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Joseph Conrad’s Technique of Narration Joseph Conrad was born in the south Poland on 6 December, 3857. After te five stories published as Tale of Unrest up ‘ead Lord sim a tale (1900), the greatest of his early works. Lord Jim is not completely an autobiographical Conrad's, his subjects of novel are about people surrounded biphim. Sea, danger, depths are his parts of novel. 1 is right to call that this novel is psyche logical novel. It has a fascitatng narrative technique. Marlow is a kind of character through flash back, The character of Jim even described fh Nacratite\ technique. Conrad was a consummate artist for whom the novel was not merely an entertainment but a still atYorm. His purpose was to explore of the human situation to study and analyze the motives and springs of human ation vand to convey his perceptions tothe readers. His ams getting 2t the truth. His pursues this purpose with unfllnching tenacity and his art and techniques. His language, setting, narration and characters al together from one organic whol@,and Contribute tothe total effect Purpose of Conrad’s artis to convey his own vision of life and man, realistically and|egnvincingly. He has a highly realism about his aims, spiritual and emotional realism. He wants to render human psyeho BF soul, so he uses impressionistic echnques and techniques of” the mutile point of lw” to achieve hi pack Raving tle imagination he accepts things as they are. Everything he saw was interesting because it is new. He had ken psychological insight into behaviour of men. ll the time there was developing in him philosophy of life whieh imagination expanded ino a vision ‘That chance offered him for the play of a creative imagination if he had it “oF form and color, of sunshine and shadows. How to transfer to the minds of his readers that Vision was his task. Wht he saw and heard were, but opportunities” ‘The technique of him has been regard as over-