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Marriage is a legal contract, a sacrament and a union between spouses or between

partners. People can choose their life partners to marry. It also established rights and
obligations within the two people involve; an obligation to create a family. Marriage is a vow
and promise to God to become one body and also to multiply. Marriage is entered into by a
mutual agreement that involves emotional and sexual faithfulness and the promise to raise
children within its bonds. Of course, some heterosexual couples can't have children, and
some adults marry knowing they will not have children. The issue is that marriage has
always been the normal means in which children have been brought into the world. The
marriage institution is supposed to provide a stable environment.

Marriage can be recognized by the state, the church, an organization, by the community,
by your peers or everybody else. The meaning of marriage may varies or change depending
on your own beliefs and culture. For some people they can marry multiple women/men and
for some it’s prohibited and marriage is not about sex or gender. According to Hendrik
Hertzberg, marriage should be between a spouse and a spouse, not a gender and a gender.

In the generation of today, many people are aware about homosexual marriage or
marriage between two people who have the same sex or gender but not many countries are
allowing this to happen and Philippines is one of them. Is it really possible that homosexual
marriage will be legalize in the Philippines?

Filipinos are divided into two groups about the issue of legalizing the homosexual
marriage. The pros who are supporting and fighting for the rights of the homosexuals and the
other one are the cons, who are the against on the said issue. The two stands give their own
reasons and perception about the said issue.
Although many people may think that marriage between two people with the same
gender or sex is unpleasant and unacceptable, I must say that it’s not a bad thing. It’s not a
sin to love and to fell in love to a person having the same sex as you. My stand with this
issue is that I’m not against it. Homosexual marriage is not harmful. It will not affect the
marriage of other people. If homosexual marriage will be legalized then it will give justice to
equal rights.

Homosexual marriage is now part of our reality. We can’t continue to rebuffed them for
their entire life. Sooner or later all of us need to accept that there’s nothing wrong between a
guy marrying another guy or a woman marrying another woman.

Homosexual is not a choice? It's not a choice to be gay or lesbian. You don't chose who
you love, you just do. God created everyone equal. There always has been and always will be
gay/lesbian people in this world. If you're not gay/lesbian then you don't need to worry
about same-sex marriage, and being married is only a way of legalizing. No one would
choose to be gay and go through all the ridicule. it’s how you are born. You cannot control
who you develop feelings for and who you find attractive. Being gay/lesbian is part of the
normal range of human sexuality, shows a new report that also states it’s not a mutation, but
rather very much like the genetic regions that determine the color of your hair. Most gay and
lesbian people will tell you being gay/lesbian is not a choice. Most scientific organizations
also believe that homosexuality is not a choice, that biology plays some role. No one really
knows why some people are gay or lesbian and others are straight or bisexual. But what we
do know is that homosexuality has existed all throughout history and is present in birds and
mammals, as well as humans. According to Barack Obama, every single gay, lesbian,
bisexual, transgender, deserves to be treated equally in the eyes of the law and in eyes of our
society because being a homosexual is not a choice.

It must be understood that marriage is an instrument toward subsequent rights and

interactions with the state that is being denied to a group. The state perceives that it has some
benefit from creating marriage as a legal institution, and it does, although not to the same
degree that those who engage in marriage receive benefits. Marriage is a right that all people
have a right to do, whether you are gay or lesbian It is two people meeting each other, getting
to know each other and sticking together through thick and thin and never giving up on that
one person. No one should be able to tell you that you can't marry the one you want to be
with forever.

There some reasons why same sex marriage should be legalized. The growing need for
LGBT rights has become much more apparent, what with increased awareness and the
exposition of vicious hate crimes against this particular demographic. More and more people,
even those who are not part of the LGBT community, recognize that these crimes violate
basic human rights and have begun to take a stand against it. As such, the topic of same-sex
marriage is highly controversial these days. Not many people know this, but legalizing same
sex marriages would provide a significant financial boom for both the private and public
sector. Members of the LGBT community wish to marry for the same reasons we all wish to
get married, and must undergo the same processes if they were allowed to marry. Part of
these processes is the financial aspect. By the prohibition of same-sex marriage, lawmakers
discriminate against the LGBT community, violating their human rights. When you prevent
same sex couples from marrying, it sends out the message that discriminating against others
because of their sexual orientation is okay. Worse, it implies that people who identify with
the LGBT community are inferior because by denying their rights, the law effectively
doesn’t recognize them as equal citizens. Legalizing same sex marriage would facilitate
the adoption of these LGBT couples, allowing for stable homes for kids who heretofore had
none .Those who oppose LGBT and same sex marriage would argue that gay parents will
result in difficulties for the child, but this has proven to be untrue. This argument rests on the
assumption that same sex parents will inherently cause problems for the kids they adopt, and
have a much higher chance of being poor parents than heterosexual couples. The legalization
of same sex marriage does not harm other heterosexual marriages nor will it cause the
downfall of society. The fact that it has been allowed in half the states in the U.S.and yet the
apocalypse has not arrived stands testament to this. The fact that a same sex couples can get
married and celebrate their love will not affect what you do in your marriage. Many fear that
the legalization of same sex marriage may harm “family values”.
If any two people love each other they should be allowed to legalize and confirm that
love. It doesn't matter who you are. Everyone deserves the right to love and to have the
ceremony to show it. Gay/lesbian people have the right to choose who they want to marry.
So people shouldn't be discriminating them or judging them just because they are gay no
body in this world is perfect. In this world we are equals whether we are black, white.

Marriage now revolves around religious views too much. Many people that oppose
same-sex marriage refer to what the Bible states. I understand that the Bible states that same-
sex marriage is an abomination. But why? God wants us, his children, to experience genuine
happiness. If two people of the same sex are happy together.

In my conclusion, the same sex marriage should be legalized. It is human civil rights.
Two people of the same sex who love each other should allowed to publicly celebrate their
commitment and receive the same benefits of marriage as opposite sex couples. All lovers
should be granted the final gift of marriage, because marriage is an inalienable right of
humans. Everyone has the right to think, to be and to act however they want without
damaging other people and in our opinion it should be legal in the whole world, because first
of all we are all human being.

Reference on facts:


http://www.listland.com/facts-and -reasons-gay-marriage-legal/

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