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Interpretation of Data

1 8 1 0 0 6 0
2 11 1 1 2 0 -
3 5 8 1 1 0 -
4 2 5 4 4 0 -
5 6 6 1 1 1 -
6 8 3 1 3 0 -
7 5 5 4 0 1 -
8 1 0 10 4 0 -
9 6 5 3 1 0 -
10 7 2 1 0 5 -

Table 1: G12 Student at Bagong Barrio National High School-Annex

Out of 15 respondent 8 or 53% of them says that late sleeping schedule is the possible cause of
tardiness, on the other hand 1 or 7% answered insomnia, meanwhile 6 or 40% of the respondents
said that the possible cause of their tardiness is due to the overuse of gadget.

Furthermore, 11 or 73% of the respondents, or in other word, most of the respondents answered
and said in the second question, that they get late during the first 1 to 5 minutes of the first period
subject, then the other 1 or 7% answered b in the questionnaire and stated that they get late for 6
to 10 minutes, moreover 1 of the respondent or 7% of the respondent answered that he/she get
late for 10-15 minutes during the first period class, lastly 2 or 13% of the respondents said that
they get late for 16-20 minutes.

Continually, on the third question, 5 or 33% of the respondents answered that they only get late
once a week, 8 or 53% however said that they get late twice, 1 or 7% on the other hand says that
they get late thrice a week and the last 1 or the 7% of the respondent answered “d” and said that
they get late four times a week.

Moreover, on the fourth question 2 or 13% of the respondents says that their grade is below 75,
while 5 or 33% says that his/her grade is on the range of 75 to 80, however, 4 or 27% of the
respondent says that they have a grade in the range of 80 to 85, and the other 4 or 27% of the
respondent says that he/she have a grade on the range of 86 to 90.

On the fifth question, 6 or 40% of the respondents said that their parents rarely tell them to sleep
early, 6 or 40% said that their parents seldom tell them that, and then, , 1 or 6.7% of the
respondents answered “frequently”, 1 or 6.7% of the respondents answered “often”, and the last
1 respondent or 6.7% answered “e” and says that their parent always advices them to go to sleep
On the sixth question, the question tackles whether the teachers talk to the students about their
tardiness, 8 or 55% answered “rarely”, 3 or 20% answered “seldom”, 1 or 7% answered “often”,
3 or 20% answered “frequently” and 0 answered always.

Additionally, on the 7th question that tackles how often a school punishes a student’s tardiness, 5
or 33% answered that they rarely get punished, 5 or 33% says that they seldom do, 4 or 27% said
that they often get punished and 0 says that they frequently do, and, lastly 1 or 7% says that they
always get punished for their tardiness.

On the 8th question, the survey asked what time does the students wake up in the morning, 1 or
6.7% says that they wake up from 4:00-4:30 am, the other 0 says that they wake up from 4:31 to
5:00, then 10 or 66.7% said that they wake up from 5:00-6:30, while 4 or 26.7% says that they
wake up from 6:31-7:00 and the last other 0 says that they wake up from 7:00 or later than that.

On the 9th question the survey ask how much the students agree that tardiness affects their grades
negatively, 6 or 40% of the respondents says that they strongly agree, on the other hand 5 of the
respondents or also 33% of the respondents says that they agree, 3 or 20% says that they are
undecided on how much they agree or disagree, the other 1 or 7% says that they disagree and the
last 3% says that they strongly disagree.

Finally, on the last or 10th question that tackles about what the respondent think is the possible
solution for tardiness, 7 or 47% of the respondents said and answered that the possible solution
for tardiness is sleeping early, and then 2 or 13% think that getting a prescription for health
related issue is the best answer, additionally, the other 1 or 7% answered that the solution for
tardiness might be from making stricter rules in the school, meanwhile 0 answered that the
solution for tardiness is making stricter rules in their respective household and the other last 5 or
7% decided that they think that the solution in lessening the use of gadget.
1 8 1 0 1 3 2
2 11 3 1 0 0 -
3 10 1 3 1 0 -
4 2 4 7 2 0 -
5 3 7 0 4 1 -
6 7 5 1 1 1 -
7 7 5 1 1 1 -
8 2 2 1 9 1 -
9 5 5 2 2 1 -
10 11 0 1 2 1 -

Table 2: G11 Student at Bagong Barrio National High School-Annex

Out of 15 respondent 8 or 53% of them says that late sleeping schedule is the possible cause of
tardiness, on the other hand 1 or 7% answered insomnia, meanwhile 1 or 7% of the respondents
said that the possible cause of their tardiness is due to the overuse of gadget, lastly, the other 2 or
20% of the respondents answered “others” as they have other reasons for being tardy or late that
was not included on the multiple choice.

Furthermore, 11 or 73% of the respondents, or in other word, most of the respondents answered
and said in the second question, that they get late during the first 1 to 5 minutes of the first period
subject, then the other 3 or 20% answered b in the questionnaire and stated that they get late for
6 to 10 minutes, moreover the last 1 of the respondent or 7% of the respondent answered that
he/she get late for 10-15 minutes during the first period class.

Continually, on the third question, 10 or 66.7% of the respondents answered that they only get
late once a week, 1 or 6.7% however said that they get late twice, 3 or 20% on the other hand
says that they get late thrice a week and the last 1 or the 67% of the respondent answered “d” and
said that they get late four times a week.

Moreover, on the fourth question 2 or 13% of the respondents says that their grade is below 75,
while 4 or 27% says that his/her grade is on the range of 75 to 80, however, 7 or 47% of the
respondent says that they have a grade in the range of 80 to 85, and lastly the other 2 or 13% of
the respondent says that he/she have a grade on the range of 86 to 90.

On the fifth question, 3 or 20% of the respondents said that their parents rarely tell them to sleep
early, 7 or 47% said that their parents seldom tell them that, and then, 4 or 27% of the
respondents answered “often”, and the last 1 respondent or 7% answered “e” and says that their
parent always advices them to go to sleep early.
On the sixth question, the question tackles whether the teachers talk to the students about their
tardiness, 7 or 47% answered “rarely”, 5 or 33% answered “seldom”, 1 or 7% answered “often”,
1 or 7% answered “frequently” and 1 or 7% answered always.

Additionally, on the 7th question that tackles how often a school punishes a student’s tardiness, 7
or 47% answered that they rarely get punished, 5 or 33% says that they seldom do, 1 or 7% said
that they often get punished and 1 or 7% says that they frequently do, and, lastly 1 or 7% says
that they always get punished for their tardiness.

On the 8th question, the survey asked what time does the students wake up in the morning, 13%
says that they wake up from 4:00-4:30 am, the other 13% says that they wake up from 4:31 to
5:00, then 7% said that they wake up from 5:00-6:30, while 9% says that they wake up from
6:31-7:00 and the last other 7% says that they wake up from 7:00 or later than that.

On the 9th question the survey ask how much the students agree that tardiness affects their grades
negatively, % of the respondents says that they strongly agree, on the other hand the same
number of the respondents or also % of the respondents says that they agree, % says that they are
undecided on how much they agree or disagree, the other % says that they disagree and the last
3% says that they strongly disagree.

Finally, on the last or 10th question that tackles about what the respondent think is the possible
solution for tardiness, 11 or 33% of the respondents said and answered that the possible solution
for tardiness is sleeping early, and then 33% think that getting a prescription for health related
issue is the best answer, additionally, the other 13% answered that the solution for tardiness
might be from making stricter rules in the school, meanwhile 13% answered that the solution for
tardiness is making stricter rules in their respective household and the other last 7% decided that
they think that the solution in lessening the use of gadget.


1. What are the possible causes of tardiness incidence among students?

a. Out of 15 respondents from grade 12 students, 8 or 53% of them says that late
sleeping schedule is the possible cause of tardiness, on the other hand 1 or 7%
answered insomnia, meanwhile 6 or 40% of the respondents said that the possible
cause of their tardiness is due to the overuse of gadget.
b. Out of 15 respondents from grade 11 students 8 or 53% of them says that late
sleeping schedule is the possible cause of tardiness, on the other hand 1 or 7%
answered insomnia, meanwhile 1 or 7% of the respondents said that the possible
cause of their tardiness is due to the overuse of gadget, lastly, the other 2 or 20%
of the respondents answered “others” as they have other reasons for being tardy or
late that was not included on the multiple choice.
2. How does the tardiness of a student affect his/her studies?

3. What are the things that the parents, teachers, and school could help lessen and
avoid student’s tardiness?

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