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Severe Sleep Bruxism Related to Hypertension | LinkedIn 14-01-19 19'10

Severe Sleep Bruxism Related to

Publicado el 1 de enero de 2019

Ken Luco Siguiendo

CEO Luco Hybrid OSA Appliance Inc. 44 4 7
48 artículos

Sleep bruxism has been shown to activate the trigeminal cardiac reflex resulting in a rapid
and significant increase in heart rate (tachycardia), breathing (hyperpnea), blood pressure
(hypertension), cranial activity as well as increased gastric motility (GERD).

A recent study (Oct 2018) looked the intensity of sleep bruxism in relation to atrial
hypertension or increased blood pressure. The study can be found at:

https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/severe-sleep-bruxism-related-hypertension-ken-luco/ Página 1 de 3
Severe Sleep Bruxism Related to Hypertension | LinkedIn 14-01-19 19'10

Researchers looked at 70 adults, 35 normal and 35 with hypertension between the ages of 18
and 90 years of age. They measured blood pressure during sleep in real time as well as sleep
bruxism events.

What was found is that severe sleep bruxism (defined as greater than 25 events per hour of
sleep) was directly associated with an increase in blood pressure whereas mild to moderate
sleep bruxism (less than 25 events per hour of sleep), did not. The relationship was found to
be strong and they attributed it to the increase in heart rate. Periodic limb movement (PLM)
has been shown in the past to be related to a similar increase in heart rate and blood pressure
and has been extensively studied in this regard. Sleep bruxism, however, has not been as
extensively studied and these results offer valuable insight into this fascinating relationship.

The researchers in the study commented that the primary question was which one, the sleep
bruxism and the hypertension, was the cause and which was the consequence.

This is yet another study clearly demonstrating the strong relationship of sleep bruxism to
cardiovascular disease and the need for further investigation. To date, the Luco Hybrid OSA
Appliance is the only FDA cleared treatment of sleep bruxism that has demonstrated a
reduction in the heart rate (and now, as shown in this study) a reduction in the resulting


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Victor Vinicio Roman Porras • 3er 1 semana

Consultor Educativo

A wake up call for those of us with Bruxism.

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M. Wysocka-Bakowska • 2º 1 semana
Neurologist;Headache, Pain, expert; Institute for Diagnostic and Treatment of Pain

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Severe Sleep Bruxism Related to Hypertension | LinkedIn 14-01-19 19'10

Ken Luco
CEO Luco Hybrid OSA Appliance Inc.


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