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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
B.M. Dimataga St., Lapu-Lapu City


Section and Time: Date:

a. Explain how diseases of the digestive system are prevented, Level 8
Learning detected and treated; (S8LT-IVb-14)
Competency b. Identify healthful practices that affect the digestive system Quarter 4th
K- Recall the meals taken for the last three days
S- Make a record of your daily meals, and Week No. 2
A- Determine if your food intake adequately meets nutritional
requirements through a food plate Day 1

Topic Am I eating right? Duration: 60 min

Activity sheets (Daily Meal Journal Template)

Digestive System 2D/3D Virtual Interaction Link:

Digestion Process Video Link:

Element of
Suggested Activities
the Plan
 Routine Activity
 Motivation
- Interview the students about their breakfast; list it on the board for everyone to see.
- Ask the students if the food listed are healthy or not and using their previous
knowledge let them identify the nutrients and minerals they get from their
 The students will be provided with an activity sheet, a daily meal journal template
(please see attached activity sheet)
 Instruct the students to list the food they consumed for the last three days
 Fill in the total number of carbohydrates, fat and calorie content of your meals.
 Activity title: Daily Meal journal


Office of the Schools Division Superintendent – Tel. No. (032) 340-7887 Administrative Office – Tel. No. (032) 340-1141
Records Section - Tel. No. (032) 340-5379 Accounting & Disbursing Section – Tel. No. (032) 340-5031 Supply Section – Tel. No. (032) 505-2527
Curriculum and Implementation Division – Tel. No. (032) 340-7354 Schools Governance and Operations Division - Tel. No. (032) 340-8067
Website: www.depedlapulapu.net.ph Email Address: deped.lapulapu@deped.gov.ph

DepEd, Division of Lapu-Lapu City

1. Why is it important to track down our food intake and make a daily food journal?
- Writing down what you eat is like seeing a day’s worth of food laid out before you.
You can identify your good habits (such as eating three daily meals and choosing
healthy snacks) and your bad habits (such as unhealthy snacking all day and
drinking mostly sugary drinks).
Analysis 2. What are macromolecules?
- When we eat food, we take in the large biological molecules found in the food,
including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids (such as fats), and nucleic acids (such as
DNA), and use them to power our cells and build our bodies.
3. What are the macromolecules found in food?
- Carbohydrates, nucleic acid, proteins
Your body needs food for energy, growth and repair and as a source of substances for body
processes. Different types of food provide different nutrients. The Food and Nutrition Research
Institute (FNRI) has developed a food pyramid for Filipinos, a simple and easy to follow daily
eating guide. This guide is useful in helping people select food that supply all the nutrients for
energy and growth. The figure shows a food pyramid which illustrates the recommended
dietary allowance for teenagers.
Foods that contain the same type
of nutrient belong to a food group.
Foods have been divided into five
groups – a) rice, rice products,
corn, root crops, bread, noodles;
b) fruits and vegetables; d) milk
and milk products, eggs, fish,
shellfish, meat and poultry, dried
beans and nuts; and e) sugar and
sweets, fats and oil. The
recommended daily amount for
each food group will supply your
body with the nutrients it needs
for good health.

Determine if your food intake adequately meets nutritional requirements by making a food
Application plate. Explain whether the correct food plate is followed.
Short quiz.
1. Why is it important to have a daily meal journal?
2. Is it necessary for everyone to use the FRNI food pyramid in checking the food that we
eat every day?
3. Why do we need to eat the correct amount of food intake? What will happen if we have
too much of everything?
Together with your group, you research the deficiencies if there’s an inadequate intake of;
a. Carbohydrates
b. Proteins
c. Lipids
d. Nucleic acid
And also, list down some food examples that belongs to the different categories.
Act. # ___: My Food Journal

K- Recall the meals taken for the last three days
S- Make a record of your daily meals, and
A- Determine if your food intake adequately meets nutritional requirements.
II. Materials
Activity Sheet of My Food Journal template.

III. Procedure
 Use the template below in listing the food that you’ve eats for the last three days.

IV. Analysis
1. Why is it important to track down our food intake and make a daily food journal?

2. What are macromolecules?

3. What are the macromolecules found in food?

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