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Twenty Thousand Martyrs Bishop Anthimos, the hieromartyr, had seen what was

happening outside and realized what the result would

by Dionysios, Metropolitan of Servia and Kozani

be, so he immediately began to baptize the catechumens
oday’s sermon, the last of the year, deals with and to give communion to all those attending the Divine
the martyrdom of twenty thousand Christians, Liturgy. The Christians repeated ‘For our delivery from
whose sacred memory the Church celebrates all sorrow, anger, danger and necessity’ many times and


today. They were martyred in 304 A.D. in Nicomedia, finally ‘we commend ourselves and each other and all
during the great persecution of Diocletian. The lat- our life unto Christ our God’. They remained locked in
ter was augustus in the East, with his headquarters at the church, watching the fire encircle them and be-
Nicomedia, while Maximian was augustus in Rome. came a whole burnt-offering to God, in the expectation GreeK orThodox chUrch
These two emperors ruled the Roman state, one in the and vision of the resurrection. By a miracle, the bishop
West, the other in the East, from 285-305. These years wasn’t burned then, but was martyred later, and so took DECEMBER 30, 2018—SUNDAY AFTER THE NATIVITY

were associated with the last great persecutions of the his place in the choir of hieromartyrs. The Church cel-
Church. Seven years later, in 312/313, Constantine the ebrates his holy memory on 3 September. AINT JOSEPH THE BETROTHED was of the lineage of King David. In his first marriage, he had four
Great, who had grown up in Nicomedia as a hostage at Naturally, there weren’t twenty thousand people in- sons and two daughters. After he became a widower, St Joseph led a life of strict temperance. He was chosen
Diocletian’s court, put a stop to the persecutions. side the church. That was the number who were mar- to be the husband and guardian of the Most Holy Theotokos, who had taken a vow of virginity.
In 305, after Maximian’s victorious campaign in Ethi- tyred in the region of Nicomedia as a whole at that time. An angel told him of the Incarnation of the Son of God through her. St Joseph was present when the shepherds
opia, the whole of the Roman state wished to celebrate The burning of the church and all those inside was the and the Magi worshiped the new-born divine Infant. On the orders of the angel, he fled into Egypt with the
the victory. They sent off letters to all parts, inviting Ro- most egregious event which remained in people’s minds Mother of God and the Infant Jesus, saving them from the wrath of King Herod. He lived in Egypt with the Virgin
man citizens to come to the two capitals to enjoy the as an inhumane action and repulsive crime. The Church Mary and the divine Child, working as a carpenter. St Joseph reputedly died at the age of one hundred.
victory celebrations. The powerful Roman administra- has retained such events and remembers them with St Joseph is commemorated on the Sunday after the Nativity. If there is no Sunday between December 25 and
tion ensured peace and security, so people were able the utmost respect, according honour to those killed, as January 1, his Feast is moved to December 26. The Righteous Joseph is also commemorated on the Sunday of the
to travel across the vast expanses of the empire. The saints who were the victims of people moved by idola- Holy Forefathers.
manner in which the Roman citizens were invited to try. This crime at Nicomedia wasn’t unique. The Church THE HOLY PROPHET-KING DAVID was a forefather of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh. The
the general festivities is similar to and calls to mind that perpetuates the sacred memory of other unheard of youngest son of Jesse, David shepherded a flock of sheep belonging to his father. He was distinguished by his deep
in the Old Testament, in the Book of the Prophet Dan- crimes which were committed in antiquity and also in faith, and he zealously fulfilled the will of God.
iel, where the king of Babylon issues an invitation to all modern times. Every place and every time is replete During a battle with the Philistines, he vanquished the giant Goliath in single combat, which decided the out-
‘peoples, races and tongues’ to come and worship his with the relics of holy martyrs. come of the war in favor of the Israelites. He endured many things from King Saul, who saw him as a favorite of
massive statue, which had been set up ‘on the plain of Apart from the unnamed people in the congrega- the people and his rival. David, however, showed his own decency and magnanimity. Twice, when he had the pos-
Dura in the province of Babylon’. tion who were burned inside the church in Nicomedia, sibility of killing Saul, he did not do so.
It was the feast of Christmas [in 305], and the Chris- there were another ten whose names we do know. They After Saul and his son perished, David was proclaimed king of the southern part of Israel, and after Saul’s sec-
tians of Nicomedia, together with their bishop (later were Christians of Nicomedia, but weren’t in church at
ond son was killed, he became king of all Israel. He built a new capital, Jerusalem (“the City of Peace”), and a new
to be hieromartyr), Anthimos, were gathered in the that time. The persecutors searched for them and added
tabernacle. His great wish to build a Temple was not realized. It was foretold to him that his son would build the
church for the Divine Liturgy. Diocletian believed that them to the roll of the Church’s holy sacrifices. There
the Christians were the greatest obstacle for the reor- were Indis, Gorgonios and Petros, who had rocks tied
The life of the Prophet David was darkened by a grievous falling: he took Uriah’s wife for himself, and sent
ganization he’d planned for the State and he seized the round them before they were cast into the sea. There
Uriah to his death in battle. He was also an example of great repentance, humbly and with faith bearing the sor-
opportunity to burn them while they were assembled in was Zinon, the general, who was beheaded, together
rows sent in punishment for his sins. St David gave a model for repentance in Psalm 50/51. King David died in great
the church. He inflamed the passions of a mob and got with the court official, Dorotheos. There were Mar-
old age with steadfast faith in the coming of the promised Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ. His divinely-inspired
them to stack large piles of logs and brushwood outside donios and the priest, Glykerios, who were burnt alive.
Psalter is widely used in the divine services and in personal prayers. (See the Books of Kings and Chronicles).
the church. He surrounded the building with troops There was Deacon Theofilos, who first had his tongue
THE HOLY APOSTLE JAMES, BROTHER OF THE LORD, was the eldest son of Joseph the Betrothed
and then ignited the wood and shrubs. The whole cut out and was then decapitated. And finally there
church went up in flames and everyone who was inside
from his first marriage with Solomonia. The Apostle James is remembered after the Feast of the Nativity of Christ
was Domna, who was captured as she went to bury the
praying was burnt alive. There must have been a great remains of those who had been burnt in the church. together with his father Joseph and the Prophet-King David, since he accompanied his family on the Flight
many of them, because the church would have been full Amen. 1510 audubon drive A columbia, missouri, 65201 A tel. 573.817.0050
at that time. email: info@saintlukecolumbia.org A web: www.saintlukecolumbia.org
singing about peace? Christ was the Peace which came When we are celebrating the feast days for the
to the world and became man so that we would be able Saints and the martyrs, we are not just commemorat-
to love Him. He showed us that our relationship with ing certain events of their lives. We are commemorat-
the Lord is not a relationship with an ideology, because ing the days when they passed judgement on them-
nobody can love an idea. One may be devoted to some selves. They had critically looked at themselves in line
philosophical ideology, but no one can love it, because with the life of the Lord. They did not take such days
the hymns of the antiphons it will not reciprocate one’s love.
In the life of the Church quite the opposite is hap-
lightly. The saints delved deeply into the true meaning
of their lives, critically examining and passing judge-
pening. We have nothing to do with a philosophical ment on their own actions. On the one hand, they
Before the Entrance… Apolytikion for the Ancestors. ideology and the Word of God did not become any thought about Christ in His manger, His humility and
Apolytikion of the Feast. mode 2. such idea. Word became flesh. The Word of God in- obscurity, His silence and poverty, His rejection and

mode 4. nnunciate the miracles to David the ancestor carnated so that we could love Him. And as soon as we wretchedness and on the other, they compared their
begin to love Him, we will be able to understand that own actions and examined them critically.

of God, O Joseph. You saw the Virgin pregnant.
our nativity, O Christ our God, has caused the He was the One Who loved us first in a manner which The Lord revealed, through the lives of the Apostles
You glorified with the shepherds. You worshipped
light of knowledge to rise upon the world. For cannot be comprehended. The Apostle says that ‘we and of all the Saints, that it is not possible for the Holy
with the Magi. And you were warned by an Angel.
therein the worshippers of the stars were by a star love Him, since He first loved us’. This is the kind of Spirit to reside in us without us bearing Its fruit. He
Entreat Christ God to save our souls.
instructed to worship You, the Sun of Righteous- mystery which takes place in the Church. It is for this expressly stressed that the fruits of the Holy Spirit are
ness, and to know You as Orient from on high. Glo- Apolytikion for the Church. reason that Christ, as the peace of the world, became ‘love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithful-
ry to You, O Lord. (X3) mode pl. 1. the subject of love and not of faith. One ought to tran- ness, meekness, self-control’. Therefore, we ought to

After the Entrance… he holy Apostle, the All-hymned Luke, * who is
scend faith and hope in order to remain in love. As the look for such fruit inside ourselves, which indicates
Apostle says, ‘eventually hope and faith will be aban- the presence of the Holy Spirit. Then we may assess
Resurrectional Apolytikion. acknowledged by the Church of Christ * as the
doned and only love will remain’, since love is an ex- where we stand spiritually. Such critical assessment
recorder of the Acts of the Apostles, * and the splen-
mode pl. 2. periential fact, an existential event which makes man is necessary and lifesaving. If we embark on this ex-
did author of the Gospel of Christ. * Let us praise

W hen the angelic powers appeared at Your realize that he is truly united with God. This is the ercise during this festive season, then it will be truly
with sacred hymns as a physician, * who heals the
grave, the soldiers guarding it feared and be- path walked by all those who loved Him unto the end. lifesaving for us because it will give rise to the spiritual
infirmities of man, * and the ailments of nature, *
came as dead. And standing by the sepulcher was Stephen, the first martyr, sealed his love for the struggle of repentance and humility and will change
who cleanses spiritual wounds, and prays unceas-
Mary who was seeking Your immaculate body. You Lord by imitating Him. It is written in the Acts, that our ways.
ingly for our souls.
devastated Hades, not afflicted by it. You went to when he was arrested because he was preaching about At the same time it will lead us to seek the Lord’s
meet the virgin, and granted eternal life. You resur- Kontakion of the Season. Christ, his face lit up like the face of an angel while mercy in a loving way. As soon as we recognise that
rected from the dead. O Lord, glory to You. mode 3. standing trial. They condemned him to death by ston- we are indeed people who live in the dark, we too will
ing as if he was a great sinner because this was what declare: ‘where would your light shine, Lord, if not on
Apolytikion of the Feast.
mode 4.
O n this day the Virgin gives * birth to the Super-
essential. * To the Unapproachable, * earth is
providing the cave. * Angels sing and with the shep-
the Law of Moses stipulated. Yet, filled by the Holy
Spirit, Stephen was praying not for himself but for the
those who live in the dark?’ As soon as we recognize
that we live in the dark, we will immediately seek the

whole world, despite his awful predicament. Thus he light. Yet, if we think that we are living in the light,
our nativity, O Christ our God, has caused the herds offer up glory. * Following a star the Magi are imitated Christ, Who had been praying for those who then we will never see the true light, since we only
light of knowledge to rise upon the world. For still proceeding. * He was born for our salvation, a crucified Him while dying on the Cross. possess the light which we can see.
therein the worshippers of the stars were by a star newborn Child, the pre-eternal God. Therefore, ever since Christ came into the world
instructed to worship You, the Sun of Righteous-
and brought peace, millions of martyrs gave up their
ness, and to know You as Orient from on high. Glo-
lives because of their faith in Him and because they
ry to You, O Lord.
truly loved Him and had tasted His love. The love of
Christ spoke into their hearts.
The Deeper Meaning of Christmas at the specific place, as well as all the other elements
which constitute the great event of His incarnation.
by Metropolitan Athanasios of Lemessos All the Saints used to critically compare the par-

ticular events happening in their lives with the life of
very time we stand before the Lord either in Christ and passed judgement on themselves. We would
prayer or in celebration in Church of an event like to believe that a Christian is the one who imitates
from the life of Christ, or we are in any other
way experiencing the presence of the Lord, two basic
the life of Christ as far as humanly possible. He then
replenishes any deficiencies through repentance and
the readings of the day
things happen, which are attested by the Church and humility. And this constitutes his inner spiritual work.
the experience of the Saints: Firstly, we are feeling joy On such feast days, our Church constantly glorifies epistle reading and his mother, and flee into Egypt. Stay there until
because we are experiencing the Lord’s abundant love I tell you, for Herod will seek the young child to de-
the Lord for His great condescension towards man The Letter of Paul to the Galatians (1:11-19)
towards man. He moves our heart into great gratitude, stroy him.” So Joseph arose and took the young child

through wonderful hymns, while digging into the
since we are experiencing- to the measure of our deeper theological meaning of His incarnation. Holy and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt.
rethren, [Regarding] the Good News which
spiritual condition- God’s great gift for us. elders as well as pious laity have particular experi- They remained there until the death of Herod, so
I preached, I proclaimed this to you, breth-
Secondly, by being presented before the Lord we ence of the deeper meaning of this event. When elder that what had been spoken by the Lord through
ren, that it is not of human origin. I did not
are also standing in a kind of critical judgment for Efraim Katounakiotis returned from a trip to Jerusa- the prophet might be fulfilled: Out of Egypt I have
receive it from man and I was not taught [this Good
our actions, which leads to our salvation, particularly lem, we had expected him to be overwhelmed by the called my son. When Herod saw that he had been
News] by man, but it came to me through a rev-
if this takes place during the great feast days which experience of Golgotha and of the Crucifixion. Yet, he outwitted by the wise men, he became extremely
elation of Jesus Christ. You have heard about how I
commemorate events from the life of Christ. Indeed was overwhelmed by the Cave of the Nativity in Beth- angry. He dispatched [his men] and killed all the
used to live in Judaism, how I persecuted the Church
any event in His life prompts us into adopting a criti- lehem. He stood before this event saying: ‘I thought male children who lived in Bethlehem and all the
of God beyond measure, and how I ravaged it. I ad-
cal attitude towards ourselves which does not lead to I was somebody when I was living in my ascetic hut surrounding countryside, two years old and under,
vanced in the Jewish religion beyond many of my
damnation but to our deliverance. at Katounakia, amongst my meagre possessions. But according to the exact time which he had learned
Thus, we are commemorating our Lord’s incarna-
own age among my countrymen, as I was more ex-
when I saw where Christ was born, I became truly from the wise men. And so, what had been spo-
tion in order to experience on the one hand His great crushed in spirit’.
tremely zealous for the traditions of my forefathers.
ken by the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: A voice
love for us and on the other to feel great gratitude for Having been born in a cave, persecuted and de- But when it was the good pleasure of God (who had
was heard in Ramah, lamentation, weeping and
all the wonderful things He has granted us. In addi- spised by all men, Christ accomplished the greatest set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me
great mourning:Rachel weeping for her children.
tion, this benefits us in a practical way, because we event in man’s history: His incarnation. God became through his grace, to reveal his Son in me so that
She would not be comforted, because they are no
are offered the opportunity to pass judgement on our man in total quietude, humility and obscurity. No one I might preach him among the Gentiles), I did not
more. But when Herod died, behold, an angel of the
life. As St Paul says: ‘The Lord will not judge us if we knew what was happening that night, except for some immediately confer with flesh and blood: I did not
Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream when he was in
pass judgement on ourselves’. If we criticise our ways shepherds and the wise men from Persia. This event go up to Jerusalem to visit those who were apostles
Egypt, saying: “Arise! Take the young child and his
in this life, we will not be judged in the afterlife, be- took place in absolute poverty and humility. Therefore, before me, but I went away into Arabia. Later on, I
mother, and return to the land of Israel; those who
cause judgement has already been accomplished in every time we are bothered by various demands and returned to Damascus. Then, after three years, I did
this world. were trying to kill the young child are dead.” Joseph
desires, we should place ourselves in front of the Cave go up to Jerusalem to visit Peter, and I stayed with
In other words, now that our Lord’s feast is before of the Nativity, stand before Word’s incarnation, and
arose and took the young child and his mother, and
him for fifteen days. However, I did not see any of
us, we have the opportunity to critically compare our see how our actions compare with what the Lord’ did they came into the land of Israel. However, when
the other apostles, except James, ‘the Lord’s brother.’
lives in terms of all the things that our Lord has ac- that night. In this way we are passing judgement on Joseph heard that Archelaus was ruling over Judea
complished for our deliverance, particularly since we our actions. In the same manner we ought to critically
gOspel reading in the place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go
know that He did not leave anything to chance but examine our entire life. Matthew (2:13-23) there. Being warned in a dream, he withdrew into

guided all things as the Master of history that He is. Ever since God became Man and the angels sang the region of Galilee. He thus arrived and lived in a
He is the One Who wished all events to take place in ‘peace on earth’, the Word of God is saying to us: ‘I did fter the wise men had departed, behold, an city called Nazareth, so that what had been spoken
the way they did, even to the smallest detail. He was not come to bring peace, but to bring a sword’. Why angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a through the prophets might be fulfilled, “He will be
the One Who wished to be born in the specific year, did the Lord bring a sword while the angels were dream, saying, “Arise! Take the young child called a Nazarene.”
into Egypt and lived there with the Infant Jesus, the the son of an eparch, I am a Christian, and I live with
Mother of God and Joseph. Later, he returned to Israel Christians.”
with them. The emperor spoke insultingly of the Lord Jesus
After the Ascension of the Lord, St James was the Christ, but the saint replied, “Let the mouth of any-
first Bishop of Jerusalem, gaining the great esteem not one who dares to insult my Christ be silenced, whether
only of Christians, but also of Jews. He was thrown he is the emperor or anyone else.” After these words
from the roof of the Jerusalem Temple because he had the martyr was thrown into a red-hot oven, but he
announcements publicly preached to the people about the God-man-
hood of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Apostle James
emerged from it unharmed. Then Diocletian, wit-
nessing the miracle, and taking into account the saint’s
upcoming church services: is also commemorated on October 23. illustrious rank and handsome appearance, set him
The Holy Virgin Martyr Anysia lived in the city of free.
MONDAY, DEC. 31, Great Vespers for the Circumcision of our Lord, 5pm
Thessalonica during the reign of the the co-Emperor Later, the emperor Maximian was informed that
TUESDAY, JAN. 1, The Circumcision of our Lord and St. Basil the Great, Matins / Divine Lit., 9am
Maximian (286-305). Upon the death of her parents, Philetairus was a Christian. Brought to trial before the
SATURDAY JAN. 5, Eve of Epiphany, Matins / Divine Liturgy / Great Blessing of Waters, 8:30am who had raised her in Christian piety, Saint Anysia sold emperor, the holy martyr again confessed his faith in
everything she owned, distributing her riches to the Christ. For this they subjected him to whippings. Then
poor, and she began to lead a strict life of fasting, vigil, they threw him to be eaten by wild beasts, but he re-
Nativity Flowers 2019 Ecclesiastical Calendars
and prayer. mained unharmed. Then they sentenced him to be-
Thank you to all who generously donated for Na- The 2019 Liturgical Calendars are now available During his persecution against Christians, Maxim- heading by the sword, but the two servants who were
tivity flowers! in the Narthex. Please find the envelope with your ian issued an edict stating that anyone had the right to entrusted the execution were unable to kill him. Just
2019 Stewardship name. There are extra unlabeled envelopes if you kill Christians with no fear of punishment. Soon there as they raised the sword over the head of the mar-
cannot find an envelope with your name. Please add were many bodies to be found in cities, towns, and by tyr, their hands ceased to function. Persuaded that the
2019 Stewardship packets have been mailed.
your name to the list so that you can be added to the the roadside. Once, when Saint Anysia was on her way Lord invisibly was guarding the holy martyr, both exe-
PLEASE return your stewardship card as soon as
mailing list. to church, a pagan soldier stopped her and demanded cutioners believed in Christ and they themselves were
possible. If you are not on the mailing list, please take
that she come along to the festival of the sun to of- beheaded by the sword.
a packet from the narthex. Thank you for your gen-
fer sacrifice. Saint Anysia gently pulled herself away The holy Martyr Philetairus was sentenced to exile

erosity! from him. When the soldier boldly grabbed her and on Prokonnesos, one of the islands of the Sea of Mar-
Bookstore attempted to tear the veil from her head, she shoved mora. On the journey, he performed many miracles
The inner purity of the beautiful soul
Beauitful icons from a new supplier, soaps and him, spit in his face and said, “My Lord Jesus Christ and destroyed a heathen temple with its idols. Six
of the real person also enhances their forbids you!” soldiers and their commander, who accompanied the
candles available now.
external appearance, and that divine In anger, the soldier ran her through with his sword. saint to his exile, came to believe in Christ.
Room at the Inn tenderness of God’s love even sweetens Those gathering over her body wept and loudly com- On the way Saint Eubiotus (December 18), who had
Please join Philoptochos in a January Supply Drive their countenance. Apart from mak- plained against the cruel emperor for issuing an edict also undergone many sufferings for Christ, came to see
for Room at the Inn, a Columbia winter charity for that resulted in the death of many innocent people. him. The saints joyfully embraced, and they stayed at
ing people beautiful spiritually, and Christians buried the martyr near the city gates, and a the cell of Saint Eubiotus for seven days, together with
the homeless. Please take a copy of the supply list in
sanctifying them, the internal beauty chapel was built over her grave. the soldiers and their commander. Saint Philetairus
the Narthex and return items by January 27. Thank
you! of the soul also betrays them exter- THE HOLY MARTYR PHILETAIRUS of died there and was buried by Saint Eubiotus. The sol-
nally with divine Grace. It adorns and Nicomedia twice suffered torture for Christ: under diers and their commander also died there eleven days
Give A Month Towards Our Future sanctifies even ugly clothing, provided the co-Emperors Diocletian (284-305) and Maxim- later, and were buried beside Saint Philetairus.

Thank you to all who generously supported the ian (286-305). When Diocletian arrived in Nicomedia,
it’s worn by one of God’s people. Saint Philetairus, who was tall and handsome, was put
2018 campaign to offset the additional mortgage. All
—st. paisios the athonite on trial. Seeing him, the emperor compared him to
12 payments were donated for 2018. We look for-
one of the pagan gods. When questioned about his
ward to your continued support for 2019!
social rank and family the martyr answered, “I am

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