo is A King's WritU
is dreadful.
King's Wrath, when raifed high :

But Men of Wifdom, foon appeafe

The fame, and pacify.
In the Light of the Countenance* Kings Favour Itf

Of Kings, Life doth remain : Life.

Likewife his Favour ev'n is as

A Cloud of latter Rain,
<w How much the better is't to get Adore Wifdorfi,
Sweet Wifdom, more than Gold ?
And Under/landing's rather chofe
Than Silver, to behold.
37 The High-way of the Upright, is $4ate evil Way« j

The Evil to controul Good Ways lead

And he that keepeth fure his Way, to Life.

Doth fure preferve his Soul.

J8. Pride, doth before Beftrutlion go,

Pride, the Inlet
Yea, go before it ihall of Deftru&iom
Likewife an haughty Spirit fo
Shall go before a Fall.
1 j 8. Much
[ 5 8 J The Proverbs ^/Solomon
iS. Chap. 16*.

»9 Much better is an humble Sp'rit, 'Tis Good to be

With lowly Men, ye a, tar :

Than to divide the Spoil of fuch

As proud and haughty are.
to He that doth handle Matters wuV,
A£l wifely t anS
ShallGoodnefs find therein :
tiuft \l I

An whofo trufteth in the Lord,


Shall happy be, from Sin.

1 The wife in Heart, they fhall be calPd The Wifc are
have Peace fhall :
Juft Men ac-

And Lips that fweet and pleafant are, quire Learning.

Great Learning do increafe.

«* Understanding, is a Well-fpring, Underftanding, a

To them that it poifefs :

Fools love Folly.
But Fools Inftruction, Folly i>,

And nought but Foolihhnefs.

a3 The Heart of th' Wife* doth teach his Mouth. Wife Men will
In which his Soul is glad :

And likewife Learning to his Lips,
lie freely much doth add.

*4 Soft Woris^ are as an Ilor.ey-c Soft Words, zrt

fweet and pure.
Yea, fweet unto the Soul :

And likewife Health unto, the Bones •,

May none fuch Words controul.

*5 There is a Way, which feemeth right, '7* end
Yet doth not Man befriend :

Which Ways, do prove tlu Paths of Dc

And fatal is their Eni
He that doth JOUteth* The L-.hourrr
Yea, for hitnfelf indeed :
fhall n.

His Mouth doth truly it require,

To fatisfy his Need
. He

in Englifh Verse. [ 59 ]
26. Chap. 16.
& Ungodly Men, dig Evil up, Evil Lips arc as
They Evil do acquire : Fire; Which de.
ftroys them-
And in whole Lips there furely is
felvcs, as well as

A hoc and burning Fire. others.

»s A frow:ird Man,
he foweth Strife, Froward Men
Such are wicked Ends, his part Friends.

And with the Wifp'ring of his Lips,

He feperateth Friends.
39 A Man of Wrath, and Violence, Wrathful
lesd to Sin

His Neighbour .doth intice :

And leads him into wicked Ways,

which only tend to Vice.
$• He fhutsEyes, and doth invent,
his And bring Evil
to pafs.
And devife froward Things :

And by the moving of his Lips,

Evil to pals he brings.
3* The ancient and the hoary Head's, Old Age Is a

A Crown of Glory, bright

Crown of Glory;
if Righteous.
If it be found in Righteoulhefs,
And in the way to Light.
yi He that is flow to Anger, is,
The Humble at*
better than the
Far better than the Great Mighty.
And govern'd Spirits, far exceed
Such as a City take.
33 The Lot is call into the Lap, All are at God*!

If't ne'er fo much affords,

The whole Difpofal of the fame,
Thereof, is of the Lqrds.

I %
[ 6c ] The Proverbs o/Solomon:
CHAR xvir.

»• Content is a pure Virture.

St. Within' s Tune : Compofed in Four Parts. W. T.



Tenor iff Bajjfa.

^-Q:g^^3M3 ^

\ yl Uch bct-tcr is —
a Mor-fd dry, Where Qui--et nefs is found :


Than a Houfe full of Sa— cri— fice, where Strife doth much a-bound.

— — e-C-J — E{.-C4— II-PI PE-E-I— -E-J-eMl

2. A &r-

in Englifh Verse. [ 61 ]
2. Chap. 17.
A Servant wife, fhall over -rule Wife Servants
lhall be exalted.
Son that caufeth fliame :

And of the whole Inheritance,

He fhall partake the fame.

The Fining-Pot, for Silver, is, God tries and be-

holds all Hearts,
The Furnace, is for Gold :

But God alone doth try the Hearts,

And doth the fame behold.

A wicked Doer, giveth heed Wicked Men

bve Wickedaefsi
Unto Lips, and Lies
A Lyar, hears, the naughty Tongue,
That Evil doth devife.
Defpife not the
5 Whofo doth hate and mock the Poor, Poor. : Nor be
Doth fure his Maker hate :
gfod at Calami-
And he that at Diftrefs is glad,
From Woe fhall not efcape.
* Children's Children, they are the Crown Children are a
Of Old and ancient Men : Crown to their
Fathers And
And all the Children's Glory great, the Children's

Are in their Father's then. Glory is in them.

7 Excellent Speech,becomes not Fools, Good Speech be*

They hate all like Things
fuch ;
comes not FqoIs ;

nor Lies Kings.

Much lefs do lying Lips become
Princes, or noble Kings.
s A Gift, is as a Precious Stone, bounty, a preci-
To him that hath it fure :
ous Stone draw-
ing the Hearts of

Where e'er it turns, it profpereth, the People.

Yea, ever doth endure.

9 He that Tranfgreffion covereth, Love covers

Seeks Love, yea, Strife foon ends many Faults t
revealed Secrets
But he that Matters does repeat,
part Friends.
He feperateth Friends
10 A Good

C 6z ] The Proverbs ^Solomon:

10. Chap. 17.
»• A Good Reproof, doth enter more Good Reproof •

enters Into wife

Into a Man that's wife :
Men : nv.re than

Than many Stripes into a FooJ, Stripe* do into g

Who folly doth devife.
1 1.
«i An evil Mm, Rebellion fecks, The Wicked
I doth the fame invent
It will h^ve a
cruel Mcifcngef
Therefore a cruel Meffengcr atlaft.

Shall be againft him lent.

ix Yea, Let a Bear that's rob'd of Wljelps, DM a FoGl
More rather meet a Man :

Than Fools, who are with Folly led ;

And in their Folly ftand.

33 Whofo rewards Evil for Good, W'cked Men

Shall Goodncfs ne'er efpoufe : fhaJl never de»
part from £\il
Evil from fnch fhall ne'er depart,
Or ever leave his Houfe.

14 Like as when Water is let out, Strife is hard W

So Strife it doth begin : Quell.

Therefore leave off Contention quite,

And void all fuch like Sin.
*5 He that the Wicked juftifies, Juftifv not thj
Or juft Man hath abhor'd :

They both abominable are,

And hateful to the Lord.
s6 Wherefore is there a Price i'th' Hand Tools get no-
thing by Wif-
Of th' Fool, Wifdom to get ?
dom: having no
Seeing to it he hath no Heart, Jicart to it.

But is againft it fet.

*7 A Friend doth love, -yea, at all times, &. Friend loveS
When lov'd, or if forlorn :

Likewife a Brother truly is

For Adverfity born.

j 8. H:
, ;

in Englifli Verse.
18. Ch ap. 17.
isHe tli at is Sur*ty % and ftrikes Hands, Avoid Swityftip

In pre fenceof his Friend :

Is fure of Underftanding void,

And Simple in the End.
19 He that Tranfgreflion well doth love. Wicked love
He furely loveth Spite : Spite: he that
exalts himfelf
And he that doth exalt his Gate, hurts his Liie.
Seeks to diffract his Life.
ao Ev'n He froward Heart,
that hath a Froward Hearts
Doth no Reft at all
find : have no Rett :
Evil Tongues
And he that hath a Tongue perverfe, tall into Mil-
Doth into Milchief fall. chief.

fti Ev'n He that doth
beget a Fool, Foolifh Sons
bring Woe
To him great Woe is nigh :
their Parent?*

And he that's Father of a Fool,

He never hath no joy.
22 A
merry He art , it doeth Good, A merry Heart
*Tis like a Med' cine nigh :
is a go; d Medi-
cine A broken
Broken Spir't, doth wound the Heart, Siirit dries the

Likewife the Bones doth dry.

The Wicked, they will take a Gift, W icked will

take Bribes.
Or Bribe in any Cafe :

The Righteous, Judgment to pervert,

That Wicked may have place.
24 WifJom, always is before
{uft Men have
All fuch as underftand : Wifdom at hand
foolifh Ones are
But for the Eyes of foolifh Ones in the end of the
They are in the Earth's End. Earth.

25 A Foolifh So?i> to's Father is

Foolifh Sons
Nothing but Grief and Care : bring heavinefs
And alfo Bitternefs to her, to their Par-ant:

Who painful did him bear.

26 To
C 64 ] TJj? Proverbs of Solomon
Chap. 17,
a6 To punifh juft Men, 'lis not good, 1

Nor pleafing to God's Eye : 1

Nor neither is it good to (bike quiry.
fur In-

Princes for Equity.

2 7-
»7 He chat hath knowledge, (pares his Words, Wife M
111 Words he ne'er will vent :

A Man of Underllanding, is ccllcnt


Of fy//'/ excellent.
%% Ev'n when a Fool doth hold his Peace, Fools feem wifs

He then for wife isdeem'd :

when filciit.

And he that fhutteth up his Lips

To underftand is 'fteem'd.


Meddle not with that as dont Concern thee.

St. Kafberittfs Tune : Compofed in Two Parts. W. T.

Tenor & BaJJh.


H E that doth fe-pe rate himfelf, Doth feck to

his De--fire

t±t^pj;g}lifeefi -.Qiaftito =
#He in-ter-med-dlc-rcth with all, In all he doth en-quire.
3 3

2. A Fool,
: : , :

in Englifh Verse. c 653

2. Chap.i!
A FooU hath no delight at ail Fools

In Underftanding, no
But that his Heart may fee it plain
It felf, and fee 'tis fo.
3- Contempt follows
When they do come,
that the Wicked the Wicked :

and Reproach
Then comes Contempt, and Scorn : comes with
With Ignominy, comes Reproach , Ignominy.

All heavy to be born.

The Words of a Man's Mouth, are like Wifdom is AeVet
As many Waters great :

And the Well-fpring of Wtfdom's as

A Brook ; doth not abate.

It is not good for to accept Sinners are not to

A Man wicked known

that's :
fit in Judgment,

To be in judgment for to have •,

The Righteous overthrown.

The foolifli Lips, enter into The Fool is en-

Contention, which provokes :

ihared by his own
Likewife their Lips do cry aloud,
And do call out for Strokes.

A Fool's Mouth, his Deftruction is, Which foon

Goodnefs doth controul :
catch his Soul,

His Lips likewife. they are the Snare,

Which foon will catch his Soul.

The Words of a Tale-Bearer, are A Tale-bearer's

Like as fo many Wounds: Words are as
Wounds very
And to the Belly's inmoft Parts, fatal to alh

Do fuddenly go down.
He that is flothful alfo, and Sloth and Wafte,
To work he doth not hafte are both partner:,

Is ev'n as Brother unto him

That willfullv doth wafte,
K jo. The

[ 66 ] The Proverbs of Solomon:

io. Chap. 18.
>° The Name of God, the mighty Lord, Name is as
a Tower fur the
fo-qng Juft.

The Righteous runneth into it,

And arc fecure, from wrong,
i i.

ii The rich Man's Wealth, and Riches, are Riches are Vani-

H\s Ci • - md'rtMis great :

And ife is as a high Wm y

Witllin his own conceit.

B:fore Defl ruction comes, Man's Heart Humility r?if-

haughty, and mod high

Is : cth, and is be-
fore honour*
Likewife before great Honour is,

Is low Humility,
13 Kv'n ht doth an Anf:
that make,
Anfwer not be-
Before the Matters nam'd :
fore you hear the
He guilty of great Folly is,
Que ft ion.

It is to him a Shame.
14 The Spir't of Man, it will uphold ali Spirit up-

Infirmities that are : : but

none can bear a
A broken and a wounded Spir'/, pi Spirit.

Alals ! who can it bear?

15 The Hearts of good, and prudent ?>

Attain to Knowledge deep: 1

jig it.

And Ears of fuch as underftand,

Do after Knowledge feek.

16 A Man's free Gift, doth foon make room, nakcn.any

That he may enter th Friends.

It brings him unto righteous Men,

That he with fuch appear.

1- He that is firft, in his own Caul:, v feemf

:;iis juft, unto Eye
1 : good 'till the
other ii heard.
But when his Neighbour doth appear,
I le doth h and try.
18. The

in Englifh Verse. C 67 1
18. Cn ap. 18.
33 The Lot doth make Contention ccafe, Lots make Con-
It puts all Jarrs aright :

And parted is between great Men,

Yea, Men of Name, and Might.
J o A Brother, that offended is, 'Tis hard to
Pacify a Brother.
Is harder to be won :

Than a ftrong City ; his words are

Than Cajfle-Bars more ftrong.
2o Man's Belly mall be fill'd with Fruit, Man fhall have
Which from his Mouth proceeds as he merits.

And the Production of his Li^s,

It mall fupply his Needs.
*" Both Death, and alfo Life, are in The Tongue 1$
both good
The Power of the Tongue: bad,
all are in
And they that Love't, fhall eat the Fruit, God's Pov, er,

That thereto doth belong.

22 He that doth find a Wife, doth find >
A good Wife,
good and prec ous Thing : a precious things

And hath obtained Favour great,

Of God the Heav'nly King.

23 The Poor, do ufe Entreaties much,

The Pcor ^o
And all are not enough :
humble. The
The Rich, are puffed up with Pride, Rich anfwer
And always anfwer rough.
H A Man that hath got many Friends, He that- hath
many Friends,
Muft friendly be to other :
mult be friendly
And yet there is a Friend, that flicks to others : God is
the beft of all,
More defer than a Brother.

K C H A P.

[ <$8
] Proverbs o/5o lomon:
A Poor Man, is kttcr than a Fool

St. GUment'% Tune : Compofed in floret Parts. W. T. -


Tenor fcf i?^.


better is the Poor, that doth In truth up-right-ly walk :

* 3
* Df *5

Than iWj that are per-verfe in Lips, Who fool-ifh \y do talk.

* m
# ii-* -
m. *--•--#«

* The Soul who Knowledge is without, tJtfft Know ledge:

It is not good to him :
hafte not to Sin,

And he that hafteth with his Feet,

Poth furely greatly fin.

3, Man's
: : :

//;Englifh Versf. C 69 ]
j •
Chap. 19.
Man's Folly, and his Foolifhnefs, Fool Mm are
i ili

Doth all his Ways pervert :

never at reft.

His Heart is troubled, likewile he

Againfl the Lord doth fret.

Wealth rmkej
Riches, and Wealth, makes many Friends, Friends : poor
Rich live in fplendour great : Men are liated.

The Poor Man's Fate is very hard,

His Neighbours do him hate.

Falfe Witnefjes, mall punifh'd be, Bear net falfe

That born Witnefs hath
falfe :

And he that falfy fpeaketh Lies,

Shall furely not efcape.
For Princes Favour, many drive, Many ftrive for
Entreat, and much attend :
greatMens Fa-
vour Gifts gain

And unto him that giveth Gifts, Friends.

Is ev'ry one a Friend.

7' '

The Poor Man's Brethren do him hate, Poor Men have

no Friends.
Much more his Friends are far
He them purfues, with Words, yet they
Still wanting to him are.

8 He that fweet Wifdom doth acquire, Wifdom guards

the Soul
He loveth his own Soul: prefer ve.
: which

And he that Underfianding keeps,

Shall goodnefs fure bshold.

9 Falfe Witneffes, mall punifh'd be, Falfe Witnefic*

That born falfe Witnefs hath :
Hull peri/h.

And he that falfly fpeaketh Lies,

Shall perifh by God's Wrath.
10 Delight, it quite unfeemly is
Delight becomes
For him that is a Fool not a Fool
n&r Servants ta
Ev'n for a Servant 'tis much lefs,
govern Princes.
If he o'er Princes rule,

ij. The
: : :

1 70 ] The Proverbs ^/Solomon:

Ch A P. 19.
11 The fweet Difcretion of a Man, Difcrect Men
Always appealed! Wrath : will quell Wrath.

And Tranfgreflion to turn afidc,

In iuch be glory hath.
12 The King's Wrath, is as terrible, King's WnthU
terrible : but
As doth the Lion roar : their Favour i*
But his fweet Favour's as the Dflf,
That decks the Fields all o'er.
'3 A foolifh Son y to's Father adds, Foolifh Sons
bring Woe
Calamity and Woe :

And the Contentions of a Wife* tentions are al-
ways dropping.
Are always dropping low.
14 HoufeSy are Heritance,
Fathers'* Hcufcs are Fa-
Which always have record thers Inheritance:
A vertuous Wife
A virtuous and a prudent Wife, is of the Lord.
('Tis (aid,) is of the Lord.

j 5 Slolhfidnefsy cafteth into deep, Idlenefsis drot-

zey: and fhall

She maketh flothful all fuffer hunger.
But thofe that have an idle Soul,
They fuffer hunger mall.
i6 He that doth God's Commandment keep, Goi'sWcrJ keeps
the Soul fuch as
He doth his

Soul perferve : d«l"pile God's

But he that doth defpife his Ways, Ways fhall periA,

To Death fhall furely fwerve.

»7 He that hath pity on the Poor, He that gives the

Poor, lends to the
Unto the Lord
doth lend: Lord : God will

And what he given hath to iuch,

God will again it fend.
is Chaftiio thy Son, while there is hope, Correct thy Sea:
mind not
When young, the Lord to fear Crying.

Let not thy tender Soul him fpare,

Tho' thou his Crying hear
19, A Man
in Englifli V fi rse. c 71 I
19. Chap. 19.
19 A Man of Wrath, fliall fuffer much, Wrathful Men
His Sufferings long remain :
long differ :To
help him it is
For if thou doft deliver him, needlefs.

Thou muft do it again.

*o Hear good, likewife receive
Counfel, Receive good
InftruBion, as thy Friend :
Infirutlion keep, as thou may'ft be
Wife in thy latter End.
Man*s Devices
Devices that are in Man's Heart aremany God's:

Are many, and impure :

Counfel endureth
for ever.
But the fweet Counfel of the Lord,
For ever fliall endure.
32 A poor Man, is
The Kindnefsof a Man, it is better than a

Alone his whole Defire :


But a poor Man, that nothing hath,

Is better than a Liar.

23. .

God's Fear tend-

*\ God's Fear doth tend to Life, and he
eth to Life.
That hath it ne'er fliall Aide :

No Evil e'er fhall vifit him,

Content he fhall abide.
A flothful Man, bofoms his Hand, Avoid flothful-
He flothful doth remain :

And not fo much as bring it out,

Unto his Mouth again.
as A Scorner finite, and Simple will Smite a Scorner i

and the Simple

All likewife be aware :
will hear.
An understanding Man, reprove,
And he will Knowledge hear.
*6 Ev'n He that doth his Father wafle. A wafleful Son
His Another chafe the fame: caufeth Shame.

He is a Son that brings Reproach,

And likewife caufeth Shame.
27. Ceafe,
[ 72 ] The Proverbs c/ Solomon
2 7- Chap. 19.
a7 Ccafe, ceafe, mv 5^ ceafe, ceafe to hear,
When bad Inftru&ion's nigh :

Void filch as will thee caufe from Woi

Of Knowledge fweet to fly.

»8 An uniuft Whnefs, Judgment fcorns,
He hates it cv'ry Hour :

Alfo the Mouths of wicked Men,

Iniquity devour.
a- Judgments, for S corners are pnpar'd, Judgments are
Them, Judgment furely (hikes :
Stripes for a Fool.
: nnd"

Likewife the Backs of fimple Fools,

They are prepared for Stripes.

Strong Vrinl^ breeds Quarrels : which aVoui.

St. Wlth\n\ Tune: Compofed in Four Parts. \V . T.


Contra i

iiiiilflllilig Tenor c> Ej£o.


lOTrong Drini, is raging, If me doth mock, Tho' pleafant to the Eyes :


in Englifh Verse; C 73 ]

:ci^: -e— i

«TT"ifc~[~"' ~~_II._3 I!
«3- 3— "t- "~ t-' ~Z.~Z.~Z.'.
—rar^e-sr :qz< If
:d: -e— =- Did: G i.
^s-tet .

And who— foe'er's deceiv'd thereby, Can —not be call-ed wife.

3 #3
83 1 s§ '
:dz: fiE
4 King's Fear, is like a roaring Lion, A King's Fear is

Who mall a King controul ?


Whofo to Anger him provokes,

Doth fin againft his Soul.

3 It is an Honour for a Man, 'Tis an Honour
to ceale from
To ceafe from Strife, and flee :
But ev'ry bufy fimple Fool,
Will always meddling be.
4 The Sluggard, will not plough at all, Sluggifh Excu£ s

By Reafon of the Cold tend to Poveity,

In Harveft hot he fhall begin,

But fhall no Crop behold.
5 Counfel within the Heart of Man, Counfel is end lefs.
Is like to Waters deep :

But underftanding Men, will draw

It out \ and fafe it keep.

6 Mod Men their Goodnefs to proclaim, Moft
Men praife
: But
Are very much inclin'd :
few are faithful*

gut yet amongft nil human Race,

Who can one faithful find ?


[ 74 ] ^Je Proverbs of S o l o m o n :

7- Chat. 2a*
7 TKe juft Man, with Sincerity t,,* Men hay©
Do r
h walk, and quiet reft :
^ cft *

His Children that conic after him,

Are likewife furely bled.
8 A King* that fitted, on the Throne, Cood Kingl wilI
Of Judgment, doth mod wife «»* dow « Eviu

Scatter away II tnat's impure,

And evil with his Eyes.

9 What one can fay, I have made clean None are free
flom Sln -
My Heart, no Ill's therein ?
Or who can fay, I have no Spot,
I quite am pure from Sin ?
jo Meafures, and Weights, that various are, Faife weights
and Meafures are
( As Scripture doth record
They \ i a l

both Abomination are,

hateful to God.

To God the heavenly Lord.

i i.

n A Child is known, by what it does, ah Men are

'Tis plain to all Mens Sight : *%£*$*

Whether his Work be pure, or no,
Or whether it be right.
ta The hearing Ear, the Lord hath made, Goib*hm*h
Thin s s
And all in Heav'n moft high :
aJI -

The Eye that fees, he likewile form'd,

And all Things doth efpy.
15 Do not love Sleep, for fear thou fhouldft sleep tend* to
TO Poverty be led : Poverty.

Open thine Eyes, and thou fhalt fure

Be fatisfy'd with Bre.nL

14- 'Tis nought, 'tis nought, the Buyer faith, TheWarri<bad

Mote that he doth buy :
But when that he is gone his Way,
O then he boa fie tU high.
i ;. There's
in Englifh Verse. 1 75 ]
Chap. ^o.
15 There's Co/d, and Riches in great Store, Knowledge is bet-
ter than Riches.
And alio Rubies fair :

But Lips of Knowledge, them furpafs,

And much more precious are.
? that a Stranger's Surely is? Take a Stranger**
Garment And
Do thou his Garment take :
his Garrm-nt in

And like wife for a Woman range, ft Pledge for a

ftrange Woman.
Such Men, a Fledge fhall make.
J7 Bread of Deceit, to Men is fweet, Bread of Deceit-
is fweet at firft :
As pure as if diftill'd :
But four in the

But afterwards his Mouth fhall be End.

Surely with Gravel fill'd.

is All Purpofes by Coicnfel good, Counfcl acts all
Purpofes make
They fure eftablinYd are :

with good
God (lands our Friend, at ev'ry Need, Advice.

With good Advice make War.

*9 He that Tale-Bearer like doth go, A Tale -Bearer
tells all.
Doth Secrets much reveal :

Meddle not with fuch flatt'ring Lips,

No Matter they'll conceal.
20 Whofo that doth his Father curfe, The Difobedient
Or Mother to caufe Woe
•, :
(hall be cut off.

His Lamp fhall furely be put out,

For them offending fo.
Inheritance, may foon be got, 111 gotten Wealth
profpereth not.
When Man doth firft begin :

The End thereof Ilia 11 not be blefs'd,

Becaufe 'twas got in Sin.
22 Do thou not fay, I'll recom pence Attone no Evil
A wicked evil Deed :
Gcd helps all:

But wait upon the Lord thy God,

A id he'll thee fave at Need.
L % n- Falfe
[ 76 ] The Proverbs of Solomon
Chap. 20.
*3 Falfe ! r, that are ot various Sorts, Falfe Wi
and Meafures are
( As Scripture doth record :
hateful to (,
And Ballar.ce falfe, are neither good,
But hateful to the Lord.
*4 Man's Goings, are of God the Lord, God alone go-
verns all.
God doth him rule and fway :

God's Wifdom's great, how can a Man

Well underitarvi his Way ?

*5 He that doth after Vows enquire, Vows are 1

To him it is a Snare :

And he that Holinefs devours,

Shall of the fame Fate fhare.
A King, that's wife, foon fcattereth Kind's
the Wicked all about :

He over them the Wheel doth bring,

And puts them foon to th' Rout.
»7 The Sp'rit of Man, it truly is Cod fearcheth aU
The Candle of the Lord: Hearts,

Which fcarcheth all the inward Parts,

And of them bears Record.
nS Mercy% and Truth, preferves the King, God by x .

God him protects alone :
iifteth all
upholdeth the

But Mercy is to him a Friend, King's Throne.

And doth uphold the Throne.

'0 The Glory of Young Men, is Strength, Strength.
Mens G
Such Glory will decay The grey Head
But Beauty of Old ancient Men, is old Mens
Is in their Heads, when grey.

30 The Blucnefs of a Wound, doth cleanfe Stripes drive a-

w*7 Folly.
The Evil quite away :

Ev'n lb doth Stripes the inward Parts

Of 1
th Bdly make Decay.
C H A P.
i?i EngHfh V £ 11 s e. f 77 ]

*• GOD Swayetb Trinccs.

St. George's Tune : Compofed in Four Parts. W. T.


Illilliplil ?r?:i:rE§z[e!u.

— t:^i~—2i ro:-e rd:::5: :j?rp±E:!? :j

I "TH HE AV/rg-'s own Heart, it tru-Iy is Within the Lord's Right-hand :


::?-:§:{ a:z2::::§3§.
:a: 3 razlferd::"6 |g "


:r:3:|:-r:g:l:a:rp lerd:lr
|::or: :r:r
F1 illllliiillill

^fePSPHe doth it fvvay, cv'n as


he doth The

vva-ters great command.



2 The
[ 73 ] Tlje Proverbs 0/ Solomon
Chap. 1M
The Way of cv'ry Man, teems right, 1

all Thing*.
And jufl in his own Ey
But G o i) he pondereth all Hearts,
Moftjuftly, and moil wife.
Juftice to do, and Judgment too, God loves Jufnce
more than Sacri-
Is plea fane in God's Eyes:
Much more acceptable it is,

To God than Sacrifice.

A wondrous high and haughty Look, Pride" n the Heart

U a great Sin.
And Heart that's proud within :

And ploughing of the Wicked too,

All certainly are Sin.
Diligent Thoughts, to Plenty tend, Diligent
Thoughts tend tc
They Goodnefs pant
after Plenty: Hafty
But Thoughts of thofe that hafty are, ones tend to Po-
Tend only unto Want.
Ill gotten Wcalti
When Treafures they are falfly got, is Van
Ev'n by a lying Tongue :

'Tis Vanity, tofs'd to and fro,

Of them that for Death long.
The Robb'ry of the Wicked, (hall Rob not.

Quickly themfelves deftroy :

Becaufe they Judgment do refufe,

The fame (hall them annoy.
The Ways Men, are ftrange,
of froward Evil Mens Way:
are Grange :

Yea, ftrange to juit Mens Sight But Wajiof the

But Ways of pure, and holy Men, ^ure are rLhi.

Their Works are furely right.

Within the Corner of a Houfe, A contentious
Woman, is a dai
'Tis better to abide :
ly Trouble.
Than with a brawling Woman* in
A I Ioufe fpac'ous and wide.
10 The
:: :

h Engiifh Verse. t 79 ]
IO. Chap. 2i.
The wicked Soul, Evil defires, Wicked Men
defire Evil
Evil he's inclin'd :

no Favour.
His Neighbour doth not in his Eyes
The Unalkft Favour find.
1 1.

When Scorners they arc punimed, Puni/h Scomert

The Simple then believe: ii-ftrua the Wife.

And when wife Men inftrucled are,

They Knowledge do receive.
The righteous Man confiders well, Cod overthrow!
the Wicked."
The Wicked's Houfe within
God doth the Wicked overthrow,
Ev'n for their wicked Sin.
Whofo that flopped hath his Ears, Stop not thine
When that the Poor do call Ears at the Hoor:
Left God (top his
He alfo then ihall call himielf, Ears to thee.

But not be heard at all.

A doth
Gift, in fecret, furely Gifts make
Caufe Anger foon to ceale :

Bofom Rewards likewife doth quell

Great Wrath, and maketh Peace.
It isgreat Joy unto the Juft, Juft Men love

When they juft Judgment fee :

iuft Judgment
But the Wicked

But on fuch as work Wickednefs, mall periih.

Deftru&ion fure lhall be.

1 6.
The Man that is out of the Way Wrong Ways are
unto Death.
Underftanding led :

He furely fhall remain within

The Number of the dmd.

He that doth love all Pleafure much, Pleafure bungs

Shall poor be,
and decay'd :

And he that loveth Wine and Of/,

Shall never rich be made.
1 8. The

[ So ] The Proverbs of Solo m o N

The Wicked, (hall a Ranfom he, "Wicked are the I
Tor the
htcous Men, moft bright:

And the Tranlgrcflbr, ranfom fhall

The Godly, and Upright.
J9 h is much better for to dwell
A cor'
Within Wildernefi
a :

Than with an angry Woman, that

Contention doth poilcis.
There's Treafurc, that's to be defir'd ;
Fooli/h feed 01
the Wife.
In wife Mens Dwellings, Oil:
But foolifh Men do fpend it up,
And feed upon the Spoil.
He that doth follow Mercy, and Righteous ^fet^
Hull hi.
Is rightcoudy inclin'd :

Shall Righteoufnefs, and precious Life,

And Honour furcly find.
A wife Man, doth the City fcale, Wife Men keef
Of Men that are of Might :
die the City,

And caftcth down the Strength thereof,

Of Confidence in Sight. •,

*3 Whofo dloth keep his Mouth fecure, :'

And alfo awes his Tongue : m all
H* fhall his Soul from Troubles keep,
And never fiifler Wrong.
*4 He that in haughty Wrath doth deal, I

Is Scdrner call'd by Name:

Likewife he's /row/ and haughty deenYd,
Such Pride will fall to Shame,

The Sbthful, lazy one's Defire,

Himfelf fhall furely kill
Bxaufe ro labour he refus'd,
And Qothly bent his Will.

in Engfifh Verse. C 81 ]
26. Chap. 21.
-i6 He greed ilv doth covet much, Myth eovetetfa
Righteous give
Ev'n all the live long Day :

But Righteous bounteoufly do give,

They fpare not, nor delay.
27 The of wicked Men,
Abomination is :

How much more then, when they do bring

Minds full of Wickednefs ?
*s The Witnefs falfe, mall perifh foon, Falfe WitnefTes
ftall die.
Such foon mail fade and die :

But he that heareth hath the Word,

He fpeaketh conftantly.
29 A wicked Man, hardneth his Face, Wicked Men are

He doth from Goodnefs ftray :

hardned: Jul*
Mens Ways are
But upright Men, attentive are, fafe.

And fafe direcT: their Way.

30 There is no Wijdom, nor Counfel^ Nothing is a-
Objection can afford :

Nor Underftanding, that can be,

Againft the heav'nly Lord.
31 The Horfe, prepar'd for Battle is, God prote&s and
rulcth all.
Againft the hay of Fight :

But all the Safety of the Whole,

Is of the Lord of Might,

[ S2 ] The Proverbs of Solomon:
A good Name is better than Qfohes.
St Akften'l Tune : Compofed in Three Parts. \V. T.
Cunt us.

mmm$mmmm Tenor & Baffb.

i A Good Name's rather to be chofe, Than Riches great ; Behold !


f\= ~P tp~L
And lo-ving Favour, rather than Rich Silver, and fine Gold.

b - :g: :=r* xfciSr ~:: H!i«
?il°fli G-— * #
fi -Ul-


t The Rich, and Paar, together meet, God hath m^vJc

Gon loves the Righteous all :

Tho' Rich are bigb % and Poor are I

Yet God hath made them All.

3 •

A prudent Man, F.vil forfakes, Jaft Men vrilf
hide t'rom Evil ;
Yea, ami himfelf doth hide :
Fools go or.

But fimple Ones, pais on, and do fuffcr.

Great Puniihmun abide..

4, By

in Englifli Verse, [ 83 ]
Chap. 22
By Mitkntfsi and Humility, Humility and
God's Feaj
And by God's facred Fear: fcringi Life.

Docs Wealth and Honour furely come,

And Life, that is moft dear.
Both thorns, and Snares, are in the Ways Righteous Piths
are free from
Or" them that froward are :
But he that keeps his precious Soul,
Shall never come them near.
Train up a Child, within the Way As you trine up
a Child, fo he'll
That he fhould go, in Heart remain.
And when he's old, he'll not forfake*
Or ever from it part.
The Rich, do over-rule the Poor, The Poor and
The Poor dare not contend :
Needy are kept
The Borrower, a Servant is,
To him that doth him lend.

He that Iniquity doth fow, Sowers of Ini-

quity /h.illtfeap
He Vanity fhall reap: Woe.
And the Rod of his Anger fhall
Sure fail ; he fore fhall weep.
The Bounteous Eye fhall blefTed be,
God MeiTeth the
God will increafe his Store: iBoun.tecus,

He liberal is, likewife doth give

His Bread unto the Poor.
O caft-the Scorner out, and then Caft out the Of-
Contention fhall decreafe :
fender And Of-

fences will ceafe.

Yea, Strife likewife, fhall foon be gone,
And Reproach foon fhall ceafe.
1 1.

il He that doth love Purenefs of Heart, The King Avail

No 111 fhall him attend :

befriend the
in Heart.

And for the Grace that's of his Lips,

The King fhall be his Friend,
M 2 12. The

[ S4 ] The Proverbs o/Solomon

12. Chap. 22.
la The Eyes of God, Knowledge prefer ves, God fwsyi and

1 lb Aid is daily fhown :

Bat the Words of Tranfgreflbrs, they

Are by him overthrown.
H The flotbful Man, doth fay, There is Men ne-
A Lion out to meet ver want Excu-
I'll day wirhin, 1 mail be (lain,

If I mould pafs the Street.

Avoid Har'
The Mouth of a ftrange Woman, is Seek Ood*s Love.
Like a deep Pit within :

And he that's hated of the Lord,

Shall furely fall therein.
*5 Great Foolifhnefs within the Hearts Spare not the
Of little Children are :

But foon mall the correcting Rod

Drive out the fame afar.
i5 He that opprcfTed hath the Poor, Opprefs not the
Poor Left thou
• For to increafe his Sum :

to Poverty.
And he that giveth to the Rich,
They both to Want fhall come.

* Bow down thine Ear, and hear the Words Hear Wifdom.
Of him that's wife in Heart :

Apply thine Heart to Knowledge, and

Do not from it depart.
It For it is pleafant unto thee, Wiflom a a
lore Protection.
If thou them keep within :

They fhall be fitted to thy Lips,

And thee protect from Sin.
*9 That all may be in God,
thy Truft, Truft in Cod.
This Day
have made known
I :

2D Have I not written wondrous Things,

Knowledge and Counkl fhown P
20. That
: :

in Englifh Verse, l sj 3
20. Chap. 22,
** That I might make thee know the Words Wifdom is won-
OfTruth, and Certainty :

That thou might'ft aniwer Words of Truth,

To them that fend to thee.
*s * Rob not the Poor, becaufe he's Mean, Rob not the

*3 For God will Hand his Friend Poor.

And fpoil all fuch, as do them fpoil,

And bring them foon to End.

No Friendfhip make with angry Men, Go not with
furious Men.
With furious do not ftrole :

as Leit thou mouldft learn his Ways, and get

A Snare unto thy Soul.

*6 Be thou not one of them, that do Avoid Suretirtup.

Strike Hands in Surety :

Nor one that SurUy gives for Debts,

From all fuch Troubles fly.

*7 If thou haft nothing for to pay, Be merciful to
th« Poor.
Where nothing can be had
The Charge not able to defray,
Why mould he take thy Bed ?
28 * An ancient Land-mark^ not remove, Remove no
No not in any Cafe :

That which thy Fathers have let up,

For fuch is counted bafe.
29 Doft thou not fee one diligent, Diligent Men
Jhall be promoted.
In Bufinefs, or in Things ?

He mall not ftand before mean Men,

But ftand in Midft of Kings,

[ 86 ] The Proverbs of Solomon:
r Honour thy Betters.

St. Nicholas's Tune : Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.


$ — *--*

7>«or i5 Bap.

e'er thou fit-eft for to

With Men

that are of
— 3}_?tu*
might :

mmmmmmm # _ £5 ii


Con —fi—der tru — lv what it is, That is be — fore thy Sight.

And put thy Km/i unto thy Throat* Learn Sobriety.
If thou art giv'n to eat :

3 Be not defirous of his Food,

Such is deceitful Meat.
4- * By no Means labour to be ricb> Strive net fo:

( Thy
Pride for r.o incrcafe :

For HcUghtihefs will have a Fall, )

From thine own Wifdom ceafe.

4 . WHt
in Englifh V ERSE. C 37

Chap. 2^,
Wilt thou thine Eyes on nothing fet ? Rlthei fly away
as Wind.
For Riches Winy;s doth make :

And flics away, as Eagles do,

When they to th' Sky betake.
* Eat thou not Bread, with him, that hath Avoid ill Com'
A wicked evil Eye :

Do not defire his dainty Meats,

But from his Table fly.
For as he thinketh in his Heart, Fine Words are
Ev'n truly fo is he : deceitful.

Come eat, and drink, he faith, and yet

His Heart is not with thee.

The Morfel, which thou eaten haft, "Eat not to vomit

it again.
Is not unto thee Meet :

Thou fhalt it vomit up again,

And loofe thy Words Xo fweet.
* Speak not in the Ears of a F00U Avoid fpcalung
Nor fuch as are unwife : Ufor« Fools.

For fuch will all thy Words reject,

Thy Wifdom they'll defpife.
* An antient Land-mark, not remove, Remove no Land
For fuch God ne'er will blefs mirk noT op-

prefs the Father'

And enter not into the Fields,
Of the poor Fatherlefs.
For their Redeemer mighty is, Cod ftonds by
the DdKtute.
And holy are his Laws :

He'll Hand by them, in time of Need,

And furely plead their Caule:
* Apply thine Heart to -Counfel gcod, Hear good Coun-
That thou may'ft it difcern
And hear the Words of Knowledge grea%
That Knowledge thou may'ft learn.
12. K?ep
6 -

[ 83 J The Proverbs o/Solomon

12. Ch a p. ?2.
j 3
Keep not Correction from a Child, 9 thy Son,

The Rod ro him apply :


14 For that [hall keep his Soul from Hell,

That he ihall never die.
*My Son, that thine Heart be wife,
if Wife Children

My Heart fhall then rqoyce :

y to

1 My Reins fhall joy, when that right Things

Shall buril out of thy Voice.
17 Hate not Sinners:
Let not thine Heart the Sinners hate,
God, that
Be in God's Fear, all Day :
Hope may en-
For furely there fhall be an End, dure.

Thy Hope fhall ne'er decay.

*9 * Hear thou, my
and be thou wife,
Son, 1 Drunkards
and R
And guide thy Heart moft ftreight :

20 Be not amongfr Il'ine-Bijbers, and

Such as of Riot eat.
21 Drunkards,
For Drunkards, yea, and Gluttons too, Gluttons, and
To Poverty mail come : Sloth, are cloath
ed with Rags.
Sloth loon fhall cloath a Man with Rags,
This, this fhall be their Doom.
22 Hear thy Fa-
* Hearken unto thy Father dear, ther Forfake

That thee begat ; like wife not thy Mother.

When thy dear Mother waxeth old,

By no Means her defpife.
Buy thou the "Truth, and fell it not, Hold faft Troth
and Wi£iom.
From Truth do not depart :

Like wife Inftr notion, IVifdmn, and

An underftanding Heart.
4 The Father of the Righteous fhall Parents have Joy
and Sorrow,
Rejoyce *, and none annoy :

He that begetteth a wife Son,

Shall in him have great Joy.
20. Thy
:: :

/;; Englifli Verse. C 89 ]

20. Chap. 23.
25 Thy Father1 and thy Mothef dear, Rejoyce thy Fa-
ther with Obe-
v greatly Hull re Joyce :
zG My Son, give me thine Heart, obfervc
My Ways, obey my Voice.
*7 * A Whore, is like a Bitch, that's deep, A Whore de-
voured! many«
A Pit, or narrow Place :

She lies in wait for ev'ry one,

And doth Mens Sins increafe.
•9 * Whohath Contention, Sorrow, Woe, Drunkards have
Sorrow and Woe
Ballings % Wounds, and Red Eyes ? tn.ugh.

30 Such as do tarry long at Wine,

And it to mix devife.
Look not upon the Wine, fo red, Wine leaves a
Sting behind iu
When it doth move aright
At laft 'twill like a Serpent Sting,
And as an Adder bite.

Strange Women
mall thine Heart behold 3 When drunk,
Women fhall
Thine Heart mail evil tell tempt thee
34 And be as one that lies in Sea, When fenfelefs.

Or doth on Top-malt dwell.

Then fhaltthou fay, they ftruck me have, Drunkennefs

drowns all Rea«
I did not Tick remain : fon.

Me beat, I felt not ; when fhall I

Awake ? I'll feek't again.

[ po ] The Proverbs of Solomon :

'* •* 3, 4. EnVy not the Wicked.

St. PauPs Tune : Compofcd in Four ParL<. \V. T.


IllllililililSil Centra Tenor.

7W &> Brf/fr.

-rrbfj^ — H-d d-^'IEt-Hro ird ar^-in—i
— Men, Nor
En-vv bear to e vil with them wifh to wall: :

HbK*-B-t-P— 'r -:

Era saag

fctetad: -y- -y-tt^

Ttair Hearts deftruaion ftu— dy much, Their Lips of Mifchief talk.

H-H l H-1 t^f

: : :

SgiESfelS: a: 7-d::i:
— v 4

pf *

St. P
hi Englifh Verse. C 9T ]

St. PmiI's Time Gontinu Ch


I : lililillilig^


tt«=fc== ==*===
[£&§- w:

Tswof &= Baft.


3 Thro' Wifdom great, an .£&«/£ is built, By Un-der-ftand-ing fur'd :

# 3 .£3
-5te=::±"^ :d: a mm
s fc
2r_:o: i^-r-rf-szaTdrrarl^itii-ri-^'tjrd^iiralii

4 By Knowledge all the Rooms are fill'd, And are with Riches ftor'd.

_ #3_ . |A— i.'t*

N 3 3 A Mars
[ pz ] Toe Proverbs 0/* Solomon
Chap. 24.
5 A Man that's wife, isfurely ftrong, Wifdom
Peace and

His Wifdom brings him P Strength.

Do gth increafe.
By C thou malt make
#* Mak
good Advice.
That Vift'ry may be found :

Where there are many Counllllers,

Great Safety doth abound.
Vtfdom is too high for a Fool, Wifdom is too

He can't to it attain :

He fpeaketh not within the Gate,

Butfoclifh doth remain.
s He Things devife,
that cloth evil •
And hateth what is good :

He then mail be mifchievous call'd ;

Such wrong the precious Blood.

9 The Thoughts of Foohfhnefs, is Sin,
Men do a Stranger hate : Man's Courag:
n If thou in Advcrfity taint,
is knov.

Thy Strength is fmall not great. •,

U forbear for to deliv'r, Help the Inno-
Thofe that are Co be flain :
feeat: God fceth

And thou ihoifldft fay, we k
Doth not God know it plain ?

Nay, he that keepeth fare thy Soul, God %\<f& to ail
And well doth guide the Sp'rit : as the\

ot render to each one,

Ac . to his Merit ?

13 * M it thou the Hor.
and Hope endur-
is fWeet:

Which is both fwect and pure :

So fweei ) thy Soul,
Thy Hope (hall
II. Lie
: : -

in Englifh Verse. { 93 ]
ii. Chap. 24*
Lie not in wait, O wicked Man ! Hurt not the
The Righteous to deftroy :

Nor feek to fpoil his Reiting-place,

Or ever him annoy.
For a juft Man, doth fall fev'n Times, Juft Men will
And rifeth up again :

But Wicked
rife :

But Wicked into Mifchief fall, never rife.

And therein do remain.

Rejoyce not, when thy Foe doth fall, Reioycenotat a
Foe's Fall.
Left God the fame mould fee :

And be difpleas'd, and fo mould turn

His Wrath from him, on thee.
Fret not thy felf, at evil Men, Envy not the
Nor bear them any Spight Wicked.

For Wicked mail have no Reward,

Put out fliall be their Light.
* My Son, fear thou the Lord, and King, Keep thy Inte«
From Goodnefs do not range grity.

And meddle not with fuch like Men,

As given are to Change.
For their Calamity fhall come, Wavering ones
fhall have Woe,
It fuddenly fhall rife :

And who fhall then their Ruin know ?

Or can the fame devife ?

Thefe Things belong unto the Wife, Have not Re

Not good to have Refpect ipecl of Perfons
in Judgment.
Of Perfons, that are in Judgment -,

The Truth do not object.

He that doth to the Wicked fay, Flattery is hated
thou righteous art, and juft :
by all.

By Nations he mail be abhorr'd,

And by the People curs' d.
19. But
C94l Tloe Proverbs cf Solomon
Ch A P 24.
25 But unto tlimi that him rebuke, fiiaU
D fuvh a*
Ic (hall be !

telight: xcbulce.

A BUffing good, (hall come on them,

No 111 on them (hall light.
*6 Ev'n cv'ry Man fhall kifs the Lips is fv»

Of him that anfwers true :
( .

For Truth, it is a comely Thing,

And fweet in juft Mens View.
tj Prepare thy Work, and make it fit

For thy fell" in the Field :

When theft Things are in Order let,

Then thou thy Houje (halt build.

aS * Be not a Witnefs falfe, againft Lovcthj
Thy Neighbour, without Caufe :

And do not with thy Lips deceive,

But Uriel: obey God's Laws.

«9 Say not, I will do fo to him, To God belong-

As he hath done by me :
eth Vengeance :
Not to Man.
I render will unto the Man,
Juft as his Works they be.
* went by th' Field, of th' flothful Man,
I An Example ef
Who was of Knowledge void :

And lo, it was grown o'er with Thorns ,

And Nettles did it hide.

The Wall of Stone, was broken down,

I plainly did difcern :

ja And when I had confider'd well,

I did 1 . arn.

35 But, yet a little Slumber fflOl Jdlcn*fs is alwi

A little Folding of the Hands,
Yet ftill a little Sl«
7. So
in Englifli Verse* I 95 3
27. Ch AP.25.
34 So like as one that travcllcth, Ultnrfs brings
Thy Poverty (hall come :

And Want like to a Man of Arms,

This, this (hall be thy Doom.
To Father, So;/, &c.

x ObfcrVations about IQngSj See.

St. Bernard's Tune : Compofed in 37?ra? Parts. W. T.

^ :fcr:fc::
-9 A*

S-5-B t-d-
llilll a:
1 "TT^Hefe al--fo are the Pro-verbs too, Of SoTmon (none need doubt :)

sT= 1J--|fn ld::d
^:D:i:pEP:{lEi:E3i:E:l!D lp—
rd d J:aE
:: : : :

__+...,.,__., .uJfc ten

^ 8

s8p=fe« life
H» t

Which Men of He-ze — ki-ab, King

vir. of Judah, copoy'd out.
\ \ * s 8

k — a_j
C 96 ] Tlie Proverbs o/Solomon
2. Chap. 25,
It is the Glory of the Lor d, To conceal b
God't Glory
For to conceal a Thing :
For Kings to
But for to fearch a Matter, is fearch M
The Honour of a King,

The Hcav*n for Heighth, and Earth for Depth, G >i kncwcth
Who can with God compare ?

And likewife all the Hearts of Kings,

They unfearchable arc,
The Drofs out of the Silver take, Tike aw3y the
Wicked: And
Another takes the Fine the Throne will
So take the Wicked from the King, dine.

His Throne will godly mine.

Do not put forth thy felf into Be not high
The Prefence of a Prince :

And (land not in the great Man's Place,

But rather go from thence.
*Tis better if 'tis to thee faid, JUfe gradually,
Come thou up hither, come :

Than that thou fhould'ft be lower put,

Or, thruft out of the Room.
* Go
not forth haftily, to Strife, Avoid Quarrels,
Be to thy felf a Friend :

Left that thy Neighbour bringeth Shame

Upon thee, in the End.
With thy Neighbour, debate thy Caufe, Acrec with thy
Don't fhew it to another :

Left he that hears it, bringeth Shame

On thee, which none can fmother.

11 Like Golden Apples, that are fet Fine Words area;

In Silver Pictures bright duly fpokc.
So are fine Words, when fitly fpoke *,

God doth in fuch delight.

10 Like
: :

in Englifh Verse, C 97]

io. Ch ai\ 25.
i* Like us ,\ii Ear-ring of line Gold,
That mining doth appear :
So is a wife Reprover, on
A good obedient Ear.
*3. Like as the Sno-zv, in Harveft-time, A faithful Mef-
That is refrefhing cold :
his Matter.

So doth a faithful Mejfenger,

Refrem his Mailer's Soul.
14 He that doth boaft of a falfe Gift, Falfe Boaftings
are Vanity.
His Boaftings all are vain :
'Tis like as Winds, and darkned Clouds,
That yield no moift'ning Rain.

W By long Forbearance, is a Prince Soft Words allay

Perfwaded, and appeas'd :

But a foft Tongue, doth break the Bone,

And Wrath is quickly eas'd.
Haft thou found Honey ? Eat as much Take not too
As will thy Need fuftain :
much of worldly
Left thou be over-fuTd therewith,
And vomit it again.
Withdraw thou from thy Neighbour's Houfe, Trouble not a
Friend too often.
Too oft not there refide :

Left he be weary of thee, and

Thy Perfon, not abide.
A Man that doth falfe Witnefs bear, A falfe Wltneft
Againft his Neighbour dear is as Sword 01
Arrow: Whofc
Is as a Maul, or Arrow fharp, Words wound.
Or Sword, or pointed Spear.

In Time of Trouble, Confidence Truft not in an

In an unfaithful Man unfaithful
Is like a broken Tooth, or Foot,
That's maim'd, and cannot ftand.
O 20. Ev'n
[ 98 J The Proverbs //Solo m ON
18. Chap. 25*
as one, (whep it is cold,) Songs arc dull t<*

CS part :

v\ I {( ire.

1C) '

ex If that thy 1 1 1 hungry be, S Foe*

Yea, give him Water, likewjfe Bread \

'Tis p] CO God's Eyct

** For thou (halt Coals beap k his

Upon his Head, him melt J

: And

God fhall reward thee for the fame, thee.

Becaufc thou juftly dealt.

33 As the North-Wind doth drive the &tfff,
long abide.
And makes it ilee from hence :

So the back-biting Tongue is drove,

By angry Countenance.
+ Within the Corner of a Houfe, Wcmcns Con-
's are daily
'Tis better to abide :
Than with a brawling Woman, in
A Houfe fnac'ous and wide.

25 Like as cold Water doth refrefh, Good New6 jj

The dry and thirfty Soul fwect.

So is good News, that comes from far,

When e'er 'tis read, or told.
A righteous Man, that doth fall down, r

the Juft to hovy

ow for
And to the Wicked bow : to die Unjuit,

Is as a Fountain troubled ;

Not little is his Woe !

27 Ev'n too much Honey, is not good > Not too much
Tho' thou haft Plenty got :
Pleafure : V
Glory is nothing,
So Men that for their Glory fearch,
Their Glory's Glory not.
26. He

in Englifh Verse, c 99 ]
26. Ch a p. 26.
stg He that who.', hath no Rule, An unbridled

To honour God at all :


Is like a City broken down,

Without a Ft' ?ice, or Wall.

Honour is not feemly for Fools.

St. David's Tune : Compoftd in Four Parts. W. T


— -.

D ^
"Tenor & Bajjb,

qs=§* ©-It**


L Ike as to S«ccu in Sum-mer-time,

Or, as in Harveft Ravi

o So
: :

[ ioo ] Tlje Proverbs o/So lomon

Chap. 26.

o IllllHillliiilll

ttr:r:i z;:~i art

n#— iiilil§E§il?Ii
Tenor &* Bflffo.

So Hon-our it un-fcem-ly is, To Fools whofe W ays are vain.

2 Like as the bird, by wandering, Fear not a caufe-
IlIs Curfe.
Or Swallow by 1 its Flight :

So fhall the Curfe not caufelefs come,

For God is jufl: and right.

3 A Whip) is for the 7/tfr/*? prepar'd, The Rod, a

The Br/&, for rhzAfs: Fool's Portion.

The. i?6v/, it is for the Fool's Back ;

From them ihall neither pafs.

4 In Folly anfwcr not a tool, Anfwer nrt a

Left thou fhould'ft be him like Fool 1 Anger not

a Fool.

In Folly anfwer him, left he
Should be conceited ajjite.

6 Who o that doth a Metflige fend, Send not a Fool
of a Meflage,
By a Foolj undifcreet
1 [e dcth the Damage furely drink,

And cuttcth oft' his Feet.

10. The
in Engliflt Verse.
6. Chap. 26.
Parables not be-
Like as Lame Legs, unequal are,
come Fools.
And ill fhap'd to behold :

So is a Parable, in the
Mouth of a fimple Fool.
Ev'n as a Stone, bound in a Sling, Give not Honour
to a Fool.
Which quickly out will flee

He that gives Honour to a Fooly

Ev'n truly fo is he.
Like as a Thorn, that pierced is Parables are not

Into the Drunkard's Hand :

for Fools.

So is a Parable to Fools,
Who nothing underftand.
The Lord, mod wife, that form'd all Things, God rewardeth
The Fool doth fure reward
Likewife TranfgrefTors does behold,
And all their Works regard.
Ev'n as a Dog, that doth return, Fools will return

To eat his Vomit four :

again to their
Fools fo to Folly do return,
And it again devour.
Doft thou not fee a Man that's wife, Fools are wife in
Yea, in his own Conceit :
their own Con-
In him is more Hope of a Fool,
Than to have Wifdom great.
* The Slothful Man doth fay, Were h Againft Slug-
A Lion in the Street gards Sloth

hath many Ex*

A Lion, yea, within the Way, cufes.

I fear, Til not him meet.

Like as the Boor, turns too and fro, Avoid Slothful

Upon the Hinges Head :

Juft fo the idle flothful Man,

Doth turn within his Bed,
14. The
1 : )

[ I The Proverbs c/Solomo N

U Chap. 26,
i 5
The [an, bofoms his Hand, Sloth will hidd
hi* Hand.
1 I
doth remain :

And 11 ring it out,

Unto his Mouth again.

H The Slkggard* in his own Conceit, Sluggards are

In Wifdom doth excel :

wife in their
own Eyes more
Yea, more than liven wife Men, who than feven v. if;;
Can render Re ofon well.
17 • He that will meddling be with Strife,
Againft Bufy-
In which he not belongs : bodies.
Meddle not in
lie's like as one that taketh Dogs that as don't
By th Ears •, or feels their Tongue?. cencern thee:
Left ye (mart
for it.
33 Like as a Mad-man, that doth call
Arrows* Death, and fuch Sort :
Meddlers ac"l a|
19 So's he that doth deceive, and fays, Mad-men.
Am I not nozu in Sport ?
*o "When there is no Wood to fupport,
The lire does foon decreafe :
Avoid C
So where there no Tale-bearer is,
Then Strife doth quickly ceafe.
*i Ev'n as Coals are to burning Coals*
As Wood to Fire gives Life : Take away the
Tale- bearer, an'
Juft {q is a contentious Man, Strife wi il end.
That loves to kindle Strife.
iz The Words of a TaL ,
Like as fo many IVounds Tale-bearers
Wi rh are
And to the Belly's in mod Farts, Wounds to all.
Do fuddenly go down.
*3 The burning Lips, and wicked Heart, Iced Hea
( Are Caufe or many Lois : but pel;

They're like a a covered, within*

Ail o'er with Silver Drofs.

22, He
in Englifh Verse. c 103 3

u He that doth hate, diflembleth, Believe not Dif-

And laycth up Deceit:
-5 When he fpeaks fair, believe him not,
He hath fev'n Evils great.
#6 He that hides Hatred with Deceit, Hatred will be
known at laft.
It truly fhall be known :

His Wickednefs fhall be before

The Congregation fhown.
*7 Whofo that digged hath a Pit, Evil Drfons f.dl
on the Authors.
Shall furely fall therein :

And he that rolleth hath a Stone,

The fame mail roll on him.
2g A lying Tongue, doth hate all thofe, A lying Tongue
To whom they've Evil done :
hateth all.

A flatt'ring and deceitful Mouth

To work Ruin, do run.

*- (Boajl of nothing.
St. Edmund's Tune : Compofed in Four Paris. W. T.

&t» #a- rz:_:|f ?I#i :_:=_:: :_:*!
: ::



Tenor & Bafo.


j IjOaft not thy felf, of th'Morn to come, Truft on no worldly Thing :

— : , :

[ 104 ] Vje Proverbs of Solomon:

Chap. 27.


Tenor &* Baflb,

For tru \y thou by no means know'ft, What forth a day may bring.

2 Let other Men thee prai/e, and not Praife not thy
felf j Let others,
Thy felf thy Fame proclaim :

Not thine own Lips, but Strangers fa!

Let fuch extol thy Fame.

3 The Sand weighty in the Sea,
is Fool's Wrath is

Stone doth heavy fall :
very h.

But yet a Fool's Anger, and Wrath,

Is heavier than all.

Anger's outragious, Wrath is cru'l,
— 'fore Envy who can ftand ?
Wr.ith b cruel
Open Rebuke
tan lc-

5 Open Rebuke, is better far, Lore.

Than fecret Love, at Hand.

6 Yea, Faithful are the Wounds of Friends, Foes Kifies are
dwgerous : The
Foes KifTes are Deceit full Belly detpi-
feth all Meats,
7 The full Soul loaths the Honey, but
but any is fweet
To th' Hungry all is fwcet. to the Hungry.

6 Like
: :

in Englifli Ye rs e,
C 105 ]
6. Ch ap. 27.
Like Bird that wancjereth,
as a fee not thy
And doth forfake her A,
Sb is a Man, that doth foriake
His Place j he ne'er hath Reft.
As Ointment doth rejoyce the Heart, A Friend's

Anddoth to Pleafurc tend :

is plea*

So doth fweet Counfel Man rejoyce,

That's from a hearty Friend.,'

Thine own, and Father's Friend ne'er leave, Foifake not thy
Thy Brother's Houfe forfake : Bat t >y

Brother. Shuq
In the Day of Calamity •,
Of Wrath do not partake.
For better is a Neighbour, that AN -
obour fs

Is near to thee at Hand better rhnn a

Than an own Brother, that's far off, of Nee J.
That will not by thee (land.
*My. Son, my Son, make thy felf wife, , and to

That glad my Heart may be :

avoid Offences.

That I may Anfwer make to him,

That hath reproached me.
1 1.

A prudent Man, Evil fore fees,

The Prudent ;

Yea, and himfelf doth hide : flum Evil Sim- :

ple go on, and

But fimple ones, pafs on, and do
imart for it.
Great Punifhment abide.

He that a Stranger's SurUy is, Talre a Garment

Do thou his Garment take :
for Surety : And
the feme of a
And likewife for a Woman ft range, Man for a ftrange

Such Men, a Pledge mall make. Woman.

Fie thai his Friend doth early blefs, F.tlfe Pra fings :

Loud in the Morning fir(i are Cmfings.

It fl&knot be a Blrffing cali'd,

But mail be deem'd a Curfe.
14. As
: :

[ ic6 ] The Proverbs of S o lo m O tf

Chap. 27.
J5 * As droping, in a rainy Day, Women's Cd0-
Continues droping much \
So a contentious Woman, fhe
Is droping ev'n as fuch.

x6 But whofoever hideth her, Women's Con-

The W
nd he doth conceal
hid : but arc like
And the Ointment of his right Hand, the W
It doth it felf reveal.
J 7 * As Iron, Iron fharpeneth,
One Man fharp«
Thefe both to fharpnefs tend : rnrth the Coun-
Ev'n fo a Man he fharpeneth ther.
The Count'nance of his Friend.
Whofo doth keep the Ftg-tree fife, The Attentive
He fhall eat of its Fruit arc recompenced.

So he that on his Matter waits,

Shall honour'd be with truth. •,

*9 As Water, maketh Face to Face,
Men's Hearts do fo abide :
— Man's Eye


=G Hell, and Deftruclicn, ne'er are full,

—Eyes ne'er are fatisfy'd.

21 The Fining-pot, for Silver is, Every on- loves

his own Praife*
The Furnace, is for Gold :

So is a Man to his own Praife -,

He loves it to behold.
m If thou fhould'ft in a Mortar bray Puntfhmenta wi)l
never turn a Fool
A amongft Wheat
Foci, in from tolly.
He'll not from foolilhnefs depart,
But will for folly feek.
*3 * Do thou be dilligent, to know O/houfholdCart.

Thy Flocks, and how to feed :

Tend well thy
And look thou well unto thy Herds, Herds.

That none do lack, nor need.

22. For

in EngWll Verse. [ I07 ]

22. Ch a p. iy
=4 For Riches not for ever are. Riches endure
not for ever.
In time they'] perifh fure *,

Can the bight Crown for ever laft?

And to all ages dure ?
2 3v
The tender Grafs, doth
fhew itfelf, The Earth pro-
So likewife doth the Hay : duceth all Herbs.

And all the i&rfe of Mountains high,

They likewife gather'd be.
«6 The harmlefs Larnbs, for cloathing are,
Sheep and Goatr,
They (lore of Wool do yield t of great Value.

And likewife all the Goats, they are

The Price of all the Field.

2- And thou fhalt have Goafs Milk enough,

And yield Food.
Thy Houfehold to fuftain :

Yea, Food great Store, both for thyfclf,

And Maidens to maintain.


(Righteous Men are bold : Wicked Men are fearful.

St. He!ten's Tune : Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.

Cant us.


Tenor & Baffo.

-* — |_— -4 * A.— --—.- _— .!_ XI .

i T* PI E Wicked, they do flee, When no one does them chafe

P 2 Cantus.
[ xoS ] The Proverbs of Solomon
Cant us. Chap. 28*

Tenor &> Brfo.

But Righteous, are as Li-ons bold, They fear no one to face.

35 Q -

!^-£> £_ ifiiiii :rp:|:E:i!;

For a Land's Tranfgreffion, Knowledge rre-
ferves the State.
The Princes many are :

But by a Man of knowledge great,

The State long Life fhall (hare.
3 A Man,
poor, that doth grind Poor-haters de-
And much opprefs the Poor -,

Is like unto a fweeping R

Which leaves no Food in (lore.

4 Thofe that forfake the L Keep firm the
To th* Wicked praifi do lend :

But thofe that keep the cure,

With Wicked do con:

5 The Evil doth not km E\il M

Nor judgment 1
1 : Jurt-
Men know all.
Bur they that do feek tl "e,

Shall know all things at hand.

6. Much
: : : : :

in Englifh Verse; C 109 1

6. Chap. 28*
Much better is the Poor, Poor are bcttetf
than Rich.
Yea, that doth walk upright:
Th.in he that doth in wealth abound,
Whole Ways are not aright.
He thatdoth keep the Law, Keep the Law J
Is wife, and free from blame :

But he that goes with riotous Men, Shun evil Men,

His Father he doth fhame.

s He that by Ufury, Grind not the

And unjuft getteth ftore :
Hoor left the

Uiurer rob thee.

Yea, he mall gather it from him,
That will not pitty Poor.
9 He that doth turn his Ear,
Evil Mens Pray-
And will embrace
not Law ers are hateful
to God.
His Pray'r abomination is,
Such, fach mall be his cafe.
10 Whofo cloth juft Men caufe
Go not affray
To ftray ;'
mall fall therein :
from God's
But upright Men, that righteous are, Word.

Shall lure pofTefs good things.

11 The rich Man, he is wife
Rich are wife in
In his Conceit, no doubt their own Con-
But thepoor Man, that understands, ceit : Poor Men
fearch them.
Shall furdy fearch him out.
u. When righteous Men rejoyce, Juft Men's joy
Great Glory is reveal'd : bringeth glory
They hide from
But when the Wicked they do rife, the Wicked.
Then juft Men are conceal'd.

13 He that doth cov'r his Sins,

Hide no Sins
Shall never profper well But confefs them.

But he that doth confefs and leave,

Mercy fhall with him dwell.
14. O Happy
[ no j The Proverbs ^/Solomon:
14- Chap.2?.
H O Happy is the Man [
Fear Cod .

That feareth God alway :

And he that hardneth hath his Neck, Harden' J Sinntrt

Shall into mifchief ftray. fhall h

15 Like as a raging Bear, Wicked Govern-

Or Lion, that doth roar : 01 l arc tcrri.

So is a wicked Governor,
Over thofe that are Poor.
1 6.
The Prince, that knowledge wants,
Ignorant Prince*,
an Opprcfibr great
Is :
are great Oppref-
But he fhall fure prolong his Days, iors.

That greedinefs doth hate. Hate Greedinei*.

>7 He that doth violence,
Save B
To Man's Blood •, let him ft ray Blood-

Into the Pit •, yea, with all fpeed,

And let no one him ftay.
Whofo doth walk upright, Walk a;
and be
He fure be faved mall :

But he whofe Ways are quite perverfe, Wicked fnall fall.

At once fhall furely full.

'9 He that doth Till the Land, Labour and
Of Bread fhall have great Store :

But he that follows Perfons vain, Shun vain Men.

He furely fhall be poor.
m A faithful! Man, he mail j! are the
great abound L
with TAeflingi :

But he that hafteth to be ru
Shall not be in'cent found.
= x
Ev'o for to have refpect .
Have reflect of
Of Perfons, goodnefs
'tis :
Perfons : Want
will make a Maa
But even for a piece of Brc fed.
A Man will fure tranfer
: : : :

in Englifh Verse. t hi ]
22. Chap. 28.
»i He that hades to be Rich, Luft not tor
Wealth Left
He hath an evil Eye :

And he confid'reth not that he
Shall come to Poverty.
2 3-
22 He that doth Man rebuke, Rcbukcrs fir.d

He mall more favour find favour :

than Flatterers,
Than he that flatt'reth with his Tongue *,

Or to deceit's inclin'd.
2* He that doth Parents rob, Parent-Robbers
And faith, // is no Sin are Deftroycrs,

He's a Deftroyer's Companion,

Great Guilt is fure in him.
35 He that is proud of Heart, Shun Pride:
He maketh Strife abound,
Truft in God.
But he that trufteth in the Lord,
Shall be made fat, and found.
& He that doth wholly truft
Walk wifely
In's Heart, a Fool is he and be faved.

But he that doth moft wifely walk,

Shall fure deliver'd be.
*7 He that doth give to 'th Poor,
Give to the Poor
Shall never lack the worfe -,

But he that hides from them his Eyes,

Shall have many a Curfe.
*s When wicked Men do rife, Juft Men hide
Men hide themfelves, in peace from Evil
When Wicked
But when the Wicked perifh do, fall, the Juft en-
Then Righteous do encreafe.

— : —
[ 1 1 2 ] The. Proverbs o/Solomon:
h Hardned Sinners fl?all die without Remedy.
St. James's Tune : Compofed in 'Three Parts. \V. T.

Tenet cs I^ffo.
i T_T E that by be-ing oft reprov'd, His Neck lnth hardneJ i,i;h :

^^ *3 8 #5 * ,

E 2-p- - —2 1
"d"f "|fg
B {'
FY" §" F IP

r* 3

mmmmmmm i-4-e 1m :az:

He fud —den-ly fhall be de-ftroy'J, Yea, without Re — me--dy.

z When Righteous have Author. re-

The People then rejoice :

cod Rulers
But when the Wicked do bear rule bring Si I

They are of mournful voice.

3 Whofo hath Wifdom loved well, m is F

His Father joy doth fend thcr's J j :

But he that keepcth I doth Shun Harlots*

His Father's Subftance

4 By
in Englifh Verse. C "3 3
Ch ai\ 29.
4 By Judgment pure, the King he doth Good Kin:? pre-
serve the Land
Eftablifh well the Land :
But ftflf-ended

But he that doth receive great Gifts, ones deftioy i


It overthrows at hand.

5 He that with flatt'ring lying Lips, Liars
themfclves, as
Doth his own Neighbour greet : well as others.

He furely then doth fpread a Net,

Ev'n, for to catch his Feet.
In the wicked Man's TranfgrefTion, Evil Men are
6 cquipt with
Is fure a Snare of Vice :
fnares ! Juft Men
But righteous Men great Pleafure have, are joyful.

They Sing, and much rejoice.

7 The Righteous, doth confider, and Juft M<n help
The poor Man's Caufe doth know the Paov : Wick-
ed will not.
But, Wicked not regard the Poor,
Nor know that they are fo.
8 The Scornful Man, doth
quickly bring Scorn enfnarcs
A Snare
City in a :
the City
dence guardeth it

But wife Men, they turn wrath away *, fa:c.

By Prudence, and great Care.

9 If a wife Man doth with a Fool, Fools are never
pleas'd, or at
Contend, yea, or Contefl :

If he fhould Laugh, or if he Rage,

Yet ftill there is no reft.
io Thofe that do third Blood, do hate for E\il Men hate
Such Men as upright are :
good: Juft Men
will do no harm
But the juft Man will feek his Soul to any.

And will no one enfnare.

31 A Fool, will utter all his mind, Fools tell all :
Andnothing will conceal W T
ife will keep

But Wife Men, do it aweful keep;

Than nothing them a flail,
12, If
: :

[ 114 ] Tl)e Proverbs of Solomo N

17. Ch ap. 29,
*« a Rtt&r, unro Ruleit muft not
If that lies
rtgard Liari.
Will Ear
lrnd attentive
] lis Servants they all wicked are,
And do not feek God's Fear.

13 The Poor* and the deceitful Man, Cod helpeth air

Do both together meet :

But God enlight'ncth both their Eyes,

To view his Glory fwect.
14 TIk Kiti*, that faithfully doth judge Faithful P-
<hall endur-
The Poor\ and faileth never
His Throne (hall everlafting be,
And be eftablifli'd ever.

* Rod, and Reproof, to Wifdom give,

Of private Go-
For For/j will ufe them vain :

A Child that's left unto himfelf, Correct thy Soi:

To avoid Shamci
His Mother brings to fhamc.
|| When wicked Men are multiply'd, Juft Men w':l!

TranfgreMlon doth encreafe : I evil tall.

Bu: righteous Men, mail fee their fall,

The Righteous mail have peace.

»7 Correct thy Son, and

he mail give thy Son
Thee red, unto
thy Soul :
And ha

Yea, thou in him malt pleafure have,

And comfort fwect behold.
The Feople foon do perim fure,
Koqp Gfjd'i
Where they no Vifwn fee : Love.

But he that keepeth firm the Law

Shall furcly happy be.

Words, will a Servant not correct,
Rarti Words pr;
He from thy Words will flee : vail not.

For tho' he do ihee anderftand,

He will not anfwer thee.
20. See'ft
: :

in Englifli V erse. C H5 1
20. Chap. 29.
20 See'ft thou a Man, that bafty is FooJs arc hafty

In Words
Doll thou not fee ?

There is more hopes ev'n of a Fool,

Yea, more hopes, than of he.
ai He that doth carefully bring up Not *oo mu h

A Servant, from when Young


He will him faithful ferve, and fliall

At length become his Son.
=2 * An angry and a wrathful Man, On Pride,
Th'ufry, Cowar-
Doth iurely ftir up Strife :
dice, nnd Cor-
A furious Man abounds in Sin, ruption.

Which fure deftroys his Life.

a3 A Man's own Pride, lhall bring him low, Prid? will have
It fliall not him uphold :
a fall.

The pure, and humble Spirit, fliall The Humble

With Honour be extol'd. will be prefer'd.

*4 He that is Partner with a Thief, Shun evil Com-
He hateth his own Soul : pany.

He daily doth much curfing hear,

But doth not it controul.

ai The of Man, doth furely bring

fear Man's Fear en-
fiiartth Totruft
A ihare on him, moft fure :
in God

is fafe.

But whofo trufts in God the Lord,

Siiail always be fecure.
j6 Many for Rulers Favour feek, Many leek for
high Favour :
Pride is by God abhor'd
{ :
) But God govern-
But the judgment ofev'ry Man, eth all.

Sure cometh from the Lord.

2 7-
7 _ Wicked abomination are, The Juft and
To juft,and upright Men Unjuft love not
one another.
And he that walks in upright Ways,
Is hateful unto them.
Q^2 C HA P,
[ 1 1 6 ] The Proverbs of S o lomon:
St. Nicholas's Tunc : Compofed in Three Paris. W. T.

Tenor &* Bajfo,

i H T""* E Words of A-gur, Jafob's Son, Yea, ev'n the Pro-phe-fy :

_# Q f ._*?_ f tt.-i.i- ..Q.i - i_ -_

f lf

. fl
Man —
And un to h'thel fpake, U-cal too likcwife.
8 .
IQ 8 . #3 # _ ? . £3 _ & £?

* Surely I am more brutifh, y Confcf-
iion of Faith.
Than any other Man :

Not Wifiiom learn'd, nor Knov. ledge have,

Nor Goodnefs undcrftand.

Who hath afcended up to Heav'H ? Who hath made

Or hath defcended down? all ?

Who gather'd hath the JVind and S\

in a GarrWcnt bound ?
4 Who
: : )

in Englifh Vekse. t 117 3

Chap. 30.
Who hath eftablihYd the Earth ?

( Or fct the Clouds view ?


What is his Name ? Or his Sons Name?

If thou canft tell ? Tell true.

Each Word of God, is fweet and pure, Cod's Word if

His Works are right and juft :

He is a Shield unto all thofe,

That in him put their truft.

Do thou not add, unto his Words , Add not to Col's
Left he fhould thee reprove
And thou fhould'ft be a Liar found,
And lofe his precious Love.
Agur's Prayer.
* Two -things of thee, have requir'd,
Which things me not deny :
I humbly beg, thou would'ft them grant,
To me, before I die.

The two Pointa

Keep me from Vanity, and Lies, of Agur's Pray-
Give me Food conven'ent : er, viz. Food,
and Content.
Me Poverty, nor Riches give,
Lord, give to me Content.

Left I be full, and thee deny, Too much Plenty
is not good : Nor
And fay, who's God ? profane :
too much Pover-
Or left 1 mould be Poor, and Steal, ty

And take thy Name in vain.

* A Servant, by no means accufe, The Meaner* arc
Unto his Mafter, great not to be wrong-
Left he the Curfe, and thou be found
Ev'n guilty, in hard Fate.
* (1) There is a Generation, that Four wicked
Do their own Parents Curfe: Generations.

(2) And one, who're pure in their own Eyes,

Yet are not wafh'd -,
But worfe.
12. There
( n8 ] The Proverbs 0/ Solomon:
12. Chap. 30
ij (3) There is a Generation, Oh,
How lofty are their Eyes
Their Eye-lids are not lifted up •,

Such Pride, God doth defpife.

14 (4) There is a Generation, yea, uftipi an<!

Whofe Ttv/Z? are like as Knives : Ift^amm

Who Eat the Poor, from off the Earth 9
Such, vvickednefs devife.
i5 * The Horfe-leach, hath (as Authors tell,)
Tmr ThJnpt
Two Daughters, which do cry : never frtUfat

And fay, Give, Give (a greedy Tone,


Who can them fatisfy ?)

There are ttree Things, who're ne'er fuffie'd,

Yea Four, that always crave :

Nor never are they fatisfy'd,

Or, fay, enough we have.
36 * (1) The Grave, (2) Likewife, the Barren Womb,
(3) The Fire, is likewife fo:
(4) The Earth, who's ne'er with Water fill'd ;
Thefe Four will ne'er cry zvoe.

17 * 1 he Eye, that doth his Father mock, Parent , are Mt

And Mother doth defpife: tobc defpifcd,

The Ravens they fhall pick it out,

And Eagles eat fuch Eyes.
is * There are TJ:ree Things who're wonderful, Four Thingj
Yea, wonderful they do : hardtobeknom
Which are for me too wonderful -,

Ye.i, Four, which I not know.

I9 (1) The Way of th' Eagle, in the Air,

(2) The Ship, (when windward laid :

(3) The Serpent, that is on the Rock,

And a Man, with a Maid.
20. * Adul-
: : .

in Englifh Verse, I "9 3

20. Chap. 30.
o * Adulterous Women's Ways are fuch, Adulterous Wo-
men plead inng-
They take delight therein :
cency : Being
They eat, and wipe their * Mouths, and fay, hardned.

not committed Sin.
» * For Three Things, that are on the Earth,
Four Things not
which unquiet are :
to be born with.
Yea, Four indeed, there truly are,
Which the Earth cannot bear.
(1) A Servant doth over-rule,
', that
3 (2) Harlots, when married are :

(3) A Fool, when fill'd ; (4) And the Hand-maid*

That's her Miftrefles Heir.

4 * There are Four Things upon die Earth, Four Things

exceeding wife.
All pleafant to devife
They on the Earth, but little are,
Yet are exceeding Wife.
s (1)The Ants, tho' not a People ftrong, The prudent
Nor yet exceeding great :

They (lore their Food in Summer time,

Which they in IVinter eat.
6 (2) The Conies, they are very wife, The guardrull

Tho' but a feeble Flock :


Yet make their Houfes very ftrong,

Within a ftony Rock.
7 (3) The thev have no King,
Locufls, tho' Theweak
Yet they go forth by Bands :

* (4) The Spider, in King's Palaces, The laborious

Takes hold with both her Plane's.
9 * There are Three Things, which do move well, B
o _
Four Tinngs
Yea, tour that comelv s;o jhtdy m going.

\ (1) ALion, (2) Grey-Hound, (3) and ' He-Goat,

(4) Yea, and a King alio.
23. * If
[ 1 20 ] Tlje Proverbs of Solomon
* If that in lifting up thyfelf, Wrath iitold
Thou loolifhly haft done:
Or if thou haft Thoughts evil, lay
Thine Hand thy Mouth upon.
As churning Milk, doth Butler yield, Shun Wrath*
— Nofe wringing, Blood doth bring :

So forcing IVrath, doth bring forth Strife ;

Which leaves a fatal Sting.

St. Luke's Tune : Compofed in Three Parts. "W, T.

Tenor &> Batfo.

/np H E Words of Lc-mu-ely the King, Ev'n which his Mo-ther taught :

S 5 5

rrgi^zjrpzf pz !Bz&JzBtpJ:?;i{z?:I:3z3 1
T i r "~ff

The Words , yea, and the Pro-phe-cy, Which Ihe un--to him brought.
6 8 5 _ 6 8 5

2 What
: : :

in Enslifli Verse. C Mi 3
2. Ch ap. 31.
What thou my Son ? Son of my Vows ?
Lemuel's LefTorl
And the Son of my Womb? of CLiftity.

Give not thy Strength to Women, nor

To that which is King's Doom.
'Tis not for Kings, O Lemuel, Wine is not for
in Wine to take delight
Left they forget the Law, and do
Judgment apply unright.
Give "Drink them, that are in want,
to The Afflicted aft
And IVine to th' heavy Heart, to be comforted.

That they their Need may quite forget,

And from their Mis'ry part.

Open thy Mouth, and plead the Caufe, Stand by the
Poor and Needy.
Of fuch as are in woe :

Judge righteoufly, Hand by the Poor 9

And fuch as need do know.
The Praife, and

£f» Who can a virtuous Women find : Properties of a

Her Price, Rubies excel :

good Wife, &c
exceeding Rubies.
Her Hujband fafe doth in her truft,
She guards all fafe, and well.

7- .

She always feeks to do him good, She cloth good ti

her Husband :
And faithful by him ftands : Being faithful
and induftrious.
She feeketh Wool, and alfo Eax 9
And works it with her Hands.

She's like unto the Merchant-Ships, Her Store prof-

She brings her Food from far :

She gives Meat to her Houjhold, and She governs well

her Houfe-hold,
Portions her Maidens fair.
She well confidereth a Field, She is not idle<

And likewife doth it buy

And with the Fruit of her own Hands,
She plants a Vineyard nigh.
R iOi She
Z 111 J 7Z?<? Proverbs o/Solomon:
io. Chap. 31]
I- She Girds her Loyns, and Arms with Strength, she truih in g<*
ht :

ii '
is good,
Her L.22&;) burns all the Night.
1 1,

indie* puts her Hand, She relieve* th*
} too, with heed : Poor in their
: 3
find me ftrctcheth to the Pock,
d helps them, in their Need.
1 2.

She's not afraid, ev'n of the S/wa\ r

She b not a r»y
Her Ho:'.fc -hold's cloathed bright : of cold
She maketh Tap'jlry Coverings* and .

Her Cloathings yield delight.

Her HufbanePs known, within the Gates, She is a Crwn

Wherever he doth Hand : to her Hufoand.

In glory bright, he fits among

The Elders of the Land.

She maketh Lumen* and it fells.

-.all her
To th* Merchant Girdles gives : Days are happy
and joyful ; And
H Honour and Strength her Cloathings are,
end well.
In which (he joyful lives.

*6 With TFifdom* fhe op'neth her Mouth, She ferveth God:
Kxndnejs* is in her Tongue And is not idle.

-7 She eats not Bread of Idlenefs,

But fees that nothing's wrong.
Pier Children* they do all rife up, She brings up her

And do her Blejfed call :

Fear: Her Huf.
Her J alfo, praiieth her, band may jraife
She Blejfed is by All.

*9 many Daughters virtuous are Good Women

And acted have right well :
are mod excel*
Yet thou haft done mod prudent* and
All others deft excel
18, Favour's
in Englifh Verse, c "3 3
18. Cm a p. 31.
3° Favours deceitful, 'tis wel! known, Favti

And Beauty's vanity :

Vanity s
Bat fhe that God the Lord doth fear, - G^d
Shall fure be jtraifed high. have praife.

Ii Give her the Fruit, of her own Hands, Her cvm W. ik
'Twill dure the longest Bate: wm
yr'i\l :.:

the ena.
And let her own Works found her Pn
Yea, Praife her in the Gate,

$0 Father, Son, and holy Ghoft,

The God whom we adore :
Be Glory ; as it was is now,
And Jhail he evermore.

In Solo Deo Solus.

Salvation is of God alone,

The End of the Proverbs of Sotomo??

R i A Com-
[ i*4 1

Compendious INDEX
Pointing out the moft remarkable Tajjages contained
in the whole Book.


N the firft Vcrfe of this Chapter, Solomon fheweth the Title

i of this and himfelf the Author, x He alfo ftv
that the End, Ufe, and Defign of this Book, is to encrcafb
Mens Under/landings, and fhews its Ufefulnefs. 7 He fheweth
that God's Fear is the beginning of Wijdom
And that it :

mull be learned from Parents. IO

He alfo warneth Touth
Utter)y to avoid all the Enticements of finful Society, or ill
Company ; mewing their Delujlum and Deftruclion. *° Perfo-
nating tVtfdom, he Exhorts all to be inftructed by her, and
to obferve her Invitation :
*+ Left me dejpife us in our great
Calamity^ i5
and mock us when fear com^th. Jl
He Likewife
mews the Fate of thofe that fly from PFifdom, \l and the perfect
luejs that attend thofe that hearken to her.


N this Chatter,
Wifdom promifcth Ccdlinefs to her Chil-
i upon
dren, their fubmiflive Attention, praying with dili-
gent Labour s
In io doing, they fhall obtain IVifdom from

the free Gift of God, 20 which fhall be pleafant to the Soul.

JVifdom fhall deliver thee even from the ft range Women y
A Compendious INDEX. [1253
u - M and that rhc Upright Avail enjoy PA\;-

\t the 2 ftr (hall utterly be rooted



SOLOMONm this Charter, exhorts us with many en-

couraging Promiiis, and keep Wifdom to love, ; s to
truil in the Lord, and not to our own Underftanding :
Honour him with our Subftance And needfully to fubmic :

to Extolling this Wifdom above all other
his ChafifemciAs :

earthly Things whatfoever ; to compleat our eternal Plappi-

nefs. 9 By !
Wifdom God framed the whole Earth, zo the
Sea, and All the World. 21 He fheweth that we are by
Wifdom kept upright, 2J and in Safty* free from Stumbles.
>from Fear, i6 and from Enemies. a ? He exhorteth to do good
to thofe that deferve it.
To be Charitable, *° and to be
Peaceable : ? To avoid Envy, and Frowardnefs, 32 which is

hateful to God u who will fcorn Scomers, and give Grace


to the Lowly n Inherit the Wife in Glory, and promote


the Fools with Shame.

N this Chapter, Solomon l
mews the Inftruclion of a Father,
1 and defires all would attend to it. 4 He fheweth the
Inftruftion had of his Parents and what Counfel they
gave him in his Youth i And that we fhould acquire Wifdom

above all Things, for its excellency in our Advantages.

* To turn utterly from all ill Company 3 2 ° to treafure up
Wifdom : %l And to be heedful, diligent, and fieady.

N this Chapter, J
Wifdom ftill calling for Attention, 3 exhorts
1 Men avoid the alluring Enticements and Ruins that
come by ft range Women j J
warning rather to be chafe in law-
[ 126 ] A Compendious INDEX.
ful Marriage :
Shewing the Adulterer is under God's Eye,
•id brines uLLer Ruin and Mifcry upon himfelf.


SO l.O\fO N 6 Sh^gi/hnefs,
this Chapter;
and treacherous Plots: ,6 Shewing Srjen
warns againft Surityfiip,

fbinjts hated by God. He alio theweth, *° that by keep-

ina ^j ie jy
ayi of JVifuom, H we (hail be prefervM from yflfo/-
•v, and finfid, foolijh, and remorflefs Evils JJ
Shewing :

:; Rage,
the Wound and Reiroach of Adultery and the and -,

damnable End of Jealoufy.


N this Chapter, Solomon, urgcth to be intimate with JVifdom^

i whos and keep us from the firange Woman \
will preferve

whom he plainly defcribes by her Properties and Behaviour,

which he knew by his own Experience ; 1 Shewing how
She deceives filly Per/ens by her enticing Allurements, and Pre-
tences 'till
•,fhe plunge them into prefent and
Deduction ruining
•, both Body and Soul.


w ISD M,
loudly to us for our Attention,
perfonating herfelf, in this Chapter,

plainnefsof her Doftrine l0 the Precioufnefs,

fold Ufefulnefs of it :
for the truth anc
u and the mani

It being that Divine TVijdom, whicl

« called

was the eternal Creator of all things with God, p the Love
of Men : Jl And that their hearkening to her, doth furel
make them for ever happy.


SO Lmade in this Chapter, fheweth l
that TViJdom hat
very ample Provifion, and giveth free Invitation
with all the real Encouragement immaginable : ,J And th;
'A Compendious INDEX. [1273
the Enticements of Felly, take and relifh only with the Simple*
'till it lead them utterly to Hell and Damnation for ever.


Thofe Fifteen Chapters for the moft part are of different Sentences
in every Verjc* and fo independent on each other, and fb
brief already, that it is impofTible to Mreviate them more
concife than what they already ftand: Which I thought better
to furprefs than topublifb. — I mall only inform the Reader*
that many moft prudent Inftructions of Mens
they confift of
Hearts and Lives : As alfo of many Elogies* or Praifes* of
true Wifdom and Piety Together with many particular Virtues*

and ieveral Inftances of their contrary Vices* Sec.

N this Chapter, Solomon T
maketh Obfervations about Kings :

* To avoid Strife* Haftinefs* and Quarrels, with many

Caufes Together with many other pious Obferva-
tions worthy of Note.

LO M N in this Chapter » maketh many Obfervations
s on the Aclions of Fools : ** And of the Slothful, and
of their Excufes. l8
He fheweth the ways of fuch as
act the Mad-Man* 20
and of Tale-bearers : a8 and of a lying

Chapter contains, Obfervations about * Self-love^ * and
True-love : " Exhorting all to be careful in avoiding
Offences : 2 and of the Houfe-hold* or Fa?nily Care* Sec.

[ 128 ] A Compendious INDEX,

T HIS Chapter
Impiety* and

N Chapter Solomon makcth many Obfervations about pub-
1 ,s
lick and private Government. lit alfo miketh Obfer-
vations on Angtr, iJ Pride, 24 Thievry y 2 Cowardice, and >'

of" Unrighieoufnefs.

H r

S Chapter contains

2 and
rfgur\ ConfejJ,on of his
the Two Points of his Prayer. It alfo hVwtrth
that mean Men are not to be wronged : Alfo " Four wicked
Generations, and of Four Things that are never Satisfied,
n That Parents are not to be defpifed : ,8 Four Things hard
to be known, *' Four Things exceeding JVife, and of foar
things very ft ately in going. " And that Wrath is to be

Til I S Chapter

Contains Lemuel's Lejfon of Chaflity and
That the Afflicted are to be Comforted,
9and Defenddd, Together with ib^praife and properties ol
a good /FJjte.

T/tf End 0/ tie F/r/? BOOK.


Beaton on €a?tlj
Beauty of Holinefs

The SONG of Songs, which is the
Song of King SOLOMON.
Compofed in Englifh VERSE;
And Set to MUSICK.
T O G E T H E R,

With various Hymns, Anth emi, and C a-

n o n s on fever al Occafions. With Expository Notes
on the Whole.

Compofed in Two* Three, and Four Mufical Parts accord-

ing to the moft Authentic!*. Rules, and let down in Score for Voice cr

By Willi am T ans'ur, of Barns, in Surry. Author oi

The Melody of the Heart, and The Harmony of S ION.

Hear this, All^ People ; Gi<ve Ear, ALL ye Inhabitants of the World.—
My Mouth ftjall Sing of Wifdom ; and the Meditation of my Heart Jhali
Muse of Underftanding. Pfal. lxix. 6.

Printed b/A. Pearson, for S. Birt, at the Bibh and Ball, in A<ue-
Mary Lane. Alfo Sold by the Au t h o r. M.DCC.XXXVIII,

enious Trnftitioru

n H 1
l\ Figures that arc fixed over the Notes ol

the Bajfes'j of all the Tunes in the feveral

Parrs of this BOOK, (when Vocally perform'd
to Perfection*) do fo augment to the Harmony
chat there is no Deficiency in the Fuilneis there-
in fuch Tunes as are fet in Three Tarts, from
thofe that are fet in Four Tarts : Which Notes
may be perform d as an Inner-Tart, where an
(' in is wanting- if fome of the Tenor be lung
in the Octave above,
Ot That on fuch Notes where nothing

is figur'd, your Part may joyn with any one oi

Inner-Tarts, that does not make a I ut'um

Is of one kind together from the 8*/i, &c,

This Tart fo figured, is mod: relpective to the
Organ, &c. which Tart mufi: be Vocal.y perform d
at Care and Judgment.

*ir* Thofe Figures which are fet over the firil,

and laft Notes of the Upper-Tarts, ferve tc

the Terformcr both to the Titth, and

fo to the Endings of all Tarts of the Co;/-

cert: Which Figures (hews the Concords ol

all the £Vfr from the Ground, or &(/*> ficq
And that in Iff**? of Tirre and Fow ftirttj
the Inner-parts may be omitted, and lun£
but in two Tarts 5 when Voices are deficient
In the Performance of which Concert a fitf/5

fan never ought to be wanting.

Vs. W. Tans'ur

3 1

of Songs


Commonly called The BOOK of CANTICLES,
In EagUjh Verfe.

Set to MUSIC K.
Bv Mr. William Tax s'u r.

A Type of the Churches Loye to Chrift:
Signifying every faithful Soul.

St. Luke's Tune : Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.

..... f--i—
Q'\ e> v£
-rr k
Tenor & Bajfo.

,53. — & b
him me kifs with Kiflfes


whofe KifTes are di—vine :

ggjgg^ltjg^ 44 - I

[ *3*J The Song of Songs

C.tntus. Chap. i.

u = 3'
fj It I!
1 !! 1 j
Tenor & L'.t/o.

mgmmm&gf* .r is to me,
Yea, bct-ter far than I

m mm 6 S


6 8 5

3 Ev'n as an Ointmentpoured forth, Chrift's grccious

.re as
So thy
is Savour pure :
Therefore the Virgins thee do love,
Thou loved art mod furc.

H ifte to feek
4 Draw me, I'll run •, the King hath brought Chrifr, and keep
Me to his Place divine :
his Love.

We will rejoice in thee, and keep

Thy Love far more than IVine.

5 I'm blad^ b ut comely, O Daughters The Church
ftieweth her De-
r ^i
and as one formity.

OF Kedar's Tents, and the Curtains

Of wife King Solomon.
6 Look not on me, becaufe I'm black*
The Sun doth me infpeA :

M^ made me Vineyards keep,

Mine own I did neglect.
7 * Tell me, O thou, whom I do love, The Church
. re thy Flock* doth abide :
prayeth to be di»
retted to her
Why fhould One that turns Flock.

By thy Companion's Side ?

7 . If
: !

Or , Solomon's Song in Verfe. Book II. c 133 3

7- Chap. i.

If thou know* ft nor, O

thou moft fur, Chrift d .:.».•!,
Among all ll'omcn kind ; her to the Shcp-
herds Tents.
Go by the Foot-fteps of the Flock,
By th' Jtfflfr, thou feed fhalt find.

Ihave compared thee, my Love, Chrift /heweth

To Pharaoh's Horfes fine : his Love and
Strength to the
Thv Cheeks are comely, and thy Neck Church.
With Chains of Gold do fliine.

We will thee coftly Borders make,

Of precious, fhining Gold : And gives hergra-
With Jilver Studs, we'll thee adorn, cious Promifes.

Moft comely to behold.

* Whilft the King at his Table fits,
The Church and
(Whofe Honour doth excell:)
Chrift congratu-
My Spikenard, inftantly doth move, late one another.

And fendeth forth its Smell.

As Myrrh, my Well -beloved is,

To Me he gives Delight : Myrrh meaneth

And he fhall lie between my Breafts, his Holinefs.

I'll hug him all the Night.

My Well-beloved, is to me
The Grapes of
Ev'n as a Clufter (nigh :) Engedi, meaneth
his faving Health,
OfCyprefs, or Camphire, within
The Vineyard Engedi.
Behold, thou art moft fair, my Love,
In thee Dove's Eyes are feen : Chrift's Love to
the Church.
Thou pleafant art, O
my Belov'd ;
Alfo our Bed is green.
The BlefTed Beams, ev'n of our Houfe,
Are made of Cedar bright The Beauty of th»
The Rafters, they are made of Fir \

Oh place of Heav'nly Light

[ 134] G Of SC

CHAP. ir.

h *. Tie mutual Lo\e o/Chrifl: ami bis Church, which

is as beautiful; as the Lilly among Thtrns.

St. Tunc : Compofed in Tbm Parts. W. T.


g£ ^ii^i|i?i a & ,uJ~

Tenor & Bajfo.


Am the Rofe of And like as the V.l—ly white


[L- f—-- }:-T"_r :&

2 Ev'n among TJ:or?ts y fo is my Lcic, A-mong the Daughters bright.


3 Like as the yf \ among Or, as Apples ia

The Trees ev'n of the // tiie Vv

So is my Love among the S

A Fruit mod iwect and good.
3. Under
Or, SolomokV Song in Vtffft* Book II. [ 135 ]
1. A P. 2„

Un ler
<w, down I fit,
Witn J was moil meet
1 >a hit Doc-

Hi Fruit was comely to behold,

And to my Tafte molt fweet.
I h brought me to the Banquet, and
Did his Affection move :
i his ho-
ly C>mmun.:on.
Stay me with Fin ergons, comfort me,
For I am lick of Love.

His Left-Hand, doth my Head fupport,

Chrift's Love and
Yea, under it hath Place : Aid to the
His Right-Hand doth me fafcly aid,
Alfo doth me embrace.
O Daughters ofjerufalem,
Daughters, the
charge ye, by the Hind :
Members of the
That ye not ftir, nor wake my Love, Church, difturb
3 her not.
Till he to wake's inclin'd.

* The Voice of my
beloved One,
The Hope of
Behold he cometh nigh !
Leaping, and Skipping, on the Hills,
And Tops of Places high.
My Well-belov'd, is like a Roe, The coming of
Quirt, under the
Or like as a Young Hart: Name of a Roe,
Behold, he Hands behind our Wall, or Hart, ooking !

a thro' the Grates

His Eyes to th Window dart.
of a Window.
My Well-belov'd. unto me fpake,
And thus to me did fay : Chrift calleth to
the Chuich.
Rife up my Love, my fair One, rife,
Rife up, and come away.
For Winter it is paft,
lo, the
He comforts her,
The Rain is over gone :
telling her, Grace
The Flow'rs appear, the Turtle's heard, and Salvation was
come, and Sin
The Singing Birds are come. was kill'd.
: 1 ,

[ 13*3 The So n g of Songs

1 Chap. 2.

33 The Fig-tree, and the Vine puts forth

The GttZ/tf is fine and gay :

Arife my Love, my fair One, rife,

A rife, and come away.

14 O thou my Dove, that art in Clefts The Church
Of Rocks i let me thee fee :
hides her felf in
the Rocks frnn
Thy Voice is fweet, let me it hear, Chrift, becaufe
of her Sins.
Thou comely art to me.
1$ Take us the Foxes* that do fpoil

Vines, which are our Joy :

Church's Enr-
mies: being mali-
Yea, take the little Foxes, that
cious Sc crafty.
Our tender Grapes deftroy.
16 * My Well-beloved, he
is mine,

And I am Delight
his The Prof.-ffion of
fhe Church.
I do him love, and he doth feed
Among the Lillies, white.
*7 'Till the Daybreak, and Shadows flee,

Turn my Beloved, nigh :

Her Faith, and
And be thou like a Roe, or Hart, jiopc.

On Better's Mountains high.

0/, Solomon's Song in lY,jt. Book II. [ 137 ]

C H A P. in.
The Churches fight, and ViHory in Temptation.
»,*. The Church Jce^cth Chrift,
St. Paul's Tune : Compofcd in Four Parts. W. T.

»wmmmwmmm Contra. Tenor.

: :

|±|| §.|| :@I|Ig:§-


Ill|jI3 ;."
:|3j| Ep:I:§3 **fc

:i-3zf.d~d::::irl::r: Kf
^_z?:at:3 #-i:tfcl^: :ie4y=t-^?:!:a:^:f:D:
TJ Y Night, upon my Bed, I fought Him whom I lov'd moil found

o u*
:o: \:z'C:



I fought him whom my foul hath lov'd, But yet have not him found
#3 _
"-^ #

T °z I'll
[ 135 1 27jf Song 0/ Songs

Continued. Chap. 3,


»— c>J
#( iiliilliliil

lililiiliiiiliilil 7V/7or &» B/rJo.

2 I'll now a — rife, and go a bout The Ci-ty, and the 5/;


I will hirn fcek, whom I do love, I've fought, but can't himmt.,

3 TIie

Or, Solomon's Song in Ftrfe. Book II. [ 139 ]

CllAl\ 3.
The JVatcb-men that do wander in
She ark .

The City law me there :


To whom Ifaid, have ye faw him,

m my Soul loveth dear f
I pafTed farther, and him found,
The Church joins
And would not let him go :
i with
I held him faft, 'till I him brought, Chrift.

My Mother's Houfe into.

Daughters Mem-
O Daughters ofjerufalem, bers of the

I charge you by the Hind Church, difturb

him not.
That ye not ftir, nor wake my Love,
'Till he to Wake's inclin'd.
Who cometh from the JVildernefs, Chrift delivers
Ev'n like as Smoak, from thence ? her out of the
Wildernefs of
Perfum'd with all the Powders of Affliaion, like
Sweet Myrrh, and Frankincenfe. Smoak, perfum'd
with Myrrh, &c.
Behold his Bed, ev'n Solomons,
About the fame doth dwell Chrift (hews her
his Place of Reft :

Ev'n fourfcore able, valiant Men, and how it is

Yea, Men of Ifrael guarded.

They hold Swords, and are well skill'd

The Church's
In 5 and Men of Might
War : Guard,

Each hath his Sword, for to defend,

And guard fafe all the Night.
A Chariot Solomon hath made,
The Beauty of
Of Wood of Lebanon : the Church.
Its Pillars are of Silver bright,

And Gold they ftand upon.

The Covering, is of Purple pure
Love, the
With Ornaments above ; Church's Beauty.
For Daughters of Jerufalem,
The Midft is pav'd with Love.
T 2 II Go

[ 140 J lie Song of Songs

1 1.

forth, ye Daugtrrs of Sion, The Glory of

the Chimh.
V Crown, mod bright !

Ev'n chat wherewith his crown'd

n in ch' efpoufal Night.
1o Father, Son, 6fr.

Chrift frewetb the Graces of the Church by

St. Tune : Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.
Can /us.

Tenor & Bsfi.

i T^ Ehold thou'rt/a/r, my Love, thou hall Dove" s Eyes within thy L

mmmmwmm S_ 8 3 ;&3 8 io 8 i



Thy Hair
is like
as ma--ny Goafs,
Ev'n fuch a?
Gileafs Fhcks
n 8 l -

2 Thy

Or, Solomon's Song in Verfe. Book II. [ 141 3

Ch ap. 4.
Thy new
teeth, are like a Flock, (horn,
The church
That do from wafhing come :

Whereof, they ev'ry one bear Twins,

And Barren there are none.
Thv Lips are like a fcarlet Thread,
Thy Speech it doth invite : The church,
Likewife thy (acred 'Temples, they
Are as Pomegranates like.

Thy Neek is like to David's, Tower ,

Bui It for an Arm'ry bright :
The Church.
Whereon doth hang a thoufand Shields,
And Arms of Men of Might.

Thy Breafls, are like as two Young Roes,

That are a Twin-like Pair
The Church.
Ev'n like fuch Roes as always feed
Among the Lillies fair.

'Till the Day break, and Shadows they,
The Church's
Do flee away from hence : Faith and Hope.

I'll get to the Mountain of Myrrh,

And Hill of Frankincenfe.

O thou my Love, O thou art fair,

The Church
And comely unto me !
deems Chrjft un«
Thou art mofl pure, O thou my Love ! fpotted.

There is no Spot in thee.

* Come, come with me, from Lebanon,

My Spoufe, come, and look from Chrifl:
to the

The Tops of Amana, Shenir, Church.

Mountains, and from Hermon.

O thou haft ravifhed my Pleart,

My Spoufe, thou doft furprize ! The Church al-

One of thy Chains have ravifri'd me, lureth Chrift,

My Sifter, with thy Eyes,

10 How
[ 14^ ] The Song of Songs
10, Chap.
10 How fair's thy La?, O thou my Spoufe !

My Si/^r mod divine !

O ],ov. better is thy Z/:

And more than /A7/.^.

1 1.
Thy Lips, my Spc h y drop,
Milk is under thy Tongue :

T Mf/Jthey do fmell, cv'n as

Swccis ot 1
12 Like to a . clofed up, Meaning the
of the
So is my Sifter dear :
My fyfl.v/? is as a String fhut clofe,
Or (baled Fountain clear.
13 Thy Orchard of
Plants, they are an
Pc behold
\es, to :

With Ire and all Fruits,

That are more worth than Gold.

14 Spikenard, and Saffron, Calamus,
And all that fweet doth fmell :

With Cinmamon, and Frankincenfe,

And All that Tongue can tell.

A Fountain of rich Gardens great,

Waters, that never die :

And Streams that come from Lebanon,

And Places joyning nigh.
* Awake North-wind, alfo the &
Upon my Garden blow :

(Let my Beloved come and ea

That ty/'tfj out may flow.

Or, Solomon's Song hiVerjc. Book II. [ 143 ]


*- Chrift awaketh the Church with his calling the


St. Saviour's Tune : Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.


"Tenor fcf Bajb.

-te- f-9 f4v*•


IT Mcome, my
Sifter, and my Spcufe, I'm to my Gar-den come:


I gather'd have my Myrrh, with S/«V*, O my Be —lov—ed One !


I've drank my Wine, with Milk, O eat Calling them to a

My Friends, of /^/^ partake :

Banquet of his
Yea, drink abundantly, ev'n for
My Well-beloved's lake.
3 *I
[ 144 3 The Song of Songs
Chap, j
* I Dcpt, but yet my H;:irt O-jpc nor,
Thus callir 1

O} ,my undefiVd, 1

My Syter, and my D:

Yor cv'n my Head is fili'd with Dr

As Drops of Stfurr bright .
Likewifc my TV. , arc ruled with
The Chriiti.il Drop of Night.
I have my Coat put ofi, how fhall
I on again ?
put it

I warned have my Feet fo clean,

That clean they will remain.
Then thro* the Door-hole ev'n there The Church
The Hand of my Tnte-loa :
vents }•

My Heart did melt, it alio caus'd

My Bowels for to 1

I rofe to open to my L The C

And my Hands drop'd great Store, irhfa Zeal
Qf ."
. and Franhncenfe, upon
. :

The Handle of the Door.


I open'd to my
My Soul funk \
I fought trim, found not call'd, but be •,

Did me no anfwer make.

The Watch-men* that i'th* City v. as,
Me found, and did me ftrike :
ac fall
The Keeper took away my I

Which I did much diflike.

O Daughters of ;;/, .

I charge you all above :

The Church is

mould find my Love, him

If ye t

That I am fick of Love.

II o
,0r, Solomon's Song in Verfe. Book II. [ 145 ]
1 I. CH A P 5.
* O what is thy Beloved more A Dcfcription
Than any die above ? of Chrift, by his
That thou doft give fo ftricl a Charge,
That we mould tell thy Love f
My Well-beloved is the bed,
Chrift is efteem'J
Of Thoufands behold
to : above all by the
He's white and ruddy\ with black Locks,
His Head's as fineft Gold.

* His Eyes, are clean, and fitly fet,

The Church's
As the Eyes of a Dove : Defcription of
His Cheeks, and Lip, are Spice, and Flow'rs, Chrift.

Such Sweetnefs has my Love.

His Hands, as Rings in Beryl fet,
Chrift is Beauti-
His Belly's Iv'ry bright :

His Looks, is ev'n as Lebanon,

His Z^g-j, as Marble white,
He altogether lovely is, Chrift, the fafefi
His M?«/& doth fweetnefs vend : Friend,

O Daughters of Jerusalem,
This is my Love and Friend.

: :

[ i/ftf J The S o n g of Songs

The Church jheweth her Faith in Chrirt.
St. Auftifts Tunc : Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.
Cunt us.

y Bnjfo.

1/^""% Where is my be--Iov— *\I gone ? Or where {hall I him find?


That we may {eekllm ev'n with thee, Moil fair of women Kind \

% My Love isGarden gone,
to the Chrift isabfent,

To th' ZWj Spices fweet

of yet loved.

Within the Gardens for to feed,

Among the Lf#fcs neat.

3 IMy Well-beloved, be is mine,

ht :

I do him love and he dorh frcd I

Am< ngft chcJ

Or, Solomon's Song in Vtrfc* Book II. C 147 3
4- Chap. 6.
'* AsTirzabj thou art beautiful, Chrift (hews the
And ev'n as Salem bright: Gracetof the
And lis an Army terrible,
My have hath llich a Light.
5 O turn thine Eyes away from me,
The Church ra-
They me o'ercome ; thy Locks vifheth Chriit.
Of Hair they are yea, like as Goats :

Ev'n fuch as Gilead's Flocks.

e Thy Teeth, are like a Flock of Sheep,
That do from wafhing come :
The Churches
Whereof, they ev'ry One are Twins,
And Barren there are none.
7 Thy Locks, are as a Pomegranate,
The Church.
Moft lovely to behold :

s There's threescore Qiieens, and fourfcorc lewd,

And Virgins, can't be told.

9 My undefiled is but One,

Ev'n All do love the
fhe her Mother rais'd :
The Daughters faw her, and her bleft,
Harlots, and Queens her prais'd.
10 * O who
he that Jooketh forth,

Like as the Sun fo foon ?

And as an Army terrible, hisLove to the
And fair ev'n as the Moon, Church with

,x Iwent to the Garden of Nuts,
Ev'n where the Fruit it flood :
Ohrifr cometh to
To fee if the Vine fiourifh'd, and view the

To fee Pomegranates bud. Church's Zeal.

12 Before that I was well aware,
Or knew not, then my Soul
The Church is
Made me like to the Chariots of rxvjihM with
Ammimdib -,
(moft whole.) Chrift.

U 2 12 Re-
[ 1483 The Song of Songs
12, Chap. 6.
13 Return, return, O
Sbukm The Church
it we rruy look on thee : calicth her Fleck,

What will ye fee i'th Sbulamhe ?

As Armies Company.


The Graces of the Church defcrihed.

St. JfopVs Tune : Compofed in thru Parts. W. T.


Tenor & Bajfo.

1 TTOw comely are thy Feet, with Sior/, O Prin-ces Daughter, fair !

#3 * 9 8

=3= .azi

— — h- 1 e»—
•e-6-f— h-fg


HEKfpf? I- LA— —I
Thy Thighs arc cv'n as Jew— els bright, No Work can them ccm-y

: :

Or, Solomon's Song in Verf* Book II. C *49 ]

2. Cfl a p. 7.
Thy Navel's like a GMet 9
As let in Marble bright !

The Church
Thy Belly's as an 1 leap of IVi.-eat,

That's fee with Villi cs white.

Thy lovely Breafts, that are Milk white,

Are like as two Young Roes ; The Church.
Yen, Roes that are a Twin-like Pair,
Tnat on the Mountains goes.
Thy Neck* is as an Iv'ry Tozv'r,
Thine Eyes —
Pools in Heftidon: The Church.
Thv comely Nofe, is alfo like
The Tow'r of Lebanon.

Thy Lovely Head, is Carmel like,

Thy Hair, is Purple bright The Church.
The King is held in Galleries -,

My Lew, is for Delight.

Like as a Palm-Tree, beautiful, A Similitude of
the Church's
So thy Stature fair
is •,
Faith, ani good
And thy fweet Breafts, are ev'n as Grapes, Work*.

That in great Clutters are.

I faid, I'll to the P aim-Tree go,
And take hold On the Tree :
The Church
Thy Nofe, fhall as fweet jj^p/w fmell, t.ikes hold on
Thy Breafts, as Grapes fhall be.
Thy Mouth, is ev'n as the beft Wine,
My Love doth downwards take Chrift's Power.

Mod fweetly ; and doth caufe the Lips

Q{ thofe that deep to fpeak.
* I am my Well-beloved's, and
The Church
To me is his Delight fheweth her
Come let us go into the Field, Faith In Chrift.

In Village lodge all Night.

10 We'll
: :

[ ISO] 77;? Sokg of Songs

We'll early at the Vineyard
The C
To fee theGrape and Vine :
And if the Pomegranates do bud,
My Loves fhall there be thine.
i i

The Man- drakes give a Smell, and at The Church j-r

Our Gates doth Fruits appear pares U

Yea, pleafant Fruits, laid up for thee,
O my Beloved dear !


The Church's LoVe to Chrift.

St. Edmund* s Tune : Compofed in Four Part:. \Y. T,




7Vtfor & Bajfo.


i (~\ Tiiat thou as my Bro-tber waft ! That fuck'd m r Breaft


0/, Solomon's Song in J'erfe. Book IT. [ 151 ]


Tenor & B/rtfo.

If I thee find, I'J thee fa — lute, And hug my hcav'nly GudL

I'd bring thee to my Mother's Houfe,
Chrift alone
Who'd give Inftruolion meet :
able to teach.

And thou fhouid'ft drink a fpiced Wine,

Of my Pomegranate fweet.
3 His Left-hand doth my Head fupporc, Chrift will fupa
port and lovf.
Yea, under it hath Place :

His Right-hand doth me fafely aid,

Alfo doth me embrace.
4 O Daughters of Jeriifa!e?n, Ths Church's
I charge you well to mind :
Members muft
be mindful, and
That ye not frir, nor wake my Lov:, not be difturbinj.

'Till he to Wake's enclin'd.

5 O who is this that cometh up, Chrift delivers
cut of the Wil«
Ev'n from the JVildernefs dernefs cf Afflicr.

Leaning upon her Well-belov'd 5

(In a moil comely Drefs.)

6 Irais'd

[ 152 ] The Song of Songs

6. Chap, 8
I rais'd thcc to the Apple-tree, Chrift raifeth an.
And alio fct thcc there : bringcth Salvad

Juft where thy Mother brought thee forth,

Ev'n where fhe did thee bear.

* As a Seal, fct me on thine Heart, The Church de-

fires her Seal :

For Love as Death ftrong

is v
And Jealoufy is as the Gr as ftrong as
Jealoufy is

Which Flames do many wrong. confumingto all.

Great Haters cannot quench true Li True Love can
neither be bjught
Nor Floods cannot it end :

If Man would give his All for Love,

It all would be contemn'd.

* We have a little Sifter t yea The Calling of

Who hath no Breafts at all :
the Gentiles.

What fhall we do for her that 2

When me fhall have a call.
If fhe's a Wall, we'll build on her The Dwelling o£
Chrift, the
A Palace, moft divine : Church.
If fhe's a Door, w e'll
her enclofe,
With Cedar Boards moft fine.

1 1.

io I am a V/all, alfo my Breafts

The Wall and
Are ev'n asTow'rs moft found : Door, means Fi-
Then was in me the Eyes, as one delity, and Con-

That had great Favour found,

n At Baal-Hamon, SoFmon had Solomon's Vine*
A Vineyard of Delight :

W r
hich he let out, and Fruit to bring
A Thoufand Pieces bright.
is My Vineyard's mine — Thou Sol'mon : mull
Heav'n muft be
A Thoufand Peices take gain'd by Dili-
And thofe that keep the Fruit thereof, gence.

They muft two hundred make.

14 Thou
Vr% Solomon's Song fc. Book II. C 153 ]
Cu a p. 8,
13 Thou that doft in the Gardens dwell,
And therein doit appear : . hear
Companions hearken to thy Voice •,

Cauie me the fame to hear.

14 * Make Hafte, O my Belov'd, and be The Church
Thou pnysth tor
like a Roc •, yea, fly,
Ch; ill's coming*
And be thou ev'n as a Young Hart,
On fpicy Mountains high.

X A Com-
C 154 3

Compendious I N D EZ o
Commonly called The BOOK of CANTICLES.
Pointing out the mod material Matters contained in the



HIS Book, is written under the Similitude of a Bride*

and Bridegroom meaning Chrijl and his Church :

Wherein, Solomon fhews the Title of the Book, and him-

felf the Author of it. Then Perfonating the Church and
Chrijl , z The Church fheweth her Lmx to Chrijl, and greatly
imploreth his Love to her. Then excufing her Imperfel

and Deformity, ~ She prayeth to be acquainted with him in

his holy and divine Ordinances. * Chrijl then directing her,
commends her Beauty »* So they both mutually Cor.gr all

each other.


N this Chapter, the Church and Interchange mu- I

i tual Praifis and Prayers. the Cburcfr both fee th and

hearcth i her un;o , fhe prayed and
. . .

rejoyced in him, 3c.

'A Compendious INT) E X. [ 155 ]


H after
bim : 6 and in
the Church diligently enquircth after Chrifc
being abfent from her
his Pleafintnefs,
4 and with jov rcceiveth :

Precioufnefs, and Power, (lie

admires him.

N this Chapter, Jefus Chrift particularly extolleth his Spoufe,
1 the Church ,
and invites her to bim with the higheft
ExprelTions of Eftimation, Delectation, and Congratulation im-


N this Chapter,
the Church and Chrift both feaft together.
At fome other time by excufes and delays the Church
him : 4 is at laft inwardly trou-
for a while refufes to receive
bled and•,then feeking him again with Deligence and Suffer-
ing, and not finding him, 8
me falls fick of Love. 9 She
being much wonder'd at by loofe Profeftbrs, fhe fetteth
form particularly many of his fupereminent Excellencies.


HEREIN, feffeth her

the Church,
Faith in him.
afketh after Chrift, and pro-
4 Whereupon Chrift again

greatly Extolleth her Excellencies ;

and Exulteth in his
fweet Communion with her.


N this Chapter,
Chrift (till continues in chanting the Praifes
of the Church ; and they both mutually Congratulate
each other, £s?r.

x 2 chap.
[ 156 ] AComfendius IND R X.

THIS CI 'pter
great defire to
Cbnjl •,
• Mow
the Church declares her
and the inconquerable Ar-

dent, and ineftimable Power of Love. Then Chrijl freely
faring his real Refpe&s to her, as his Budding, ll and
Vineyard, ,} the Church fupplicating his fpeedy, fweet, and
folacing Holy Communion, &c.

Xj* Obferue, that Pflilm the 4.5th is entilukd, Song of Loves; A

j tf;; Epitome and Comrnenti to his Song of Songs \botb being
on the very fame Subject, and Style and by the very fame

Author, King Solomon only it is /aid, that Pfalm the \$th


ivas written in his frfl peaceful, projperous, and pious Time,

he had jujl fniJJ:ed the Temple.
it d it, and efiablijh-
ed the Worfhip thereof, as Inftitutcd : And, that this Son*g of
Songs was partly wrote in the Heigth of that Pro n his
latter Tears ; when he, and the \ n from that
Purity \ and had experienced Temptations, Defertions, and
Reilitutions, &c.

The End of Solomou\ Sox g.

C U7]

Hymns, Anthems and Canons, <src.

On feveral Occafions : For Voice or Organ.

By Mr. William Tans' ur.

I. The A u t h o r's Ddight.

An Acrostic k. Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.

Cantiu. a *

(Intonation.) 'Tenor & Bajfo.

JT/l TH fervent Zeal, ferve thou thy God and King,

8 5 &? I*

In lof — ty Hvmas, per
- #5
— pe — tual Prai-fes fing :

: -

[ 158 ] 'Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons

Can t us.

Tenor & Bajfo.

za=^±zq — 371-3=

Let Jr.
— creel Songs thy Heart and Tongue em-pl
I ,* ; —— 1
_-4-n 1—— -
-*- —

7n tuneful Notes, injtuncful Notes extol thy God on high.

— 41

y^wake thy Thoughts, and Tune thy grateful i

Mount thou, aloft, and Celebrate his Praife

To thy Redeemer grateful Homage pay,
y/fcribe all Honour to his j\fow<? alway.

Aot unto any other, Praifes fing,

SinceGod, and Christ did thy Salvation bring :

1 ord, let all thy /. tend,

Rejoice in God, and fervc him, without End.

On various Occafious. Book II* £ 159 ]

y#/ Praife be to the glor'ous Trinity,
The Three in one and one i» Unity :

The Father, Son, and Spirit Pll adore,

In Hallelujahs, Now, and Evermore.

II. An HYMN. Taken out of the Firji Pfalm.

To the foregoing TUNE.

TH E ManBy falfe
is bleft that never goes aftray,

Advice, nor (lands in Sinners Way :

Nor fits infected by fuch icornful Pride,

Which God condemns, and Piety derides.
And wholly fixeth his fincere Delight,
On heav'nly Laws he iludies Day and Night :

He mall be like a Tree, that fpreads its Root,

By living Streams, producing timely Fruit.
Whofe Leaf fhall never fall, the Lord will bleh
All his Endeavours, with defir'd Succefs
Ungodly Men fhall not fuch Favour find,
But fly like Chaffs before the roaring Wind.

Their Guilt fhall not the horrid Day endure,

Nor yet approach th Aflembles of the Pure :

For God approves thofe Ways the Pdghtsous tread,

Butfinful Paths to fure Deftruclion lead.

^//Praife be to the glorious Trinity,

The Three in one, and one in Unity :
The Father, Son, and Spirit we'll adore
In Hallelujahs, Now and Evermore, ,

II. A C \
t :

[ i6o ] Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons

IIL A CANON, of Pour in One.

LEt evVy Mortal Praife the Lord; with tuneful Songs with one accord :

5K i| 3

Let all rejoice with hcav'nly Mirth ; Andimi-tatc the fame on Ea*th,

Praife God, from whom all Bleffngs Mow,

Praife Him, all Creatures here below :
Praife Him above , ^tfacred Hoft,
Praife Father^ Soh> and Zw/y G/;0/?.

IV. An HYMN, On Death.

Compofed in Two Parts. W. T.

(La?jguifant.) Tenor & Bnjfo.

np He Z).;_y will come, when Friends will moan, A--bout my i?<.\/, anJ i. jr, H %

i~-ii---f- — 1~— 1

—1 -.4-
£&*? ps:l:o
:zp: az;
-U.4. £)-

When all the Wealth, which now I crave, can on--ly pur cl. Grave,

8 3 > 8 J -

2. Then
b : -

On various Occafions. Book II. [ 161 ]

Then fhall my Body turn to Ditjt 9
Untill the W/?tf£ of the Juft :

But where my mortal Soul fhill go,

This is the Thing I ought to know.
To thee, O Christ, I do commit,
My Soul, thou haft redeemed it :

In all my Grief, my Comfort be,

Tho' Sin brought Death, Ye dy'd for me.
Thy Blood, that on the Cross was
Isan Atonement for my Guilt
And as thy Grace doth blot the Score,
Me take, where I fhall Sin no more.

V. The Laft Scene : Or, A Thought of Death.

Compofed in Two Mufical Parts. W. T.
Tenor & Bajfo.

A —Ma— zing Change ! No won — der that we dread

* 1—

To think of Death, or view the Dead;


[ 1 62 ] Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons

Tenor &f Bap.

When I muft leave this Te— ne—ment of Clay,

J J- J

And to an un-known Somc-where, wing a — way:

When Time (hall be E ter nl /y, and thou

Shalt go thou know'it not were, and live, thou know'fl not how.

VI. The
! :

On various Occasions. Book II. [ i<5j ]

VI. V?e Sufferings and Victory o/Christ.

Plal. xxii.

Compofed in Tzvo Mufical Parts. W. T.

Tenor & Bajfo.

/"^ God ! my God ! O why withdrawn thine Jid,

b3 5 8 11 J 8 _ #5 .

e- «*

— u — u — e~ jMt

From me ? When pref— fing Ills have long dif--may'd

Why is thy y#<y ^ Arm at reft ? whilft I

10 . 8 io 8 5 3 3 5 8 &3

Pour out my burthen'd Soul, this dole — ful Gry

# J :
j . S 8 J 3 lg 8 i z

Y 2 2 O'er-
1 :

C T ^4 ] 'Divine Hymns, Anthems, avd Canons:

7. O'erwhelmM in I\\;rs, I all the Day complain,
. but groan alafs in vain !

No G Tears by Day,
Awake ri or my Fears allay.

Yet tall not Grief, nor gloomy Fears retard

Sou], from Hopes of thy Regard :

5 Th< - and antient Times confefs,

Still haft thou fav'd thy Ifr'el in Diftrefs.

The !
ftill Med to thee for Aid,
Ti\ Tribes, to thee their Praifes paid :

4 Our mourning 5 I on their God depend,

Not vain their Truft, their God did Succour fend.

5 To him they cry'd, and their Diftrefs was o'er,
In him they Hop'd, and Fears perplex'd no more :

6 But I'm a Worm, dejected and defpis'd,

By Man difown'd, tho' in his Form difguis'd.
7 By rude Spectators Ytew*d to abject Scorn,
As one too mean their Species to adorn ;

Regardlefs of my Woes, while paffing by,

They fhake their Heads, and thus they fcofring cry

7' .

* ho f this vain Man, who on his God relies ,

Bath'd in a bloody Sweat\ be faints and dies :

In God he hopes, let God defcend audfave,
And *xreft his Fav'rite from th 9 exrecling Graze.
9 But from the Womb thou took'ft me, Lord, thy Arm
Ev'n in the was my Defence from Harm
Womb :

10 In Infant -ft ate my Guardian thou from Wrong,

Whilft hclplcfs, hoping on the Breaft I hung.
Thou art my Gracious God,— my Ilope*s from hence,
From Firft to haft, thy Arm is my Defence :

Now raging Floods of Trouble round me roll,

1 Lord ! be not abfent from my finking Soul !«—

10 Thj[
! !: •

On various Occafions. Book II. [ i6j J

Thy Help I crave ! — No Seraph round thy Throne
Can Help fupply, but //;o« my God alone :

i* Ah hafte ! — the Fiends of Hell befet me

Strong Bulls of ito/fo/* would my Soul confound,
1 1.

«3 As Lions fell, they furioufly a flay,

"With gaping Mouths, to make my Life a Prey
Alafs I'm gone ! my Soul away is rent ! —
Like Water fpilt, my ebbing Life is fpent.
My Bones disjoyn — my Strength burns up my Heart

! !

*5 DiiTolves by Woes ! — my Spirits quite depart !

Thy weighty Wrath, thy Dread-eternal Frown

Ev'n to the Duft of Death hath preft me down

16 Oh fave me
! fave ! —
fee Dogs about me cloie ! — !

I'm thick furrounded by a HoftofFoes !

n They've piere'd my Hands my Feet now fhout to fee— \ — !

They've nail'd the Great Sin-Off' ring to the Tree.

They've Racked, and lifted up a Skeleton,
And now exulting, Hare at what they've done !

*s Amongft themfelves my Garments they divide,

And call the Lot, my Vefture to decide.
j 9 Lord part not from me
! ! — be not now away !—
Make hafte Oh hafte to ! ! help ! my God ! —my Stay !

so Save ! —
fave my Soul — from thy ! eternal Wrath !

Keep ! keep thy D A R L N G —from I ! the Force of Death,

From wretched Sinners quickly fet me free,
From gaping Hell-hounds, Lord delivdr me ! !

'Tis done, «— thou'ft heard me, in the deep Diftrefs,

When Hell9 and Sinners did my Soul opprefs.
When I was coop'd in, with the piercing Horns
Of cruel and voracious Unicorns :

For this I'll tell the Wonders of thy Name,

And to my Brethren all thy Deeds proclaim.
18 When
— :

[ J 66 ] Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons:

1 8.

In their Affmbly thy Praife,

I'll recite
And frame, by mine, their Hearts to grateful Lays
Come ye, that fear the Lord, begin the Song,
Ye fu red Seed from holy Ifr'el fprung.
\\ ith humble Awe, his wondrous Mercies tell,
And, as his Gocdnefs, let your Praife exo \\ :

=4 Sing, how thefttving-GoD hath not difdain'd

The of the 'fflicled who complained.

ejl, how his Face he would not always hide,
But heard his Cry, when he, the Mourner cry'd :

-5 I, the grand /IJJembly of the Saints,

\\r\\\fing his Praife, who heard my
griev'd Complaints.
folemn Proteftations, there I'll pay,
'Midft thofe who God adore, and God obey :

*6 The Hungry Souls fhall now be fatisfy'd,

I've born their Grief, and have their Want fupplyM.
27 Thofercfcu'd Men, who fear Jehovah's Name,
Now fav'd trom Hell, his Love fhall e'er proclaim :

Your Souls no more fhall dread eternal Chains

But ever reign, where God eternal reigns.

See num'rous bribes from diftant Nations round,


Now hear, and now approve the joyful Sound :

We're fafe, all Pow'r is His —

they rage no more,
But at Jehovah's awful Throne adore.
The wond'ring Earth, receives its fovereign Lord,
Bends at his Throne, —
and trembles at his Word I
-s The Lands yield grateful Homage to his Sway,
Stoops to his Lazus, and willingly obey.
2 5-
29 Great King, of Kings where e'er thy Name is known,

Earth's Kings fhall cafl their Crowns before thy Throne,

And all th' inferiour Clalies of Mankind,
Confefs the S<w\rti?n Rule to thec afEs;n\l.
26 All
On various Occafions. Book II. £ 167 ]
3* All High and to, now fav'd from Hell, mall own,
That thou their Saviour art, and thou alone •,

Yet tho' the Rebel- World will not fubmit,

To pay their proftrate Honours at thy Feet :

3* A chofen Seed mall foon efpoufe thy Caufe,
Hail thee ! their King — and own thy facred Laws:
Thefe for a Generation God efteems,
The Worthies which his conquering Son redeems.
Thefe mail to People yet unborn proclaim
3* The Works, and Merits of their Sav'our's Name :

And whilft thy Grace, new Converts does engage,

Thy Kingdom mall endure, from ^^, to Age.


VII. ^ Morning Song : Or, d CaN on of Four

in One. W. T.

\ Wake my S«</, and with the Sun, Chri/l's daily Stage of Duty run :

E|j;fep^:|:?:lfeE|E *P iai

Rife thou, my Soul, and with the fame, Rife thou toCbrift's evMaft-ingFamc.

Gfory to God, who rules the Sky\
Glory to him that fits on high :

Glory be to the /acred Hoft,

Glory to Son, and Holy-Ghoft.

: :

[ 1 68 3 Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons

VIII. ^Canon of Two in One. W. T.

/// the tjtb ab

will mag-ni--fy my God al-way, my S

I 1

Shall him praife, from Day to Day.

IX. An Hymn agamft Sinful Songs ; Exhorting

to Praife God.
In Canon Retle & Retlro. W. T.
A. 2. Voc


Our Songs on Earth fhall praife God's Name,

That we in Heav'n may do the fame ;
To (infill Songs we'll bid farewell,
From which we learn the Speech of Hell
God's facred Image we deface,
Which is to us a foul Difgrace.

'Tis fhamcful to each Chriftian Ear,

We only plant the Devil there :

God made by's IVifdom Soul and Mind,

Himfelf to Praife to be enclin'd ;
Let him be praised with Voice and Tongue,
He'll us reward whilft he's our Song.
Hil-le-lu-jah, Hal-U-lu-jab, Hal-U-lu-ja Hcl-k-lu-jah
X. An
On various Occafions. Book IT. r i<$P J

X. An Hymn : Or, ^Refolution to Praife God.

Compofed in Three Paris. W. T.

X"^An I ceafe, my G^, from Singing
dai--ly grateful .SWgv to thee,

S8£_3 5 8 S 5 3
J 8 6 8_8 & 10

i:3^:t^:s.| Q:r(E:i:3 z 4.:did iqzr] }:q:t|:-

Whilit thy
thy Grace is a!-ways bringing, all things rich-Iy un--$o me ?

S b % 8 5 S 3 S 8 7 5 6'0
HS>= :
n-^4 :
nE:3:}:p=S:|:gE:^:JEp=r ; :p:
1 :

fll=E:liri:lir-liil lefi Is
When I view thy In< fo ten der,

which preferves my
Z//> fo long:

_^_ 8 _8 i_ 2 l0 8 5 Q s
3 5

S:pD :j:E:^:: :;3r:5: iifiE

p— - :s:

aP* cS
*.».- x

mm 4
I am bound my Thanks to ren-der, And1 Works
thy f/'Vij fhall
fhal] be my Song,
S 8 _ S 6.8 5 10 8 . 8 5.3
5 3 3 . 5_S_ 5_

g£fc=i$B=E P=d:l:p*!ll
— t- "Fh^-H -h-t-r--

Jesus for my fake didfuffer, — Dft?/£ upon the curfed 2n?£ *,

Unto him my Praife I'll offer, for 0w Kindnefs unto me :

Praife to God, moil high be given, and to Christ his only&?//,

Praife on Earthy as 'tis in Heaven, let your Praifes equal run.
[ 170 ] Divine Hymns, Anthems, a?ul Canons:

XI. JESUS, is All in All.

A Canon 0/ Four in One. W. T.

y No tiling am, I Nothing have ;

I Nothing can, I Nothing crave

But that my JESUS I may fee,

And that He may be All to me.

By Jj \l\. Jlipported (land,

The re in his Hand :

Upon this Jesus I will call,

My Jesus is to me my A L L.

Hal — le —In— Hal—

jab, le — lu—jab.
Hal — le —lu—jah, Hal— le — hi— jab.
Hal — le — lu—jab, Hal — le — In—jab.
Hal — le —lu—jab, Hal— le —lu—jak.
— :

On various Occafions. Book II. [171

XII. An Hymn: On Devotion, and Solitude.
Compofed in Two Paris. W. T.
"Tenor & BaJJa.
-9- :r=:s:|:o *- B A*
3fq :qz:
:o±f: sfi
E All, &
— t

B 5
c .

8 b1 ^ 8



And God, &c.

miiiiniii — a

8 8 87 5

EIJ — :E:i:zz -:E" J"— — I-Tai-lf

-If :s:{:_-;E:J:


Be All devoted unto God,

And to the World unknown ;

And God himfelf to thee will give ;

Ye both fhall be alone.

Bleft Solitude ! bleft Company !

To be with God alone !

O who would not the World forfake ?
To be with Christ made one.
Bleft Solitude ! where Two are One
Where All are Unity !

Where God is All and Man is nought !

O full Felicity !

Thou Heaven art to me on Earthy
God's Kingdom here below
Thou art my fruitful Paradice>
In which the Graces grow.
To Father, Son, fcfc.

Z 2 XIII. A".
[ 172 ] Divine Hymns, Anthems, dni Canons:

XIII. All Joy Christ's Crofs.

Compofcd in Three Parts. W.T.

Can! us.

Tenor & Baft.
— 1>
_4> :e:J:q-p l~ l ieisv
#3 S HO 8 3 #5
Hr ? ;p;r: y:ji::zr;iaiq.l -:«:-! Dzy|;az:5l:D;^i:=:{|^

My richeft, &c.

P kp-^-z G J °£pj:f j|: r j ?£ p : : : r : :
9ffe J )irl-J rJ! E |)|


When I fiirvey that wondrous Crofs,

Wherron the Prince of Glory dy'd
My richeft Gam I count but Drofs,
And pour Contempt on all my Pride.

2. For-
: ! : :

On various Occafions. Book It [ 173 1

Forbid it Lord, that I mould boaft,

Save in the Death of Christ, my God :

For all vain Things that charm me moft,

I facrifice them to His Blood.

See from His Head, His Hands, and Feet*


Sorrow and Love, flow mingled down

Did e'er fuch Love and Sorrow meet ?
Or Thorns compofe fo rich a Crown.

His dying Crimfon, like a Robe,

Spreads o'er His Body on the Tree:
Then am I dead to all the Globe,
And all the Globe is dead to me.

Was the whole Frame of Nature mine,

'Twould be a Prefent far too fmall
Love amazing, fo Divine
Demands my Soul, my Life, and All*

XIV. Christ's Holy Invitation.

To the foregoing Tune.

THAT difmal Night, when our dear

Into the Garden did retreat

To vent his Grief, in Groans and Cries,

In Tears, and in a bloody Sweat.

2. That
[174] Divine Hymns, Anthems, mid Canons;

That ne'er to be forgotten Night,
When our Redeemer was betray'd •,

Before his Sufferings, Bread he took,

Gave Thanks to God, brake it, and fard :

Take, Eat, this is my Body broke,
For you upon the curfed Tree :

Perform this Ordinance, as I do,

And when ye do* t, remember Me.
He took the Cup, being fill'd with Wine,
Blefs'd it, and to's Difciples faid •,

'Tis the New Teft'mcnt it? my Blood,

For you, and many others fhed.

All you, my
Friends, rhuft drink of it,

Tour Sins Remifllon here you fee :

Perfor m this Ordinance as I do,
And when you do't remember Me.

O Lord, we will remember thee,

And thy Love, more than fragrant Wi
How can we e'er thy Crofs forget ?

Which made Thee ours, and us made thine.

Our Right-hands firft fhall lofe their Art,
Our Tongues forget to fpeak, or move :

Before we will forget thy JVounds,

Or everlafting Marks of Love.
We'll thus commemorate thy Death,
'Till thou appear'll on Earth again :

Then Glorious Lord, remember us,

Make hade, to take thy Pow'r, and reign.


On various Occafions. Book II. [ iyy ]

XV. The Divine Refolution.

Compofed in Three Paris, W. T.

Ca tit us.

Tenor & Bap.

N Othine,


My Jesus, &c.

9 8 12
5Pit^":l:2z:B:|: i:2:t.?z"§:j: :li:Ei: z

Nothing but Jesus will I love,
I nothing elfe defire
My Jesus is my All in All,
He fets my Heart on Fire,

2 in

[ \-]6 ] Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons

In Jesus I will always truft,

And cleave to him alone
For Him I'll leave all Things below,
And have no God but one.

My Jesus will not me forfake,

No Idols I'll fet up :

My Heart it (hall be All to bvm\

From him I'll take the Cur.

The Cup which he doth give to me,

Of him I'll freely take :

And be well pleated with the fame,

His Will, my Will I'll make.
My Jesus fhall my Leader be,
'Till this my Frame diflblve :

Thro' Life, thro' Death, and thro' all Thing i,

Him follow I refolve.

All Glory to the facred Three,
One Ever-living Lord :

As at the firfl, ftill may He be

Beloved, and AdorW.

Ou various Occafions. Book II. [ 177 J

XVI. An Hymn, To the Holy Ghost :

. (proper for Whkfbnday

Compofed in Three Parts. W. T\


'Tenor & Bajfo.

1* 8 # s $?



Come, mild and holy Dove*

Defcend upon our Breaft :

Come thou in us ; make us in thed

For evermore to reft.

A* 2. Come
[ 178 ] T)ivine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons

Come, and fpread ov'r our Souls

Thy All-comforting Wing :
That in its Shadow wc may fit,

And Praifes to thee Sing.

When we are Aiding back,

Thou doft our Danger flop :

And when we into Sin do fall,

Again thou tak'ft us up.

If by the Way we faint,

Thou putted forth thy Hand :

When with Weaknefs we do

e'er fall,

Again thou mak'ft us Hand.

we there muft lie,

It not,
And ftill fink lower down :

Our Hope's in thee, 'tis thee that bring*

Us to the heavenly Crown.
Glory to thee, O Lord,
One ccetcrnal Three :

To Father, Son, and Holy-Ghojl,

One equal Glory be.

On various Occafions. Book II. [179]
XVII, Christ's Dying Love.
On Good-Fryday. Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.

Tenor & Bajfo.

JOyn, &V.

liilllllilillPiSl :o:
: :z

#J bio 8 # *5 8 *io 15


Joyn Spirits, to adore the Lamjs,

Oh ! that our feeble Lips could move
In Strains immortal as His Name,
And melting as His Dying Love.
A a 2 2. Wat

[ 180 ] Diiine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons


Was ever equal Pity found ?

The Prince of HearJn refigrts His Breath :

And pours Hjs Life upon the Ground,

To ranfom guilty Souls from Death.

As we have broke our Maker's Lazvs,

Christ from God's Threatning fet us free :

And bore the Vengeance on the Crofs 9

And nail'd the Ccztrfes to the Tree.

God's Law proclaims no Terror now,

And Sina's Thunders roar no more :

From Christ's dear Wounds now Blessings flow,

A Sea of Joy I without a Shore.

Here we are wafh'd, from deepeft Stains,

Our Wounds are heal'd with heav'nly Blood :

Bleft Fountains ! fpringing from the Veins^

Of Jesus, our incarnate God.


In vain alafs ! in vain we ftrive,

To fpeak CompaJJionfo Divine:
H*d we Ten-thouiand Lives to give,
They're All too little to be Thine.

To Father, Son, Szc.


On various Occafions. Book II. £ 181 J

XVIII. The Transformation.

Compofed in Four Parts. W. T.

pilliiiliilllllliil Contra*

Tenor & Baffo.

CHange, &c.


Change me it ev'ry Part, O Dove

Thou Breathing of eternal Love !

With living Streams me overflow,

That I a bsav nly Plant may grow,
O vilit

( 1S2 ] Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons


O Dark-houfc of Clay,
vif,t this

Bright Source ! and turn my Night to Day

O pierce this Lump with Beams Divine*
And make it as the Sun to fhine.

The World's a Toy, or like a Dream,

All Froth, and Bubble, Smoak, and Steam :

Not /he, nor her bewitching Art,

Can fill one Corner of my Hearty
Come Lord, and therein take thy Sear,
Who only can'ft my Joys com pleat :

Give me thofe Joys which ever laft,

Not fuch as perilh, fade and blaft.
From earthly Things, I take my Flight,
Into the Region of blefl Light :

For Thee, I flight all Worldly Joys,

And count them all but fading Toys.
No Drofs, Soul betray,
fhall e'er my
Nor glitt'ring Toys, which are but Clay :

Such Things IM1 weigh within thy Sight,

Which are but Trifles of Delight.
Such worldly Toys to me are Pain,
The Trouble's great, fuch Things to gain :

BeThou my Aid, thy Praise I'll Sing,

And I am Greater than a King.

Was I poiTefs'd of all I fee,

Nothing could five my Soul, but Thez i

As the Soul aids the Body here,

So to my Soul thou doft appear.
Thy Beams of Love upon me dart,
And (lamp thy La-io upon my Heart :

Let all my Thoughts and Deeds be Th:

I, my Will-, and fbine be mine.
XIX. 2fe

On various Occafioils. Book II. £ 183 }

XIX. The Divine Requeft.

Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.


fM^^^^^it^^^ Tenor & Bajfo.

y^ilve, fcfr.

3 #3_ jga\j* 8 y t>* #_ • «fc

1— 4fcf



Give me thy Love, I ask no more,

Thy Love is that which I adore
Inflame me with thy heav'nly Fire y
The Source of chafte Divine Defire
2 Thy

I 184 ] Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons?

Thy Love is that crvleflial IVine,

That warms and makes the Soul divine \

And makes the hard contracted mind

Suit as the Air, fwift as. the tfftnd.

Oh ! thou bright Flame 1

thou radiant Light !

Strong, and refiftlefs is thy might

Sweet is thy Influence, and Pow'r,
As the cool Dew, or quick'ning Sbow'r.

Each View, or Glimpfe, of thy bright Throne*

Renders my Soul no more its own :

How fweetly is my Drop devour'd,

When into thy wide Ocean pour'd !

O pleafing Death ! thus to expire !

*Tis not to fall, but co rife higher :

From a fmall Atonic^ to be ALL,

Pure, bright, fublime, Angelical.

All Glory, to the facred Three,
In Everlajling Unity :

Be now, as 'twas, when Date begun,

Be Praife, '//// Time his Ccurfe has ruti*

XX. An
On various Occafons. Book II. [ 185 ]

XX. An Hymn: On Christ's Nativity,

Luke i. 30, &V. Luke ii. 10, &c m

Compofed in 'Three Parts. W. T.

Cant us.

iill-lEililtilEE I:a:#ha=ch :&

Tenor & Bafo.

yj Ehold ! the Grace appears ; The Promife is ful-fill'd :

5 8 ** 8 1* 8 J #3

Ma- ry, the wondrous Virgin bears, And Je--sus is the Child.
1 #3 X l0 12 8 10 8 J»

The Lord, the Higheft God,
Calls him his 0/z/y Son :
He bids &iw rule the Land abroad,
And gives Him David's Town,
B b 3. O'er
: :

[ i86 ] Divine Hymn*, Anthems, and Canons

O'er Jacob Me fhall reign,

With a peculiar Sway :

The Nations fhall His GV^cf obtain,

Which never fhall decay.

To bring the glorious Ncws y

A Heavenly Form appears :

He tells the Shepherds of their Joys,

And banifhes their Fears.

Go, Humble Swains, (faid he,)

2*0 David's City fly :

TJje promised Babe that's bora this Day,

Doth in a Manger lie.
With Looks, and Hearts ferene,
Go vifit Christ your King ;

And ftrait a Shining Throng were feen,

The Shepherds heard them fing :

Glory to God on High,
And Heav'nly Peace on Earth :

Good-will to Men, to Angels Joy,

At the Redeemer's Birth.
In Worfhip fo Divine,
Let Saints employ their Tongues
With the casleftial Host we'll joyn,
And loud repeat their Songs.
Glory to God on High,
And Heavenly Peace on Earth:
Men, to Angels Joy,
Good-zvill to
At our Redeemer's Birth.
Hal— Hal—k—lu—jah,

Hal— I", Hal—lc—h<—y<h:

Hal— — —jah, Ha!—U — hi—jab,
li lu

Lkl—le, Hal— U—..— jab.

XXI Again fi
— —
On 7 wiotts Occafions. Book II. [ 1S7 ]

XXI. Jgaihfi Temptation.

Compofed in 'Three Parts. W. T.

y Uf:.tft \—\ .ptt-p— I--^-a.{ e It-
thou by Fiends art hard be-fet, Take Coun-fel of the JF//? ;


9 : ^j3^^fc§-fe:|^4 ~MZ :
5 -§ : 3j

§S~t:-:r_?:t:ar:_:J:t3ttr=:n:-=t:2:=^:i-^ G *i

Do all things with the bell Ad--vice, That nothing thee fur-prife.
- H

q:::q— z\z XX 1
-0 -m

With thine own heart do not confult,

Left it fhould thee deceive :

If thine own Counsellor thou art,

Thou Fcllj fhalt conceive.
B b 2 3. When
: : : :

[ 1 88 ] "Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons j

When thou therefore (halt tempted be,

>r Grace and H^ifdom pray :

And Grace and IVifdom fhall thee meet,

And lead thee on the Way.

If many Devils thee fur round,

Thou need'ft not any fear
Since that thy Pray'rs are furely heard,
And God, to thee is near.

Let but God's IVifdom thee conduct,

And with his Grace comply :

And all the Dez'ils thee malt fear,

And ftraightway from thee fly.

Thus, thou a Conqueror malt be,

And mighty Foes malt quell
Thus Christ, in thee, fhall ever live,
Victorious over Hell,

To Christ therefore all Glory give,

For H e the Vttlor is

And fee thou always to Hi m live,

And be thou only His.

Doxoloc V.
Honour to Thee, Almighty Thre?,
And everlajling One
All Glory to the Father be,
ne Spirit, and the Son.

On various Occafions. Book II. [ 185? ]

XXII. The True Christian Armour.

Compofed in Four Parts. W. T.


& Tenor Bajfo.

gilHiPiiili E_p ill

TTAfle, and put on thy Armour bright, hxAJhield thy felf \v\t\i be a-v'n/y Light:


** 10

Light's Jrmour glittering round thee ftiake, At wh. the PowVs of He// may quake.

The Spirits Sword, bind on thy Thigh,
Fad girded with God's Name moft high :

God's Name thy Word and Shield fhall be,

From which the Frighted Damons fiee,
q. God's

[ ipo ] Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons

Nime, and Word, fhall be thy Sword

Victory fhall (till afford
v :

Frefh Palms (lull always thec attend,

And Graces from above defcend.

To nothing do thou therefore yield.

But dillhold fad thy aiding Shield:
Since conqueft is to thee fo nigh,

Do thou the Pow'rs of Hell defy.

If thou haft fortify'd thy Heart,

And haft but Love's Almighly Dart ;
With God and Man thou fhalt prevail,
To Triumph thou fhalt never fail.


Do not thy felf with Fears acquaint.

Nor do not in the Batile faint
By no means from thy Colours fly,
Since Jesus is to thee fo nigh.


Thy Heav'fdy Arms then ftrive to wield,

And with Care maintain the Field :

Salvation's Buckler to thee take,

And Righteousness thy Breaft-flate make,


If Men, or Devils thee afiail,

Let Justice be thy Coat of Mail ;
And let alio thy Loyns brave Youth !

Be ever girt about with Truth.

9. Then
On various Occafions. Book IL [ 19 1 ]

Then flialt thou hold the glorious Fight,
Since thou canft lay, God is my Right :

Thou know'ft thy Foe is not afleep,

Thy Military Vow fure keep.
By no means do not wander out,
Nor from thy Armour gad about :

But learn with Christ alone to flay,

And learn with H 1 m alone to -pray.
Learn thou to work with Him, thy Lord,
Learn fully to obey his Word :

And learn from all things to retire,

That H 1 s fweet Grace may thee infpire.
Make and throw not Time away,
Let nothing work while 'tis Day :

And thou fhalt Armies put to flight,

For Darknefs can't withftand the Light, &c.

XXIII. An Hymn: For either Morning or

Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.
Lam. iii. 23. Ha. xiv. 7.


Tenor & Baffo.


\A Y G d, how endlcfs is thy Lo<vc ? Thy Gifts are ev'ry E-<ven-ing new ;

5 8 5 &3 6 6 _ i&3._ #3 *o 12 &iq $5

lifiS Era: nil: j:°:j: 3f: "^fife :: E jf
5 :|


[ ipz ] divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons:
Cant us.

Tenor iff Batfi.

Piliiillii llillillill
And Morning Mercies from a-bovc, Gent \y —
dif til like ear--ly Dew.



Thou fpread'ft the Curtains of the Nighty

Great Guardian of my fleeping Hours f

Thy Sov'reign Word reftores the Light,

And quickens al! my drowzy Pow'rs.

J yield my Pow'rs to thy Command,

To thee I confecrate my D
Perpetual Bleffings from thine Hand,
Demands perpetual Songs of Praise.

Hal le lu —jab. —— —
Ha! It lu

Hal — le lii—jah, ——
Hal U lu—jab :
— —
Hal /<?— lu jab — — —
Hal le lu

Hal—le lit —jab, Hal le lu-~jab.

xxiv. ^CA-


On various Occafions. Book II. [ 1573 ]

XXIV. ^Canon, of Four in One. W. T.

Q-^,.__ 5 H

o Praife the Isr</ with facred Hymns ; On us his Goodnefs largely flows :

u.1 e i'Q tfi

~* c
— azlEEtSLiit4 d!
i cl Dl i" — 11

Ex- -alt his Name, for earthly Things Up-on us dai \y he bellow:


That we may lead our Lives Co pure

As to enjoy the heav'nly Grace :

And after Death we may be fure

With God to have a refting Place

Be Glory, Praife, and Worfhip done.

To God the Father, and the Son :

And to the Holy Ghoft, on high,

From Age to Age, Eternally.

Hal le lu*-jah, Hal-—le —lu—jah,
— — —
Hal le lu jah, Hal— — — le lu jab.
—— —
Hal le lu jab, Hal— le^-lu—jah.
Hal—le~-lu—jab, Hal— — lu—jab.

C c XXV. Jn
[ 194 J Divim Hymns, Anthems, and Canons

XXV. An Evening Hymn.

Sc rune. Compofed in Three Parts. W. T.


^2; &gmm:i: ^iafpiiEig

Tenor <o Bop.

piililii l°flllltii lilliil

^\ £#/*/, behold a wretched one, That flings himfelf before thy Throne :

&3 3 * S bio bio &3 8 #3

=?_g.J Q -b.fc:_ bj.z-tt -,t E f e- eJ-J — S-ia -o- l—tt


1 _ — j

f-bbr| 'ZEZ\ ::d::§EE:

i.-j S|g* -G-

My Practice fin-ful, and by birth, Yea, vi--ler, vi-ler than the Earth.
& 3 #3 • * &3 6 &6 h ii bio 3 .



O Let thy (Thrift my Sav'our be,

To fave from Sin, and Mif.-ry :

My Soul beneath thy Feet I lay,

E&treanne Pardon for this Day,
3. Encir*
On various Occasions. Book II. [ 195 ]

Encircle me within thine Arms,

My Body to defend from harms :

Preferve my wand'ring Soul from Sin,

Both going out, and coming in.
Keep from me a carelefs Heart,
From which my Saviour would depart
O Blefs and profper all my Ways
That they may ifiue in thy Praife.

Be and Honour don?,
Glory, Praife,
To God the Father, and the Son,
And to the Holy Ghoft on high,
From Age to Age Eternally.

XXVI. Christ's (power, and Loye to Man.

In Canon Rette &? Refiro. W. T.

-Kt-BS El Eb:pr,:i:-::

M * Y Sins, O ChriJ?, extend to thea, Alio

thy Death declares them thine

^aila-ii? e f *—
Thy Right eoufnefs extends to me, Its precious Bc~ne--fas are mine.

Thy Death hath fet me free from Hell,

And makes my crimeful Sins forgiv'n ;

Thy Righteoufnefs makes me to dwell

Eternally with thee in Heaven :

Let me O belong to thee

Since thou gav'ft Life, and All for me.
Cc 2 XXVII. The
» -

[ ip5 ] Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons

XXVU. The Longing Soul's Defire.

Compofed in Two Parts. \V. T.

Tenor & Bajfo.

r* :-:t5=p:i:r53|
-55 Oil
H- -E>—
H'Ain would my Tbttigbh fly up to thee, Thy Peace , fweet Lord, to find :

But when

I of-fcr, ft ill the World Lays Clogs up—on my Mind.

*— #3 * #3

"-i I

IllilillliP :•


Sometimes, climb a little way,


And thence, look down below ;

How nothing there, do all things feem.

Which here make furfh a fliow.
Then Round I turn my Eyes,
To feaft my
hungry fight :

I meet with Heartn, in ev'ry thing,

Inev'ry thing delight.
Guide thou my way, who only are,
My everlafting End :

That ev'ry flep, (if fwift or flow,)

May to thy Honour tend.
To Father, Son, 6fc

On various Occafions. Book II. [ 197 ]

XXVIII. An Hymn, on the Vanity of t1$


To the foregoing TUNE,


Wealth, we fixive each Day,

vain, for
Thieves, and Loffes, fhatch away :

For Honour, we diffract the Mind

Which is as wav'ring as the Wind.


for Pleafure, we do break our Reft,

Which turns the Man, to be a Be aft:
In vain, for Health, when Sick, we ftrive,
Unlefs we better did furvive.

In vain, for Learning, we bellow

Our Parts, neglecting what we know;
For a long Life, we ftrive in vain,
Age is a Burden, full of Pain.

Our Life, is but one fingle Breath,

What we Expect, we lofe in Death :

So let us Live, that when we Die,

We may have Bliss Eternally.—*


XXIX. A Morn-
- :

[ TpS ] 'Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons

XXIX. A Morning Hymn.

Compo.red in tfhree Parts. W, T.



/~** OD, who hat:; .1 have my choiceft Sacrifice :

1 — .*
T-rol o=sl=4w
r •;

- -
e^::::0:zF ::: r m
85t*t 4 — t-l—

My highcit Thanh I humbly pay, tor Mercies running bight and Z)^>-.

3 . #3^ ,
*~* . *1 3 5 &3


O Grant thy Pardon, I implore,

And Grace, that I offend no more :

O Let
Goodnefs never ceaie,

Renew thy Covenant of iVjz.v.

3- A*

On various Occafions. Book II. [ 199 J

As thou Renewed Rill my Days,

With New Endearments crown my ways 3

rather, with me this Day abide,

Be thou my Leader and my Gui

That I may plainly fee and know

The very Path where I (hould go i

And may at Night rejoycing fay,

My God was kind to me this Day

Graces which I want, fupply,

And Guard me with thy tended Eye:.
Whilft I'm on Earthy be thou my Guard,
And at the Laft y my great Reward.

XXX. A Funeral Hymn.

Compofed in Two Mufical Parts. W« T.




Tenor & Bap.

£[T Ark ! from the Tm&g a doleful Sound ! My Ears attend the Cry :.

— « -#~i-*- ...t

F 3 :E :

i?£:GE B

~ --P ;©E^| E:^:Ei?- 2*
|»-H'— )8 :


r 300 ] Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons :

Cant us.
1-0-fB S!-:in

Tenor & Bajfo.

Vc li-v:ng Men, come view the Ground, Where ye muft fhortly lie.

* #3 8 6 J #3 8


Princes, this Claymuft he your Bed,

In fpite of your Pczv'rs :

The Tall, the JFjft and Rev'rend Head,

Muft lie as low as ours.

Great God ! is this our certain Doom?

And arewe ft ill fecure ?
Still walking downwards to our Tomb,
And yet prepare no more?

Grant us the Pow'rs of Quick'ning Grace,

To fit our Souls to fly
(When e'er we drop dying Flefh,}
To Thee above the Sky.

To Father,Son, and Holy Ghofl,
One undivided Three :
AH Higheft Praft, all humbleft T... I ,

Now j and for ever be.


On various Occafions. Book II. [ 101 ]

XXXI. The Song of the Lamb. Rev. xix.

Compofed in Four Mufical Parts, W. T.

Treble, & Alto.

Great, great and mar-vel-lous, are all thy Works, Lord God AI migh-

Tenor tff Batfo.

p4fe-{ rs_:d: j|;:t: j|:1: g:t ^_d_|rf :: H_- |J-_ :

/^ Reat, great and mar-vel-lous, are all thy Works, Lord Gad Al-migh

Treble, & Alto,

ty : Juft and true are all thy Ways, thou King of Saints, thou King of Saints.

Temr & Baffa,


ty : Juft and true are all thy Ways, thou King of Saints, thou Kingof Saints,

D d m

[ 2o z 2 Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons


Treble, bf Alto.

Hal-le-lu-jah, :ll: ill: ;//: ://;


Tenor iff Bajfo.

Hal-k-lujah, ill: :!!: :ll: :ll:

CHORUS. Treble, & Alto.

Who fliall not fear thee, who (hall not fear thee, O Lor i?

Tenor iff Bajfo.

Who {hall not fear thee, who fhall not fear thee, O Lord?


0/V various Occafions. Book IL [ 203 ]


Treble, & Alto.

And glo--ri--fy thy, glo-ri-fy thy Name, and glo-n — fy thy Name,

Tenor & Bap.

glo thy Name, and glo--ri-fy thy Name,


Treble, & Alto.

and glo — ry, glo ri fy thy ho — ly Name.


iiSi-l re
Tenor fcf Bap.

m And glo ri
fy thy ho ly Name.

D d a Praife
— :

[ 204 1 Divine Hymns, Anthems, avd .Canons


Treble, iff Alto.

Praifc the Lord, the Lord our God, and Sing Hal^lc — lu-jab:

Trw/- £s' i?*^.

Praife the Zs;v/, the Zo;v/ our God, and fing Hat—le — lu-jab ;

7WJ/*, C3f ;#/*.

Alk-lujah, Al-U-tujah, Al-hlujah, AJU-hjah, Al-Ulujah, Al-le-lu-jab.


Al-lc-lujah, Allelu ", Al—lelu}ac. fejoi.

— tPPIt-i— P-PIP-C P til— P-P 4-IP-P-P-- l s '


xxxii. nc

On various Occafions.' Book II. [ 205 ]

XXXII. The Prayer of Agur. Prov. xxx. 7.
Compofed in Three Paris. W. T.
Cantus, Tenor £if BaJJ'o.

O Lord, keep me, keep me, O Lord, from the Va -ni-ty of Lies
Keep me,

1^ Eep me, O Lord, keep me, keep me^ O Lord, from the Va-ni-ty of Lies :

Cantus, Tenor iff Bajfo.

Give me not Po-ver-ty nor Riches, but feed me with Food, with Food

Give me not Po--ver--ty nor Riches, but feed me with Food, with Food

Cantus, Tenor & Bajfo.

Con--venient for me. Al—le-lu-jah, Al-le-lu—jah, Al le-lu-jah.

ll|pp!iiii|l=e= srorfel
Convenient for me. Al-le — lu-jah, Al-le-lu—jab, Al-—k»Ut—jah*

z:a ipflplpiilg!

[ 206 ] "Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons

XXXIIL An Hymn for Chriftmafs-Day.

Compofcd in Four Parts. W. T.



* *~t;~
Tenor 13 BaJ/i.

f 7[7Hcn all Mankind had by their Sins Themfelves wholly un--donc :

__ ^ _ _


G<?</ did in great Com--paf--fion fend, His Wcll-be — h-^cd Sort.


On various Occafions. Book II. [ 207 3

To take our Nature, and become
A Sacrifice for Sin :

Who made the Path to Heav'n plain,

That we may enter in.
Joyn Earthly Quires, to celebrate
The Birth of Christ, our King:
Glad Homage pay, to Him, who doth
Our Great Salvation Bring,
Let Hallelujahs found H 1 s Praife,
Employ your greateft skill
From Heaven be Peace, to Men on Earth,
And unto All, Good-will.

XXXIV. An Hymn for Eafter-Day.

Compofed in Four Parts. W. T.


mmm izroztxr

Tenor &f Bajfo.

::a :qz:

\ Wake my SW, rife from this Bed, Of dull, and fluggifh Earth i



1 208 I "Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons:



Tenor £ff Bajjb.


A-rife I fay, lift up thy Head, and view the Lora*s new Birth,


See Jesus Rifes, frefli and bright,

Encircled round with Stars
Which all from him receive their Lights
And from H 1 s Glorious Scars.

The Angels know again their King,

They foon H s 1 Call obey :

All ye Glad Quires, come forth, and Sing %

And Crown this Joyful Daw

Come thou, my Soul, let us rejoyce a

Our joyful Concert Bring :

Up unto Heav'n let's litt our Voice,

And with the Angels Sing,

To Father, Son, &V.

Oil various Occafions. Book II. [ 2 op ]

XXXV. An Hymn, for WhitfuncLiy.

Compofed in line Parts. W. T.

Cant us.

Ten:?- &f Baffo.



P- Ome bc'-lj Spirit, fend down thy Eeams, which flow from thee a —bove
_ 8 11 8





Wafh Lord, our finful Stains away,

Our mortal Bruifes heal :

Warm with thy Grace our Hearts of Snow,

Our wand'ring Feet repeal.

E e 3. Wafh

C 2io ] Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons :

The faring Gifts of thy good Sp'rit,

Do thou to us impart
That we may feel the Joys of Hea nfn,
And walk with perfect heart.

To Father, Sou, and Holy Ghost,

One undivided Three :

All higheft Praife, and humbled TIjanks,

Now and for ever be.

On various Occafions. Book II. [ 211 ]

XXXVI. An Anthem, Pfalm xcvi.

Compofed in Four Parts. W. T.
(T.) Treble, &T Contra.

Worfhip the Lord, in the Beau — ty,


Tenor &> Bafio.

WOr— fhip the Lord, wor-fhip the Lord, in the Beau — ty*

(j)__ \

in the Beau — ty, Beau —ty of Ho li— -nefs :

S"Et~EE|zE^^^zl^3^ z:jEE^0 oEaErgiiiEfe

g-?-p p-I-P P 1 I- J--
in the Beau— ty, Beau— ty of Ho- li — nefs t

E e % fej
[ 212 ] Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons :



of his Ho li — :

Tenor & Bajfo

in the Beau — tv, Ben: — ry of his Ho — li nefs.


Sing, fing, fing, fmg, f:ng un — to the I

'^i _ __,j, rnrzzz i tt"*


Sing, Zing,- fing, fmg, fing un to the LcrJ,


On various Occanons. Book II. [ 213 \


Treble, &f Contra.

Bring Pre — fents, And come in to his Courts

B* —

Tenor &f Bap.

Bring Pre--fents, And come in— to his Courts

— **

Be tell —ing of his Sal— va —tion from day to day.

•# — t F-i


Be tell-ing of his Sal —va— tion from day, to day,

t *x4 3 DivSve Hymns, Anthems, 'and Canons:


Treble, &> Contra,

Let the Heav'ns re joice, let the Heav'ns re—joice i

Tenor & Bap.

Let the Heav'ns re joice, let the Heav'ns re— joice j

. Q)

And let the Ear- -th be glad

And let the Ear- th be glad :

On various Occafions. Book II. [2153

Treble , fcf Contra.


Let the Sea make a noife, Let the Sea make a

Tenor & Baffb,

Let the Sea make a noife, Let the Sea make 2


Noi- fe, And all that therein is.

(7.) S

piiii^iiippiii* -fe, And all that therein is.

^— " '
" ..ft-- -r£ r •

—— —
C 21(5 ] Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons:


Treble * & Centra.

lor the Lord is great, the Lord is great, and can-not

(T.) Tenor Iff Bafo.

For the Lord is great, the Lord is great, and can-not

wor — tlii \y be prai-fed, he can-not, cannot wor-thi \y

wor — thi \y be prai — fed, he cannot, can-not wor-thi—1/

On various Occasions. Book II. [ 217 ]


Trelle & Contra.

be praifed. Hal-U-lujab, Hal—le—he-jahy

iiiiiip^fiipi ppi
be praifed. He I klujah^ Hal--le-lu-jabt Hal-le—hi-jab, Hal-k-lu-jah,

3fd=it":tg:i:^;t it
± j dri J «t~ _r : { id-5* H

(TJ (i.)

H-= illlH -r-t^e •e-

Let all rejoice, Let all rejoice, Let all rejoice, Let all



Let all re-joice, Let all re-joice, Let all re-jcice, Let all

(/)_ _,.__
C 2i8 ] "Divine Hymns, Anthems, an J Canons:


Treble, fcf Contra.

"H the ZW. Worfhip the Lord, Worfhip the lord.


TiMr & Baffo. CHORUS.

rejoice be--forc the Lord. Worfhip the Lord, worfhip the Lord


J: fe
in the Beauty, Bcau-ty of Ho — li — nefs : Hal—h — lu—jah,

— p-f— p-t-f-p-F Jf— p txp = — 1-

in the Beauty, Beauty of Ho — li — riefb : llal—h-lu}.


Oh various Occafions. Book II. £ zip j


Treble, fcf Contra.

Hal-lc — lu~jab, Hal—Ie—lu-jah, Hal-le— lu—jah, Hal—le —-lu—jah.

Tenor & Bajfo.

-_.**£_ tidijt E?zi: "SjFiEfcr i(EE{ES

Hal-le —lu-jah, Hal-le — lu-jah, Hal-le- lu-jah, Hal-le —lu—jah.

J 1

:z:z:t~£~p-p3j:p::: |:rj:rprt:fc::^rprt:zii![z«3:z:i:Q:}{

XXXVI. An ANTHEM, taken out of the ^th Pfalm.

Compofed in Three Paris. W. T.

(Lamentatone.) Cant us , Tenor £*f ifo^;.

Hear my Prayer, O Lord, Hear my Pray'r, O £wv/, and with thine Ear

T TEar my Prayer, O Lord, hear my Pray V> O Lord, and with thine Ear

»3 8

[ 220 ] Divine Hymns, Anthems, and Canons


— Con— fi tier my Calling : Hold not thy Peace at my Tears.

Con--fi--der my Calling \ Hold not thy Peace at my Tears.

For I am a Stranger, For I am a Stranger with thee,

For I am a Stranger, For I am a Stranger, For I am a Stranger with thee,

*^\ 3*f3 8 (^) g

„^ A _j|c

And a Sojourner, as r.ll my Fa- thers were.

-7-tt ftFffS P-c-*—

And a Sojourner, as all mv Fa-

mm° thers were.
.-9 n ~#3 W f^"" s s:
r> r* I

O fpare

On various Occafions. Book II. [ 221 3

CHORUS. Cantus, Treble iff Baffh. Continued.

O ——
fpare me a lit-tle, O, a lit — tie, lit-tle, that I may re

O fpare me a lit-tle, O, a lit — tie, lit-tle, that I may re

- — H—
r -*
1 o
I- —

co — ver my Strength, that I may re--co—- ver my Strength, be-fore

co — ver my Strength, that I may re-co — ver my Strength, be-fore

I go hence, and be no mo — re feen.


:ct#i33: fe
I go hence, and be no mo- •re feen.
>""> us:
S 8 &5 8
!EP!: Si
IS.. B, Tbaffome of the Tenor of this Anthem was fet by an Author unknown*
An Alphabetical TABLE of the firft Book,
{hewing the Names of the federal Tunes,
what Chapters they are adapted unto, and on
what Page you may find any of them.

Ghap. Tu n B s Names. Page.

i. QT. /fftpVi Tune. — — — — 1.

IO. 22. C5 St. Aujlin's — — — —

Tunc • 27. 82.

8. 25, St.Bernard's Tune — — — — 22. 95.

15. 19. St. Tune — —

Clement'* — — •
50. 68.

12. 20. St.David's Tune — — — — — 36. 99.

4- 27.
St. Edmond's Tunc — — — — — 10.103.

I 3- St. Tune — — — — —
Faith's 41.

16. 21 St. Tune — — — — —

George's 55- 77-

28. St. Tune — — — — -*

Hellen's 107.

7. 29. St.James's Tune — — — — — 12J 1 9. 1

14. ib. St. Tune — —

Katberine's — — 45- 64I

9- 3i. St. Luke's Tunc — — — — — 25.120.

6. St. Mark's Tune — — — — — 15-

2 3- 3° St. Tune
Nicholas's — — — — 60.1 16.

5* St. Olave's Tune — — — — — l 3-

2. St. Tune — —
Peter's — — — 5-

• St. Tune — — — _ _
Tune — —
— _ —

*4- St. Paul's 90.

1 1. St. Tunc — — — —
Saviour's — 3i-

17. 20. St. Within Tune — — — — —

*s 60. 72.

The Proverbs
Index to the — — — 124.

The End of Book —

the — —
firil 128.



J Table of the Second Book, flmving how

to find any Chapter in Solomon's Song, Hymn,
Anthem, or Canon 5 (By its Number, Be-
ginning, and Page.

Chap. Chapters Beginnings. Page.

t. T Ec him me kits with Kifies fvveet 131

2. I j I am the Rofe of Sharon, and — 134
3- By Night, upon my Bed, —— I fought 137
4- Behold my
thou'rt fair, — love, thou haft 1 40
5. I'm come, my and my —
Sifter, Spoufe ! 143
6. O where my Beloved gone — — —
is ? i46
7- Plow comely with —
are thy Feet, Shoes ! 148
8. O thou
that my Brother as — — waft ! 150
The Index. i54

BOOK 1. p. 5. the 15th Note of the Tenor mould be in the upper Space, p. 6. r. 7. for
her, read their, p. 8. v. 8. for Ways, read Paths, p. 20. v. 6. for lewd, reaction^, p,
22. v. 2. for you, read ye. p. 36. the 1 3th Note of the Treble mould be in the Space next above
the middle Line; and the 14th on the 2d Line from the Top. p. 44. for fulfilled, read full-
fill'd. p. 50. for ^4, fin^ or play ^"3. p. 64. v. 27. for Spirit, read Spirit moft : the 2-"th
Note of the Z?^ mould be in the Space next above the middle- Line. p. 66. v. 14. line 1. omit
the Word, it. p. 82. v. 32. for forfakes, read forefees. p. 117. v. 10. for the, read thee.
p. 1 18. v. 16. for ivoe, read woo. Book II. p. 135. v. 6. in the Margin, for her, read him. p.
149. for Hejhdoti, read Hejhbon. p. 144. v. 9. for was, read \\ at. p. iSc. v. 4. /mm 3. for
now, r^new, p. 19 1. the nth Note of the BaJJb mould be on the upper line. p. 172. the
2d Note of the laft ///:<? of the Tenor mould be on the middle Line. p. 194. v. 1, tor my, re$d By.
p. 2co. a 4fc is wanting to the ift Note of the Cant us.

An Alphabetical Table of all the Hymns, Anthems>
and Canons included in the Second Book.

N°. Beginnings, Page.

t \ Mazing change no wonder that we dread
! 161.
7- /\ Awake my Soul, and with the Sun, — 167.
34« Awake my Soul, rife from this Bed, — 207.
J 2. Be Mdevoted unto God, — — — >
2C. Behold, the Grace appears — — —


IO. Can I ceafe my God, from Singing?

16. Come, mild and Holy Dove, — — — *77-
18. Change me, in cv'ry part, O Dove, 181.
35- Come holy Spir't, fend down thy Beams, 209.
2 7- Fain would my Thoughts rife up to thee, — 196.
19. Give me thy Love, I ask no more, 183.
29. G^n, wko hath now unfeal'd mine Eyes, — 198.
31. Great, Great and Marvellous are - 201.
22. Hade, and put on thy Armour bright, — 189.
3Q- Hark from the Tomb's a doleful found — 199.

! !

36. 219.
8. I will magnify my God and King, 168.
1 r. I nothing am, nothing have,
I 170.
'7- Joyn Spirits, to adore the Lamb 9 179.
28. In vain, for Wealth we drive each Day, — 197.
32. Keep me, keep me, O Lord, from 205.
3.. 160.
23- My God, how endlefs is thy Love ? — 191.
26. My Sins, O Christ, extend to thee, — ! 95.
1 5 • Nothing but Jesus, will I Love, l
6. O God, my God, O why withdrawn thine Aid ? 163.
24. O Praife the Lord, with (acred Hymns, — !
2 5- O Lord, Behold a wretched one, 194.
9- Our Songs on Earth fhall praife God's Name, 168.
The Man is blefl that never goes aftray, — 159-
14. That difmal Night, when our dear Lord '
l 72-
4 The Day will come, when Friends will moan, 160.
1. With fervent Zeal, ferve thou thvGod and King, *57-
*3- When I furvey that wondrous vJross, — 172.
21. When thou by Fiends art hard befet, — 1S7.
}3« When Mankind had by their Sins
all — 206.
v>. Worfhip the Lord, in the Beauty of — 21 1.

F INI S. t*5


mm W




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