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FIN: 424 – Government Finance

Chapter – Nature and scope of public finance

1. What do you mean by public finance? What are the similarities between public
and private finance?
2. What are the differences between public and private finance?
3. State the importance of public finance.
4. What are the major functions of public finance?
5. State the classical view of public finance.
6. Examine critically the principle of maximum social advantages as the cardinal
doctrine of public finance.
7. What are the limitations of the principle of maximum social advantage?
8. What are the roles of public finance in a developing country like Bangladesh?

Chapter – Public Revenue

1. What are the sources of public revenue?

2. What are the differences between tax and fee?
3. State the classification of taxes.
4. Describe the canons of taxation
5. Describe the social and economic objectives of taxation.

Chapter – Public expenditure

1. What do you mean by public expenditure? What are the causes of the growth of
public expenditure in Bangladesh?
2. Explain the main principles which should guide public expenditure in a growing
3. Describe the various types of public expenditure?
4. What are the effects of public expenditure?
5. What are the roles of public expenditure in a developing country like Bangladesh?
6. Can development expenditure lead to inflation in a country?
FIN: 424 – Government Finance

Chapter – Incidence of taxation

1. Define tax. What are the characteristics of a good tax system?

2. What are the factors on which incidence of tax depends?
3. What are the differences between direct and indirect taxes?
4. What are the merits and demerits of direct taxes?
5. What are the merits and demerits of indirect taxes?
6. Describe the effects of Taxation on Production, Consumption and Distribution

Chapter – Public debt

1. Define public debt. Differentiate between public and private debt.

2. State the classification of public debt.
3. What are the causes of increase in public debt?
4. What are the purposes for raising public loans?
5. What are the positive and negative effects of public debt?
6. What are the methods of Debt Redemption?

Chapter – Deficit Financing and Fiscal Policy

1. Define deficit financing. What are the uses of deficit financing?

2. What precautions should be taken in the use of Deficit Financing?
3. What measures minimizes the inflationary potential of deficit financing?
4. What do you mean by Federal Finance? What are the principles of federal
5. What do you mean by fiscal policy? What are the objectives of fiscal policy?
6. Write the danger associated with deficit financing.
7. Is Deficit Financing Inflationary?

Chapter – Government Budget

1. What do you mean by Budget? What are the features of a good budget?
2. Describe the importance of government budget
3. What are the types of government budget?
4. What are the components of Government Budget
5. What are the procedures for preparing a government budget?

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