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Contact address : Universitat Pompeu Fabra-PRBB

Dr. Aiguader 88, 08003 Barcelona, Spain

phone: +34+933160837
PhD Scholarship in studying the molecular mechanisms involved in the neural development of the
inner ear, University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Job Description: We are currently looking for highly motivated students with a record of successful
studies in the laboratory to apply fellowships.Our Ph.D. in Spanish is the study of molecular
mechanisms involved in neural development in the ear of ear.The internal organs is one of the most
sophisticated sensory head and is responsible for our communication with the world through the
senses of hearing and balance. During inner ear development, many genes activated by so very
precise spatiotemporal coordination of cell fate, morphogenesis and structure. In our laboratory, we
have begun to describe the main interactions between the genetic regulation of transcription factors
and signal lines needed for the configuration of the nerves in the ear. The objective of this project is
to continue to dissect the integration of FGF, RA and Notch signaling in office-cons and interaction
with proneural genes nonneurogenic neurogenic. The experiment uses cellullar, molecular biology,
imaging and genomics techniques, and benefit from the organization of chicken and zebrafish
models for functional experiments.
The PRBB (www.prbb.org) is a big research infrastructure with more than 1300 scientists,
including 30% of foreign researchers. Recently, in EMBO reports, the PRBB was put forward as
one of the five excellence centers in Spain that can attract researchers from over the world.
Potential applicants please send a CV and transcripts of Bachelor degree before the 30th of August
to berta.alsina@upf.edu
Contact address : Universitat Pompeu Fabra-PRBB
Dr. Aiguader 88, 08003 Barcelona, Spain
phone: +34+933160837
Further Scholarship Information and Application :
Hannover Medical School offers an international english PhD program in Molecular Medicine
(former MD/PhD program) in cooperation with the Leibniz University of Hannover, the University
of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, and the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research (HZI),
Braunschweig. The program was funded within an international PhD-project (IPP) by the Deutsche
Akademische Austauschdienst und Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DAAD/DFG) from 2002 to
2006, and is now supported through funds of the German Excellence Initiative (BMBF). The
program was accreditated as the first German PhD program according to European standards
(ECTS) in December 2003.
The PhD program “Molecular Medicine” is part of the Hannover Biomedical Research School. The
program aims for students of medicine, after finishing their MD studies, as well as for graduated
students of life sciences, who have finished their master of science, particularly in biology,
biochemistry and molecular biology. Start of the program is annually in October. Deadline for
applications is April 1st.
The program can be finished with a PhD or Dr.rer.nat. (for life scientists). All students work in
individually supervised research projects. It is an international English program with students from
all over the world. Stipends are offered. Language courses are available. There are tutorials and
methodological seminars in small groups. The dissertation project will be supervised by a group of
supervisors. There are also cultural tutorials.
The theoretical part of the program comprises of English seminars in small groups and respective
tutorials on selective topics of cellular and molecular biology. In addition, seminars are offered to
specific research topics of molecular medicine.
The training for students of medicine will deepen their background of biomedical sciences.
Scientists will understand medical and pathogenetic interrelationships. In addition, there is training
and supervision particularly within the selected research projects. The dissertation is supervised by
a group of three excellent scientists. Within that project the PhD students work independently on
highly competitive and grant funded research projects. The results of this work will be presented
and discussed in respective seminars and workshops.
Seminars, courses and research projects are offered in following areas:
” Cellbiology ” Genetics ” Immunology ” Infection biology ” Molecular pathology ”
Developmental biology” Biochemistry
All obligatory seminars and courses of the PhD program are offered in English. The program
“Molecular Medicine” has an international character with students coming from all over the world.
Scholarship source : http://www.mh-hannover.de/2823.html

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