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Review and performance evaluation of roughened solar air

Effect of geometrical parameters of roughness
1. Effect of relative roughness height (e/D) and relative roughness
pitch (p/e)
2. Effect of angle of attack (α)
3. Effect of V-shaped rib
4. Effect of multi V rib roughness
5. Effect of gap in inclined, V and multi V rib roughness
6. Effect of dimples and protrusions
Roughness geometries used in solar air heater
1. Transverse rib roughness
2. V-rib roughness
3. Transverse wedge shaped rib roughness
4. Rib-grooved roughness
5. Metal grit rib roughness
6. Arc shaped rib roughness
7. Discrete W-shaped rib roughness
8. Multi V-rib roughness
9. W-shaped rib roughness
10. Discrete V-down rib roughness
11. Broken V-rib roughness combined with staggered ribs
12. Dimple shaped rib roughness
13. Circular protrusions arranged in circular arc manner
14. Multi V-shaped rib with gap roughness
15. Multi-arc shaped rib roughness
16. V-rib roughness with symmetrical gaps
17. Multi-gap V-down ribs combined with staggered rib
18. Reverse L- shaped rib roughness
19. Multiple-arc shaped rib roughness with gaps
20. Broken-arc rib roughness
21. Broken arc rib combined with staggered rib piece
22. Arc shape ribs arranged in ‘S’ shape pattern
23. Multiple type V-pattern dimpled obstacles
24. Hyperbolic ribs
25. Rectangular baffles with inclined upper part
26. Staggered multiple V-shaped ribs
27. Thin truncated ribs

A review of artificial roughness geometries employed in solar air

Concept of artificial roughness
1. Effect of rib height (e).
2. Effect of rib pitch (P).
3. Effect of rib cross section.
4. Effect of inclination.
5. Effect of Reynolds number.
Roughness geometries used in solar air heaters
1. Transverse ribs
2. Inclined ribs
3. V-shaped ribs
4. Arc shaped ribs
5. W-shaped ribs
6. Other ribs arrangements
7. Non-uniform cross-section ribs
A critical review on artificial roughness provided in rectangular
solar air heater duct
Effect of roughness parameters on flow structure
1. Relative rib height
2. Relative rib pitch
3. Angle of attack
4. Gap in continuous rib
5. Rib cross-section
Application of artificial roughness in solar air heater duct
1. Transverse ribs
I. Continuous ribs
II. Broken ribs
2. Inclined ribs
I. Continuous ribs
II. Broken rib/ribs with gap
3. V-shape ribs
I. Continuous ribs
II. Broken ribs
4. Multi V-shape ribs
I. Continuous ribs
II. Ribs with gap
5. W shape ribs
I. Continuous ribs
II. Broken ribs
6. Arc shape ribs
7. Multi arc ribs
I. Continuous ribs
II. Ribs with gap
8. Combination of ribs
9. Dimple rib
10. Other roughnesses
Heat transfer mechanism and energy efficiency of artificially
Roughened solar air heaters—A review
Review on heat transfer mechanisms
1. Effect of transverse rib roughness
2. Effect of inclination of rib
3. Effect of V-shaped rib
4. Effect of multiple V-shaped rib


Review of development of artificial roughness in solar air heater and

performance evaluation of different orientations for double arc rib

Development of artificial roughness in solar air heater

1. Transverse ribs
a. Transverse continuous ribs
b. Transverse broken ribs
2. Inclined ribs
a. Continuous inclined ribs
b. Broken inclined ribs
3. Wire mesh
a. Expanded metal mesh
b. Discretized metal mesh
4. Chamfered ribs
5. Wedge ribs
6. V-shaped ribs
7. Discrete V-ribs
8. W-shape ribs
Continuous W-ribs
Discrete W-ribs
9. Multiple V-ribs
Multiple continuous V-ribs
Multiple V-rib with gap
Roughness elements combination
10. Transverse and inclined ribs combination
11. Transverse rib groove combination
12. Chamfered rib groove combination

13. Arc shaped ribs

14. Dimpled surfaces

Transverse dimple roughness
Staggered dimple roughness
Arc shaped dimple roughness 1
Arc shaped dimple roughness 2

Thermo-hydraulic performance analysis of solar air heaters having
artificial roughness–A review
Parameters affecting the flow patterns
1. Rib height (e)
2. Rib pitch (P)
3. Effect of rib alignment (p)
Effect of geometrical dimensions on performance of solar air heater
1. Aspect ratio (W/H)
2. Duct height (H)
3. Collector slope (β)
Different rib geometries used and their effects in solar air heater
1. Transversed ribs
2. Inclined ribs
3. V shaped ribs
4. Thin wires
5. Expanded metal mesh
6. Chamfered ribs
7. Wedge shaped ribs
8. Metal grit ribs
9. Dimpled surface
10. W shaped ribs
11. Surface protrusion
12. U shaped ribs
13. Compound ribs
Effect of roughness geometries on heat transfer enhancement in solar
thermal systems – A review

Effect of rib parameters on flow pattern

1. Effect of rib
2. Effect of rib height and pitch
3. Effect of inclination of rib (angle of attack)
4. Effect of V-shaping of rib
5. Effect of width and position of gap in continuous inclined rib
6. Effect of discretizing of v-shaped ribs
7. Effect of rib cross section
Different types of roughness geometries used in solar air heater
1. Transverse continuous rib
2. Transverse broken ribs
3. Inclined continuous ribs
4. Inclined rib with gap
5. Combined inclined and transverse rib
6. V-shaped ribs
7. Wedged-shaped transverse ribs
8. Combination of different rib roughness elements
9. Chamfered ribs
10. Expanded metal mesh ribs or wire mesh
11. Dimple/protrusion shaped geometry
12. Arc shaped ribs
13. Metal grit ribs
14. W-shaped ribs
15. Discrete W-shaped ribs
16. U-shaped ribs
17. Z-shaped ribs
18. Solid baffles
19. Porous and perforated baffles
20. Perforated baffles
21. Delta winglet
Heat and fluid flow characteristics of roughened solar air heater ducts
A review

Effect of different roughness parameters on heat transfer coefficient

and friction factor
1. Relative roughness pitch (P/e)
2. Relative roughness height (e/D)
3. Relative roughness height (e/D)
Different type roughness geometries in solar air heater ducts
1. Transverse rib
2. Transverse broken ribs
3. Inclined continuous ribs
4. Inclined rib with gap
5. Inclined and transverse ribs
6. Transverse and inclined or V-shaped rib
7. V-shaped rib
8. Discrete V-shaped rib
9. Wedge shaped rib
10. Rib-groove rib
11. Chamfered ribs
12. Expanded mesh metal
13. Dimpled surfaces
14. Arc shaped ribs
15. Metal grit ribs
16. Protruded roughness geometry
17. W-shaped rib
18. Discrete W-Shaped ribs
19. U-shaped ribs
20. Multi v-shaped rib
21. Z-shaped rib

A review on methodology of artificial roughness used in duct of solar
air heaters
Roughness geometries used in solar air heater ducts
1. Wire fixation
a. Transverse continuous ribs
b. Transverse broken ribs
c. Inclined and V-shaped or staggered ribs
2. Rib formation by machining process
a. Chamfered ribs
b. Wedge shaped ribs
c. Combination of different integral rib roughness elements
3. Wire mesh or expanded metal mesh ribs
4. Dimple/protrusion shaped geometry

Performance of artificially roughened solar air heaters—A review
Effect of rib parameters on flow pattern
1. Effect of a rib
2. Effect of rib height and pitch
3. Effect of inclination of rib
4. Effect of width and position of gap in continuous inclined rib
5. Effect of v-shaping of rib
6. Effect of discretizing of v-shaped ribs
7. Effect of rib cross-section
Roughness geometries used in solar air heaters
1. Transverse continuous ribs
a. Ribs of circular cross-section
b. Ribs of rectangular cross-section
2. Transverse broken ribs with circular cross-section
3. Inclined continuous ribs
a. Ribs of circular cross-section
b. Ribs of rectangular cross-section
4. Inclined broken ribs
5. Expanded mesh metal
6. V-shaped ribs
a. V-shaped continuous ribs
b. V-shaped staggered discrete ribs
7. Chamfered ribs
8. Wedge shaped ribs
9. Arc shaped ribs
10. Dimpled surfaces
11. Metal grit ribs
12. Discrete w-shaped ribs
13. Combination of different roughness elements
a. Rib-groove 1
b. Rib-groove 2
14. Combination of inclined and transverse ribs
A review on roughness geometry used in solar air heaters
Flow pattern
1. Effect of rib
2. Effect of rib height and pitch
3. Effect of inclination of rib
4. Effect of V-shaping of rib
Roughness geometries used in solar air heater ducts
1. Small diameter wire
2. Expanded metal mesh
3. V-Shaped ribs
4. Chamfered ribs
5. Wedge shaped ribs
Combination of different roughness elements

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