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Panther Party Speech

Victor Lightman, Kyle M, Aaron L, Seth H, Joey L

November 16, 2018
Brandes, Baker

Students and staff of San Diego Met High School, I stand before you today with a
proposal. I know what you’re thinking: “But, Victor we hardly know each other”. I'll
make it worth your while.
The struggle for democracy, equality and prosperity lies in your hands. It always
has, always will be. This administration has bestowed us a solid foundation to bring
forth the values of the people within this nation.
I offer you the stability and enforcement of these values for all Americans and all
people. I offer you an epicenter of freedom and pride. It is your decision to deny or
accept my proposal for this nation.

I believe in the fundamental values of our country. Life, liberty, and prosperity. The
concrete that this nation is built on.
It is this same value system that drives me to support our brothers, sisters, sons,
daughters, fathers and mothers in the armed forces. I am committed to support
them with financial stability for their families. I will give my support by supplying
them with state of the art tools for their duties at hand. Most important of all, I
support our armed forces because I care about each and every individual, because
they made a choice to join. To give their safety so that you and I don’t have to.
Because of that I deeply acknowledge the true value of our armed forces. I will
forever value each and every one of their sacred lives.

I understand that recent events have sparked polarity in the political divide
throughout the country, but I am intent on stabilizing this flux. I lack the power for
change on my own. I require your support to make a dent in the policy put forward
on our people. I will do all in power to help and guide the nation in times of need
and to improve the status quo, whatever it may be.

We must close this divide between the people with the common ground amongst us
all. Our country is a melting pot, arguably the most diverse nation in the world, by
all respects. A unifying factor we all must concede by is the law, it is an essential
tool for us to obtain order.

I will discourage and reprimand all criminal activity under the law. I will ensure that
the law is practiced equally, with no preference of any party over another. That is
why the police will be issued body cameras for protection against malpractice and a
provision of additional evidence to all emergency activity.
Felons, ones who have infringed upon the inalienable rights of others, will be
stripped of their suffrage. The decision-making power that lies with any and all
voters, should not lie with those have proven their inability to choose right over

We've all heard of the massive immigration moving toward our southern border.
And I intend to treat everyone with the utmost respect and amiability as any other
human deserves. In fact, I am excited to introduce thousands of new members to
our soil. To embrace them with our values and share in our good fortune. So as
they themselves can build an ever-improving tomorrow.
They deserve an American dream, they deserve their families and education, they
deserve a free view of this country - unobstructed by a wall, and most importantly
they deserve their freedom.

Now with these newfound residents of the united states we will need to implement
some domestic policy, that I personally have been waiting for. But I suppose if you
want a job done right you best get to it.
The internet is such a widely used resource and I've realized that certain service
providers have been selectively withholding their services. They've discriminated
among their consumers and I believe we have no place for that in the states. I plan
to legally obligate the equal access and efficiency of all who use the web.

I support limitations on firearms and weapons. It will not be on my hands when

some lunatic denies another person's right to live.

I support the legalization of many currently banned substances. The war on drugs
has all but been successful. It is my belief that with the allowance of these
substances, we may create a safer and well-regulated environment for their use.

I restate my offer. You endorse my candidacy, and in return I uphold the values of
you, the American people: Life, liberty and prosperity. A wise decision today for a
better outcome tomorrow.
Representing the Panther Party, I am Victor Lightman, for President.

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