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The Good Profession Is Not be Coming A nurse

(By Disiana Putri)

I want to say to all of you that the good profession is not be coming a nurse. Why ? Yes,
because if you want to study at nursing school, you shall spend much money and much
time. So, dont be a nurse if you want to be succesful in the future. Be a nurse is very hard
because a nurse does practice at hospital. You know, at hospital we will meet many sick
people. So if you be are a nurse, you must meet with them every day, dan you must help
them. So,you like baby sitters etc. You cannot get much money because your job is only to
help doctors.

If you want are a nurse, you will be often at hospital and it makes you tired. At hospital you
must work every day. There is no time to break because many people come to hospital. So
don’t be a nurse. if we working at hospital, there are sick people there. It will make you sick
too. you can be contaminated easly by virus of sick people at hospital. It is vey bad for you.
If you want to be a nurse, you must get sertificate of graduation from a nursing school, and
it needs much money. So, for me the good profession is not a nurse.

You cannot get married before you you graduate from nursing school, and you must follow
many programes or the nursing school. If you don’t follow it, you cannot graduate from the
nursing school. It is very sad. if you have graduated, you will work hard at a hospital. Before
that, you must follow a test and it is needs much time. So don’t be a nurse.

If you are wrong in working, the patient’s family will be angry with you. So your life is felt
unhappy. Because when the patient’s family angry with you, you must be silent only and
you cannot fight at hospital. It is very sad. you only work at a hospital and a hospital. From
morning until evening you are always at hospital.

A nurse must arrive at hospital on time. A nurse cannot be late and they are used to
sleeping at midnight. It is a very hard job and it make them tired. You must know too, that
when you study at nursing school, the nurse’s dress only white. So, it is not beautiful. So if
you at nursing school, you cannot feel happy. So don’t be a nurse.

A nurse is identiced with hospital and the medicine. It is not only hosptital and medicine but
also with many people, like the corpses, the sick people, the stroke people. So it is a
dangerous job for a nurse. so don’t be nurse. Every day you only help more many people
and you forget to help yourself.

A teacher at junior high school is better that a nurse. Why ? Yes, because a teacher only
teaches in school and she/he can get much money and it is not like a nurse. A nurse must
always work at hospital from morning until evening and becoming only makes us tired ever
day. So, don’t be a nurse.

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