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Art 2 Syllabus Ms.


Student Goals and Guidelines
Students will be learning more advanced techniques and skills throughout this class. Each student will experience using a variety
of media, examples: Printmaking, Drawing, Pen and Ink, Acrylic Painting, and Clay/ Sculpture. We utilize all the principles of design
and the elements of art that was taught in previous art classes. At the end of this semester students will have become better artists.
Because Art 2 is an advanced class students are required to do research and write papers. I expect my students to work hard and
appreciate the art of the world and what they create. Sketchbooks are an integral part of this class. The students will use it for
notes, sketches, warm-ups, homework, and any other drawing they would like.

Grading Procedure Grading Scale

1.Follow directions Projects – 50%
2.Time Management Sketches – 30%
3.Effort Digital Portfolio – 20%
4.Critique Participation
5.Meet Deadlines- 10 points off for each day past due date
6.Craftsmanship and Artistic Merit

General Classroom Rules

1. Be respectful to all people

2. NO FOOD OR DRINK IN ROOM (Water is ok)!!!!!!
3. Clean all work areas and supplies at the end of class. This means manage you own time because I do not want to write
you a pass to your next class!!!

Missed Work/Late Work

YOU are responsible for missed work. Please see another classmate or speak with me after class about missed work. It is your
responsibility to make up missed time on projects during your lunch, at home, or after school.

Ethical Issues
All artwork must be of YOUR OWN CREATION. You may not copy others’ ideas or work. Beware of copyright infringement.
Merging ideas from a variety of sources to create your own image is acceptable and more creative. All artwork must be
appropriate for school. Your artwork represents you, the school, your teacher, the community, and will be displayed. (No Drugs,
Alcohol, Violence, or Obscenities) Non-Compliance with this will result in a 0%.


1. Fill out Student Information form (found on class site).

2. Digital Portfolio (should have one from Art 1, if not you will be directed)
3. Camera/phone with camera
4. New sketchbook and other required supplies.
5. Follow the sketchbook format for projects.
6. All project ideas must be original, manipulated combination of photographs, or taken directly from
your own photographs. Students are strongly encouraged to take own personal photographs to work
7. Students will complete one final project approximately every two weeks based on teacher’s due
dates. Late work will be marked off 10 points for the first day it is late and every day after that with a
50 point maximum deduction.
8. Do not waste time if finished with project, move on to planning the next project.
9. Students will be expected to participate in critiques, defend their ideas and discuss art.
10. All projects will be given ample time for completion.

**Supplies needed (See Amazon supply list on www.rossiartclass.weebly.com)

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